Academic literature on the topic 'Grume'

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Journal articles on the topic "Grume":


Zuo, Jia, Ge Chen, and Gang Wang. "Research on Strain Gauge Protecting-Process to Measurement Data Accuracy of Composite Material Structure." Advanced Materials Research 1022 (August 2014): 42–47.

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With the extensive application of composite materials in aircraft structure, the test technologies of strain gauge are more important. But the installed strain gauge must to be protected against some influence. Because the protecting-process of strain gauge affected the strain measuring results of composite structure. In this paper, the composite (T700/LT-03A) was selected to made specimens, and the three different protective agents: protective glue, protective grume and protective grummet were adopted. In order to identify influence of the different protecting processes on the measuring data accuracy, comparison of repeatability and linearity before-and-after measured strain data are served as test standard. The compared test results show that the different strain protecting processes adopted in strength test can make different results of the measuring data accuracy.

Mbete, Pierre, and Sosthène Clément Oko. "Évaluation de l’abattage contrôlé et estimation des pertes de bois en grume dans l’Unité Forestière d’Aménagement Loundoungou-Toukoulaka au Nord Congo." Journal of Applied Biosciences 123, no. 1 (August 29, 2018): 12319.

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Charles, Monique. "Grime Labour." Soundings 68, no. 68 (April 1, 2018): 40–52.

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Kraljević, Ivan. "Djelovanje Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice 2014.–2018." Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 62, no. 1 (July 30, 2019): 327–40.

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Cilj. U članku se govori o nastanku, djelovanju i značaju Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice. Cilj je rada omogućiti uvid u kronologiju i razloge nastanka i djelovanja Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice sa svim njezinim aktivnostima u prva dva mandata postojanja. Metodologija. Analizom godišnjih izvještaja Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice autor iznosi kronološki prikaz djelovanja Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice. Rezultati. Rezultat rada jest prikaz aktivnosti Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice od osnutka do kraja 2018. godine, s posebnim naglaskom na najznačajnijim aktivnostima kao što su umrežavanja knjižnica kroz godišnje nacionalne akcije „Pokrenimo zelene knjižnice“ te suradnja Radne grupe s Nacionalnom i sveučilišnom knjižnicom u Zagrebu kroz organizaciju Zelenog festivala i 1. međunarodne konferencije o zelenim knjižnicama. Društveni značaj. Cilj postojanja zelenih knjižnica jest edukacija javnosti i širenje svijesti o održivom društvu i nužnosti zaštite okoliša. Originalnost. Prvi prikaz sveukupnog djelovanja Radne grupe za zelene knjižnice od osnutka 2014. godine do konca 2018. godine.

Grube, Dirk-Martin. "Reply to Henk van den Belt’s and Rick Benjamins’ articles : The resurrection and the subject philosophy." NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 74, no. 2 (June 1, 2020): 149–66.

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Abstract In the first part, Dirk-Martin Grube follows Paul Tillich’s leads by suggesting that revelation consists primarily in knowledge of knowledge rather than knowledge of facts. Grube holds that the evidence for the resurrection is such that its historicity can neither be confirmed (against Henk van den Belt) nor denied. Rather, it should be considered to be logically undecidable. Different from Van den Belt, Grube follows Tillich by sympathizing with the independence model for relating religion to science. In the second part, Grube takes up the issue Rick Benjamins focusses on, subject philosophy. After delving into the different positions on the way in which Tillich has adopted this philosophy, Grube evaluates subject philosophy, partly deviating from Benjamins, partly agreeing with him.

Ackermann, Regula, and Ines Winet. "Keramik und Knochen aus frühtiberischer Zeit." Jahresberichte der Archäologischen Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt 2007 (December 1, 2009): 91–151.

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Gegenstand der Arbeit ist eine mit Abfall verfüllte Grube auf dem Basler Münsterhügel, die im Rahmen der archäologischen Untersuchungen beim Bau der Fernheizungsleitung 1978 teilweise ausgegraben wurde. Sie barg ein interessantes Fundensemble aus frühtiberischer Zeit. Sowohl Knochen als auch Keramik waren sehr gut erhalten und die Grube wurde wahrscheinlich innerhalb einer kurzen Zeit verfüllt. Die archäozoologische Auswertung zeigt zudem, dass die Knochen als Speiseabfälle in die Grube gelangten. Anhand des Abfalls aus dieser Grube kann eine stark romanisierte, sozial besser gestellte Gesellschaftsgruppe gefasst werden.

Skender, Nijaz. "Analiza razlika motoričkih sposobnosti kod učenika III i IV razreda osnovne škole pod utjecajem posebnog kineziološkog programa." Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Bihaću 2, no. 2 (December 8, 2009): 231–52.

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Utvrđivanje kvantitativnih razlika motoričkih sposobnosti, provedene su na uzorku od 206 ispitanika učenika 3. i 4. razreda osnovne škole. Svi ispitanici su učenici OŠ "25 novembar" iz Velike Kladuše. U istraživanju korišten je skup od 16 varijabli motoričkihsposobnosti. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde transformacije motoričkih sposobnosti učenika, metodom paralelneanalize rezultata uzoraka eksperimentalne grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, da se utvrdi koji od ponuđenih modela nastavnihprograma daje efikasnije rezultate transformacija motoričih sposobnosti. Analizom parcijalnih kvantitativnih promjena testiranih (Ttestom) motoričkih sposobnosti eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe u inicijalnom mjerenju konstatirano je da nisu dobijene značajne parcijalne razlike kod većeg broja motoričkih varijabli između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Na osnovu čega je zaključeno da te dvije grupe ispitanika pripadaju istoj populaciji. Na osnovu dobijenih parametara testiranih (T-testom) motoričkih sposobnosti eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe u finalnom mjerenju konstatirano je da su dobijene značajne parcijalne razlike u svim varijablama motoričkih sposobnosti (izuzev jedne) između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Na osnovu rezultata u diskriminativnoj analizi, globalnih razlika primijenjenih motoričkih varijabli između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe nakon završetka dva paralelna programa u trajanju od 7 mjeseci, utvrđeno je da je i između ove dvije grupe došlo do značajnih globalnih razlika u testovima motoričkih sposobnosti pod dejstvom efekata dva različita programa. Program eksperimentalnegrupe koji je bio obimniji utjecao je na pozitivne transformacije kod gotovo svih motoričkih sposobnosti, a naročito koordinaciju, eksplozivnu snagu, repetitivnu snagu i fleksibilnost.

Lavine, M. S. "Shrugging Off Grime." Science 324, no. 5928 (May 7, 2009): 695.

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Sykes, P. "Roland Thompson Grime." BMJ 346, jan02 3 (January 2, 2012): e8041-e8041.

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Britchford, B. "Grime and punishment." BMJ 311, no. 7012 (October 21, 1995): 1098.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Grume":


Nix, Thomas. "Untersuchung der ingenieurgeologischen Verhältnisse der Grube Messel (Darmstadt) im Hinblick auf die Langzeitstabilität der Grubenböschungen." Wiesbaden : HLUG, 2003.

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Boeck, Helmut-Juri. "Die Grube Neue Silberhoffnung bei Pöhla." Bergbauverein Hülfe des Herrn, Alte Silberfundgrube e.V, 2018.

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Eine inzwischen abgeschlossene Sanierungsbaustelle des Sächsischen Oberbergamtes war einer der Anstöße, dem Kalksteinbergbau rund um Schwarzenberg herum nachzuforschen. Die Geschichte dieser Grube führt über den Abbau des Kalksteins hinaus. Auch in Pöhla stand einmal ein Kalkofen...:Inhalt Vorbemerkung 1. Zur Lage und regionalen Geschichte 2. Zur Geologie 3 Zur Montangeschichte 3.1 Der Abbaubeginn (1794 - 1827) 3.2 Der Abbau unter von Elterlein'scher Verwaltung (1794 bis 1852) 3.3 Die Abbauphase durch die Gebr. Porst & Co. (1852 bis 1871) 3.4 Der Abbau unter von Arnim'scher Berg- und Hüttenverwaltung (1871 bis 1908) 3.5 Zur weiteren Geschichte der Grube ab 1929 4. Erhaltene Zeugnisse übertage 5. Verbliebene Zeugnisse untertage 6. Weiterführende Quellen Impressum

Honeck, Marcel. "Nichts als heisse Steine? zur Deutung der Brenngruben der späten Bronzezeit und frühen Eisenzeit in Deutschland." Bonn Habelt, 2007.

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Charles, Monique. "'Hallowed be thy Grime? : a musicological and sociological genealogy of Grime music and its relation to Black Atlantic religious discourse' (#HBTG?)." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2016.

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Grime is a Black British music genre originating from London in the early 2000s. Linked to inner-city street/road culture, it is a subaltern subculture that initially experienced criminalisation, racialisation and marginalisation through the media and music industries, politicians, legislation, policing – mainstream British society. This ethnographic project reclaims power from the mainstream marginalising gaze by enabling the scene's predominantly Black and White working class members to elucidate and direct Grime's narrative from its inception. The project uses Foucault’s (1997) definition of genealogy to interrogate Grime's emergence musically and subculturally. It uses Lena’s AgSIT (2012) genre model to examine Grime's development teleologically. Hall's (1978) 'Internal Colonies' and Baker's Black Public Sphere (1996) are used in conjunction to examine the significance of local (tangible) and cultural (intangible) influences on Grime and how these connect to African diasporic cultural and spiritual practice (Mbiti 1991). Scene directed narrative highlights subcultural understandings of British society, the world, universe and sublime. It interrogates communal and personal identifications, subcultural fan practices and affective investments, to draw out subversive or normative meaning making with respect to politics, religion/spirituality, race, class, gender and technological democratisation. Ethnographic data was captured through in-depth semi-structured interviews, participant observation (events and Twitter) and Musicological Discourse Analysis (sonic and lyrics), to enable the exploration of 21st century inner-city subaltern youth experience; independent from, and, in dialogue with wider British society. Thematic analysis was applied across all data collection methods. This enabled the triangulation of Grime subcultural experience through various vantage points. This project makes a scholarly contribution by creating a new narrative for Grime, identifying the substantive issues of music, ‘race’, religion/spirituality, subalternity and technological democratisation, in addition to developing theories for musical analysis and affective investment through music, culture and spirituality for the social sciences.

Mikalauskis, Vytautas. "Biblioterapijos taikymas dirbant su neįgaliųjų grupe psichikos sveikatos centre." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Tyrimo tikslas – sukurti ir taikyti naują socialinio grupinio darbo metodą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: apibūdinti problemą, sudaryti informacinę – teorinę bazę, sukurti socialinio grupinio darbo metodą, taikyti metodą dirbant su neįgaliųjų grupe psichikos sveikatos centre, atskleisti metodo pranašumus ir trūkumus, atlikti metodo trūkumų korekciją ir įvertinti darbo rezultatą. Tyrimo metodai – veiksmo (veiklos) tyrimas, mokslo šaltinių analizė, fokus interviu. Tyrimas, laikantis etinių reikalavimų atliktas N. Psichikos sveikatos centre 2008-04-01 – 2008-05-21 panaudojant atskleidžiamąjį pokalbį, atliekant stebėjimą, įrašant fokus interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 7 asmenys. 5 moterys ir 2 vyrai. N. miesto neįgaliųjų draugijos nariai, amžiaus vidurkis 50m. Naujas socialinio grupinio darbo metodas sąlyginiu Eklektiškos biblioterapijos pavadinimu leido spręsti klientų išsakytus pageidavimus. Pagrindinės išvados: socialiniame darbe nėra ir negali būti iš anksto paruoštų sprendimo būdų; kūrybiškai derindamas įgūdžius, vertybes, žinias socialinis darbuotojas turi susikurti jam reikalingą socialinio grupinio darbo metodą, kurdamas socialinio grupinio darbo metodą socialinis darbuotojas turi atsižvelgti į klientų pageidavimus, galimybes ir grupinio darbo metodams keliamus reikalavimus: efektyvumą, pagrindimą psichologijos žiniomis, etiškumą; kuriant socialinio grupinio darbo metodą galima derinti įvairias pagalbines psichoterapines priemones, šiuo atveju biblioterapijos, susitikimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The aim of the work is to create and practise a new social group work method. The objectives of the work: to discribe the problem, to create informatike – theoretical base, to create social group work method, to practise this method working with a disabled group of people in the Psichic Health Centre, to educe benefits and drawbacks of method, to fulfill thr correction of the method drawbacks and evaluate the result of the work. The methods used in the research: action research, observation, conversation, interview. The research was implemented in the N Psichic Health Centre from 01/04/2008 to 21/05/2008 under ethic requirements, using revealing conversation, performing observation and recording focus interview. Seven people of whom five women and two men (N members of the disabled association of the town) participated in the research. The average age of participants is 50. This new social group work method, tiled provisory Eclectic Bibliotherapy, let us tackle clients, wishes witch were said by them. Main outcomes: an advanced decision does not exist and cannot be prepared in social work; combining skills, values and knoweledge creatively, a social worker should create his needful social group work method; creating social group work method a social worker should consider clients preferences, abilites and requirements of group work method such as efficiency, reasoning psychological knowledge and ethic; creating social group work method, diferent supporting means of... [to full text]

Grupe, Julia [Verfasser]. "Biomarker in experimentellen Modellen der pulmonalen Hypertonie / Julia Grupe." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2011.

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Johansson, Vilhelm. "Kartläggning av energitillskottFör Stora Enso Timbers pelletsfabrik i Grums." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2013.

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Zänker, Harald, and Gudrun Hüttig. "Kolloidgetragene Schwermetalle im Entwässerungsstollen einer stillgelegten Zn-Pb-Ag Grube." Forschungszentrum Dresden, 2010.

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Colloid-borne Heavy Metals in the Drainage Gallery of an Abandoned Zn-Pb-Ag Mine (in German). The colloid inventories and the colloid-borne heavy metals in the Rothschönberger Stolln adit, the main drainage gallery of the Freiberg, Germany, mining district, were investigated. This adit runs from Freiberg to the village of Rothschönberg, where it flows into the river Triebisch, a tributary of the river Elbe. The water of the adit is a typical mine water from a flooded ore mine. The main reason for choosing the Rothschönberger Stolln adit for colloid investigations was that ample knowledge concerning the origin of the water and the geology of its catchment area exists. The aim was to characterize the colloids at the mouth of the adit and to elucidate if important contaminants occur in a colloid-borne form. A colloid concentration of about 1 mg/L was found. The particles have a size of 50 to 150 nm. They primarily consist of iron and aluminum oxyhydroxide and carry trace elements such as Pb, As, Cu, Y, La. The contaminants Pb and As are almost entirely colloid-borne. Colloids can have both a retarding and a stimulating influence on the transport of contaminants. The existence of colloids should be taken into account if mine waters flow to the biosphere or if mine waters are to be purified by permeable reactive barriers.

Johansson, Vilhelm. "Kartläggning av energitillskott för Stora Enso Timbers pelletsfabrik i Grums." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2013.

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Grube, Kai Dieter [Verfasser]. "Thermische Ausdehnung von C₆₀-Einkristallen unter Druck / Kai Dieter Grube." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 1995.

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Books on the topic "Grume":


Luttikhuizen, David Estrada. Grumf! Barcelona: Pòrtic, 1992.

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Wong, Janet S. Grump. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2001.

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Grube, Gunleif. Gunleif Grube. Tórshavn: Listasavn Føroya, 2010.

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Mitra, Swarna. Grame chalo. Dhaka: Chalantika, 1990.

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Ludy, Mark. The grump. Longmont, Colo: Green Pastures Pub., 2000.

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Talukdar, Nurul Alam. Shahare grame. Dhaka: Anu, 1996.

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Abdullah, Rasul Md. Grāme grāmāntare. Kalakātā: Nyāśanala Buka Ejensi, 1985.

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Lukić, Pero. Grumen zemlje. Doboj: Zavičajno udruženje Zavidovićana, 2006.

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Topčić, Zaim. Grumen sunca. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1985.

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Lee, Terry. Grease & grime. Bristol: Bristol Broadsides, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Grume":


Schomann, Stefan, and Henrik Spohler. "Die Grube." In RWE ›— Ein Konzern wird transparent, 151–60. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1998.

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Roeder, Carolin Firouzeh. "Grum, Slavko." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Walter, Sebastian. "Perceiving “grue”." In New Directions in Colour Studies, 329–42. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011.

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Rowe, Desirée D. "Roses and Grime." In On (Writing) Families, 37–41. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2014.

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Rymajdo, Kamila. "‘It’s Grime Up North’: The Phenomenon of Blackpool Grime." In Blackpool in Film and Popular Music, 135–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Magalhães, Wagner F., and James A. Blake. "7.6.4 Capitellidae Grube, 1862." In Annelida, edited by Günter Purschke, Wilfried Westheide, and Markus Böggemann, 349–403. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.

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Nolan, Rita. "The Unnaturalness of Grue." In Language, Mind, and Art, 69–81. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Grandison, Alexandra, Ian R. L. Davies, and Paul T. Sowden. "The evolution of GRUE." In Colour Studies, 53–66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014.

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Drummond, Rob. "TH-Stopping, Ethnicity, and Grime." In Researching Urban Youth Language and Identity, 229–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Niskanen, William A. "The reflections of a grump." In The Next Twenty-five Years of Public Choice, 151–58. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Conference papers on the topic "Grume":


McGrath, Sean, Alan Chamberlain, and Steve Benford. "The Grime Scene." In AM '16: Audio Mostly 2016. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Sedić, B., and D. Šimunović. "Grupe samopomoći u zajednici." In Depression in the Century of Mind, 4th Croatian Congress in Prevention and Rehabilitation in Psychiatry. Gyrus Journal, 2015.

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Nowak Da Costa, Joanna, Elzbieta Bielecka, and Beata Calka. "Uncertainty Quantification of the Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project over Polish Census Data." In Environmental Engineering. VGTU Technika, 2017.

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The aim of this study is to describe uncertainty of the Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) data based on Polish population reference grid created by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, using INSPIRE grid coding system. The adopted population data uncertainty analysis methodology combined three different approaches, i.e. simple change detection algorithm to obtain discrepancies at the grid cell level, statistical analytical approach to investigate these discrepancies’ frequency distribution, and GIS approach to analyse spatial pattern of distinguished population difference classes. The results showed significant differences in population count at the grid cell level. The maximum magnitude of GRUMP vs. Polish Reference Grid overestimation equals 4087 people per 1 sq. km, while the underestimation equals 20,086 people per 1 sq. km. Very few grid cell shows no difference in population count, i.e. 1.5% of total grid cell count. GRUMP data overestimates Polish total population by 0.15%, while it underestimates the average population density by 50%. The highest population underestimations were identified in the centers of the cities, while suburban areas were characterised by the large and regular population overestimations within GRUMP dataset. These GRUMP dataset imperfections can be attributed to country-specific administrative divisions and to the varying effectiveness of the urban centers delimitation mapping using the night sky light intensity, including blooming effects as well as not frequently illuminated small settlements.

Izurieta, Clemente, and James M. Bieman. "Testing Consequences of Grime Buildup in Object Oriented Design Patterns." In 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation. IEEE, 2008.

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Zhang, Wei, Yongliang Xie, Huiping Zhuang, and Daoyong Liu. "Experiment research of the high-strength concrete of coal grime." In Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, edited by Xiaoping Wu, Yuwen Qin, Jing Fang, and Jingtang Ke. SPIE, 2002.

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Santos, Brenda Farias dos, and Carlo Henrique Golin. "A temática da corporeidade e grupamento de mergulhadores de combate (GRUMEC) da Marinha do Brasil." In Seminário Esportes 2018: Futebol e o Ano da Copa da Rússia. Revista Remecs, 2018.

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Melo, L. P., L. Silvany, and A. R. Senna. "NOVA ESPÉCIE DO GÊNERO COLOMASTIX GRUBE, 1861 (AMPHIPODA: COLOMASTIGIDAE) PARA A BAÍA DA ILHA GRANDE - RJ." In X Congresso Brasileiro sobre Crustáceos. Sociedade Brasileira de Carcinologia, 2018.

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Kozacsuk, Aljona. "MODELING FUTURE REGIONAL SALES VOLUMES IN LITHUANIA, LATVIA, ESTONIA AND BULGARIA ON THE EXAMPLE OF RETAIL MAXIMA GRUPE." In 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2015. Stef92 Technology, 2015.

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Murks, Nina, Anže Omerzu, and Borko Bošković. "Analiza sentimenta komentarjev hotelov z uporabo slovarjev in metode Naivni Bayes." In 7th Student Computer Science Research Conference. University of Maribor Press, 2021.

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V £lanku smo predstavili pristop k analizi sen-timenta komentarjev hotelskih gostov s pomo£jo slovarjev in metode Naivni Bayes. Najprej smo zgradili slovarja sentimenta, ki sta vsebovala n-grame, ter njihove verjetnosti, da pripadajo pozi-tivnemu ali negativnemu razredu. Nato smo s po-mo£jo zgrajenih slovarjev klasificirali komentarje hotelov, pri £emer smo uporabili metodo Naivni Bayes. Pri klasifikaciji komentarjev s mo ra£u-nali klasifikacijske vrednosti o z. verjetnosti, da so posamezni komentarji pozitivni ali negativni. Komentarje smo klasificirali s p omo£jo unigra-mov in bigramov, ter rezultate primerjali z re-zultati iz literature. Pri unigramih smo dosegli natan£nost 0,92, pri bigramih je natan£nost zna-šala 0,80. Klasifikacijske v rednosti posameznih komentarjev smo si shranili, pri £emer smo pri komentarjih, ki smo jih klacificirali kot negativne, dodali negativen predznak. Predzna£ene klasifi-kacijske vrednosti smo nato sešteli, za vsak hotel ter na tak na£in izra£unali hotelom pripadajo£e to£ke. To£ke hotelov so v našem primeru poka-zatelj splošnega zadovoljstva hotelskih gostov, ki ga najdemo v komentarjih. Glede na to£ke smo hotele uredili po vrsti in prišli do lestvice hote-lov, pri katerih najdemo najbolj pozitivne komen-tarje.

Vukadinović, Srđan. "Preferencijalno glasanje i otvorene liste ključ reforme Izbornog zakonodavstva." In Naučno-stručni simpozij: Reforma izbornog zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Mnoštvo je pitanja koje se u stručnoj javnosti preferiraju kao bitna i opredjeljujuća kada je riječ o reformi izbornog zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine. Nedvojbeno jako je bitno i pitanje vanrednih ili prijevremenih izbora, kao i ograničavanja fenomena preletača ili implementacija presuda međunarodnih sudova, i mnogo drugih, u najmanju ruku problematičnih izbornih instituta. Ali, ono što bi trebalo da je srž suštinskih promjena u sferi izbornog zakonodavstva je institut uvođenja otvorenih lista, i nadogradnje instituta preferencijalnog glasanja. Individualne ili otvorene liste omogućavaju jednom kandidatu da se kandiduje za razliku od trenutnih rješenja gdje je definisano da se vijećnici i poslanici biraju sa lista partija, koalicija ili grupe građana, pri čemu se glasa kolektivno za listu, a ne pojedinca na njoj. Individualne kandidature su nešto što je nesporno i to je pravo birača da shodno svom izbornom postignuću i kapacitetu igra značajniju ulogu u parlamentarnom i političkom ambijentu države i društva. Otvorene liste i preferencijalno glasanja bi državnost i konstitutivnost Bosne i Hercegovine, kao složene države, podigle na viši kvalitativni i stabilniji nivo održivosti. Uz svo uvažavanje ustavne konstitutivnosti naroda, iste bi urušile partijsku državu, povećale odgovornost izabranih dužnosnika i omogućile veći stepen neposredne demokratije.

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