Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Lelepa'

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Leleu, Marion Boulicaut Jean-François. "Extraction de motifs séquentiels sous contraintes dans des données contenant des répétitions consécutives." Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2005. http://docinsa.insa-lyon.fr/these/pont.php?id=leleu.

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Donner, Lela Kornelia [Verfasser]. "Die Vererblichkeit der deliktischen Handlung / Lela Kornelia Donner." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1180214722/34.

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Leleu, Diane Louise [Verfasser], and Guido [Akademischer Betreuer] Sauter. "Die prognostische Relevanz des Nodalstatus und quantitativer Parameter der nodalen Metastasierung beim Prostatakarzinom / Diane Louise Leleu ; Betreuer: Guido Sauter." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1181947081/34.

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Jeronymo, Lelia Paes. "Avaliação da radiografia digital da coluna lombar como ferramenta de auxilio ao diagnóstico da osteoporose / Lelia Paes Jeronymo ; orientador, Munir A. Gariba." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2011. http://www.biblioteca.pucpr.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2172.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011
Bibliografia: f. 52-59
A osteoporose é considerada um distúrbio osteometabólico que tem como característica a diminuição de densidade mineral óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, o que ocasiona aumento da fragilidade esquelética e do risco de fraturas. A té
Osteoporosis is considered an osteometabolic disorder which is haracterized by the reduction of bone mineral density and deterioration of the bone microarchitecture, resulting in an increase of bone fragility and fracture risk. The technique considered go

Dassering, Oueddo. "Dynamique du bilan fourrager et gestion des terroirs agrosylvopastoraux en zone soudanienne du tchad : cas du canton lele." Paris 12, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA120029.

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La zone soudanienne du tchad est appelee a jouer un role important dans l'intensification agropastorale. Cependant, le milieu naturel se degrade essentiellement sous l'effet de la pression anthropique. Dans les terroirs de manga dongo, bologo netougou et serem kaboutei du canton lele, la densite de population est tres forte. Les enquetes de 1995 ont revele une proportion importante de jeunes de moins de quinze ans. L'elevage et l'agriculture ont une forte integration. L'etude du peuplement des ligneux a permis le suivi de leur distribution d'abondance, de recouvrement et de regeneration. Cinq especes ligneuses ont ete etudiees en raison de leur interet fourrager et abondance. Leurs regressions ont ete etablies et leur biomasse foliaire disponible quantifiee. Les tests de fisher et de student ont permis de constituer des groupes d'especes homogenes et d'etablir leurs regressions. L'etude du comportement alimentaire des ruminants sur les paturages a permis d'identifier les especes fourrageres recherchees, refusees ou moyennement consommees. Le bilan fourrager a permis d'evaluer la biomasse vegetale disponible et la satisfaction des besoins. Les capacites d'accueil du systeme agrosylvopastoral sont entamees. Le cadre institutionnel du systeme d'information sur l'environnement doit assurer la compatibilite, la circulation, la valorisation et le partage des donnees de differentes institutions. Le controle continu et la poursuite des recherches ecologiques a long terme pour apprehender les phenomenes globaux (evolution climatique, desertification et degradation des milieux) et leur influence sur les phenomenes locaux fourniront aux gestionnaires les elements a la prise de decision dans la gestion des ressources renouvelables (developpement durable).

Dannert, Lelia [Verfasser]. "Der mTOR-Inhibitor Everolimus in Kombination mit Carboplatin in der Behandlung des metastasierten Mammakarzinoms : Auswertung der Daten des Phase-II-Teils der klinischen Studie / Lelia Dannert." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1241538158/34.

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Fopah, Lele Armand [Verfasser], and Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ruck. "A Thermochemical Heat Storage System for Households: Thermal Transfers Coupled to Chemical Reaction Investigations / Armand Fopah Lele. Betreuer: Wolfgang Ruck." Lüneburg : Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1080361375/34.

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Chirol, To Anouk. "Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo et Pablo Pérez Mínguez : Trajectoires de quatre photographes issus de la movida (1975-2000)." Saint-Etienne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STET2080.

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La movida (1979-1985) a engendré une culture urbaine et populaire où la photographie a occupé une place de premier ordre. S'il est indéniable que les carrières des quatre photographes (Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo et Pablo Pérez Mínguez) sont liées à la movida, il est difficile de trouver des caractéristiques communes, tant esthétiques que thématiques, dans leurs créations. Après avoir replacé ces quatre artistes dans différents contextes, nous avons étudié les techniques utilisées et la conception du médium chez chacun d'eux puis la façon de traiter un même genre : le portrait. Appliquer l'étiquette de "photographes de la movida" à Ouka Lele, A. García Alix, M. Trillo et P. Pérez Mínguez introduit un rapport de dépendance que ces artistes ont dépassé. L'expression "photographes issus de la movida" tient compte de la spécificité de chacun et de la survie de leurs oeuvres après la disparition de la movida
The Movida (1979-1985) created a popular and urban culture in which photography had a great importance. Even if it is impossible to deny that the careers of Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo and Pablo Perez Mínguez are bound to the Movida, it is difficult to find common features in the aesthetic as in the thematic parts of their works. After situating these four artists in different contexts, the techniques and the way of using the camera were studied separately for each photographer. Then it was possible to compare the different approaches of a same gender : the portrait. The conclusion of this work is that it is impossible to call Ouka Lele, A. García alix, M. Trillo and P. Pérez Mínguez "photographers of the Movida" because it would means that they depend on it. The expression "photographers from the Movida" takes into account each one's specificity and the survival of their works after the Movida's death

Alard, Mireille. "L'Art des Bashileele, Kasai occidental." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376111572.

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Tritschler, Volker Kristoff [Verfasser], Nikolaus A. [Akademischer Betreuer] Adams, and Sanjiva K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Lele. "Parameter and numerical model uncertainties of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability / Volker Kristoff Tritschler. Gutachter: Nikolaus A. Adams ; Sanjiva K. Lele. Betreuer: Nikolaus A. Adams." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1075595975/34.

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Matos, Branco Lelia Maria Lages Nunes de [Verfasser], Dierk [Akademischer Betreuer] [Gutachter] Hebbeln, and Rooij David [Gutachter] Van. "Temporal distribution of cold-water corals in the northwest Atlantic through the Late Quaternary : footprint of intermediate water mass circulation / Lelia Maria Lages Nunes de Matos Branco ; Gutachter: Dierk Hebbeln, David van Rooij ; Betreuer: Dierk Hebbeln." Bremen : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1141277670/34.

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Clauzon, Vivien. "Analyse de schémas d'ordre élevé pour les écoulements compressibles.Application à la simulation numérique d'une torche à plasma." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00235951.

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L'objet de cette thèse est de mettre en œuvre des outils pour la simulation numériques des torches à projection plasma.
Dans la première partie, une méthode volumes finis 3D pour maillages non structurés est construite. Cette méthode d'ordre 2 utilise une reconstruction linéaire multipente. On prouve qu'elle est stable au sens du principe du maximum. Sa simplicité est mise en avant et sa rapidité est vérifiée par des tests numériques. Enfin on l'utilise pour réaliser une simulation de l'écoulement non visqueux dans une chambre de torche.
La seconde partie est dédiée à l'étude des jets chauds compressibles fortement pulsés par simulation numérique directe. L'utilisation de schémas d'ordre élevé en temps et en espace est justifiée. Des conditions aux limites permettant d'imposer de fortes perturbations au jet sont décrites. Le nombre de Reynolds de l'écoulement est d'autant plus élevé que la température du milieu ambiant est faible, rendant les simulations numériques difficiles.

Fernandes, Eloisa Pizarro. "¿Iluminación o ventilación? Posibilidades de adaptación de las pautas de diseño de la Red Sarah (Brasil) al clima mediterráneo de Cataluña." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/284211.

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A través de esta tesis se investiga las soluciones utilizadas por el arquitecto Joao Filgueiras Lima - Lelé en los hospitales de la Red Sarah, situados en ciudades brasileñas. Sus proyectos cumplen con las exigencias climáticas y aprovechan la iluminación y ventilación natural con el objetivo de convertir sus obras en espacios de cura, apoyados por la arquitectura. También se investiga la arquitectura hospitalaria contemporánea construida en Cataluña. Y se analiza la posibilidad de que las pautas de diseño aplicadas a los climas de Brasil puedan ser compatibles al clima mediterráneo. El elemento arquitectónico más destacado en las obras del arquitecto Lelé y especialmente en la Red Sarah es el "shed", utilizado en las cubiertas de los hospitales con el principal objetivo de permitir el paso de iluminación cenital y ventilación natural. La investigación está desarrollada bajo las siguientes premisas: la primera es que la utilización del shed es muy adecuada a ámbitos hospitalarios; la segunda es que es muy pertinente para climas cálidos y húmedos, incluso para situaciones de temperaturas extremas; la tercera es que el clima mediterráneo se caracteriza por temperaturas bajas en invierno, pero también, amenas en varios meses del año, permitiendo el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de sol y viento; la cuarta premisa es que en Cataluña también se están desarrollando arquitectura hospitalaria con aplicación de ventilación e iluminación natural. Por todo eso se ha suscitado la hipótesis de que sería posible adaptar algunas pautas de diseño de los hospitales de la Red Sarah para el clima mediterráneo de Cataluña. Como procedimiento metodológico, esta investigación empieza, en la primera parte, con la caracterización de los climas estudiados y con la definición de conceptos teóricos según varios autores. En la segunda parte, se hace un repaso en los antecedentes históricos de la arquitectura hospitalaria europea, en Cataluña y Brasil. A continuación, se explica que es la Red Sarah de hospitales en Brasil y en seguida se hace un análisis cualitativo identificando los elementos claves utilizados en tres edificios de la Red y los criterios de diseño de tres hospitales catalanes. Finalmente, en la tercera parte, se hace un análisis cuantitativo, con base en simulaciones computacionales, donde se demuestra el comportamiento de dos edificios a nivel de funcionamiento térmico, lumínico y de ventilación. Todo eso nos permite hacer una serie de análisis y concluir que sí, es posible aplicar las pautas de diseños de la Red al clima mediterráneo, haciendo adaptaciones al sistema constructivo local y apoyándose en sistemas de climatización artificial para garantizar el confort en determinadas épocas del año.
This doctoral thesis researches into the solutions used by the architect Joao Filgueiras Lima - Lelé in the hospitals of the Red Sarah (Sarah network}, located in Brazilian cities. His projects fulfill the climate requirements and they take advantage of the daylighting and natural ventilation with the aim of turning his works into healing spaces supported by architecture. This thesis also researches into the contemporary hospital architecture built in Catalonia and it analyses the possibility of applying in the Mediterranean climate the design patterns used for the Brasilian climates. The most remarked architectural feature in Lelé's works and especially in the Sarah Network is the so called "shed", used in the hospital roofs with the main aim of letting the zenithal lighting and natural ventilation pass through. This research is carried out considering the following premises: the first one is that the utilization of the "shed" is very appropriate for hospital areas; the second one is that it is very appropriate for warm and humid climates, even for the case of extreme temperatures; the third one is that the Mediterranean climate is characterized by low temperatures in Winter, but also mild in several months of the year, which allows taking advantage of natural resources like sun and wind; the fourth premise is that hospital architecture with application of daylighting and natural ventilation is also being developed in Catalonia. Due to all of these reasons it has been considered that it would be possible to adapt some of the Red Sarah (Sarah Network) hospital design paterns for the Mediterranan climate of Catalonia. As methodological procedure this research starts in its first part with the description of the studied climates and with the definition of the theoretical concepts according to several authors. In the second part, this thesis reviews the historical background of the hospital architecture in Europe, Catalonia and Brazil. Following this, it is explained what Brasil 's Red Sarah (Sarah Network) is and immediately after there's a qualitative analysis that identifies the key features deployed in three buildings of the Network and the design criteria of three Catalan hospitals. Lastly, in the third part a quantitave analysis is done based on computer simulations, which shows the performance of two buildings in terms of thermal, lighting and ventilation functioning. All of this allows us to do a series of analysis and finally come to the conclusion that it is indeed possible to apply the design patterns of the Sarah Network to the Mediterranean climate, making adjustments to the local building system and relying on artificial air conditioning in order to guarantee the required comfort in certain times of the year.

Alard, Mireille. "L'Art des Bashileele (Kasai Occidental)." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA010618.

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L'art des basileele, du kasai occidental, au zaire, concerne essentiellement l'etude des objets de bois, remarquables par leur sculpure et par leur decor. Le groupe apparente des " wongo peripheriques " est assimile au groupe leele. Notre but etait de degager les caracteres stylistiques des objets d'art, et, en explorant leurs fonctions, de preciser les structures sociales et l'histoire de ce peuple. L'etude des objets d'art leele nous permettra donc d'apprehender, diachroniquement et synchroniquement, la culture leele dont les composantes sont difficilement seriables. Tris livres composent cette these. Dans le livre un, une approche generale de la societe leele est tentee. Elle insiste sur les structures sociales complexes dues a une mise en place des populations echelonnee, des le dix septieme siecle. En consequence, trois entites se partagent le territoire. Les bakumu de tundu (les chefs), les baowa et les "wongo interieurs" emancipes. Les bakumu de tundu, diriges par le nyimi, ont une autorite nomi nale et tutelaire. Baowa et "wongo interieurs" ont une autonomie seculie re et sont groupes en "villages-freres" a la politique agressive temperee par les lois de la polyandrie. La diversite brouillonne des objets d'art rend compte de ces turbulences. Le livre deux est specifiquement consacre a l'analyse morphologique des objets et au degagement des styles et des sous-styles. Les variations formelles dans le temps sont analysees. Le reperage des fonctions polymorphes des objets d'art donne lieu a des constatations historiques indiquant: des mises en place migratoires successives (kete, kongo, mongo), et un amalgame ancien. Le pays leele fait donc figure de carrefour culturel. Le livre trois pose des questions et des hypotheses. Le systeme des decors est faiblement interpretable comme un appareil pictographique. La determination des styles et des sous-styles indique des influences venues de l'exterieur (kuba, pende, cokwe). La position de repli historique des bashileele est par la nettement mise en relief.

Lacrampe, Sebastien. "Possession in Lelepa, a language of Central Vanuatu." Master's thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10440/1026.

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This thesis studies possession in Lelepa, a language from the Oceanic subgroup of Austronesian, spoken in Central Vanuatu. Investigating this particular feature of the language was achieved by collecting original data from Lelepa speakers. Language data is presented in the form of interlinearised examples taken from a corpus of texts and elicitation notes. Data was collected between 2006 and 2008 during fieldtrips to Lelepa and Mangaliliu. The core of the study is devoted to the possessive system of Lelepa. Like many other Oceanic languages, Lelepa has direct and indirect possessive constructions. This thesis shows that the direct possessive construction formally consists of a possessed noun to which a possessor suffix attaches. It encodes possession of semantic domains such as body parts, body products, reference kinship terms, items closely associated to the possessor and parts of wholes. Indirect possession is expressed by two distinct subtypes: the free and construct indirect constructions. The free indirect construction has pronominal possessors only, encoded by two distinct pronoun paradigms: general and part-whole possession pronouns. The former pronouns are used for possession of items that normally do not occur in the direct construction, and the latter are used for possession of parts of wholes. The construct indirect construction is characterised by the occurrence of either of two construct suffixes, -n or -g. The -n construct indirect construction has pronominal and nominal possessors, and the same semantic scope as the direct construction. The -g construct indirect construction has nominal possessors only, and the same semantic scope as the free indirect construction with general possession pronouns. This study also demonstrates that free variation between two possessive constructions, the direct construction and the -n construct indirect construction with pronominal possessors, occur in the language, although more work is needed to determine the scope of this feature.

Lacrampe, Sebastien. "Lelepa: topics in the grammar of a Vanuatu language." Phd thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/12893.

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This thesis discusses topics in the grammar of Lelepa, an Oceanic language spoken by about 500 people on the islands of Lelepa and Efate in the centre of the Vanuatu archipelago. The areas of grammar covered in the thesis are phonology (chapter 2), morphology (chapter 3), word classes (chapter 4), noun phrases (chapter 5), possession (chapter 6), clause structure and grammatical relations (chapter 7), verb classes and valency changing devices (chapter 8), the verb complex (chapter 9), complex predicates (chapter 10), aspect and modality (chapter 11), coordination and subordination (chapter 12). The phonemic inventory is of medium to small size, with fourteen consonants and five vowels. It includes two typologically rare labial-velar consonants. Stress is not phonemic. Syllables can be complex and consonant clusters are allowed in onset and coda positions. The most important phonological process is vowel reduction, which represent a significant driver of language change. Clausal word order is SVO. Oblique arguments follow the object(s), and adjuncts occur in initial or final position in the clause. An exception is the benefactive phrase, an adjunct encoding beneficiaries which occurs between the subject proclitic and the verb, and makes the verb complex a discontinuous structure. The benefactive phrase is cross-linguistically unusual and makes central Vanuatu languages distinctive. Of typological interest is the split dividing objects along two classes of transitive verbs. It has its source in a semantic distinction between significantly affected Ps and less affected Ps. However, the split is lexical because borrowed transitive verbs are systematically classified with verbs taking less affected Ps regardless of the degree of affectedness of their P. Lelepa has serial verb constructions but has also developed other verbal constructions grouped in the class of complex predicates, which comprise auxiliary verbs, serial verbs, post-verbs and viii clause-final particles. These encode a broad range of semantic distinctions including aspectual, modal and directional values, manner, intensification, cause-effect and result. Lelepa distinguishes between inalienable and alienable possession, but the possessive constructions have diverged from the typical Oceanic model. In particular, relational classifiers are not found in the language, and a construction reflecting alienable relationships distinguishes between human and non-human possessors. An unusual feature is the marking of mood and transitivity on certain verbs with Stem Initial Mutation. In this process, verbs switch their initial consonant from /f/ to /p/ according to particular mood and transitivity values. This process is known in Vanuatu language but often limited to mood marking, whereas Lelepa and other central Vanuatu languages also mark transitivity. The morphological structure is agglutinative, but many grammatical features are encoded by particles, especially in the verb complex. In the nominal domain, inflectional affixes include possessor-indexing suffixes, a prefixed article and derivational affixes generating deverbal nouns. Compounding is a feature of both nouns and verbs. Word classes are clearly defined, and the main open classes are nouns and verbs. Nominals can be derived through nominalisation of verb roots or substantivisation, a process deriving referential items from all word classes except nouns and pronouns.

Chen, Chi-Fu, and 陳祈福. "Cloning of invertase cDNA from shoots of bamboo Leleba oldhami." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/22081265307378805031.

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Sucrose produced by photosynthesis in leaves is exported to the sink tissues. In higher plants, invertase (beta-D-fructofuranosidase,EC, hydrolyzes sucrose into glucose and fructose, are a group of ubiquitous plant enzymes and play important roles in carbohydrate metabolism and in the regulation of sucrose transport. Total RNA isolated from shoots of green bamboo as the template and two oligonucleotide primers, corresponding to the two conserved amino acid sequences of invertase found in other plant species, were used for RT-PCR. The resulting 1.42 kb cDNA fragment were analysed by agarose gel eletrophoresis. Primers designed based on the BSIT-1.42 were used in means of 5''/3’ RACE, two different sequences of cDNA were obtained by mean of 3’ RACE (3’-1 and 3’-2). By comparing with overlap region of cDNAs, two full-length invertase cDNAs were presumably obtained.They are designated BSIT1 and BSIT2. BSIT1 has 1984 bp containing an open reading frame of 1755 bp that encodes a polypeptide of 584 amino acids with molecular mass of 64.56 kDa and pI 4.78. BSIT2 has 1968 bp containing an open reading frame of 1749 bp that encodes a polypeptide of 582 amino acids with molecular mass of 64.28 kDa and pI 4.81. They both have high amino acid sequence homology with maize (71% identity), tomato (56% identity), rice (54% identity) and sweet potato (53%). Genomic Southern analysis first indicated that both BSIT1 and BSIT2 have low copy numbers in genomic DNA.

Huang, Ying-Ju, and 黃瀅如. "Purification and Characterization of Sucrose Synthase from Shoots of Bamboo Leleba oldhami." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47534679457809489532.

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Both cytoplasmic and membrane-associated forms of sucrose synthase (SuS) were detected in the shoot of bamboo Lelebba oldhami. The content of membrane-associated SuS was low; but the specific activity was high. The interaction between membrane and SuS was weak, indicating SuS was a peripheral membrane protein. The cytoplasmic sucrose synthase was partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration and DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography. Further purification of the enzyme by the Mono-P chromatofocusing chromatography indicated the presence of at least four isozymes. These isozymes showed different electrophoretic mobilities in Disc-PAGE. The native and subunit molecular weight of these isozymes were 363,000 and 90,000, respectively. It suggests that SuS isozymes were tetramers. All these isozymes use UDP as the best nucleoside diphosphate substrate. The sucrose cleavage activities of these enzymes were inhibited by Mg2+ ion. However, activities of sucrose synthesis were stimulated by the same ion.

Lin, Chiou-Hong, and 林秋宏. "Cloning and Characterization of Sucrose Synthase cDNA from Shoots of Bamboo Leleba oldhami." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/27163601210216186435.

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Abstract Sucrose synthase catalyzes a reaction of sucrose and UDP to form fructose and UDPG, the latter being a precursor of complex saccharide biosynthesis. The objective of this thesis is to clone and characterize the cDNA encoding sucrose synthase in the shoots of bamboo in order to understand the roles played by sucrose synthase in this rapid-growing plant. A cDNA library constructed from poly(A)+RNA of green bamboo shoots was screened for sucrose synthase by using the RT-PCR product, containing the conserved sequence of plant sucrose synthase, as a probe. Four different types of sucrose synthase cDNA, BSus1a, BSus1b, BSus2a and BSus2b were identified. BSus1a and BSus1b both encode polypeptides of 816 amino acids with relative molecular masses of 92.83 and 92.98 kDa and have highest amino acid sequence homology with Sus1-type sucrose synthase of other plants (90~96% identity). BSus2a and BSus2b both encode polypeptides of 808 amino acids with relative molecular masses of 92.25 and 92.12 kDa and have highest amino acid sequence homology with Sus2-type sucrose synthase (89~92% identity). BSus1a and BSus1b mRNA were detected at higher level in leaves than in shoots while BSus2a and BSus2b mRNA were detected predominantly in shoots. The coding region of each BSus cDNA was subcloned into an expression vector, pTrcHis A. The constructed expression plasmids were then transformed into E.coli TOP10 for expression. The recombinant proteins possessed sucrose synthase activity and showed cross-reaction to a polyclonal antibody against rice sucrose synthase. These results prove conclusively that four cDNAs encode sucrose synthase in green bamboo shoots.

Chiu, Wen-Bin, and 邱文彬. "Construction of green bamboo leleba oldhami genomiclibrary and cloning of sucrose synthase gene." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/23713898638184188923.

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Sucrose synthase catalyzes a reaction of sucrose and UDP to form fructose and UDPG, the latter being a precursor of complex saccharide biosynthesis. The objective of this thesis is to clone and characterize the gene encoding sucrose synthase in green bamboo Leleba oldhami. Genomic library was constructed using l FIX II vector and screened for sucrose synthase by using the RT-PCR product, which contain the conserved sequence of plant sucrose synthase, as a probe. There were 25 positive clones screened from 1.2 x 106 recombinant clones. Eight clones were selected randomly and analyzed by restriction enzymes and Southern hybridization. The No.6 clone with the highest hybridization signal was selected for further analysis. The 13 kb insert of No.6 clone, named I6, was digested by NotI and EcoRI into two fragments. They were individually subcloned into plasmid pBluescript II SK and were subjected to sequencing. By comparing the sequence of I6 with those of BSus cDNAs, we found that I6 contained a Sus sequence with highest identity to BSus1b cDNA. There were fifteen exons and fourteen introns in this 7.6 kb BSus1b gene, which was highly homologuos to the RSus1 gene. Furthermore, five TATA boxes and two sucrose response elements sequence were found in the upstream region of the BSus1b gene.

Eves, Richard. "Seating the place : magic and embodiment on the Lelet Plateau, New Ireland (Papua New Guinea)." Phd thesis, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/116901.

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This thesis explores and describes the lived world of the people inhabiting the Lelet Plateau in central New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Its particular focus is embodiment and the forms of corporeal imagery in magical belief, interpreted from a perspective that draws on Bakhtin's dialogism and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. Bakhtin argues that dialogic relations extend far beyond dialogic speech in the narrow sense and are imbued in the entire realm of living thought. For him there is no unitary or self-constituting subject who exists in and by him or herself. I argue similarly for a relational or dialogical theory of personhood which sees the person as constituted in the social world, in relations with others. Among the Lelet sociality is crucial in defining humanness. I follow Merleau-Ponty in seeing the subject as embodied, and suggest that the consciousness of the Lelet person is not radically separated from bodily being, as it is in modem western thought, but is integrally bound up with it. The Lelet person is very much a body-subject whose consciousness of self as acting subject is integrally connected to the corporeal component of his or her being. I draw on the insights of Merleau-Ponty to elaborate a theory of the body which points to the significance of movement and action as the basis of intentionality. I argue that the movement of the body in action is central to the Lelet imagination because it is integral to the constitution of the person. The immobile state of the sitting body is opposed to the more mobile state of movement in numerous contexts. Throughout, I explore the polyvalent meanings of such bodily images and the ways in which they are reconfigured in different contexts. The body, thus, is the medium through which the Lelet construct personhood and identity. Because of this, power relations are often concerned with the body. The renown of a person is dependent on the processes of value creation in which bodily power or bodily movement are transformed into products which are then circulated and exchanged with others. Because the body is central to the constitution of the person and the creation of value it is the target for those who seek to attack or control others.

Liao, Yu-Ping, and 廖于萍. "The effects of dietary supplementation of different pigments on skin pigmentation of Lemon cichlid, Neolamprologus leleupi (Poll, 1956)." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/02251745841055893493.

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This study evaluated the effects of different dietary pigments or algae levels on the skin coloration of lemon cichlid. Moreover, the color chip (PANTONE○R formula guide solid uncoated), digital image acquisition and processing (DIAP) and concentrations of xanthophyll or carotenoids of tissue were used to estimate the color of fish in the present study. In experiment I, Lemon cichlid were fed diets supplemented 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg/kg xanthophyll for eight weeks. The results demonstrated lemon cichlid fed 15 mg/kg xanthophyll showed a significantly higher weight gain (215.12%) than those fed diet supplemented 25 mg/kg (167.91%) xanthophyll. However, the concentrations of xanthophyll of skin、fin and muscle of fish ranged from 20.63 to 25.75 mg/kg, 0.90 to 39.52 mg/kg and 0.65 to 1.05 mg/kg, respectively. The values of L* and a* of skin were not significantly different among treatment groups. The values of b*, C* and H* of fish skin fed diets supplemented 20 and 25 mg/kg ranged from 44.76 to 45.00、46.62 to 46.84 and 73.44 to 73.94, respectively and significantly higher than those of control treatment. The xanthophyll retention rates (%) in skin、fin and muscle ranged from 6.73% to 18.06%、5.24% to 12.86% and 0.43% to 1.05%, respectively. In experiment II, Lemon cichlid were fed diets supplemented 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg lutein and supplemented 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg canthaxanthin for four weeks. The results demonstrate that weight gain of cichlid were not significantly different among treatment groups. However, the concentrations of xanthophyll of skin、fin and muscle of fish ranged from 32.14 to 56.90 mg/kg, 54.81 to 140.98 mg/kg and 0.59 to 2.35 mg/kg, respectively. The values of L*, a* and H* of skin were not significantly different among treatment groups. The values of b* and C* of fish skin fed diets supplemented 50 to 100 mg/kg ranged from 52.00 to 54.67 and 54.52 to 55.90, respectively and significantly higher than those of control treatment. The xanthophyll retention rates (%) in skin、fin and muscle ranged from 4.53% to 20.18%, 3.61% to 14.52% and 0.13% to 1.20%, respectively. In experiment III, Lemon cichlid were fed diets supplemented with Spirulina and Chlorella powder containing 0, 30 and 70 mg/kg carotenoids for four weeks. The results demonstrated that weight gain of cichlid was not significantly different among treatment groups. However, the concentrations of carotenoids of skin、fin and muscle of fish ranged from 21.97 to 44.79 mg/kg, 44.66 to 98.90 mg/kg and 0.61 to 2.55 mg/kg, respectively. The values of L*, a* and H* of skin were not significantly different among treatment groups. The values of b* and C* of fish skin fed diets supplemented 70 mg/kg ranged from 48.00 to 49.00 and 50.51 to 51.88, respectively and significantly higher than those of control treatment. The carotenoids retention rates (%) in skin、fin and muscle ranged from 6.00% to 13.37%, 7.08% to 10.93% and 0.20% to 0.44%, respectively. For lemon cichlid the best colouring obtained, was achieved using lutein or canthaxanthin, and yellow hue was maximum when using lutein.

Cheng, Wei-Ju, and 鄭維如. "Investigate “LeLe Yellow Cab Mobile Internet Service” with Service Innovation Theory." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/37880643915195079270.

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This study investigates the “LeLe Yellow Cab Mobile Internet Service” product strategy (abbreviated as “the service”) of VMAX Telecommunication Company. The service has been provided to the customers of Taiwan’s Taxis for killing time since October 2009. VMAX expected that the customers of the service will grow rapidly since Internet service is popular in Taiwan and the customer base of taxis is huge. We apply the Service Innovation Theory proposed by Edvardson and Olsson (1996) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory proposed by Rogers (1962) to the strategy of the service as following: A. Confirm that the service is a new developed product – an innovative service; B. Analyze the failure of the service through the frameworks of the Service Innovation Theory; C. Confirm the failure of the service through the four elements of the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. This case study could be a reference for the wireless broadband operators in future

Boettger, Juliane. "Topics in the grammar of Lele: a language of Manus Island, Papua New Guinea." Thesis, 2015. https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/41204/1/41204-boettger-2015-thesis.pdf.

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This thesis examines topics in the grammar of the Lele language, Manus Island, Papua New Guinea. Lele is spoken by ca. 4,500 people on mainland Manus Island and belongs to the little known Admiralties languages, a higher order subgroup of the Oceanic (Austronesian) language family. The methodology of language description followed the principles of the Basic Linguistic Theory (Dixon 2009a, b, 2012). The material that served as the basis of description was collected during long field stays particularly to Sapon village, from 2012 to 2014. The field research is based on the principle of immersion fieldwork, seeking a deeper understanding of both target language as well as culture through living with the language community and sharing everyday life. The thesis covers the open word classes in Lele, nouns and verbs, adjectives and adverbs, as well as closed word classes. Further topics in syntax and phrasal structure are examined. Finally, the comprehensive text collection and the dictionary attached as appendices to the thesis represent considerable contributions to the maintenance of the Lele language. These materials enhance the linguistic database available to the academic community and to native speakers.

CHOU, CHIH-WEI, and 周智偉. "The Influence of Different Teaching Methods on the Skills of National Primary School Children's Lele." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/nrsj59.

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The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of different teaching methods on the skills of the national primary school children's baseball. To study the empirical research method, taking the fourth-grade children of Taichung City Zhongxiao National Primary School as the experimental object; 25 control groups (13 boys and 12 girls) perform instructional Lele baseball throwing skills teaching. The experimental group consisted of 25 students (13 boys and 12 girls) who taught the included Lele baseball throwing skills. Pre-testing before the course is involved, After the implementation of eight weeks and sixteen lessons, Forty minutes of teaching practice per lesson, After the completion of the course intervention, the post-test is implemented. The research tools are for the instructional Lele baseball throwing skill teaching and the inclusion of the Lele baseball throwing skill teaching. The test method is to develop and record the skill learning of Lele Baseball 7 meters. According to the data obtained from the experiment, The two-way variation analysis of the mixed design was tested. If the interactions are significantly different, Then carry out a simple main effect test. The statistical significance of this study was determined as α=.05. The research results indicate that: 1) here is no significant difference in the results of the Lele baseball throws in different groups. 2) There are significant differences in the results of different Lele baseball throws for different tests, and the post-test is better than the pre-test. 3) Both the same group and the different tests have a significant interaction effect on the Lele baseball throwing skill. in conclusion: After the different teaching methods are involved in the Lele baseball throwing skill course, they all have good effects on the Lele baseball throwing skill, and the inclusive teaching method is better than the command-based teaching method.

Bürck, Lelia Muriel van [Verfasser]. "Clinical and pathomorphological characterisation of two diabetic mouse models derived from the Munich ENU mouse mutagenesis project / von Lelia Muriel van Bürck." 2010. http://d-nb.info/101145016X/34.

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TSAI, PEI-CHUN, and 蔡佩君. "Developing Reflective Learning Portfolios:A Case of Artistic Talent Music Program at Lele Elementary School in Taichung City." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/dvhn9t.

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The purpose of this study was to describe students' learning changes through developing their own reflective learning portfolios in the artistic talent music program of Lele Elementary School in Taichung City. This research is a case study with single-case design. Through purposive sampling, the fifth grade artistic talent music class taught by the researcher was invited to participate in this study. Research data included video tape recordings, interviews, and worksheets (self-assessment and peer-assessment) to collect students’ reflections as they took band ensembles and individual instrument lessons. Additionally, the researcher used random sampling to get 5 students and made video tape recording of their one-on-one instrumental lessons and final examinations. Through reviewing the video tape recordings, the 5 students reflected their learning about taking instrumental lessons. Moreover, through interviews conducted in the mid and final semester, it was to help the researcher to realize the practicability and feasibility of using reflective learning portfolios toward participants’ learning improvement. The findings of this study as follows: 1.Developing reflective learning portfolios enhanced participants’ reflection on their learning effectiveness of individual instruments. 2.Through multiple approaches to collect portfolio contents for developing reflective learning portfolios, it is helpful for participants to appropriately review and check their own learning process. 3.The participants, especially fifth graders, encountered difficulties to reflect their learning during their developing reflective learning portfolios. However, through effective guidance by their music teacher, participants became better to present their thinking and express their ideas. It can be concluded that students can use metacognitive strategies to help their practice on individual instruments. The use of peer-assessment sheet improves students’ reflections on their instrumental ensemble learning. Furthermore, the use of worksheet “Learning Notes” enhances students’ reflection on their learning of individual instruments. Keywords: artistic music talent program, reflective learning portfolio, reflection, individual instruments, instrumental ensemble

KUNG, CHING-YI, and 孔景怡. "The high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan and mesozoic enters a higher school to the country chooses research the school influence- take the LELE Junior high school in Kaohsiung County as the example." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/w5rbxn.

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This research is for the purpose of discussing present high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan it mesozoic to enter a higher school to the country chooses the school influence.In order to reach the research goal, the object of study by the LELE Junior high school of Third graders in a country in Kaohsiung County, executes by the all country three student measures the way, altogether obtains effective questionnaire 141.This research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, by from arranges “the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan and mesozoic enters a higher school to the country chooses research questionnaire the school influence”and uses half structural formula interview in view of the teacher to take the material collection and the research tool, the investigation result describes statistical, independent sample T­test statistical analysis methods and so on t examination, one­way ANOVA, Pearson accumulated rate correlation, multi-dimensional gradually regression analysis, Chi­square test carries on the material analysis.After the statistical analysis result, obtains the findings to be as follows: 1. The LELE Junior high school of Third graders in a country in Kaohsiung County,to high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan “registration distribution” stratification plane understanding situation High, “selects the matriculation” the stratification plane understanding situation to be low. 2. The LELE Junior high school of Third graders in a country in Kaohsiung County, to high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan to “registration distribution” stratification plane degree of support High, “selects the matriculation” the stratification plane degree of support to be low. 3. The different sex country three students in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan opinion understood the situation has the remarkable difference,the country three females Lives the understanding situation to be higher than the country three male students. 4. The different father education level country three students in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understood the situation “is exempt from taking an examination the matriculation” the level Surface not remarkable difference; Different father education level country three students in high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understanding situation“The application matriculation”, “selects the matriculation”, “the registration distribution” the stratification plane has the remarkable difference. 5.The different mother education level country three students are not remarkable in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understanding situation four stratification planes Difference. 6.The different father occupation country three students in high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understanding situation four stratification plane not remarkable differences. 7. The different mother occupation country three students are not remarkable in the High school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understanding situation four stratification plane stratification planes Difference. 8. In the different country in the school result country three students in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan understood the situation four stratification planes have the remarkableness Difference. 9.The different sex country three students have the remarkable difference in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support. 10.The different father education level country three students “are exempt from taking an examination the matriculation” in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support the level The surface has the remarkable difference; Different father education level country three students in high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support “The application matriculation”, “selects the matriculation”, “the registration distribution” the stratification plane not remarkable difference. 11. The different mother education level country three students not reveal in the highschool multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support four stratification planes Difference. 12. The different father occupation country three students “are exempt from taking an examination the matriculation” in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support the stratification plane Not remarkable difference; Different father education level country three students in high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support “Shanghai Please enter a school”, “selects the matriculation”, “the registration distribution” the stratification plane has the emarkable difference. 13. The different mother occupation country three students not reveal in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support four stratification plane stratification planes Difference. 14. In the different country “is exempt from taking an examination the matriculation” in the school result country three students in the high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan degree of support Stratification plane not remarkable dfference; Different father education level country three students in high school multi-dimensional matriculation plan support regulation “The application matriculation”, “selects the matriculation”, “the registration distribution” the stratification plane has the remarkable difference. According to the above findings, the researcher in view of the findings proposed the concrete proposal, provides the educational administration institution, the school, the teacher as the reference or the research using of.

Roy, Tarryn Jane. "The application of family group conferencing as a child justice intervention in South Africa." Diss., 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/26510.

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Abstract in English, Zulu and Sotho
The aim of this study is to consider the application of family group conferencing (FGC) as child justice intervention for children in conflict with the law. An exploratory qualitative approach was followed to provide insight into the perceptions of experts with regards to the suitability of FGC for South Africa and for children, as well as the current application of, and potential context and scope for the application of FGC as a South African justice intervention. Semi-structured interviews were used as the data collection tool. Accordingly, experts from diverse disciplines, to wit social work, psychology, criminology, law, and education (and sub-speciality in FGC and restorative justice), were interviewed telephonically, face to face or via video chat. The sample was collected using purposive sampling through perusal of research articles and academic electronic sites, as well as snowball sampling whereby potential participants were identified. The findings show that FGC is an ideal intervention within the South African criminal justice context, and more particularly for child justice. The inclusion of family was noted as specifically important in dealing with children, and within an Afrocentric, Ubuntu-laden, socio-cultural environment. Furthermore, the suitability of FGC to the South African child justice context was linked to victim support and inclusivity, reconciliation aims, cultural flexibility, and ability to support offenders yet hold them accountable without criminalisation. Findings reiterated that FGC is inclusive of support persons, whilst Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) is not. Resultantly, and with due consideration for the importance of support persons in child related interventions, the necessity of an amendment to the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 (CJA) - pertaining specifically to VOM - is advocated. Provisions for the implementation of FGC in a child appropriate manner were recommended, namely, adequate preparation; age, needs, and context consideration; maintenance of safety and respect of all parties; and adequate facilitation. The findings regarding the current application of FGC as a child justice intervention in South Africa evinced that it is rarely implemented due to a lack of funding and resources, hesitancy of criminal justice professionals, and a decrease in diversion referrals due to a lack of knowledge and poor performance of the South African Police Services (SAPS). With the aim of extending and promoting FGC, findings noted the necessity for awareness and educational campaigns for both community and criminal justice persons; a multi-dimensional approach whereby various disciplines, societal sectors, government, and civil society work collaboratively; and lastly the importance of the launch of South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Board (SARJAB), an accreditation board for restorative justice practitioners was noted. Recommendations with regards to the findings were made with calls for advocation, action and further research.
Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukubheka ukusebenza kwenqubo ye-family group conferencing (FGC) njengendlela yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane ezinqubuzana nomthetho. Kulandelwe inqubo ye-exploratory qualitative approach, ukuhlinzeka ngemibono yochwepheshe ngendlela ababona ngayo ukufaneleka kwe-FGC eNingizimu Afrika kanye nezingane, kanye nokusetshenziswa kwale nqubo manje, nokumumethwe yisimo kanye nokwendlaleka kwe-FGC njengenqubo yokusiza kwezomthetho nezinkantolo eNingizimu Afrika. Kusetshenziswe ama-semi-structured interviews njengethuluzi lokuqoqa ulwazi. Ngakho-ke, ochwepheshe bemikhakha ehlukene, efana neye-social work, isayikholoji, i-criminology, umthetho nemfundo (umkhakhana kwi-FGC kanye nenqubo yokulungisa nokubuyisela kahle kwisimo kulabo abonelwe kwezobulungisa, kwenziwe ama-interview ngezingcingo, ukubhekana ubuso nobuso kanye nokwenza izingxoxo ngamavidiyo. Kuqokelelwe isampuli ngokusebenzisa i-purposive (ukufunda ama-atikili ezocwaningo kanye nama-sayiti esiakhademiki ngendlela ye-elektroniki) kanye nokwenza amasampuli ngendlela ye-snowball, lapho khona okwaphawulwa khona ababambi qhaza kucwaningo. Okutholakele kukhombisa ukuthi inqubo ye-FGC yiyo elungile kwinqubo yezomthetho nezinkantolo zobugebengu eNingizimu Afrika, ikakhulukazi lapho kubhekwane nomthetho nezinkantolo nobulungisa maqondana nezingane. Ukubandakanywa komndeni kuqashelwa njengento ebalulekile ekubhekaneni nezingane, kanti futhi kwinqubo ebonelela indlela yobu-Afrika, indlela egxile kubuntu kanye nokubonelela amasiko endabuko yesintu. Kanti futhi okunye, ukufaneleka kwenqubo ye-FGC kwisimo seNingizimu Afrika sokubhekana nenqubo yomthetho yobulungisa maqondana nezingane, kuxhumene nokusekelana nabonelwe zingane ngendlela eyongamelayo, izinhloso zokubuyisana, ukuguquguquka kwezendabuko kanye nekhono lokusekela abonile, kodwa ngendlela yokuqikelela ukuthi izingane zibhekana nezenzo zazo ngaphandle kokuzibona njengezigebengu. Lezi zinto ezitholakele ngocwaningo, ukuthi inqubo ye-FGC ibandakanya ukusekela abantu, kodwa inqubo yokuqikelela ukuthi kube nokubonisana nabonelwe ngenqubo ye-victim-offender mediation (VOM) ayikuboneleli lokhu. Ngenxa yalokhu, kanti futhi ngokubonelela ukubaluleka kokusekela abantu kwinqubo yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane, umcwaningi uphakamisa ukuthi kuchitshiyelwe umthetho wokubhekana nezinkantolo nezingane, umthetho we-Child Justice Act (CJA) 75 ka 2008 – oqondene nenqubo ye-VOM. Kunconywa izindlela zokusebenza nge-FGC ngendlela ebonelela izingane, ngokwenza amalungiselelo afanele; ukubonelela iminyaka yobudala, izidingo kanye nezimo; ukuqikelela ukuphepha kanye nenhlonipho yazo zonke izinhlangothi ezithintekayo, kanye nosizo ngokuxhumanisa. Okutholakele maqondana nokusetshenziswa kwamanje kwenqubo ye-FGC njengendlela yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane kwinqubo yezomthetho nezinkantolo eNingizimu Afrika kuyinqubo engasetshenziswa ngokwanele ngenxa yokusweleka kwezimali neminye imithombo yosizo, ukungabaza kulabo ababhekene nenqubo yezinkantol o nobulungisa; kanye nokuncipha kwenqubo yokubonelela ezinye izindlela ezakhaya ngaphandle kokusebenzisa izinkantolo maqondana nezingane, ngenxa yokusweleka kolwazi, ukungasebenzi ngezinga elifanele kwenqubo yezamaphoyisa aseNingizimu Afrika, abe-South African Police Services (SAPS). Ngenhloso yokunabisa kanye nokuqhubela phambili i-FGC, umcwaningi, uphawula isidingo sokuqwashisa kanye nemikhankaso yemfundo emiphakathini kanye nakubantu abasebenza ezinkantolo ezibhekana nobulungisa; inqubo enezinhlaka ezehlukahlukile, lapho kusetshenziswa khona imikhakha ehlukene, abantu besizwe, uhulumeni, izinhlangano zemiphakathi, ukuthi yonke le mikhakha isebenzisane; kanti okokugcina, ukusungula inhlangano yaseNingizimu Afrika ye-South African Restorative Justice Accredidation Board (SARJAB) ukuze abasebenza ngenqubo yobulungisa nokubuyisela okulungile kulabo abonelwe basebenzise yona. Izincomo maqondana nokutholakele kucwaningo kwenziwa ngokwenza isimemezelo sokugqugquzelela ukwenziwa kwenqubo, izinyathelo kanye nolunye ucwaningo.
Maikemisetso a patlisiso ena ya boithuto ke ho shebana le tshebediso ya seboka sa sehlopha sa lelapa (family group conferencing (FGC)) jwalo ka mohato ho toka ya ngwana bakeng sa bana ba iphumanang ba le kgahlano le molao. Ho latetswe katamelo ya phuputso ka boleng, ho fana ka lesedi mabapi le maikutlo a ditsebi hodima ho tshwaneleha ha FGC bakeng sa Afrika Borwa le bana ba yona, hammoho le tshebediso ya hajwale, le dikateng le bophara bo ka bang teng ba FGC jwalo ka mohato wa toka wa Afrika Borwa. Ho sebedisitswe diinthavu tse sa hlophiswang ka botlalo ho bokelletsa datha. Ka mokgwa oo, ditsebi ho tswa makaleng a fapaneng, a jwalo ka tshebeletso ya setjhaba, dithuto tsa kelello ya motho le mesebetsi ya yona, dithuto tsa botlokotsebe, molao le thuto (lekala le tlasana la FGC le toka ya puseletso), di ile tsa botswa dipotso ka mohala, mahlong kapa ka puisano ya vidiyo. Sampole e bokelleditswe ka mokgwa wa thero (purposive) (ho balwa ha dingolwa tsa dipatlisiso le diwebosaete tsa elektroniki tsa dithuto) hammoho le mokgwa wa disampole o bitswang snowball, moo teng bao e ka bang bankakarolo ba ileng ba hlwauwa. Diphetho di supa hore FGC ke mohato o loketseng boemo ba Afrika Borwa ba toka ditlolong tsa molao, haholo bakeng sa toka baneng. Ho kenyelletswa ha lelapa ho bonwa ho le bohlokwa ho fetisisa tshebetsanong le bana, le tikolohong ya boAfrika, e kgannwang ke setso le bophelo ba ubuntu. Ho feta moo, ho tshwaneleha ha FGC ditabeng tsa toka ya bana Afrika Borwa ho hokahanngwa le tshebetso ya mahlasipa le kenyelletso, maikemisetso a tshwarelano, ho fetoha ha setso le bokgoni ba ho tshehetsa batlodi ba molao, empa ba ntse ba jariswa maikarabello ntle le ho ba etsa ditlokotsebe. Diphetho di netefatsa hore FGC e kenyeletsa batho ba tshehetsang, ha puisano pakeng tsa lehlasipa le motlodi wa molao (VOM) ese jwalo. Ka lebaka leo, mme le ka ho nahanela bohlokwa ba batho ba fanang ka tshehetso mehatong e amanang le bana, mofuputsi o buelella ho fetolwa ha Molao wa Toka ya Bana (CJA) 75 ya 2008 – e amanang ka kotloloho le VOM. Ho kgothaletswa maemo a ho kenya FGC tshebetsong ka tsela e loketseng bana, ka boitokiso bo lekaneng; kamohelo ya dilemo, ditlhoko le dikateng; poloko ya tshireletseho le hlompho ya baamehi bohle; le tataiso e loketseng. Diphetho tse mabapi le tshebediso ya hajwale ya FGC jwalo ka mohato wa toka baneng Afrika Borwa di supa hore hase hangata e sebediswang ka lebaka la tlhokeho ya tjhelete le disebediswa, qeyaqeyo hara ditsebi tsa toka botlokotsebeng, le phokotseho ya diphetiso ka lebaka la ho hloka tsebo le tshebetso e mpe lehlakoreng ya South African Police Services (SAPS). Ka maikemisetso a ho atolosa le ho phahamisa FGC, mofuputsi o lemosa tlhoko ya tsebo le matsholo a thuto bakeng sa setjhaba le batho ba sebetsang ka toka botlokotsebeng; katamelo ya makala a mangata moo makala a fapaneng, dikarolo tsa setjhaba, mmuso le setjhaba ba sebetsang mmoho; mme qetellong, bohlokwa ba ho theha Boto ya Toka ya Puseletso le Tlhwao ya Afrika Borwa (South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Board (SARJAB)) bakeng sa basebeletsi ba toka ya puseletso. Dikgothaletso tse mabapi le diphetho di etswa ho ntse ho kotjwa tshehetso, ketso le dipatlisiso tse eketsehileng.
Criminology and Security Science
M.A. (Criminology)

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