Academic literature on the topic 'Jurispudencia'

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Journal articles on the topic "Jurispudencia":


Reid, Patricia A. "The Legal Construction of Whiteness and Citizenship in Maryland, 1780–1820." Law, Culture and the Humanities 15, no. 3 (June 20, 2016): 656–83.

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In the years before the Missouri Compromise, petitioners who won their freedom suits based upon their ancestral links to white women, with land, could participate in the body politic. However, as Maryland legislators began to identify with the plantation south, they invented a legal understanding that would deny ambiguously freed blacks freedom, and justices would re-invent proslavery jurispudence, using the attachment clause, which would remand the previously freed into a status worse than before they had petitioned the court. Those who were freed and could claim citizenship in the years immediately after the American Revolution, by 1810, case law had changed and they lost many of their rights they once held. By using a slave state like Maryland as a microcosm, this research hopes to show the gradual way African Americans were not only denied claims to legal protections but, were deprived of their rightful place as agents in this new democratic experiment.

Azli, Rafidah Mohd, Rohana Othman, Mardiyyah Sahri, Nooraslinda Abdul Aris, Roshayani Arshad, and Abdul Razak Yaakob. "Implementation Of Maqasid Shariah In Islamic House Financing: A Study Of The Rights And Responsibilities Of Contracting Parties In Bai Bithaman Ajil And Musharakah Mutanaqisah." Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 27, no. 5 (August 9, 2011): 85.

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<span>The Maqasid-oriented approach in Islam demonstrates the Muslims commitment to uphold the authenticity of Islam as a religion and a complete way of life (ad-din). Maqasid Shariah is a transparent tool to outline and clarify the effective extent of the rights and responsibilities of the Mukallaf (servant of Allah) towards each other. Ignorance on Maqasid Shariah in Islamic business transactions, particularly for Islamic house financing led to misinterpretation, disruption, chaos, and trivial conflicts among the contracting parties. This paper discusses the implementation of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) and Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MM) Home Financing instruments as practiced in Malaysia using the method of Imam al Shatibi. This paper concluded that a sound understanding of the knowledge, goals, and objectives of the Shariah at every level of a contract involving parties to a sale and purchase in Islamic Home Financing would enable improvement in practice through ijtihad (collective decision or general consensus). The Maqasid Shariah (the objective of Islamic Jurispudence) is adequate to provide the appropriate vehicle and procedure for the fulfillment of rights and responsibilities of contracting parties, thereby eliminating all sorts of financial criminology in trading and business (Kamali, 2002).</span>

Abiandti, Syans Dias Aulia, and I. Ketut Rai Setiabudhi. "Pemberian Wasiat Wajibah Atas Harta Warisan Kepada Ahli Waris Non-Muslim Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam." Acta Comitas 6, no. 02 (June 30, 2021): 397.

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Abstract The purpose of writing is to know and analyze the regulation of wills in the provisions of fiqh and positive legal provisions in Indonesia, and the basis for consideration of the Judge is to grant inheritance rights in the form of compulsory wills to non-Muslim heirs. Normative legal research methods. The results of this study indicate that the provision of wills is only intended for adoptive parents or adopted children and not to be given to a non-Muslim as this is regulated in Article 209 KHI. Second, the basis for judges to grant compulsory wills for heirs of different religions is the jurispudence of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 368/K/Ag/1995 on the basis of being the freedom that is owned by the Judge, and the Judge has the obligation to make legal discoveries using the historical interpretation method, sociological interpretation, and the analogue argumentum based on morals, justice and the masses of society. Abstrak Adapun tujuan penulisan adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis mengenai pengaturan wasiat wajibah dalam ketentuan fikih dan ketentuan hukum positif di Indonesia, dan dasar pertimbangan Hakim memberikan hak waris dalam bentuk wasiat wajibah kepada ahli waris non muslim. Metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pemberian wasiat wajibah hanya diperuntukkan kepada orang tua angkat atau anak angkat dan tidak untuk diberikan kepada seseorang non-muslim sebagiamana hal ini diatur pada Pasal 209 KHI. Kedua, dasar hakim pemberian wasiat wajibah bagi ahli waris beda agama adalah yurispudensi Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 368/K/Ag/1995, atas dasar asas kebebasan yang dimiliki oleh Hakim, dan Hakim memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan penemuan hukum menggunakan metode penafsiran historis, penafsiran sosiologis, dan argumentum peranalogium dengan berlandasakan moral, keadilan dan kemashlatan masyarakat.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Jurispudencia":


Ávalos, Hernández Israel Esteban. "Regulación del monto de la indemnización por daño moral : proyecto de actualización del repertorio de legislación y jurispudencia del código civil y sus leyes complementarias." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2013.

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No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales)
El presente trabajo, se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de actualización del Repertorio de Legislación y Jurisprudencia del Código Civil a cargo de los profesores Sara Moreno y Mauricio Tapia, elaborado por los alumnos del Taller de memoria “Responsabilidad Civil”. Este proyecto se ha desarrollado en dos etapas sucesivas. La primera, de recopilación y análisis de los fallos emanados de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia sobre la Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual, entre los años 1995 y 2008. Asimismo, cada alumno del taller elaboró fichas sobre las sentencias asignadas por los profesores a cargo del Taller de memoria. De esta manera, el autor confeccionó 123 fichas de sentencias. En la segunda etapa se extractaron las reglas de derecho que se encontraron en los referidos fallos. El objeto de esta tesis, titulada “La regulación del monto de la indemnización por daño moral. Proyecto de actualización del Repertorio de Legislación y Jurisprudencia del Código Civil”, es sistematizar y ordenar la jurisprudencia que sobre esta materia se ha dictado en el periodo en estudio, acusándose los cambios en la forma en que los tribunales resuelven sobre este asunto. Estas transformaciones se han producido principalmente en el concepto de daño moral, su necesidad o no de acreditación, y los criterios tenidos en cuenta por la magistratura para efectos de determinar el monto efectivo de su inmunización.

Antara, Huamán Natalia Jimena. "Informe jurídico de la Resolución Nº 1818-2019/SPC-INDECOPI." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021.

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En este trabajo, la autora analiza una resolución del INDECOPI que versa sobre la discriminación contra las personas con discapacidad. En tal sentido, empieza desarrollando los conceptos claves para brindar un marco teórico a fin de aplicarlo al caso concreto, por lo cual se aborda el derecho a la igualdad y no discriminación, así como el derecho a la educación con la normativa peruana e internacional pertinente. Posteriormente, se evalúa la resolución materia de estudio, observando que la interpretación que realiza la Sala de Defensa del Consumidor y el fundamento de voto del vocal Juan Espinoza Espinoza acerca de si el artículo 38 del Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor recogería dos tipos infractores, es decir, el trato diferenciado ilícito y la no discriminación o solamente se limitaría al último de estos. Para lo cual, la autora brinda buenas razones para justificar la primera posición a propósito de los hechos del caso y con argumentos conceptuales. Asimismo, en aras de establecer claridad respecto a estos dos conceptos, se estudia la carga de la prueba, dando cuenta de ambigüedad contenida en el artículo 39 del Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor. Finalmente, se brindan razones que desvirtúan la posición de la parte denunciada.
In this work, the author analyses an INDECOPI resolution that deals with discrimination against people with disabilities. In this sense, it begins by developing the key concepts to provide a theoretical framework in order to apply it to the specific case, for this reason the right to equality and non-discrimination is addressed, as well as the right to education with the relevant Peruvian and international regulations. Subsequently, the resolution under study is assessed, noting that the interpretation made by the Consumer Defence Chamber and the voting by member Juan Espinoza Espinoza on whether article 38 of the Consumer Protection and Defence Code would include two types of offences, namely, illicit differential treatment and non-discrimination or it would only be limited to the last of these. For which, the author provides good reasons to justify the first position regarding the facts of the case and with conceptual arguments. Likewise, in order to establish clarity regarding these two concepts, the burden of proof is studied, accounting for the ambiguity contained in article 39 of the Consumer Protection Code. Finally, reasons are provided that reject the position of the denounced party.

Books on the topic "Jurispudencia":


Colombia. Código disciplinario único: Doctrina de la Procuraduría General de la Nación : jurispudencia de la Corte Constitucional. Bogotá: Procuraduría General de la Nación, Instituto de Estudios del Ministerio Público, 2003.

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Slovakia) Law as a Unifying Factor of Europe - Jurisprudence and Practice (Conference) (2010 Bratislava. Harmonization and unification of law in the European context: Section of European Law and Comparative Jurispudence : English part. Security priorities of today and new views on the development of international law : Section of International Law : English part : collection of papers from the international scholastic conference Law as a Unifying Factor of Europe - Jurisprudence and Practice organised by the Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law on 21st-23rd of October 2010. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, 2011.

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Valverde, Allan Arburola. Manual de jurispudencia sobre las reglas de la sana critica racional en la apreciacion y valoracion de la prueba: Sala tercera de la Corte Suprema de Justicia 1990-1997. Obras Juridicas Probatorias, 1997.

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Ghazali, Imam Mohammad Al. Al Mustasfa min ilm Al Usul: On Legal theory of Muslim Jurispudence. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

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Eisemann, Pierre Michel. Repertoire De LA Jurisprudence Arbitrale International (Repertory of International Arbitral Jurispudence Vol 3 Part II). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.

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1899-, Zhang Youyu, ed. Fa xue li lun lun wen ji: Collected theses on jurispudence / by Zhang Youyu and others. 8th ed. Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 2003.

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