Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Indice de capacité'

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Chakroun, Ahmed. "Réalisation de structures métal - isolant - semiconducteur sur GaN par déposition PECVD de Si[indice inférieur x]N[indice inférieur y]." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2010. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/1586.

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Ce travail a été réalisé au Centre de Recherche en Nanofabrication et Nanocaractérisation (CRN[indice supérieur 2]) de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Il porte sur l'étude, la réalisation et la caractérisation de structures métal - isolant - semiconducteur (MIS) sur nitrure de gallium. Le nitrure de gallium (GaN) est un matériau semiconducteur de la famille III-V à large bande interdite directe, ayant des propriétés électriques, physiques et mécaniques très intéressantes. Il a été découvert depuis plus de quatre décennies. Les difficultés de son élaboration, les problèmes d'inefficacités du dopage p et les densités élevées des défauts cristallins dans les couches épitaxiées, ont constitué pendant longtemps des obstacles majeurs au développement de la technologie GaN [I. Akasaki, 2002]. Il a fallu attendre jusqu'au début des années 1990 pour voir apparaître des couches de meilleure qualité et pour améliorer l'efficacité du dopage p [J.Y. Duboz, 1999]. Cet événement a été l'étape majeure qui a révolutionné la technologie à base de GaN et a permis d'amorcer son intégration dans le milieu industriel. Depuis, la technologie à base de ce matériau ne cesse de progresser à un rythme exponentiel. Il se présente aujourd'hui comme un matériau de choix pour la réalisation de dispositifs électroniques de puissances et de hautes fréquences pouvant fonctionner dans des milieux hostiles. Grâce à sa bande interdite directe et son pouvoir d'émission à faible longueur d'onde, il est aussi très convoité pour la réalisation de dispositifs optoélectroniques de hautes performances en émission ou en détection, tels que les DELs, Lasers ou les photodétecteurs. Malgré l'avancé rapide qu'a connu le GaN, certains aspects de ce matériau restent encore mal maîtrisés, tels que la réalisation de contacts ohmiques de bonne qualité ou encore le contrôle des interfaces métal/GaN et isolant/GaN. Les hétérostructures isolant/GaN sont caractérisées par une forte densité d'états de surface (D[indice inférieur it]). Ce phénomène, aussi rapporté sur GaAs et sur la plupart des matériaux III-V, induit l'ancrage du niveau de fermi au centre de la bande interdite. Il constitue l'un des freins majeurs au développement d'une technologie MIS (MOS) fiable sur GaN. À travers ce document, nous rapportons les résultats des travaux entrepris pour la réalisation de capacités MIS, de contacts ohmiques et de diodes Schottky sur les deux types de substrat GaN et p-GaN. Le diélectrique utilisé comme couche isolante pour les structures MIS est le Nitrure de Silicium (Si[indice inférieur x]N[indice inférieur y]) déposé par PECVD. Ces travaux constituent une introduction aux procédés de microfabrication sur nitrure de gallium, aux difficultés liées aux effets de surface dans le GaN et aux étapes de préparation chimique en vue de minimiser la densité de charges d'état à l'interface métal/GaN et diélectrique/GaN. La première partie du document est dédiée à la caractérisation optique et électrique des substrats GaN utilisés par étude de spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) et par étude Schottky.

Grataloup, Claire. "La reconstruction cognitive de la parole dégradée : étude de l'intelligibilité comme indice d'une capacité cognitive humaine." Lyon 2, 2007. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2007/grataloup_c.

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Ces travaux se sont intéressés au phénomène de la compréhension de la parole dégradée. Grâce aux approches conjointes de la psycholinguistique et de la neurophysiologie, des études comportementales et des tests auditifs ont été menés chez des participants adultes sains et chez des participants adultes dyslexiques. Les mesures comportementales ont exploré les capacités des participants à reconstruire de la parole dégradée artificiellement. Deux types de dégradations de la parole ont été utilisées: l'inversion temporelle du signal et la parole dans la parole. Les résultats montrent l'existence d'une capacité cognitive à reconstruire de la parole dégradée qui dépend du niveau d'altération du signal d'origine, mais également de paramètres internes au système cognitif, et propres à chaque individu, tels la capacité d'activation des mécanismes lexicaux, et peut être la latéralisation hémisphérique. Les caractéristiques psycholinguistiques des mots à restituer conditionnent leur compréhension en situation de perception difficile, de même que les caractéristiques psycholinguistiques du contenu lexical du bruit concurrent lors de la perception de la parole dans la parole. Les tests auditifs cliniques ont permis de mettre en évidence des corrélations entre la latéralisation des voies auditives descendantes des participants et leurs capacités à comprendre de la parole dégradée. Les résultats des patients dyslexiques ont montré des performances réduites pour reconstruire de la parole dégradée associées à un profil symétrique des voies auditives descendantes. Ces résultats sont interprétés en faveur de l'hypothèse d'un lien entre asymétrie cérébrale et capacités langagières
This study investigated degraded speech comprehension. Using psycholinguistic and neurophysiologic approaches, behavioural studies and auditory tests were conducted among healthy adult participants and dyslexic adult participants. Behavioural experiments explored the participants' abilities to restore artificially degraded speech. Two types of degradation were used : reversed speech and speech in speech. The results evidence a cognitive capacity to reconstruct degraded speech that depends on the degradation level of the original speech signal but also on some cognitive system parameters. These parameters are specific to each individual, such as the ability to activate lexical mechanisms and possibly the hemispheric lateralization. Psycholinguistic characteristics of target words affect their comprehension in a situation where speech is difficult to understand. During speech in speech perception, psycholinguistic characteristics of words from the competing babble influence the target's restitution. Auditory tests have shown correlations between the participants' lateralization of auditory descending pathways and their abilities to understand degraded speech. Results from dyslexic individuals in the reconstruction of degraded speech exhibit reduced performances associated with a symmetric pattern of descending auditory pathways. These results support the hypothesis of a link between cortical asymmetry and language processing skills

Choquette, Stéphane. "Exercice et isoflavones chez les femmes ménopausées en surplus de poids effets sur la composition corporelle, le profil métabolique et la capacité physique." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/201.

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Background : Results from a pilot project indicate that exercise training could have an additive effect with soy isoflavones on body composition in postmenopausal women. We aimed to assess the combined effect of exercise and isoflavones in 100 overweight-to-obese postmenopausal women. Methods. Subjects were assigned to four groups: 1- Placebo; 2- Isoflavones; 3- Exercise and placebo, and 4- Exercise and isoflavones. The supplement contained 70 mg/day of isoflavones. Exercise consisted of three weekly sessions of high-intensity resistance training and aerobics. Outcome measures included fat mass (FM), lean body mass (LBM), bone mineral density, bodyweight, waist, lipid profile, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid hormones, maximal voluntary strength and Relative strength. Results. Among the 79 overweight-to-obese postmenopausal women who completed this 6-month study, additive effects were found between treatments for leg FM%. However, when considering only obese women, treatments interacted to reduce bodyweight, total FM and trunk FM. Nevertheless, we found that exercise produced main effects in all participants in waist, total FM, trunk FM%, arm LBM, leg LBM, Relative quadriceps strength, and maximal voluntary strength in the Leg press and the Bench press. Important changes in SHBG (+50%) and in progesterone (-60%) also occurred after 6-mo of high intensity exercise training. Conclusions . In overweight-to-obese postmenopausal women, six months of exercise brought favorable changes in adiposity, muscle mass and muscle strength. Isoflavones could have a beneficial effect on leg FM%. However, in obese subjects, an interaction between isoflavones and exercise appear to promote reductions in adiposity. From a clinical standpoint, these results are likely to transfer into an improved metabolic health and better functional capacities.

Nadeau, Jonathan. "Effets du vieillissement de la batterie Li-ion sur les performances d'un véhicule récréatif hybride branchable à trois roues." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6197.

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La prédiction de l'évolution du vieillissement de la batterie lithium-ion est source d'un grand défi, dans les applications liées aux véhicules électriques et hybrides. Sa méconnaissance est un risque considérable compromettant la viabilité d'un tel système. Invoquant les coûts substantiels de la densité d'énergie, liée à la dégradation considérable des performances de la batterie au cours de sa durée de vie, il devient important d'en tenir compte dès le processus de conception. La dépendance de la stratégie de contrôle du véhicule aux paramètres de la batterie justifie aussi la nécessité d'une telle prédiction. Il est connu que le vieillissement, sensible aux facteurs tels que le courant, la température et la profondeur de décharge, a un impact considérable sur la perte de capacité de la batterie ainsi que sur l'augmentation de la résistance interne. Le premier est directement lié à l'autonomie électrique du véhicule, alors que le second mène à une surchauffe de la batterie, à une augmentation des pertes en puissance qui se manifeste par une diminution de la tension de bus. À cet égard, impliqué dans la conception d'un véhicule récréatif hybride branchable à trois roues, le Centre de Technologies Avancées s'intéresse à l'étude du vieillissement de la batterie Li-ion pour une telle application. Pour ce faire, au contraire de la plupart des estimations empiriques de la durée de vie, basées sur des profils de décharge à courant constant, un profil de courant plus approprié pour l'application donnée, basé sur un cycle de vitesse représentatif de la conduite d'une motocyclette, a été utilisé. Par le biais d'un simulateur complet du véhicule, le cycle de courant a été extrait du cycle de vitesse. Ainsi, les travaux menés impliquent l'analyse expérimentale de la décharge cyclique de quatre cellules LiFePO 4 . Pendant plus de 1400 cycles, un banc d'essai complet a permis l'acquisition de la capacité, de la résistance interne, du courant, de la tension ainsi que de la température de surface. [symboles non conformes]

Durand, Marianne. "Effets des récepteurs de la prostaglandine D[indice inférieur 2] chez les ostéoclastes humains et étude de la capacité d'ostéoclastogénèse chez les individus." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2007. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/3919.

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Les ostéoclastes sont des cellules multinucléées capables de résorber l'os. Cette fonction unique, quoiqu'essentielle, peut devenir dangereuse lorsqu'il y a perte de contrôle et de régulation. En effet, l'ostéoclaste pourrait être le grand responsable de certaines maladies osseuses telles que l'ostéoporose, la maladie de Paget et la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. II existe de nombreuses études sur les molécules impliquées dans le métabolisme de l'os, mais seulement quelques-unes d'entre d'entre elles ont attiré notre attention : les prostaglandines. Celles-ci ont de nombreux effets physiologiques et pathologiques, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé d'étudier leurs effets sur l'os. Nous avons récemment démontré que les ostéoblastes humains synthétisent la PGD[indice inférieur 2] et qu'ils expriment les deux récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2], DP et CRTH2. L'activation de DP dans les ostéoblastes engendre la réduction de production d'OPG, alors que l'activation de CRTH2 induit la chimiotaxie des ostéoblastes ainsi que la diminution d'expression de RANKL. Comme les ostéoblastes et les ostéoclastes sont intimement liés, nous avons décidé d'étudier les rôles des récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2] chez les ostéoclastes humains différenciés. Nos objectifs étaient de déterminer la présence et la distribution des récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2] dans les ostéoclastes humains et de caractériser leurs rôles dans les activités et la différenciation de ces cellules. Par immunohistochimie, nous avons démontré que les ostéoclastes humains adultes, en conditions physiologiques et pathologiques, et les ostéoclastes foetaux pressentent les deux récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2]. La stimulation avec la PGD[indice inférieur 2] a induit une réorganisation du cytosquelette caractérisé par une diminution des cellules formant un anneau d'actine et une augmentation des cellules présentant des lamellipodes. L'utilisation d'agonistes des récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2], BW 245C et DK-PGD[indice inférieur 2], a permis de démontrer que ces effets étaient médiés respectivement par DP et CRTH2. À la suite de ces observations, les ostéoclastes différenciés ont été traités avec les agonistes et les antagonistes des récepteurs de la PGD[indice inférieur 2] afin d'étudier leurs effets sur l'activité de résorption. Ainsi, seul le récepteur DP a eu un effet inhibiteur sur la résorption osseuse alors que le récepteur CRTH2 était impliqué seulement lorsqu'il était bloqué, engendrant une augmentation de l'aire totale de résorption. Un modèle d'ostéoclastogenese in vitro à partir des précurseurs monocytaires du sang périphérique cultive pendant 21 jours en présence de RANKL et M-CSF a montre que l'activation de DP ou CRTH2 diminuait le nombre d'ostéoclastes génères, alors que l'inhibition de chacun des récepteurs augmentait le nombre de ces cellules. Ces résultats suggèrent que la prostaglandine D2 pourrait avoir un effet bénéfique dans certaines maladies osseuses en diminuant la différentiation et l'activité de résorption des ostéoclastes. Lors des essais de différenciation, nous avons remarqué que l'osteoclastogénèse était très variable entre les individus. Ainsi, nous avons décidé d'étudier les caractéristiques démographiques d'une cohorte de 51 individus afin de déterminer les facteurs impliqués dans la capacité ostéoclastogénique. Les analyses statistiques ont démontré que la taille, le poids et le nombre de précurseurs ostéoclastiques étaient associés au nombre d'ostéoclastes différenciés in vitro. De plus, nous avons noté qu'il existait une corrélation statistiquement significative entre le nombre de cellules précurseurs et l'âge. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que la capacité d'ostéoclastogénèse pourrait être une caractéristique spécifique à chaque individu et qu'une activité de différenciation accrue pourrait rendre un individu susceptible à certaines pathologies telles que l'ostéoporose, la polyarthrite rhumatoïde et l'arthrose où l'ostéoclaste est l'élément central de ces maladies osseuses.

Villeneuve, Jean-François. "Les facteurs psychologiques influençant l’agentivité chez des femmes ayant un indice de masse corporelle correspondant au critère d’obésité." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/11858.

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Parmi les études réalisées afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs influençant l’adoption de comportements de santé, certaines visent la conception de modèles (Ajzen, 1991; Bruchon-Scheitweitzer & Dantzer, 1994; Prochaska & DiClemente, 1982; Schwartzer, 1992) contribuant à l’agentivité, c’est-à-dire au pouvoir d’influencer intentionnellement son propre fonctionnement, les circonstances de sa vie et le cours de son existence (Bandura, 2006). Le premier objectif de la présente recherche est d’identifier les facteurs psychologiques influençant l’agentivité chez des femmes ayant un indice de masse corporelle correspondant au critère d’obésité (IMC > 30). Le deuxième objectif est de décrire les effets de ces facteurs psychologiques sur les quatre propriétés de l’agentivité telle que définie par Bandura (2006) : l’intentionnalité, la capacité de se projeter dans le futur, l’autoréactivité et l’autoréflexivité. Les participantes sont dix femmes québécoises ayant un indice de masse corporelle correspondant au critère d’obésité. Cette recherche exploratoire est de type qualitatif, les données sont recueillies à l’aide d’entretiens semi-dirigés et analysées par la méthode d’analyse thématique. Les résultats montrent que certains facteurs psychologiques influencent l’agentivité dans la gestion du poids. Ces facteurs sont regroupés en trois catégories: la valeur personnelle, la cohérence personnelle et le pouvoir personnel. Dans la catégorie de la valeur personnelle, la honte nuit à l’agentivité et l’acceptation de soi la favorise. Dans la catégorie de la cohérence personnelle, la non-intégrité nuit à l’agentivité et de l’intégrité la favorise. Dans la catégorie du pouvoir personnel, la toute-puissance nuit à l’agentivité et le réalisme la favorise. Bien que souhaité, le développement de l’agentivité dans la gestion du poids comporte certains pièges, tels que la honte, la non-intégrité et la toute-puissance. L’acceptation de soi, l’intégrité et le réalisme permettraient d’éviter ces pièges.

Galvez, Manriquez Daniel. "Évaluation de la capacité à innover : une approche par auto évaluation et suivi supporté par des analyses multicritères dynamiques." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0018/document.

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L’un des challenges les plus importants des pays développés ou émergents est de soutenir l’innovation dans les PME. Mais la question centrale ici, est de savoir si l’innovation dépend exclusivement de la disponibilité des ressources. La capacité à innover ne dispose pas d'un cadre de référence pour son évaluation, en raison principalement de sa complexité et sa nature abstraite. Sans les indicateurs appropriés, il est impossible d'établir les objectifs et de déterminer les efforts et les ressources nécessaires pour améliorer la capacité d'innovation. Le laboratoire ERPI a développé une approche d’évaluation de cette capacité privilégiant les pratiques internes qui favorisent l’innovation dans les entreprises (IIP, Indice d’Innovation Potentielle) basée sur des méthodes d’analyse multicritère. Mais une fois obtenu un résultat, quels sont les points sur lesquels une entreprise peut jouer afin d’améliorer son système d'innovation ? Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle d'optimisation qui réplique la procédure d'évaluation de la capacité à innover utilisée par l'IIP et qui nous permettra de générer un plan d'action pour améliorer la capacité à innover des PME. Le modèle considère différents facteurs (la situation particulière de l'entreprise, les efforts économiques associés à la stratégie proposée, etc.) afin de générer le plan d'action le plus approprié aux besoins de chaque PME. Ainsi, trois stratégies potentielles sont proposées : améliorer le classement actuel avec un minimum d'effort, maximiser les économies de ressources, maximiser l’IIP avec un budget défini. Des scénarii sont simulés afin de tester les résultats de la mise en œuvre des différentes stratégies
One of the most important challenges in the current industrial policy of developed and emerging countries is to support innovation in SMEs, issue which has been approach as a problem only dependent on the availability of resources. Innovation capability does not have an appropriate framework of evaluation, mainly because of its complexity and abstract nature. Without proper indicators, it is not possible to establish objectives and identify the efforts and resources necessary for its improvement. In response to this, the ERPI laboratory has developed an evaluation approach of innovation capability, taking into account internal practices to promote innovation. A field of knowledge has been developed in this direction allowing for the proposal of a novel metrology, the Potential Innovation index (PII), based on multi-criteria analysis methods for studying the dynamics within companies. In this thesis, we propose an optimization model that replicates the evaluation procedure of innovation capability to generate an action plan, i.e., the model returns concrete points in which companies can work to improve its innovation system. The model considers factors such as the particular situation of the company, the economic efforts associated with the proposed strategy, the goals of the entrepreneur, etc. Three optimization strategies are proposed: access to a higher category with a minimum of effort, maximize resource efficiency and maximize innovation performance with a defined budget. Scenarios are simulated to test the results of the implementation of the different strategies

Song, Xiaoxiao. "Layout optimization based on multi-objective interactive approach." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022ECDN0051.

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Dans tous les problèmes d’agencement, les contraintes de non-chevauchement entre composants et les contraintes d’appartenanceau conteneur sont présentes. Un modèle d’agencement multiobjectif avec contraintes fonctionnelles est développé. Intégrer l’accessibilité des composants comme contraintes fonctionnelles assure la maintenance ou le fonctionnement des composants. Cependant, les contraintes fonctionnelles augmentent la complexité d’optimisation d’agencement, notée indice de capacité. Par conséquent, un nouvel algorithme d’optimisation multiobjectif est proposé en utilisant le placement constructif et le recuit simulé pour rechercher des solutions de compromis entre les objectifs multiples. Ensuite, un indicateur de similarité est défini pour évaluer les similaires entre les solutions proposées par l’algorithme. Les expériences indiquent que l’approche d’optimistion proposée fonctionne bien pour garantir l’accessibilité et trouver efficacement des solutions optimales dans les problèmes industriels d’agencement d’espace à un ou plusieurs conteneurs, où l’analyse de similarité démontre une bonne diversité solutions proposées par l’algorithme, qui peut être appliqué en tant qu’outil interactif outil pour leconcepteur
The conventional layout problem is concerned with finding the arrangements of components inside the container to optimize objectives under geometrical constraints, i.e., no component overlap and no container protrusion. A multi-objective layout model with functional constraints is developed. Integrating the accessibility of components as functional constraints ensures components maintenance or proper operation. However, thefunctional constraints increase the layout optimization complexity, denoted as capacity index. Therefore, a novel multi-objective optimizationalgorithm is proposed using the constructive placement and the simulated annealing to search for compromised solutions between the multiple objectives. Thereafter, a similarity indicator is defined to evaluate how similar optimized layout designs are. The experiments indicate that the proposed optimization approach performs well in ensuring accessibility and efficiently finding high-qualified solutions in single- and multi- container layoutapplications, where the similarity analysis demonstrates good diversity of the obtained layout set, which can be applied as an interactive tool

Ho, Anh cuong. "Optimisation de la composition et caractérisation d'un béton incorporant des granulats issus du broyage de pneus usagés. : application aux éléments de grande surface." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ISAT0024/document.

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Les matériaux de construction par excellence que sont les matériaux à base cimentaire offrent une faible résistance à la traction ainsi qu’une faible capacité de déformation. Ils sont fragiles et particulièrement sensible à la fissuration, notamment la fissuration due au retrait dans le cas d’éléments à grande surface. Des joints de retrait judicieusement espacés permettent de localiser la fissuration et d’éviter le désordre apparent. Malheureusement, ils constituent aussi le point de départ de futurs désordres (pénétration d’agents agressifs, tuilage, etc.). Cette thèse est une contribution au développement d’un nouveau composite cimentaire présentant une capacité de déformation améliorée. Dans cet objectif, des granulats en caoutchouc (G.C.) issus du broyage de pneus usagés ont été utilisés en remplacement partiel du sable. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la présence de ces granulats est préjudiciable vis-à-vis de la rhéologie du matériau à l’état frais mais que l’utilisation d’un superplastifiant et d’un agent de viscosité permet de réaliser les corrections nécessaires. A l’état durci, une chute de la résistance mécanique et du module d’élasticité est observée, en contrepartie la capacité de déformation au stade de la localisation de la macrofissuration est significativement augmentée. Des essais dédiés permettent de démontrer que cette incorporation de G.C. permet de réduire la sensibilité à la fissuration de retrait avec un intérêt évident pour les applications à grande surface comme les chaussées et dallages sur terre-plein. L’influence de la présence de ces G.C. sur la cinétique de la fissuration a été analysée et confirmée par le biais d’une variable d’endommagement et par l’activité (émission) acoustique accompagnant le processus de fissuration.Le potentiel du composite dans les applications à grande surface comme les chaussées en béton a aussi été abordé par le biais de l’indice de qualité élastique qui a confirmé les promesses attendues. Compte tenu du rôle joué par le module d’élasticité du composite sur ces nouvelles propriétés et les applications potentielles, les outils prédictifs de ce module en fonction du dosage en G.C. présentent un intérêt pratique évident. Dans ce sens, cette thèse a permis de tester la pertinence de quelques modèles analytiques. Dans ce cadre, la borne inférieure de Hashin-Shtrikman qui reste perfectible s’est avérée la mieux indiquée.A côté de l’intérêt en termes d’application matériau Génie Civil, l’incorporation de G.C. constitue une voie de valorisation de pneus usagés non réutilisables et une contribution à la protection de l’environnement
Cement-based materials exhibit low tensile strength and poor strain capacity. They are brittle and are very sensitive to cracking particularly to shrinkage cracking in large area applications. Sawn joints allow shrinkage cracking to be localised a way to avoid unsightly cracking. Unfortunately they are also the starting point of future distress (ingress of aggressive agent, curling, etc.).This work is a contribution to the design of a cement-based material exhibiting an enhanced strain capacity. For a such objective rubber aggregates (RAs) obtained from grinding end of life tyres partly replacing natural sand have been used.Results showed that RAs are detrimental to the properties of the fresh materials (workability and segregation). However the use of optimized content of a superplasticiser and of a viscosity agent allows the required behaviour to be achieved.With regard to harden state, RAs reduce the strength and the modulus of elasticity of the composite but the strain capacity corresponding to the macrocracking formation is significantly improved. Specific tests showed that RAs reduced the propensity of the material for shrinkage cracking, offering an interest for large surface area such as pavements.Analysis by a scalar damage variable and by acoustic emission is in a good agreement with expected effect of RAs on the cracking kinetics and on the mechanical behaviour of the composite.The interest of the rubberized concrete in large area application such as concrete pavements has been studied and confirmed through the Elastic Quality Index. Given the major role of the modulus of elasticity of the composite on the new properties and expected applications, tools aimed to predict this modulus of elasticity as a function of RAs content are of practical benefit. With this purpose, the work allowed the relevance of some analytical models to be tested. In this context, the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bound which remains perfectible proved to be the most appropriate.Finally, apart from application of civil engineering material, the use of RAs from grinding end of life tyres is a solution of recovery of an industrial by-product and a contribution to a clean environment

Lacroix, Geneviève. "Effet de l'âge sur les capacités attentionnelles indices comportementaux et neurophysiologiques." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2004. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/2377.

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L'attention est un élément central dans le fonctionnement de l'individu. Alors qu'une détérioration de l'attention peut engendrer divers problèmes, il semblerait que le vieillissement normal soit associé à une modification de l'attention. Cette étude transversale avait pour objectif de comparer différents types d'attention chez des jeunes adultes et des personnes âgées afin de déterminer si une baisse de l'attention soutenue, de l'attention sélective et de l'attention divisée accompagne le vieillissement. Pour ce faire, douze (12) personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus et douze (12) personnes de 30 ans et moins se sont prêtées à des tâches de détection au cours desquelles étaient prises des mesures comportementales et/ou électrophysiologiques (potentiels évoqués). L'attention soutenue a été évaluée par deux tâches visuelles alors que l'attention sélective a été évaluée par une tâche visuelle et une tâche auditive, tandis que l'attention divisée a été mesurée par une tâche auditive uniquement. Pour toutes les épreuves, les temps de réaction, le nombre de bonnes réponses et de fausses alarmes ont été enregistrés".--Résumé abrégé par UMI.

Grataloup, Claire Hombert Jean-Marie. "La reconstruction cognitive de la parole dégradée étude de l'intelligibilité comme indice d'une capacité cognitive humaine /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2007. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/2007/grataloup_c.

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Hawthorne, Iain. "Eddy-covariance carbon balance, photosynthetic capacity and vegetation indices in a harvested boreal jack pine stand." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/2757.

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Eddy-covariance (EC) CO₂ flux data were analysed and annual carbon (C) balances estimated for a four-year period (2004-2007) following clearcut harvesting of a boreal jack pine stand in northern Saskatchewan. The site was a source of C to the atmosphere for all years, with annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP) increasing from -153 g C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in 2004 to -63 g C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in 2007. This increase was mainly due to gross primary productivity (GPP) increasing significantly from 78 to 200 g C m⁻² yr⁻¹ , while ecosystem respiration (R) increased only slightly from 231 to 263 g C m⁻² yr⁻¹ over the same period. In the 2006 growing season (GS), a field campaign was conducted to investigate the relationships between monthly destructive measurements of leaf area index (LAI) and daily measurements of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and photosynthetic capacity (Amax). The latter was derived from 5-day, 16-day, 30-day and annual Michaelis-Menten light response analyses using daytime measurements of NEP and incident photosynthetically active radiation. Digital-camera data were used to evaluate the potential of using the rectilinear-lens vegetation index (RLVI) as a surrogate for NDVI of a young forest stand. Results showed that LAI was linearly related to NDVI and RLVI, which was largely the result of changes in the deciduous vegetation component across the GS. These results indicate that RLVI could be used as a surrogate for NDVI up to a GS maximum LAI of 0.91 m2 m⁻² observed in 2006. Measured mean (± 1 S.D.) GS LAI was 0.67 (± 0.24) m² m⁻² in 2006. LAI accounted for the majority of the variability in Amax at the 30-day time scale, while at shorter time scales air temperature was the dominant control. For 2004 to 2007, mean spring estimates of LAI were 0.25, 0.29, 0.38 (compared to 0.40 m² m⁻² from measurements) and 0.41 m² m⁻², respectively. Results suggest that a steady increase in the jack pine LAI component accounted for the annual increases in GPP and hence NEP over the four years.

Kauten, Rebecca Lynn. "Chloride and corrosiveness: trends, indices, scales of measurement, and agency management capacity to address freshwater salinization." Diss., University of Iowa, 2019. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/6970.

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This study localizes dimensions of freshwater salinization by directly measuring chloride concentrations in ungauged urban streams, assessing the relationship between chloride, copper and zinc in sample data, measures statewide trends for Iowa, and considers the regulatory and cultural environment of managing winter roads. Chloride concentrations in local, urban streams generally persist at higher levels than what is typical of natural Iowa waters. Runoff from snow melt events violate water quality standards, with chloride concentrations more closely resembling sea water than freshwater. Meanwhile, long-term trends at the statewide scale suggest levels are decreasing over time. Dissolved ions in groundwater from limestone aquifers encourage chemical buffering. Surface runoff in urban areas does not contain groundwater but does contain a large amount of salt from roads and other sources. More salt present year-round in streams influenced by surface water hydrology likely increases the potential for storm sewers, bridge decks and other urban infrastructure to corrode. Public agencies take varied approaches to freshwater salinization and related concerns. Regulation focuses on drinking water protection, and accounts for both household and industrial chloride sources. Snow and ice “fighters” see chloride as a tool, whereas scientists and regulated agencies consider it a pollutant of concern. This split leads to inconsistent patterns in decision-making and prioritization. Salt is a commodity, generating billions of dollars for suppliers throughout North America. Industry can play a significant role in solving what may ultimately become one of the most challenging water quality problems of the 21st Century.

Kim, Youngmok. "Changes in polyphenolics and resultant antioxidant capacity in 'Tommy Atkins' mangos (Mangifera indica L.) by selected postharvest treatments." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2005. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0011872.

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Rubio, Zuazo Ana Maria, and anarubio zuazo@gmail com. "Environmental influences on the sustainable production of the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata : a study in two southeastern Australian estuaries." The Australian National University. Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, 2008. http://thesis.anu.edu.au./public/adt-ANU20080618.091057.

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There has been a continuous decline in both the production and general performance of the SRO in NSW estuaries over the past three decades. The relationship of this decline to both environmental and oyster-density related factors are assessed in this thesis. This question has been examined at different scales: a large scale that compares two different estuaries (Clyde and Shoalhaven Rivers, southern NSW); a regional scale that encompasses variations within an estuary and, at a lease scale that examines processes pertaining to individual or small groups of oysters. Levels of inorganic nutrients were in general very low potentially limiting primary production. The limiting nutrient was nitrogen or phosphorus depending on whether long term conditions were dry or wet, respectively. Only during rain events, through the input of terrestrial material, were conditions favourable for fast rates of primary production. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis has demonstrated that both external material and local resuspension of the benthos constitute a major proportion of the SRO diet. The uptake of the various food sources also varied considerably depending on local environmental conditions. Increases in SRO growth were strongly correlated to increases in temperature with a low temperature cut-off at ~13°C. Growth also appeared to reduce considerably when salinities lower than ~15ppt persisted for the order of a month. These factors may alter growth through changes in filtration rates. These processes were modelled in a coupled hydrodynamic-NPO (Nitrogen-Phytoplankton-Oyster) model of the Clyde River. This demonstrated that primary production was more affected by estuarine dynamics and nutrient concentrations than oyster uptake. At the current levels of oyster densities, primary production by itself could not account for the observed oyster growth, however growth became realistic with observed levels of POC added to the model. A set of environmental indices were used to complement the model and to assess the sustainability of the culture system. The combined indices indicated that while the ecological carrying capacity of the Clyde was exceeded the production capacity at an estuarine scale was not. On the lease scale, density experiments showed that while growth was not reduced as a result of current stocking densities, the condition index was significantly affected.

Mudigonda, Jagan Mohan. "Capacity assessment and decision-making for the incapable patient in English, Scottish and Indian law." Thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2009. http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/139/.

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This PhD thesis has two core objectives: 1) To critically analyse and compare the legal provisions relating to capacity assessment in England and Wales, Scotland and India; (2) To critically analyse and compare the legal provisions relating to decision-making on behalf of the incapable patient in England and Wales, Scotland and India. The methodology utilised to achieve these objectives is essentially a classic literature based comparative approach. This thesis provides an original contribution to knowledge by virtue of the fact that an in-depth tripartite comparative study of capacity law provisions in England and Wales, Scotland and India has yet to be undertaken within existing literature. The research undertaken in this thesis is timely given the implementation of capacity legislation in England and Wales and the relevant provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 of England and Wales and the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 are compared and critiqued as part of a discussion of the key ethical, legal and procedural concepts which underpin the law of capacity. In addition, the capacity law of England and Scotland is compared with the equivalent system in Indian law, which is at a nascent stage of development in comparison to the United Kingdom. The fact that India, despite being an Eastern country, also retains the influence of U.K law through its status as a Commonwealth country, means that the differences between the English, Scottish and Indian approaches to capacity can be attributed to issues of culture or development. The research undertaken for this thesis has shown that developmental issues are of greater impact, and while cultural issues are of some relevance, there are enough underlying commonalities between the three jurisdictions to suggest that India's capacity law is at a different point developmentally speaking.

Boulard, Damien. "Capacité d'une chaine de modélisation hydroclimatique haute résolution à simuler des indices de déficit hydrique : application aux douglasaies et hêtraies de Bourgogne." Thesis, Dijon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016DIJOL002/document.

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Durant l’épisode de canicule-sécheresse de 2003, les peuplements de douglas et de hêtres en Bourgogne ont été lourdement affectés, présentant des symptômes de dépérissement et de surmortalité. Cet épisode semble être la première occurrence d’aléas climatiques attendus dans un futur proche et remet en question leur pérennité en Bourgogne puisque leur vulnérabilité au climat est attribuable à l'amplitude et au cumul des contraintes hydriques exercées durant leur cycle de végétation. Dans le contexte du changement climatique et en réponses aux demandes des gestionnaires forestiers qui s’appuient partiellement sur une cartographie de l’évolution des contraintes climatiques jusqu’à la fin de ce siècle, ce travail explore la capacité d’une chaîne de modélisation hydroclimatique haute résolution couplant le modèle de climat régional WRF alimenté par les réanalyses ERA-Interim au modèle de bilan hydrique Biljou© ˆ simuler des indices de déficit hydrique pour ces deux essences. La première partie de ce travail propose une analyse de la capacité du modèle WRF à simuler chacune des variables atmosphériques de surface qui sont utilisées en entrée du modèle du bilan hydrique. L’analyse de la capacité du modèle à simuler ces variables repose (i) sur une approche comparative directe entre les données simulées par WRF et les observations enregistrées par le réseau de stations Météo-France et les réanalyses SAFRAN à l’échelle de la région, de la station, et du peuplement forestier, (ii) sur une approche indirecte utilisant l’évapotranspiration potentielle (ETP) et la relation entre les indices de croissance radiale et les indices de déficit hydrique calculés par le modèle d’impact pour les deux essences. Les résultats montrent une amélioration significative des données ERA-Interim par le modèle WRF pour chacune des variables ainsi qu’une capacité certaine à les spatialiser à haute résolution. Toutefois, la bonne reproduction de l’ETP par WRF, combinée à la faible corrélation entre la moyenne annuelle des indices de déficit hydrique estimés avec les données WRF et la moyenne annuelle des indices de croissance radiale montrent que les difficultés de WRF à simuler le déficit hydrique sont principalement imputables à ses biais de précipitations. La seconde partie propose l’application d’une post-correction statistique aux données de précipitations WRF. Bien que cette méthode améliore significativement la distribution spatiale des précipitations, leurs variabilités saisonnière et interannuelle et surtout les cumuls précipités, les données post-corrigées ne permettent pas de reproduire un indice de déficit hydrique suffisamment proche de celui estimé à partir des observations ou des analyses SAFRAN. Deux nouvelles simulations résolvant explicitement les processus convectifs et utilisant un guidage spectral ont permis de montrer à partir de deux années types que cette déficience est imputable à l’incapacité de la méthode de correction à résoudre les différences de timing de la variabilité climatique transitoire simulée par WRF. Deux types d’erreurs de modélisation climatique, survenant indépendamment, sont donc d'une importance primordiale pour les études d'impact: (i) la chronologie des événements pluvieux ; (ii) la distribution statistique des précipitations quotidiennes. La combinaison de ces deux éléments contrôle le nombre de jours franchissant le seuil de 40% de réserve relative en eau du sol et indirectement l’intensité des indices de déficit hydrique
During the 2003 drought and heat wave event, douglas-fir and common beech stands in Burgundy have been heavily affected, and presented symptoms of dieback and mortality. This event seems to be the first occurrence of expected climatic changes in the near future and questions their sustainability in Burgundy since their climate vulnerability is mainly due to the amplitude and accumulated water constraints exercised during their growing cycle. In the context of climate change and in order to provide information to forest managers who partly rely on a mapping of the climatic constraints until the end of this century, this work explores the ability of a high resolution hydroclimatic modelling chain, coupling the regional climate model WRF to the daily lumped water balance model Biljou© in order to simulate soil water deficit indices for these two species. The first part of this paper analyzes the capacity of WRF model to simulate each surface atmospheric variable used as input for the water balance computation. The analysis of model's ability to simulate these variables is based on (i) a direct and comparative approach between WRF simulated data and observations recorded by the Météo-France stations network and SAFRAN reanalyses across the whole region, over stations and forest stands, (ii) on an indirect approach using the potential evapotranspiration and soil water deficit index calculated by Biljou©. Results show a significant improvement upon the ERA-Interim data for each variable and a strong ability to produce reliable data at high resolution. However, the WRF capability to estimate a realist potential evapotranspiration, combined to the the low correlation between the average annual soil water deficit and radial growth indexes, show that the WRF deficiencies in simulating water deficit are mainly attributable to its precipitation biases. The second part proposes to apply a statistical post-correction to the WRF precipitation data. Although this method significantly improves the spatial distribution of precipitation, their seasonal and interannual variability and precipitation amounts, post-corrected data do not produce a water deficit index sufficiently close to those ones estimated from observations or SAFRAN reanalysis. Two new simulations explicitly solving convective processes and using a spectral nudging have shown that this deficiency is mainly attributable to the inability of the correction method to solve timing differences of the transient climate variability simulated by WRF. This work showed that two types of climate modeling errors occurring independently, are major issues for impact studies: (i) the timing of precipitations events ; (ii) the statistical distribution of daily precipitation. Combined together, they control the number of days crossing the 40% threshold of relative extractable water and indirectly the soil water deficit index intensity

Gimenes, Lindsay Unno. "Estudo da divergência folicular e da capacidade ovulatória em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis) e zebuínos (Bos indicus)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-25052007-110610/.

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O presente estudo está apresentado em Capítulo 1 (Divergência folicular; DF) e 2 (Capacidade ovulatória), e em cada estão incluídos dois experimentos [1 - em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis); 2 - em zebuínos (Bos indicus)]. Os objetivos do Capítulo 1 foram determinar o momento e diâmetro na DF e avaliar o perfil das concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH próximo à seleção folicular. No Experimento 1, a ovulação foi considerada o dia zero (D0), a partir do qual 10 novilhas Murrah foram examinadas por ultra-sonografia (US) a cada oito horas (h) até o D4 e, posteriormente, a cada 24h até o D6. A avaliação da DF foi realizada por análise visual do gráfico de cada novilha (Ginther et al., 1996) e regressão linear segmentada (Bergfelt et al. 2003). As amostras de sangue, para dosagem de FSH e LH, foram colhidas com intervalos de 8h nas primeiras 24h pós-ovulação. A partir deste momento foram feitas colheitas a cada 4h até o D4 e após, a cada 12h até o D6. No método visual, o intervalo ovulação-DF, e o diâmetro dos folículos dominante (FD) e subordinado (FS) foram de, respectivamente, 63,2±5,7h; 7,2±0,3mm e 6,4±0,3mm (média±EPM). No método matemático estes mesmos parâmetros foram de, respectivamente, 61,9±4,9h; 7,3±0,3mm e 6,3±0,3mm. Não houve diferença entre os dois métodos de avaliação da DF (P>0,05). As concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH não variaram ao longo do tempo (P>0,05). No Experimento 2, 12 novilhas Nelore foram submetidas à US a cada 12h até o D5 e estes mesmos intervalos foram adotados para as colheitas de sangue (dosagem de FSH e LH). No método visual, o intervalo ovulação-DF, e os diâmetros do FD e FS foram de, respectivamente, 61,0±5,8h; 6,2±0,2mm e 5,8±0,2mm. No método matemático estes mesmos parâmetros foram de, respectivamente, 57,2±6,0h; 6,2±0,3mm e 5,9±0,3mm. Não houve diferença entre os métodos (P>0,05). As concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH não variaram ao longo do tempo (P>0,05). No Capítulo 2, o objetivo foi avaliar o diâmetro no qual o FD adquire capacidade ovulatória após administração de 25mg de LH. Os grupos foram formados de acordo com o diâmetro do FD no momento do tratamento com LH (7,0-8,4mm; 8,5-10,0mm e >10,0mm, em ambos os experimentos). No Experimento 1, foram utilizadas 29 novilhas bubalinas Murrah x Mediterrâneo. A partir do D3 (pós-ovulação), os exames US foram realizados a cada 12h até 48h do tratamento com LH. Nos grupos 7,0-8,4; 8,5-10,0 e >10,0mm, os diâmetros foliculares no momento da aplicação do LH foram de 7,8c±0,1; 9,3b±0,2 e 11,0a±0,3mm e as taxas de ovulação de 0,0%b (0/10); 50,0%a (5/10) e 55,6%a (5/9), respectivamente. No Experimento 2, 29 novilhas Bos indicus foram monitoradas por US a cada 24h a partir da ovulação até o tratamento com LH, e então a cada 12h durante 48h. Nos grupos 7,0-8,4; 8,5-10,0 e >10,0mm, os diâmetros foliculares no momento da aplicação do LH foram de 7,6c±0,1; 9,6b±0,1 e 10,9a±0,2mm e as taxas de ovulação de 33,3%b (3/9); 80,0%a (8/10) e 90,0%a (9/10), respectivamente.
Present study is presented in Chapter 1 (Follicle deviation; FD) and 2 (Ovulatory capacity). Each chapter includes two experiments [1 - in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis); 2 - in zebu cattle (Bos indicus)]. In Chapter 1, aims were to determine moment and diameter deviation and to evaluate FSH and LH plasmatic profiles encompassing follicle selection. In Experiment 1, ovulation was considered day 0 (D0). From D0, 10 Murrah heifers were examined by ultrasound (US) each eight hours (h) until D4 and then, every 24h until D6. FD evaluation was performed by visual analysis (Ginther et al., 1996) and by segmented linear regression (Bergfelt et al., 2003). Blood samples were harvested each 8h in the first 24h post ovulation. From this moment blood collections were performed every 4h until D4 and after that, each 12h until D6. Interval ovulation-FD, dominant (DF) and subordinate follicle (SF) diameters, by visual method, were, respectively, 63.2±5.7h; 7.2±0.3mm and 6.4±0.3mm (mean±SEM). These same end points, by mathematical method, were, respectively, 61.9±4.9h; 7.3±0.3mm and 6.3±0.3mm. No differences between both methods of FD evaluation (P>0.05) were found. No changes in plasmatic FSH and LH levels along the time (P>0.05) were found. In Experiment 2, 12 Nelore heifers were submmited to US each 12h until D5, and these same intervals were used to blood harvests (FSH and LH profiles). Interval ovulation-FD, dominant (DF) and subordinate follicle (SF) diameters, by visual method, were, respectively, 61.0±5.8h; 6.2±0.2mm and 5.8±0.2mm. These same end points, by mathematical method, were, respectively, 57.2±6.0h; 6.2±0.3mm and 5.9±0.3mm. No differences between both methods of FD evaluation (P>0.05) were found. No changes in plasmatic FSH and LH levels along the time (P>0.05) were found. In Chapter 2, aim was to evaluate diameter in which DF acquires ovulatory capacity after administration of 25mg of LH. The animals were assigned in groups according to DF diameter at LH treatment (7.0-8.4mm; 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, in both experiments). In Experiment 1, 29 Murrah x Mediterrâneo heifers were used. From D3 (post ovulation), US examinations were performed each 12h until 48h after LH treatment. Follicle diameters at LH chalenge in groups 7.0-8.4mm, 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, were 7.8c±0.1, 9.3b±0.2 and 11.0a±0.3mm, and ovulation rates were 0.0%b (0/10), 50.0%SUP>a (5/10) and 55.6%a (5/9), respectively. In Experiment 2, 29 Bos indicus heifers were monitored by US every 24h from ovulation until LH chalenge, and then each 12h during 48h. Follicle diameters at LH treatment in groups 7.0-8.4mm, 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, were 7.6c±0.1, 9.6b±0.1 and 10.9a±0.2mm, and ovulation rates were 33.3%b (3/9), 80.0%a (8/10) and 90.0%a (9/10), respectively

Perrin, Armelle. "Etude expérimentale des capacités digestives chez la Seiche, Sepia officinalis L. (Mollusque, Céphalopode) : impact de l'alimentation, indice de condition nutritionnelle et formulation d'un aliment artificiel." Caen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CAEN2058.

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Les capacités digestives de Sepia officinalis ont été étudiées expérimentalement sur des seiches juvéniles élevées en conditions contrôlées et sur des seiches du milieu naturel. Les seiches ont un système digestif performant, particulièrement équipé en enzymes protéolytiques. Le premier mois suivant l'éclosion, le système digestif des juvéniles subit d'importants changements liés à sa maturation vers un type adulte. L'impact du régime alimentaire sur les enzymes digestives indique qu'elles ne sont pas identiquement régulées lors du développement de la seiche. Ces variations sont en relation avec les besoins essentiels des juvéniles. L'utilisation de crevettes congelées enrichies en acides gras et peptides montre que les acides gras sont nécessaires avant 20 jours, âge représentant un passage délicat pour les juvéniles. L'impact des acides gras et des peptides indique l'existence d'une régulation des enzymes protéolytiques basée sur l'équilibre acides gras/peptides. Ces acides gras accélèrent la maturation du système digestif, permettant d'obtenir une digestion plus efficace des aliments. De plus, les enzymes digestives peuvent servir en tant que biomarqueurs nutritionnels, spatialement et temporellement. Ainsi, des données obtenues sur des pré-recrues issues du milieu naturel pourront permettre d'aider à la compréhension du recrutement. Enfin, l'attraction étant le premier problème majeur dans l'élaboration d'une alimentation artificielle, un surimi à base de crevettes a été mis au point, visuellement attirant et que les juvéniles de seiches acceptent de manger. Un dispositif permettant de mouvoir les aliments a été testé avec succès sur des seiches âgées de 0 jours.

Erramilli, Bala Prasad. "Disaster Management in India: Analysis of Factors Impacting Capacity Building." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2008. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/political_science_diss/15.

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Governments are responsible for administrative arrangements dealing with disasters. Effective policies play a vital role in mitigating the impact of disasters and reducing likely losses of life and property. Yet, it had been noted that such losses were increasing, raising questions about efficacy of government policies and the factors that made them effective. This study adopted a comparative method, responding to a long-standing demand of disaster research, for examining the record in India. There were noticeable differences among its states, with some having undertaken comprehensive reform in an all-hazards approach, while others continued with old policies. This research studied four states with the objective of identifying variables that were critical in undertaking policy reform for building capacities. The roles of economic resources, democratically decentralized institutions, political party systems and focusing events were examined. Findings revealed that these factors had varying impact on state capabilities. Economic resources were an inevitable part of disaster management, but did not necessarily translate into policy reform. Panchayati Raj Institutions, which were democratically decentralized bodies, displayed tremendous potential. However, their role was limited mostly to the response phase, with states severely circumscribing their involvement. The nature of political party systems was able to explain policy reform to an extent. Cohesive systems in Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Orissa correlated with administrative capacities, unlike in fragmented Bihar. However, anti-incumbency sentiments and strong community mobilization impacted contestation more than electoral salience of public goods. The most nuanced and significant explanation was provided by experience of focusing events. States that suffered major disasters revealed unmistakable evidence of double-loop learning, leading to comprehensive policy reform and capacity building. This research provides empirical support to theory about the role of focusing events and organizational learning in policy reform. Methodologically, it underscores the importance of the comparative approach, and its successful application in a federal framework. The significance of this research is most for policy makers and practitioners, as it serves to alert them on the need for reform without waiting for the next big disaster to catch them unprepared.

Arnold, Eucille Elaine. "Broken attachments of women of West Indian origin : the effects on their capacity for making and sustaining relationships." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.391144.

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Naik, Tejas Surya. "End of Life Vehicles Management at Indian Automotive System." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, JTH, Industriell organisation och produktion, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-41400.

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End of Life Vehicles (ELVs) can act as a source of secondary raw materials at the same time can pose a severe threat to our ecosystem if the ELVs are handled unscientifically. Globally, abundant research is being carried out on obsolete vehicles to harness energy and to reduce negative impacts on the environment. India, characterized by an informal ELV handling sector has achieved material recovery and recycling efficiency up to some extent but lacks in the incorporation of eco-friendly management of ELVs, and this issue needs to be addressed along with the problems of social and economic sustainability of the firm. The research work is intended to study the prevailing status of ELV handling in India. The current situation is represented by comparing ELV handling capacities of various firms and future ELVs. Also, an assessment of shared responsibility of critical stakeholders is depicted using a radar chart, and relative importance of their involvement is represented. Research also presents a comparative study of ELV legislative policies of different countries. Linear regression is applied to predict the values of ELVs in major Indian cities. Suitable methodologies are employed to collect the required data, and the findings are discussed using illustrative graphs and tables.

Bannan, Thomas James. "Measurements of trace gases that may indicate or influence the tropospheric oxidising capacity using a chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (CIMS)." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/measurements-of-trace-gases-that-may-indicate-or-influence-the-tropospheric-oxidising-capacityusing-a-chemical-ionisation-mass-spectrometer-cims(4b129e41-b15f-4e22-8927-4776be9ed4b9).html.

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The oxidation of primary emitted species such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) acts as a source of ozone and therefore has detrimental effects on air quality and climate. In order to understand at what rate oxidation is occurring in the troposphere, i.e. the oxidation capacity, an understanding of the contributors to oxidation and possible markers of oxidation are imperative. Formic acid, a ubiquitous trace gas, which contributes significantly to the acidity of precipitation, could, because of its dominant source being suggested to be the ozonolysis of alkenes, be used as a marker for oxidation. A chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (CIMS) with a quadruple mass analyser utilising the I ionisation scheme was therefore deployed in London during both the summer and winter Clean Air for London (ClearfLO) Campaign to measure formic acid in order to asses this possibility. Simultaneous formic and nitric acid measurements with the CIMS, as well as supplementary gas phase data, in the winter ClearfLO campaign indicated the dominance of direct anthropogenic emissions of formic acid at this time and location. Global modelling simulations including a direct anthropogenic emission of formic acid suggested that this source is responsible for up to 30% of total formic acid in certain regions of the northern hemisphere, an area where this acid is most significantly underestimated. This ruled out the possibility of using formic acid as a marker for oxidation as a result of its vast range of sources. The mirrored summer campaign, also simultaneously detecting formic acid and nitric acid, showed that secondary photochemical production was, however, a dominant source in this time and location. The first UK measurements of ClNO2 are reported here – which is a region where modelling studies predict significant ClNO2 production all year round. Concentrations of ClNO2 up to 724 ppt and a mean of 207 ppt were measured in London during the summer ClearfLO campaign. Cl atoms from ClNO2 photolysis were shown to contribute up to 15%, 3% and 26% of the oxidation of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, respectively over the full day. This will increase the tropospheric ozone forming potential at this time, particularly in the early morning. As well as very limited ClNO2 measurements in Europe, measurements from low NOx sites and airborne measurements are also highly understudied. Measurements of ClNO2 in the rural coastal site of Weybourne and an altitude profile from the FAAM Bae-146 Research aircraft were therefore undertaken. Concentrations of ClNO2 were significantly lower in Weybourne in comparison to the London study with peaks of 80 ppt with night-time average of 15 ppt being observed. The importance of Cl atoms to VOC oxidation at this site was much reduced in comparison to London owing to the higher OH concentrations and lower production of ClNO2 at this site.

Grac, Corinne. "Fouille temporelle des indicateurs physico-chimiques et biologiques pour l'évaluation de l'état, des pressions et de la capacité de résilience des rivières." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019STRAH015.

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Les données issues de la surveillance des rivières sont volumineuses, avec des relations complexes. Des méthodes de fouille de données non supervisées peuvent s’y appliquer et donner des résultats pertinents pour leur gestion, sous réserve d’une collaboration étroite entre hydroécologues et informaticiens. L’extraction de motifs partiellement ordonnés à partir de séquences temporelles de pressions physico-chimiques précédant un état biologique a été réalisée. Ces motifs temporels permettent d’identifier une partie des pressions en cause dans un état écologique dégradé ou non, de préciser l’importance de la durée des séquences avant l’évaluation de l’état biologique, d’identifier les altérations caractéristiques à l’échelle d’une hydro-écorégion. A terme nous envisageons d’élargir ces motifs aux pressions hydromorphologiques
Data from the assessment of river are big data, with complex relationships. Unsupervised data mining methods can be applied on them and give relevant results for their management, if a close collaboration exists between hydroecologists and computer scientists. The extraction of partially ordered patterns from temporal sequences of physicochemical pressures preceding a biological state has been achieved. These temporal patterns allow to identify a part of the pressures involved or not in a degraded ecological status, to specify the importance of the sequences time-length before a biological assessment, to identify the characteristic pressure categories at a regional scale. To go further, we plan to extend these patterns to hydromorphological pressures

L'Huillier, Hélène. "L’impact de projets locaux de RSE sur le développement humain durable : Applications à des projets menés par des multinationales au Nigeria et au Mexique." Thesis, Lille 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL12010.

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Le cadre juridique récent sur la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) conduit les multinationales à s’intéresser de façon croissante à la mesure de l’impact social de leurs pratiques. A partir de deux études de cas, cette thèse examine l’impact de projets de RSE sur le développement humain, notamment relationnel, des populations concernées. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à la construction d’un cadre théorique. En faisant apparaître les hypothèses sous-jacentes aux indicateurs de développement, aux visions de la RSE et aux optiques de l’évaluation d’impact, des convergences et incompatibilités entre différentes postures caractéristiques de ces trois objets sont mises en avant. Cela me conduit à privilégier une méthodologie d’analyse fondée sur des méthodes quantitatives non expérimentales et sur des analyses qualitatives, qui mobilisent une approche multidimensionnelle du développement à partir de l’approche des capacités. La seconde partie de la thèse présente des applications empiriques fondées sur les évaluations d’impact de programmes sociétaux menés par Total au Nigeria et d’un projet de recyclage inclusif mené par Danone au Mexique. Les résultats empiriques montrent qu’au-delà de leur impact sur la pauvreté, ces projets ont des effets importants sur le tissu social. Est ainsi démontré l’intérêt de cadres évaluatifs qui font valoir des indicateurs non conventionnels et qui éclairent les chiffres par une compréhension qualitative des processus de changement et des rapports de force
Given the recent legal framework on corporate social responsibility (CSR), multinational corporations show growing interest in measuring the social impact of their practices. Based on two case studies, this thesis examines the impact which CSR projects have on the affected populations’ human development, including a measure of relational development. The first part of the thesis constructs the theoretical framework. Uncovering the assumptions underlying the three objects of study – development indicators, views on CSR and impact assessment approaches – reveals convergences and incompatibilities between different postures. This framework justifies the choice of a methodology based on the use of non-experimental quantitative methods joined to qualitative analyses, which mobilizes a multidimensional approach to development founded on the capability approach. The second part of the thesis presents two empirical applications based on the impact assessment of Total's societal programs in Nigeria and of a waste pickers inclusion project conducted by Danone in Mexico. The empirical results show that beyond their impact on poverty, these projects have important effects on the social fabric. This provides evidence for the value of evaluative frameworks which use unconventional indicators and which inform quantitative data with a qualitative analysis of the processes of change and the balance of power involved

Teng, Teng. "Loss of tumor suppressor RPL5/RPL11 does not induce cell-cycle arrest, but impedes proliferation due to reduced ribosome content and translation capacity: Implications in Diamond Blackfan Anemia." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1383645029.

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Alcantara, Michael Steinhorst. "Biodigestão anaeróbia de cama de aviário com recirculação de digestato." Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, 2016. http://tede.unioeste.br:8080/tede/handle/tede/247.

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Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:47:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Michael_ S A.pdf: 2204905 bytes, checksum: 95f172e9117213f43a2e88631cfe2b2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-11
Poultry farming has increased and so does the amount of residues from producing areas with poultry litter and dead broilers, consequently, there is a major environmental problem for the poultry industry. Poultry litter, rich in organic matter, commonly applied on soil without treatment, acidifies it by releasing hydrogen ions since it stabilizes organic matter and also because it is a nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, other applications for poultry litter are needed and should be studied, as for example, its use for power generation by anaerobic digestion. This process is attractive for the sector by treating waste and generating biogas that may replace the energy used in poultry. There is, however, an environmental restriction to this system because it requires a large amount of water to hydrolyze poultry litter. Therefore, this study has evaluated the anaerobic digestion of poultry litter in a digester built with glass fiber boxes whose total volume was 40.0 m3. There was a system of effluent reuse from the digester to dilute its next feeding and reduce water consumption during this process. The effluent was reused with its recirculation at the feeding moment with a motor pump, in a semi-continuous system (once a day). The anaerobic digestion has been stabilized at the organic feeding charges of 0.5 and 1.0 kg total volatile solids by m3 digester, so, the evaluations 1 and 2 were created, respectively. There was a hydraulic retention time of 10 days for both evaluations. The stabilization process occurred by Shewhart charts while the process analysis occurred by the process capacity and operational energy viability of the system indexes. At the evaluation number 2, the process was capable and viable for power operations, whose energy production as methane was 4.41 times superior to the electric energy consumed on operations of the treating system, 0.0182 m3 methane kg-1 VTS-1added. The produced effluent was not characterized as an adequate biofertilizer for crop yield because it showed small amounts of nutrients content. On the other hand, the sludge is available as organic manure since a great amount of nutrients has sedimented on the bottom of the digester. At the final period, after evaluation number 2, the digester and motor pump did not present any adequate feeding flux due to the large content of solids in the effluent; so, it was not possible to operate the digester. However, pH (close to 7.00) and the ratio between volatile acidity and total alkalinity of the effluent (below 0.3) at the final period indicated that anaerobic digestion showed some potential to be continued. This fact highlights the importance of other studies about dilution of poultry litter mechanism on the effluent of digester
O crescimento da produção de frangos tem concentrado resíduos nas regiões produtoras, cama de aviário e aves mortas, gerando um grande problema ambiental para a indústria avícola. A cama de aviário, rica em matéria orgânica, comumente aplicada no solo sem tratamento, acidifica o mesmo por liberar íons de hidrogênio ao estabilizar sua matéria orgânica e por ser um fertilizante nitrogenado. Portanto, outras aplicações para a cama de aviário são necessárias e devem ser estudadas, como o seu uso para geração de energia pela biodigestão anaeróbia. Este processo é um atrativo para o setor por tratar o resíduo e gerar biogás que pode substituir a energia usada na criação dos frangos. Existe, porém, um entrave ambiental neste sistema por necessitar de grande quantidade de água para hidrolisar a cama de aviário. Por isso, esse trabalho avaliou a biodigestão anaeróbia da cama de aviário em um biodigestor construído com caixas de fibra de vidro no volume total de 40 m3 com sistema de reutilização do digestato do biodigestor na diluição da próxima alimentação, para reduzir o consumo de água no processo. O digestato foi reutilizado pela recirculação do mesmo no momento da alimentação do biodigestor com uma motobomba, em sistema semi-contínuo (uma vez ao dia). A biodigestão anaeróbia foi estabilizada nas cargas orgânicas de alimentação de 0,5 e 1,0 kg sólidos totais voláteis por m3 de biodigestor, para a construção das avaliações 1 e 2, respectivamente. O tempo de retenção hidráulica foi de 10 dias para as duas avaliações. A estabilização procedeu-se pelo gráfico de Shewhart e a análise do processo pelo índice de capacidade do processo e pelo índice de viabilidade energética operacional do sistema. Na avaliação 2, o processo se apresentou como capaz e viável nas operações energéticas, com produção de energia na forma de metano 4,41 vezes maior que a energia elétrica gasta nas operações do sistema de tratamento, sendo 0,0182 m3 metano kg-1 STV-1adicionados. O digestato produzido não se caracterizou como biofertilizante adequado para as culturas por ter pequeno teor de nutrientes. Porém, o lodo é aplicável como adubo orgânico devido à grande parte dos nutrientes ter sedimentado no biodigestor. No período final, após a avaliação 2, o biodigestor e a motobomba não apresentaram mais fluxo de alimentação devido à quantidade de sólidos no digestato e por este motivo, não se conseguiu mais operar o biodigestor. No entanto, o pH (próximo a 7,00) e a relação entre a acidez volátil e a alcalinidade total do digestato (abaixo de 0,3) no período final indicavam que a biodigestão anaeróbia tinha potencial para ser continuada. Tal fato ressalta a importância de outros estudos sobre mecanismos de diluição da cama de aviário no afluente do biodigestor.

Andersson, Malin, and Daniel Svensson. "Impacts on teachers' lives of a capacity building course: A case study in rural Rajasthan, India." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för pedagogik, psykologi och idrottsvetenskap, PPI, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-12807.

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This case study is conducted on teachers working in Non-Formal Education centers (NFE's), for the Non-Governmental Organization Seva Mandir, in the Udaipur district in Rajasthan, India. The setting for the study is remote rural villages around the small city Udaipur, with one million inhabitants. The purpose of this case study is to investigate what impact the capacity building course that Seva Mandir offers the teachers, the NFE certification course, have had on the teacher’s lives. The aim is to get a picture of the overall impact of the course on a professional level and on the individual NFE teachers’ personal life. The case study was conducted on a sample of eleven out of 50 NFE teachers working for Seva Mandir in the Jhadol block. The empirical data was collected through qualitative interviews conducted in the NFE schools. The NFE centers that are run by Seva Mandir are a complement to malfunctioning government schools in areas where most of the children are first generation learners. The schools aim to keep children from working or starting to work, through giving them an educational base. The teachers have no previous teachers training and are having an average prior education of 8th to 10th class. The general findings of the study are that a majority of the teachers felt an increase in self-confidence after participating in the course. They generally had more concrete and ambitious future plans after the course than before it, and they were highly dominated of plans for further education for themselves and their children. It was also found that the teachers felt major changes in their teaching approach after the course. They had learnt new teaching strategies and seemed to have changed their attitude against the children. The teachers used activities like games, songs and stories in their teaching as well as taking help of the local surroundings when teaching.

Sveinsdóttir, Berglind Ösp. "Pavement behaviour evaluation during spring thaw based on the falling weight deflectometer method." Thesis, KTH, Transportvetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-45981.

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The bearing capacity of a road decreases greatly during spring thaw, when the previously frozen road begins to thaw. The extent of this decrease can be evaluated by making Falling Weight Deflectomter (FWD) measurements on the road, measuring the deflection of the road when an impact load is applied to it. The bearing capacity of the road can then be evaluated by backcalculating the layer modules with backcalculation programs, or through more simple calculations based on the deflection basin indices. Both analyses were carried out in this thesis with data from FWD measurements which were carried out on county road Lv 126 in Southern Sweden during the year 2010. The temperature and moisture content of the road were monitored during the same time. The aim with the thesis was to compare the two ways of analyses, and to find out if there is some relationship between them and the measured environmental data. The results showed that the base course layer and subbase decreased in stiffness during spring thaw about 50% while the decrease in the subgrade was 20%, compared to the backcalculated summer and autumn value. The results of the simple calculations from the deflection basin indices were well comparable to the backcalculation results. By comparing the backcalculated stiffness values to the moisture content measurements it was stated that the stiffness decreased as the moisture content increased.

Schlosshan, Dominik. "The evaluation of the effect of two non-pharmacological treatment modalities - non-invasive ventilation and biventricular pacing - on indices of cardiac function and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.445949.

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Singh, Abhinav. "Aggregation in the Schelling model and inverted biomass pyramids in ecosystems." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/29606.

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Thesis (Ph.D)--Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Committee Chair: Weiss, Howard; Committee Member: Cvitanovic , Predrag; Committee Member: Goldman, Daniel; Committee Member: Schatz, Michael; Committee Member: Wiesenfeld, Kurt. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.

Ould, Moulaye Hachem Bouye Ahmed. "Frontier estimation of efficiency and productivity : some new perspectives for firms and industry." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL12002/document.

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Cette thèse contribue à la littérature de l'efficience et des frontières de production en adoptant une philosophie de gestion pour apporter quelques solutions aux gestionnaires. Un thème principal est abordé dans cette thèse : nous illustrons l'importance de la convexité dans une grande variété de frontières de production. Trois sujets représentent le noyau de cette dissertation: (1) L’utilisation de capacité optimale et la redistribution dans un réseau de branches bancaires allemand; (2) Une comparaison des indices de productivité Malmquist et Hicks Moorsteen, qui se concentrent sur le problème de l’infaisabilité; (3) Les économies d’échelle et les rendements d’échelle dans les modèles non paramétriques. Le premier chapitre montre comment le modèle à court terme de Johansen peut être utilisé pour élaborer des scénarios permettant de gérer la redistribution d’inputs et d’outputs dans un réseau bancaire, et illustre comment la convexité affecte les résultats du modèle à court terme de Johansen. Le deuxième chapitre décrit comment les infaisabilités de l'indice de productivité de Malmquist sont conditionnées par des hypothèses sur la technologie (y compris la convexité). Enfin, le troisième chapitre explore la différence entre l'efficacité technique et l'efficacité d'échelle ainsi que les éventuelles différences entre la caractérisation des économies d'échelle et des rendements d'échelle basées sur les technologies et l’estimation des fonctions de coût convexes et non convexes
This thesis contributes to the efficiency and production frontier literature by adopting a managerial focus to provide some new solutions to managers. There is in fact one recurrent theme in this PhD : we illustrate the importance of convexity in a wide variety of production frontier modeling settings. Three topics represent the core of this dissertation : (1) Optimal capacity utilization and reallocation in a German bank branch network; (2) A comparison of Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indices focusing on infeasibilities; (3) Scale economies and returns to scale in non-parametric models. The first chapter shows how the short run Johansen model can be used to develop scenarios to manage the reallocation of inputs and outputs over a bank branch network so as to improve its performance. Then, we illustrate how convexity affects these results. The second chapter describes how infeasibilities of the Malmquist productivity index are conditioned by assumptions on technology, in particular (i) short-run versus long-run analysis, (ii) convex versus non-convex, and (iii) constant versus flexible returns to scale assumptions. Finally, the third chapter explores the difference between the technical efficiency and the scale efficiency as well as the eventual differences between the characterization of economies of scale and returns to scale based on convex and non-convex technology and cost function estimations

Brugaillères, Pauline. "Changements développementaux des capacités d'ajustement de la prise énergétique chez le nourrisson entre 11 et 15 mois : quels liens avec les caractéristiques infantiles, le type d'aliments offerts et les interactions avec la mère au cours du repas ?" Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCK016/document.

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Être capable d’ajuster les quantités consommées selon la densité énergétique des aliments contribue au maintien de l’équilibre de la balance énergétique. Dans un contexte de prévalence du surpoids chez l’enfant, il est crucial d’identifier les facteurs précoces susceptibles d’affecter les capacités d’ajustement énergétique. Durant toute la diversification alimentaire, les quantités ingérées, et donc les capacités d’ajustement énergétique, dépendent en partie de la qualité de l’interaction parent-enfant. Une étude épidémiologique suggère que les capacités d’ajustement énergétique se détérioreraient vers l’âge de un an. C’est aussi à cette période que survient le passage d’une alimentation spécifique bébé à une alimentation de type adulte.Aussi, dans ce travail, nous avons mis en place un suivi longitudinal afin de décrire, à l’aide d’une mesure expérimentale de compensation calorique, les changements développementaux des capacités d’ajustement énergétique entre 11 et 15 mois. Nous avons aussi exploré si certains facteurs relatifs aux caractéristiques individuelles des nourrissons, aux aliments qu’ils avaient consommés ou à l’interaction mère-nourrisson au cours du repas étaient liés aux capacités d’ajustement énergétique.Nous avons mis en évidence qu’à 11 et 15 mois les nourrissons sous-compensent leur prise énergétique à la suite de la consommation d’un premier aliment plus ou moins calorique, avec cependant de grandes différences interindividuelles. L’ajustement énergétique n’est pas meilleur si l’on considère l’ensemble des prises alimentaires au cours des 24h suivant la consommation de ce premier aliment. À 11 mois, les nourrissons ont de meilleures capacités d’ajustement énergétique lorsque, au cours du repas, la mère adapte le rythme des cuillerées à la taille des cuillerées ce qui pourrait refléter un nourrissage réceptif. À 15 mois, les nourrissons ajustent leur prise alimentaire sur des critères volumétriques plutôt que caloriques. Quel que soit l’âge, aucun lien n’a été mis en évidence entre l’expérience alimentaire des nourrissons (lactée et diversifiée) et leurs capacités d’ajustement énergétique. Concernant les changements développementaux, nous avons montré que les capacités d’ajustement énergétique se détériorent de 11 à 15 mois. Les nourrissons pour lesquels cette détérioration est plus importante sont perçus par leur mère comme étant plus ‘attirés’ par la nourriture. De plus, la détérioration des capacités d’ajustement énergétique est associée à une augmentation du z-IMC entre 11 et 15 mois et à un z-IMC plus élevé à 24 mois. Par ailleurs, plus les nourrissons sont exposés à des recettes de légumes de densité énergétique variable entre 8 et 11 mois, moins leur z-IMC est élevé à 8 mois et 11 mois. Ce travail souligne que les capacités d’ajustement énergétique sont associées à différents facteurs précoces relatifs au fonctionnement de la dyade mère-nourrisson et au statut pondéral des nourrissons. Ces résultats ouvrent un nouveau champ de recherche visant à comprendre la causalité de ces liens. In fine, cela permettrait de mieux accompagner les parents pour qu’ils adoptent des pratiques permettant le développement optimal des capacités d’ajustement énergétique de leur enfant au cours de la période clé des 1000 premiers jours
Being able to adjust food intake according to the energy density of food is one way to self-regulate energy intake and maintain a healthy energy balance. In the context of the prevalence of overweight in children, it appears crucial to identify early factors that may affect caloric adjustment abilities. During the complementary feeding process, the amount consumed, and in turn, the caloric adjustment abilities depend in part on the quality of the caregiver-infant interaction. An epidemiological study suggests that caloric adjustment abilities might deteriorate around one year old; a time when the transition from baby-foods towards adult like foods occurs in the infant diet.In this work, we performed a laboratory-based assessment of the infants’ caloric adjustment ability by adapting the preload paradigm. By using a longitudinal approach, we first described the developmental changes in infants’ caloric adjustment ability between 11 and 15 mo. Then, we explored whether some factors related to the infants’ characteristics, the type of foods consumed or the mother-infant interaction during the meal were linked to the caloric adjustment ability.We showed that, at 11 and 15 mo, the infants under-compensated their energy intake after consuming a food preload more or less caloric. However, we observed large inter-individual variation in this ability. The level of caloric adjustment was not better when considering the total food intake during the 24 h following the food preload consumption. At 11 mo, infants had better caloric adjustment ability when the mother adapted the spoonful pace to the spoonful weight content; this dynamic during the meal could reflect a responsive feeding. At 15 mo, the infants exhibited a volumetric adjustment rather than a caloric adjustment. Regardless of the studied age, no significant links were found between the infants’ feeding experience (milk and complementary foods) and their caloric adjustment ability. Regarding the developmental changes, we observed that the infants’ caloric adjustment ability deteriorated from 11 to 15 mo. The more this deterioration, the more the infants were perceived as ‘attracted by food’ by their mothers. Moreover, the more this deterioration, the more the z-BMI increased between 11 and 15 mo, and the higher the z-BMI was at 24 mo. In addition, the more the infants were exposed to a wide range of energy density for the vegetable-based recipes between 8 and 11 mo, the lower their z-BMI was at 8 and at 11 mo. This work highlights that caloric adjustment ability is associated with various early factors related to the mother-infant dyadic functioning and the infants’ weight status. These results open up a new research field to understand the causality underpinning these links. In fine, this would allow to assist parents to support an optimal development of their infant’s caloric adjustment abilities during the key period of the first 1000 days

Silva, Osvaldo Cirilo da. "Processo de fabricação de comprimidos de lamivudina e zidovudina (150+300mg): avaliação retrospectiva da variabilidade e desenvolvimento de metodologia analítica por espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo com transformada de Fourier (FT-NIR) aplicada a avaliação da homogeneidade da mistura de pós." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/9/9139/tde-29012019-155121/.

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O uso de ferramentas estatísticas no ciclo de vida de um produto farmacêutico permite verificar e controlar o processo tendo como objetivo a sua melhoria contínua. No presente estudo foi avaliada a estabilidade e a capacidade estatística do processo de fabricação dos comprimidos revestidos de lamivudina 3TC e zidovudina AZT (150 + 300 mg) fabricados pela Fundação para o Remédio Popular \"Chopin Tavares de Lima\" (FURP). Esse medicamento, distribuido gratuitamente pelo programa DST/AIDS do Ministério da Saúde, e fabricado por compressão direta, processo rápido que permite a implementação futura da tecnologia analítica de processo (Process Analytical Technology - PAT). No Capítulo I foi realizada avaliação retrospectiva da variabilidade de atributos criticos da qualidade de 529 lotes dos comprimidos fabricados de acordo com a RDC ANVISA 17/2010 e as monografias oficiais, sendo tais atributos: peso médio, uniformidade de dose unitária e % m/v de fármaco dissolvido, antes e após o revestimento. O objetivo foi identificar eventuais causas especiais de variabilidade dos processos que permitam melhorias contínuas. No Capitulo II foi desenvolvida metodologia analítica empregando a espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo com transformada de Fourier para a avaliação da homogeneidade da mistura dos pós. Nesse estudo foram analisadas amostras de misturas dos fármacos lamivudina 3TC e zidovudina AZT e mistura excipiente, empregando como método de referência a CLAE, para a quantificação desses dois fármacos. No Capitulo I, a avaliação do processo para o peso médio revelou a necessidade de investigação das causa especiais de variabilidade, evidenciada por meio das cartas de controle. Os resultados do ano de 2015 indicaram necessidade de centralização e de consistência do processo, com redução de probabilidade de falha. As cartas de controle para uniformidade de dose unitária, no ano de 2013, revelaram menor variabilidade do processo. Porem, nesse ano, a análise estatística para a dissolução revelou processo descentralizado e sem consistência, com maior evidência para o fármaco 3TC que demonstrou menor desempenho, Cpk<1,0. A avaliação da estabilidade e da capacidade do processo de fabricação de comprimidos de lamivudina + zidovudina (150+300 mg), no período de 2012 a 2015, permitiu o maior entendimento de suas fontes de variação. Foi possível detectar e determinar o grau dessa variação e seu impacto no processo e nos atributos críticos de qualidade do produto com evidentes oportunidades de melhoria do processo, reduzindo os riscos para o paciente. No capítulo II, no desenvolvimento do método, as estatísticas de validação revelaram que os menores valores de BIAS foram observados para a 3TC, 0,000116 e 0,0021, respectivamente para validação cruzada e validação. Os valores de BIAS próximos a zero indicaram reduzida porcentagem de variabilidade do método. O presente estudo demonstrou a viabilidade do uso do modelo desenvolvido para a quantificação da 3TC e AZT por FT-NIR apos ajustes que contribuam para a elevação de R, R2 e RPD para valores aceitáveis. Valores de RPD acima de 5,0 que permitem o uso do modelo para uso em controle de qualidade.
The use of statistical tools in the life cycle of a pharmaceutical product allows verifying and controlling the process aiming at its continuous improvement. In the present study, the stability and statistical capacity of the lamivudine coated tablets 3TC and zidovudine AZT (150 + 300 mg) manufactured by the Chopin Tavares de Lima Foundation (FURP) were evaluated. This drug, distributed free of charge by the Ministry of Health\'s DST/AIDS program, is manufactured by direct compression, a rapid process that allows the future implementation of Process Analytical Technology (PAT). In Chapter I, a retrospective evaluation of the variability of critical quality attributes of 529 batches of tablets manufactured was carried out, such attributes being: mean weight, unit dose uniformity and % m/v of dissolved drug substances, before and after coating. The objective was to identify possible special causes of variability of the processes that allow continuous improvements. In Chapter II an analytical methodology was developed employing the near infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform for the evaluation of the homogeneity of the powder mixture. In this study, samples of mixtures of the drugs lamivudine 3TC and zidovudine AZT and excipient mixture were analyzed, using as reference method the HPLC, for the quantification of these two drugs. In Chapter I, the evaluation of the process for the mean weight revealed the need to investigate the special cause of variability, as evidenced by the charts. The results of the year 2015 indicated the need for centralization and process consistency, with a reduction in the probability of failure. The control charts for unit dose uniformity, in the year 2013, revealed less process variability. However, in that year, the statistical analysis for dissolution revealed a decentralized process with no consistency, with greater evidence for the 3TC drug that showed lower performance, Cpk<1.0. The evaluation of the stability and capacity of the lamivudine + zidovudine tablet manufacturing process (150 + 300 mg) in the period from 2012 to 2015 allowed a better understanding of its sources of variation. It was possible to detect and determine the degree of this variation and its impact on the process and the critical quality attributes of the product with evident opportunities to improve the process, reducing risks for the patient. In Chapter II, in the development of the method, the validation revealed that the lowest values of BIAS were observed for 3TC, 0.000116 and 0.0021, respectively for cross validation and validation. BIAS values close to zero indicated a reduced percentage of variability of the method. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of using the model developed for the quantification of 3TC and AZT by FT-NIR after adjustments that contribute to the elevation of R, R2 and RPD to acceptable values. RPD values above 5.0 that allow the use of the model for use in quality control.

ALBERTIN, ROBERTO. "Il Multinational Managerial Community Index per analizzare l’internazionalizzazione d’impresa da una prospettiva incentrata sul comportamento collaborativo internazionale dei manager relativamente alla propria catena del valore." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/35759.

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La presente tesi teorica propone il MOPC index per misurare quanto i manager abbiano generato una comunità multinazionale di gestione aperta di un generico processo considerando congiuntamente l’affiliazione, la connettività interna, la forza e la multinazionalità. A tal fine ho impiegato il SAOM-Behavior valutando la collaborazione internazionale di processo ed annessa propensione come variabili multiple i cui valori e co-evoluzione dipendono dalla co-influenza tra le collaborazioni internazionali fasiche, tra le medesime e le rispettive propensioni fasiche e tra queste ultime. L’intensità relazionale dipende dal modello mentale condiviso, generatosi a livello di team internazionale, su una certa fase del processo mentre la propensione è funzione dell’orientamento e dell’attitudine alla collaborazione internazionale fasica. Il MOPC index è stato applicato alla comunità multinazionale di innovazione aperta e di gestione aperta introducendo due indici teorici: MOIC index e MOMC index. Infine ho teorizzato la catena del valore del manager (MVC) impiegando il processo innovativo e gestionale; considerando le collaborazioni internazionali sui due processi con annesse propensioni, si ho analizzato la collaborazione internazionale sulla MVC, la relativa propensione e la loro co-evoluzione. Cosi facendo, ho introdotto il MMC index per misurare la comunità multinazionale manageriale e, mediante questo, la multinazionalizzazione d’impresa da una prospettiva relazionale manageriale.
This thesis presents the theoretical MOPC index to measure how much the managers generate a multinational open process community by considering the affiliation, the internal connectivity, the strenghtness and the multinationality. I employed the SAOM-Behavior by evaluating the international process collaboration and the respective propensity as multiple variables whose value and co-evolution depend on the co-influence between the international collaborations phasic, between the same and the respective propensities phasic and between them. The intensity of these relationships depends on the International phasic team mental model sharing (TMMS) while the propensity’s one depends on the orientation and the attitude. Then the MOPC index has been applied to measure the multinational open innovation community and the multinational open management community by introducing the MOIC index and the MOMC index. Finally, I introduced the managerial value chain (MVC) as composed of the innovative and the management process. By integrating the international collaborations related to the two processes and their propensities It’s possible to measure the international MVC collaboration, the correlated propensity and their co-evolution. In doing so, I introduced the MMC index to determine the multinational managerial community’s degree and use it to evaluate the firm’s multinationalization by a managerial relational perspective.

Mussoni, Giacomo. "Progettazione di un sistema innovativo di rinforzo esterno per il miglioramento sismico degli edifici senza interruzione d’uso." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/20757/.

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Il presente elaborato di tesi rientra nel progetto regionale TimeSafe,il quale prevede lo sviluppo di tecnologie integrate ed innovative a limitato impatto ed invasività per il miglioramento sismico di edifici senza interruzione d’uso. In particolare, lo scopo dell’elaborato di tesi è quello di studiare l’interazione fra una struttura esistente e un sistema innovativo di rinforzo esterno basato sull'utilizzo di casseforme coibentanti in polistirene con armature metalliche integrate, elementi in calcestruzzo gettato e proiettato e relativi sistemi di collegamento. Si vuole inoltre capire se è possibile progettare il sistema di rinforzo TimeSafe considerando come elementi sismo-resistenti nei confronti degli Stati Limite Ultimi (SLV e SLC) solamente traversi e pilastri o se è necessario modellare anche il contributo della parete di completamento per raggiungere il livello di sicurezza richiesto. Pertanto, si studia in tal senso dapprima la vulnerabilità della struttura esistente nei confronti dell’azione sismica, quindi si valuta il miglioramento ottenibile applicando la tecnologia di rinforzo TimeSafe. In questa fase si effettuano diverse prove finalizzate a trovare la migliore soluzione di rinforzo dal punto di vista strutturale e costruttivo. Parallelamente si intende definire un criterio di progetto fruibile anche in campo professionale attraverso cui effettuare il dimensionamento delle armature del sistema di rinforzo e le relative verifiche, in funzione sia della vulnerabilità sismica dell’edificio esistente sia del livello di sicurezza che si vuole raggiungere. Lo studio comprende analisi in campo lineare della struttura pre e post-intervento, le quali permettono di valutare la vulnerabilità e fungono anche da supporto e controllo per le analisi successive svolte in campo non lineare. Queste ultime consentono di valutare sia come si modifica il meccanismo di collasso della struttura una volta inserito il rinforzo, sia come cambia la sua vulnerabilità.

Ohlmann, Marc. "Vers une théorie spatiale des réseaux d'interaction en écologie : méthodes, concepts et applications Diversity indices for ecological networks : a unifying framework using Hill numbers Unveiling the food webs of tetrapods across Europe through the prism of the Eltonian niche A spatial theory of mutualistic metacommunities : assesment of metacommunity capacity (in prep) Mapping the imprint of biotic interactions on β-diversity Multi-trophic -diversity mediates the effect of environmental gradients on the turnover of multiple ecosystem functions Combining abundances from different markers for environmental DNA (in prep)." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAV065.

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Cette thèse s’intéresse aux liens entre réseaux d’interactions en écologie, espace et temps. On assiste à un changement croissant de représentation d’un communauté d’espèces, d’un ensemble d’espèces à un ensemble d’espèces et leurs interactions : un réseau d’interactions. On s’attachera alors à élaborer les prémisses d’une théorie spatiale des réseaux, en développant des méthodes, des modèles et en les appliquant sur des données écologiques. La thèse s’articule autour de quatre chapitres. Dans un premier chapitre, on se penchera sur le problème de comparaison de réseau en différents points du temps et de l’espace. Nous étendrons les mesures de diversité, jusque-là développées pour des abondances uniquement, aux réseaux avec abondances des espèces et des interactions. Nous nous attacherons à définir des indices à plusieurs niveaux d’agrégation des noeuds dans le réseau et montrerons l’intérêt de la méthode sur des données de réseaux trophiques. Dans un deuxième chapitre, nous nous intéresserons au développement d’une théorie des méta-communautés qui modélise explicitement l’espace comme un réseau spatial et la communauté comme un réseau d’interaction. Nous définirons la notion de capacité de persistance de la méta-communauté. Dans un troisième chapitre, nous nous intéresserons aux problèmes d’inférence d’interactions sur des données de sol d’ADN environnemental le long d’un gradient d’altitude dans les Alpes. Nous montrerons que la méthode proposée permet d’estimer l’influence des variables environnementales et de reconstruire un réseau d'interaction cohérent vis-à-vis de la littérature. Dans un quatrième chapitre, nous nous intéresserons à la combinaison d’abondances provenant de différents marqueurs d’ADN environemental et montrerons l’efficacité de la méthode proposée pour obtenir des meilleurs données d’abondances sur des données de plantes
This thesis focuses on the links between interaction networks, space and time. There is a paradigm shift in community ecology concerning the representation of a species community : from a collection of species towards species and their interactions, represented by an interaction network. We aim to build the bricks for a spatial network theory, by developing new methods, new models and applying it on ecological data. This manuscript contains four chapters. In a first chapter, we extend the diversity indices, built on Hill numbers, to network diversity indices. We define diversity indices across species aggregation levelsand show the interest of this method on a trophic network data set. In a second chapter, we develop a spatially explicit meta-community theory, with various kind of interactions. The theory contains a stochastic and a deterministic meta-community model. We then define the notion of meta-community persistence capacity. In a third chapter, we focus on network reconstruction from environmental DNA data along an environmental gradient.We show that the proposed method allows to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on community and infer a network in agreement with the literature on soil interactions. Finally, in a fourth chapter, we develop a method to combine environmental DNA data coming from different primers and show the efficiency of the method to better estimate plant abundances

Upadhyaya, Prabhat. "National Appropriateness of International Climate Policy Frameworks in India, Brazil, and South Africa." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Miljöförändring, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-135431.

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How does the international climate policy frameworks influence the domestic institutional responses to climate mitigation in emerging economies? And how, in turn, do domestic institutions and politics in emerging economies influence the fate of international climate policy frameworks? The thesis provides answers to these questions by studying domestic engagements with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in three emerging economies – India, Brazil, and South Africa. The thesis specifically studies how these engagements were influenced by the domestic institutional context provided by national climate policy, norms, and institutional capacity in the three countries. Drawing upon the variations in the engagements with nationally appropriate mitigation actions, made visible by use of the policy cycle as a heuristic device, the thesis informs the implementation of another nascent, yet prevalent, international climate policy framework – Nationally Determined Contributions. The thesis identifies how engagements with nationally appropriate mitigation actions varied in India, Brazil, and South Africa in agenda-setting, policy formulation, decision-making, implementation, and evaluation. In cases where international support is considered crucial for taking mitigation actions, external factors such as lack of clarity on definitional aspects and availability of international support can hamper the prospects of such frameworks at the agenda-setting and policy formulation stages. Efforts to engage with these frameworks under this uncertainty are held back by non-decisions, overriding national climate policy, as well as by uneven inter-ministerial coordination. The thesis argues that successful implementation of upcoming Nationally Determined  Contributions will be influenced by a country’s ability to align them with its national climate policy, localization of the transnational norms, and the extent to which efforts to enhance institutional capacity for  coordinating the implementation of national climate policy are made. In sum, the effective implementation of International Climate Policy Frameworks will be dependent on the willingness of the state to  provide oversight and coordination, and clarity on the availability of international support.
Hur influerar ramverken för internationell klimatpolicy nationella institutionella åtgärder för att begränsa utsläpp av växthusgaser i framväxande ekonomier? Och hur påverkar, i sin tur, dessa länders nationella institutioner och politik dessa ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy? Denna avhandling studerar nationella engagemang i Nationellt lämpliga utsläppsminskande åtgärder (s.k. NAMAs) i tre framväxande ekonomier – Indien, Brasilien, och Sydafrika. Avhandlingen studerar i synnerhet hur dessa engagemang har påverkats av de tre ländernas nationella klimatpolicy, normer, och institutionella kapacitet. Genom att använda policycykeln som heuristiskt analysverktyg identifierar avhandlingen variationer i hur länderna utvecklat sitt engagemang i NAMAs. Avhandlingen visar att och hur engagemang med nationellt lämpliga utsläppsminskande åtgärder varierar mellan Indien, Brasilien, och Sydafrika vad det gäller fastställande av dagordning, policyformulering, beslutsfattande, implementering, och policyutvärdering. I de fall internationellt stöd anses vara avgörande för att vidta utsläppsminskande åtgärder kan externa faktorer såsom bristande definition av de internationella policyramverken för åtgärder samt tillgänglighet på internationellt stöd försvåra utsikterna för att internationella ramverk tas upp i de nationella dagordnings- och policyformuleringsstadierna. Arbetet med dessa ramverk försvåras även av icke-beslut och ojämn interministeriell koordinering samt om tvingande nationell klimatpolicy inte ligger i linje med de internationella besluten. Avhandlingens slutsatser har betydelse för implementeringen av ett annat framväxande ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy: Nationellt fastställda bidrag (s.k. NDC:er). En framgångsrik implementering av   NDC:er kommer att influeras av en stats förmåga att anpassa dem till nationell klimatpolicy samt transnationella normer, så att dessa överensstämmer eller jämkas med nationella normer, samt den institutionella kapaciteten för att koordinera implementering av nationell klimatpolicy. En effektiv implementering av ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy kommer, sammanfattningsvis, att vara beroende av staters villighet att tillhandahålla tillsyn och koordinering, samt tydlighet vad gäller tillgänglighet till internationellt stöd.

Hume, Jonathan. "Caractériser et évaluer la capacité d'adaptation des communautés face aux risques naturels : le cas de Saint-Raymond." Thèse, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/23602.

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Les changements climatiques impactent de plus en plus la vie, le développement et la vulnérabilité de plusieurs communautés à travers le monde, lesquelles devant de plus en plus mitiger les risques naturels. Au Québec, la gestion des risques présente une philosophie de « retour à la normale » qui se penche davantage sur les dimensions d’intervention et de rétablissement. Cependant, à la lumière des incertitudes amenées par les changements climatiques, il est impératif que les communautés québécoises aient les capacités d’augmenter leur résilience face aux risques naturels qui s’accentuent rapidement. Ainsi, la capacité d’adaptation doit se retrouver au cœur de la gestion des risques. Cela dit, il existe peu d’outils d’évaluation de la capacité d’adaptation au Québec, entendue comme l’ensemble des ressources dynamiques disponibles et accessibles qui permettent une augmentation de la résilience et une diminution de la vulnérabilité en transformant positivement une communauté et son environnement. La présente recherche vise ainsi à développer une méthode d’analyse de la capacité d’adaptation des individus et des communautés québécoises touchées par les inondations à l’aide de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG), en utilisant la Ville de Saint-Raymond de Portneuf comme étude de cas. Ce projet se base principalement sur les concepts de vulnérabilité, de résilience et d’adaptation pour recenser des indicateurs pouvant servir à caractériser et évaluer la capacité des personnes et municipalités exposées aux inondations à mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour non seulement atténuer les risques lors de tels événements, mais aussi mieux les prévenir et s’en préparer. Des données socioéconomiques et d’aménagement du territoire sont notamment mises à profit pour des fins d’analyse de même que des données issues d’un sondage effectué en 2014 à la suite d’une inondation majeure par la CAPSA, l’organisme de bassin versant de la région de Portneuf, en collaboration avec le comité Rivière de la Ville de Saint-Raymond.
Global climate change is increasingly impacting the well-being, development and vulnerability of communities across the world, whom must further mitigate disaster risk. In Québec, disaster risk management presents a “return to normal” philosophy that focuses primarily on intervention and short-term recovery. However, with the many uncertainties brought forth by global climate change, it is imperative that local communities in the province have the capacities to improve their resilience to natural hazards, which are becoming more devastating. Hence, the capacity to adapt must find itself at the heart of disaster risk management and sustainable development. That said, there are few tools that exist that enable decision-makers to assess adaptive capacity in Québec, which is understood as the dynamic resources that are available and accessible that increase resilience and reduce vulnerability by positively transforming a community and its environment. The present research seeks then to develop a method to evaluate the local citizens’ and their community’s adaptive capacity to flood risk with the help of GIS tools, using Saint-Raymond de Portneuf as a case study. This research founds itself on vulnerability, resilience et adaptation literature to elaborate indicators that could characterize and assess local capacities to mobilize the proper resources to not only cope with a flood event but also to better prevent and prepare for them in the long-term. Socio-economic et planning data are notably used as well as data taken from a survey conducted in 2014 following a major flood event by the CAPSA, the watershed organization in the Portneuf region, in collaboration with the Comité Rivière in the city of Saint-Raymond

Janvier, Florence. "Optimization of Parameters Used in Predictive Models for Respirator Cartridge Service Life for Toxic Organic Vapors." Thèse, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20072.

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Chung, Mei-Chuan, and 鐘美娟. "Development of Impulsive Deflection Indices for the Evaluation of Pavement Structure Capacity." Thesis, 1997. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/13804171429899309587.

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The way which uses the steady-state deflection indices to evaluate pavement strength belongs to the pavement evaluation system. So far the three indices---the Dynaflect Maximum Deflection ( DMD ), the Surface Curvature Index ( SCI ), and the base Curvature Index ( BCI ), have been frequently used to formulate the criteria to evaluate pavement strength qualitatively. For the impulsive deflection indices, those rules may not be the same. This study is, thereby, motivated to develop impulsive deflection indicThe outcome of this study indicates that the impulsive deflection indices developed in this study are not as same as the steady-state deflection indices. It is concluded that there is apparent relation between the W7 index and the subgrade strength, so is the relation between ( W1 - W4 ) index and the subgrade strength. Besides, the prominent index which is the most interpretable index to the pavement strength capacity is concerned with the type and the total thickness of the pavement. As the pavement totalPavement remaining life is the main consideration of pavement strength capacity in this study. When pavement remaining life is less than two years, the section is viewed as weak. Therefore, the criteria of indices are concerned with the in-situ subgrade strength and the traffic demand. As the traffic demand changes, so does the criteria of the prominent index to the pavement strength capacity change. It is more reasonable and thorough. The output of flied example evidences that these results discovered by this study is as practical as worthful.

Padma, T. "Capacity utilization in Indian industries- A programming frontier approach 1960-61 - 1992-93." Thesis, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/2009/862.

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Bouhlal, Fatma. "The effectiveness of written corrective feedback on French as a second language accuracy." Thèse, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/22430.

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Rubio, Zuazo Ana Maria. "Environmental influences on the sustainable production of the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata : a study in two southeastern Australian estuaries." Phd thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/49349.

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There has been a continuous decline in both the production and general performance of the SRO in NSW estuaries over the past three decades. The relationship of this decline to both environmental and oyster-density related factors are assessed in this thesis. This question has been examined at different scales: a large scale that compares two different estuaries (Clyde and Shoalhaven Rivers, southern NSW); a regional scale that encompasses variations within an estuary and, at a lease scale that examines processes pertaining to individual or small groups of oysters. ... A set of environmental indices were used to complement the model and to assess the sustainability of the culture system. The combined indices indicated that while the ecological carrying capacity of the Clyde was exceeded the production capacity at an estuarine scale was not. On the lease scale, density experiments showed that while growth was not reduced as a result of current stocking densities, the condition index was significantly affected.

Lefebvre, Judith. "Évolution de la qualité des années vécues entre 45 et 70 ans : espérance de vie partielle sans incapacité au Canada, de 1994 à 2014." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20102.

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Paličková, Lucie. "Vztah USA-Čína v oblasti námořní bezpečnosti: kooperace nebo konflikt?" Master's thesis, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-322437.

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Diploma thesis 'US-China Relationship in the Field of Naval Security - Cooperation or Conflict' focuses on the current phenomenon of Chinese naval rise and its implications for the relationship between China and today's leading naval power United States both in the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean region. Using the comparative analysis, both the strategies as well as naval capacities of China and the US in both aforementioned regions are compared in order to assess the future character of their naval relationship. This thesis addresses also the evolution of Chinese navy and Chinese naval modernization on its own as well as its motives and those ideational and material factors which have a considerable impact on this modernization.

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