Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Interface and specification languages'

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Hussain, Faraz. "Enhancing a behavioral interface specification language with temporal logic features." [Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University], 2009.

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Sousa, Vasco Nuno da Silva de. "Model driven development implementation of a control systems user interfaces specification tool." Master's thesis, FCT - UNL, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/1961.

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Lallier, Martial. "Un environnement d'édition evolué, graphique et syntaxique, pour la conception des systemes repartis." Nancy 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988NAN10284.

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Proposition d' un outil d' assistance à l' utilisateur dans les problèmes d' édition et de contrôle des différents niveaux de descriptions intervenant lors de la conception d' application informatiques réparties

Duan, Daliang. "Epsp : un environnement support de genie logiciel base sur l'approche du prototypage de systeme et sur le langage prolog." Toulouse 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987TOU30223.

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Epsp offre une interface informelle pour etablir un prototype de systeme en prolog (psp). Cette interface a essentiellement pour but de rendre prolog le plus transparent possible a l'utilisateur. Epsp utilise une specification executable comme prototype, ecrit en prolog. Epsp permet le raffinage a partir de la specification par tranformation successive du psp. Epsp est constitue de plusieurs outils logiciels. Il est developpe en prolo nongp et pascal

Willison, Richard. "PyGraph : a graphic front-end for the PAISLey executable specification language /." Online version of thesis, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/1850/10142.

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Ashlund, Stacey Lynn. "IDEAL : a tool to enable usability specification and evaluation /." Thesis, This resource online, 1992. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-12052009-020100/.

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Meyer, Randall Paul. "Semantic specification using tree manipulation languages." W&M ScholarWorks, 1988. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539623776.

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Software tools are used to generate compilers automatically from formal descriptions of languages. Methods for specifying the syntax of languages are well-established and well-understood; however, methods for formal semantic specification are not. The method most commonly used for semantic specification is an attribute grammar.;This thesis examines an alternative method of semantic specification. TreeSem is defined as a Tree Manipulation Language applicable to semantic specification. A TreeSem program is easier to read and to write than a corresponding attribute grammar specification.;Algorithms for translation of a TreeSem program into an equivalent attribute grammar specification, and for translation of an attribute grammar specification into an equivalent Tree Sem program are presented. Proof of correctness of the algorithms is discussed. The dual translations show the theoretical "specification power" of TreeSem to be the same as that of attribute grammars. Also, since both translations are provided, the compiler writer is free to choose the semantic specification method he wishes to use. The appropriate translation can be applied to implement the compiler using the more efficiently interpreted method, as research continues to improve the executable efficiency of either method.

England, David. "Graphical support for user interface specification." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1990. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.306558.

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Martin, Patrick J. "Motion description languages: from specification to execution." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/33860.

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Many emerging controls applications have seen increased operational complexity due to the deployment of embedded, networked systems that must interact with the physical environment. In order to manage this complexity, we design different control modes for each system and use motion description languages (MDL) to specify a sequence of these controllers to execute at run-time. Unfortunately, current MDL frameworks lose some of the important details (i.e. power, spatial, or communication capabilities) that affect the execution of the control modes. This work presents several computational tools that work towards closing MDL's specification-to-execution gap, which can result in undesirable behavior of complex systems at run-time. First, we develop the notion of an MDL compiler for control specifications with spatial, energy, and temporal constraints. We define a new MDL for networked systems and develop an algorithm that automatically generates a supervisor to prevent incorrect execution of the multi-agent MDL program. Additionally, we derive conditions for checking if an MDL program satisfies actuator constraints and develop an algorithm to insert new control modes that maintain actuator bounds during the execution of the MDL program. Finally, we design and implement a software architecture that facilitates the development of control applications for systems with power, actuator, sensing, and communication constraints.

Zimmerman, Marc Kenton 1975. "Investigating the readability of formal specification languages." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/82206.

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Farres-Casals, Jorge. "Verification in ASL and related specification languages." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/14828.

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In recent years a new framework for specification has been defined around ASL [SW 83, Wir 86, ST 88a, ST 88b]. Stress has been put on defining a specification language consisting of a few powerful specification building operations (SBO's for short) with simple semantics and an elegant implementation notion. Some important features of this work are the generalization to an arbitrary institution [GB 84] of a lot of previous work done on algebraic specification and the study of behavioural abstraction in the context of a model-oriented specification language. The basic research on formal specifications is generally regarded as the basis for a new generation of specification languages. These specification languages will instantiate ASL with their institution of interest, and will define their own specification constructs and implementation notion in terms of ASL's primitive SBO's and implementation notion. However, any useful formal framework for program development needs an inference system for the implementation relation, i.e. proofs that one specification implements another must be produced by a fixed family of rules without model-theoretical considerations. This poses a new and difficult problem to ASL due to its model-oriented nature and the great generality of both the implementation relation and the SBO's. In this thesis we study this problem starting from a simple specification language with only three SBO's, and progressively adding other common SBO's. In the course of this analysis we encounter four main problems for the verification of implementations: hiding of auxiliary functions, behavioural abstraction, reachability constraints and parameterization. These problems can be considered classical of algebraic specifications and the study of their verification aspects at an institution-independent level provides valuable results for many other specification languages. New results for the verification of implementations w.r.t. specifications with hidden parts and abstracted specifications at an institution-independent level are the main contribution of the thesis. Verification of reachability constraints is shown to be below the institutional level. In this case, a common institution for constraints is formally presented showing some ignored verification aspects. Finally, an original presentation of parameterization and structured implementations concludes the thesis. In conclusion, this thesis presents a collection of sublanguages, inference systems and side conditions which add a new dimension to the fascinating job started by ASL in [SW 83].

Tibbitt-Eggleton, Robert. "Runtime user interface specification using direct manipulation." Thesis, Staffordshire University, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.387301.

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Memmel, Thomas. "User interface specification for interactive software systems /." Boizenburg : Hülsbusch, 2009. http://d-nb.info/997400234/04.

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Ma, Sula. "An object-based algebraic specification environment." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.365432.

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Andrews, Zoe Helen. "Continuous probability distributions in model-based specification languages." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10443/1696.

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Model-based specification languages provide a means for obtaining assurance of dependability of complex computer-based systems, but provide little support for modelling and analysing fault behaviour, which is inherently probabilistic in nature. In particular, the need for a detailed account of the role of continuous probability has been largely overlooked. This thesis addresses the role of continuous probability in model-based specification languages. A model-based specification language (sGCL) that supports continuous probability distributions is studied. The use of sGCL and how it interacts with engineering practices is also explored. In addition, a re nement ordering for continuous probability distributions is given, and the challenge of combining non-determinism and continuous probability is discussed in depth. The thesis is presented in three parts. The first uses two case studies to explore the use of probability in formal methods. The first case study, on ash memory, is used to present the capabilities of probabilistic formal methods and to determine the kinds of questions that require continuous probability distributions to answer. The second, on an emergency brake system, illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of existing languages and provides a basis for exploring a prototype language that includes continuous probability. The second part of the thesis gives the formal de nition of sGCL's syntax and semantics. The semantics is made up of two parts, the proof theory (transformer semantics) and the underpinning mathematics (relational semantics). The additional language constructs and semantical features required to include non-determinism as well as continuous probability are also discussed. The most challenging aspect lies in proving the consistency of the semantics when non-determinism is also included. The third part uses a nal case study, on an aeroplane pitch monitor, to demonstrate the use of sGCL. The new analysis techniques provided by sGCL, and how they fit in with engineering practices, are explored.

Felt, Aaron J. "Federated ground station network model and interface specification." Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/44558.

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Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
This thesis solves the problem of a lack of a complete, simple ground station network interface standard. A federated satellite ground station network (FGN) model and computer interface are developed that extend the use of ground stations to external users across the Internet. This should allow for reuse of existing ground stations, reducing costs and complexity of space missions. An improved model describing FGNs is proposed that defines a hierarchy of the components of the network, allowing for scalability and unified interfaces, and simplifying the process of using FGN resources. This model, which we call the Improved FGN model, is used to develop security schemes that are simple but effective. Simple but effective security schemes are then developed for this Improved FGN model, along with a standardized SOFtware interface. This interface connects external users to the network in order to extend ground station hardware to remote users as well as to simplify scheduling for the resource owners in a network. Different middleware frameworks are compared, and Apache Thrift is selected as the best fit for an FGN. This interface is then described and demonstrated with a reference implementation in Python. Recommendations for future improvements of this interface standard are discussed.

Martin, Frank A. "Tutoring systems based on user-interface dialogue specification." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 1990. http://gala.gre.ac.uk/8685/.

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This thesis shows how the appropriate specification of a user interface to an application software package can be used as the basis for constructing a tutorial for teaching the use of that interface. An economy can hence be made by sharing the specification between the application development and tutorial development stages. The major part of the user-interface specification which is utilised, the task classification structure, must be transformed from an operational to a pedagogic ordering. Heuristics are proposed to achieve this, although human expertise is required to apply them. The report approach is best suited to domains with hierarchically-ordered command sets. A portable rule-based shell has been developed in Common Lisp which supports the delivery of tutorials for a range of software application package interfaces. The use of both the shell and tutorials for two such interfaces is reported. A computer-based authoring environment provides support for tutorial development. The shell allows the learner of a software interface to interact directly with the application software being learnt while remaining under tutorial control. The learner can always interrupt in order to request a tutorial on any topic, although advice may be offered against this in the light of the tutor's current knowledge of the learner. This advice can always be over-ridden. The key-stroke sequences of the tutorial designer and the learner interacting with the package are parsed against an application model based on the task classification structure. Diagnosis is effected by a differential modelling technique applied to the structures generated by the parsing processes. The approach reported here is suitable for an unsupported software interface learner and is named LIY (`Learn It Yourself'). It provides a promising method for augmenting a software engineering tool-kit with a new technique for producing tutorials for application software.

Vasilev, Viktor. "An interactive 3D interface for hybrid model specification." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-35366.

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To ease development and lower the entry barrier for new adopters many development environments offer visual means to edit complex data. Cyber-physical systems are a perfect candidate for such manipulations since they are usually described in the form of isolated, well defined components that can be manipulated individually. The physical parts of such systems often can be directly translated into real world objects and allowing the developer to interact with those in a familiar manner can greatly increase the usability and agility of the development process. In this thesis we focus on the exploration of interactive manipulation of hybrid system models. Our research examines a solution based on the Acumen simulation environment. We describe the tight integration between the textual model and 3D visualisation, go into detailed analysis of the implementation and use case-studies to illustrate concrete applications

Matthews, John Robert. "Algebraic specification and verification of processor microarchitectures /." Full text open access at:, 2000. http://content.ohsu.edu/u?/etd,212.

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Kramer, Max Emanuel [Verfasser]. "Specification Languages for Preserving Consistency between Models of Different Languages / Max Emanuel Kramer." Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publishing, 2019. http://www.ksp.kit.edu.

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Quesnot, Dominique. "Spécification d'interfaces homme-machine et prototypage." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995INPL027N.

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Cette thèse se situe dans le domaine de l'ingénierie des interfaces utilisateur (spécification, conception et évaluation d'interfaces). Un modèle conceptuel d'interface et d'interaction a été défini. Ce modèle vise à faire le lien entre les modèles cognitifs axés sur l'analyse de taches et les modèles d'architecture. Le cadre proposé s'inscrit dans une approche génie-logiciel. Le modèle prend en compte aussi bien l'aspect dynamique que l'aspect statique d'une interface. La structure du dialogue est modélisée à l'aide de la notion de plan de travail qui correspond à un ensemble structuré de taches déjà accomplies ou bien en cours de réalisation. Le problème des erreurs et des interruptions est étudié avec la notion de backtrack ou de remise en cause d'une réalisation de tache. À partir du modèle un langage de spécification formelle d'interfaces est décrit. Le langage permet une spécification globale d'une interface en décomposant celle-ci en trois parties (interface fonctionnelle, dialogue et présentation). Un environnement autour du langage de spécifications a été développé. Cet environnement comprend un éditeur syntaxique, un outil de génération automatique de prototypes et de vérification de propriétés d'interfaces. L’utilisation du prototype permet une évaluation empirique d'une spécification

Cougoulic, Alain. "Simulation de spécifications d'applications de gestion de réseaux de télécommunications." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004824.

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La complexité des réseaux de télécommunications et des applications qui les gérent a conduit à la définition de plusieurs modèles de gestion tels OSI, ODP, etc. La simulation des spécifications des applications permet de valider et de mettre au point leurs fonctions et leurs architectures avant la phase d'implantation. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés plus particuliérement à la validation de la dynamique des applications (egalement appelée comportement), et donc à la modélisation de cette derniére. La technique de formalisation des comportements que nous avons étudiée permet d'étendre les langages de spécifications existants en intégrant le schéma classique d'invariants et de couples de pré/post-conditions définis par un langage d'assertions simple. La simulation des spécifications d'une application doit permettre de définir ses états successifs. Cependant, l'ambiguité des assertions peut engendrer une explosion combinatoire dans le test de toutes les successions d'états possibles. Le but de cette thèse n'est pas de traiter les ambiguités mais de mettre en évidence les parties non ambigues des assertions ceci afin de faciliter la simulation. Pour cela, nous avons introduit dans les langages d'assertions un prédicat intégrant du déterminisme explicite. Nous avons mis en oeuvre notre solution dans le langage Q-GDMO-GRM, langage de spécifications du point de vue information du modéle TINA (application du modéle ODP pour les télécommunications). Nous avons développé le simulateur QG2S prenant en compte la sémantique opérationnelle relative au déterminisme explicite présenté dans cette thése


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Nesse trabalho foi criado um framework para a realização de testes automatizados de acordo com as práticas de desenvolvimento dirigido por testes, o qual pode ser estendido com novas linguagens de especificação, utilizando idéias de desenvolvimento dirigido por comportamentos. Espera-se que, ao utilizar esse framework, equipes de projetos de software possam especificar testes em uma linguagem mais adequada para o domínio de sua aplicação, através do suporte de uma ferramenta que permita tal nível de personalização. O framework foi instanciado com a criação de uma linguagem baseada em máquinas de estado, utilizada para a aplicação da ferramenta em um projeto real. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os impactos da aplicação dessas técnicas, através da experiência de utilização da ferramenta no projeto. A motivação para esse trabalho surgiu da experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle, usualmente reativos e com requisitos de tempo real, nos quais muitas vezes a descrição de seus comportamentos é feita através de máquinas de estado, que possivelmente é a melhor linguagem para este domínio.
In this work we create a framework for automated testing according to test driven development practices that can be extended to support new specification languages, following ideas from behavior driven development. We expect that, by using this framework, software development teams will be able to specify tests in more proper languages for the application domain, with the support of a tool that allows such level of customization. The framework was instantiated with the creation of a language based on state machines, and used on a real-life project. The goal of this work is that software project teams become able to specify tests in the most fitting language for their application domain, through the support of a tool that makes possible such level of customization. The motivation for this work comes from the experience with the development of control systems, usually with real-time requirements, which often have their behaviors described by state machines, possibly the best language for this domain.

Kaplan, Simon Mark. "Specification and verification of context conditions for programming languages." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/15898.

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Bibliography: p. 204-211.
Context conditions - also called static semantics - are the constraints on computer programs that cannot be reasonably expressed by a context-free grammar, but that can be statically checked without considering the execution properties - semantics - of the program. Such conditions tend to be arbitrary and complex. This thesis presents a new specification formalism called CFF/AML. This formalism is · designed to be both useful for the specification of programming languages to an environment generator and also simple to use. The driving insight behind CFF/AML is that a language specifier conceives of the context condition checks associated with a programming language syntax description in procedural terms. CFF/AML supports this view of context condition specification, thus simplifying the task of the language specifier. CFF/AML has been formally by constructing a temporal proof system for the metalanguage. This proof system can also be used to verify CFF/AML specifications. The construction of the temporal proof system for CFF/AML uncovered a deficiency in the existing theory, namely that there was no way to prove subprograms, especially recursive subprograms, correct. The theory was extended to handle recursive subprograms. The approach developed in this thesis allows recursive subprograms to be proven correct using the same approach as was used previously for iterative constructs. This thesis makes a number of contributions to Computer Science. An approach to language specification - CFF/AML - is developed that greatly reduces the problems associated with building a language specification for input to a programming language environment generator. The theory of temporal proof systems is extended to include a methodology for handling proofs of recursive subprograms. A formal description of the CFF/AML metalanguage has been developed using temporal logic as the framework for the description. This is the first attempt to use temporal logic for such a task. As CFF/AML constructs can be dynamically scoped, this development differs from that required for statically scoped languages. We have also used this temporal proof system formally to prove that context condition specifications are correct. These proofs are an advancement on earlier work in the field of formal reasoning about context condition specification as they allow formal proof of the correctness of evaluations, as well as proving termination.

Hoyt, Matthew. "A Framework for Software Component Interface Specification and Analysis." Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/1145.

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Although markets are emerging for commercial off-the-shelf components (such as Sun JavaBeans), there are many barriers to widespread component adoption. This is due to the inherent `black-box' nature of software components: developers have no knowledge or control of the component's internal characteristics. Without source or design details, developers only have the component's interface, documentation and test results to answer important questions about reliability, proper use, behavior andperformance. The current best practice of specifying a component's capabilities by providing only the syntax and informal documentation is insufficient to assemble mission or safety-critical systems successfully. To address these problems we have developed a framework forcreating and analyzing the concise specifications of components and their related interfaces. The framework extends a formal model for software architecture descriptions to support the specification of a range of terms. With formal component specifications developers can use the framework to analyze the properties of individual components or of entire systems. Unlike other approaches, the formal basis and implementation of our framework enhance understanding and automates much of thecomponent analysis process.

Smith, William W. "An evaluation of three user-system interface specification techniques." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/45187.

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User-System Interface (USI) design is a highly iterative process involving empirical testing and evaluation. The existence of a design specification is implicit in this design process. The quality of the design specification impacts the length and cost of the design cycle. A survey was made of available USI specification tools to determine: which USI components they can specify; their relation to a finite state model of the USI; and if they are usable by the human factors engineer as a basis for an analytic analysis of a USI design to detect violations of excepted USI design guidelines. Four categories of tools were surveyed: semi-formal techniques, Backus-Naur Form grammars, programming languages, and transition networks. An engineering tradeoff analysis was performed based on four pragmatic criteria: understandability, efficiency, expressive power, and fidelity. The results of the tradeoff analysis suggest that specification tools differ in representational strength and it is best to use a set of tools for a complete specification. A behavioral study using human factors engineers was performed to validate the results of the tradeoff analysis. Human factors graduate students were trained in the use of one of three specification tools and asked to perform an analytic analysis looking for design defects. Fifteen design defects were embedded in each of the specifications. Results suggest that using two of the tools together is the most effective specification technique. In light of these results, current and future software design practices were examined to determine what role the human factors engineer can have on the design team.
Master of Science

Williams, Dewi L. (Dewi Lloyd) Carleton University Dissertation Engineering Electrical. "A Functional-test specification language." Ottawa, 1988.

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Hearn, B. M. "The design and implementation of typed languages for algebraic specification." Thesis, Swansea University, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.637257.

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In this thesis we investigate the role of type systems in an algebraic specification language. We first introduce algebraic specification as a way of formally describing a task using equations, which can be rapidly prototyped using techniques such as term rewriting. We then consider the type systems used in standard algebraic specification languages, as well as those found in areas such as mathematical logic and the semantics of programming languages, which have not yet been incorporated into an algebraic specification language in a systematic way. The concept of allowing an algebraic structure to be given to a specification at the level of types is then reviewed. This concept allows arbitrary type systems to be defined in an algebraic style which can also be prototyped using term rewriting. We introduce an algebraic specification language ATLAS I; this language allows an algebraic structure to be given to a specification at the level of types. An ATLAS I specification is a three level specification for kinds, types and combinators. We show how the type systems used in existing algebraic specification languages can be encoded in this language and how more complex type systems may also be encoded. We evaluate the language by means of case studies. On evaluating this language, we note that the fixed three levels of specification in ATLAS I are too restrictive and that arbitrary levels of algebraic structure for types would be more appropriate. Also no modularisation is supported in ATLAS I, which leads to large specifications being difficult to understand. We then introduce the specification language ATLASII. This language is developed from ATLAS I by incorporating the changes suggested by the evaluation of this first language. The ATLASII language supports arbitrary levels of typing by allowing specifications to be defined in a modularised form, and allowing modules to be typed by other modules. This facility is a powerful feature of the language and is again evaluated by means of case studies. Modularisation in the conventional sense is also supported in ATLASII with modules containing parameters, visible and hidden parts.

Edmonds, Alan Kirk. "A framework for formal specification of the cartographic user interface." The Ohio State University, 1997. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/39271704.html.

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Mathur, Gaurav 1972. "The morphology-phonology interface in signed languages." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/8843.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 2000.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 198-202).
This thesis provides a novel way of looking at verb agreement in signed languages by using an interaction of several processes within the Distributed Morphology framework. At the center of the model is a phonological re-adjustment rule, ALIGN-Sphere, which handles various forms of agreement, including orientation change, path movement, hand order, and/ or a combination of these. Further evidence is taken from cross-linguistic data from American Sign Language, German Sign Language, Australian Sign Language, and Japanese Sign Language, as well as from interaction with several other morphemes. An Optimality-Theoretic analysis is sketched in which the output of the ALIGN-Sphere process is filtered by various phonetic constraints and may be replaced by an alternative form that does not otherwise violate phonetic constraints. The model outlined above leads to a new typology of signs: first there are spatial verbs, followed by plain verbs which do not have two animate arguments, followed by aligning verbs which by definition have two animate arguments. These aligning verbs contain a subset of verbs that are in theory capable of undergoing ALIGN-Sphere without violating phonetic constraints. This subset in turn contains another subset of verbs that are listed as actually undergoing ALIGN-Sphere in a particular language. The model rests on the assumption that the referential use of space lies outside of the grammar. By removing the referential space from the grammar removes the modality difference between spoken and signed languages with respect to 'agreement.' The remaining differences will lie in how agreement is implemented, but that is no longer a modality difference. Both spoken and signed languages make use of different processes within the morphology component to generate the agreement system (e.g. impoverishment, vocabulary insertion, and phonological re-adjustment rules), but otherwise they draw on the same set of processes made available by the grammar.
by Gaurav Mathur.

Kolovos, Dimitriois. "An extensible platform for specification of integrated languages for model management." Thesis, University of York, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.495886.

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Gleeson, P. J. "New tools and specification languages for biophysically detailed neuronal network modelling." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2012. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1347263/.

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Increasingly detailed data are being gathered on the molecular, electrical and anatomical properties of neuronal systems both in vitro and in vivo. These range from the kinetic properties and distribution of ion channels, synaptic plasticity mechanisms, electrical activity in neurons, and detailed anatomical connectivity within neuronal microcircuits from connectomics data. Publications describing these experimental results often set them in the context of higher level network behaviour. Biophysically detailed computational modelling provides a framework for consolidating these data, for quantifying the assumptions about underlying biological mechanisms, and for ensuring consistency in the explanation of the phenomena across scales. Such multiscale biophysically detailed models are not currently in wide- spread use by the experimental neuroscience community however. Reasons for this include the relative inaccessibility of software for creating these models, the range of specialised scripting languages used by the available simulators, and the difficulty in creating and managing large scale network simulations. This thesis describes new solutions to facilitate the creation, simulation, analysis and reuse of biophysically detailed neuronal models. The graphical application neuroConstruct allows detailed cell and network models to be built in 3D, and run on multiple simulation platforms without detailed programming knowledge. NeuroML is a simulator independent language for describing models containing detailed neuronal morphologies, ion channels, synapses, and 3D network connectivity. New solutions have also been developed for creating and analysing network models at much closer to biological scale on high performance computing platforms. A number of detailed neocortical, cerebellar and hippocampal models have been converted for use with these tools. The tools and models I have developed have already started to be used for original scientific research. It is hoped that this work will lead to a more solid foundation for creating, validating, simulating and sharing ever more realistic models of neurons and networks.

Markopoulos, Panagiotis. "A compositional model for the formal specification of user interface software." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.263807.

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Kramer, Max Emanuel [Verfasser], and R. H. [Akademischer Betreuer] Reussner. "Specification Languages for Preserving Consistency between Models of Different Languages / Max Emanuel Kramer ; Betreuer: R. H. Reussner." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1132997283/34.

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Sinha, Avik. "Domain specific test case generation using higher ordered typed languages for specification." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/2406.

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Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2005.
Thesis research directed by: Reliability Engineering Program. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.

Anstee, Robert J. "Integration via specification of complex systems using an interface-centric semiotic paradigm." Thesis, Staffordshire University, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.431496.

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Crowle, Simon. "The design and evaluation of the specification framework for user interface design." Thesis, Bournemouth University, 2003. http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/439/.

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This thesis presentsthe design and evaluation of an interface specification meta-language(ISML) that has been developed to explicitly support metaphor abstractions in a model-based, user interface design framework. The application of metaphor to user interface design is widely accepted within the HCI community, yet despite this, there exists relatively little formal support for user interface design practitioners. With the increasing range and power of user interface technologies made widely available comes the opportunity for the designof sophisticated, new forms of interactive environments. The inter-disciplinary nature of HCI offers many approaches to user interface design that include views on tasks, presentationand dialogue architectures and various domain models. Notations and tools that support these views vary equally, ranging from craft-based approachesthrough to computational or tool- based support and formal methods. Work in these areas depicts gradual cohesion of a number of these design views, but do not currently explicitly specify the application of metaphorical concepts in graphical user interface design. Towards addressing this omission, ISML was developed based on (and extending) some existing model- based user interface design concepts. Abstractions of metaphor and other interface design views are captured in the ISML framework using the extensible mark-up language(XML). A six-month case study, developing the `Urban Shout Cast' application is used to evaluate ISML. Two groups of four software engineers developed a networked, multi-user, virtual radio-broadcasting environment. A qualitative analysis examines both how each group developed metaphor designs within the ISML framework and also their perceptions of its utility and practicality. Subsequent analysis on the specification data from both groups reveals aspects of the project's design that ISML captured and those that were missed. Finally, the extent to which ISML can currently abstract the metaphors used in the case study is assessed through the development of a unified `meta-object' model. The results of the case study show that ISML is capable of expressing many of the features of each group's metaphor design, as well as highlighting important design considerations during development. Furthermore, it has been shown, in principle, how an underlying metaphor abstraction can be mapped to two different implementations. Evaluation of the case study also includes important design lessons: ISML metaphor models can be both very large and difficult to separate from other design views, some of which are either weakly expressed or unsupported. This suggests that the appropriate mappings between design abstractions cannot always be easily anticipated, and that understanding the use of model-based specifications in user interface design projects remains a challenge to the HCI community.

Lomsak, Daniel. "Toward More Composable Software-Security Policies: Tools and Techniques." Scholar Commons, 2013. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/4531.

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Complex software-security policies are dicult to specify, understand, and update. The same is true for complex software in general, but while many tools and techniques exist for decomposing complex general software into simpler reusable modules (packages, classes, functions, aspects, etc.), few tools exist for decomposing complex security policies into simpler reusable modules. The tools that do exist for modularizing policies either encapsulate entire policies as atomic modules that cannot be decomposed or allow ne-grained policy modularization but require expertise to use correctly. This dissertation presents a policy-composition tool called PoliSeer [27, 26] and the PoCo policy-composition software-security language. PoliSeer is a GUI-based tool designed to enable users who are not expert policy engineers to exibly specify, visualize, modify, and enforce complex runtime policies on untrusted software. PoliSeer users rely on expert policy engineers to specify universally composable policy modules; PoliSeer users then build complex policies by composing those expert-written modules. This dissertation describes the design and implementation of PoliSeer and a case study in which we have used PoliSeer to specify and enforce a policy on PoliSeer itself. PoCo is a language for specifying composable software-security policies. PoCo users specify software-security policies in terms of abstract input-output event sequences. The policy outputs are expressive, capable of describing all desired, irrelevant, and prohibited events at once. These descriptive outputs compose well: operations for combining them satisfy a large number of algebraic properties, which allows policy hierarchies to be designed more simply and naturally. We demonstrate PoCo's capability via a case study in which a sophisticated policy is implemented in PoCo.

García, Sánchez Juan Carlos. "Towards a predictive interface for the specification of intervention tasks in underwater robotics." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/14101.2021.93456.

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Robots play a critical role in our everyday lives, performing tasks as diverse as maintenance, surveillance, exploration in harsh environments, or search and rescue operations. Concerning the different environments where they operate, the submarine is one of those that has increased its activity the most. Nowadays, there are three types of robots: ROVs, AUVs and HROVs. Despite the differences in structure and capabilities, there is a problem common to all three: the human-robot interaction has various deficiencies, and the user continues to play a central role from the point of view of decision-making. This thesis is focused on research related to human-robot interaction: the use of algorithms to assist the user during the mission specification (making the user interface easy to use), the exploration of a multimodal interface and the proposal for a robot control architecture (allowing change from autonomous to teleoperated, or vice versa).
Los robots desempeñan un papel fundamental en nuestra vida cotidiana, realizando tareas tan diversas como mantenimiento, vigilancia, exploración en entornos hostiles u operaciones de búsqueda y rescate. De entre todos los entornos donde actúan, el submarino es uno de los que más ha aumentado su actividad. Los tipos de robots utilizados son: ROVs, AUVs y HROVs. Existe un problema común a los tres: la interacción hombre-robot presenta diversas deficiencias y el usuario sigue jugando un papel central desde el punto de vista de la toma de decisiones. La presente tesis está centrada en la investigación relacionada con la interacción hombre-robot: el uso de algoritmos para asistir al usuario durante la especificación de la misión (haciendo que la interfaz de usuario sea fácil de usar), la exploración de una interfaz multimodal y la propuesta de una arquitectura de control del robot (permitiendo cambiar desde autónomo a teleoperado, o viceversa).
Programa de Doctorat en Informàtica

Alencar, Antonio J. S. M. de. "OOZE : an Object-Oriented Z Environment." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.239339.

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Buckberry, Graham Robert. "An editor and transformation system for a Z animation CASE tool." Thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 1999. http://shura.shu.ac.uk/19404/.

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In order to remain competitive, modem systems developers are increasingly under pressure to produce software solutions to complex problems faster and cheaper, whilst at the same time maintaining a high level of quality in the delivered product. One of the key quality measures is the delivery of a system that meets the customer's requirements. Failure to meet the customer's requirements may engender significant re-design, which in turn will cost money, delay product introduction and may seriously damage the developer's credibility. For these reasons, the problem of developing a precise and unambiguous statement of requirements for a proposed system is perhaps one of the most challenging problems within software engineering today. Formal, model-based specification languages such as the Z notation have been widely adopted within the context of requirements engineering, to provide a vehicle for the development of precise and unambiguous specifications. However, the mathematical foundation upon which these notations are based often makes them unapproachable and difficult to assimilate by a non-specialist reader. The problem then faced is that if the customer cannot understand the semantics of the specification, how can the customer agree that the specification is indeed a true reflection of the requirements for the desired system? Several researchers have proposed that rapid prototyping and animation of specifications can be used to increase the customer's understanding of the formal specification. This is achieved by executing specification components on candidate data and observing that the behaviour is as expected. However this requires that the original formal specification be reliably transformed into a representation capable of being executed within a computer system. To achieve this aim requires the support of computer-based tools able to assist the requirements engineer in capturing, manipulating and transforming the formal specification in an efficient and consistent manner. This thesis describes the research and development of the TranZit tool, which is a Z notation editor, checker and transformation system. TranZit supports the efficient capture and maintenance of Z notation specifications using the Windows Graphical User Interface, supported by a suite of powerful language-driven features. In addition TranZit contains a highly integrated and optimised syntax and type checker, combining traditional compiler design techniques with innovative use of object-oriented data structures and methods, to assist the requirements engineer in ensuring the internal consistency of the captured specification. Most importantly, TranZit contains a novel transformation engine, which is capable of transforming a captured Z specification into an executable representation based on extensions to LISP, suitable for direct execution in an animation environment. This process is supported by an eclectic strategy combining automated transformation with user assistance, to overcome many of the well-documented problems associated with transforming non-executable clauses in formal specifications.

Lee, Jinho. "Architecture for a low-level functional specification language supporting multimodeling and simulation." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2005. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0011609.

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Marsden, Gary. "Designing graphical interface programming languages for the end user." Thesis, University of Stirling, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/1920.

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This thesis sets out to answer three simple questions: What tools are available for novice programmers to program GUIs? Are those tools fulfilling their role? Can anything be done to make better tools? Despite being simple questions, the answers are not so easily constructed. In answering the first question, it was necessary to examine the range of tools available and decide upon criteria which could be used to identify tools aimed specifically at the novice programmer (there being no currently agreed criteria for their identification). Having identified these tools, it was then necessary to construct a framework within which they could be sensibly compared. The answering of the second question required an investigation of what were the successful features of current tools and which features were less successful. Success or failure of given features was determined by research in both programming language design and studies of programmer satisfaction. Having discovered what should be retained and discarded from current systems, the answering of the third question required the construction of new systems through blending elements from visual languages, program editors and fourth generation languages. These final prototypes illustrate a new way of thinking about and constructing the next generation of GUI programming languages for the novice.

Johnson, Corrigan Redford. "SPEST - A TOOL FOR SPECIFICATION-BASED TESTING." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2016. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1520.

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This thesis presents a tool for SPEcification based teSTing (SPEST). SPEST is designed to use well known practices for automated black-box testing to reduce the burden of testing on developers. The tool uses a simple formal specification language to generate highly-readable unit tests that embody best practices for thorough software testing. Because the specification language used to generate the assertions about the code can be compiled, it can also be used to ensure that documentation describing the code is maintained during development and refactoring. The utility and effectiveness of SPEST were validated through several exper- iments conducted with students in undergraduate software engineering classes. The first experiment compared the understandability and efficiency of SPEST generated tests against student written tests based on the Java Modeling Lan- guage (JML)[25] specifications. JML is a widely used language for behavior program specification. A second experiment evaluated readability through a sur- vey comparing SPEST generated tests against tests written by well established software developers. The results from the experiments showed that SPEST’s specification language is at least understandable as JML, SPEST’s specification language is more readable than JML, and strongly suggest that SPEST is capable of reducing the effort required to produce effective tests.

Silva, Jeferson Santiago da. "Architectural exploration of digital systems design for FPGAs using C/C++/SystemC specification languages." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/119082.

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A crescente demanda por alto desempenho computacional e massivo processamento de dados tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de sistemas-on-chip. Um dos alvos de implementação para sistemas digitais complexos são os dispositivos FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Array), muito utilizados para prototipação de sistemas e rápido desenvolvimento de produtos eletrônicos complexos. Certos aspectos ineficientes relacionados aos dispositivos FPGA estão relacionadas com degradação no desempenho e na potência consumida em relação ao projeto de hardware customizado. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado propõe um estudo sobre técnicas de otimização em FPGAs. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da literatura sobre os métodos de redução de potência e área aplicados ao projeto de FPGA. Técnicas para aumento de desempenho e aceleração do tempo de desenvolvimento de projetos são apresentadas com base em referencias clássicas e do estado-da-arte. O principal foco deste trabalho é discutir sobre as técnicas de alto nível e apresentar os resultados obtidos nesta área, comparando com os projetos HDL (Hardware Description Language) codificados a mão. Neste trabalho, é apresentado uma metodologia para o desenvolvimento rápido projetos digitais utilizando ambientes HLS (High-Level Synthesis. Estes métodos incluem eficiente particionamento de código de alto nível, para a correta exploração de diretivas de síntese em ferramentas HLS. Porém, o fluxo HLS não guiado apresentou pobres resultados de síntese quando comparado com modelos HDL codificado a mão. Para preencher essa lacuna, foi desenvolvido um método iterativo para exploração de espaço de projeto com o objetivo de melhorar os resultados de área. Nosso método é descrito em uma linguagem de script de alto nível e é compatível com o VivadoTM HLS Compiler. O método proposto é capaz de detectar pontos chave para otimização, inserção automatica de diretivas síntese e verificação dos resultados com objetivo de reduzir o consumo de área. Os resultados experimentais utlizando o método de DSE (Design Space Exploration) provaram ser mais eficazes que o fluxo HLS não guiado, em ao menos 50% para um processador VLIW e em 43% para um filtro FIR (Finite Impulse Response de 12a ordem. Os resultados em área, em termos de flip-flops, foram até 4X menores em comparação com o fluxo HLS não guiado, enquanto redução no desempenho ficou em cerca de 38%, no caso do processador VLIW. No exemplo do filtro FIR, a redução no número flip-flops chegou a 3X, sem relevante aumento no número de LUTs e redução no desempenho.
The increasing demand for high computational performance and massive data processing has driven the development of systems-on-chip. One implementation target for complex digital systems are FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Array) devices, heavily used for prototyping systems or complex and fast time-to-market electronic products development. Certain inefficient aspects of FPGA devices relate to performance and power degradation with respect to custom hardware design. In this context, this master thesis proposes a survey on FPGA optimization techniques. This work presents a literature review on methods of power and area reduction applied to FPGA designs. Techniques for performance increasing and design speedup enhancing will be presented based on classic and state-of-the-art academic works. The main focus of this work is to discuss high-level design techniques and to present the results obtained in synthesis examples we developed, comparing with hand-coded HDL (Hardware Description Language) designs. In this work we present our methodology for fast digital design development using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) environments. Our methods include efficient high-level code partitioning for proper synthesis directives exploration in HLS tools. However, a non-guided HLS flow showed poor synthesis results when compared to hand-coded HDL designs. To fill this gap, we developed an iterative design space exploration method aiming at improving the area results. Our method is described in a high-level script language and it is compatible with the Xilinx VivadoTM HLS compiler. Our method is capable of detecting optimization checkpoints, automatic synthesis directives insertion, and check the results aiming at reducing area consumption. Our Design Space Exploration (DSE) experimental results proved to be more efficient than non-guided HLS design flow by at least 50% for a VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processor and 62% for a 12th-order FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter implementation. Our area results in terms of flip-flops were up to 4X lower compared to a non-guided HLS flow, while the performance overhead was around 38%, for the VLIW processor compilation. In the FIR filter example, the flip-flops reduction were up to 3X, with no relevant LUTs and performance overhead.

Akkineni, Vamsi Krishna. "Specification of a Generic Programming Language for the Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells." Master's thesis, Virginia Tech, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/37155.

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The Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) represents an important and widely utilized constituent of hierarchically structured automated manufacturing systems. The control of FMCs is therefore of great importance in automated manufacturing. However, there are few tools and methodologies available for specifying and developing the control logic. The few tools that do exist have proven to be impractical due to their equirements for compatibility by the constituent equipment. Therefore, this research focuses on the development of a solution to the control of FMCs through the development of a programming language that provides a methodology and capabilities for developing the supervisory control applications. Accordingly, a programming language was developed in which the control logic is specified in modules, each of which control an equipment or resource in the cell. These modules interact with each other according to well defined models of interaction to achieve the control. The language provides features to enable this modularity and the interaction between the modules. The process plan of the parts that are produced in the cell drive the control logic and are also the means of communication between the modules. Additionally, several features required for control such as the detection of deadlocks, part information and so on are also developed. In the proposed language, the communication problem is separated from the logic specification. Guidelines and requirements are developed for a language implementation system that will enable the communication with the cell devices and that works with the language structure.
Master of Engineering

Appeltauer, Malte, and Robert Hirschfeld. "The JCop language specification : Version 1.0, April 2012." Universität Potsdam, 2012. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2012/6020/.

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Program behavior that relies on contextual information, such as physical location or network accessibility, is common in today's applications, yet its representation is not sufficiently supported by programming languages. With context-oriented programming (COP), such context-dependent behavioral variations can be explicitly modularized and dynamically activated. In general, COP could be used to manage any context-specific behavior. However, its contemporary realizations limit the control of dynamic adaptation. This, in turn, limits the interaction of COP's adaptation mechanisms with widely used architectures, such as event-based, mobile, and distributed programming. The JCop programming language extends Java with language constructs for context-oriented programming and additionally provides a domain-specific aspect language for declarative control over runtime adaptations. As a result, these redesigned implementations are more concise and better modularized than their counterparts using plain COP. JCop's main features have been described in our previous publications. However, a complete language specification has not been presented so far. This report presents the entire JCop language including the syntax and semantics of its new language constructs.
Das Verhalten von modernen Software-Anwendungen benötigt häufig Informationen über den Kontext ihrer Ausführung, z.B. die geografische Position, die Tageszeit oder die aktuelle Netzwerkbandbreite. Dennoch bieten heutige Programmiersprachen nur wenig Unterstützung für die Repräsentation kontextspezifischen Verhaltens. Kontextorientiertes Programmieren ist ein Ansatz, der die explizite Modularisierung und Laufzeitaktivierung von kontextspezifischem Verhalten auf der Ebene von Programmiersprachkonstrukten ermöglicht. Die bisherigen Umsetzungen von kontextorientiertem Programmieren schränken jedoch die Kontrolle der Laufzeitaktivierungen solches kontextspezifischen Verhaltens ein. Daraus folgt eine Einschränkung der Anwendungsbereiche für kontextorientiertes Programmieren, unter anderem für solche Domänen, in denen Programme sehr häufig kontextabhängiges Verhalten bereitstellen, z.B. ereignisbasierte, mobile und dienstorientierte Systeme. Die Programmiersprache JCop erweitert Java um Sprachkonstrukte für kontextorientieres Programmieren und bietet zusätzlich eine domänenspezifische Aspektsprach an, mit deren Hilfe Laufzeitadaptionen deklarativ spezifiziert werden können. Die Kernkonzepte von JCop wurden bereits in mehrern Publikationen vorgestellt, dieser Bericht enthält nun eine umfassende Sprachspezifikation von JCop.

Carpenter, Steven M. "Visual meta-programming language graphical user interface for generative programming." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/02sep%5FCarpenter.pdf.

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Thesis (M.S. in Computer Science)--Naval Postgraduate School, September 2002.
Thesis advisor(s): Mikhail Auguston, Richard Riehle. Includes bibliographical references (p. 89). Also available online.

Kairaitis, Matas. "Applying Design By Contract to Remote Procedure Call Interface Definition Languages." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-279970.

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Design by contract, abbreviated as DBC, is a software development methodology that aims to increase the reliability and robustness of software components. While a fair amount of research has been done around how DbC can be utilised in an in-process object-oriented system, not much is known about how DbC concepts can be applied to systems that predominantly communicate over the network by way of remote procedure calls. With the recent increase in popularity of service-oriented and microservice system architectures, the ability to develop robust networked components at scale is highly relevant. This study applies the DbC notion of software contracts to remote procedure calls by developing an interface definition language that can be used in conjunction with JSON-RPC and JSON Schema. The results demonstrate that it is possible to leverage DbC concepts when implementing networked software services, but that it may in many cases be impractical to do so due to the resulting concurrency issues and increased complexity.
Design genom kontrakt, abbrevierat ned till DbC, är en metodik för mjukvaruutveckling vars syfte är att öka pålitlighet och robusthet av programvara. Medan en ansenlig mängd har forskats för att bedöma hur DbC kan utnyttjas i ett objekt-orentierad sammanhang, det är fortsatt ovetandes om hur DbC konceptet kan appliceras till system som huvudsakligen kommunicerar över nätverket. Med den ökade populariteten av service-orienterad mjukvaruarkitektur, förmågan att utveckla robusta nätverkskomponenter är högst relevant. Denna studie applicerar en DbC förståelse av mjukvarukontrakt till gränssnittav av avlägsna proceduranropp genom att använda JSON-RPC och JSON Schema. Resultatet visar att det finns möjlighet att verkställa DbC koncepter när man implementerar mjukvara som kommunicerar över nätverket, men detta kan vara opraktiskt pga ökad komplexitet och resulterande samtidighetsproblem.

Doan, Dac Khoa. "A multi-paradigm query interface for an object-oriented database." Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10399/728.

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