Books on the topic 'Journal'

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Smith, Margaret D. Journal keeper. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans, 1992.

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Nin, Anaïs. Comme un arc-en-ciel: (tiré du Journal de l'amour) : journal inédit et non expurgé des années 1937-1939. [Paris]: Stock, 1999.

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Claude, Jasmin. La mort proche: Journal, septembre à décembre 2002. Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Neiges [Québec]: Éditions Trois-Pistoles, 2004.

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Herzl, Theodor. Journal 1895-1904: Le fondateur du sionisme parle. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1990.

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Nin, Anaïs. Inceste (tiré du Journal de l'amour): Journal inédit et non expurgé des années 1932-1934. [Paris]: Stock, 1995.

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Pleynet, Marcelin. Le jour et l'heure: Journal. [Paris]: Plon, 1989.

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Bauchau, Henry. Le présent d'incertitude: Journal, 2002-2005. Arles: Actes sud, 2007.

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Massé, Ludovic. Escarbilles: Journal 1936-1941. [Perpignan, France]: Mare nostrum, 2000.

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Losfeld, Christophe. Philanthropisme, liberalisme et revolution: Le "Braunschweigisches Journal" et le "Schleswigsches Journal" (1788-1793). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2002.

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Epars, Ariane. Carnet(s) du lac. [Genève]: Héros-limite, 2015.

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Nelligan, Émile. Journal intime. Montréal: Guérin, 2012.

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Schmalhausen, Lina. La mort de Franz Liszt: D'après le journal inédit de son élève, Lina Schmalhausen. Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 2007.

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Campbell, A. J. The Fifeshire Journal Press. Buckhaven: A.J. Campbell, 1992.

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Glen, Duncan. William Maclellan's Scottish journal. Kirkcaldy: Akros, 2004.

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Hillen, David. Creating unregretted life: Thematic excerpts from my teacher's journal. Waterdown, Ont: Serengeti Press, 2007.

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Julien, Green. L' Avenir n'est à personne: 1990-1992. [Paris]: Fayard, 1993.

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Julien, Green. Pourquoi suis-je moi?: 1993-1996. [Paris]: Fayard, 1996.

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Calaferte, Louis. Situation: Carnets 1991. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.

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Brossard, Nicole. Journal intime, ou, Voilà donc un manuscrit: Suivi de Œuvre de chair et métonymies. Montréal: Les Herbes rouges, 2008.

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Cassidy, Patrick J., ed. Journal of Nurse Assistants. Chagrin Falls, Ohio, USA: The Journal of Nurse Assistants, 1995.

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King, Russell. The Kinston journal. La Grange, NC (Rt. 2 Box 153-P, La Grange 28551): R. King, 1992.

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Duguay, Rodolphe. Journal, 1907-1927. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Varia, 2002.

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Farfan, Penny. The Old Journal Building. Rock Island, Québec: Heritage Technologies, 1986.

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Marchand, Joséphine. Journal intime, 1879-1900. Lachine: Éditions de la Pleine lune, 2000.

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Viennet, Jean-Pons-Guillaume. Mémoires et journal: 1777-1867. Paris: H. Champion, 2006.

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Garrard, L. A. Index to The Hibbert Journal 1902-1968. London: Hibbert Trust, 1987.

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Drucker, Michel. Une année pas comme les autres. Paris: Robert Laffont, 2015.

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Guilbert, Charles. Le beau voyage éducatif. Montréal: Éditions Dazibao, 2004.

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Claude, Jasmin. Pour tout vous dire. Montréal, Québec: Guérin littérature, 1988.

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Broida, David. Journal: Journal Journal Journals. Independently Published, 2021.

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Herzl, Theodor, and Roger Errera. Journal, 1895-1904. Calmann-Lévy, 1994.

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ya, Blahblah. Journal, Cute Journal, Simple Journal, Journals, Journaling Journal, Cute Journals for Journaling, Journal for Journaling. Independently Published, 2021.

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Bower, Jackie. My Journal: Boys Journal, Girls Journal, Mens Journal, Womens Journal, Seniors Journals. Independently Published, 2021.

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James, Kyara. Heart Personal Journal, Cute Journals for Journaling, Journaling Journal, Journals for Journaling, Journal for Journaling, Journal Journal. Independently Published, 2021.

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Bounds, Shone. Journal, Journal Journals, Journal for Journaling Blank, Journal for Daily Journaling, Journaling Journal, Journaling Journal for Women. Independently Published, 2021.

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Addison, Julie. Stripes Journal (Journals). Chronicle Books, 2001.

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Nacson, Leon. Dream Journal (Journals). Hay House Lifestyles, 1999.

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JAG, Passive. Journal Journals Journaling. Independently Published, 2021.

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Addison, Julie. Diamonds Journal (Journals). Chronicle Books, 2001.

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Antique Journal: A Guided Journal (New Journals). Peter Pauper Press, 2004.

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T, Kristen. You Fucking Got This : Motivational Swear Words Journal Book : Swear Word Journal Books for Adults : 100 Swearing Journal Book Pages for Stress Relief ... Funny Journals and Adult Journal Journal Journal, Journals Journal: Journals Journal. Independently Published, 2022.

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Headings, Peggy. Cute Journals for Journaling Journal, Cute Journal, Girl Journal, Journal for Journaling, Gratittude Journal, Journals to Write in, Journaling, Journaling Supplies. Independently Published, 2021.

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Colanter, Avila, and Hogs 'N Kisses. Cute Journal for Journaling, Chevron Journal, Lined Journal, Journals for Girls, Journals for Women. Independently Published, 2022.

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Collections, Nifty. My Journal Thoughts, Memories and Insights, 6x9 Inch 100 Pages, Lined Interior: Journal Cute Journals for Journaling Journal for Journaling Journal for Journaling Lined Journal Journal Journal Journaling Journal Journals. Independently Published, 2022.

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Nguyen, Thi Hong Huong. Keep Your Own Beauty Journal/ Journal Journal/cute Journals for Journaling. Independently Published, 2022.

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Lol, Clik. Journals with Prompts Manifestation Journal: Boss up Journal. Independently Published, 2021.

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(Editor), Lynn Rosen, and Lesley Ehlers (Illustrator), eds. My Pregnancy Journal: A Guided Journal (Guided Journals). Peter Pauper Press, 2000.

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Staff, Journals for All. Dot Grid Bullet Journal: Bullet Journal Journals Large. Independently Published, 2017.

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Staff, Journals for All. Dot Grid Bullet Journal: Bullet Journal Journals Portable. Independently Published, 2017.

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Cuffy, Jeromy. Gratitude Journal: Journal's. Independently Published, 2021.

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