Academic literature on the topic 'Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie'

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Journal articles on the topic "Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie":


Salinas, Sara, and Yannick Simonin. "Les atteintes neurologiques liées au SARS-CoV-2 et autres coronavirus humains." médecine/sciences 36, no. 8-9 (August 2020): 775–82.

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L’émergence récente d’un nouveau coronavirus, le SARS-CoV-2, responsable de la maladie appelée COVID-19, est un nouvel avertissement du risque pour la santé publique représenté par les zoonoses virales et notamment par les coronavirus. Principalement connus pour leur capacité à infecter les voies respiratoires supérieures et inférieures, les coronavirus peuvent également affecter le système nerveux central et périphérique, comme c’est le cas pour de nombreux virus respiratoires, tels que les virus influenza ou le virus respiratoire syncytial. Les infections du système nerveux sont un problème important de santé publique car elles peuvent provoquer des atteintes dévastatrices allant jusqu’au décès du patient, en particulier lorsqu’elles surviennent chez les personnes fragilisées ou âgées plus sensibles à ce type d’infection. Les connaissances de la physiopathologie des infections par les coronavirus émergents (MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV et SARS-CoV-2) et leurs moyens d’accéder au système nerveux central sont, pour l’heure, très sommaires. Les travaux en cours visent notamment à mieux appréhender les mécanismes associés aux atteintes neurologiques observées. Dans cette revue nous aborderons l’état des connaissances actuelles sur le neurotropisme des coronavirus humains et les mécanismes associés en développant tout particulièrement les dernières données concernant le SARS-CoV-2.

Petat, Hortense, Vincent Gajdos, François Angoulvant, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain, Sandrine Corbet, Christophe Marguet, Jacques Brouard, Astrid Vabret, and Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. "High Frequency of Viral Co-Detections in Acute Bronchiolitis." Viruses 13, no. 6 (May 26, 2021): 990.

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Over two years (2012–2014), 719 nasopharyngeal samples were collected from 6-week- to 12-month-old infants presenting at the emergency department with moderate to severe acute bronchiolitis. Viral testing was performed, and we found that 98% of samples were positive, including 90% for respiratory syncytial virus, 34% for human rhino virus, and 55% for viral co-detections, with a predominance of RSV/HRV co-infections (30%). Interestingly, we found that the risk of being infected by HRV is higher in the absence of RSV, suggesting interferences or exclusion mechanisms between these two viruses. Conversely, coronavirus infection had no impact on the likelihood of co-infection involving HRV and RSV. Bronchiolitis is the leading cause of hospitalizations in infants before 12 months of age, and many questions about its role in later chronic respiratory diseases (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) exist. The role of virus detection and the burden of viral codetections need to be further explored, in order to understand the physiopathology of chronic respiratory diseases, a major public health issue.

Jamard, Simon, Tristan Ferry, and Florent Valour. "Physiopathologie des infections ostéoarticulaires." Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies 89, no. 1 (February 2022): 3–10.

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Caron, F. "Physiopathologie des infections urinaires nosocomiales." Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 33, no. 9 (September 2003): 438–46.

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Betsou, F., and N. Guiso. "Physiopathologie des infections à Bordetella." Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 25 (January 1995): 1230–32.

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Orfila, J. "Physiopathologie des infections génitales hautes." Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 24, no. 4 (April 1994): 361–68.

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Guiso, N. "Physiopathologie des infections à Bordetella." Archives de Pédiatrie 2, no. 12 (December 1995): 1226.

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Berche, P. "Physiopathologie des infections à Listeria monocytogenes." Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 25 (February 1995): 197–209.

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Ader, Florence, and Louis Bernard. "Physiopathologie des infections sur matériel orthopédique." La Presse Médicale 34, no. 7 (April 2005): 533–36.

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Barbosa, Adriana Aparecida de Oliveira, Gabriel Cunha Beato, Pietra Antônia Filiol Belin, and Larissa Ramos Araújo. "ASPECTOS CLÍNICOS DA MÁ NUTRIÇÃO NA COVID-19." Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12, no. 16 (2020): 01–19.

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The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has sparked discussions among health professionals about the role of food and nutrition in the infectious condition caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in different population groups. Malnutrition, including obesity, may reflect more severe outcomes in the physiopathology of infection and systemic responses caused by COVID-19. The present work aims to make considerations directed to the nutritionist about the susceptibility of COVID-19 in individuals submitted to malnutrition, highlighting possible outcomes of the disease and the importance of nutritional care in maintaining the health of these patients. Therefore, maintaining a good nutritional status of these patients, combined with an adequate level of micronutrients will not guarantee protection against infection caused by COVID-19, however, it is essential to minimize the risks of worsening this disease.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie":


Barthelemy, Johanna. "Infections virales respiratoires et tissus adipeux blancs : Exemple de la grippe et de la COVID-19." Thesis, Université de Lille (2022-....), 2022.

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Les infections virales respiratoires demeurent un enjeu majeur de santé publique dans le monde entier. C’est notamment le cas de la grippe, causée par les virus influenza, et de la COVID-19, une maladie infectieuse émergente due au virus SARS-CoV-2. De manière notable, les populations les plus à risque de développer des formes sévères de grippe ou de COVID-19, sont les individus obèses et les personnes âgées. Bien que l’obésité et le vieillissement soient associées à des altérations fonctionnelles majeures du tissu adipeux blanc, la participation de ce dernier dans la physiopathologie de la grippe ou de la COVID-19 reste très peu étudiée. Le projet de thèse s’inscrit dans cette thématique générale.Les travaux récents de notre équipe ont montré, chez la souris, que l’infection par le virus influenza entraine une reprogrammation métabolique des dépôts sous-cutanés de tissu adipeux blanc, notamment caractérisée par le brunissement du tissu : un phénomène qui correspond à l’émergence d’adipocytes beiges présentant une activité thermogénique accrue. Lors de ma thèse, par des approches expérimentales in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo et in silico complémentaires, nous avons montré que la réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique induit par l’infection par le virus de la grippe, et plus spécifiquement la voie signalétique PERK, est impliquée dans le brunissement du tissu adipeux blanc. Outre identifier un nouveau mécanisme moléculaire de régulation de la thermogenèse, nos travaux précisent un peu plus la place du tissu adipeux blanc dans l’infection grippale.En parallèle, nous avons étudié l’impact de l’infection par le virus SARS-CoV-2 sur les tissus adipeux blancs de hamsters jeunes adultes ou âgés - un modèle préclinique de COVID-19 récemment mis en place dans notre équipe. Nos résultats montrent que l’infection est plus sévère, en termes de morbi-mortalité, chez les animaux âgés que chez les jeunes adultes. L’analyse histomorphométrique des tissus adipeux blancs sous-cutanés et viscéraux a permis de montrer que l’infection par SARS-CoV-2 est associée à une diminution de la taille des adipocytes dans ces deux dépôts ; effet qui persiste uniquement chez les animaux âgés. De manière très intéressante, l’analyse histologique des tissus révèle la présence de nombreuses et larges zones de nécrose adipocytaire (ressemblant aux crown-like structures décrites dans les tissus adipeux blancs en contexte d’obésité) uniquement dans les dépôts sous-cutanés de tissu adipeux des animaux âgés, y compris à distance de l’infection. En cela, notre étude confirme et renforce les plus récentes données de la littérature qui décrivent un rôle majeur du tissu adipeux blanc dans la physiopathologie de la COVID-19
Respiratory viral infections remain a major public health issue, worldwide. This is particularly the case with flu, caused by influenza viruses, and COVID-19, an emerging infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Importantly, the populations most at risk of developing severe forms of flu or COVID-19 are obese individuals and the elderly. Although obesity and aging are both associated with major functional alterations of the white adipose tissue, the latter's involvement in the pathophysiology of influenza or COVID-19 remains poorly studied. The thesis project falls within this general theme.Recent work by our team has shown, in mice, that infection with the influenza virus causes metabolic reprogramming of the subcutaneous fat depots, mainly characterized by the browning of the tissue: a phenomenon which corresponds to the emergence of beige adipocytes with increased thermogenic activity. During my PhD, using complementary experimental in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo and in silico approaches, we showed that the response to influenza-infection-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, and more specifically the PERK signaling pathway, is involved in white adipose tissue browning. Besides identifying a novel molecular mechanism that regulates thermogenesis, our work further specifies the role of the white adipose tissue in influenza infection.In parallel, we studied the impact of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the white adipose tissues of young adult and old hamsters - a preclinical model of COVID-19 recently implemented in our team. Our results showed that the infection is more severe - in terms of morbidity and mortality - in older animals than in young adults. Histomorphometric analysis of subcutaneous and visceral white adipose tissues showed that infection with SARS-CoV-2 is associated with a decrease in the size of adipocytes in these two depots; an effect that persists only in the older animals. Remarkably, the histological analysis of the tissues reveals the presence of numerous and large areas of adipocyte necrosis (resembling the “crown-like structures” that can be observed in white adipose tissues in the context of obesity) only in the subcutaneous fat depots of the older animals, even at distance from infection. As such, our study confirms and strengthens the most recent data in the literature, which describes a major role of the white adipose tissue in the pathophysiology of COVID-19

Gagneur, Arnaud. "Modes de transmission des coronavirus humains." Brest, 2007.

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Les coronavirus représentent un grand groupe de virus infectant tes oiseaux et tes mammifères. A l’heure actuelle, 5 coronavirus humains (HCoV) sont connus. Les HCoV-229E et 0043 découverts par Tyrrel et Mc lntosh dans les années 60, le SARS-CoV identifié en 2003 lors des épidémies de syndrome respiratoire aigue sévère, les HCoV-NL63 et HKUI identifiés en 2004 et 2005. La détection des infections à HCoV fut longtemps difficile, les nouvelles techniques de biologie moléculaire (RT-PCR) permettent une nouvelle approche de la pathologie liée à ces virus, Les infections aux HCoV classiques (229E, 0043, NL63) sont ubiquitaires et circuleraient sous forme épidémique. Ces virus sont responsables d’un tiers des rhumes de l’adulte et seraient également incriminés dans les crises d’asthme et les bronchiolites du nourrisson. Les virus à tropisme respiratoire sont classiquement transmis selon trois mécanismes parfois associés (1) aérosols de petites (<5μ) particules aériennes (diffusion à distance), (2) aérosols de grandes particules aériennes (contact étroit nécessaire), (3) transmission directe par les mains ou par l’intermédiaire de surfaces. La transmission des HCoV se fait principalement de façon directe par les gouttelettes de secrétions oropharyngées mais la survie possible des HCoV en aérosol et en suspension plaide également en faveur de la possibilité de transmission par particules aériennes et/ou par voie manuportée. A travers ces travaux sont analysés les différents modes de transmission des HCoV. Tout d’abord au niveau des infections nosocomiales à travers un suivi prospectif de 3 années des infections respiratoires virales nosocomiales qui confirme leur rôle prépondérant. Le mode de transmission principal de ces infections nosocomiales semble être via le personnel infecté ou par voie manuportée d’un enfant à l’autre via le personnel. Ces infections surviennent préférentiellement chez les nouveau-nés et les prématurés. Au décours de ce suivi, 37 cas d’infections néonatales ont été mis en évidence. Nous avons donc étudié la possibilité de transmission périnatale des HCoV dans une étude prospective de 500 couples mères-enfants sur 3 années. Les HCoV ont été retrouvés chez 14 couples mères-enfants. Les 4 souches de HCoV ont été retrouvées dans les prélèvements respiratoires des mères, mais seul le HCoV-229E fut mis en évidence dans les sécrétions vaginales maternelles (4 cas) et chez les nouveau-nés (3 cas). Les résultats de ces études suggèrent : (1) une possible transmission materno-foetale qui ne peut pour le moment être confirmée compte tenu du faible nombre de cas, (2) également la contamination des nouveau-nés à la naissance par les mères ou le personnel. L’ensemble de ces données apporte donc de nouvelles connaissances quant au pouvoir pathogène des coronavirus chez les nouveau-nés et leur mode de transmission, Il serait souhaitable de poursuivre ces investigations en réalisant des études multicentriques avec l’analyse génomique des souches isolées afin de confirmer le mode de transmission nosocomial par le personnel et de valider la transmission materno-foetale de ces infections
Coronaviruses represent a large group of viruses infecting both birds and mammals. Currently, five caronaviruses are known to infect humans: HCoV 229E and 0C43 discovered by Tyrrel and Mc Intosh in the 1960’s; SARS-CoV, identified in 2003 as being responsible for an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome; and HCoV-NL63 and HKU1, newly identified in 2004 and 2005. Their pathogenic role in children has been unclear essentially due to difficulties in virological diagnosis. Molecular biological methods (RT-PCR) offer a new approach to monitoring these infections. Classic RCoV, including HCoV-229E, 0C43 and NL63, are worldwide and circulate during seasonal outbreaks. These viruses are responsible for one-third of common colds in adults and are suspected of being involved in the exacerbation of asthma and bronchiolitis in children. Respiratory viruses are spread by 3 principal mechanisms: (1) through close person-to-person contact via droplets; (2) by air due to inhalation of small particles (

Millet, Jean Kaoru Guillaume. "Host cell susceptibility to human coronavirus infections." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010.

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An, Sungwhan. "Mechanism of coronavirus transcription /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Vijay, Rahul. "Prostaglandin regulation of immune responses against coronavirus infections." Diss., University of Iowa, 2016.

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Prostaglandins (PG) are ubiquitous lipid mediators that play key roles in pathophysiological responses to infections. They are considered to have both pro and anti-inflammatory roles depending upon the time of inflammation, the receptors that they bind to and the tissues that they act upon. Hence given their pleiotropic effects, a perfect balance between the pro and anti-inflammatory functions of PGs are required to ensure that a controlled timely immune response is elicited to mediate protection and to avoid immunopathology. PGD2 is one such PG that was reported to increase with age in the lungs of mice and to mediate an anti-inflammatory effect thereby blunting the immune response following Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Increase in PGD2 with age incapacitates respiratory dendritic cells (rDC) to migrate from lungs to the draining lymph node following SARS-CoV infection due to down regulation of CCR7 (a receptor for chemokines CCL19/21). Migration of rDCs to draining lymph nodes requires high expression of CCR7 and it's binding to CCL19/21, a chemokine that mediates migration of dendritic cells along its gradient. Although increase in levels of PGD2 might prove beneficial in high inflammatory conditions, it should be noted that high levels of such a potent anti-inflammatory mediator during the initiation of an immune response could prove detrimental. In chapter II of this thesis I show that age-related increases in oxidative stress result in the upregulation of a single phospholipase (PLA2) group II D (G2D) (PLA2G2D) with anti-inflammatory roles. PLA2G2D functions by releasing Arachidonic acid (AA) from the lipid membrane, which will be further metabolized to other pro-resolving/ anti-inflammatory lipid mediators including PGD2. I show that inducing oxidative stress in young mice as well as in human peripheral blood macrophages, results in the upregulation of PLA2G2D (probably as a counter mechanism against oxidative stress). Also increase in the expression levels of this gene during the course of SARS-CoV infection results in the upregulation of PGD2, which is completely abrogated in Pla2g2d-/- mice. I also show Pla2g2d/- middle-aged mice have low levels of PGD2 and that they are capable of mounting a strong immune response and survive the otherwise lethal SARS-CoV infection. PGD2 is also a major PG in the brain and its role has been investigated in many non-infectious setting such as stroke and Alzheimer' disease. The PGD2 binding to one of its receptors DP1 has been shown to have primarily a neuro-protective role. In chapter III, I show that PGD2/DP1 signaling has beneficial effects in the brain of mice infected with a neurotropic strain of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) (rj2.2). In agreement with the neuro-protective role of PGD2, at least 60% of DP1-/- mice succumb to a sublethal dose of rj2.2. rj2.2 infection in these mice is characterized by a delay in the induction of IFN I response and lower activation status of microglia and macrophages in the brain. I also show that abrogation of DP1 signaling results in global defects in the immune system response to infection. Notably, a genome wide expression analysis using microarray, shows that a gene, Pydc3 with putative inflammasome inhibiting function is upregulated in WT mice compared to DP1-/- mice in the CD11b population of cells which primarily comprises microglia and macrophages. In line with the predicted function of Pydc3, DP1-/- mice have higher frequency and number of IL-1β+ producing microglia in the brain. Studies are underway to determine the exact role of DP1 signaling in Pydc3 expression as well as the role of this gene in inflammasome function. Overall these studies emphasize the immuno-modulatory roles of PGs in the context of a viral infection. Thus, altering the levels of these lipid mediators at appropriate times during the course of infection might prove useful as an effective therapeutic strategy to decide the fate of an infection.

Saisonkorh, Watcharee. "Epidémiologie et physiopathologie des infections à Bartonella." Aix-Marseille 2, 2009.

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Le genre Bartonella comprend actuellement une trentaine d’espèces validées. Ces espèces regroupent B. Bacilliformis, les espèces anciennement classées dans les genres Rochalimaea et Grahamella , et de nombreuses espèces caractérisées récemment. Sur le plan phylogénique, le genre Bartonella est classé dans le groupe alpha des Proteobacteria, proche des genres Brucella, Afipia, Agrobacterium et Rhizobium, mais plus éloigné du genre Rickettsia. Les bactéries du genre Bartonella sont considérées comme des microorganismes intracellulaires facultatifs. In vivo, B. Bacilliformis et B. Quintana peuvent être observées dans les érythrocytes de patients bactériémiques et B. Henselae, B. Clarridgeiae, B. Koehlerae peuvent être isolées et détectées dans le sang et les globules rouges de chats bactériémiques. Ces bactéries possèdent également un tropisme pour les cellules endothéliales, qui semble corrélé à leur capacité à induire des lésions angioprolifératives (verruga peruana pour B. Bacilliformis, et angiomatose bacillaire pour B. Henselae et B. Quintana). Les Bartonelloses sont des maladies qui touchent les hommes et les mammifères et qui sont habituellement transmises par des arthropodes (poux, puces) à partir d’un réservoir qui peut être humain ou animal. Chaque espèce de Bartonella est adaptée à un hôte spécifique à partir duquel la transmission peut avoir lieu. La première partie de notre travail concerne une revue exhaustive de la littérature sur les bactéries du genre Bartonella en Asie et en Australie (Article 1). Les objectifs de la deuxième partie de ce travail ont été i) d’identifier et d’évaluer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques de souches de B. Bovis isolées à partir d’échantillons d’animaux provenant de Guyane Française (Article 2), ii) de détecter, d’identifier et de caractériser au niveau moléculaire une nouvelle espèce de Bartonella, « Candidatus Bartonella thailandensis », à partir d’échantillons de sang de rongeurs prélevés en Thaïlande (Article 3), iii) d’identifier par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle couplée au MALDI-TOF les protéines immunodominantes utiles au diagnostic des infections à B. Henselae (Article 4) et iv) de séquencer entièrement et d’étudier un plasmide conjugatif contenant des gènes codant pour un appareil de sécrétion de type IV détecté dans une souche de B. Rattaustraliani en montrant notamment pour la première fois une évidence de conjugaison entre des bactéries intracellulaires au sein de l’amibe Acanthamoeba polyphaga (Article 5)
The genus Bartonella now comprises more than 20 validated species worldwide. Phylogenetically the genus Bartonella is classified in the alpha subgroup of Proteobacteria, closely related to the genus Brucella, Afipia, Agrobacterium, and Rhizobium. Bacteria of the genus Bartonella are facultative intracellular bacteria. In vivo, B. Bacilliformis and B. Quintana may be observed in human red blood cells whereas B. Henselae, B. Clarridgeiae, and B. Koehlerae may be seen erythrocytes of bacteremic cats. Moreover, these bacteria had a remarkable tropism for endothelial cells, leading to angioproliferative lesions (verruga peruana for B. Bacilliformis and bacillary angiomatosis for B. Henselae and B. Quintana). Bartonellosis may affect humans and mammals and are usually transmitted by arthropods (body lice and fleas) from a human or an animal reservoir. Each Bartonella species is well adapted to a specific host from which incidental transmission may occur. The first part of our thesis is an exhaustive review of Bartonellosis that have reported and described in Asia and Australia (Article 1). The specific aims of the second part of this work were: i) to identify and to evaluate antibiotic susceptibility of B. Bovis strains isolated from animals from French Guyana, South America (Article 2); ii) to detect, identify and characterize a new Bartonella species i. E. “Candidatus Bartonella thailandensis” isolated from blood of rodents from Thailand (Article 3); iii) to identify immunodominant proteins using bidimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF useful for diagnosis of B. Henselae infections (Article 4); and iv) to sequence and study a conjugative plasmid containing encoding genes for a type IV secretion system detected in a strain of B. Rattaustraliani and showing for the first time a biological evidence of conjugation between intracellular bacteria within amoeba Acanthamoeba polyphaga (Article 5)

Bernard, Louis. "Physiopathologie des infections sur prothèses ostéo-articulaires." Paris 5, 2006.

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Les infections sur prothèses ostéo-articulaires (IPOA) sont à l'origine de difficultés diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, d'une importante morbidité et d'un coût élevé. Les éléments physiopathologiques associent le matériel étranger, un agent pathogène et une réaction immunitaire et tissulaire. La virulence bactérienne, les mécanismes de protection (slime), de régulation (biofilm) et d'adaptation métabolique (variant microcolonie) s'ajoutent à cette perturbation immunitaire. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été de mieux comprendre les mécanismes physiopathologiques des IPOA, en particulier le rôle des microparticules de polyéthylène (MP) libérées au cours du processus d'usure dans l'action antibactérienne des polynucléaires (PN). Nos travaux montrent que les MP provoquent une altération majeure de la bactéricidie des PN. Nous proposons également, en collaboration avec le département Biopuces du CEA, une méthode innovante de détection de ces particules applicable au domaine clinique
Prothesis joint infection (PJI) remains a major problem including patient damage, long-term hospitalization, elevated cost, difficult diagnosis and treatment. The physiopathological elements associate the presence of foreign material, a pathogenic agent and an immune reaction and tissue. Microbiological characteristics such as bacterial virulence, of the mechanisms of protection (slime), regulation (biofilm) and metabolic adaptation (variant microcolonies) are added to this immunizing disturbance. The principal objective of this work was to better understand the physiopathological mechanisms of the PJI, in particular the role of the prosthetic wear (UHMWPE : Ultra Hight Molecular Weight Polyethylene) remains in the neutrophil bacterial activity. Our work shows that the UHMWPE cause a major bactericidal disturb of neutrophil. We also propose, in collaboration with the Biopuces department of the CEA, a innovating method to detect these UHMWPE particles

Lau, Kar-pui Susanna. "Novel coronaviruses associated with human respiratory infections." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2006.

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Chen, Chun-jen. "Murine coronavirus-induced apoptosis and cell cycle dysregulation." Access restricted to users with UT Austin EID Full text (PDF) from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International, 2002.

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Trouillet-Assant, Sophie. "Physiopathologie des infections ostéo-articulaires à Staphylococcus aureus." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2014.

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Les infections ostéo-auriculaires (IOA), principalement causées par les staphylocoques, sont des infections graves, responsables d'un taux élevé de mortalité et de morbidité suite à l'inflammation et l'importante destruction osseuse. Nous avons étudié si les interactions hôtes-pathogènes pouvaient influer sur la présentation clinique (aiguë, chronique…) des IOA. Nous avons d'abord développé un modèle in vitro d'infection intracellulaire d'ostéoblastes humains permettant de quantifier l'adhésion, l'invasion, la survie intracellulaire des staphylocoques et les dommages subis par les cellules infectées. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons ensuite montré que les souches de S. aureus (SA) communautaires résistants à la méticilline (CA-MRSA), un groupe polyphylétique de souches hypervirulents associées à des formes aiguës et sévères d'IOA, induisent une cytotoxicité supérieure à celle des MRSA hospitaliers (HA-MRSA) associés à des IOA plus souvent chroniques. Ces résultats nous ont amené à décrire un nouveau mécanisme de virulence des CA-MRSA basé sur l'invasion des ostéoblastes et l'activité intracellulaire d'une toxine staphylococcique, les phénol-soluble modulins (PSM). Par la suite, en utilisant une large collection de souches cliniques de SA sensibles à la méticilline (MMSA) de fond génétique très divers, et en utilisant comme seul critère de corrélation la durée d'évolution réellement observée chez les patients, nous avons obtenu les premiers résultats validant l'hypothèse du rôle de l'internalisation de S. aureus dans les ostéoblastes dans la chronicité des IOA. Ces travaux nous ont également permis de démontrer la corrélation entre la dysfonction d'un des principaux systèmes de régulation de la virulence chez SA, le système agr, et le caractère chronique des IOA. La fonctionnalité du système agr, qui se traduit par la secrétion de la delta-hémolysine, est facilement détectable par spectrométrie de masse par la nouvelle technologie MALDI-TOF-MS, utilisée en laboratoire de routine pour l'identification bactérienne. Ainsi, nos résultats suggèrent que cette technique pourrait représenter la première méthode objective d'évaluation du degré de chronicité d'une IOA au moment du diagnostic, permettant ainsi d'améliorer la prise en charge initiale des patients. En parallèle, nous avons démontré que l'interaction entre SA et les ostéoclastes, seules cellules capables de résorber la matrice osseuse, était responsable de la destruction osseuse observée chez les patients atteints d'IOA par deux mécanismes complémentaires : i) SA inhibe l'ostéoclastogenèse des précurseurs myéloïdes qui se différencient alors en macrophages. Ces macrophages secrètent une multitude de signaux pro-inflammatoires facilitant ainsi le recrutement d'ostéoclastes matures sur le site de l'infection et l'ostéoclastogenèse des précurseurs non infectés ; ii) l'infection des ostéoclastes matures par SA triplent leur capacité de résorption. Ainsi nous avons démontré que les ostéoclastes jouaient un rôle central de la destruction osseuse observée lors des IOA. Nos travaux ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension et l'amélioration de la prise en charge des IOA à SA
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Books on the topic "Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie":


International Symposium on Coronaviruses (4th 1989 Cambridge, England). Coronaviruses and their diseases. New York: Plenum Press, 1990.

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Gao, Xing, and Xixiong Kang. Chuan ran xing fei dian xing fei yan bing yuan xue jian ce yu zhen duan. 8th ed. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2004.

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Huang, Yingyong, and Ping-Chung Leung. Bo ji SARS feng bao: Lai zi Zhongguo Xianggang he Xinjiapo de di yi xian de fen xi. 8th ed. Shanghai: Shanghai ke ji jiao yu chu ban she, 2003.

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Monaghan, Karen. SARS: Down but still a threat. [Washington, D.C.]: National Intelligence Council, 2003.

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Quérin, Serge. Physiopathologie des maladies du rein et des voies urinaires. Saint-Hyacinthe: Edisem, 2000.

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Ning, Zhi. Xianggang fei dian xing feng bao. 8th ed. Xianggang: Wen lin she, 2003.

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Geng, Qingshan. Fei dian xing fei yan fang zhi zhi nan. 8th ed. Guangzhou Shi: Guangdong jiao yu chu ban she, 2003.

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Buckley, C. H. Biopsy pathology of the endometrium. London: Chapman and Hall Medical, 1989.

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International Conference on Endotoxins Amsterdam (3rd 1990). Bacterial endotoxins: Cytokine mediators and new therapies for sepsis : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Endotoxins, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 7-8, 1990. Edited by Sturk Auguste, International Endotoxin Society, European Shock Society, and European Conference on Intensive Care Medicine (5th : 1990 : Amsterdam, Netherlands). New York: Wiley-Liss, 1991.

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Xu, Nantie. "Fei dian" de dian xing bao gao. 8th ed. [Guangzhou]: Guangdong ren min chu ban she, 2003.

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Book chapters on the topic "Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie":


Gavier-Widén, Dolores, Marie-Pierre Ryser-Degiorgis, Nicola Decaro, and Canio Buonavoglia. "Coronavirus Infections." In Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals and Birds in Europe, 234–40. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

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Myint, Steven H. "Human Coronavirus Infections." In The Coronaviridae, 389–401. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.

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Perlman, Stanley, and D. Lori Wheeler. "Neurotropic Coronavirus Infections." In Neurotropic Viral Infections, 115–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Weber, Olaf, and Axel Schmidt. "Coronavirus infections in veterinary medicine." In Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning SARS, 55–69. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2005.

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Perlman, S. "Pathogenesis of Coronavirus-Induced Infections." In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 503–13. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.

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Versteeg, Gijs A., and Willy J. M. Spaan. "Host Cell Responses to Coronavirus Infections." In Nidoviruses, 245–58. Washington, DC, USA: ASM Press, 2014.

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Waghmare, Alpana, and Michael Boeckh. "Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Enterovirus, and Bocavirus After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation or Solid Organ Transplantation." In Transplant Infections, 599–608. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Collins, Arlene R. "Regulation of Persistent Infections with Human Coronavirus OC43." In Coronaviruses, 273–74. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1987.

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Azhar, Esam I., Simone Lanini, Giuseppe Ippolito, and Alimuddin Zumla. "The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus – A Continuing Risk to Global Health Security." In Emerging and Re-emerging Viral Infections, 49–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Dales, S. "Factors Controlling Coronavirus Infections and Disease of the Central Nervous System." In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 13–22. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.

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Conference papers on the topic "Infections à coronavirus – physiopathologie":


Sanders, N., A. T. Shenoy, D. Y. Chen, D. Bean, M. Sagar, M. Saeed, and J. P. Mizgerd. "OC43 Coronavirus Infections in Mice Elicit Lung Resident Memory T Cells." In American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18, 2022 - San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2022.

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"Characteristics of immune responses to three coronavirus infections: SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2." In 2020 2nd International Symposium on the Frontiers of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (FBB 2020). Clausius Scientific Press, 2020.

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Van, Khai Tran. "Construction system design solutions for preventing hospital-acquired infections in the Coronavirus pandemic context." In 1ST VAN LANG INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HERITAGE AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE PROCEEDING, 2021: VanLang-HeriTech, 2021. AIP Publishing, 2021.

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Nicolussi, S., G. Gancitano, P. Klein, R. Stange, and M. Ogal. "Echinacea as a Potential Weapon against Coronavirus Infections?: A Mini-Review of randomized controlled trials." In GA – 69th Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual conference. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2021.

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Kurkina, Elena Sergeevna, and Eleanora Moiseevna Koltsova. "Mathematical modeling and forecasting of the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic." In 4th International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems”. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2021.

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In this paper, using the Feigenbaum logistic map, mathematical modeling of the spread of waves of the coronavirus epidemic in different countries is carried out. It is shown that the chosen model is optimal for describing the complex dynamics of the spread of infections in open, heterogeneous systems with inaccurately specified statistical data. A method for detecting local epidemic waves and determining the model parameters has been developed. It is shown that the model makes it possible to describe statistical data well and make realistic forecasts. The model is used to model the total number of cases, the total number of deaths, recoveries, and the calculation of active cases.

Badamshina, G. G., E. P. Sizova, and L. M. Fatkhutdinova. "STUDY OF HUMORAL IMMUNITY TO INFECTIONS IN MEDICAL WORKERS." In The 16th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2021). FSBSI “IRIOH”, 2021.

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Abstract: Introduction. In the course of their work, medical workers are exposed to a biological factor, including bacterial, viral nature. Medical personnel come into contact with patients with measles, rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, coronavirus infection and other infectious diseases. The aim of the study is to assess the humoral immunity by the presence antibodies to the measles, rubella, hepatitis B viruses, to the causative agent COVID-19, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacteria in health care workers. Methods. Antibodies to measles, rubella, hepatitis B viruses, diphtheria and tetanus pathogens were measured in blood serum samples of 1221 MW; total antibodies to mycobacterium tuberculosis - in 120 MW; antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – in 301 MW. The study was carried out by the method of enzyme immunoassay using commercial test systems; antibodies to diphtheria toxoid were detected in the passive hemagglutination reaction. The control group consisted of persons of engineering and technical personnel, comparable in age, gender and work experience. Results. Medical personnel were found to have significantly more frequent detection of seronegative reactions to the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis B virus (40.9% and 13.5%, p<0.001) of measles (28.8% and 3.9%, p<0.05); significantly high prevalence in the presence of total antibodies to mycobacterium tuberculosis (7.5% of cases in medical, 0% of cases of workers in the control group, p<0.05). In comparison with doctors, nurses had a significantly higher prevalence of antibodies to the nucleocapsid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (38.9% and 23.7%, p<0.05). Conclusions. The study of post-vaccination immunity in medical workers showed the presence of a high proportion of seronegative individuals among vaccinated (viral hepatitis B, measles) medical workers and, accordingly, significant biological risks. A higher seroprevalence in total antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis may also indicate insufficient immune protection among MW. The biological significance of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins (for nurses) requires further study.

Carneiro, Matheus Vinícius De Souza, Paula Taquita Serra, Wenberger Lanza Daniel Figueiredo, and Maria Sílvia Prestes Pedrosa. "A EFICÁCIA DA IMUNIZAÇÃO PASSIVA COM ANTICORPOS POLICLONAIS CONTRA COVID-19 - REVISÃO DE LITERATURA." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Imunologia On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.

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Introdução: Na busca por tratamentos eficazes contra a covid-19, as terapias com anticorpos monoclonais e policlonais surgiram como um candidatos promissores. As terapias à base de anticorpos policlonais surgem como alternativa mais barata que as de anticorpos monoclonais. Objetivos: Relatar a eficácia do tratamento para covid-19 com anticorpos policlonais. Material e métodos: Realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados do PubMed e SciELO combinando os descritores Monoclonal Antibodies, Coronavirus Infections, Coronavirus Infections, Immunotoxins, Antibodies, Bispecific, Coronavirus Infections. Foram utilizados filtros com busca preferencial por ensaios clínicos randomizados com até 1 ano de publicação. Localizou-se 52 estudos, da qual foram excluídos artigos não relacionados ao tema. Resultados: Obteve-se 5 estudos e a fim de avaliar a eficácia, segmentou-se em critérios clínicos. Dentre os 5 estudos, 3 avaliaram a terapia com plasma convalescente e 2 avaliaram a terapia com imunoglobulina intravenosa (IGIV). Cada estudo utilizou titulações e dosagens distintas, além de administrações em períodos diferentes. Dentre os estudos que avaliaram a eficácia da terapia com plasma convalescente, não verificou-se diminuição significativa da mortalidade geral e progressão da doença; contudo, em um dos trabalhos, observou-se que a administração precoce de plasma convalescente de alta titulação contra SARS-CoV-2 em idosos com infecção moderada reduziu a progressão da doença. Entre os dois estudos que avaliaram a eficácia da IGIV, um estudo relatou diminuição significativa da taxa de mortalidade hospitalar. Um dos trabalhos avaliou a eficácia da combinação da IGIV com outros medicamentos, relatando a ausência de efeito benéfico, não apontando melhora perceptível na taxa de mortalidade; no entanto, verificou-se que, quanto menor o tempo desde a admissão até a infusão de IGIV, menor o tempo de internação hospitalar. Conclusão: A terapia com plasma convalescente não foi capaz de reduzir de forma significativa a mortalidade e progressão da doença, enquanto a terapia com imunoglobulina intravenosa (IGIV) foi capaz de reduzir de forma significativa a taxa de mortalidade hospitalar. Contudo, em virtude do pequeno número de estudos, é necessário novos estudos a fim de embasar a eficácia das tratamentos com anticorpos policlonais na covid-19.

Emmanuel, Udomiaye, Desy Osondu Eze, Kalu Cheche Kalu, and Aminu Ahmad Haliru. "Environmental Sustainability for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in Healthcare Facilities." In 4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism – Full book proceedings of ICCAUA2020, 20-21 May 2021. Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, 2021.

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The emergence of the novel coronavirus, increase in microbial resistance and the scarceness of vaccines for the present pandemic have made it imperative to appraise the link between the sustainable built environment and Infection control as well as the strategies employed during the pre-antibiotic period. This paper aims to identify the nexus between a sustainable built environment and infection control in healthcare facilities with the view of developing guidelines and highlighting the role of architecture in curbing the pandemic. The study relied on existing studies, interviews, and interactions with healthcare workers. The findings showed that sustainable design strategies play a significant role in infection prevention and control and could as well be a panacea for curbing the spread of Coronavirus, especially in healthcare facilities. A sustainable environment for hospitals or healthcare facilities, apart from low energy and carbon emission, needs to integrate design strategies to confront the impact of healthcare-associated infections.

Nascimento, Andressa Schmidt do, Letícia Karen Rodrigues de Souza, Ana Maria Ramos Miranda, Jade Menezes Maia, Daniele Sutherland W. Rizziolli, Mara Iza Alves Silva, Karine Gomes Bandeira Desteffani, Cristiane dos Santos Lima, Priscylla Celeste Milhomem Silva Fecury, and Lilian Coelho Heringer Diniz. "Increased incidence of stroke in postCovid patients: a literature review." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Background: Stroke causes severe damage to the brain, with prevalence in the elderly. Experts realized that infection by COVID-19 causes neurological problems, with cases of individuals diagnosed with stroke having also tested positive for Sars-CoV2, under 50 years of age. Objectives: To assess the increased incidence of stroke in post-covid-19 patients. Methods: This is a literature review, covering results on COVID-19 and stroke, from the last 2 years, with the descriptors “Coronavirus infections” and “Stroke.” 10 articles were selected in English and Portuguese from SCIELO and PUBMED. Results: There was an increase in the incidence of stroke in POST-COVID patients, pointing out that while a single health system identified five cases of these in a period of two weeks, in patients under 50 years of age; in other periods before the pandemic, approximately 0.7 strokes occurred over a twoweek interval in individuals under 50 years old, strengthening this hypothesis. Conclusions: Therefore, coronavirus infection causes neurological complications such as stroke. Thus, the performance of a multiprofessional team attentive to clinical and laboratory manifestations minimizes the risks of stroke.

Kurkina, Elena Sergeevna, Daria Ivanovna Zinchenko, and Eleonora Moiseevna Koltsova. "Mathematical modeling and forecasting of the spread of the COVID-19: Multiwave model of epidemic development in the UK." In 5th International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems”. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2022.

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In this paper, using the Feigenbaum logistic map, mathematical modeling of the spread of waves of the coronavirus epidemic in UK is carried out. It is shown that the chosen model is optimal for describing the complex dynamics of the spread of infections in open, heterogeneous systems with inaccurately specified statistical data. A method for detecting local epidemic waves and determining the model parameters has been used. It is shown that the model makes it possible to describe statistical data well and make realistic forecasts. The model is used to model the total number of cases, the total number of deaths, recoveries, and the calculation of active cases.

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