Academic literature on the topic 'Hypersterne'

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Journal articles on the topic "Hypersterne":


Suidu, Syunsuke, Takaaki Endo, and Masanobu Yamamoto. "Optimal Configuration of Far-Infrared Hyperstereo Camera System for Correct Brake Timing in Far-Stereoscopic Driving of Vehicle." Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 70, no. 8 (2016): J191—J199.

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Xi, Jianfeng, Zhenhai Gao, Shifeng Niu, Tongqiang Ding, and Guobao Ning. "A Hybrid Algorithm of Traffic Accident Data Mining on Cause Analysis." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (2013): 1–8.

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Road traffic accident databases provide the basis for road traffic accident analysis, the data inside which usually has a radial, multidimensional, and multilayered structure. Traditional data mining algorithms such as association rules, when applied alone, often yield uncertain and unreliable results. An improved association rule algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) put forward by this paper can be used to analyze the correlation between accident attributes and causes. The new algorithm focuses on characteristics of the hyperstereo structure of road traffic accident data, and the association rules of accident causes can be calculated more accurately and in higher rates. A new concept of Association Entropy is also defined to help compare the importance between different accident attributes. T-test model and Delphi method were deployed to test and verify the accuracy of the improved algorithm, the result of which was a ten times faster speed for random traffic accident data sampling analyses on average. In the paper, the algorithms were tested on a sample database of more than twenty thousand items, each with 56 accident attributes. And the final result proves that the improved algorithm was accurate and stable.

SPAGNUOLO, JORGE OSVALDO, and EDGARDO MARTÍN GELÓS. "Minerales Pesados como Indicadores de Ambiente Tectonico en Arenas de la Plataforma Argentina entre los Paralelos 39º Y 43º Sur y El Golfo San Matías." Pesquisas em Geociências 25, no. 2 (December 31, 1998): 41.

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Suites of heavy minerals of an Argentine continental shelf sector and San Matías Gulf were studied. The preponderance of the mafic suite was characterized by the abundance of clinopiroxenes (green augites) and ortopiroxenes (hyperstenes). In scarce proportion green hornblende, brown hornblende, lamprobolite and olivine are present. The suite derived from metamorphic rocks is always in percentages lower than 10% and is represented by epidote and garnet. The suite derived from metamorphic-granitic complex appears in form of traces, integrated by zircon, tourmaline, sillimanite and andalousite. Based on heavy minerals suites it was established that the sands correspond to a volcaniclastic paragenesis. They would come from active margins related to volcanic arches. The origin of the sediment would be related to the Tertiary volcanism of the “Andes”. The sediment resting area corresponds to a passive margin. The compositional differences between the continental shelf (platform) and continental sands respond to the proximity to different sources of contribution. The different etching grain surface that heavy minerals present could be attributed to several causes, among them intrastratal solution and action of sorting and mechanical abrasion in beach environment bring out.

Yavruyan, Kh S., E. S. Gaishun, V. D. Kotlyar, and A. S. Okhotnaya. "Features of Phasea Mineralogical Conversions when Burning Wall Ceramics on the Basis of Secondary Materials for Processing Coal Deposits of Eastern Donbass." Materials Science Forum 974 (December 2019): 67–74.

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The paper presents the results of the studies on the phase conversions taking place during the firing of the refuse piles processing sieve residue in the Eastern Donbass, which are the promising raw materials for the production of various types of structural ceramics – common, lining and clinker bricks, high-performance ceramic stones, ceramic tiles and siding. It is established that the sieve residue is the raw material of the low-temperature baking. Depending on the degree of grinding, the raw material may belong to the group of mid-baking or high-baking raw materials. The sieve residues have a rather narrow baking interval - no more than 50 °C, which is possible to expand by increasing the content of fine fractions during the preparation of sieve residue. The main mineral phases at the firing temperature of 1000-1100 оС are quartz, feldspar, ferrous silicates and aluminum silicates (fayalite, hypersten, etc.), hematite. The features of the phase and mineralogical conversions allow us to recommend to fire products on the basis of sieve residue at temperatures of 1000 °C and higher.

Sukarman, Sukarman, Ai Dariah, and Suratman Suratman. "TANAH VULKANIK DI LAHAN KERING BERLERENG DAN POTENSINYA UNTUK PERTANIAN DI INDONESIA / Volcanic Soils in Sloping Dry Land and Its Potential for Agriculture in Indonesia." Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian 39, no. 1 (June 23, 2020): 21.

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<p>Volcanic soil is soil developed from pyroclastic materials released during the volcanic eruption. Althought the soil is fertile, it is mostly occurred in steep sloping highland that is critical to landslide and volcanic eruption. This paper discussed the characteristics and distribution of volcanic soils in sloping dry land, completed with the potential and constraints of their use for agricultural development. This information supports the zonation program of agricultural commodities in Indonesia. Volcanic soils distributed on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi and North Maluku. Mostly characterized by black or brownish A horizon and yellowish B horizon, crumb soil structure, crumbly consistency, high organic matter content, and low bulk density. The primary mineral composed by hyperstein, amphibole, augite, andesine, volcanic glass, plagioclase, labradorite, olivine, sanidin, apatite and biotite. The secondary minerals are d allophane, imogolit, ferrihydrite, halloysite, kaolinite and gibsite. Soil reaction vary from very acid to neutral with medium nitrogen content (on average). The potential P is low except in volcanic soils in Java. The P retention is high. The Cation exchange capacity varies from moderate to very high. The morphological, chemical and physical properties are good for supporting plant growth, except for those with high P retention. The land suitability classes are very suitable (S1) to marginally suitable (S3) for highland horticultural crops (vegetables and fruits) and estate crop plantations (tea, arabica coffee, and quinine). The limiting factors are relief/slope/erosion hazard and low soil fertility. These limiting factors can be eliminated by applying good agricultural and conservation practices that balance between land sustainability and productivity aspects.</p><p>Keywords: Volcanic soils, pyroclastic, characteristics, potential </p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tanah vulkanik terbentuk dari bahan piroklastika hasil erupsi gunung berapi dan sebagian besar berada di dataran tinggi lahan kering berlereng sehingga rawan longsor. Makalah ini membahas karakteristik dan penyebaran tanah vulkanik pada lahan kering berlereng, serta potensi dan kendala pemanfaatannya untuk pengembangan pertanian. Informasi ini dapat digunakan untuk mendukung program pewilayahan komoditas pertanian di Indonesia. Tanah vulkanik menyebar di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, dan Maluku Utara, sebagian mempunyai horison A berwarna hitam atau kecokelatan dan horison B berwarna kekuningan, struktur tanah remah, konsistensi gembur, kandungan bahan organik tinggi, dan berat isi rendah. Mineral primernya terdiri atas hiperstein, amfibol, augit, gelas vulkanik, plagioklas, olivin, sanidin, apatit dan biotit. Mineral sekunder tanah terdiri atas alofan, imogolit, ferihidrit, haloisit, kaolinit dan gibsit. Reaksi tanah bervariasi dari masam sampai netral, kandungan nitrogen tergolong sedang, kandungan P potensial rendah kecuali tanah vulkanik di sekitar kawasan gunung berapi di Jawa yang mengandung P dan retensi P tinggi. Kapasitas tukar kation tanah vulkanik tergolong sedang sampai sangat tinggi. Sifat morfologi, kimia, dan fisik tanah tersebut menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman, kecuali retensi P-nya tinggi. Tingkat kesesuaian lahan sangat sesuai (S1) sampai sesuai marjinal (S3) untuk usaha tani komoditas hortikultura dataran tinggi (sayuran dan buah-buahan) dan tanaman perkebunan (teh, kopi arabika dan kina) dengan faktor pembatas kondisi wilayah berlereng yang berpotensi erosi. Berdasarkan faktor pembatas tersebut maka komoditas dan teknologi yang diterapkan pada tanah vulkanik perlu mengacu pada tingkat kesesuaian lahan dan diikuti oleh usaha konservasi sejak awal agar tanah dapat digunakan untuk pertanian secara berkesinambungan.</p><p>Kata kunci: Tanah vulkanik, piroklastika, karakteristik, potensi </p>

Devnita, Rina, Mahfud Arifin, and Ridha Hudaya. "Kajian Mineral Fraksi Pasir pada Andisol yang Berkembang dari Hasil Erupsi Gunung Tangkuban Parahu dan Gunung Patuha, Jawa Barat." SoilREns 14, no. 2 (January 31, 2017).

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Mineral content of the soil determines various properties including nutrient that can bereleased during the weathering process. The research to identify the minerals in Andisol developedfrom the eruption of Mt. Tangkuban Parahu and Mt. Patuha had been conducted to determine theminerals content in the sand fraction. This research was conducted in several steps: the field survey,soil sampling, and laboratory analysis. The field locations were in the forest of Cikole, Lembang,West Java derived from the eruption Mt. Tangkuban Parahu and in the forest of Patengan,Rancabali, West Java derived from the eruption of Mt. Patuha. Sand fraction was separated from siltand clay by wet sieving method, using the 50 micron siever. Microscopic observation for identifyingthe minerals was done with polarization microscope to the color, luster, shape of grains and crystals,cleavage, hardness, transparency, translucent, and magnetic properties. The results showed that thesand fraction of Andisol derived from Mt. Tangkuban Parahu and Mt. Patuha had the mineralcontent as hypersthene, diopside, orthoclase, oligoclase, anorthite, andesine, hornblende, biotite,quartz, corundum, magnetite dan sulphur, showed that the weathering those minerals cancontribute some nutrients like Mg, Ca, K Fe, and S to the soilKey words: hyperstene, diopside, anorthite, hornblende, biotite

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Hypersterne":


Däbritz, Frank. "Hyperstern-Polymere mit hochverzweigten Kernen und polaren Armen - Ihre Synthese, Charakterisierung und Anwendung als Reaktivbinder in Epoxy-basierten Photo- und Thermolacken." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2011.

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Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger Hyperstern-Polymere (HSP) und deren Funktion als Reaktivbinder in Epoxy- bzw. PUR-Harzen. Hyperstern-Polymere sind Hybride aus hochverzweigten (hvz) und linearen Polymeren. Sie können über ihre reaktiven OH-Gruppen als multifunktionelle hochverzweigte Quervernetzer kovalent in ein kationisch härtendes Epoxyharz einbinden und thermische sowie thermomechanische Eigenschaften verbessern.

Däbritz, Frank [Verfasser], Brigitte [Akademischer Betreuer] Voit, and Andrzej [Akademischer Betreuer] Dworak. "Hyperstern-Polymere mit hochverzweigten Kernen und polaren Armen - Ihre Synthese, Charakterisierung und Anwendung als Reaktivbinder in Epoxy-basierten Photo- und Thermolacken / Frank Däbritz. Gutachter: Brigitte Voit ; Andrzej Dworak. Betreuer: Brigitte Voit." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2011.

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Book chapters on the topic "Hypersterne":


Zone, Ray. "Takashi Sekitani: Getting Creative with Canine POV and Hyperstereo in 3D." In 3-DIY, 132–45. Elsevier, 2012.

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"Takashi Sekitani: Getting Creative with Canine POV and Hyperstereo in 3D Fireworks Symphony (2006), Doggycam Vista (2007)." In 3DIY, 163–76. Routledge, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Hypersterne":


Watkins, Wendell R., Jay B. Jordan, and Mohan M. Trivedi. "Novel applications of hyperstereo vision." In 10th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, edited by Itzhak Shladov and Stanley R. Rotman. SPIE, 1997.

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Watkins, Wendell R. "Enhanced depth perception using hyperstereo vision." In AeroSense '97, edited by Wendell R. Watkins and Dieter Clement. SPIE, 1997.

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Kalich, Melvyn E., Clarence E. Rash, William E. McLean, and John G. Ramiccio. "A limited flight study for investigating hyperstereo vision." In Defense and Security Symposium, edited by Randall W. Brown, Colin E. Reese, Peter L. Marasco, and Thomas H. Harding. SPIE, 2007.

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Mohananchettiar, Arunkumar, Volkan Cevher, Grayson CuQlock-Knopp, Rama Chellappa, and John Merritt. "Hyperstereo algorithms for the perception of terrain drop-offs." In Defense and Security Symposium, edited by Randall W. Brown, Colin E. Reese, Peter L. Marasco, and Thomas H. Harding. SPIE, 2007.

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Ashby, Corey, and Ralph Etienne-Cummings. "A novel 3D display using multi-hyperstereo image stitching." In 2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). IEEE, 2011.

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Jennings, Sion A., Gregory L. Craig, Geoffrey W. Stuart, Melvyn E. Kalich, Clarence E. Rash, and Thomas H. Harding. "Flight performance using a hyperstereo helmet-mounted display: aircraft handling." In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, edited by Peter L. Marasco, Paul R. Havig, Sion A. Jennings, and Thomas H. Harding. SPIE, 2009.

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Stuart, Geoffrey W., Sion A. Jennings, Melvyn E. Kalich, Clarence E. Rash, Thomas H. Harding, and Gregory L. Craig. "Flight performance using a hyperstereo helmet-mounted display: adaptation to hyperstereopsis." In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, edited by Peter L. Marasco, Paul R. Havig, Sion A. Jennings, and Thomas H. Harding. SPIE, 2009.

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Kalich, Melvyn E., Clarence E. Rash, Thomas H. Harding, Sion Jennings, Gregory Craig, and Geoffrey W. Stuart. "Flight performance using a hyperstereo helmet-mounted display: post-flight debriefing questionnaire." In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, edited by Peter L. Marasco, Paul R. Havig, Sion A. Jennings, and Thomas H. Harding. SPIE, 2009.

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