Academic literature on the topic 'Krell'

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Journal articles on the topic "Krell":


Pantelmann, Heike. "Gedenkkolloquium für Gertraude Krell." Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management 2, no. 2 (October 23, 2017): 90–91.

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Irven, Donovan. "D. Farrell Krell, Ecstasy, Catastrophe." Phenomenological Reviews 2 (2016): 10.

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Ortlieb, R., B. Sieben, W. Nienhu ser, and A. Haunschild. "Obituary: Gertraude Krell (1952-2016)." German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 30, no. 2 (May 1, 2016): 155–57.

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FERRIGAN, M. "Review. Tournier elementaire. Krell, Jonathan." French Studies 50, no. 4 (October 1, 1996): 484.

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Schrijvers, Joeri. "D. Farrell Krell, Phantoms of the Other." Phenomenological Reviews 3 (2017): 13.

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Moraes, Camila Miranda de, and Adalberto Martins. "DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAIS TRABALHISTAS: PERSPECTIVAS TEÓRICAS NO BRASIL E NA ALEMANHA." Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado 17, no. 2 (August 22, 2017): 291.

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O presente artigo busca analisar aspectos da teoria dos direitos fundamentais em torno das normas constitucionais definidoras de direitos trabalhistas no Brasil e na Alemanha. Para isso far-se-á um breve estudo dos conceitos de validade, vigência e eficácia da norma jurídica. A força normativa da Constituição deriva não apenas das normas jurídicas nela inscritas, mas da possibilidade de exercício e fruição do quanto contido nessas normas. Pretende-se enfocar o problema da eficácia dos direitos fundamentais sob as perspectivas da doutrina alemã por meio dos autores Andreas Joachim Krell, Ernst Forsthoff e Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde. Forsthoff e Böckenförde defendem que os direitos fundamentais não têm aplicabilidade imediata e que há de se analisar as hipóteses de aplicação dos direitos fundamentais caso a caso, pois para serem aplicados os direitos fundamentais necessitariam de graduação e diferenciação para cada caso particular. A teoria da reserva do possível foi adotada na Alemanha em julgamento do Supremo Tribunal da República Federal da Alemanha que reconheceu um problema de estrutura dos direitos fundamentais sociais e delimitou o gozo dos direitos fundamentais sociais na medida em que fosse possível ao Estado garantir, em seu orçamento, a verba necessária para sua fruição e custeio. Tal teoria não pode ser adotada indiscriminadamente no Brasil, pois, conforme expõe Andreas Joachim Krell, a doutrina portuguesa utilizou-se das teorias do direito alemão, e muitos doutrinadores brasileiros simplesmente transpuseram estas teorias (como reserva do possível e mínimo existencial) para o direito brasileiro. Krell condena tal prática dizendo que não condiz com os verdadeiros preceitos do direito comparado e demonstra que a decisão do tribunal alemão não poderia simplesmente ser transposta para o Brasil, seja por se tratar de um país de realidade completamente distinta da Alemanha, ou por causa das diferenças nos sistemas jurídicos dos dois países, seja por causa da flagrante incompatibilidade na aplicação da tese no Brasil.

Blome, Agnes, Stephan Manning, and Kai-Uwe Müller. "Zum Gedenken an Prof. Dr. Gertraude Krell (1952-2016)." FEMINA POLITICA – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 25, no. 1 (May 2, 2016): 131.

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Rastetter, Daniela, and Barbara Sieben. "Statt eines Nachrufs: Gertraude Krell (1952 – 2016) in eigener Sache." Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management 1, no. 1 (December 12, 2016): 119–24.

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Davey, Nicholas. "Postponements, Women, Sensuality and Death in Nietzsche, by David Krell." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 19, no. 2 (January 1988): 205–6.

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ON ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE, INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION. "Proposed amendment of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature to expand and refine methods of publication." Zootaxa 1908, no. 1 (October 17, 2008): 57–67.

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For 250 years, taxonomists have relied on having access to physical copies of published works in order to verify information about taxa. The difficulty of tracking down publications can be a substantial impediment to taxonomic work, which has led some researchers to advocate modifying the codes of nomenclature, for plants and bacteria as well as for animals, to allow electronic publication of scientific names (Knapp et al. 2007, Wheeler & Krell 2007).

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Krell":


Krell, Hartmut Krell Nicolaus. "Das Verfahren gegen den 1601 hingerichteten kursächsischen Kanzler Dr. Nicolaus Krell /." Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2006.

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Krell, Markus [Verfasser]. "Auslegung und Einsatz einer dämpfend wirkenden Werkzeugaufnahme für lang auskragende Werkzeuge / Markus Krell." Aachen : Shaker, 2004.

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Krell, Uta [Verfasser], and Ana [Akademischer Betreuer] Zenclussen. "Immunhistologische Untersuchungen an Ovarbiopsien von Frauen mit Ovarialfunktionsstörungen / Uta Krell. Betreuer: Ana Zenclussen." Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, 2012.

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Krell, Julian [Verfasser], Werner [Gutachter] Theisen, and Sebastian [Gutachter] Weber. "Entwicklung warmverschleißbeständiger Legierungskonzepte zur Substitution von Kobaltbasislegierungen / Julian Krell ; Gutachter: Werner Theisen, Sebastian Weber ; Fakultät für Maschinenbau." Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2021.

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Krell-Rösch, Janina [Verfasser]. "Interdependence of Physical (In-) Activity, Fitness and Cognition: A Cross-Sectional Study in Young Adults / Janina Krell-Rösch." Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014.

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Krell, Mario Michael [Verfasser], Frank [Akademischer Betreuer] Kirchner, and Christof [Akademischer Betreuer] Büskens. "Generalizing, Decoding, and Optimizing Support Vector Machine Classification / Mario Michael Krell. Gutachter: Frank Kirchner ; Christof Büskens. Betreuer: Frank Kirchner." Bremen : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2015.

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Krell, Kristina [Verfasser]. "Die dreidimensionale Echtzeit-Echokardiographie in der Pädiatrie : Vergleich verschiedener Auswertungsprogramme und Erstellung volumetrischer Normwert-Perzentilen für den linken Ventrikel / Kristina Krell." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2019.

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Krell, Katja [Verfasser], and H. A. [Akademischer Betreuer] Wagenknecht. "Fluorogenic Labeling of Oligonucleotides by Means of Photoclick-Reaction and Strain-Promoted Sydnone Alkyne Cycloaddition / Katja Krell ; Betreuer: H.-A. Wagenknecht." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2021.

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Uhlig, Christiane [Verfasser], Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Krell, Kai [Akademischer Betreuer] Bischof, and Ulrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Bathmann. "Living inside Sea Ice : Distribution and Functional Characterisation of Antifreeze Proteins in Polar Diatoms / Christiane Uhlig. Gutachter: Kai Bischof ; Ulrich Bathmann. Betreuer: Andreas Krell." Bremen : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2011.

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Krell, Johannes [Verfasser], Eveline [Akademischer Betreuer] Wittmann, Ulrike [Gutachter] Weyland, and Eveline [Gutachter] Wittmann. "Die Entwicklung professioneller Handlungskompetenz durch das Lösen von Problemen in der stationären Krankenpflege : Ansatzpunkte für Praxisanleiter/innen und anderes betriebliches Bildungspersonal / Johannes Krell ; Gutachter: Ulrike Weyland, Eveline Wittmann ; Betreuer: Eveline Wittmann." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018.

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Books on the topic "Krell":


Billstein, Rick. Logo: MIT Logo for the Apple (Terrapin/Krell). Menlo Park, Calif: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., 1985.

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Krell, Hartmut. Das Verfahren gegen den 1601 hingerichteten kursächsischen Kanzler Dr. Nicolaus Krell. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2006.

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Koepplin, Dieter. Neue Werke von Lukas Cranach und ein altes Bild einer polnischen Schlacht--von Hans Krell? Basel: Schwabe, 2003.

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Cristobo, Aníbal. Krill. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Tsé-tsé, 2002.

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Colloquium, on Mauritian Kreol (2001 Port Louis Mauritius). Langaz Kreol zordi =: Papers on Kreol. [Port Louis]: Ledikasyon pu travayer, 2002.

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(Seychelles), National Library. Zistwar Kreol. Viktorya [Victoria]: Bibliotek Nasyonal, 2010.

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Krull, Germaine. Germaine Krull. Paris]: Hazan, 2015.

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Paraskevas, Betty. Junior Kroll. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993.

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Mąka-Malatyńska, Katarzyna. Krall i filmowcy. Poznań: Wydawn. Poznańskie, 2006.

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Paraskevas, Betty. Junior Kroll, Esquire. San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Krell":


Struve, Ulrich. "Emma Krell-Werth (d. i. Emma Krell, geb. 1906)." In Der Findling Kaspar Hauser in der Literatur, 304–6. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1992.

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Walter-Busch, Emil. "Kommentar zum Beitrag „Eine Diskursgeschichte der Personallehre(n)“ von Gertraude Krell." In Ideengeschichte der BWL, 417–22. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018.

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Harreß, Birgit. "Krall, Hanna." In Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon, 269–70. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1998.

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McConnell, J., and J. Robson. "Krull dimension." In Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 185–244. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2001.

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Donaldson, Scott, Stanley Siegel, and Gary Donaldson. "Jerry Krill." In CTOs at Work, 81–104. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2011.

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Nicol, Stephen. "Eating Krill." In The Curious Life of Krill, 103–25. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2018.

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Nicol, Stephen. "Krill Futures." In The Curious Life of Krill, 155–73. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2018.

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Hertrampf, Joachim W., and Felicitas Piedad-Pascual. "Krill Meal." In Handbook on Ingredients for Aquaculture Feeds, 221–28. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.

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Lombardi, Henri, and Claude Quitté. "Krull Dimension." In Algebra and Applications, 735–95. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2015.

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Marx, Agnieszka. "Krall, Hanna." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "Krell":


Shiga, Hirokazu, S. Takashige, A. Hermawan Dwi, A. Sultana, Shuji Adachi, and Hidefumi Yoshii. "Encapsulation of krill oil by spray drying." In 21st International Drying Symposium. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.

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An oil from Pacific krill (Euphausia pacifica) has a high content of PUFAs and phospholipids. The sediment was formed with homogenization of krill oil and maltodextrin (MD; dextrose equivalent (DE) = 19) solution using sodium caseinate, gum arabic, hydrolyzed whey protein or modified starch as a surfactant. Quillaja saponin could form the emulsion without the sediment. MD (28.5 wt%) was solubilized with distiller water (50 wt%) and mixed with krill oil (20wt%) and Quillaja saponin (1.5 wt%). The homogenized solution was spray-dried using Okawara-L8 spray dryer with a centrifugal atomizer. Spray-dried powder was evaluated in the oil-droplet size and surface-oil content. Keywords: krill oil, emulsion, Quillaja saponin, spray drying, PUFAs

KWON, K. H., G. J. YOON, and L. L. LITTLEJOHN. "BOCHNER-KRALL ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS." In Proceedings of the International Workshop. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2000.

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Wang, Gai-Ge, Danyu Bai, Wenyin Gong, Teng Ren, Xiaobo Liu, and Xuesong Yan. "Particle-swarm Krill Herd Algorithm." In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). IEEE, 2018.

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Fattahi, Edris, Mahdi Bidar, and Hamidreza Rashidy Kanan. "Fuzzy Krill Herd optimization algorithm." In 2014 International Conference on Networks & Soft Computing (ICNSC). IEEE, 2014.

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TANG, GAOHUA. "WEAK KRULL DIMENSION OVER COMMUTATIVE RINGS." In Proceedings of the 4th China-Japan-Korea International Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2005.

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Wang, Gai-Ge, Suash Deb, Amir H. Gandomi, and Amir H. Alavi. "A Hybrid PBIL-Based Krill Herd Algorithm." In 2015 3rd International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI). IEEE, 2015.

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Su, Fang, WenZhe Yang, ChenRui Duan, and JiLong Li. "A Fuzzy Rule-Based Krill Herd Algorithm." In 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). IEEE, 2019.

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Bidar, Mahdi, Edris Fattahi, and Hamidreza Rashidy Kanan. "Modified Krill Herd Optimization algorithm using chaotic parameters." In 2014 4th International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE). IEEE, 2014.

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Rodrigues, Douglas, Luis A. M. Pereira, Joao P. Papa, and Silke A. T. Weber. "A Binary Krill Herd Approach for Feature Selection." In 2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE, 2014.

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Lari, Nazanin Sadeghi, and Mohammad Saniee Abadeh. "Training artificial neural network by krill-herd algorithm." In 2014 IEEE 7th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE, 2014.

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