Academic literature on the topic 'Major cardiovascular events'

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Journal articles on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Radensky, Paul W., Elise Berliner, Jennifer W. Archer, and Susan F. Dournaux. "Inpatient Costs of Major Cardiovascular Events." American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 1, no. 3 (2001): 205–17.

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Duceppe, Emmanuelle, John Harlock, Stephane Elkouri, Luc Dubois, Joel Parlow, Rikesh Parekh, Vikas Tandon, et al. "MAJOR CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS FOLLOWING ENDOVASCULAR ANEURYSM REPAIR." Journal of the American College of Cardiology 77, no. 18 (May 2021): 1811.

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Szekeres, Norbert A., Zsuzsánna Jeremiás, Árpád Olivér Vida, Orsolya Mártha, and Daniel Porav-Hodade. "Can Erectile Dysfunction Predict Major Cardiovascular Events?" Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine 1, no. 1 (June 1, 2016): 18–22.

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AbstractIt is estimated that erectile dysfunction (ED) affects more than 150 million people worldwide and this number is expected to double by the year 2025. Vascular component represents the most important etiological cause of erectile dysfunction. ED shares almost all risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia and smoking, with arteriosclerosis. Moderate to severe ED is associated with a considerably increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). This review was conducted in May 2016, when the PubMed database was searched using the combination of the terms “erectile dysfunction” and “cardiovascular diseases”, “coronary artery diseases” and “risk factors”. In this review, we analyzed the published literature, regarding the predictive role of ED in CVD and the association of ED risk factors with CVD risk factors, aiming to draw particular attention on the role of sexual inquiry of all men to prevent or decrease major cardiovascular events. In conclusion, the early detection of ED can prevent major cardiovascular events with early management of cardiovascular risk and permits to include patients in a risk stratification group. Erectile function should be evaluated using questionnaires in all male patients to prevent and decrease the rates of major cardiovascular events.

Khan, Safinaz, Rubaya Rashid, A. H. M. Ataullah, and Md Moshiur Rahman. "Hyperhomocysteinemia affecting cardiovascular and other major organ events." IJS Short Reports 7, no. 3 (July 2022): e40-e40.

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Szmulewicz, Alejandro G., Federico Angriman, Felipe E. Pedroso, Carolina Vazquez, and Diego J. Martino. "Long-Term Antipsychotic Use and Major Cardiovascular Events." Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 78, no. 8 (October 25, 2017): e905-e912.

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Ray, Kausik K., Henry N. Ginsberg, Michael H. Davidson, Robert Pordy, Laurence Bessac, Pascal Minini, Robert H. Eckel, and Christopher P. Cannon. "Reductions in Atherogenic Lipids and Major Cardiovascular Events." Circulation 134, no. 24 (December 13, 2016): 1931–43.

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Eaton MD, Charles B. "Rosuvastatin reduced major cardiovascular events in patients at intermediate cardiovascular risk." Annals of Internal Medicine 165, no. 2 (July 19, 2016): JC6.

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Peluso, Rosario, Francesco Caso, Marco Tasso, Pasquale Ambrosino, Matteo Nicola, Dario Di Minno, Roberta Lupoli, et al. "Cardiovascular Risk Markers and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients." Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials 13, no. 3 (August 1, 2018): 199–209.

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Aksu, Uğur, Oktay Gulcu, Emrah Aksakal, and Kamuran Kalkan. "Endocan and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events: Understanding Regression Methods." Angiology 70, no. 10 (February 10, 2019): 982.

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Gu, Haotian, Majid Akhtar, Amit Shah, Anjalika Mallick, Marlies Ostermann, and John Chambers. "Echocardiography Predicts Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events after Renal Transplantation." Nephron Clinical Practice 126, no. 1 (2014): 75–80.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Zghebi, Salwa Saad M. "Epidemiology and multimorbidity of type 2 diabetes and the risk of major cardiovascular events." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2017.

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Background and Aims: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic progressive condition characterised by hyperglycaemia due to insulin deficiency with or without insulin resistance. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing rapidly worldwide and it has a significant burden on health care resources with estimated costs of up to 10% of health expenditure in the UK. With an ageing population, people are now living longer with diabetes which consequently leads to increased multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Some previous studies have not assessed the effect of demographic or geographic factors (such as age, gender, UK nation and social deprivation) on the incidence and prevalence of T2DM in the UK over the past decade. In addition, detailed reports on the patterns of comorbidities in T2DM patients are sparse. Patients with T2DM are at a two-fold higher risk for cardiovascular (CV) disease. Some earlier studies assessing the CV risk associated with available therapies have been inconclusive in determining the preferred regimens. This thesis aimed to: i) assess the incidence and prevalence of T2DM in the UK; ii) investigate and compare mortality risk between T2DM patients and patients without diabetes and explore if it explains the observed prevalence rates; iii) examine the patterns of comorbidities in T2DM patients and matched comparators without diabetes; and iv) assess the comparative CV risk associated with second-line diabetes therapies. Methods: All the studies in this thesis used data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Access to linked national hospitalisation, deprivation and mortality data was obtained for the individual studies. Annual overall and gender-specific incidence and prevalence of T2DM were calculated for the study period 2004-2014. Rates were standardised by age bands, gender, neighbourhood social deprivation, and UK nation and expressed per 10,000 person-years (PYRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). For the mortality analysis, T2DM patients (cases) were matched to patients without diabetes (controls) on age, gender and general practice. Annual mortality rates for the matched T2DM and patients without diabetes were calculated and compared. Cox regression analysis was used to examine the effect of important covariates on the risk for all-cause mortality in the matched cohort and calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% CI. The multimorbidity profile in T2DM cases and matched controls, registered in English general practices, were also examined. Annual prevalence rates of 18 physical and mental health comorbidities were determined between 2004 and 2014 using linked primary care and hospitalisation records. For the CV risk analysis, patients prescribed a second-line medication after greater than or equal to90days of metformin monotherapy between 1998 and 2011 were identified. Using a retrospective cohort study design, inverse probability of treatment-weighted time-varying Cox regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CI for developing a major CV event (myocardial infarction, stroke, acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina, coronary revascularisation, or CV death) associated with second-line therapies after adjusting for clinically important CV risk factors. Results: The prevalence of T2DM nearly doubled from 320.62 (95% CI: 318.83; 322.41) in 2004 to 526.36 per 10,000 PYR (95% CI: 523.81; 528.91) in 2014, whereas the incidence was relatively stable with overall rate of 43.07 per 10,000 PYR (95% CI: 40.06; 46.09). Gender-specific incidence and prevalence rates were markedly higher in men than women. Between 2004 and 2014, the prevalence increased from 380.31 (95% CI: 377.48; 383.13) to 625.45 (95% CI: 621.37; 629.52) in men and from 268.56 (95% CI: 266.22; 270.90) to 437.28 (95% CI: 433.94; 440.62) in women. Overall, older individuals, men, and residents in the most deprived locations were more likely to have T2DM. Wales and Northern Ireland had higher prevalence rates than the other UK nations. In the all-cause mortality analysis, 20,312 (11.5%) patients with T2DM died, as compared with 79,951 (9.1%) controls. The adjusted survival model showed that patients with T2DM were at significantly greater risk for mortality in comparison with patients without diabetes (HR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.20; 1.32). Mortality rates decreased over time in both cases and controls. The multimorbidity study showed that comorbidities were more prevalent in patients diagnosed with T2DM in comparison with patients without diabetes. The number of patients with two comorbidities increased between 2004 and 2014. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in T2DM patients was double that of matched control patients. DPP-4 inhibitors, thiazolidinediones and sulphonylureas add-on therapies to metformin were the most commonly-prescribed second-line therapies. The time-varying survival models showed that DPP-4 inhibitors (HR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.55; 1.11) and thiazolidinediones (HR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.54; 0.85) add-on therapies were associated with lower risk for major CVD compared to sulphonylurea add-on therapy when all added to initial metformin. Conclusions: The prevalence of T2DM is increasing rapidly in the UK. Patients with T2DM are at significantly greater risk for mortality than patients without diabetes. However, with the declining mortality rates over the past decade, patients are now living longer to develop comorbidities. CVD was the most prevalent comorbidity in T2DM cases in comparison with people without diabetes. This is important as CVD is the main cause of mortality in patients with T2DM. Thiazolidinedione combination with metformin was associated with significantly lower CV risk in comparison with sulphonylurea add-on therapies to metformin. Lower, but non-statistically significant, risks were also found with DPP-4 inhibitors add-on therapies. These real-world findings add to the existing knowledge on the epidemiology of T2DM, provide novel insight on the patterns of multimorbidity in these patients and clinically relevant evidence on the CV risk associated with commonly-prescribed second-line regimens. Future larger studies are needed to confirm the observed CV benefits associated with antidiabetic therapies.

Paniagua, Iglesias Pilar. "Lesión miocárdica tras la cirugía no cardiaca: Análisis de la cohorte española del estudio VISION." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015.

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Antecedents: Les complicacions cardiovasculars majors (CCVM) són la principal causa de morbimortalitat en els pacients intervinguts de cirurgia no cardíaca. La complicació més freqüent és la lesió miocàrdia després de la cirurgia no cardíaca (LMCN), definida com qualsevol pic del valor de troponina T (TnT) ≥ 0,03 ng/ml atribuït a isquèmia i que ocorre durant els 30 primers dies de la cirurgia no cardíaca. Objectius: Determinar al nostre entorn la incidència actual de CCVM, comparar la freqüència de complicacions observada amb l'esperada d'acord amb l'índex de risc cardíac revisat (IRCR), determinar els factors predictors independents de LMCN i de mort als 30 dies de la cirurgia i identificar els pacients que presenten un major risc de patir una LMCN. Metodologia: Anàlisi de la informació derivada de la cohort prospectiva multicèntrica internacional VISION (Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation), de la qual s'han seleccionat les dades dels dos hospitals espanyols participants. Es van incloure pacients de 45 anys o majors intervinguts de cirurgia no cardíaca programada o urgent i que requerien al menys una nit d’ingrés. Es van fer determinacions de TnT entre les 6 i les 12 hores de la cirurgia i en el primer, segon i tercer dies postoperatoris. L'esdeveniment principal va ser la proporció de CCVM (LMCN , insuficiència cardíaca, ictus, fibril·lació auricular de nova aparició i mort) als 30 dies de la cirurgia. Resultats: Dels 3.629 pacients inclosos, el 7% va presentar al menys una de les CCVM. La mortalitat a 30 dies de la cirurgia en els pacients que van patir alguna CCVM va ser del 12,3%. La freqüència de CCVM va ser més de 6 vegades superior a l'esperada d'acord amb l’IRCR (6,3; IC99%, 5,3-7,5). La lesió miocàrdia va ser la CCVM més freqüent (5%). L’anàlisi de regressió va identificar vuit factors predictors independents de LMCN: la insuficiència renal, el valor d'hemoglobina preoperatori, l'índex de risc cardíac revisat, el tipus de cirurgia (ortopèdica o vascular),la història prèvia de trombosi, la fibril·lació auricular, la malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica, i la diabetis. El poder discriminatiu del model mesurat amb la corba ROC va ser bo (Àrea sota la corba=0,832 IC 95% 0,798-0,865). La LMCN va ser el principal factor de risc independent de mort a 30 dies de la cirurgia (OR 4,4; IC 95%, 2,1-9,2). Mitjançant un anàlisi de partició recursiva s’identificaren com a pacients amb major risc de patir una LMCN aquells amb un filtrat glomerular inferior a 44ml/min/1,73m2 i un IRCR superior a II. Conclusions: En pacients adults intervinguts de cirurgia no cardíaca les CCVM són freqüents i s'associen a una substancial mortalitat a 30 dies de la cirurgia. La LMCN és la complicació més freqüent i és un potent predictor independent de mortalitat. Entre els factors de risc de LMCN, el valor d'hemoglobina preoperatori és l'únic modificable. El filtrat glomerular juntament amb l’IRCR identifiquen als pacients amb major risc de patir una LMCN, en aquests pacients s’haurien d'extremar les mesures de vigilància i cura peroperatòries.
Antecedentes: Las complicaciones cardiovasculares mayores (CCVM) son la principal causa de morbimortalidad en los pacientes intervenidos de cirugía no cardiaca. La complicación más frecuente es la lesión miocárdica tras la cirugía no cardiaca (LMCN), definida como cualquier pico del valor de troponina T (TnT) ≥ 0,03ng/mL, atribuido a isquemia y que ocurre durante los 30 primeros días tras una cirugía no cardiaca. Objetivos: Determinar en nuestro entorno la incidencia actual de CCVM, comparar la frecuencia de complicaciones observada con la esperada de acuerdo con el índice de riesgo cardiaco revisado (IRCR), determinar los factores predictores independientes de LMCN y de muerte a los 30 días de la cirugía e identificar a los pacientes que presentan mayor riesgo de padecer una LMCN. Metodología: Análisis de la información derivada de la cohorte prospectiva multicéntrica internacional VISION (Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients cohort Evaluation), de la que se han seleccionado los datos de los dos hospitales españoles participantes. Se incluyeron pacientes de 45 años o mayores intervenidos de cirugía no cardíaca programada o urgente y que requerían al menos una noche de ingreso. Se hicieron determinaciones de TnT entre las 6 y las 12 horas de la cirugía y el primer, segundo y tercer días posoperatorios. El desenlace principal fue la proporción de CCVM (LMCN, insuficiencia cardiaca, ictus, fibrilación auricular de nueva aparición y muerte) a los 30 días de la cirugía. Resultados: De los 3.629 pacientes incluidos, el 7% presentó al menos una de las CCVM. La mortalidad a los 30 días de la cirugía en los pacientes que sufrieron alguna CCVM fue del 12,3%. La frecuencia de CCVM fue más de 6 veces superior a la esperada de acuerdo con el IRCR (6,3; IC 99% 5,3-7,5). La LMCN fue la CCVM más frecuente (5%). El análisis de regresión identificó ocho factores predictores independientes de LMCN: la insuficiencia renal, el valor de hemoglobina preoperatorio, el índice de riesgo cardiaco revisado, el tipo de cirugía (ortopédica o vascular),la historia previa de trombosis, la fibrilación auricular, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, y la diabetes. El poder discriminativo del modelo medido con la curva de ROC fue bueno (Área bajo la curva=0,832 IC 95% 0,798-0,865). La LMCN fue el principal factor de riesgo independiente de muerte a los 30 días de la cirugía (OR 4,4; IC 95%, 2,1-9,2). Mediante un análisis de partición recursiva se identificron como pacientes con mayor riesgo de padecer una LMCN aquellos con un filtrado glomerular inferior a 44ml/min/1,73m2 y un IRCR superior a II. Conclusiones: En pacientes adultos intervenidos de cirugía no cardiaca las CCVM son frecuentes y se asocian a una sustancial mortalidad a los 30 días de la cirugía. La LMCN es la complicación más frecuente y es un potente predictor independiente de mortalidad. De entre los factores de riesgo de LMCN, el valor de hemoglobina preoperatorio es el único modificable. El filtrado glomerular junto con el IRCR identifican a los pacientes con mayor riesgo de padecer una LMCN, en estos pacientes se deberían extremar las medidas de vigilancia y cuidado peroperatorias.
Background: Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) are the leading cause of serious morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. The most common complication is myocardial injury after non cardiac surgery (MINS), defined as a peak troponin T level (TnT) of 0.03 ng/ml or greater judged due to myocardial ischemia, that occurs during or within 30 days after noncardiac surgery. Objectives: To determine in our environment the current incidence of MACE, to compare the observed event rates to the expected event rates according to the revised cardiac risk index (RCRI), to identify risk factors for MINS and death at 30 days after surgery and to identify patients at increased risk for MINS. Methodology: Analysis of the information derived from the international multicentre prospective cohort evaluation VISION (The Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN) Data from the two participating Spanish hospitals were selected. Eligible patients were aged 45 yr. or older underwent elective or urgent/emergency noncardiac surgery. Patients were excluded who did not require an overnight hospital admission after surgery. Patients’ TnT levels were measured 6 to 12 hours after surgery and on days 1, 2, and 3 after surgery. The main outcome was the proportion of MACE (MINS, heart failure, stroke, new onset atrial fibrillation and death) from admittance to 30 days after surgery. Results: Of the 3.629 patients included, 7% had at least one MACE. The 30-day mortality in patients who suffered at least one MACE was 12.3%. Observed event rates were 6 fold higher (6,3; IC99%, 5,3-7,5) than the expected event rates according to the RCRI. Myocardial injury was the most frequent MACE (5%). The regression model identified eight independent predictors of MINS: Renal insufficiency, preoperative haemoglobin value, the revised cardiac risk index, type of surgery (orthopaedic or vascular), previous history of thrombosis, atrial fibrillation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes. The discriminative power of the model measured by ROC curve was good (area under the curve = 0.832 95% CI 0.798 to 0.865). MINS was a strong independent predictor of 30-day mortality (OR 4,4; 95% CI, 2,1 to 9,2). A Recursive Partitioning Analysis (RPA) identified those patients with the highest risk for MINS as patients with a glomerular filtration rate below 44ml / min / 1.73m2 and a RCRI greater than II. Conclusion: In adult patients undergoing noncardiac surgery MACE are frequent and associated with substantial mortality at 30 days after surgery. MINS is the most common complication and it is a strong independent predictor of mortality. Among risk factors for MINS, preoperative haemoglobin level is the only modifiable. Glomerular filtration along with RCRI identify patients at increased risk for MINS. Surveillance measures and perioperative care should be tightened in these patients.

Al-Salameh, Abdallah. "Influence du genre sur la prise en charge des patients diabétiques âgés en soins primaires Gender-RelatedDifferencesintheControlofCardiovascularRisk FactorsinPrimaryCareforElderlyPatientsWithType2Diabetes: A CohortStudy Al-Salameh Abdallah et al. Sex Differences in the … Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2018; 00: 00–00 Sex Differences in the Occurrence of Major Clinical Events in Elderly People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Followed up in the General Practice." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.

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La prévalence du diabète de type 2 ne cesse d’augmenter et la tranche d’âge des plus de 65 ans subit la hausse la plus importante. Des différences liées au genre ont été rapportées entre les hommes et les femmes diabétiques de type 2, notamment en ce qui concerne les complications macrovasculaires du diabète mais il n’y a pas, à notre connaissance, d’étude française qui s’est spécialement intéressée à cette question. La majorité des études internationales ne se sont pas intéressées aux sujets âgés mais à toute la population diabétique et beaucoup d’entre elles sont anciennes, datant d’avant l’introduction des nouveaux traitements cardiovasculaires avec un fort niveau de preuve.Ce travail avait comme objectif d’évaluer l’existence de différences liées au genre dans la prise en charge du diabète de type 2 au sein d’une population contemporaine de sujets âgés pris en charge en conditions de vie réelle en soins primaires. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient de comparer l’équilibre du diabète et le contrôle des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire et la survenue d’événements cliniques majeurs (décès ou événement cardiovasculaire majeur, hospitalisation) entre les hommes et les femmes, et d’évaluer le rôle du genre du médecin traitant dans ces différences potentielles.La cohorte S. AGES diabète de type 2 est une étude observationnelle prospective de sujets âgés de 65 ans ou plus, non institutionnalisés, ayant un diabète de type 2. Au total 983 patients ont été inclus entre avril 2009 et juin 2011 par 213 médecins. L’évolution clinique et la survenue d’événements majeurs ont été renseignées pendant 3 ans. Des modèles mixtes ont été utilisés dans les analyses statistiques en raison de la corrélation entre les mesures répétées du même patient et la corrélation entre les patients du même médecin.Pendant toute la période du suivi, l’équilibre du diabète de type 2, estimé par l’hémoglobine glyquée HbA1c, n’était pas différent entre les hommes et les femmes, le contrôle de la pression artérielle était meilleur chez les hommes que chez les femmes en analyse bivariée mais pas en analyse multivariée. Par contre, le contrôle du cholestérol LDL était meilleur chez les hommes que chez les femmes avec un risque relatif pour les femmes par rapport aux hommes d’avoir un LDL non contrôlé (>1 g/l) de 2,56 (IC à 95 % 1,82-3,59 ; p<0,001). Cette différence était présente dans le groupe traité par statines ainsi que dans le groupe non traité.En ce qui concerne la survenue d’événements cliniques majeurs, les femmes avaient un risque plus faible de développer un événement clinique majeur (décès toutes causes confondues, événement cardiovasculaire majeur) par rapport aux hommes avec un risque relatif de 0,60 (IC à 95 % 0,40-0,91 ; p= 0.016) ou d’être hospitalisées avec un risque relatif de 0,71 (IC à 95 % 0,52-0,96, p=0,029). La majorité des hospitalisations était liée aux pathologies concomitantes autres que le diabète, surtout chez les hommes qui étaient davantage admis en CHU/CHR que les femmes. Le risque de développer des complications microvasculaires du diabète n’est pas différent entre les hommes et les femmes.Enfin, nos analyses n’ont pas montré de différence entre les médecins hommes et les médecins femmes au niveau du contrôle des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, de la réalisation d’examens de surveillance, de dépistage des complications, ni de prescription de traitements antidiabétiques et cardiovasculaires.Nos résultats montrent que les différences liées au genre dans cette population de patients diabétiques âgés sont réservées à un cholestérol LDL plus élevé chez les femmes que chez les hommes, mais qui ne s’accompagne pas d’une augmentation du risque de survenue d’événements cliniques majeurs (qui reste plus élevé chez les hommes). Cependant il faut interpréter ces résultats dans le contexte de la cohorte S.AGES avec des biais de sélection au niveau médecin et au niveau patient ainsi qu’une sous-représentation des médecins femmes
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing worldwide and this trend is projected to persist because of the demographic shift and the obesity pandemic. The elderly represent more than half of subjects with T2DM and this proportion is expected to increase in the future. Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly subjects with T2DM. Moreover, although non-diabetic women have lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to non-diabetic men of the same age, this “female advantage” seems to diminish or disappear in the setting of T2DM. Indeed, compiled data suggest that type 2 diabetes affects the risk of cardiovascular disease differentially according to gender. To the best of our knowledge, there is no French study that had looked at this issue. The majority of international studies have not focused on the elderly group but on the whole diabetic population and many of them are conducted before the introduction of evidence-based cardiovascular treatments.The aim of the present work was to assess gender-related differences in the management of elderly patients with T2DM followed-up in the primary care. Specifically, we compared the control of T2DM and other cardiovascular risk factors between women and men, the occurrence of major clinical events (all-cause mortality and major vascular events as well as all-cause hospitalization) between women and men, and the influence of physician gender on the quality of care in subjects with T2DM.The S.AGES T2DM cohort is a prospective observational study whose objective was to describe the real-life medical management of subjects aged 65 years or more with T2DM. 983 non institutionalized subjects were included by 213 general practitioners from April 2009 through June 2011 and followed-up for 3 years. For data obtained during the follow-up period, multilevel mixed-effect regression models were used to account for repeated measurements (for each subject) and clustering (A cluster is a group of subjects followed-up by the same GP).Over the follow-up period, T2DM and blood pressure control were not different between the genders but LDL cholesterol was better controlled in men than in women. The odds ratio for women being associated with uncontrolled LDL cholesterol (>1 g/l) was 2.51 (95% CI 1.79–3.53, p<0.001). This gender-related difference in LDL cholesterol levels was independent of statin therapy.Concerning major clinical events, women were at lower risk than men to develop the composite endpoint (all-cause mortality and major vascular events) with a relative risk of 0.60 (95% CI 0.40-0.91, p=0.016) and the hospitalization endpoint (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.52-0.96, p=0.029). Coexisting diseases were responsible to the majority of hospitalizations especially in men who were more likely to be admitted to a university hospital when compared to female counterparts. The risk of developing microvascular complications and hypoglycemia were not different between men and women.Finally, we didn’t find any significant difference between male and female physicians in terms of quality of care in subjects with T2DM (control of T2DM and other cardiovascular risk factors, tests to screen for diabetes complications, or the prescription of anti-diabetic and cardiovascular treatments).Our results show that gender differences in this population of elderly diabetics are restricted to higher LDL cholesterol in women than in men but this does not seem to increase the risk of major clinical events (which are higher in male subjects). However, these results should be interpreted with cautious because of selection biases at the physician and patient level as well as under-representation of female physicians

Jacquin, Laurent. "Déséquilibre d’oxygénation et lésions myocardiques aiguës : approche clinique en service d’accueil des urgences." Thesis, Lyon, 2021.

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Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés en première partie aux critères de déséquilibre d’oxygénation impliqués dans la survenue d’un infarctus de type 2. Nous avons exploré chez 610 patients l’association entre les paramètres de ces critères et la survenue de lésions myocardiques aiguës, et d’infarctus de type 2, ainsi que la relation entre ces paramètres et l’extension de l’atteinte du myocarde. Nos résultats ne montraient pas de lien entre l’amplitude du déséquilibre d’oxygénation et la survenue de lésions myocardiques aiguës. Il n’y avait également pas de corrélation avec l’importance de ces lésions. Nous n’avons donc pas pu définir de seuils restrictifs stricts considérés comme facteur de stress myocardique significatif. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons comparé le devenir à court terme et à distance des patients admis avec une condition de déséquilibre d’oxygénation en fonction de la présence d’une lésion myocardique, ou d’un infarctus de type 2, et évaluer l’association de ces entités pathologiques avec la mortalité et les évènements cardiovasculaires. Dans cette population de 824 patients, la survenue de lésions myocardiques aiguës non-ischémiques ou d’infarctus de type 2 conduisait à une mortalité hospitalière élevée à plus de 20% et y était significativement associée après ajustement sur les caractéristiques des patients. A plus long terme chez les survivants, le devenir était dépendant des comorbidités sans implication de la survenue de ces lésions myocardiques initiales, avec des taux de mortalité de 27 à 35 % et d’évènements cardiovasculaires de 23 à 40%. Nous avons proposé de confronter ces résultats dans une autre étude, menée prospectivement, avec un suivi standardisé à 6 mois des patients admis en déséquilibre d’oxygénation, dont nous détaillons la méthodologie. Cette cohorte est constituée de 670 patients dont l’analyse des données est en cours. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous nous sommes focalisés sur les 675 personnes âgées, qui représente plus de 80% de notre cohorte, pour déterminer les facteurs associés à la survenue de ces lésions myocardiques et infarctus de type 2 en fonction des classes d’âge. Nous avons retrouvé des profils de patients très dépendants de ces classes, liés aux évolutions épidémiologiques du vieillissement. L’individualisation des infarctus de type 2 au sein des lésions myocardiques aiguës n’était cependant pas évidente, de même que l’impact sur la mortalité qui reposait essentiellement sur le poids des comorbidités
In the first part, we were interested in the criteria of oxygen supply/demand imbalance involved in the occurrence of a type 2 infarction. We explored in 610 patients the association between the parameters of these criteria and the occurrence of acute myocardial injury and type 2 infarction, as well as the correlation between these parameters and the extent of myocardial injury. Our results did not show any association between the importance of oxygen mismatch and the occurrence of acute myocardial injury. There was also no correlation with the magnitude of such injury. Therefore, we could not define strict restrictive thresholds that could be considered a significant myocardial stressor. In the second part, we compared the short-term and the long-term outcomes of patients admitted with an oxygen supply/demand imbalance condition according to the presence of myocardial injury or type 2 infarction and assessed the association of these pathological entities with mortality and major cardiovascular events. In this population of 824 patients, the occurrence of myocardial injury or type 2 infarction led to high in-hospital mortality of more than 20% and was significantly associated with it after adjustment for patient characteristics. In the follow-up of survivors, the outcome was dependent on comorbidities without the involvement of the occurrence of these initial myocardial injuries, with mortality rates of 27 to 35% and major cardiovascular events of 23 to 40%. We proposed to compare these results in another study, conducted prospectively, with a standardized 6-month follow-up of patients admitted for oxygenation failure, the methods of which are detailed here. This cohort consists of 670 patients whose data are currently being analyzed. Finally, in the third part, we focused on the 675 elderly patients, who represent more than 80% of our cohort, to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of these myocardial injuries and type 2 infarction according to age classes. We found very dependent patient profiles in these classes, linked to the epidemiological changes of aging. However, the individualization of type 2 myocardial infarction within acute myocardial lesions was not obvious, nor was the impact on mortality, which was essentially based on the burden of comorbidities

CHEN, YA-YU, and 陳雅榆. "Aspirin resistance and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs)." Thesis, 2017.

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Background In 1971, Sir John Vane discovered aspirin mechanism of action works as antiplatelet agents. It therefore has been widely used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. However, there are still 10-20% of aspirin-treated patients experience recurrent ischemic events within 5 years. Especially, most aspirin-resistant patients have multiple chronic conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of aspirin resistance in major adverse cardiovascular events. Moreover, studying comorbidities such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes is particularly important as they increase the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. Method This study was approved by the Ethics Committee, the Taipei City Hospital. In this study, we followed 616 patients with a high cardiovascular risk of antiplatelet therapy with aspirin 100mg QD or Bokey 100mg QD alone were enrolled in the Aspirin-Resistance Study between July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012. The primary outcomes were major adverse cardiovascular events, including death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. This study was aimed to find out whether if aspirin resistance or not, the effect of comorbidity on major adverse cardiovascular events and the difference between survival curve. Results In this study, 616 subjects were included, 515(83.6%) in the aspirin response group and 101(16.4%) in the aspirin resistance group. The study showed that 3 of 8 died of heart disease in the aspirin resistant groups. There were higher incidence of death (p < .001) and stroke (p = .011) in the aspirin resistant group and had a significant correlation between the history of stroke and the recurrence of stroke (p = .041) and myocardial infarction (p = .010). In addition, the aspirin resistant group had a higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events such as death (HR = 7.88, 95% CI = 2.43-25.62), and the incidence of stroke (p = .033). On the other hand, the aspirin response group had a higher risk in stroke event (p = .011). Conclusion The prevalence of aspirin resistance is 16.4% in Taiwanese patients. The study showed that the incidence of death (p < .001) and stroke (p = .011) were higher in the aspirin resistant group, but the incident of stroke was higher in the aspirin response group, need more time and further research to prove that. This is the first study discuss the aspirin resistant in Taiwanese ethnic group, the incidence of aspirin resistant was no different between other countries. Aspirin resistant group had higher mortality and the incidence stroke events. The effect of comorbidity showed a significant correlation between the history of stroke and major adverse cardiovascular events. Despite recorded bias and limitations, this study could still provide suggestions for taking the PFA-100 test before aspirin treatment. Future study can prolong the observation time to discuss the relationship between the control of comorbidity, gene and peripheral arterial disease with aspirin resistant, to overview the effect of aspirin resistant on the major adverse cardiovascular events.

Parvar, Saman Laleh. "Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Peripheral Artery Disease." Thesis, 2020.

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Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the third most prevalent atherosclerotic disorder after coronary artery and cerebrovascular disease. Irrespective of how it manifests clinically, PAD is consistently linked with excessive rates of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and mortality. This thesis examines many contributing factors and provides new insights into the management of patients with this condition. The introductory chapter considers the evidence for treating individual risk factors and the prescription of guideline-recommended medications in PAD. Many prior observational studies have found an under-prescription of therapies and suboptimal risk factor control in PAD, compared with coronary artery disease-only. It is known from diabetes studies that control of multiple risk factors can have a complex interaction, whereby the sum of the parts does not equal the whole. Multiple risk factor control is recommended universally, although little is known regarding the effect on PAD. Chapter 2 is a post hoc analysis of the ACCELERATE trial that included 12,092 patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The rates of MACE are compared between PAD and coronary artery disease-only patients in the setting of individual and combined risk factor control. It is believed that PAD patients have high-risk coronary artery plaque that is more critical, diffuse and prone to thrombotic occlusion, but this has not been proven. Chapter 3 pools data from three clinical trials of lipid-lowering therapy, whereby, coronary artery disease was monitored using serial intravascular ultrasound imaging. Plaque burden and disease progression are compared between PAD and non-PAD patients, according to risk factor control. Individual PAD studies indicate that there are gender discrepancies in symptoms, functional status, and treatment utilisation. It remains uncertain whether this translates to different long-term outcomes. Chapter 4 is a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess gender differences in MACE and mortality. Chapter 5 evaluates the gender differences in outcomes for the PAD patients from ACCELERATE. Lower extremity revascularisation, either through endovascular or surgical means, can be complicated by major adverse limb events and mortality. Persisting debate exists as to which approach has greater long-term durability and outcomes. Chapter 6 compares the long-term outcomes of endovascular and surgical revascularisation in unmatched and propensity-score matched groups. Dysfunctional high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is an emerging cardiovascular risk factor that could be a therapeutic target. Previously, qualitative abnormalities of HDL-C were observed in Indigenous Australians, when they were compared to non-Indigenous Australians. Chapter 7 tests for an association between dysfunctional HDL and early PAD in Indigenous Australians. Significant health disparities are affecting young Indigenous Australians. The estimation of cardiovascular risk is especially problematic in this population. Chapter 8 reviews a young Indigenous group that was screened for PAD. Their risk of cardiovascular disease is estimated using traditional Framingham-based algorithms. Questions remain whether all patients with PAD should be treated with the most intensive therapies, or if there is a role for a risk-stratified approach akin to atrial fibrillation management. Chapter 9 evaluates several CHADS2-based scores for predicting MACE in PAD following hospital presentations, compared with clinical manifestations of other vascular territories.
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Medical School, 2020

Hussein, Sharif. "Der Einfluss psychischer Faktoren auf die Prognose nach perkutaner Koronarintervention." Doctoral thesis, 2015.

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Books on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Barthelmes, Jens, and Isabella Sudano. Cardiovascular response to mental stress. Edited by Guido Grassi. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Mental stress, intrinsically subjective, lacks clear operationalization by any universally accepted gauge in routine clinical practice. There is not even an accepted single conceptualization of mental stress as opposed to the classic risk factors measured by, for example, resting blood pressure or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol among others. Yet, the link between psychosocial stress and cardiovascular events is a century-old intuition substantiated by many studies. Likely, mental stress affects cardiovascular health over the whole course of at-risk-stage up to cardiovascular events. This chapter discusses the major pathophysiologic effects of mental stress on cardiovascular pathogenesis.

Pelliccia, Antonio, Hein Heidbuchel, Domenico Corrado, Mats Borjesson, and Sanjay Sharma, eds. The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Sport and exercise have been intensely advocated as protective lifestyle measures, preventing or reducing the risk of severe health issues including cardiovascular disease. More extreme forms of sport (for instance at high altitudes) have been identified as an important way of promoting cardiovascular adaptation, but have also been associated with adverse effects and even major cardiovascular events. More commonplace sport and exercise may also increase an individual’s risk of cardiac events. This publication is timely in the light of an increasing number of clinical papers in this field. The textbook provides an overview of prevention, detection, and treatment for elite athletes and young sports professionals in training which will be useful for clinical cardiologists, sports physicians, and general physicians alike. Split into eleven key areas in sports cardiology, ranging from sudden cardiac death in athletes to cardiovascular effects of substance of abuse/doping, the text is an invaluable resource covering all aspects of sports cardiology.

Klingenberg, Roland, and Ulf Müller-Ladner. Mechanisms of inflammation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter provides a brief summary of the immune pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, highlighting shared features with inflammatory pathways in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) described in detail in Chapter 25.4. RA constitutes a prototype autoimmune disease primarily affecting the joints but also the heart and vessels associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. Recent years have produced a wealth of novel insights into the diversity of immune cell types which either propagate or dampen inflammation in atherogenesis. Expansion of this inherent anti-inflammatory component carried by regulatory T cells may constitute a new therapeutic target to harness the progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Among the various inflammatory mediators involved in RA pathology, cytokines (tumour necrosis factor-α‎ and interleukin-6) have gained major interest as therapeutic targets with approved therapies available. In light of the many common features in the pathogenesis of RA and atherosclerosis, these biologics are currently being evaluated in cardiovascular patients. The recently published CANTOS trial showed that IL-1 inhibition reduced adverse cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease demonstrating that inflammation is a genuine therapeutic target. The near future will provide more information whether inflammation is a bona fide cardiovascular risk factor based on completion of several clinical trials using anti-inflammatory approaches in patients with both cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fagard, Robert, Giuseppe Mancia, and Renata Cifkova. Blood pressure. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Prevention of hypertension can help prevent cardiovascular disease and renal complications. Obesity, a high sodium and low potassium intake, physical inactivity, and high alcohol consumption all contribute to the development of hypertension, and randomized controlled trials have shown that appropriate lifestyle modifications are able to reduce blood pressure and/or prevent the development of hypertension. The major complications of hypertension are stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, and chronic kidney disease. Multiple randomized controlled trials and their meta-analyses have shown that treatment with antihypertensive drugs reduces the incidence of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events. In addition, meta-analyses have shown that there are no clinically relevant differences in the effects of the five major drug classes on outcome, so all of them are considered suitable for the initiation and maintenance of antihypertensive therapy. Nevertheless, the therapeutic approach in the elderly, women, and patients with diabetes, cerebrovascular, cardiac, or renal disease deserves special attention.

Carmeliet, Peter, Guy Eelen, and Joanna Kalucka. Arteriogenesis versus angiogenesis. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Higher organisms have a cardiovascular circulatory system with blood vessels to supply vital nutrients and oxygen to distant tissues. It is therefore not surprising that vascular disorders are leading causes of mortality. Understanding how new blood vessels form, creates opportunities to cure these life-threatening diseases. After birth, growth of blood vessels mainly occurs via two distinct mechanisms depending on the initial trigger: angiogenesis (referred here as capillary sprouting) is induced primarily by hypoxia, whereas arteriogenesis (referred here as the rapid enlargement of pre-existing collateral arteries, induced by vascular occlusion) is mainly driven by fluid shear stress. Arteriogenesis allows conductance of much larger volumes of blood per unit of time than does the increase in capillary density during angiogenesis. Notwithstanding these major differences, angiogenesis and arteriogenesis share a number of underlying mechanisms, e.g. the involvement of growth factor signalling. This chapter highlights the cellular and molecular events driving the two processes and discusses the therapeutic potential of targeting angiogenesis in cancer and arteriogenesis in cardiovascular diseases.

Lee, Christoph I. Coronary Artery Calcium Score and Risk Classification. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter, found in the chest pain section of the book, provides a succinct synopsis of a key study examining the use of computed tomography (CT) coronary artery calcium score for cardiovascular risk stratification. This summary outlines the study methodology and design, major results, limitations and criticisms, related studies and additional information, and clinical implications. Researchers report that adding coronary artery calcium score to traditional risk factors produces significant improvements in classification of patients for future risk of coronary heart disease events, especially for intermediate-risk individuals who stand to benefit the most from a risk stratification strategy. In addition to outlining the most salient features of the study, a clinical vignette and imaging example are included in order to provide relevant clinical context.

Jardine, Alan G., and Rajan K. Patel. Lipid disorders of patients with chronic kidney disease. Edited by David J. Goldsmith. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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The risk of developing cardiovascular (CV) disease is increased in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and although dyslipidaemia is a major contributory factor to the development of premature CV disease, the relationship is complex. Changes in lipid fractions are related to glomerular filtration rate and the presence and severity of proteinuria, diabetes, and other confounding factors. The spectrum of CV disease changes from lipid-dependent, atheromatous coronary disease in early CKD to lipid-independent, non-coronary disease, manifesting as heart failure, and sudden cardiac death in advanced and end-stage renal disease. Statin-based lipid-lowering therapy is proven to reduce coronary events across the spectrum of CKD. The relative reduction in overall CV events, however, diminishes as CKD progresses and the proportion of lipid-dependent coronary events declines. There is nevertheless a strong argument for the use of statin-based therapy across the spectrum of CKD. The argument is particularly strong for those patients with progressive renal disease who will eventually require transplantation, in whom preventive therapy should start as early as possible. The SHARP study established the benefits and endorses the use of lipid-lowering therapy in CKD 3-4 but uncertainty about the value of initiation of statin therapy in CKD 5 remains. There is, however, no rationale for stopping agents started earlier in the course of the illness for compelling indications, particularly in those who will ultimately be transplanted. The place of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol raising and triglyceride lowering therapy needs to be assessed in trials. Modifying dyslipidaemia in CKD has demonstrated that lipid-dependent atheromatous cardiovascular disease is only one component of the burden of CV disease in CKD patients, that this is proportionately less in advanced CKD, and that modification of lipid profiles is only one part of CV risk management.

Takeshita, Junko, and Joel M. Gelfand. Epidemiology of psoriasis. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin that is associated with multisystem effects. Approximately 125 million people worldwide are affected by psoriasis, nearly one quarter of whom have moderate to severe disease. The majority of patients with psoriasis have a waxing and waning course with variable periods of spontaneous disease improvement or clearance. A rapidly expanding body of epidemiologic literature suggests psoriasis to be associated with a greater comorbid disease burden than patients without psoriasis. In addition to psoriatic arthritis, cardiometabolic diseases, including metabolic syndrome and its component disorders, as well as major adverse cardiovascular events are the most common comorbidities of psoriasis; together they are the primary cause of premature mortality among moderate to severe psoriasis patients. Continued efforts to better understand currently known and identify other emerging comorbidities of psoriasis are critical.

Zhang, Luxia, and Haiyan Wang. Chronic kidney disease in developing countries. Edited by David J. Goldsmith. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The spread of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a barrier to the development of goals including reduction of poverty, health equity, economic stability, and human security. NCDs accounted for 61% of the estimated 58 million deaths and 46% of the global burden of diseases worldwide in 2005. Among NCDs, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is of particular significance. It is recognized that the burden of CKD is not only limited to its impact on demands for renal replacement therapy but has equally major impacts on the health of the overall population. For example, it is now well established that among the general population as well as in the diabetic or hypertensive population, the prognosis, especially the mortality and acceleration of cardiovascular events, depends on kidney involvement. Also, CKD is associated with other major serious consequences including increased risk of acute kidney injury, increased risk of mineral and bone disease, adverse metabolic and nutritional consequences, infections, and reduced cognitive function. As a consequence of these amplifying effects, the financial expenditure and medical resources consumed for the management of CKD patients is much higher than expected. The burden of CKD is likely to have profound socioeconomic and public health consequences in developing countries.

Beaulieu, Monica, Catherine Weber, Nadia Zalunardo, and Adeera Levin. Chronic kidney disease long-term outcomes. Edited by David J. Goldsmith. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with a variety of outcomes, some of which are directly and indirectly related to kidney disease, but which ultimately impact on patients’ quality of life and long-term outcomes. The events to which people with CKD are exposed ultimately determine their risk and prognosis of both progression to needing renal replacement therapy, or other morbidities and mortalities. The notion of competing risk is important. The five major outcomes of CKD are: progression of CKD, progression to ESRD (either dialysis or transplantation); death; cardiovascular events; infections; and hospitalizations. Where data is available, not only the risk of the specific outcome, but the factors which may predict those outcomes are described. Each section describes what is currently known about the frequency of the outcome, the limitations of that knowledge, the risk factors associated with outcome, and implications for care and future research. Available published literature often describes outcomes in CKD populations as if it is a homogenous group of patients. But it is well documented that outcomes in those with CKD differ depending on stage or severity, and whether they are or are not known to specialists. Where possible, each section ensures that the specific CKD cohort(s) from which the information is derived is clearly described.

Book chapters on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Wen, Yanting, and Qian Gao. "Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acid in Major Cardiovascular Events—A Current View." In Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 301–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Khanfer, Riyad, John Ryan, Howard Aizenstein, Seema Mutti, David Busse, Ilona S. Yim, J. Rick Turner, et al. "Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event (MACE)." In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 1187. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Aisah, Iis Siti, Rahma Yuantari, and Linda Rosita. "SGOT Levels in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Mayor Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE)." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases (ICCvD 2021), 301–7. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2022.

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Chumpitazi, Corrie E. "Major Adverse Events." In The Pediatric Procedural Sedation Handbook, edited by Cheryl K. Gooden, Lia H. Lowrie, and Benjamin F. Jackson, 150–53. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The incidence of sedation-related adverse events depends on medication characteristics, procedure conditions, and preexisting patient physiologic and psychological conditions. Major adverse sedation-related events represent extreme physiologic change causing significant patient harm that may be long-lasting or permanent, particularly if responded to ineffectively by the sedationist. Large safety studies of pediatric sedation events suggest that events of this type occur very rarely when well-organized, equipped, and trained sedation teams are present. However, sporadic reports of death during pediatric sedation continue to surface, providing significant impetus for effective preparation and training for sedationists. Major adverse sedation-related events discussed here are aspiration, cardiovascular collapse, respiratory failure, and death.

"Coronary Artery Calcification and Prediction of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events." In Computed Tomography of the Cardiovascular System, 145–58. CRC Press, 2007.

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Barthelmes, Jens, and Isabella Sudano. "Cardiovascular response to mental stress." In ESC CardioMed, edited by Guido Grassi, 143–46. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Mental stress, intrinsically subjective, lacks clear operationalization by any universally accepted gauge in routine clinical practice. There is not even an accepted single conceptualization of mental stress as opposed to the classic risk factors measured by, for example, resting blood pressure or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol among others. Yet, the link between psychosocial stress and cardiovascular events is a century-old intuition substantiated by many studies. Likely, mental stress affects cardiovascular health over the whole course of at-risk-stage up to cardiovascular events. This chapter discusses the major pathophysiologic effects of mental stress on cardiovascular pathogenesis.

Lüscher, Thomas F., and John E. Deanfield. "Global Cardiovascular Risk." In Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine, 1–6. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Cardiovascular risk is determined by many factors including genetics predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle. These need to be considered when evaluating risk of future cardiovascular events in an individual patient. The important modifiable risk factors are diabetes, cholesterol, smoking and blood pressure which together with family history and lifestyle influences (stress, obesity, alcohol, physical activity) account for more than 90% of heart attacks and strokes. The ScoreCard of the European Society of Cardiology can be used now to determine the 10-year risk of a major cardiovascular event, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular death and this can be used as a guide to choice of treatment. Other important factors, such as noise, pollution, socio-economic status will influence cardiovascular risk, but are difficult to incorporate when managing an individual patient.

Thombs, Brett D., and Roy C. Ziegelstein. "Screening in Cardiovascular Care." In Screening for Depression in Clinical Practice. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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There is great interest in screening in cardiovascular settings but little evidence that implementation of screening will affect depression or cardiac outcomes despite the epidemiologic evidence that depression predicts cardiac events and mortality. Since this chapter was accepted, in October 2008 the American Heart Association (AHA) Working Group published a Scientific Advisory recommending that all patients with cardiovascular disease be screened for depression, although this recommendation was not based on a systematic review of the evidence. Several weeks after release of the Scientific Advisory, a systematic review of depression screening in cardiovascular care was published but did not find evidence that patients with cardiovascular disease would benefit from screening for depression. The authors of the review noted that no published trials have assessed whether screening for depression improves depressive symptoms or cardiac outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease, suggesting that the recommendations of the AHA Scientific Advisory were premature. High rates of depression were first documented among patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the late 1960s. Early research on depression in CVD focused on patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and conceptualized depression as an acute reaction to a catastrophic medical event. In the 1990s, groundbreaking work by Frasure-Smith and colleagues demonstrated a connection between major depression during hospitalization for AMI and subsequent mortality. Since then, many other studies have identified major depression or depressive symptoms as risk factors for mortality and recurrent cardiac events among patients with AMI or unstable angina pectoris (together known as acute coronary syndromes [ACS]) even after controlling for other known risk factors, although not all studies have reported a significant association. Other studies have reported that depression among patients with ACS is related to decreased quality of life and poor adherence to secondary prevention behaviors, including smoking cessation, taking prescribed medications, exercising, and attending cardiac rehabilitation. Less research on the relationship between depression and mortality has been done in other CVD patient groups, although similar links have been reported in studies of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), for instance.

Lüscher, Thomas F., and François Mach. "Lipid Disorders." In Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine, 29–40. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Lipids, in particular, LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein(a), and triglycerides, have a very close and steep relationship to major cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. Elevated lipid levels are due to genetics and/or nutritional factors. Familial hypocholesterolaemia is due to LDL-receptor or PCSK9 mutations which lead to massively elevated LDL-cholesterol and in turn premature myocardial infarction and death. Lipids can be lowered with dietary measures and medication, such as statins, Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1 inhibitors (Ezetimibe), PCSK9 inhibitors, and, to a lesser degree and primarily triglycerides, by omega 3 fatty acids. Lipid-lowering is recommended in individuals at high risk and patients after major cardiovascular events. Target levels of LDL-cholesterol to be achieved by lipid lowering drugs depend on the individual risk of the patient and vary from <1.0 mmol/l up to 3.0 mmol/l.

Bartelink, Marie-Louise. "Epidemiology and risk factors." In ESC CardioMed, edited by Victor Aboyans, 2692–94. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Overall the risk of different localizations of PADs increases sharply with age and with exposure to major cardiovascular risk factors: smoking, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes. Other risk factors are still under investigation. The strength of association between each risk factor and each vascular territory is variable, but all the major risk factors should be screened and considered. When a vascular territory is affected by atherosclerosis, not only is the corresponding organ endangered (e.g. the brain for carotid artery disease) but also the total risk of any cardiovascular event is increased (e.g. coronary events). Each vascular territory affected by atherosclerosis can be considered as marker of cardiovascular risk.

Conference papers on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Quilis, N., and M. Andrés. "AB1041 Occurrence of major cardiovascular events in patients with gout treated with febuxostat." In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, 13–16 June 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2018.

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López-Padilla, Daniel, José Rafael Terán Tinedo, Milagros Llanos Flores, Elena R. Jimeno, Zichen Ji, Virginia Gallo González, Alicia Cerezo Lajas, Elena Ojeda Castillejo, Soledad López Martín, and Luis Puente Maestu. "Conicity index as prognostic factor of major cardiovascular events in obstructive sleep apnea." In ERS International Congress 2020 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2020.

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Prigge, R., S. Wild, and CA Jackson. "RF11 The association between different measures of depression and subsequent major cardiovascular events." In Society for Social Medicine 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Hosted by the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, 5–7 September 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2018.

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Neag, MA, DM Prunea, IC Bocsan, MF Neag, A. Catinean, and AD Buzoianu. "5PSQ-024 Medication errors – a cause for major cardiovascular events in an emergency department." In 24th EAHP Congress, 27th–29th March 2019, Barcelona, Spain. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2019.

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Charles-Schoeman, C., H. Valdez, K. Soma, L. Hwang, R. DeMasi, M. Boy, and IB McInnes. "SAT0686 Major adverse cardiovascular events: risk factors in patients with ra treated with tofacitinib." In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, 14–17 June, 2017. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2017.

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Giollo, A., S. Gandrala, T. Vojinovic, A. Burska, M. Y. Md Yusof, E. M. Vital, E. M. A. Hensor, and M. H. Buch. "THU0136 Major cardiovascular events in 434 rheumatoid arthritispatients treated with rituximab from a single-centre." In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, 13–16 June 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2018.

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Radu, C., L. Groseanu, T. Gudu, A. Balanescu, D. Predeteanu, V. Bojinca, D. Opris-Belinski, et al. "THU0402 Do we have good instruments to predict major cardiovascular events in systemic sclerosis patients?" In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, 13–16 June 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2018.

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Dayal, Parul, Dorothy Cheung, Carlos Iribarren, Michael Rothenberg, Yingjie Ding, and C. Victor Spain. "Rates of major cardiovascular events in severe asthma: US real-world and clinical trial populations." In ERS International Congress 2020 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2020.

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Westerlind, Helga, Johan Rönnelid, Monika Hansson, Lars Alfredsson, Linda Mathsson, Guy Serre, Martin Cornillet, et al. "FRI0071 ANTI-CITRULLINATED PROTEIN ANTIBODY SPECIFICITIES, RHEUMATOID FACTOR ISOTYPES AND RISK OF MAJOR ADVERSE CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS." In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2019, Madrid, 12–15 June 2019. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2019.

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Wang, YF. "199 Age adjusted charlson’s comorbidity index score predict major adverse cardiovascular events in systemic lupus erythemoatous." In LUPUS 2017 & ACA 2017, (12th International Congress on SLE &, 7th Asian Congress on Autoimmunity). Lupus Foundation of America, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Major cardiovascular events":


Li, Peng, and Junjun Liu. Effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors on the risk of adverse cardiovascular events in patients with psoriasis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, August 2022.

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Review question / Objective: Previous studies have indicated a cardioprotective effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) therapy in adult patients with psoriasis (Pso). However, most were retrospective studies, and the association between cardiometabolic comorbidities and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) has not been validated in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Condition being studied: Because the available evidence has recently increased, we performed the present updated meta-analysis and meta-regression of cohort studies and RCTs to evaluate whether TNFi therapy can decrease the risk of MACE among patients with Pso and to assess the associations between cardiometabolic comorbidities and MACE.

Ding, Liang-Liang, Mei Qiu, and Xian Zhou. Comparative efficacy of GLP-1 RAs and SGLT2is for prevention of major adverse cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: a network meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review Protocols, April 2020.

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Zhang, Mingzhu, Wujisiguleng Bao, Luying Sun, Zhi Yao, and Xiyao Li. Efficacy and safety of finerenone in chronic kidney disease associated with type 2 diabetes: meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, March 2022.

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Review question / Objective: To assess the beneficial effect and safety of finerenone for patients with chronic kidney disease associated with type 2 diabetes. Condition being studied: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases, affecting almost 700 million people worldwide. Approximately 40% of patients with diabetes have CKD, which exposes them to a 3-fold higher risk of cardiovascular death versus those with T2D alone. Strategies to protect the kidneys of patients with CKD and T2D may reduce their risk of cardiovascular events. Finerenone, a nonsteroidal, selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, reduced composite kidney and cardiovascular outcome in trials involving patients with chronic kidney disease. Recently, quite a few clinical studies have been conducted to compare finerenone and placebo. Our meta-analysis aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of finerenone in chronic kidney disease associated with T2D. 1st author* - Mingzhu Zhang and Wujisiguleng Bao contributed equally to this study.

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