Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Health education Health promotion'

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Halcomb, Kathleen Ann. "HEALTH PROMOTION AND HEALTH EDUCATION: NURSING STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES." UKnowledge, 2010. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/gradschool_diss/13.

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The purpose of this study was to determine student nurses’ perceptions of (1) the role of the nurse in health promotion, and (2) how the concept of health promotion is presented in nursing curricula. Research questions for this study included the following: 1) Can nursing students explain the difference between health education and health promotion? 2) What have nursing students been exposed to within their curriculum regarding health promotion? 3) What health promoting behaviors are nursing faculty role modeling as perceived by nursing students? 4) What is the role of the nurse in implementing health promotion as perceived by nursing students? 5) How do nursing students define health? Attendees of the 57 Annual National Student Nurse Association (NSNA) Convention were asked to complete an anonymous survey. A total of n= 227 surveys were returned resulting in a participation rate of 47%. The findings from this study indicated that student nurses’ perceptions regarding the role of the nurse in health promotion revolve primarily around the concept of changing individual health behavior. While there are some indications that nursing students were exposed to the idea of health promotion as a socio-ecological approach that incorporates economic, policy, organizational and environmental changes, the majority of student nurses did not see faculty or nurses role-modeling a socio-ecological approach, nor did the students see themselves as participating in a more socio-ecological approach. For nurses to be recognized as health promoters, collaborate with health promotion leaders, and effectively teach nursing education, changes need to be made in the nursing curriculum to reflect appropriate and accurate health promotion concepts.

Tarro, Sanchez Lucia. "HEALTHY LIFESTYLES -EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION. EDUCACIÓ EN ALIMENTACIÓ (EDAL) COHORT." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/284707.

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L’Obesitat (OB) és un dels principals determinants de mortalitat evitable. L’objectiu és avaluar els efectes del programa escolar EdAl que promou estils saludables de vida, inclouen recomanacions dietètiques i d’activitat física (AF) en la prevalença d’OB, en nens de 7-8 anys, durant 28 mesos i dos anys després de la seva finalització. La intervenció del programa es basa en 8 objectius d’estil de vida desenvolupats en 4 activitats/any durant 3 anys (12 activitats; 1h/activitat) realitzat per estudiants universitaris en qualitat d’Agent Promotor de la Salut (APS). Les dades recollides inclouen nom, gènere, any i lloc de naixement, pes, alçada, Índex de Massa Corporal (IMC) i perímetre de cintura, cada any de seguiment i un qüestionari sobre hàbits d’alimentació i d’Activitat Física (AF) contestat pels pares/tutors. Després de 28 mesos d’intervenció, la prevalença d’OB en els nens intervenció va disminuir 4,39% (p<0.05) en comparació amb els nens control, i van tenir una reducció efectiva de -0,24 unitats en el canvi d’IMC z-score, en comparació amb els controls (p=0,02), però les nenes no; el 5,1% dels escolars del grup intervenció feien >5h/setmana d’AF extraescolar al final de la intervenció comparat amb el grup control (p=0,02). Després de 2 anys de finalitzar el programa, el grup intervenció va canviar el seu IMC z-score amb una efectiva reducció dels dos gèneres. Un 16% més dels escolars practiquen ≥4h/setmana AF extraescolar en el grup intervenció (p<0,01). El programa EDAL proporciona 12 activitats desenvolupades per APS, centrades en els conceptes d'estil saludables de vida que es poden aconseguir mitjançant la millora de la dieta i la pràctica d'AF; és una eina fàcil per ser implementat per APS com a part del currículum universitari per reduir la prevalença d’OB i incrementar l’AF en nens/es mantenint aquests beneficis durant 2 anys després de la seva finalització.
La obesidad (OB) es un determinante de mortalidad evitable. El objetivo es evaluar los efectos del programa escolar EdAl que promueve estilos saludables de vida, incluyendo recomendaciones dietéticas y de actividad física (AF) en prevalencia de OB, en niños de 7-8 años, durante 28 meses y dos años después de su finalización. La intervención del programa se basa en 8 objetivos de estilo de vida desarrollados en 4 actividades/año durante 3 años (12 actividades; 1h/actividad) realizado por estudiantes universitarios como Agentes Promotores de Salud (APS). Los datos recogidos incluyen nombre, género, año y lugar de nacimiento, peso, altura, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y perímetro de cintura, cada año de seguimiento y un cuestionario sobre hábitos de alimentación y de Actividad Física (AF) contestado por los padres/tutores. Después de 28 meses de intervención, la prevalencia de OB en los niños intervención disminuyó 4,39% (p<0,05) en comparación con los niños control, y tuvieron una reducción efectiva de -0,24 unidades en el cambio de IMC z- score, en comparación con los controles (p=0,02), pero las niñas no; el 5,1 % de los escolares del grupo intervención hacían >5h/semana de AF extraescolar al final de la intervención comparado con el control (p=0,02). Después de 2 años de finalizar el programa, el grupo intervención cambió su IMC z-score con una efectiva reducción de los dos géneros. Un 16 % más de los escolares practican ≥4h/semana AF extraescolar en el grupo intervención (p< 0,01). El programa EdAl proporciona 12 actividades desarrolladas por APS, centradas en estilos saludables de vida alcanzables mejorando la dieta y la práctica de AF; es una herramienta fácil para ser implementada por APS como parte del currículum universitario para reducir la prevalencia de OB e incrementar la AF en niños/as manteniendo estos beneficios 2 años después de su finalización.
Obesity (OB) is one of the main determinants of avoidable disease burden. The objective is to evaluate the effects of the EdAl primary-school-based program that promotes healthy lifestyle, including dietary and Physical Activity (PA recommendations on OB prevalence, in childhood aged 7-8-year-old, over 28 months, and 2-year post-cessation EdAl program. The intervention program is based on 8 lifestyles topics that are developed in 4 educational activities/year for 3 years (12 activities; 1 h/activity) performed by university students acting as Health Promoter Agent (HPA). Data collected include name, gender, date and place of birth, weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, each year of follow-up. Questionnaires on eating and PA habits are filled-in by the parents or guardians each year of follow-up. After 28-months of EdAl program, OB prevalence in intervention boys was decreased 4.39% (p<0.05) compared with control boys, but not in girls. The intervention boys had an effective reduction of −0.24 units in the change of BMI z-score, compared to control; 5.1% more intervention pupils undertook PA >5 hours/week than control pupils (p=0.02). Two-year follow-up, OB prevalence of intervention group was reduced (-5.5%; p<0.01) and BMI z-score (-0.25; p<0.01) in both genders; 16% higher scholars practice ≥4 after-school PA h/week in intervention group (51.7% vs. 34.9%; p<0.01). The design of EdAl program provided 12 activities developed by HPA and are designed to be entertaining but as well informative, and are focused on healthy lifestyle concepts that can be achieved by improving diet and PA practice. A regular, systematic, educational intervention that promotes healthy lifestyle, including dietary and PA recommendations is an easy tool implemented by HPA as part of their university curriculum to reduce the prevalence of OB and increase after-school PA practice in children and these benefits achieved are sustained at 2-year post-cessation intervention.

Björklund, Erika. "Constituting the healthy employee? : Governing gendered subjects in workplace health promotion." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Pedagogik, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-1953.

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With a post-structural approach and an analytical focus on processes of governmentality and biopower, this study is concerned with how discourses of health are contextualized in educational practice and interaction between educators and participants in workplace health promotion (WHP) interventions. Of concern are issues of the discursive production, regulation and representation of power, knowledge and subjects as gendered beings in workplace health promotion interventions. The methods for generating data are participant observation, interviews and gathering of documentation pertaining to four different workplace health promotion nterventions. Based on these data, the thesis offers an analysis of the health discourses drawn on in the interventions and the technologies of power and of the self by which the participants are governed and invited to govern themselves in the name of health. It also asks what practices and positions that thus come to be made available or not to the participants. Two health discourses are identified: the biomedical discourse and the wellness discourse. Both discourses are drawn on in all four studied interventions, the biomedical discourse being the dominating discourse drawn on. The biomedical discourse is informed by scientific ‘facts’ and statistics and is underpinned by a notion of risk. The wellness discourse is informed by an understanding of health as a subjective embodied experience and is underpinned by a notion of pleasure. Drawing on these discourses, the responsibility for health is placed with the participants and the healthy participant/employee is constituted as a rationally motivated risk-avoider and disciplined pleasure seeker who is both willing and able to actively make ‘good’ choices regarding their lifestyle. Furthermore, and informed by essentialist and heteronormative ideas about gender, the ideal healthy person is modelled on a male norm, representing women as the deviant Other.

Kimbrough, Jennifer Bennett. "Towards equity in health envisioning authentic health education in schools /." Greensboro, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007. http://libres.uncg.edu/edocs/etd/1393/umi-uncg-1393.pdf.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Oct. 22, 2007). Directed by H. Svi Shapiro; submitted to the School of Education. Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-169).

Stay, Grace Elizabeth. "The impact of a health promotion program on student health concerns." W&M ScholarWorks, 1999. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539618794.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the psychological impact of a health promotion program on fourth and fifth grade students. Other research has demonstrated that this same program was associated with physiological improvements in elementary children, and this investigation explored whether students experienced positive changes in attitude and awareness which may suggest that improved behaviors will be sustained over time.;Two schools in rural Virginia were sites for this study. In each school one fourth grade and one fifth grade class was randomly assigned to the treatment program, and one fourth and one fifth grade class were control groups. The American Heart Association's Heart Power program, a 16-lesson curriculum, was substituted for the standard health curriculum for four weeks, and presented by the classroom teachers. Measures of weight concerns, dietary self-efficacy, exercise awareness, body-concept and self-concept were given before and after the treatment, and then again three weeks later.;It was hypothesized that students participating in the Heart Power program would experience improvements in (1) awareness of the importance of exercise to health, (2) belief that they could make healthy food choices, (3) self-esteem and body-concept, and (4) a decrease in weight concerns.;The results were statistically significant for three of the five measures: exercise awareness, dietary self-efficacy and body-concept. There were not statistically significant differences in measured weight concerns and overall self-concept. Further research is needed to confirm the apparent effectiveness of this program in promoting positive changes in children and to determine which aspects of the program are most effective.

Glew, Angela Marie-Maynard. "A descriptive analysis of worksite health promotion courses in undergraduate health education programs." Virtual Press, 2000. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1177974.

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This study was designed to answer the following research questions: "To what extent do undergraduate health education programs offer a worksite health promotion course?" "What are the components included in the worksite health promotion courses offered by colleges and universities?" "Does program approval or accreditation impact whether or not a program offers a worksite health promotion course?" and "Does CHES preparation of students impact whether or not a program offers a worksite health promotion course?"Data were collected from colleges/universities across the nation using a written, mailed questionnaire. From the analysis of the data it was found that 24.7% of the undergraduate health education programs surveyed offer a worksite health promotion course, none of the components on the checklist were present in all WHP course syllabi, there does not appear to be a statistically significant relationship between a program having SABPAC approval or having NCATE accreditation and the offering of the WHP course, and there does not appear to be a statistical significant relationship between a program preparing it students for the CHES examination in the offering of a WHP course.
Department of Physiology and Health Science

Eke, Hilda. "The health promotion center A business plan." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10260115.

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This business plan proposes a health promotion center to help educate low-income families in Compton suffering from obesity on how to begin and maintain weight loss. Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in adults and children. By creating a family and community-based center that provides individualized and group nutrition and fitness services, the rate of obesity can be significantly reduced.

The center which will be located in east Compton will operate as a non-profit organization. It will offer nutrition and fitness services through certified nutritionist and fitness specialist with emphasis placed on gradual weight loss. Meal planning, label reading and training, and grocery store tours are some of the nutrition services that will be offered, while aerobic training and weight training will be part of the fitness service. There will be a life coach and an on-site daycare at the center. The life coach will help potential families establish their weight loss needs, while the on-site day care will provide care for children while families exercise. Services will be offered at reduced prices, and payment will only be made out-of pocket.


Schira, Norma. "A Survey of Health Promotion Activities of Health Systems Agencies." TopSCHOLAR®, 1986. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/1980.

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The National Health Planning and Resources Development Act. Public Law 93-641, the last major step in the regulation of the health care system, created a network of health system agencies and state level health planning agencies. Subsequent legislation, the Health Planning and Resources Development Amendment 1929, Public Law 96-79, amended 1974 Law and changed the role and function of health systems agencies to include more regulatory activities. By 1981, the activities of Health System Agencies were being curtained by the action of the Reagan administration. The Health promotion/wellness movement which seeks to improve health has been developing as a compliment to medical medicine for several years. Previous research has determined that health systems agencies were active in health promotion and identified several planning and implementation activities related to this involvement. This is a survey of health systems agencies to determine their efforts in healthy promotions. Resources allocated to these activities, and opinions of the director relevant to agency involvement in health promotion. All active healthy system agencies listed in the 1980. Directory of Health System Agencies (DHSH) were surveyed by a mailed questionnaire. Reponses were receive from 112 agencies (57%) and the respondents were found to be representative of the population. The results revealed health systems agencies to be involved in health promotion. More than 90 percent of the responders listed some type of health promotion activity in their Healthy System Plans for the 1979-1980 planning year. Approximately half of the responders reported some community activity in health promotion. The majority of executive directors saw health systems agencies as being only moderately effective in controlling health care costs: considered healthy promotion as a viable means of controlling health care cost: and believed that modifications of individual life-styles had the greatest potential for improving health status. The survey revealed that Healthy System Agencies did not restrict the wellness/health promotion activities to traditional health facilities, but were defining health broadly and working with a variety of agencies to develop services.

Glenn, L. Lee, and Kimberly R. Dinsmore. "Effectiveness of Health Education and Promotion for Influenza Immunization." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/7455.

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Excerpt: The recent study by Montejo, Richesson, Padilla, Zychowicz, and Hambley (2017) concluded that a multipronged occupational health education program to promote influenza vaccinations led to higher immunization rates among employees. However, this conclusion was not well supported by study data for two reasons: year-to-year differences in the experimental group and the nature of comparisons with the control group.

Runciman, Phyllis Janet. "Interpreting health promotion with older people in community health nursing : education and practice perspectives." Thesis, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.547440.

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Latter, Susan Marianne. "Health education and health promotion : perceptions and practice of nurses in acute care settings." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1994. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/health-education-and-health-promotion--perceptions-and-practice-of-nurses-in-acute-care-settings(ad41c917-a4f4-4db4-9e02-2f20555f91b5).html.

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The aim of this study was to examine nurses' perceptions and practice of health education and health promotion in the acute care setting. Ward sisters (n=132) working on acute wards in nine District Health Authorities were interviewed using a semi-stuctured schedule. Data were collected on perceptions of health education and health promotion, nurses' role in these activities, and factors influencing nurses' health education and promotion practice on the ward. Data were analyzed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In the second phase of the study, three wards were selected as case studies of nurses' practice. Data collection methods employed to describe nurses' practice included: non-participant observation, audio-recording of nurse-patient interactions, self-administered questionnaires and reflective field notes. A largely qualitative approach was taken to the analysis of these data. The findings from the interviews indicated that the ward sisters had limited understandings of the meaning of health education and health promotion and nurses' roles in these activities. Findings from the case study wards as a whole suggested that nurses' health education and promotion practice was generally extremely limited, although there were some differences between wards in the extent of this evolution. A number of factors may help explain these findings. These include: nurses' knowledge and skills in health education and health promotion, the philosophy, organization and management of care adopted, and the extent to which these offer opportunities for empowerment in nursing. It is suggested that nurses' perceptions and practice can be conceptualized with reference to a continuum of health promoting nursing practice, and that only limited progress has been made towards nurses' full potential. It is argued that if nurses are to develop their health promoting practice, a philosophical shift in nursing is necessary. Together with the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills, this may empower nurses to realise their potential.

Douchand, Brown Sandra Elaine. "Health Promotion Behaviors among African American Women." Scholarly Repository, 2009. http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/oa_dissertations/205.

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The purpose of this research was to examine and describe the relationships among health status, marital status, income level, education level, age, and body mass index (BMI) with the added influence of spirituality on the health promotion behaviors of African American women, living in South Florida. The sample consisted of 137 women, 18 to 64 years of age, who were born in the United States and whose parents were born in the United States. Each participant completed a demographic questionnaire, the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II), the Short Form-36 Health survey (SF-36), and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS). Descriptive and inferential statistics with an alpha level of .05 were used for data analysis. Statistically significant findings were (1) a positive relationship between health promotion behaviors and formal education, (2) a positive relationship between health promotion behaviors and spirituality (existential well-being), and (3) a negative relationship between health promotion behaviors and number of children. In the regression model, the five sets of variables together accounted for 25.5% of the variance in overall health promotion behaviors of African American women F (15, 121) = 2.768, p < .01. The health promotion behaviors of African American women were not significantly affected by health status, marital status or BMI. Of the five demographic variables entered in the model, only number of children and education made statistically significant, unique contributions to health promotion behaviors. A sense of life satisfaction and purpose (existential well-being) made an additional, statistically significant, unique contribution to health promotion behaviors among African American women. The unique contribution of religious well-being was trivial. Therefore, formal education, number of children, and spirituality (existential well-being) may be used as predictors of health promotion behaviors among African American women, based on the results of this study. Culturally appropriate and relevant interventions used to encourage and educate African American women to increase physical activity, and decrease caloric intake are critical to mitigate the high rate of morbidity and mortality that African American women experience from CVD.

Williams-Johnson, Lori Michelle. "Preventive Health Education Media and Older Worker Health Literacy." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2388.

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The United States has experienced an increase in older workers as individuals born between 1946 and 1964 have remained in the labor force. Preventive health screening education, such as an immunization flyer, is necessary to avert preventable illness among older workers. Based on previous research, there is a gap regarding age-specific methods for educating the older worker about preventive health. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between various media providing preventive health screening information and the assessed health literacy of the older worker. Based on the health belief model, a quantitative, cross-sectional method was used. A population of older workers (n = 159), starting at age 45, of diverse racial groups and job types, was surveyed to determine their health literacy, preventive health screening knowledge, and frequency of exposure to diverse types of media that facilitate preventive health education. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the relationship between the various media providing preventive health screening used by the older worker and the health literacy of the older worker. According to the study, the 45-54 age group had the lowest health literacy scores, and all age groups possessed comparable knowledge of preventive health screening education. Finally, 2 types of media 'television and radio' were effective in improving health literacy by exposure, and 4 types of media 'television, radio, newspaper, and Internet' were perceived effective in providing preventive health education. Implications for positive social change included age-specific methods for educating the older worker about preventive health, which could, in turn, reduce morbidity and mortality caused by preventable diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Weare, Katherine. "Building bridges : the relationship of medical education to health promotion." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.242681.

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Johnston, Georgia Neikirk Lewis. "Faith based health promotion : a descriptive case study /." Digital version accessible at:, 2000. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/main.

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Ellington, Renata Denise. "Sexual Health Education Policy: Influences on Implementation of Sexual Health Education Programs." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2971.

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High school youth in Grades 9-12 who are in public schools without comprehensive sexual health education (CSHED) are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors and have higher rates of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases than are their peers in schools with CSHED. The purpose of this correlational study was to explore the statistical relationship between the consistent implementation of CSHED, before and after the enactment of the Chicago Public Schools' (CPS) sexual health education policy, and the sexual risk behaviors of Chicago high school youth in Grades 9-12. The study was based on Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health and wellbeing. CPS students' sexual risk behaviors were analyzed using data obtained from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) for the years of 2007 and 2013. Logistic regression was used to estimate prevalence and odds ratios of each sexual risk behavior. The findings showed a complex pattern of and variances across the sexual risk behaviors analyzed. The prevalence of sexual behaviors among all students remained relatively stable. The prevalence estimates for students who drank alcohol or used drugs before the last sexual encounter and who were never taught about AIDS or HIV increased from 2007 to 2013. The likelihood of not using birth control pills before the last sexual intercourse encounter decreased among Black students; the likelihood that Hispanic/Latino students ever had sex, and had sex with 4 or more people in their life, decreased. The decrease of sexual risk behaviors indicates a positive influence by CSHED, while the increases indicate continuing challenges to the promotion of healthy sexual behaviors. These findings show the need for legislators and school administrators to increase support for the enactment of CSHED policy to help mitigate the sexual risk behaviors of high school youth.

Watson, Brenda Ivy. "African American Pastors' Perspectives on Health Promotion Ministries." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3846.

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The centrality of the church in African American communities makes it a culturally compelling sponsor for health promotion activities targeting health disparities among the medically underserved. Pastoral support is critical in determining whether a church initiates or supports a health promotion agenda, but there is little understanding of the variables that influence this decision. The aim of the qualitative study was to investigate the perceptions of African American pastors regarding the decision to incorporate health promotion programs in their churches. This study was guided by the health belief model using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected using both semi-structured and open-ended interviews. Ten pastors of North Carolina African American churches, with and without health promotion ministries, were recruited for the study. Eight pastors agreed to participate in the study. They were interviewed, and interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data were open coded and analyzed. NVivo 11 was used to manage the data. Five themes emerged from the study: the importance of health promotion, pastor support of a health promotion program, pastor influence on individuals in the congregation, the health status of church members, and barriers and facilitators. Positive social change may be realized by using this information to increase the effectiveness of culturally sensitive health information and developing health education programs that specifically target the African American faith community. Information from this research could help guide public health agencies on how to approach health programming in this specific area and for this population.

Alton, Sarahjane. "Peer education as a strategy for health promotion in older women /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1994. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09HS/09hsa469.pdf.

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Johnson, Bridget Ann. "Mental health promotion in Western Cape schools :an exploration of factors relating to risk, resilience and health promotion." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&amp.

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Recent South African research has confirmed that there is reason to be concerned about the mental health status and well-being of our youth. School-going youth are engaging in a wide array of risk behaviours that seriously threaten their well-being and hamper their chances of experiencing success in the future. The aim of this research was to explore factors relating to risk, resilience and health promoting schools in order to enhance the well-being of youth in South Africa.

Wright, Dawna Reneé. "Collaborative transfer of a public health program." Access restricted to users with UT Austin EID, 2001. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/fullcit?p3037025.

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Ng'uurah, Julius Nyagah. "Health education needs among individuals with low back pain." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2004. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&amp.

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The prevalence of low back pain has assumed an upsurge trend in the last five decades despite the many interventional strategies. One interventional strategy that has been unsuccessful has been patient education. Lack of positive results from many of the existing patient education programmes is probably due to the type of health information that has been presented and the method that has been used. Many of the health education programmes have been planned according to what the medical professionals assumed the individuals needed to know, assumptions that could have ignored some crucial aspects. This study explored the perceived health education needs of individuals with low back pain at the Nairobi Hospital Rehabilitation Unit in Kenya, the method used to educate the individuals, the appropriateness of the method according to the individuals in addition to identifying the source of the health education that the individuals had.

Oliveira, Mariza Silva de. "Health promotion mastectomized womenâs: assessment of educational strategy." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2009. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=4819.

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CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior
O cÃncer mamÃrio depende de aÃÃes pontuais da promoÃÃo da saÃde, proteÃÃo especÃfica e diagnÃstico precoce. A promoÃÃo da saÃde na reabilitaÃÃo da mastectomia mediante estratÃgias educativas pode ser eficaz, pois promove conhecimentos sobre saÃde, influencia as decisÃes para adoÃÃo de hÃbitos saudÃveis, assim como motiva uma aÃÃo desejada, articulando as intervenÃÃes apreendidas na manutenÃÃo da saÃde. Objetivou-se avaliar a tecnologia educativa (manual) implementada a mulheres mastectomizadas quanto ao conhecimento adquirido sobre aspectos ligados ao cÃncer de mama e à motivaÃÃo para mudanÃa comportamental no seu autocuidado por meio do Modelo TransteÃrico (MTT). Estudo avaliativo, descritivo, transversal e quantitativo. A intervenÃÃo avaliada foi o manual educativo sobre o cÃncer de mama e a reabilitaÃÃo. A amostra foi composta por 125 mulheres de acordo com critÃrios de inclusÃo, dentre eles, tempo de cirurgia (> 15 dias) e escolaridade (> 5 ano do ensino fundamental). A coleta foi realizada de abril a agosto de 2009 numa instituiÃÃo especializada em oncologia, em trÃs fases denominadas: preparatÃria, operacional I, correspondendo à aplicaÃÃo do questionÃrio prÃ-teste e escala URICA antes da leitura do manual, e operacional II, ao pÃs-teste e escala URICA apÃs a leitura. Os dados foram extraÃdos de questionÃrios prà e pÃs-teste (avaliaÃÃo do conhecimento) e escala URICA - University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (avaliaÃÃo dos estÃgios de mudanÃa comportamental). Os dados receberam tratamento descritivo, sendo calculadas mÃdias, desvio-padrÃo, freqÃÃncias e percentis. Na avaliaÃÃo e comparaÃÃo do conhecimento, os resultados foram organizados em tabelas e grÃficos, sendo feitos os testes t-Student e McNemar, considerando significantes p<0,005. Sobre as caracterÃsticas das mulheres, a idade variou de 24-84 anos (m=51,66), predominaram casadas-viÃvas (63,2%), ensino fundamental (44,8%), ocupaÃÃo fora do lar (56%), renda familiar atà um salÃrio mÃnimo (44,8%, m=2,57), a maioria submetida a mastectomia (68%). Das que fizeram tratamento (N=122), 57,4% passaram por duas modalidades. A histÃria familiar apresentou-se em 81 (64,8%), sendo 74 (91,4%) em parentes de primeiro grau. Quanto ao conhecimento, o pÃs-teste aumentou 10% de acertos. Das questÃes, a mais acertada foi o nome da cirurgia (97,60%) e a menos, a reconstruÃÃo mamÃria (58,40%). Todas as questÃes foram estatisticamente significantes, exceto a dos cuidados com o dreno (p=0,743). Ao comparar o conhecimento apÃs a leitura, as mulheres revelaram melhor desempenho, exceto sobre a reconstruÃÃo mamÃria (p=0,754), nÃo sendo estatisticamente significante. No referente à motivaÃÃo, a menor media no pÃs-teste foi na prÃ-contemplaÃÃo (m=15; Dp=2,65). Na comparaÃÃo, encontraram-se diferenÃas significativas antes e depois na prÃ-contemplaÃÃo (p=0,0001) e na manutenÃÃo (p=0,0001), nÃo sendo encontrada diferenÃa na contemplaÃÃo (p=0,211). Para aÃÃo, houve forte indicativo de maior mÃdia no pÃs-teste em relaÃÃo ao prÃ-teste (p=0,051). A avaliaÃÃo do conhecimento e a motivaÃÃo apresentaram resultados positivos com distribuiÃÃes sem disparidades entre as mÃdias antes e apÃs a intervenÃÃo. Mesmo o estudo evidenciando a possibilidade de motivaÃÃo, a cogniÃÃo à fundamental para a compreensÃo e conseqÃente adesÃo Ãs orientaÃÃes. Conclui-se que o manual educativo à um recurso favorÃvel à reabilitaÃÃo da mastectomizada, pois motiva a mulher ao autocuidado e à promoÃÃo da sua saÃde.

Weston, Nicolett Marie. "Identifying perceptions of health promotion barriers and benefits in individuals at risk for coronary heart disease." Thesis, Montana State University, 2008. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2008/weston/WestonN0508.pdf.

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Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the single largest cause of death in the U.S., and is also the leading cause of death in Montana. In addition, the estimated direct and indirect costs of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. for 2007 were $431.8 billion. Anticipated barriers to health promotion behavior have been shown to affect intentions to engage in and execute the behaviors. Exploring individual\'s perception of the benefits of health promotion behaviors is equally important when addressing barriers to making lifestyle changes. CHD is strongly associated with modifiable risk factors including physical inactivity, poor diet, and tobacco use. Although CHD risk factors have been studied extensively, few studies have assessed individuals\' combined perceptions of barriers and benefits as reasons for non-adherence to recommended health promotion behaviors related to CHD risk and most of these studies included only women. The purpose of this research study was to examine perceived barriers and benefits to CHD risk modification in men and women living in a rural western state. Two survey tools were used to collect the data from a convenience sample of persons seen in the cardiac care areas at a local hospital in a rural western state. The findings of this study provided important information about the perceived barriers and benefits to CHD risk modification of persons previously diagnosed or at risk for CHD. Results from this study imply that in order to develop effective interventions, it is important to understand the individual and his or her unique characteristics including gender, socioeconomic status, and education level in relation to his or her perceived barriers and benefits to health promotion. Nurse practitioners and other primary care providers can incorporate this knowledge into future strategies to reduce or eliminate barriers, increase perceived benefits, and promote health promotion behaviors in individuals who are at risk for developing CHD. Advocating for health promotion behavior adoption and CHD risk modification offer a very important and practical tool for providers to help individuals address and lower risk factors as well as prevent CHD and treat individuals with established CHD.

Maduakor-Ugo, Augustina Chinyelu. "Effect of Education on Stigma of Epilepsy in South Eastern Nigeria." ScholarWorks, 2011. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/1130.

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There is a need for epilepsy-based health education programs to enlighten Nigerian communities and reduce the stigma associated with epilepsy. Epilepsy in Nigeria is viewed by some as a contagious and an infectious disease or a condition imposed from the gods, possessed by demons, as the work of witchcraft, or punishment from ancestral spirits, which are all related to a lack of knowledge about epilepsy leading to stigmatization of persons with epilepsy. Guided by the stigma theory, the purpose of this community-based, cross sectional study was to quantitatively examine the effect of an educational program on interpersonal, internalized, and institutional stigma of epilepsy in terms of knowledge, attitude, and treatment gained. Two hundred and fifty participants completed a general domain instrument which had been used in different countries, including South Eastern Nigeria, and revised for greater validity via a pilot study. Chi-square tests were used to examine any significant differences in participants' responses between pre- and post-test surveys regarding knowledge, attitude, and treatment gained of all 3 identified stigma levels. According to study results, the educational program reduced all 3 stigma levels in terms of attitude, knowledge, and treatment gained of epilepsy (p< 0.001). This study contributed to positive social change by providing information to public health workers on how to increase the knowledge and awareness of the South Eastern Nigerian community that epilepsy is not contagious or infectious and there is no need to isolate persons with epilepsy from their societies.

Tsang, Woo Che-moy Betty. "A participatory action research : the effectiveness of a health education/promotion programme." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.438758.

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de, Montigny Joanne G. "Toward the Creation of Healthy Schools: Constructing a School Health Partnership Model for Student Well-being to Inspire and Guide Public Health and Education Professionals, at All Levels, and Mental Health Leads." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/39223.

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Over twenty years ago, the World Health Organization launched a health promoting school movement as part of its settings approach to creating healthy environments. Partnerships across the public health and education sectors are vitally important in efforts to improve the health of children and youth in a school setting. In support of this principle, major advancements have been made within Ontario’s education sector, such as mandating local school systems to incorporate the goal of student well-being into their improvement plans and promoting the use of their Foundations for a Healthy School framework. Furthermore, the provincial ministries of education and health are actively encouraging the strengthening of local school health partnerships. However, there is a lack of knowledge within the health promoting school literature as to how to go about establishing well-functioning partnerships within local school systems. To address this problem, the thesis project aimed to generate knowledge about partnerships between public health professionals and local school system actors, and to shed light on the potential for collaboration toward the creation of healthy schools. Before embarking on this thesis project, however, a conceptual framework was developed to gain a firm understanding of cross-sector collaboration for social change, since collaboration represents a partnership at the highest level of engagement. Two other literature reviews were carried out to understand further the partnership component of health promoting school models, and to show the extent of the knowledge gap existing in this area. The literature review on health promoting schools identifies, to a limited extent, the fundamental elements that specifically constitute school health partnerships at both the school and school board levels. Likewise, the scoping review that examines the knowledge-base on the different types of partnership for health promotion within school systems revealed an absence of in-depth knowledge on this topic. When setting out to fill this knowledge gap, an exploratory research methodology that was primarily qualitative in design was chosen. It included a participatory orientation, whereby a research steering committee of 10 public health managers provided guidance with the formulation of the research question, and with the data collection and interpretation stages of the research project’s public health sector phase. An online survey of school health partnership actors from all 36 Ontario public health units was carried out, along with semi-structured interviews with key school health informants from 32 of these public health units and from six school boards in the province. Although the contribution from the education sector was not as pronounced, school board participants corroborated the findings from participating public health professionals and provided additional insights to gain a clearer understanding of partnership challenges and how to strengthen school health partnerships. Thematic analysis of the collected data was performed based on both deductive and inductive reasoning. From the public health perspective, a school health partnership model for student well-being was constructed. This model was enhanced to some extent by the views of school board representatives. It is composed of two dimensions: the Partnership Generator, and the Collaboration Continuum. The Partnership Generator comprises four inter-related components, namely cross-sector engagement, connection, capacity, and continuity, with relationship building at its core. The cross-sector engagement component encompasses various elements that enrich engagement across the public health and education sectors, while the other three components consist of those elements that enable this engagement. The connection elements motivate school health partners to engage, whereas the capacity elements determine the extent to which engagement can take place. Finally, the elements that make up the continuity component maintain the momentum that motivated cross-sector engagement created based on the capacity that was made available through this engagement. Each of these elements contribute to a school health partnership’s strength. The Collaboration Continuum dimension refers to school health partners’ movement from one partnership arrangement to the next, with increasingly more extensive levels of cross-sector engagement. It includes three sets of supporting conditions to promote movement along the continuum, going from networking to cooperation and then to collaboration. The resulting model provides the knowledge base for assessing the strengths of a given school health partnership and for shedding light on which partnership areas would need to be further developed. Overall, this model offers any professional, from the field of public health, education, or mental health, a closer look at what would be required for a school health partnership to become truly collaborative and reach its maximum potential. It promises to inspire and guide school health partners in their pursuit of more meaningful engagement with one another toward greater improvements in the well-being of school-age children, in recognition of their shared responsibility.

Flynn, Kathryn M. "College Health Clinic Population Health Improvement Plan Project." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3881.

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A college community health improvement plan (CHIP) focusing on the indicators of nutrition and weight status, and physical activity and fitness is designed with the goal of reducing obesity risk, improving health, and preventing chronic disease. The precede proceed model, logic model, innovative care for chronic conditions model, self-care theory, and Bandura's social cognitive learning theory were used as a research design framework for assessing, planning, and managing sustainability through a two-year college health clinic. The research questions were: what are the current health promotion inputs and activities in terms of environment, ecology, education, and policy and what could be supplemented to improve outputs and health outcomes? An integrated review of the literature, observation of the site, regulatory investigation, and focus group sessions were the methods of data collection. The precede-proceed model provided the analytical strategies to assess initiatives and resources, and to determine supplementary initiatives and resources. Results showed that environmental, educational, administrative, and policy resources were available but limited and not well promoted. Conclusions were that health promotion, wellness staffing, and education exist, but are underutilized, under promoted, and funding is necessary. Recommendations include a wellness program, increased activity initiatives, case management, grant funding, and increased community partnerships. The contribution to nursing is to fill a gap-in-practice for health planning in 2-year colleges. The implications for positive social change are improved knowledge, sustained health behaviors, decreased amount of obesity, improved health outcomes and quality of life, decreased chronic diseases, and lower healthcare costs.

Kaplanis, Gina Ferra. "Harnessing Nature for Occupational Therapy: Interventions and Health Promotion." Diss., NSUWorks, 2019. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/hpd_ot_student_dissertations/66.

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Literature is beginning to emerge which states that participation in natural environments can be restorative, provide much needed physical activity and assist with health promotion and prevention of illness. Theories such as Attention Restoration Theory (Kaplan, 1995) and Biophilia Hypothesis (Wilson, 1993) support the benefits for participation in natural outdoor environments. Health benefits of participation in nature including accessing Vitamin D, improving balance, attention restoration, reduced myopia, stress reduction are widely present in literature. Despite the health benefits of participation in nature, occupational therapists rarely complete interventions in the natural environment. Principles of adult learning and occupational adaptation were used to create a 12-hour continuing education for occupational therapists to develop skills to use in natural outdoor practice. Data was collected from course previews, surveys about continuing education at sea and using principles of adult learning to create the course and utilize a new format ReLAP, in which continuing education focuses on reflection on current practice, learning new information relevant to intervention, applying and planning to use that information in practice.

Chaney, Robert A. "A Spatial Epidemiological Approach to Adolescent Drug Use for Health Promotion and Education." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1397467432.

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Lynch, Peter. "Alternative constructs of adolescent smoking : an inquiry into health education practice." Thesis, University of Reading, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.339753.

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Bruce, Rebecca. "Barren River District Health Department Health Education/Risk Reduction Demonstration Projects." TopSCHOLAR®, 1989. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/2172.

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In July 1980, the Barren River District Health Department (BRDHD), serving eight counties (combined population approximately 204,000) in Southcentral Kentucky, was selected as a demonstration site under the auspices of the federal Health Education Risk Reduction (HERR) Program. With continued HERR funding for eight years, the BRDHD developed several successful health promotion projects. Major components of these projects include: 1) community health promotion, which serves to identify high -risk groups in the community and provide them with health education-health promotion services, 2) school health education which included the development of a preschool health education curriculum, 3) teacher education workshop, which instructs primary and secondary public school teachers in health education methods, 4) smoking cessation. and 5) a large industrial wellness program. This study reports on an eight year program evaluation of the HERR demonstration. Overall, the program evaluation suggests an increase in health knowledge and some attitude and behavior change for many of the participants ii BRDHD programs.

Chen, Lei-Shih. "An assessment of health educators' likelihood of adopting genomic competencies for the public health workforce." [College Station, Tex. : Texas A&M University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-1323.

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Clarke, Jacy. "A comparison of lifestyle intervention sessions and clinical screening as motivators in the South Dakota WISEWOMAN program." ScholarWorks, 2009. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/675.

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WISEWOMAN (WW) is a comprehensive program for medically underserved women in South Dakota (SD), aged 30 to 64, which aims to reduce morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases. Screening services include blood total cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose, and body mass index (BMI). Lifestyle intervention (LSI) sessions are also offered to address physical activity and nutrition. The purpose of this retrospective longitudinal study was to quantitatively examine whether the combination of LSI's and clinical screenings or clinical screenings alone lead to improvements in blood pressure, blood glucose, total cholesterol, and/or BMI at rescreening 10 to14 months from initial screening. Guided by the social ecological model, it was hypothesized that SD-WW participants attending the screening sessions as well as the intervention sessions would have greater reductions in blood pressure, total cholesterol, and blood glucose than participants who only received screenings. Participants included 653 low-income women aged 30 to 64 enrolled in the screening alone (N=423) and SD-WW program (N=230) from 2000-2005, who completed both the screening and rescreening 10 to14 months later. Secondary data analysis using forced-entry multiple regression of the traditional measures employed in the screening alone control condition yielded significant predictive models for change scores in blood pressure, BMI, blood glucose, and cholesterol among all participants. Neither dummy variable regression nor ANOVA results indicated any significant impact of the SD-WW intervention on these same health outcome changes. Findings contribute to positive social change by demonstrating that screening alone is effective in predicting health outcomes, thus allowing more disadvantaged women to be served by public agencies that may face reduced funding for their array of programs.

Dai, Chia-Liang. "Evaluation of an Afterschool Obesity Prevention Program: Children's Healthy Eating and Exercise Program." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1406810233.

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Cook, Kristian Ciarah. "Designing and Assessing New Educational Pedagogies in Biology and Health Promotion." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/8403.

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Recent developments in educational research raise important questions about the design of learning environments—questions that suggest the value of rethinking what is taught, how it is taught, and how is it assessed. During the past few decades, STEM disciplines began formally recognizing and integrating discipline-based education research (DBER) into their research programs to improve STEM education. One of the less literature-affluent areas of DBER addresses curriculum order and design appertaining to concept types and the order in which we teach those concepts. As educational researchers, we pose the question: does content order matter? In this project we designed, implemented and analyzed a concrete-to-abstract curriculum as a way of teaching and learning that not only builds off what students already know but how their intellect develops throughout the learning process. This semester-long curriculum design is scientifically supported and provides a learning environment aimed to not only building a student’s declarative knowledge of the subject but procedural knowledge as well and a way of developing scientific reasoning skills. This design also aimed at enhancing a student’s ability to make connections between biological concepts despite being classified as different biological concept types (e.g. descriptive, hypothetical, and theoretical concepts) as described by Lawson et al (2000). The reasoning behind and development of this project was based from Jean Piaget’s proposed stages of intellectual development, which supports the concrete-to-abstract theory. We found that, when compared to a traditional biology course (abstract-to-concrete in terms of content order), a concrete-to-abstract order of content resulted in significantly higher biological declarative knowledge and ability to make concept connections. While we failed to detect a significant difference between the two courses in terms of how quickly scientific reasoning skills are developed or how students’ scores on scientific reasoning skill assessments, the concrete-to-abstract course did show significantly higher gains in reasoning between the start and end of the semester. In addition to this project, a significant amount of time was also allocated to the design and evaluation of a health promotion and education program in Samoa. We developed a program which centered on a principal-run caregiver meeting as a means to expand health promotion and prevention efforts concerning Rheumatic Heart Disease, which is a significant cause of child morbidity and mortality in Samoa. We found that training principals on how to inform their student’s caregivers was an effective way to increase RHD awareness and disseminate correct health information including what to do if their child presents with a sore throat.

Daniels, Karin Elizabeth. "Health promotion : the design of a School Health Index Score Card to assess psychosocial health and well-being in early childhood development at primary schools." University of the Western Cape, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/5437.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
Schools, world-wide, have been regarded as important settings for health promotion and health education. Research indicate that schools constitute a crucial setting for programmes that aim at promoting the health of children, young adults, their families and their community, and could make a positive contribution to the overall health of the society. The psychosocial theory of human development proposes to understand and describe the importance of psychosocial health and well-being of children, in their different stages of development, across the life span, as well as how the different environments of the child's rearing could either add, or hinder, optimal development. Healthy Early Childhood Development, which includes physical, social-emotional, as well as linguistic/cognitive development, is fundamental to success and happiness, not only during childhood, but throughout the course of life. This study, therefore, aimed to design a School Health Index Score Card that assesses psychosocial health and well-being in Early Childhood Development at primary schools in the rural Western Cape. The School Well-Being Model serves as a conceptual framework for this study and is based on Allardt's Sociological Welfare Theory,which assesses well-being as an entity in a school setting. This model takes into account the impact of family, social relationships, personal self-fulfilment and health aspects of children. This study used a mixed methodological sequential explanatory design that consisted of two distinct phases (with 2 stages in each phase) within a participatory action research framework. A needs assessment and a systematic review was conducted in phase 1 followed by phase 2, action planning-design of a school health index score card and a Delphi technique study. Quantitative, numeric, data were collected and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences V23 (SPSS) for descriptive and inferential statistics first, while the qualitative data were collected and analysed secondly in sequence for this design. The qualitative process helped to explain, or elaborate, on the quantitative results obtained from the respondents by means of a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of three sections; demographical information and the adaptation of the (i) Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) and (ii) Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The data were collected from teachers, principals, community leaders, parents/primary caregivers, members of school governing bodies, school nurses, social workers, health promotion officers, experts in early childhood development and school psychologists of learners in Grade R to Grade 3 at three primary schools in the rural Western Cape, South Africa. The systematic review of previous studies revealed that, (i) instruments are often designed to identify physical ailments, the individual’s ability to adjust to particular situations, psychiatric diagnosis, educational and intellectual abilities, as well as the personal characteristics of children over their entire lifespan, (ii) that promotion of psychosocial health and well-being challenges in early development does promote positive child development outcomes in later life, and (iii) the use of a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychosocial health and well-being in schools could have a number of advantages for children, their families, teachers and the community. The findings of the current study also indicated that, (i) parents/primary perceived their children to be experiencing challenges in school functioning, social functioning and physical functioning continually and, (ii) teachers perceived the learners to be experiencing social behavioural, hyperactive and behavioural challenges continually at school. Schools play an integral part in the lives of children and their families, by supporting children to form social and emotional relationships at school. Overall, this current study suggested that the School Health Index Score Card was considered to be user friendly, as well as a useful tool to assess the psychosocial health and well-being challenges of learners at primary schools in a South African context.
National Research Foundation (NRF)

Wallace, Maria. "Public Health Nurses’ Perceptions of High School Dropout Rates as a Public Health Issue." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/7766.

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Education is one of the strongest predictors of health, and well-being. Early termination of education can lead to poorer health, shorter lifespans, and increased stress on the healthcare system. Improving overall high school graduation rates has been debated and discussed by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and the Ministry of Education, however, there is a paucity of research on increased graduation rates as they relate to public health in the Canadian context. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of liaison public health nurses (PHNs) who worked directly with the TDSB regarding their roles in terms of influencing students in Toronto, Ontario to complete high school. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model was the underlying conceptual framework for the study.Purposive sampling was used to select 10 PHNs who were interviewed regarding their role and involvement in high schools. The data was subjected to triangulation and analyzed to identify commonalities, trends and patterns. Findings from this study indicated that liaison PHNs believe that high school dropout rates are a public health issue and collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Public Health is needed to take action. Recommendations include more Canadian research that explores connections between health and school achievements and the expanded role of PHNs in Canadian high schools. Social change implications for this research include highlighting high school dropout rates as a public health concern in Canadian schools, particularly in communities of lower socioeconomic status. With increased research and resources, the Toronto public health system may work toward making improving graduation rates among their core mandate.

Fritz, Alicia Cutrice. "Social Demography of Health Seeking Experiences Among Transgender African Americans." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2352.

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Access to and receipt of health care is an essential human right; however, transgender people often have negative health seeking experiences that give way to the many health disparities seen in the transgender community. Using the social ecological model, this study determined, through multiple logistic regressions, that correlations existed between socioeconomic, health behaviors, and sociocultural variables and 6 measures of health seeking experiences among transgender African Americans. Secondary data from the 2010 National Transgender Discrimination Survey were used, yielding a sample size of 253 transgender African Americans. Those in the African American transgender community at most risk for negative health seeking experiences had the following characteristics: (a) earned high school diplomas and beyond, (b) were in the workforce or looking to be in the workforce, (c) earned an annual salary exceeding $10,000, (d) did not want hormone therapy, (e) abused alcohol and drugs, (f) attempted suicide, (g) were uninsured or had public insurance, (h) were out in a medical setting, (i) were homosexual, (j) had family support, (k) were homeless, (l) were older in age, (m) self-identified as transgender before 18, (n) received first transgender related medical treatment after 17 years old, (o) lived outside of the New England region, and (p) preferred other health settings than emergency rooms. Exploring this aspect of transgenderism and health care has potential for positive social impact as results from this study could improve the lives of transgender African Americans by combating transphobia among health professionals and promoting culturally competent health care.

Wesley, Jennifer. "Examining Health Disparities and Childhood Obesity in Florida and Georgia." ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/4408.

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Childhood obesity is a major issue in the United States. The rates of obesity vary among racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. South. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to investigate significant state health disparities differences in childhood obesity in the South region between Florida and Georgia. To steer this study, the social cognitive theory was used. The associations between neighborhood safety and support, physical activity, family health and activities on body mass index were examined in this study. Data was obtained from the National Survey of Children's Health 2011-2012 on 1,688 children aged 10-17 years residing in Florida and Georgia. Logistic regression models showed children in Georgia were 1.4 times more likely to be overweight/obese than children in Florida. Significant differences were found in Florida and Georgia for neighborhood safety and support, physical activity, and family health and activities with evidence to reject the null hypothesis for each state separately. There was no evidence to reject significant differences between Florida and Georgia on sociodemographics. Public health professionals could benefit from researchers studying the causes of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic health disparities in childhood obesity. Thus, professionals could use these results to develop programs targeted at minority populations at increased risk. Positive social change implications of these finding could provide more insight on childhood obesity in the South, where more research is vital. This could be achieved through creating state-specific policies, raising awareness, and implementing prevention programs to decrease childhood obesity.

Njemanze, Ulunma. "Factors Impacting HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis among Health Care Workers." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/4086.

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Health care workers are at risk of contracting HIV as a result of occupational exposure while treating infected patients. HIV postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) is an effective antiretroviral treatment course used in preventing potential HIV infection following an accidental occupational exposure to HIV. The objective of this cross sectional study was to identify the factors that impact the practice of HIV PEP among health care workers at the National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey using self-administered, structured questionnaires was conducted on 182 health care workers at the National Hospital comprising of medical doctors, nurses, and laboratory scientists. A chi-square test of independence was used to assess the association between knowledge of PEP and PEP use. Logistic regression was used to determine the relationship between PEP use and types of occupational exposure, existing precautionary policies, and fear of stigma. The results of this study were statistically insignificant with variables PEP knowledge (p= 0.274), types of occupational exposures (p= 0.575), awareness of precautionary policies (p= 0.219), and fear of stigma (p=0.282), which could be a result of the small sample surveyed. Nonetheless, this study can lead to positive social change whereby health care workers are well-trained on the practice of PEP after sustaining an occupational injury in order to prevent HIV infection. Factors such as inadequate knowledge on HIV PEP practice, underreporting of occupational injuries, lack of awareness of precautionary guidelines on HIV PEP, and the fear of stigma after an occupational exposure to HIV affect the practice of HIV post exposure prophylaxis. Therefore, more education on PEP for HIV among health care workers is warranted.

Grebner, Leah A. "Learning Style Needs and Effectiveness of Adult Health Literacy Education." ScholarWorks, 2011. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/1125.

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Low health literacy impacts an individual's ability to comprehend communication from healthcare providers, reduces access to healthcare, and contributes to increased mortality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of learning style on adult health literacy education. The health belief model, protection motivation theory, the transtheoretical model, and social cognitive theory were used to analyze the data in this study, and to further develop effective health literacy education. The research questions addressed the effectiveness of educational intervention adjusted to their appropriate learning style in comparison to a standardized health literacy intervention and potential difference, according to type of learning style, in the amount of changed performance between pretest and posttest. A sample of 80 adults in an urban community was recruited through organizations serving low-income individuals. The participants were assessed for baseline health literacy level, followed by identification of learning style, educational intervention, and posttest assessment, which led to determination by t test that changes between pretest and posttest scores were statistically significant between the control group and the study groups. This finding suggests that health education should be delivered to patients according to individual learning style in order for patients to comprehend and retain information provided. Social change implications include healthcare professionals appropriately addressing health literacy so that patients may participate more actively in their personal healthcare decisions to improve healthcare quality outcomes, decrease long-term costs of delivering healthcare services, and improve the general health of the community.

Sitton, Nelson. "Health Disparities among Hispanic Americans with Type 2 Diabetes." ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/4987.

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The ongoing increase in Type 2 diabetes among Hispanic Americans challenges the American public health system, particularly with health issues arising from not following appropriate health directives for the disease. This quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational study used primary data to assess the relationship between diabetes knowledge (as measured by the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire), health literacy level (as measured by the Short Assessment of Health Literacy-Spanish and English), education level, self-efficacy (as measured by the Diabetes Self-efficacy questionnaire), and self-reported diabetes self-care behaviors (as measured by the Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities) among a sample of Hispanic Americans with Type 2 diabetes. A combination of the Orem's Theory of self-care and the Bandura's social cognitive theory (SCT) guided this study. The sample included 96 diabetic Hispanic Americans aged 18 and older residing in Fairfax County, VA. Multiple linear regression analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between diabetes knowledge, education level, health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-reported diabetes self-care behaviors. The score of the self-reported diabetes self-care behaviors was related at statistically significant levels to the score of diabetes knowledge (rs = 0.5230, p = 0.00), to the score of education level (rs = 0.2831, p = 0.01), to the score of health literacy level (rs = 0.6332, p = 0.00), and to the score of self-efficacy (rs = 0.7783, p = 0.00). The results of this research study could contribute to positive social change by providing the public health workforce in Fairfax County, VA with insights for developing culturally sensitive education programs that best fit the needs of Hispanics and fight against Type 2 diabetes.

Wylie, Ann Mary. "Health promotion and medical undergraduate education : an exploration of the epistemology and challenge." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.405593.

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Wiggins, Noelle. "La Palabra es Salud: A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Popular Education vs. Traditional Education for Enhancing Health Knowledge and Skills and Increasing Empowerment Among Parish-Based Community Health Workers (CHWs)." PDXScholar, 2010. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/442.

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Popular education is a mode of teaching and learning which seeks to bring about more equitable social conditions by creating settings in which people can identify and solve their own problems. While the public health literature offers evidence to suggest that popular education is an effective strategy for increasing empowerment and improving health, there have been no systematic attempts to compare the outcomes of popular education to those of traditional education. The goal of La Palabra es Salud was to conduct such a comparison among Latino, parish-based Community Health Workers (CHWs). The study employed a quasi-experimental design, mixed methods, and a community-based participatory research (CBPR) framework. Results of a mixed factorial ANOVA revealed that both experimental groups made statistically significant gains in health knowledge when compared to a control group. Within-group comparisons showed that the popular education (PE) group made statistically significant improvements in self-reported ability to promote health, critical consciousness, and on a global measure of empowerment, while the traditional education (TE) group made significant gains in critical consciousness, control at the personal level, self-reported health status, and self-reported health behavior. Because the TE group was almost twice as large as the PE group, almost identical changes that achieved significance in the TE group did not achieve significance in the PE group. Results of the qualitative analysis validated the quantitative results, with members of the TE group reporting improvements in health knowledge and behavior while members of the PE group reported increased empowerment and ability to empower others. Our findings suggest that, when compared to traditional education, popular education can help participants develop a deeper sense of empowerment and community and more multi-faceted skills and understandings, with no accompanying sacrifice in the acquisition of knowledge. These results have their most direct implications for the education of adults from disempowered communities, where popular education shows promise for supporting community members to identify and organize around shared concerns. More broadly, the research suggests that wider use of popular education in mainstream educational settings could promote greater inclusion and increased success for students who have experienced marginalization, producing a more equitable society.

Singh, Shenuka. "A critical analysis of the provision for oral health promotion in South African health policy development." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2004. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=init_4116_1178278944.

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The rhetoric of primary health care, health promotion and health service integration is ubiquitous in health policy development in post-apartheid South Africa. However the form in which oral health promotion elements have actually been incorporated into other areas of health care in South Africa and the extent to which they have been implemented, remains unclear. The central aim of this research was to critically analyse oral health promotion elements in health policies in South Africa and determine the extent to which they have been implemented. The study set out to test the hypothesis that oral health promotion is fully integrated into South African health policy and practice.

Buchanan, Julia K. "The Role of Kentucky State-Supported Postsecondary Education in Creating a Healthier Citizenship." UKnowledge, 2015. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/edl_etds/10.

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Citizens within the United States of America (USA) and the Commonwealth of Kentucky exhibit indicators of lessened health status in a variety of areas. Many chronic diseases and conditions are due to individual lifestyle behaviors, which can be modified through the implementation of dedicated health and wellness programming. Such programs, often housed within institutions of higher education, have the ability to impact many individuals including students, faculty, staff, and community members. This dissertation is a report of a mixed-methods study that begins to explore how state-supported postsecondary institutions may be able to impact individual behavior and thus, resulting health outcomes. This relationship is not only beneficial for the targeted individuals but also for the institutions, which may experience heightened success and sustainability. This research employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to gain an understanding of the current level of influence of state-supported postsecondary education in Kentucky on the health of its citizenship. Those working in various on-campus health and wellness departments at the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and Eastern Kentucky University were surveyed. Next, key leaders at each university involved with these programming efforts were interviewed along with Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education officials, to gain an understanding of the leadership perspectives surrounding this issue. Finally, site visits at each university were completed to elicit knowledge regarding campus environments and how supportive they are in positively influencing individual health and wellbeing. It is possible that with more extensive findings across the Commonwealth of Kentucky and across the USA, a greater rationale can be made for institutional and state-wide leadership support of health and wellness programming efforts on college campuses. Resulting outcomes have great potential to be both robust and reciprocal to the university and its community members.

Jackson-Howard, Cynthia Darlene. "Teachers' Perceptions of Multimodal Literacies in Middle School Health Literacy Programs." ScholarWorks, 2015. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/322.

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Health literacy, defined as the ability to understand and use health information to make informed decisions, is critical to maintaining health; however, not all U.S. states mandate strategies to improve adolescents' health literacy. Moreover, many middle school teachers are often unaware of how their roles could improve the health literacy of their students. Multimodal literacies help students to create meaning through viewing print-based resources and using digital technologies. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of multimodal literacies on adolescents' overall health literacy via the introduction of health literacy programs into the curriculum. This qualitative research data were gathered, analyzed, and categorized using unstructured narrative interviews and the research was guided by the socioecological model. A phenomenological approach was used to conduct in-depth interviews with 6 middle school teachers. These interviews yielded 4 common themes: efficacy of multimodal literacy, health literacy, blending cultures, and responsibility. The results suggested that (a) multimodal literacies with adolescent literacy components can be used in the middle school curriculum, and that (b) these literacies can help inform policy changes. Understanding teachers' perceptions about multimodal literacy could help to improve adolescent health literacy in the middle school system. Positive social change could occur if school systems understand the utility of incorporating adolescent health literacy in the present curriculum. Doing so could help reduce future health care costs and improve the future health of students.

Morris-Paxton, Angela Ann. "Impact of a holistic lifestyle management education programme on health and education outcomes of socioeconomically disadvantaged university students." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/11909.

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Disorders of lifestyle are increasing globally; countries in transition are suffering the double burden of both contagious and chronic disorders. The utilization of health education to address these issues has had variable results, but the most successful have incorporated human contact. The aim of this study was to measure the quantitative and qualitative impact of a wellness promotion programme on university students. The objective was to provide a structured facilitated holistic wellness education programme to a sample of socioeconomically disadvantaged students in Higher Education in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Using a pragmatic mixed methodological approach to this critical evaluation, the impact on both wellness and academic progress was measured. Initial demographic data was gathered via a biographical questionnaire, pre- and post-intervention measurement of wellness, using the Wellness Questionnaire for Higher Education, as well as a semi-structured qualitative questionnaire and transcripts of academic results. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS analysis software and qualitative data using the NVivo analysis package. The findings were that all students improved throughout the year in their overall wellness scores, in particular in areas such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and increasing the amount of physical exercise. This corresponded with an increase in the value that the participants attached to information on these aspects of wellness, which was attributed to the programme. Results revealed that there was a weak correlation between student wellness measured at the year-end and academic success overall, but a strong correlation between student wellness and academic success for the students that gained the highest marks. Analysis of the dimensions of wellness that correlated best with student success revealed that there was a particularly strong correlation between year-end career wellness and year-end academic success. In conclusion it was found that a positive and holistic salutogenic wellness education programme increased levels of student wellness overall, which translated into student academic success. The link between wellness and success was particularly strong in students that gained higher marks. Recommendations include that first-year higher education students receive a positive wellness education programme built into the curriculum of their first year of study and that the overall impact be monitored across a broader spectrum of students over the duration of their diploma or degree programme.

Uduji, Ifeoma Edna. "Donor Coordination and Health Aid Effectiveness in the Nigerian Health Sector." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2510.

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Development partners and donors increasingly acknowledge the importance of coordinating their activities to achieve the outcome of the official development assistance to developing countries. Although stakeholders have recognized the importance of harmonizing donors and development partners' efforts in the Nigerian health sector, little research has addressed the influence of coordination on the health aid effectiveness. This qualitative case study determined the influence of coordination among the donors and development partners involved in the HIV/AIDS, malaria, and nutrition program on the outcome of these programs in Nigeria. Data were collected through interviews with 22 program officers participating in the health programs and through document review. The document reviewed were reports of coordination efforts, and outcome evaluation reports. Data were managed using NVivo, while coding and themes were adopted for data analysis. Findings revealed the partial coordination efforts in the health system development. Coordination efforts should be at both national and state level to ensure adequate implementation of the health program. Most participants reported a need for the government of the recipient country to strengthen their commitment and own coordination process for development partners to adhere to the guidelines of the coordination platforms. These results could have implications for positive change by identifying the bases to achieve sustainable effectiveness of health aid in Nigeria through development of Country Coordination Mechanism for all health programs to provide guideline of harmonizing activities of development partners.

Thomas, Mitzie Eumarie. "Health Education to Decrease Obesity in Adolescents with Asthma." ScholarWorks, 2015. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/1752.

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Obesity increases asthma severity and is costing the health care industry a significant amount of money. Decreasing adolescents' obesity will decrease the risk for chronic health problems, which can have a significant impact in adulthood. Implementing a school-based health education program can decrease the prevalence of obesity amongst adolescents. This program will be implemented by school nurses in the after-school program at Public School 59 (P.S) in New York City. The purpose of this project is to develop adolescents' school-based obesity prevention policies and documentation which will focus on increasing their nutrition education, increasing physical activities, and providing skills to maintain behavior changes. The goal of this program is to decrease the incidence of obesity among adolescents and reduce the economic cost associated with obesity. The program was planned to use the trans-theoretical model to assess adolescents' readiness for behavior changes. The logic model tool will be used to evaluate relationship between resources and the activities for health education program. Adolescents' height and body weight will be measured and BMI will be assessed using Centers for Disease Prevention Control Pediatric Growth Chart. A posttest will be given after the 14 weeks to assess adolescents' knowledge about nutrition and increase physical activity. Adolescents will also be asked to discuss the skills they developed to maintain these behavior changes. School nurses will review formative evaluations and will provide information for stakeholders. Implementation of the structured nutrition education and increase physical education program is hypothesized to decrease obesity amongst adolescents.

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