Academic literature on the topic 'Littoral erosion'

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Journal articles on the topic "Littoral erosion":


Mohammadi, Bijan. "Uncertainty quantification in littoral erosion." Computers & Fluids 143 (January 2017): 120–33.

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Brunn, Per. "MEASURES AGAINST EROSION AT GROINS AND JETTIES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 3 (January 1, 2000): 11.

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One of the difficult problems on a littoral drift coast is the erosion on the leeside of groins and jetties. This paper will deal with the problem giving special consideration to the conditions on the Danish North Sea coast where many interesting problems of littoral drift and coastal protection are found. They are discussed as an introduction to the main part of the paper which is principally concerned with leeside erosion and measures for its prevention.

Ruol, Piero, Luca Martinelli, and Chiara Favaretto. "Vulnerability Analysis of the Venetian Littoral and Adopted Mitigation Strategy." Water 10, no. 8 (July 26, 2018): 984.

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This paper discusses the key aspects of the recent Coastal Plan of the Veneto Region (IT). Its aim is to propose a single mitigation strategy for coastal erosion that is valid for the whole Veneto Region, and possibly elsewhere, as well as a method to assign a priority level to any action. The suggested mitigation action against erosion depends on urbanization level, beach width, as well as cross-shore and long-shore sediment transport. The criterion used to give a priority level to mitigation actions is based on a vulnerability index that takes into account erosive tendency, existing coastal flooding hazards, coast value, environmental relevance, tourist pressure, urbanization level, the presence of production activities, and cultural heritage. A sample case featuring the littoral of Rosolina is also provided and includes a site description, the sediment budget, critical issues and possible mitigation measures.

Sayao, Otavio J., and Robert B. Nairn. "PHYSICAL MODELLING OF BEACH EROSION AND LITTORAL DRIFT." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 21 (January 29, 1988): 134.

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A new procedure for physical modelling of beach sedimentary processes is presented. It is shown that the modelling requirements proposed by Dean (1985) are necessary but not sufficient for dynamic similarity. Quantification of scale effects due to slope and relative grain size scaling conditions enables extrapolation of the physical model results to prototype situations. Selected examples of the application of the proposed model design are also given.

Nicholls, R. J., and N. B. Webber. "Coastal erosion in the eastern half of Christchurch Bay." Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 4, no. 1 (1987): 549–54.

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AbstractChristchurch Bay has a long history of shoreline recession and this has given rise to some major coastal engineering problems. An area of particular concern is Hurst Beach at its eastern end, where the maximum rate of recession has increased from 1.5 m a-1 (1867 to 1968) to 3.5 m a-1 (1968 to 1982). Hurst Castle itself is now subject to wave attack on part of its frontage. The littoral sediment movement was assumed to be essentially continuous around Christchurch Bay, but, in fact, a littoral drift sub-cell boundary (i.e. a partial barrier to littoral drift) is present in the vicinity of Hordle Cliff. Therefore, the increased recession of Hurst Beach is a local problem. Milford-on-Sea is situated on a thick sequence of Pleistocene Gravels, whose erosion contributed substantially to the maintenance of Hurst Castle Spit as a major physiographic feature. However, a series of coast protection works were constructed to protect Milford-on-Sea between 1936 and 1968, removing this important source of sediment.In the long term, without any further human interference, recession rates of up to 6 m a-1 will probably occur along Hurst Beach. A breach of Hurst Beach is a major concern, as it would create an island at Hurst Castle and expose the vulnerable, low-lying, northern coast of the West Solent, including the village of Keyhaven, to increased wave attack and tidal scour. Ecologically important saltmarshes would also be destroyed.Shingle renourishment is the only environmentally acceptable engineering solution. Limited renourishment has already commenced. Any cost benefit decisions must consider the wider implications of a breach in Hurst Beach, including environmental and ecological considerations.This case study demonstrates the importance of a detailed understanding of both the littoral and offshore sediment movement for the planning of coast protection.

Brewer, Carol, and Michael Parker. "Distribution and Composition of Substrate in the Littoral Zone in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming." UW National Parks Service Research Station Annual Reports 9 (January 1, 1985): 56–62.

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The composition of sediments varies both horizontally and vertically in a lake. The distribution of sediment types is related not only to basin geomorphology, but also to the effect of turbulent water as it moves substrate particles in the littoral zone. Definite patterns of erosion and deposition in lakes have been described by many limnologists (e.g., Hutchinson, 1957; Spence, 1982; Keddy, 1982, 1983, 1984). Sedimentation and the quality of sediments as a nutrient source affect the ability of macrophytes to colonize and persist in the littoral habitat. The ability to root in a particular area is directly related to the extent which a substrate can anchor the potentially large plants (Spence, 1982). On erosional shores, suspended sediments abrade rooted plants and may cause damage and breakage. On the other hand, the macrophyte community stabilizes bottom sediments and their presence leads to increased water clarity as particulates settle out due to reduced water currents within plant beds. Since the relationship between plants and sediments is well known, our objective was to measure the distribution and composition of the sediments in the littoral zone of the lake. Then we could relate the distribution of substrate to the distribution we had measured for macrophytes in the littoral zone.

Putro, Anthony Harlly Sasono, and Jung Lyul Lee. "Analysis of Longshore Drift Patterns on the Littoral System of Nusa Dua Beach in Bali, Indonesia." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 10 (September 26, 2020): 749.

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Bali is one of the most popular tourist areas in Indonesia. With its coastline stretching 633 km, Bali has many beautiful beaches that have become world tourism attractions, thus making tourism the economic engine of Bali. The biggest priority of major tourism sites is maintaining sufficient beach width. However, based on a survey from Balai Wilayah Sungai (BWS) Bali Penida, Bali has suffered from a series of erosions along 215 km of its coastline, including Nusa Dua, in 2015. The location of the study area for this report is a 2.8 km stretch of coastline at Nusa Dua Beach. The erosion problem at Nusa Dua Beach was assessed by analyzing the longshore drift patterns. Simulations are required to assess this erosion problem, combined with the erosion rate and the simulated equilibrium shoreline for each sublittoral cell. To estimate the erosion rate, this study employed profile monitoring data of the beach obtained from 2003 to 2016. This advanced study was based on the mass conservation principle as a governing equation used to predict longshore drifts between sublittoral cells. The satellite image for every sublittoral cell was also used to check the equilibrium condition and estimate the predominant wave direction as the shoreline orientation. Nusa Dua Beach was found to suffer from the change of wave direction and the consequent generation of littoral drift after the reclamation project of Serangan Island located north of the Benoa strait. The correlation between the transportation of longshore sediments and the predominant wave direction indicates the effect of longshore drift in the system. The groin system also created a unique longshore transport pattern in the coastal area. The results obtained in this study can help manage the longshore drift system of Nusa Dua Beach and can be used to predict the beach area subject to erosion and deposition after every beach conservation project. Hence, a strategic plan for managing the shore target lines can be formulated.

Krumbein, W. C. "LITTORAL PROCESSES IN LAKES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 1 (May 12, 2010): 16.

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The purpose of this paper is to present the general topic of lake processes to an engineering audience from a geological point of view. It is apparent that the shores of larger lakes present many problems in common with the sea coast, but the absence of tides, and of first-rank storms, means that geological processes are less marked, and structures may in general be smaller. In contrast to many coastal areas, the Great Lakes probably have less consolidated materials in their banks and bluffs, inasmuch as the basins lie mainly in glacial deposits. Hence rates of erosion may be much greater than on harder coastal rocks. The effect of long-period changes in level also introduce problems of selecting distances above and below lake datum in structures, to allow for the more shoreward wave action during times of high levels. The much leaner shore drift along lakes as compared to the oceans also means that problems of beach development and maintenance may be more difficult to solve. Greater reliance on imported sand in closed systems seems to be the trend in some larger communities where the demand for recreational beaches is great.

McFall, Brian C., Honghai Li, David Arnold, Katherine E. Brutsché, David Bucaro, and Erin Maloney. "SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND SHORELINE RESPONSE TO NEARSHORE PLACEMENT OF DREDGED SEDIMENT IN SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN, USA." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 36 (December 30, 2018): 49.

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Shoreline erosion downdrift of littoral barriers, such as harbor breakwaters, is a universal concern. The beneficial use of dredged sediment through placement in the nearshore downdrift of littoral barriers is common place, but key questions about the sediment transport and shoreline response remain challenging. To that end, the shoreline at Ogden Dunes, Indiana, along the southern shores of Lake Michigan is investigated with historical aerial photographs, nearshore placement records, hydrodynamic and bathymetric field data, and numerical models.

Young, Adam P., Jessica H. Raymond, John Sorenson, Elizabeth A. Johnstone, Neal W. Driscoll, Reinhard E. Flick, and Robert T. Guza. "Coarse Sediment Yields from Seacliff Erosion in the Oceanside Littoral Cell." Journal of Coastal Research 263 (May 2010): 580–85.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Littoral erosion":


Chenault, Carla D. "Understanding long-term beach width change in the Oceanside littoral cell, California." Diss., Digital Dissertations Database. Restricted to UC campuses, 2007.

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Niang-Diop, Isabelle. "Erosion côtière sur la petite côte du Sénégal à partir de l'exemple de Rufisque : passé, présent, futur." Angers, 1995.

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Depuis 1937, le littoral de Rufisque recule à un taux moyen de 1,30 m par an. La principale caractéristique de cette évolution est sa grande variabilité spatio-temporelle due à des facteurs locaux. L'élévation du niveau marin n'explique que 17% du recul. Les causes principales étant des modifications des houles et une diminution des apports sédimentaires. L'évolution morphosédimentaire des plages dépend beaucoup de l'environnement particulier du littoral rufisquois. Les plages sont de type réfectif modal. Aucun cycle de plage saisonnier n'a pu être mis en évidence, les profils de plages ayant plutôt des mouvements variables dans le temps que dans l'espace, indiquant la prééminence de facteurs locaux. Le cycle sédimentaire est quant à lui contrôlé par la nature des couches sédimentaires sous-jacentes qui sont mises à jour par les mouvements d'érosion verticale. Ceci traduit la faible épaisseur des sédiments de plage, ce déficit sédimentaire expliquant sans doute une bonne part de l'érosion du littoral rufisquois et déterminant une extrême vulnérabilité de la côte. Les côtes sénégalaises sont très affectées par une accélération de l'élévation du niveau marin due au réchauffement global. La majeure partie des pertes de terres sera due à l'inondation des zones estuariennes. Mais les pertes par érosion pourront être tout aussi dommageables. D'autres impacts du réchauffement climatique pourront peut-être nuancer ces résultats.

Pettit, Don Joseph. "Distribution of sand within selected littoral cells of the Pacific Northwest." PDXScholar, 1990.

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Beach sand acts as a buffer to wave energy, protecting the shoreline from erosion. Estimates of the quantity and distribution of beach sand in littoral cells of the PNW are critical to the understanding and prediction of shoreline erosion or accretion. This study was initiated in order to: 1) document the distribution of sand in littoral cells of the Pacific Northwest; 2) determine the factors which have brought about these present distributions; and 3) address the relationship of beach sand distribution to shoreline stability.

Rouiha, Abdellatif. "Formes et processus de corrosion littorale de calcaires crétacés au sud de El Jadida (Maroc)." Brest, 1986.

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Faisant suite à l'étude de André Guilcher et Fernand Joly sur les formes de corrosion du calcaire le long de la côte atlantique duMmaroc, notre travail s'applique, avec plus de détail, à la region du sud de El Jadida, qui est formée de calcaires crétacés homométriques à grains fins, et qui permettra ainsi une comparaison avec les formes côtières réalisées au Maroc dans d'autres types de calcaires. Les formes de corrosion de cet estran constituent un étagement qui comporte de haut en bas : des lapies très pointus, séparés par des mares à fond plat avec un encorbellement, puis une plate-forme comprenant un escalier de vasques, avec cloisons non construites, et une microfalaise de basse mer. Les formes ne sont pas dues à l'action mécanique de la houle, mais à l'inter-action de plusieurs processus physico-chimiques :alternance d'humidification et de dessication, agressivité de l'eau de mer, l'haloclastie, et à des processus biologiques : cyanophycées endolithes, lichens, animaux brouteurs et perforants
Following André Guilcher and Fernand Joly's study on corrosion forms in limestones along the atlantic coast of Morocco, our work concerns, with more detail, the region situated at the south of El Jadida, which is made of cretaceous, homometric, fine-grained limestones, and will thus allow a comparaison with coastal forms found in Morocco in other types of limestones. These corrosion forms show a vertical distribution with, in the upper part, very sharp lapies and intervening ponds and ovverhangs; in the midle part, very flat ponds with low, sinuous rims; and finally a low tide microclif. Such forms are not the result of the mechanicl action of the surf, but the result of boring by endolithic cyanophyceae and animals, action of lichen, and, on the other hand, of physico-chemical processus such as alternanations of wetting and drying, sea-water aggressivity, and corrosion by salt

El, Akhdar Mohammed. "Problèmes de la corrosion littorale de roches carbonatées en trois sites de la côte atlantique marocaine : (Dar Bou Azza, Jorf El Ihoudi et cap Tafelney)." Brest, 1986.

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Le présent travail s'inscrit dans le cadre plus général de l'étude des formes de corrosion du calcaire sur les rivages du monde, formes qui, dans l'état actuel des connaissances, sont de caractère biochimique, mais présentent des modalités différentes sous les diverses latitudes, avec des processus qui demandent encore à être précisés. Nous avons fait une description des formes côtières étagées entre le niveau superieur des embruns et celui des plus basses mers. En vue d'obtenir un échantillonnage diversifié nous avons réparti les investigations sur trois sites de la côte atlantique marocaine : Dar Bou Azza, près de Casablanca ; Jorf El Ihoudi, près de Safi et le cap Tafelney dans le grand Atlas. Le travail antérieur de A. Guilcher et F. Joly avait montré la richesse des formes de corrosion, mais des études détaillées manquaient encore. L'étagement des formes montre une différenciation verticale et les processus biochimiques ainsi que les agents de bioérosion sont particulièrement détaillés
The present study is included in a more general framework dealing with the coastal corrosion forms in limestone in the world. So far as it is presently known, the processes are mainly biochemical, but they show different aspects under the diverse latitudes and must still be precised in order to have a differenciation in data, the sites in which the observation have been made are distributed over three places of the atlantic coast of Morocco : Dar Bou Azza, near Casablanca ; Jorf El Ihoudi near Safi and cape Tafelney in the great Atlas. Previous work by A. Guilcher and F. Joly had show the diversity of corrosion forms, but detailed studies still missed. The distribution of forms in altitude shows their vertical differenciation, and the biochemical processus and agents in bioerosion are especially detailed

Moufak, Fatiha. "Attaque littorale par corrosion de calcaires pléistocènes au sud-ouest de Rabat (Maroc)." Brest, 1986.

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Ce travail est un essai qui continue avec plus de précision le travail effectué par A. Guilcher et F. Joly (1954), sur la côte atlantique du Maroc. Il a été effectué au sud-ouest de Rabat sur un peu plus d'une vingtaine de kilomètres. Cette bordure est formée d'une plaine cotière avec karst littoral, ce dernier se développant au contact de la mer, aux dépens de formations dunaires pléistocènes consolidées, en mode très battu l'étage médiolittoral ou intertidal est constitué par une plateforme rocheuse avec vasques. Dans l'étage supralittoral (niveau des embruns), la roche est affectée de lapies finement ciselés. Ce type d'érosion n'est pas lié à l'action mécanique de la mer, mais à un mode d'attaque englobant un grand nombre de facteurs biologiques et physico-chimiques conditionnés par le climat. Ces formes présentent beaucoup d'analogie avec les formes observées sur la côte de certains pays intertropicaux et subtropicaux. Le Maroc atlantique semble être l'un des pays ou ces formes sont les mieux développées
This essay continues with more precision the work carried on in 1954 by Guilcher and Joly on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. It concerns the sector at the south west of Rabat over a little more than twenty kilometers. This area consists of a coastal plain, with a littoral karst developed in pleistocene eolianites under the influence of a strong surf. The intertidal zone shows a rochy platform with steps separated by low, continuous rims. In the supralittoral, spray zone, very sharp lapies are found. Such forms do not derive from mechanical erosion, but from a conbination of biological and physico-chemical factors influenced by the climate. These coastal forms resemble very much those found in some intertropical and subtropical countries. Atlantic Morocco seems to be one of the countries where such featover are but developed

Hellsten, S. (Seppo). "Environmental factors and aquatic macrophytes in the littoral zone of regulated lakes:causes, consequences and possibilities to alleviate harmful effects." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2000.

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Abstract Water level regulation for purposes of hydropower production has caused notable changes in the littoral zones of regulated lakes in northern Finland. Marked geomorphological changes have taken place in the lakes with a raised water level. Lowering of the ice cover during the winter has also caused rapid changes in the littoral. Changes in the environmental conditions and aquatic macrophyte communities were studied largely by comparing the regulated Lake Ontojärvi and the unregulated Lake Lentua in the Kainuu area. The general aims of the study were to analyse environmental effects, to produce information of ecological relationships for remedial measures on the littoral and to apply the restoration methods in the management of regulated lakes. The most obvious effect of regulation was the expanded area of extending ice, which caused an almost complete disappearance of large ice-sensitive isoetids (Isoetes lacustris L., Lobelia dortmanna L.). These species were largely replaced by small erosion resistant isoetids (Ranunculus reptans L., Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult.). Another significant change was the decreased frequency of large helophytes due to increased erosion. A model based on environmental factors was able to predict roughly the main vegetation types. Permanent plot studies showed no significant differences in the stability of the vegetation between the research lakes, which means that the species pool had adapted to the harsh environment. Restoration techniques based on mechanical protection of shorelines and revegetation were applied to Lake Ontojärvi. The hostile environmental conditions caused a rapid decline of the planted species, but tall Salix phylicifolia L. seedlings and Carex rostrata Stokes were able to survive, although in low abundance. More significant remedial measures were provided by the Ecologically-based Regulation Practices (ERP), which have been applied to several lakes under hydropower production. This procedure, which was largely based on the results of the Kainuu studies, offers a simple way to illustrate the differences between various regulation practices. Two case studies showed that an exceptional year with extremely high or low water levels can largely abolish the positive succession achieved by ERP. The huge financial losses caused by ERP for hydropower production have also promoted the use of other conventional restoration measures.

Tavares, Correa Carlos, and Fabian Drenkhan. "Shoreline Variation between Puerto Chicama and Puémape, La Libertad, Perú (1961-2006)." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2013.

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A spatial -temporal analysis was made by using cartographic material and Geographic Information Systems techniques. Here we compared the setting of the littoral line of a sector minimally affected by human occupation (Puémape–Puerto Chicama) with other sectors with moderate occupation (La Chira–Lurín) to strongly modified (Salaverry–Las Delicias and the Miraflores Bay). During the period 1961-2006 in the sector Puémape – Puerto Chicama, we identified the predominance of the advance or stability of the coastal line. The sector La Chira – Lurín presented a setting similar, with the tendency to stability and, the sectors strongly intervened showed a setting openly erosive. To the contrary as expected, the rising of sea level due to global warming doesn’t seem to be the principal cause of beach erosion in Perú. This is mainly due to the strong human intervention in the coast because at undisturbed sectors the predominance is stability or advance of the littoral line.
Mediante el empleo de material cartográfico y sistema de información geográfica (SIG), se realizó un análisis espacio-temporal, donde se comparó el comportamiento de la línea de litoral de un sector costero mínimamente afectado por la ocupación humana (Puémape–Puerto Chicama) con otros sectores costeros con ocupación moderada (La Chira–Lurín) a fuertemente modificada (Salaverry–Las Delicias y la bahía de Miraflores). Durante el período comprendido entre 1961 y 2006 para el sector Puémape–Puerto Chicama, se identificó el predominio del avance o estabilidad de la línea de costa. El sector La Chira–Lurín presentó un comportamiento similar, con tendencia a la estabilidad y los sectores fuertemente intervenidos presentaron un comportamiento netamente erosivo. Al contrario de lo esperado, la elevación del nivel del mar debido el calentamiento global no parece ser la causa principal de la erosión de playas en el Perú. Esta se debe principalmente a la fuerte intervención en costa ya que en sectores no alterados el predominio es de estabilidad o avance de la línea de litoral.

Jadidi, Mardkheh Amaneh. "Towards development of fuzzy spatial datacubes : fundamental concepts with example for multidimensional coastal erosion risk assessment and representation." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2014.

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Les systèmes actuels de base de données géodécisionnels (GeoBI) ne tiennent généralement pas compte de l'incertitude liée à l'imprécision et le flou des objets; ils supposent que les objets ont une sémantique, une géométrie et une temporalité bien définies et précises. Un exemple de cela est la représentation des zones à risque par des polygones avec des limites bien définies. Ces polygones sont créés en utilisant des agrégations d'un ensemble d'unités spatiales définies sur soit des intérêts des organismes responsables ou les divisions de recensement national. Malgré la variation spatio-temporelle des multiples critères impliqués dans l’analyse du risque, chaque polygone a une valeur unique de risque attribué de façon homogène sur l'étendue du territoire. En réalité, la valeur du risque change progressivement d'un polygone à l'autre. Le passage d'une zone à l'autre n'est donc pas bien représenté avec les modèles d’objets bien définis (crisp). Cette thèse propose des concepts fondamentaux pour le développement d'une approche combinant le paradigme GeoBI et le concept flou de considérer la présence de l’incertitude spatiale dans la représentation des zones à risque. En fin de compte, nous supposons cela devrait améliorer l’analyse du risque. Pour ce faire, un cadre conceptuel est développé pour créer un model conceptuel d’une base de donnée multidimensionnelle avec une application pour l’analyse du risque d’érosion côtier. Ensuite, une approche de la représentation des risques fondée sur la logique floue est développée pour traiter l'incertitude spatiale inhérente liée à l'imprécision et le flou des objets. Pour cela, les fonctions d'appartenance floues sont définies en basant sur l’indice de vulnérabilité qui est un composant important du risque. Au lieu de déterminer les limites bien définies entre les zones à risque, l'approche proposée permet une transition en douceur d'une zone à une autre. Les valeurs d'appartenance de plusieurs indicateurs sont ensuite agrégées basées sur la formule des risques et les règles SI-ALORS de la logique floue pour représenter les zones à risque. Ensuite, les éléments clés d'un cube de données spatiales floues sont formalisés en combinant la théorie des ensembles flous et le paradigme de GeoBI. En plus, certains opérateurs d'agrégation spatiale floue sont présentés. En résumé, la principale contribution de cette thèse se réfère de la combinaison de la théorie des ensembles flous et le paradigme de GeoBI. Cela permet l’extraction de connaissances plus compréhensibles et appropriées avec le raisonnement humain à partir de données spatiales et non-spatiales. Pour ce faire, un cadre conceptuel a été proposé sur la base de paradigme GéoBI afin de développer un cube de données spatiale floue dans le system de Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) pour évaluer le risque de l'érosion côtière. Cela nécessite d'abord d'élaborer un cadre pour concevoir le modèle conceptuel basé sur les paramètres de risque, d'autre part, de mettre en œuvre l’objet spatial flou dans une base de données spatiales multidimensionnelle, puis l'agrégation des objets spatiaux flous pour envisager à la représentation multi-échelle des zones à risque. Pour valider l'approche proposée, elle est appliquée à la région Perce (Est du Québec, Canada) comme une étude de cas.
Current Geospatial Business Intelligence (GeoBI) systems typically do not take into account the uncertainty related to vagueness and fuzziness of objects; they assume that the objects have well-defined and exact semantics, geometry, and temporality. Representation of fuzzy zones by polygons with well-defined boundaries is an example of such approximation. This thesis uses an application in Coastal Erosion Risk Analysis (CERA) to illustrate the problems. CERA polygons are created using aggregations of a set of spatial units defined by either the stakeholders’ interests or national census divisions. Despite spatiotemporal variation of the multiple criteria involved in estimating the extent of coastal erosion risk, each polygon typically has a unique value of risk attributed homogeneously across its spatial extent. In reality, risk value changes gradually within polygons and when going from one polygon to another. Therefore, the transition from one zone to another is not properly represented with crisp object models. The main objective of the present thesis is to develop a new approach combining GeoBI paradigm and fuzzy concept to consider the presence of the spatial uncertainty in the representation of risk zones. Ultimately, we assume this should improve coastal erosion risk assessment. To do so, a comprehensive GeoBI-based conceptual framework is developed with an application for Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment (CERA). Then, a fuzzy-based risk representation approach is developed to handle the inherent spatial uncertainty related to vagueness and fuzziness of objects. Fuzzy membership functions are defined by an expert-based vulnerability index. Instead of determining well-defined boundaries between risk zones, the proposed approach permits a smooth transition from one zone to another. The membership values of multiple indicators (e.g. slop and elevation of region under study, infrastructures, houses, hydrology network and so on) are then aggregated based on risk formula and Fuzzy IF-THEN rules to represent risk zones. Also, the key elements of a fuzzy spatial datacube are formally defined by combining fuzzy set theory and GeoBI paradigm. In this regard, some operators of fuzzy spatial aggregation are also formally defined. The main contribution of this study is combining fuzzy set theory and GeoBI. This makes spatial knowledge discovery more understandable with human reasoning and perception. Hence, an analytical conceptual framework was proposed based on GeoBI paradigm to develop a fuzzy spatial datacube within Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) to assess coastal erosion risk. This necessitates developing a framework to design a conceptual model based on risk parameters, implementing fuzzy spatial objects in a spatial multi-dimensional database, and aggregating fuzzy spatial objects to deal with multi-scale representation of risk zones. To validate the proposed approach, it is applied to Perce region (Eastern Quebec, Canada) as a case study.

Montoya, Luis Humberto. "Analysis of a 10-year Nearshore Wave Database and its Implications to Littoral Processes." UNF Digital Commons, 2014.

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The variability of the nearshore wave climate is investigated via the analysis of over 10 years of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data from a gauge deployed at Melbourne Beach, FL. Examples of large yearly variability in the significant wave height, peak period, mean direction and energy distribution are found in the data. Estimates of the averaged spectra for the entire record show that the average wave energy is distributed almost symmetrically with the peak being close to shore-normal. It was expected that the peak would be shifted towards the north of shore-normal considering net north to south longshore sediment transport at this location. Further analysis of the directional spectra partitioned into three directional windows reveals that waves from the southeast (avg. Hmo = 0.78 m) are less energetic than those from the northeast (avg. Hmo = 0.87 m), but they arrive from the south 53% more often. Additionally, energy-based significant wave height (Hmo), peak period (Tp) and mean period (Tmean) distributions are studied and modeled with notable success. Radiation stress (Sxy) estimates are computed using both rigorous integration as well as parameter-based approximations. These two estimates are correlated but the parameter-based approximation over predicts Sxy by 42%, because this method assigns all the wave energy into one direction (Ruessink et al., 2001). Finally, it is shown by the Sxy total average that the net longshore forcing at this location is indeed north to south, but yearly and seasonal variability were quite high. The results indicate that short-term wave records may not provide accurate information for planning purposes. For example, if only 3 months of data were collected at this site, there would be a 33% chance that the mean longshore forcing would be erroneously directed from south to north.

Books on the topic "Littoral erosion":


Williams, S. Jeffress. Geologic framework and sand resources of quaternary deposits offshore Virginia, Cape Henry to Virginia Beach. [Denver, Colo.?]: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.

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Williams, S. Jeffress. Geologic framework and sand resources of quaternary deposits offshore Virginia, Cape Henry to Virginia Beach. [Denver, Colo.?]: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.

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Williams, S. Jeffress. Geologic framework and sand resources of quaternary deposits offshore Virginia, Cape Henry to Virginia Beach. [Denver, Colo.?]: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.

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Britsch, L. D. Migration of Isles Dernieres, past and future. [Vicksburg, Miss: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1986.

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Clus-Auby, Christine. La gestion de l'érosion des côtes: L'exemple aquitain. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2003.

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Nammour, Tanios. Environnement & homme: Cônes torrentiels (d'ablation) asociés aux paléosols, croutes calcaires, plages fossiles & leurs silex taillés à Jbail et dans le sub-littoral du Liban depuis le Néogène. Beyrouth: Distribution, Dép. des publications de l'Université libanaise, 1995.

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Nammour, Tanios. Environnement & homme: Cônes torrentiels (d'ablation) asociés aux paléosols, croutes calcaires, plages fossiles & leurs silex taillés à Jbail et dans le sub-littoral du Liban depuis le Néogène. Beyrouth: Distribution, Dép. des publications de l'Université libanaise, 1995.

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National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Coastal Erosion Zone Management. Managing coastal erosion. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1990.

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Dean, Cornelia. Against the tide: The battle for America's beaches. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.

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Dean, Cornelia. Against the tide: The battle for America's beaches. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Littoral erosion":


Goudie, Andrew. "Aeolian Processes and Landforms." In The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Certain parts of the Mediterranean lands are drylands— notably south-east Spain, the North African littoral, and parts of the Levant. This means that there is potential for aeolian processes to operate locally, especially where the vegetation cover has been depleted by human activities. Although water erosion is probably the most pervasive cause of land degradation in the Mediterranean lands (Chapter 20), susceptible soils in the drier portions of the region have been subject to accelerated wind erosion. This forms part of the phenomenon of desertification. Deforestation, high stocking levels of domestic animals, cultivation, and miscellaneous recreational pressures, have all helped to create this problem in North Africa (Sghaier and Seiwert 1993), the Levant (Massri et al. 2002) and in the semi-arid lands of Spain (Lopez et al. 2001). However, the GLASOD (Global Assessment of Soil Degradation) survey of wind erosion severity (Middleton and Thomas 1997: 32–3) suggests that at present, with the exception of parts of North Africa, the Levant, and Sicily, wind erosion severity is generally low in the Mediterranean region. In addition, the Mediterranean lands are in close proximity to the world’s greatest arid zone— the Sahara-Arabian belt—and so are subject to dust incursions from winds from that region: the ‘ghibli’ of Tripolitania, the ‘chili’ of Tunisia, the ‘khamsin’ of Egypt, and the ‘sirocco’ and ‘leveche’ of southern Europe. This has important geochemical implications (Kocak et al. 2004a, b). Knowledge of the dynamics of aeolian dust and sand transport comes from two main sources. The first of these is contemporary process monitoring, including data from dust traps, climatological stations, and remote sensing. The second is the long-term sedimentary record from such environments as caves, the sea-floor, lakes, bogs, and loess deposits. There are, however, problems with gaps in the stratigraphic record, and uncertainties and limitations with respect to developing accurate geochronologies. Atmospheric dust comprised of mineral aerosol derived by deflation of desert surfaces, much of it from the Sahara (Middleton and Goudie 2001; Goudie and Middleton, 2006), is a feature of the Mediterranean basin, and it impacts upon the environment in a number of ways (Goudie and Middleton 2001).

Shiva Shankar, V., Neelam Purti, Ravi Pratap Singh, and Faiyaz A. Khudsar. "Secondary Ecological Succession of Mangrove in the 2004 Tsunami Created Wetlands of South Andaman, India." In Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2020.

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Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI’s) being situated in the Tropical zone is the cradle of multi-disasters viz., cyclones, floods, droughts, land degradation, runoff, soil erosion, shallow landslides, epidemics, earthquakes, volcanism, tsunami and storm surges. Mangroves are one of the first visible reciprocators above land and sea surface to cyclonic storms, storm surges, and tsunamis among the coastal wetlands. The Indian Ocean 2004 tsunami was denoted as one of the most catastrophic ever recorded in humankind’s recent history. A mega-earthquake of Magnitude (9.3) near Indonesia ruptured the Andaman-Sunda plate triggered this tsunami. Physical fury, subsidence, upliftment, and prolonged water logging resulted in the massive loss of mangrove vegetation. A decade and half years after the 2004 tsunami, a study was initiated to assess the secondary ecological succession of mangrove in Tsunami Created Wetlands (TCWs) of south Andaman using Landsat satellite data products. Since natural ecological succession is a rather slow process and demands isotope techniques to establish a sequence of events succession. However, secondary ecological succession occurs in a short frame of time after any catastrophic event like a tsunami exemplifying nature’s resilience. Band-5 (before tsunami, 2003) and Band-6 (after tsunami, 2018) of Landsat 7 and Landsat-8 satellite respectively were harnessed to delineate mangrove patches and TCWs in the focus area using ArcMap 10.5, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. From the study, it was understood that Fimbrisstylis littoralis is the pioneering key-stone plant followed by Acrostichum aureum and Acanthus ilicifolius facilitating Avicennia spp/Rhizopara spp for ecological succession in the TCWs.

Conference papers on the topic "Littoral erosion":


Sayao, Otavio J., and Robert B. Nairn. "Physical Modelling of Beach Erosion and Littoral Drift." In 21st International Conference on Coastal Engineering. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1989.

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HSU, JOHN R.-C., ANTONIO H. F. KLEIN, and LINDINO BENEDET. "GEOMORPHIC APPROACH FOR MITIGATING BEACH EROSION DOWNDRIFT OF LITTORAL BARRIERS." In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005.

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Tanaka, H., Y. Mitobe, and A. Mori. "Impact of the 2011 tsunami on the littoral system around offshore breakwaters on Sendai Coast." In The 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742: CRC Press, 2016.

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Granja, H., L. Bastos, J. Pinho, J. Gonçalves, R. Henriques, A. Bio, and A. Magalhães. "Small harbours risks: Lowering for fishery and increasing erosion. The case of Portinho da Aguda (Nw Portugal)." In Littoral 2010 – Adapting to Global Change at the Coast: Leadership, Innovation, and Investment. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2011.

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Meur-Férec, C., H. Flanquart, A. P. Hellequin, and B. Rulleau. "Risk perception, a key component of systemic vulnerability of the coastal zones to erosion-submersion. A Case study on the French Mediterranean coast." In Littoral 2010 – Adapting to Global Change at the Coast: Leadership, Innovation, and Investment. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2011.

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Scholz, Christopher A., and Douglas Wood. "Early-Stage Extension in the Southwest East African Rift: Integration of New Seismic Reflection Data." In SPE/AAPG Africa Energy and Technology Conference. SPE, 2016.

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ABSTRACT The western branch of the East African Rift is characterized by modest amounts of extension and by deeply-subsided, fault-controlled basins filled with large, deep lakes. Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa (Malawi) are two of the largest lakes in the world, with maximum water depths of 1450 and 700 m respectively. Newly acquired seismic reflection data, along with newly reprocessed legacy data reveal thick sedimentary sections, in excess of 5 km in some localities. The 1980's vintage legacy data from Project PROBE have been reprocessed through pre-stack depth migration in Lake Tanganyika, and similar reprocessing of legacy data from Lake Nyasa (Malawi) is underway. New high-fold and large-source commercial data have recently been collected in southern Lake Tanganyika, and new academic data have been acquired in the northern and central basins of Lake Nyasa (Malawi) as part of the 2015 SEGMeNT project. In the case of Lake Tanganyika, new data indicate the presence of older sediment packages that underlie previously identified "pre-rift" basement (the "Nyanja Event"). These episodes of sedimentation and extension may substantially predate the modern lake. These deep stratal reflections are absent in many localites, possibly on account of attenuation of the acoustic signal. However in one area of southern Lake Tanganyika, the newly-observed deep strata extend axially for ~70 km, likely representing deposits from a discrete paleolake. The high-amplitude Nyanja Event is interpreted as the onset of late-Cenozoic rifting, and the changing character of the overlying depositional sequences reflects increasing relief in the rift valley, as well as the variability of fluvial inputs, and the intermittent connectivity of upstream lake catchments. Earlier Tanganyika sequences are dominated by shallow lake and fluvial-lacustrine facies, whereas later sequences are characterized by extensive gravity flow deposition in deep water, and pronounced erosion and incision in shallow water depths and on littoral platforms. The age and provenance of the sub-Nyanja Event sequences is unknown, but may correlate to Miocene, Cretaceous or Karroo-age sedimentary packages documented elsewhere in the southwestern part of the East African Rift, including in the region around Lakes Rukwa and Nyasa (Malawi).

DEAN, ROBERT G. "DOWNDRIFT TRANSFER OF BACKGROUND EROSIONAL PRESSURE BY A LITTORAL BARRIER." In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005.

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