Journal articles on the topic 'Layout problem'

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PEER, S. K., DINESH K. SHARMA, K. RAVINDRANATH, and M. M. NAIDU. "A MULTI-CRITERIA PROCEDURE FOR THE USER INTERFACE COMPONENTS LAYOUT PROBLEM." Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 26, no. 02 (April 2009): 257–84.

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The multi-criteria facilities layout problem can be formulated as a quadratic assignment model that can handle multiple qualitative and quantitative factors in the objective function. Some studies have shown that the techniques and tools of facilities layout problems can equally be applied for the layout design of user interface components in human-computer interface. This paper presents an alternate approach, which handles multiple qualitative and quantitative factors in a different manner separately in the objective function to obtain the initial layouts. The proposed approach also consists of a layout procedure, in which the pair of facilities with the least composite criterion value has been selected to be placed far apart in the layout to generate an initial layout in the construction procedure. The results of the proposed approach are compared with that of an existing approach which handles a number of qualitative and quantitative factors in the same manner as in the objective function to obtain the initial layouts for the example task of the user interface components layout problem under consideration.

Meng, G., S. S. Heragu *, and H. Zijm. "Reconfigurable layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 42, no. 22 (November 15, 2004): 4709–29.

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Clough, Jill M., and James R. Buck. "Plant Layout Ergonomics: Impact of Problem and Solver Features on Layout Quality." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 37, no. 6 (October 1993): 468–71.

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A study of people solving facility layout problems was made to estimate the effects of problem features on the quality of solutions obtained by novice and experienced subjects. An empirical experiment was conducted. Three features of these problems which were systematically varied in this study were: 1. Problem size, 2. Fraction of strong inter-departmental relationships, and 3. Fraction of departments requiring a non-standard amount of floor space. Both quantitative and subjective layout evaluations were made. It was found that layout quality was not affected by feature 3 for any values of the other features, using either evaluation method, and with either novice or experienced subjects. However, feature 2 proved to be significant for all experimental conditions, both evaluation methods, and with both subject groups. Feature 1 was a significant feature in some situations, but was not significant in others. Some differences in problem solving approaches were observed. There was a significant relationship between the design of higher quality layouts by experienced subjects and the use of a Relationship Diagram. Reducing the problem size and/or percentage of strong inter-departmental relationships in a problem may make a higher quality layout easier to achieve.

Chklovskii, Dmitri B. "Exact Solution for the Optimal Neuronal Layout Problem." Neural Computation 16, no. 10 (October 1, 2004): 2067–78.

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Evolution perfected brain design by maximizing its functionality while minimizing costs associated with building and maintaining it. Assumption that brain functionality is specified by neuronal connectivity, implemented by costly biological wiring, leads to the following optimal design problem. For a given neuronal connectivity, find a spatial layout of neurons that minimizes the wiring cost. Unfortunately, this problem is difficult to solve because the number of possible layouts is often astronomically large. We argue that the wiring cost may scale as wire length squared, reducing the optimal layout problem to a constrained minimization of a quadratic form. For biologically plausible constraints, this problem has exact analytical solutions, which give reasonable approximations to actual layouts in the brain. These solutions make the inverse problem of inferring neuronal connectivity from neuronal layout more tractable.

Janthanasub, Veerawan, and Phayung Meesad. "Improving the Evolutionary Computation for General Keyboard Arrangement Problem." Applied Mechanics and Materials 804 (October 2015): 337–40.

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Thai traditional computer keyboard layouts are derived from the Thai typewriter keyboard's layout, which supports typing with ten fingers. Hence, this layout is not optimized for typing on touch screen device with one finger. This article presents a new method in arrangement the position of Thai characters on the virtual keyboard to support typing by a single finger. The process of the new method consist of analysing Thai Language to create difference digraph table from Benchmark for Enhancing the Standard of Thai language processing corpus (BEST corpus), designed keyboard layout using evolutionary computation technique and estimated time speed of typing by model human hand movement with Fitts' Law. The experiment shows that new keyboard designed by the proposed method has achieved a typing speed faster than the Thai traditional keyboard layout.

Kusiak, Andrew, and Sunderesh S. Heragu. "The facility layout problem." European Journal of Operational Research 29, no. 3 (June 1987): 229–51.

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Tripp, Charles, Darice Guittet, Jennifer King, and Aaron Barker. "A simplified, efficient approach to hybrid wind and solar plant site optimization." Wind Energy Science 7, no. 2 (March 25, 2022): 697–713.

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Abstract. Wind plant layout optimization is a difficult, complex problem with a large number of variables and many local minima. Layout optimization only becomes more difficult with the addition of solar generation. In this paper, we propose a parameterized approach to wind and solar hybrid power plant layout optimization that greatly reduces problem dimensionality while guaranteeing that the generated layouts have a desirable regular structure. Thus far, hybrid power plant optimization research has focused on system sizing. We go beyond sizing and present a practical approach to optimizing the physical layout of a wind–solar hybrid power plant. We argue that the evolution strategy class of derivative-free optimization methods is well-suited to the parameterized hybrid layout problem, and we demonstrate how hard layout constraints (e.g., placement restrictions) can be transformed into soft constraints that are amenable to optimization using evolution strategies. Next, we present experimental results on four test sites, demonstrating the viability, reliability, and effectiveness of the parameterized evolution strategy approach for generating optimized hybrid plant layouts. Completing the tool kit for parameterized layout generation, we include a brief tutorial describing how the parameterized evolutionary approach can be inspected, understood, and debugged when applied to hybrid plant layouts.

CHEN, GARY YU-HSIN, and JU-CHIEH LO. "DYNAMIC FACILITY LAYOUT WITH MULTI-OBJECTIVES." Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 31, no. 04 (August 2014): 1450027.

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A problem in multi-objective dynamic facility layout is achieving distance- and adjacency-based objectives for arranging facility layouts across multiple time periods. As a non-deterministic polynomial time-hard problem, it resembles the quadratic assignment problem (QAP), which can be solved through meta-heuristics such as ant colony optimization (ACO). This study investigates three multi-objective approaches coupled with ACO to solve this problem. As the experimental design, we apply the proposed methods to solve the dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP), multi-objective facility layout problem, and multi-objective DFLP based on data sets from the literature to test the quality of the solution. The results show that the proposed methods are effective for solving the problem.


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Parallel genetic algorithms techniques have been used in a variety of computer engineering and science areas. This paper presents a parallel genetic algorithm to solve the site layout problem with unequal-size and constrained facilities. The problem involves coordinating the use of limited space to accommodate temporary facilities subject to geometric constraints. The problem is characterised by affinity weights used to model transportation costs between facilities, and by geometric constraints between relative positions of facilities on site. The algorithm is parallelised based on a message passing SPMD architecture using parallel search and chromosomes migration. The algorithm is tested on a variety of layout problems to illustrate its performance. In specific, in the case of: (1) loosely versus tightly constrained layouts with equal levels of interaction between facilities, (2) loosely versus tightly packed layouts with variable levels of interactions between facilities, and (3) loosely versus tightly constrained layouts. Favorable results are reported.

Malmborg, Charles J. "The concurrent block layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 51, no. 6 (March 15, 2013): 1745–61.

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Salum, Latif. "The cellular manufacturing layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 38, no. 5 (March 2000): 1053–69.

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Chung, Jaewoo, and J. M. A. Tanchoco. "The double row layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 48, no. 3 (November 28, 2008): 709–27.

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Jaramillo, J. R., and A. R. McKendall. "The generalised machine layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 48, no. 16 (August 12, 2009): 4845–59.

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Zuo, Xingquan, Chase C. Murray, and Alice E. Smith. "The Double-Bay Layout Problem." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 29, no. 4 (November 2016): 446–54.

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Heragu, Sunderesh. "Modeling the machine layout problem." Computers & Industrial Engineering 19, no. 1-4 (January 1990): 294–98.

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Куприков, М., M. Kuprikov, Л. Маркин, and Leonid Markin. "Geometric Aspects of Aircraft Automated Layout Design." Geometry & Graphics 6, no. 3 (November 14, 2018): 69–87.

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In this paper have been considered questions related to automation of the layout for products with high layout density (primarily means of transport). It has been demonstrated how an aircraft’s geometric shape is formed on the basis of infrastructural and layout constraints. Influences of aerodynamic and internal layouts on the aircraft’s geometric shape have been described, taking into account mass-inertia characteristics of units placed in it. The layout’s reverse problem (when a required layout space is initial data for the aircraft’s geometric shape under hard infrastructure restrictions) has been presented. A project task of finding the rational parameters for the aircraft’s geometric shape as the task of multi-criterion discrete optimization has been described in a generalized form. It has been demonstrated that this task can be formulated as a search for the vector of design parameters as a multitude of admissible variants for design-and-engineering solutions. In the paper has been described a physical task formulation for automated layout as a system of restrictions on objects allocation indoor (required orientation, mutual compatibility, serviceability etc.). Mathematical task formulation for automated layout as the optimization problem has been described too. Since the allocation task is a classical geometric problem, it is necessary to develop appropriate geometric models for its solving. It has been shown that this process’s complexity is due to the complexity related to computer representation of information about geometric shape for layout objects of modern transport, especially the aerospace one. In this paper it has been shown that the abundance of models used in modern applied geometry and allowing describe geometric shapes for objects of any complexity, does not provide any solution for automated layout tasks. Possibilities of modern software have been also shown, and the reasons not allowing its direct use in the tasks of automated layout have been proved. The layout task’s mathematical formulation has been described as an optimization problem, specifying its objective function, limitations and efficiency criteria. Has been justified an approach (receptor methods and apparatus of normal equations) allowing, while creating geometric models for the automated layout, go from exhaustive options for allocation of layout objects to intellectual algorithms for automated allocation As has been shown in the paper, fractal theory is a good mathematical tool for study of rigid bodies’ surface geometry and mechanisms influencing on the obtaining surface structure.

Turan, Mustafa Erkan, Goksen Bacak-Turan, Tulin Cetin, and Ersin Aslan. "Feasible Sanitary Sewer Network Generation Using Graph Theory." Advances in Civil Engineering 2019 (May 29, 2019): 1–15.

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A graph theory-based methodology is proposed for the sewer system optimization problem in this study. Sewer system optimization includes two subproblems: layout optimization and hydraulic design optimization, which can be solved independently or solved simultaneously. No matter which method is chosen for the solution of the optimization problem, a feasible layout that satisfies the restrictions of the sewer system must be obtained in any step of the solution. There are two different layout options encountered: the layouts containing all sewer links and the layouts not containing all sewer links. The method proposed in this study generates a feasible sewer layout that contains all sewer links and satisfies all restrictions of a sanitary sewer system by using graph theory without any additional strategies unlike other studies. The method is applied to two different case studies. The results of the case studies have shown that graph theory is well applicable to sewer system optimization and the methodology proposed based on it is capable of generating a feasible layout. This study is expected to stimulate the use of graph theory on similar studies.

Tan, Kah Song, Noor Ajian Mohd-Lair, Stephen Yong Nai-Vun, and James Yong Chau-Leong. "Optimisation of Facility Layout Problem at Automotive Industry a Case Study in Sabah." Applied Mechanics and Materials 315 (April 2013): 755–61.

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The general Facility Layout Problem deals with the arrangement of machines within the facility based on the constraints such as material flow distance, volume of flow of products, material handling cost and operation sequence of product. The facility layout problem is directly linked with the efficiency of the facility or the manufacturing line. The objective of this project is to design a simulation based methodology experiment on designing an optimized facility layout and evaluating the proposed alternative layouts using ARENA simulation. This project is conducted at Benteng Motor Sdn. Bhd. in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Currently, the company is planning to expand their manufacturing plant and hence the company needs an optimized facility layout to maximize the product capacity and manufacturing throughput time on a minimum utilization of resources environment. An eight steps simulation methodology is being proposed to design an optimized facility layout. A manufacturing re-engineering scenario has been developed to improve the existing system. The proposed scenario was evaluated using Arena simulation student package. The scenario has significantly increases the production capacity up to 225%, decrease the manufacturing throughput time by 19% as well as increase the utilization of majority of the manufacturing resources more than 200%.

Liu, Shu Yuan. "The Application of Layout Heuristic Optimization Algorithm in Operational Model." Advanced Materials Research 753-755 (August 2013): 1914–17.

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In order to solve the layout NP complete problem, this paper analyzes the layout optimization model and algorithm, This kind of problems involved in operational research, data structures, algorithm analysis, artificial intelligence, computer network, etc. multi-discipline knowledge. Layout problems widely exist in practice, the main research rectangular optimal layout, Rectangular optimal layout is a series of rectangular parts reasonably emissions in raw material, make the highest utilization of raw material, And the optimization mathematical model is established, and the use of heuristic algorithm to solve the rectangular optimal layout problem. Simulation experiment showed that the optimization algorithm is effective.

Arunyanart, Sirawadee, and Surangkana Pruekthaisong. "Selection of multi-criteria plant layout design by combining AHP and DEA methodologies." MATEC Web of Conferences 192 (2018): 01033.

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This paper deals with the problem of finding the optimal plant layout design. Decision-making methodologies based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach are applied in the selection of the best plant layout. New layouts are developed, in an efficient manner, based on the systematic layout planning (SLP). By using the multiple criteria, AHP is applied to weigh the qualitative performance measures. DEA is then used to determine the suitable layout design by measuring layouts’ efficiency, using the information of AHP and combining with the quantitative data. The utilization of the proposed procedure is applied to a real data set of a machining precision parts manufacturing company.

Han, Xiao Jian, Xiang Fang Ding, and Chun Xiao. "The Research of Particle Swarm Algorithm Based on Heuristic Rules for the Layout of Airplane Equipment Cabin." Applied Mechanics and Materials 300-301 (February 2013): 659–63.

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How to get the most optimal solution of equipment layout in the aircraft cabin of the limited space is a completely NP problem. The problem is abstracted as three dimensions (3D) layout problem. A co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization with heuristic rules is presented. The cabin is decomposed into several small-scale layout problems. The co-evolutionary framework is adopted, and particle swarm optimization (PSO) and heuristic roles for layout are integrated to solve this problem. Finally, an example is used to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm.

Uz, Mehmet Eren, Pezhman Sharafi, Mahya Askarian, Weiqing Fu, and Chunmei Zhang. "Automated layout design of multi-span reinforced concrete beams using charged system search algorithm." Engineering Computations 35, no. 3 (May 8, 2018): 1402–13.

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Purpose The preliminary layout design of structures impacts upon the entire design process and, consequently, the total cost. The purpose of this paper is to select the most economical layouts that satisfy structural and architectural requirements, while considering the reciprocal effects of cost factors and layout variables at the preliminary stages of design. Design/methodology/approach This paper presents an automated method for cost optimization of geometric layout design of multi-span reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to dynamic loading by using the charged system search (CSS) algorithm. First, a novel cost optimization approach for geometric layout problems is introduced, in which both cost parameters and dynamic responses are considered in the preliminary layout design of beams. The proposed structural optimization problem with constraints on the static and dynamic equilibrium, architectural dimensions and structural action effects is solved using the CSS algorithm. Findings The proposed CSS algorithm for solving the cost optimization problem can be easily used for optimizing the span lengths and is also capable of working with various cost functions. The presented examples show that the proposed algorithm using the new cost optimization function provides satisfactory results and can result in over 7 per cent cost saving. Originality/value This is an original paper proposing a novel methodology for preliminary layout design of concrete beams.

Gonzalez, Teofilo F., and Si-Qing Zheng. "On Ensuring Multilayer Wirability by Stretching Layouts." VLSI Design 7, no. 4 (January 1, 1998): 365–83.

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Every knock-knee layout is four-layer wirable. However, there are knock-knee layouts that cannot be wired in less than four layers. While it is easy to determine whether a knock-knee layout is one-layer wirable or two-layer wirable, the problem of determining three-layer wirability of knock-knee layouts is NP-complete. A knock-knee layout may be stretched vertically (horizontally) by introducing empty rows (columns) so that it can be wired in fewer than four layers. In this paper we discuss two different types of stretching schemes. It is known that under these two stretching schemes, any knock-knee layout is three-layer wirable by stretching it up to (4/3) of the knock-knee layout area (upper bound). We show that there are knock-knee layouts that when stretched and wired in three layers under scheme I (II) require at least 1.2 (1.07563) of the original layout area. Our lower bound for the area increase factor can be used to guide the search for effective stretching-based dynamic programming three-layer wiring algorithms similar to the one presented in [8].

Lv, Chao, Shuang Liu, Shi Ming Wang, and Bei Cai. "The Production System Automatic Layout Based on Simulation." Advanced Materials Research 819 (September 2013): 393–97.

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The U-Shaped layout and function of production system is studied, the purpose is showing how the layouts and their main function influence each other, thus to provide enlightenments and references to improve the design of the production system layout. The simple automatic arrangement system is presented based on Plant Simulation software and focused on an equipment layout problem. The automatic layout system is an automatic layout system of workshop layout according to data; adopt the method of simulation modeling combined with optimization of the workshop layout. According to the different optimization objectives, the user can get a different optimal solution. Through simulation, we can get the default layout of the carrying amount, size and arrangement, combined with the enterprise's actual situation. The appropriate adjustments and production efficiency of production workshop are improved, and the operation time of manual modeling is shortened.

Marek-Sadowska, M., and M. Sarrafzadeh. "The crossing distribution problem [IC layout]." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14, no. 4 (April 1995): 423–33.

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Bharitkar, Sunil, Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, and Yoshiyasu Takefuji. "Comment on “The facility layout problem”." European Journal of Operational Research 75, no. 1 (May 1994): 233–34.

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Dell’Amico, Mauro, José Carlos Díaz Díaz, Manuel Iori, and Roberto Montanari. "The single-finger keyboard layout problem." Computers & Operations Research 36, no. 11 (November 2009): 3002–12.

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Kumar, Ravi, and Surya Prakash Singh. "Cellular facility layout problem: a case of tower manufacturing industry." Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 30, no. 6 (September 9, 2019): 1345–60.

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Purpose In today’s competitive market, product demand and its mix frequently vary due to various uncertainties, which thus imparts the overall manufacturing cost. Furthermore, uncertainties also impart the layout design in manufacturing industries in the long run. Therefore, the layout design needs to capture the possibility of uncertainties, and these uncertainties must be captured while designing the layout of a facility. Hence, an efficient facility layout design minimizes the manufacturing cost and lead time. The purpose of this paper is to propose a cellular layout design for a tower manufacturing industry. Design/methodology/approach The paper develops an embedded simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic to solve proposed cellular layout under different scenarios considering single and multi-time periods for tower manufacturing industry. A comparative study is also performed to analyze comparison among static cellular layout, a dynamic cellular layout or a robust stochastic cellular layout for the tower manufacturing industry. Findings The current layout of the industry is a process layout. Here, the layout for a tower manufacturing industry is proposed under SCFLP, DCFLP and RSCFLP. The proposed models and solution methodology is tested using six scenarios with different combination of time periods. Lastly, OFV value obtained for all the scenarios is compared, and it is found that RSCFLP outruns other SCFLP and DCFLP for a tower manufacturing industry. Based on the above study, it is also concluded that RSCFLP is an efficient and effective layout in tower manufacturing industry. Originality/value The paper proposes a cellular layout design for a tower manufacturing industry. The cellular layout design is found to be preferred over the traditional layout as it reduces material handling cost, manufacturing lead time and hazards. Moreover, it enhances productivity and quality.

Ji, Jun, Fei-Fei Xing, and Sai-Kun Zhang. "Research on the Status of Two-dimensional Layout Circular Parts." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2206, no. 1 (February 1, 2022): 012032.

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Abstract This paper introduces the research background of the two-dimensional circular part layout problem, analyzes the complexity of the layout problem, studies the current research status of the circular part layout problem, and finally, lists the relationship between layout methods and layout schemes of the two-dimensional circular part layout problem.

LITMAN, AMI. "EXPOSED LAYOUTS OF THE BUTTERFLY NETWORK." Journal of Interconnection Networks 02, no. 02 (June 2001): 233–47.

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This work studies layouts of the Butterfly network under the restriction that its input and output verticles are exposed, that is, are placed on the boundary of the grid. Avior et al. have shown that the minimal area of a layout of the n-input Butterfly, without the above restriction, is (1 + o(1))n2). The effect of this restriction on the area was left as an open question. This paper reveals that exposing the input and output vertices is essentially free. That is, it presents an exposed layout of the Butterfly having the same area as above. In this layout, the fractions of the input and output vertices assigned to each side of the grid are as follows when scanning the sides in a circular fashion: half of the inputs, half of the outputs, half of the inputs, and half of the outputs. We refer to such a layout as a [Formula: see text]-layout. The main technique employed in this layout is the reduction of the layout problem of the Butterfly to a certain layout problem of a complete bipartite graph. We use the same technique to produce a (I, 0, O, 0)-layout (inputs on one side and outputs on the opposite side) in area 2 + o(1))n2. Finally, we show that the area of a [Formula: see text]-layout is greater than [Formula: see text]. Hence, this input-output configuration is more area-demanding than [Formula: see text].

Das, Debashreet, Chitta Ranjan Tripathy, Pradyumna Kumar Tripathy, Manas Ranjan Kabat, and Avinash Sharma. "Optimal Design of Computational Grids Topology." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16, no. 9 (September 1, 2019): 3754–58.

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The selection of a proper heterogeneous network contributes to the design of various distributed systems such as grids for making an effective layout. However, the level of accuracy of such networks has not been addressed in the past. Hence, this article suggests a new topology which is more accurate and addresses the scalability problem. The experiments are conducted in Matlab and the suggested layout is generated using Network Simulator 2.3. The suggested layout is found to be more effective compared to the traditional layouts for interlinking the systems.

Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Noorhadila Mohd Bakeri, Mohd Faizal Omar, Mohamad Zamhari Tahir, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd-Danuri, and Angela Lee. "A Multistage Methodology Approach for Constraints Prioritisation of Facility Layout Problem (FLP) in Enhancing the Performance of Building Energy Efficiency." Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 28, no. 2 (October 17, 2022): 199–210.

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Facility Layout Problem (FLP) is gaining increasing attention among researchers; it is a term relating to the poor layout of facilities as a significant contributing factor of poor performance. FLP is of paramount importance when determining inefficiencies in large room layouts, such as a library building, since the building’s layout closely influences air distribution and impacts on human comfort. Thus, this can lead to unnecessary high energy use to mitigate any inefficiencies. This problem is classified as an NP-hard problem (non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness), considering the various factors influencing thermal factors and layout design. However, previous research shows a lack of consideration of FLP for large rooms. It is identified that various types of constraints are considered in the layout problem literature, and penalty-based constraints are often being prioritised by mere human judgement and intuition. Hence, the accuracy of the objective decision-making is questionable. Therefore, this study proposes a multi-stage methodology to determine the weight of each constraint for FLP by using a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method specific to a library building as a case study exemplar. This study’s main focus is to determine penalty based constraints in meta-heuristic approaches for the effective use of FLP. This study concludes by advocating that the proposed methodological approach can be used to identify the most significant constraints in FLP.

Xiao, Yiyong, Yue Xie, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, and Abdullah Konak. "A problem evolution algorithm with linear programming for the dynamic facility layout problem—A general layout formulation." Computers & Operations Research 88 (December 2017): 187–207.

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Xu, Bing, Yaohui Sun, Xiangxu Meng, Zhihan Liu, and Wei Li. "MreNet: A Vision Transformer Network for Estimating Room Layouts from a Single RGB Panorama." Applied Sciences 12, no. 19 (September 27, 2022): 9696.

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The major problem with 3D room layout reconstruction is estimating the 3D room layout from a single panoramic image. In practice, the boundaries between indoor objects are difficult to define, for example, the boundary position of a sofa and a table, and the boundary position of a picture frame and a wall. We propose MreNet, a novel neural network architecture for predicting 3D room layout, which outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches. It can efficiently model the overall layout of indoor rooms through a global receptive field and sparse attention mechanism, while prior works tended to use CNNs to gradually increase the receptive field. Furthermore, the proposed feature connection mechanism can solve the problem of the gradient disappearing in the process of training, and feature maps of different granularity can be obtained in different layers. Experiments on both cuboid-shaped and general Manhattan layouts show that the proposed work outperforms recent algorithms in prediction accuracy.

Jiang, Zhaoyun, Shizhao Sun, Jihua Zhu, Jian-Guang Lou, and Dongmei Zhang. "Coarse-to-Fine Generative Modeling for Graphic Layouts." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36, no. 1 (June 28, 2022): 1096–103.

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Even though graphic layout generation has attracted growing attention recently, it is still challenging to synthesis realistic and diverse layouts, due to the complicated element relationships and varied element arrangements. In this work, we seek to improve the performance of layout generation by incorporating the concept of regions, which consist of a smaller number of elements and appears like a simple layout, into the generation process. Specifically, we leverage Variational Autoencoder (VAE) as the overall architecture and decompose the decoding process into two stages. The first stage predicts representations for regions, and the second stage fills in the detailed position for each element within the region based on the predicted region representation. Compared to prior studies that merely abstract the layout into a list of elements and generate all the element positions in one go, our approach has at least two advantages. First, by the two-stage decoding, our approach decouples the complex layout generation task into several simple layout generation tasks, which reduces the problem difficulty. Second, the predicted regions can help the model roughly know what the graphic layout looks like and serve as global context to improve the generation of detailed element positions. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms the existing methods, especially on the complex graphic layouts.

Mali, Amol D., and Nan Yang. "On Automated Generation of Keyboard Layout to Reduce Finger-Travel Distance." International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research 5, no. 2 (April 2017): 29–43.

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The QWERTY keyboard layout can be very inefficient for one-finger typing on virtual keyboards since the letters in many common digrams are placed on opposite sides of the keyboard, resulting in a long finger travel. This paper reports on use of simulated annealing for finding alternate arrangements of the letters of the English alphabet on keyboards with different number of rows, to reduce finger-travel distance for entering text. The use of simulated annealing led to arrangements of the letters on 3 × 10, 4 × 7, and 5 × 6 layouts with a lower weighted sum of finger-travel distances for all digrams (denoted by d) compared to the QWERTY layout (lower by about 40%). The layout with the least value of d among those found in this work is a 5 × 6 layout for which the value of d is only 1.78 key widths compared to 3.31 key widths (the value of d for QWERTY). Alternate automated methods to solve this problem, connections between keyboard layouts and facility layouts, and many new applications of the ideas in this work are discussed.

Bradecki, Tomasz, and Barbara Uherek-Bradecka. "Preservation, Reconstruction or Conversion - Contemporary Challenge for Historic Urban Areas and Historic Buildings." Advanced Engineering Forum 12 (November 2014): 115–21.

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The problem of preservation, reconstruction and conversion of historic urban layouts and historic buildings have been discussed in the article. Although some of the urban layouts and structures are not monuments by formal means, they are often being well protected by local law (Local Development Plans). Both the quantity of the original structures (very few remained original - many objects within the layout have been already converted) and the quality of the original substance and architectural layout - to little space, many elements which need reconstruction - allow to raise a question: Does preservation or reconstruction still make sense, and does conversion should be allowed. Several case studies have been discussed: Wolf's Throat in Gliwice (Glaubenstatt) - urban village layout set up by Germans in 1941, design for house conversion in Wolfsthroat and also Szobiszowice (Schobischowitz) in Gliwice - one of the urban neighbourhoods layout set up by Germans before the II-nd world. Authors of the article are practicing architects: theory versus practice have been discussed. keywords: historic buildings, historic urban layout, historic district, reconstruction, convertion

Kusumah, Yaya S. "METODE KONSTRUKSI UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH TATA LETAK FASILITAS." Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 2, no. 1 (January 13, 2015): 8.

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The facility layout design problem is concerned with determining the location of a number of facilities which optimises a prescribed objective such as profit, cost, or distance. This problem arises in many applications; for example, in design of buildings and in plant layout design. Most approaches for solving this problem are heuristic in nature and based on graph theoretic concepts. Graph theoretically, when the objective is to maximize profit, the facility layout design problem is to determine, in a given edge weighted graph G, a maximum weight planar sub graph. In this paper, a new heuristic based on graph theoretic concepts is presented. A comparative analysis based on 3600 random test problems demonstrates the value of this algorithm. Key words: Heuristic, maximum planar graph, computer, facility layout design.

Pan, Feng, and Ping Lv. "The Optimum Layout Research Based on the Calculation of Intelligent Automatic." Advanced Materials Research 765-767 (September 2013): 323–26.

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Computational intelligent algorithm in modern life, more and more extensive application in engineering practice, is mainly used to solve the automatic layout optimization problems, the research on it has important significance. This paper mainly studies intelligent computing algorithm in automatic layout optimization problem in the application, intelligent computation algorithm contains more categories, such as genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, the algorithm in solving automatic optimum layout problem, have its distinctive place.

Suo, Xiao Hong, and Zhan Qiang Liu. "Relationships among SFLP, DFLP and Robust Layout." Applied Mechanics and Materials 10-12 (December 2007): 235–41.

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Facility layout plays an important role in the performance of manufacturing systems. Firstly, this paper describes the derivations and classification of facility layout problem (FLP). The concepts of static facility layout problem (SFLP), dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP) and robust layout problem are introduced, and their main performance characteristics are compared with each other. Then, the procedure of rearrangement costs in DFLP is proposed. Some main characteristics of SFLP and DFLP, DFLP and robust layout are compared respectively. Lastly, the difference and connection among SFLP, DFLP and robust layout are analyzed. The research results indicate that the dynamic facility layout and robust layout are suitable for the dynamic and changeable manufacturing systems. The method for development of DFLP and its implementation are presented based on SFLP and robust layout.


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We study virtual path layouts in ATM networks. Packets are routed along virtual paths in the network by maintaining a routing field whose subfields determine intermediate destinations of the packet, i.e., the endpoints of virtual paths on its way to the final destination. Most of the research on virtual path layouts has focused on tradeoffs between load (i.e., the maximum number of virtual paths passing through a link) and the hop number of the layout (i.e., the maximum number of virtual paths needed to travel between any two nodes). There is however another important limitation on construction of layouts, resulting from technological properties of switches situated at nodes. This bound is the degree of the layout (i.e., the maximum number of virtual paths with a common endpoint). In this paper we study relations between these three parameters of virtual path layouts, for the all-to-all problem. For any integer h, we show tradeoffs between load and degree of h-hop layouts in the ring and in the mesh by establishing upper and lower bounds on these parameters. Our bounds on the degree of an h-hop layout of given load are asymptotically tight and the bounds on the load of an h-hop layout of given degree are asymptotically tight for constant h.

Li, Min. "Optimization of Suzhou Garden Infrastructure Layout Based on Federal Learning." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (September 26, 2022): 1–11.

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Along with the accelerating urbanization process in China, the problem of urban infrastructure layout has become increasingly prominent. The high density of buildings and the extremely unreasonable distribution of infrastructure make the development face great resistance. This paper reveals the problems in the layout of garden infrastructure by studying and analyzing the theoretical foundations of federal learning and distributed learning and provides an in-depth analysis and elaboration of the problem. The paper uses the shape index and landscape index of green infrastructure (green space, arable land, and water bodies), the average width of roads, road network density, and weighted buildings to conduct a comparative study through the differences in ventilation speed and temperature at different layout garden scales. According to the problems existing in the garden layout in the experimental results, corresponding improvement measures are targeted, and the infrastructure layout of the garden is combined with ecology to make the layout within the garden more suitable.

Chang, Mei-Shiang, and Ting-Chen Ku. "A Slicing Tree Representation and QCP-Model-Based Heuristic Algorithm for the Unequal-Area Block Facility Layout Problem." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (2013): 1–19.

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The facility layout problem is a typical combinational optimization problem. In this research, a slicing tree representation and a quadratically constrained program model are combined with harmony search to develop a heuristic method for solving the unequal-area block layout problem. Because of characteristics of slicing tree structure, we propose a regional structure of harmony memory to memorize facility layout solutions and two kinds of harmony improvisation to enhance global search ability of the proposed heuristic method. The proposed harmony search based heuristic is tested on 10 well-known unequal-area facility layout problems from the literature. The results are compared with the previously best-known solutions obtained by genetic algorithm, tabu search, and ant system as well as exact methods. For problems O7, O9, vC10Ra, M11*, and Nug12, new best solutions are found. For other problems, the proposed approach can find solutions that are very similar to previous best-known solutions.

Rathee, Manisha, and T. V. Vijay Kumar. "DNA Fragment Assembly Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms." International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation 5, no. 3 (July 2014): 84–108.

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DNA Fragment Assembly Problem (FAP) is concerned with the reconstruction of the target DNA, using the several hundreds (or thousands) of sequenced fragments, by identifying the right order and orientation of each fragment in the layout. Several algorithms have been proposed for solving FAP. Most of these have solely dwelt on the single objective of maximizing the sum of the overlaps between adjacent fragments in order to optimize the fragment layout. This paper aims to formulate this FAP as a bi-objective optimization problem, with the two objectives being the maximization of the overlap between the adjacent fragments and the minimization of the overlap between the distant fragments. Moreover, since there is greater desirability for having lesser number of contigs, FAP becomes a tri-objective optimization problem where the minimization of the number of contigs becomes the additional objective. These problems were solved using the multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II. The experimental results show that the NSGA-II-based Bi-Objective Fragment Assembly Algorithm (BOFAA) and the Tri-Objective Fragment Assembly Algorithm (TOFAA) are able to produce better quality layouts than those generated by the GA-based Single Objective Fragment Assembly Algorithm (SOFAA). Further, the layouts produced by TOFAA are also comparatively better than those produced using BOFAA.

Adnan, Nurul Ain Binti, and Shigeru Yamashita. "Logical Qubit Layout Problem for ICM Representation." Journal of Information Processing 26 (2018): 20–28.

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Heragu, Sunderesh S., and Andrew Kusiak. "Machine Layout Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems." Operations Research 36, no. 2 (April 1988): 258–68.

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HASSAN, M. M. D. "Machine layout problem in modern manufacturing facilities." International Journal of Production Research 32, no. 11 (November 1994): 2559–84.

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Meller, R. D. "The multi-bay manufacturing facility layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 35, no. 5 (May 1997): 1229–37.

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Mata, V., and A. Tubaileh. "The machine layout problem in robot cells." International Journal of Production Research 36, no. 5 (May 1998): 1273–92.

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Urban, Timothy L., Wen-Chyuan Chiang, and Robert A. Russell. "The integrated machine allocation and layout problem." International Journal of Production Research 38, no. 13 (September 2000): 2911–30.

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