Academic literature on the topic 'Manuel Vargas'

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Journal articles on the topic "Manuel Vargas":


Patarroyo G., Carlos G. "John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom y Manuel Vargas, Four Views on Free Will." Crítica (México D. F. En línea) 39, no. 117 (December 7, 2007): 96–109.

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Cogley, Zac. "Manuel Vargas, Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility." Social Theory and Practice 42, no. 1 (2016): 205–11.

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Rudy Hiller, Fernando. "Manuel Vargas. 2013. Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility." THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 33, no. 3 (November 6, 2018): 541.

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Capes, Justin A. "Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility, written by Manuel Vargas." Journal of Moral Philosophy 13, no. 2 (March 16, 2016): 245–48.

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Arreola, José. "Heberto Padilla, Julio Cortázar y Mario Vargas Llosa: tres diferentes traducciones del desencanto." Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, no. 73 (September 13, 2021): 157.

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el artículo analiza la proyección de los debates con respecto al papel de los artistas e intelectuales tras el triunfo de la Revolución cubana y el caso Padilla en tres novelas: En mi jardín pastan los héroes, de Heberto Padilla; Libro de Manuel, de Julio Cortázar y La guerra del fin del mundo, de Mario Vargas Llosa. El objetivo es examinar las diferencias entre las visiones artísticas de los autores acerca del desencanto político e intelectual surgido en torno a la Cuba del quinquenio gris a través del diálogo entre la ficción narrativa y el contexto histórico del momento. A partir de dicho análisis, puede concluirse que el desencanto político es una apropiación creativa generadora de reflexiones artísticas e intelectuales abordadas por los autores en las tres obras mencionadas.Abstract: The article analyzes the projection of debates regarding the role of artists and intellectuals after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the Padilla case in three novels: En mi jardín pastan los héroes, by Padilla; El libro de Manuel, by Julio Cortázar and La guerra del fin del mundo, by Mario Vargas Llosa. The objective is to examine the differences between the authors artistic visions of the political and intellectual disenchantment that arose around Cuba in the gray quinquennium through the dialogue between narrative fiction and the historical contextof the moment. From this analysis, it can be concluded that political disenchantment is a creative appropriation generating artistic and intellectual reflections addressed by the authors in the three works mentioned.Keywords: Disenchantment; Cuban Revolution; Padilla Case.

Shelton, Laura. "Bodies of Evidence:Honor, Prueba Plena,and Emerging Medical Discourses in Northern Mexico's Infanticide Trials in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries." Americas 74, no. 4 (September 18, 2017): 457–80.

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In the early morning of February 15, 1898, a farmer named Zacarias Navarro found the remains of a newborn infant in a shallow well on the outskirts of Alamos, Sonora, in northwestern Mexico. As caretaker of the well, it was predictable that Navarro would be the first resident to make the grisly discovery. He immediately informed the chief of police, Manuel Vargas, who sent officers to retrieve the infant's body.

Cuiñas, Ana Gallego. "El trujillato por tres plumas foráneas: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Julia álvarez y Mario Vargas Llosa." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 31, no. 62 (2005): 211.

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Dardis, Anthony. "Four Views on Free Will. By John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom, and Manuel Vargas." Metaphilosophy 40, no. 1 (January 2009): 147–53.

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Meynell, Hugo. "Four Views on Free Will. By John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom, and Manuel Vargas." Heythrop Journal 52, no. 2 (February 16, 2011): 342–43.

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Brent, Michael. "Rational and Social Agency: The Philosophy of Michael Bratman, edited by Manuel Vargas and Gideon Yaffe." Journal of Moral Philosophy 15, no. 3 (June 19, 2018): 371–74.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Manuel Vargas":


Wlad, Kerrie M. "Narrating pop culture in Latin American literature (Manuel Puig, Argentina, Mario Vargas Llosa, Peru, Rubem Fonseca, Brazil, Alberto Fuguet, Chile)." Diss., Connect to online resource, 2006.

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Prado, Celia Luiza Andrade. "A tradução na Era Vargas de 1930 a 1940. O Tarzan brasileiro de Manuel Bandeira, Monteiro Lobato e Godofredo Rangel." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.

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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer o nexo entre a tradução do romance de aventura e o seu contexto, transcendendo o texto e seu valor estético. A tradução envolve uma relação dinâmica entre várias instâncias de práticas culturais. Tais relações demonstram que as obras não acontecem em um vazio e não se pode dissociá-las de seu contexto de produção e recepção. A adoção de obras de literatura de entretenimento como corpus deste estudo, concorda com a abertura às novas temáticas adotadas pela história cultural e revela seu valor para o enriquecimento do discurso historiográfico. Partindo da hipótese de que na prosa as condições de recepção e o momento histórico são fatores decisivos no resultado da tradução e do pressuposto que o gênero literário, além da questão da língua, restringe o caráter autoral e criativo da atividade, o estudo analisou três traduções da série Tarzan, publicadas pela Companhia Editora Nacional na primeira década de 1930: O tesouro de Tarzan, por Manuel Bandeira, Tarzan, o terrível, por Monteiro Lobato e Tarzan, o rei da jângal, por Godofredo Rangel. A partir desse cotejamento se organiza a discussão sobre como o tradutor negocia as condicionantes impostas pelo gênero e pelo contexto e até que ponto a \"voz\" dos tradutores se manifesta, tendo como arcabouço teórico a história cultural e os estudos da tradução com base, principalmente, a teoria dos polissistemas de Itamar Even-Zohar e a abordagem descritivista da tradução de Gideon Toury, e ainda as discussões de Mona Baker e Theo Hermans sobre a presença do tradutor no texto, buscando suporte também nos paratextos e na palavra dos agentes envolvidos no processo de produção e divulgação do livro a fim de se construir um contínuo entre a tradução e o entorno.
The aim of this work is to establish the link between adventure novel translation, in the 1930s, and its production context, going beyond the text and its aesthetic value. Translations involve a dynamic relationship between several frameworks of cultural practices. These relationships show that the works do not take place in a vacuum, and cannot be dissociated from their production and reception contexts. The use of entertaining literature to make the corpus of this study is in accordance to the acceptance of new themes by cultural history and shows its value in the enrichment of historiographical discourse. Starting from the hypothesis that, in prose, reception conditions, and the historical moment are more decisive factors to the resulting translation, and the literary genre imposes constraints that tend to limit the copyright and creative character of the activity, this study analyzed three translations of the Tarzan series, published by Companhia Editora Nacional, during the first decade of 1930: O tesouro de Tarzan, translated by Manuel Bandeira, Tarzan, o terrível, by Monteiro Lobato and Tarzan, o rei da jângal, by Godofredo Rangel. The comparison of these works heads the discussion about how the translator negotiates the constraints imposed by the genre, and by the context, and to what extent the voice of the translators is heard. Cultural history and translations studies, primarily, the polysystem theory of Itamar Even-Zohar and the descriptive approach to translation of Gideon Toury, in addition to discussions on the presence of a translators voice proposed by Mona Baker and Theo Hermans, make up the theoretical framework of this study. The strategies and resources used in the selected translations supported in paratexts and in the word of the agents involved in the production and promotion processes of the book, is considered in order to build a continuum between these translations and their environment.

Koo, Pedro G. "Masculinidad en crisis representacioÌn̂ masculina en cuatro novelas Latinoamericanas /." Full text available online (restricted access), 2003.

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Svensk, Diana. "Expanding Our Concept of 'Free Will' : A case for the Development of Eliminativist Revisionism." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, 2021.

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This paper puts forth the thesis that free will skeptics should be motivated to develop revisionisteliminativist accounts of free will. As a starting point for this argument, it discusses and expands upon Shaun Nichols (2007) modeling of our reactive attitudes in narrow and widepsychological profiles. Utilizing this descriptive and prescriptive thesis, the paper then puts forthtwo main claims: 1. that revisionism is likely to produce our best descriptive accounts of free willbeliefs, and 2. that it is plausible that eliminativist revisionist is likely to produce our best prescriptive account of free will, as it is can capture some of the value in our “narrowpsychological profile” in ways its conventional counterpart is unable to. It is then argued that these two claims, in combination with the normative influence of free will beliefs, should provide sufficient motivations to develop eliminativist revisionist accounts of free will.

Godoy, Inguerzon Camila. "En torno al monumento a Manuel Montt y Antonio Varas — una imagen historiográfica." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2010.

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Para efectos de este trabajo, entenderemos como monumento público a todos los objetos que se usan para perpetuar la memoria en lugares públicos. Según la Ley N° 17.288 de Monumentos Nacionales, artículo 17, los define como: .Son Monumentos Públicos y quedan bajo la tuición del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, las estatuas, columnas, fuentes, pirámides, placas, coronas, inscripciones y, en general, todos los objetos que estuvieren colocados o se colocaren para perpetuar memoria en campos, calles, plazas y paseos o lugares públicos.Esta necesidad de monumentos conmemorativos, en toda Latinoamérica, en un principio fue cubierta por artistas extranjeros que, a través de concursos públicos generados por los mismos Gobiernos, por medio del envío de comisiones especiales o encargando directamente a un artista en particular, hacían competir proyectos, ganando el que más se acomodara al gusto estilístico imperante en las élites, que fuera concordante con lo que se quería expresar a través del monumento, y que a la vez, fuera .legible. por el pueblo.
Para efectos de este trabajo, entenderemos como monumento público a todos los objetos que se usan para perpetuar la memoria en lugares públicos. Según la Ley N° 17.288 de Monumentos Nacionales, artículo 17, los define como: .Son Monumentos Públicos y quedan bajo la tuición del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, las estatuas, columnas, fuentes, pirámides, placas, coronas, inscripciones y, en general, todos los objetos que estuvieren colocados o se colocaren para perpetuar memoria en campos, calles, plazas y paseos o lugares públicos. Esta necesidad de monumentos conmemorativos, en toda Latinoamérica, en un principio fue cubierta por artistas extranjeros que, a través de concursos públicos generados por los mismos Gobiernos, por medio del envío de comisiones especiales o encargando directamente a un artista en particular, hacían competir proyectos, ganando el que más se acomodara al gusto estilístico imperante en las élites, que fuera concordante con lo que se quería expresar a través del monumento, y que a la vez, fuera .legible. por el pueblo

Perla, Velaochaga Ernesto. "Manual Elemental de Derecho Civil Peruano.- Por el Dr. Aníbal Corvetto Vargas.- Talleres Gráficos de "La Prensa", 1945.- 322 págs." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013.

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Langanke, Kristen L. "Response to Nitrogen and Salinity conditions in Rhizophora mangle Seedlings Varies by Site of Origin." Scholar Commons, 2017.

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Many coastal plant species thrive across a range of environmental conditions, often displaying dramatic phenotypic variation in response to environmental variation. We characterized the response of the critical foundation species Rhizophora mangle L. to full factorial combinations of salt and nitrogen (N). We used seedlings collected from five populations and measured traits related to salt tolerance and N amendment. The response to increasing salt included significant plasticity in succulence, leaf mass area (LMA), and root to shoot ratio (R:S). Seedlings also showed overall reduced maximum photosynthetic rate in response to N amendment, but this response depended on the level of salt and varied by site of origin of the seedlings. Seedlings from different sites also differed in height growth, LMA, R:S, and total dry biomass. Generally, survival was lower in high salt and high N, but the impact varied among sites. Overall, this study revealed significant trait plasticity in response to salt and N level, and differentiation of responses of seedlings among different sites. Seedling survival depended on maternal family for 3 of 5 sites showing variation within and among sites. Variation in trait plasticity and seedling survival in R. mangle may be important for future adaptation to a complex mosaic of environmental conditions.

Rocha, Luciana Helena Silva. "When wolves cry: long distance calling by wild maned wolves." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2015.

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Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica ( on 2016-04-25T23:08:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LucianaHelenaSilvaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 1669201 bytes, checksum: 3c7d0a6a9b45e9896e7c8ea5f9fd7eef (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T23:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucianaHelenaSilvaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 1669201 bytes, checksum: 3c7d0a6a9b45e9896e7c8ea5f9fd7eef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-25
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)
O lobo-guar? (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) ? o maior can?deo da Am?rica do Sul e encontra-se quase-amea?ado de extin??o segundo a IUCN. Por ser uma esp?cie noturna, territorial e com h?bitos solit?rios, ainda h? muitos aspectos pouco estudados sobre seu comportamento em ambiente natural, entre eles a comunica??o ac?stica. Em seu repert?rio vocal, o lobo apresenta a vocaliza??o de longa-dist?ncia chamada de ?aulido? a qual, segundo a literatura, tem fun??o de manuten??o do espa?amento entre indiv?duos e/ou comunica??o entre os membros do par reprodutivo dentro do territ?rio. Nesse contexto, esse estudo teve como objetivos: 1) comparar quatro m?todos de detec??o dos aulidos de lobo-guar? em grava??es feitas em ambiente natural, buscando eleger o mais eficiente para nosso projeto; 2) entender como se d? o padr?o noturno de emiss?o dessas vocaliza??es, verificando se as condi??es clim?ticas e as fases da lua influenciam nas taxas de emiss?o de aulidos; e 3) testar o Monitoramento Ac?stico Passivo como ferramenta na identifica??o da presen?a de lobos-guar? em ambiente natural. A ?rea de estudo foi o Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (Minas Gerais, Brasil) e foram utilizados gravadores aut?nomos para aquisi??o dos sons, os quais gravaram durante toda a noite (18h-06h) durante cinco dias de dezembro/2013 e durante todos os dias dos meses de abril a julho/2014. Os m?todos de detec??o de aulidos foram testados e comparados com rela??o ao tempo necess?rio para analisar os arquivos, n?mero de falsos positivos e n?mero de aulidos corretamente identificados. O m?todo misto (XBAT+manual) foi o mais eficiente, encontrando 100% das vocaliza??es em quase metade do tempo do m?todo manual, e foi eleito para an?lise dos nossos dados. O estudo da varia??o temporal da emiss?o de aulidos verificou que os lobos vocalizam mais nas primeiras horas da noite, o que sugere uma fun??o social importante para esses chamados no in?cio de seu per?odo de atividade mais intenso. A velocidade m?dia do vento influenciou negativamente a frequ?ncia de vocaliza??es, o que pode indicar baixa recep??o sonora dos gravadores ou altera??o nos padr?es comportamentais dos lobos em condi??es de ventos fortes. ? necess?rio um melhor entendimento da varia??o sazonal da atividade vocal dos lobos-guar?, mas nosso estudo j? demonstra ser poss?vel detectar padr?es comportamentais de animais selvagens apenas atrav?s do som, validando o Monitoramento Ac?stico Passivo como ferramenta na conserva??o dessa esp?cie.
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a ?near threatened? species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named ?roar-bark? which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf?s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark?s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks? detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks? temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves? vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species? conservation.

Books on the topic "Manuel Vargas":


Pérez, Guillermo Maldonado. Un gran ciudadano: Manuel José Vargas. [Bogotá, Colombia?]: Editorial Peñanegra, 2004.

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Woodyard, George William. DramaContemporary: Latin America : plays by Manuel Puig, Antonio Skarmeta, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes. New York, NY: PAJ Pub., 1986.

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Alonso, Guadalupe. Revelado instantáneo: Entrevistas con Pierre Alechinsky, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Yehuda Amijai, Carlos Fuentes, Philip Glass, Nadine Gordimer, Juan Goytisolo, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Ute Lemper, Catherine Millet, Carlos Monsiváis, Amos Oz, Elena Poniatowska, José Saramago, Jorge Semprún, George Steiner, Francisco Toledo, Mario Vargas Llosa y ELie Wiesel. México: J. Mortiz, 2004.

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Bhāratī, Sudhā. Kendra aura Rājya Sarakāra dvārā samāja ke pichaṛe aura kamazora varga ke lie kalyāṇakārī yojanāeṃ: Bihāra. Naī Dillī: Malṭipala Ekśana Risarca Grupa, 2012.

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Bhāratī, Sudhā. Kendra aura Rājya Sarakāra dvārā samāja ke pichaṛe aura kamazora varga ke lie kalyāṇakārī yojanāeṃ: Uttara Pradeśa. Naī Dillī: Malṭipala Ekśana Risarca Grupa, 2012.

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Un Gran Ciudadano: Manuel Jose Vargas. Not Avail, 2004.

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El leasing y su contribución al desarrollo empresarial: Homenage a Manuel José Vargas. Bogotá: Ediciones Medio Siglo, 1989.

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1928-, Jitrik Noé, ed. Confesiones de escritores.: Escritores latinoamericanos : Jorge Luis Borges, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márques, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, Manuel Puig, Mario Vargas Llosa y Adolfo Bioy Casares entrevisado por Marcelo Pichon Rivière. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1996.

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Shoemaker, David, ed. Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 4. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This fourth volume of Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility includes twelve new and original essays drawn from the third biennial New Orleans Workshop in Agency and Responsibility (NOWAR). The essays cover a wide range of topics relevant to agency and responsibility. Vida Yao discusses strong-willed akrasia. Kyle Fruh talks about what is involved in being a moral hero. Facundo Alonso discusses what it takes to intend to do something, with appeal to the notion of reliance. Paul Russell outlines his view of free will pessimism. Derk Pereboom discusses how regret and protest are relevant to his skeptical view of free will. Gunnar Bjornsson advocates an explanatory account of culpability. Sara Bernstein talks about degrees of causal responsibility. David Brink offers a new account of criminal attempts. Julia Driver discusses wronging and forgiveness. Manuel Vargas explores responsibility for implicit bias. Finally, George Tsai discusses forward-looking aspects of blame and how it pertains to respect.

Hutchison, Katrina, Catriona Mackenzie, and Marina Oshana, eds. Social Dimensions of Moral Responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Philosophical theorizing about moral responsibility has recently taken a “social” turn, marking a shift in focus from traditional metaphysical concerns about free will and determinism. Yet despite this social turn, the implications of structural injustice and inequalities of power for theorizing about moral responsibility remain surprisingly neglected in philosophical literature. Recent theories have attended to the interpersonal dynamics at the heart of moral responsibility practices, and the role of the moral environment in scaffolding agential capacities. However, they assume an overly idealized conception of agency and of our moral responsibility practices as reciprocal exchanges between equally empowered and situated agents. The essays in this volume systematically challenge this assumption. Leading theorists of moral responsibility, including Michael McKenna, Marina Oshana, and Manuel Vargas, consider the implications of oppression and structural inequality for their respective theories. Neil Levy urges the need to refocus our analyses of the epistemic and control conditions for moral responsibility from individual to socially extended agents. Leading theorists of relational autonomy, including Catriona Mackenzie, Natalie Stoljar, and Andrea Westlund develop new insights into the topic of moral responsibility. Other contributors bring debates about moral responsibility into dialogue with recent work in feminist philosophy, and topics such as epistemic injustice, implicit bias and blame. Collectively, the essays in this volume reorient philosophical debates about moral responsibility in important new directions.

Book chapters on the topic "Manuel Vargas":


"Capítulo 6º Manuel Vázquez Montalbán y Mario Vargas Llosa. Dos novelistas y un tirano." In Sic semper tyrannis, 105–20. Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 2016.

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Martínez, José Luis. "MANUEL GUTIÉRREZ NÁJERA:." In Varia lingüística y literaria, 209–24. El Colegio de México, 1997.

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Deery, Oisín. "Reference, error, naturalism." In Naturally Free Action, 75–112. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter reinforces the HPC natural-kind view about free will by considering its advantages over other approaches in more detail, including Manuel Vargas’s revisionist approach. It is argued that Vargas’s view founders on a dilemma, which the natural-kind view escapes: Either Vargas’s approach is non-descriptivist, like the natural-kind view, in which case it is not revisionist; or it is revisionist, in which case it is not clear how it is descriptivist. Moreover, this chapter argues that the natural-kind view serves Vargas’s purposes better than his own view does. Finally, the chapter compares the natural-kind view to standard compatibilist, libertarian, and hard-incompatibilist views. Among all of these views, it is argued that only the HPC view is sufficiently methodologically naturalistic in its approach.

Weissman, Myrna M., John C. Markowitz, and Gerald L. Klerman. "Training and Resources." In The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy, edited by Myrna M. Weissman, John C. Markowitz, and Gerald L. Klerman, 224–30. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Evidence-based psychotherapies like IPT are increasingly being offered to patients, and patients are requesting them as information filters into the popular press and social media. While some training programs are incorporating IPT, progress is slow, and the status of certification varies by country. This chapter outlines how clinicians can learn IPT, a process that involves three key elements: read the IPT manual, attend an IPT training workshop, and obtain clinical supervision on training cases. Learning IPT involves discovering how to take your basic psychotherapy training and modify it for use with a specific set of strategies. The authors recommend conducting at least two time-limited, diagnosis-focused IPT cases to gain comfort with the structure and techniques of the treatment. A list of resources is provided at the end of the chapter, including translations of seminal IPT manuals.

Chimelli, Leila, and Françoise Gray. "Acquired Diseases of the Nervous System." In Escourolle and Poirier's Manual of Basic Neuropathology, 219–43. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter describes and illustrates the different neuropathological changes observed in a wide range of systemic acquired metabolic diseases that affect the central or peripheral nervous systems: hypoxia, hypoglycemia, hyperthermia, disorders of serum electrolytes, vitamin deficiencies, and exogenous intoxications, particularly alcoholism and intoxications by drugs, methanol, and heavy metals. In the central nervous system, lesions may find expression via selective involvement of some brain regions, with simultaneous complete preservation of others. The pathogenesis of the predisposition to injury for a particular anatomic region or for some specific set of cell types (neurons mostly) varies considerably form one disease to another and is undoubtedly multifactorial. The chapter also considers central nervous system abnormalities secondary to systemic diseases, including respiratory encephalopathies, hepatic encephalopathy, multifocal necrotizing leukoencephalopathy, and paraneoplastic encephalomyelopathies.

"Museo." In Music for Unknown Journeys by Cristian Aliaga, edited by Benjamin Bollig, 42–43. Liverpool University Press, 2021.

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Velan el fantasma de un escritor famoso que durmió en esta cama de caños de hierro. Él ha visto fugazmente estos mismos tamariscos sacudidos por el viento, la casa que interrumpe la línea del horizonte; se sentó a comer la única carne que sirven aquí, la del cordero, sobre este mantel de hule. La dueña del lugar ha sumado a su museo personal un libro y una foto del escritor inglés que durmió en su cama. Allí amarillea, lejos de la celebridad, ese libro escrito en otro idioma con la autoridad de quien cree haber visto el mundo repetido varias veces, junto a las bolas de ceniza extraídas del estómago de un caballo, huevos de avestruz, botellas de Hesperidina y ginebra Bols, lápidas de cementerios abandonados y un afiche de troperos anarquistas....

Ciaccio, Marisola Xhelili. "Bringing psychopaths into the moral community: Reassessing agency cultivation and social participation." In Thomas Szasz, edited by C. V. Haldipur, James L. Knoll, and Eric v. d. Luft, 211–23. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Manuel Vargas’s philosophical account of moral responsibility does not tell us how we ought to hold responsible those who lack capacities for detecting moral considerations, for self-governance, or both. This account problematically makes psychopaths seem to exist outside the moral community. The argument pursued in this chapter is, instead, that psychopaths are inside our moral community insofar as they participate in our interdependent social practices and their actions elicit reactions from us. We can make a strong case for holding them accountable for their specific harmful deeds. However, instead of asking whether we should hold psychopaths morally responsible, we could ask in what way they could be held morally responsible. Thus, the emphasis shifts from their inner psychology to their agency and social participation. This shift aligns with Szasz’s concerns with our approach to mental disorders, and furthers his proposal to transform psychiatry from speaking of illness and disease to speaking of agency and responsibility.

Rademacher, Anne, and K. Sivaramakrishnan. "Introduction." In Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism. Hong Kong University Press, 2017.

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This chapter outlines the “ecologies of urbanism” analytic employed by contributors to this volume. Unlike a singular ecology that might suggest a unified experience of urban nature, this approach compels us to identify the multiple forms of nature—in biophysical, cultural, and political terms—that have discernable impact on power relations and human social action in Asian cities. In a manner that distinguishes ecologies of urbanism from other approaches to urban environmental change, this analytical approach presupposes a multi-scalar perspective that varies its analytical parameters according to the social and/or biophysical processes under consideration. It also allows the reader to distinguish between “ecology” and “nature” in meaningful and consequential ways.

Ahmed, El Far. "5 Conclusion." In Abuse of Rights in International Arbitration. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This concluding chapter summarizses the legal questions discussed and the findings of each question examined. In order to examine whether abuse of rights can be considered a general principle of law, the principle’'s recognition in all systems of law is not required. As a legal principle, its recognition and application naturally varies from one jurisdiction to another. Similarly, the manner in which the principle is regulated and applied by courts may vary. Nevertheless, the importance of endorsing a general principle of abuse of rights is not only mandated by its role in ensuring the administration of justice, but also owing to its comprehensiveness and its ability to remedy forms of abuse that other rules fail to remedy. The chapter then provides recommendations and considerations, the adherence to which may limit the rising phenomenon of abuse in international arbitration.

Sharpless, Brian A. "Foundational Techniques Part I." In Psychodynamic Therapy Techniques, edited by Brian A. Sharpless, 85–101. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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There are a number of “basic” psychodynamic techniques that serve as a foundation for more specific interventions (e.g., interpretations). Therapist silence is one of these, and its usage varies greatly according to a patient’s relative location on the supportive–expressive continuum. After discussing the purpose and potential meanings of therapist silence, suggestions are made for effectively using this technique in session. Next, ways of fostering patient free association are noted. This can differ markedly according to duration of treatment (e.g., a short-term, manualized therapy vs. a more open-ended psychotherapy). The chapter ends with a discussion of how therapists can listen in a psychodynamic manner. First, Freud’s early concept of evenly-hovering attention is evaluated in the context of contemporary psychodynamic theory. Next, the 4 channels of communication available to psychodynamic therapists are discussed. These include what is said, what is not said, nonverbal behavior, and information gained from countertransference.

Conference papers on the topic "Manuel Vargas":


Sinha, Anirban, and Nilanjan Chakraborty. "Robust Relative Hand Placement for Bi-Manual Tasks." In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract In many bi-manual robotic tasks, like peg-in-a-hole assembly, the success of the task execution depends on the error in achieving the desired relative pose between the peg and the hole in a pre-insertion configuration. Random actuation errors in the joint space usually prevents the two arms from reaching their desired task space poses, which in turn results in random error in relative pose between the two hands. This random error varies from trial to trial, and thus depending on the tolerance between the peg and the hole, the outcome of the assembly task may be random (sometimes the task execution succeeds and sometimes it fails). In general, since the relative pose has 6 degrees-of-freedom, there are an infinite number of joint space solutions for the two arms that correspond to the same task space relative pose. However, in the presence of actuation errors, the joint space solutions are not all identical since they map the joint space error sets differently to the task space. Thus, the goal of this paper is to develop a methodical approach to compute a joint space solution such that the maximum task space error is below a (specified) threshold with high probability. Such a solution is called a robust inverse kinematics solution for the bi-manual robot. Our proposed method also allows the robot to self-evaluate whether it can perform a given bi-manual task reliably. We use a square peg-in-a-hole assembly scenario on the dual-arm Baxter robot for numerical simulations that shows the utility of our approach.

Johnson, Tyler A., Avery Cheeley, Benjamin W. Caldwell, and Matthew G. Green. "Comparison and Extension of Novelty Metrics for Problem-Solving Tasks." In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Shah’s metrics for measuring ideation effectiveness have been used extensively by the engineering design community to quantify the value of designed concepts. Shah measures novelty as the infrequency of an idea relative to a set of ideas. Vargas-Hernandez extended this novelty metric using partial genealogy trees to consider the frequency of ideas that share the same working principle. These genealogy trees capture differences between individual ideas organized by the following levels of abstraction: physical principle, working principle, and embodiment. Shah’s and Vargas-Hernandez’s metrics both require that all ideas be described at the lowest level (embodiment). This approach excludes ideas that are described at higher levels of abstraction. This paper proposes a new novelty metric that extends Vargas Hernandez’s metrics by including the higher levels of the genealogy trees, allowing abstract ideas to be properly evaluated. This paper compares the newly proposed novelty metric to Shah’s and Vargas Hernandez’s metrics using data from a previous study. The study required participants to perform problem-solving tasks in which they submitted a textual list of ideas for how to solve general day-to-day problems. The proposed novelty metric addresses limitations of the previous metrics when applied to the abstract ideas in the data set and meets established metric requirements. The proposed metric also broadens Shah’s metric in a similar manner as Vargas Hernandez but extends it to capture the entire genealogy tree rather than a subset of the tree.

Jastifer, James R., Peter A. Gustafson, and Robert R. Gorman. "The Effect of Subtalar Arthrodesis Alignment on Ankle Biomechanics." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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Background: The position, axis, and control of each lower extremity joint intimately affects adjacent joint function as well as whole limb performance. There is little describing the biomechanics of subtalar arthrodesis and none describing the effect that subtalar arthrodesis position has on ankle biomechanics. The purpose of the current study is to establish this effect on sagittal plane ankle biomechanics. Methods: A study was performed utilizing a three-dimensional, validated, computational model of the lower extremity. A subtalar arthrodesis was simulated from 20 degrees of varus to 20 degrees of valgus. For each of these subtalar arthrodesis positions, the ankle dorsiflexor and plantarflexor muscles’ fiber force, moment arm, and moments were calculated throughout a physiologic range of motion. Results: Throughout ankle range of motion, plantarflexion and dorsiflexion strength varies with subtalar arthrodesis position. When the ankle joint is in neutral position, plantarflexion strength is maximized in 10 degrees of subtalar valgus and strength varies by a maximum of 2.6% from the peak 221 Nm. In a similar manner, with the ankle joint in neutral position, dorsiflexion strength is maximized with a subtalar joint arthrodesis in 5 degrees of valgus and strength varies by a maximum of 7.5% from the peak 46.8 Nm. The change in strength is due to affected muscle fiber force generating capacities and muscle moment arms. Conclusion: The clinical significance of this study is that subtalar arthrodesis in a position of 5–10 degrees subtalar valgus has biomechanical advantage. This supports previous clinical outcome studies and offers biomechanical rationale for their generally favorable outcomes.

Bair, Scott, C. M. Roland, and R. Casalini. "Fragility and the Dynamic Crossover in Lubricants." In ASME/STLE 2007 International Joint Tribology Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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The property of fragility in glass forming liquids is introduced to elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL). Using viscosity measurements for two liquids that have been the subject of traction studies, the fragility of liquids is shown to be important to EHL traction and the property that most influences the representative (Eyring) stress. The derivative Stickel analysis is then carried out for lubricants. Using viscosity measurements, the dynamic crossover is detected for the first time in lubricants. The viscosity at the crossover is either constant or varies slowly with temperature and pressure and the crossover pressure varies with temperature in a manner similar to the glass transition pressure. The free volume model fails to predict the occurrence of the dynamic crossover.

Mu, Dong, Qi Zhang, Fei Zeng, and Fengjun Wang. "Stress State and Deformation Pattern During the Infeed Swaging of Tube Without Mandrel." In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Infeed swaging is a type of rotary swaging process. It is usually used to reduce the cross section from the beginning to the end of the tube. Compared with the infeed swaging with mandrel, the infeed swaging without mandrel has the advantages of less-loading, chipless forming, giving high production rate and low tool costs. It has been widely used in aeronautic and automotive industries. In this paper, using the finite element (FE) simulation code, TRANSVALOR FORGE 2011, three-dimensional (3D) FE model and experiment were developed to investigate the stress state and deformation pattern during the infeed swaging of tube without mandrel. Results show that the stress state varies with the regions. In the sinking zone, the stress state in the middle of the tube is biaxial compressive, while that at the other regions is triaxial. In the forging zone, the material suffers from tensile axial stress, compressive thickness stress and circumferential stress. After unloading, tensile residual stresses occur at the forging zone and the inner surface in the sinking zone. The maximum tensile residual stress is 69.5MPa, which is 77.3% of the yield stress. In the sinking zone, more metal flows radially inside and the deformation type is compressive. In the forging zone, more material tends to flow along the axial direction. The deformation type in the forging zone is tensile. Moreover, experiments were also conducted to validate the FE model. The experimental and simulated results have a good agreement. After the infeed swaging, the microstructure of the tube became smaller and denser. The metal flow lines are continuous, contributing to improve the strength and the fatigue life of tube.

Stricko, Robert G., Brett Page, Amy E. Kerdok, Brandon Itkowitz, and Jason Pile. "Port Placement Optimization for Robotically-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery." In 2018 Design of Medical Devices Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) requires ports to be placed through the body wall in a manner such that instruments can reach a desired area. Limitations of laparoscopic surgery include maintaining triangulation and ergonomics for the surgeon while allowing access to the anatomy with non-wristed instruments [1]. In robotically-assisted MIS, the surgeon does not stand bedside, and they have wristed instruments that the robot manipulates. Limitations of robotically-assisted MIS include range of motion (ROM) limits and decreased spatial awareness, resulting in the potential for interfering robotic components. As a result, port placement varies between laparoscopic and robotically-assisted surgery.

Li, Pei-Wen, Laura Schaefer, and Minking K. Chyu. "Investigation of the Energy Budget in an Internal Reforming Tubular Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Through Numerical Computation." In International Joint Power Generation Conference collocated with TurboExpo 2003. ASMEDC, 2003.

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Based on a numerical computation simultaneously solving the fields of flow, heat and mass transfer, the energy budget in a tubular type solid oxide fuel cell is delineated for better understanding of the energy conversion performance and the heat transfer characteristics. It is found that the Joule heating due to ion and electron conduction in cell components is at the same level as that of the thermal energy released from the electrochemical reaction. The energy budget varies significantly with the operating current density of the fuel cell because the Joule heating and thermal energy increase in different manner with the operating current density.

Thomopoulos, Stavros, Vedran Knezevic, Kevin D. Costa, and Jeffrey W. Holmes. "Development of Anisotropy in Fibroblast Populated Collagen Gels." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002.

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The development of anisotropic mechanical properties is critical for the successful tissue engineering of many soft tissues. Load bearing tissues naturally develop varying degrees of anisotropy, presumably in response to their specific loading environment. For example, the heart wall develops a collagen structure that varies in a predictable manner through its depth [1]. Tendon, on the other hand, develops a matrix that does not vary much in orientation and is highly aligned in the direction of muscle loading [2]. These varied levels of anisotropy may be due to inherent differences between the cells in each tissue, to differences in the mechanical load and boundary conditions seen by the cells, or to a combination of these factors.

McTeer, Jennifer, Jenny Morris, Stephen Wickham, Matthew Buckley, Elizabeth Kay, and Ciara Walsh. "Upstream Optioneering: Optimising Higher Activity Waste Management." In ASME 2013 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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The Upstream Optioneering project was created by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) to support the development and implementation of opportunities to optimise the management of UK higher activity waste, spent fuel and other materials that may be disposed of in a geological disposal facility. The project works in an integrative manner with the NDA, RWMD and waste producers, and was split into three phases: • In Phase 1 waste management opportunities were identified and collated from across the NDA estate. • In Phase 2, opportunities collated during Phase 1, were further consolidated, analysed and prioritised to develop a three year work programme. Prioritisation ensured that resources were deployed appropriately and opportunities can be realised before the potential benefit diminishes. • Phase 3, which began in April 2012, comprises a three year work programme to address the prioritised opportunities. Work varies from direct implementation of opportunities to scoping studies that may pave the way for more detailed subsequent work by Site Licence Companies. The work programme is flexible and, subject to change control, varies depending on the needs of project sponsors (RWMD, NDA Strategy and NDA Delivery). This paper provides an overview of the Upstream Optioneering project (focusing particularly on Phases 2 and 3), summarises work carried out to date within the three year work programme, and provides some examples of the main findings concerning specific opportunities from Year One of the Phase 3 work programme.

Funazaki, Ken-ichi, and Takahiro Otsuki. "Studies of Wake-Induced Bypass Transition of a Flat-Plate Boundary Layer: Comparisons Between Two Transition Modes Induced by Small Sphere Wake and Thin Wire Wake." In ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2005.

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This study aims at deepening the understanding of wake-induced bypass transition process of a flat-plate boundary layer using two types of wake generating objects, which are small spheres and thin wires. Main focus is on emergence of isolated turbulent spots from the influence of the wake passage over the boundary layer. Precursors of the wake-induced turbulent spot, which have not been observed in an explicit manner in any other previous studies, are also of concern in this study. It is expected that wakes from the wires are so weak that an isolated turbulent spot may be induced by the wire wake, while the position of the spot emergence varies randomly along the wire. A multi-channel sensor with 7 hot-wire probes acquires the velocity data of the flow over the flat plate subjected to the wake passage. These velocity data reveal the spot shape and spot generation rate. In addition, the existence of Klebanoff mode in this wake-affected boundary layer is examined.

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