Academic literature on the topic 'Pilzen'

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Journal articles on the topic "Pilzen":


Hof, Herbert. "Pilze im Darm – das Mykobiom des Darms." Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 55, no. 08 (August 2017): 772–78.

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ZusammenfassungViele verschiedene Pilzarten, und zwar Sprosspilze wie auch Schimmelpilze, kommen in Darm eines gesunden Menschen vor und bilden das Mykobiom. Bei Störung der bakteriellen Flora kann sich gegenläufig auch die Pilzflora ändern. Mittels „Pilzdiät“ lässt sich die Zusammensetzung nicht ändern. Einige der Pilze sind vermutlich nur passager nach Nahrungsaufnahme im Darm. Andere dagegen, wie Candida, Saccharomyces, Rhodotorula, Trichosporon, Geotrichum u.v. a.m., gehören zur residenten, autochthonen Flora des Darms. Einerseits haben solche Pilze im Darm durchaus Nutzen, indem sie verwertbare Stoffe herstellen. Rhodotorula z. B. kann Fettstoffe und Carotinoide bilden. Andere können Toxine, z. B. Mykotoxine und prokarzinogene Stoffe, in der Nahrung degradieren. Toxine sowie pathogene Bakterien können von Mannanen der Oberfläche von Pilzen festgehalten und so abtransportiert werden. Auch probiotische Wirkung zur Regulierung der Bakterienflora wird einigen Pilzen zugetraut. Bestimmte Pilzbestandteile, wie etwa Glukane, können das Immunsystem stimulieren. Manche Pilze können den Darm nicht nur asymptomatisch kolonisieren sondern bei bestimmten Situationen, wenn z. B. die Bakterienflora gestört ist, auch nachteilig sein, indem sie entweder mithilfe ihrer Virulenzfaktoren eine Schädigung der Schleimhautepithelien bedingen oder sogar in die Mukosa eindringen und Entzündungen hervorrufen bzw. bei bereits chronisch entzündlichen Prozessen diese verstärken. Pilze können bei der Entstehung von Obesitas mitwirken. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Pilze im Darm ein Reservoir finden, von dem aus sie sich bei günstiger Gelegenheit in andere Körperregionen ausbreiten können.

Pietsch, J., K. Scheffel, D. Acquarone, I. Koch, M. Deters, and M. Hermanns-Clausen. "Entwicklung des Missbrauchs psychotroper Pflanzen und Pilze in Deutschland – Interpretation der Zahlen aus 3 Giftinformationszentren für die Jahre 2007–2013." Das Gesundheitswesen 43, no. 06 (June 14, 2016): 532–39.

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Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie: Durch eine Fülle von Informationen im Internet sind psychotrope Pflanzen und Pilze von steigender Bedeutung als legale und billige Alternative zu klassischen Rauschdrogen. Da Daten zum Missbrauch biogener Rauschdrogen in Deutschland bisher fehlen, wurden entsprechende Fallberichte von drei deutschen Giftinformationszentren (GIZ) untersucht. Methodik: Die Daten der durch die GIZ in Berlin, Erfurt und Freiburg zwischen 2007 und 2013 erfassten Missbrauchsverdachtsfälle (MVF) mit ausgewählten biogenen Rauschdrogen wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: 602 MVF mit biogenen Rauschdrogen wurden durch die GIZ dokumentiert. Davon entfielen 52% auf die Exposition tropanalkaloidhaltiger Pflanzen (Engelstrompete, Stechapfel, Tollkirsche), 25% auf psilocybinhaltige Pilze und 10% auf Muskatnuss. Am häufigsten wurden Expositionen mit Engelstrompete berichtet. Tropanalkaloidhaltige Pflanzen werden überwiegend von Jugendlichen konsumiert, wohingegen psilocybinhaltige Pilze in der Mehrzahl von jungen Erwachsenen und Muskatnuss mehrheitlich von Schulkindern zu Missbrauchszwecken aufgenommen werden. Nach dem Abusus von Engelstrompete, Stechapfel und Tollkirsche traten in 55% der Fälle mittelschwere und schwere Symptome auf. Durch die GIZ erfolgte in mehr als 90% der MVF mit tropanalkaloidhaltigen Pflanzen und psilocybinhaltigen Pilzen eine Therapieempfehlung zur stationären Behandlung. Mydriasis, Halluzinationen, Tachykardie und Agitiertheit wurden als häufigste Symptome nach der missbräuchlichen Aufnahme biogener Drogen identifiziert. Schlussfolgerung: Die Daten der 3 GIZ lassen einen Rückschluss zum Missbrauch biogener Drogen in Teilen Deutschlands zu. Der Abusus biogener Drogen zeigt insgesamt eine abnehmende Tendenz, was wahrscheinlich mit dem zunehmenden Aufkommen neuer synthetischer Designerdrogen („Legal Highs“) zusammenhängt. Engelstrompete wurde am häufigsten missbräuchlich aufgenommen, was die Bedeutung einer leichten Verfügbarkeit beim Abusus von Pflanzen und Pilzen unterstreicht. Die steigende Tendenz der missbräuchlichen Exposition von Muskatnuss kann als überraschendes Ergebnis bewertet werden.

Krayer, Julie, and Stephanie Wehr-Zenz. "Pilze als Schallabsorber." Lärmbekämpfung 16, no. 02 (2021): 37–39.

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Viele Rohstoffe, die in der Baubranche zum Einsatz kommen, werden knapp, sind nicht leicht zu recyceln und somit nicht nachhaltig. Forscher*innen suchen nach biobasierten Alternativen und testen Algen, Bakterien oder Pilze für Anwendungen im Baubereich. Auf die schallabsorbierenden Eigenschaften von Pilzen wurde Julia Krayer mit ihrem interdisziplinären Team des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT aufmerksam. Im Projekt »FungiFacturing« forscht sie nun zusammen mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP daran, schallisolierende Materialien auf Pilzbasis zu entwickeln.

Hämmig, R. B. "Psychotrope Pilze und Pflanzen." Therapeutische Umschau 60, no. 6 (June 1, 2003): 317–21.

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Es gibt vielfältige medizinische Anwendungen von psychotropen Pflanzen. Daneben gibt es aber eine Vielzahl von Pflanzen und Pilzen mit psychotroper Wirkung, der die Schulmedizin einen Nutzen abspricht. Die Folge sind Reglementierungen, welche die Konsumenten zu Rechtsbrechern stempeln. Abhängig vom Zeitgeist wurde auch im medizinischen Setting mit Halluzinogenen experimentiert. In der ärztlichen Praxis spielen die psychotropen Pilze und Pflanzen in der Regel keine Rolle. Allerdings führt die Einnahme von Engelstrompeten bei Jugendlichen hin und wieder zu Notfallsituationen, so dass auf dieses Problem detaillierter eingegangen wird.

Jacoby, Petra. "Abgasfilterung mit Pilzen." Chemie in unserer Zeit 36, no. 3 (June 2002): 195.<195::aid-ciuz195>;2-3.

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Vehreschild, M. J. G. T., and O. A. Cornely. "Resistenz bei Pilzen." Der Internist 56, no. 11 (October 4, 2015): 1271–76.

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ST. "Kuscheltier mit Pilzen." MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin 154, no. 14 (August 2012): 5.

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Kreisel, Hanns. "Bibliographie der Verbreitungskarten von Pilzen V. Niedere Pilze („Phycomyceten”︁) 1941-1974." Feddes Repertorium 86, no. 5 (April 18, 2008): 329–35.

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Kreisel, H., and M. Schubert. "Ubichinone in einigen filamentösen Pilzen." Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145, no. 2 (1990): 91–94.

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Bihlmaier, Susanne. "Komplementärer Einsatz von höheren Pilzen." Der Klinikarzt 45, no. 10 (October 18, 2016): 497.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Pilzen":


Maschke, Sebastian [Verfasser]. "Naturstoffe aus endophytischen Pilzen / Sebastian Maschke." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2019.

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Schüffler, Anja. "Differenzierungsinduzierende und antibiotisch aktive Sekundärstoffe aus Pilzen." Duisburg Köln WiKu, 2009.

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Brauers, Gernot. "Isolierung und Strukturaufklärung von neuen Naturstoffen aus schwamm-assoziierten Pilzen Naturstoffe aus schwamm-assoziierten Pilzen des Mittelmeeres sowie des Indopazifiks /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.

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Root, Natalia. "Isolierung und Strukturaufklärung von Sekundärmetaboliten aus endophytischen Pilzen." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001.

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Jaeger, Robert J. R. "Isolierung und Strukturaufklärung von Sekundärmetaboliten aus höheren Pilzen /." München : Verl. Dr. Hut, 2010.

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Nitschke, Jörg [Verfasser]. "Extraktion und Charakterisierung zellwandgebundener Polysaccharide aus Pilzen / Jörg Nitschke." Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, 2011.

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Grote, Andreas Georg. "Datenbanksysteme und bioinformatische Werkzeuge zur Optimierung biotechnologischer Prozesse mit Pilzen." Paderborn FIT-Verl, 2008.

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Büttel, Isabell [Verfasser]. "Siderophor-Biosynthese in Esca- und Wurzelfäule- assoziierten Pilzen / Isabell Büttel." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2021.

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Ermel, Nadine. "Synthese von Wirkstoffen aus den Pilzen Bondarzewia montana und Galiella rufa." Diss., lmu, 2004.

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Jansen, Nils [Verfasser]. "Isolierung und Charakterisierung von neuen Naturstoffen aus marinen Pilzen / Nils Jansen." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2012.

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Books on the topic "Pilzen":


Wainwright, M. Biotechnologie mit Pilzen. Edited by Waldemar Künkel. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Reisinger, Anette. Radiocäsium in Pilzen. Berlin: J. Cramer, 1994.

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Hertel, H. Gattungseponyme bei Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen. Stuttgart, Germany: J. Cramer, 2012.

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Wolters, Bruno. Traditionelle Nutzung von Pilzen im indigenen Amerika. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorfer Institut für amerikanische Völkerkunde e.V., 2006.

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Lang-Hinrichs, Christine. Extrachromosomale in-vitro-Genetik bei Pilzen: Chondriom-Vektoren bei Hefen. Berlin: J. Cramer, 1986.

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Heinen, Ute. Mitochondriale Genexpression bei Pilzen: Molekulare Analysen zur nukleo-zytoplasmatischen Wechselwirkung. Berlin: J. Cramer, 1991.

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Rohrmann, Susanne. Holzabbau bei marinen Pilzen: Vergleichende Untersuchungen an ausgewählten marinen und terrestrischen Pilzen zum Abbau von Holz und zu daran beteiligten Enzymsystemen in Meerwasser- und Süsswassermedien. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 1993.

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Wittmann-Meixner, Birgit. Polyploidie bei Pilzen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Boletales: Möglichkeiten eines cytofluorometrischen Nachweises. Berlin: J. Cramer, 1989.

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Hauck, Katarzyna. Transposonen und Regulation der Genexpression bei den Antibiotika-produzierenden Pilzen Penicillium chrysogenum und Acremonium chrysogenum. Berlin: J. Cramer, 2002.

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Indriani, Ine Dewi. Biodiversity of marine-derived fungi and identification of their metabolites: = Biodiversität von Pilzen mariner Herkunft und Identifizierung ihrer Sekundärstoffe. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Pilzen":


Wainwright, M. "Einleitung." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 1–31. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Biotechnologische Kontrolle pathogener Pilze." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 207–19. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Biotechnologie mit Pilzen: Zukunftsaussichten." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 221–23. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Biotechnologie mit Pilzen — Produktionsverfahren." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 33–41. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Produktion von Biochemikalien mit Hilfe von Pilzen." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 43–58. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Pilze in der medizinischen Biotechnologie." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 59–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Neue industrielle Verfahren mit Pilzen." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 77–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Pilze und Umweltbiotechnologie." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 91–113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Die Rolle von Pilzen beim biologischen Abbau und beim biologischen Verderb." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 115–41. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Wainwright, M. "Pilze in der Lebensmittelindustrie." In Biotechnologie mit Pilzen, 143–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Conference papers on the topic "Pilzen":


Wang, Jianhua, Yifei Fan, and Haibo Ji. "Numerical Simulation on Residual Responses of Adjacent Piles After Spudcan Penetration and Extraction." In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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The effect of the mobile jack-up spudcan penetration and extraction on adjacent platform piles is an important issue in ocean engineering. Residual moments along piles will exist due to strata plastic deformation after spudcan extraction. If the residual response is large, the combination of the residual load and extreme environmental load may become the controlling load case for the piled structure. In order to understand the variation of the pile responses during spudcan penetration and after extraction, adjacent pile responses are calculated using the Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) finite element method. Two kinds of typical seabed, clay and fine sand, are considered during calculation. The effects of the spudcan penetration depth, the spudcan-pile clearance, the shear strength of strata and the pile head constraint on adjacent pile responses are analyzed during spudcan penetration and after extraction. Calculated results show that residual responses of adjacent piles depend on the penetration depth, the clearance, the shear strength and the pile head constraint. The residual response of piles in soft clays is different from that in sands. For piles in soft clays, the residual response of adjacent piles will increase with decrease of the shear strength and the maximum residual pile shaft moment is larger than that during spudcan penetration. For piles in sands, the maximum residual pile shaft moment is about 70–80% of that during spudcan penetration. Therefore, the residual response of piles should be considered when the effect of spudcan penetration on adjacent platform piles is evaluated.

Ghazavi, Mahmoud, and Ashkan Behmardi Kalantari. "Experimental Study of Taper Piles With Different Taper Angles." In ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Piled foundations are normally used in offshore engineering. Among various piles, tapered piles have normally greater cross sectional are around the head than the pile toe. Therefore they have greater potential for substantial cost advantages in static loading conditions. The objective of this study is to explore the characteristics of the axial response of tapered piles. Laboratory facilities for testing model piles were prepared. Four polyamide piles with different angles of taper from 0° to 1.5° were used in this study. The soil was sand. It has been found that tapered piles have more bearing capacity than cylindrical piles of the same length and volume. This is interesting and may be considered for offshore piling since in this situation a large number of piles is routinely used.

Beijer Lundberg, Anders. "LCA Design Considerations for Cyclically Loaded Piles in Railway Infrastructure." In The 13th Baltic Sea Region Geotechnical Conference. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2016.

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Future development of high-speed railways in Sweden will likely contain a large amount of piled structures, both bridges and piled embankments. Railway tracks used in high-speed railways are highly sensitive to settlements, in comparison to standard railway systems. The possible long-term settlement of the piles is therefore of large interest for the life- Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the railway system, since frequent repair of the track increases the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the system. This issue has not previously been the main concern in pile design, and therefore requires special attention as an internal part of the railway support system. The design considerations related to the cyclic axial loading of piles are here analyzed in brief, and typical soil conditions are discussed to illuminate possible problems of practical design for these types of piles and how it can be addressed in practical design. The concept of LCA and LCC for the long-term structural response of cyclically loaded piles is also considered.

Law Adams, Marie, and Daniel Adams. "The Choreography of Piling: Active Industry in the City." In 2016 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press, 2016.

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Gravel, salt, sand, cobbles, and scrap metal – dry bulk materials fundamental to making and maintaining the built environment – are piled in or around coastal cities. The pile is the architecture of the holding stage between a material’s arrival and accumulation from one mode (such as ship or rail) and its distribution into the city through another (most commonly, the truck). Although these piles often approach the scale of large buildings and natural landforms, and their presence is a fixture in the built environment, they are overlooked as a matter of design. In recent decades, some artists and architects have explored piles and pile-making as an abstract formal condition or alternative to conventional modes of formal organization, but engaging the pile as an active form-making structure in the city has been confined to designating territories for piles through use based zoning protocols (“industrial”), or through the construction of containers to enclose them (sheds). Both of these standard practices fail to negotiate the distinctive qualities of piles as a temporary, kinetic, and authentic architecture in the city, and inhibit the collective engagement between the city and an expression of its global material footprint. This paper will explore the morphology of piles and present tactics for engaging them in pursuit of new notions of authenticity, monumentality, and temporality as a byproduct of global flow through three realized projects by our firm, Landing Studio, that choreograph the architecture of industrial road-salt piles in Boston and New York City.

Ozsu, Erdem, An-Ninh Ta, Bruno Stuyts, and Christophe Jaeck. "Optimizing Pile Driving Fatigue for Offshore Foundations in Very Dense Sand: A Case Study." In ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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With the rapid development of offshore wind energy in Europe, a large number of piled structures are being installed. Driven pipe piles are adopted as a foundation solution for the majority of offshore wind turbine support structures. In soils consisting of very dense sand, pile driving induces large-amplitude stress cycles in pile material, which have to be accounted for in fatigue calculations. These stress cycles can be calculated using one-dimensional wave equation analysis. Different ways of reducing pile driving damage are presented. Depending on the soil surrounding the pile and the target penetration depth, an optimum driving sequence can be established which minimises pile damage. As damage depends more on induced stresses than on the number of hammer blows, reducing the hammer energy at some point during driving can be beneficial for reducing the accumulated damage. In this paper, an optimum driving sequence is developed for a generic soil profile consisting of very dense sand. The pile driving damage calculated with the optimum sequence is compared to the damage calculated when driving close to maximum hammer efficiency. Additionally, using a larger hammer can also be beneficial for reducing induced stresses when keeping the transmitted energy at a similar level. The paper also highlights the advantages of using pile driving monitoring or pile driving back-analysis for verifying the stress levels in the piles during driving. Offshore design standards allow a reduction of the damage fatigue factor for inspected members. This principle may be extended to monitored piles. The differences between data from pile driving monitoring and data from pile driving back-analysis are discussed and the potential impact on the damage fatigue factor is highlighted. Finally, the potential conflict of pile driving fatigue requirements and pile capacity requirements is discussed. Both considerations should eventually lead to an optimized design which satisfies the required design equations.

Ameri, Ashkan, and Adrian Mercer. "Replacing the Piled Foundations of the Houphouët-Boigny Bridge in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire." In Offshore Technology Conference. OTC, 2021.

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Abstract Due to historical ground movement, increased traffic levels, and general degradation, this important road and rail bridge which provides an essential link between the interior of the country and the Port of Abidjan, required significant repair and reinforcement. This included strengthening the pre-stressed concrete box girders and replacement of the piled foundations. Replacement piles had to be adjacent to, and no longer than, the existing piles to not compromise the stability of the operational bridge during the works. The underlying geology, however, meant that the pile loads had to be predominantly transferred into the ground through end bearing. Rather than installing a greater number of piles or larger diameter piles, innovative thinking changed the usual mind-set of designing the piles to the prevailing ground conditions, to designing the ground conditions to suit the piles. Jet grouted columns were installed beneath the toes of the new piles to increase the bearing capacity of the ground. This significantly contributed to the sustainability of the project and reduced carbon emissions through saving concrete, steel, plus transportation and disposal of spoil.

Stuyts, Bruno, David Cathie, and Yi Xie. "Scour Assessment and Measurements for Pile-Supported Wind Turbine Foundations." In ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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With the rapid development of offshore wind energy in Europe, a large number of piled structures are being installed. In areas with sandy seabed conditions, erosion of sediment by the actions of wave and current can negatively influence foundation capacity. An accurate prediction model of scour around the piles is therefore required. Well-accepted scour prediction methods exist; both for the equilibrium scour depth and the time scale of scour [1] around single piles. These standard formulas have been combined with metocean data and a hindcasting model to calculate the expected scour depth around piles of wind turbine tripod foundations. Other causes of scour, such as pile-pile interaction, effect of proximity of structural members to the seabed, and seabed mobility were also assessed in order to determine the amount of global scour to be considered. The scour predictions were compared to measurements taken at an offshore wind turbine foundation at Park Alpha Ventus (PAV) in the German North Sea [2]. The data showed very good agreement with the measured scour around the piles. Both the equilibrium scour depth and time scale of scour were well predicted using the hindcasting model. The measured scour below the central column of the tripod structure exceeded expectations; this is believed to be due to a pumping effect during storm episodes. Finally, the effect of scour on the vertical effective stress around the tripod piles was assessed with a finite element model. Local scour had an important effect while scour below the centre of the structure had a much more limited effect. Considering the combined effects of multiple pile interaction, scour below the central column, and making an allowance for seabed mobility, an equivalent global scour depth for pile capacity calculations was established.

Zaghloul, Hassan, Beverley Ronalds, and Geoff Cole. "Development of Piled Foundation Bias Factors in the Arabian Gulf." In ASME 2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Offshore sites in the Arabian Gulf are characterized by the presence of calcareous sediments. Research work on driven piles in calcareous sediments has been developing for over 40 years. Yet, international codes and standards do not provide, exploit or quantify guidance for driven piles in carbonated sediments. Lack of design methods is partly attributed to inability of conventional soil mechanics to predict appropriate engineering parameters in calcareous sediments. Further, the characteristics of the sediments vary between the geographical regions depending on the geological history forming that region. As a result, current industry practice follows a conservative and subjective approach at the mere mention of carbonated sediments. Consequently, reassessment of an existing platform may falsely indicate the need for expensive construction intervention. In this study, we reviewed current practice for assessment of piled foundation in the calcareous sediments of the Arabian Gulf, collated a database of actual pile driving records, developed and implemented a detailed back-analysis procedure and implemented to derive actual pile capacities. The statistics show that the use of a single capacity value, as implied by the deterministic method of codes and standards, is insufficient to describe the various conditions surrounding the as-installed driven piles in calcareous sediments.

Jiayu, Wang, Liu Run, Liang Chao, Xiao Hui, and Wan Jun. "Study on ALE Method for Simulating Spudcan Penetrating Near Piles." In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Jack-up rigs are often employed in close proximity to piled platforms, therefore the penetration process of spudcan may have a certain effect on the deformation and bearing capacity of adjacent piles. Firstly, the feasibility of using explicit dynamics algorithm to calculate the bearing capacity of pile is verified in this paper. The optimal result of this algorithm is compared with the results of static implicit algorithm and API specification. Secondly, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eularian (ALE) adaptive meshing is used to study the penetration process of spudcan. The effects of soil strength, ALE boundary size, mesh size and soil elastic-modulus on calculation results of penetration depth studied in this paper are to determine the optimal numerical scheme. Based on the above analysis, the effect of spudcan penetration on the bearing capacity of adjacent piles with different clearances and its law are under research by using the optimal numerical scheme. The simulation results showing computation efficiency and accuracy can be improved by using this numerical scheme, in which the amount of pile radial mesh is 8, the amount of pile peripheral mesh is 4 and the load speed is 0.1m/s. The spudcan penetration leads to the increment of bearing capacity and this effect reduces with the increment of edge-to-edge clearance between spudcan and pile.

Lee, Juhyung, Hakman Kim, and Jinwoo Cho. "An Experimental Comparison of Horizontal Resistance of Single Suction Pile and Group Suction Piles." In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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In this study, a new type of suction pile foundation for floating structures, namely group suction piles, was proposed to improve the shortcomings of conventional single suction piles. Small-scale model tests were performed to estimate the horizontal behavior of single suction piles and group suction piles with different pile spacing (2, 3 and 4 times the pile diameter). The horizontal behavior of group suction piles with different pile spacing was analyzed for various loading locations based on the model tests. For the given group pile configurations (a group pile having 9 component piles with a pile formation of 3 × 3), the horizontal resistance increased with increasing pile spacing. The maximum ultimate horizontal resistances were found at the loading locations of 50% of the embedded depth. Unlikely in the single suction pile case, the significantly maintained residual resistances were found for group suction piles. The residual resistances of group suction piles were at least higher than 40% of the corresponding ultimate horizontal resistances.

Reports on the topic "Pilzen":


Han, Fei, Monica Prezzi, Rodrigo Salgado, Mehdi Marashi, Timothy Wells, and Mir Zaheer. Verification of Bridge Foundation Design Assumptions and Calculations. Purdue University, 2020.

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The Sagamore Parkway Bridge consists of twin parallel bridges over the Wabash River in Lafayette, IN. The old steel-truss eastbound bridge was demolished in November 2016 and replaced by a new seven-span concrete bridge. The new bridge consists of two end-bents (bent 1 and bent 8) and six interior piers (pier 2 to pier 7) that are founded on closed-ended and open-ended driven pipe piles, respectively. During bridge construction, one of the bridge piers (pier 7) and its foundation elements were selected for instrumentation for monitoring the long-term response of the bridge to dead and live loads. The main goals of the project were (1) to compare the design bridge loads (dead and live loads) with the actual measured loads and (2) to study the transfer of the superstructure loads to the foundation and the load distribution among the piles in the group. This report presents in detail the site investigation data, the instrumentation schemes used for load and settlement measurements, and the response of the bridge pier and its foundation to dead and live loads at different stages during and after bridge construction. The measurement results include the load-settlement curves of the bridge pier and the piles supporting it, the load transferred from the bridge pier to its foundation, the bearing capacity of the pile cap, the load eccentricity, and the distribution of loads within the pier’s cross section and among the individual piles in the group. The measured dead and live loads are compared with those estimated in bridge design.

ABAM ENGINEERS INC FEDERAL WAY WA. Prestressed Concrete Fender Piles - Analysis and Final Test Pile Details. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1986.

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Salgado, Rodrigo. Use of Pile Driving Analysis for Assessment of Axial Load Capacity of Piles. Purdue University, December 2012.

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Bennett, Wendy D., Ann L. Doherty, Curt A. Lavender, Kaylyn M. McCoy, Ronald P. Omberg, and Mark T. Smith. Verification of Pilger Mill Performance. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2018.

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Skone, Timothy J. Burning Crownwood in Slash Piles. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2013.

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Skone, Timothy J. Burning Stemwood in Slash Piles. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2013.

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ABAM ENGINEERS INC FEDERAL WAY WA. Prestressed Concrete Fender Piles: Final Designs. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1987.

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Wright, Clinton S., Alexander M. Evans, and Joseph C. Restaino. Decomposition rates for hand-piled fuels. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2017.

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Warren, G. Laterally Loaded Partially Prestressed Concrete Piles. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1989.

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Wright, Clinton S., Alexander M. Evans, and Joseph C. Restaino. Decomposition rates for hand-piled fuels. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2017.

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