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Malyuga, Elena, and Barry Tomalin. "Communicative strategies and tactics of speech manipulation in intercultural business discourse." Training Language and Culture 1, no. 1 (February 2017): 28–45.

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Wang, Huei Lan. "Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication Courses in Media Literacy: Case Study of Using the University General Education Program “Citizen Journalism and Actions”." International Education Studies 11, no. 10 (September 27, 2018): 78.

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Values are at the center of culture, the core of intercultural communication, and the chief element affecting communication between nations. Currently, educating students regarding appropriate cognitive attitudes and behaviors in intercultural communication, the basis for the acquisition of intercultural citizenship, has become a challenge for educators. This paper presents a case study of an intercultural communication curriculum where students participate in a new community and thereby understand the differences between reality and media representation of foreign immigrants. At the end of class, the concept of “access media” will be presented to train students on producing community videos that voice the reality they have experienced through the curriculum processes to which they have been exposed. This involves training students to take social action against media manipulation of stereotypical images of foreign immigrants. This case study demonstrates how an intercultural communication process of learning transforms students. The data include an analysis and evaluation of classroom observations, student and teacher diaries, questionnaires, and focus groups to explain how students’ intercultural communication competence was developed and led to their acquiring intercultural citizenship qualities that include “action in the community,” in this case publishing their own community video. The article concludes by explaining how intercultural theory plays a significant role in intercultural communication and relationship formation, and provides a guide to assist teachers in Taiwan develop pedagogy of literacy for general education.

Fatollahi, Moslem. "Cannibalism and cultural manipulation: How Morier is received in the Persian literary canon." Human Affairs 28, no. 2 (April 25, 2018): 141–59.

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Abstract Post-colonialism and orientalism have inspired literary scholars to study various aspects of literature and literary translation in the post-colonial era. One of the implications of post-colonialism for literature as a discipline is the idea of cannibalism and cultural manipulation. This corpus-based study aims to analyze the notions of “cultural manipulation” or “cannibalism” in the Persian translation of Haji Baba by Mirza Habib Isfahani, to explore the translator’s strategy, as an intercultural mediator, in modulating the source novel’s colonial stance and adapting it to the religious, literary and cultural tastes of the Iranians. Our findings reveal that two main techniques—of omission and euphemism—have been applied in rendering the novel into Persian. Using these techniques, the translator has attempted to challenge the imperial stance of the main writer and come up with a version of the source novel which is much less insulting to Iranians’ cultural values. That is why this translation has been widely received as a literary masterpiece in Persian literature. One implication is that it might be claimed that cannibalism and cultural manipulation can be used to explain the trend of manipulating western literature in countries which have never been colonized, but that have suffered from the colonial stance of colonial writers.

Levina, Olesya Mikhailovna. "VERBAL MANIPULATION IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERCULTURAL FOREIGN-LANGUAGE EDUCATION: THE NOTION INTERPRETATION." Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice, no. 7-2 (July 2018): 426–29.

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Kitanina, E., and U. Yuycunczy. "Implementation of the manipulative potential of political euphemisms in modern media discourse." Scientific Research and Development. Modern Communication Studies 10, no. 1 (February 11, 2021): 30–35.

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The article analyzes the research process on the history of political euphemisms in Russian and other foreign linguistics, listing the main scientific research results related to the definition of typical features of political euphemisms on the Internet news portals. One of the main tasks of the research is to identify the essence of the functioning of political euphemisms as a means of manipulating the consciousness of the electorate through the substitution of values. The initial prerequisites for the work are the provisions of linguoculture, psycholinguistics and intercultural communication. The political euphemisms of the media sphere have been studied in a comparative aspect. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the manipulation potential of euphemistic language units depends directly on the political value of citizens.

Afzali, Katayoon. "Reframing Iran’s discourse of war in the English translation of Iranian war literature." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 66, no. 1 (February 17, 2020): 70–95.

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Abstract Translation as interlingual and intercultural communication has always been subject to ideological manipulation. This is due to the fact that some Translation Studies scholars believe that translators are considered as responsible for the reception and survival of literary works among target language readers. The strategies the translators apply throughout the translation process are governed by those who wield power including political and social institutions like the government, the law and publishers. In view of this phenomenon, the current study explores the paratextual strategies applied by Paul Sprachman, an American translator, when he translated Da (2014) from Farsi into English. Using narrative theory, this study analyses how the English translation appears to reiterate notions of Iran and Shia identity as bellicose and anti- liberal by situating Iran’s war literature as dramatic and fictional, rather than as a testimonial to one Iranian woman’s representations of her lived experience. The findings indicate that the textual and paratextual manipulations were in line with the ideology of the receptive environment of the United States with relevance to the discourse of the war in Iran.

Yulita, Leticia. "Competences for democratic culture: An empirical study of an intercultural citizenship project in language pedagogy." Language Teaching Research 22, no. 5 (July 28, 2017): 499–516.

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This article reports on a pedagogical intervention in foreign language teaching in higher education. It analizes the competences developed by Argentinian and UK-based students as they used Skype to design a leaflet that addressed a real world issue: the Argentinian military dictatorship and its manipulation of the 1978 Football World Cup. The data consists of students’ discussions of this highly disturbing human rights issue. A first level of analysis focused on identifying evidence of competences using the Council of Europe’s conceptual model of ‘competences for democratic culture’ (2016). In a second level of analysis, the data was categorized within the framework of Article 2.2 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (2011). This research study provides an empirical test of these two frameworks in the field of language education, an aspect that has not been investigated before. It also contributes to our understanding of the potential of intercultural citizenship projects in achieving the goals of human rights education in foreign language teaching. Results indicate the development of substantial competences for democratic culture defined in the Council of Europe’s model.

Benabed, Fella. "Ethnotextual mental translation and self-translation in African literature." Ars Aeterna 9, no. 2 (December 20, 2017): 71–80.

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Abstract Interest in African literature and translation is relatively new; it mainly emerged in the 1990s with the postcolonial turn in translation studies, under the influence of the cultural turn, the polysystems theory and the “Manipulation School”. Many African writers describe themselves as intercultural translators; they hover over the following questions: Is it a form of selfdenigration not to use one’s mother tongue as a medium of literary creation? How can their literary creations account for their postcolonial experience in the languages of former colonizers? Can these languages render the specificities of their distinct cultural worldviews? The linguistic choice made by African writers is hence highly political because it involves a compromise that rests on power relations. Their writing often involves a sort of translation from Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL) whether through ethnotextual mental translation or self-translation.

Казаренков, В. И., and В. Бовэнь. "Interpersonal Trust in the Multicultural Classroom." Психолого-педагогический поиск, no. 4(56) (March 4, 2021): 71–81.

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В статье раскрыты целесообразность и прогностическая ценность изучения проблемы доверия в межкультурном взаимодействии. На основе анализа теоретических концепций обосновывается, что уровень выраженности доверия к представителям иных культурных групп выступает предиктором социально-перцептивных процессов в общении и опосредует выбор субъектом соответствующей стратегии межличностного взаимодействия в процессах межкультурной коммуникации. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, в котором выявляется содержание критериев доверия и недоверия студентов китайской, африканской и латиноамериканской общностей к сверстникам — представителям иных культурных групп. Эмпирически подтверждается предположение о существовании связей между доверием, недоверием и стратегиями взаимодействия иностранных студентов со сверстниками — представителями других культур. Анализируются обнаруженные корреляционные взаимосвязи между содержательными критериями доверия (недоверия) и манипулятивной, альтероцентрической, конформной, диалогической, индифферентной, авторитарной стратегиями интеракций во взаимоотношениях студентов с ровесниками — представителями других культурных групп. Полученные результаты косвенно свидетельствуют о том, что механизмы аттракции, выражающиеся в приязни, симпатии, дружелюбии, а также механизмы идентификации и рефлексии выступают в качестве предикторов отношений иностранных студентов к представителям иных культур, помогают преодолевать межгрупповые предубеждения и служат профилактикой манипулирования друг другом. Результаты исследования углубляют научные представления о проблеме доверия — недоверия в межэтнических отношениях, представляют практическую ценность для социальных психологов, специалистов в области кросс-культурной психологии при разработке профилактических и коррекционных мероприятий, направленных на повышение эффективности и коммуникативной культуры взаимодействия представителей разных социальных общностей. The article focuses on the feasibility and prognostic value of the investigation of interpersonal interaction. The analysis of theoretical concepts enables the authors to prove that the level of trust between people from different cultural groups can function as a predictor of social perception and can influence people’s choice of strategies of interpersonal interaction in situations of intercultural communication. The article presents the results of empirical research aimed at the investigation of criteria of trust and mistrust between students of Chinese, African and Latin-American communities and their peers belonging to other cultural groups. The empirical study proves that there is a correlation between trust, mistrust and the strategies of interaction foreign students use when communicating with their peers from different cultures. The article analyses the correlation between the criteria of trust (mistrust) and manipulative, alterocentric, conformal, dialogical, indifferent, and authoritarian interaction strategies employed by students for intercultural communication with their peers. The results indirectly demonstrate that the mechanisms of attraction expressed through friendliness, empathy and affection, as well as the mechanisms of identification and reflection serve as predictors of foreign students’ attitude to representatives of other cultures, help to overcome prejudices in intercultural communication, help to prevent interpersonal manipulation. The results of the research extend scholarly understanding of the issue of trust and mistrust in interethnic interaction and have a high practical value for social psychologists, specialists in the sphere of cross-cultural psychology, for specialists developing preventive and corrective measures aimed at the enhancement of the efficiency of interpersonal interaction between representatives of different social groups.

Yue, Xue. "Research in the field of political linguistics (based on the materials of the journal “Political linguistics” for 2006–2017)." Neophilology, no. 24 (2020): 746–54.

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Political linguistics in Russia is characterized by a large number of directions and topics varieties, especially political metaphor and discourse-analysis, which serves as the main method of linguocognitive interpretation of the text as a whole and the word separately. We analyze the scientific results presented on the pages of the journal “Political Linguistics” for 2006–2017 (edi-tor-in-chief A.P. Chudinov). During this period, 46 published issues, distributed in 33 countries, highlight the main directions (theory of political linguistics, fundamental linguistics, rhetoric, so-ciolinguistics, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, semiotics, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics and intercultural communication) that stimulate research in the field of political com-munication and the language of politics. We establish that more than 90% of all directions are in-tercultural communication, which focuses on the study of communication strategies and language manipulation. We justify that the context of the 12-year development of Russian political linguis-tics reflects the expansion of political discourse and contributes to the activation of the critical dis-course analysis as a direction. We substantiate that in Russian political linguistics, there are direc-tions that are just emerging: polylinguistic forecasting, polylinguistic personality, political self-presentation, comparative studies of political texts.

Min, Fan. "Understanding and translating Confucian philosophy in the Analects: a sociosemiotic perspective." Semiotica 2021, no. 239 (February 11, 2021): 287–306.

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Abstract As the representative of Chinese classical works, the Analects represents a source of difficulty in both understanding and interpretation of Confucian philosophy. Confucian philosophy as a philosophy of creativity and otherness is closely related with the social and cultural values in society. Therefore, the study of Confucian philosophy in the Analects cannot be separated from the descriptive study of the effects of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, contexts, language use, and the effects of language use on society. This article attempts to explore how the meaning of Confucian philosophy in the Analects is interpreted and accepted by Western readers through complex social semiotic interactions. The article focuses on the interpretation of Confucian philosophy as a reflection of cultural assumptions, values and prohibitions, and the manipulation of the social semiotic resources in the process of understanding, translation, and acceptance of Confucian philosophy in the Analects through a discussion of its original text, different versions and the reasons behind the social semiotic activities. The article concludes with a consideration of significant social semiotic interactions that influence the translator’s interpretation and reader’s acceptance of Confucian philosophy so as to facilitate intercultural understanding.

Rahman, Khairiah A., and Azadeh Emadi. "Representations of Islam and Muslims in New Zealand media." Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa 24, no. 2 (November 2, 2018): 166–88.

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In the global media scene, media ownership is controlled by groups with political agendas. Intolerance of ‘the other’, from Islam and migrants to people of colour, show the rise of fundamentally prejudiced groups who relate well to negative media representations of ‘the other’, further fuelling financial support for dominant public voices, at the expense of those silenced by discrimination. Media studies on Islam show negative portrayals in Western media which neglect the Muslim voice. Some reasons include news culture, lack of knowledge about Islam and unawareness of the consequences from such narratives. This article identifies the growing trend of stories in the New Zealand media relating to ‘Islamic terrorism’ and critically analyses a random sampling of five news articles between 2014 and 2016 in terms of the negative, positive and ambivalent news content, both in their use of the written text and visual representations of Islam and Muslims. The tendency to use negative framing is evident with the absence or manipulation of the Muslim voice. Using the Islamic perspective of dialogue and persuasion, the theory of Ta’will, and socio-political rationale, the effects of and motivations for the written and visual news content are discussed. A case is made for a greater understanding of the textual and visual elements and more ethical reporting through intercultural engagement.

Valikova, Olga A., and Alena S. Demchenko. "Translingual Literary Text: on Problem of Understanding." Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices 17, no. 3 (December 15, 2020): 352–62.

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The given study covers an actual interdisciplinary issue - Russian language, post-Soviet Russian literature in particular, that includes the otherness of multiple ethnic cultures and creates unique images of the world. In the modern conventional sense, culture is replaced by transculture - a space of interaction and mutual repulsion, intertwinement, constellation, overlapping, flowing of cultures into one another. These processes have no and cant have any solidified, final forms that would be determined once and for all. Therefore, the works created in the aesthetics of transculturation are always unique, be it a literary text, a musical message or a silent arthouse short film speaking the language of negative space. We believe that a transcultural episteme should be used in the process of new thinking formation. A person without any developed pragmatic presupposition is deprived of explanatory knowledge and becomes a victim of the information manipulation embedding a model of confrontational perception of the Other into the collective consciousness. By the given work, we would like to demonstrate a method of working with higher-school students that we called Immersion Reading. Using the works by Russian Germans (in particular, E. Seifert and G. Belger), we describe the stages of readers immersion into a literary work step by step (context verticalization, hermeneutic comment creation, stages of typification and differentiation of texts within a chosen paradigm, synthesis) and then bring up the results of our work with students and doctoral candidates of Russia and Kazakhstan for discussion within Literature and Globalization, Intercultural Communication in Art Dimension lecture courses (author of the courses - Bakhtikireeva, U.M.).

Levina, Olesia Mikhailovna. "Methodological Model of Teaching Foreign-Language Intercultural Media Communication under Conditions of Manipulative Influence." Pedagogika. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, no. 2 (April 2021): 222–27.

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Sharma, Piyush, Jackie L. M. Tam, and Namwoon Kim. "Service role and outcome as moderators in intercultural service encounters." Journal of Service Management 26, no. 1 (March 16, 2015): 137–55.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce a comprehensive framework incorporating service roles (customer vs employee) and outcomes (failure vs success) as moderators in the process by which perceived cultural distance (PCD) affects customers and employees in intercultural service encounters (ICSEs). Design/methodology/approach – The authors used a 2×2×3 between-subjects experimental design with Chinese undergraduate students, manipulating service role (customer and employee), outcome (failure and success) and PCD (low, medium and high). Findings – Compared to service employees, customers perceive higher cultural distance and lower interaction comfort (IC), service quality and satisfaction; and stronger negative moderating effect of PCD in ICSEs. Compared to service success, failure results in lower IC; perceived service quality and satisfaction, and these effects are stronger for customers (vs employees). Research limitations/implications – The authors used shorter versions of all the scales to minimize participant fatigue and to increase their involvement along with an experimental design with imaginary service scenario, both of which may restrict the generalizability of the findings. Practical implications – Service managers should focus on customer education and employee training to reduce the negative impact of PCD and prevent service failure rather than try to improve service quality and satisfaction beyond customers’ expectations. Originality/value – The authors extend prior research by exploring the moderating effects of service role (customer vs employee) and outcome (success vs failure) on the direct and indirect effects of PCD on IC, service quality and satisfaction.

Chanysheva, Z. Z. "Hypostases of THEM category in mass media communication." Язык и текст 3, no. 3 (2016): 96–105.

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The article focuses on the reflection of the US/THEM category in mass media communication in conditions of sharp confrontation of ideological opponents. It is aimed at revealing the potential of lingvocultural signs to be used as units of generating desirable senses in leading English periodical issues. The alien culture is shown to possess three basic hypostases with xenocultural axiological semantic space taking the lead. The article proves that intercultural massmedia communication is marked by reciprocal influence of semantic spaces and subjective evaluation of information. Xenoprecedent phenomena are viewed as supporting clamps in the process of semantic transformations of national and cultural signs designed to exert a manipulative effect on the target reader.

Petrova, Mariia Vladimirovna. "interview as a development tool of students’ language skills (on the example of the extra curricular student project "German Russia" at the department of media linguistics, faculty of journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University)." Moscow University Pedagogical Education Bulletin, no. 3 (September 30, 2019): 95–109.

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The article examines the methodological potential and advantages of an interview as an educational tool in terms of the development of language skills and intercultural competence of students-journalists. The author presents the experience of her own project training method, carried out in 2017-2019 as a part of extra-curricular project activities at the Department of Media Linguistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. From a methodological point of view, such characteristics of the genre as a dialogical nature, the interaction of informational and manipulative communicative strategies, the role of interviews in representing national-cultural and individual ideas about the world are considered. The integrated approach used in the work includes the methods of linguistic, linguoculturological, contextual and methodological analysis. The form of organization of the educational interview deliberately creates and immerses students in a special social environment that refects the specifc characteristics of the diversity of cultures - a multicultural educational space. Representations of extra-linguistic reality are materially expressed in the text at all levels of speech organization: words (language signs), groups of words (phrases, sentences), text, set of texts. The format of the educational interview allows students to improve their knowledge of speech formulas adopted in this culture in a specifc situation of verbal communication, and, consequently, to develop their intercultural competence. In a dialogue with native speakers of a different culture and language, students learn to recognize the similarities or differences in ideas that exist within the Russian national culture with the ideas of native speakers of another culture, interpret new aspects in the cultures studied, and to be open to assessing their culture through the norms and values of another ethnic group.

Roth, Daniel, Marc Erich Latoschik, Kai Vogeley, and Gary Bente. "Hybrid Avatar-Agent Technology – A Conceptual Step Towards Mediated “Social” Virtual Reality and its Respective Challenges." i-com 14, no. 2 (August 1, 2015): 107–14.

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AbstractDriven by large industry investments, developments of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies including unobtrusive sensors, actuators and novel display devices are rapidly progressing. Realism and interactivity have been postulated as crucial aspects of immersive VR since the naissance of the concept. However, today’s VR still falls short from creating real life-like experiences in many regards. This holds particularly true when introducing the “social dimension” into the virtual worlds. Apparently, creating convincing virtual selves and virtual others and conveying meaningful and appropriate social behavior still is an open challenge for future VR. This challenge implies both, technical aspects, such as the real-time capacities of the systems, but also psychological aspects, such as the dynamics of human communication. Our knowledge of VR systems is still fragmented with regard to social cognition, although the social dimension is crucial when aiming at autonomous agents with a certain social background intelligence. It can be questioned though whether a perfect copy of real life interactions is a realistic or even meaningful goal of social VR development at this stage. Taking into consideration the specific strengths and weaknesses of humans and machines, we propose a conceptual turn in social VR which focuses on what we call “hybrid avatar-agent systems”. Such systems are required to generate i) avatar mediated interactions between real humans, taking advantage of their social intuitions and flexible communicative skills and ii) an artificial social intelligence (AIS) which monitors, and potentially moderates or transforms ongoing virtual interactions based on social signals, such as performing adaptive manipulations of behavior in intercultural conversations. The current article sketches a respective base architecture and discusses necessary research prospects and challenges as a starting point for future research and development.

Kompantseva, Larysa. "Linguistic examination of social networks under conditions of hybrid challenges to Ukraine's national security." Actual issues of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice, no. 40 (2020): 119–39.

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The article analyses the applied aspects of linguistic examination of social networks under conditions of hybrid threats to the national security of Ukraine. It is argued that the intensification of intercultural communications, the formation of a single geopolitical space, the activation of destructive influences on the behaviour of social network visitors have led to an increase in discursive situations that a linguist can evaluate as an expert. For these reasons, there is an urgent need to separate and legislate linguistic examination of social networks, i.e. linguistic analysis of social network discourses using an integrated approach, the results of which can be completed as an advisory opinion or forecast concerning the impact of virtual communication on socio-political activity in the real world. This type of examination has got importance under conditions of hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation, which is mainly aimed to reshape the system of values and behaviour in target audiences, though it is of a consciental nature. The expert approach is the most relevant for identifying social cyberattacks, i.e. anonymous manipulative influences on social network visitors to create chaos, panic, and mass unrest. This identification should consider the following discursive characteristics of social networks: the creation of attractive content, its coordinated distribution through public and private channels, the use of social bots, the horizontal broadcasting of narratives. As an example, it is proposed the linguistic examination of the Russian propaganda fake “anti-Semitism in Ukraine”, which purpose is to ignite ethnic agitation. Therefore, active integration of academic community into the analysis of modern threats and counteraction to them, creation of a pool of professional experts, legislative regulation of the status of linguistic examination of social networks are on the agenda.

Galli, Joice Armani. "Le projet FOS/FOU/BRAFITEC dans le Programme FSF et quelques réflexions pour la formation des futurs enseignants de FLE au Brésil." Revista Letras Raras 6, no. 1 (September 14, 2017): 38–57.

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Cette communication propose la présentation du projet BRAFITEC, dont la démarche méthodologique du « Français sur Objectif Spécifique » (FOS) et, plus précisément, les orientations autour du « Français sur Objectif Universitaire » (FOU) sont à la base de la conception du programme Français sans Frontières – FsF, à l’Université Fédérale de Pernambuco (UFPE), au Brésil. Situé dans le cadre d’une formation en langue-culture française qui envisage l’avenir dans la licence de Français Langue Étrangère (FLE), nous cherchons à intégrer la notion d’altérité dans la mise en place de ce programme linguistique. Ceci dit, nous soulignons la pertinence d’élaborer des actions vers des politiques publiques que, à l’instar du FsF, deviennent de plus en plus un important pilier pour le processus d’internationalisation universitaire. Étant donné que la mobilité académique n’est pas un garant d’internationalisation, moins encore d’interculturalisation, l’objectif de notre exposé est celui de présenter la conception du lettrisme critique en langue étrangère - LE (GALLI, 2015) à partir des réflexions proposées par Mangiante et Parpette (2004) et réalisées par le groupe de recherche Lenufle. Les résultats cherchent à mettre en évidence l’importance de l’arrière-plan culturel dans l’élaboration des programmes FOS et dans la préparation des modules FOU. Le défi majeur n’est pas seulement de mettre les pieds à l’étranger, mais d’être ‘étranger’ dans son propre pays à travers le processus engagé par l’interlocution vers l’autre. Dans sa réalisation, le travail interculturel sous-jacent à la préparation des cours et à la manipulation des documents authentiques met en exergue la ‘non traduisibilité’ de l’intégralité de la langue, notion capitale pour la compréhension de l’altérité, ce qui correspond à l’expérience linguistique de cet échange culturel. De plus, il ne s’agit pas de faire implanter au Brésil un modèle euro-centriste d’internationalisation, car le sigle - BRAsil France Ingénieur TEChnologie, gardant le nom de deux pays concernés, assure les caractéristiques d’un partenariat bilatéral. À partir des notions telles que l’interaction, l’altérité et la littératie en LE, ce texte présente la méthodologie ancrée dans le programme BRAFITEC à travers le projet FOS/FOU et quelques résultats de cette formation académique.

Pilarska, Justyna. "Multi-layer Aspects of Information Manipulation in the Intercultural Area." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, September 1, 2014.

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López-Rodríguez, Lucía, Eran Halperin, Alexandra Vázquez, Isabel Cuadrado, Marisol Navas, and Ángel Gómez. "Awareness of the Psychological Bias of Naïve Realism Can Increase Acceptance of Cultural Differences." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, July 1, 2021, 014616722110270.

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Acceptance of cultural differences can contribute to diversity. However, naïve realism—the conviction that one’s views are objective whereas others’ are biased—might hinder intercultural coexistence. We tested, in three experimental studies, whether a cognitive strategy based on raising awareness of the naïve realism, without any reference to culture and free of emotional involvement, can have a beneficial effect on cultural acceptance. Results revealed that participants showed more acceptance of cultural differences once they were aware of this bias (Study 1). The intervention had an indirect effect on acceptance via openness, especially for participants higher in prejudice (Study 2). Participants aware of this bias could not maintain an enhanced self-view, which mediated the effect of the manipulation on acceptance (Study 3). These findings suggest that strategies based on “cold” cognition, without an explicit emphasis on culture, might be beneficial for increasing the acceptance of cultural differences in an era of xenophobia.

"Insightful teaching as a students’ research-active development form." Teaching languages at higher institutions, no. 36 (2020).

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The article offers a theoretical validation for a technique that can be used to teach the fastest way of resolving research problems to students working on their master’s theses in Intercultural Communication. Regarding the research ability as a student’s quality and a prerequisite for success in achieving scientific goals and drawing on the practical experience, the author wishes to stress the need to develop and use cognitive faculties. Being initiated by the teacher’s activity and invoked to intensify intellectual efforts processes in a student’s mind focus on forming a creative approach to inquiry-based learning and self-organization of his or her consciousness. Such self-organization is conceived as the spontaneous ordering of chaotically intermittent ideas resulting from the previous operational readiness mainly due to its being set by the teacher or through a conscious state for the realization of an immanent intentional act. Microdomain of self-organization, i.e. cognitive faculty plus rich environment, becomes a condition for an unintentional, flash finding of a solution to a research problem that permits them to generate their own ideas. This unwilled action can be described and defined as insightful learning or learning by insight. The theory of insight goes back to Gestalt psychology and is based on the study of the human psyche, mind as a sui generis structure and functional system, and the insight itself is interpreted as a phenomenon in solving a problem. Insight in our case is presented as a method and a form of developing the research faculty, and a cognitive, unpredictable way of getting rapid results in the process of solving a problem situation, however, integrally present in the consciousness as a program for finding “the missing link” of the problem as a whole conception. The faculty for insight in the educational activities may be activated full-blown by manipulating a student’s mind and by giving challenging questions and hints and demonstrating key verbal and nonverbal constructs.

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