Academic literature on the topic 'Postpositive adjectives'

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Journal articles on the topic "Postpositive adjectives":



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Morphologically, word creation has an ancient history. Among the branch morphemes involved in this process, along with national suffixes, suffixes of derivative origin also develop. However, the use of suffixes in the Azerbaijani language appeared in connection with the relatively later development of the history of the language. Among such suffixes, they have a special role in suffixes of Russian-European origin, and are mainly used in conjunction with words of derived origin. The development of some of these forms in the Azerbaijani language dates back to the early twentieth century. Postpositive elements of Russian-European origin, used as suffixes in the Azerbaijani language, are not in harmony, they are written in the same way, phono variants are non-existent. Moreover, branch morphemes belonging to this group do not have the ability to form verbs. Thus, all the postpositive elements of the suffix character found in the Azerbaijani literary language have the ability to form nouns, or rather, nouns and adjectives. In this regard, the words formed by these morphemes have a special weight in terms of studying the lexical structure of the Azerbaijani language, especially the types of lexical meanings of nouns and adjectives.

Uličný, Oldřich. "Posesivní Genitiv Redivivus." Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 69, no. 3 (December 1, 2018): 497–501.

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Abstract In the contemporary Czech, in both spoken and especially in written form, possessive adjectives are replaced by possessive genitives, which are originally colloquial constructions only. In the last stage of this development, the postpositive genitive changes into prepositive: Klárčina maminka, maminka Klárky, Klárky maminka (‘Klárka’s mother’). The Czech language thus loses another means of inflection and gets closer to an agglutinative language type. This change (deflective tendency) is also supported by the loss of introflexion, i.e. the loss of morphophonological alternations, in our example k – č, in other cases r – ř, g – ž, ch – š, etc. (Klárčin – Klárky [‘Klárka’s’], sestra – sestřin [‘sister’s’], Olga – Olžin [‘Olga’s’] etc.).


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Grabski, Maciej. "The position of negative adjectives in Aelfric’s Catholic Homilies I ." Research in Language 13, no. 4 (December 30, 2015): 392–402.

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In Old English, negative adjectives, i.e. incorporating the negative prefix -un, are said to generally come in postposition to nouns (e.g. Fischer, 2001; Sampson, 2010). This paper investigates to what extent this general rule is followed in Aelfric’s Catholic Homilies, the texts of this author being a typical choice for the study of Old English syntax (cf. Davis 2006; Reszkiewcz, 1966; Kohonen, 1978). The data have been obtained from the York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (YCOE). The following research questions have been formulated: Do strong negative adjectives outnumber nonnegated adjectives in postposition? Do strong negative adjectives have a tendency to appear in postposition? Do strong negated adjectives occur in preposition? The results indicated that for the sample analyzed, strong adjectives in postposition are not predominantly negated. Additionally, the postposition of most of those which are may potentially be explained by other factors, such as modification by a prepositional phrase, co-occurrence with a weak preposed adjective (both mentioned by Fischer), or indirect Latin influence in a formulaic phrase. Also, the data does not appear to support the observation that negated adjectives tend to appear in post- rather than preposition.

Zhang, Keding. "A Cognitive Grammar approach to the SLocPAdjC in Mandarin Chinese." Cognitive Linguistic Studies 1, no. 2 (December 31, 2014): 218–35.

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SLocPAdjC (Locative subject + adjective-predicate construction) is an idiosyncratic construction in Mandarin Chinese. It has its own specific structural and cognitive properties which are different from those of other constructions. Its structural properties are that it has locative phrases as its subject and adjective phrases as its predicate without the help of any linking verb. In addition, only state adjectives, and not property adjectives, can normally occur in SLocPAdjC as predicates. As is observed from the Cognitive Grammar perspective, what the predicate describes in SLocPAdjC is not the subject proper, but a certain facet of the spatial region of the entity designated by the subject. This depends on two cognitive mechanisms. One is the spatial region profiling mechanism of the subject, and the other is the active zone activating mechanism of the predicate. The former means that the signified entity of the nominal phrase in the subject functions as the base. The postposition serves to profile a certain spatial region of the base and makes this region a prominent candidate for the predicate to describe. The latter means that the adjective in the predicate, based on the cognitive domain it belongs to, activates a certain facet of or in the spatial region as the active zone which eventually becomes the actual matter to be described by the predicate. What’s more important, the meaning of the SLocPAdjC in Mandarin Chinese resides in the joint function of the profiling mechanism of the subject and the activating mechanism of the adjective-predicate.

박해환. "Sentence Pattern and the Use of Adjective Predicative Construction including the Postposition ‘o(を)’." Journal of Foreign Studies ll, no. 42 (December 2017): 241–60.

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Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan, Barbara Kryżan-Stanojević, and Jelena Parizoska. "A contrastive view of adjectives in Croatian, Polish and English: subjectification as a local phenomenon." Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, no. 11 (November 24, 2015): 31–52.

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A contrastive view of adjectives in Croatian, Polish and English: subjectification as a local phenomenonA study of English adjectives (Athanasiadou 2006) suggested that subjectification (defined as the degree to which the conceptualizer plays a role in construing the objective scene; Langacker 2000) may be helpful in examining the various uses of adjectives in English. In this paper we attempt to do the same, comparing and contrasting three languages: English (as the point of reference), and Croatian and Polish. Croatian and Polish were selected because they allow relatively free combinations, with the caveat that Polish uses postposition for classifying senses. We examine whether subjectification may be taken as the organizing principle behind the prenominal, postnominal and predicative positions found in the three languages, i.e. whether the role of subjectification is global – working across constructions, or local – working within a construction. Examples from three languages showed that although subjectification does play a role in the various positions, it may not be taken as the organizing principle behind the differences. We argue that this is due to the fact that subjectification is a local phenomenon which works within a single construction, which is delimited formally and functionally. This is corroborated by other subjectified constructions. We believe that this is due to the gradual nature of subjectification, which requires recoverable links to previous stages.

Grabski, Maciej. "Three Types of Old English Adjectival Postposition: A Corpus-Based Construction Grammar Approach." Journal of English Linguistics 48, no. 2 (April 27, 2020): 166–98.

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The present article looks at different patterns of adjectival postmodification in Old English. A detailed corpus analysis is performed, whose results are interpreted within the framework of Construction Grammar. This study contributes to previous research on the subject by using a large set of corpus data which pave the way for adopting a usage-based approach. The results indicate that the patterns analyzed fulfilled different functions, which in the framework adopted is grounds enough for assigning them to different conceptual categories, i.e., “constructions.” Further, I investigate the mutual relations between these constructions as well as the internal dynamics of their functions and development. The findings support the basic constructionist notion that language is most effectively described as a complex and dynamic network of interrelated constructions.

Alekseeva, Alina S. "The Origin of the Folklore Hydronym Apolevta." Вопросы Ономастики 17, no. 1 (2020): 203–8.

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In their article devoted to hydronyms in the oral and handwritten charms of the North Russian, T. A. Agapkina, E. L. Berezovich, and O. D. Surikova comment on the name of a fiery river Apolevta assuming that there may exist two copies of the text. The authors suggest that this river name might either originate from an unestablished Greek word or else, is a case of erroneous usage. The author of the present work argues the existence of one single copy of the text that was published by N. N. Vinogradov in 1910. As regards the hydronym Apolevta, the structure of the original text (particularly, the space organization) testifies to an incorrect interpretation by the scribe: in fact, the text uses a short form of the adjective with a postpositive particle -to which frequently occurs in North Russian dialects. Thus, the hydronym Apolevta is a result of an incorrect reading of the source by V. A. Ivanovsky.

Hillert, Albin. "Scalar semantics in the foreground." Constructions and Frames 3, no. 2 (December 31, 2011): 155–83.

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This paper offers a corpus-based study of the noun phrase pattern exemplified in This is anticipated to be more common a scenario than fleas spreading bubonic plague, referred to as the Optional Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase (OPIANP). The central question is whether there is semantic motivation for this postposition of the indefinite article. The results suggest that there is such motivation, namely that the OPIANP could be an extension of a more frequent construction identified as the Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase (PIANP). It is shown that the pattern’s semantics is unpredictable from its component parts and that its primary function is to position already given arguments on an adjectival scale, thus foregrounding scalar qualities and backgrounding the nominal meaning. These findings are then discussed in light of current grammatical theory, and some suggestions are made for future research.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Postpositive adjectives":


Renman, Josefin. "A study on the postposition of adjectives ending in-ible and -able." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Engelska institutionen, 2021.

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In the English language adjectives can either be placed before the noun or after the nounin the noun phrase. This thesis is concerned with the postposition of adjectives inEnglish. It is particularly concerned with adjectives ending in -ible and -able which caneither take a prepositive or postpositive position when modified by a superlativeadjective, only or next etc. In the theoretical section of this study, reasons for whypostposition might occur and historic information about the -ble suffix are described.The usage of these adjectives in both the prepositive and postpositive position isfurthermore excerpted from the Corpus of Contemporary American English. Twentyadjectives from the adjective sample are further analysed in detail regarding theirpostposition, to ascertain which characteristics might lead to postposition, in principlesemantics, domain usage, etymology, syntactic function, and the characteristics of theirnoun collocates. Ten nouns are further analysed using the same criteria to ascertain ifcertain nouns can affect the postposition of adjectives in the noun phrase. From theseexamples, conclusions about the common characteristics of adjectives ending in -blethat prefer the postpositive position are drawn. The results showed that -ible adjectiveshad a 17.4% tendency to be postposed, whereas -able adjectives had a 17.5 % tendencyto be postposed. Which can be compared to the 4.6 % chance that an adjective ispostposed in English. -Ible and -able adjectives were, furthermore, mostly postposed inprepositional phrases, phrases with complements and in fixed expressions. The -ibleadjectives were also often of Latin or French origin, whilst the -able adjectives were ofFrench origin. These adjectives were moreover commonly used in the academic domainand denoted a dynamic sense. Their noun collocates were, lastly, commonly inanimate,intangible objects used in the academic domain.

Stortz-Hebmann, Fabienne. "Etude de l'antéposition et de la postposition des adjectifs ancien, simple, pur et sacré, et leur emploi dans la Recherche du temps perdu." Paris 10, 1995.

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Apres avoir distingué la spécificité des positions antéposée et postposée, nous nous proposons d'étudier leurs influence s sur les adjectifs ancien, simple, pur et sacre. Pour le syntagme "adj x" nous montrons que les variations sémantiques proviennent de la prise en compte d’autre que x, caractéristique de l'antéposition. Ancien révèle avoir deux ancrages spatio-temporels, l'un correspondant à la construction de x, l'autre a son actualisation. L'adjectif simple renvoie à une non-singularisation et autre que x intervient sur les rapports d'altérité entre le plan subjectif et le plan temporel en antéposition. Pur présente un domaine centré principalement sur l'exclusion de autre que x. Sacre maintient l'ambiguïté du latin sacer, et est lié à l'énonciateur. Dans la deuxième partie nous étudions l'emploi de ces syntagmes dans la Recherche du temps perdu de Proust. Ancien met en évidence les différentes voix narratives ainsi que l'ambiguïté du présent. Simple caractérise par sa forte représentativité en antéposition, ou se retrouve la dissociation entre le plan subjectif et le plan temporel, va s'articuler principalement à la pluralité des personnages, aux désenchantements, ou encore au mensonge et à la jalousie. Pur de par la création d'un domaine hors altérite apparait principalement dans le discours sur l'art dans le Temps retrouvé. Une dernière voix narrative se fait alors entendre, celle de l'auteur. Nous remarquons que sacre faiblement représenté dans le texte propose un traitement subjectif de la postposition
In the first part we study the positions of the epithets, and then the influences of the adjectives ancien, simple, pur et sacré. We show that the semantic variation "adjective x", come from x", the linguistic complementary. Ancien has two temporal anchorages, the first one corresponding at the construction of x, and the second at his actualization. The adjective simple is a no-singularisation and intervene on the relation of alteration between the subjective level and the temporal level. Pur presents a centred domain on the exclusion of x'. Sacré, like the Latin sacer, depends of the subject of the enonciation. In the second part, we study the use of these syntagms in la Recherche du temps perdu of Proust. Ancien ascertains the different narrative voices and the ambiguity of the present. The important representativity of simple in anteposition, where we can see this alteration between the subjective level and the temporal level, has to do mostly with the plurality of the characters, the disenchantment, the lies, and the envy. Pur witch constructs a domain without alteration is seen mostly in the discourse on the art in Le temps retrouvé, where a new voice can be hear d, the voice of the author. Sacré presents a subjective domain in postposition

Řezníčková, Nikola. "Postavení adjektiv ve španělštině a francouzštině - vývojové tendence." Master's thesis, 2016.

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The Abstract The name of the dissertation: The position of adjectives in Spanish and French - increasing tendency The keywords: adjective, Spanish, French, a position of adjectives, anteposition, postposition, increasing tendency. The dissertation named The position of adjectives in Spanish and French French - increasing tendency deals with issues of position of adjectives in French and Spanish language. The main topic of this dissertation is tendency to anteposition for these two languages. It's split to several parts which are separated by themes. At the beginning, we are focusing on adjectives in general and to its basic properties as a part of speech. After, we will get to know an adjective from semantic and syntactic aspect, which is underlying exactly for the position of adjective. In the end of the theoretical part we will also focus on increasing tendency in this area. The practical part will be about corpus and questionnaire research which is intended for native speakers. The aim of this dissertation is confirm or disprove a hypothesis of common tendency to anteposition for French and Spanish adjectives.

Dudáková, Petra. "Atributivní užití adjektiv available a responsible." Master's thesis, 2019.

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The objective of the thesis is to describe and compare the modifying uses of two adjectives which can appear both as premodifiers as well as bare postmodifiers, namely available and responsible. Both modifying positions are examined with respect to the textual environment, the complexity of noun phrases and adjective phrases in which the adjectives function, reference and other features in order to outline the patterns in which these two adjectives appear. The data for the analytical part have been extracted from the British National Corpus using the basic query and limiting the search to the written part of the corpus. After manual assessment of the initial samples of 500 concordance lines, 154 concordance lines containing the adjective available and 147 containing the adjective responsible proved to be suitable for the analysis. The final samples of the data are further categorized and analysed concerning the complexity of the noun phrase, premodification, postmodification and complementation of the adjectives, semantic preference of the head nouns, and the motivation for the pre- or postnominal placement of the modifiers. Key words: adjective, adjective phrase, premodification, postmodification, complementation, attributive function, predicative function, postpositive function, bare adjective,...

Book chapters on the topic "Postpositive adjectives":


van Schaaik, Gerjan. "Postpositions." In The Oxford Turkish Grammar, 163–73. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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As function words postpositions play a very important role in the syntax of Turkish. These elements are regarded as lexical items conveying some kind of abstract meaning relevant for their complement. Most postpositions require the complement to take a fixed case marker; thereby excluding the accusative. A postposition plus its complement is called a postpositional phrase and functions as an adverbial phrase. There are various postpositions expressing spatial relations such as direction and location, another small group expresses temporal relations such as beginning, duration, end, and also excess, but a sizeable series of notions can be expressed by one particular postposition only: instrument, company, means of transportation, quality, quantity, inclusion, exclusion, difference, and the like. The final section describes the nominal and adjectival properties of a small number of postpositions.

van Schaaik, Gerjan. "Spatial orientations." In The Oxford Turkish Grammar, 113–24. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Whereas the dative and ablative case markers are primarily used in combination with verbs denoting movement to and from some object, the locative signifies that all movement is absent. This natural relation justifies a simultaneous discussion of these case forms in deictic pronouns. These markers play a crucial role in expressions based on the genitive-possessive construction applied to nouns denoting a space. Such constructions fulfil the same job as prepositional phrases in other languages. Interestingly, these space nouns are used as pure adjectives as well, and in the final sections two other peculiarities are illustrated. Besides a fully fledged genitive-possessive construction, for metaphorical usage there is a construct without the genitive, the possessive part of which has much in common with a postposition. Secondly, adverbial phrases based on nouns denoting some location have come into existence in a similar way.

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