Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Mariko'

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Lambertson, Kristen. "Mariko Mori and Takashi Murakami and the crisis of Japanese identity." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/1244.

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In the mid-1990s, Japanese artists Mariko Mori (b. 1962) and Takashi Murakami (b. 1967) began creating works that referenced Japanese popular culture tropes such as sexuality, technology and the idea of kawaii, or cute. These tropes were associated with emerging youth cultures instigating a “soft rebellion” against social conventions. While emancipated female youths, or shōjo, were criticized for lifestyles based on the consumption of kawaii goods, their male contemporaries, the otaku were demonized for a fetishization of kawaii girls and technology through anime and manga, or animation and comic books. Destabilizing the nation’s patriarchal theory of cultural uniqueness, or nihonjinron, the youth triggered fears of a growing infantilized, feminized automaton ‘alien’ society during Japan’s economically tumultuous 1990s. In response to these trends, Mori and Murakami create works and personae that celebrate Japan’s emerging heterogeneity and reveal that Japan’s fear of the ‘alien within’ is a result of a tenuous post-war Japanese-American relationship. But in denoting America’s position in Japan’s psyche, Mori’s and Murakami’s illustration of Japan as both victim and threat encourages Orientalist and Techno-Orientalist readings. The artists’ ambivalence towards Western stereotypes in their works and personae, as well as their distortion of boundaries between commercial and fine art, intimate a collusion between commercialization, art and cultural identity. Such acts suggest that in the global economy of art production, Japanese cultural identity has become as much as a brand, as art a commodity. In this ambivalent perspective, the artists isolate the relatively recent difficulty of enunciating Japanese cultural identity in the international framework. With the downfall of its cultural homogeneity theory, Japan faced a crisis of representation. Self-Orientalization emerged as a cultural imperative for stabilizing a coherent national identity, transposing blame for Japan’s social and economic disrepair onto America. But by relocating Japanese self-Orientalization within the global art market, Mori and Murakami suggest that as non-Western artists, economic viability is based upon their ability to cultivate desirability, not necessarily authenticity. In the international realm, national identity has become a brand based upon the economies of desire, predicated by external consumption, rather than an internalized production of meaning.


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Hibner, Jacqueline Rose. "Mariko Mori's Sartorial Transcendence: Fashioned Identities, Denied Bodies, and Healing, 1993-2001." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2014. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5489.

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This thesis is an examination of contemporary artist Mariko Mori's use of fashion in her work from 1993 to 2001. Contained within her sartorial phrasing is an involved relationship with the body, female and Japanese, as it exists within technological modernity. Tumult characterizes Mori's body as she images it early on in her career. This highly alienating space in which she positions herself gradually transitions to a space of respite for the performative body of another actor by 2001's Wave UFO. Wave UFO creates a mediated space for healing the modern body plagued with isolation through transcendence provided by technological means. Minimalist fashion, as a kind of plastic mechanization of corporeal experience, helps to accomplish this healing. Mori's Wave UFO attendant costumes present minimalist fashion as a location for reconciling spiritual identity in a postmodern age. The flat-panel costumes have the effect of disfiguring the bodies of the attendants into amorphous plasticized shells (much like the backdrop of the Wave UFO) and mechanizing the movements of the wearer. The sleek technological sensibility of the costumes, in conjunction with the stark sterility of the immersive Wave UFO interior, are the culminating expression of the ambivalent liminality Mori's body takes from 1993-1999. This is a body that floats between absence and presence, self and other. This thesis begins with a survey of Mori's 1990s work, including her 1994 self-portrait series that launched the artist into international recognition. The 1993-94 self-portraits present a playful mimicry and a self-aware exploration of regional dress as it is found on the streets of Tokyo. By the end of the decade the play shifts to minimalist self-denial that achieves a transcendence of the imaged body once grounded in the urban self-portraits. After exploring necessary and appropriate contexts of Japanese fashion and other cultural contexts, the thesis culminates in an extended analysis of Mori's 2001 Wave UFO installation. Mori's suggestion that technology can achieve transcendence of the body furthers the theorization that minimalist fashion overcomes the physical and ideological boundaries of human existence in a modern world.

Morisawa, Mariko [Verfasser]. "Relativsatzeinleitungen in der Nürnberger Stadtsprache aus dem 16. Jahrhundert : Eine historisch-soziolinguistische Analyse / Mariko Morisawa." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1224831497/34.

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Khan, David Michael. "Questions of Cultural Identity and Difference in the work of Yasumasa Morimura, Mariko Mori and Takashi Murakami." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Fine Arts, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/973.

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This thesis explores the work of three contemporary Japanese artists - Yasumasa Morimura, Mariko Mori and Takashi Murakami - in relation to cross-cultural exchanges and differences between Japan and the West. In carrying out such an investigation, this study illustrates how these artists play with Japanese and Western cultural forms in the context of postmodern challenges to concepts of essence and authenticity, and in a technologically transformed world shaped by unprecedented global flows of information, people, products and capital. In Morimura's art-making, this play is characterized by appropriations and parodies of Western cultural icons. The idea of identity-as-essence is superseded by a vision of identity-as-performance - a conception of identity as a creative act, taking place within an immanent system of global exchanges. Whilst Morimura's work tends to reify difference, for Mori the opposite is true. Melding arcane scientific and religious ideas, Mori creates technological spectacles with which she fantasizes a vanishing of determinate identities and difference within the encompassing field of a culturally amorphous techno-holism. Murakami's 'superflat' art raises the possibility of resolving this tension between the reification and effacing of difference. In his work, 'Japan' and 'the West' are represented as discrete entities that, at the same time, emerge already entangled, as effects in a preexisting system of global exchanges.

Ingold, Mariko Nadine [Verfasser]. "Effects of activated charcoal and quebracho tannins on the turnover of goat manure in irrigated organic agriculture of the subtropics / Mariko Nadine Ingold." Kassel : Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1069696900/34.

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Bruno, Emilie. "Psallendae Mariae: Marian Processional Chants of the Ambrosian Rite." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/23567.

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This interdisciplinary study examines a collection of chants intrinsically connected to the larger body of Western Chant: the psallendae. These chants of the Ambrosian rite, the form of Christian worship proper to the archdiocese of Milan, were sung during religious processions. With over 700 psallendae assigned to the Church calendar, this study examines only those assigned to feast days of the Virgin Mary, and in doing so, reveals a rich history of devotion to her. The primary sources examined are thirteenth-century manuscripts and medieval liturgical manuals. The processional chants are subjected to a thorough literary and musical analysis. Rooted in François-Auguste Gevaert's thematic theory, and using tools of reticular and stemmatic analysis, the psallendae are grouped according to melodic profile. Each group is then reduced to a core melodic theme, which, when juxtaposed with the ancient practice of religious processions, makes a compelling argument for the psallendae as among the oldest Christian chants.

Ertör, Irmak. "The political ecology of marine finfish aquaculture in europe: discourses, implicit assumptions, commodity frontiers and environmental justice." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/457756.

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L'aqüicultura és el subsector productiu agroalimentari amb més creixement des dels anys setanta. El seu percentatge en la producció alimentària marina ha crescut de manera ininterrompuda. En un context de captures decreixents i estocs pesquers en risc, l'aqüicultura ha estat proposada com la solució a la creixent demanda de productes pesquers. Aquesta tendència ha transformat les pràctiques de producció marina, passant de la pesca a la granja, alhora que ha ofert noves fronteres per a l’entrada del capital a través del desenvolupament d'inversions i d’innovacions sociotecnològiques. Aquesta tesi tracta de contribuir a la millor comprensió d'aquesta transformació i de les relacions socials i ecològiques desiguals produïdes. Es centra en el cas europeu, i planteja la pregunta de com i per què l'aqüicultura transforma les relacions de producció en l'àmbit marí i la seva governança. S'han fet servir diverses metodologies qualitatives, en el marc de l'ecologia política, i s'han abordat tres objectius: (i) analitzar els discursos europeus aqüícoles i identificar de quina manera es relacionen amb els processos de confinament i mercantilització del medi marí; (ii) identificar els conflictes socioambientals relacionats amb les granges aqüícoles a Europa des de la perspectiva de la justícia ambiental; i (iii) explorar l'expansió geogràfica, espacial i taxonòmica de les fronteres extractives associades a l'aqüicultura marina intensiva. Els resultats de la investigació suggereixen que l'aqüicultura de peixos marins condiciona i transforma els espais i les relacions productives marines a través de l'expansió contínua del capital, l'extensió a noves fronteres extractives i el confinament de béns comuns. Un procés que és facilitat pels discursos dominants com ara l'imperatiu del creixement. A través de la recerca de vies per a una major acumulació de capital, la transformació de la pesca cap a l'aqüicultura intensiva marina canvia les relacions socials i ambientals en l'àmbit marí. La reconfiguració resultant de l'accés i el control sobre els comuns marins exclou diversos actors, i això al seu torn genera conflictes socioambientals i demandes de justícia ambiental relacionats amb les granges aqüícoles. La investigació assenyala que aquesta expansió produeix nous règims naturals, espacials i socioeconòmics amb la intenció de superar les crisis d'acumulació del capital vinculades al decreixement dels estocs i captures pesqueres, i es produeix mitjançant el confinament i la mercantilització del medi marí. A través de la investigació realitzada, aquesta tesi contribueix a la literatura d'ecologia política vinculada a l'aqüicultura així com als debats teòrics més amplis associats als confinaments, el canvi agrari i socioambiental i la governança ambiental neoliberal.
La acuicultura es el subsector productivo agroalimentario con mayor crecimiento desde los años setenta. Su porcentaje en la producción alimentaria marina ha crecido de manera ininterrumpida. En un contexto de capturas decrecientes y stocks pesqueros en riesgo, la acuicultura ha sido propuesta como la solución a la creciente demanda de productos pesqueros. Esta tendencia ha transformado las prácticas de producción marina, pasando de la pesca a la granja, al tiempo que ha ofrecido nuevas fronteras para la entrada del capital a través del desarrollo de inversiones e innovaciones socio-tecnológicas. Esta tesis trata de contribuir a una mejor comprensión de esta transformación y de las relaciones sociales y ecológicas desiguales producidas por ella. Se centra en el caso europeo, y plantea la pregunta de cómo y por qué la acuicultura transforma las relaciones de producción en el ámbito marino y su gobernanza. Se han usado diversas metodologías cualitativas, en el marco de la ecología política, y se han abordado tres objetivos: (i) analizar los discursos europeos acuícolas e identificar de qué manera se relacionan con los procesos de confinamiento y mercantilización del medio marino; (ii) identificar los conflictos socioambientales relacionados con las granjas acuícolas en Europa desde la perspectiva de la justicia ambiental; y (iii) explorar la expansión geográfica, espacial y taxonómica de las fronteras extractivas asociadas a la acuicultura marina intensiva. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que la acuicultura de peces marinos condiciona y transforma los espacios y relaciones productivas marinas a través de la expansión continua del capital, la extensión a nuevas fronteras extractivas y el confinamiento de bienes comunes. Un proceso que es facilitado por los discursos dominantes como por ejemplo el imperativo al crecimiento. A través de la búsqueda de vías para una mayor acumulación del capital, la transformación de la pesca a la acuicultura intensiva marina cambia las relaciones sociales y ambientales en el medio marino. La reconfiguración resultante del acceso y el control sobre los comunes marinos excluye a diversos actores, y esto a su vez genera conflictos socioambientales y demandas de justicia ambiental relacionados con las granjas acuícolas. La investigación señala que esta expansión produce nuevos regímenes naturales, espaciales y socioeconómicos con la intención de superar las crisis de acumulación del capital vinculadas al decrecimiento de los stocks y capturas pesqueras, y se produce por medio del confinamiento y la mercantilización del medio marino. A través de la investigación realizada, esta tesis contribuye a la literatura de ecología política vinculada a la acuicultura así como a los debates teóricos más amplios asociados a los confinamientos, el cambio agrario y socioambiental y la gobernanza ambiental neoliberal.
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food-production sector globally—since the 1970s, its share in total seafood production has increased uninterruptedly. In the context of falling captures and endangered fish stocks, aquaculture has been proposed as the solution for supplying the rising global seafood demand. This trend has transformed the practices of seafood production from capture to farming, while opening new frontiers for capital with new types of investments and socio-technical innovations. In this thesis, I contribute to understanding this transformation and the resulting uneven social and ecological production relations. By focusing on the case of Europe, I address the question of how and why marine finfish aquaculture transforms the relations of seafood production and marine governance. Adopting a range of qualitative methodological approaches informed by political ecology, my analysis has three objectives: (i) to analyze discourses on European aquaculture and uncover the way they relate to processes of enclosure and commodification of marine areas; (ii) to identify socio-environmental conflicts related to fish farms in Europe and examine them through the lens of environmental justice; and (iii) to explore the geographic, spatial, and taxonomic expansion of commodity frontiers associated with intensive marine aquaculture. The research findings presented in this thesis suggest that marine finfish aquaculture shapes and transforms marine spaces and production relations through the continuous expansion of capital into new commodity frontiers and the enclosure of marine commons, enabled by dominant discourses like growth imperative. By seeking further capital accumulation, the transformation from capture fisheries to intensive marine aquaculture changes social and ecological relations within marine area. The resulting reconfiguration of access to and control over marine commons excludes a variety of social actors, and leads in turn to socio-environmental conflicts related to fish farms informed by environmental justice demands. I claim that such a continuous expansion underpins how capital produces nature, space, and socio-ecological regimes with the intention of overcoming accumulation crises related to declining stocks and capture fisheries through further enclosing and commodifying marine areas. Through these findings, this thesis contributes to literatures on the political ecology of aquaculture as well as to broader theoretical debates on enclosures, agrarian and socio-environmental change and on neoliberal environmental governance.

Wallace, James. "TORRES. MARIO." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/115020.

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Laroche, Guillaume. "Analyzing musical Mario-media: variations in the music of Super Mario video games." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107638.

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Responding to a severe lack of score-based music-theoretical analyses in the academic discourse surrounding video game music, this study proposes such an analysis of several tunes from the Super Mario video game series written by series lead composer Koji Kondo. Specifically, this study offers a variational analysis of those musical tunes featuring common motives and/or themes. The study divides tunes into two categories: series themes, in which a melody recurs in multiple tunes excerpted from several Super Mario games; and game themes, in which a melody recurs in multiple tunes within a single Super Mario game. Following reviews of the design of Super Mario video games, the life and music of Koji Kondo, and the existing principal literature on video game music, the study analyzes 26 works composed by Kondo between 1985 and 2002. Series and game themes are analyzed in terms of variational technique, designating the most plausibly earliest-written tune as the 'original' theme and deeming other tunes that came afterwards variations upon this original. In reviewing the results of these analyses, the study concludes that the musical features of series themes, and by extension the variational approaches used in developing them, are unlike those of game themes. Series themes feature an unchanging musical parameter (often the melody), called the essential element, that Kondo refuses to modify in any variation; rather, variation is applied to musical events surrounding the essential element. Game themes are much more flexible, and constructed from smaller motives which develop themselves into larger chunks of music through a process which is generally analogous to Schoenberg's concept of the developing variation. In all, the study shows that Koji Kondo purposefully differentiates his compositional approach to both themes and variations depending upon whether the theme in question is a series theme or a game theme.
Répondant à un manque d'analyses à base de partitions dans le discours académique portant sur la musique de jeu vidéo, cette étude propose une telle analyse de plusieurs oeuvres musicales de la série Super Mario du compositeur principal de la série, Koji Kondo. Spécifiquement, ce mémoire étudie la variation dans les pièces présentant des motifs et/ou thèmes musicaux communs. Il divise ces pièces en deux catégories: les thèmes de la série, c'est-à-dire les thèmes qui se présentent dans plusieurs jeux de la série Super Mario ; et les thèmes de jeu, c'est-à-dire les thèmes que l'on retrouve seulement dans un seul jeu de la série Super Mario. Suite à des survols de la conception des jeux vidéo Super Mario, de la vie et musique de Koji Kondo et de la littérature actuelle portant sur la musique de jeu vidéo, cette étude présente une analyse de 26 pièces composées par Kondo entre 1985 et 2002. Les thèmes sont analysés en fonction des techniques de variation, où l'oeuvre la plus probablement composée en premier est désignée «l'originale» et toutes les autres sont comprises en tant que variations développées à partir de cette originale. En révisant les résultats, le mémoire conclue que les caractéristiques musicales principales des thèmes de la série, et par extension leurs développements variationnels, sont dissemblables à celles des thèmes de jeu. Les thèmes de la série sont marqués par un paramètre musical inflexible (souvent la mélodie), nommé ici l'élément essentiel, que Kondo refuse de modifier dans ses variations ; ce sont plutôt les événements musicaux qui enveloppent cet élément essentiel qui sont variés. Les thèmes de jeu se montrent davantage flexibles, et sont construits à partir de petits motifs qui se développent en plus grands fragments par un processus généralement semblable à la variation développée telle que conçue par Schoenberg. En fin de compte, l'étude démontre que Koji Kondo différencie son approche à la composition d'un thème et de ses variations dépendant de si le thème en question est de la série ou de jeu.

Perl, Markus [Verfasser], Mario [Akademischer Betreuer] Perl, and Mario [Gutachter] Perl. "Geriatrische Halswirbelsäulenverletzungen: Eine retrospektive monozentrische Studie / Markus Perl ; Gutachter: Mario Perl ; Betreuer: Mario Perl." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2021. http://d-nb.info/1234714183/34.

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Mariano, Marica [Verfasser], and Rolf W. [Akademischer Betreuer] Hartmann. "Small multi-target compounds for the treatment of neurodegenerative pathologies like Alzheimer’s disease and glioblastoma / Marica Mariano ; Betreuer: Rolf W. Hartmann." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1135956820/34.

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Karbstein, Marika [Verfasser]. "Line Planning and Connectivity / Marika Karbstein." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1037287037/34.

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Einax, Mario [Verfasser]. "Feldtheorie unterkühlter Flüssigkeiten / Mario Einax." Ulm : Universität Ulm. Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, 2004. http://d-nb.info/1015439063/34.

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Albert, Mario [Verfasser]. "Computing Quot Schemes / Mario Albert." Kassel : Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1128611562/34.

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Trani, Maria. "La poesia di E.A. Mario /." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=68141.

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The present work examines the poetry in neapolitan language and particularly the works of E. A. Mario, fin de siecle poet and melody writer, who contributed considerably to the song history.
The first part introduces us to the neapolitan regional poetry as well as to its language to finally conclude with the poetry set to music: the song. The ideal atmosphere is the cafe-chantant. The poets of the time including Salvatore Di Giacomo and the generation after are surveyed.
The second part deals with the author. It describes his life, his art and his works, rich of popular and especially classical elements, which crowned him with success.

Hamm, Mario [Verfasser]. "Finanzreporting von Fußballunternehmen / Mario Hamm." Aachen : Shaker, 2011. http://d-nb.info/107543775X/34.

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Paredes, Luis. "Mario Benedetti : literatura e ideología /." Montevideo : Arca, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb354118383.

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Iberico, Castañeda Luis Fernando, and Valdez Mario Alzamora. "Entrevista a Mario Alzamora Valdez." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/118559.

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Henrique, Marina Gomes 1974. "Marias." [s.n.], 2010. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/285288.

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Orientador: Antonio Fernando da Conceição Passos
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T21:34:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Henrique_MarinaGomes_M.pdf: 1393898 bytes, checksum: c3b6192a2da03a56185d3e6db5020ee0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010
Resumo: Este trabalho é fruto do processo de transcriação do poema de Bertold Brecht "A infanticida Marie Farrar" em uma peça de teatro e um roteiro de curta metragem. Para isso outras fontes literárias e o filme documentário "Camelos também choram" foram fundamentais no processo criativo, assim como os ensaios constantes da peça "Marias". O processo empírico da criação revelou em primeiro plano as histórias a serem contadas no teatro e no cinema
Abstract: This work is a result of the recreation of Bertold Brecht's poem "The infanticide Marie Farrar" in a theater play and a short film. Other sources for this literary and movie-documentary "The story of the weeping camel" were crucial in the creative process as well as the rehearsal for the play "Marias". The empirical process of creation revealed in the foreground the stories to be told in the play and in the movie
Mestra em Multimeios

Caballero, Ortiz Silvia [Verfasser], Marko [Akademischer Betreuer] Rohlfs, and Stefan [Akademischer Betreuer] Scheu. "Fungal Responses to Grazers / Silvia Caballero Ortiz. Gutachter: Marko Rohlfs ; Stefan Scheu. Betreuer: Marko Rohlfs." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1059570114/34.

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Stötefeld, Laura [Verfasser], Marko [Akademischer Betreuer] Rohlfs, Marko [Gutachter] Rohlfs, and Stefan [Gutachter] Scheu. "Volatile-mediated arthropod-fungus interactions / Laura Stötefeld ; Gutachter: Marko Rohlfs, Stefan Scheu ; Betreuer: Marko Rohlfs." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/117618959X/34.

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Blanco, Sánchez Marta. "Historia de vida temprana e inversión reproductiva de invertebrados bentónicos: integración al manejo y conservación a través de modelos de dispersión = Early life and reproductive investment of benthic invertebrates: integration to management and conservation throught dispersal models." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/666608.

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Las zonas costeras son uno de los ecosistemas que sufre mayor impacto antrópico a nivel mundial. La sobreexplotación de los recursos marinos es una de las actividades humanas que genera mayor impacto, reduciendo la abundancia y tamaño de las especies objetivo. Una de las medidas para proteger estos ecosistemas consiste en el establecimiento de áreas marinas protegidas. En Chile, el sistema actual de manejo de las pesquerías artesanales de especies bentónicas está basado en áreas parcialmente protegidas, las Áreas de Manejo y Explotación de Recursos Bentónicos (AMERBs), lo que ha supuesto una mejora en la sostenibilidad de una actividad de larga tradición en el país. Estas áreas entregan derechos de usos territoriales, conocidos mundialmente como TURF (sigla en inglés de Territorial Use Right for Fisheries). Sin embargo, actualmente estas áreas se gestionan de forma individualizada, de tal manera que la escala espacial de manejo no está acoplada a la escala de la dinámica de las poblaciones de invertebrados bentónicos. El objetivo de esta tesis es identificar áreas de alto valor para la producción, exportación y llegada de larvas en base a los patrones de historia de vida temprana, considerando variables y/o condicionantes relevantes de la fase adulta bentónica, como (a) la inversión reproductiva, (b) la densidad y talla de los adultos reproductores, variables determinantes de la distribución espacial de la producción de huevos y larvas, así como también variables que intervienen en la fase larval planctónica, como (c) los rasgos biológicos larvales, para acoplarlo con los patrones de circulación costera con el fin de contribuir a un mejor entendimiento de la dispersión y conectividad larval. Para este fin se seleccionaron dos especies relevantes social, comercial y ecológicamente: el erizo rojo (Loxechinus albus) y la lapa (Fissurella latimarginata). En primer lugar, se evaluó mediante muestreos de campo el efecto de la protección (relacionada con el régimen de explotación) y afloramiento costero sobre la inversión reproductiva y la condición individual de los adultos reproductores. Esta información sumada a los datos empíricos de distribución de tallas, densidad de individuos y fecundidad de las hembras reproductoras se utilizó para desarrollar un modelo de producción potencial de huevos en la costa central de Chile. Para el estudio del reclutamiento y dispersión se desarrolló un modelo biofísico de dispersión larvaria que permite evaluar el efecto de la variabilidad oceanográfica y los rasgos biológicos (migración vertical de las larvas y desarrollo dependiente de la temperatura) en la distancia de dispersión, el éxito del reclutamiento, y los patrones de conectividad larval. Los resultados sugieren que, para ambas especies, la protección y el afloramiento costero no tienen un efecto sobre la inversión reproductiva y la condición de los individuos. Sin embargo, la protección sí tuvo un efecto sobre la talla y densidad de individuos generando claros patrones espaciales de producción de gametos. Se observó que la variación geográfica y temporal de los procesos de circulación dominaneltransportey la dispersióndelas larvas enlaregión, independientemente de los rasgos biológicos evaluados. La mayoría del reclutamiento fue alóctono, con niveles bajos de auto-reclutamiento y retención local, incluso para la especie con un tiempo de vida planctónica corto (F. latimarginata). Los patrones geográficos de salida y llegada fueron similares para ambas especies, observándose una mayor importancia relativa de la región norte del dominio de estudio. Estos resultados permiten identificar los principales determinantes de la producción de huevos, el éxito del reclutamiento y la distancia de dispersión para dos especies de gran interés comercial en Chile, información que podría guiar recomendaciones para el manejo y la conservación en una de las regiones costeras más productivas pero también más explotadas del mundo.
Coastal zones are one of the ecosystems receiving higher anthropic impact. Fishing is a major source of human impact, reducing density and size of exploited species. Marine protected areas are one of the strategies established to control fishing impacts. The current artisanal fisheries management system in Chile is based on partially protected areas, TURFs (Territorial Use Right for Fisheries). This system enhances sustainability of one of the traditional activity in the country. However, these areas are individually managed so the scale of resource management is not coupled with the scale of exploited population dynamics. The objective of this thesis dissertation is to identify areas of high value for propagule production as well as source and sink areas based on early life history patterns, considering variables relevant for the adult phase such as (a) reproductive output, (b) density and size of reproductive adults as both variables define the spatial distribution of eggs and larvae, as well as variables that affect the larval phase such as (c) larval biological traits, coupling these pieces of information with coastal circulation models to reach a better understanding of dispersal and larval connectivity. Two benthic invertebrates species exploited by artisanal fisheries in Chile, the red sea urchin (Loxechinus albus) and keyhole limpet (Fissurella latimarginata) were used as models. First, I evaluated the effect of protection and coastal upwelling on reproductive output and individual condition of reproductive adults. Based on size distribution, density of individuals and fecundity data I developed an egg production model along the central coast of Chile. Finally, I developed a biophysical larval dispersal model to assess the effect of oceanographic variability and larval biological traits (larval diel vertical migration and temperature-dependent larval development) on dispersal distance, recruitment success and connectivity patterns. These results showed that fishing regime and coastal upwelling did not affect individual reproductive output either individual condition for both species. However, fishing regime had an effect on size and density of individuals. I found that the geographic and temporal variation in circulation processes dominate transport and effective dispersal of larvae in the study region, regardless of larval biological traits. Most recruitment to local population was allochthonous, with low levels of self-recruitment and local retention even for the species with short planktonic larval duration. Similar geographic patterns of source and destination strengths were observed in both species, with the northern region of the studied domain showing relatively higher importance. These findings allow identifying primary determinants of recruitment success and dispersal distance for two important exploited species in Chile, and to provide the bases to advance recommendations for management and conservation in one the most productive, but also exploited, coastal regions in the world.

Guardiani, Francesco. "La meravigliosa retorica dell'Adone di G.B. Marino." Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1989. http://books.google.com/books?id=wV1dAAAAMAAJ.

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Slezáková, Lucie. "Exportní strategie ČR se zaměřením na Maroko." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-203892.

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The aim of this thesis is to characterize the current export strategy of the Czech Republic and analyze whether Morocco has potential for Czech entrepreneurs and companies. The first part of the thesis describes theories of international trade. The second part is dedicated to explain the term trade policy and to describe the development of export policy of the Czech Republic. In the third part there are fundamental information about the Kingdom of Morocco as well as analysis of investment climate. The key part of the thesis analyzes business opportunities for Czech companies and entrepreneurs.

Schmerbauch, Mario [Verfasser]. "Mikromechanische Versagensmodellierung langfaserverstärkter Verbundwerkstoffe / Mario Schmerbauch." Kassel : kassel university press c/o Universität Kassel - Universitätsbibliothek, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1229962115/34.

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Hajeck, Marko [Verfasser]. "Zahnfußtragfähigkeit pulvermetallurgisch hergestellter Zahnräder / Marko Hajeck." Aachen : Shaker, 2018. http://d-nb.info/115983685X/34.

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Thome, Renata Viana de Barros. "A cidade de Mario de Andrade." [s.n.], 1997. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/279128.

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Orientador: Octavio Ianni
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-23T05:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thome_RenataVianadeBarros_M.pdf: 2534775 bytes, checksum: 0a378d0b78b19a689db18b93d2f7fd7f (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997
Resumo: Não informado
Abstract: Not informed.
Mestre em Ciências Sociais

Silva, Adriana Paula Rodrigues. "A poesia antimoderna de Mario Quintana." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1884/48187.

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Orientador : Prof. Dr. Fernando Cerisara Gil
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/03/2017
Inclui referências : f.187-194
Área de concentração : Estudos linguísticos
Resumo: Nesta tese, objetivamos verificar a presença da poesia antimoderna de Mario Quintana, que se desenvolveu ao longo de sua carreira. Por essa razão, visitamos toda a obra do poeta, no intuito de trazer à tona os elementos presentes em seus textos, que fazem dele um poeta filiado à corrente antimoderna. Inicialmente, apresentamos algumas considerações teóricas acerca do antimoderno, conforme Compagnon (2011), para logo realizar o levantamento dos fatores presentes da obra de Quintana que o tornam antimoderno. Em seguida, descrevemos o panorama literário das décadas de 1940 e 1950, período das primeiras publicações do poeta, no intuito de contextualizar sua produção literária. Ainda trazemos à baila as reflexões em torno do tipo de aliciação do poeta, a partir da análise de suas poesias. Na parte final deste trabalho, realizamos a análise da metapoesia e da crítica ao modernismo, presentes em suas obras. Com este fim, discutimos alguns aspectos dos estudos da metalinguagem. Para tanto, nos apoiamos nas teorias da poesia moderna e da crítica literária. Também reconstituímos, dentro dos nossos objetivos, o itinerário do poeta por meio das páginas dos treze livros editados entre 1940 a 1990, particularmente dos textos que apresentam elementos caracterizadores do antimoderno. Nossas constatações estão fundamentadas em estudos de teóricos da poesia moderna, dentre eles Antonie Compagnon (2010 e 2011). E, no que concerne à metalinguagem, buscamos apoio nos estudos de Gilberto Mendonça Teles (1989) e Samira Chalhub (1986), entre outros. São ainda referenciais importantes para o desenvolvimento desta tese os estudos de Carvalhal (1997; 2005), Glória Bordini (1997; 2006), Regina Zilberman (1982; 2006), Ligia Chiappini (1972). Na execução deste trabalho, foi possível verificar nas obras de Quintana a presença dos rudimentos que fazem dele um poeta marcado pelas características daquilo que Compagnon definiu como antimoderno. Embora a ambivalência dos conceitos de moderno e antimoderno, averiguamos ao final do estudo aspectos particulares, elaborados por meio de conceitos metapoéticos e metalinguísticos que se articulam na obra do poeta de modo singular e constante, colaborando para a constatação de marcas da antimodernidade presentes em toda sua obra. Palavras-chaves: Mario Quintana. Antimoderno. Metalinguagem. Metapoesia.
Abstract: In this thesis, we aimed to verify the presence of Mario Quintana's anti-modern poetry, which developed throughout his career. Thence, we visit the entire work of the poet, in order to bring to light the elements present in his texts, which make him a poet affiliated with the anti-modern current. Initially, we present some theoretical considerations about the anti-modern according to Antoine Compagnon (2011), in order to carry out the survey of the present factors of Quintana's work that make it anti-modern. Then we describe the literary panorama of the 1940s and 1950s, period of the first publications of the poet, in order to contextualize his literary production.We still bring to light the reflections around the poet's kind of engagement, from the analysis of his poems. In the final part of this work we analyzeboth the metapoetry and the criticism of modernism present in Quintana's works.To this end, we briefly discuss the studies of metalanguage, based on theories of modern poetry and literary criticism. We also reconstitute, within our objectives,the poet's itinerary through the pages of his thirteen books published between 1940 and 1990, particularly those texts that present elements that characterize the anti-modern. Our findings are based on studies of modern poetry theorists, such as Antoine Compagnon (2010 and 2011). As far as metalanguage is concerned, we sought support in the studies of Gilberto MendonçaTeles (1989) and Samira Chalhub (1986), among others. Other important references for the development of this thesis are the works of Tânia Carvalhal (1997; 2005), Gloria Bordini (1997; 2006), Regina Zilberman (1982; 2006), Ligia Chiappini (1972), and many others. In the execution of this work, it was possible to verify in the works of Quintana the presence ofelements that make him a poet affiliated to the anti-modernism. Concluding the thesis, we identify the particular aspects in Quintana's work that, elaborated through metapoetic and metalinguistic concepts that are articulated in a singular and constant way, collaborate for his affiliation to antimodernism. Keywords: Mario Quintana. Anti-modern. Metalanguage. Metapoetry.
Resumen: En esta tesis, objetivamos verificar la presencia de la poesía antimoderna de Mario Quintana, que se desarrolló a lo largo de su carrera. Por esa razón, visitamos toda la obra del poeta, con el intuito de traer a la luz los elementos presentes en sus textos, que lo hacen un poeta afiliado a la corriente antimoderna. Inicialmente, presentamos algunas consideraciones teóricas acerca de lo antimoderno conforme Compagnon (2011), para realizar enseguida la recolección de los factores presentes de la obra de Quintana que lo tornan antimoderno. Luego describimos el panorama literario de las décadas de los 1940 y 1950, periodo de las primeras publicaciones del poeta, con el objeto de contextualizar su producción literaria. Aún planteamos las reflexiones acerca del tipo de incitación del poeta, a partir del análisis de sus poesías. En la parte final de este trabajo realizamos el análisis de la metapoesía y de la crítica al modernismo presentes en sus obras. Para este fin, discutimos algunos aspectos de los estudios del metalenguaje. Para tanto, nos apoyamos en las teorías de la poesía moderna y de la crítica literaria. También reconstituimos, dentro de nuestros objetivos, el itinerario del poeta por medio de las páginas de los trece libros editados entre 1940 a 1990, particularmente en los textos que presentan elementos caracterizadores de lo antimoderno. Nuestras constataciones se fundamentan en estudios de los teóricos de la poesía moderna, entre ellos: Compagnon (2010 y 2011). Y, en lo que concierne al metalenguaje, buscamos apoyo en los estudios de Gilberto Mendonça Teles (1989) y Samira Chalhub (1986), entre otros. Aún son referenciales importantes para el desarrollo de este trabajo los estudios de Carvalhal (1997; 2005), Glória Bordini (1997; 2006), Regina Zilberman (1982; 2006), Ligia Chiappini (1972), y muchos otros. En la execución de este trabajo, fue posible verificar en las obras de Quintana la presencia de los rudimentos que lo convierten en un poeta afiliado a lo antimoderno. Al concluir la tesis, identificamos los aspectos particulares en la obra de Quintana que, elaborados por medio de conceptos metapoéticos y metalingüísticos que se articulan de modo singular y constante, colaboran para su afiliación al antimodernismo. Palabras clave: Mario Quintana. Antimoderno. Metalenguaje. Metapoesía.

Vilhena, Tomás Ramires Pereira de. "Le vocabulaire du président Mário Soares." Nice, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NICE2020.

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Cette étude porte sur l'ensemble du vocabulaire des 274 discours du premier mandat (1986-1990) du président de la république portugaise Mario Soares. Ce corpus unitaire, qui a été soumis à un traitement statistique en accord avec les principes et méthodes de la statistique lexicale, est constitué de 412 959 mots qui nous ont fourni 10 125 vocables après la lemmatisation. L'utilisation des outils statistiques a permis d'étudier la structure des discours, leur thématique, leur évolution, ainsi que la répartition des classes grammaticales, la distribution du vocabulaire, la richesse lexicale et les noms propres. Les données présentes dans ce travail ont également permis de situer idéologiquement le président Soares, et de voir que tout son vocabulaire s'organise autour des mots-vedettes tels que Portugal, povo, libertade, solidariedade, democracia et progresso entre autres
The object of this study is the set of the lexicon concerning 274 speeches made by the president of the portuguese republic Mario Soares during his first mandate. This unitarian corpus has been treated statistically in accordance with the principles and methods of lexical statistics, it has 412 959 tokens and 10 125 types. The use of statistical tools has allowed the study of the speeches structure, their themmes and evolution, the grammatical categories partition, the distribution of the vocabulary, the lexical richness (that is, the total amount of word forms used in a given corpus) and proper nouns. The data presented in this work have also made possible to reveal president Mario Soares' idiology and they show his whole vocabulary is structured around the main lexical entries, such as Portugal, povo liberdade, solidariedade, democracia and progresso, amongst others

Jošt, Marko [Verfasser], Marko [Akademischer Betreuer] Topič, Bernd [Gutachter] Rech, Bernd [Gutachter] Szyszka, Marko [Gutachter] Topič, and Janez [Gutachter] Trontelj. "Fabrication and characterization of nanotextures for light management in photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices / Marko Jošt ; Gutachter: Bernd Rech, Bernd Szyszka, Marko Topič, Janez Trontelj ; Betreuer: Marko Topič." Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1156180805/34.

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Jošt, Marko Verfasser], Marko [Akademischer Betreuer] Topič, Bernd [Gutachter] [Rech, Bernd [Gutachter] Szyszka, Marko [Gutachter] Topič, and Janez [Gutachter] Trontelj. "Fabrication and characterization of nanotextures for light management in photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices / Marko Jošt ; Gutachter: Bernd Rech, Bernd Szyszka, Marko Topič, Janez Trontelj ; Betreuer: Marko Topič." Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2017. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-201804162945.

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Zúñiga, Calderón María José, and Infante Abdul Galvez. "Modelamiento y evaluación de la intrusión marina en el acuífero Chilca, Lima." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/628080.

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La demanda de agua en Chilca ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década, debido al aumento de la población y el desarrollo económico en la zona, y a la falta de recursos hídricos disponibles en la cuenca. Esta situación ha incrementado la sobre explotación de los recursos hídricos subterráneos. Estudios actuales revisados arrojaron evidencias de la contaminación del agua extraída. Por lo tanto, esta investigación plantea determinar el grado de extensión de la intrusión marina en la zona costera de Chilca, Lima. Para tal efecto, se modela numéricamente el flujo del agua subterránea con MODFLOW, que incluyen parámetros hidrogeológicos e hidrodinámicos del acuífero. Asimismo, se representa la dinámica de la intrusión marina con el modelo numérico SEAWATER INTRUSION. Se utilizaron datos de cargas hidráulicas en una red de pozos desde el 2005 al 2014, los que se usaron para calibrar el modelo y realizar un análisis de sensibilidad. Con el modelo calibrado, se simuló la intrusión marina en 10, 20 y 40 años. Los resultados muestran que la extensión en longitud de la intrusión podría avanzar hasta 4350 m con respecto al litoral para el año 2057.
The water demand in Chilca has increased considerably in the last decade, due to the increase in population and economic development in the area, and the lack of available water resources in the basin. This situation has increased the overexploitation of groundwater resources. Current studies reviewed showed evidence of contamination of extracted water. Therefore, this research proposes to estimate the extent of the marine intrusion in the coastal zone of Chilca, Lima. For this purpose, first, the groundwater flow is represented using MODFLOW model, which include hydrogeological and hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer. Second, the dynamics of the marine intrusion is represented with the numerical model SEAWATER INTRUSION. Hydraulics heads from 2005 to 2014 were used from a network wells, which were used to calibrate the model and perform a sensitivity analysis. With the calibrated model, the marine intrusion was simulated in 10, 20 and 40 year-periods. The results show that the extension in terms of length of the intrusion could advance up to 4350 m from the coast line by the year 2057.

Silva, Junior Mario Ramos da [Verfasser], Walter [Akademischer Betreuer] Thiel, and Christel M. [Akademischer Betreuer] Marian. "Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Mechanics of electronically excited states and assessment of method for calculating vertical excitation energies / Mario Ramos da Silva Junior. Betreuer: Walter Thiel ; Christel M. Marian." Düsseldorf : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1015458750/34.

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Medrano, Cuevas Alba. "Macroalgal forests ecology, long-term monitoring, and conservation in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/668804.

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All marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea are highly threatened by anthropogenic stressors that can alter their structure and function, especially in rocky shores. Moreover, extreme climate events are becoming more frequent and intense in our times. To detect the potential impacts and the vulnerability of any ecosystem, the combination of experimental and observational studies in the field is vital. In addition, long-term monitoring programs carried out simultaneously on human-protected and human- impacted environments may be crucial to discern the nature of the impacts. Macroalgal beds dominate the shallow benthic Mediterranean habitats where they play a pivotal role. Among them, the canopy-forming Cystoseira sensu lato species represent the highest structural complexity level and provide unique habitats with ecological services comparable to terrestrial forests. Canopy-forming algae are in decline in many coastal areas where, among other impacts, overgrazing by herbivorous can lead to the loss of these diverse habitats shifting towards degraded sea urchin barren grounds. Conservation tools such as marine reserves or No-take zones (NTZs) have the potential to reduce some of the anthropogenic threats and to restore benthic habitats through trophic cascade effects caused by the major abundance of predator. Besides, active ecosystem restoration strategies may speed up the recovery of impacted ecosystems. Nevertheless, there is an important lack of continuous and long-term studies providing robust ecological data of the natural dynamic and vulnerability of macroalgal assemblages while integrating the role of marine conservation. In this dissertation, different methodological approaches were combined to explore the long-term dynamics of macroalgal communities and the role of different conservation strategies (NTZs and active restoration) in the Montgrí, Medes Islands, and Baix Ter (MIMBT) Natural Park (NW Mediterranean Sea). In the first two chapters, the analysis of long-term monitoring datasets provided essential information to understand how macroalgal assemblages and sea urchin populations respond to natural fluctuations and anthropogenic disturbances, mainly overfishing. In the third chapter, field monitoring and sampling were combined with genetic analyses to increase the ecological knowledge of the canopy-forming alga Treptacantha elegans as well as to describe their recent expansion. In the fourth and last chapter, active restoration actions as seeding experiments were conducted in aquaria and in the field to optimize restoration techniques to recover degraded shallow ecosystems. In addition, different restoration strategies were combined in the field inside and outside the Medes Islands NTZ to evaluate the role of marine protection on restoration activities. The results of this thesis showed that the abundance and structure of the main macroalgal assemblages in the MIMBT Natural Park were stable at large over the last fifteen years. Overall, any effect of marine protection was observed on the most representative species of this habitat but we found a higher abundance of canopy- forming algae inside the NTZ than in unprotected areas. Contrarily, sea urchin populations were deeply affected by a severe storm in 2008 which caused the almost depletion of its populations in all the studied areas. Although similar trajectories of sea urchin abundance have been observed over the years between both protection regimes due to the large stability of the sea urchin high-density state, clear differences in the recovery of sea urchin populations were found after the storm linked to marine protection. The sea urchin populations inside the NTZ recovered slowly than the populations outside the NTZ inside due to the higher predatory fish abundance inside the NTZ. In contrast to the global widespread decline of canopy-forming macroalgal assemblages across many regions during the last decades, Treptacantha elegans has increased their distributional range and has shown an extraordinary expansion along the Catalan northern coast over the last two decades. The results of this thesis contributed to explaining this geographical and depth range extension, which could be linked to some ecological attributes such as their relative fast-growing dynamics, early fertile maturity, and high turnover rate. Besides, the molecular analyses have shown that all the populations of T. elegans in the Catalan coast constitute a single genetic group that could be originated in the MIMBT Natural Park under the marine protection benefit. Given the fast and stable population dynamics of T. elegans, this species was selected as a potential species to actively restore degraded shallow rocky ecosystems (e.g., sea urchin barren grounds) turning them into productive marine forests. In this way, the effectiveness of active restoration actions combined with passive strategies such as marine protection (e.g., NTZs) was experimentally demonstrated. This thesis addressed marine vegetation changes in the shallow rocky shores of the MIMBT Natural Park integrating the macroalgal and sea urchin dynamics in front of natural and human-related impacts, and the role and effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas and restoration actions as conservation tools at lower trophic levels. Besides, since most of this thesis is based on long-term monitoring data, a valuable baseline of the algal community’s structure and functioning was provided here which could be vital to predict and detect ecological changes that could jeopardize the preservation of marine forests.
Els ecosistemes bentònics mediterranis es troben fortament amenaçats per pressions, tant a nivell local com global, que poden alterar la seva estructura i funcionament, especialment en els fons rocosos litorals. A més, els episodis climàtics extrems esdevenen cada vegada més freqüents i intensos. Per a detectar els possibles impactes sobre qualsevol ecosistema així com la seva vulnerabilitat, la combinació d’estudis observacionals i experimentals al camp és primordial. En aquest sentit, els estudis a llarg termini realitzats simultàniament en zones impactades i en zones protegides de l’acció humana, poden ser crucials per a identificar la naturalesa dels impactes. Al mar Mediterrani, les comunitats de macroalgues dominen els hàbitats bentònics soms, on tenen un paper primordial. D’entre elles, les algues de tipus arborescent del gènere Cystoseira representen el nivell més elevat de complexitat estructural i proporcionen hàbitats amb serveis comparables als boscos terrestres. Aquestes algues es troben en declivi en diverses zones costaneres. És aquí on, entre altres impactes, la sobrepastura dels herbívors pot portar a la pèrdua d’aquests hàbitats rics i diversos i la seva transició cap a fons degradats dominats pels eriçons. Les eines de conservació, així com ara les reserves marines o les àrees on està prohibida completament l’extracció (NTZs), tenen el potencial de reduir algunes de les amenaces derivades de l’acció humana i de restaurar els hàbitats bentònics gràcies als efectes dels depredadors a través de les cascades tròfiques. A més de la restauració passiva a través de la creació d’aquestes àrees protegides, la restauració activa dels ecosistemes impactats pot accelerar la seva recuperació. No obstant això, hi ha una manca important d’estudis continuats i a llarg termini que proporcionin dades ecològiques robustes sobre la dinàmica natural i la vulnerabilitat dels hàbitats de macroalgues i que alhora integrin el paper de les diferents eines de conservació marina. En aquesta tesi, s’han combinat diferents metodologies per explorar la dinàmica de les comunitats de macroalgues juntament amb el paper de diferents estratègies de conservació (NTZs i restauració activa) al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter (MIMBT), situat al Nord-oest del mar Mediterrani. En els primers dos capítols, les anàlisis de dades d’estudis a llarg termini han proporcionat informació essencial per millorar la nostra comprensió sobre com les comunitats de macroalgues i les poblacions d’eriçons responen a les fluctuacions naturals i a les pertorbacions d’origen antròpic, principalment, la sobrepesca. En el tercer capítol, mostrejos en el camp s’han combinat amb anàlisis genètics per augmentar el coneixement ecològic de l’alga arborescent Treptacantha elegans i per descriure la seva recent expansió. Al quart i últim capítol, s’han realitzat accions de restauració activa, com ara experiments de sembra en aquaris i al camp per optimitzar les tècniques de restauració dels ecosistemes poc profunds degradats. A més, s’han combinat diferents estratègies de restauració a camp, dins i fora de la NTZ de les Illes Medes, per avaluar el paper de la protecció en les activitats de restauració. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi mostren que la abundància i la composició de les principals comunitats algals del Parc Natural del MIMBT s’han mantingut estables al llarg dels darrers quinze anys. En general, no es va observar cap efecte de la protecció en les espècies d’algues més representatives, tot i que si que es van trobar abundàncies més elevades de l’alga T. elegans a dins de la NTZ que a les zones no protegides de l’acció humana. Al contrari, les poblacions d’eriçons es van veure profundament afectades per una forta tempesta l’any 2008, el que va provocar el declivi gairebé total d’aquestes poblacions a les zones estudiades. Tot i que s’havien observat trajectòries similars en l’abundància d’eriçons al llarg del temps, tant a dins com a fora de la NTZ, degut a la gran estabilitat de les poblacions d’eriçons quan les poblacions presenten elevades densitats, en aquesta tesi es van trobar clares diferències en la recuperació d’aquestes poblacions després de la tempesta que estarien vinculades a l’efecte de la protecció marina. Les poblacions d’eriçons a dins de la NTZ es van recuperar més lentament que les de les zones no protegides degut a la major abundància de peixos depredadors a dins de la NTZ. Davant de la davallada generalitzada de les macroalgues arborescents que s’ha pogut observar a moltes regions al llarg de les darreres dècades, l’alga Treptacantha elegans ha demostrat una extraordinària expansió a la costa nord catalana al llarg de les dues darreres dècades, augmentat considerablement la seva distribució. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi contribueixen a explicar aquesta expansió, tant en fondària com a nivell geogràfic, que podria estar relacionada amb alguns trets ecològics, com ara la seva dinàmica de creixement relativament ràpid, la maduresa reproductiva precoç i la seva elevada taxa de renovació poblacional. A més, les anàlisis moleculars mostren que totes les poblacions de T. elegans a la costa catalana constitueixen un únic grup genètic que podria tenir el seu origen al Parc Natural del MIMBT com a conseqüència de la protecció marina. Atesa la dinàmica ràpida i estable de les poblacions de T. elegans, es va seleccionar aquesta com a potencial espècie per restaurar activament els ecosistemes rocosos poc profunds degradats (els blancalls originats per la sobrepastura d’eriçons) convertint-los en productius boscos marins. Gràcies a això, també s’ha demostrat experimentalment l’èxit de combinar accions de restauració activa amb estratègies passives com la protecció marina (p.e. NTZs). Aquesta tesi aborda els canvis de vegetació marina als fons soms i rocosos del Parc Natural del MIMBT integrant la dinàmica de les macroalgues i els eriçons enfront dels impactes naturals i humans, i, el paper i l’eficàcia de les zones marines protegides i de les accions de restauració com a eines de conservació per als nivells tròfics més basals. A més, atès que la major part d’aquesta tesi es basa en dades d’estudis a llarg termini, aquesta tesi proporciona una valuosa referència de la dinàmica i de l’estat actual de les comunitats infralitorals dominades per algues, el que podria ser vital per predir i detectar canvis ecològics que puguin posar en perill la preservació dels boscos marins.

Schulz, Oscar [Verfasser], Mario [Akademischer Betreuer] Zaiss, and Mario [Gutachter] Zaiss. "Rheumatoide Arthritis im Mausmodell - immunologische und strukturelle Veränderungen im Darm / Oscar Schulz ; Gutachter: Mario Zaiss ; Betreuer: Mario Zaiss." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2021. http://d-nb.info/1230137629/34.

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Lira, Simone Possedente de. "\"Metabólitos secundários biologicamente ativos isolados de esponjas marinhas e do fungo Beauveria felina de origem marinha\"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/75/75132/tde-05062007-112443/.

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Neste trabalho descreve-se o estudo química dos extratos de quatro esponjas e dois fungos de origem marinha oriundos da costa do Brasil. Os extratos de três esponjas (Petromica ciocalyptoides, Topsentia ophiraphidites e Callyspongia sp.) apresentaram atividade inibitória à enzima adenosina fosforribosil transferase de Leishmania tarentolae. A partir desses extratos foram isolados 4 compostos. O trissulafato de halistanol, isolado das esponjas P. ciocalyptoides e T. ophiraphidites, e o ilhabelanol, ilhabreno e isoakaterpina, isolados da esponja Callyspongia sp. A partir do extrato bruto da esponja Axinella cf corrugata foram isolados dois derivados cumarínicos, provavelmente artefatos de isolamento do ácido 4-esculetínico, o qual é inédito como produto natural. O extrato bruto da esponja Axinella cf. corrugata apresentou atividade citotóxica, mas os compostos puros não apresentaram esta atividade. Os dois compostos puros foram testados ainda quanto sua atividade contra o vírus da SARS, na qual o éster etílico do ácido 4-esculetínico se apresentou ativo. A partir de dois extratos oriundos do fungo Beauveria felina, isolado da alga marinha Caulerpa sp, foram isoladas 17 frações puras que após diversas análises foram agrupadas em seis compostos conhecidos na literatura: a (Phe3, N-Val5) destruxina B, a cloroidrina da destruxina E, a roseotoxina B, a roseocardina, a isariina e a isariina B. Além disso, foram isolados dois compostos inéditos, a pseudodestruxina C e a cloloidrina Beta-Me-Pro da destruxina E. Os extratos brutos de Beauveria felina apresentaram atividades em bioensaios de atividade antituberculose e de citotoxicidade em linhagem de células de câncer. Os compostos puros avaliados no bioensaio antituberculose não foram ativos. Somente o composto roseotoxina B apresentou atividade citotóxica in vitro para quatro linhagens de células: mama, cólon, sistema nervoso e leucemia.
In this work we report the chemical investigation of bioactive crude extracts obtained from four sponges and two fungal strains of marine origin. The crude extracts of three sponges species (Petromica ciocalyptoides, Topsentia ophiraphidites and Callyspongia sp.) displayed inhibitory activity towards the enzyme adenine fosforribosyl transferase of Leishmania tarentolae (L-APRT). Four compounds have been isolated from these extracts: the known halistanol sulfate was isolated of sponges P. ciocalyptoides and T. ophiraphidites, while the novel ilhabelanol, ilhabrene and isoakaterpin have been isolated from the sponge Callyspongia sp. All compounds exhibited inhibition of L-APRT at micro M concentrations. Two coumarin derivatives have been isolated from the crude extract of the sponge Axinella cf. corrugata, probably as artifacts of isolation: esculetin-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester and esculetin-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester. While the crude extract of the sponge Axinella cf. corrugata presented cytotoxic activity, the pure compounds were inactive in these assays. The esculetin-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester was found to be an in vitro inhibitor of SARS virus. The crude extract obtained of a marine-derived Beauveria felina strain, isolated from the alga Caulerpa sp., displayed antituberculosis activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 (breast), HCT-8 (colon) and B16 (murine melanoma) cancer cell lines. Chemical fractionation of the crude extract led to the isolation of two new cyclodepsipeptides pseudodestruxin C and [Beta-Me-Pro] destruxin E chlorohydrin, and of the known destruxin E chlorohydrin, [Phe3, N-Me-Val5] destruxin B, roseotoxin B, roseocardin, isariin and isariin B. The depsipeptides [Phe3, NMe- Val5] destruxin B and rosetoxin B, have been tested against M. tuberculosis H37 Rv and in cytotoxicity bioassays against SF 295 (human CNS) MDA-MB435 (human breast) HCT8 (colon) and HL60 (leukemia) cancer cell lines. Only roseotoxin B displayed moderate cytotoxicity against the cancer cell lines.

Machado, Márcia Regina Fragoso [UNESP]. "Caracterização morfológica e bioquímica do sistema digestório e identificação por isótopos estáveis de robalo peva e flexa selvagens e de cativeiro." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/100190.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:40:43Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 machado_mrf_dr_jabo.pdf: 654283 bytes, checksum: 42d2b7787949eced9fba27ca7e496f5b (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Os recursos pesqueiros marinhos representam uma importante fonte de proteína e, além de alimento, é fonte de renda para milhares de pessoas, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Muitos estoques pesqueiros naturais já se encontram em seu limite máximo de exploração, devido a isso houve um aumento considerável da produção de pescado pela aquicultura nos últimos anos. As maiores deficiências tecnológicas ainda residem no cultivo de peixes marinhos, que vem sendo um dos principais entraves à produção, área em que o país ainda está em fase embrionária. Dentre as espécies marinhas mais estudadas no Brasil destacamos o gênero Centropomus (robalo) que possui uma dificuldade do manejo de reprodutores em cativeiro e dificuldades em formular a ração para esses peixes, dificultando dessa forma a sua produção. Porém faltam estudos na área de morfologia, fisiologia e nutrição para as espécies marinhas. Dessa forma, foi realizado o presente trabalho com o objetivo de identificar os principais componentes alimentares de jovens de robalo peva (Centropomus parallelus) e robalo flexa (Centropomus undecimalis) por análises histológicas e histoquímicas do sistema digestório, determinação de isótopos estáveis e verificar, por meio de proteômica, quais as proteínas presentes no fígado são expressas na alteração da dieta desses peixes. Esse estudo pretende fornecer subsídios para o desenvolvimento de um pacote tecnológico para o cultivo de ambas as espécies, contribuindo na otimização da nutrição e gerando alternativas para tornar a piscicultura marinha uma atividade produtiva no país
The marine fishery resources represent an important source of protein and, besides food, is a source of income for thousands of people, especially in developing countries. Many natural fish stocks are already at their limit of exploitation because of this there was a considerable increase in fish production through aquaculture in recent years. The major technological deficiencies still reside in the cultivation of marine fish, which has been a major constraint to production, the area where the country is still in its infancy. Among the most studied marine species in Brazil include the genus Centropomus (bass) that has a difficulty in handling of captive broodstock and difficulties in formulating the ration for these fishes, thus hindering their production. But lacks studies on morphology, physiology and nutrition for marine species. Thus, the present work was undertaken with the aim of identifying the major dietary constituents of young fat snook (Centropomus parallelus) and bass arrow (Centropomus undecimalis) by histological and histochemical digestive system, determination of stable isotopes and verify by using proteomics, which proteins are expressed in liver in changing the diet of these fish. This study aims to provide subsidies for the development of a technology package for cultivation of both species, contributing to the optimization of nutrition and generating alternatives to marine fish farming to become a productive activity in the country

Meinerzhagen, Florian [Verfasser], and Marika [Akademischer Betreuer] Schleberger. "Spurbildung in Strontiumtitanat / Florian Meinerzhagen ; Betreuer: Marika Schleberger." Duisburg, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1130587088/34.

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Díez, Moreno Beatriz. "Diversidad del picoplancton eucariótico marino mediante métodos moleculares." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/3851.

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Los picoeucariontes que, junto con los procariontes heterotróficos y fototróficos, forman el picoplancton, pueden constituir una parte importante de la biomasa del mismo e incluso de todo el sistema. Su contribución a la producción primaria del ecosistema es también muy significativa. Pero hasta el momento la diversidad de la fracción eucariótica que forma la comunidad picoplanctónica marina era muy desconocida.
La identificación de la fracción eucariótica del picoplancton en comunidades naturales es a menudo una tarea difícil, debido a su similar morfología y pequeño tamaño (< 5 mm). Algunos de ellos pueden ser discriminados a nivel de Clase mediante microscopía electrónica o cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC), pero en la mayoría de los casos no es posible hacer una identificación a más bajos niveles taxonómicos. Por otro lado, solo un pequeño porcentaje de estas especies picoplanctónicas puede crecer en cultivo, y además no hay garantía de que estos organismos aislados en cultivo sean los dominantes en la comunidad natural.
La aproximación por técnicas moleculares basadas en análisis filogenéticos de secuencias de rRNA tales como la clonación y secuenciación, y técnicas de fingerprinting como la Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) o la Terminal Restriction Fragemnt Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP), han sido una alternativa que nos ha permitido caracterizar con más detalle la diversidad del picoplancton eucariótico en muestras naturales de diferentes sistemas marinos. Se ha muestreado una gran variedad de sistemas, desde mar abierto a zonas costeras, gracias a diferentes campañas oceanográficas: Mar de Weddel-Scotia (campaña DOVETAIL; Paso Drake (campaña DHARMA); Atlántico Norte (campaña ACSOE-NAE); Mar de Alborán (campaña MATER´97, 98 y 99). En ellas se obtuvieron muestras que abarcaban tanto la variabilidad espacial como la variabilidad temporal de las comunidades del picoplancton eucariótico marino.
Gracias a la realización de bibliotecas genéticas de algunas de estas muestras (pertenecientes a la Antártida, al Mar de Alborán y al Atlántico Norte), mediante secuenciación y comparación con el banco de datos, se obtuvo información acerca de la diversidad de los grupos filogenéticos presentes en estos diferentes ambientes. Los resultados mostraron una elevada diversidad filogenética incluyendo muchos grupos taxónomicos diferentes y miembros de grupos filogenéticos distantes. La mayoría de estos grupos taxónomicos se afiliaban a organismos conocidos del picoplancton eucariótico fototrófico como las prasinofíceas, que fueron las más representadas, así como también las primnesiofíceas. Otra fracción, menos frecuente, pudo afiliarse a grupos claramente heterotróficos tales como ciliados, algunas crisofíceas, cercomonadales y hongos. Pero también apareció otro elevado número de secuencias distintas a cualquier secuencia conocida y que correspondían a nuevos linajes tales como los nuevos estramenópilos y los nuevos alveolados. Estos nuevos linajes aparecieron ampliamente distribuidos tanto filogenética como geográficamente. Algunos de ellos pueden constituir una fracción importante de los microorganismos heterotróficos y jugar un papel crucial en la red trófica microbiana.
Técnicas de fingerprinting como la DGGE y la T-RFLP, fueron usadas para el estudio en paralelo de la diversidad de picoeucariontes en estas muestras marinas. Gracias a la optimización de la DGGE usando cebadores específicos para amplificar un fragmento del gen rRNA 18S de eucariontes, se pudo estudiar la diversidad y variabilidad a gran escala, de una manera detallada, de las comunidades del picoplancton eucariótico marino presentes en muestras de la Antártida y del Mar de Alborán. Esto nos permitió observar cambios en su distribución y composición no sólo a lo largo de gradientes verticales, sino en relación con escalas espaciales y temporales.
Picoeukaryotes together with the heterotrophic and phototrophic prokaryotes, constitute the picoplankton. Picoeukaryotes can contribute an important part the picoplankton biomass and even to the total biomas of the system. Also, their contribution to the primary productivity of the ecosystem is very significant. However, very little is known about the diversity of the eukaryotic fraction of the marine picoplanktonic assemblages.
The identification of picoeukaryotes in natural communities is difficult, principally due at their similar morphology and small size (< 5 mm). Some of them can be discriminated at the Class taxonomic level by electron microscopy or by HPLC pigment analyses, but most of them cannot be identified at lower taxonomic levels. Also, only a small percentage of the picoeukaryotes species grow in culture, and there is no guaranty that organisms currently available in pure culture are dominant in natural communities.
The approximation with molecular techniques offers a promising alternative. The phylogenetic analyses of the rRNA sequences uses techniques such as cloning and sequencing, and/or fingerprinting techniques such as Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) and Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP). With these techniques I have characterized the diversity of eukaryotic picoplankton in natural samples from different marine systems. A wide variety of systems had been sampled from coast to open sea in different oceanographic cruises: Weddel-Scotia Sea (cruise DOVETAIL); Drake Passage (cruise DHARMA); North Atlantic Ocean (cruise ACSOE-NAE); Alborán Sea (cruises MATER´97, 98 y 99). Samples to study spatial and temporal variability of the marine eukaryotic picoplankton were obtained in all these cruises.
Five genetic libraries were generated (two from the Southern Ocean, two from the North Atlantic Ocean and one from the Alborán Sea). By sequencing and comparison with the database I obtained information about the diversity of the phylogenetic groups present in the different marine systems. Results showed a high phylogenetic diversity. Most of these taxonomic groups were affiliated with known phototrophic picoeukaryotes such as prasinophytes (the most frequently represented) and prymnesiophytes. Other clones could be assigned to the heterotropic organisms such as ciliates, some crysophytes, cercomonads and fungi. But a significant number of sequences in the libraries did not show a close affiliation with any know class of organisms and formed two novel lineages: novel stramenopiles and novel alveolates. These novel lineages were abundant and widely distributed. Some of them may account for a large fraction of the heterotrophic microorganisms in the sea and could play an important role in the marine food webs.
Fingerprinting techniques such as DGGE and T-RFLP were used to study de diversity of picoeukaryotes in these same samples. With the optimization of DGGE by using specific primers to amplify the 18S rRNA from eukaryotes we studied diversity and variability of the marine eukaryotic picoplankton assemblages present in samples from the Southern Ocean and the Alborán Sea. With these studies we obtained information about changes in their distribution and composition along the vertical gradient but also at larger spatial and temporal scales.

Cavaterra, Cristiana Antunes 1976. "Marino Del Favero, escultor e entalhador (1864-1943) /." São Paulo, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/134268.

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Orientador: Percival Tirapeli
Banca: Mozart Alberto Bonazzi da Costa
Banca: Maria Elisa Linardi de Oliveira Cazaretti
Resumo: Marino Del Favero, italiano imigrado para o Brasil no final do século XIX, é um escultor - entalhador, quase desconhec ido na historiografia da arte sacra brasileira. Apesar de várias cidades brasileiras po ssuí rem seus retábulos e imagens sacras em catedrais, igrejas matrizes e c apelas, poucos são os pesquisadores e historiadores da arte brasileira que aprofundaram seus es tudos sobre o artista. Descendente de uma família italiana de renomados escultores e formado na academia veneziana, é criador de retábulos, imaginária sacra e mobiliário religioso durante meio século em sua oficina na cidade de São Paulo e que em menos de uma década se tornou uma pequena indústria. Participou de várias exposições nacionais e internacionais, recebendo premiações e atestados de bispos e padres influentes em seu período. Pioneiro da industrialização da arte sacra e encomenda por catálogos, alg uns de seus retábulos desapareceram, outros foram substituídos por obras modernas, outros deslocados para outras Igrejas, algumas imagens sacras foram repintadas e descaracterizadas, outras se quebraram, seu mobiliário sacro, desprovido de assinaturas, pas sa despercebido por muitos, e, certamente muitas de suas obras estão por ser descobertas. O estudo se dará através da compreensão da história e evolução da forma dos retábulos e imaginária sacra, suas funções e morfologia, bem como o estudo tipológico de s eus retábulos, visando a criar parâmetros para a atribuição de suas obras. Imprescindível é a pesquisa histórica sobre as origens e vida do artista no Brasil para compreender e localizar suas obras na História da Arte Sacra Brasileira. O estudo possibilito u revelar a obra e história de um importante escultor - entalhador e industrial na São Paulo da Belle Époque e suas origens na Itália
Astratto: Marino Del Favero, itali ano emigrato in Brasile alla fine del XIX secolo, è uno scultore - incisore, quasi sconosciuto nella storia dell'arte sacra brasiliana. Nonostante le numerose città brasiliane che possiedono i loro altari e le immagini sacre in cattedrali, chiese e cappelle, pochi ricercatori e storici dell'arte sacra brasiliana hanno approfondito gli studi sull'artista. Discendente di una famiglia italiana di affermati scultori e formatosi presso l'Accademia di Venezia, è autore di altari, immagini sacre e arredi religiosi p er mezzo secolo nel suo laboratorio di San Paolo e in meno di un decennio ha raggiunto una dimensione industriale. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre nazionali e internazionali, ricevendo premi e attestati di vescovi e sacerdoti influenti nel suo periodo. Pi oniere dell'industrializzazione di arte sacra e di ordinazioni attraverso cataloghi, alcuni dei suoi altari sono scomparsi, altri sono stati sostituiti da opere moderne, altri spostati in altre chiese, alcune immagini sacre sono state ridipinte e sfigurate, altre sono state rotte, i suoi arredi, privi di firme, passano inosservati, e certamente molte delle sue opere sono ancora da scoprire. Lo studio sarà effettuato attraverso la comprensione della storia e l'evoluzione della forma degli altari e delle imma gini sacre, la loro funzione e la morfologia, così come lo studio tipologico dei suoi altari, al fine di creare i parametri per l'assegnazione delle sue opere. Essenziale è la ricerca storica sulle origini e la vita dell'artista in Brasile per capire e tro vare le sue opere nella storia dell'arte sacra brasiliana. Lo studio ha permesso di rivelare il lavoro e la storia di un importante scultore - incisore e industriale a San Paolo della Belle Époque e le sue origini in Italia

Tønder, Lars Solvoll, and Ole-Petter Olsen. "Multi-Objective Neuroevolution in Super Mario Bros." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-23600.

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This thesis explores how to use Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA)to solve problems that are not explicitly defined as multi-objective problems. Aneuroevolution technique consisting of combining a multi-objective evolutionaryalgorithm called NSGA-II and artificial neural networks (ANN) based on Neu-roEvolution of Augmented Topoligies (NEAT) were used to develop a systemthat created controllers for a version of the Super Mario Bros game called MarioAI. Experiments were conducted to measure different ways to define objectivesfor MOEAs in Mario AI, how using these objectives as a basis for a scalar fitnessfunction would affect a genetic algorithm and to examine how to use ensemblesto combine individuals of a pareto front into a single controller that would beable to display the strengths of all of the individual controllers.The results show that adding sub-goals as objectives together with the main goalcould have a positive effect for a MOEA and that the same sub-goals could alsogive a positive effect when applied to the scalar fitness of a genetic algorithm.It is however not trivial to decide which sub-goals to use, as most of the chosenobjectives were found to have a negative impact on the controllers, even whenselected based on the authors? expert knowledge about the game domain. Usingbasic behaviours that the controller has to use in order to play well as objectiveshad a negative effect on the controllers and the controllers were able to learnthese behaviors even without using them as objectives.

Nordberg, Emma. "Föräldrars perspektiv av Super Mario och WoW." Thesis, University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-7077.

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Vardagen ställer allt färre krav på fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande aktiviteter har blivit allt vanligare. En av dessa aktiviteter är tv- och dataspel som idag tros ha fler utövare än fotboll och ishockey har tillsammans. Studiens syfte var därför att undersöka attityder och värderingar hos föräldrar med tv- och dataspelande barn. Studien var kvalitativ på en beskrivande nivå. Sammanlagt har sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med totalt nio deltagande föräldrar, sex kvinnor och tre män. Huvudresultatet i studien visade att föräldrars negativa attityd främst påverkades av våldet som förekommer i många spel. Spelen kunde också ha en negativ effekt genom att barnen blev trötta och på dåligt humör ifall de spelade för länge. Positivt var att barnen hade kul då de spelade, de lärde sig nya saker samt att de kunde känna sig stolta över vad de åstadkommit i spelen. Jämfört med andra medier jämställde föräldrar tv- och dataspelens effekter på hälsan. Föräldrarna kunde se en skillnad mellan olika konsoler då Nintendo Wii är den konsol som erbjuder rörelse, till skillnad från traditionella konsoler.


Wallisch, Mario [Verfasser]. "Strömungs- und Wärmetransport in Kavitäten / Mario Wallisch." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1079768025/34.

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Pechwitz, Mario [Verfasser]. "Automatische Erkennung handgeschriebener arabischer Wörter / Mario Pechwitz." Aachen : Shaker, 2005. http://d-nb.info/1186588608/34.

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Arnold, Mario [Verfasser]. "Simulation von Sekundäreffekten bei Rauchgasentschwefelungswäschern / Mario Arnold." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1045125563/34.

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Starre, Mario [Verfasser]. "Der Meeresboden : Haftungsregime des Tiefseebergbaus / Mario Starre." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1122047436/34.

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Schubert, Mario [Verfasser]. "Radioaktive Implantate für medizinische Anwendungen / Mario Schubert." Aachen : Shaker, 2008. http://d-nb.info/1164342525/34.

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Dwyer, Edward J. "Mario: Lessons Learned from a Struggling Reader." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2007. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/3352.

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Wimmer, Rebecca Maria Johanna. "Mario Lodi und die Kinderliteratur Ein Übersetzungsvorschlag." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/9838/.

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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Übersetzungsprozess. Kein Genre wird so sehr von der Arbeit des Übersetzens beeinflusst wie dieses. Am Beispiel von Mario Lodi werden die besonderen Merkmalen und Herausforderungen der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur erläutert, vor allem mit Blick auf den Übersetzungsprozess. Der Übersetzungsvorschlag von Mario Lodis Märchen La Puntura nimmt die zuvor erläuterten Merkmale und Schwierigkeiten wieder auf und erarbeitet Vorschläge und Herangehensweisen für diese an konkreten Beispielen. Im Vordergrund stehen kulturelle Unterschiede, das Beispiel Schule und die Umsetzung von Wortspielen. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Ausdruck LA Puntura und seine mehrfache Bedeutung. Das Resultat der kindlichen Wiederverwendung des originalen Terms.

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