Academic literature on the topic 'Internet industriel des objets'

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Journal articles on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Pigenet, Michel, and Noelle Gerome. "Archives sensibles. Images et objets du monde industriel et ouvrier." Le Mouvement social, no. 184 (July 1998): 121.

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The opinion of "Industrial Internet" was first suggested by General Electric. As a modern infrastructure of the 4 -th industrial revolution, Industrial Internet has become a substantial mechanism to actualiza digital revision of industrial economy. The Industrial Internet platform is a system formulated on huge data gathering, accumulation and analysis, which is based to the necessity of digitalization, networking and philosophizing of manufacturing industry. In order to settle the problems of actual rearward industrial data, improve the capacity of data acquisition and deal with the industrial interconnection platform, the industrial intelligent optimization system generates the product services needed by industrial enterprises and realizes the object of industrial optimization. Key words: Industrial Internet; industrial intelligence; industrial mechanism

Philibert, Jean-Marc. "Erakor ou la lente consommation d'un capital collectif imaginaire." Anthropologie et Sociétés 18, no. 3 (September 10, 2003): 75–89.

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Résumé Erakor ou la lente consommation d'un capital collectif imaginaire Quand les membres d'une société du Tiers-Monde consomment des objets/signes en provenance de l'Occident, ils empruntent ipso facto les idées et perceptions qui sont responsables initialement de la production de tels objets. La consommation de ces objets est donc aussi la consommation de signes/idées associés au capitalisme industriel. Les sociétés du Tiers-Monde peuvent-elles résister à une telle pénétration idéologique? Ont-elles les moyens de neutraliser ces systèmes d'idées qui s'étendent des vêtements jusqu'aux modes de communication en passant par l'habitat et les systèmes de santé ? Le résultat doit-il être nécessairement l'assujettissement consommatoire et la recolonisation? Cet article tente d'offrir des éléments de réponse à ces questions au moyen d'une analyse des comportements consommatoires en milieu rural et urbain au Vanuatu, analyse qui met l'accent sur les rapports entre formes de consommation, construction identitaire et reproduction idéologique.

Priya George, Anu, and X. Felix Joseph. "Designing a Portable Camera Image Acquisition System Operating Within an Indoor Wi-Fi Network and Optimized for A Robotic Vehicle." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 3.27 (August 15, 2018): 132.

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Nowadays people working in industrial sectors face lot of problem like placing a valuable objects or things in some place unknowingly and searching it. To overcome this problem we are moving into the field of Object searching and identify which assist industrial sectors and research labs. Object searching mechanism is a challenging task. Real time object search poses many difficulties in recognizing objects. We are tending to do real time image capturing as well as recognizing techniques and it will forward data through Wi-Fi used in embedded device. The proposed system makes use of computer vision techniques based on real time image processing and recognizing the object and send via internet to PC.

Băjenescu, Titu-Marius I. "INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) CONQUERS THE WHOLE GLOBE." Journal of Social Sciences IV, no. 2 (May 2021): 107–16.

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The article examines the market for connected objects, which is gradually taking its place in the global economy. Autonomous cars, smartphones, video surveillance, connected objects are already present in our daily lives. However, it is in industry that the Internet of Things has developed the most. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a concept defining the extension of the Internet to physical objects. This includes not only the connected objects, but also the sensors, software and network through which these objects operate. All connected objects are powered by software, which collects data - that are then processed in the cloud. They are, therefore, programmed and programmable objects that can interact via a WiFi, Bluetooth or 4G connection. Connected objects can be found in two main applications: an industrial application and an everyday application. In the industrial sector, connected objects are very well established in various sectors of activity: automotive, aeronautics, agriculture, health, commerce, public sector, logistics, etc. Everyday applications, known as consumer applications, are struggling to develop despite the announced Eldorado. Even though many connected everyday objects exist (toothbrushes, hoovers, watches, home automation, etc.), the business model is having trouble being set up and connected objects are having trouble proving their usefulness in everyday life. There needs to be consistency and logic in the range of connected products on offer and not just a range of independent products.

Madugula, Lavanya. "Applications of IoT in Manufacturing: Issues and Challenges." Journal of Advanced Research in Embedded System 8, no. 1&2 (July 29, 2021): 3–7.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global network of inter-related physical devices such as sensors, objects, computing devices, mechanical instruments, smart applications and human resources that are becoming an essential part of the internet. These devices are the sources of data which provide abundant information in manufacturing processes. In an industrial environment, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) plays a pivotal role in manufacturing. IIoT is the transformation of manufacturing process by making the industries more efficient, productive, and smarter. In order to survive, withstand in the market place and gain competitive advantage, the manufacturers are initiating to leverage IIoT technologies and data analytics. With globalization, global competitive pressures are challenging industries and manufacturing companies to manage the gaps in the workforce skills, drive out inefficiencies from the existing systems and enhance their business opportunities. The world is plunging into an era of data inter-connectivity and companies are able to enhance their production after adapting new technologies. In this context, this paper provides an understanding of the concept of IIoT and smart manufacturing. Further, the paper discusses in detail the issues concerning different applications of IoT in the industrial sector; and presents the challenges encountered in an IoT-based Industrial Data Management System (IDMS), which can manage the huge industrial data, support online monitoring and control smart manufacturing.

Le Roch, Yann, and Éric Ballot. "Internet(s) des objets logistiques et modèles d'affaires." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Mai 2013, no. 2 (2013): 97.

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Mr. Dharmesh Dhabliya, Ms. Ritika Dhabalia. "Object Detection and Sorting using IoT." International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering 3, no. 04 (December 31, 2014): 01–04.

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Color based object sorting has a significant impact in food and processing Industries. Hand picking process in sorting the huge number of objects in industry is very common and laborious task, and time consuming as well, which needs many labors and this conventional method is prone to error. The proposed work aims to replace the hand-picking process by Industrial Internet of Things. The goal of the technique is to sort and count the objects in to different bins accord to their color. A Color sensor, TCS 230 will identify the object and with the help of motors they are made to drop into different bins. The identification of the object is made with the help of frequency concept. As it known that different colors have different wave lengths, so are the different frequencies (f=c/λ). For each frequency, the motor rotates to different angles and thus container is attached to motor is also made to rotate to a certain angle, and the object is made to drop into the bin by a jerk. This action details regarding number of objects manufactured are sent to the IoT server, where the vendor and customer will know the details remotely. This proposed work finds a wide range of usage in fruit industry (to pick the unripen fruit), in candy industry, in grain industry (to remove the black stones from the grains), in recycling industry.

Han, Tian, Shi, Huang, and Li. "Low-Power Distributed Data Flow Anomaly-Monitoring Technology for Industrial Internet of Things." Sensors 19, no. 12 (June 22, 2019): 2804.

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. In recent years, the industrial use of the internet of things (IoT) has been constantly growing and is now widespread. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a fundamental technology that has enabled such prevalent adoption of IoT in industry. WSNs can connect IoT sensors and monitor the working conditions of such sensors and of the overall environment, as well as detect unexpected system events in a timely and accurate manner. Monitoring large amounts of unstructured data generated by IoT devices and collected by the big-data analytics systems is a challenging task. Furthermore, detecting anomalies within the vast amount of data collected in real time by a centralized monitoring system is an even bigger challenge. In the context of the industrial use of the IoT, solutions for monitoring anomalies in distributed data flow need to be explored. In this paper, a low-power distributed data flow anomaly-monitoring model (LP-DDAM) is proposed to mitigate the communication overhead problem. As the data flow monitoring system is only interested in anomalies, which are rare, and the relationship among objects in terms of the size of their attribute values remains stable within any specific period of time, LP-DDAM integrates multiple objects as a complete set for processing, makes full use of the relationship among the objects, selects only one “representative” object for continuous monitoring, establishes certain constraints to ensure correctness, and reduces communication overheads by maintaining the overheads of constraints in exchange for a reduction in the number of monitored objects. Experiments on real data sets show that LP-DDAM can reduce communication overheads by approximately 70% when compared to an equivalent method that continuously monitors all objects under the same conditions.

Sandri, Eva. "Quelles utilisations des images de l’exposition sur les sites Internet de musées ? Congruence et incohérence entre objets et images numériques." Article cinq 7, no. 2 (May 7, 2015): 95–109.

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Dans cet article, l’auteure observe la relation entre les objets d’une collection muséale tels qu’ils sont disposés dans l’exposition et tels qu’ils sont valorisés sur les sites Internet des institutions muséales. L’objectif étant d’évaluer le degré de congruence entre ces deux lieux, il s’agira de comparer les deux médias que sont l’exposition et le site Internet afin de mettre au jour la relation qui les unit et de comprendre s’il y a un rapport de subordination ou de complémentarité entre les deux. Cette analyse sera menée à l’aide des outils descriptifs du webdesign avec les exemples de trois institutions muséales visitées en mai 2013 : Boréalis Centre d’histoire de l’industrie papetière de Trois-Rivières, le Centre d’histoire de Montréal et le musée Grévin de Montréal. À travers l’analyse de la place des substituts numériques de ces objets sur les sites Internet de ces institutions se dessine une typologie de ces sites : ceux qui expliquent l’image et ceux qui donnent simplement à voir le lieu d’exposition. On observera que la majorité des sites Internet étudiés n’accordent pas une place centrale à leurs objets de collection. Le contenu des sites semble davantage focalisé sur l’évocation du lieu et les informations pratiques. Il y aurait donc un décalage dans la façon dont les objets de musée (notamment des musées d’histoire et d’ethnographie) sont exposés dans les deux médias. En outre, cette circulation de l’objet de collection entre le statut d’expôt, de document, de source et d’oeuvre, complexifie la mise en place d’un site Internet qui distingue clairement ce qui relève de la collection et ce qui relève de la description de la collection. À l’heure où le document et l’archive tendent à faire partie des collections, les sites Internet observés rendent compte de cette indécision. En observant le parti pris de ces sites, on remarque que les images numériques montrent les lieux de l’exposition (notamment l’organisation spatiale de l’espace) plus que leurs objets.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Brun-Laguna, Keoma. "Deterministic Networking for the Industrial IoT." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.

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L’Internet des Objets (IoT) a évolué d’un toaster connecté en 1990 vers des réseaux de centaines de petit appareils utilisés dans des applications industrielle. Ces « Objects » sont habituellement de petit appareils électroniques capable de mesurer une valeur physique (température, humidité, etc.) et/ou d’agir sur le monde physique (pump, valve, etc.). De part leur faible coût et leur facilité de déploiement, ces réseaux sans fil alimentés par batteries ont étés rapidement adoptés. La promesse des communications sans fil est d’offrir une connectivité similaire au réseau filaires. De nombreuses amélioration ont étés fait dans ce sens, mais plein de défis restent à surmonter car les applications industrielles ont de fortes exigences opérationnelles. Cette section de l’IoT s’appelle l’Internet Industriel des Objets. La principale exigence est la fiabilité. Chaque bout d’information transmit dans le réseau ne doit pas être perdu. Des solutions commerciales sont aujourd’hui accessibles et propose des fiabilités de l’ordre de 99.999 %. C’est à dire, pour chaque centaine de paquet d’information généré, moins d’un est perdu. Vient ensuite la latence et l’efficience énergétique. Comme ces appareils sont alimentés par des batteries, ils doivent consommer le moins possible et être capable d’opérer pendant des années. La prochaine étape pour l’IoT est d’être appliqué au applications nécessitant des garanties de latence. Les technologies de l’IIoT sont maintenant adoptés par de nombreuses entreprises autour du monde et sont maintenant des technologies éprouvées. Néanmoins des défis restent à accomplir et certaines limites de ces technologies ne sont pas encore connues. Dans ce travail, nous nous adressons au réseaux sans fils fondés sur TSCH dont nous testons les limites de latence et de durée de vie dans des conditions réelles. Nous avons collecté plus de 3M statistiques réseaux et 32M données de capteurs dans 11 déploiements sur un total de 170,037 heures machines dans des environnements réels ainsi que dans des bancs d’essais. Nous avons réuni ce que nous pensons être le plus grand jeu de données de réseau TSCH disponible à la communauté réseau. En s’appuyant sur ces données et sur notre expérience des réseaux sans fils en milieu réel, nous avons étudié les limites des réseaux TSCH et avons fourni des méthodes et outils qui permettent d’estimer des performances de ces réseaux dans diverses conditions. Nous pensons avoir assemblé les bons outils pour que les architectes de protocoles réseaux construise des réseaux déterministes pour l’IIoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) evolved from a connected toaster in 1990 to networks of hundreds of tiny devices used in industrial applications. Those “Things” usually are tiny electronic devices able to measure a physical value (temperature, humidity, etc.) and/or to actuate on the physical world (pump, valve, etc). Due to their cost and ease of deployment, battery-powered wireless IoT networks are rapidly being adopted. The promise of wireless communication is to offer wire-like connectivity. Major improvements have been made in that sense, but many challenges remain as industrial application have strong operational requirements. This section of the IoT application is called Industrial IoT (IIoT). The main IIoT requirement is reliability. Every bit of information that is transmitted in the network must not be lost. Current off-the-shelf solutions offer over 99.999% reliability. That is, for every 100k packets of information generated, less than one is lost. Then come latency and energy-efficiency requirements. As devices are battery-powered, they need to consume as little as possible to be able to operate during years. The next step for the IoT is to target time-critical applications. Industrial IoT technologies are now adopted by companies over the world, and are now a proven solution. Yet, challenges remain and some of the limits of the technologies are still not fully understood. In this work we address TSCH-based Wireless Sensor Networks and study their latency and lifetime limits under real-world conditions. We gathered 3M network statistics 32M sensor measurements on 11 datasets with a total of 170,037 mote hours in real-world and testbeds deployments. We assembled what we believed to be the largest dataset available to the networking community. Based on those datasets and on insights we learned from deploying networks in real-world conditions, we study the limits and trade-offs of TSCH-based Wireless Sensor Networks. We provide methods and tools to estimate the network performances of such networks in various scenarios. We believe we assembled the right tools for protocol designer to built deterministic networking to the Industrial IoT

Amaro, da Cruz Mauro. "An enhanced multi-protocol middleware solution for Internet of things." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2021.

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Dans l'Internet des objets (IoT), les données sont gérées et stockées par un logiciel appelé middleware (situé sur un serveur). L'évolution du concept IoT a conduit à la construction de nombreux intergiciels IoT, des logiciels qui jouent un rôle clé car ils prennent en charge la communication entre les appareils, les utilisateurs et les applications. Plusieurs aspects peuvent impacter les performances d'un middleware. Basée sur une revue approfondie de la littérature associée et sur la proposition d'un modèle de référence pour le middleware IoT, cette thèse propose un nouveau middleware IoT, appelé In.IoT, une solution middleware évolutive, sécurisée et innovante basée sur une revue approfondie du état de l'art et suivant l'architecture middleware de référence proposée dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche. In.IoT répond aux préoccupations middleware des solutions les plus populaires (sécurité, convivialité et performances) qui ont été évaluées, démontrées et validées tout au long de cette étude, et il est prêt et disponible à l'utilisation. Les recommandations et les exigences architecturales d'In.IoT sont détaillées et peuvent être reproduites par des solutions nouvelles et disponibles. Il prend en charge les protocoles de couche application les plus populaires (MQTT, CoAP et HTTP). Ses performances sont évaluées en comparaison avec les solutions les plus prometteuses disponibles dans la littérature et les résultats obtenus par la solution proposée sont extrêmement prometteurs. De plus, cette thèse étudie l'impact du langage de programmation sous-jacent sur les performances globales de la solution grâce à une étude d'évaluation des performances incluant Java, Python et Javascript, identifiant que globalement, Java s'avère être le choix le plus robuste pour le middleware IoT. Les appareils IoT communiquent avec le middleware via un protocole de couche application qui peut différer de ceux pris en charge par le middleware, en particulier lorsque l'on considère que les ménages auront divers appareils de différentes marques. La thèse offre une alternative pour de tels cas, en proposant une passerelle de couche application, appelée MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge traduit les messages CoAP, MQTT, DDS et Websockets en HTTP (HTTP est pris en charge par la plupart des intergiciels IoT). Avec MiddleBridge, les appareils peuvent envoyer un message plus petit à un intermédiaire (MiddleBridge), qui le restructure et le transmet à un middleware, réduisant ainsi le temps qu'un appareil passe à transmettre. Les solutions proposées ont été évaluées par rapport à d'autres solutions similaires disponibles dans la littérature, en tenant compte des métriques liées à la taille des paquets, aux temps de réponse, aux requêtes par seconde et au pourcentage d'erreur, démontrant leurs meilleurs résultats et leur énorme potentiel. En outre, l'étude a utilisé XGBoost (une technique d'apprentissage automatique) pour détecter l'occurrence d'attaques de réplication lorsqu'un attaquant obtient les informations d'identification de l'appareil, en l'utilisant pour générer de fausses données et perturber l'environnement IoT. Les résultats obtenus sont extrêmement prometteurs. Ainsi, il est conclu que l'approche proposée contribue à l'état de l'art des solutions middleware IoT
In Internet of Things (IoT), data is handled and stored by software known as middleware (located on a server). The evolution of the IoT concept led to the construction of many IoT middleware, software that plays a key role since it supports the communication among devices, users, and applications. Several aspects can impact the performance of a middleware. Based in a deep review of the related literature and in the proposal of a Reference Model for IoT middleware, this thesis proposes a new IoT middleware, called In.IoT, a scalable, secure, and innovative middleware solution based on a deep review of the state of the art and following the reference middleware architecture that was proposed along with this research work. In.IoT addresses the middleware concerns of the most popular solutions (security, usability, and performance) that were evaluated, demonstrated, and validated along this study, and it is ready and available for use. In.IoT architectural recommendations and requirements are detailed and can be replicated by new and available solutions. It supports the most popular application-layer protocols (MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP). Its performance is evaluated in comparison with the most promising solutions available in the literature and the results obtained by the proposed solution are extremely promising. Furthermore, this thesis studies the impact of the underlying programming language in the solution's overall performance through a performance evaluation study that included Java, Python, and Javascript, identifying that globally, Java demonstrates to be the most robust choice for IoT middleware. IoT devices communicate with the middleware through an application layer protocol that may differ from those supported by the middleware, especially when it is considered that households will have various devices from different brands. The thesis offers an alternative for such cases, proposing an application layer gateway, called MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge translates CoAP, MQTT, DDS, and Websockets messages into HTTP (HTTP is supported by most IoT middleware). With MiddleBridge, devices can send a smaller message to an intermediary (MiddleBridge), which restructures it and forwards it to a middleware, reducing the time that a device spends transmitting. The proposed solutions were evaluated in comparison with other similar solutions available in the literature, considering the metrics related to packet size, response times, requests per second, and error percentage, demonstrating their better results and tremendous potential. Furthermore, the study used XGBoost (a machine learning technique) to detect the occurrence of replication attacks where an attacker obtains device credentials, using it to generate false data and disturb the IoT environment. The obtained results are extremely promising. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed approach contributes towards the state of the art of IoT middleware solutions

Smache, Meriem. "La sécurité des réseaux déterministes de l’Internet des objets industriels (IIoT)." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.

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La synchronisation est une exigence fondamentale pour l'Internet industriel des objets (IIoT). Elle est assurée par l'application du mode TSCH (Time-Slotted Channel-Hopping) du protocole IEEE802.15.4e de la couche MAC. La synchronisation TSCH permet d'atteindre un réseau sans fil de faible puissance et de haute fiabilité. Cependant, les ressources de synchronisation de TSCH sont une cible évidente pour les cyber attaques. Elles peuvent être manipulées par des attaquants pour paralyser l'ensemble des communications du réseau. Cette thèse a pour but d'analyser la vulnérabilité de la synchronisation offerte par le mode TSCH. À cette fin, de nouvelles métriques de détection ont été proposées en se basant sur l'expression interne et locale de la machine d'état TSCH de chaque nœud dans le réseau, sans avoir besoin de communications supplémentaires, ni de captures ou d'analyse des traces des paquets. Ensuite, de nouvelles techniques d'autodétection et d'autodéfense embarquées dans chaque nœud ont été conçues et mises en œuvre. Ces techniques prennent en compte l'intelligence et la capacité d'apprentissage de l'attaquant, du nœud légitime et des interactions du réseau industriel en temps réel. Les résultats de ces expériences montrent que les mécanismes proposés sont résistants face aux les attaques de synchronisation
Time synchronization is a crucial requirement for the IEEE802.15.4e based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It is provided by the application of the Time-Slotted Channel-Hopping (TSCH) mode of the IEEE802.15.4e. TSCH synchronization allows reaching low-power and high-reliability wireless networking. However, TSCH synchronization resources are an evident target for cyber-attacks. They can be manipulated by attackers to paralyze the whole network communications. In this thesis, we aim to provide a vulnerability analysis of the TSCH asset synchronization. We propose novel detection metrics based on the internal process of the TSCH state machine of every node without requiring any additional communications or capture or analysis of the packet traces. Then, we design and implement novel self-detection and self-defence techniques embedded in every node to take into account the intelligence and learning ability of the attacker, the legitimate node and the real-time industrial network interactions. The experiment results show that the proposed mechanisms can protect against synchronization attacks

Thubert, Pascal. "Converging over deterministic networks for an Industrial Internet." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2017.

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En s'appuyant sur une connaissance précise du temps, sur la réservation de ressources et l'application distribuée de règles d'admission strictes, un réseau déterministe permet de transporter des flux pré-spécifiés avec un taux de perte extrêmement bas et une latence maximale majorée, ouvrant la voie au support d'applications critiques et/ou temps-réel sur une infrastructure de réseau convergée. De nos jours, la Technologie Opérationnelle (OT) s'appuie sur des réseaux déterministes mais conçus à façon, en général propriétaires, utilisant typiquement des liens série spécifiques, et opérés en isolation les uns des autres, ce qui multiplie la complexité physique et les coûts d'achat et de déploiement (CAPEX), ainsi que d'opération et maintenance (OPEX), et empêche l'utilisation agile des ressources. En apportant le déterminisme dans les réseaux des Technologies de l'Information (IT), une nouvelle génération de réseaux commutés de l'IT va permettre l'émulation de ces liens série et la convergence de réseaux autrefois dédiés sur une infrastructure commune à base d'IP. En retour, la convergence de l'IT et de l'OT permettra de nouvelles optimisations industrielles, en introduisant des technologies héritées de l'IT, comme le BigData et la virtualisation des fonctions du réseau (NFV), en support des opérations de l'OT, améliorant les rendements tout en apportant une réduction supplémentaire des coûts. Les solutions de réseaux déterministes réclament des possibilités nouvelles de la part des équipements, possibilités qui vont bien au-delà de celles demandées pour les besoins classiques de la QoS. Les attributs-clé sont : - la synchronisation précise de tous les n'uds, en incluant souvent la source et la destination des flux- le calcul centralisé de chemins de bout en bout à l'échelle du réseau- de nouveaux filtres de mise en forme du trafic à l'intérieur comme à l'entrée du réseau afin de le protéger en tous points- des moyens matériels permettant l'accès au medium à des échéances précises. Au travers de multiples papiers, de contributions à des standards, et de publication de propriété industrielle, le travail présenté ici repousse les limites des réseaux industriels sans fils en offrant : 1. Le calcul centralisé de chemin complexes basé sur une technologie innovante appelée ARC 2. La signalisation de ces chemins complexes et la traçabilité des paquets par une extension de la technologie BIER-TE 3. Réplication, Renvoi et Elimination des doublons le long de ces chemins complexes 4. Un temps-réel basé sur un échéancier qui assure un haut taux de délivrance et garantit une latence bornée 5. La capacité de transporter à la fois des flux déterministes et du trafic IPv6 à multiplexage statistique sur un maillage 6TiSCH partagéCe manuscrit rapporte des améliorations apportées aux techniques existantes des réseaux sans fils à basse puissance (LoWPAN) comme Zigbee, WirelessHART'et ISA100.11a, afin d'amener ces nouveaux bénéfices jusqu'aux réseaux opérationnels sans fil. Elle a été implémentée en programme et sur du matériel open-source, et évaluée face à du IEEE Std. 802.15.4 classique ainsi que du 802.15.4 TSCH, utilisés en topologie maillée. L'expérience menée montre que notre nouvelle proposition permet d'éviter les à-coups et de garantir des taux élevés de délivrance, même face à des évènements exceptionnels comme la perte d'un relais ou la dégradation temporaire d'un lien radio
Based on time, resource reservation, and policy enforcement by distributed shapers, Deterministic Networking provides the capability to carry specified unicast or multicast data streams for real-time applications with extremely low data loss rates and bounded latency, so as to support time-sensitive and mission-critical applications on a converged enterprise infrastructure.As of today, deterministic Operational Technology (OT) networks are purpose-built, mostly proprietary, typically using serial point-to-point wires, and operated as physically separate networks, which multiplies the complexity of the physical layout and the operational (OPEX) and capital (CAPEX) expenditures, while preventing the agile reuse of the compute and network resources.Bringing determinism in Information Technology (IT) networks will enable the emulation of those legacy serial wires over IT fabrics and the convergence of mission-specific OT networks onto IP. The IT/OT convergence onto Deterministic Networks will in turn enable new process optimization by introducing IT capabilities, such as the Big Data and the network functions virtualization (NFV), improving OT processes while further reducing the associated OPEX.Deterministic Networking Solutions and application use-cases require capabilities of the converged network that is beyond existing QOS mechanisms.Key attributes of Deterministic Networking are: - Time synchronization on all the nodes, often including source and destination - The centralized computation of network-wide deterministic paths - New traffic shapers within and at the edge to protect the network- Hardware for scheduled access to the media.Through multiple papers, standard contribution and Intellectual Property publication, the presented work pushes the limits of wireless industrial standards by providing: 1. Complex Track computation based on a novel ARC technology 2. Complex Track signaling and traceability, extending the IETF BIER-TE technology 3. Replication, Retry and Duplicate Elimination along the Track 4. Scheduled runtime enabling highly reliable delivery within bounded time 5. Mix of IPv6 best effort traffic and deterministic flows within a shared 6TiSCH mesh structureThis manuscript presents enhancements to existing low power wireless networks (LoWPAN) such as Zigbee, WirelessHART¿and ISA100.11a to provide those new benefits to wireless OT networks. It was implemented on open-source software and hardware, and evaluated against classical IEEE Std. 802.15.4 and 802.15.4 TSCH radio meshes. This manuscript presents and discusses the experimental results; the experiments show that the proposed technology can guarantee continuous high levels of timely delivery in the face of adverse events such as device loss and transient radio link down

Basselot, Vivien. "Contribution à la modélisation des chaînes informationnelles et des processus décisionnels associés à un produit "intelligent" : application à un connecteur de test industriel." Thesis, Valenciennes, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2019.

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Ces dernières années, les produits dits « intelligents » ont été introduits dans de nombreux domaines tels que l’industrie, la santé et le transport. Ces produits sont devenus sources d’informations durant leurs phases d’utilisations. L’obtention de ces informations constitue un avantage certain pour les différents acteurs intervenant dans le cycle de vie du produit. Le nombre important d’acteurs et la diversité des besoins exprimés rendent complexe la mise en œuvre des chaines informationnelles entre produit et acteurs en phase d’utilisation, ainsi que la génération de flux d’informations vers les phases amont et aval du cycle de vie. S’appuyant notamment sur les concepts développés par la communauté CL2M (Closed Loop Lifecycle Management), cette thèse propose une architecture « générique » permettant de modéliser les chaines informationnelles et les processus décisionnels associés à un produit lors de sa phase d’utilisation. Cette architecture repose sur l’utilisation de fonctions secondaires associées au produit ainsi que des concepts holoniques permettant de prendre en compte le produit, sa décomposition en sous-produits et son contexte (i.e. environnement, tâche et utilisateur(s)). L’architecture s’inspire également de la typologie de Rasmussen pour caractériser différents niveaux cognitifs au sein des processus décisionnels. Un guide méthodologique est également proposé pour aider au déploiement de telles chaines informationnelles et décisionnelles. L’architecture proposée est mise en œuvre et validée dans le cadre d’une plateforme POC (Proof of Concept). Tant le modèle que le guide sont évalués au travers de scénarios représentatifs de l’utilisation d’un connecteur « intelligent » de test industriel dans le domaine de l’automobile
In recent years, “smart products” have been introduced in many areas such as industry, health and transportation systems. These products are sources of information during their use phases. Collecting, processing this information is a definite advantage to aid the various stakeholders involved in the product lifecycle to improve the value chain. The large number of stakeholders and the diversity of their needs make it difficult to implement the information chains between the product and the stakeholders in the use phase (as well as the generation of information flows towards the upstream and downstream phases of the life cycle). Based on the concepts developed by the Closed Loop Lifecycle Management (CL2M) community, this thesis proposes a model of generic architecture for modeling the information chains and decision-making processes associated with a product during its use phase. The proposed model relies on secondary functions associated with the product, on holonic concepts, on product context (i.e. environment, task and user(s)) and on decision-making processes. This last point is inspired on Rasmussen's typology to characterize different cognitive levels. A methodological guide is also proposed helping to transform the model into operational architecture implementing information chains. The proposed architecture is implemented and validated as part of a POC (Proof of Concept) platform. Both the model and the guide are evaluated through scenarios representative of the use of a "smart" industrial test connector in the automotive field

Lagos, Jenschke Tomas. "Toward reliable and bounded latency for internet of things." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2020.

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Les Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN) sont des technologies Internet of Things (IoT) sans fil qui fonctionnent avec une puissance de traitement, une mémoire ou une puissance limitées. En outre, ils ont des liens caractérisés par des taux de perte élevés. Toutefois, en raison de leur faible coût et de leur facilité de manipulation, elles sont devenues populaires dans l'industrie 4.0. Par conséquent, pour que ces technologies puissent être intégrées dans l’industrie, elles doivent assurer une transmission fiable, rapide et stable. Le IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) est un protocole de routage vectoriel à distance spécialisé dans ces applications IoT. Son adaptabilité en a fait l’un des protocoles les plus populaires pour les LLNs. Cependant, sa transmission unidirectionnelle en amont n’est pas suffisante pour garantir la fiabilité de la transmission. Il en résulte un défi pour l’industrie et différentes fonctions et stratégies ont été proposées pour résoudre ce problème. Malheureusement, nombre de ces stratégies ne peuvent être reproduites pour différents environnements et nécessitent des compromis dans d’autres domaines. Dans cette thèse, notre objectif est de fournir une RPL personnalisée afin qu’elle puisse assurer la fiabilité de la transmission tout en maintenant un faible retard et une faible fluctuation. À cette fin, nous proposons différentes fonctions et algorithmes qui permettent l’extension des multitrajets en RPL
The Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN) are wireless Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that operate with limited processing power, memory, or power. Furthermore, they have links characterized by high loss rates. However, due to their low cost and easy handling, they have become popular in the industry 4.0. Therefore, for these technologies to be incorporated into the industry, they need to ensure reliable, fast, and stable transmission. The IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a distance vector routing protocol specialized in these IoT applications. Its adaptability has made it one of the most popular protocols for LLNs. However,its one-way upstream transmission is not sufficient to guarantee transmission reliability. This has resulted in a challenge to the industry and different functions and strategies have been proposed to address this problem. Unfortunately, many of these strategies cannot be replicated for different environments and require trade-offs in other areas. In this thesis,our goal is to provide a customized RPL so that it can ensure transmission reliability while maintaining a low delay and fluctuation. For this purpose, we propose different functions and algorithms that allow the extension of multi-path in RPL

Muñoz, Soto Jonathan Mauricio. "Km-scale Industrial Networking." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019.

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L'Internet des objets (IoT) a pour objectif de fournir une connectivité à des millions d'appareils utilisés au quotidien. Pour la majorité des applications, les connexions filaires sont peu pratiques et trop coûteuses. Par conséquent, les connexions sans fil sont le seul moyen réalisable de fournir une connectivité aux dispositifs. Une des nombreuses solutions sans fil est la norme IEEE802.15.4, conçue pour les réseaux maillés de faible consommation. Cette norme est largement utilisée pour les bâtiments intelligents, la domotique et les applications industrielles. Un amendement ultérieur, IEEE802.15.4g, définit 3 PHY (FSK, OFDM et O-QPSK). Cela cible les applications SUN (Smart Utility Networks), c’est-à-dire le comptage intelligent, tout en offrant une couverture étendue. Dans cette thèse, nous analysons l'utilisation de cette norme en dehors de l'environnement SUN et sur des applications industrielles. Premièrement, nous menons une série d’expériences avec IEEE802.15.4g-dispositifs afin de mesurer la portée des liens dans des scénarios extérieurs réels. Les résultats montrent que des communications très fiables avec des débits jusqu'à 800 kbps (avec OFDM) peuvent être atteintes en milieu urbain à 540 m entre les nœuds, et que la liaison radio la plus longue utile est obtenue à 779 m (FSK). Deuxièmement, nous comparons les performances de la norme IEEE802.15.4 à celle de la norme IEEE802.15.4g OFDM dans les bâtiments intelligents. A partir d'expériences, nous avons déterminé que l'OFDM IEEE802.15.4g surpasse l'IEEE802.15.4 et doit être considéré comme une solution pour les déploiements ultérieurs. Enfin, nous introduisons le concept du réseau agile: des nœuds pouvant modifier dynamiquement leur PHY en fonction de leurs besoins et de leur situation
The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to provide connectivity to millions of devices used in our day-to-day life. For the vast majority of applications, wired connections are unpractical and too expensive, therefore wireless connections is the only feasible way to provide connectivity to the devices. One of many wireless solutions is the standard IEEE802.15.4, specially designed for low power mesh networks. This standard is widely used for Smart Building, Home Automation and Industrial Applications.A subsequent amendment, the IEEE802.15.4g, defines 3 PHYs (FSK, OFDM and O-QPSK). This targets Smart Utility Networks(SUN) applications, i.e., Smart Metering, while providing extended coverage. In this thesis, we analyse the use of this standard outside the SUN environment and onto Industrial Networking applications.First, we conduct a series of experiments using IEEE802.15.4g compliant devices in order to measure the range coverage on radio links in real use case outdoor scenarios. Results show that highly reliable communications with data rates up to 800 kbps (with OFDM) can be achieved in urban environments at 540 m between nodes, and the longest useful radio link is obtained at 779 m (FSK). Sencond, regarding the robustness and high data rate of OFDM, we compare the performance of the IEEE802.15.4 with the IEEE802.15.4g OFDM in Smart Building scenarios. From experiments, we determine that IEEE802.15.4g OFDM outperforms IEEE802.15.4 and should be considered as a solution for further deployments in combination with a TSCH MAC approach. Finally, we introduce the concept of Network Agility: nodes that can dynamically change their PHY according to their needs and circumstances

Lemoine, Frédéric. "Internet des Objets centré service autocontrôlé." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2019.

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A l'heure du numérique, la quantité d'objets connectés ne cesse de croître et de se diversifier. Afin de supporter cette complexité croissante, nous avons souhaité apporter un maximum d'automatismes à l'Internet des Objets de manière à garantir une qualité de service (QoS) de bout en bout. Pour ce faire, un composant de service autocontrôlé est proposé pour intégrer l'objet dans l'écosystème digital. Grâce à la calibration de chaque service, qui permet la connaissance du comportement, une composition automatisée devient possible. Nous avons illustré la faisabilité de notre approche à travers un cas d'étude. Nous avons également montré comment les objets connectés peuvent s'assembler eux-mêmes, coopérant pour atteindre un objectif commun, tout en répondant aux exigences de QoS globales
In the digital era, the number of connected objects continues to grow and diversify. To support this increasing complexity, we wanted to bring a maximum of automatisms to the Internet of Things in order to guarantee end-to-end quality of service (QoS). To do this, a self-controlled service component is proposed to integrate the object into the digital ecosystem. Thanks to the calibration of each service, which makes it possible to know the behaviour, an automated composition becomes possible. We have illustrated the feasibility of our approach on a case study. We also have shown how connected objects can assemble themselves, cooperating to achieve a common objective, while meeting global QoS requirements

Vancaelemont, Anne. "Matérialité et travail institutionnel des consommateurs. Le cas de l'industrie de la musique enregistrée face à la "dématérialisation" (1994-2014)." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016.

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La théorie néo-institutionnelle laisse le plus souvent le consommateur en marge de ses questionnements. Pourtant, le concept de travail institutionnel par les pratiques permet de prendre en considération les pratiques des consommateurs en vue de maintenir ou de rompre avec les pratiques précédemment institutionnalisées ou encore d’en créer de nouvelles. Une prise en compte de la dimension matérielle des pratiques, permet en outre de considérer le rôle des objets dans les processus de travail institutionnel des consommateurs. Le cas de l’industrie de la musique enregistrée en France de 1994 à 2014, c’est à dire la période du passage au MP3, en téléchargement puis en streaming, est étudié grâce à une démarche inductive de théorie enracinée. Cette thèse montre que les consommateurs collaborent pour réaliser trois types de travail institutionnel (maintien, rupture, création). Ils sont en mesure de rompre avec les pratiques institutionnalisées en « bricolant » à partir des pratiques et objets à disposition, notamment des objetscommunautésqui jouent un rôle de mise en commun d’informations ou d’objets. En outre, la résilience des objets ne contribue pas seulement au maintien des pratiques mais aussi à leur rupture et à l’institutionnalisation de nouvelles pratiques
Consumers are most of the time left at the margins of neo-institutional theory. Yet, the institutional work concept makes it possible to consider consumer practices aimed at maintaining or disrupting formerly institutionalized practices or at creating new ones. Furthermore, taking into account the practices material dimension allows us to consider how objects play a role in consumer institutional work processes. The case of the French recorded music industry from 1994 to 2014 - when MP3 downloading then streaming overcame CD consumption practices - is studied with a grounded theory inductive approach. Our dissertation shows that consumers collaborate in order to perform institutional work (maintaining, disrupting and creating institutionalized practices). To disrupt institutionalized practices, they use « bricolage » to assemble available practices and objects, among themcommunity-objects that play a specific role: sharing information and objects. Moreover, material resilience, not only contributes to practice maintenance but also to disruption and new practices institutionalization

Chabot, Martial. "Tests automatisés dirigés par les exigences pour systèmes cyber-physiques." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.

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Aujourd’hui, de nombreux grands industriels de différents domaines se sont lancés dans la conception de produits intelligents pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins du marché. La conception de ces systèmes est de plus en plus complexe, puisqu’ils sont composés de nombreux composants physiques pouvant être contrôlés par des applications s'exécutant sur des processeurs. Afin d'assister cette conception multi-disciplines, la solution que nous proposons dans cette thèse est de diriger la modélisation et la conception du système par la prise en compte des scénarios de test qui devront être utilisés pour valider ses exigences. La méthode préconisée suggère de raisonner au niveau système et de commencer le processus de conception par la formalisation des tests de validation. En d'autres termes, il s'agit en particulier de préciser le(s) critère(s) d’acceptation de l’exigence ainsi que le scénario de test nécessaire pour le(s) vérifier. Formaliser ainsi les tests permet notamment d'analyser la formulation des exigences elles-mêmes et d'y lever toute ambiguïté. Nous proposons un modèle générique de la vue structurelle de l'infrastructure de test, et un profil UML associé. La vue comportementale est modélisée sous forme de diagrammes de séquences SysML. Les interfaces de l'infrastructure de test fournissent des contraintes de testabilité pour le système à concevoir. Nous avons développé un outil, ARES (Automatic geneRation of Executable tests from SysML), qui transforme automatiquement cette spécification structurelle/comportementale des tests en scénarios simulables ou exécutables. Ceux-ci, analogues par construction, seront utilisés pour valider des modèles simulables du système (Matlab/Simulink) puis lors du processus de vérification finale du produit (avec un environnement TestStand). Nous présentons l'application de cet outil sur diverses études de cas associées à des produits Schneider Electric
Nowadays, many major manufacturers in different fields are working towards the design of smart products to meet new market needs. The design of these systems is increasingly complex, as they are composed of many physical components controlled by applications running on processors. In order to support this multi-disciplinary design, the solution we propose in this thesis is to guide the system modeling and design by taking into account the test scenarios that will be used to validate its requirements. The method that we propose suggests reasoning at the system level and starting the design process by formalizing validation tests. In other words, it amounts to specifying the acceptance criterion(s) for the requirement as well as the test scenario necessary to verify it. Formalizing the tests in this way makes it possible to analyze the formulation of the requirements themselves and to remove any ambiguity. We propose a generic model of the structural view of the test infrastructure, and an associated UML profile. The behavioral view is modeled as SysML sequence diagrams. The test infrastructure interfaces provide testability constraints for the system to be designed. We have developed a tool, ARES (Automatic GeneRation of Executable Tests from SysML), which automatically transforms this structural/behavioral specification of the tests into simulatable or executable scenarios. These scenarios, analogous by construction, will be used to validate simulatable models of the system (Matlab/Simulink), then during the process of final verification of the product (with a TestStand environment). We present the application of this tool on various case studies associated with Schneider Electric products

Books on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Durieux, Brigitte. Objets cultes du mobilier industriel. Paris: Éditions de La Martinière, 2012.

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Grondin, Pierrette. Cyberculture et objets de design industriel. [Sainte-Foy, Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2001.

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Guidot, Raymond. Histoire des objets: Chronique du design industriel. Paris: Hazan, 2013.

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Piette-Coudol, Thierry. Les objets connectés: Sécurité juridique et technique. Paris: Lexis Nexis, 2015.

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Zbinden, Geoffrey. L'internet des objets: Une réponse au réchauffement climatique. Paris: Cygne, 2010.

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Campione, Mary. The Java tutorial: Object-oriented programming for the Internet. 2nd ed. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1998.

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Campione, Mary. The Java tutorial: Object-oriented programming for the Internet. Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley, 1996.

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Campione, Mary. The Java tutorial: Object-oriented programming for the Internet. Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley, 1996.

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Timmers, Paul. Electronic commerce: Strategies and models for business-to-business trading. Chichester: Wiley, 1999.

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Campione, Mary. The Java tutorial: A short course on the basics. 3rd ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2001.

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Book chapters on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Haupert, Jens, Xenia Klinge, and Anselm Blocher. "CPS-Based Manufacturing with Semantic Object Memories and Service Orchestration for Industrie 4.0 Applications." In Industrial Internet of Things, 203–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Duan, Ying, Wenfeng Li, Xiuwen Fu, and Lin Yang. "Reliable Data Transmission Method for Hybrid Industrial Network Based on Mobile Object." In Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, 466–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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DeNardis, Laura. "The Cyber-Physical Disruption." In The Internet in Everything, 25–56. Yale University Press, 2020.

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This chapter examines four emerging areas of technological innovation in which digital technologies are becoming embedded into the physical world. The digitization of everyday objects includes consumer Internet of things and connected objects in smart cities. The Internet of self encompasses cyberphysical systems entangled with the body, such as wearable technologies, implantable chips, biometric identification devices, and digital medical monitoring and delivery systems. The industrial Internet of things, sometimes called the “fourth industrial revolution,” involves restructurings of industries and labor around cyber-physical systems. Finally, emergent embedded systems include those embedded objects that are born digital, such as robotics, 3D printing, and arguably augmented reality systems. Understanding these heterogeneous technical architectures, and the technological affordances and characteristics they all share, is necessary for understanding emerging governance debates.

Benghozi, Pierre-Jean, Sylvain Bureau, and Françoise Massit-Folléa. "Defining the Internet of Things." In L’Internet des objets, 91–99. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2009.

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Benghozi, Pierre-Jean, Sylvain Bureau, and Françoise Massit-Folléa. "Technical evolution of the Internet of Things." In L’Internet des objets, 111–20. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2009.

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Benghozi, Pierre-Jean, Sylvain Bureau, and Françoise Massit-Folléa. "The prominence and challenges of the Internet of Things." In L’Internet des objets, 101–10. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2009.

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Gültekin Kutlu, Zelal. "Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT)." In Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics, 1–24. IGI Global, 2020.

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In this study, the periodical differences of industrial revolutions, which is one of the effects of technological developments in the industrial field, and the last stage of it are mentioned. With the latest industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, machines work in harmony with technology at every stage of industrial areas. This period, known as Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, refers to the system in which the latest production technologies, automation systems, and the technologies that make up this system exchange data with each other. In addition to the information technologies and automation systems used in Industry 3.0, industrial production has gained a whole new dimension with the use of the internet. With internet networks, machines, operators, and robots now work in harmony. At this point, the concept of internet of objects becomes important. Therefore, another focus of the study is the concept of internet of objects. There are some assumptions about the uses, benefits, and future status of the internet of things.

Gültekin Kutlu, Zelal. "Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT)." In Research Anthology on Cross-Industry Challenges of Industry 4.0, 152–70. IGI Global, 2021.

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In this study, the periodical differences of industrial revolutions, which is one of the effects of technological developments in the industrial field, and the last stage of it are mentioned. With the latest industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, machines work in harmony with technology at every stage of industrial areas. This period, known as Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, refers to the system in which the latest production technologies, automation systems, and the technologies that make up this system exchange data with each other. In addition to the information technologies and automation systems used in Industry 3.0, industrial production has gained a whole new dimension with the use of the internet. With internet networks, machines, operators, and robots now work in harmony. At this point, the concept of internet of objects becomes important. Therefore, another focus of the study is the concept of internet of objects. There are some assumptions about the uses, benefits, and future status of the internet of things.

Sharma, Varsha, Vivek Sharma, and Nishchol Mishra. "Internet of Things." In Exploring the Convergence of Big Data and the Internet of Things, 73–95. IGI Global, 2018.

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Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) has aroused great interest among the educational, scientific research, and industrial communities. Researchers affirm that IoT environments will make people's daily life easier and will lead to superior services, great savings as well as a nifty use of resources. Consequently, IoT merchandise and services will grow exponentially in the upcoming years. The basic idea of IoT is to connect physical objects to the Internet and use that connection to provide some kind of useful remote monitoring or control of those objects. The chapter presents the overall IoT vision, the technologies for achieving it, IoT challenges and its applications. This chapter also attempts to describe and analyze threat types for privacy, security and trust in IoT as well as shows how big data is an important factor in IoT. This chapter will expose the readers and researchers who are interested in exploring and implementing the IoT and related technologies to the progress towards the bright future of the Internet of Things

Khan, Imran, Lídia Oliveira, Ana Carla Amaro, and Ana Melro. "Internet of Things." In Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, 19–43. IGI Global, 2021.

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The potential of IoT applications is now recognized, namely the use the IoT as a technological solution for societal challenges such as in health, education, industries, tourism, agricultural, and for this chapter concern, in cultural heritage dissemination. This chapter presents the different evolutionary phases of IoT and its different generations, first-generation experienced embedded things, second-generation a complex social web of things, and third-generation experience the autonomous social objects and cloud computing. This chapter analyzes the characteristics of IoT, for example interconnectivity, intelligence, heterogeneity, safety, monitoring and control, big data and analytics, information sharing and collaboration. Furthermore, this chapter describes the different usage of IoT scenarios applications in some specific areas, such as agriculture, cultural heritage, and tourism.

Conference papers on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Arisoy, Erhan Batuhan, Guannan Ren, Erva Ulu, Nurcan Gecer Ulu, and Suraj Musuvathy. "A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Hand Positions for Two-Hand Grasps of Industrial Objects." In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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The wide spread use of 3D acquisition devices with high-performance processing tools has facilitated rapid generation of digital twin models for large production plants and factories for optimizing work cell layouts and improving human operator effectiveness, safety and ergonomics. Although recent advances in digital simulation tools have enabled users to analyze the workspace using virtual human and environment models, these tools are still highly dependent on user input to configure the simulation environment such as how humans are picking and moving different objects during manufacturing. As a step towards, alleviating user involvement in such analysis, we introduce a data-driven approach for estimating natural grasp point locations on objects that human interact with in industrial applications. Proposed system takes a CAD model as input and outputs a list of candidate natural grasping point locations. We start with generation of a crowdsourced grasping database that consists of CAD models and corresponding grasping point locations that are labeled as natural or not. Next, we employ a Bayesian network classifier to learn a mapping between object geometry and natural grasping locations using a set of geometrical features. Then, for a novel object, we create a list of candidate grasping positions and select a subset of these possible locations as natural grasping contacts using our machine learning model. We evaluate the advantages and limitations of our method by investigating the ergonomics of resulting grasp postures.

Balantič, Zvone, and Branislav Šmitek. "Povezava človeških faktorjev z digitalno transformacijo v pametnih hišah." In Organizations at Innovation and Digital Transformation Roundabout: Conference Proceedings. University of Maribor Press, 2020.

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Industrija 4.0 (I 4.0) je močno povezana s pojmoma Internet stvari (IoT) in internet ljudi (IoP). I 4.0 označuje brezžično povezljivost senzorjev s kibernetskimi sistemi, ki preoblikujejo in obdelujejo signale in jih preko aktuatorjev vodijo do objekta krmiljenja. Idejni koncepti I 4.0 že dolgo niso več rezervirani le za inženirsko produkcijsko okolje, pač pa prodirajo na vsa področja človekovih aktivnosti. Bivalno okolje prihodnosti bo vsebovalo vse tehnološke elemente Industrije 4.0, človek pa se bo še bolj znašel v središču pozornosti. Njegovo interaktivno sodelovanje z okoljem bo generiralo nov odnos v sodobnem kibernetskem sistemu regulacijskih zank. Klasični človeški faktorji bodo z uporabo novih tehnologij manjkrat izzvani, njihova izpostavljenost pa bo mnogo bolj obvladljiva, kot danes. Stalna in neprekinjena izmenjava podatkov med ključnimi točkami prepletajočih se procesov v pametnih hišah izoblikujejo poti in načine prenosa znanja iz inženirskih okolij. V sisteme pametnih hiš je potrebno povezovati rekuperacijo toplote, izrabo pasivnega ogrevanja / ohlajanja, dinamično razsvetljavo, pametno senčenje, obvladovanje hišnih aparatov, ki že prehajajo v področje delovanja v industriji znanih kolaborativnih robotov. Visoka stopnja ergonomskih prilagojenosti je v okolju pametnih hiš še toliko bolj pomembna, saj z napravami upravljajo ljudje brez dodatnih kvalifikacij, kjer intuicija upravljanja predstavlja ključno vlogo zanesljivega delovanja sistema sodobnih bivalnih sistemov.

Tew, Yiqi, and Yoon Ket Lee. "A Study on Multi-View Camera Casting Framework using Internet of Things Technology." In International Conference on Digital Transformation and Applications (ICDXA 2020). Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, 2020.

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With the advanced video streaming technology, smartphone users can share and stream real-time camera to any video subscriber with a high network transmission speed. On the other side, subscriber able to select their favorite video sources can create multiple screen (i.e., Multi-View features) display. In this paper, a video casting framework for displaying multiple video sources is proposed. This framework potentially leads to an object modelling when multiple cameras point to the same object with different angle of view. In addition, the multiview feature provides additional flexibility on a well-designed production line monitoring system in an Industrial IoT framework. With the existence of multiview content, earlier error detection and prevention can be performed to facilitate cyber-physical system, as an important element in Industrial IoT. Keywords: multi-view, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Real-Time Streaming Protocol, video casting

Capurso, Giovanna, Michele Ruta, and Eugenio Di Sciascio. "Object (B)logging: a Decentralized Cognitive Paradigm for the Industrial Internet of Things." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, 2019.

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Xu, Zhengya, Hong Ren Wu, and Xinghuo Yu. "Interest points based object tracking with controlled cameras." In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - (ICIT). IEEE, 2009.

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Neves, Diogo Telmo, Mario Santos, and Mario Pinto. "ReActOR: A middleware as a service to interact with objects remotely." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, 2015.

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Gausemeier, Jürgen, Oskar von Bohuszewicz, Peter Ebbesmeyer, and Michael Grafe. "The Visualization of Automized Manufacturing Processes in a Virtual Enterprise." In ASME 1995 15th International Computers in Engineering Conference and the ASME 1995 9th Annual Engineering Database Symposium collocated with the ASME 1995 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995.

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Abstract The realistic modeling of automatized manufacturing processes is part of the project Virtual Enterprise. Central issue of the project is the functional and shape oriented representation of a typical industrial enterprise. Based on the main business processes, the Virtual Enterprise displays the internal relations and information flows between the different departments of an enterprise (e.g. business planning, research & development, operations scheduling, manufacturing, sales etc.). The visualization of the Virtual Enterprise is realized by a virtual environment (VE) allowing the user to explore interactively the complex world of an industrial enterprise. The paper outlines the key concepts as well as the basic architecture and the object oriented data model of the Virtual Enterprise. It describes the graphical submodels for the generation of the scene and the technical submodels for the realistic presentation of the behavior of the technical objects. The paper presents the implementation of the prototype of the Virtual Enterprise including a survey over the hard- and software configuration of the system. Goal of the prototype is the realistic representation of the manufacturing area with its machine tools, robots and transport systems. Finally the current state of work is given.

Alothman, Hussam Ali, Mohammad T. Khasawneh, and Nagen N. Nagarur. "Internet of Things in Manufacturing: An Overview." In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Internet of things or IoT represents an emerging concept where the objects and humans are identifiable, connected and can communicate over the internet or the wireless world. With IoT, everything can communicate anytime and at anyplace. IoT has many applications and one of the most important applications is the manufacturing. The IoT in industry sector, sometimes referred to as IIoT, is considered to be a very important factor in the introduction of the fourth industrial revolution. Major manufacturing powers around the world are already trying to adopt IoT in their production systems and lead the way in this new era of advanced manufacturing. A huge number of IoT devices are already being used and connected and it is expected that the number of these applications and devices will increase dramatically in the next few years. In this work, an overview of IoT in manufacturing will be presented. This includes a discussion of some of the advantages and benefits of adopting IoT in manufacturing in addition to the issues and challenges that accompany this IoT application. The discussion will also include the concept of smart manufacturing, how production processes and other related activities can be connected in real time and how this can be achieved by adopting IoT in manufacturing. Furthermore, the enabling technologies needed to realize IoT (whether it is to be applied in a new plant or in already existing machines that don’t have IoT capabilities) are shown along with the different layers or phases needed for this IoT adoption. Finally, some real life examples of factories that adopted IoT are shown.

Tian-Yuan, Zhu. "Research on fast Matching of Moving objects in Internet of Things based on machine vision sampling." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Application of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI). IEEE, 2020.

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Messias de Oliveira Souza, Emanuel, Matheus Rudolfo Diedrich Ullmann, and Tiago Do Carmo Nogueira. "SCIUloT: Sistema de Combate aos lncendios Urbanos por meio daloT." In Computer on the Beach. Itajaí: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2020.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a communication paradigm that aims to cover the current Internet. In this sense, IoT covers a large space in the daily life of human beings, whether in the academic field or in the industrial sphere, therefore, there are smarter cities, health and automation of environments. Through the IoT it is possible to connect the objects of the everyday world to the Internet, in order to make these objects communicate with each other and with users. This work presents the way in which the IoT can corroborate in the fight against Urban Fires, through a system that interacts sensors, microcontrollers, the user and the Fire Department. The use of sensors that collect information about a certain location, send it to a controller board, which in turn forwards that information to the server, which directs the information to the user and the Fire Department, is the mechanism that will allow firefighters to be alerted to the incident. In this way, the work of the competent bodies can be made more effusive and, therefore, prevent the spread of fire in order to fight fires. It is worth mentioning that the rapid action of firefighters is extremely important, as the fire spreads quickly and produces incalculable damage.

Reports on the topic "Internet industriel des objets":


Porcel Magnusson, Cristina. Unsettled Topics Concerning Coating Detection by LiDAR in Autonomous Vehicles. SAE International, January 2021.

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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) utilize multiple devices, like high-resolution cameras and radar sensors, to interpret the driving environment and achieve full autonomy. One of these instruments—the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor—utilizes pulsed infrared (IR) light, typically at wavelengths of 905 nm or 1,550 nm, to calculate object distance and position. Exterior automotive paint covers an area larger than any other exterior material. Therefore, understanding how LiDAR wavelengths interact with vehicle coatings is extremely important for the safety of future automated driving technologies. Sensing technologies and materials are two different industries that have not directly interacted in the perception and system sense. With the new applications in the AV industry, multidisciplinary approaches need to be taken to ensure reliability and safety in the future. Unsettled Topics Concerning Coating Detection by LiDAR in Autonomous Vehicles provides a transversal view of different industry segments, from pigment and coating manufacturers to LiDAR components and vehicle system development and integration. The report includes a structured decomposition of the different variables and technologies involved.

Tao, Yang, Victor Alchanatis, and Yud-Ren Chen. X-ray and stereo imaging method for sensitive detection of bone fragments and hazardous materials in de-boned poultry fillets. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2006.

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As Americans become increasingly health conscious, they have increased their consumptionof boneless white and skinless poultry meat. To the poultry industry, accurate detection of bonefragments and other hazards in de-boned poultry meat is important to ensure food quality andsafety for consumers. X-ray imaging is widely used for internal material inspection. However,traditional x-ray technology has limited success with high false-detection errors mainly becauseof its inability to consistently recognize bone fragments in meat of uneven thickness. Today’srapid grow-out practices yield chicken bones that are less calcified. Bone fragments under x-rayshave low contrast from meat. In addition, the x-ray energy reaching the image detector varieswith the uneven meat thickness. Differences in x-ray absorption due to the unevenness inevitablyproduce false patterns in x-ray images and make it hard to distinguish between hazardousinclusions and normal meat patterns even by human visual inspection from the images.Consequently, the false patterns become camouflage under x-ray absorptions of variant meatthickness in physics, which remains a major limitation to detecting hazardous materials byprocessing x-ray images alone.Under the support of BARD, USDA, and US Poultry industries, we have aimed todeveloping a new technology that uses combined x-ray and laser imaging to detect bonefragments in de-boned poultry. The technique employs the synergism of sensors of differentprinciples and has overcome the deficiency of x-rays in physics of letting x-rays work alone inbone fragment detection. X-rays in conjunction of laser-based imaging was used to eliminatefalse patterns and provide higher sensitivity and accuracy to detect hazardous objects in the meatfor poultry processing lines.Through intensive research, we have met all the objectives we proposed during the researchperiod. Comprehensive experiments have proved the concept and demonstrated that the methodhas been capable of detecting frequent hard-to-detect bone fragments including fan bones andfractured rib and pulley bone pieces (but not cartilage yet) regardless of their locations anduneven meat thickness without being affected by skin, fat, and blood clots or blood vines.

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