Academic literature on the topic 'Pierre Boulle'

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Journal articles on the topic "Pierre Boulle":


Knapp, Bettina L., and Lucille Frackman Becker. "Pierre Boulle." World Literature Today 70, no. 4 (1996): 918.

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Saint-Mleux, André. "Retour sur le pont de la Rivière Kwaï : Pierre Boulle et l'Indochine « prisonnière » des Japonais (1941-1945)." Outre-mers 93, no. 352 (2006): 249–57.

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Botte, Roger. "Boulle Pierre‑Henri et Peabody Sue (textes choisis et commentés par), 2014, Le droit des noirs en France au temps de l’escla." Journal des Africanistes, no. 86-2 (November 1, 2016): 222–25.

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Dorscheid, Jan, Brian Considine, Herant Khanjian, Julie Wolfe, and Arlen Heginbotham. "The treatment of a longcase clock attributed to Jean-Pierre Latz: alternative approaches to the removal of copper corrosion products on Boulle-style marquetry." Technè, no. 49 (December 1, 2020): 28–33.

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Chance, Michaël La. "Louis-Pierre Bougie." Protée 34, no. 2-3 (2006): 103.

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WORTON, M. J. "Review. Herve Guibert. Boule, Jean-Pierre (ed.)." French Studies 51, no. 2 (April 1, 1997): 241.

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BIRCHALL, I. "Review. Sartre mediatique: La place de l'interview dans son oeuvre. Boule, Jean-Pierre." French Studies 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1997): 515.

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Dupont, Jacques. "Jean-Pierre Richard ou de la critique comme métier de bouche." Critique 685-686, no. 6 (2004): 501.

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Heath, Stephanie L., Thomas V. Lowell, and Brenda L. Hall. "Surface exposure dating of the Pierre Sublobe of the James Lobe, Laurentide Ice Sheet." Quaternary Research 97 (April 13, 2020): 88–98.

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AbstractThe Laurentide Ice Sheet of the last glacial period terminated in several lobes along its southern margin. The timing of maximum extent may have varied among the terminal lobes owing to internal ice sheet dynamics and spatially variable external controls. Some terminal ice lobes, such as the westernmost James Lobe, remain poorly dated. To determine the timing of maximum ice extent in this key location, we have mapped glacial deposits left by the Pierre Sublobe in South Dakota and applied 10Be surface exposure age dating on boulders on moraine ridges associated with three distinct late Quaternary glacial drifts. The oldest and most extensive “Tazewell” drift produced variable 10Be surface exposure ages spanning 20–7 ka; the large range is likely attributable to moraine degradation and subsequent boulder exhumation. The oldest ages of about 20 ka are probably limiting minimum ages for the Tazewell moraine surfaces. By contrast, exposure ages of the youngest “Mankato” drift of the easternmost Pierre Sublobe tightly cluster at about 16 ka. This age for the Pierre Sublobe is consistent with the nearby Des Moines Lobe, suggesting both acted together.

Groshong, Richard H., and Ken Kittleson. "Eastern Boulder-Weld fault zone, Colorado: A gravity slide with pop-up structures." Mountain Geologist 57, no. 3 (July 1, 2020): 177–98.

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The Boulder-Weld fault zone, located southeast of Boulder, Colorado, is about 10 km (6 mi) wide, 34 km (21 mi) long, and involves at least 335 m (1100 ft) of upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. It affects the Cretaceous upper Pierre Shale, Fox Hills Sandstone, and the coal–bearing lower Laramie Formation. This study is a detailed examination of the eastern portion of the fault zone which consists of undisturbed areas separated by three long, narrow, fault-bounded uplifts that have received a variety of interpretations over the years. The fault zone geometry is determined from 21 closely spaced cross sections that use more subsurface data than previous studies, incorporate the elevations of the major economic coal seam derived from a published composite structure-contour map, and are area balanced using area-depth-strain (ADS) analysis. The most common structural style is a pop-up structure in which the uplifts are bounded on both sides by reverse faults. At larger-displacement the pop-ups are at the tip of the ramp and a second fault has formed close to the base of the ramp. A few sections show simple ramp anticlines developed above listric thrusts. The lower detachment for all structures is the distinctive Kp2 marker in the upper Pierre Shale. ADS analysis of the best-controlled uplifts shows that the uplifts are area balanced and confirms the lower detachment to be near Kp2. The structures are interpreted to have formed as a gravity slide because they formed in a break-back sequence, a characteristic of gravity gliding, and because the transport direction is approximately down the current southeast dip of the Kp2 detachment.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Pierre Boulle":


Kivimäki, Tomi. "Returbiljett till apornas planet : En studie om primär och sekundär adaption." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Akademin för humaniora, utbildning och samhällsvetenskap, 2012.

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The purpose of this essay is to study two film adaptations of the original Planet of the Apes novel and see what kind of relationship the two adaptations have with each other. The main question is if the secondary film adaptation is restricted by the primary and if the relationships between these two are as two separate adaptations or as a remake of an adaptation. What the results of the study show is that the secondary adaptation can not be seen as a remake even though it gets some of its inspiration from both the original story as well as the primary adaptation. The secondary adaptation is, however, restricted in what it can adapt due to the primary adaptation having the first pick, at least if the secondary adaptation wishes to be a whole new adaptation and not a remake of the primary. The study shows also that the fidelity in the secondary adaptation is not necessarily to either the original or the primary but to the knowledge the audience has about the Planet of the Apes universe which they have gathered from all of the important versions of the story. The essay also states that there is yet much to learn about the relationship between secondary and primary film adaptations which means that the field is still in need of exploration.

Vathaire, Aurélia de. "Les écrivains-planteurs français de caoutchouc en Malaisie, 1905-1957." La Rochelle, 2009.

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Entre 1905, arrivée du Charentais Henri Fauconnier et 1957, date de l’indépendance du pays, des Français choisissent de vivre en Malaisie britannique pour travailler dans des plantations d’hévéas, arbres à caoutchouc. Les premières plantations créees par Henri Fauconnier sont regroupées dans les années 1920 au sein de la Société Financière des Caoutchoucs (Socfin). Parmi ces planteurs de caoutchouc, trois sont devenus écrivains. Le premier, Henri Fauconnier (1879-1973) décrit dans son roman Malaisie, publié et couronné par le Prix Goncourt en 1930, l’aventure et l’esprit pionnier des premiers Français venus défricher la jungle et planter les premiers arbres à caoutchouc au début du siècle. Le second, Pierre Boulle (1912-1994), fait paraître en 1952 Le Sacrilège malais. Dénonçant les excès de l’organisation et de la hiérarchie des grandes sociétés de plantation européennes, il dépeint avec humour la vie des planteurs de caoutchouc en Malaisie durant les années 1930 et 1940. Le troisième, Pierre Lainé, est né en 1930. Arrivé en Malaisie en 1955, il raconte dans L’Oreiller en Porcelaine les dernières années de la période coloniale. Ces romans, qui ont la particularité d’être écrits par des « écrivains-planteurs de caoutchouc » français dépeignent donc des périodes différentes, et témoignent d’une volonté de décrire la Malaisie, à travers le monde de la plantation de caoutchouc. Ils permettent de s’interroger sur la perception et la représentation de la colonie par ces Français qui sont à la fois des acteurs et des observateurs de son développement
Between 1905, arrival of Henri Fauconnier, from Charente, and 1957, independence of the country, some Frenchmen chose to come to Malaya to work in rubber estates. The first plantations founded by Henri Fauconnier merged in 1920s into Socfin group (Societé Financière des Caoutchouc). Amongst these rubber planters, three became novelists. Henri Fauconnier (1879-1973), described in his novel The Soul of Malaya – published and awarded by the Goncourt Prize in 1930 – the adventure and the pioneer spirit of the first Frenchmen who cleared the jungle and planted the first rubber trees. The second one, Pierre Boulle (1912-1994), wrote in 1952 Sacrilege in Malaya. Denouncing the excessive bureaucratization and the rigid hierarchy in the large European plantation companies, he humourisly described the rubber planters’ life in Malaya in the 1930s and 1940s. The third one, Pierre Lainé, was born in 1930. Living in Malaya since 1955, he told in his novel L’Oreiller en Porcelaine (The Porcelain Pillow), the last years of colonial period. These novels, which describe different eras, are written by “writers-rubber planters” and show a common wish to depict Malaya through the rubber plantation world. These Frenchmen were both actors and observers of the British colony’s development. The study of their works and their lives will give an insight of the way they perceive and analyze it

Gärtner, Susanne. "Werkstatt-Spuren : die Sonatine von Pierre Boulez : eine Studie zu Lehrzeit und Frühwerk /." Bern [etc.] : P. Lang, 2008.

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Hirel, Pierre. "Etude par simulations à l' échelle atomique de la formation de boucles de dislocation à partir d' irrégularités de surface d' un métal contraint." Poitiers, 2008.

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Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié la nucléation de dislocations depuis la surface d'un métal cfc sous contrainte, par le biais de simulations à l'échelles atomiques et de modèles basés sur la théorie élastique des dislocations. La nucléation depuis les surfaces, qui initie la plasticité dans les matériaux à l'échelle nanométrique, implique le franchissement d'une barrière d'énergie ; celui-ci se fait par activation thermique. Nous avons pu déterminer le rôle de différents facteurs, comme la température ou l'état de surface, sur l'évènement de nucléation. Plusieurs méthodes atomistiques ont été employées de concert pour déterminer les paramètres d'activation associés à la barrière d'énergie : le rayon critique que la dislocation doit atteindre pour devenir stable et se propager, l'énergie et le volume d'activation. Enfin, des éléments sur la cinétique des dislocations et sur les évènements plastiques subséquents à la nucléation ont pu être obtenus
In this PhD thesis, we studied the nucleation of dislocations from a surface in a fcc metal under stress, using atomic-scale simulations as well as models based on elastic theory of dislocations. Nucleation from surfaces, which initiate plasticity in nanometer-scale materials, requires the crossing of an energy barrier; this is possible through thermal activation. We were able to determine the role of different factors, such as temperature or the surface condition, on the nucleation event. Several atomistic methods were used to determine the activation parameters associated with the energy barrier: the critical radius the dislocations has to overcome in order to become stable and propagate, and the activation energy and volume. Finally, some information concerning dislocations dynamics and plastic phenomena subsequent to the nucleation process were obtained

Walters, David. "The aesthetics of Pierre Boulez." Thesis, Durham University, 2003.

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To enable the reader to find references as quickly and easily as possible, I have grouped all references together in the bibliography in alphabetical order. Texts by the same author are distinguished first by year and second, if there are several texts from the same year, by letter. Interviews and writing collaborations (including published correspondence) involving Boulez are also ordered alphabetically. The year given at the beginning of each bibliographical entry is, in the majority of cases, the year in which the text was first published (not necessarily the year of the edition cited). For all writings written by Boulez, I have provided the original title under which the text in question was first published (usually in French). Many articles have subsequently been translated into English and therefore I have decided to provide page references for both versions. For all texts by writers other than Boulez, I have cited the version of the text I have used. Wherever possible, I have cited the existing English translations of texts originally written in French. However, on many occasions I have considered it necessary to make alterations to the published translations. This is particularly applicable to Boulez on Music Today (1971) and Orientations (1986), both of which display an often heavy-handed and rather inaccurate approach to the task of translating specific concepts employed by Boulez. In contrast. Stocktakings of an Apprenticeship (1991) has required only occasional minor amendments. All changes to the published English translations are acknowledged in the corresponding footnote. None of the material m this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree in this or any other University. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without prior written consent and information from it should be acknowledged. I have received permission to exceed the word limit from the Graduate School Committee at the University of Durham.

Hecker, Martin. "Formreflexion und Struktur der 2ème Sonate pour piano von Pierre Boulez : von der Inszenierung eines Übergangs /." Hamburg Kovač, 2008.

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Nemecek, Robert. "Untersuchungen zum frühen Klavierschaffen von Pierre Boulez /." Kassel : G. Bosse, 1998.

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Heinemann, Stephen Heinemann Stephen Heinemann Stephen. "Pitch-class set multiplication in Boulez's Le marteau sans maitre /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1993.

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Galaise, Sophie. "Les écrits et la carrière de Pierre Boulez catalogue et chronologie /." [Montréal] : Université de Montréal, 2001.

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Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université de Montréal, 2003.
"NQ-82729." "Thèse présentée à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de philosophiae doctor (Ph. D.) en musicologie." Version électronique égalemnt disponible sur Internet.

Gärtner, Susanne. "Werkstatt-Spuren: die Sonatine von Pierre Boulez eine Studie zu Lehrzeit und Frühwerk." Bern Berlin Bruxelles Frankfurt, M. New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2005.

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Books on the topic "Pierre Boulle":


Becker, Lucille Frackman. Pierre Boulle. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1996.

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Guay, Carole Huynh. Une pierre dans la bouche. Trois-Rivières: Ecrits des Forges, 2000.

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Jameux, Dominique. Pierre Boulez. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1991.

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Jameux, Dominique. Pierre Boulez. London: Faber, 1991.

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Jameux, Dominique. Pierre Boulez. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1990.

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Koblyakov, Lev. Pierre Boulez: A world of harmony. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1990.

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Stein, Leonard. From Pierrot to Marteau: An international conference and concert celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, University of Southern California School of Music, March 14-16, 1987. Edited by Arnold Schoenberg Institute. Los Angeles, CA: Arnold Schoenberg Institute, 1987.

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Pietro, Rocco Di. Dialogues with Boulez. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 2001.

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Sperandio, Eric Pier. Le guide pratique des pierres et du cristal: De la boule de cristal aux amulettes. Outremont, Québec: Quebecor, 2005.

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Boulez, Pierre. Correspondance et documents. Mainz: Schott, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Pierre Boulle":


Böhm, Elisabeth. "Boulez, Pierre." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Schweizer, Klaus. "Boulez, Pierre." In Komponisten Lexikon, 69–73. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2003.

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Struck-Schloen, Michael. "Pierre Boulez." In Kammermusikführer, 90–94. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1998.

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Schweizer, Klaus. "Boulez, Pierre." In Metzler Komponisten Lexikon, 85–90. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1992.

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Toyota, Yasuhisa, Motoo Komoda, Daniel Beckmann, Marc Quiquerez, and Erik Bergal. "Pierre Boulez Saal." In Concert Halls by Nagata Acoustics, 231–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Liu, Gerald C. "Theological Stocktaking with Pierre Boulez." In Music and the Generosity of God, 37–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Böhm, Elisabeth. "Boulez, Pierre: Penser la musique aujourd'hui." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Kovács, Inge. "Warum Schönberg sterben mußte… Pierre Boulez’ musikhistorische Selbstverortung um 1950." In Autorschaft als historische Konstruktion, 323–50. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2001.

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Kovács, Inge. "Warum Schönberg sterben mußte … Pierre Boulez’ musikhistorische Selbstverortung um 1950." In Autorschaft als historische Konstruktion, 323–50. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2001.

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Bragança, Manuel. "What if Hitler Had Survived? On Pierre Boulle’s ‘Son Dernier Combat’ (1965) and René Fallet’s Ersatz (1974)." In Hitler’s French Literary Afterlives, 1945-2017, 39–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Pierre Boulle":


Cheng, Ruichang, Xingdong Liang, Fubo Zhang, and Longyong Chen. "Multiple-Bounce Modeling of High-Rise Buildings with Airborne Tomography Array." In 2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama). IEEE, 2018.

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Casari, Nicola, Michele Pinelli, Alessio Suman, Francesco Montomoli, and Luca di Mare. "EBFOG: Deposition, Erosion and Detachment on High Pressure Turbine Vanes." In ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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Fouling and erosion are two pressing problems that severely affect gas turbine performance and life. When aircraft fly through a volcanic ash cloud the two phenomena occur simultaneously in the cold as well as in the hot section of the engine. In the high pressure turbine, in particular, the particles soften or melt due to the high gas temperatures and stick to the wet surfaces. The throat area, and hence the capacity, of the HP turbine is modified by these phenomena, affecting the engine stability and possibly forcing engine shutdown. This work presents a model for deposition and erosion in gas turbines and its implementation in a three dimensional Navier-Stokes solver. Both deposition and erosion are kept into account, together with deposit detachment due to changed flow conditions. The model is based on a statistical description of the behaviour of softened particles. The particles can stick to the surface or can bounce away, eroding the material. The sticking prediction relies on the authors’ EBFOG model. The impinging particles which do not stick to the surface are responsible for the removal of material. The model is demonstrated on a high pressure turbine vane. The performance deterioration and the throat area reduction rate are carefully monitored. The safe-to-fly time through a cloud can be inferred from the outcome of this work as important piece of on-board information for the flight crew.

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