Journal articles on the topic 'Morale dominante'

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D'Onofrio, Felice. "Biologia e morale nella nostra reattività." Medicina e Morale 40, no. 4 (October 31, 1991): 641–49.

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La reattività presente in tutte le varie specie animali, nell'uomo assurge a sistema dominante, caratterizzando il soggetto in tutti i suoi rapporti con gli altri. Nell'ambito comportamentale devono essere sempre tenuti presenti le influenze degli ormoni e la loro interferenza sulla componente psico-intellettiva dell'individuo. Analoga importanza ha però la componente morale che è anche nettamente influenzata dai sistemi educativi, culturali ed ambientali nonché dal progresso tecnico e dai mezzi di comunicazione sociale dei nostri tempi. Nell'ambito dello stesso individuo sono in funzione meccanismi di equilibrio; quando tale equilibrio non è raggiunto ne deriva una patologia che si può esprimere in nevrosi o altre manifestazioni psico-emotive. Nella ricerca continua dell'equilibrio, vanno sottolineati i valori della trascendenza che indubbiamente rappresentano gli agganci più validi per il riequilibrio reattivo dell'uomo.

Rouvière, Frédéric. "La distinction des normes juridiques et des normes morales : un point de vue constructiviste." Les Cahiers de droit 59, no. 1 (February 28, 2018): 261–83.

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Selon l’opinion dominante, il existerait des normes juridiques et d’autres qui seraient morales. Le but de l’auteur est de renverser le point de vue habituel en soutenant que c’est la façon de construire le sens des normes qui permet de les qualifier de juridiques ou de morales. Autrement dit, la méthode ne vient pas s’appliquer à un objet déjà reconnu ; bien au contraire, c’est la méthode qui construit l’objet. Ainsi, alors que l’interprétation morale tend à mettre au point des normes comme dirigeant des comportements par des prescriptions qui agissent telles des causes finales, l’analyse juridique représente les normes comme une façon de trancher des litiges à partir de cas qualifiés logiquement par des règles indicatives et selon une approche formaliste.

Bruckert, Chris, and Colette Parent. "La danse érotique comme métier à l’ère de la vente de soi." La sexualité à vendre ou à acheter, no. 43 (May 3, 2011): 95–107.

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L’article s’interroge sur la danse érotique comme forme de travail dans le domaine des services sexuels et comme forme de consommation livrant les danseuses au regard réifiant des clients. Une étude empirique menée auprès de vingt-quatre danseuses érotiques permet de dégager que celles-ci sont moins affectées par le regard réifiant du client attisé par le désir que par son mépris, qui reconduit la morale dominante sur cette forme de travail.

Porciello, Andrea. "Patrick Devlin e il populismo penale contemporaneo." Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56 (January 10, 2022): 395–92.

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Nell’articolo l’Autore s’interroga sulla complessa questione della funzione e del significato che il diritto penale deve assumere all’interno dei sistemi costituzionali, chiedendosi, innanzitutto, se sia compito delle sue norme imporre la morale dominante nel gruppo sociale oppure se esse debbano mantenere un netto distacco rispetto a quella morale e agli umori della maggioranza sociale. A tal fine vengono analizzati due importanti dibattiti filosofici, quello ottocentesco tra John Stuart Mill e James Fitzjames Stephens e quello della metà del Novecento tra Patrick Devlin e H.L.A. Hart. Ciò consentirà di mettere in evidenza un chiaro legame tra il moralismo giuridico sostenuto in epoche diverse dai conservatori Stephens e Devlin ed il populismo penale dei nostri giorni, tentando, al contempo, di mettere in evidenza alcune specifiche peculiarità di quest’ultimo rispetto ai populismi del passato.

Acampora, Ralph. "La diversification de la recherche en éthique animale et en études animales." PhaenEx 8, no. 2 (December 26, 2013): 28.

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Les approches provenant de l’Europe continentale n’ont pas encore été intégrées dans l’éthique animale anglo-saxonne dominante, peut-être parce qu’elles ont largement été méprises comme des incursions maladroites en éthique normative. Je soutiens qu’elles sont plus adéquatement abordées comme des recherches s’inscrivant dans le domaine de la psychologie morale et de la méta-éthique. Suivant cette idée, je suggère une variété de croisements ou de rapprochements entre la diversification des perspectives en éthique animale et le développement des études animales pluridisciplinaires, en particulier leur penchant pour l’hétérodoxie méthodologique et leur attention aux phénomènes de l’incorporation et de l’affectivité.

De Monticelli, Roberta. "Lo spauracchio dei valori. Riflessioni su alcuni fraintendimenti." SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA), no. 42 (January 2012): 15–32.

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Il pensiero pratico dominante nel Novecento europeo fornisce risposte negative alla questione se sia possibile una fondazione razionale del pensiero pratico, configurando una posizione di scetticismo assiologico e morale ancora oggi maggioritaria. Ma il secolo xx, se da un lato ha rappresentato la bancarotta della ragione pratica, dall'altro ne ha prodotto una vera e propria incarnazione, nelle istituzioni e organizzazioni internazionali, nelle costituzioni rigide degli Stati europei del dopoguerra, nella Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti dell'essere umano del 1948 ecc. Come puň la filosofia pratica portarsi all'altezza della ragione pratica incarnata, invece di minacciarla dall'interno con le sue neo-sofistiche, attraverso relativismi, soggettivismi, nichilismi, politeismi assiologici e simili?

Pikulska-Robaszkiewicz, Anna. "Stosunki między państwem i Kościołami w Grecji." Prawo Kanoniczne 41, no. 3-4 (December 20, 1998): 249–66.

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La majorité (95,2%) du peuple grec est censée appartenir à l'Eglise Orthodoxe Orien­tale. Le régime constitutionnel des cultes en Grèce prévoit les régies suivantes: il existe une religion dominante et l'église qui la représente officiellement, c'est à dire l'Eglise Orthodoxe Orientale du Christ, juit d'un statut constitutionnel spécial, la constitution garantit la liberté religieuse à toutes les personnes physiques et morales, mais la liberté du culte est réservée seulement aux religions La constitution de la Grèce traite du statut juridique de I 'Eglise Orthodoxe, pendant que le statut d'autres cultes fait l'objet des lois ordinaires et des conventions interna­tionales. Selon les dispositions constitutionnelles l'Eglise Orthodoxe de Grèce est in­dissolublement unie, spirituellement, au Patriarchat Oecumenique de Constantinople et à toute autre église orthodoxe. Elle est autocéphale et autoadministrée. Le cadre théorique du régime juridique des rapports entre l'Etat grec et Eglise Or­thodoxe constitue une forme évoluée du césaro-papisme qui dans la littérature grecque moderne est appelé le système de „la prépondérance de l'Etat au moyen de la loi". Dans ce système l'Eglise Ortodoxe a la personalité morale de droit public, elle juit d'un traitement spécial (p.ex. financier) qui ne s'entend pas de plein droit aux autres confessions et religions, sans que cela soit contraire au principe constitutionnel de l'égalite. L'état a le droit de régler au moyen des lois toutes les matières administrati­ves de l'Eglise, même celles qui sont de nature interne.

Brennan, Samantha. "The Badness of Death, the Wrongness of Killing, and the Moral Importance of Autonomy." Dialogue 40, no. 4 (2001): 723–38.

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RésuméLa mort d'une personne peut-elle être intrinsèquement mauvaise pour la personne qui meurt? Et pourquoi est-il mal de tuer une autre personne? Je soutiens qu'une réponse adéquate à l'une ou l'autre de ces questions requiert d'apprécier l'importance morale de l'autonomie. J'examine ici la conception dominante de ce qui rend la mort mauvaise — la théorie de la dépossession —, ainsi que deux conceptions rivales de ce qui fait qu'il est mal de tuer — la théorie de la dépossession appliquée à l'acte de tuer, et la thèse des droits liminaux de Judith Thomson. Bien que mon objectif principal dans cet article soit d'établir l'importance de l' autonomie pour expliquer à lafois que la mort est mauvaise et qu'il est mal de tuer, je pense également qu'une réflexion sur ce qui rend la mort mauvaise nous apprend quelque chose au sujet des droits et de leur force, et qu'une réflexion sur les droits nous apprend quelque chose quant à ce qui fait que la mort et l'immortalité sont toutes deux de mauvaises choses.

Berlioz, Jacques. "Les cigognes de Cîteaux attendant la bénédiction du prieur." Reinardus / Yearbook of the International Reynard Society 31 (December 31, 2019): 29–57.

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Résumé Dans son Dialogue des miracles, composé entre 1219 et 1223, le moine cistercien Césaire de Heisterbach propose deux récits présentés comme des ‘miracles’: les pigeons auxquels un chevalier donna la permission de s’envoler; les cigognes auxquelles le prieur de Cîteaux donna la bénédiction. Ces deux exempla (le second est ici plus particulièrement analysé) offrent des détails très réalistes qui, semblant issus de l’observation ou provenant de sources savantes, participent à l’authenticité des ‘miracles’, qui possèdent une évidente portée morale. Le récit du départ des cigognes est mis au service tant du respect de la discipline monastique que de la lutte contre l’ingratitude face aux bénéfices dus à Dieu. À l’argument a fortiori (des oiseaux pourtant privés de raison font leçon aux hommes) s’ajoute celui d’une fusion ontologique entre l’homme et l’oiseau: la cigogne, tolérée dans les abbayes cisterciennes pour son utilité (elle chasse les animaux nuisibles) est au Moyen Âge plus qu’un oiseau. Des croyances de métamorphose bien attestées en Occident en font un homme une fois qu’elle est parvenue, au terme de sa migration, en Orient. De plus, la cigogne a quasiment taille humaine. Sa couleur dominante, le blanc, renvoie à l’habit des Cisterciens. Le moine peut se projeter, voire s’assimiler à la cigogne. La force du récit exemplaire s’en voit ainsi affermie.

Rahmawati, Yunaita, and Arik Dwijayanto. "The Effect of Moral Tax and Tax Compliance on Decision Making Through Gender Perspective: A Case Study of Religious Communities in Magetan District, East Java, Indonesia." Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, no. 6 (November 5, 2021): 237.

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Religion-based communities have the potential to have tax morals and tax compliance and knowledge of taxes, then what if tax morals and compliance are reviewed from a gender perspective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of tax morale and tax compliance on decision making through a gender perspective. The type of research approach used is quantitative correlational analysis using the Linear Regression test. Respondents amounted to 100 people who were members of the Yasinan group with the data collection method using a questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that 1) Tax morale and tax compliance have an influence on decision making with the correlation coefficient of the two independent variables being 0.564 and 0.495. The amount of efficiency of tax moral determination and tax compliance on decision-making together is 0.368. The regression line equation is Y = 0.360 + 0365X1 + 0.145X2. 2) Gender does not affect the tax moral and tax compliance variables. 3) Women's tax morale is based on ethics and heart, while men's is based on logic and principles. Men dominate tax responsibilities in the family, however, in terms of financial arrangements for taxes and tax calculation, most of them are dominated by women. Received: 6 May 2021 / Accepted: 4 September 2021 / Published: 5 November 2021

Zupanćić, Bostjan. "Criminal Law and its Influence upon Normative Integration." Acta Criminologica 7, no. 1 (January 19, 2006): 53–105.

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Résumé INFLUENCE DE LA JUSTICE CRIMINELLE SUR L'INTEGRATION NORMATIVE Ce document est separe en trois parties : 1) la theorie de la peine ; 2) l'aspect psychologique de l'integration normative ; 3) l'aspect sociologique de l'integration normative. Il trace les grandes lignes des propositions suivantes. 1. L'ordre social engendre l'anomie, si la structure sociale et la conscience sociale dominante ne correspondent pas au degre de developpement de la societe. 2. L'anomie affecte la societe dans son ensemble, mais l'intensite du processus anomique varie selon les divergences entre les interets d'une strate sociale particuliere et les interets representes par la justice criminelle. 3. Le processus anomique demontre la necessite du changement dans la structure normative de la societe. Il ne reussit pas cependant a faire la difference entre les normes socialement utiles et celles qui ne le sont pas. 4. La structure sociale normative dominante est un systeme fortement articule. Comme tel il ne peut changer que dans son ensemble et non pas de facon partielle. Le choix doit etre fait, soit de la defendre comme un tout, ou de ne pas la defendre du tout. 5. La structure normative, a ce moment doit etre defendue en tant que tout, particulierement parce que le processus anomique l'attaque en tant que tout. 6. Le droit penal influence les sentiments collectifs a travers la peine. Plus le sentiment collectif est intense plus il est renforce par la punition. Si cette intensite n'est pas assez forte, la peine ne fera que dissimuler l'anomie ou meme catalysera le processus anomique. 7. L'influence de la peine n'est pertinente qu'en fonction des citoyens qui respectent les lois, parce que c'est la que le sentiment collectif est suffisamment intense. 8. Le manque d'identification au systeme normatif dominant a affecte la theorie sociale et ceux qui sont charges de faire respecter la loi. Cette tendance liee a la concentration de l'attention sur des delinquants, produit ou tend a produire une application de la justice criminelle moralement neutre. 9. Si nous voulons que la peine ait une influence positive sur l'integration normative, si nous voulons que la peine soutienne le sentiment collectif il faudrait que sa connotation morale soit preservee. 10. Toutefois, la peine n'est pas une solution au probleme de l'anomie. Dans le systeme de justice actuel, elle peut le diriger vers differents secteurs de la vie sociale ou le forcer a changer. Devant les besoins toujours plus grands de changement des valeurs et structures sociales, ses buts devraient etre de defendre les valeurs sociales de base qui expriment les besoins de la societe entiere. Cependant elle ne peut defendre ces valeurs qu'en defendant le systeme normatif dans son entier, l'anomie ne pouvant se developper dans certains secteurs sans affecter les points vitaux de la structure normative. 11. En consequence l'application de la justice criminelle aura necessairement un effet ambivalent : elle intensifiera l'integration normative de certaines normes a l'interieur de certains secteurs de la societe, et en meme temps elle augmentera Panomie de certaines normes dans d'autres strates sociales.

Sahagún, Miguel Ángel, and Arturo Z. Vásquez-Párraga. "Normas dominantes en las decisiones éticas y actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios: teoría y prueba empírica obtenida en México / Dominant Norms in Ethical Decisions and Attitudes among University Students: Theory and Empirical Test in Mexico." RIDE Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo 9, no. 17 (August 23, 2018): 388–418.

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Para que la fuerza laboral de un país se comporte de manera ética en el ejercicio profesional es necesario que durante su preparación educativa desarrolle una base ética sólida que le permita resolver dilemas éticos de manera correcta. Estudios previos demuestran que trabajadores no éticos usualmente fueron también estudiantes no éticos. El principal objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la orientación ética de los estudiantes universitarios en México y evaluar las diferencias de orientación entre los alumnos de postgrado y pregrado, y entre los alumnos de las carreras económico-administrativas e ingeniería. También se buscó medir las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios mexicanos respecto al plagio y la copia ilícita en la vida académica.Los resultados del estudio mostraron una diferencia significativa entre la orientación ética de los alumnos de postgrado y pregrado. Los resultados también presentaron diferencias menores entre las carreras económico-administrativas e ingeniería. Las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios mexicanos respecto del plagio y la copia ilícita reflejaron tanto juicios de valor como razones sociales que buscan justificar sus actitudes respecto al plagio y la copia ilícita, los cuales fueron agrupados en cinco factores: 1) valor del estudio, 2) administración del tiempo, 3) imitación, 4) compañerismo y 5) presión laboral.La orientación ética de los estudiantes mexicanos sufre una brecha entre la su juicio ético y su intención de actuar. Los estudiantes mexicanos determinaron su juicio ético solo con base en su evaluación moral (deontológica), al mismo tiempo que tomaron una decisión, en este caso la decisión de premiar o castigar la conducta presentada, con base en su juicio ético o en su evaluación de las consecuencias (teleológico). Esto es: fueron morales en la actitud, pero pueden ser morales o no morales en la decisión de premiar o castigar la conducta. Pueden premiar una conducta inmoral que produce consecuencias positivas o favorables, y pueden castigar una conducta moral que produce consecuencias negativas o desfavorables al actor de la conducta. La mera presencia de dilemas éticos confundió a los estudiantes que probablemente no cuentan con una base moral sólida.

Bakar, Nurul Qistina Binti Abu. "MORAL LEADERSHIP AMONG HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AT SELECTED PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS IN KLANG VALLEY." Educational Administration Research and Review 1, no. 2 (November 29, 2019): 52–61.

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This research is to study the moral leadership among heads of department at selected private institution in Klang Valley. The first objectives of this study are to determine the level of effectiveness of moral leadership; the second objective is to identify the domain attribute of moral leadership among heads of department at selected private institutions in Klang Valley. To answer the research objectives, questionnaires were distributed to 260 academic and administrative staff at two selected private institutions in Klang Valley. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 21. The descriptive statistical methods, such as percentage, mean and standard deviation, were used to identify the effectiveness and to find the dominant attributes of moral leadership among heads of department. The findings showed that the effectiveness and the dominant attribute of moral leadership among heads of department are high level for trustworthiness and communication dominants with the mean for both dominants are more than 3.50, while for criticism and dissent, fairness, employee’s development, empowerment and employee’s job performance in average level when the mean is below than 3.00. This research implication indicates that, it is importance for heads of department to practice and implemented moral leadership in their leadership styles to achieve the goals of the institutions.

Alegría Fuentes, Daniela. "Imparcialidad y particularismo moral." Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, no. 56 (December 13, 2018): 365–92.

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Este artículo busca mostrar que el particularismo moral es una alternativa viable a las éticas dominantes desde la modernidad hasta nuestros días (i.e., ética kantiana y utilitarista); teorías que durante las últimas décadas han sido criticadas, especialmente, por la exigencia del requisito de imparcialidad moral. El agente en estas éticas delibera imparcialmente debido al universalismo de sus principios morales. Sugeriré que el particularismo moral, en tanto excluye la imparcialidad como un factor relevante en las deliberaciones de los agentes, presenta razones para ser una ética plausible.

García Arranz, José Julio. "Mujeres y emblemas: una visión simbólica de la condición femenina en la Edad Moderna." IMAGO. Revista de Emblemática y Cultura Visual, no. 10 (February 4, 2019): 7.

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ABSTRACT: The difficult situation of women in the Modern Period, marked by the strong patriarchal and androcentric character of the official culture and ideology of the moment, and their high degree of social marginalization, has been frequently analysed through various literary sources such as theatre, fiction or travel literature, collections of proverbs and sermons, and, above all, moral and doctrinal texts. However, for some time now, a new approach to the issue has been attempted which has proven to be of singular importance when observing the effect of the aforementioned directives of the dominant ideology on the familial and social role of women: illustrated symbolic literature. Through its various forms of expression--emblems, badges, hieroglyphics, allegories--this genre became, especially from the final decades of the 16thcentury, a perfectly calibrated and effective instrument when channelling the political, moral and doctrinal orientation of citizens. In the present study I offer an overview of how emblematic treatises and repertoires of allegories offer us excellent examples of the construction of the symbolic image that the dominant elites of modern times seek to spread and impose on the female gender, and their well-established and channelled behavioural norms. KEYWORDS: Modern Period; Emblems; Female Marginality; Androcentric Control. RESUMEN: La difícil situación de la mujer en la Edad Moderna, marcada por el fuerte carácter patriarcal y androcéntrico de la cultura e ideología oficiales del momento, y su alto grado de marginación social han sido analizados con frecuencia a través de diversas fuentes literarias como el teatro, la literatura de ficción o de viajes, las colecciones de refranes y sermones, y, sobre todo, los textos morales y doctrinales. Sin embargo, desde hace algún tiempo se está ensayando una nueva vía de aproximación al problema, y que resulta de singular importancia a la hora de constatar las mencionadas directrices de la ideología dominante sobre el papel familiar y social de la mujer: la literatura simbólica ilustrada. Por medio de sus diversas formas de expresión --emblemas, empresas o divisas, jeroglíficos, alegorías...--, este género se convirtió, sobre todo a partir de los decenios finales del s. XVI, en un instrumento perfectamente calibrado y eficaz a la hora de encauzar la orientación política, moral y doctrinal de los ciudadanos. En el presente trabajo ofrecemos una panorámica de cómo los tratados emblemáticos y los repertorios de alegorías nos ofrecen inmejorables ejemplos de la construcción de la imagen simbólica que las élites dominantes de los tiempos modernos pretenden difundir e imponer del género femenino, y de sus bien establecidas y canalizadas normas de comportamiento. PALABRAS CLAVES: Edad Moderna; Emblemática; marginalidad femenina; control androcétrico.

Mirsawati, Arifka Noor, and Supeno Supeno. "MORALITY ASPECTS IN THE FILM OF “FERDINAND” BY CARLOS SALDANHA." INFERENCE: Journal of English Language Teaching 3, no. 3 (November 1, 2020): 210.

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The purpose of this study was to know 1) Types of moral aspects contained. 2) The dominant moral aspect is found. 3) Correlation of morality aspects with a sociological approach to literature. The research method used to analyze this film is a qualitative method that contains two elements, namely intrinsic elements in characters and characterizations as in morals through the approach of literary sociology. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) There are 7 moral aspects found in the “Ferdinand” film based on Michelle Borba's theory, namely Empathy, Conscience, Self-Control, Respect, Kindness, Tolerance, Justice. 2) The dominant moral aspects found were kindness (11 data), empathy (6 data), conscience (5 data), and self control (5 data). 3) the correlation of morality aspects with the approach of literary sociology, both of which highlight the conditions and social problems that are taking place in social life.<strong></strong>

Shaw, S. C., M. Goldstein, M. Munro, and E. Burd. "Moral dominance relations for program comprehension." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29, no. 9 (September 2003): 851–63.

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Luque Sánchez, Pau. "Las dos vías del realismo moral." Discusiones 10 (March 13, 2021): 275–83.

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El realismo moral es una de las dos posiciones dominantes en el debate metaético (la otra sería el antirrealismo), tanto en la actualidad como a lo largo del siglo XX. Sostiene dos grandes tesis. Por un lado, el significado de los juicios morales es apto para ser evaluado en términos de verdad y de falsedad. Esta es la denominada tesis del cognitivismo semántico. Por otro lado, la segunda tesis afirma que tales juicios hacen referencia a la existencia de hechos o propiedades morales, que actúan como condiciones de verdad de los juicios morales. Esta segunda tesis es conocida como la tesis ontológica. El artículo explica y pone en cuestión las diferencias ontológicas y epistemológicas entre ambas tesis.

Kirmani, Amna, Rebecca W. Hamilton, Debora V. Thompson, and Shannon Lantzy. "Doing Well versus Doing Good: The Differential Effect of Underdog Positioning on Moral and Competent Service Providers." Journal of Marketing 81, no. 1 (January 2017): 103–17.

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This research examines how consumers make trade-offs between highly competent, less moral service providers and highly moral, less competent service providers. Counter to research on general impression formation, which shows that moral traits dominate competence traits, the authors demonstrate that when choosing between service providers, consumers systematically value competence more than morality. However, underdog positioning moderates this effect. When a moral service provider is positioned as an underdog, consumers feel empathy, thereby attenuating the dominance of competence. Notably, although underdog positioning can help a moral provider overcome a deficit in competence, it does not help a competent service provider overcome a deficit in morality or a warm provider overcome a deficit in competence. Thus, underdog positioning is particularly well suited for less competent service providers who are highly moral.

Kurniawan, Heru. "PENALARAN MORAL ANAK DALAM CERITA PADA MAJALAH BOBO DAN HARIAN KOMPAS." Poetika 6, no. 2 (December 31, 2018): 66.

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Children's stories in Bobo Magazine and Kompas Daily represent both levels of praconventional and conventional moral reasoning. From these two levels of moral reasoning, there are three stages of a child's moral reasoning, namely moral reasoning for obedience of punishment, relativist-instrument moral reasoning, and moral reasoning of a good child. Of these three moral reasoning, the dominant moral reasoning of children is the relativist-instrument and the orientation of a good child, while obedience reasoning does not dominate. This shows that mutual moral awareness of children is transactional and existential, namely children are conditioned to do good because they want to get a prize, and awareness of their desire to be good children. With the reality of such children's stories, our children who read children's stories wake up to the realization that I am doing good because of the gifts and awareness to be a good child.

Cross, Jennifer Riedl, and Tracy L. Cross. "Social dominance, moral politics, and gifted education." Roeper Review 28, no. 1 (September 2005): 21–29.

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Hawley, Patricia H., and G. John Geldhof. "Preschoolers’ social dominance, moral cognition, and moral behavior: An evolutionary perspective." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 112, no. 1 (May 2012): 18–35.

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Epston, David. "Moral Character, Moral Agency and the Genres of the Representation of Others." Revista de Psicoterapia 30, no. 114 (November 1, 2019): 171–94.

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El presente artículo es una conferencia ofrecida en San Antonio, Texas donde se plantean algunas formas de acercarse a conversaciones que destaquen el carácter moral de las personas en relación con el Problema que las acosa. Se ofrecen varias historias que ayudan a reflexionar acerca de la capacidad de las personas de verse a sí mismas como dignas de su propio respeto y del respeto de los demás. Tal respeto moral no sólo permite lo que podemos llamar “agencia moral” sino también poder ejercerla más libremente. Las conversaciones acerca de las “maravillosidades” y las conversaciones que comienzan con las virtudes y no con los problemas, son modos de subvertir las representaciones dominantes que el problema ofrece. Se trata de recuperar las vidas de las personas de todo aquello que las despoja de lo que voy a denominar “su carácter moral”. Posiblemente, en sintonía con lo que se ha venido denominando la identidad preferida, las personas prefieren ser representadas en términos de su carácter moral, sus virtudes morales. Esto también tiene que quedar de manifiesto en lo que llamamos contradocumentos y se ofrecen un conjunto de cartas terapéuticas para ejemplificar esto. Quizás el presente artículo pueda ser visto como un contradocumento, donde se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de rescatar las virtudes morales de las personas, incluso antes de hablar de los problemas.

Harvey, Martin. "Hobbes's Voluntarist Theory of Morals." Hobbes Studies 22, no. 1 (2009): 49–69.

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AbstractTwo interpretations of Hobbes's theory of morals dominate the subject: the Egoistic Reading (ER) and the Naturalist Reading (NR). According to ER, all of Hobbes's moral concepts are self-interested at their core. According to NR, Hobbes's Laws of Nature set down genuine moral obligations/virtues both inside of the state of nature and out. This article rejects both of these interpretations in favor of a Voluntarist Reading (VR). On this reading, morality is an artifact of human endeavor, specifically covenanting. Unlike both ER and NR, VR takes seriously Hobbes's claim that there is “no obligation on any man which ariseth not from some act of his own”.

Milikić, Tadija. "Moral Interiority in the Context of Dominance of the Technical and Other Positive Sciences." Bogoslovska smotra 91, no. 5 (2022): 1121–42.

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In this paper, the author seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the reality of the human personal moral interiority from the perspective of the Belgian moral theologian, Servais Pinckaers. It is understood in the context of the present-day dominant scientific view of the world in which the categories of technical and other positive sciences, through their dominance, bring into question the human form of existence and activity. Following introductory thoughts on the importance, value, and necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration, we are given an insight into the basic features of human life, which are twofold, depending on whether the same features are underpinned in the moral inferiority of the human person or merely stem from the technical and a positive view of the world.

Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih. "Emancipatory Of Legal Transendency In Indonesia: Study Of Moral Aspects In The Making Of Laws And Regulations In Indonesia." Journal of Transcendental Law 1, no. 2 (December 14, 2019): 124–46.

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ABSTRACT Objectives: This paper aims to answer the question of how the relationship between law and moralism, as well as how to internalize moral principles in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. Methodology: This study used a philosophical approach that aimed to explore the relationship between law and morals from the perspective of John Austin, Kelsen, and H. L. A Hart. It also used the transcendental perspectives in exploring the importance of internalizing moral principles in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. The research method in the article used descriptive normative research methods, with interpretative data processing techniques regarding the importance of moral aspects in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. Findings: The dominance of the philosophy of positivism has broad implications. The closure of the law to morality raised by adherents of legalism, legal positivism, or reinerechtslehre does not only raise injustice everywhere but also appear with a face of totalitarian or repressive law. Law and moral relations, according to John Austin (1790-1859), are diametrically separated and tend to favor the law (the law negates morals), while Hans Kelsen and Austin place religious and moral inferiority while favoring positive law. According to Kelsen, the law deals with the form (formal), not the content (material); then, Hart tries to offer the principle of morality as a minimum legal requirement in which the pattern of the relationship is cooperative or independent dialogue. Whereas in the transcendent perspective, law and morals are in a dialogue-integrative relationship. The legislators should have spiritual intelligence; that is, they do not want to be bound and limited by existing standards but want to go beyond and transcend the existing situations (transcendental). With spirituality, the legislators, who are in accordance with the principle, can produce laws that show the emancipatory of legal transcendency. The laws do not only humanize humans but are also oriented to moral values that originate from God. Benefit: The benefit of this paper is to be the basis for guarding moral values in making the Law, starting from the preparation and initiative for the submission of the draft law, discussion of the draft law, and approval of the draft law. Originality/novelty: Internalization of moral principles in law can produce laws that can make people happy and answer the problems of human life. At least three elements are fulfilled, namely justice, efficacy, and legal certainty. Keywords: transcendency, morals, the formation of laws

Tjondro, Elisa. "Individual Satisfaction and Tax Morale: The Perspective of Different Profession in Indonesia." Journal of Public Administration and Governance 8, no. 2 (May 21, 2018): 14.

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The purpose of this research is to test the dominant factors that affect satisfaction and tax morale from the perspective of tax consultants and contractors in Indonesia. The factors are the religious commitment, trust to the government agency, the democratic system, perception of other taxpayers. The sample of respondents is 60 tax consultants and 78 contractors in Surabaya-Indonesia. Structural Equation Modelling used in this research with Wrap Partial Least Square as a statistical tool. Our result for tax consultants shows satisfaction and democratic system are the dominant factors that affect tax morale. The results from contractors found religious commitment and the democratic system was proven to be the dominant factors that affect tax morale. This study also found that trust in the government agency has not proved to have an impact on tax morale, for both groups. Factor perception of others taxpayers was proven impact on tax morale, but the effect is small, for both groups respondents. Religious commitment also proved as the dominant factor that affects satisfaction of tax consultants.

Bai, Feng, Wei Wu, and Shiyao Bao. "Moral but Dominant: When Do-gooders Get Derogated." Academy of Management Proceedings 2019, no. 1 (August 1, 2019): 14563.

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Gluchman, Vasil. "Moral (or ethical) education in Slovakia and its theoretical basis." Ethics & Bioethics 6, no. 1-2 (June 1, 2016): 79–89.

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Abstract With regard to existing concept of the moral education (ethics) in Slovakia, the questions of ethics and morals are only one of the partial sections. The dominant role is played by psychology based on Roberto Olivar’s concept with emphasis on pro-socialization and on Erickson’s concept of the psychosocial development. From the philosophy basis point of view, only Aristotle, even in reduced form and Spranger’s concept of the life forms are mentioned. Philosophy and ethics are only complements to more psychologically based educational program which is resulting from the problematic division of a social and moral experience into egoistic and prosocial. Egoism is presented in a distorted form and is characterized as the cause of all moral evil. However, there are several different types of understanding of the term egoism in philosophy and ethics as for example psychological and ethical egoism, or self-interest. Ethical egoism or self-interest cannot be identified with selfishness. The main aim of moral education should not be only to form the desired children and youth moral orientation but on the other hand, to form morally self-confident individuals who are able to solve the moral problems, to help the others to solve them as well and to be able to bear moral responsibility for their own deeds.

Arman, Arman, and Nilam Anggar Sari. "Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Dan Program Kesejahteraan Karyawan Terhadap Semangat Kerja Pada PT. Happy Puppy Tenggarong." Jurnal Ekonomi & Manajemen Indonesia 21, no. 2 (December 3, 2021): 62–77.

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of the work environment and employee welfare programs on morale at Happy Puppy Tenggarong both partially and simultaneously. Besides that, to find out the dominant variables in influencing work morale. The analytical tool used in this study is multiple linear regression with the number of respondents in this study amounting to 25. The results showed that the variables of the work environment and employee welfare programs had a simultaneous effect on employee morale. The work environment variable has a partial effect on employee morale at Happy Puppy Tenggarong while the welfare program variable has no effect on employee morale. Thus, it can be concluded that the work environment variable has the most dominant influence on work morale. Keywords: Work Environment, Employee Welfare Program

Khanipour, Hamid, Mahsan Pourali, and Mojgan Atar. "Prestige and Dominance as Differential Correlates of Moral Foundations and Its Clinical Implications." Practice in Clinical Psychology 9, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 1–8.

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Objective: How people use social rank (dominance vs prestige) could explain different attitudes toward five moral foundations. This study aimed to investigate the differential relationships between prestige, dominance, and moral foundations. Methods: This study was conducted on 150 participants who responded to the moral foundation questionnaire and dominance-prestige scale. Results: Multiple regression analysis revealed that prestige was positively associated with four kinds of moral foundations (harm/care, reciprocity/fairness, loyalty/subversion, and purity/sanctity), whereas dominance was negatively associated with harm/care, reciprocity/fairness, and progressivism. Prestige had a stronger association with moral foundations than dominance. Conclusion: It seems that dominance as a social status seeking-strategy is against any moral foundation, but prestige could increase attention to moral foundations in decision making toward every life issue.

Wojciszke, Bogdan, Roza Bazinska, and Marcin Jaworski. "On the Dominance of Moral Categories in Impression Formation." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24, no. 12 (December 1998): 1251–63.

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Ceyhan, Semih, and Mehmet Barca. "Dominant Management Logics of Siyasetnamas – A Moral Management Perspective." Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 18, no. 3 (June 1, 2021): 239–71.

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This article examines the management perspectives in Islamic political history, which can contribute to the contemporary management and organizational knowledge (MOK). It attempts to find out the taken-for-granted assumptions and arguments that shape the Muslim scholars’ management perspective in history. To this end, political treatises in Islamic history (namely, 'siyasetnamas') and their managerial arguments are scrutinized through content analysis. By determining underlying dominant logics -assumptions that most siyasetnamas refer to- this article allows us a mental exercise to step out of the Western mindset, which is thought to be the best, and the only way to understand MOK and tries to introduce a moral management perspective from the history of Islam. Our results indicate that siyasetnamas’ dominant management logics could provide valuable implications to MOK with their emphasis on (i) considering society as the real owner of entities, (ii) having additional societal responsibilities, and (iii) moral competency of organizational actors.

Bulan, Nezia Priscila, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih, and I. Made Winaya. "The Psychological Analysis of Jamie Sullivan’s Behaviors in Nicholas Sparks’ Novel “A Walk to Remember”." Humanis 23, no. 4 (November 29, 2019): 271.

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The title of this undergraduate thesis is The Psychological Analysis of Jamie Sullivan’s Behaviours in Nicholas Sparks Novel “A Walk to Remember”. The discussion of this study focused on psychoanalysis of the behavior of the main character Jamie Sullivan and the most dominant psychoanalysis concepts of the main character based on Freud's personality theory. Documentation method was applied to collecting the data of this study, which were analysed using descriptive qualitative method; then the result of analysis was presented in the form of sentences using informal method. The result of this study shows that Jamie’s dominant personality in Freud's tripartite personality theory is Superego as she behaves according to the civilized manner. Jamie tends to help others. She makes decisions based on morals and judgments about what is right and what is wrong, and her decisions are based more on moral values.

Okuyan, Mukadder, and Johanna Ray Vollhardt. "The role of group versus hierarchy motivations in dominant groups’ perceived discrimination." Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25, no. 3 (April 2022): NP54—NP80.

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Against the backdrop of significant social and political change in the US, dominant groups’ perceptions of discrimination against their group have increased. Previous research shows that group threat and legitimizing beliefs augment these perceptions. However, the concurrent role of individuals’ attitudes towards hierarchy in perceived discrimination has not been examined. In the present research, we investigate whether social dominance orientation (SDO) and group threat (status and moral image threat) interact to predict perceived discrimination among two dominant groups, White Americans and men. Furthermore, we test whether their perceived discrimination predicts less support for policies benefitting minorities and immigrants, and women, respectively. Across two correlational studies (Studies 1 and 2) and one experiment (Study 3), we found little support for the proposed interaction between SDO and group threat; instead, they were independent predictors of the outcomes. By testing SDO and perceived group threats simultaneously, these studies contribute to the literature by showing that group-based and hierarchy-based concerns play distinct roles in perceived discrimination among dominant groups.

Claret-Trentelivres, Lancelot. "La producción de emociones morales en el pentecostalismo y sus consecuencias políticas." Ciencia Política 16, no. 31 (October 5, 2021): 181–200.

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El pentecostalismo nació a principios del siglo XX como reacción a la secularización que afectaba al protestantismo a eso tiempo. Dirigiéndose inicialmente a los dominados de la sociedad burguesa, a las mujeres y a las clases trabajadoras, invirtió entonces las emociones devaluadas por la moral burguesa. Su culto carismático, centrado en la glosolalia, que parece dar rienda suelta a las emociones, es en realidad un sistema de incorporación de emociones morales que da lugar a un hábito ascético entre los fieles. A partir de los años 70, la revalorización de las emociones en la cultura dominante llevó a una parte de las clases medias a incorporarse progresivamente al pentecostalismo. Esta renovación de la composición social del pentecostalismo le llevó a entrar en el campo político, con poco éxito en primer lugar a causa de la división del movimiento en denominaciónes competidoras. El plebiscito por la paz entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC en octubre de 2016 es un primer ejemplo de la conversión del habitus moral pentecostal en una disciplina electoral.

Purwani, Neli, and Nindya Novita Sari. "Nilai Karakter Pada Lirik Lagu-Lagu Kids United." Jurnal Seni Musik 9, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 152–55.

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Learning French in class always pays attention to 2 aspects namely cognitive and moral. Moral aspects also have a role in the development of students, so that they have good morals and personalities such as learning to adapt in the school environment to foster a sense of tolerance in order to be able to control their own emotions while also having high knowledge. The purpose of this research is to describe the character value contained on the songs of Kids United and linguistics elements expressing the character value. This type of research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Whereas the data collection methods used in this research are the listening method and the note technique. Then the results of data analysis in this research indicate that Kids United’s three songs contain 3 dominant character values ​​from eight national character values ​​according to IHF, such as (1) loving, caring and cooperate; (2) confident, creative, hard work and never give up; (3) responsibility, discipline and independent.

Savejnarong, Trin, Pattramon Pornsukjantra, and Harry Manley. "The interpersonal consequences of prestige and dominance-based moral grandstanding." Personality and Individual Differences 194 (August 2022): 111656.

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Kedar, Ronit Donyets. "The Unrecognized Dominance of Law in Morality: The Case of Promises." Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 24, no. 1 (January 2011): 79–107.

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The commonplace view is that moral thinking has significantly influenced legal theory, but law has had very little theoretical effect on morality. In this article, I attempt to show this is not so. Taking the inverse course in tracing the interrelations between law and morality – investigating morality from the perspective of law rather than examining law from the perspective of morality – I show, through the case of promises, that legal theory has greatly affected dominant strands of moral thought. By bringing to the fore the robust legal elements that guide some of the prevailing moral theories, my aim is to offer a new diagnosis of their problems, showing that the legal mindset is what distorts their moral analysis.I start by offering a list of law’s special underpinnings. Predicating law as a unique social phenomenon and, as such, as possessing certain features that distinguish it from other normative domains, this list, though not a definition of law as such, presents a sufficiently inclusive account of what it means for a normative theory to be legal or legal-oriented. This profile serves as a tool helping to discern, for the first time, the unrecognized influences of legal thinking on other normative domains, and to reveal whether, and to what extent, some normative accounts rest on and are affected by legal ideas, tools, terminology, and structure. Applying this model to the analysis of promises offered by such thinkers as Charles Fried, John Rawls, and T. M. Scanlon, I show how their legal mindset shapes their moral accounts of promises. My conclusions indicate that the unaccounted for influence of legal ideas on morality in general, and on the morality of promises in particular, leads to an unsatisfactory conception of both.

Wuryantoro, Wuryantoro. "Pembekalan Karakter Bagi Guru TPQ-TPA Fosi Kecamatan Taman Kota Madiun." JURNAL DAYA-MAS 6, no. 1 (April 24, 2021): 10–13.

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Abstract— There are about 10 indicators of low social capital and character among the younger generation to worry about, namely increased teenage violence, poor use of language and words, strong peer group influence on violence, increased self-destructive behavior such as drugs, alcohol, free sex , the blurring of good and bad moral guidelines, the decline in work ethic, the lower respect for parents, the low individual responsibility for the country and the mutual suspicion of hatred among others. Academic pressure on the current education system is considered to be responsible for these problems, so that it requires the teacher to revitalize himself from a teacher who merely conveys the knowledge of being an educator who must be responsible for instilling morals. Lack of moral education, can make the brain stem and midbrain which is often called the reptile brain, more developed and dominant and makes someone will tend to behave violently. While the limbic and cortex parts of the brain that determine emotions, love and thinking become thin and weak. Conversely, if the limbic and cortex are dominant, reason and empathy will develop and become someone who is wise and wise. For all education and childcare are the main determining factors, which must be understood by educators (teachers, “ustadz”) and parents. Keywords—: Character; educator; parents; social capital.

Battista Ratti, Giovanni. "Neoconstitucionalismo negativo y neoconstitucionalismo positivo." Ius Humani. Law Journal 4 (September 11, 2015): 227–61.

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La expresión “neoconstitucionalismo” es sumamente ambigua: la cultura contemporánea la usa para denotar cosas tan heterogéneas como una forma de estado, una política de activismo judicial, una reconstrucción teórica de los sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos, una metodología jurídica y una adhesión ideológica al derecho. Este trabajo se centra en los aspectos de política jurisprudencial, de teoría del derecho y de metodología jurídica, enfatizando dos posibles perspectivas del neoconstitucionalismo: una negativa que delinea dicha multifacética concepción del derecho como un conjunto de oposiciones a las tesis defendidas por las concepciones dominantes, y otra positiva que pretende haber identificado una serie de “nuevos descubrimientos” en los sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos. En esta versión positiva se examinan ocho tesis: (1) el derecho de los estados constitucionales es una combinación de reglas y principios, (2) reglas y principios son aptos para constituir un conjunto sistematico de normas, (3) las constituciones contemporáneas incorporan valores morales, de manera que habrían creado una conexión relevante entre derecho y moral, (4) tal incorporación implica un deber de interpretar las disposiciones constitucionales mediante una lectura moral, (5) toda norma jurídica es derrotable, (6) algunos estándares jurídicos requieren de un razonamiento ponderativo o de balance, opuesto al tradicional razonamiento subsutivo, (7) interpretando holísticamente las disposiciones jurídicas, los jueces pueden llegar a decidir cualquier controversia, y, (8) las normas jurídicas no pueden tener cualquier contenido, porque su contenido es determinado en última instancia por juicios morales. El trabajo termina ilustrando aciertos y equivocaciones de cada versión del neoconstitucionalismo.

Bai, Feng. "Beyond Dominance and Competence: A Moral Virtue Theory of Status Attainment." Personality and Social Psychology Review 21, no. 3 (May 24, 2016): 203–27.

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Milojev, Petar, Danny Osborne, Lara M. Greaves, Joseph Bulbulia, Marc S. Wilson, Caitlin L. Davies, James H. Liu, and Chris G. Sibley. "Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation Predict Different Moral Signatures." Social Justice Research 27, no. 2 (May 22, 2014): 149–74.

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Tavakkoli, Amirpasha. "Aspects du mal et de la méchanceté chez Sade / Aspects of Evil and Villainy in Sade." Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura 27, no. 1 (July 3, 2017): 303–14.

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Résumé: Influencé par la philosophie des Lumières et hostile à l’égard de la morale chrétienne, Sade envisage de déconstruire le discours philosophico-moral de son temps. Il s’intéresse à l’idée de l’état de nature sous un angle différent de celui des philosophes et des moralistes. En plaçant le Mal au centre de ses réflexions, l’objectif pour lui est de renverser le discours dominant de son temps en prenant l’inceste, le meurtre et les perversions comme étant les maximes conductrices de sa pensée. Malgré l’apparence immorale de ses écrits, Sade tombe dans un schéma moralisant reposant sur l’idéal du Mal qu’il adore. Agir et penser selon les commandements du Mal, deviennent les fondements de l’éthique sadienne. Une réflexion que nous allons approfondir à la lumière des réflexions de Klossowski, Bataille et Jacques Lacan.Mots-clés : mal; état de nature; loi; éthique; transgression.Abstract: Influenced by the philosophy of the Enlightment and hostile toward Christian morality, Sade endeavored to criticize the moral-philosophical discourse of his time, focusing on the idea of the state of nature in a radically different way from contemporary philosophers and moralists. By placing Evil at the center of his considerations, he aims to overturn the dominant discourse of his time by enlisting incest, murder, and perversions as the tenets guiding his thought. Despite the immoral appearance of his writings, Sade falls prey to a moralizing schema based on the ideal of Evil. Acting and thinking according to the commandments of Evil then becomes the fundaments of Sade’s ethics. The idea moving this paper is to deepen our understanding of this theory in light of reflections by Klossowski, Bataille, and Lacan.Keywords: Evil, state of nature, law, ethic, transgression.

Hartner, Daniel F. "Moral Context, Moral Complicity And Ethical Theory." SATS 21, no. 2 (November 25, 2020): 179–98.

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AbstractOne of the dominant traditions in normative ethics is characterised by the attempt to develop a comprehensive moral theory that can distinguish right from wrong in a range of cases by drawing on a philosophical account of the good. Familiar versions of consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics have emerged from this tradition. Yet such theories often seem to lack the resources needed to evaluate the broader contexts in which moral dilemmas arise, which may cause them to encourage moral complicity. Context-insensitive complicity of this sort receives surprisingly little direct philosophical attention, despite its being a ubiquitous concern for ordinary moral agents and despite the threat it poses to this form of ethical theorising. The present paper sketches the problem more formally and canvasses some leading responses before locating its source in the implicit distinction between moral and non-moral domains at the root of much traditional normative theorising.

Monfasani, John. "The First Call for Press Censorship: Niccolò Perotti, Giovanni Andrea Bussi, Antonio Moreto, and the Editing of Pliny's Natural History*." Renaissance Quarterly 41, no. 1 (1988): 1–31.

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In 1478, twenty-three years after Johann Gutenberg printed the 42- line Bible in Mainz, the town fathers of Cologne engaged in “the first censorship trial on record” as they sued to stop the distribution of a printed book which challenged their authority. The next year Pope Sixtus IV inaugurated papal legislation of press censorship by authorizing the University of Cologne to police virtually every aspect of the new industry. These actions of 1478 and 1479 are the earliest known instances of press censorship. They also reflect the political, moral, and religious concerns which would henceforth dominate press censorship. But as far as I can tell, the first call for press censorship had actually occurred nearly a decade earlier, and had absolutely nothing at all to do with religion, morals, or politics.


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The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of motivation and morale towards the increase of work productivity of employees of PT. Colombus Megah Sentrasarana in Samarinda and to know the improvement of work productivity of employees with the provision of motivation. Analysis uses multiple linear regression with SPSS tool. Correlation coefficient (R) of 0.8770 means that the variables of motivation and morale together have a direct or positive relationship with employee productivity at PT. Colombus Megah Sentrasarana in Samarinda.While the influence of each variable that is variable of motivation (X1) influences work productivity of employee equal to 63,80%, while work spirit variable (X2) influence to work productivity equal to 71,50%. So, it can be said that morale is the dominant variable of influence on employee productivity at PT. Colombus Megah Sentrasarana in Samarinda.The first hypothesis test is acceptable because F count is 69,808 and F table 2,830 which means F arithmetic> F table. The second hypothesis can be accepted because it is proven that the morale of influence dominant effect on employee productivity at PT. Colombus Megah Sentrasarana in Samarinda.

Chang, Joseph W. "I am ugly, but I am tender: the dominance of moral character and warmth." Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 8, no. 2 (May 14, 2018): 153–76.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dominance of athlete endorser characteristics (i.e. moral character vs warmth) on athlete endorser perception and the influence of tarnished athlete endorsers (i.e. immoral character vs coldness) on brand evaluations from the perspectives of perceiver characteristics, including dispositional tendency, innate moral intuitions, and self-location (SL). Design/methodology/approach This research consists of three experimental studies with 135, 72, and 91 participants, respectively. Study 1 compared the dominance of moral character and warmth on athlete endorser perception. Study 2 examined the impact of perceiver characteristics on the cause-and-effect relationship between tarnished athlete endorsers (i.e. immoral character vs coldness) and brand evaluations. Study 3 investigated the cross-cultural generalizability of the US-based research findings in Study 2 for Indians. Findings Moral character is more influential than warmth on athlete endorser evaluations. Tarnished athlete endorsers with immoral character exert more negative influence than tarnished athlete endorsers with coldness characteristic on brand evaluations. Except for dispositional tendency, innate moral intuitions and SL moderate brand evaluations. Endorser and perceiver characteristics yield asymmetric patterns of influence on Americans’ and Indians’ brand evaluations. Research limitations/implications Future research is needed to verify the causal effects of thinking styles on the relationship between tarnished athlete endorsers and brand evaluations. Practical implications The determination of endorsement continuity has to jointly consider the characteristics of endorsers, perceivers, and cultures. Originality/value This research contributes to the endorsement research by advancing the research scopes of athlete endorser, perceiver, and culture characteristics.


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The aim of this paper is to point to the descriptors of value systems that exist in society, in Serbia as well as in other countries. Outlooks on morals and values sought to be brought closer, with the analysis of the results of research and pedagogical implications of authors across the world, primarily in students. It is aspired to discover which values dominate, that is, what are lifestyles of contemporary society. With the discussion on morals, values, a summed review of value preferences is given. It can be concluded that the same universal values prevail. Value pluralism is represented. Family is the most important value in people’s lives. The school is an institution of moral and value orientation in which the relationship of mutual respect should be emphasized. The pursuit of altruism and volunteerism is a reflection of positive attitudes and a desire to help others. Media have a significant role in forming values and it is necessary to use their educational function. Free time is also a significant segment in which one can influence forming values, and it is necessary to organize it with the aim of own development


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An increased employee morale provides a competitive advantage for a company. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational commitment, transformational leadership, and financial compensation to employee morale. This research take place in PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik. The number of respondents from PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik employees in this research is 38 employees. Data were collected by questionnaire and then measured using Likert Scale. Multiple Linear Regression is used to analyze the variable. The result indicates that each variable organizational commitment, transformational leadership, and financial compensation partially has positive and significant impact on employee morale at PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik. Among the three variables, finansial compensation is a variable that has the most dominant influence on employee morale PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik. Keyword: employee morale, organizational commitment, transformational leadership, financial compensation

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