Academic literature on the topic 'Humanitarian Funding'

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Journal articles on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


Georgieva, Kristalina, and Nazrin Shah. "Coordinating Funding for Humanitarian Emergencies." UN Chronicle 53, no. 1 (June 24, 2016): 19–22.

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Burkart, Christian, Maria Besiou, and Tina Wakolbinger. "The funding—Humanitarian supply chain interface." Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 21, no. 2 (December 2016): 31–45.

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Zarocostas, John. "Humanitarian crises: needs grow as health funding falls." Lancet 395, no. 10220 (January 2020): 259–60.

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Urrea, Gloria, Sebastian Villa, and Eric Quintane. "Linking Funding Strategies and Diversification: The Case of Humanitarian Organizations." Academy of Management Proceedings 2020, no. 1 (August 2020): 11453.

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Aflaki, Arian, and Alfonso J. Pedraza-Martinez. "Humanitarian Funding in a Multi-Donor Market with Donation Uncertainty." Production and Operations Management 25, no. 7 (May 4, 2016): 1274–91.

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Sutyrin, Vyacheslav. "EU Policy Towards Small and Medium Enterprises in the Eastern Partnership Countries as an Instrument of Political Influence." Contemporary Europe 102, no. 2 (April 30, 2021): 28–39.

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The paper deals with the problem of investigating strategies and experience of the European Union which it employs to strengthen its political influence in the Eastern Partnership countries by means of working with business sector. The author analyses statistical data, official EU position and programme documents, funding data. Institutional and constructivist approaches are employed to study the processes and results of EU policies. The study covers the period between 2009 and 2020, and investigates aims, instruments, funding, KPI of the EU in dealing with business communities of Eastern Partnership countries. The author gives an overview of a range of opinions in expert discussions concerning the humanitarian influence of the EU. The conclusion is drawn that the scale and forms of EU interventions and funding for particular country are conditioned by the level of political relationship with its government. The bulk of funding (more than 60%) is directed not to loans or subsidies to SMEs, but to humanitarian (i.e. “soft power”) projects focusing of particular groups – entrepreneurs, active youth, regions, officials, etc. EU humanitarian penetration into focus countries of EP creates an infrastructure, social organizations and groups, which could be utilized to political ends.

Apthorpe, Raymond, and John Borton. "Disaster-affected Populations and “Localization”: What Role for Anthropology Following the World Humanitarian Summit?" Public Anthropologist 1, no. 2 (September 14, 2019): 133–55.

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The international humanitarian sector has long been criticized for relying on standardized responses that make little, if any, adjustment to social and cultural differences between different disaster contexts and disaster-affected populations. Responding to such criticisms, the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit set an ambitious target for “localizing” international humanitarian funding flows so that a quarter would be provided by local and national responders. But what precisely “local” might mean was little theorized, and what humanitarian agencies themselves could learn to improve their own aid-effectiveness from the disaster-affected populations’ own responses to severe stress was not prioritized. This article identifies some of the challenges the new funding regime needs to address for it to have the best chances of meeting its stated objectives, and it explores what role anthropology could play in researching such issues in an action-investigation frame. It concludes with some reflections about effective public anthropology in that conducive frame.

Mock, Nancy, and Richard Garfield. "Health Tracking for Improved Humanitarian Performance." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 22, no. 5 (October 2007): 377–83.

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AbstractPresently, there is no shortage of methods for collecting data on populations requiring assistance from humanitarian health interventions. However, utilizing a working group, the authors of this paper have looked at these methods through a critical lens and found that there is need for improvement upon existing systems of data collection and analysis. The authors concluded that efforts to standardize the methods of data collection are needed to achieve universal uniformity, and that more funding should be allocated to analyze the data collected.

Ford, Linda. "Geoscientists Without Borders celebrates 10 years of funding humanitarian geoscience work." Leading Edge 37, no. 8 (August 2018): 572–76.

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Natarajan, Karthik V., and Jayashankar M. Swaminathan. "Multi-Treatment Inventory Allocation in Humanitarian Health Settings under Funding Constraints." Production and Operations Management 26, no. 6 (October 13, 2016): 1015–34.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


Olsen, Joslyn R. "Funding Sustainable and Humanitarian Architectural Projects." DigitalCommons@USU, 2010.

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The purpose of this project is to identify sources of funding for sustainable building projects and create a catalog of the findings. This study targeted the nonprofit, humanitarian, and private organization sectors with the goal to encourage subsequent projects that may positively impact the quality of life for people in need. It has been predicted that in the next 25 years 75% of America's built environment will be either new or renovated. The downside is that new buildings cause substantial ecological damage due to the extraction of materials and account for as much as 40% of all greenhouse gases. As a result, trends in the industry of design show growth in the green-building market. How do organizations without financial means maintain environmental responsibility as they build to meet needs? Besides identifying financing sources for above-mentioned types of organizations, this thesis also offers a model for the grant-finding process geared toward first-time searchers/applicants. Applicable sources of funding from this catalog will be recommended to the Teton Valley Community School (TVCS), winner of the 2009 Open Architecture Challenge, in Victor, Idaho, and the case study for this project. At the time of this study, between September, 2009 and February, 2010, the Teton Valley Community School was in the process of seeking out grant opportunities for their innovative, sustainable classroom project. At this writing, the total figure to be raised has not yet been determined, though it is expected to be in the $5-10 million range. The TVCS master plan is to eventually build five additional classrooms with design objectives to create flexible spatial configurations, reduce the school's ecological footprint, and build a strong connection to the outdoors in response to the mountain climate where they are located.

Mowjee, Tasneem. "NGO donor funding relationships : UK and EC funding for the humanitarian aid activities of UK NGOs from 1990-1997." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2002.

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Nilsson, Rakel. "Bridging the gaps? : Practitioner’s attitudes and understanding of the temporal,institutional and funding gaps between humanitarian anddevelopment assistance." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2017.

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Due to an increased humanitarian caseload the UN has called for the international community to work differently from delivering aid to ending needs, partly by enhancing the engagement between humanitarian and development actors. The thesis aims to describe and analyse the dynamics between humanitarian and development aid and by so doing provide an empirical contribution to the larger discussion on how to streamline international assistance by addressing the temporal, institutional and funding gaps between the two types of assistance. This is a qualitative comparative study based on nine interviews with development and humanitarian practitioners from five different organisations providing both types of assistance. Participants of the study were positive to the idea of collaboration across the sectors but that in order to accomplish this the international community, donors and each individual organisation need to overcome great institutional and financial constraints leading to the conclusion that international assistance will not be streamlined successfully until the institutional and funding gaps are properly addressed.

Strandow, Daniel. "Fighting for Aid : Foreign Funding and Civil Conflict Intensity." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning, 2014.

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This dissertation focuses on the sub-national impact of foreign aid on civil conflicts by asking the question: How does foreign aid committed to contested areas affect the intensity of violence in those areas? The main theoretical contribution is to focus on how aid influences warring parties’ decisions to engage in contests over territorial control and how that in turn influences violence intensity. The study introduces two concepts: funding concentration and barriers to exploiting aid. A contested area has greater concentration of funding if warring parties expect a high value of aid to be distributed to only a few locations. Funding is instead diffused if the parties expect aid to be spread over many locations. A low barrier to exploiting aid is present if it is of a type that both state and non-state actors could potentially misuse. There is a high barrier if territorial control is required in order to exploit funding channels. The theory introduces three testable implications: First, greater funding concentration encourages conventional contests over territorial control, which increases military fatalities. The second proposal is that if there is a low barrier to exploiting aid (e.g. humanitarian and food aid) then there will be increased competition between warring parties and civilians, and hence more civilian fatalities. Third, high barrier funding (e.g. education aid) will motivate contests over territorial control and increase military fatalities. This dissertation uses geo-coded aid commitments data and introduces data of warring parties’ battleground control in sub-Saharan Africa, 1989–2008. The research design relies on propensity score matching where pairs of observations are matched based on a range of covariates. The results concerning barriers to exploitation are partially supported. High barrier aid increases military fatalities whereas low barrier aid has little impact on violence. Greater funding concentration increases military fatalities substantially compared to if there is low or no funding concentration. In line with theory, greater funding concentration does not increase civilian fatalities.

Self, Jonathan. "Impacts of COVID-19 on the Relationships Between Local and International Humanitarian Actors: The Case of Lebanon and the 4 August 2020 Beirut Port Explosions." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2021.

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This thesis analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on relationships between international and local humanitarian actors responding to the 4 August 2020 Beirut Port Explosion. The concepts of “the local”, localization, inequality, and remote management provide a theoretical framework for this analysis. Data collection for this case study research includes a review of published and grey literature, and five video interviews with staff of local and international humanitarian organizations in Beirut. Empirical findings show that local-international inequalities—in the forms of limited access, recognition,and control—have been observed in Beirut and Lebanon for decades, and persisted during the port explosion response. This research further suggests that COVID-19 has contributed to an increase in inequality, most notably by reducing the participation of local actors in humanitarian coordination meetings, and disproportionately transferring risk from international to local actors due to a reliance on remote management. Findings also show that the port explosion caused an influx of funding that was disproportionately directed to international actors, and the economic crisis created a currency devaluation that has exacerbated local-international wage disparities and threatened to limit the reach of local NGO activities. Despite the strength of the civil society—shaped by a strong education system, decades of working through crisis, and government inaction—local actors have often been excluded from humanitarian practice in Beirut and Lebanon. At the same time, findings highlight increases in equality: some local actors adapted more quickly than international actors to COVID-19 and were able to leverage their strengths to receive more funding and greater leadership in the port explosion response. These movements demonstrate adaptability in humanitarian practice that would be critically required in any future reform. This thesis concludes with two recommendations: (1) the use of remote management due to COVID-19 is likely problematic and requires further research to identify best practices; and (2) critical localization provides a useful framework to analyze and mitigate the persistence of local-international inequalities infuture humanitarian responses, and helps to find a meaningful way forward.

Ludwig, Johannes. "Präventive Sicherungsmaßnahmen für Kulturgüter auf der Grundlage des humanitären Völkerrechts und die Fortentwicklung durch das Konzept der Safe Havens." Beiträge des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für Internationale Beziehungen, 2019.

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Das Ausmaß der Zerstörung von Kulturgut im bewaffneten Konflikt stellt die internationale Gemeinschaft vor neue Herausforderungen. In vorliegender Arbeit werden die Präventionspflichten der Staaten in Friedenszeiten nach dem Humanitären Völkerrecht in Abgrenzung zu friedensvertraglichen Regelungen beleuchtet. Dabei werden zur Konzeptualisierung der Prävention die Dimensionen der Verhaltens- und der Verhältnisprävention unterschieden und auf die Normen des Völkerrechts übertragen. Das aufkommende Konzept des safe haven wird als potentiell präventive Maßnahme analysiert und kritisch gewürdigt.

Books on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


Andrea, Ricci, and European Commission. DG External Relations., eds. Funding in action: Reportage on the EU's instrument for stability. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.

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Heiner, Prof, Bielefeldt, Ghanea Nazila, Dr, and Wiener Michael, Dr. Part 1 Freedom of Religion or Belief, 1.3.10 Establish and Maintain Charitable or Humanitarian Institutions/Solicit and Receive Funding. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter discusses issues concerning the right of religious communities to establish and receive funding for a humanitarian institution. For many believers, humanitarian support belongs to the very core of their convictions. This humanitarian commitment within a religion or belief includes the possibility to establish and maintain charitable and humanitarian organizations. Thus, hindering religious communities from running charitable institutions, or creating unnecessary obstacles in this regard, may seriously violate freedom of religion or belief. In addition, depriving funds needed for establishing and maintaining charitable work may also be considered as an issue under freedom of religion or belief. In this context, however, the various Special Procedures mandate-holders have not given a carte blanche to all sorts of financial and other contributions, notably by stressing that the right to receive funding could be limited in order to prevent its misuse for militant means and violence.

Stearns, Peter N. Afterword. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This concluding chapter explains how the classic half-empty, half-full conundrum applies to demilitarization. It is possible to point to the compromises that emerged in the most demilitarized societies and paint an even gloomier picture of the prospects of further change in the future. Yet the extent of real change and considerable durability is also clear, for distinctive features persist from funding levels to public opinion. The emergence of a real peace culture in several nations clearly has the capacity to extend to generations not directly touched by the catastrophes that triggered demilitarization in the first place. The reduced military maintains public favor by radical shifts in function, taking on humanitarian and crime-fighting roles that are far different from the activities that predominated before demilitarization.

Ndaliko, Chérie Rivers, and Samuel Anderson, eds. The Art of Emergency. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Across Africa, artists increasingly turn to NGO sponsorship in pursuit of greater influence and funding, while simultaneously NGOs—both international and local—commission arts projects to buttress their interventions and achieve greater reach and marketability. As a result, the key values of artistic expression become “healing” and “sensitization” measured in turn by “impact” and “effectiveness.” Such rubrics obscure the aesthetic complexities of the artworks and the power dynamics that inform their production. Clashes arise as foreign NGOs import foreign aesthetic models and preconceptions about their efficacy, alongside foreign interpretations of politics, medicine, psychology, trauma, memorialization, and so on. Meanwhile, each community embraces its own aesthetic precedents, often at odds with the intentions of humanitarian agencies. The arts are a sphere in which different worldviews enter into conflict and conversation. To tackle the consequences of aid agency arts deployment, the volume assembles ten case studies from across the African continent employing multiple media including music, sculpture, photography, drama, storytelling, ritual, and protest marches. Organized under three widespread yet underanalyzed objectives for arts in emergency—demonstration, distribution, and remediation—each case offers a different disciplinary and methodological perspective on a common complication in NGO-sponsored creativity. The Art of Emergency shifts the discourse on arts activism away from fixations on message and toward diverse investigations of aesthetics and power negotiations. In doing so, this volume brings into focus the conscious and unconscious configurations of humanitarian activism, the social lives it attempts to engage, and the often fraught interactions between the two.

Book chapters on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


Roeder, Larry Winter, and Albert Simard. "International Funding." In Diplomacy and Negotiation for Humanitarian NGOs, 231–48. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Cosgrave, John. "Humanitarian Funding and Needs Assessment." In The Humanitarian Response Index 2008, 75–88. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.

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Burt, Christopher D. B. "The Importance of Trust to the Funding of Humanitarian Work." In Humanitarian Work Psychology, 317–31. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.

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Chusri, Dares, Tarina Rubin, Esmeralda Silva, Jason D. Theede, Sunanta Wongchalee, and Patcharin Chansawang. "Funding Policy, Project Implementation Strategies and Cooperation Strategies with the RTG." In Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Persons from Myanmar, 135–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Kornfeld, Moshe. "Funding Meaning on Jewish Service Trips to Post-Katrina New Orleans." In The Request and the Gift in Religious and Humanitarian Endeavors, 117–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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"Humanitarian needs - sector funding." In World Humanitarian Data and Trends, 12–13. UN, 2014.

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"Humanitarian needs – sector funding." In World Humanitarian Data and Trends, 14–15. UN, 2018.

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"Humanitarian needs: sector funding - Funding per sector, CERF contributions per sector." In World Humanitarian Data and Trends, 14–15. UN, 2016.

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"Humanitarian needs and funding results in 2018." In Global Humanitarian Overview 2019, 8–10. United Nations, 2021.

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"Humanitarian needs - inter-agency appeals, funding and visibility." In World Humanitarian Data and Trends, 8–11. UN, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


C, Shruthi, and Deepak Gopi Kumar. "FinTech: Digital Communication platform to Ease the process of Funding to NGOs." In 2020 IEEE Bangalore Humanitarian Technology Conference (B-HTC). IEEE, 2020.

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Reports on the topic "Humanitarian Funding":


Pence, Thomas E. Humanitarian Assistance/Civic Action Funding Requirements for Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1989.

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Els, Christian. Methodology for Assessing Humanitarian Funding Flows to Local and National Actors. Oxfam, August 2017.

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Cooper, Hannah. Funding the Humanitarian Response in Yemen: Are donors doing their fair share? Oxfam, October 2020.

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Almost six years on from the escalation of conflict in March 2015, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world. Eighty percent of the population is in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance or protection, yet the Humanitarian Response Plan is only 42 percent funded. This paper looks at donor contributions to the 2020 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan to date. Using a methodology based on the relative global share of Gross National Income for high-income countries, it examines whether these countries are doing their ‘fair share’ in funding the response to the crisis in Yemen.

Manlutac, Janice Ian. Funding the Frontline: How an Oxfam Emergency Response Fund facilitated local humanitarian action. Oxfam, April 2021.

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From 2014 to 2020 Oxfam embedded an Emergency Response Fund (ERF) in its multiyear disaster risk reduction programs in Asia-Pacific and Central America. The Oxfam ERF was designed as a flexible funding mechanism to prioritize small-scale, under-the-radar, and forgotten emergencies and help local actors respond to and mitigate the impacts of disasters in their communities. ERF grants totaling US$1.9 million were disbursed and supported 24 small-scale responses led by 15 local organizations in nine countries. The ERF, through the support of a donor who values local leadership, helped local actors shape humanitarian responses, and the simplicity of fund administration unlocked creativity and delivered speed without compromising the quality and accountability of humanitarian aid.

Parrish, Chloe, and Anita Kattakuzhy. Money Talks: A synthesis report assessing humanitarian funding flows to local actors in Bangladesh and Uganda. Oxfam, March 2018.

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Vera, Cesar Allan, Ma Lourdes Brusola-Vera, Maria Rosario Felizco, and Janice Ian Manlutac. Local Humanitarian Leadership: The View from Local Actors. Oxfam, May 2021.

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The global call for localization and locally led emergency response acknowledges the reality that the humanitarian system is currently organized around international actors. More than the limited access to direct funding, the core issue is the power imbalance between local and international actors. In the Philippines, national and local networks of humanitarian, faith-based, developmental organizations and private sector foundations have been conducting and leading small- and large-scale disaster responses for decades. However, the discourse and struggle for localization have grown in recent years due to the prominence and dominance of international humanitarian actors, especially during large-scale emergencies. Oxfam is one of several international organizations that have signed up to the Grand Bargain, Charter for Change and other agreements that push for localization, and Oxfam in the Philippines has embraced the local humanitarian leadership (LHL) approach holistically.

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