Journal articles on the topic 'Mimikry'

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Buys, Sandor Christiano. "Nesting behaviour and notes on mimetic relationships of Hoplisoides vespoides Smith from Brazil (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58, no. 1 (July 15, 2008): 107–12.

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Das Nistverhalten von Hoplisoides vespoides (Smith, 1873) wird auf Grund von Beobachtungen in Südost-Brasilien beschrieben. Bemerkungen über die Mimikry-Beziehungen dieser Art zu Faltenwespen und einer Waffenfliege werden präsentiert. Die vorliegenden Beobachtungen haben gezeigt, dass Umbonia spinosa (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera: Membracidae) eine Beute von H. vespoides ist.StichwörterWasp, biology, reproduction, mimicry, Umbonia spinosa, Hoplitimyia mutabilis.

Hansen-Löve, Aage A. "Mimesis - Mimikry - Mnemosyne:." Poetica 43, no. 2 (June 27, 2011): 355–89.

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Hansen-Löve, Aage A. "Mimesis - Mimikry - Mnemosyne:." Poetica 43, no. 3-4 (June 27, 2011): 355–89.

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Wildner, Gerhild. "Antigene Mimikry bei Uveitis." BIOspektrum 25, no. 3 (May 2019): 261–63.

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Reininger, Miriam. "Mimikry als Strategie von Jungfischen." Biologie in unserer Zeit 42, no. 4 (August 2012): 254–59.

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Borchers, Moritz. "ITP und Molekulares Mimikry Hypothese." InFo Onkologie 21, no. 7 (November 2018): 47.

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Küpper, Thomas. "Alter(n), Ambivalenz und Mimikry." Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 49, no. 1 (November 25, 2015): 20–23.

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Barthlott, Wilhelm. "Mimikry Nachahmung und Täuschung im Pflanzenreich." Biologie in unserer Zeit 25, no. 2 (April 1995): 74–82.

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Wendler, Silke. "Mimikry als Schutz vor messerscharfen Säbeln." Biologie in unserer Zeit 33, no. 1 (January 2003): 6–7.

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Brennicke, Axel. "Orchideen, Wespen, Raupen: Mimikry eines Hilferufes." Biologie in unserer Zeit 38, no. 4 (August 2008): 219.

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Hansen-Löve, Aage A. "MIMESIS - MIMIKRY - MNEMOSYNE: Vladimir Nabokovs Bioästhetik." POETICA 43, no. 3-4 (November 18, 2011): 355–89.

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Bodatsch, Mitja, and Jens Kuhn. "Anti-NMAR-Enzephalitis — Mimikry der schizophrenen Erstmanifestation." Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie 86, no. 02 (February 2018): 125–34.

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Schmeer, Ernst H. "Die travestierte Homöopathie - Mimikry im dritten Reich." Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 233, no. 01 (April 10, 2007): 10–14.

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Kleffmann, J., C. Roth, M. Hügens-Penzel, W. Deinsberger, and A. Ferbert. "Mimikry einer Herpes-Enzephalitis durch Glioblastoma multiforme." Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie 80, no. 03 (December 15, 2011): 162–66.

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Wollina, U. "Physikalisch bedingte Dermatosen als Mimikry rheumatischer Erkrankungen." Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 79, no. 10 (May 14, 2020): 1025–32.

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Musiał, Kamila, and Wiesław Musiał. "Mimikra jako przykład decepcji w przyrodzie a przejawy oszustwa w ekonomii - wybrane problemy." Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, no. 20(69) (December 19, 2018): 136–49.

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W opracowaniu podjęto próbę poszukiwania i objaśnienia analogii pomiędzy uniwersalizmem zjawiska decepcji w przyrodzie i oszustwa w sferze ekonomii. W obydwu obszarach analizy, zjawisko to najczęściej przyjmuje formę mimikry obronnej lub agresywnej. Do wykształcenia złożonych form oszukiwania, czy zwodzenia w świecie zwierząt doprowadziło rozpowszechnienie modelu drapieżca-ofiara, który poprzez maskowanie się lub udawanie kogoś innego, miał zapewnić ochronę przed atakiem lub taki atak ułatwić. W ekonomii można natomiast spotkać postawy przybierające postać mimikry, a więc analogicznego do przyrody kreowania się na kogoś innego, poprzez oszukańcze strategie stosowane przez różnorodnych wyzyskiwaczy, żerujących na naiwności stereotypach i automatyzmach ludzkich reakcji. Najczęściej są one spotykane w sferze marketingu, przybierając bardzo profesjonalne i wyrafinowane formy postaw marketerów i podmiotów przez nich reprezentowanych. Można tam dostrzec pewien symetryzm i analogie postępowań w zakresie odnoszenia indywidualnych korzyści kosztem innych.

Steiniger, Fritz. "Die genetische, tierpsychologische und ökologische Seite der Mimikry.1." Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 25, no. 3 (August 26, 2009): 461–71.

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Reineke, Ulrich, and Jens Schneider-Mergener. "Protein-Mimikry: eine neue Dimension für Peptide als Leitstrukturen?" Angewandte Chemie 110, no. 6 (March 16, 1998): 801–4.<801::aid-ange801>;2-s.

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Steinhoff, B. J., A. Weyerbrock, A. M. Staack, and J. Zentner. "Chronisch subdurales Hämatom als vital bedrohliche Mimikry einer Absencenhäufung." Der Nervenarzt 85, no. 8 (June 27, 2014): 1001–3.

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Schneckenburger, Stefan. "Fritz Müller - für Darwin in Brasilien." Der Palmengarten 74, no. 1 (June 14, 2018): 35–40.

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Fritz Müller war einer der großen Biologen des 19. Jh. Er wanderte nach Brasilien aus und lebte in der deutschen Kolonie Blumenau. Durch genaue Beobachtungen erkannte er die Beziehung zwischen Ameisen und Cecropia. Er formulierte ein „Biogenetisches Grundgesetz“. Nach ihm ist die Müllersche Mimikry benannt. Sein Leben und Werk sowie die Beziehungen zu Darwin werden vorgestellt.

Harrer, Konrad. "Vater- und Mentorfiguren bei Robert Walser. Dialog, Mimikry und Subversion." Études Germaniques 285, no. 1 (2017): 21.

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Scheerer, Cora, Helene Tsoupis, and Cornelia Erfurt-Berge. "Gefährliches Mimikry – kutane Tumore unter dem Bild eines Ulcus cruris." DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 141, no. 18 (September 6, 2016): 1321–23.

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Schuler, Werner. "Die Schutzwirkung künstlicher Batesscher Mimikry abhängig von Modellähnlichkeit und Beuteangebot." Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 36, no. 1-5 (April 26, 2010): 71–127.

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Weber, Anton, Günter Gerlach, and Hanno Schäfer. "großen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Stefan Vogel (1925–2015) Teil 5c. Öl statt Nektar– die Ölblumen (monokotyle Vertreter und abschließende Bemerkungen)." Der Palmengarten 83, no. 1 (December 11, 2019): 41–53.

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Bei den Monokotyledonen haben sich Ölblumen in zwei Familien entwickelt: Iridaceen und Orchideen. Bei ersteren (mit Trichom-Elaiophoren) zweimal, bei letzteren mindestens 10 mal voneinander unabhängig (sowohl Trichom- als auch Epithel-Elaiophoren). Wichtige Vertreter aus beiden Familien, die bereits von Stefan Vogel entdeckt wurden, werden näher dargestellt und illustriert. Abschließend werden folgende Aspekte der Ölblumen angesprochen: Pflanzengeographie, Evolution und sekundärer Verlust der floralen Ölproduktion, Mimikry und Voraussage in der Wissenschaft.

Wickler, Wolfgang. "Denk-Übungen in Sachen Mimikry. Warum gibt es Nachahmung in der Natur?" Biologie in unserer Zeit 36, no. 4 (August 2006): 216–23.

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Smola, Klavdia. "Mimikry und jüdische Identität(en) in der zeitgenössischen polnisch- und russisch-jüdischen Literatur." Zeitschrift für Slawistik 56, no. 4 (December 2011): 468–84.

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Kohse, Stefanie, Daniela Arbeiter, Thomas Reske, Michael Stiehm, Klaus-Peter Schmitz, and Niels Grabow. "Electrospinning for polymeric implants in cardiovascular applications." Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 4, no. 1 (September 1, 2018): 89–92.

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AbstractElectrospinning is a method for producing fibrous polymer scaffolds that can be applied in drug delivery systems as well as for polymer-based implants. Biodegradable polymers for the purpose of cardiac tissue engineering are often applied as fibrous scaffolds for morphological mimikry of natural matrices but also drugeluting approaches are very promising. Hydrolytic degradation is one of the key parameters for successful application. The focus of our investigations is on monitoring accelerated in vitro degradation of electrospun nonwoven scaffolds. In the presented study degradation of poly(Llactide) is accelerated by alkaline hydrolysis. The process is characterized by weight loss, loss of molecular mass, surface morphology and thermal behavior of nonwoven samples, showing a fast degradation of the fibrous material within two weeks.

Wickler, Wolfgang. "Zum Problem der Signalbildung, am Beispiel der Verhaltens-Mimikry zwischen Aspidontus und Labroides (Pisces, Acanthopterygii)." Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 20, no. 6 (April 26, 2010): 657–79.

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Skaletz-Rorowski, A., N. H. Brockmeyer, and A. Potthoff. "Krebs und HIV-Infektion." Onkologische Welt 02, no. 02 (2011): 60–62.

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ZusammenfassungTumore sind die zweithäufigste Todesursache von HIV-Patienten. Die Prävalenz von Tumorerkrankungen liegt in der nationalen Kohorte des BMBF-geförderten Kompetenznetzes HIV/ AIDS bei 8,9%. Das Kaposi-Sarkom ist mit 349 Fällen der am häufigsten dokumentierte Tumor. HHV-8 assoziierte Tumore (z. B. das Kaposi-Sarkom) werden durch molekulare Mimikry vermittelt. Die Optimierung der HIV-Therapie bleibt die wichtigste therapeutische Maßnahme. Chemotherapeutika werden bei den verschiedenen Tumorentitäten mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg eingesetzt. Während die Inzidenz des Kaposi-Sarkoms und der Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome nach Einführung der antiretroviralen Therapie deutlich abgenommen hat, nehmen nicht AIDS-definierende Tumore zu. Der häufigste nicht-AIDS definierende Tumor im Kompetenznetz ist das Analkarzinom mit 192 Fällen. HPV-Infektionen und Rauchen sind hierbei wichtige Risikofaktoren. Eine maximale Virussuppression, ein früher Beginn der antiretroviralen Therapie, Impfungen (gegen Hepatitis und HPV) und Screeningmaßnahmen (z. B. Proktoskopien) können Tumoren vorbeugen.

Kaiserling, E., T. Klingebiel, U. Feine, D. Niethammer, and P. Reuland. "Differential Diagnosis of Metastases in Bone Scans: Chemotherapy induced Bone Necrosis." Nuklearmedizin 38, no. 02 (1999): 38–42.

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Summary Aim: Influenced by the incorrect diagnosis of a bone metastasis caused by bone necrosis we evaluated reasons and frequency of bone necrosis in patients referred for bone scanning in follow-up of tumors. Methods: Bone scans performed within two years on patients with primary bone tumors or tumors metastatic to bone were reviewed in respect to the final diagnosis bone necrosis. Results: We found the cases of three young patients who presented the appearance of hot spots on bone scintigrams which were finally diagnosed as bone necrosis. In two cases the diagnosis was based on histological findings, in one case the diagnosis was made evident by follow-up. All the three patients had been treated by chemotherapy and presented no other reason for the development of bone necrosis. Enhanced tracer uptake in all sites decreased within eight weeks up to two years without therapy. Conclusion: Single and multiple hot spots after chemotherapy may be originated by bone necrosis but mimikry metastases.

Schiedermair, Joachim. "Opprør på det mørke kontinentet – Kjønn, mimikry og kolonial motstand hos Verner von Heidenstam og Peter Høeg." Edda 97, no. 03 (October 5, 2010): 260–68.

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Hannemann. "WICKLER, W.: Mimikry. Nachahmung und Täuschung in der Natur. 256 S., 24 farbige, 29 schwarzweiß Abb. München 1968: Kindler Verlag GmbH. DM 16,00." Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 16, no. 4-5 (April 23, 2008): 456–57.

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Pillai, Harikrishna, Harikumar, S. Harikumar, S, Pramod kumar, R. Pramod kumar, R, and Anuraj, K. S. Anuraj, K.S. "Dna Mimicry by Proteins." International Journal of Scientific Research 3, no. 8 (June 1, 2012): 471–72.

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Marisa, Ririn. "KEGILAAN PARA FASHIONISTA (Studi Kajian Budaya terhadap Konsumerisme Tas Branded ‘KW’ di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)." Aceh Anthropological Journal 1, no. 1 (October 30, 2017): 64.

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Artikel ini membahas budaya mimikri fashionista yang senantiasa memiliki animo terhadap tas branded ‘KW’ di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Mimikri adalah reproduksi belang-belang subjektivitas penjajah di lingkungan kolonial yang sudah ‘tidak murni,’ atau akibat dari retakan-retakan dalam wacana kolonial dalam bentuk tindakan meniru—me-mimik—dalam hal ini adalah jajahan wacana fashion. Menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi partisipatif (particitoryobservation)pada kegiatan fashionista, wawancara mendalam pada perempuan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) fashionista menganggap konsumsi tidak lagi sekedar bersifat fungsional sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar manusia, namun bersifat materi dan simbolik; (2) Nilai guna dan nilai tukar sudah beralih pada nilai tanda dan nilai simbol; (3) mimikri dipengaruhi informasi, teknologi dan lingkungan yang menimbulkan adanya pengamatan dan mengidolakan; dan (4) fenomena ini mudah ditemui pada masyarakat perkotaan dan heterogen yang juga dipicu munculnya pusat perbelanjaan, media massa dan penampilan orang lain.

Иванова [Ivanova], Евгения [Evgeniia]. "„Турското робство” като място на ­памет. Резултати от теренно изследване." Slavia Meridionalis 11 (August 31, 2015): 141–55.

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Topoi of historical memory in Bulgaria. Field researchThe article summarizes the preliminary results from the research project “Topoi of Memory”, which is a joint venture between the New Bulgarian University and the American University in Bulgaria.The major goal of the research team is to investigate the level of modernization of Bulgarian society using the mechanism of historical memory. Thus we are trying to answer the question: whether there exists one coherent and normative Grand Historical Narrative, inspired by “the inventors of tradition” – and how does it function. Or, whether there are diverse narratives which circulate among the various social, ethnic and religious groups, according to their own value systems.Another aim of the research is to establish the generators of memory, which are at odds between the institutional education and the traditions of the different groups.The results are quite clear: the Grand Bulgarian Historical Narrative is centered on the last decade of the Ottoman Rule in Bulgaria (the 1870’s) which presents the climax of the national liberation movement and the Liberation from the “Turkish Joke”. Still, the “joke” is marked primarily by the heroic discourse. This is in sharp distinction with Serbia, where the traumatic discourse is dominant. The heroic discourse allows much more wider deployment of the narratives of epic heroism, than the traumatic national memory of martyrdom.The leading topoi of memory among the majority of Bulgarians and the diverse minorities groups are relatively similar, still they differ on the level of repetition of these topoi. Even the representatives of the Turkish minority consider the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman rule the most important historical event. This fact does not mean that these Bulgarian Turks highlight a distinct “martyrdom memory”, or feature a high level of integration in Bulgarian society. It rather presents (in the majority of the cases) a special mimicry of the minority group versus the majority. „Niewola turecka” jako miejsce pamięci. Wyniki badań terenowych Tekst zawiera raport z badań przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu „Toposy pamięci historycznej” realizowanego przez Nowy Uniwersytet Bułgarski i Uniwersytet Amerykański w Bułgarii. Głównym celem była ocena poziomu modernizacji społeczeństwa bułgarskiego, który byłby do uchwycenia z perspektywy mechanizmów pamięci. Czy można mówić o istnieniu jednej wielkiej narracji narodowej, inspirowanej przez „wynalazców tradycji”, czy też o cyrkulacji wielu opowieści – zależnie od systemów wartości poszczególnych grup społecznych, etnicznych, religijnych? Innym celem badania było wyznaczenie czynników tworzących pamięć (generatorów), jak powszechne wykształcenie czy tradycje rodowe.Wyniki badań jednoznacznie pokazują, że wielka bułgarska narracja narodowa – jeśli w ogóle istnieje – osadzona jest w ostatniej dekadzie panowania osmańskiego: okresie walk narodowowyzwoleńczych i wyzwolenia spod „jarzma tureckiego”. „Jarzmo” jednak nie tyle definiowane jest w kategoriach traumy (jak chociażby w Serbii), ile heroizmu. Okazuje się w większym stopniu impulsem do wielkiego zrywu niż martyrologią.W przypadku Bułgarów i poszczególnych mniejszości narodowych wiodące toposy są podobne, mimo iż pojawiają się z różną częstotliwością. Nawet mniejszość turecka uznaje wyzwolenie Bułgarii spod panowania osmańskiego za najważniejsze wydarzenie, w czym nie należy upatrywać martyrologii czy wysokiego stopnia integracji; w większości przypadków pozwala to dojrzeć w tym zjawisku tendencję do stosowania strategii mimikry.

Subekti, Mega. "IDENTITAS BUDAYA HIBRID DALAM TIGA CERPEN PENGARANG AFRIKA DALAM BUKU KUMPULAN CERPEN L’EUROPE VUE D’AFRQUE (Identity of Hybrid Culture in Three Short Stories of African Authors in the Book of the Short Story Collection “L’Europe Vue D’afrque”)." METASASTRA: Jurnal Penelitian Sastra 9, no. 2 (January 5, 2017): 225.

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Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mengungkapkan identitas budaya hibrid yang ditampilkan dalam tiga cerpen yang ditulis oleh pengarang Afrikadalam buku kumpulan cerpen L’Europe Vue D’Afrique (Eropa dilihat Afrika). Tiga cerpen itu berjudul ”Femme de Gouverneur” (LFG) karya Ken Bugul, “La Bibliothèque d’Ernst” (LBE) karya Patrice Nganang, dan “Âllo” karya Aziz Chouaki. Identitas budaya hibrid itu tercermin melalui pandangan Eropasentris para tokoh utama dan mimikriyang mereka lakukan sebagai individu hibrid (Afrika-Eropa). Homi Bhabha (1994) dalam The Location of Culture, mengungkapkan bahwa konsep mimikri tidak berarti sepenuhnya meniru karena terkandung juga unsur mengejek (mockery). Oleh karena itu, budaya hibrid yang muncul itu dapatdianggap sebagai senjata untuk meresistensi pengaruh budaya Eropa pada diri mereka, juga untuk mengkritik pengaruh budaya Eropa yang selama ini telah dianggap baik oleh masyarakat Afrika.Abstract: This paper aims to describe the hybrid cultural identity shown in three short stories, which were written by African authors in the book of the short story collection “L’Europe Vue D’Afrique”. The three short stories are Ken Bugul’s La Femme de Gouverneur (LFG), Patrice Nganang’s La Bibliothèque d’Ernst (LBE) , and Aziz Chouaki’s Allo. The hybrid cultural identity is reflected through the Eurocentric perspective and mimicry of the main character as individual hybrid (African-European). Homi Bhabha (1994) in “The Location of Culture” describes that the concept of mimicry not only mimics something but also contains mockery. Therefore, the hybrid culture represented in the short stories can be considered a weapon to resist the influence of European culture on them and to criticize the influence of European culture, which has been considered superior by the African society.

Kusumaningrum, Ayu Fitri. "KRISIS IDENTITAS DALAM CERPEN A PAIR OF JEANS KARYA QAISRA SHAHRAZ." Poetika 7, no. 1 (July 30, 2019): 51.

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Multikulturalisme menjadi wacana yang diagung-agungkan di abad 21 karena men-cerminkan kemodernan yang mana pertemuan dan percampuran dua atau lebih kebudayaan dianggap sebagai cerminan masyarakat modern yang terbuka dengan akulturasi. Dewasa ini, multikulturalisme menjadi fenomena yang biasa terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia karena proses migrasi yang terus berlangsung di berbagai negara, salah satunya Inggris (Britania Raya). Berdasarkan sensus pada tahun 2011, tercatat Inggris menjadi rumah bagi delapan belas kelompok etnis berbeda yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru Inggris dan Pakistan adalah salah satu kelompok etnis tersebut, menduduki peringkat ketiga dengan persentase sebanyak 2% dari total populasi di Inggris. Kedelapan belas kelompok etnis ini pun hidup bersama sehingga kebudayaan mereka bertemu dan bercampur dalam ruang multikulturalisme. Multikulturalisme inilah yang kemudian memicu munculnya krisis identitas. Menggunakan karya sastra kontemporer yang diterbitkan pada abad 21, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana krisis identitas tokoh Miriam, seorang perempuan muslim Pakistan yang tinggal di Inggris, digambarkan dalam cerpen “A Pair of Jeans” karya Qaisra Shahraz. Dengan mengaplikasikan metode analisis pascakolonialisme Homi K. Bhabha, kajian ini menemukan bahwa proses hibriditas dan mimikri dalam multikulturalisme dapat menimbulkan ambivalensi yang berupa krisis identitas.Kata Kunci: multikulturalisme; hibriditas; mimikri; ambivalensi; krisis identitas Multiculturalism becomes a glorified discourse in the twenty-first century because it reflects the modernity in which the meeting and mixing of two or more cultures are considered as a reflection of a modern society that is open to acculturation. Today, multiculturalism is a common phenomenon in various parts of the world because of the ongoing process of migration in various countries, one of which is Britain (United Kingdom). According to the 2011 census, it was recorded that Britain was home to eighteen different ethnic groups scattered throughout Britain and Pakistan is one of the ethnic groups, ranking third with 2% of the total population in the UK. These eighteen ethnic groups live together so their cultures meet and are mixed in the space of multiculturalism. This multiculturalism then triggers an identity crisis. Using contemporary literature published in the twenty-first century, this study aims to reveal how Miriam's identity crisis, a Pakistani Muslim woman living in Britain, is described in Qaisra Shahraz’s “A Pair of Jeans”. By applying the method of post-colonialism analysis of Homi K. Bhabha, this study finds that the process of hybridity and mimicry in multiculturalism can lead to ambivalence in the form of identity crisis.Keywords: multiculturalism; hybridity; mimicry; ambivalence; identity crisis

Westall, Fred C. "Molecular mimicry or structural mimicry?" Molecular Immunology 43, no. 7 (March 2006): 1062–64.

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Allen, J. A., and J. M. Cooper. "Mimicry." Journal of Biological Education 29, no. 1 (March 1995): 23–26.

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Wu, Ziwei, and Lingdong Huang. "Mimicry." Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 4, no. 2 (July 30, 2021): 1–8.

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The authors have collaborated on a machine learning multiscreen video installation powered by computer algorithms and inspired by mimicry in the natural world. The artwork explores a pseudo-environment loop system in nature and artificial mechanical organisms combining living flowers with projectors, webcams, and computer monitors. Technically, the software adopts a genetic algorithm to simulate the process of mimicry; conceptually, this real-time art installation is in conversation with Nam June Paik's piece TV Garden. The project explores the possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence and nature in the landscape of the future.

Jamie, Gabriel A. "Signals, cues and the nature of mimicry." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284, no. 1849 (February 22, 2017): 20162080.

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‘Mimicry’ is used in the evolutionary and ecological literature to describe diverse phenomena. Many are textbook examples of natural selection's power to produce stunning adaptations. However, there remains a lack of clarity over how mimetic resemblances are conceptually related to each other. The result is that categories denoting the traditional subdivisions of mimicry are applied inconsistently across studies, hindering attempts at conceptual unification. This review critically examines the logic by which mimicry can be conceptually organized and analysed. It highlights the following three evolutionarily relevant distinctions. (i) Are the model's traits being mimicked signals or cues? (ii) Does the mimic signal a fitness benefit or fitness cost in order to manipulate the receiver's behaviour? (iii) Is the mimic's signal deceptive? The first distinction divides mimicry into two broad categories: ‘signal mimicry’ and ‘cue mimicry’. ‘Signal mimicry’ occurs when mimic and model share the same receiver, and ‘cue mimicry’ when mimic and model have different receivers or when there is no receiver for the model's trait. ‘Masquerade’ fits conceptually within cue mimicry. The second and third distinctions divide both signal and cue mimicry into four types each. These are the three traditional mimicry categories (aggressive, Batesian and Müllerian) and a fourth, often overlooked category for which the term ‘rewarding mimicry’ is suggested. Rewarding mimicry occurs when the mimic's signal is non-deceptive (as in Müllerian mimicry) but where the mimic signals a fitness benefit to the receiver (as in aggressive mimicry). The existence of rewarding mimicry is a logical extension of the criteria used to differentiate the three well-recognized forms of mimicry. These four forms of mimicry are not discrete, immutable types, but rather help to define important axes along which mimicry can vary.

Stoddard, Mary Caswell. "Mimicry and masquerade from the avian visual perspective." Current Zoology 58, no. 4 (August 1, 2012): 630–48.

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Abstract Several of the most celebrated examples of visual mimicry, like mimetic eggs laid by avian brood parasites and palatable insects mimicking distasteful ones, involve signals directed at the eyes of birds. Despite this, studies of mimicry from the avian visual perspective have been rare, particularly with regard to defensive mimicry and masquerade. Defensive visual mimicry, which includes Batesian and Müllerian mimicry, occurs when organisms share a visual signal that functions to deter predators. Masquerade occurs when an organism mimics an inedible or uninteresting object, such as a leaf, stick, or pebble. In this paper, I present five case studies covering diverse examples of defensive mimicry and masquerade as seen by birds. The best-known cases of defensive visual mimicry typically come from insect prey, but birds themselves can exhibit defensive visual mimicry in an attempt to escape mobbing or dissuade avian predators. Using examples of defensive visual mimicry by both insects and birds, I show how quantitative models of avian color, luminance, and pattern vision can be used to enhance our understanding of mimicry in many systems and produce new hypotheses about the evolution and diversity of signals. Overall, I investigate examples of Batesian mimicry (1 and 2), Müllerian mimicry (3 and 4), and masquerade (5) as follows: 1) Polymorphic mimicry in African mocker swallowtail butterflies; 2) Cuckoos mimicking sparrowhawks; 3) Mimicry rings in Neotropical butterflies; 4) Plumage mimicry in toxic pitohuis; and 5) Dead leaf-mimicking butterflies and mantids.

Stel, Mariëlle, Rick B. van Baaren, Jim Blascovich, Eric van Dijk, Cade McCall, Monique M. H. Pollmann, Matthijs L. van Leeuwen, Jessanne Mastop, and Roos Vonk. "Effects of a Priori Liking on the Elicitation of Mimicry." Experimental Psychology 57, no. 6 (January 1, 2010): 412–18.

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Mimicry and prosocial feelings are generally thought to be positively related. However, the conditions under which mimicry and liking are related largely remain unspecified. We advance this specification by examining the relationship between mimicry and liking more thoroughly. In two experiments, we manipulated an individual’s a priori liking for another and investigated whether it influenced mimicry of that person. Our experiments demonstrate that in the presence of a reason to like a target, automatic mimicry is increased. However, mimicry did not decrease when disliking a target. These studies provide further evidence of a link between mimicry and liking and extend previous research by showing that a certain level of mimicry even occurs when mimicry behavior is inconsistent with one’s goals or motivations.

Suwondo, Tirto. "KAJIAN WACANA SASTRA PASCAKOLONIAL DAN PEMBANGUNAN KARAKTER BANGSA." JENTERA: Jurnal Kajian Sastra 3, no. 2 (September 7, 2017): 95.

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This article talks about Indonesia literature postcolonial discourse in relation to characters building (nation). The approaches used are postcolonial and pragmatic. Postcolonial approach is used to study the meaning of texts, while pragmatic is used to study the meaning of contexts. The postcolonial approach proves that Indonesia literature texts indicate the existence of postcoloniality in the form of power relation, double identities, mimicry, and resistence. The pragmatic approach shows that postcoloniality can be used by readers as a reference to various temathical ideas; and those ideas can also be made as a projection for characterized self building (nation). AbstrakArtikel ini membahas wacana pascakolonial sastra Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan karakter bangsa. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pascakolonial dan pragmatik. Pascakolonial digunakan untuk membahas makna teks, sedangkan pragmatik digunakan untuk membahas makna konteks. Hasil pembahasan pascakolonial membuktikan bahwa teks-teks sastra Indonesia menunjukkan adanya pascakolonialitas yang berupa relasi kuasa, identitas ganda, mimikri, dan resistensi. Hasil pembahasan pragmatik menunjukkan bahwa pascakolonialitas itu oleh para pembaca dapat digunakan sebagai referensi berbagai gagasan tematis; dan gagasangagasan tematis itu dapat pula dijadikan sebagai proyeksi bagi pembangunan diri (bangsa) yang berkarakter


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Community Bonokeling is an Islamic community that maintains traditional heritage of their ancestors. They have built a community based on the teachings from their ancestors. Bonokeling is an ascetic and rural community in Pekuncen that is surrounded by the dominance of puritan and goverment. As a subordinate society, Bonokeling community face pressure from and against domination of puritan using mimicry and mokery. They imitate what have been done by puritan with a modification of language and culture. They did it in order to maintain their existence as well as their tactics of resistance and negotiations toward the domination. Komunitas Bonokeling adalah komunitas masyarakat Islam penganut kepercayaan yang mempertahankan warisan tradisi nenek moyangnya. Mereka membangun komunitas berdasarkan pada ajaran leluhurnya. Komunitas Bonokeling di desa Pekuncen merupakan masyarakat yang asketis yang terkepung oleh dominasi agama puritan maupun negara. Sebagai masyarakat yang tersubordinasi, komunitas Bonokeling melawan tekanan dominasi agama puritan dengan melakukan mimikri dan sekaligus mokeri. Mereka meniru apa yang dilakukanoleh Islam puritan dengan permainan bahasa dan perumitan-perumitan budaya. Hal itu mereka lakukan demi untuk menjaga eksistensi mereka sekaligus sebagai taktik resistensi dan negosiasi terhadap yang dominan.

Tapotubun, Hanry Harlen, and Hilda Rahmah. "RELIGIUSITAS DIGITAL DAN DIMENSI PERLAWANAN MILENIAL DALAM RUANG ONLINE." Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif 15, no. 2 (April 24, 2021): 298.

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This article aims to analyze the reasons behind the increasing number of expressing the religiosity on social media by the millennials, especially by discussing the preconditions those religious expressions. This study uses a qualitative approach with literature-based and netnographic study methods. It is also supported by interviews and observations on social media related to the activities of millennials in expressing their religiosity on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. The results showed that the massive expression of religiosity on social media by the millennial could be considered as a "resistance" against the dominant discourse, both in virtual and in the religious spaces. These dominant discourses, such as: 1) religion is a private matter, and 2) the existence of a virtual world can only be achieved by displaying an established image, academic achievement, hedonic behavior, good looking appearance and creativity. By using the idea of mimicry by Bhabha, that massive activity of expressing religiosity in the virtual space emphasizes a counter-discourse that millennials have created. This is done in a “similar” way from common social media users, in response to the dominant discourse which tends to place their religious expression and their existence on social media as two separates aspects. Mimicry shows that anyone can show their religiosity in the same ways as the common users or celebrity on Instagram, but with a different idea and interests.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan dibalik maraknya aktivitas mengekspresikan religiusitas di media sosial oleh generasi milenial, dengan membahas bagaimana prakondisi yang melandasi aktivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan dan netnografi, dibantu teknik wawancara dan observasi partisipan di media sosial untuk mengamati aktivitas para millenial dalam mengekspresikan religiusitasnya di platform Instagram, Facebook dan WhatsApp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masifnya ekspresi religiusitas di media sosial oleh generasi milenial merupakan sebuah praktik “pelawanan” terhadap wacana dominan, baik dalam ruang virtual maupun dalam ruang agama. Wacana dominan ini antara lain: 1) agama adalah urusan privat, dan 2) eksistensi dunia virtual hanya dapat dicapai dengan cara memamerkan citra kemapanan, pencapaian akademik, perilaku hedon, good looking dan kreatif. Menggunakan gagasan Mimikri Bhabha, ekspresi religiusitas yang masif di ruang virtual menegaskan adanya sebuah upaya counter wacana yang ingin dibangun oleh para milenial. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan para pengguna sosial media lainya dalam menampilkan citra good looking, pencapaian akademik dan perilaku hedon sebagai bentuk eksistensi, demi merespon wacana dominan yang cenderung menempatkan ekspresi beragama dan eksistensi di media sosial sebagai dua hal terpisah. Mimikri menunjukkan bahwa siapapun bisa menunjukkan ekspresi religiusitasnya dengan cara-cara yang sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh artis atau selebgram di Instagram, namun dengan dasar dan kepentingan yang berbeda.

Srygley, Robert B. "Locomotor mimicry in Heliconius butterflies: contrast analyses of flight morphology and kinematics." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 354, no. 1380 (January 29, 1999): 203–14.

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Müllerian mimicry is a mutualism involving the evolutionary convergence of colour patterns of prey on a warning signal to predators. Behavioural mimicry presumably adds complexity to the signal and makes it more difficult for Batesian mimics to parasitize it. To date, no one has quantified behavioural mimicry in Müllerian mimicry groups. However, morphological similarities among members of mimicry groups suggested that pitching oscillations of the body and wing–beat frequency (WBF) might converge with colour pattern. I compared the morphology and kinematics of four Heliconius species, which comprised two mimicry pairs. Because the mimics arose from two distinct lineages, the relative contributions of mimicry and phylogeny to variation in the species' morphologies and kinematics were examined. The positions of the centre of body mass and centre of wing mass and wing shape diverged among species within lineages, and converged among species within mimicry groups. WBF converged within mimicry groups, and it was coupled with body pitching frequency. However, body–pitching frequency was too variable to distinguish mimicry groups. Convergence in WBF may be due, at least in part, to biomechanical consequences of similarities in wing length, wing shape or the centre of wing mass among co–mimics. Nevertheless, convergence in WBF among passion–vine butterflies serves as the first evidence of behavioural mimicry in a mutualistic context.

Ezray, Briana D., Drew C. Wham, Carrie E. Hill, and Heather M. Hines. "Unsupervised machine learning reveals mimicry complexes in bumblebees occur along a perceptual continuum." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286, no. 1910 (September 11, 2019): 20191501.

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Müllerian mimicry theory states that frequency-dependent selection should favour geographical convergence of harmful species onto a shared colour pattern. As such, mimetic patterns are commonly circumscribed into discrete mimicry complexes, each containing a predominant phenotype. Outside a few examples in butterflies, the location of transition zones between mimicry complexes and the factors driving mimicry zones has rarely been examined. To infer the patterns and processes of Müllerian mimicry, we integrate large-scale data on the geographical distribution of colour patterns of social bumblebees across the contiguous United States and use these to quantify colour pattern mimicry using an innovative, unsupervised machine-learning approach based on computer vision. Our data suggest that bumblebees exhibit geographically clustered, but sometimes imperfect colour patterns, and that mimicry patterns gradually transition spatially rather than exhibit discrete boundaries. Additionally, examination of colour pattern transition zones of three comimicking, polymorphic species, where active selection is driving phenotype frequencies, revealed that their transition zones differ in location within a broad region of poor mimicry. Potential factors influencing mimicry transition zone dynamics are discussed.

Oncken, Onno. "Fold mimicry - tectonic overprinting of sedimentary structures in the brittle-ductile transition." Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Monatshefte 1986, no. 12 (December 31, 1986): 723–35.

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Pfennig, David W., and David W. Kikuchi. "Competition and the evolution of imperfect mimicry." Current Zoology 58, no. 4 (August 1, 2012): 608–19.

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Abstract Mimicry is widely used to exemplify natural selection’s power in promoting adaptation. Nonetheless, it has become increasingly clear that mimicry is frequently imprecise. Indeed, the phenotypic match is often poor between mimics and models in many Batesian mimicry complexes and among co-mimics in many Müllerian mimicry complexes. Here, we consider whether such imperfect mimicry represents an evolutionary compromise between predator-mediated selection favoring mimetic convergence on the one hand and competitively mediated selection favoring divergence on the other hand. Specifically, for mimicry to be effective, mimics and their models/co-mimics should occur together. Yet, co-occurring species that are phenotypically similar often compete for resources, successful reproduction, or both. As an adaptive response to minimize such costly interactions, interacting species may diverge phenotypically through an evolutionary process known as character displacement. Such divergence between mimics and their models/co-mimics may thereby result in imperfect mimicry. We review the various ways in which character displacement could promote imprecise mimicry, describe the conditions under which this process may be especially likely to produce imperfect mimicry, examine a possible case study, and discuss avenues for future research. Generally, character displacement may play an underappreciated role in fostering inexact mimicry.

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