Academic literature on the topic 'Nora Helmer'

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Journal articles on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Roach, Joseph. "Gossip Girls: Lady Teazle, Nora Helmer, and Invisible-Hand Drama." Modern Drama 53, no. 3 (September 2010): 297–310.

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Azam, Azmi. "Hester Prynne and Nora Helmer: Two extraordinary women representatives in English Literature." IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 19, no. 4 (2014): 94–97.

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Urban, David V. "Nora’s Ironic Longing for Christlike Love: Self-Sacrifice, Self-Love, and the “Religion of Torvald” in Ibsen’s A Doll House." Religions 11, no. 7 (June 28, 2020): 318.

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This essay argues that in Ibsen’s A Doll House, both Nora and her husband, Torvald Helmer, exhibit a “religion of Torvald” characterized by their respective devotion to Torvald himself. However, while Torvald’s devotion to himself is characterized by self-love and self-centeredness, Nora’s “religion of Torvald” is based on her expectation that Torvald will exhibit the Christlike office of bearing Nora’s sins by proclaiming himself guilty of her crime of forgery, thus rendering her blameless. After Torvald shatters Nora’s expectations by reacting with abuse and cowardice to the news of Nora’s forgery and Krogstad’s consequent blackmail, Nora loses her previous faith in Torvald and instead exhibits a preoccupation with her own self that, ironically enough, imitates the self-love of the “religion of Torvald” that Torvald has practiced all along.

Azam, Azmi. "Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: A Feminist concern in English Literature." Journal of English Language and Literature 1, no. 1 (February 28, 2014): 13–17.

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Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is a very controversial work of literature as it provokes the concept of new women and feminism. Nora’s leaving the household for the name of self-respect is widely debated and has been marked as the first mutinous effort of female individuals against male chauvinist mentalities. The article aims to explore Nora’s mentality and the discussion of critics regarding female liberty. It also sets to find out whether Nora’s decision is acceptable under the social conventionality or her boldness throws her into more devastating situations. Textual references are given with the statements of other critics. A short comparative discussion is also presented to elucidate the concept of feminism and Ibsen’s attitude towards womanhood.

Azam, Azmi. "Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: A Feminist concerns in English Literature." Journal of English Language and Literature 1, no. 1 (March 19, 2014): 13.

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Shout, John. "From Nora Helmer to Wendy Darling: If You Believe in Heroines, Clap Your Hands." Modern Drama 35, no. 3 (September 1992): 353–64.

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Akter, Saima. "Re-reading Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: A Modern Feminist Perspective." International Journal of English and Comparative Literary Studies 2, no. 3 (April 22, 2021): 79–87.

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This article aims to present a re-reading of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House from a feminist perspective. Ibsen’s play is a pioneering feminist play, and he is credited for creating the first real feminist character in the history of theatre. The central female characters are analyzed, and the article also addresses the attitude of society towards women and how they struggle to prove themselves. Feminist literary criticism and feminism constitute the conceptual framework of the paper. In this play, Nora Helmer is under the illusion that her married life is perfect and that she owns what she deserves. Torvald, her husband calls her a ‘twittering lark’, ‘squirrel’, ‘song-bird’, and she is pleased with it. However, her illusion shatters when she faces the reality of finding herself being treated like a doll. As soon as she realizes that there exists an individual self of her, she revolts. She leaves the house, challenging the social institutions which contribute to women’s subjugation. Nora protests against the ill-treatment towards her by society for her willingness to get her right back, for her self-respect, and for finding herself.

Haque, Salma. "Strained Marriage Relationships in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers: A Critical Analysis." SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH 8, no. 1 (January 10, 2020): 22.

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Strained marriage is a traumatic experience which is influenced by complex social, financial, cultural and psychological factors. For this study two European literary couples Nora-Helmer and Gertrude-Mr. Morel from Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers are taken and their problems get visible for real life couples to see. This paper is mainly related to the fact that many issues regarding strained marriage are still under-researched. This study attempts to go into the depth of this global issue by providing information through critical textual analysis. In nature, it is an explanatory as well as exploratory research. A qualitative approach will be employed to know about the causes of strained marriage relationship and its consequences on the couples and families.

Rahman, Izza Amalia, Mutmainnah Mustofa, Irfan Susiyana Putra, and Abdul Moueed. "Teaching Literature in A Doll’s House Drama." INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa 8, no. 1 (May 6, 2021): 73–82.

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In education, teaching literature is an essential way to strengthen students’ character building. A kind of literature to teach character building is drama. Drama is literary work that contains so many characters. It can be used as a tool for character development to students who have been taught with literature. This article aims to discuss the characters of Nora Helmer (a woman lived in Victorian era when women had powerlessness) in A Doll’s House Drama written by Henrik Ibsen. The method used is descriptive qualitative. It concentrated on providing explanation in the form of description about Nora Helmer’s characters that could be taught as students’ character building. The analysis of Nora’s characters results several findings. Woman’s figure represented by Nora’s characters are loyal, love and compassion; obedient; care and helpful; patience and spirited; responsible; brave. The findings show that a woman at that time even though she had a lot of difficulties, she tried to solve the problem, she tried to be the best for her husband and family. But when she was disrespected, she had to be brave to uphold her dignity. This article expects the students can increase their good characters, competence, conscience, and compassion in learning language.

Pour, Fatemeh Karim, and Modgan Abshavi. "Investigating the Concept of Absurdity in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen: A Critical Study." International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 4, no. 10 (October 29, 2021): 46–52.

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This study aimed at investigating the concept of absurdity in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House is the primary source in the present study. The data that is applied in this paper belongs to library studies and research since the focus is on or literary works and materials. The results showed that miscommunication is one of the themes of absurdity, which was identified in the present play. There is a master-slave relationship, one of the themes of absurdism, between Nora and Helmer, which can be traced in the play. Materialism is also portrayed in the play as one of the themes of absurdism. The relationships between characters are based on profit. Telling lies, which can be a sign of absurdism, is shown in the play.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Hansson, Ylva. "A doll’s world : Nora ur olika kulturella perspektiv." Thesis, Stockholms konstnärliga högskola, Institutionen för scenkonst, 2021.

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This master’s thesis discusses who Nora Helmer could be today in different parts of the world. With an idea for an modern adaptation of A doll house (with three Noras from different cultural perspectives) as a starting point the purpose is to research the following questions: Who Nora could be today, how Nora could be portrayed through different cultural perspectives, what similarities and differences there are, if anything in the play has to be changed to relate to a contemporary context and what the essence of Nora is. These questions are being explored through in-depth interviews with five different female actors in different continents: North America, Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe. The actors thoughts are presented through different themes: Who Nora is, motherhood and marriage, Nora’s favourite color, the ideal woman and who Nora could be in their context today. The last part discusses the different versions of Nora, how a classical play can open up for conversations about current gender equality issues and how this material can be used in the continued work towards a stage production.

Wahler, Hellen Nora Rebekka [Verfasser]. "Vaskuläre Neurochirurgie - Intraoperative Angiographie im Hybrid-Operationssaal - Nutzen, Risiko und Aufwand basierend auf einer Workflow-Analyse / Hellen Nora Rebekka Wahler." Ulm : Universität Ulm, 2019.

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Khatir, Amar. "Structuration et déformation progressive au front de l'allochtone ardennais (Nord de la France)." Lille 1, 1990.

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Le trait dominant de la zone externe septentrionale de l'orogène varisque est le chevauchement majeur qui va du Sud de l'Irlande jusqu'en Allemagne. Il est appelé dans le Nord de la France faille du midi. De part et d'autre de ce grand accident les structures tectoniques issues du raccourcissement varisque sont influencées par les structures synsédimentaires, et dépendent donc de leur position paléogéographique. Sous l'effet de la contrainte régionale, l'empreinte tectonique s'illustre par plusieurs générations d'événements qui, à toutes les échelles, se succèdent dans le temps sans nécessiter le fractionnement de la déformation en phases tectoniques distinctes. La molasse silésienne du Parautochtone Brabançon, étudiée en Artois, comme la couverture dévono-carbonifère de l'Allochtone Ardennais, étudiée en Avesnois, montrent comment s'enchaînent les différents stades de la déformation. Des plis passent latéralement à des décollements, qui sont repris ou cisaillent ces plis. Ces exemples illustrent la notion de déformation continue et progressive. Il en résulte qu'à l'échelle régionale, la déformation est diachronique : plus ancienne au Sud qu'au Nord. Sur les domaines étudiés ici, comme sur la transversale de la Meuse étudiée par ailleurs, cette déformation est de type coaxial. En conséquence, il devient possible de proposer que le raccourcissement régional s'est effectué, dans la zone externe septentrionale de l'orogène varisque, du SSE vers le NNW.

Palaude, Stéphane. "Verreries noires d'Avesnois-Thiérache, XIXe-XXe siècles." Lille 3, 2009.

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Aux confins des départements du Nord et de l'Aisne se trouve une zone géographique singulière : l'Avesnois-Thiérache. Cette région a un riche passé dans le domaine de l'industrie du verre, plus spécialement dans celui de la bouteillerie. Celle-ci s'est développée en fournissant en bouteilles vides le marché des vins de Champagne, de 1773 jusque 1958. Sont abordés tous les aspects constituants du sujet : culture verrière, histoire des techniques et des procédés du produit, histoire commerciale, prosopographie des dirigeants, histoire sociale, histoire des crises conjoncturelles et économiques. Deux grandes périodes se dessinent : des origines à la fin des années 1860, et de 1868, année de mise en service de la ligne de chemin de fer desservant la contrée, à 1958, année de fermeture de la dernière verrerie à bouteilles, dite noire à cause de la coloration verte foncée du matériau, de Fourmies
From 1773 to 1958, black glassworkers produce some Champagne bottles in Avesnois-Thiérache (North of France). There are two periods : from the origins to the end of 1860's, and from 1868, when railway open this land to world trade, to 1958, when the last glass bottle factory stop definitively activities. A lot of subjects are developed : process, trade, social history and economical crises

Moulouel, Hakim. "Caractérisation cartographique d'une différenciation verticale et horizontale de la déformation : application à la couverture sédimentaire de la plate-forme ardennaise." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008.

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La terminaison occidentale du Massif Ardennais expose largement, dans le Nord de la France la déformation varisque. Elle montre des structures plissées-faillées affectant des roches sédimentaires non métamorphiques à épi métamorphiques datées Dévonien à Carbonifère. Une image plus précise de la géométrie profonde du Front Nord Varisque est fournie par la ré-interprétation du profil sismique M146. Le trait majeur est l'existence d'un chevauchement basal d'échelle crustale, faiblement penté vers le Sud, dont l'émergence correspond à la zone faillée du Midi. Cette dernière limite au Nord l'Allochtone Ardennais chevauchant le Bassin Houiller namuro-westphalien et son substratum brabançon. Le chevauchement basal Ardennais accommode un déplacement vers le NNW dont une part importante s'est faite au cours d'un événement en hors-séquence. Au Sud de la zone faillée du Midi, l'Avesnois exhibe des structures plissées-faillées de second ordre globalement à vergence nord orientées ENE-WSW. Ces structures affectent une série lithologiquement très hétérogène. Les contrastes rhéologiques induits contrôlent fortement le style de déformation. Une nouvelle étude cartographique a permis de préciser la géométrie et la cinématique de déformation. Elle précise (1) que le niveau épais incompétent du Famennien a joué le rôle d'un décollement diffus découplant le Dévonien moyen et le Dinantien, (2) que le modèle géométrique de plissement démontré à l'aplomb de discontinuités synsédimentaires précoces, correspond au type « pli disharmonique ». Le plissement dans les unités post-Famennien Inférieur se fait par rotation des flancs autour de charnières fixes. Pour le Famennien Inférieur, le raccourcissement est accommodé par la présence de plusieurs charnières de plis d'ordre élevé dans les zones charnières de plis d'ordre inférieur et par fluage, (3) que les structures ont été re-déformées tardivement par une onde de déformation à vergence sud, soulignant le blocage global de l'allochtonie sur l'avant pays brabançon
The Western Ardennes Paleozoic massif forms the primordial exposure of the Variscan deformation front in Northern France. It includes folded and thrusted units composed of non metamorphic to epi-metamorphic rocks of mostly Devonian-Carboniferous age. Along a Western Ardennes transect imaged by the M146 seismic profile, the thrust front is characterized by a major crustal scale south-dipping thrust zone whose emergence corresponds to the c1assical "Midi" thrust zone. The latter induces the thrusting of the Ardennes-Avesnois fold-and-thrust belt onto the dismembered molassic Namurian-Westphalian coal-bearing foreland basin and its Brabant-type substratum. The main Ardennes basal thrust accommodates a significant part of the motion occuring during a late out-ofsequence event. South of this main thrust, Avesnois area display second order thrust-related folds with a general ENE-WSW trend and a NNW vergence. These structures involve a strongly heterogeneous Iithological sequence. The induced rheological contrasts strongly control the deformation style. New cartographic and structural studies, mainly carried out in the Famennian sequences, allowed us to precise the geometry and kinematics of the fold-thrust structures. As a whole, these data indicate (1) that the thick Incompetent Famennian layers acted as a distributed complex décollement-zone decoupling shortening between the Mid-Devonian and Dinantian layers, (2) that the geometrical folding model demonstrated above early synsedimentary discontinuities corresponds to disharmonic fold types. the folding in the post-Lower Famennian levels occurred by flank rotation around fixed hinge zones. For the lower-Famennian incompetent levels, shortening is accommodated by the presence of several fold hinges in folds hinge zone and by buckling. (3) that the foreland-directed thrust related folds were lately deformed by backwards thrusting, highlighting the overall difficulty of the forward propagation of the thrust front onto the Brabant foreland

Delcourte, Debarre Marie. "Espaces forestiers et sociétés en Avesnois (XIVe - début du XVIIIe siècle) : étude du paysage." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2016.

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La forêt n’est pas un espace naturel comme nous l’avons longtemps pensé. En utilisant l’ensemble des services que lui offre la forêt, l’homme influence la dynamique des espaces forestiers. L’objectif de cette thèse, s’inscrivant dans le champ de l’histoire de l’environnement, est d’analyser, dans le temps long, les interrelations entre paysages et sociétés riveraines, d’identifier les ruptures et continuités paysagères qui ont jalonné l’histoire forestière de l’Avesnois pour aboutir à ce que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. Cette recherche a été menée dans le cadre d’un contrat Cifre participant au Plan Forêt Régional - dont l’objectif est de doubler la superficie boisée sur l’ensemble du territoire d’ici une vingtaine d’années- et au Schéma Régional de Cohérence Ecologique Trames Vertes et Bleues. Ce dispositif en Sciences humaines et plus particulièrement en Histoire étant rare, il a fallu construire une démarche au carrefour de la démarche fondamentale et la démarche appliquée. Car non seulement il s’agissait d’analyser les modalités des actions humaines et leurs impacts sur les espaces forestiers mais il fallait plus particulièrement répondre à une demande des acteurs du monde forestier actuel conditionnant ainsi certaines problématiques scientifiques. Essentiel à la compréhension des interactions entre l’homme et son milieu, l’emboîtement des échelles spatio-temporelles constitue le cœur de cette recherche. La prise en considération de l’importance des emboîtements des échelles d’analyses, impliquant un croisement de sources de nature variée, ont conduit à une réflexion sur les outils et les méthodes à employer pour répondre aux questionnements initiaux. Tout en composant avec les limites des sources qu’il étudie, l’historien offre un recul sur les processus spatio-temporels qui ont fabriqué le paysage forestier d’aujourd’hui. Cette distanciation est nécessaire pour mener à bien les politiques environnementales actuelles : préserver un paysage, sa biodiversité doit nécessairement interroger le temps
The forest is not a space natural as we thought of it for a long time. By using all the services which offers him the forest, the man influences the dynamics of the forest spaces. Our objective is to analyse, in the long time, the relations between landscapes and societies, to reveal the weight of the silvicultural inheritances in the contemporary sylvo-systems, to identify the breaks and the continuities of the landscape which marked out the forest history of the Avesnois, to end what we know today. This research was led within the framework of a Cifre contract participating in the Plan Forest Regional – the objectif of which is to double the surface afforested on the whole territory- and in the Regional Plan of Ecological Coherence Green and blue Wefts. This Cifre contract in Human sciences and more particularly in History being rare, it was necessary to build an approach in the crossroads of the fundamental approach and the applied approach. Because not only it was a question of analyzing the modalities of the human actions and their impacts on the forest spaces but it was more particularly necessary to answer a demand of the actors of the current forest world, conditioning certain scientific problems. The main part in the understanding of the interactions between the man and its environnement, the crossing of the spatiotemporal scales establishes the heart of this research. The taking into consideration of the importance of the crossings of the scales of analyse, implying a crossing of sources of varied nature, led to a reflection on tools and methods to use to answer the initial questionings. While composing with the limits of the sources which he studies, the historian offers a backward movement on the spatiotemporal processes which made the forest landscape of today. This distance is necessary to bring to a successful conclusion the current environmental policies : to protect a landscape, its biodiversity, it is inevitable to resort to the past

Lin, Chia-Hui, and 林嘉慧. "To the investigation of the translation problems of the children''s picture books from the perspective of functional translation of Christiane Nord - at the example of the works of Helme Heine." Thesis, 2010.

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Children’s picture books in Taiwan are mostly the Chinese transla-tion of famous foreign children literature. This thesis focuses on the Chinese translation of children literature. In other words, this re-search investigates the translation problems of children’s books. This thesis looks into the Chinese translation of Helme Heine, who is a famous German writer and painter, from the perspective of Christiane Nord. Nord’s theory is concerned with translation func-tions, translation typology and faithfulness (Funktionsgerechtigkeit + Loyalität), which are employed to examine whether the function of the source text is similar to that of the target text. In addition, this research also adapts the concepts of foreignization and domestica-tion to explore how the translator deals with cultural differences in the translation.

Books on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Koebner, Thomas, ed. Kindheiten. edition text + kritik im Richard Boorberg Verlag, 2013.

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Voller Empathie widmen sich literarische und filmische Erzählungen wie "Oliver Twist", "Pans Labyrinth" oder "Tarzan" gefährdeten Kindheiten. Sie nehmen das Publikum mit ins Innenleben der "kleinen Helden" und lassen es den Schiffbruch dieser Existenzen miterleben oder beschreiben mit dem Gedanken an "poetische Gerechtigkeit", die Rettung der Opfer und deren Rückkehr in ein "funktionierendes Gemeinwesen". Der neue Band der Reihe versammelt Studien und Essays, die zu einer vorläufigen Anthropologie von Kindheiten als eigenständige Existenzform beitragen, die von der Gesellschaft in jeweils verschiedenen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Orten als "andersartig" an den Rand gedrängt, sogar zur feindlichen Opposition der bestehenden Norm erklärt wird. Filmische und literarische Arbeiten lassen aus einem anderen Blickwinkel erkennen, dass diese Kinder gebrandmarkt, verschmäht und "hinausgeworfen" worden sind, oftmals beschrieben als "Gezeichnete" von feingliedriger und kleiner Statur, noch weichen Gesichtszügen, mit desillusionierenden Erfahrungen und meist kompensatorischen Hoffnungen, die nicht alle in den verbreiteten Traumfiktionen vorgegeben sind.

Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Abbas, Roger Helde, and Elisabeth Suzen, eds. Supplemental Instruction. Volume 1: Digital Technologies. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2021.

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Supplemental Instruction is a program designed to support students in their learning process. The program consists of advanced students supervising new students, where the purpose is to improve students' performance and reduce the risk of interruption of studies. Supplemental Instruction was established almost 50 years ago and is used today in universities around the world. This book is about the role, use and place of digital technologies in supplemental Instruction, which includes why we need Supplemental Instruction, teacher’s integration of technology experience with lecture capture and more. The book is aimed at anyone who is concerned about study quality in higher education. The contributors are researchers and lecturers at various universities from several countries. This book is the first of a trilogy on Supplemental Instruction, where the themes for the other books are " Student Learning Processes" and “Organization and Leadership”. The editors of the trilogy are Abbas Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Roger Helde and Elisabeth Suzen, all three Associate Professors at Nord University, Norway.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, and Karina Vamling, eds. Vi såg sammanbrottet : Svenska och danska forskares berättelser från Kaukasus under Sovjetväldets sista år. Caucasus Studies vol. 8. Malmö universitet, 2021.

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I antologin “Vi såg sammanbrottet” berättar en grupp svenska och danska forskare om sina erfarenheter från resor, studiebesök och fältarbete i Kaukasusområdet under Sovjetväldets sista decennium och sammanbrott. Kaukasus var, liksom Baltikum, ett utkantsområde i Sovjet­unionen, men just dessa två skulle få stor betydelse i den reformprocess som Gorbatjov påbörjade 1985 och som sex år senare resulterade i sovjetstatens upplösning. I sina bidrag berättar författarna om de nya självständighetsrörelserna i Kaukasus och ökade spänningar med Moskva, om hur de sovjetiska strukturerna på olika nivåer bröts ned och nationella kulturer fick ökad betydelse. De skildrar hur förmoderna traditioner fortfarande spelar roll trots sovjetisk modernisering, beskriver kulturella särdrag och likheter och iakttar även fördjupade etniska motsättningar. Artiklarna är baserade på material insamlat under resor och fältarbeten i både södra och norra Kaukasus. Medverkande är statsvetaren Ib Faurby, kulturgeografen Lars Funch Hansen, minoritets­forskaren Helen Krag, slavisten Märta-Lisa Magnusson, historikern och iranologen Søren Theisen och lingvisten Karina Vamling.

Bebbington, Anthony, Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Marja Hinfelaar, Cynthia A. Sanborn, Jessica Achberger, Celina Grisi Huber, Verónica Hurtado, Tania Ramírez, and Scott D. Odell. Conclusions. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter synthesizes findings from Bolivia, Ghana, Peru, and Zambia. It concludes that political settlements influence the relationships between resource-dependent economies and patterns of social inclusion. However, neither authoritarian, dominant leader forms of politics, nor competitive democratic politics has fostered significant economic diversification or reduced levels of resource dependence. The extractive economy does, however, influence the dynamics of national political settlements. The rents that resource extraction makes possible, and the high cost of engaging in extractive industries, induce asymmetries and create incentives for political exclusion. Colonial and post-colonial histories of resource extraction give political valence to ideas that have helped mobilize actors who have challenged relations of power and institutional arrangements. The materiality of subsoil resources has direct implications for subnational forms of holding power that can influence resource access and control. Mineral and hydrocarbon economies bring both transnational and local political actors into the constitution of national political settlements.

England, Samuel. Medieval Empires and the Culture of Competition. Edinburgh University Press, 2017.

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Medieval Empires and the Culture of Competition shows how the interactive, confrontational practice of courtly arts helped shape imperial thought in the Middle Ages. Its analysis covers Classical Arabic poetry and official prose, Spanish court documents, Galician Portuguese lyric, and Italian narrative works. The historical span is 950-1350 CE. Scholars of premodern cultures have struggled to reconcile the political violence of the late Middle Ages with the cosmopolitanism of that era’s Islamic and Christian empires. This book argues that medieval thinkers’ most pressing cultural challenge was neither to demonize the foreign, “heathen” other, nor to reverse that trend with an ethos of tolerance. Instead it was to make the court appear as robust as possible in the face of major demographic change and regional war. The ritual of artistic contest allowed elites to come to terms with religious and ethnic groups’ rival claims to legitimacy, and to subsume those claims into an overarching courtly ideal.

Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Abbas, Roger Helde, and Elisabeth Suzen, eds. Supplemental Instruction. Volume 2: Student Learning Processes. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2021.

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Supplemental Instruction is a program designed to support students in their learning process. The program consists of advanced students supervising new students, where the purpose is to improve students’ performance and reduce the risk of interruption of studies. Supplemental Instruction was established almost 50 years ago and is used today in universities around the world. This book is about student learning processes and Supplemental Instruction, which includes everything from learning activities in SI to developing guidance skills of leaders and more. The book also deals with a comparison of Supplemental Instruction with other group-oriented learning activities, and practical aspects of the programme. The book is aimed at anyone who is concerned about study quality in higher education. The contributors are researchers and lecturers at various universities from several countries. The book is part of a trilogy on Supplemental Instruction, where the themes for the other books are “Digital Technologies” and “Organisation and Leadership”. The editors of the trilogy are Abbas Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Roger Helde and Elisabeth Suzen, all three Associate Professors at Nord University, Norway.

Warfield, Patrick. Making the Sousa Band. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter details the making of the Sousa Band. When the modern Marine Band makes its annual tours, it travels as a representative of the Marine Corps, but their 1891 outing was to be a commercial enterprise. Every bandsman was granted leave from the military and then personally contracted to former Minnesota secretary of state David Blakely. As a result, from April 1 to May 3, 1891, the band functioned as a civilian ensemble. Performances would not be free, nor would they be spread evenly across the country. Venues were instead selected on the basis of the band's likely draw, and ticket prices were negotiated with local managers. This was to be a commercial enterprise with David Blakely at the helm.

Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Abbas, Roger Helde, and Elisabeth Suzen, eds. Supplemental Instruction. Volume 3: Organisation and Leadership. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2021.

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Supplemental Instruction is a program designed to support students in their learning process. The program consists of advanced students supervising new students, where the purpose is to improve students’ performance and reduce the risk of interruption of studies. Supplemental Instruction was established almost 50 years ago and is used today in universities around the world. This book examines different aspects of SI in organizations and leadership, including surveys of Supplemental Instruction programs in Europe, how SI sessions should be organized, the degree to which SI improves retention rates and exam results, SI and learning leadership and leadership development, benefits of being a member of an SI team and employability, SI implementation in healthcare education and virtual students’ attitudes towards SI online. The book is aimed at anyone who is concerned about study quality in higher education. The contributors are researchers and lecturers at various universities from several countries. The book is part of a trilogy on Supplemental Instruction, where the themes for the other books are “Digital Technologies” and “Student Learning Processes”. The editors of the trilogy are Abbas Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Roger Helde and Elisabeth Suzen, all three Associate Professors at Nord University, Norway.

Feldmann, Doug, and Mike Ditka. A View from Two Benches. Cornell University Press, 2020.

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Bob Thomas got his start in football at the University of Notre Dame, kicking for the famed “Fighting Irish” in the early 1970s. Claimed off waivers by the Chicago Bears in 1975, Thomas helped to take the franchise from their darkest days to their brightest. Yet, on the cusp of the team's greatest moment, he was struck with a shocking blow that challenged his fortitude. This dramatic retelling of Bob Thomas's fascinating life, shows how neither football nor the law was part of Thomas's dreams while growing up the son of Italian immigrants in Rochester, New York, in the 1960s. Chasing excellence on both the gridiron and in the courtroom, however, would require resilience in ways he could not have imagined. As the book shows us, Bob Thomas reached the top of two separate and distinct professions, guided by a bedrock of faith that has impacted his decisions and actions as both a football player and a judge, helping him navigate the peaks and valleys of life. As the book reveals, Bob Thomas has always stayed true to the values he learned in his earliest days. The book shows us that determination and resilience go a long way to a successful and impactful life.

Jahner, Jennifer. Literature and Law in the Era of Magna Carta. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Literature and Law in the Era of Magna Carta traces the fortunes of literary training and experimentation across the early history of the English common law, from its beginnings in the reign of Henry II to its tumultuous consolidations under the reigns of John and Henry III. The period from the mid-twelfth through the thirteenth centuries witnessed an outpouring of innovative legal writing in England, from Magna Carta to the scores of statute books that preserved its provisions. An era of civil war and imperial fracture, it also proved a time of intensive self-definition, as communities both lay and ecclesiastic used law to articulate collective identities. Literature and Law in the Era of Magna Carta uncovers the role that grammatical and rhetorical training played in shaping these arguments for legal self-definition. Beginning with Thomas Becket, the book interweaves the histories of literary pedagogy and English law, showing how foundational lessons in poetics helped generate both a language and theory of corporate autonomy. Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s phenomenally popular Latin compositional handbook, the Poetria nova, finds its place against the diplomatic backdrop of the English Interdict, while Robert Grosseteste’s Anglo-French devotional poem, the Château d’Amour, is situated within the landscape of property law and Jewish-Christian interactions. Exploring a shared vocabulary across legal and grammatical fields, this book argues that poetic habits of thought proved central to constructing the narratives that medieval law tells about itself and that later scholars tell about the origins of English constitutionalism.

Book chapters on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Mückenberger, Ulrich. "A Quest for Equity: Labour Standards on the Transnational Move." In International Impacts on Social Policy, 463–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThrough the presentation and discussion of some data from the current legal–empirical research of our Collaborative Research Center (CRC) research project “Worlds of Labour”, it is shown that we are in the midst of a worldwide labour regulation development in transition from patriarchal to gender-egalitarian rules. Equal rights’ drivers in the gender field encompass actors representing states/international organisations (IOs) setting equalising rules and social actors raising voice for equal rights. To the latter belong, nationally and globally, workers and workers’ organisations and actors not directly involved as social partners, trying to intervene into employment affairs in order to trigger equality. Epistemic communities, transnational advocacy and norm-building networks, international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and the like collaborate with norm-building states and IOs (“women caucuses”) propagating egalitarian rules. This multiplicity of example setters and emulators helped equality values gain momentum, worldwide.

Roach, Joseph. "1. Gossip Girls: Lady Teazle, Nora Helmer, and Invisible-Hand Drama." In Reading Modern Drama, edited by Alan Ackerman. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.

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"4.2 RASSISCHE ZUSCHREIBUNGEN – WEIßE NORM UND NICHT-WEIßE DIVERGENZ." In Weiße Helden im Film, 251–54. transcript-Verlag, 2019.

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"4.2 RASSISCHE ZUSCHREIBUNGEN – WEIßE NORM UND NICHT-WEIßE DIVERGENZ." In Weiße Helden im Film, 251–54. transcript Verlag, 2019.

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"„. . . Den Seelen helfen“: Neues und Traditionelles in der Spiritualitat des Ignatius von Loyola und der ersten Jesuiten." In Between Creativity and Norm-Making, 103–30. BRILL, 2013.

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Fish, Stanley. "Antonin Scalia, Bernhard Schlink, and Lancelot Andrewes." In Administering Interpretation, 22–37. Fordham University Press, 2019.

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Addressing textualism in its various manifestations, this chapter argues, in critique of Schlink and Scalia, that genuine interpretation is governed by the attempt to determine the author’s intention. Examining Scalia’s divergence from this hermeneutic norm, Fish argues not only that his theory as exemplified in Heller is bad, but also that as an interpretative practice, it is evil.

Kogan, Felix N. "NOAA/AVHRR Satellite Data-Based Indices for Monitoring Agricultural Droughts." In Monitoring and Predicting Agricultural Drought. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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Operational polar-orbiting environmental satellites launched in the early 1960s were designed for daily weather monitoring around the world. In the early years, they were mostly applied for cloud monitoring and for advancing skills in satellite data applications. The new era was opened with the series of TIROS-N launched in 1978, which has continued until present. These satellites have such instruments as the advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) and the TIROS operational vertical sounder (TOVS), which included a microwave sounding unit (MSU), a stratospheric sounding unit (SSU), and high-resolution infrared radiation sounder/2 (HIRS/2). These instruments helped weather forecasters improve their skills. AVHRR instruments were also useful for observing and monitoring earth surface. Specific advances were achieved in understanding vegetation distribution. Since the late 1980s, experience gained in interpreting vegetation conditions from satellite images has helped develop new applications for detecting phenomenon such as drought and its impacts on agriculture. The objective of this chapter is to introduce AVHRR indices that have been useful for detecting most unusual droughts in the world during 1990–2000, a decade identified by the United Nations as the International Decade for Natural Disasters Reduction. Radiances measured by the AVHRR instrument onboard National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar-orbiting satellites can be used to monitor drought conditions because of their sensitivity to changes in leaf chlorophyll, moisture content, and thermal conditions (Gates, 1970; Myers, 1970). Over the last 20 years, these radiances were converted into indices that were used as proxies for estimating various vegetation conditions (Kogan, 1997, 2001, 2002). The indices became indispensable sources of information in the absence of in situ data, whose measurements and delivery are affected by telecommunication problems, difficult access to environmentally marginal areas, economic disturbances, and political or military conflicts. In addition, indices have advantage over in situ data in terms of better spatial and temporal coverage and faster data availability. The AVHRR-based indices used for monitoring vegetation can be divided into two groups: two-channel indices, and three-channel indices.

Cassidy Parker, Elizabeth. "Interlude." In Adolescents on Music, 151–52. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Music has always been something that I enjoy. I’m not a music prodigy, nor do I play and practice nearly as much as I should, but having something to look forward to at the end of the day helped me through some really stressful times. I started piano in second grade, which helped me to easily start percussion in fourth. However, I always felt there was more to music than what I was involved in....

Tan, See Seng. "Towards a ‘Responsibility to Provide’ (R2Provide) in Southeast Asia." In The Responsibility to Provide in Southeast Asia, 43–56. Policy Press, 2019.

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This chapter introduces the responsibility to provide (R2Provide) and furnishes a sense of the diplomatic, normative and political conditions from which the notion emerged. The policy and academic debate sparked by Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2008 and the post-crisis reconstruction effort helped shape the terms and references of the evolving sense of collective responsibility among Southeast Asian countries. What emerged was not surprising given the region’s enduring deference to the non-interference norm. Contrary to the R2P’s assumption that prospective targets of intervention bear the onus to justify to their prospective interveners why they do not deserve to be intervened against, the R2Provide places the onus instead on prospective recipients of assistance to invite or request their prospective helpers to exercise their responsibility to provide. That said, guided by Levinas’ ethics, the book goes on to contend that both recipient and provider equally share the obligation and responsibility to furnish succour, safety and security to affected populations: the recipient through her grant of consent and invitation, on one hand, the provider through her contributions of aid, assistance and the like on the other.

HELLER, Monica, and Grégoire ANDREO-RAYNAUD. "Langues et mondialisation en temps de crise." In Langue(s) en mondialisation, 249–62. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.

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Dans cette conférence-débat, M. Heller opère un retour réflexif sur les questions sur lesquelles elle a travaillé durant sa carrière et qui continuent de nourrir son travail sociolinguistique, comme les idéologies linguistiques ou la marchandisation des langues. La conférencière se penche sur les enjeux sociaux des pratiques langagières traitées comme des ressources par les locuteurs et les institutions publiques et privées. Cette contribution souhaite mettre en évidence et illustrer comment les crises périodiques du capitalisme que nous connaissons font évoluer les problématiques sociales autour des langues. Dans la deuxième partie du texte, elle aborde, au gré des questions de l'auditoire, la question des pratiques ethnographiques en ligne, des terrains de recherche actuels ainsi que la relation entre la sociolinguistique européenne et nord-américaine.

Conference papers on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Cruz, Hector L. "Common Design Deficiencies in Counterflow Cooling Towers." In ASME 2004 Power Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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One of the best methods for insuring a power plant will produce its guaranteed base load is to have an excess of circulating cold water or at least the expected guaranteed cold water temperature throughout the year. Yet, within industry today, numerous mistakes continue to be made when purchasing a cooling tower, by both the Subcontractor, and the Contractor. Only following only normal design criteria established by cooling tower Subcontractors, or an industry association, is not sufficient. Guidelines in the cooling tower industry have been established to set forth minimum standards that have helped to eliminate obvious past deficiencies. They were not established to protect the Subcontractor. Nor were they established to guarantee the Contractor receives what is thermally and mechanically necessary for a given project. Design of a cogeneration or industrial plant does not always consider the necessary requirements on a cooling tower over the range of expected operation. This type of design for a cooling tower is more complicated than the single guarantee point operational design of a power plant that is the current norm. Just as the Contractor needs to consider how to meet the thermal energy requirements over the range of expected operation of the plant, the Subcontractor of the cooling tower must do the same. Contractors must be aware that the cooling tower designer does not consider aspects that are often applicable to cogeneration plants and therefore they must include exceptions to the Subcontractors’ optimized offering in their standard cooling tower specifications. These exceptions in no way disagree with the Codes and Standards adopted by the cooling tower industry or any governing agency. This paper will address exceptions that the power plant and cooling tower designer needs to take into consideration to ensure that a reliable supply of cold water relates to the thermal duty requirements from the plant throughout the year.

García, María Luz, Ivan Agea, and María José Argente. "Integración didáctica de “apps” relacionadas con la producción animal en la docencia universitaria del Grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y Agroambiental." In IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020.

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The objective of this work is the didactic integration of apps that are used in the management of livestock farms in the Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering. The academic results indicated that the scores improved by 1.67 points when the apps were included in the teaching. In addition, a questionnaire was carried out for the student, resulting that more than 66% of the students answered "Totally agree" to the sentence "The proposed task has made it easier for me to learn the subject". This was also the response for 33% of the students to the sentences "The use of apps has helped me understand the subject" and "I would recommend the use of apps in other subjects of the subject". The answer "Neither agree nor disagree" was the answer selected by 66% of the students for the sentence "The use of apps has brought me closer to that of the livestock sector". The conclusions of this work are that the introduction of apps in teaching improves the academic performance of the student as they facilitate learning. It would be advisable to use this methodology to other subject.

James, Peter, and Michael Ford. "Further Post Test Analysis and Comparison of STYLE MU-2 Test Results." In ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Within the EU 7th framework programme, STYLE, a number of large-scale tests have been performed. One of these tests, Mock-Up 2 (MU-2), was performed on a through wall crack located at a repair weld adjacent to a multi-pass girth weld. The aim of MU-2 was to investigate ductile crack growth under conditions with significant levels of welding residual stress. Post-test analysis of these tests has been presented by different partners within the programme. This has led to some differences in the interpretation of the results and a degree of scatter in the resulting predictions. The post-test analyses performed at the different UK establishments indicated that the ductile initiation may have been influenced by the presence of the residual stress field. However, the different investigations do not provide consistent estimates of the magnitude of this effect, nor do they provide equivalent results when considering the load-deformation of the pipe. It was therefore agreed that it would be beneficial to understand the source of these differences in order to provide an improved prediction. Further post-test finite element analyses of the MU-2 test have therefore been performed to consider: 1) potential variations in material properties adopted, 2) the approach to better include the predicted residual stress field, and 3) the introduction of the defect into the stress field. This range of analyses has helped clarify the differences in the analyses performed and has provided further insight to the test results.

Francis, Krista, Michele Jacobsen, and Sharon Friesen. "The Use of Graphics to Communicate Findings of Longitudinal Data in Design-Based Research." In InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: USA. Informing Science Institute, 2015.

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Visuals and graphics have been used for communicating complex ideas since 1786 when William Playfair first invented the line graph and bar chart. Graphs and charts are useful for interpretation and making sense of data. For instance, John Snow’s scatter plot helped pinpoint the source of a cholera outbreak in London in 1854 and also changed understandings of how germs were spread. While popular in the field of information graphics, rarely are graphs beyond the bar chart found in educational research articles. When present, the graphs do not necessarily enhance the findings of the data. Nor do educational research methods textbooks promote or instruct how to create visual representations to aid with interpretation and communication of findings. This paper attempts to address this void by sharing our processes for creating meaningful visual graphs for communicating multi-dimensional statistical findings more effectively. A working hypothesis was that carefully crafted visual graphics would convey our longitudinal research findings more effectively to broader audiences than existing forms. Three visuals were constructed from survey data three-year longitudinal design based research study of teacher and student learning in a one-to-one laptop school. The study focused on learning designs that changed and improved student learning experiences and outcomes by adopting inquiry approaches to teaching that incorporate meaningful uses of technology. In field tests, our audiences found the visuals were useful for interpreting the findings. More and more frequently, academics are required to communicate their findings to broader audiences. A well-designed and well-constructed graph(ic) can provide a means for effective communication of complex, multi-dimensional statistical data. Such effective communication is beneficial for both an academic audience as well as for broader audiences. The authors presented this paper that was previously published in JITE: Research

Seiniger, P., H. Winner, and J. Gail. "Future Vehicle Stability Control Systems for Motorcycles With Focus on Accident Prevention." In ASME 2008 9th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Vehicle Stability Control systems (VSC) for four-wheeled vehicles like the electronic stability program (ESP) helped to decrease the number of traffic deaths in Germany to an all-time low over the last ten years. However, the number of people killed in powered two-wheeler accidents has been almost constant over the same period of time. Vehicle Stability Control systems for powered two-wheelers (especially motorcycles) so far include only anti-lock brakes and traction control systems, both systems are not designed to work in cornering. Further stability control systems are not known up to now. The objective of this paper is to assess the technical possibilities for future Vehicle Stability Control systems and the amount of accidents that could be prevented by those systems. From an accident analysis, all accidents not avoidable by today’s VSC Systems have been analyzed. Only accidents while cornering without braking have been determined as potentially avoidable by future technical systems (braked accidents have been counted as preventable by improved today’s systems). The accidents can be caused by insufficient friction (e.g. slippery road surface, sand, oil or to high curve speed). About 4 to 8 percent of all motorcycle accidents are of this type. The data source for accident descriptions were interviews of motorcycle experts who were able to describe their own accidents and detailed accident descriptions from an accident database. The accident types have been investigated with driving experiments and computer simulation. With a vehicle model different ways to influence the critical driving situations could be analyzed and evaluated. Experiments and simulations showed an instable roll and side-slip angular acceleration of the motorcycle during critical driving situations. The sideslip rate proved to be a robust criterion for recognizing whether a driving situation is critical. The roll movement of the vehicle cannot be influenced with reasonable means, because neither the lateral tire forces can be increased nor stabilizing gyros can be used since the necessary angular momentum is to large for a feasible package. The vehicle sideslip rate can be influenced by braking the front or the rear wheel, thus generating a yaw moment to avoid the dangerous high-side type accidents when friction changes back from low to high. The motorcycle accidents influenced by this system are only a small portion of the mentioned accidents, so as a result of this study, the potential for future vehicle dynamic control systems that help prevent non-braking cornering accidents is estimated quite low.

Izurieta, Alvaro, Alexander Albuja, Andres Brito, Wan Xuepeng, Feng Yuliang, Ivan Solis, Karina Proaño, and Nelson Ramirez. "Pillar Fracturing Production Enhancement Results for an Unconventional Calcareous Shale in Ecuador." In SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract Economical production from low-permeability oil-saturated reservoirs has always been a challenge in a basin known for its mature assets. M2 limestone is a new challenge. To characterize, it was necessary to use the methodology based on shale plays, integrating information from different logs using a proprietary evaluation method. Applying pillar fracturing, creating stable voids between pillars, and hence, infinite-conductivity channels in geomechanically competent candidates resulted in economical production and proved reserves from a low-permeability calcareous shale. Geomechanics, mineralogy, and saturated intervals were addressed by using a combination of rock mechanical properties and mineralogy, carbon/oxygen logs, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) on drilling cuttings. Once the prospective zones in the M2 limestone intervals were selected, a conventional fracturing treatment was designed using a 3-D gridded simulator. The candidate well was evaluated for pillar fracturing by using results from geomechanics and the conventional fracture application. A pumping schedule that included pillar volume, spacer, and tail in stages was then designed. Results from the fracture simulator were loaded in a numerical reservoir simulator, and different development scenarios were evaluated. M2 limestone has shown production potential near areas where volcanic intrusion is present, or indicated hydrocarbon potential by oil shows observed on cuttings and high-gas readings during drilling. The data used for this project was collected during conventional reservoir development but had never been evaluated using an unconventional reservoir approach. XRD analysis and acid solubility tests confirmed that the reservoir does not contain a high-carbonate content nor acid solubility. Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT) and minifrac analysis helped to define the size and fracturing technique to be used. Results from this work provided a better understanding of the reservoir; a development plan is needed to improve the investment return for this type of project. Geomechanical evaluation is fundamental to the application and design of pillar fracturing. This fracturing technique was selected because it used 43% less proppant than a conventional job, reduced risk of screen out, and provided higher productivity over a conventional fracturing job. This is the first time that pillar fracturing has been applied in this Ecuadorian reservoir. The production outcome proved reserves of 32°API oil and resulted in the largest fracturing job in Ecuador. Different development scenarios are proposed based on the results from this well. A complete workflow to characterize, design a hydraulic fracture job using proprietary geomechanical candidate selection criteria, and develop an unconventional calcareous shale is presented. The available data are the same as in a conventional reservoir, whereas the evaluation technique, as well as fracture design, is customized to this type of reservoir to attain economical production.

Buwauqi, Salim, Ali Al Jumah, Abdulhameed Shabibi, Ameera Harrasi, Mahmoud Abd El-Fattah, Tejas Kalyani, and Ahmed Fahmy. "Case Study: How the Newest Generation of Autonomous Inflow Control Device Helps to Control Excessive Wells Water Production within a Major Sultanate of Oman Oilfield." In Offshore Technology Conference Asia. OTC, 2022.

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Abstract The field is located in the south of Sultanate of Oman and was discovered in 1980 The field produces from sandstone reservoirs a heavy crude with high viscosity (up to 2000 cP) value that contains no appreciable solution gas. Production is supported by a bottom active water drive aquifer. An unfavourable mobility contrast between the oil and formation water results in rapid water breakthrough and a large portion of a well's reserves are produced at high water cuts. The average economic limit of wells in the field is about 98% water cut. Thus, water management plays a key role in well economics. The new horizontal producer wells target is to drain by-passed oil with only 30 ~ 80 m spacing. Injectors are at the flank and are injecting deep into the aquifer. Water breakthrough occurs at high sand permeability and once happened; water will dominate well production due to unfavourable mobility ratio. Some of the new producer wells are completed with Wire-Wrapped Screen (WWS) – Stand Alone Screen, and swellable packers to isolate higher water-saturated zones. However, most of these wells start typically with a 60% water cut (BSW) or more and rapidly reach +90%. To overcome current reservoir/production challenges; The operator has used the latest Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) Technology called Autonomous Inflow Control Valves (AICV). ICD's and previous generation Autonomous Inflow Control Devices (AICD) has shown in many cases increased oil production and higher recovery with better fluid influx balance along the well. However, neither ICD nor AICD can shut off the water production completely without well intervention. The AICV can restrict unwanted water significantly and autonomously. The AICV are based on different flow behaviour for laminar and turbulent flow that is utilized in a pilot flow to actuate a piston position to restrict unwanted fluids. The design with two parallel flow paths ensures the AICV is open for oil, and close for water autonomously. The AICV technology is based on Hagen-Poiseuille and Bernoulli's principles and is truly autonomous as it can identify the fluid flowing through it based on fluid properties such as viscosity, density and flowrate. For unwanted fluid such as water and Gas, AICV can generate enough force that will shut off the device if required. This makes it more robust than any other commercially available AICDs. AICV effect is reversible i.e. when the saturation of unwanted fluid (Sg or Sw) around the wellbore reduces, AICV will re-open for the oil production, thus draining all possible oil around the wellbore. In this paper, AICV performance will be discussed and comparative analysis with production performance of wells completed with WWS completed in the same reservoir will be presented. Based on the regular well testing and production analysis, it is evident that AICV technology has helped the operator in managing/shutting off the unwanted water production autonomously. This new AICV technology has the core application principles of ICD completions but the additional benefit of improved control/complete water shut-off without intervention; zero cost water shut-off operation and helps drain by-passed oil and thus maximizes recovery factors.

Reports on the topic "Nora Helmer":


Morrison, Mark, and Joshuah Miron. Molecular-Based Analysis of Cellulose Binding Proteins Involved with Adherence to Cellulose by Ruminococcus albus. United States Department of Agriculture, November 2000.

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At the beginning of this project, it was clear that R. albus adhered tightly to cellulose and its efficient degradation of this polysaccharide was dependent on micromolar concentrations of phenylacetic acid (PAA) and phenylpropionic acid (PPA). The objectives for our research were: i) to identify how many different kinds of cellulose binding proteins are produced by Ruminococcus albus; ii) to isolate and clone the genes encoding some of these proteins from the same bacterium; iii) to determine where these various proteins were located and; iv) quantify the relative importance of these proteins in affecting the rate and extent to which the bacterium becomes attached to cellulose. BARD support has facilitated a number of breakthroughs relevant to our fundamental understanding of the adhesion process. First, R. albus possesses multiple mechanisms for adhesion to cellulose. The P.I.'s laboratory has discovered a novel cellulose-binding protein (CbpC) that belongs to the Pil-protein family, and in particular, the type 4 fimbrial proteins. We have also obtained genetic and biochemical evidence demonstrating that, in addition to CbpC-mediated adhesion, R. albus also produces a cellulosome-like complex for adhesion. These breakthroughs resulted from the isolation (in Israel and the US) of spontaneously arising mutants of R. albus strains SY3 and 8, which were completely or partially defective in adhesion to cellulose, respectively. While the SY3 mutant strain was incapable of growth with cellulose as the sole carbon source, the strain 8 mutants showed varying abilities to degrade and grow with cellulose. Biochemical and gene cloning experiments have been used in Israel and the US, respectively, to identify what are believed to be key components of a cellulosome. This combination of cellulose adhesion mechanisms has not been identified previously in any bacterium. Second, differential display, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (DD RT-PCR) has been developed for use with R. albus. A major limitation to cellulose research has been the intractability of cellulolytic bacteria to genetic manipulation by techniques such as transposon mutagenesis and gene displacement. The P.I.'s successfully developed DD RT- PCR, which expanded the scope of our research beyond the original objectives of the project, and a subset of the transcripts conditionally expressed in response to PAA and PPA have been identified and characterized. Third, proteins immunochemically related to the CbpC protein of R. albus 8 are present in other R. albus strains and F. intestinalis, Western immunoblots have been used to examine additional strains of R. albus, as well as other cellulolytic bacteria of ruminant origin, for production of proteins immunochemically related to the CbpC protein. The results of these experiments showed that R. albus strains SY3, 7 and B199 all possess a protein of ~25 kDa which cross-reacts with polyclonal anti-CbpC antiserum. Several strains of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, Ruminococcus flavefaciens strains C- 94 and FD-1, and Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 produced no proteins that cross-react with the same antiserum. Surprisingly though, F. intestinalis strain DR7 does possess a protein(s) of relatively large molecular mass (~200 kDa) that was strongly cross-reactive with the anti- CbpC antiserum. Scientifically, our studies have helped expand the scope of our fundamental understanding of adhesion mechanisms in cellulose-degrading bacteria, and validated the use of RNA-based techniques to examine physiological responses in bacteria that are nor amenable to genetic manipulations. Because efficient fiber hydrolysis by many anaerobic bacteria requires both tight adhesion to substrate and a stable cellulosome, we believe our findings are also the first step in providing the resources needed to achieve our long-term goal of increasing fiber digestibility in animals.

Financial Stability Report - September 2015. Banco de la República, August 2021.

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From this edition, the Financial Stability Report will have fewer pages with some changes in its structure. The purpose of this change is to present the most relevant facts of the financial system and their implications on the financial stability. This allows displaying the analysis more concisely and clearly, as it will focus on describing the evolution of the variables that have the greatest impact on the performance of the financial system, for estimating then the effect of a possible materialization of these risks on the financial health of the institutions. The changing dynamics of the risks faced by the financial system implies that the content of the Report adopts this new structure; therefore, some analyses and series that were regularly included will not necessarily be in each issue. However, the statistical annex that accompanies the publication of the Report will continue to present the series that were traditionally included, regardless of whether or not they are part of the content of the Report. In this way we expect to contribute in a more comprehensive way to the study and analysis of the stability of the Colombian financial system. Executive Summary During the first half of 2015, the main advanced economies showed a slow recovery on their growth, while emerging economies continued with their slowdown trend. Domestic demand in the United States allowed for stabilization on its average growth for the first half of the year, while other developed economies such as the United Kingdom, the euro zone, and Japan showed a more gradual recovery. On the other hand, the Chinese economy exhibited the lowest growth rate in five years, which has resulted in lower global dynamism. This has led to a fall in prices of the main export goods of some Latin American economies, especially oil, whose price has also responded to a larger global supply. The decrease in the terms of trade of the Latin American economies has had an impact on national income, domestic demand, and growth. This scenario has been reflected in increases in sovereign risk spreads, devaluations of stock indices, and depreciation of the exchange rates of most countries in the region. For Colombia, the fall in oil prices has also led to a decline in the terms of trade, resulting in pressure on the dynamics of national income. Additionally, the lower demand for exports helped to widen the current account deficit. This affected the prospects and economic growth of the country during the first half of 2015. This economic context could have an impact on the payment capacity of debtors and on the valuation of investments, affecting the soundness of the financial system. However, the results of the analysis featured in this edition of the Report show that, facing an adverse scenario, the vulnerability of the financial system in terms of solvency and liquidity is low. The analysis of the current situation of credit institutions (CI) shows that growth of the gross loan portfolio remained relatively stable, as well as the loan portfolio quality indicators, except for microcredit, which showed a decrease in these indicators. Regarding liabilities, traditional sources of funding have lost market share versus non-traditional ones (bonds, money market operations and in the interbank market), but still represent more than 70%. Moreover, the solvency indicator remained relatively stable. As for non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the slowdown observed during the first six months of 2015 in the real annual growth of the assets total, both in the proprietary and third party position, stands out. The analysis of the main debtors of the financial system shows that indebtedness of the private corporate sector has increased in the last year, mostly driven by an increase in the debt balance with domestic and foreign financial institutions. However, the increase in this latter source of funding has been influenced by the depreciation of the Colombian peso vis-à-vis the US dollar since mid-2014. The financial indicators reflected a favorable behavior with respect to the historical average, except for the profitability indicators; although they were below the average, they have shown improvement in the last year. By economic sector, it is noted that the firms focused on farming, mining and transportation activities recorded the highest levels of risk perception by credit institutions, and the largest increases in default levels with respect to those observed in December 2014. Meanwhile, households have shown an increase in the financial burden, mainly due to growth in the consumer loan portfolio, in which the modalities of credit card, payroll deductible loan, revolving and vehicle loan are those that have reported greater increases in risk indicators. On the side of investments that could be affected by the devaluation in the portfolio of credit institutions and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the largest share of public debt securities, variable-yield securities and domestic private debt securities is highlighted. The value of these portfolios fell between February and August 2015, driven by the devaluation in the market of these investments throughout the year. Furthermore, the analysis of the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) shows that all intermediaries showed adequate levels and exhibit a stable behavior. Likewise, the fragility analysis of the financial system associated with the increase in the use of non-traditional funding sources does not evidence a greater exposure to liquidity risk. Stress tests assess the impact of the possible joint materialization of credit and market risks, and reveal that neither the aggregate solvency indicator, nor the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) of the system would be below the established legal limits. The entities that result more individually affected have a low share in the total assets of the credit institutions; therefore, a risk to the financial system as a whole is not observed. José Darío Uribe Governor

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