Books on the topic 'Hansen method'

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Rataj-Guranowska, Maria. Identyfikacja ras Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. lupini Snyder et Hansen za pomocą metod immunochemicznych. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1987.

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Emmons, Patrick J. A digital simulation of the glacial-aquifer system in Sanborn and parts of Beadle, Miner, Hanson, Davison, and Jerauld counties, South Dakota. Huron, S.D: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988.

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Emmons, Patrick J. A digital simulation of the glacial-aquifer system in Sanborn and parts of Beadle, Miner, Hanson, Davison, and Jerauld counties, South Dakota. Huron, S.D: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988.

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Emmons, Patrick J. A digital simulation of the glacial-aquifer system in Sanborn and parts of Beadle, Miner, Hanson, Davison, and Jerauld counties, South Dakota. Huron, S.D: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988.

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Yun, Ku-byŏng. Kkum i innŭn kongdongch'e hakkyo: Il, nori, kongbu ka hanain Yun Ku-byŏng ŭi kyoyuk esei. 8th ed. Sŏul-si: Hyumŏnisŭt'ŭ, 2010.

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Trumble, Thomas. Hand, elbow & shoulder: Core knowledge in orthopaedics. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby, 2006.

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Eberstadt, Nick. The tyranny of numbers: Mismeasurement and misrule. Washington, D.C: AEI Press, 1995.

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Andò, Valeria. Euripide, Ifigenia in Aulide. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2021.

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This volume contains the first Italian critical edition with introduction, translation and commentary of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis. The tragedy, exhibited posthumously in 405 BCE, stages the first mythical segment of the Trojan War, namely the sacrifice of Iphigenia, daughter of king Agamemnon, head of the Greek army, in order to propitiate the winds that should lead the navy to Troy. A tragedy of intrigue and unveiling, in which all the characters try to oppose the sacrifice, judged to be an impiety despite its sacred essence. It is therefore a tragedy without gods, in which characters of modest moral stature move, unstable, ready to sudden changes of mind, and among whom the protagonist stands out: the girl who, having overcome the dismay for the destiny awaiting her, voluntarily moves towards death on the altar, for a flimsy patriotic ideal and with the illusion of achieving immortal glory. Since the end of the eighteenth century, the text of this tragedy, handed over to us by the manuscript tradition, has been exposed more than others to a rigorous philological criticism that has broken its unity, through considerable expunctions of entire sections and sequences of verses. The volume traces the phases of this critical work, showing its methods – and sometimes its excesses – and choosing a balance line in the constitution of the text. The overall exegesis of the tragedy, which I propose in this study, consists in the belief that, despite the exodus being spurious, the finale, in view of which the entire dramaturgy was composed, still had to contemplate Iphigenia’s salvation. In fact, if the Panhellenic ideal of defence against the barbarians is now meaningless, and if a war of destruction, to begin with, needs the death of an innocent person, then this death must be transcended and the horror of human sacrifice must dissolve. It therefore seems that, once political current events become opaque, the poet’s research tends to create situations of great patheticism in an aesthetic setting of refined beauty.

Pfaff, Donald W. The neuroscience of fair play: Why we (usually) follow the Golden rule. New York: Dana Press, 2007.

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Clay Mathematics Institute Workshop on Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles, with a View toward Coherent Sheaves (2006 Cambridge, Mass.). Grassmannians, moduli spaces, and vector bundles: Clay Mathematics Institute Workshop on Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles, with a View towards Coherent Sheaves, October 6-11, 2006, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Edited by Ellwood D. (David) 1966- and Previato Emma. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2011.

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Fröhlich, Bettina, Hendrik Hansen, and Raul Heimann, eds. Platonisches Denken heute. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.

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Is Plato’s philosophy still relevant for current issues in politics and political science? In order to answer this question, the contributions to this volume endeavour to re-read the Platonic dialogues and to interpret them in terms of textual hermeneutics on the one hand. On the other hand, they refer to Plato from a systematic point of view and apply his philosophy, in particular the method of Socratic dialogue, to discussions on contemporary political issues. The volume is dedicated to Barbara Zehnpfennig, whose works aim at making Socratic–Platonic philosophy fruitful for the present on the basis of a new interpretation of Plato’s philosophy. With contributions by Anke Adamik, Sarah Al-Taher, Viktoria Bachmann, Philip Breuer, Johanna Falk-Seifert, Bettina Fröhlich, Benjamin A. Hahn, Hendrik Hansen, Thomas Haslböck, Raul Heimann, Johannes Frank Hoerlin, Vanessa Jansche, Peter Kainz, Christina Kast, Eva-Maria Kaufmann, Ulrich Kühn, Laura Martena, Julian Obenauer, Victor Peneff und Thomas Wimmer.

P, Thompson Barry, and Hanson Anthony Tyrrell, eds. Scripture: Meaning and method : essays presented to Anthony Tyrrell Hanson for his seventieth birthday. Hull, England: Hull University Press, 1987.

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Kampf, Gunther. Characterization of Plastics by Physical Methods: Experimental Techniques and Practical Application (Hanser Publishers). Oxford University Press, USA, 1986.

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David, Gitlin Andrew, ed. Power and method: Political activism and educational research. New York: Routledge, 1994.

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Hannon, Michael. What's the Point of Knowledge? Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This book is about knowledge and its value. At the heart of this book is a simple idea: we can answer many interesting and difficult questions in epistemology by reflecting on the role of epistemic evaluation in human life. Hannon calls this “function-first epistemology.” The core hypothesis is that the concept of knowledge is used to identify reliable informants. This practice is necessary, or at least deeply important, because it plays a vital role in human survival, cooperation, and flourishing. While this idea is quite simple, it has wide-reaching implications. Hannon uses it to cast new light on the nature and value of knowledge, the differences between knowledge and understanding, the relationship between knowledge, assertion, and practical reasoning, and the semantics of knowledge claims. This book also makes headway on some classic philosophical puzzles, including the Gettier problem, epistemic relativism, and philosophical skepticism. Hannon shows that some major issues in epistemology can be resolved by taking a function-first approach, thereby illustrating the significant role that this method can play in contemporary philosophy.

Techniques in hand surgery. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996.

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Zimmermann, Marc, Walther Paravicini, and Jörn Schnieder, eds. Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2016 und 2017. Beiträge zu den gleichnamigen Symposien: am 11. & 12. November 2016 in Münster und am 10. & 11. November 2017 in Göttingen. WTM-Verlag Münster, 2021.

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„Forum zur Theorie und Praxis der Hochschullehre Mathematik“, so nannte sich das vierte Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik, welches 2016 in Münster stattgefunden hat. Im Jahre 2017 fand dann das Hanse-Kolloquium das erste Mal gemeinsam mit der Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Hochschulmathematikdidaktik der Ge¬sell¬schaft für Didaktik der Mathematik statt. Veranstaltungsort war die alte Hansestadt Göttingen. Dieser Tagungsband vereinigt somit eine ganze Reihe von spannenden Beiträgen von zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagungen, welche für Praktiker*innen der Hochschullehre in Mathematik – aber auch für Didaktiker*innen von Interesse sein sollten. • Ideen für die Lehramtsausbildung: Analyse und Reflexion von Problemlöseprozessen; Implementierung von Computeralgebrasystemen in Fachvorlesungen; das mathematische Modellieren lehren; „Lehramts-Aufgaben“ zur Überwindung der doppelten Diskontinuität; Mathematische Methoden in der Lehrerausbildung; praxis- und projektorientiertes Lernen und Lehren. • (Stoff)didaktische Analysen für die Hochschule: Aspekte und Grundvorstellungen des Begriffs Extrempunkt; Lernumgebungen in Logik. • Untersuchungen zu Vorkursen und zur Studieneingangsphase: Studienanfänger*innen der Elektrotechnik und Informatik; Modelle zur Auswahl und Konzeption von Mathematikaufgaben in Vorkursen; Konzept zum Umgang mit Prüfungsstress und Lernblockaden; Grundlagenvorlesungen für 1000 individuell Lernende? • Zur mathematikdidaktischen Ausbildung von Lehramtsstudierenden: Inklusionssensible Mathematikdidaktik lehren; mathematikdidaktische Lehr-Lern-Labore; digitale diagnostische Testaufgaben Professionalisierung an der Schnittstelle Hochschule-Schule.

Heiland, Konrad, ed. Prinzip Infektion. Psychosozial-Verlag, 2020.

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Geraume Zeit vor der weltweiten Ausbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus wurde dieser Sammelband konzipiert und gestaltet. Ihn trägt die Absicht, dem Prinzip Infektion grundlegend und facettenreich auf die Spur zu kommen, in seinen harmloseren wie auch in seinen bedrohlichen Erscheinungsformen. Das Phänomen der Ansteckung bezeichnet ein zentrales Grundprinzip des Lebens. Es betrifft nicht nur einzelne Menschen, sondern wirkt auch in Gruppen bis zur Größe transnationaler politischer Bewegungen, was zu weltweiten gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen führen kann. Ausgehend von der Medizin entwickeln die BeiträgerInnen eine umfassende Darstellung des Prinzips Infektion. Von Freuds Idee der »Psychischen Infektion« und ihren neurobiologischen Grundmustern spannt sich ein Bogen bis hin zu verschiedenen Aspekten einer infizierten Gesellschaft – etwa in Bezug auf Rechtspopulismus, die #MeToo-Debatte oder in der digitalen Welt. Die AutorInnen analysieren die Wirkungsmacht infektiöser Prozesse in künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen wie Kino, Theater und Musik und sogar im Fußball. So vermitteln sie Einsichten in die meist im Verborgenen wirkenden Mechanismen, die unser Leben entscheidend beeinflussen. Mit Beiträgen von Marie-Luise Althoff, Konrad Heiland, Bernd Heimerl, Rudolf Heltzel, Hannes König, Uwe Labatzki, Alfons Labisch, Christa Möhring, Theo Piegler, Sebastian Rüger, Uli Schauerte, Willem Strank und Hans-Christoph Zimmermann

Trumble, Thomas, Roger Cornwall, and Jeffrey Budoff. Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Hand, Elbow, and Shoulder. Mosby, 2005.

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Vittoria, Barsotti, Carozza Paolo G, Cartabia Marta, and Simoncini Andrea. I The Constitutional Court, 2 The Constitutional Court: Rules and Model. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter succinctly introduces the reader to the composition, jurisdictional scope, and methods of judicial review in Italy. Using both direct and incidental methods of judicial review, the Italian system combines certain elements of centralized systems (like the Austrian paradigm of Hans Kelsen) with elements of diffuse systems of review like that of the United States. The chapter highlights the highly collegial structure and process of the Court. Overall, the cooperative and multilevel character of Italian constitutional adjudication emerges as its most distinctive contribution to our understanding of the range of the varieties of constitutional models and experiences in the world.

Pincock, Christopher. Logical Empiricism. Edited by Herman Cappelen, Tamar Szabó Gendler, and John Hawthorne. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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At different times logical empiricists engaged one another in debates about the proper problems and methods for philosophy or its successor discipline. The most pressing problem focused on how to coordinate the abstract statements of the sciences with what can be experienced and tested. While the new logic was the main tool for coordination for Moritz Schlick, Hans Reichenbach, and Rudolf Carnap, there was no agreement on the nature of logic or its role in coordination. Otto Neurath and Philipp Frank countered with a sophisticated alternative that emphasized the social and political context within which science is done. All told, one finds in logical empiricism a high level of methodological awareness as well as a healthy skepticism about the appropriate aims and methods of philosophy.

Zimmermann, Jens. 3. Philosophical hermeneutics. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Philosophical hermeneutics refers to the detailed examination of human understanding that began with the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002). In his book, Truth and Method, Gadamer drew together many of the previously discussed insights from Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Husserl, and Heidegger to provide an extensive description of what understanding is. ‘Philosophical hermeneutics’ outlines Gadamer’s key views: he believed that our perception of the world is not primarily theoretical but practical; he regarded understanding as the basic movement of human existence that encompasses the whole of life experience; language is central to shaping our understanding of the world; mediation is the heart of the hermeneutic experience; and application is its soul.

Ansari, Emily Abrams. The Sound of a Superpower. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Classical composers seeking to create an American sound enjoyed unprecedented success during the 1930s and 1940s. Aaron Copland, Roy Harris, Howard Hanson, and others brought national and international attention to American composers for the first time in history. In the years after World War II, however, something changed. The prestige of musical Americanism waned rapidly as anti-Communists made accusations against leading Americanist composers. Meanwhile, a method of harmonic organization that some considered more Cold War–appropriate—serialism—began to rise in status. For many composers and historians, the Cold War had effectively “killed off” musical Americanism. In this book, the author offers a fuller, more nuanced picture of the effect of the Cold War on Americanist composers. She shows that the ideological conflict brought both challenges and opportunities. Some leftist Americanist composers struggled greatly in this new artistic and political environment, especially as American nationalism increasingly meant American exceptionalism. But composers of all political stripes would find in the federal government a new and unique channel through which to ensure the survival of musical Americanism, as the White House sought to use American music as a Cold War propaganda tool and American composers as cultural diplomats. The Americanists’ efforts to safeguard the reputation of their style would have significant consequences. Ultimately, they effected a rebranding of musical Americanism, with consequences that remain with us today.

Glazov, M. M. Dynamical Nuclear Polarization. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The transfer of nonequilibrium spin polarization between the electron and nuclear subsystems is studied in detail. Usually, a thermal orientation of nuclei in magnetic field is negligible due to their small magnetic moments, but if electron spins are optically oriented, efficient nuclear spin polarization can occur. The microscopic approach to the dynamical nuclear polarization effect based on the kinetic equation method, along with a phenomenological but very powerful description of dynamical nuclear polarization in terms of the nuclear spin temperature concept is given. In this way, one can account for the interaction between neighbouring nuclei without solving a complex many-body problem. The hyperfine interaction also induces the feedback of polarized nuclei on the electron spin system giving rise to a number of nonlinear effects: bistability of nuclear spin polarization and anomalous Hanle effect, dragging and locking of optical resonances in quantum dots. Theory is illustrated by experimental data on dynamical nuclear polarization.

Cefalu, Paul. Noli Me Tangere and the Reception of Mary Magdalene in Early Modern England. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The second chapter assesses the early modern reception of the noli me tangere and hortulanus sequences of John 20. Early modern writers such as Robert Southwell, Gervase Markham, Thomas Walkington, and Nicholas Breton all reconstruct the pedagogical lessons vouchsafed to Mary throughout John 20. Mary is petitioned to recall to herself the words of Christ that she has already heard and to await patiently her post-resurrection reconciliation with Christ as Word of God. Several of these sixteenth- and seventeenth-century accounts of Mary at the tomb show a keen appreciation of the method of discipleship misunderstanding used by John, even emulating that rhetorical approach in their treatments of Magdalene’s misplaced grief. Final sections of the chapter discuss the glorification of Mary in Hans Holbein’s Noli Me Tangere painting as well as in the poetry and prose of Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, and Anna Trapnel.

Cook, Nicholas, Peter Johnson, and Hans Zender. Theory into practice. Leuven University Press, 2021.

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'Theory into Practice. Composition, Performance and the Listening Experience' is the second publication in the series 'Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute'. The series comprises articles concerning the activities of the Orpheus Institute. The centrale theme of this book is the relationship between the reflections about and the relization of a musical composition. In his paper Words about Music, or Analysis versus Performance, Nicholas Cook states that words and music can never be aligned exactly with one another. He embarks on a quest for models of the relationship between analytical conception and performance that are more challenging than those in general currency. Peter Johnson's article Performance and the Listening Experience: Bach's 'Erbarme dich' shows that a performance is an element within the intentionality of the work itself. He looks for scientific methods capable of proving the artisticity of a performance. The composer Hans Zender, in his A Road Map for Orpheus?, states that a composer must be capable of questioning obvious basic principles (such as equal temperament) and finding creative solutions.

Auerbach, Brent. Musical Motives. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Motives, the small, recurring shape elements primarily identified by their pitch and rhythm profiles, are near-ubiquitous in music. Yet despite their long-standing prominence in composition and in past and present discourse on music, motives have resisted systematic treatment. The present work, Musical Motives, establishes a methodology for identifying and labeling motives and for assembling viable, meaningful analyses with them. The book opens with a general introduction to motives and a review of their history in Western music. The body of the work prescribes a two-tiered system for working with motives: basic motivic analysis (BMA) concerns monophonic motives composed of pitch and rhythm, while complex motivic analysis (CMA) concerns polyphonic motives that present as a richer network of elements drawn from many domains, including but not limited to pitch, rhythm, counterpoint, harmony, texture, and articulation. In support of these methods, the book offers a generous set of tools to advance this analytic subdiscipline. One tool is a universal system of motivic nomenclature proposed to facilitate dialogue among analysts. Another is a technique for melodic reduction, rooted in principles of salience, that allows analysts to posit motives that admit flexibility without sacrificing methodologic rigor. Most significant, the work details specific procedures for creating, interpreting, and presenting motivic analyses that range in length from just a few measures to entire pieces. Extensive demonstrations of all points and procedures are given in the form of analyses of selections and full works by composers as diverse as Beethoven, Handel, Chopin, Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Cécile Chaminade, Marvin Hamlisch, Aretha Franklin, John Philip Sousa, and Radiohead.

Mee, Nicholas. Celestial Tapestry. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Celestial Tapestry places mathematics within a vibrant cultural and historical context, highlighting links to the visual arts and design, and broader areas of artistic creativity. Threads are woven together telling of surprising influences that have passed between the arts and mathematics. The story involves many intriguing characters: Gaston Julia, who laid the foundations for fractals and computer art while recovering in hospital after suffering serious injury in the First World War; Charles Howard, Hinton who was imprisoned for bigamy but whose books had a huge influence on twentieth-century art; Michael Scott, the Scottish necromancer who was the dedicatee of Fibonacci’s Book of Calculation, the most important medieval book of mathematics; Richard of Wallingford, the pioneer clockmaker who suffered from leprosy and who never recovered from a lightning strike on his bedchamber; Alicia Stott Boole, the Victorian housewife who amazed mathematicians with her intuition for higher-dimensional space. The book includes more than 200 colour illustrations, puzzles to engage the reader, and many remarkable tales: the secret message in Hans Holbein’s The Ambassadors; the link between Viking runes, a Milanese banking dynasty, and modern sculpture; the connection between astrology, religion, and the Apocalypse; binary numbers and the I Ching. It also explains topics on the school mathematics curriculum: algorithms; arithmetic progressions; combinations and permutations; number sequences; the axiomatic method; geometrical proof; tessellations and polyhedra, as well as many essential topics for arts and humanities students: single-point perspective; fractals; computer art; the golden section; the higher-dimensional inspiration behind modern art.

Cohn, Margit. A Theory of the Executive Branch. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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The executive branch in Western democracies has been handed a virtually impossible task. Expected to ‘imperially’ direct the life of the nation through thick and thin, it is concurrently required to be subservient to legislation meted out by a sovereign parliament. Drawing on a general argument from constitutional theory that prioritizes dispersal of power over concepts of hierarchy, the book argues that the tension between the political dominance of the executive branch and its submission to law is maintained by the adoption of various forms of fuzziness, under which a guise of legality masks the absence of substantive limitation of power. Under this 'internal tension' model, the executive branch is concurrently subservient to law and dominant over it, while concepts of substantive legality are compromised. Drawing on legal and political science research, the book classifies and analyses thirteen forms of fuzziness, ranging from open-ended or semi-written constitutions to unapplied legislation. The study of this unavoidable yet problematic feature of the public sphere is addressed descriptively and normatively. Adding detailed examples from two fields of law, emergency and air-pollution law, in two systems (the UK and the US), the book ends with a call for raising the threshold of judicial review, grounded in theories of participatory and deliberative democracy. This innovative book, concerned with an area that has been surprisingly under-researched on a general level beyond extensive studies of national executives, offers a theoretical foundation that should ground all analyses of the arguably most powerful branch of modern government.

Pfaff, Donald W. The Neuroscience of Fair Play: Why We (Usually) Follow the Golden Rule. Dana Press, 2007.

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Guthmüller, Marie, and Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa, eds. Das nächtliche Selbst. Wallstein Verlag, 2020.

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Die Kultur- und Wissensgeschichte des Traums zwischen 1900 und 1950 aus interdisziplinärer und länderübergreifender Perspektive. Im »Jahrhundert der Psychologie«, zwischen 1850 und 1950, entfaltet sich ein produktives Zusammenspiel zwischen neuen Traumtheorien, wie sie in Psychologie, Medizin, Philosophie und Ästhetik diskutiert werden, und innovativen Darstellungsformen des Traums, die in den Wissenschaften ebenso entstehen wie in der Literatur, der bildenden Kunst und im Film. In Band II werden die Fragestellungen, Methoden und Theorien untersucht, die seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Psychoanalyse, in Existenzialismus und Phänomenologie, aber auch im Zusammenhang mit der beginnenden neurophysiologischen Vermessung von Traumaktivitäten entwickelt werden. Beleuchtet werden Avantgardebewegungen wie der Surrealismus, die Träume aufgreifen und ins Zentrum ihrer Programmatik rücken. Zahlreiche Schlüsselwerke der modernen Kunst entstehen auf der Grundlage »oneirischer« Ästhetiken. Die genaue Analyse exemplarischer Problemkonstellationen erlaubt es, die großen anthropologischen, subjekttheoretischen und ästhetischen Herausforderungen zu begreifen, vor die der Traum die Wissenschaften und Künste in dieser Zeit stellt. Band I erschien 2016 und behandelt den Zeitraum von 1850 bis 1900. Marie Guthmüller ist Professorin für romanische, insbesondere französischsprachige Literaturen an der HU Berlin. Sie veröffentlichte zahlreiche Untersuchungen zur französischen und italienischen Literatur des 18. bis 21. Jahrhunderts mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Dialog zwischen der »schönen« Literatur und den Wissenschaften von Seele und Psyche. Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa, geb. 1958, ist seit 2005 Professor of German an der National University of Ireland, Galway. Er ist Mitbegründer des interdisziplinären Network of Cultural Dream Studies.

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