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Journal articles on the topic "L 190 2012":



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RESUMO Videiras ‘Isabel’ enxertadas em porta-enxerto ‘SO4’ e ‘IAC 766’, e em pé-franco plantadas sobre Nitossolo foram tratadas anualmente com doses crescentes de K2O, a 0; 60; 120 e 180 kg ha-1, durante 5 safras vitícolas (2007/2008; 2008/2009; 2009/2010; 2010/2011; 2011/2012). O delineamento experimental foi em faixas, com cinco repetições, sendo seis plantas por repetição, e os tratamentos, dispostos em esquema fatorial 4x3, com 12 tratamentos, correspondentes às quatro doses de adubação potássica e aos três portaenxertos. No estádio de mudança de cor da casca das bagas, coletaram-se pecíolos para determinar o teor de nutrientes no tecido foliar das uvas. Na ocasião da colheita, foram avaliados comportamentos vegetativos e produtivos, como produtividade, peso de poda, índice de Ravaz e características químicas da polpa das bagas, como sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável e pH. O aumento da adubação potássica não representa ganho na produtividade na cv. Isabel nem no acúmulo de sólidos solúveis totais nas uvas. K e Mg nos pecíolos de uvas são influenciados pela forma de cultivo (enxertada ou pé-franco). Videiras ‘Isabel’ cultivadas em pé-franco têm menor capacidade de acúmulo de K e maior acúmulo de Mg nos pecíolos. Nas condições do solo em que foi desenvolvido o trabalho, não se justifica a adubação potássica do vinhedo.

Dar, Aamir Hussain, Harish Kumar Sharma, and Navneet Kumar. "Effect of Frying Time and Temperature on the Functional Properties of Carrot Pomace, Pulse Powder and Rice Flour–Based Extrudates." International Journal of Food Engineering 10, no. 1 (January 14, 2014): 139–47.

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Abstract The extrudates prepared under the optimized conditions of flour proportion (rice flour, pulse powder and carrot pomace), moisture content, screw speed and die temperature, were fried at temperatures of 170, 180, 190 and 200°C and for a time of 5, 10 and 15 s. Based on sensory characteristics, the selected product was stored for a period of 6 months in metalized polypropylene and evaluated for free fatty acid, peroxide value, hardness, crispiness, colour and beta carotene. The increase in colour L-values, b-values, oil absorption and decrease in colour a-values in carrot pomace–based rice extrudates was observed with the increase in frying temperature and time. The product obtained at 180°C for 15 s was rated better. The decrease in free fatty acid, colour L-values, b-values, crispiness and beta carotene and increase in peroxide value, hardness and colour a-values in carrot pomace–based rice extrudates was observed with the increase in storage period. However, the quantitative change in attributes suggested the acceptability of the product even after the storage of 6 month.

Dhall, Purnima, Rita Kumar, and Anil Kumar. "Biodegradation of Sewage Wastewater Using Autochthonous Bacteria." Scientific World Journal 2012 (2012): 1–8.

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The performance of isolated designed consortia comprisingBacillus pumilus, Brevibacterium sp, and Pseudomonas aeruginosafor the treatment of sewage wastewater in terms of reduction in COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids), and TSS (total suspended solids) was studied. Different parameters were optimized (inoculum size, agitation, and temperature) to achieve effective results in less period of time. The results obtained indicated that consortium in the ratio of 1 : 2 (effluent : biomass) at 200 rpm, 35°C is capable of effectively reducing the pollutional load of the sewage wastewaters, in terms of COD, BOD, TSS, and MLSS within the desired discharge limits, that is, 32 mg/L, 8 mg/L, 162 mg/L, and 190 mg/L. The use of such specific consortia can overcome the inefficiencies of the conventional biological treatment facilities currently operational in sewage treatment plants.

Carson, Luther C., Monica Ozores-Hampton, Kelly T. Morgan, and Steven A. Sargent. "Effects of Controlled-release Fertilizer Nitrogen Rate, Placement, Source, and Release Duration on Tomato Grown with Seepage Irrigation in Florida." HortScience 49, no. 6 (June 2014): 798–806.

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Controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) use is a best management practice that may reduce nitrogen (N) loss to the environment. Several factors affect CRF nutrient release; therefore, including CRF in a fertilization program may have challenges. Thus, the study objective was to evaluate the effects of CRF N rate, source, release duration, and placement on seepage-irrigated marketable tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield, leaf tissue N (LTN) concentration, post-season soil N content, and postharvest fruit firmness and color. There were two soluble fertilizer (SF) controls [University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences (UF/IFAS) (224 kg·ha−1) and grower standard (280 kg·ha−1)] and six and seven CRF treatments (alone or in combination with SF) in Fall 2011 and 2012, respectively. Cumulative rainfall totaled 31.4 and 37.4 cm during the 2011 and 2012 seasons with average air temperatures of 22.4 and 22.1 °C, respectively. Soil temperatures ranged from 14.2 to 40.6 °C in 2011 and 11.1 to 36.6 °C in 2012 with a strong correlation (r = 0.95) to air temperature. Controlled-release urea resulted in 7.5% to 17.9% plant mortality in 2011 and reduced yields in 2012 compared with CRF N–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) at a similar N rate. LTN concentrations were above or within the sufficiency range for all treatments. In 2011, using CRF-urea at 190 kg·ha−1 N produced similar marketable tomato yield in all fruit categories except season total large tomatoes, which produced significantly fewer marketable tomatoes with 13.5 Mg·ha−1 compared with UF/IFAS and grower standard with 17.9 and 14.2 Mg·ha−1, respectively. In 2012, CRF-NPK (168 kg·ha−1 N) significantly reduced first and second harvest combined large and season total large and total marketable yields compared with the UF/IFAS rate and grower standard treatments. Marketable yield was not significantly affected by CRF (urea or NPK) release duration, but CRF-NPK 180-day release duration significantly increased residual soil N in 2012 compared with CRF-NPK 120-day release with 74.2 and 34.3 kg·ha−1 N, respectively. Rototilling CRF-urea into the bed, which was only evaluated in 2011, significantly increased total season yields compared with CRF-urea broadcast in row before bedding (BIR) with 43.0 and 46.5 Mg·ha−1, respectively. There were no significant yield differences when 50% or 75% of the total N was CRF placed in the hybrid fertilizer system, which is a system with CRF placed BIR with the remaining N as SF-N banded on the bed shoulders. No significant differences among treatments were found for total residual soil N in 2011; however, higher soil N remained in CRF (NPK and urea) treatments compared with SF treatments in 2012, except for Treatment 9. No significant differences were found among treatments for fruit firmness or color in 2011 or 2012. CRF-NPK at 190 to 224 kg·ha−1 N with a 120-day release may be recommended as a result of similar or greater first harvest and total season marketable yields compared with IFAS-recommended rates and low residual soil N. Further research must be conducted to explore CRF placement and percentage urea composition, although use of the hybrid system or rototilling may be recommended.

Administración, Revista Barataria. "Textos y glosas -Número 14- Barataria." Barataria. Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales, no. 14 (April 10, 2016): 185–212.

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Reseñas del número 14 de Barataria. Para acceder a la reseña deseada, descargar el PDF completo. ÍNDICE de reseñas: D. Dueñas I Cid, p. 185 François DUBET La experiencia sociológica Barcelona: Gedisa. 2011. 141 pp. Mª L. Gallardo García-Saavedra, pp. 186-187 Rafael SUMOZAS GARCÍA-PARDO Patrimonio monumental y minero de Almadén Biblioteca de Autores Manchegos, Ciudad Real: Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real. 2012. 144 pp. Mª I. Morán Morán, pp. 187-188 Luis GONZÁLEZ SEARA La metamorfosis de la ideología. Ensayos sobre el poder, la justicia y el orden cosmopolita Madrid: Editorial Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. 2011. 574 pp. R. Pérez Redondo, pp. 188-189 Álvaro RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ Los universitarios y el deporte Sevilla: Wanceulen Editorial Deportiva. 2010. 162 pp. P. Madrigal Barrón, pp. 189-190 Jordi FRANCH PARELLA Economía Madrid: Unión Editorial. 2012. 399 pp. A. Martín Cabello, pp. 190-192 Tomás Pedro GOMARIZ ACUÑA Los soportes del debate público. El desarrollo del escenario cívico de discusión de la extranjería y la inmigración Madrid: Dykinson. 2011. 170 pp. G. Tardivo, p. 192 Stefano CAVAZZA y Emanuela SCARPELLINI La rivoluzione dei consumi. Societá di massa e benessere in Europa Bologna: Il Mulino. 2010. 368 pp. J.L. Palacios Gómez, pp. 192-194 Eguzki URTEAGA y Andoni EIZAGIRRE El nuevo entorno de la innovación: sostenibilidad y legitimación social Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. 2011. 252 pp. R. Pérez Redondo, pp. 194-195 Ramón ADELL ARGILÉS Tu voz es tu voto. Publicidad política en España 1976-2010 Valencia: Diputación de Valencia y UNED. 2011. 114 pp. J. L. Martínez Sanz , pp. 195-196 Julio ESCRIBANO HERNÁNDEZ Historia viva en las cartas de Pedro Sainz Rodríguez 1897-1986. El ministro de Franco que quiso restaurar a don Juan Prólogo de Luis Mª Ansón, Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros. 2011. 571 pp. P. Madrigal Barrón , p. 197 Manuel FLORES CABALLERO La gran crisis financiera internacional del siglo XXI. La ruptura del modelo productivo español Huelva: Fundación Juan Manuel Flores Jimeno. 2011. 261 pp. S. Donoso García, pp. 198-199 Gerardo MEIL LANDWERLIN Individualización y solidaridad familiar Barcelona: Colección de Estudios Sociales nº 32, Caixa. 2011. 219 pp. J. Garrido Gallego, pp. 199-201 José Antonio CASTELLANOS LÓPEZ Transición democrática y cambio político en Ciudad Real: de las Cortes Orgánicas al Parlamento democrático (1967-1982) Ciudad Real: Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real. 2011. 264 pp. M. I. Menéndez Menéndez, pp. 201-202 María Antonia GARCÍA DE LEÓN Cabeza moderna/corazón patriarcal (un diagnóstico social de género) Barcelona: Anthropos. 2011. 144 pp. P. A. García Bilbao , pp. 202-204 Ángel VIÑAS, (Ed.) En el combate por la historia. La República, la guerra civil, el franquismo Barcelona: Pasado & Presente. 2012. 1.200 pp. L. Díe Olmos, pp. 204-205 Roland TERBORG y Laura GARCÍA LANDA (Coords.). Muerte y vitalidad de las lenguas indígenas y las presiones sobre sus hablantes México D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). 2011. 285 pp. P. Sánchez Vera, pp. 205-208 Francisco CHACÓN y Joan BESTARD (Dirs.) Familias. Historia de la sociedad española (del final de la Edad Media a nuestros días) Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. 2011. 1.247 pp. S. Giménez Rodríguez, pp. 208-209 Ministerio de Defensa (Ed.) La importancia geoestratégica del África Subsahariana Monografías del CESEDEN. Prólogo de D. Octavio Uña Juárez, Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa. 2010. 306 pp. R. Pérez Redondo, pp. 209-211 Antonio MARTÍN CABELLO Sociología de la cultura. Una breve introducción Madrid: Editorial Universitas. 2011. 292 pp. P. Madrigal Barrón , pp. 211-212 Santiago DONOSO GARCÍA Cambio social, cambio institucional. Años 1212, 1712, 2012. III centenario de otorgamiento del real título de villa a favor del pueblo de Granátula Ciudad Real: Diputación de Ciudad Real. 2012. 327 pp. A. García Manso, p. 212 Eduardo CORDEIRO GONÇALVES (ed.) Dinâmicas de rede no turismo cultural e religioso Porto (Portugal): ISMAI. 2010. Volumen I: 450 pp. y Volumen II: 409 pp.

Chumlyakov, C. S. "PROCESS MODEL FOR ECONOMIC INTEGRATION." World of Transport and Transportation 14, no. 1 (February 28, 2016): 110–19.

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[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the review of Eurasian integration processes, to the development of transport export-import relations of the Russian Federation, the position of the national transport system in the global transport communications system in the context of the country’s participation in international economic associations. The need to find prospects for development of the transport sector is actualized in view of new realities created after the establishment of the Customs Union and Eurasian Economic Union. A model of strengthening transport and transit potential through improvement of customs and transport and logistics management of the transport system is offered. Keywords: economic integration, EEU, SCO, BRICS, transport infrastructure, international transport corridors, transport and logistical support, process model. REFERENCES 1.Pekhterev, F. S. Development and modernization of infrastructure of Russian sections of international transport corridors [Razvitie I modernizacija infrastruktury rossijskih uchastkov mezhdunarodnyh transportnyh koridorov].Information-analytical publication «Infrastructure of Russia», 2012.[Electronic source]: Infrastruktura/Soderjaniye/V/Pehterev.pdf.Last accessed 06.11.2014. 2.Mosyakina, E.A., Rudneva, L. N. The Eurasian Economic Community and the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union [Evrazijskoe ekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo i formirovanie Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo sojuza].Problems of formation of a common space of economic and social development of the CIS countries: Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference.Tyumen, TSOGU publ., 2014, pp.190-194. 3.Kholopov, K.V., Golubchik, A. M. Problems and directions of Russia’s integration into the international transport system [Problemy i napravlenija integracii Rossii v mezhdunarodnye transportnye sistemy].Rossijskij vneshneekonomicheskij vestnik, 2011, Iss.10, pp.43-50. 4.Lapidus, B.M., Macheret, D. A. Economy of transport space: methodological bases [Ekonomika transportnogo prostranstva: metodologicheskie osnovy].VestnikVNIIZhT, 2012, Iss.2, pp.3-10. 5.Tonysheva, L. L. Innovative development of Russia’s Economy [Innovacionnoe razvitie ekonomiki Rossii].Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental’nyh issledovanij, 2014, Iss.5-1, p.164. 6.Chumlyakov, C. S. Specificity of formation of transport complex structure at the regional level [Specifika formirovanija struktury transportnogo kompleksa na regional’nom urovne].Vestnik MADI, 2010, Iss.4, pp.46-51. 7.Chumlyakov, C. S. Geo-economic and geo-political factors and prerequisites of integration processes in the transport system of the region [Geoekonomicheskie i geopoliticheskie factory i predposylki integracionnyh processov v transportnoj sisteme regiona].VestnikINZhJeKONa. Serija Ekonomika, 2011, Iss.1, pp.90-95. 8.Chumlyakov, C. S. The strategic role of transport corridors in development of international transit transportation [Strategicheskaja rol’ transportnyh koridorov v razvitii mezhdunarodnyh tranzitnyh perevozok].Rossijskij vneshneekonomicheskij vestnik, 2013, Iss.11, pp.62-67. 9.Chumlyakov, C. S. Transport infrastructure of Russia in the system of international economic relations [Transportnaja infrastruktura Rossii v sisteme mezhdunarodnyh hozjajstvennyh svjazej].IzvestijaVUZov. Sociologija. Ekonomika. Politika, 2013, Iss.4, pp.47-49. 10.Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States // Executive Committee of the CIS, the official website.[Electronic source]: accessed 06.12.2014. 11.Shafiev, R. M. Integration interaction of the CIS states in terms of accession to the WTO [Integracionnoe vzaimodejstvie gosudarstv SNG v uslovijah prisoedinenija k VTO].Rossijskij vneshneekonomicheskij vestnik, 2013, Iss.6, pp.3-14. 12.Lifan, Li.National energy security and Sino-Russian- Kazakh-Japan energy cooperation.Central Asia and the Caucasus, Iss.1 (43), 2007, pp.110-120.

Roy, Chapol Kumar, John Liton Munshia, Nadira Begum, Rahima Khatun, and AKM Sayeed Hassanb. "In vitro plant regeneration of Coccinea cordifolia (Linn.) Cogn., an anti-diabetic medicinal plant." Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 47, no. 2 (July 28, 2012): 187–90.

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An efficient protocol was developed for in vitro plant regeneration of a popularly used anti-diabetic medicinal plant, Coccinea cordifolia (Linn.) Cogn.(Cucurbitaceae) through direct organogenesis using shoot tip and nodal explants. Best shoot induction was observed on MS basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BAP, in which 88.2% of nodal explants responded to produce maximum number (6.2 ± 0.58) of shoots per culture. In vitro raised shoots rooted on half strength MS medium with 0.5 mg/l IBA. The survival rate of regenerated plantlets was 85%. DOI: Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 47(2), 187-190, 2012

Wei, Ping, and Guenter Ahlers. "Logarithmic temperature profiles in the bulk of turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection for a Prandtl number of 12.3." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 758 (October 14, 2014): 809–30.

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AbstractWe report measurements of logarithmic temperature profiles $\def \xmlpi #1{}\def \mathsfbi #1{\boldsymbol {\mathsf {#1}}}\let \le =\leqslant \let \leq =\leqslant \let \ge =\geqslant \let \geq =\geqslant \def \Pr {\mathit {Pr}}\def \Fr {\mathit {Fr}}\def \Rey {\mathit {Re}}\varTheta (z,r) = A(r)\times \ln (z/L) + B(r)$ in the bulk of turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection (here $\varTheta $ is a scaled and time-averaged local temperature in the fluid, $ z$ is the vertical and $r$ the radial position, and $L$ is the sample height). Two samples had aspect ratios $\varGamma \equiv D/L = 1.00$ and 0.50 (where $D=190\ \mathrm{mm}$ is the diameter). The fluid was a fluorocarbon with a Prandtl number of $\mathit{Pr} = 12.3$. The measurements covered the Rayleigh-number range $2\times 10^{10} \lesssim \mathit{Ra} \lesssim 2\times 10^{11}$ for $\varGamma = 1.00$ and $3\times 10^{11} \lesssim \mathit{Ra} \lesssim 2\times 10^{12}$ for $\varGamma = 0.50$. In contradistinction to what had been found for $\varGamma = 0.50$ and $\mathit{Pr} = 0.78$ by Ahlers et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 109, 2012, art. 114501; J. Fluid Mech., 2014, in press), the measurements revealed no $\mathit{Ra}$ dependence of the amplitude $A(r)$ of the logarithmic term. Within the experimental resolution, the amplitude was also found to be independent of $\varGamma $. It varied with $r$ in a manner consistent with the function $A(\xi ) = A_1/\sqrt{2\xi - \xi ^2}$, where $\xi \equiv (R-r)/R$ with $R=D/2$ and $A_1 \simeq 0.0016$. The results for $A(r)$ are smaller than those obtained from experiments and direct numerical simulations (Ahlers et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 109, 2012, art. 114501) at similar values of $\mathit{Ra}$ for $\mathit{Pr} = 0.7$ and $\varGamma = \frac{1}{2}$ by a factor that depended slightly upon $\mathit{Ra}$ but was close to $2$.

Makowski, Michal, Paweł Piątek, and Mateusz Grynkiewicz. "Projection of holographic images in volumetric fluorescent fluids for near-eye displays." Photonics Letters of Poland 11, no. 4 (December 31, 2019): 99.

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The optical setup for holographic projection on the scatterings in fluorescent liquids is presented. Such media can be used as volumetric screens for near-eye holographic displays, solving the problem of speckle noise and very small exit pupils in existing setups. Three different oils (canola, olive and engine oil) with 532 nm laser and tonic water with 405 nm laser are used for projecting holographic fields, the quality of such images is investigated. The laser wavelength is cut out from acquisition on a camera and only filtered fluorescent light is observed. The best and brightest results are obtained with engine oil. Full Text: PDF ReferencesX. Li, C. P. Chen, H. Gao, et al. "Video-Rate Holographic Display Using Azo-Dye-Doped Liquid Crystal", Journal of display technology 10(6), 438-443 (2014). CrossRef X. Li, Z. Song, F. Li, X. Dong, W. Liu, "79‐3: Video‐rate Holographic Display in ZnSe layer‐assisted Quantum Dot Doped Liquid Crystal with High‐photorefractive Sensitivity", SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. Vol. 48. No. 1. 2017, CrossRef Sasaki, Takeo, et al. "Real-time dynamic hologram in photorefractive ferroelectric liquid crystal with two-beam coupling gain coefficient of over 800 cm–1 and response time of 8 ms", Applied Physics Letters 6(2) (2013) CrossRef N. Tsutsumi, K. Kinashi, A. Nomura, W. Sasaki, "Quickly Updatable Hologram Images Using Poly(N-vinyl Carbazole) (PVCz) Photorefractive Polymer Composite", Materials 5.8: 1477-1486 (2012) CrossRef M. Makowski, "Simple holographic projection in color", et al. Optics express 20.22: 25130-25136 (2012) CrossRef A. Yagi, M. Imura, Y, Kuroda, O. Oshiro, "360-degree fog projection interactive display", SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Emerging Technologies. ACM, (2011) CrossRef C.H. Hsu, K. L. Hua, W. H. Cheng. "Omni-Tube: a low-cost portable omnidirectional interactive 3D display", SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Posters. ACM, (2012) CrossRef Z. Zeng, H. Zheng, X. Lu, H. Gao, Y. Yu, "Dynamic holographic three-dimensional projection based on liquid crystal spatial light modulator and cylindrical fog screen", Opt Rev (2015) 22: 853 CrossRef I. Rakkolainen, "Feasible mid-air virtual reality with the immaterial projection screen technology", 3DTV-Conference, Tampere (2010) CrossRef S. Yanfeng, et al. "A multi-plane optical see-through holographic three-dimensional display for augmented reality applications", Optik 157: 190-196 (2018) CrossRef G. Li, D. Lee, Y. Jeong, J. Cho, B. Lee, "Holographic display for see-through augmented reality using mirror-lens holographic optical element", Opt. Lett. 41(11), 2486-2489 (2016) CrossRef C. L. Lin, Y. Z. Su, M. W. Hung, K. C. Huang "Augmented reality system", Proc. SPIE 7798, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII, 779826 (2010) CrossRef A. Maimone, A. Georgiou, J. S. Kollin, "Holographic near-eye displays for virtual and augmented reality", ACM Trans. Graph. 36, 4, 1-16 (2017) CrossRef M. Quinten, Optical properties of nanoparticle systems: Mie and beyond (John Wiley & Sons 2010). CrossRef J.-W. Liaw, S.-W. Tsai, H.-H. Lin, T.-C. Yen, B.-R. Chen, "Wavelength-dependent Faraday–Tyndall effect on laser-induced microbubble in gold colloid", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 113(17), 2234-2242 (2012), CrossRef T. Mu et al. "Classification of edible oils using 532 nm laser-induced fluorescence combined with support vector machine", Anal. Methods 5, 6960 (2013) CrossRef T. Mu et al. "Classification of Motor Oil Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Phosphorescence", Analytical Letters 49:8, 1233-1239 (2015) CrossRef V. Rostampour, M. J. Lynch, "Quantitative Techniques To Discriminate Petroleum Oils Using LED-induced Fluorescence", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 95, 265 262 (2006) CrossRef F. Wyrowski and O. Bryngdahl, "Iterative Fourier-transform algorithm applied to computer holography", Opt. Soc. Am. A 5(7), 1058-1065 (1988) CrossRef

Chabot, Dominique, Patrick Trépanier, and Renée Bazin. "The involvement of CD62L in the effect of IVIg on the cytotoxic activity of CD8 T cells. (P5031)." Journal of Immunology 190, no. 1_Supplement (May 1, 2013): 110.16.

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Abstract Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is used for the treatment of an increasing number of autoimmune disorders. In the past decades, its uses increased constantly, creating a potential risk of shortage. In order to further understand the mechanisms by which IVIg exerts immunomodulatory effects, our group previously demonstrated that IVIg inhibits the in vitro CD8 T cell activation. The CD8 T cell response is known to contribute to the progression of several autoimmune diseases. Our results showed that antigen-mediated CD8 T cells activation was reduced by more than 50% (proliferation, CD69 expression) in the presence of IVIg (Trépanier et al., Blood 2012). In addition, recent results showed a decreased lytic activity of CD8 T cells in the presence of IVIg. In this work, we used an in vitro cross-presentation assay with bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) from C57BL/6 mice and ovalbumin-specific CD8 T cells (OT-I) to study the mechanism by which IVIg affects cytotoxicity. Preliminary results suggest that IVIg prevents the shedding of CD62L/L-selectin from the surface of T cells. Shedding of CD62-L from the surface of cytotoxic T cells was recently shown to be linked to the acquisition of lytic activity. Therefore, the effect of IVIg observed on the expression of CD62L on the CD8 T cell surface may contribute to the decreased cytotoxicity of these cells. The elucidation of the mechanisms of immunomodulatory effects of IVIg could help to design a potent substitute.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "L 190 2012":


Dreyer, Sylvain. "L' engagement critique et la Révolution des autres textes et films, des années 60 aux années 80." Paris 7, 2007.

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Nous proposons dans ce travail de comparer les stratégies respectives de l'écriture et du cinéma qui apparaissent au sein d'œuvres qui portent sur les luttes révolutionnaires des années 60 aux années 80, essentiellement la révolution cubaine, la guerre du Vietnam et la résistance palestinienne. Notre corpus est constitué par ce que nous proposons d'appeler les « œuvres engagées critiques » : les textes de Genêt et les films de Godard, Varda et Marker. Nous abordons aussi des œuvres de fiction qui manifestent une pente documentaire, en particulier les films de Godard de la seconde moitié des années soixante et certaines pièces de Gatti. Nous évoquons également certains documents réalisés à des fins informatives ou militantes (articles, reportages, essais, films) qui revendiquent un regard subjectif (Henri Alleg, Pierre Guyotat, Michèle Ray), qui refusent le dogmatisme (Sartre) ou qui s'attachent à des aspects non directement politiques des pays visités (Madeleine Riffaud). Quelle est la spécificité des « œuvres engagées critiques » ? Celles-ci s'emparent d'un conflit (fonction de l'engagement) tout en incluant une dimension critique et artistique ; critique dans la mesure où elles s'interrogent sur les possibilités et les propriétés du discours idéologique, interrogation qui passe par l'examen des productions idéologiques des pays du tiers-monde, et artistique dans la mesure où elles manifestent une intention de renouvellement des représentations. Notre travail propose trois moments : les caractéristiques du témoignage critique, la rhétorique de la critique, et l'invention d'une poétique politique
We suggest in this work to compare the respective strategies of the writing and the cinema which appear within works concerning the revolutionary fights, from the 60s to the 80s, mostly the Cuban revolution, the war of Vietnam and the Palestinians resistance. Our corpus is composed by what we call the "critical commitment works": the texts of Jean Genet and the films of Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda and Chris Marker. We also approach works of fiction which show a documentary slope, in particular the films of Godard of the second half of the sixties and some theatre plays by Armand Gatti. We evoke also certain documents realized for informative or militant purpose (articles, reports, essays, films), which claim a subjective glance (Henri Alleg, Pierre Guyotat, Michèle Ray), which refuse the dogmatism (Sartre) or which emphasize aspects who are not directly political (Madeleine Riffaud). What is the specificity of the "critical commitment works" ? These seize a conflict or a war in a purpose of commitment, while including a critical and artistic dimension: critical as far as they question the possibilities and the properties of the ideological speech, by examining texts and movies of the fighting countries, and artistic as far as they show an intention of renewing the representations. Our work proposes three moments: the characteristics of the critical testimony, the rhetoric of criticism, and the invention of a political poetics

Farges, Géraldine. "Les identités enseignantes à l' épreuve du temps : les transformations intergénérationnelles d'un groupe social (1970-2010)." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010.

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Notre recherche interroge les identités culturelles de la population enseignante, c’est-à-dire le partage d’un même « genre de vie », ou d’un même « style de vie », ayant pour toile de fond le contexte de renouvellement des effectifs qui caractérise le début du XXIe siècle. A l’aide d’outils quantitatifs (en particulier l’Enquête Enseignants 2008, que nous avons construite intégralement dans le cadre de ces recherches, et l’Enquête sur les professeurs du secondaire conduite par Jean-Michel Chapoulie et Dominique Merllié) et qualitatifs, nous comparons les modes de vie d’enseignants du premier et du second degré d’âges distincts, ainsi que les représentations dont ces modes de vie font l’objet. Après avoir mis en exergue les transformations de ce que signifie « être enseignant » dans la société française entre le milieu du XXe et le début du XXIe siècle, nous vérifions l’hypothèse de transformations intergénérationnelles dans le style de vie des enseignants dans deux domaines, les pratiques culturelles ainsi que les comportements de conjugalité. En revanche, nous sommes en mesure d’établir que les différences de comportements entre générations ne font pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance aussi marquée dans les propos : la définition de soi comme enseignant est source de tensions entre expérience individuelle et expérience collective. Plus généralement, trois types d’ « expérience enseignante » peuvent être distingués (c’est-à-dire trois conceptions de ce que représente au quotidien le fait d’être enseignant), témoignant d’une volonté de distance par rapport au statut socioprofessionnel, mais supposant des ressorts contrastés
Our research put into question French teachers’ cultural identity. More precisely, our point is to consider to what extent different generations of French teachers (primary and secondary-education) share the same “way of life”, in a context of demographic change at the beginning of the XXIst century. Our research program consists in a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in order to analyze teachers’ ways of life and the judgments they formulate about them. In particular, we compare data from the survey realized in 1970 by Jean-Michel Chapoulie and Dominique Merllié with new data provided by a survey carried out in 2008 during our doctoral research. Moreover sixty teachers of all ages have been interviewed in order to understand more deeply their behaviors. We first present demographic and social changes of the teaching population within French society from the middle of the XXth to the beginning of the XXIst century. Second, we verify the hypothesis of generational changes within teachers’ way of life, considering their cultural practices and matrimonial behaviors. However, we show that these generational differences are not as clearly identified and accepted by teachers themselves. Individuals are strained between a personal and a collective definition of their identity. Thus, we distinguish three conceptions of what “being a teacher” means for the interviewees that we met. Even though these conceptions come from different processes, they demonstrate a common will for symbolic distance towards teachers’ socioprofessional status

Verona, Francesco. "Forme della citazione del melodramma operistico nel cinema italiano: 1960-2015." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2016.

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The relationship between opera and cinema has affected the seventh art since its very outset, pointing out some of its most relevant episodes. This dissertation deals with such deep dialogue focusing on opera’s quotations in Italian cinema within a timeframe running from 1960 to 2015. A broad and thorough combing through Italian films of the last fifty years has resulted into a significant corpus of about 200 movies in which opera, in its many different occurrences, substantiates the film narrative. Such a survey has included both authors notoriously attentive and sensitive to the relationship between cinema and opera (Luchino Visconti, Bernardo Bertolucci, the Taviani Brothers, Marco Bellocchio) and less studied directors whose work is nevertheless interwoven with significant episodes of the operatic repertoire and thus brings to light the widespread dissemination of melodrama within Italian cinema. Starting from a theoretical definition of the figure of the quotation and of its placement within discourse studies and intertextuality studies (Michail Bachtin, Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes, Antoine Compagnon), the first part of the dissertation is devoted to a critical analysis of the corpus which highlights multiple patterns of opera’s quotation and the manifold implications and layering of meaning that they generate within the filmic text. The vast literature about film music has been considered in the survey – with a particular concern for Sergio Miceli’s writings, which provided some of the basic categories underpinning this research – as well as the theoretical contributions about the intersections between cinema and opera, which have become increasingly widespread especially, but not exclusively, in the Anglo-Saxon literature in the last decades. The second part of the dissertation is entirely dedicated to individual film-makers who made plentiful and totally original use of melodrama in their filmic production. The work of Bernardo Bertoucci is examined in the first place as well as its ambivalent relationship with opera tradition. Marco Bellocchio’s movies are then analysed as the most interesting case-study in the last fifty years for the way the director constantly renovated and rethought his own relationship with melodrama, always attaining original outcomes from an expressive point of view. The last chapter is focused on contemporary cinema and deals with an extreme case-study, Mario Martone’s full-length film Noi credevamo, whose soundtrack is entirely made up of quotations from XIX century opera repertoire.
Il rapporto tra il teatro d’opera e il cinema italiano ha, fin dagli albori, attraversato la settima arte, scandendone alcuni momenti di primaria importanza. Il presente lavoro di ricerca è dedicato a una parte di questo fitto scambio e si focalizza sulle citazioni del melodramma operistico all’interno della cinematografia nazionale in un arco cronologico circoscritto tra il 1960 e il 2015. Attraverso un vasto lavoro di setaccio è stato possibile costruire un imponente corpus – circa 200 pellicole – portando così alla luce numerosi episodi in cui il teatro d’opera, in forme diverse, entra a far parte del racconto filmico; la ricognizione ha tenuto conto sia di registi notoriamente più attenti e sensibili al rapporto con il melodramma (Luchino Visconti, Bernardo Bertolucci, i fratelli Taviani, Marco Bellocchio), sia di registi meno indagati e che al contempo hanno profuso nelle loro pellicole momenti significativi di pagine del repertorio lirico, facendo così emergere la capillare diffusione del teatro musicale nel panorama cinematografico italiano. Dopo aver fornito un quadro teorico sulla figura della citazione attestandola all’interno degli studi sul dialogismo e sull’intertestualità (Michail Bachtin, Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes, Antoine Compagnon), la prima sezione del lavoro, è votata alla discussione del corpus, mettendo in risalto le diverse forme in cui si manifesta la citazione operistica, al fine di evidenziare le differenti implicazioni e le stratificazioni di significato che essa apporta al testo filmico. L’indagine ha tenuto conto dell’ampia letteratura sulla musica per film – in particolar modo gli studi di Sergio Miceli da cui sono state mutuate alcune categorie alla base della ricerca – e dei contributi teorici sulle intersezioni tra cinema e melodramma, che negli ultimi decenni hanno trovato sempre più ampia diffusione specialmente nel mondo anglosassone, ma non solo. La seconda parte della tesi è invece interamente dedicata a singoli cineasti che nella loro produzione filmica hanno più volte, e in modo del tutto originale, fatto ricorso al teatro d’opera. Dapprima viene presa in esame la filmografia di Bernardo Bertolucci e il suo ambivalente rapporto con la tradizione, per poi passare in rassegna le pellicole di Marco Bellocchio, che rappresenta l’esempio più interessante degli ultimi cinquant’anni per come ha saputo rinnovare e ripensare costantemente il proprio rapporto con il melodramma, ricercando soluzioni espressive mai uguali a loro stesse. Il capitolo conclusivo si focalizza invece sul cinema contemporaneo, analizzando il “caso limite” di Mario Martone, segnatamente il suo lungometraggio Noi credevamo, la cui colonna sonora è interamente composta di citazioni tratte dal repertorio operistico ottocentesco.

FOSSATI, MARTA. "WHEN AESTHETICS MEETS ETHICS: THE SOUTH AFRICAN SHORT STORY IN ENGLISH, 1920-2010." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2022.

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This thesis explores the development of the short-story genre in English in South Africa from the late 1920s to the present day. I intend to close read a corpus of short stories by eight South African writers (Rolfes and Herbert Dhlomo, Peter Abrahams, Can Themba, Alex La Guma, Mtutuzeli Matshoba, Ahmed Essop, and Zoë Wicomb) with particular focus on the dialogue between ethics and aesthetics performed by these texts vis-à-vis the evolution of South Africa’s socio-political situation (before, during, and after apartheid). Often considered a minor genre, the short story actually thrives in post-colonial contexts, like South Africa, where the writing and publishing conditions available to writers can be under a set of material constraints; the brevity of the short story, however, allows for swifter conditions of production and circulation than the ones required by the novel. Consequently, my analysis also focuses on the various publishing venues of these short stories, in particular local newspapers and little magazines, considered as pivotal spaces for the intersection between ethics and aesthetics, which often results in a cross-fertilization between journalism and the short story. Negotiating the different tensions of literature, politics, journalism, and commercial interests, the shifting contexts and editorial policies of newspapers and magazines represent particularly interesting case studies from which the unstable nature of the definition of the ‘literary’ emerges, which is never detached from a political dimension. This study also seeks to expose the fictional and ideological nature of the ‘poetics of authenticity’ that frequently characterises the selected short stories, which display (and often play with) the conventions of realism to achieve a certain patina of authenticity. The poetics (and politics) of authenticity is, I believe, the most significant feature of the interdependence of ethics and aesthetics in the South African short stories in English analysed in this thesis. Between the late 1920s and the early 1980s – that is, before and during apartheid – claims to authenticity mark, albeit in different ways and through different fictional strategies, the selected short stories. This reflectionist trend, which is always a literary construct, responds to the ethical imperative of documenting the lives of the Black population under a segregationist regime, but it is also influenced by the available publishing venues (newspapers and magazines). As the South African short story in English progresses in its post-apartheid phase, essentialist, fixed notions such as ‘authenticity’ are exposed as a fictional construct by authors such as Zoë Wicomb. Ultimately, this study aims to foreground the impossibility of separating the literary (both the text and its materiality) from the political.

Jagielski, Mariusz. "L'ÉGLISE DANS LE TEMPS L'«Actualisation» comme clé d'interprétation de l'ecclésiologie d'Yves Congar." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011.

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Scherer, Marie-Catherine. "L' individu et le Nous dans le cinéma cubain (ICAIC 1960-2002) : mise en dialogue des discours fictionnels, personnels et officiels." Paris, EHESS, 2013.

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Cette recherche émet le postulat que les expressions cinématographiques et plus particulièrement les films de fiction constituent un terrain de recherche de grand intérêt car permettant de découvrir et d'analyser des aspects de l'imaginaire véhiculé au sujet de la société, de son histoire et de la vie au quotidien. Dans le contexte cubain, la question de la représentation dynamique de la relation entre l'individu et le "Nous" (l'entité collective de référence) s'est révélée cruciale. Selon l'idéologie révolutionnaire, tout individu était appelé à s'engager activement pour la construction d'une société nouvelle qui offrirait enfin à tous la possibilité de s'épanouir individuellement et collectivement. Cependant, les profonds bouleversements internationaux au début des années 1990, entraînant une crise socio-économique sans égal, ont modifié le rapport de l'individu à la société environnante. Grâce à l'analyse d'une quarantaine de films de fiction et de leur mise en dialogue avec les divers dicours personnels, officiels et théoriques, cette recherche pose la question de savoir de quelle façon cette relation entre l'individu et le Nous a été représentée à partir des années 1960 et particulièrement depuis les années 1990. Sur quelles références - idéologiques, culturelles, affectives - le sentiment d'appartenir à un Nous doit-il et peut-il s'appuyer afin de continuer à faire sens ? Comment le Nous est-il imaginé afin de répondre à le revendication actuelle d'inclure d'une façon égalitaire la diversité des individus?
This research postulates that cinematographic expression, and especially fiction films, constitutes a highly interesting field of research, since it allows for discovery and analysis of aspects of the imagination regarding the society, its history and the daily life of its people. Regarding the cuban context, the question of the dynamic representation of the relationship between the individual and the "We" (the collectif entity of reference) appears to be crucial. According to revolutionary ideology, each individual was called upon to engage actively in the construction of a new society that would finally give everyone the opportunity to be fulfilled both individually and collectively. However, the profund national and international changes occuring at the beginning of the 1990s, generating a social and economic crisis that had never seen before, modified the individual's relationship with the surrounding society. Through the analysis of over forty fiction films and their connection with various personal, official and theoretical discourses, this survey examines how the relationship between the individual and the We has been represented since the 1960s and especially since the 1990s. What references - ideological, cultural, affective - can and must the sense of belonging to the We rely on in order to continue making sense? How is the We being imagined so as to answer today's demand to include, in an egalitarian way, the diversity of individuals?

Şahin, Gerçek. "L' adhésion de la Turquie à l'Union européenne : enjeux et perspectives." Montpellier 1, 2009.

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Esteves, Dos Santos Maria Emanuela. "La multiplicité comme théorie de la communication dans la philosophie de Michel Serres et ses contributions pour la pensée en éducation." Rouen, 2016.

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Cette thèse cherche à démontrer de quelle façon la philosophie de Michel Serres se constitue-t-elle en approche substantive des multiplicités, à partir d’une théorie de la communication. On considère que cette approche des multiplicités en tant que théorie de la communication pourra contribuer pour qu’on pense un projet de philosophie de l’éducation comme ‘a’ fondement de l’éducation. Il s’agit d’’a’ fondement de l’éducation car cette philosophie met en tension les paires classiques sujet-objet et connaissance-action, en les ôtant de la position de catégories de la totalité. Un tel projet de philosophie de l’éducation, croit-on, aurait une meilleure consonance avec les défis contemporains de l’éducation que la philosophie de Michel Serres reconnaît dans ce qu’il nomme la génération Petite Poucette et qui font confronter les orientations traditionnelles de l’éducation à un besoin toujours plus présent d’une éducation comme relation dans la différence. Pour ce faire, la thèse présente cinq chapitres dans lesquels on cherchera à faire, d’abord, une présentation de la vie et l’œuvre de Michel Serres. On passera après à l’établissement des concepts d’une philosophie des multiplicités en tant que théorie de l’immanence avec laquelle, à notre sens, la philosophie de Serres dialogue. Finalement, dans les quatrième et cinquième chapitres, on cherchera à dresser la cartographie de la philosophie des multiplicités de Serres, en tant que théorie de la communication et on essayera de montrer la façon par laquelle cette théorie de la communication peut-elle contribuer pour l’élaboration d’un projet de philosophie de l’éducation comme ‘a’ fondement de l’éducation
This thesis seeks to demonstrate how Michel Serres’s philosophy constitutes a substantive approach to multiplicities as a communication theory. We consider that this communication theory approach to multiplicities could contribute to thinking of a philosophy of education project that fosters an ungrounding (effondrement) of education. It is an ungrounding of education since that philosophy tensions the classic subject-object and knowledge-action pairs, removing them from the position of categories of totality. Such a project would, in turn, be in better consonance with the contemporary education challenges that Serres’s philosophy sees in what he terms the Thumbelina generation and that make the traditional educational directives confront the need for education as a relation in difference. To do so, this thesis is divided into five chapters. The first one is a presentation of Serres’s life and works. Afterwards, it addressed the concepts of a philosophy of multiplicities as a theory of immanence, with which Serres’s philosophy is thought to have a connection. Lastly, the fourth and fifth chapters endeavor to map Serres’s philosophy of multiplicities as a communication theory and to envisage how it could contribute to thinking of a philosophy of education project that ungrounds education
Esta tese busca demonstrar de que forma a filosofia de Michel Serres se constitui como abordagem substantiva das multiplicidades a partir de uma teoria da comunicação. Considera-se que essa abordagem das multiplicidades como teoria da comunicação possa contribuir para se pensar um projeto de filosofia da educação como ‘a’fundamento da educação. Trata-se de ‘a’fundamento da educação, visto que essa filosofia tensiona sobre os clássicos pares sujeito-objeto e conhecimento-ação, retirando-os da posição de categorias de totalidade. Tal projeto de filosofia da educação, por sua vez, estaria em melhor consonância aos desafios contemporâneos da educação que a filosofia de Michel Serres reconhece naquilo que denomina população Polegarzinha e que fazem as diretrizes tradicionais da educação confrontarem-se com a necessidade cada vez mais presente de uma educação como relação na diferença. Para tanto, a tese apresenta cinco capítulos nos quais se busca: primeiramente, uma apresentação da vida e obra de Michel Serres a partir, sobretudo, da presença recorrente de personagens no conjunto de sua obra; posteriormente, o estabelecimento dos conceitos de uma filosofia das multiplicidades como teoria da imanência, com a qual, considera-se, a filosofia de Serres dialogue. Nesse sentido, no segundo e terceiro capítulos, estabelecem-se os direcionamentos conceituais dos quais tratam esta tese e que passam pela leitura respectiva de Deleuze e de Serres sobre a filosofia de Leibniz, demonstrando as possibilidades e as limitações desse clássico na abordagem das multiplicidades em princípio. Por fim, no quarto e quinto capítulos, busca-se cartografar a filosofia das multiplicidades de Serres, como teoria da comunicação, e de que forma essa teoria da comunicação pode contribuir para se pensar um projeto de filosofia da educação como ‘a’fundamento da educação

Laurent, Benoit. "L' évacuation de 1939-1940 pour les départements du Bas-Rhin, du Haut-Rhin et de la Moselle : Etude juridique, économique et sociale." Strasbourg, 2011.

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L’évacuation de 1939-40 en Alsace-Moselle (Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin et Moselle), avec près de 700. 000 personnes déplacées, est l’une des pages les plus méconnues de l’histoire moderne. Le sujet traite à la fois de l’évacuation, du séjour dans les départements de correspondance du Sud-ouest et du retour. Le concept d’évacuation est tout d’abord défini avant d’aborder le contexte politique de l’époque et les préparatifs de l’opération. Dans une première partie sont traitées les conditions du déroulement de l’évènement avec des témoignages de diverses sources. Certains aspects sombres (pillages et conditions médiocres d’hébergement) sont mis en avant. Conséquence de l’évacuation, l’administration départementale et l’administration communale sont profondément remaniées Dans une deuxième partie, sont traitées les conséquences économiques et sociales de l’évacuation. L’Armistice de 1940, signé par la France avec l’Allemagne, sonne le retour de la grande majorité des évacués dans leur région d’origine. Pour le retour, l’administration allemande opère un filtrage sévère et efface toute trace de la présence française. Sont ensuite abordées les indemnités et secours perçus par les évacués, ainsi que le règlement des réquisitions civiles et militaires. Ne cherchant pas à porter un jugement sur le bien-fondé de l’évacuation, cet ouvrage, à l’aide de nombreux documents d’archives, démontre les incohérences d’une opération, en théorie parfaite. A cela trois raisons principales: le manque de moyens matériels, le manque de cohésion entre les autorités civiles et militaires et surtout l’absence d’information préalable des populations concernées
The evacuation of Alsace-Moselle (Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle) in 1939-40, with about 700. 000 displaced persons, is one of the most underestimated chapters in modern history. This thesis deals with the evacuation and temporary habitation of the displaced population in the Southwest and with its return. The concept of evacuation is defined first and foremost before approaching the political context at the time and the preparations for the operation. The first part of this paper discusses the conditions in which the evacuation and settlement unfolded, drawing on testimonies from diverse sources. As a result of the evacuation, the departmental and communal administrations were significantly reshaped. In the second part, the paper deals with the economic and social consequences of the event. The Armistice of 1940 signed by France and Germany signalled the return of a great majority of the evacuees to their region of origin. The German administration also imposed conditions of return, using a harsh filtering process. Moreover, the Germans erased all traces of French presence. The thesis then approaches the issue of compensation, assistance perceived by the evacuees, as well as the payment of requisitions ordered by civil and military authorities. This paper is not concerned with judging the legitimacy of the evacuation. Rather, with the aid of numerous archival documents, it demonstrates the incoherence of an operation which, in theory, appeared flawless. Three main reasons can be attributed for this: the lack of material means, the lack of cohesion between civil and military authorities and, in particular, the lack of preliminary information to the concerned population

Gharbi, Moufida. "L' impact du commerce extérieur sur l'économie tunisienne." Paris, EHESS, 2013.

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Cette étude tentera, en utilisant des ressources littéraires existantes et quelques notions économétriques, d'expliquer de façon plus significative les effets du commerce extérieur sur la croissance économique dans un pays spécifique (la Tunisie). Pour essayer d'apporter quelques éléments de réponse à cette question, la présente étude s'intéresse à la nature du lien de causalité entre le commerce et la croissance. L'étude aborde néanmoins dans un premier temps, la question de simultanéité de variation entre commerce et croissance, dans un second temps, la situation de l'ensemble des principaux déterminants dû commerce extérieur tunisien et dans un dernier temps, l'étude des effets des échanges extérieurs sur les performances économiques et le bien-être en Tunisie. Le premier chapitre évoquera la délimitation des concepts à étudier (définition, motivations, rôles, règles,. . . Des échanges extérieurs) et la présentation des instruments usités dans leur analyse. Le second chapitre montrera les atouts dont dispose la Tunisie pour amplifier ses échanges. Ainsi, les politiques commerciales mises en place sont passées en revue, de même que les infrastructures de qualité, les ressources humaines qualifiées et le climat d'investissement attirant. Le troisième chapitre proposera une analyse descriptive de l'évolution et des structures des échanges extérieurs tunisiens (physionomie, changements dans le temps, caractéristiques) entre 1961 et 2011. Vu l'endogénéité des atouts du pays et l'évolution de ses échanges extérieurs (constats de deux chapitres précédents), le but du quatrième chapitre sera d'identifier les principaux déterminants du commerce extérieur tunisien entre 1967 et 2011 à l'aide d'un modèle dynamique gravitationnel "enrichi" en séries chronologiques estimé par la méthode des variables instrumentales (VI). .
This work tries, using existing literary resources and some econometric concepts, to explain more significantly the effects of trade on economic growth in a specific country (Tunisia). To provide some answers to this question, we focused on the nature of the causal link between trade and growth. Nevertheless, the study addresses in the first instance, the question of a simultaneous variation between trade and growth, in a second stage, the situation of the major determinants of the Tunisian trade and one last time, we study the effects of foreign trade on economic performance and the welfare in Tunisia. The first chapter discusses the delimitation of the different concepts that will be studied (definitions, motivations, roles, rules. . . Foreign trade) and the presentation of the commonly used instruments analysis. The second chapter presents the available advantages of Tunisia to boost its trade. Therefore, trade policies implemented are reviewed, as well as high-quality infrastructure, human capital skills, the attractiveness and the investment climate. The third chapter provides a descriptive analysis of the evolution and structure of Tunisian foreign trade (physiognomy changes over time, characteristics) between 1961 and 2011. Given the endogeneity of the advantages of the country and the evolution of its foreign trade (findings of two previous chapters), the purpose of the fourth chapter is to identify the main determinants of the Tunisian foreign trade between 1967 and 2011 using a gravitational dynarnic model "enriched" estimated by the method of instrumental variables time series (IV). .

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Between late 2018 and early 2020, in a short period of time, two events converged in the Basque literary system, that brought women writers from the periphery to the centre. Firstly, the Euskadi Award of Literature, the most renowned award of the Basque literary system, drew attention to the work of women writers. In 2018, Eider Rodríguez (1977) won the award with her book of short stories Bihotz handiegia. In 2019, Irati Elorrieta (1979) was the winner with her novel Neguko argiak / Luces de invierno. Moreover, the 2020 Award went for Karmele Jaio (1970) and her novel Aitaren etxea. At the same time the aforementioned process was happening, a phenomenon of globalisation and translation of those works, and other works by women writers, was taking place. The translation into Spanish of those works was well received by readers and the book reviewers in magazines and newspapers. Katixa Agirre (1981) published in Spanish her work Las madres in 2019, and has been very well received, with the publication of five editions. In the same year Un corazón demasiado grande by Eider Rodriguez was published, which included a perspective on her work, and in 2020 La casa del padre by Karmele Jaio was brought to light. In addition, children’s poetry by Leire Bilbao won the Award of the Booksellers Association. This volume, conceived and written in 2020, analyses the narrative and sociological keys of the works of the four aforementioned writers. We have added an investigation on the work of Maixa Zugasti L. A. A., because of the treatment of gender violence, and two interviews with Eider Rodriguez and Karmele Jaio that give an inside view into their work.

Jeremić, Vuka. Literatura o Tolstoju i Dostojevskom u fondu Univerzitetske biblioteke: Katalog izložbe povodom 100 godina od smrti L. N. Tolstoja i 130 godina od smrti F. M. Dostojevskog : decembar 2010-januar 2011. Beograd: Filološki fakultet, 2010.

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Bellagamba, Gianni. Il nuovo codice della strada: Aggiornato alla legge sulla sicurezza stradale, L. 29 luglio 2010, n. 120 : commento per articolo con la giurisprudenza ... 7th ed. Milano: Giuffrè, 2010.

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Seminario L'agricoltura padovana tra arretratezza, meccanizzazione e innovazione , 1866-1904 (2002 Legnaro, Italy). L' agricoltura padovana tra arretratezza, meccanizzazione e innovazione, 1866-1904: Atti del Seminario aperto a studenti, docenti, operatori economici : Università degli studi, Agripolis, 6 dicembre 2002. Saonara (Pd) [i.e. Padua, Italy]: Il prato, 2005.

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Farred, Grant. What's my name?: Black vernacular intellectuals. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.

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Sobhi, Boustani, Saquer-Sabin Françoise, and Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III.. Conseil scientifique, eds. Nationalisme juif et environnement arabe, 1904-1917: [actes du colloque tenu à la Maison de la recherche de l'] Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3, 6-7 mai 2002. Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2005.

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Lamberti, Edward. Performing Ethics Through Film Style. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.

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Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy has had a significant influence on film theory in recent years. This book proposes a relationship between Levinasian ethics and film style. It argues that films can convey Levinasian ethics not just through their subject matter but also through their use of style. The book brings this relationship between ethics and style into a productive dialogue with theories of performativity, such as J. L. Austin’s speech-act theory, Jacques Derrida’s notion of originary performativity and Judith Butler’s reconfiguration of performativity within the socio-political sphere. It explores Levinas’s influence on film through the study of three directorial bodies of work: those of the Dardenne brothers, Barbet Schroeder and Paul Schrader. The book focuses on a range of films, including the Dardennes’ Je Pense à Vous (1992), La Promesse (1996), Le Fils (2002) and The Kid with a Bike (2011), Schroeder’s Maîtresse (1975), Reversal of Fortune (1990), Terror’s Advocate (2007) and Our Lady of the Assassins (2000) and Schrader’s American Gigolo (1980), Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985), The Comfort of Strangers (1990), Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) and Adam Resurrected (2008). In doing so, it demonstrates how films can perform a Levinasian ethics through different styles.

Book chapters on the topic "L 190 2012":


Sieker, Susanne. "L. Missbrauchsabwehr." In 100 Jahre Steuerrechtsprechung in Deutschland 1918-2018, edited by Klaus-Dieter Drüen, Johanna Hey, and Rudolf Mellinghoff, 385–98. Köln: Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, 2018.

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Rawat, Shweta, and Sanjay Kumar. "The Feasibility Study of Green Microalgae Assisted Coal Mine Effluent Desalination." In Proceedings of the Conference BioSangam 2022: Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (BIOSANGAM 2022), 255–67. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2022.

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AbstractCarbon-neutral sustainable approaches are highly demanding in the coal energy sector. Coal mine effluent disposal is a severe challenge with crucial concern issues of salinity hazard and heavy metal contamination due to long-duration water and coal interaction. The medium to the high salinity of coal mine effluent leads towards irrigation unsuitability due to the negative impact upon infiltration and permeability of nutrients from the soil to plant. Focusing on the international irrigation water quality standards given by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, most coal mine effluents are considered negatively impacting crops, soil fertility, groundwater, and aquatic life. Therefore, the current study investigates the direct cultivation suitability of Chlorella pyrenoidosa to simultaneously treat coal mine effluent for salinity removal and biomass production. Initially, C. pyrenoidosa culture adaptation in varying concentrations of coal mine effluents (25%–100%) in coal mine effluent, which are collected from two different points of coal mine named as coal mine effluent 1 (CME1) and coal mine effluent 2 (CME2). Evaluating C. pyrenoidosa growth kinetics, it was observed that the doubling time extended from 2.25 days (100% BG-11 as a medium; control) to 4.33 days (100% CME as a medium). Interestingly, the highest value for biomass production was 1.78 ± 0.12 g/ L with 25% CME 1 supplemented with essential growth nutrients; this value lies near 100% BG11 supplemented growth, 1.81 ± 0.05 g/L. In the current study, taking salinity removal as a prime concern, 100% utilization of CME-2 in place of BG-11 medium was very significant for salinity reduction from 4.80 ± 0.50 mS/cm (initial) to 0.98 ± 0.02 mS/cm (final) during 14 days batch growth. In continuation of that, the significant finding was salinity reduction of both samples (50% and 75% sample) to the level of 0.7 mS/ cm, which lies under the FAO guidelines for irrigation. Present findings also revealed an alternative to conventional processes, i.e., thermal and membrane desalination. Microalgae-assisted desalination is a novel, energy-efficient, eco-sustainable, cost-effective, and long-term operational approach. It has good potential to treat medium to sub-optimal salinity of coal mine effluent coupled with high-value biomass production.

Subklewe, Marion, and Reuben Benjamin. "Management of Myelotoxicity (Aplasia) and Infectious Complications." In The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook, 151–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractHaematologic toxicity is the most common adverse event after CAR-T cell therapy, with a cumulative 1-year incidence of 58% (CTCAE grade ≥ 3) in the real-world setting (Wudhikarn et al., Blood Advances 2020). It is characterized by a biphasic temporal course and is often prolonged (Fried et al., Bone Marrow Transplant 2019, Rejeski et al., Blood et al. 2021a, b, Fig. 29.1). In a report of Axi-Cel-treated patients, only 30% demonstrated a neutrophil count >1 × 109/L and 50% showed a platelet count >50 × 109/L at 30 days following CAR-T cell treatment (Jain et al., Blood Advances 2020). In a long-term follow-up study of patients with ongoing CR and an absence of MDS, 16% of patients experienced prolonged significant cytopenias that lasted up to 22 months after CAR-T cell treatment (Cordeiro et al., Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2020). These findings highlight that cytopenia can present long after lymphodepletion and the resolution of acute CRS. Risk factors include severe CRS/ICANS, cytopenia prior to initiation of lymphodepleting chemotherapy, and prior allogeneic stem cell transplantation (Jain et al., Blood Advances 2020, Fried et al., BMT, 2019). Importantly, cytopenia predisposes patients to severe infectious complications, which are the most frequent cause of non-relapse mortality (Nastoupil et al., JCO 2020).

Gadgil, Ashok J., Susan Amrose, and Dana Hernandez. "Stopping Arsenic Poisoning in India." In Introduction to Development Engineering, 359–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractIn the 1980s, most households of rural India and Bangladesh switched from surface sources for their drinking water – which was causing high incidence of diarrheal disease – to groundwater extracted by hand pumps. However, for tens of millions of people, this groundwater contained high levels of arsenic, which has led to what the WHO has called the “largest mass poisoning of a population in history.” This case study describes the development of ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR), which is a technology that uses iron electrodes to oxidize and remove aqueous arsenic from drinking water. Pilot evaluation of ECAR began in 2011, with a 100 L reactor at a school in Amirabad. However, political tensions in Amirabad caused the subsequent 600 L reactor pilot to be relocated to a school in Dhapdhapi. The findings from this pilot enabled the construction of a 10,000-liter per day (LPD) ECAR plant at Dhapdhapi. During this scaling up process, technical and contextual challenges were encountered and overcome, including those arising from intermittent power supply and a hot/humid climate. Additionally, implementation challenges included training of local operators, ensuring continuity of knowledge within the team, revisiting and correcting early mistakes, and additional engineering work needed during commissioning. The 10,000 LPD plant has been successful both technically and financially. However, after the handoff of the ECAR technology and plant to the local partner, Livpure in 2016, no widespread replication of ECAR plants in the region has occurred. The engineering science behind ECAR continues to be an active area of research, with ongoing projects investigating the implementation of next-generation ECAR technologies in rural California and the Philippines.

Jegadeesan, Souframanien, and Kandali Sreenivasulu Reddy. "Radiation-induced mutations in genetic enhancement and development of new crop varieties in black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)." In Mutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change, 303–11. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), popularly known as urdbean or mash or black gram, is a grain legume rich in protein (25-28%), widely cultivated in the Indian subcontinent and to a lesser extent in Thailand, Australia and other Asian and South Pacific countries. Genetic improvement in this crop is hindered due to the narrow genetic base. As genetic variability is a prerequisite for any crop improvement programme, induced mutations provide an important source for generating variability. Radiation (gamma, X-rays and neutron) induced mutants were identified for various morphological and biochemical traits, creating a pool of genetic variability. These mutants were used in a cross-breeding programme to develop high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties in black gram. The effective blend of mutation and recombination breeding at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has resulted in the release of five black gram varieties (TAU-1, TAU-2, TPU-4, TU94-2 and TU-40) by incorporating desirable traits like large seed, wider adaptability, resistance to disease and improved quality. These varieties have been developed from mutants directly or by using them in cross-breeding programmes. For example, a black gram variety, N0.55, was irradiated with gamma-rays and electron beams to obtain a large number of mutants. The large-seed mutants, UM-196 and UM-201, were used in cross-breeding with the elite cultivar T-9 for developing the high-yielding varieties TAU-1, TAU-2, TPU-4, TU94-2 and TU-40. TAU-1 has become the most popular variety in Maharashtra state, occupying the maximum area under black gram cultivation. Induced mutations will continue to play an increasing role in generating genetic variability for various traits as a major component of environmentally sustainable agriculture.

Frühstückl, Robert. "Review:Johannes Feichtinger/Franz L. Fillafer/Jan Surman (Eds.), The Worlds of Positivism. A Global Intellectual History, 1770–1930. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 367 pp., ISBN: 978-3-319-65761-5." In Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, 263–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Fares, Kaboudi. "Gorkyʼs Ideological and Literary Relationship with Sholom-Aleichem (Based on Correspondence)." In Maxim Gorky and World Culture: A Collection of Scientific Articles (Materials of the Gorky Readings 2018 “World Value of M. Gorky (on the 150th Anniversary of the Birth)”, 320–27. A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022.

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The article is devoted to poorly studied relationships of Maxim Gorky and the Russian-Jewish writer Sholom Aleichem (Solomon Rabinovich) belonging to the democratic intellectuals grouped around Gorky publishing house “Znaniye”. Sholom Aleichem who became known in Russia under this pseudonym as the author of short stories since 1901, he knew the Russian culture well and was inspired by its democratic ideals, and his first works have been written in Russian. In 1901 the writer worked on the translating works of Moyer-Sforim into Russian for the anthology initiated by Gorky. In 1903 Sholom Aleichem has addressed L. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky with the proposal to take part in the collection works to help the victims of the Chisinau disorder of 1903. The best Russian writers and publicists issued an energetic protest against atrocity of thugs. The collection appeared under the name “Help”. Gorky and Sholom Aleichem’s acquaintance took place in 1904, the impression of acquaintance with Gorky was enormous. In 1909, the Moscow publishing house “Contemporary Problems” began to publish a collection of works by Sholom Aleichem in Russian, received by criticism very warmly. In 1910, Gorky welcomed the Jewish writer with the well-known letter of April 21, 1910 in which the talent of Sholom Aleichem was voiced. Gorky kept this attachment and good memory to the end of his days. He mentioned Sholom Aleichem at the First Congress of the Soviet writers, calling him exceptionally talented satirist and the humorist.

Kołakowski, Andrzej. "TADEUSZ PŁUŻAŃSKI 1920–2002." In Portrety Uczonych. Profesorowie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego po 1945, L−R. Warsaw University Press, 2016.

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FLOOD, JOHN L. "Arthur Thomas Hatto 1910–2010." In Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 172, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, X. British Academy, 2011.

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Arthur Hatto was an outstanding scholar of German studies at the University of London who formulated a theory of epic heroic poetry. He was recruited to work in the cryptographic bureau at the Foreign Office in February 1939 and afterwards worked at Bletchley Park. Later, in order to study epic poetry, Hatto taught himself Russian and Kirghiz. He was elected as a Senior Fellow of the British Academy in 1991. Obituary by John L. Flood.

Buell, D. Matthew, and John C. McEnroe. "Community Building/Building Community at Gournia." In Minoan Architecture and Urbanism. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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For more than a century Gournia has been one of the key sites for understanding Minoan urbanism. Excavations by Harriet Boyd Hawes (1901–4), Jeffrey Soles and Costis Davaras (1971, 1972, and 1979), an intensive archaeology survey by Costis Davaras and L. Vance Watrous (1992–4), cleaning operations by Watrous near the shore (2008 and 2009), and the current Gournia Excavation Project (hereafter GEP) also directed by Watrous (2010–present) have resulted in one of the most extensively explored Bronze Age towns in the Eastern Mediterranean (Hall 1912; Boyd Hawes et al. 1908; Watrous et al. 2012; Watrous et al. 2015). By the end of the Neopalatial period the excavated section of the town covered some 1.68 ha, consisting of a number of interdependent components, including approximately sixty-four houses, a small palace, harbour facilities, a 500 m2 plateia, and a cobblestone street system with a total length of more than half a kilometre (Gomrée 2013: 850). When we began our work with the GEP we assumed that we would simply add the new excavations to the existing plan by Boyd. However, we quickly discovered it was not possible to make the old plan fit with our new survey points. Moreover as we looked more closely at the old plan we discovered a number of other problems. We noticed that walls, rooms, and even entire buildings had been omitted. In addition, the straight lines of the earlier plan had the effect of regularizing the architecture and masked the chronological complexity of the site. We decided, therefore, to make a new GIS-based plan of the entire site. When combined with excavation data, our new architectural analysis provides a rich dataset, which is useful for both interisland and cross-cultural comparisons of urban development and change. This dataset also provides us with the opportunity to examine how the various components of the town interacted from the time of its foundation in the Early Minoan period through to its final use in the Late Minoan III period.

Conference papers on the topic "L 190 2012":


Velzing, Evert-Jan, Annemiek Van der Meijden, Kitty Vreeswijk, and Ruben Vrijhoef. "Circularity in value chains for building materials." In CARPE Conference 2019: Horizon Europe and beyond. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2019.

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AbstractThe urgency for developing a circular economy is growing, and more and more companies and organisations are concerned with the importance of adapting their business to fit a changing economy. However, many analyses on the circular economy are still rather abstract and there is a lack of understanding about what circularity would mean for specific industries. This insufficient insight especially seems to be apparent in the building and construction sector. Besides, the building and construction sector is responsible for a major part of energy use and emissions. To tackle the issue of insufficient insight into the business consequences of circular devlopments, further research is necessary. Therefore, we propose to collaborate on a research project that aims to provide a more detailed level of analysis. The goal is to identify drivers and barriers to make better use of materials in the building and construction sector. This further research would benefit from an international collaboration between universities of applied sciences and industry from different European countries. An additional benefit of the applied orientation would be the relevance for professional education programmes. References CBS, PBL & Wageningen UR. (2017). Vrijkomen en verwerking van afval per doelgroep, 1990-2014 (indicator 0206, versie 13, 26 janauri2017). Retrieved from: Cuchí, A.; Arcas, J.; Casals, M. & Fobella, G. (2014). Building a common home Building sector – A global vision report. Produced by the Global Vision Area within the World SB14 Barcelona Conference. De Jesus, A. & Mendonça, S. (2018). Lost in Transition? Drivers and Barriers in the Eco-innovation Road to the Circular Economy. Ecological Economics, 145, 75-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.08.001. EC. (2015). Closing the Loop – An EU action plan for the Circular Economy. Brussels: European Commission. EC. (2019). Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the Circualr Economy Action Plan. Brussels: European Commission. Ghisellini, P; Cialini, C. & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.09.007. Kirchherr, J., Pisciceli, L., Bour, R., Kostense-Smit, E., Muller, J., Huibrechtse-Truijens, A. & Hekkert, M. (2018). Barriers to the Circular Economy: Evidence From the European Union (EU). Ecological Economics, 150, 264-272. Mazzucato, M. (2018). Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union – A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth. Retrieved from: European Commission; Nederland circulair in 2050. Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie (2016). Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu & Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Stahel, W.R. (2016) The Circular Economy. Nature, 531(7595), 435-438. UN. (2018). 2018 Global Status Report – Towards a zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector. United Nations Environment Programme. UNCTAD. (2018). Circular Economy: The New Normal (Policy Brief No. 61). Retrieved from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD):


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The database on the content of technogenic radionuclides in the components of the Barents Sea ecosystem in 1992-2020 was analyzed and calculated the transfer coefficients of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239,240Pu from water and bottom sediments to reference organisms. The transition coefficients of 137Cs, 239,240Pu, 90Sr in fish were 93, 262, 12 l/kg, respectively; in shellfish: 51, 1180, 21 l/kg; in marine plants: 69, 732, 19 l/kg; in marine mammals (seals): 63, 222, 14 l/kg. The distribution coefficient of 137Cs between water and bottom sediments was 426 l/kg; by 239,240Pu 189600 l/kg; 90Sr 443 l/kg. The transfer coefficients of technogenic radionuclides from water to fish in the Barents Sea do not have a pronounced trend, which indicates the establishment of an equilibrium in the distribution of radioactivity between the components of the Arctic marine ecosystem.

Zhyltsova, Y. V., B. B. Melikov, and A. V. Vasilieva. "STUDYING THE ABILITY OF LEMNA MINOR L. TO HYPERACCUMULATE OF HEAVY METALS." In SAKHAROV READINGS 2022: ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF THE XXI CENTURY. International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, 2022.

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In the work, as a result of the experiments on the cultivation of the plant Lemna minor under conditions of varying degrees of environmental pollution with heavy metals (Cu2+ and Zn2+), physiological indicators were analyzed: the average specific growth rate, growth rate inhibition, and yield reduction. The maximum concentration of zinc (0.16 mg/l), in which the plant L. minor is able to exist, is promising from the point of view of its use in phytoremediation of environmental objects. The maximum concentration of copper, in which the plant L. minor is able to exist, has not been reached.

Rauniyar, Santosh, Subin Shrestha, and Kevin Chou. "An Investigation Into Multi-Track Deposition in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion: Transient Regions Analysis and Scan Length Effects." In ASME 2022 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing has been used to fabricate complex-shaped structures, which often consist of fine features. Due to transient process phenomena, there are differences in terms of the melt pool formation and the surface morphology depending upon the feature area and scan parameters. This study investigates the scan length effect on the surface morphology and the presence of transient length and width that may have a significant effect as the layer addition continues. For this purpose, four scan lengths (0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, and 2.0 mm) are used to fabricate six tracks with back-and-forth scanning. A full factorial design of experiments is used to form multi-track depositions with three levels of power (125 W, 160 W, and 195 W), two levels of scan speed (550 mm/s and 1000 mm/s), and four levels of hatch spacing (80 μm, 100 μm, 120 μm, and 140 μm). A white light interferometer is used to acquire the surface data, and MATLAB is used for surface topographical analysis. The results indicated that the scan length has a significant effect on the surface characteristics. The average height of multi-track deposits increases with the decrease of the scan length. Moreover, the transient length and width can be approximated based on the height variation along both the scan and transverse directions, respectively.

Madić, Milomirka, Dragan Đurović, Aleksandar Paunović, Vladeta Stevović, and Dalibor Tomić. "PRINOS ZRNA, VISINA BILJKE I OTPORNOST NA POLEGANJE LINIJA PŠENICE 2022ЗБОРНИК БИОДИВЕРЗИТЕТ." In XXVII savetovanje o biotehnologiji. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, 2022.

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On the experimental field of the Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac in the two growing seasons 2018/19 and 2019/20. it was analyzed plant height, lodging resistance and grain yield of 10 genotypes of winter wheat (L-25/6, L-56/98, L- 56/7, L-63/7, L-49 / 4, L-23/24, L-246/2, L-191 / 5-9, L-191 / 5-4 and L-36-2). The average annual temperature and precipitation in both growing seasons were above the multi-year average. The highest average yield during two years had the line L-191 / 5-9 (6,485 t ha-1), then L-246/2 (6,415 t ha-1), and the lowest line L- 63/7 (5,846 t ha -1). Wheat genotypes differed in plant height, so the L-23/24 line had the highest value for this trait in both growing seasons, and the L-25/6 the lowest. In the first vegetation season, a slightly higher plant height ranged from 76 cm to 96 cm, and in the second from 72 cm to 90 cm. All genotypes had good lodging resistance in optimum environments.

KEMESIUS, Martynas, Gerda SILINGIENE, Regina VASINAUSKIENE, and Remigijus ZALKAUSKAS. "THE INFLUENCE OF SEWAGE SLUDGE ON NORWAY SPRUCE (PICEA ABIES (L.) H. KARST.) SEEDLINGS GROWTH." In Rural Development 2015. Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2015.

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The usage of biodegradable waste as sewage sludge in a proper way for tree nurseries enable to seek for ecological, waste-less, alternative to mineral fertilization farming ways. The aim of this research is to investigate impact of sewage sludge fertilizers on Norway spruce (Picea abies) two years’ seedlings growth. Research has been done in 2013-2014 at Utena State Forest Enterprise nursery. The different fertilization rates (20, 40, 60, 80, 100 t/ha) of sewage sludge were investigated and compared with control – traditional fertilization with mineral fertilizers. The impact of sewage sludge was evaluated by seedlings biometric indicators, also dry mass of sample seedlings (medium seedlings by height and diameter). The bigger rates of sewage sludge showed almost better results in exception of seeds outlet. Sewage sludge has long lasting effect on seedlings growth and could successfully shift soil fertilization by mineral fertilizers. The obtained research results confirm the similar research carried out in 2011 in Rokiskis State Forest Enterprise nursery for first year Norway Spruce seedlings.


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Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Wes. is one of the most significant diseases constraint to winter wheat production in the world. Since 2011 in Europe have appeared distinct new races – Warrior, Kranich, Warrior (-) that have caused wide epidemics on different cultivars of wheat. Grain yield losses can be prevented by using a combination of varietal resistance and fungicides. Information on wheat variety susceptibility to local yellow (stripe) rust Puccinia striiformis Wes. races can help to reduce the risk of yield losses in high disease pressure situations. Field trials with eight most popular and perspective winter wheat varieties in Latvia were established in the North-Western part of Latvia (Stende Research Centre) in autumn of 2016. The trial was designed as two randomized complete blocks (treated and untreated) and data were statistically interpreted. Two applications of fungicides at BBCH 29-32 by T1 (prothioconazol 53 g L-1, spiroxamin 224 g L-1, tebucanazole 148 g L-1) and at BBCH 37-39 - T2 (bixafen 65 g L-1, prothioconazol 130 g L-1, fluopyram 65 g L-1- 1.5 L ha-1) were used to control the YR. Yield and 1000 kernel weight (TKW) were determined. Preliminary results indicated the difference between genotypes resistance/susceptibility to YR. The severity of infection level was 1- 80% depending on genotype resistance. Application of fungicides increased grain yield by 2.9 % to 33.0% and TKW by 3.4% - 33.2 % depending on variety. Observations showed the difference in the occurrence of symptoms on YR in different varieties of winter wheat under conditions of 2017 in Stende.

Kolychikhina, M. S. "Positive effect of preparations with antiviral properties on potato productivity." In Растениеводство и луговодство. Тимирязевская сельскохозяйственная академия, 2020.

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In the small-plot experiment of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy against potato viruses in 2014-2019 were tested some kinds of preparations with antiviral activity: Pharmayod, GS (100 g/l of iodine); Immunocytophyte, TAB (20 g/kg arachidonic acid ethyl ester); Ecogel, WS (30 g/l of chitosan lactate); Amulet, TAB (composition of linear polyaminosaccharides (chitosan) in succinic acid solution); Zerox, WS (3000 mg /l colloidal silver); Viron, WS (biostimulant based on urea and citric acid with the addition of essential oils). According to the results of the studies, it was found that, in addition to the effect on the causative agents of viral diseases of potatoes, all tested preparations had a stable tendency to maintain or increase the yield of tubers of infected plants. The increase in the yield of tubers ranged from 0.5 to 1.3 kg/m2. In 2016 under the production conditions of Astrakhan region on the potato variety Impala infected with the PVM + PVS and PVM + PVS + PVY virus complexes a comparative assessment of the effect of Pharmayod and Immunocytophyte revealed a significant increase in the gross and marketable yield of potato plants in the areas with the use of these preparations compared to with control.

Ooms, Luc, Patrick Maris, and Luc Noynaert. "Management of the Decommissioning of the Thetis Reactor." In ASME 2013 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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The Thetis research reactor on the site of the Nuclear Sciences Institute of the Ghent University has been in operation from 1967 until December 2003. This light-water moderated graphite-reflected low-enriched uranium pool-type reactor has been used for various purposes e.g. the production of radio-isotopes and activation analyses. During the first years its core power was 15 kW. In the early ’70, a core enlargement allowed for operation at typically 150 kW, while the maximum was allowed to be 250 kW. In September 2007, Ghent University entrusted to SCK•CEN the management of the back-end of the spent fuel and the decommissioning of the reactor. In 2010, the spent fuel was removed from the reactor and transported to Belgoprocess for cementation in 400 l drums and interim storage awaiting final disposal. This activity allows tackling the decommissioning of the reactor. The objective is to complete its decommissioning by the end of 2014. In the framework of the decommissioning of the Thetis reactor, SCK•CEN set-up the final decommissioning plan and the decommissioning licensing file. These documents include among others a radiological inventory of the reactor. The graphite moderator blocks, the control and the safety pates, the liner of the pool were modeled to assess the activation products (isotopic vector and intensity). At the end of the unloading of the reactor in 2010 a brief mapping of the equipment’s and internals of the reactor pool was performed. In 2012, we realized a more detailed mapping. These results confirmed those performed earlier and allowed to confirm the assumptions made in the final decommissioning plan. We set-up the terms of reference for the first decommissioning phase of the reactor namely the dismantling of the reactor i.e. reactor pool, circuits and rabbit system, equipment’s and ventilation ducts. The removal of asbestos is also included into this phase. We conducted the selection process and the awarding of this decommissioning job. We gained the decommissioning license in May 2012. We also prepared the software tool allowing managing the decommissioning project by updating the inventory and recording the progress, the characterization measurements and the material and waste production. This software allows also to trace all the material streams and to report to the Authorities. This software is a simplified release of the ones developed by SCK•CEN in the framework of other decommissioning projects like BR3 and Belgonucleaire. The dismantling of the reactor i.e. reactor pool, circuits and rabbit system, will be performed in 2013. In 2014, it is planned to map all the surfaces of the infrastructure to highlight residual contamination of floor, walls and ceiling. The contaminated surfaces will be decontaminated and controlled. The objective is to reach the free release of the reactor building and laboratories by the end of 2014.

Fuentes, O., and G. Pincon. "PARIETAL AND MOBILE ART OF ROC-AUX-SORCIERS ROCK SHELTER (MIDDLE MAGDALENIAN, VIENNE, FRANCE)." In Знаки и образы в искусстве каменного века. Международная конференция. Тезисы докладов [Электронный ресурс]. Crossref, 2019.

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The rock shelter of the Roc-aux-Sorciers at Angles-sur-lAnglin (Vienne, France) is one of the archaeological reference sites for the Upper Paleolithic. The sculpted, painted and engraved frieze was gradually brought to light in its archaeological context by Susanne Cassou de Saint-Mathurin and Dorothy Garrod from 1949 onwards (Saint-Mathurin, Garrod, 1950). A wealth of archaeological material was discovered alongside the parietal art, comprising numerous works of portable art, tools made of animal bone, jewellery, etc. It was very rapidly observed that the portable art and the parietal art shared the same graphic and thematic conventions. For example, images of female bodies are rendered in high relief, in a monumental way, but also in the form of small statuettes. Our research has demonstrated the undeniable intra-site links between the portable art and the parietal art (Pinon, 2012). Here we propose to broaden this analysis within a well-identified culture of the Middle Magdalenian known as the Magdalenian of Lussac-Angles spearpoints. At the time of the discovery of the Magdalenian site of La Marche in 1937 (Vienne) (Lwoff, Pricard, 1940), some similarities had been identified between this site and that of Le Roc-aux-Sorciers, where the discoveries dated back to 1927 (Rousseau, 1933). These similarities are also perceptible in shared techniques (Chehmana, Beyries, 2010), as well as in the production of objects in hard organic materials such as the Lussac-Angles spearpoints (Pinon, 1988), the jewellery in fossil mammoth ivory (Dujardin, Pinon, 2000), the engraved horse incisors (Mazire, 2009) and the figurative art (Bourdier et al., 2016 Fuentes, 2016). We propose to further explore the links between these two sites through the analysis of the dynamic processes of reworking images. In particular we examine the engraved plaquettes of La Marche and the parietal art of Le Roc-aux-Sorciers to bring these links into perspective. This could shed light on some common ways of seeing the world in this Magdalenian group. Bourdier, C., Pinon, G., Bosselin, B. (2016). Norme et individualit au Rocaux-Sorciers (Vienne, France): approches des mains du registre animalier au travers de la forme. In M. Groenen, M.-Ch. Groenen (Eds.), Style, Techniques and Graphic expression in Rock Art (pp. 1735). BAR S2787. Chehmana, L., Beyries, S. (2010). Lindustrie lithique du Roc-aux-Sorciers (collection Rousseau). In J. Buisson-Catil, J. Primault (Eds.), Prhistoire entre Электронная библиотека ИА РАН: 16 Vienne et Charente. Hommes et socit du Palolithique (pp. 453460). Association des publications Chauvinoises, mmoire XXXVIII. Dujardin, V., Pinon, G. (2000). Le Magdalnien dans la Vienne et la Charente. In G. Pion (Dir.), Le Palolithique suprieur rcent: nouvelles donnes sur le peuplement et lenvironnement (pp. 213222). Actes de la table ronde de Chambry, 12-13 mars 1999, Mmoire de la Socit prhistorique franaise 28. Fuentes, O. (2016). The social dimension of human depiction in Magdalenian rock art (16,500 cal. BP 12.000 Cal. BP): the case of the Roc-aux-Sorciers rockshelter. Quaternary International, 430, 97113. j.quaint.2016.06.023 Pericard, L., Lwoff, S. (1940). La Marche. Commune de Lussac-les-Chteaux (Vienne). Premier atelier de Magdalnien III dalles graves mobiles. Bulletin de la Socit Prhistorique franaise, 37(79), 155180. Pinon, G. (1988). Fiche sagaie de Lussac-Angles. In H. Camps Fabrer (Dir.), Fiches typologiques de lindustrie osseuse prhistorique. Commission de nomenclature sur lindustrie de los prhistorique. Cahier I: sagaies (fiche 3bis). Universit de Provence. Pinon, G. (2012). Art mobilier et art parital du Roc-aux-Sorciers (Angles-surlAnglin, Vienne, France): disparits ou sens communs In J. Clottes (Ed.), Lart plistocne dans le monde / Pleistocene art of the world / Arte pleistoceno en el mundo (pp. 15491558). Bulletin Socit Prhistorique Arige-Pyrnes. Mazire, G. (2009). Les incisives de chevaux graves. In G. Pinon (Dir.), Le Roc-aux-Sorciers: art et parure du Magdalnien. Runion des Muses Nationaux. Rousseau, L. (1933). Le Magdalnien dans la Vienne. Dcouverte et fouille dun gisement du Magdalnien, Angles-sur-lAnglin (Vienne). Bulletin de la Socit Prhistorique franaise, 30, 239256. Saint-Mathurin (de), S., Garrod, D. (1950). Une frise sculpte du Magdalnien ancien dcouverte Angles-sur-lAnglin, dans la Vienne. Acadmie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 94(2), 123128.

Reports on the topic "L 190 2012":


Vandegrift, G. F., L. Maggos, and C. Pereira. Addendum to UREX Flowsheet for Cleanup of a Spent 130 g-U/L Uranyl Sulfate SHINE Target Solution (March 29, 2012). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2013.

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Bennett, M. E., D. L. Bowers, C. Pereira, A. J. Youker, and G. F. Vandegrift. FY 2013 Progress Report on the Cleanup of Irradiated 130 g-U/L Uranyl Sulfate SHINE Target Solutions Final. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2014.

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Fall, Kelsey, David Perkey, Zachary Tyler, and Timothy Welp. Field measurement and monitoring of hydrodynamic and suspended sediment within the Seven Mile Island Innovation Laboratory, New Jersey. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), June 2021.

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The Seven Mile Island Innovation Laboratory (SMIIL) was launched in 2019 to evaluate beneficial use of dredge material management practices in coastal New Jersey. As part of that effort, the Philadelphia District requested that the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, collect data to characterize the hydrodynamics and turbidity within the central portions of the SMIIL prior to and during dredge material placement. Pre-dredge monitoring found that apart from punctuated wind events, the study area waters were generally calm and clear with small waves, <0.25 m, slow current speeds (~0.1 m/s), low turbidity (~10 ntus), and low suspended sediment concentrations (~10–20 mg/L). In March 2020, 2,475 m³ of dredged sediment was placed on the northern portion of Sturgeon Island within the SMIIL. Turbidity in the waters surrounding the island was monitored to quantify extent of the sediment plume resulting from the placement. Observations found little to no turbidity plume associated with the dredging operations beyond 20 m from the island and that the plume was largely limited to areas near a tidal creek draining the placement area. Additionally, turbidity levels quickly returned to background conditions at times when the dredge was not in operation.

Ripoll, Santiago, Tabitha Hrynick, Ashley Ouvrier, Megan Schmidt-Sane, Federico Marco Federici, and Elizabeth Storer. 10 façons dont les gouvernements locaux en milieu urbain multiculturel peuvent appuyer l’égalité vaccinale en cas de pandémie. SSHAP, January 2023.

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Si l’on s’en tient aux chiffres de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 dans les pays du G7, la campagne apparaît comme un véritable succès tant au niveau global qu’au niveau national. En effet, à ce jour, 79,4 % de la population totale des pays du G7 a reçu une première dose, 72,9 % une seconde, et 45,4 % une dose de rappel (données du 28 avril 2022) 1 En France, c’est 80,6 % de la population totale qui a reçu une première dose, 78,2 % qui a reçu deux doses, et 55,4 % qui a reçu un rappel (données du 28 avril 2022).2 Au Royaume-Uni, 79,3 % de la population totale a reçu une première dose, 74,1 % une seconde, et 58,5 % un rappel.1 Enfin, en Italie, 85,2 % de la population totale a reçu une première dose, 80,4 % a reçu deux doses et 66,5 % a reçu leurs rappels (données du 28 avril 2022). Ces taux de vaccination élevés masquent pourtant des disparités importantes à l’intérieur de chaque pays. Ainsi, à Marseille, deuxième ville de France, moins de 50 % des habitants des quartiers nord de la ville étaient vaccinés à la fin de l’année 2021, alors que plus de 70 % des habitants des quartiers sud l’étaient au même moment.3 Dans le quartier populaire de Ealing, situé au nord-ouest de Londres, 70 % de la population admissible avait reçu une première dose, soit près de 10 % de moins que la moyenne nationale. 4 (Données du 4 avril 2022). Des disparités similaires ont été observées dans d’autres métropoles urbaines des pays du G7. Ce document examine ces disparités au prisme de la notion d’« (in)égalité vaccinale ». En s’appuyant sur des recherches qualitatives menées pendant la campagne de vaccination de la COVID-19 dans les quartiers nord de Marseille, le quartier de Ealing à Londres (Nord-ouest) et dans la région de l'Émilie-Romagne et à Rome, en Italie, il montre comment les autorités locales peuvent agir pour atténuer ces inégalités. Mieux comprendre les inégalités en matière de vaccins fut primordial lors de la pandémie de la COVID-19 en ce sens que les populations sous-vaccinées étaient la plupart du temps des minorités ethniques ou culturelles, vivant dans des zones défavorisées, ou sans-papiers, donc plus susceptibles de contracter la COVID-19, et d’en subir les conséquences les plus dramatiques. 5 6 7 8 Ainsi, à Ealing, quatre mois après la campagne de vaccination, seulement 57,6% des personnes dans le décile de pauvreté le plus bas avaient reçu une dose, contre 81% des personnes dans le décile le plus aisé. 9 En outre, 89,2 % des résidents britanniques blancs de Ealing étaient vaccinés, contre 64 % des Pakistanais et 49,3 % des habitants issus des Caraïbes.9 À Rome, comme c’est le cas dans d’autres métropoles urbaines des pays du G7, nos données révèlent des disparités particulières importantes entre le recours aux vaccins des populations sans papiers et celui des citoyens établis. Les facteurs d’inégalité vaccinale dans ces environnements urbains sont complexes et liés à l’interaction de nombreux phénomènes tels que les inégalités économiques, le racisme structurel, l'inégalité d'accès aux soins de santé, la méfiance envers les professionnels de santé, les représentants de l'État, et plus encore. Les collectivités locales tout comme les professionnels de la santé, les groupes communautaires et les résidents jouent un rôle clé dans la manière dont s’exprime l’(in)égalité vaccinale. Pour autant, peu de leçons ont été systématiquement tirées des efforts menés en matière d’ «engagement vaccinal » au niveau local. Dans ce document, nous proposons d’expliquer comment l’expérience des inégalités structurelles se recoupe avec celle des habitants, et comment ces expériences ont été prises en compte ou au contraire ignorées dans la promotion et l’administration des vaccins contre la COVID-19 par les collectivités locales. Nous adressons également un ensemble de recommandations qui s’appliquent aux programmes de « vaccination de rattrapage » contre la COVID-19 (visant à atteindre les personnes qui n’ont pas encore reçu leur schéma vaccinal complet), mais elles concernent également les programmes de vaccination d'urgence à venir. Ce document repose sur des recherches menées entre octobre et décembre 2021 à Marseille et sur des échanges réguliers avec les autorités du Borough de Ealing initiés dès mai 2021. Il identifie comment les gouvernements locaux, les acteurs de la santé, les groupes communautaires et les résidents jouent un rôle clé dans la production d’(in)égalités vaccinales. Ce document a été élaboré pour la SSHAP par Santiago Ripoll (IDS), Tavitha Hrynick (IDS), Ashley Ouvrier (LaSSA), Megan Schmidt-Sane (IDS), Federico Federici (UCL) et Elizabeth Storer (LSE). Il a été revu par Eloisa Franchi (Université de Pavie) et Ellen Schwartz (Conseil de santé publique de Hackney). La recherche a été financée par la British Academy COVID-19 Recovery : Fonds G7 (COVG7210038). Les recherches ont été menées à l’Institut d’études du développement (IDS), à l’Université de Sussex et au Laboratoire des sciences sociales appliquées (LaSSA). La SSHAP en assume la responsabilité.

Desiderati, Christopher. Carli Creek Regional Water Quality Project: Assessing Water Quality Improvement at an Urban Stormwater Constructed Wetland. Portland State University, 2022.

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Stormwater management is an ongoing challenge in the United States and the world at-large. As state and municipal agencies grapple with conflicting interests like encouraging land development, complying with permits to control stormwater discharges, “urban stream syndrome” effects, and charges to steward natural resources for the long-term, some agencies may turn to constructed wetlands (CWs) as aesthetically pleasing and functional natural analogs for attenuating pollution delivered by stormwater runoff to rivers and streams. Constructed wetlands retain pollutants via common physical, physicochemical, and biological principles such as settling, adsorption, or plant and algae uptake. The efficacy of constructed wetlands for pollutant attenuation varies depending on many factors such as flow rate, pollutant loading, maintenance practices, and design features. In 2018, the culmination of efforts by Clackamas Water Environment Services and others led to the opening of the Carli Creek Water Quality Project, a 15-acre constructed wetland adjacent to Carli Creek, a small, 3500-ft tributary of the Clackamas River in Clackamas County, OR. The combined creek and constructed wetland drain an industrialized, 438-acre, impervious catchment. The wetland consists of a linear series of a detention pond and three bioretention treatment cells, contributing a combined 1.8 acres of treatment area (a 1:243 ratio with the catchment) and 3.3 acre-feet of total runoff storage. In this study, raw pollutant concentrations in runoff were evaluated against International Stormwater BMP database benchmarks and Oregon Water Quality Criteria. Concentration and mass-based reductions were calculated for 10 specific pollutants and compared to daily precipitation totals from a nearby precipitation station. Mass-based reductions were generally higher for all pollutants, largely due to runoff volume reduction on the treatment terrace. Concentration-based reductions were highly variable, and suggested export of certain pollutants (e.g., ammonia), even when reporting on a mass-basis. Mass load reductions on the terrace for total dissolved solids, nitrate+nitrite, dissolved lead, and dissolved copper were 43.3 ± 10%, 41.9 ± 10%, 36.6 ± 13%, and 43.2 ± 16%, respectively. E. coli saw log-reductions ranging from -1.3 — 3.0 on the terrace, and -1.0 — 1.8 in the creek. Oregon Water Quality Criteria were consistently met at the two in-stream sites on Carli Creek for E. coli with one exception, and for dissolved cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper (with one exception for copper). However, dissolved total solids at the downstream Carli Creek site was above the Willamette River guidance value 100 mg/L roughly 71% of the time. The precipitation record during the study was useful for explaining certain pollutant reductions, as several mechanisms are driven by physical processes, however it was not definitive. The historic rain/snow/ice event in mid-February 2021 appeared to impact mass-based reductions for all metals. Qualitatively, precipitation seemed to have the largest effect on nutrient dynamics, specifically ammonia-nitrogen. Determining exact mechanisms of pollutant removals was outside the scope of this study. An improved flow record, more targeted storm sampling, or more comprehensive nutrient profiles could aid in answering important questions on dominant mechanisms of this new constructed wetland. This study is useful in establishing a framework and baseline for understanding this one-of-a-kind regional stormwater treatment project and pursuing further questions in the future.

Weinberg, Zwi G., Adegbola Adesogan, Itzhak Mizrahi, Shlomo Sela, Kwnag Jeong, and Diwakar Vyas. effect of selected lactic acid bacteria on the microbial composition and on the survival of pathogens in the rumen in context with their probiotic effects on ruminants. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2014.

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This research project was performed in context of the apparent probiotic effect of selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) silage inoculants on the performance of ruminants (improved feed intake, faster live-weight gain, higher milk yields and improved feed efficiency). The overall objective was to find out how LAB affect ruminant performance. The project included several “chapters” as follows: 1. The effect of LAB silage inoculants on the survival of detrimental bacteria in rumen fluid, in vitro study (Weinberg et al., The Volcani Center). An in vitro model was developed to study the interaction between selected LAB and an E. coli strain tagged with green fluorescence protein (GFP) in buffered RF. Results indicated that both LAB inoculants and E. coli survived in the RF for several days; both LAB inoculants and LAB-treated silages did not affect survival of E. coli in rumen fluid in vitro. The effect of feeding baled wheat silages treated with or without three selected LAB silage inoculants on the performance of high-lactating cows (Weinberg et al., The Volcani Center). Treatments included control (no additive), Lacobacillusbuchneri40788 (LB), Lactobacillus plantarumMTD1 40027 (LP) and Pediococcuspentosaceus30168 (PP), each applied at 10⁶ cfu/g FM. The silages were included in the TMR of 32 high milking Holstein cows in a controlled feeding experiment. All baled silages were of good quality. The LB silage had the numerically highest acetic acid and were the most stable upon aerobic exposure. The cows fed the LB silages had the highest daily milk yields, percent milk fat and protein. The microbiome of baled wheat silages and changes during ensiling of wheat and corn (Sela et al., The Volcani Center). Bacterial community of the baled silages was dominated mainly of two genera in total, dominated by Lactobacillus and Clostridium_sensu_stricto_12 with 300 other genera at very low abundance. Fungal community was composed mainly of two genera in total, dominated by Candida and Monascuswith 20 other genera at very low abundance. In addition, changes in the microbiome during ensiling of wheat and corn with and without addition of L. plantarumMTD1 was studied in mini-silos. Overall 236 bacterial genera were identified in the fresh corn but after 3 months Lactobacillus outnumbered all other species by acquiring 95% of relative abundance. The wheat silage samples are still under analysis. The effect of applying LAB inoculants at ensiling on survival of E. coli O157:H7 in alfalfa and corn silages(Adesogan et al., University of Florida). E. coli (10⁵ cfu/g) was applied to fresh alfalfa and corn at ensiling with or without L. plantarumor L. buchneri. The pathogen was added again after about 3 moths at the beginning of an aerobic exposure period. The inoculants resulted in faster decrease in pH as compared with the control (no additives) or E. coli alone and therefore, the pathogen was eliminated faster from these silages. After aerobic exposure the pathogen was not detected in the LAB treated silages, whereas it was still present in the E. coli alone samples. 5. The effect of feeding corn silage treated with or without L. buchnerion shedding of E. coli O157:H7 by dairy cows (Adesogan et al., UFL). BARD Report - Project 4704 Page 2 of 12 Five hundred cows from the dairy herd of the University of Florida were screened for E. coli shedding, out of which 14 low and 13 high shedders were selected. These cows were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) which was inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 for 21 days. The TMR included corn silage treated with or without L. buchneri. The inoculated silages were more stable upon aerobic exposure than the control silages; the silage inoculant had no significant effect on any milk or cow blood parameters. However, the silage inoculant tended to reduce shedding of E. coli regardless of high or low shedders (p = 0.06). 6. The effect of feeding baled wheat silages treated with or without three selected LAB silage inoculants on the rumen microbiome (Mizrahi et al., BGU). Rumen fluid was sampled throughout the feeding experiment in which inoculated wheat silages were included in the rations. Microbial DNA was subsequently purified from each sample and the 16S rRNA was sequenced, thus obtaining an overview of the microbiome and its dynamic changes for each experimental treatment. We observed an increase in OTU richness in the group which received the baled silage inoculated with Lactobacillus Plantarum(LP). In contrast the group fed Lactobacillus buchneri(LB) inoculated silage resulted in a significant decrease in richness. Lower OTU richness was recently associated in lactating cows with higher performance (Ben Shabatet al., 2016). No significant clustering could be observed between the different inoculation treatments and the control in non metric multi-dimentional scaling, suggesting that the effect of the treatments is not the result of an overall modulation of the microbiome composition but possibly the result of more discrete interactions. Significant phylum level changes in composition also indicates that no broad changes in taxa identity and composition occurred under any treatment A more discrete modulation could be observed in the fold change of several taxonomic groups (genus level analysis), unique to each treatment, before and after the treatment. Of particular interest is the LB treated group, in which several taxa significantly decreased in abundance. 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Shan, Yina, Praem Mehta, Duminda Perera, and Yurissa Yarela. Cost and Efficiency of Arsenic Removal from Groundwater: A Review. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, February 2019.

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Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water, leading to significant health complications, and social and economic losses. Currently, a wide range of technologies exists to remove arsenic from water. However, despite ongoing research on such technologies, their widespread application remains limited. To bridge this gap, this review aims to compare the effectiveness and costs of various arsenic remediation technologies while considering their practical applicability. A search conducted using the Medline and Embase databases yielded 31 relevant articles published from 1996 to 2018, which were categorized into laboratory and field studies. Data on the effectiveness of technologies in removing arsenic and associated costs were extracted and standardized for comparison as much as was possible, given the diversity of ways that studies report their key results. The twenty-three (23) technologies tested in laboratory settings demonstrated efficiencies ranging from 50% to ~100%, with the majority reaching relatively high removal efficiencies (>90%). Approximately half achieved the WHO standard of 10 µg/L. Laboratory studies used groundwater samples from nine (9) different countries – Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Guatemala, India, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam. The fourteen (14) technologies tested in the field achieved removal efficiency levels ranging between 60% and ~99%, with ten (10) attaining above 90% removal efficiency. Of these, only five (5) reached established the WHO standard. Some of the technologies under-performed when their influent water contained excessive concentrations of arsenic. Only six (6) countries (Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, China, India, and Nicaragua) were represented among the studies that implemented and tested technologies in the field, either at household or community level. For technologies tested in the laboratory, the cost of treating one cubic meter of water ranged from near-zero to ~USD 93, except for one technology which cost USD 299/m³. For studies conducted in the field, the cost of treating one cubic meter of water ranged from near-zero to ~USD 70. Key factors influencing the removal efficiencies and their costs include the arsenic concentration of the influent water, pH of the influent water, materials used, the energy required, absorption capacity, labour used, regeneration period and geographical location. Technologies that demonstrate high removal efficiencies when treating moderately arsenic-contaminated water may not be as efficient when treating highly contaminated water. Also, the lifetime of the removal agents is a significant factor in determining their efficiency. It is suggested that remediation technologies that demonstrate high arsenic removal efficiencies in a laboratory setting need to be further assessed for their suitability for larger-scale application, considering their high production and operational costs. Costs can be reduced by using locally available materials and natural adsorbents, which provide near zero-cost options and can have high arsenic removal efficiencies. A notable feature of many arsenic removal approaches is that some countries with resource constraints or certain environmental circumstances – like typically high arsenic concentrations in groundwater –aim to reach resultant arsenic concentrations that are much higher than WHO’s recommended standard of 10 µg/L. This report maintains that – while this may be a pragmatic approach that helps progressively mitigate the arsenic-related health risks – it is unfortunately not a sustainable solution. Continuing exposure to higher levels of arsenic ingestion remains harmful for humans. Hence arsenic-removal technology should only be seen efficient if it can bring the water to the WHO standard. A less radical approach effectively shifts the attention from the origin of the problem in addressing the impacts and postpones achieving the best possible outcome for populations. The quantitative summary of costs and effectiveness of arsenic remediation technologies reviewed in this report can serve as a preliminary guideline for selecting the most cost-effective option. It may also be used as an initial guideline (minimum standard) for summarising the results of future studies describing arsenic remediation approaches. Looking ahead, this study identifies four priority areas that may assist in commercializing wide-scale implementation of arsenic removal technologies. These include: i) focusing efforts on determining market viability of technologies, ii) overcoming practical limitations of technologies, iii) determining technology contextual appropriateness and iv) concerted effort to increase knowledge sharing in and across regions to accelerate the implementation of research on the ground. Overall, the current science and knowledge on arsenic remediation technologies may be mature enough already to help significantly reduce the global numbers of affected populations. The missing link for today’s arsenic removal challenge is the ability to translate research evidence and laboratory-level successes into quantifiable and sustainable impacts on the ground. Achieving this requires a concerted and sustained effort from policymakers, engineers, healthcare providers, donors, and community leaders.

Evaluación de los efectos e impactos de la tormenta tropical Eta y el huracán Iota en Honduras. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2021.

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La temporada de huracanes de 2020 fue la más activa de la historia de la región, registró un total de 30 tormentas, lo cual fue más del doble del promedio anual. De las 30 tormentas, 13 fueron huracanes y 6 huracanes de mayor grado. El huracán Eta se formó el sábado 31 de octubre. El 2 de noviembre se declaró Estado de Emergencia en los departamentos de Islas de la Bahía, Cortés, Atlántida, Yoro, Colón, Olancho, Gracias a Dios, Comayagua, Francisco Morazán, el Paraíso. El 6 de noviembre se modificó este decreto y se procedió a declarar Estado de Emergencia en todo el territorio nacional, debido a los efectos de las lluvias provocadas por la Tormenta Tropical Eta. El Estado de Emergencia estaría vigente hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2020, pudiendo prorrogarse si los efectos que dieron origen a la emergencia persistiesen. El huracán Eta se disipó el 13 de noviembre, caracterizado por un comportamiento errático, presentando numerosas variaciones en su intensidad, se estimó que dejó un total de 380 a 635 mm en casi todo el territorio hondureño. Por su parte, el huracán Iota se formó el viernes 13 de noviembre. El 18 de noviembre se modificó el Decreto Ejecutivo Número PCM-109-202 y algunos artículos del decreto PCM-113-2020, para ampliar las acciones descritas allí a “otros fenómenos climáticos Iota que ocasionaran daño a la infraestructura productiva del país a nivel nacional”. Este huracán se disipó el 18 de noviembre sobre El Salvador. Este evento, durante su formación, fue catalogado bajo las categorías 4 y 5 de huracán, pero se debilitó rápidamente al tocar tierra firme. A pesar de ello, se estimó que dejaría una precipitación total de 500 a 750 mm en la parte norte del país. Los departamentos más afectados por ambos huracanes fueron Atlántida, Cortés, Santa Bárbara y Yoro. Se estima que los efectos totales causados por la tormenta tropical Eta y el huracán Iota fueron de aproximadamente L. 52 099 millones (cuadro 1). Los daños representaron el 44% de la afectación, las pérdidas 52% y los costos adicionales 4%. Nótese que el sector privado sufrió 69% de la afectación de acervo y 97% de los flujos de producción perdidos. Los costos adicionales es la única dimensión de los efectos en la que el sector público superó al privado. Los efectos totales que tuvo el desastre en el sector público fueron de aproximadamente L. 9 049 millones.

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