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Maglio, Paul, and Rob Barrett. "Intermediaries personalize information streams." Communications of the ACM 43, no. 8 (August 2000): 96–101.

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Womack, Ryan. "Information intermediaries and optimal information distribution." Library & Information Science Research 24, no. 2 (January 2002): 129–55.

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Lizzeri, Alessandro. "Information Revelation and Certification Intermediaries." RAND Journal of Economics 30, no. 2 (1999): 214.

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Lee, E. "Information, Interest Intermediaries, and Regulatory Compliance." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21, no. 1 (April 7, 2010): 137–57.

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da Silva Craveiro, Gisele, and Claudio Albano. "Open data intermediaries: coproduction in budget transparency." Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 11, no. 1 (March 20, 2017): 119–31.

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Purpose Although more public sector information is disclosed in an open format, the intermediaries are the key element to have value creation from it. This study aimed to identify elements about the role of these stakeholders: their characteristics, resources and partnerships within an ecosystem of budget transparency and open government data, in particular, to identify initiatives and opportunities that enable the co-production of value from public sector information. Design/methodology/approach The study was conducted in four Latin American countries, and data collection was carried out through interviews and document analysis. Findings The paper identifies intermediaries’ profiles, their network, results achieved and lessons learned. Originality/value This is the first study to cover in depth the intermediaries in a regional budget transparency ecosystem. Some findings emphasize the intermediary’s role, and others offered the authors elements to propose a framework for citizen coproduction that extends citizen sourcing and government as platform models, as some co-production initiatives identified seem to extrapolate their limits definitions.

Anand, Amber, and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam. "Information and the Intermediary: Are Market Intermediaries Informed Traders in Electronic Markets?" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43, no. 1 (March 2008): 1–28.

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AbstractA significant but unresolved question in the current debate about the role of intermediaries in financial markets is whether intermediaries behave as passive traders or whether they actively seek and trade on information. We address this issue by explicitly comparing the informational advantages of intermediaries with those of other investors in the market. We find that intermediaries account for greater price discovery than other institutional and individual investors in spite of initiating fewer trades and volume. Furthermore, intermediary information does not arise from inappropriate handling of customer orders by intermediaries. We propose that our findings are consistent with noisy rational expectations models, where agents extract valuable information from past prices. Intermediaries bear little or no opportunity cost of monitoring market conditions, which gives them an advantage in making profitable price-contingent trades. Lower trading costs may also enable intermediaries to trade more effectively and frequently on their information.

Friend, Frederick J. "New intermediaries, or the old intermediaries in a new guise?" Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community 14, no. 1 (March 1, 2001): 41–45.

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Bessy, Christian, and Pierre-Marie Chauvin. "The Power of Market Intermediaries: From Information to Valuation Processes." Valuation Studies 1, no. 1 (April 16, 2013): 83–117.

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Sociology and economics tend to focus more and more on the intermediaries involved in economic and social relations, in the shape of distributors, matchmakers, consultants, and evaluators. Once they are distinguished according to their forms, their types of intervention and their effects, the intermediaries are a helpful category in order to study the social organization of markets as well as the changes that operate on them, especially regarding the social and economic values of goods, individuals and organizations. We discuss in the first section the link between intermediaries and information, through an analysis of the functions they fulfill that may explain their emergence, as well as the opportunistic behavior of intermediaries in relation to information flows. In the second section, we adopt a more pragmatist perspective on issues of valuation mainly based on “economics of convention”, which emphasizes the collective dynamics of valuation. We show how intermediaries contribute to de!ne valuation through their different activities and foster valuation frames that can improve the coordination of actors, but also reorganize the markets in different ways. We suggest an analytical distinction between the distribution, the temporality and the generality of the frames, and raise the issue of the valuation power of market intermediaries, their legitimation and the eventual regulation of their activities.

Li, Wei. "Peddling Influence through Intermediaries." American Economic Review 100, no. 3 (June 1, 2010): 1136–62.

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A sender may communicate with a decision maker through intermediaries. In this model, an objective sender and intermediary pass on information truthfully, while biased ones favor a particular agenda but also have reputational concerns. I show that the biased sender and the biased intermediary's reporting truthfulness are strategic complements. The biased sender is less likely to use an intermediary than an objective sender if his reputational concerns are low, but more likely to do so if his reputational concerns are moderate. Moreover, the biased sender may be more likely to use an intermediary perceived to be more biased. (JEL D82, D83)

Orman, Levent V. "Knowledge-Based Intermediaries." International Journal of E-Business Research 4, no. 2 (April 2008): 1–13.

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Barrett, R., and P. P. Maglio. "Intermediaries: An approach to manipulating information streams." IBM Systems Journal 38, no. 4 (1999): 629–41.

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Helberger, Natali, Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, and Rob van der Noll. "Regulating the new information intermediaries as gatekeepers of information diversity." info 17, no. 6 (September 14, 2015): 50–71.

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Purpose – The purposes of this paper are to deal with the questions: because search engines, social networks and app-stores are often referred to as gatekeepers to diverse information access, what is the evidence to substantiate these gatekeeper concerns, and to what extent are existing regulatory solutions to control gatekeeper control suitable at all to address new diversity concerns? It will also map the different gatekeeper concerns about media diversity as evidenced in existing research before the background of network gatekeeping theory critically analyses some of the currently discussed regulatory approaches and develops the contours of a more user-centric approach towards approaching gatekeeper control and media diversity. Design/methodology/approach – This is a conceptual research work based on desk research into the relevant and communications science, economic and legal academic literature and the relevant laws and public policy documents. Based on the existing evidence as well as on applying the insights from network gatekeeping theory, this paper then critically reviews the existing legal/policy discourse and identifies elements for an alternative approach. Findings – This paper finds that when looking at search engines, social networks and app stores, many concerns about the influence of the new information intermediaries on media diversity have not so much their source in the control over critical resources or access to information, as the traditional gatekeepers do. Instead, the real bottleneck is access to the user, and the way the relationship between social network, search engine or app platforms and users is given form. Based on this observation, the paper concludes that regulatory initiatives in this area would need to pay more attention to the dynamic relationship between gatekeeper and gated. Research limitations/implications – Because this is a conceptual piece based on desk-research, meaning that our assumptions and conclusions have not been validated by own empirical research. Also, although the authors have conducted to their best knowledge the literature review as broad and as concise as possible, seeing the breadth of the issue and the diversity of research outlets, it cannot be excluded that we have overlooked one or the other publication. Practical implications – This paper makes a number of very concrete suggestions of how to approach potential challenges from the new information intermediaries to media diversity. Social implications – The societal implications of search engines, social networks and app stores for media diversity cannot be overestimated. And yet, it is the position of users, and their exposure to diverse information that is often neglected in the current dialogue. By drawing attention to the dynamic relationship between gatekeeper and gated, this paper highlights the importance of this relationship for diverse exposure to information. Originality/value – While there is currently much discussion about the possible challenges from search engines, social networks and app-stores for media diversity, a comprehensive overview in the scholarly literature on the evidence that actually exists is still lacking. And while most of the regulatory solutions still depart from a more pre-networked, static understanding of “gatekeeper”, we develop our analysis on the basis for a more dynamic approach that takes into account the fluid and interactive relationship between the roles of “gatekeepers” and “gated”. Seen from this perspective, the regulatory solutions discussed so far appear in a very different light.

Moscon, Valentina. "Free Circulation of Information and Online Intermediaries – Replacing One “Value Gap” with Another." IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 51, no. 8 (October 2020): 977–82.

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Abstract The role of online intermediaries in allowing third parties to perform legal as well as illegal activities and the growing economic power of such intermediaries are profoundly challenging the legal framework established 20 years ago with the European Union e-Commerce Directive. European courts first, and legislatures more recently, have taken a position regarding the need for further regulation of online intermediaries. The new liability rules for copyright infringement are just an example of a more general tendency to charge intermediaries with responsibility. This tendency goes beyond the realm of intellectual property and includes consumer law, antitrust and competition law. The forthcoming EU Digital Services Act aims to revise the regulation of online intermediaries by means of new rules framing the responsibilities of digital services and online platforms’ market behaviour. In this context there is no doubt that the current scenario requires modern rules. However, it is licit to ask whether and how European institutions are considering the collateral effects of the above-mentioned tendency. It is also not clear how the basic principles underpinning the e-Commerce Directive – and, in particular, freedom of expression – will be assured in a new legal framework where online intermediaries may not enjoy the safe harbours originally laid down in the e-Commerce Directive.

Schaub, Nic. "The Role of Data Providers as Information Intermediaries." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 53, no. 4 (June 4, 2018): 1805–38.

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This study investigates whether financial data providers serve as information intermediaries in capital markets. To this end, I examine whether the timeliness of earnings information disseminated by First Call (Thomson Reuters) affects the market’s reaction to earnings announcements. I document that the immediate price and volume response is weaker and the post-earnings-announcement drift stronger for earnings news disseminated with a delay by First Call. To mitigate endogeneity concerns, I study the market reaction on the day of the delayed dissemination and show that a significant part of the stronger drift is clustered around this day.

Rahim, Samsudin A. "Determinants of diachronic information seeking among communication intermediaries." Asian Journal of Communication 1, no. 1 (January 1990): 98–112.

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Shi, Xianwen, and Aloysius Siow. "Information externalities and intermediaries in frictional search markets." Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 47, no. 4 (November 2014): 1131–52.

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Arnold, Stephen. "Intermediaries — the vital force." Electronic Library 4, no. 2 (February 1986): 68–69.

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Haigh, Tonya, Lois Wright Morton, Maria Carmen Lemos, Cody Knutson, Linda Stalker Prokopy, Yun Jia Lo, and Jim Angel. "Agricultural Advisors as Climate Information Intermediaries: Exploring Differences in Capacity to Communicate Climate." Weather, Climate, and Society 7, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 83–93.

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Abstract Although agricultural production faces chronic stress associated with extreme precipitation events, high temperatures, drought, and shifts in climate conditions, adoption of climate information into agricultural decision making has been relatively limited. Agricultural advisors have been shown to play important roles as information intermediaries between scientists and farmers, brokering, translating, and adding value to agronomic and economic information of use in agricultural management decision making. Yet little is known about the readiness of different types of agricultural advisors to use weather and climate information to help their clients manage risk under increasing climate uncertainty. More than 1700 agricultural advisors in four midwestern states (Nebraska, Indiana, Iowa, and Michigan) completed a web-based survey during the spring of 2012 about their use of weather and climate information, public or private sector employment, and roles as information intermediaries in three advising specializations: agronomic, conservation, and financial. Key findings reveal that advisors who specialize in providing agronomic information are positively inclined toward acting as weather and climate information intermediaries, based on influence and willingness to use climate information in providing many types of operational and tactical advice. Advisors who provide conservation advice appear to be considering weather and climate information when providing tactical and strategic land-use advice, but advisors who provide financial advice seem less inclined to act as climate information intermediaries. These findings highlight opportunities to increase the capacity of different types of advisors to enable them to be effective weather and climate information intermediaries.

Iosifidis, Petros, and Leighton Andrews. "Regulating the internet intermediaries in a post-truth world: Beyond media policy?" International Communication Gazette 82, no. 3 (February 12, 2019): 211–30.

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The regulation of internet intermediaries such as Facebook and Google has drawn increasing academic, journalistic and political attention since the ‘fake news’ controversies following UK’s Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s election victory in 2016. This article examines the pressure for a new regulatory framework for the information intermediaries both within and outside the media industry, notably in Europe, noting that the range of issues thrown up by the operations of the information intermediaries now engage a wider focus than media policy per se, including data and privacy policy, national security, hate speech and other issues. The concept of ‘fake news’ emerges as only one of the drivers of policy change: the dominance of information intermediaries such as Facebook and Google in respect of the digital advertising market and data monopolisation may be even more significant. The article asks whether a new concept of ‘information utilities’ may be appropriate to capture their increasingly dominant role.

Wykoff, Leslie W., and Haworth Continuing Features Submission. "Meta-Analysis and Its Implications for Search Intermediaries." Medical Reference Services Quarterly 4, no. 4 (February 4, 1986): 71–75.

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HUANG, Jie (Jeanne). "Internet (Un)Immunity: Where Does China Stand?" Asian Journal of Law and Society 7, no. 2 (June 2020): 345–68.

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AbstractThis paper focuses on Internet intermediaries’ civil liabilities for contents produced by third parties. By comparing Chinese law with the laws of the US and EU, it argues that the US law grants broad civil immunity to Internet intermediaries, and the EU and China restrict civil immunity to intermediaries but in different ways. This is on account of how, in the US, Internet intermediaries enjoy civil immunity as long as they do not become content providers. In the EU, aside from mere conduit intermediaries, all other intermediaries are subject to the notice-and-take-down mechanism before enjoying civil immunity. In contrast, in China, even after an intermediary properly follows the notice-and-take-down mechanism, it may still be subject to civil liability under the Chinese Consumer Law. Further, this paper argues that the policy priority for the law for Internet intermediaries varies fundamentally in the three jurisdictions. The US law for intermediaries’ liability focuses on protecting freedom of speech. The EU emphasizes the protection of personal information as a fundamental human right. Contrastingly, Chinese policy priority is unclear. Consumer protection has boomed in public popularity and increasingly attracted the attentions of the legislature and judiciary in China. However, it is doubtable that the protection of consumers can provide a prevailing policy support for Chinese law in the same way as freedom of speech and the protection of personal information do under the laws of the US and the EU, respectively.

Bakici, Tuba, and Esteve Almirall. "Intervention intermediaries flourish: matching firms with solutions to complex needs." Journal of Business Strategy 38, no. 4 (July 17, 2017): 21–29.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the main models of innovation intermediaries as determined by the matching mechanisms they offer as a service to organizations, and to reveal underlying limitations of each mechanism to have a better understanding of their appropriateness for organizational requests. Design/methodology/approach This paper reports an exploratory study of 51 online innovation intermediaries using semi-structured interviews, supported with direct observation, scientific papers and official documentary sources. Findings The overall findings suggest that innovation intermediaries are not homogeneous, are evolving and that the underlying mechanisms with which they support their operations vary substantially, depending on the size of the community, platform design (collaboration vs non-collaboration) and reward conditions. The study identifies five mechanisms on which the models are based: broadcast search (directed and undirected), brainstorming with ranking (directed and undirected), networking/connecting, expert group and licensing out. Some of the underlying tensions and limitations of these mechanisms are also explored as are the managerial implications for the choice and use of innovation intermediaries. Originality/value This paper identifies distinct models of online innovation intermediaries in significantly more depth than what has been presented so far. In addition, it discusses their limitations as a mechanism and their use to achieve a better match between innovation intermediaries and needs of solution-seeker companies.

Buchanan, Steven, Cara Jardine, and Ian Ruthven. "Information behaviors in disadvantaged and dependent circumstances and the role of information intermediaries." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70, no. 2 (November 16, 2018): 117–29.

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Birchall, Alexander, Anthony Deakin, and Roy Rada. "Knowledge automation and the need for intermediaries." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 26, no. 4 (December 1994): 181–92.

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Shin, Moonsik, and Umit Ozmel. "Knowledge Transfer via Information Intermediaries: Evidence from Venture Capital Investments." Academy of Management Proceedings 2018, no. 1 (August 2018): 17397.

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Williams, Martha E. "Transparent information systems through gateways, front ends, intermediaries, and interfaces." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 37, no. 4 (July 1986): 204–14.<204::aid-asi5>;2-p.

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Stille, C. J., W. A. Primack, T. J. McLaughlin, and R. C. Wasserman. "Parents as Information Intermediaries Between Primary Care and Specialty Physicians." PEDIATRICS 120, no. 6 (November 30, 2007): 1238–46.

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Lim, Hyojeong, and Yongtae Park. "Identification of technological knowledge intermediaries." Scientometrics 84, no. 3 (December 25, 2009): 543–61.

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Jordana, Jacint. "Transgovernmental Networks as Regulatory Intermediaries." ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 670, no. 1 (March 2017): 245–62.

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This article explores and elucidates the activities of transnational networks as regulatory intermediaries. Specifically, I examine their role in the regulation of banks, as far as they facilitate exchanges between global regulators (GRs)—such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision or the Financial Stability Board—and local regulators (LRs), such as national regulatory agencies or legislatures. I find that transgovernmental network intermediaries produce benefits both for GRs, which employ them to disseminate their rules; and for LRs, which use them to obtain influence, advice, and information. Networks promote collaborative intermediation horizontally, without compromising sovereignty, and require only soft organizational structures with low operational costs. Network intermediation is a key ingredient in facilitating local regulatory activities and in providing tools and cognitive resources to LRs. Network intermediaries blur the global-local boundary, however, as some of their members operate as LRs and simultaneously participate directly in GRs.

PHAM, THU THUY, BRUCE M. CAMPBELL, STEPHEN GARNETT, HEATHER ASLIN, and MINH HA HOANG. "Importance and impacts of intermediary boundary organizations in facilitating payment for environmental services in Vietnam." Environmental Conservation 37, no. 1 (March 2010): 64–72.

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SUMMARYIntermediaries are seen as important actors in facilitating payments for environmental services (PES). However, few data exist on the adequacy of the services provided by intermediaries and the impacts of their interventions. Using four PES case studies in Vietnam, this paper analyses the roles of government agencies, non-government organizations, international agencies, local organizations and professional consulting firms as PES intermediaries. The findings indicate that these intermediaries are essential in supporting PES establishment. Their roles are as service and information providers, mediators, arbitrators, equalizers, representatives, watchdogs, developers of standards and bridge builders. Concerns have been raised about the quality of intermediaries’ participatory work, political influence on intermediaries’ activities and the neutral status of intermediaries. Although local organizations are strongly driven by the government, they are important channels for the poor to express their opinions. However, to act as environmental services (ES) sellers, local organizations need to overcome numerous challenges, particularly related to capacity for monitoring ES and enforcement of contracts. Relationships amongst intermediaries are complex and should be carefully examined by PES stakeholders to avoid negative impact on the poor. Each of the intermediaries may operate at a different level and can have different functions but a multi-sector approach is required for an effective PES implementation.

STEWART, JAMES, and SAMPSA HYYSALO. "INTERMEDIARIES, USERS AND SOCIAL LEARNING IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION." International Journal of Innovation Management 12, no. 03 (September 2008): 295–325.

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This paper explores the role of intermediaries in the development and appropriation of new technologies. We focus on intermediaries that facilitate user innovation, and the linking of user innovation into supply side activities. We review findings on intermediaries in some of our studies and other available literature to build a framework to explore of how intermediaries work in making innovation happen. We make sense of these processes by taking a long-term view of the dynamics of technology and market development using the social learning in technological innovation (SLTI) framework. Our primary concern is with innovation intermediaries and their core roles of configuring, facilitating and brokering technologies, uses and relationships in uncertain and emerging markets. We show the range of positions and influence they have along the supply-use axis in a number of different innovation contexts, and how they are able to bridge the user-developer innovation domains. Equipped with these insights, we explore in more depth how intermediaries affect the shape of new information and communication technologies and the importance of identifying and nurturing the user-side intermediaries that are crucial to innovation success.

Weber, Thomas A., and Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng. "A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals." Information Systems Research 18, no. 4 (December 2007): 414–36.

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Xie, Xiaoqing (Kristine), Chris K. Anderson, and Rohit Verma. "Customer Preferences and Opaque Intermediaries." Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 58, no. 4 (January 6, 2017): 342–53.

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Using two choice-based experiments, we evaluate consumer preferences hotel attributes for firms selling hotel rooms across three online distribution channel formats: full information, semi-opaque, and opaque online travel agents. A multinomial logit model is used to analyze the experimental data and measure consumer trade-offs between price and other product attributes. We then use these preferences to determine optimal channel selling strategies. Our optimal channel strategies illustrate under what conditions firms should add opaque distribution channels and the resulting incremental revenue obtained with the setting of optimal channel specific prices. We deploy two choice-based experiments, traditional and menu-based, in an effort to add flexibility to survey respondents in choice selection. As part of our analysis, we compare managerial insights from analysis based on traditional choice-based experiments to that using menu-based choice experiments. In general, we indicate that both forms of opaque selling increase firm demand and that with appropriate pricing can also increase firm revenue. In addition, opaque channels have elevated price sensitivity and increased impact of guest reviews versus traditional online travel agents.

Popp, Andrew. "“Swamped in information but starved of data”: information and intermediaries in clothing supply chains." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 5, no. 3 (August 2000): 151–61.

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Flandreau, Marc, and Juan H. Flores. "Bonds and Brands: Foundations of Sovereign Debt Markets, 1820–1830." Journal of Economic History 69, no. 3 (September 2009): 646–84.

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How does sovereign debt emerge? In the early nineteenth century, intermediaries' market power and prestige served to overcome information asymmetries. Relying on insights from finance theory, we argue that capitalists turned to intermediaries' reputations to guide their investment strategies. Intermediaries could in turn commit or else they would lose market share. This sustained the development of sovereign debt. This new perspective is backed by archival evidence and empirical data, and it suggests why strong but undemocratic states could borrow.“A good name is worth more than a gem.”Yiddish proverb

Sandberg, Berit. "Functions of intermediaries in arts-based cooperations." Arts and the Market 7, no. 1 (May 2, 2017): 13–31.

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Purpose Arts-based cooperations between business and the arts create innovative solutions for companies by introducing artistic practices. Cooperations of this nature are predominantly prepared and implemented by intermediaries who act as “matchmakers” and bridge the cultural clash. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach For the present study on the function of such intermediaries, qualitative data material from interviews and case studies on arts-based cooperations was collected and analysed. Findings This paper analyses the results from an institutional economics perspective. By drawing on transaction cost theory and information economics, the findings are transformed into an intermediation theory of arts-based cooperations. The theory postulates that intermediaries are able to reduce transaction costs as well as the risks which are contingent on asymmetric information. Involving an intermediary produces cost advantages compared to direct contact between companies and artists. Originality/value The analysis illuminates an important but heretofore neglected aspect of arts-based initiatives thus providing an indication for their successful implementation.

Karunaratna, Amal R., and Lester W. Johnson. "Opportunistic Behaviour by International Channel Intermediaries." Journal of Management & Organization 6, no. 2 (March 2000): 20–31.

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AbstractThe relationship between exporters and independent foreign channel intermediaries (FCIs) is complex. The present paper analyses and discusses the potential types of opportunistic behaviour that might be engaged in by foreign agents or distributors (FCIs) using an agency theory approach. A classification framework of opportunistic behaviour is developed and a detailed qualitative examination of the content of five agency-distributor agreements between Australian exporters and their FCIs. A five-category classification scheme for opportunistic behaviour was found that included (1) product, (2) price, (3) information, (4) logistical, and (5) legal opportunism. The implications of each type of opportunism for an exporter are discussed using examples obtained from ways to control opportunistic behaviour are discussed.

Karunaratna, Amal R., and Lester W. Johnson. "Opportunistic Behaviour by International Channel Intermediaries." Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management 6, no. 2 (March 2000): 20–31.

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AbstractThe relationship between exporters and independent foreign channel intermediaries (FCIs) is complex. The present paper analyses and discusses the potential types of opportunistic behaviour that might be engaged in by foreign agents or distributors (FCIs) using an agency theory approach. A classification framework of opportunistic behaviour is developed and a detailed qualitative examination of the content of five agency-distributor agreements between Australian exporters and their FCIs. A five-category classification scheme for opportunistic behaviour was found that included (1) product, (2) price, (3) information, (4) logistical, and (5) legal opportunism. The implications of each type of opportunism for an exporter are discussed using examples obtained from ways to control opportunistic behaviour are discussed.

Spulber, Daniel F. "Market Microstructure and Intermediation." Journal of Economic Perspectives 10, no. 3 (August 1, 1996): 135–52.

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This paper emphasizes the important role played by intermediaries in the economy, including wholesalers, retailers, and financial firms. The paper defines an intermediary as an economic agent that purchases from suppliers for resale to buyers or that helps buyers and sellers meet and transact. Intermediaries coordinate transactions and provide the institutions of exchange that constitute market microstructure. Intermediaries set prices, manage inventories, coordinate exchange, and provide information through guarantees and delegated monitoring. These crucial activities help to explain how markets attain equilibrium prices and quantities. The paper suggests that the study of intermediation should be incorporated into mainstream economic analysis.

Muylle, Steve, and Amit Basu. "Online support for business processes by electronic intermediaries." Decision Support Systems 45, no. 4 (November 2008): 845–57.

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Löbel, Stephan, Benedikt Paulowitsch, and Tino Schuppan. "Intermediaries in the public sector and the role of information technology." Information Polity 21, no. 4 (December 22, 2016): 335–46.

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Fabrizio, Kira, and Eun-Hee Kim. "Voluntary Disclosure and Information Intermediaries: Evidence from the Carbon Disclosure Project." Academy of Management Proceedings 2016, no. 1 (January 2016): 15005.

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Wang, Ye Diana, Gloria Phillips-Wren, and Guisseppi Forgionne. "E-delivery of personalised healthcare information to intermediaries for suicide prevention." International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1, no. 4 (2005): 396.

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Dutta, Supradeep. "Information through Intermediaries: Influence of Venture Capital in M&A." Academy of Management Proceedings 2021, no. 1 (August 2021): 13717.

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Wakeford, Nina. "Research Note: Working with New Media's Cultural Intermediaries." Information, Communication & Society 6, no. 2 (January 2003): 229–45.

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Kibik, Olga, Viacheslav Kotlubay, Iuliia Khaiminova, and Kateryna Belous. "Growth Potential of the Market Force of Intermediary Structures." SHS Web of Conferences 67 (2019): 04006.

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The aim of the study is to determine the extent and prospects development of market potential of intermediary structures using an example of waterway transport enterprises. Economic liberalization, development of international economic activity, fragmentation and distantness of suppliers and buyers as preconditions for development of intermediary business structures are determined. The main factors hindering the development of intermediary activities are identified, for instance, imperfect regulatory framework, insufficient intermediary’s professionalism, insecurity from intermediaries, low level of responsibility to counterparties, general distrust. Transport companies, in particular, the waterway transport enterprises, are identified as intermediaries that have a significant influence for development of individual economic agents and economic systems. Prospects for the development of sustainable mutually beneficial economic relations or the mutual benefit, the availability of effective information flow, a clear definition of roles, rights and obligations of the involved parties, mutual coordination of behaviour of intermediary structures and clients defined as the main conditions for development of effective interaction of intermediary structures of water transport and clients. In the matter of further studies, attention should be paid to improvement of strengthening mechanism for the responsibility of intermediary structures and clients.

Johansson, Veronica. "Public libraries as democratic intermediaries: some examples from Sweden." New Library World 105, no. 1/2 (January 2004): 47–59.

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Tjandra, Nathalia C., John Ensor, and John R. Thomson. "Co-Creating with Intermediaries: Understanding Their Power and Interest." Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 26, no. 3-4 (May 7, 2019): 319–39.

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Glode, Vincent, and Christian Opp. "Asymmetric Information and Intermediation Chains." American Economic Review 106, no. 9 (September 1, 2016): 2699–721.

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We propose a parsimonious model of bilateral trade under asymmetric information to shed light on the prevalence of intermediation chains that stand between buyers and sellers in many decentralized markets. Our model features a classic problem in economics where an agent uses his market power to inefficiently screen a privately informed counterparty. Paradoxically, involving moderately informed intermediaries also endowed with market power can improve trade efficiency. Long intermediation chains in which each trader's information set is similar to those of his direct counterparties limit traders' incentives to post prices that reduce trade volume and jeopardize gains to trade. (JEL D42, D82, D85, L12, L14)

Hryshko, Olena. "INFORMATION SUPPORT OF THE LABOR MARKET OF UKRAINE AND EASTERN EUROPE: INNOVATION ASPECTS." Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 7, no. 3 (June 25, 2021): 65–72.

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Introduction. The processes of informatization of society, reform of state institutions and transformation of the economic system of Ukraine identify new problems and set new challenges for regulating the labor market and employment on the basis of public-private partnership, including by bringing to all labor market actors relevant information from verified sources. Given the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine should take into account the experience of Eastern European countries that have been in similar transition conditions and have shown significant progress, in particular in overcoming the problems and threats in the labor markets that they have encountered in the process of European integration. Purpose and objectives. There is a necessity to justify the expediency of integration of information of subjects in the labor market of Ukraine for the purpose of formation of uniform information support of the labor market that will promote legal productive employment of citizens. Methodology. The article is based on international legal acts, laws and bylaws of Ukraine in the field of employment and regulation of labor market processes in the context of the functioning of a single information environment, formed on the basis of public-private partnership. Both general and special methods were used for the research: methods of analysis and synthesis, descriptive method, methods of induction and deduction. Results. The article analyzes the regulation of the European labor market by integrating the capabilities of national public employment services, the implementation of equal opportunities in free labor mobility for European workers. The data and experience of the countries of Eastern Europe are given. The institutional and legislative aspects of the functioning of private mediation in the domestic labor market are considered and it is proved that in Ukraine there is currently no regulatory influence of the state on the activities of private mediation in this market, and regulatory support in this area is imperfect. It is studied that information flows of private intermediaries, including job search and recruiting websites, operate independently of state intermediaries, and the public does not fully have up-to-date information on the state and needs of the domestic labor market. The article highlights the role of the government and the State Employment Service in the formation of information support of the labor market, compares the published data, provides relevant recommendations of the International Labor Organization and foreign experience. Conclusions. The information published in Ukraine by private labor market intermediaries needs full attention, as its connection with informal employment is not excluded. Given the impact of globalization challenges on the functioning and development of the domestic labor market, it is proposed to standardize the activities of private labor market intermediaries, including job search and recruiting websites, by including their data on labor supply and demand in the domestic labor market. For Ukraine, the experience of the European countries in cooperation between public and private intermediaries in the labor market, based on the creation of single information support of the labor market, including through joining the EURES system, is relevant.

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