Academic literature on the topic 'Nohl'

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Journal articles on the topic "Nohl":


Sarve, Archana Rai, Hima Pakkath Venu, and Mariya Shaju. "Nonorganic Hearing Loss: A Case Profile." Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU 09, no. 01 (January 2019): 35–37.

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AbstractAdults and children exhibit nonorganic hearing loss (NOHL). In children, NOHL can be due to several underlying factors. Issues of this kind if not treated on time may become risky for the child’s well-being if the underlying cause of NOHL is psychosocial and emotional. In most of the clinical settings attention is less drawn toward diagnosis and management of the root cause of NOHL. In this present article, we present the audiological profile of a 7-year-old girl with NOHL. The patient came to the department with the compliant of difficulty in hearing. Immittance results showed no abnormalities; however, reliable pure tone results could not be obtained. Subjective tests revealed bilateral hearing loss and objective assessment indicated a normal hearing. On the second visit, audiometric tests were repeated which showed normal hearing. After exclusion of neurological pathology and psychological consultation, the diagnosis of NOHL was stated and the girl was scheduled for regular appointments with a psychologist. In addition, literature on the causative factors related to NOHL has also been discussed in the present article.

Hurt, R. "Herman Christian Nohl-Oser." BMJ 338, feb17 1 (February 17, 2009): b671.

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Rincón Verdera, Juan Carlos. "HERMANN NOHL: EDUCACIÓN Y PEDAGOGÍA." Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía 68, no. 3 (June 17, 2016): 107.

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Bollnow, Otto Friedrich. "Verstand und Leben. Die Philosophie des jungen Nohl." Dilthey-Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 4 (1986): 228–63.

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Nohl, Hermann, and Ricardo Bazilio dalla Vecchia. "Uma fonte histórica do perspectivismo de Nietzsche: G. Teichmüller, o mundo real e o mundo aparente." Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 25, no. 4 (December 26, 2020): 279–86.

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Tradução de: Nohl, H. (1912). Eine historische Quelle zu Nietzsches Perspektivismus: G. Teichmüller, die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt. Sonder-Abdruck aus der Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik.Herausgegebenvon Hermann Schwarz, Bd. 149. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosieus Barth, 1912.

Rincón Verdera, Juan Carlos. "El legado de Wilhelm Dilthey: las pedagogías culturalistas." Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria 21, no. 2 (July 8, 2010): 131–64.

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Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl y Wilhelm Flitner son herederos directos del espiritualismo, el psicologismo y el historicismo de Wilhelm Dilthey, elaborando, a partir de él, pedagogías de marcado carácter cultural. Todos ellos se propusieron reelaborar el cuerpo epistemológico de la pedagogía, siguiendo, para ello, la tradición racionalista, de corte neokantiano, propia del momento (primera mitad del siglo XX). Para Spranger la ciencia de la educación se reducirá a una pedagogía de la comprensión hermenéutica; su misión consistirá en tomar una realidad cultural históricamente heredada y someterla a conceptos ordenadores que permitan adoptar posicionamientos valorativos y normativos de actuación. Nohl, por su parte, entenderá la pedagogía como una teoría de la educación que deberá siempre contextualizarse históricamente por lo que jamás podrá tener validez general. Por último, Flitner considerará la ciencia pedagógica como un filosofar dentro de la circunstancia histórica, es decir, una estética de la educación.

Oelkers, Jürgen. "NOHL, DURKHEIM, AND MEAD: THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF “HISTORY OF EDUCATION”." Studies in Philosophy and Education 23, no. 5-6 (September 2004): 347–66.

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Bailey, K., C. Pearson, and J. Clack. "Non-organic hearing loss in United Kingdom military personnel." Journal of The Royal Naval Medical Service 100, no. 3 (December 2014): 333–36.

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AbstractNon-organic hearing loss (NOHL) is a condition in which there is audiometric discrepancy between the real hearing threshold and the measured threshold of the patient, in the absence of any organic disease. It can, rarely, be the manifestation of a somatoform disorder when it is known as conversion deafness. We present a case of conversion deafness diagnosed following a five-year period of apparent fluctuating unilateral hearing loss, and discuss the diagnosis, clinical and occupational considerations of managing this condition in a military environment.

Hollstein, Oliver. "Die Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik und das pädagogische Verstehen." Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik 96, no. 2 (May 28, 2020): 231–46.

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Abstract The ›Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik‹ and Pedagogical Understanding. Reconstructing a Complex Relationship Hermeneutics and the German pedagogical school named ›Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik‹ seem to be connected naturally. The paper investigates this connection by examining which hermeneutic theories the works of Eduard Spranger and Herman Nohl refer to. We will then trace how these theories of reference are used or reworked to develop a theory of pedagogical understanding. Along such a research design we aim to show that a very specific adaptation of different hermeneutical theories is characteristic for the pedagogical work of the two authors mentioned.

Hackbarth, Anja, Patricia Stošić, and Lea Thönnes. "„Da ist mein Weg zu Ende.“ Elterliche Perspektiven auf schulische Platzierungen im Kontext von Inklusion und lokalem Bildungsraum." Ungewissheit als Dimension pädagogischen Handelns 10, no. 1-2021 (June 29, 2021): 145–58.

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Der Beitrag stellt Auszüge empirischer Erkenntnisse eines Forschungsprojekts vor, das ausgehend von der Bedeutung lokaler Schulangebotsstrukturen im Kontext von Bildungsbeteiligung und ‚Inklusion‘ u. a. akteursspezifische Perspektivierungen bearbeitet. In Rekurs auf eine raumtheoretische Heuristik im Anschluss an Löw (2001) und auf die dokumentarische Methode (Nohl 2017) werden im Text zwei Interpretationen von Interviews mit Elternteilen eines Kindes mit zugeschriebenem sonderpädagogischen Förderbedarf vorgestellt. Diskutiert werden rekonstruktiv zugänglich gemachte elterliche Erfahrungsperspektiven auf Prozesse schulischer Platzierung, die als elterliche Bearbeitungsmodi einer Suche nach dem ‚richtigen Ort‘ im Kontext von Inklusion und lokalem Bildungsraum konzeptualisiert werden.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Nohl":


Miller, Damian. "Herman Nohls "Theorie" des pädagogischen Bezugs : eine Werkanalyse /." Bern : Peter Lang, 2002.

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Nohl, Richard [Verfasser], Hans-Dieter [Gutachter] Arndt, and Gerhard [Gutachter] Scriba. "Synthese von Dihydropyridinderivaten für die biologische Profilierung / Richard Nohl ; Gutachter: Hans-Dieter Arndt, Gerhard Scriba." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2018.

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Ortmeyer, Benjamin. "Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit: Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen." Weinheim Basel Beltz, 2008.

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Udilova, Natalia [Verfasser], Beate [Gutachter] Röder, Hans [Gutachter] Nohl, and Ingolf [Gutachter] Bernhardt. "Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Methoden zum Nachweis von Superoxidradikalen in biologischen und Modellsystemen / Natalia Udilova ; Gutachter: Beate Röder, Hans Nohl, Ingolf Bernhardt." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1999.

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Nohl, Yvonne [Verfasser]. "Rezidiv-Häufigkeit bei orthotop lebertransplantierten Patienten mit hepatozellulärem Karzinom in Abhängigkeit von Gefäßinvasion, Menge, Ausmaß und Grading der Tumorherde / Yvonne Nohl." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2014.

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van, der Klis Joke Marijke. "Die zweite Chance?" Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2011.

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Die wissenschaftliche Studie handelt von den Bewältigungsmöglichen der ökonomischen Krise vormals überschuldeter Privathaushalte mit unterschiedlichem Bildungsniveau unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen des Scheiterns auf die Lebenssituation. Durch die Rekonstruktion der einzelnen Stadien und durchlebten Gefühlsebenen von der Überschuldung bis zur Antragstellung der Privatinsolvenz, während der Wohlverhaltensperiode bis nach der Restschuldbefreiung konnten mittels einer Inhaltsanalyse qualitative Ergebnisse darüber erzielt werden, ob die Identität der zwölf Befragten durch das finanzielle Scheitern dauerhaft beschädigt wurde.

Paula, Maria Jose Angeli de. "João Gilberto Noll : perambulações." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 1996.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-16T10:55:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2016-01-08T20:16:04Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 106110.pdf: 17741353 bytes, checksum: 6cae78a02bafdff0b2d8a5baba6f1fd2 (MD5)

Thomine-Bichard, Marie-Claire. "Noël du Fail conteur." Paris 4, 1992.

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Cette étude porte sur l'ensemble de l'œuvre narrative de Noël du Fail et s'attache à mettre en relief l'évolution de sa manière de conteur, depuis les recueils de jeunesse jusqu'à l'ouvrage de la maturité. L'examen des trois œuvres selon plusieurs axes, ceux du genre littéraire, de la structure (de recueil et de chapitre), du langage souligne l'originalité de conteur breton dans le paysage narratif de la renaissance italienne et française : d'emblée, Noël du Fail affirme sa différence en prenant des libertés avec la tradition du récit-cadre, en donnant la parole aux humbles, en mettant sa plume de gentilhomme lettre au service d'une conservation de la mémoire collective et orale. Les trois recueils s'inscrivent à des degrés divers dans un vaste projet "mimétique", auquel vient se soumettre la narration (étroitement dépendante dans le premier recueil de la description) et qui préside à la peinture des personnages par leur langage. Dans le souci de montrer la richesse d'une matière et d'une langue à la fois savantes et populaires, nous proposons en appendice les répertoires des contes, des discours, du langage du culture et un classement thématique des images du langage quotidien
This analysis handles the whole narrative work of noel du fail and wants to emphasize the evolution of his narrative art from the first propos Rustiques and baliverneries to the work of the maturity. The investigation of the three books from different points of view, those of literary genre, structure (of each work, of each chapter), of language shows the originality of the Breton narrator in the narrative landscape of Italian and French renaissance. In his first work, noel du fail asserts himself different: he takes liberties with the cornice tradition, he gives the power of speech to rustic people and uses his capacities as a well-read gentleman-farmer to preserve collective and oral memory. The three works enter differently in a large mimes purpose: narration of the propos rustiques is strictly dependent on description, whereas the last work likes to tell and not only to describe. The whole work tries to characterize social figures through their language

COLLURA, S. "Malandros e malandragem: Noel Rosa." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:11:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_5227_.pdf: 2239273 bytes, checksum: 0a75d081813d1794b335d398263752bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-30
Analisa a figura do malandro, enquanto personagem e enquanto linguagem, na produção do compositor Noel Rosa, evidenciando as características e as peculiaridades do discurso noelino, bem como as inovações introduzidas por ele no âmbito da canção popular brasileira, que resultam da conjugação de vários fatores:musical, temático, linguístico e poético. Contextualiza a figura do malandro, que vivencia significantes modificações entre o final do século XIX e as primeiras três décadas do século XX, trazendo a discussão até o período de Noel e de Getúlio Vargas. Sob a luz da temática do malandro e da malandragem, atenta para um breve panorama histórico, social, político e cultural do período estudado, observando a relação multifacetada de Noel Rosa com o malandro e a malandragem. Diz respeito a uma mudança de perspectiva que Noel, cronista da Vila Isabel, propôs sobre a visão do malandro: ele percebeu que em uma sociedade em fase de grandes transformações assim como era o Rio de Janeiro daquela época a imagem do malandro de navalha no bolso, ligada ao mundo do samba, podia representar um perigo para o progresso da carreira artística dos novos compositores.

Collura, Salvatore. "Malandros e Malandragem : Noel Rosa." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:34:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao de Salvatore Collura.pdf: 2239132 bytes, checksum: 52a88d342611eef438faec70ef1b82c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-30
Analizza la figura del malandrino dal punto di vista del personaggio e del suo llinguaggio nella produzione del compositore Noel Rosa, mettendo in evidenza le caratteristiche e le peculiarità del discorso noelino, così come le innovazioni da lui introdotte nell ambito della canzone popolare brasiliana, risultanti dalla coniugazione di vari fattori: musicale, tematico, linguistico e poetico. Contestualizza la figura del malandrino, esposta a cambiamenti significanti tra la fine del secolo XIX e i primi tre decenni del XX secolo, concentrando l analisi sul periodo di Noel Rosa e Getúlio Vargas. Sotto la luce della tematica del malandrino e del malandrinaggio, conduce un panorama storico, sociale, politico e culturale del periodo in analisi, osservando la diverse relazioni di Noel Rosa com il malandrino e il malandrinaggio. Discute i cambiamenti di prospettiva che Noel, cronista di Vila Isabel, propose riguardo la visione del malandrino: egli percepì che in una società in fase di grandi trasformazioni qual era Rio de Janeiro in quell epoca, l associazione dell immagine del malandrino dal coltello in tasca con il mondo del samba, poteva costituire un pericolo per il progresso della carriera artistica dei nuovi compositori
Analisa a figura do malandro, enquanto personagem e enquanto linguagem, na produção do compositor Noel Rosa, evidenciando as características e as peculiaridades do discurso noelino, bem como as inovações introduzidas por ele no âmbito da canção popular brasileira, que resultam da conjugação de vários fatores: musical, temático, linguístico e poético. Contextualiza a figura do malandro, que vivencia significantes modificações entre o final do século XIX e as primeiras três décadas do século XX, trazendo a discussão até o período de Noel e de Getúlio Vargas. Sob a luz da temática do malandro e da malandragem, atenta para um panorama histórico, social, político e cultural do período estudado, observando a relação multifacetada de Noel Rosa com o malandro e a malandragem. Diz respeito a uma mudança de perspectiva que Noel, cronista da Vila Isabel, propôs sobre a visão do malandro: ele percebeu que em uma sociedade em fase de grandes transformações assim como era o Rio de Janeiro daquela época a imagem do malandro de navalha no bolso, ligada ao mundo do samba, podia representar um perigo para o progresso da carreira artística dos novos compositores

Books on the topic "Nohl":


Ciriello, Giovanni. Vita ed esperienza morale in Herman Nohl. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2005.

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Klimáček, Viliam. Noha k nohe. Bratislava: Hevi, 1996.

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Proll, Hans. Die Fröbel-Rezeption in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Pädagogik: (Nohl, Petersen, Spranger, E. Hoffmann). Bochum: Schallwig, 1988.

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Maier, Robert E. Pädagogik des Dialogs: Ein historisch-systematischer Beitrag zur Klärung des pädagogischen Verhältnisses bei Nohl, Buber, Rosenzweig und Grisebach. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1992.

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Nohl, Herman. Ein Landsturmmann im Himmel: Flandern und der Erste Weltkrieg in den Briefen von Herman Nohl an seine Frau. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitatsverlag, 2005.

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Thöny, Giosua. Philosophie und Pädagogik bei Wilhelm Dilthey und Herman Nohl: Eine geisteswissenschaftliche Studie als historisch-systematische, komparative Problem-, Wirkungs- und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Bern: P. Haupt, 1992.

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Wolf, Norbert. Die Bedeutung des Humors für das ästhetisch-sittliche Bewusstsein des Erziehers: Eine anthropologische Studie in Orientierung an den Schriften von H. Nohl und O.F. Bollnow. Weinheim: Beltz, 1986.

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Ortmeyer, Benjamin. Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos: Zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit, Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen. Weinheim: Beltz, 2009.

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Boily, Reina. C'est Noël, père Noël! Montréal: Beauchemin, 1985.

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Beaumont, Emilie. Noël. Paris: Éditions Fleurus, 2004.

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Book chapters on the topic "Nohl":


Dollinger, Bernd. "Herman Nohl (1879–1960)." In Klassiker der Pädagogik, 247–64. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012.

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Raithel, Jürgen, Bernd Dollinger, and Georg Hörmann. "Herman Nohl (1879–1960)." In Einführung Pädagogik, 146–52. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005.

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Klafki, Wolfgang. "Theodor Litt und Herman Nohl 1925–1960." In Pädagogisch-politische Porträts, 45–110. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Glaser, Edith. "Jugendbewegt (sozial-)pädagogisch: Herman Nohl und Wilhelm Flitner im Dialog." In Soziale Arbeit als Projekt, 131–41. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Kuhlmann, Carola. "Gender and Theory in the History of German Social Work — Alice Salomon, Herman Nohl and Christian Klumker." In History of Social Work in Europe (1900–1960), 95–104. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2003.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Noil." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 487. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Nahler, Gerhard. "NOEL." In Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 121. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Gray, Frances. "The Mask." In Noel Coward, 1–16. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1987.

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Gray, Frances. "Society’s Hero." In Noel Coward, 17–47. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1987.

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Gray, Frances. "Consider the Audience …" In Noel Coward, 48–81. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1987.

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Conference papers on the topic "Nohl":


Zhou, Penghao, Chong Zhou, Pai Peng, Junlong Du, Xing Sun, Xiaowei Guo, and Feiyue Huang. "NOH-NMS." In MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.

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Burns, Kevin. "Noel Davis-Father of the Naval Air Reserve." In 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008.

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Iwata, Yoshimi. "Phylogenetic Approach for Estimating Noh Archetypes." In 2011 Second International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture Computing). IEEE, 2011.

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Moritsu, Toshiyuki. "Noh mask-application of image-based rendering." In ACM SIGGRAPH 98 Electronic art and animation catalog. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1998.

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Yin, Xin, Yasuo Miichi, and Hiromi T. Tanaka. "Digital Restoration of Color in Noh Mask." In TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference. IEEE, 2006.

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Wu, Yufei. "Analysis of Mask Art in Japanese Noh." In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Yoshinaga, Ikuyo, and Jiangping Kong. "Voice production mechanisms of vibrato in Noh." In Interspeech 2012. ISCA: ISCA, 2012.

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Ogai, A., C. X. W. Qian, L. Iwata, and H. Reisler. "State-selective photodissociation dynamics of NOCl: Scalar and vector properties." In ADVANCES IN LASER SCIENCE−IV. AIP, 1989.

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Schwach, Dale, and Y. B. Guo. "An Acoustic Emission In-Situ Measuring System for the Investigation of White Layer Effect on Rolling Contact Fatigue." In ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2004.

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Hard turning has begun to compete with grinding in manufacturing various mechanical components because of the significant potential technical and economical benefits for improving fatigue life. However under certain cutting conditions, a phase-transformed white layer (WL) may form on the machined surface that could drastically affect a component’s service life. The presence of WL causes great concerns in machining industry just because the WL effects on component performance such as fatigue life are yet to be understood. Therefore the significant benefits of hard turning would not be realized fully unless this issue is solved. A novel real-time acoustic emission (AE) based rolling contact fatigue (RCF) testing system was presented to study the WL effects on component life. AISI 52100 bearing steels were machined to generate two distinct surfaces: free of white layer (NOWL) and with WL. The real life loading of contact pressures and rolling speeds was applied to the test specimens. The applied load throughout the experiment was in-process monitored using a load cell which enabling the record of a Hertzian pressure history during rolling contact. It was found that the RCF testing system is simple and inexpensive, but very sensitive to fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Compared with AE count rate, AE parameters such as energy, RMS, and amplitude are more sensitive to fatigue crack initiation and propagation in rolling contact. The NOWL samples are more resistive to fatigue crack initiation/propagation and therefore have a longer life when compared to the WL samples with equivalent surface finish. The WL samples have shorter life or at most comparable with the NOWL samples with relative rough surface finish.

Kovalsky, Keith, and Patrick Warren Kelly. "Advances in Tight Gas Completions Noel Tight Gas Project. Bp Canada." In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2008.

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Reports on the topic "Nohl":


Nishiyama, Jitsuya. Confronting Noh Demons: Zeami's Demon Pacifying Noh and Nobumitsu's Demon Killing Noh. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Rogers, N., C. R. van Staal, P. Valverde-Vaquero, G. C. Squires, J. Pollock, and V. J. McNicoll. Geology, Noel Paul's Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2005.

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Taylor, R. B., D. Frobel, D. L. Forbes, and D. Mercer. Impacts of Post-tropical Storm Noel (November, 2007) on the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2008.

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Taylor, R. B., D. Frobel, D. L. Forbes, and D. Mercer. Impacts of Post-tropical Storm Noel (November, 2007) on the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2008.

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Axford, R. A. Solutions of the Noh Problem for Various Equations of State Using Lie Groups. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1998.

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Giron, Jesse Frank, Scott D. Ramsey, and Roy S. Baty. Scale Invariance of the Homentropic Inviscid Euler Equations with Application to the Noh Problem. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2020.

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Paige, Jennifer Nicole. Using Differential Forms to Find Symmetries in the Noh Problem for an Ideal Gas in a Spherical System. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2020.

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Hermeston, Mark W. Supplement Analysis for the Transmission System Vegetation Management Program FEIS (DOE/EIS-0285/SA-95) Chehalis-Olympia No.l and Chehalis-Centralia No. 2. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2002.

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Aeromagnetic total field map, Noel Paul's Brook, Newfoundland. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.

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Aeromagnetic vertical gradient map, Noel Paul's Brook, Newfoundland. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

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