Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Pre-existence of the soul'

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Stephens, Lana Marie. "Theologia Ficiniana : Intellectual exchange and spiritual renewal in late Quattrocento Florence." Phd thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2022. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8yq19.

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The philosophical contributions of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) to the intellectual legacy of the Italian Renaissance cannot be overstated; Ficino’s name has become synonymous with Florentine Neoplatonism, and his philosophy of love and systematic defence of the immortality of individual souls has made Ficino one of the most recognised and influential thinkers of the fifteenth century. As the translator of the Platonic corpus, and many Neoplatonic authors besides, the Florentine philosopher-priest was well acquainted with, and indeed, had arguably become attracted to antique notions of the origins of the soul. Situating the doctrine of the soul’s pre-mortal existence within Ficino’s thought, particularly in relation to his understanding of spiritual renewal, this thesis aims to provide a re-evaluation of Ficino as a religious thinker and how he understood the relationship between religion and philosophy. The thesis will thereby offer a more nuanced understanding of his contributions to the religious and spiritual life of Quattrocento Florence. Drawing on Ficino’s Platonic Theology, his commentaries of Plato and Plotinus, and his epistolary correspondence, this thesis adopts a framework which combines social, cultural and intellectual historical methods, setting out to not only establish Ficino’s doctrinal interventions, but to place them within the broader context of Renaissance theological reform. In so doing, the thesis aims to contribute to a scholarly reappraisal of how humanistic, vernacular and rhetorical theologies functioned in Florence, and how we as historians understand these theologies. Focussing in particular on the use of rhetoric, language, literary convention, and socio-intellectual networks in the dissemination of Ficinian theology, this thesis intends to provide new perspectives on intellectual exchange in the later decades of the fifteenth century, particularly in relation to the movement of ideas which advocate for religious and theological reform. With a view to examining the broader implications of the dissemination of these ideas, the thesis also reconsiders Ficino’s relationship to the Tuscan vernacular, and its role in his programme of spiritual renewal. This thesis moreover seeks to re-contextualise thinkers in Ficino’s circle, by highlighting their critical role in the religious transformations taking place in the second half of the fifteenth century, and significantly, in the formation of a new religious subculture. Analysing a number of Latin and Tuscan works, this thesis reveals the reproduction of Ficinian ideas on the origins of the soul in connection to contemplation, conversion and mystical union, as well as nuanced modes of communication, and thereby links intellectual exchange to Florentine spiritual renewal. The thesis therefore aims to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the intellectual world on the religious, by demonstrating how the re-emergence and incorporation of new streams of thought, as well as the methods used in that effort, came to bear upon the religious and spiritual life. Contending that Ficinian theology fundamentally informed an intellectually driven programme of spiritual renewal and theological reform in Florence during the second half of the fifteenth century and early sixteenth century, this thesis therefore re-contextualises Ficino’s place in our understanding of the intellectual and religious history of Renaissance Florence, and brings an entirely new set of methods, ideas, and characters into this understanding.

Procter, Isabelle. "Sexism and its existence in Pre-primary classes." Thesis, Procter, Isabelle (1986) Sexism and its existence in Pre-primary classes. Masters by Research thesis, Murdoch University, 1986. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/40823/.

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Literature ABSTRACT about childhood attitudes on sex roles has shown that sexism has already taken root by the time the child is three years old. By this age, activities children have already learned that different characteristics, and behaviours are expected of males and females. In fact, sex-role stereotyping as a form of sexism is prevalent in the lives of young children. This dissertation focuses on the exploration of the factors that influence the existence or elimination of sexism in education in terms of young children's sex-role stereotyping in preprimary classes. In Western Australia the preprimary stage, i.e. the year the child turns five years old is currently considered to be the child's first experience of schooling. To effect this exploration a project was initiated and planned by this writer who acted as researcher and undertook the roles of participant-observer and interviewer. The project involved the observations of preprimary classrooms and informant interviews. A sociological phenomenologist stance was assumed for the project. In keeping with this stance descriptions of a more wholistic nature are presented in the context of a detailed case study. The development of some conceptualization of the sociological relationships of influence factors was generated. A feature of this conceptualization was the focus on the preprimary class as a total environment and the nature of the educator's role. Although this dissertation relates specifically to preprimary classes and schools in Western Australia, it may have relevance for similar educational settings in other places.

McDade, J. "Pre-existence language and the dynamic of metaphorical predication : The Christological use of pre-existence language in the light of Paul Ricoeur's theory of metaphor." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1986. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.372971.

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Labourie, Camille. "Limites d'ensembles quasiminimaux et existence d'ensembles minimaux sous contraintes topologiques." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASS008.

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Au dix-neuvième siècle, Joseph Plateau a décrit la disposition géométrique des films de savons. Leur forme s'explique par leur tendance à minimiser leur aire pour atteindre une position d'équilibre. Les mathématiciens ont abstrait le concept de «surface d'aire minimale s'appuyant sur un bord» et ont nommé le problème de minimisation correspondant, «problème de Plateau». Il fait l'objet de différentes formulations qui correspondent à autant de façons de définir la classe des «surfaces bordées par une frontière fixée» et «l'aire» à minimiser. Dans cette thèse, on généralise aux suites quasiminimisantes, la limite faible de suites minimisantes introduite par De Lellis, De Philippis, De Rosa, Ghiraldin et Maggi. On montre qu'une limite faible d'ensembles quasiminimaux est quasiminimal. Ce résultat est analogue au théorème de passage à la limite de David pour la convergence de Hausdorff locale. Notre démonstration est inspirée par celle de David tout en étant plus simple. On déduit une méthode directe pour prouver l'existence de solutions à divers problèmes de Plateau, même avec une frontière libre. On l'applique ensuite à deux variantes du problème de Reifenberg (frontière libre ou fixe) pour tous les groupes de coefficient. D'autre part, on propose une structure pour construire des projections de Federer-Fleming ainsi qu'une nouvelle estimation sur le choix des centres de projection
In the nineteenth century, Joseph Plateau described the geometrical disposition of soap films. Their shape is explained by their tendency to minimize their area to a reach an equilibrium. Mathematicians have abstracted the concept of "surface with minimal area spanning a boundary" and have named the corresponding minimization problem, "Plateau problem". It has different formulations corresponding to as many ways of defining the class of "surfaces spanning a given boundary" and the "area" to minimize. In this thesis, we generalize to quasiminimizing sequences, the weak limit of minimizing sequences introduced by De Lellis, De Philippis, De Rosa, Ghiraldin and Maggi. We show that a weak limit of quasiminimal sets is quasiminimal. This result is analogous to the limiting theorem of David for the local Hausdorff convergence. Our proof is inspired by David's one while being simpler. We deduce a direct method to prove existence of solutions to various Plateau problem, even with a free boundary. We apply it then to two variants of the Reifenberg problem (fixed or free boundary) for all coefficient groups. Furthermore, we propose a structure to build Federer-Fleming projections as well as a new estimate on the choice of projection centers

Clark, Ronald R. "An examination of the evidence for the existence of scribal schools in pre-exilic Israel." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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Wiker, Wikström Hannah. "Pre Face." Thesis, Konstfack, Institutionen för Konst (K), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-7775.

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A speculative inquiry into perception regimes, ‘unlearning’, entanglements and how to discuss re-production in the realm of (art) production today. A textual crossreading of how to actively admit and amplify the colonial and imperial consequences active in all levels of society, both personal and collective, and how these ideas continues to (re)produce in ways outside (and inside) of our imagination.  An experimental essay negotiating the relations and symbioses between form an ideology, a try to undermine binary thought formations such as nature and culture, private and public. A proposed crossreading of theory and lived life; how to deal with the (im)possibility of imagining outside of neoliberal conditions, of colonial and capitalist frameworks?

Hunter, Gavan James Civil &amp Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering UNSW. "The pre- and post-failure deformation behaviour of soil slopes." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/19108.

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This thesis examines the pre and post failure deformation behaviour of landslides in cut, fill and natural soil slopes, and of the deformation behaviour of embankment dams. The deformation behaviour of landslides and embankment dams have been analysed from a database of case studies from a number of classes of slope (and dam) and material type. The database included some 450 landslides in cuts, fills and natural slopes, and some 170 embankment dams. For landslides in soil slopes, methods and guidelines have been developed for use in the analysis, evaluation and prediction of the pre and post failure deformation behaviour. They take into consideration the factors influencing and the mechanics controlling the deformation behaviour for the classes of slope and material types, which are different for pre and post failure. Pre-failure deformations are largely controlled by the effective stress conditions within the slope, changes in the boundary conditions and the response of the soil to those changes in boundary conditions. Whether the soil, under the effective stress conditions imposed within the slope, is contractive (and saturated or near saturated) or dilative on shearing, has a significant influence on the pre failure deformation behaviour. The post failure deformation behaviour is strongly influenced by the mechanics of failure (including whether the soil is contractive or dilative on shearing), the source area slope angle, the downslope geometry, the orientation of the surface of rupture, the material properties and slide volume. Guidelines are presented for prediction of 'rapid' and 'slow' post failure velocity. For embankment dams, methods and guidelines have been developed for evaluation and prediction of the deformation behaviour during and post construction for selected embankment types. They take into consideration the influence of material type and placement methods, material strength and compressibility properties, embankment zoning geometry, embankment height, and reservoir operation, amongst other factors. Guidelines have been developed to assist in the identification of 'abnormal' deformation behaviour, which can be related to internal deformations or a marginal stability condition and the onset to failure.

Brown, S. E. "The theological investigation into the concept of the pre-existence of Jesus Christ in the theology of Karl Barth." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.597017.

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The aim of this thesis is to explicate Barth's doctrine of the pre-existence of Jesus Christ in the Church Dogmatics. The concept of pre-existence in general has been widely misunderstood in recent times, and has led to misunderstanding and prejudice against Barth's concept of pre-existence in particular. My aim is twofold: a) To investigate comprehensively the doctrine of the pre-existence of Jesus Christ, also referred to by Barth as the eternal Logos ensarkos, or the humanity of God; b) To demonstrate how the doctrine variously functions in Barth's Church Dogmatics. I have brought in Pannenberg as a dialogue partner to show how their different theologies have given rise to different concepts of pre-existence. I have explored the concept of pre-existence in relation to Barth's understanding of the doctrines of a) revelation, b) election, c) time and eternity, and d) reconciliation. In each of these categories I have shown how the concept of pre-existence functions, bringing in Pannenberg by way of contrast. It is my contention that Barth's concept of pre-existence refers to: a) a self-constitution of God in the second mode of God's being, as the eternal Logos ensarkos; and b) that Jesus Christ is really, actually (as opposed to ideally) spiritually present to those who lived prior to the historical instantiation of Jesus Christ. In Barth's theology the concept of pre-existence serves to: a) emphasise God's love of humanity, and the degree of which God regards humanity; b) stress that the covenant between God and humanity is an eternal convenant; c) emphasise that Jesus Christ is the electing God, as well as the elected man; d) function as a political corrective: it stresses the dignity and sanctity of human life; e) function as a theological corrective against natural theology, and theological dualism.

Rault, Jean-François. "Phénomène d'explosion et existence globale pour quelques problèmes paraboliques sous les conditions au bord dynamiques." Phd thesis, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00554915.

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Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de plusieurs problèmes paraboliques non-linéaires sous les conditions au bord dynamiques. Premièrement, on considère l'équation de Burgers dans un domaine borné réel. On étudie les propriétés des solutions de cette équation lorsqu'on impose des conditions dynamiques sur le bord et lorsque la donnée initiale est positive. En utilisant des méthodes de comparaison, on s'intéresse à l'ordre de croissance et au point d'explosion des solutions régulières via une étude du profil de la solution. Ensuite, on étudie les solutions stationnaires de l'équation de Burgers, dans laquelle on ajoute un paramètre lambda. A l'aide d'une méthode de plan des phases, on démontre l'existence de solutions stationnaires sous différentes conditions au bord (Dirichlet et Neumann). Nous observons qu'en faisant varier le paramètre lambda, on provoque une bifurcation dans le plan des phases, ce qui se traduit de profonds changements dans les résultats d'existence des solutions stationnaires de l'équation de Burgers paramétrée sous les diverses conditions au bord considérées. Par le biais d'une technique basée sur l'étude de norme L-1 adéquates, nous démontrons des résultats d'explosion pour les solutions non-stationnaires de l'équation de Burgers paramétrée lorsque l'on se place dans un domaine réel non-borné. Finalement, on étudie le phénomène de Fujita. A l'aide des méthodes de comparaison, on montre que le phénomène de Fujita, connu dans le cas des conditions de Dirichlet et de Neumann, reste vrai sous les conditions au bord dynamiques. Adaptant notre technique, on prouve que ce phénomène est également vrai sous les conditions au bord de Robin.

Yimsiri, Siam. "Pre-failure deformation characteristics of soils : anisotropy and soil fabric." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2001. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/272069.

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Mandumbu, Ronald. "The stability of tolerance of Sorghum spp to Striga asiatica L. Kuntze under diverse conditions and existence of pre-attachment resistance." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/2788.

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Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal in the world and a staple food for humans. It is also a source of food and fodder for animals. In addition to the abiotic stresses such as drought, parasitic weeds of the genus Striga cause losses in sorghum production in sub Saharan Africa. Striga asiatica is a parasitic weed that attacks cereals in low input agricultural systems and is distributed throughout semi- arid regions of Africa. Most sorghum producing farmers rely on tolerance for their harvests in Striga infested fields yet the stability of tolerance in the face of a changing climate (recurrent droughts), new farming systems (mulch based agriculture) and existence of various Striga strains needs further investigation. Reduced strigolactones production was also studied as a resistance mechanism. The first study was focused on the determination of tolerance of Striga asiatica infested sorghum under drought in a pot study. Five sorghum lines were subjected to infestation with Striga and some were not infested while watering was done at 50 percent field capacity (FC) and 100 percent FC. The results showed that the five sorghum lines differed significantly in chlorophyll content and Normalised Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI). Infection did not lower chlorophyll content when it co-occurred with drought across all sorghum lines. Drought and infestation had mutually exclusive effects on chlorophyll content and NDVI. Under infestation, internode length was similar both at 100 percent FC and at 50 percent FC while under uninfested conditions, 100 percent FC gave the longer internode compared to 50 percent FC. Both infestation and irrigation regime reduced the sorghum head weight, illustrating that the two effects have synergistic effects on sorghum head weight. The second study sought to determine the effects of mulching and infestation on sorghum spp tolerance to Striga asiatica. The experiments were carried out in the seasons 2013/14 and 2014/15 summer seasons. The results indicated that mulching increased chlorophyll content in the 2014/15 season which was a drier season compared to 2013/14. In the 2014/15 season, mulching increased chlorophyll content in all varieties except Ruzangwaya, Mukadziusaende and SC Sila. When the same varieties were infested under mulch and infested without mulch, the results showed that mulching overcomes the effects of infestation in some varieties. Mulch also negates the effect of Striga parasitism and results in yield maintenance in sorghum varieties. The third study sought to determine the stability of sorghum lines when exposed to two Striga asiatica lines sourced from two places which are 500 km apart in Zimbabwe. The two strains were termed the Chiundura and Rushinga strains, based on where they were sourced. The experiments were conducted at Henderson Research Station (HRS) at Mazoe and at Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE). The results showed differential virulence for some traits while the two strains were equally virulent for some traits. The two strains were equally virulent on all sorghum lines with respect to chlorophyll content. The different sorghum lines responded differently to the effects of the two strains. The effects of the two strains were generally similar for head index, root index, and leaf index at all sites. Generally the Chiundura strain was more virulent to sorghum lines compared to Rushinga strain, confirming the existence of physiological strains of Striga in Zimbabwe. Therefore physiological speciation of Striga asiatica exists and this adds a further dimension to the complexity of Striga management in the smallholder sector. Quantification of strigolactone production by different sorghum genotypes was conducted in the laboratory using the agar gel assay. The genotype Mukadziusaende produced significantly the least (P<0.01) quantities of strigolactones, as inferred from the maximum germination distance (MGD) from the sorghum root. The MGD was negatively correlated to tiller numbers illustrating that the more the strigolactones the less the tillering capacity. Tiller numbers and MGD can therefore be used to select for reduced strigolactones production.

Wiebe, Elden Mark. "The pre-existence of the Son of God in the Pauline literature an exegesis of Galatians 4:4 and Romans 8:3 /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1988. http://www.tren.com.

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Rodrigues, Soraia Lopes. "A pré-existência no contexto da reabilitação." Master's thesis, [s.n.], 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/5188.

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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo
O presente trabalho oferece uma análise e reflexão sobre o tema “A pré-existência no contexto da reabilitação” recaindo sobre o papel que desempenha o pré-existente e ainda a importância, atitude e princípios por parte dos arquitectos na transformação de edifícios pré-existentes na circunstância do reabitar do espaço. O objectivo central desta pesquisa, e discussão do tema, centra-se em interpretar a fusão e o diálogo das diferentes linguagens arquitectónicas, entre o novo corpo adicionado e o pré-existente, que resulta numa ambiguidade, não como resultado de um imperfeição mas sim como essência da definição da própria obra. Este trabalho passa por reunir a recolha de informação seleccionada de sete obras de reabilitação feita por arquitectos portugueses, onde foi feito um estudo e uma análise pormenorizada de cada uma delas. Através desta análise são elaborados três grupos de estudo, onde se procura entender quais os tipos de intervenção quando nos encontramos perante uma pré-existência; como se manifesta o diálogo entre estes dois tempos e ainda interpretar o novo significado que a fusão dos dois corpos transmite através de representações virtuais de autoria própria de cada obra. Através deste estudo procura-se compreender a complexidade desta união que gera um novo conjunto, uma nova unidade. Procura-se dar nota de como as novas formas arquitectónicas adicionadas, dividem com a pré-existência, a responsabilidade do resultado entre ambas as partes, do significado, cumplicidade e o diálogo que manifestam no seu conjunto, tendo consciência que é de grande relevância não ocultar ou ignorar as potencialidades do pré-existente.
This present work offers an analysis and reflection on the theme "The pre-existence in the context of rehabilitation" falling on the role played by the pre-existing and also the importance, attitude and principles by architects in transforming pre-existing buildings relapsing a return to live the space. The central objective of this research, and discussion of the topic, focuses on interpreting the fusion and dialogue of different architectural languages, between the new body added and the pre-existent, resulting in ambiguity, not as a result of imperfection but as the essence of his own work setting. This work involves gathering the selected data collection of seven rehabilitation projects done by Portuguese Architects, where it was made a study and a detailed analysis of each of them. Through this analysis they are prepared three studies cases where it seeks to understand what types of intervention when we are faced with a pre-existence; how it manifests the dialogue between these two times and still interpret the new meaning that the merger of the two bodies passes through own authorship virtual representations of each project. This study seeks to understand the complexity of this union that creates a new set, a single unit. Wanted to note how new architectural forms added share with pre-existing responsibility of the result between the two sides, of meaning, complicity and dialogue that manifest as a whole, knowing that it is of great importance not hide or ignore pre-existing strengths. Through this study seeks to understand the complexity of this union that creates a new set, a single unit. Wanted to note how the new architectural forms added share with pre-existing the responsibility of the result between the two sides, of meaning, complicity and dialogue that manifest as a whole, knowing that it is of great importance not hide or ignore pre-existing strengths.

Kollaras, Arthur E. "The autoclaving of municipal greenwastes as pre-treatment for use in soil enhancement /." [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2006. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe19320.pdf.

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Silva, João Miguel Figueiredo. "A in-temporalidade da arquitectura. O colégio da Santissima Trindade, Coimbra." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitetura de Lisboa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/5840.

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Medina, Rita Vaz Conceição Silva. "Intervir com uma pré-existência : a menória preservada na Central Tejo." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/5461.

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Gall, Vojtech. "Capacity of frozen soil for shallow tunnel pre-support underneath a building founded on wooden piles." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/1766.

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Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2004.
Thesis research directed by: Civil Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.

Bravo, Calla Anthony Joel. "Estudio de pre factibilidad para ampliacion del fast food “Takuy” en el Centro Comercial Plaza del Sol de la Ciudad de Huacho." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2014. http://cybertesis.urp.edu.pe/handle/urp/1358.

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This is a pre-feasibility study for evaluating the opening of a fast food restaurant at Mall Plaza del Sol in the city of Huacho, Lima. TAKUY is the Brand name of said fast food restaurant. Currently, TAKUY has a location in Lima at Mall Lima Plaza Norte and its main business is Peruvian cuisine. For this porpoise a deep market research will be carried out in order to collect necessary data for the relevant calculations of this study. TAKUY have incomes higher than S/30, 000 monthly, and the idea of this thesis is to do a pre-feasibility study with all the information necessary for decision making. The study will include a comprehensive market survey, market segmentation, marketing strategies, product mix offering, operating costs, fixed and variable capital investment, profitability and projection information needed to assess the feasibility of opening and as future industrial engineer, I am in the capacity and obligation to effect it. El siguiente proyecto es un estudio de Pre Factibilidad para evaluar si es viable la ejecución de apertura de un local de comida rápida en el Centro Comercial Plaza del Sol, en la ciudad de Huacho, Departamento de Lima. “TAKUY” es el nombre comercial de dicho local, actualmente TAKUY tiene un local en Lima en el C.C. Lima Plaza Norte, su rubro es la comida rápida peruana ó criolla. Para ello se efectuó un profundo análisis de investigación de mercado con intensión de obtener la data necesaria para poder efectuar los cálculos respectivos para el análisis del proyecto. El TAKUY de Lima, tiene recaudaciones mensuales superiores a los S/30,000 y la idea de este proyecto de Tesis es hacerle un estudio de pre factibilidad con toda la información necesaria para la toma de decisión. Dicho estudio comprenderá un estudio de mercado completo, segmentación de mercado, estrategias de Marketing, mix de productos a ofrecer, costos operativos, fijos y variables, capital a invertir, rentabilidad y proyección, información necesaria para poder evaluar viabilidad de apertura y yo como futuro ingeniero industrial estoy en la capacidad y obligación de poder efectuarlo.

Oyedeji, Ayodele A. "Impacts of selected leguminous tree species and kaolinite pre-amendment on oil-contaminated soil for bioremediation in the oil-bearing region of Nigeria." Thesis, University of Wolverhampton, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2436/609041.

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This study investigates the impacts of selected Leguminous Tree Species (LTS) and kaolinite pre-amendment on oil-contaminated soil. It covered assessment of different levels of contamination (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ml in 4000 g soil; which represents the degree of light crude oil spillage concentration as 0.0, 0.63, 1.25, 1.88 and 2.5 %v/w) on the growth performance of Albizia adianthifolia, Albizia odoratissima, Bauhinia monandra, Delonix regia, Peltophorum pterocarpum and Tetrapleura tetraptera LTS investigated. Percentage germination, seedling height, seedling girth, number of leaves and number of nodules decreased as the concentrations of crude oil in soil samples increased. LTS affected soil physicochemical properties. Soil acidity decreased; soil organic matter, carbon content and exchangeable ions increased. N, P and K were altered in the LTS planted soil as compared to controls, but there were no significant (P > 0.05) differences. There were increased microbial counts in the crude oil-contaminated soil planted with LTS as compared with non-LTS planted soils. Hydrocarbon removal was significantly higher (P < 0.05, n = 3) in LTS planted soil than in non-planted soil. D. regia planted soils had most hydrocarbon removal and had significantly more growth in terms of plant height, girth and leaf production in the field. Kaolinite (10 and 20 g samples) applications were suitable and effective sorbent agents for oil-contamination at the different oil concentrations. The sorption potential of kaolinite increased with the increase in kaolinite to 20 g. The potential re-usability of kaolinite after the initial use for oil sorption was analysed and 10 g of burnt kaolinite sorbed 43.62%, while 20 g sorbed 58.90%. The rate of oil sorption by fresh kaolinite was significantly higher than burnt kaolinite. Results show the considerable potential of phytoremediation protocols with LTS and kaolinite as combined remediating agents for oil spill remediation in the humid tropics.

Jaafar, Mariam. "Fonctions du snoARN snR190 et de l'ARN hélicase Dbp7 dans la compaction de l'ARN de la grande sous-unité ribosomique chez la levure." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021TOU30278.

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La synthèse de sous-unités ribosomiques eucaryotes implique l'assemblage et la maturation de particules précurseurs complexes (particules pré-ribosomiques) contenant des précurseurs de l'ARN ribosomique (ARNr), des protéines ribosomiques (RP ou r-protéines) et une pléthore de facteurs d'assemblage et de maturation (AMF). La première partie de ma thèse à porté sur l'hétérodimère BXDC1-RRS1. BXDC1 et RRS1 sont les homologues humains des facteurs d'assemblage et de maturation de la levure Rpf2 et Rrs1, respectivement. Chez S. cerevisiae, Rpf2 et Rrs1 sont impliqués dans le recrutement de la 5S RNP dans les particules pré-60S. De plus, des études récentes menées dans mon équipe d'accueil à Toulouse ont identifié l'hétérodimère Rpf2-Rrs1 comme un nouveau complexe nucléolaire impliqué dans la régulation de la transcription de Pol I dans les cellules de levure. Dans les cellules humaines, BXDC1 et RRS1 sont également impliqués dans l'incorporation de la 5S RNP dans les pré-ribosomes et jouent en outre un rôle central dans la coordination entre la synthèse des ribosomes et la progression du cycle cellulaire. Ce projet visait à déterminer si, à l'instar de son homologue de levure, le complexe BXDC1 / RRS1 est également impliqué dans la régulation de la transcription de Pol I dans les cellules humaines. Nous avons utilisé des tests d'immunoprécipitation de la chromatine (ChIP) pour déterminer si BXDC1 interagit avec l'ADNr. Nous avons également testé si l'absence de BXDC1 affecte l'association de l'ARN Pol I avec l'ADNr. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas réussi à démontrer une interaction entre BXDC1 et ADNr et en outre, l'interaction Pol I avec l'ADNr n'a pas été affectée lors de la depletion de BXDC1 médiée par l'ARNi. Ces données obtenues ne nous ont pas encouragés à approfondir cette partie de ma thèse. La deuxième partie de ma thèse a consisté à etudier la fonction du snoARN a boîte C/D snR190 et son interaction avec la DEAD-box ATPase Dbp7 chez la levure. SnR190 a longtemps été prédit d'agir comme un guide de méthylation snoRNA ciblant un nucléotide du centre peptidyl transférase (PTC) de l'ARNr 25S, bien que la méthylation cible n'ait jamais été détectée. Ce snoARN interagit préférentiellement avec un module protéique composé de cinq facteurs appelés "complexe Npa1", suggéré de jouer un rôle clé dans la compaction de l'ARNr 25S au sein des particules pré-60S précoces. Nous montrons que snR190 est nécessaire pour une prolifération optimale des levures et une maturation efficace des particules pré-60S précoces. Nous proposons que snR190 fonctionne comme un nouveau snoARN chaperon, qui coopère avec le complexe Npa1 pour favoriser la compaction du pré-ARNr dans les premières particules pré-60S, grâce à deux éléments antisens conservés de manière évolutive. Notre étude a en outre révélé un nouveau lien génétique entre snR190 et l'hélicase ARN Dbp7, qui présente des interactions génétiques avec tous les membres du complexe Npa1. Nous montrons en outre que l'absence de Dbp7 conduit à une rétention aberrante dans les particules pré-60S de snR190 et plusieurs snoARNs guides de modification ciblant la région PTC de l'ARNr 25S. De plus, le knock-out de snR190 dans une souche dépourvue de Dbp7 atténue partiellement son défaut de croissance et restaure dans une certaine mesure la maturation précoce des particules pré-60S. Nous proposons que l'hélicase ARN Dbp7 régule l'appariement de bases dynamique entre snR190 et le pré-ARNr au sein des premières particules pré-60S, participant ainsi à la structuration de la région PTC de la grande sous-unité ribosomique
Synthesis of eukaryotic ribosomal subunits involves assembly and maturation of complex precursor particles (pre-ribosomal particles) containing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) precursors, ribosomal proteins (RPs or r-proteins) and a plethora of assembly and maturation factors (AMFs). The first part of my thesis focused on the BXDC1-RRS1 heterodimer. BXDC1 and RRS1 are the human homologues of the yeast assembly and maturation factors Rpf2 and Rrs1, respectively. In S. cerevisiae, Rpf2 and Rrs1 are involved in the recruitment of the 5S RNP into pre-60S particles. Moreover, recent studies performed in my host team in Toulouse identified the Rpf2-Rrs1 heterodimer as a novel nucleolar complex involved in the regulation of Pol I transcription in yeast cells. In human cells, BXDC1 and RRS1 are also implicated in the incorporation of the 5S RNP into pre-ribosomes and further plays a central role in the coordination between ribosome synthesis and the cell cycle progression. This project aimed to determine whether, similarly to its yeast counterpart, the BXDC1/RRS1 complex is also involved in the regulation of Pol I transcription in human cells. We used Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays to determine whether BXDC1 interacts with rDNA. We also tested if the absence of BXDC1 affects RNA Pol I association with rDNA. Unfortunately, we failed to demonstrate any interaction between BXDC1 and rDNA and furthermore, Pol I interaction with rDNA was not affected upon RNAi-mediated depletion of BXDC1. These obtained data did not encourage us to further explore this part of my thesis. The second part of my thesis consisted in deciphering the function of the box C/D snoRNA snR190 and its interplay with the DEAD-box ATPase Dbp7 in yeast. snR190 has long been predicted to act as a methylation guide snoRNA targeting a nucleotide of the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) of the 25S rRNA, although the target methylation has never been detected. This snoRNA interacts preferentially with a protein module composed of five factors called the "Npa1 complex", suggested to play a key role in the compaction of the 25S rRNA within the earliest pre-60S particles. We show that snR190 is required for optimal yeast proliferation and efficient maturation of early pre-60S particles. We propose that snR190 functions as a novel snoRNA chaperone, which cooperates with the Npa1 complex to promote the compaction of the pre-rRNA in the first pre-60S particles, through two evolutionarily conserved antisense elements. Our study further revealed a novel genetic link between snR190 and the Dbp7 RNA helicase, which displays genetic interactions with all members of the Npa1 complex. We further show that the absence of Dbp7 leads to an aberrant retention within pre-60S particles of snR190 and several modification guide snoRNAs targeting the PTC region of the 25S rRNA. In addition, knockout of snR190 in a strain lacking Dbp7 partially alleviates its growth defect and restores early pre-60S particle maturation to some extent. We propose that the Dbp7 RNA helicase regulates the dynamic base-pairing between snR190 and the pre-rRNA within the earliest pre-60S particles, thereby participating in the structuring of the PTC region of the large ribosomal subunit

Hamdi, Salwa. "Vulnérabilité des services écosystémiques des sols tunisiens face aux changements climatiques régionaux : sensibilité de la respiration du sol à la température." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON20137.

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Afin de mieux comprendre et évaluer l'impact du changement climatique sur les stocks de carbone organique du sol (COS) et les flux de carbone, et en particulier la respiration hétérotrophe du sol (RS), il est nécessaire d'étudier la sensibilité de la RS à la température. Plusieurs études sur les facteurs contrôlant la dépendance de la RS à la température ont été faites antérieurement et montrent que la sensibilité de la RS à la température diminue avec la température. Ces études ont suggéré que cette diminution de sensibilité de la RS à la température était liée à la modification de la disponibilité en substrat. D'autres études ont suggéré que cette diminution est liée à l'adaptation de la communauté microbienne aux températures élevées. La sensibilité de la RS à la température est plus particulièrement critique dans les régions semi-arides, comme le Nord Ouest de la Tunisie où le stock de COS est faible. Il est nécessaire de connaître l'effet de la disponibilité en substrat sur la sensibilité de la RS à la température. Dans cette étude, les échantillons de sol ont été incubés pendant 28 jours après une période de 28 jours de pré-incubation. Les pré-incubations et incubations ont été réalisées à 20, 30, 40 et 50°C. Pour tester l'effet de la disponibilité en substrat sur la sensibilité de la RS à la température, du glucose a été ajouté au sol au début de la période d'incubation. L'analyse des résultats a montré que les températures élevées de pré-incubation réduisent la sensibilité de la RS à la température d'incubation. L'addition de glucose réduit l'effet de températures élevées de pré-incubation sur la réponse de la RS. Il apparaît ainsi que la diminution de la sensibilité de la RS après un mois de pré-incubation aux fortes températures est due à la diminution de la disponibilité en substrat. Elle semble aussi liée à une diminution de la biomasse microbienne. Puisque, le sol utilisé pour cette étude est un Cambi sol Calco-magnésimorphe, une deuxième expérimentation a été réalisée afin de déterminer la part de CO2 provenant des carbonates et la part de CO2 provenant du COS. Cette étude a été réalisée par des mesures des signatures isotopiques (δ13C) du COS, des carbonates et du CO2 émis. Après 28 jours d'incubation, 23±9% de CO2 provient des carbonates. Cette contribution est faible par rapport à la teneur initiale élevée de C-CaCO3 dans le sol (4,3%) et est indépendante de la température d'incubation. Cette étude a montré que la réduction de la sensibilité de la RS aux fortes températures est surtout liée à une réduction de la disponibilité en substrat organique et de la biomasse microbienne aux fortes températures
To better understand and assess the impact of climate change on the stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbon fluxes, and particularly heterotrophic soil respiration (SR), it is necessary to study the sensitivity of SR to temperature. Several studies have been achieved to improve the understanding of factors controlling the temperature dependence of SR and showed that the temperature sensitivity of SR decreases with temperature. These studies suggested that this decrease in temperature sensitivity of SR was related to change in substrate availability. Other studies presented microbial adaptation to warmed conditions. The temperature sensitivity of SR is especially critical in semi-arid regions, such as North West Tunisia, where the SOC stock is low. It is necessary to know the influence of substrate availability on the sensitivity of SR to temperature. In this study, soil samples were incubated for 28 days after a 28-day pre-incubation per iod. Pre-incubation and incubation were carried out at 20, 30, 40 and 50°C. To test the substrate availability effect on the temperature sensitivity of SR, glucose was added to soil at the beginning of the incubation period. Results showed that the highest pre-incubation temperature reduced the temperature sensitivity of SR during the subsequent incubation period. Glucose addition reduced the effect of high pre-incubation temperature on SR response. Thus, it appears that the observed decrease in SR sensitivity to temperature after one month pre-incubation at high temperature was due to a reduce in substrate availability and to a decrease in microbial biomass. Since the soil used in this study is a Calcari-Leptic Cambisol, a second experiment was also performed to determine the amount of CO2 from carbonates and the amount of CO2 from SOC. This study was carried out by measurements of the isotopic signatures (δ13C) of SOC, carbonates and emitted CO2. After 28 days of inc ubation, 23±9% of CO2 came from carbonates. This contribution was low compared to the high initial C-CaCO3 content in soil (4.3%), and it was independent to the incubation temperature. This study showed that reduce in the sensitivity of SR to high temperatures was probably due to a reduction in the substrate availability and to a decrease in microbial biomass

Tricarico, Anthony Richard. "Environmental Legacies of Pre-Contact and Historic Land Use in Antigua, West Indies." Scholar Commons, 2019. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/7975.

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Hurricanes Irma and Maria have recently demonstrated once again the susceptibility of contemporary populations across the Caribbean to climate-driven events. For islands such as Antigua in the eastern Caribbean, this vulnerability is partly a legacy of prior land use. As such, the actions of pre-Contact and historic period inhabitants are intertwined with contemporary socio-ecological challenges faced by Antiguans today. This research sought to understand the relationship between land use and land degradation from ca. AD 100 to the present in eastern Antigua utilizing two markers of anthropic activity: soil stability and soil quality. Specifically, this research sought to examine how past anthropogenic actions have shaped landscape dynamics across two regions (Ayer’s Creek Basin and Indian Creek Basin), where archaeological research has revealed a long-term, continuous sequence of occupation dating back 2,000 years. Prior research suggests that contemporary environmental challenges in both regions may be linked to prior land management practices. However, it is unknown to what extent historical land use and its interactions with local geomorphology account for these challenges. The main research question was: In what ways and to what extent has past land use (as recorded archaeologically) impacted the landscape (as recorded by soil stability and soil quality) in the Ayer’s Creek and Indian Creek Basins in eastern Antigua? This research determined that contemporary soil erosion and soil quality loss may be attributed to historic land management practices, but mitigating these challenges is impeded by local perceptions of soil health.

Pinto, Mariana Bruno. "EU SOU FAVELA: AS NOVAS ARTES DA EXISTÊNCIA NAS CANÇÕES DE BEZERRA DA SILVA (1975-2005)." UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSA, 2017. http://tede2.uepg.br/jspui/handle/prefix/388.

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Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:49:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIANA BRUNO.pdf: 2096739 bytes, checksum: 07211e0a295da5b7a7eaa1366817a688 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-16
The following paper has as a goal reflecting about favelas according to Bezerra da Silva`s songs. Due to it, 16 sambas were selected from his repertoire that summed up to the existing testimonies in Marcia Derraik and Simplício Neto’s documentary (2012) show the historical and social panorama from the “carioca’s morro”, these songs that contributed to the subjectivity construction process of the singer and its residents are analized from the foucaultiana reading, which comprises the subjectivation forms as new ways of existence in cariocas’ favelas.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo refletir a respeito das favelas a partir dasmúsicas de Bezerra da Silva. Para isso, foram selecionados 16 sambas de seu repertório que, somados aos depoimentos presentes no documentário de Márcia Derraik e Simplício Neto (2012), dão o panorama sobre as transformações históricas e sociais presentes nos morros cariocas. Estas canções que contribuíram para o processo de construção da subjetividade do cantor e de seus moradores são analisadas a partir da leitura foucaultiana, a qual compreende as formas de subjetivação dos sujeitos como novas formas de existência nas favelas cariocas.

Page, Jon Garret. "Comparative Analysis of Two Successive Vintages of Cabernet Sauvignon Must and Pre-Barrel Wine from Two Distinct Soil Types." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2014. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1174.

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The objective of this study was to determine if there were significant statistical differences in the response variables of Cabernet Sauvignon must and pre-barreled wine analyzed from two vintages from two distinct soil types. Research was conducted at California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo to examine the quantitative chemical analysis of 22 different response variables of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. The same 22 variables were analyzed in must and pre-barreled wine samples harvested from both Calodo Clay Loam soil and Zaca Clay soil. The analyses were done at both California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo and Vinquiry Inc. Labs. The results were then statistically analyzed and results recorded. The results for the vintage year for must showed that 15 of 22 response variables or 68.2 % tested significant at the P

Hirsch, Merilynn Carol. "Process_Based Management of Downy Brome in Salt Desert Shrublands: Assessing Pre- and Post-Rehabilitation Soil and Vegetation Attributes." DigitalCommons@USU, 2011. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/1032.

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A number of technical approaches had to be employed within the planner, namely, 1) translating expected reward into a probability of goal satisfaction criterion, 2) monitoring belief states with a Rao-Blackwellized particle, and 3) employing Rao-Blackwellized particles in the McLUG probabilistic conformant planning graph heuristic. POND-Hindsight is an action selection mechanism that evaluates each possible action by generating a number of lookahead samples (up to a xed horizon) that greedily select actions based on their heuristic value and samples the actions' observation; the average goal satisfaction probability of the end horizon belief states is used as the value of each action.

Oliveira, Carolina Isabel Gonçalves de. "Acomodação da casa num edifício devoluto." Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/18406.

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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Interiores e Reabilitação do Edificado apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.
Os edifícios devolutos são uma imagem marcante por onde quer que se encontrem. São espaços vazios que reflectem uma oportunidade de desenvolver soluções que lhes devolvam e, quem sabe, reconfigurem o uso e a vida. Procurou-se neste trabalho encontrar um edifício já construído e desocupado que, independentemente do seu propósito inicial, fosse capaz de suportar um sistema de habitação colectiva. Sugerindo um programa que se adequasse ao seu local, entendeu-se que o edifício devia ser respeitado e que devia acabar por ser ele a sugerir os caminhos da solução. Para além de uma grande vontade de investigar sobre as formas de viver a casa, havia ainda o interesse em procurar soluções para os percursos que as agregam. Criando um complexo habitacional com tipologias diversas e sistemas distributivos dinâmicos, procurou-se que a pré-existência recebesse a sua nova função de forma pacífica. Que as suas formas não fossem interpretadas como impossibilidades, mas como uma base pronta a acomodar novas formas de viver.
ABSTRACT: The striking image provided by vacant buildings constitutes a landmark wherever they are found. They represent empty spaces which reflect an opportunity to develop solutions in order to give them new features and capabilities. It was found an unoccupied building that, regardless of its first functional purpose, would be able to support a collective housing system. By suggesting a program suited to the place, it was thought that the building should be respected and that it should end up by suggesting the future of its own solution. Desiring to investigate the multiple ways of experiment the house project, there was still interest in finding solutions for the routes that assemble them. By creating a housing complex with diverse typologies and dynamic distributive systems, the aim was the pre-existence to assume its new function. Also, that the original shapes were not interpreted as barriers, but as a fair basis to accommodate new ways of living.


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Verticillium wilt is a widespread soilborne disease of strawberry historically controlled by soil fumigation with methyl bromide (MB). MB was banned by the United Nations in 1995 and will be completely phased out by 2015. Research has concentrated on alternative methods of disease control without finding a single alternative able to replace MB in widespread disease control and yield increase. For the current study, strawberries were greenhouse grown in container pots filled with soil from both infested and non-infested areas of a commercial strawberry field in Watsonville, CA. Treatments included pre-plant soil fumigation with commercially available formulations of methyl bromide, chloropicrin, and 1, 3-Dichloropropene. Additional treatments included ozone gas (six treatments) and biological control (three treatments). Collected data included total plant yield, individual berry weight, number of fruit produced per plant, plant vegetative weight, infection status, and mineral concentration of fruit (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, carbon, and nitrogen). Plants grown in ‘clean’ soil were less likely than plants grown in ‘infested’ soil to be infected with Verticillium. Plants grown in soil treated with MB had higher plant weight and yield than did non-treated control. Ozone and biological control treatments did not have statistically higher yield than non-treated control plants nor statistically lower yield than plants grown in soil treated with MB. Individual berry weights had a narrow range while the number of berries produced per treatment had a wide range. Data suggests strawberry yield is dependent on the number of berries produced per plant. Plants with high vegetative weight produced the highest yield suggesting large plants produce many berries resulting in higher yield.

Buckingham, Donald E. "Ca coince ! La co-existence de la réglementation nationale de l'étiquetage alimentaire sous l'ombre de l'OMC : Trois cas d'études - La France, le Canada et le Ghana." Montpellier 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON10071.

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La réglementation des denrées alimentaires détermine la forme et le contenu des étiquettes alimentaires. Que ce soit dans des pays développés ou en voie de développement, les législations nationales exposent un ensemble d'obligations relatives à l'étiquetage qui reflètent une combinaison d'objectifs intimes, commerciaux et relatifs à la propriété intellectuelle, basés sur les situations uniques de chaque pays. Cette thèse aborde une dimension particulière de l'entremêlement du droit national et international. Tout en se concentrant sur la question étroite de la législation relative à l'étiquetage alimentaire, elle soulève les obligations nationales et internationales qui affectent l'étiquetage alimentaire et qui ressortent du droit de la propriété intellectuelle, de la réglementation du commerce et de la protection du consommateur. Les régimes d'étiquetage alimentaire nationaux partagent cependant des caractéristiques juridiques communes. La législation française, canadienne et ghanéenne reconnaît trois catégories des caractéristiques de l'étiquetage alimentaire pour les produits préemballés : les mentions obligatoires, prohibés, et réservés. De plus, le non-respect des lois sur l'étiquetage alimentaire peut entraîner la responsabilité criminelle ou civile, bien que l'application de ces lois varie d'un pays à l'autre. Les pays dont la culture est axée sur la nourriture sont plus aptes à appliquer rigoureusement les lois sur l'étiquetage alimentaire. Les lois nationales ne sont pas les seules à dicter la forme que prendront les étiquettes alimentaires. Les obligations juridiques internationales jouent un rôle de plus en plus important. C'est le désir des États d'harmoniser certaines lois sur le commerce et sur la propriété intellectuelle qui a donné naissance aux premiers accords internationaux. Cependant, un changement s'est produit avec l'arrivée du GATT 1947. Cet Accord ne visait pas à harmoniser les régimes de droit privé entre partenaires commerciaux, mais plutôt à établir des obligations générales prohibant certaines mesures nationales défavorables au commerce. Le balancier a oscillé plus loin encore avec l'entrée en vigueur de l’Accord de l'OMC. À la lumière de leurs obligations en vertu de l'OMC, les gouvernements nationaux doivent maintenant: (a) entreprendre une réforme de leur droit positif; (b) rendre les mesures nationales compatibles avec l'OMC ; et (c) se soumettre aux méthodes obligatoires de règlement de différends commerciaux. Les obligations internationales établies pour remplir les objectifs de protection de la santé et de réglementation du commerce permettent aux États d'adopter les mesures nationales tout en suivant la libéralisation du commerce international. Cependant, les obligations internationales appliquées aux mesures nationales en ce qui concerne le marquage des produits de qualité ou le renseignement des consommateurs menacent les sensibilités nationales. Jusqu'au moment où le consensus international se codifiera à propos de l'application des obligations internationales à ces mesures nationales, les conflits entre les obligations nationales et internationales continueront
Legal regulation shapes the form and content of food labels. Whether in developed or developing countries, national laws outline obligations for labelling that reflect a combination of safety, commercial, and proprietary objectives based on a country's unique circumstances. This dissertation mines one particular dimension of the interplay between national and international law. While focusing on the narrow issue of food labelling legislation, it canvasses the national and international obligations affecting food labels that arise from intellectual property law, trade regulation and consumer protection. National food labelling regimes share some similar legislative provisions. French, Canadian, and Ghanaian law all recognize three categories of food labelling elements for pre-packaged foods: (1) mandatory labelling elements; (2) prohibited elements; and (3) reserved elements. As well, failure to comply with food labelling laws can result in criminal or civil liability, although implementation varies from country to country, with "foodcentred" cultures more apt to vigorously enforce food labelling laws. Yet, it not simply national law that dictates the final form of food labels. International legal obligations increasingly play a pivotal role. While early international agreements were driven by States' desires to harmonize certain commercial and intellectual property laws, a shift occurred with the GATT 1947. This Agreement did not look to harmonize private law regimes amongst trading partners, but rather it set out general obligations that prohibited certain national measures which inhibited trade. The pendulum has swung even further with the establishment of the WTO. National governments, in light of their WTO obligations, must now (a) undertake positive law reform; (b) make national measures WTO-compatible; and (c) submit to compulsory trade dispute resolution, all of which can affect national food labelling laws. Clear international obligations established to address commercial or health concerns permit States to maintain national measures while still pursuing trade liberalization. However, international obligations applied to discipline national measures like the marking of food quality and the provision of new consumer information tread on national cultural sensitivities. Until further consensus evolves concerning how international obligations should be applied to such national food labelling measures, significant conflicts between national and international obligations will continue

Rajabalee, Fazil Ahmad. "Existence et stabilité de sous-familles structurales de cristaux mixtes dans les alcanes normaux (C8H18 à C28H58) : caractérisations cristallographique et thermodynamique ; incidence des désordres de composition, conformation et rotation." Bordeaux 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR10549.

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L'etude approfondie, a visee federatrice, porte sur 14 systemes binaires de la famille modele des alcanes. Les equilibres solide + solide et solide + liquide des diagrammes de phases souvent tres complexes ont ete modelises grace au concept general d'isopolymorphisme. Nous avons caracterise structuralement et thermodynamiquement l'ensemble des edifices purs et mixtes. Nous avons montre que l'existence, la nature et la concentration de defauts et desordres determinent la nature des phases cristallines et que la syncristallisation stabilise des phases non stables pour les constituants. Des correlations entre les variations, avec la longueur de chaine et la temperature, des differentes grandeurs thermodynamiques d'exces et, entre ces grandeurs et le degre d'isomorphisme cristallin des constituants ont ete etablies ; elles nous permettent de conclure a l'existence de sous-familles structurales de cristaux mixtes d'alcanes, chacune presentant sa propre temperature caracteristique.

CHAIB, Karim. "Quelques résultats sur les systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles faisant intervenir l'opérateur p-Laplacien." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00001828.

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Il a été question dans ce travail, sous la direction de F. de Thélin, de l'étude de certains systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles faisant intervenir l'opérateur $p$-Laplacien ($ \Delta_p u = div(|\nabla u|^{p-2} \nabla u) $). Cet opérateur elliptique dégénéré apparaît dans de nombreux problèmes aussi bien en mathématiques fondamentales qu'en sciences expérimentales (écoulement de glacier de montagne, extraction pétrolière, dynamique des populations et d'autres encore). Il généralise l'opérateur Laplacien usuel $ \Delta = \Delta_2 $ dont l'étude a été largement abordée ces dernières décennies. Nous nous sommes attachés à étudier certaines propriétés des solutions de ces systèmes telles que l'existence, l'unicité et la régularité dans des domaines non bornés et en particulier $ \mathbb{R}^N $. Ces résultats ont été obtenus sous des conditions variées portant sur le comportement des termes de réactions qui interviennent dans les problèmes. Dans cette thèse, nous avons généralisé au cas non borné un outil très utilisé pour appréhender des équations aux dérivées partielles de ce type, qui est connu sous le nom d'inégalité de Díaz-Saa. Elle nous a permis d'obtenir des résultats d'existence et d'unicité de solution pour un système sous des conditions du même type que celles de H. Brézis et L. Oswald. En outre, nous avons utilisé le théorème du col et la méthode des sous,sur-solutions pour montrer une condition nécessaire et suffisante d'existence dans le cas sur-homogène et sous-critique et dans le cas sous-homogène. Une partie de cette thèse a aussi été consacrée à l'étude du comportement asymptotique des solutions de tels systèmes dépendant d'un paramètre. Le comportement de ces solutions lorsque le paramètre tend vers l'infini dépend essentiellement du comportement des termes de réactions à l'infini.

Marasca, Indiamara [UNESP]. "Atributos físicos do solo em áreas de plantio direto com e sem escarificação." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/90490.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O sistema de plantio direto vem sendo empregado em diversas regiões do Brasil; porém, dependendo do local e da intensidade do tráfego de máquinas, tem provocado a compactação do solo e muitos produtores utilizam como solução a escarificação da área para romper a camada que diminui o crescimento das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da escarificação (0,30 m) nas propriedades físicas de um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, comparando os resultados com uma área contigua não escarificada, ambas conduzidas, anteriormente, pelo sistema de plantio direto. Para a determinação da resistência mecânica à penetração, densidade e pressão de pré-consolidação do solo foram amostradas as duas áreas de plantio direto, com escarificação (PDCE) e sem escarificação (PDSE). Utilizando-se a UMAS – Unidade Móvel de Amostragem do Solo, construída pelo NEMPA - Núcleo de Ensaio de Máquinas e Pneus Agroflorestais da FCA/UNESP de Botucatu/SP, equipada com GPS, possibilitando o georeferenciamento dessas amostras. A resistência mecânica do solo à penetração de um cone foi obtida através do penetrômetro hidráulico-eletrônico e as outras propriedades foram avaliadas em laboratório através da coleta de anéis padronizados. A amostragem foi realizada no sistema de malha (“grid”) seguindo as dimensões de 15 x 25 m para a resistência à penetração do solo e para a amostragem com anéis numa dimensão de 15 x 50 m, sendo coletados 160 anéis. As amostras com anéis, para a determinação da densidade e para o ensaio no consolidômetro, foram coletadas nas camadas de 0 a 0,10 m, 0,10 a 0,20 m, 0,20 a 0,30 m e 0,30 a 0,40 m e com os dados obtidos com o penetrômetro foram calculados os índices de cone para essas mesmas camadas. Com os dados obtidos e calculados foram construídos e comparados os mapas desse atributo para as áreas escarificada...
The no-tillage system has been used in several regions of Brazil, but depending on the location and intensity of machinery traffic has caused soil compaction and many producers use as a solution to scarification of the area to break the layer decreases plant growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of scarification (0.30 m) on physical properties of an Alfisol dystrophic, comparing the results with a contiguous area not scarified, both conducted previously by the system of tillage. To determine the penetration resistance, density and pressure of pre-consolidation of soil were sampled both areas of tillage, with scarification (PDCE) and without scarification (PDSE). Using the MUSS - Mobile Unit of Soil Sampling, built by NEMPA – Nucleus for Agronomic and Forest Machines and Tires Tests and FCA/UNESP, Botucatu/SP, equipped with GPS, allowed the georeferencing of these samples. The mechanical resistance to penetration of a cone penetrometer was obtained through the hydraulic-electronic and other properties were evaluated in the laboratory by collecting rings standardized. The sampling was performed at loop system (grid) following the dimensions of 15 x 25 m for the penetration resistance and soil sampling rings with a dimension of 15 x 50 m, and collected 160 rings. Samples with rings for determining the density and test in consolidometer were collected in layers of 0 to 0.10 m, 0.10 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.30, 0.30 to 0.40 m with the data obtained with the penetrometer were calculated for a cone to those layers. With the data collected and calculated were constructed and compared this attribute maps for the areas scarified and not scarified (Tillage). For the test with consolidometer rings were used with undisturbed samples to derive the load-bearing capacity of soil. Soil management adopted provide a decrease in the density of soil tillage with chiseling at depths... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Bradfield, Todd D. "Pre-Historic Landslides on the Southeast Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Utah: Character and Causes of Slope Failure." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2007. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd1743.pdf.

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Haeringer, Anne Sophie. "Acclimater le conte sous nos latitudes : Une sociologie pragmatique du renouveau du conte." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO20121.

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Dans la perspective d’une sociologie pragmatique, cette thèse interroge ce qu’il en est du renouveau du conte. Ainsi, il ne s’agit pas de définir les causes de ce phénomène datant des années 1970, ni d’établir des filiations – entre un conte considéré comme « traditionnel » et un « néoconte » – mais de prendre pour thème de l’enquête celles qui lui sont prêtées par les conteurs ou les chercheurs s’étant intéressés à la question. L’approche n’étant pas interprétative, la thèse ne s’intéresse pas au texte, ni même au couplage texte/contexte, mais au conte-en-acte. Elle propose de penser le renouveau du conte en termes d’acclimatation plutôt que de changement de contexte et introduit ce faisant la notion de milieu. Cette hypothèse du conte associé à son milieu est mise à l’épreuve des redéfinitions contemporaines de la pratique du conte. Une première épreuve est considérée comme centrale en ce qu’elle transforme le mode d’existence du conte : grâce aux collectes entreprises par les folkloristes puis les ethnologues, le conte existe désormais sous un état non seulement graphique mais surtout bibliographique. Cette épreuve chapeaute toutes les autres. Les deux épreuves examinées ensuite sont celles de la persistance, à la campagne ou à la ville, d’une version ethnologisante du conte qui considère que le conte est attaché à la communauté. Les deux dernières épreuves concernent la définition d’une version esthétisante du conte. La thèse montre alors que le processus d’autonomisation du conte – au plan esthétique comme au plan politique ou institutionnel – n’aboutit jamais ; surtout qu’il n’y a là ni un défaut du conte ni une défaillance de ceux qui le défendent. Au contraire, c’est là leur qualité : le conte est une parole bègue, un art en mode mineur.Prenant au sérieux la réflexivité dont font preuve les acteurs du conte, la thèse met également en évidence, chemin faisant, différents régimes de réflexivité croisée entre les chercheurs et les acteurs du conte
From a pragmatic sociology point of view, this dissertation calls into questions what the revival of storytelling is about. It does not deal with defining the causes of this phenomenon which dates back to the 1970s, nor with drawing filiations – from a storytelling understood as “traditional” and to a “new-storytelling” – but it is about focusing on those storytellers or researchers attribute to it. As the approach is not interpretative, the dissertation does not focus on the text, nor on the articulation text/context, but on the tale-in-action. It tries to figure the revival of storytelling in terms of acclimatation rather than of context evolutions. Thus, it weaves the notion of milieu.Contemporary redefinitions of the practice of storytelling challenge this hypothesis of a storytelling connected to its milieu. A first probing test can be considered as crucial as it transforms tale’s mode of existence: through collections initiated by folklorists and later on ethnologists, tale now exists not only in a graphic, but also bibliographic form. This probing test embraces the others.The two probing tests that are then explored are those of the persistence, in rural spaces as much as in cities, of an ethnologizing version of storytelling, which considers storytelling as tied to the community.The last two probing tests deal with the definition of an aestheticizing version of storytelling. The dissertation evinces then that the process of autonomization of storytelling – on the aesthetic level as much as on the political or institutional one – is never accomplished; especially since there is neither a flaw of storytelling or a failure of those who promote it. On the contrary, it is their quality: storytelling is stuttered speech, an art in a minor mode.Considering with attention the reflexivity actors of storytelling are showing, the dissertation also underlines, along its way, different regimes of crossed reflexivity between researchers and actors of storytelling

Padel, Laurent. "Les régimes esthétiques du virtuel : pour une réflexion esthétique sur l' existence de la notion philosophique de "virtuel" dans la tradition picturale chinoise des "fleurs et oiseaux" sous les dynasties Song (960-1279)." Paris 8, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA082798.

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Cette thèse fonde la notion philosophique de virtuel (non actuel du réel) comme instrument contemporain de compréhension de la tradition picturale chinoise des Sòng des fleurs et des oiseaux. Ce travail élabore une voie originale qui a permis un croisement effectif des approches, chinoises et occidentales, aussi bien qu’esthétiques, historiques et philosophiques. Le virtuel permet d’accéder à la compréhension effective, des différents aspects majeurs des peintures de fleurs et d’oiseaux et aux notions esthétiques complexes du néo-confucianisme, synthèse formée d’éléments taoïstes, confucéens et bouddhistes. Ces trois aspects se développent au travers du processus naturel de la forme ample, du culturel conçu comme relationnel d’une communauté, et enfin de la valeur de plénitude propre au vide. Le virtuel peut être conçu comme ce pont entre ces mondes, proprement comme régimes esthétiques
This thesis founds the philosophical notion of virtual (non-actual of real) as contemporary instrument of comprehension of Chinese traditional paintings of Sòng on flowers and birds. It elaborates an original way of analysis that has permitted an effective crossroad of different approaches, between Chinese and Occidental cultural approaches, as well as aesthetic, historical and philosophical transversal approaches. The concept of virtual makes possible for effective comprehension of different major aspects of paintings of flowers and birds, so as of different aesthetic notions of the Neo-Confucian formed by elements rooted from Taoism, Confucian and Buddhism. These three elements develop in succession through first of all Natural as process of ample form, then Cultural as relational of a community, and at last Value of Plenitude as proper to emptiness. Virtual could be therefore, considered in this perspective, as a bridge that renders effective passage possible of these different worlds and formes thus as aesthetic systems

Marasca, Indiamara 1986. "Atributos físicos do solo em áreas de plantio direto com e sem escarificação /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/90490.

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Resumo: O sistema de plantio direto vem sendo empregado em diversas regiões do Brasil; porém, dependendo do local e da intensidade do tráfego de máquinas, tem provocado a compactação do solo e muitos produtores utilizam como solução a escarificação da área para romper a camada que diminui o crescimento das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da escarificação (0,30 m) nas propriedades físicas de um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, comparando os resultados com uma área contigua não escarificada, ambas conduzidas, anteriormente, pelo sistema de plantio direto. Para a determinação da resistência mecânica à penetração, densidade e pressão de pré-consolidação do solo foram amostradas as duas áreas de plantio direto, com escarificação (PDCE) e sem escarificação (PDSE). Utilizando-se a UMAS - Unidade Móvel de Amostragem do Solo, construída pelo NEMPA - Núcleo de Ensaio de Máquinas e Pneus Agroflorestais da FCA/UNESP de Botucatu/SP, equipada com GPS, possibilitando o georeferenciamento dessas amostras. A resistência mecânica do solo à penetração de um cone foi obtida através do penetrômetro hidráulico-eletrônico e as outras propriedades foram avaliadas em laboratório através da coleta de anéis padronizados. A amostragem foi realizada no sistema de malha ("grid") seguindo as dimensões de 15 x 25 m para a resistência à penetração do solo e para a amostragem com anéis numa dimensão de 15 x 50 m, sendo coletados 160 anéis. As amostras com anéis, para a determinação da densidade e para o ensaio no consolidômetro, foram coletadas nas camadas de 0 a 0,10 m, 0,10 a 0,20 m, 0,20 a 0,30 m e 0,30 a 0,40 m e com os dados obtidos com o penetrômetro foram calculados os índices de cone para essas mesmas camadas. Com os dados obtidos e calculados foram construídos e comparados os mapas desse atributo para as áreas escarificada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The no-tillage system has been used in several regions of Brazil, but depending on the location and intensity of machinery traffic has caused soil compaction and many producers use as a solution to scarification of the area to break the layer decreases plant growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of scarification (0.30 m) on physical properties of an Alfisol dystrophic, comparing the results with a contiguous area not scarified, both conducted previously by the system of tillage. To determine the penetration resistance, density and pressure of pre-consolidation of soil were sampled both areas of tillage, with scarification (PDCE) and without scarification (PDSE). Using the MUSS - Mobile Unit of Soil Sampling, built by NEMPA - Nucleus for Agronomic and Forest Machines and Tires Tests and FCA/UNESP, Botucatu/SP, equipped with GPS, allowed the georeferencing of these samples. The mechanical resistance to penetration of a cone penetrometer was obtained through the hydraulic-electronic and other properties were evaluated in the laboratory by collecting rings standardized. The sampling was performed at loop system ("grid") following the dimensions of 15 x 25 m for the penetration resistance and soil sampling rings with a dimension of 15 x 50 m, and collected 160 rings. Samples with rings for determining the density and test in consolidometer were collected in layers of 0 to 0.10 m, 0.10 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.30, 0.30 to 0.40 m with the data obtained with the penetrometer were calculated for a cone to those layers. With the data collected and calculated were constructed and compared this attribute maps for the areas scarified and not scarified (Tillage). For the test with consolidometer rings were used with undisturbed samples to derive the load-bearing capacity of soil. Soil management adopted provide a decrease in the density of soil tillage with chiseling at depths... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Orientador: Kleber Pereira Lanças
Coorientador: Reginaldo Barboza da Silva
Banca: Renato Lara de Assis
Banca: Maria Helena Moraes

Munier, Rémi. "Etude de la fatigue des aciers laminés à partir de l'auto-échauffement sous sollicitation cyclique : essais, observations, modélisation et influence d'une pré-déformation plastique." Thesis, Brest, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BRES0087/document.

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La détermination des propriétés en fatigue à grand nombre de cycles des aciers laminés destinés à l'industrie automobile est un processus coûteux en temps et en quantité de matière : 25 éprouvettes et presque un mois d'essais sont nécessaires à l'obtention d'une courbe de fatigue standard. Dans l'objectif de réduire ces temps de caractérisation, une méthode rapide, basée sur l'auto-échauffement de la matière sous sollicitation cyclique est mise en place sur un très grand nombre de nuances. Les mesures d'auto-échauffement mettent en évidence la présence de deux régimes dissipatifs distincts, un pour les plus faibles amplitudes de chargement cyclique et un pour les plus hautes. Un modèle probabiliste à deux échelles est ensuite développé, dont le but est de prévoir le comportement en fatigue à grand nombre de cycles à partir des mesures d'auto-échauffement. Il est composé d'une matrice au comportement élasto-plastique et d'une population d'inclusions possédant un second comportement élasto-plastique dont le seuil d'activation est aléatoire. Les deux régimes d'auto-échauffement peuvent ainsi être décrits fidèlement. En utilisant l'hypothèse du maillon le plus faible et un critère énergétique, une prévision du comportement en fatigue est réalisée. Trois jours seulement sont alors requis pour obtenir une courbe de fatigue complète. La pertinence de l'approche est validée en comparant avec des courbes de fatigue standards. Puis, des observations par microscopie optique, par microscopie à force atomique et par EBSD sont entreprises sur un acier micro-allié. L'objectif est double : en premier lieu, mieux comprendre les phénomènes qui se produisent sous sollicitation cyclique conduisant à l'obtention des deux régimes d'auto-échauffement ; en second lieu, justifier la pertinence des ingrédients introduits dans la modélisation. Dans une seconde grande partie, il est question de l'influence d'une pré-déformation plastique sur l'évolution des propriétés en fatigue. En effet, les composants automobiles obtenus à partir de tôles en acier laminé subissent diverses opérations de mise en forme, conduisant à déformer plastiquement la matière. Ces modifications de l'état de la matière engendrent des évolutions des propriétés en fatigue qui ne sont cependant pas prises en compte dans le dimensionnement actuel des pièces (non déterminées par la méthode standard car trop coûteux en temps). La rapidité de la méthode développée autorise à caractériser ces évolutions. A partir des modifications des propriétés à l'auto-échauffement après divers modes de pré-déformation plastique (traction, traction plane, cisaillement) et en étudiant diverses directions de sollicitation, il est possible de prévoir l'évolution des propriétés en fatigue associée pour de larges gammes de pré-déformations. La qualité des prévisions est validée en comparant avec des courbes de fatigue standards
The determination of high cycle fatigue properties of high strength steel sheets for automotive industry is time and specimens consuming : 25 specimens and almost one month are required to obtain a traditional fatigue SN curve. In order to reduce the time dedicated to the fatigue characterization, a fast method, based on the self-heating of steels under cyclic loading is developed and applied to a wide range of grades. Self-heating measurements show the presence of two distinct dissipative regimes, a firstone for the low amplitudes of cyclic loading and a secondary one for the highest. A two scales probabilistic model is then developed in order to establish a dialogue between self-heating measurements and the fatigue properties. It is composed by a matrix having an elasto-plastic behaviorand a population of inclusions having a second elasto-plastic behavior with a random activation threshold. Both self-heating regimes can be perfectly described. By using the weakest link theory and an energetic criterion, a prediction of fatigue properties is made. Only three days are required to obtain acomplete fatigue curve. The pertinence of the approach is validated by a comparison with standard fatigue curves. Then, observations with optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy and EBSD are made on a high strength low alloyed steel grade. This study has two objectives: a better understanding of phenomenon occurring during cyclic loading leading to the two self-heating regimes; a justification of the ingredients introduced into the model. In a second important section, it deals with the influence of aplastic pre-strain on the fatigue properties evolution. Indeed, automotive components obtained from high strength steel sheets are subjected to primary forming operations, inducing plastic strain. These modifications lead to fatigue properties evolutions that are nevertheless not taken into account intraditional fatigue design of components (not determined with the standard method because ofprohibitive time). The speed of the proposed approach authorizes to characterize these evolutions. From the modifications of the self-heating properties after different modes of plastic pre-strain (tension, planetension, shearing) and by studying different directions of loading, it is possible to predict the fatigue properties evolutions for a wide range of plastic strain. The quality of the predictions is validated by acomparison with standard fatigue curves

Carvalho, Danilo Pereira de. "Cálculo do equilíbrio de fases em sistemas contendo hidrocarbonetos em fase gasosa com altos teores de CO2 e traços de água." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3137/tde-12122016-145021/.

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Os grandes campos de petróleo offshore recentemente descobertos na camada pré-sal, localizada no sudeste do Brasil, representam um avanço significativo da participação brasileira nas reservas mundiais de hidrocarbonetos, que ainda são a principal matriz energética mundial. Nesse cenário, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento da produção desses campos. Um dos principais desafios tecnológicos da exploração desses campos é o processamento do gás natural associado, que possui altos teores de dióxido de carbono CO2. Esse contaminante deve ser separado para possibilitar a injeção no reservatório e/ou o escoamento desse gás através de dutos submarinos, dadas as restrições na legislação ambiental. Nas plantas de processamento instaladas no convés de grandes embarcações, são previstas instalações para a separação do CO2 e a remoção de umidade do gás a fim de evitar a formação de hidratos e a corrosão acentuada das linhas de escoamento, pois tanto a injeção quanto a exportação do gás são realizadas em condições de pressão e temperaturas extremas. Nesse contexto, o conhecimento acurado das condições em que se forma uma fase aquosa líquida é importante para garantir a viabilidade técnica e de segurança dessas operações. Considerando a relevância do assunto e as limitações da literatura para os cenários enfrentados no pré-sal brasileiro, esse trabalho tem o objetivo de fazer um estudo abrangente do equilíbrio de fases em sistemas contendo hidrocarbonetos em fase gasosa com altos teores de CO2 e traços de água, visando à obtenção de modelo para cálculo do ponto de orvalho da água. O uso de modelos rigorosos baseado na teoria dos fluidos associativos (PC-SAFT) mostrou-se adequado para o cálculo das condições de saturação em amplas faixas de pressão e temperatura. Com base em dados experimentais publicados foi possível fazer um ajuste preciso dos parâmetros de interação binária da equação de estado PC-SAFT. Como resultado, obteve-se um modelo capaz de descrever o comportamento de fases em misturas de hidrocarbonetos com composição próxima das encontradas no pré-sal brasileiro.
The giant offshore petroleum fields recently discovered in the pre-salt layer on the southeast of Brazil represent a significant increment in the Brazilian share of the global hydrocarbon reserves, which is still the most important energetic matrix. In this scenario, the development of production for these petroleum fields becomes important. One of the main technological challenges posed by these fields is the processing of the associated gas, which contains high amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). Due to environmental laws, this contaminant must be separated to allow the injection back into the reservoir and/or the gas flow through subsea pipelines. The gas processing plants installed on large vessels comprise facilities that remove CO2 and moisture from natural gas, to prevent hydrate formation and severe corrosion throughout the pipelines, as both gas injection and gas exportation are performed in extreme pressure and temperature conditions. Thus, the accurate knowledge of conditions in which aqueous liquid phases are formed is important to ensure the technical viability and operational safety of these operations. Considering the relevance of this subject and the limitations of published works for the Brazilian pre-salt scenario, this work presents a comprehensive study on the phase equilibrium in systems with hydrocarbons in gas phase with high content of CO2 and traces of water, aiming at developing a model to calculate the dew point of water. The use of a rigorous method based on the associating fluid theory (PCSAFT) has shown to be appropriate to calculate the saturation condition for a large range of pressure and temperature. Based on the experimental data published, the fitting of the binary interaction parameter from the PC-SAFT equation of state was carried out. The resulting model was able to describe the phase behavior of hydrocarbon mixture with composition similar to those found in the Brazilian pre-salt.

Rasheed, Amer. "Solidification Dendritique de Mélanges Binaires de Métaux sous l'Action de Champs Magnétique: Modélisation, Analyse Mathématique et Numérique." Phd thesis, INSA de Rennes, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00565743.

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La compréhension du comportement des matériaux en présence d'impuretés, durant le processus de solidification, nécessite le développement de méthodologies appropriées pour une analyse et un contrôle efficace des changements topologiques des microstructures (par exemple, la formation des dendrites) au cours des différentes phases de transformation. L'objectif de cette thèse est de construire un modèle pertinent de solidification d'alliages binaires sous l'action de champs magnétiques, d'analyser les systèmes issus du modèle mathématique ainsi développé, d'un point de vue théorique et numérique, et enfin de développer une méthode de contrôle optimal afin de contrôler la dynamique du front de solidification par l'action du champs magnétiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons décrit la physique du problème et les lois fondamentales nécessaires à la modélisation, puis nous avons construit un nouveau modèle de champ de phase, qui tient compte de l'influence de l'action du champ magnétique sur le mouvement du front de solidification. Le modèle ainsi développé est caractérisé par le couplage de trois systèmes : un de type magnétohydrodynamique, un second de type Warren-Boettingger avec convection (représentant l'évolution du front de solidification et la concentration du mélange binaire) et un troisième représentant l'évolution de la température. Les équations du système complet décrivant le modèle, dans un domaine Ω inclus dans R^{n}, n ≤ 3, sont évolutives, non linéaires, couplées et anisotropes. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons effectué l'analyse théorique du modèle développé dans le cas isotherme et isotrope en dimension deux. Nous avons obtenu des résultats d'existence, de régularité, de stabilité et d'unicité d'une solution, sous certaines conditions sur des opérateurs non linéaires du système. Enfin, nous avons développé une méthode de contrôle optimal non linéaire : le champ magnétique (qui intervient sous forme multiplicative) joue le rôle de contrôle, et l'observation est l'état désiré de la dynamique du front. Nous avons démontré l'existence d'une solution optimale et obtenu la sensibilité de l'opérateur solution et les conditions d'optimalité en introduisant un problème adjoint. Cette partie théorique de la thèse est complétée par un important travail numérique. L'analyse et les simulations numériques ont été menées sur le problème complet bi-dimensionnel non linéaire (isotrope et anisotrope). Nous avons utilisé pour la discrétisation la méthode des lignes qui consiste à considérer séparément la discrétisation temporelle et spatiale. La discrétisation spatiale est effectuée par un schéma d'éléments finis mixtes et le système différentiel algébrique obtenu est résolu par l'utilisation du solveur DASSL. La discrétisation du domaine est effectuée par des mailles triangulaires non structurées. Dans le cas réaliste, elles correspondent à un maillage non uniforme et trés fin dans la zone de la dendrite et au niveau de l'interface. Nous avons obtenu des estimations d'erreur pour les différentes variables d'état du modèle et analysé la robustesse et la stabilité des schémas d'approximation. Ce code numérique a été validé sur différents exemples, et donne d'excellents résultats. Ensuite, nous avons exploité le code pour traiter un problème réaliste, à savoir la solidification dendritique d'un alliage binaire Nickel-Cuivre, et analyser l'influence de champs magnétiques sur l'évolution des dendrites. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'efficacité de l'approche à reproduire les observations expérimentales.

Kathawaroo, Deshika. "The effect of fire on the spatial distribution of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soil organic matter and pH, and the nitrogen acquisition patterns of pre and post-fire communities." Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/25971.

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Gonçalves, Simone de Oliveira 1983. "Influência de manejo de irrigação sobre aspectos da ecofisiologia e produção da videira CV. Syrah /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93766.

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Orientador: Luís Henrique Bassoi
Banca: Sarita Leonel
Banca: Antonio Odair Santos
Resumo: A irrigação é uma prática importante no cultivo de espécies frutíferas no Semiárido brasileiro, devido à precipitação pluvial com baixa magnitude, distribuição temporal irregular e insuficiente para atender a demanda hídrica das culturas agrícolas. Assim, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes manejos de irrigação na videira de vinho cv. Syrah/1103P, no comportamento ecofisiológico da cultura e em seus aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da produção de uvas. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Semiárido, em Petrolina - PE, durante o primeiro ciclo de produção da cultura (13 de abril a 6 de agosto de 2010). O espaçamento da cultura foi de 3m entre linhas de plantas e 1 m entre plantas. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o de gotejamento, com emissores espaçados a 0,5 m na linha de plantio com vazão de 2,5 Lh-1. O delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições e 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena (IP) - irrigação durante todo o ciclo da cultura; irrigação deficitária (ID) - interrupção da irrigação a partir dos 45 dias após a poda de produção (dapp) até a colheita; e irrigação com déficit controlado (IDC) - interrupção da irrigação aos 45 dapp e irrigações eventuais para o aumento da umidade do solo na profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular (0,6 m). O manejo da irrigação foi baseado na evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) estimada pela relação entre a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) e coeficientes da cultura (Kc). A partir de 45 dapp e até a colheita (115 dapp), a umidade do solo até a profundidade de 1,20 m foi menor nos tratamentos IDC e ID em relação ao tratamento IP
Abstract: Irrigation is important practice in the fruit crop growing in the Brazilian Semiarid region, due to low magnitude raintall, with irregular time distribuition, which is not enough to supply water demand by plants. Hence, a research work was designed to evoluate the effects of different irrigation schedulings on wine grapevine, particularly on plant ecophysiological behavior and yield. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid, in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, during the first crop growing season (April 13 to August 6, 2010) of grapevine cv. Syrah grafted on Paulsen 1103 rootstock, planted on grid spacing of 3 m between rows and 1m between plants. Drip irrigation system was used with 2.5 L.h-1 flow emitter spaced in 0.5 m. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks, with 4 replications and 3 irrigation treatments: full irrigation (FI) - irrigation throuhgtout the entire growing season; deficit irrigation (DI) - water application interrupted since 45 days after pruning (dap) until harvest; e regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) - irrigation interrupted since 45 dapp but occasionally performed to increase soil water storage in the effective root zone (0,6 m depth). Irrigation scheduling was performed based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc), which was estinated by the relationship between reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficients (Kc). Soil water content at 1.2 m depth from 45 dap to 115 dap (harvest), was lower in DI and RDI treatments, when compared with FI treatment. Higher pre-daw leaf water potential values were found in RDI treatment at 56 dap (-4.2 MPa), and in DI treatment at 99 dap (-5 MPa)

Larburu, Natacha. "Etude structurale de la biogenèse de la petite sous-unité ribosomique humaine par cryo-microscopie électronique et analyse d'images." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU30336/document.

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La biogenèse des ribosomes eucaryotes est un processus complexe qui implique la production et l'assemblage de 4 ARNr et 80 protéines. La production des deux sous-unités du ribosome, 40S et 60S, débute dans le nucléole par la synthèse d'un long précurseur commun contenant les séquences des ARNr matures et se termine dans le cytoplasme où ont lieu les dernières étapes d'assemblage des protéines ribosomiques et de clivage des ARNr. La production de ribosomes nécessite la participation de plus de 200 co-facteurs, qui catalysent les clivages et modifications des ARNr, coordonnent leur repliement et leur association aux protéines ribosomiques, et assurent des étapes de contrôle-qualité. Ces protéines sont associées aux particules en cours de maturation et absentes des sous-unités matures. Cette voie de synthèse, globalement conservée chez les eucaryotes, a été principalement étudiée chez la levure. Cependant, des études récentes ont montré des différences importantes de ce processus entre levure et mammifères. Un des verrous importants pour comprendre la fonction des co-facteurs, est l'absence de données sur la structure des précurseurs des sous-unités ribosomiques. J'ai donc entrepris une étude structurale de l'assemblage cytoplasmique de la petite sous-unité ribosomique chez l'homme par cryo-microscopie électronique à transmission. Le but de ma thèse était de déterminer la structure 3D des précurseurs de la petite sous-unité ribosomique purifiés à différentes étape de leur maturation. Ce travail a été conduit en collaboration avec l'équipe du Pr. Ulrike Kutay (ETH Zurich) pour la purification des particules pré-40S à partir de cellules humaines. La première structure 3D de particule pré-40S intermédiaire purifiée en étiquetant le co-facteur LTV1 a été déterminée à 19Å de résolution. Dans un deuxième temps, la structure 3D de la particule pré-40S tardive purifiée à via RIO1(KD) a aussi été déterminée à 15Å de résolution. Ces données nous ont permis de proposer un modèle de localisation des co-facteurs sur les précurseurs de la petite sous-unité ribosomique et de montrer une nouvelle différence dans la formation de la petite sous-unité chez l'Homme comparé à la levure, du fait de la présence de la protéine RACK1 sur les particules pré-40S humaines. La comparaison des structures des précurseurs de la petite sous-unité obtenues a permis de mettre en lumière l'existence de remodelages structuraux de la particule pré-40S au cours de sa maturation. Ce travail met en lumière les premières structures 3D de particules pré-40S humaines et pose les fondements méthodologiques d'explorations futures de la dynamique structurale des particules pré-ribosomiques
Ribosome biogenesis is a complex process that requires the production and the correct assembly of the 4 rRNAs with 80 ribosomal proteins. In Human, the production of the two subunits, 40S and 60S, is initiated by the transcription of a pre-ribosomal rRNA precursor to the mature 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNAs by the RNA polymerase I, which is chemically modified and trimmed by endo- and exoribonuclease, in order to form the mature rRNAs. The nascent pre rRNA associated with ribosomal proteins, small ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNP) and so called co-factors leading to the assembly of an initial 90S particle. This particle is then split into pre-40S and pre-60S pre-ribosomal particles that fallow independent maturation to form the mature subunit into the cytoplasm. Production of eukaryotic ribosomes implies the transient intervention of more than 200 associated proteins and ribonucleoprotein particles, that are absent from the mature subunits. Synthesis of ribosome, globally conserved in eukaryotes, has been principally studied in yeast. However, recent studies reveal that this process is more complex in human compared in yeast. An important bottleneck in this domain is the lack of structural data concerning the formation of intermediate ribosomal subunits to understand the function of assembly factors. Determination of the structural remodeling of pre-ribosomal particles is crucial to understand the molecular mechanism of this complex process. So I have undertaken a structural study on the assembly of the small ribosomal subunit using cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis. The goal of my thesis is to determine the 3D structures of human pre-40S particles at different maturation stages to see the structural remodeling that occurs during the biogenesis of the small ribosomal subunit. We are collaborating with the group of Pr Ulrike Kutay at ETH Zurich, who purify human pre-40S particles. The 3D structures of human pre-40S particles purified at an intermediate and late maturation stages, has been determined with a resolution of 19 and 15Å respectively. Supplementary densities, compared to the mature subunit, indicate the presence of assembly factors and show the unexpected presence of the RACK1 protein in the precursor of the human small ribosomal subunit in the cytoplasm. The comparison of the 3D structures of human pre-40S particle allows showing the structural remodeling that occur during the maturation of the small ribosomal subunit. This work provides the first 3D structure of human pre-40S particles and laid the methodological foundations for future exploration of the structural dynamics of pre-ribosomal particles

Conley, Gary D. "Examining the Cover and Composition of the Successional Vegetation Mosaic of Pre-SMCRA Mined Landscapes in Southeast Ohio." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1357751096.

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Quimby, Michael James. "Liquefaction Mitigation in Silty Sands Using Stone Columns with Wick Drains." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2009. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/2228.

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Stone column treatment is commonly used to mitigate liquefaction hazard in sandy soils. Research and experience indicate that this method is effective for clean sands but that it may not be effective for silts and sands with fines contents greater than 15-20%. An alternative to the stone column method involves supplementing stone column treatment with pre-fabricated vertical wick drains installed prior to the stone columns installation. Although this method is used in practice, there has not been a formal academic study of its effectiveness. This thesis evaluates seven different case histories where wick drains were used and one where wick drains were not used, for comparison purposes. The site locations varied as well as the soil properties and treatment plans. CPT testing was done at 3 sites and SPT testing was performed at the other 5 sites. CPT data were correlated to SPT data to facilitate comparisons. One of the case histories includes a unique study in which three different variations of the stone column treatment were applied at the same site, providing a direct comparison of the effectiveness of each method. A 26% area replacement ratio (Ar) with drains was determined to be more effective overall than a 26% Ar without drains and more effective in increasing low initial blow counts than the 34% Ar without drains. The areas with drains were more likely to exceed the minimum project criteria consistently throughout the site. Significant scatter were observed in the results and probable causes for the scatter are noted. Final blow count coefficients of variation ranged from 28% to 77%. Increased fines contents required increased Ar in order to maintain similar average final blow counts. Site improvements were evaluated separately and collectively. Individual site results were compared to clean sand curves developed by Baez (1995). Sites with average fines contents less than 20% which were improved using drains and an 11-15% Ar treatment were comparable to clean sand sites without drains and with 5-10% Ar. To achieve similar improvement at sites with 40-46% fines necessitated drains and Ar values of 23-26%. Design recommendations are provided.

Gonçalves, Simone de Oliveira [UNESP]. "Influência de manejo de irrigação sobre aspectos da ecofisiologia e produção da videira CV. Syrah." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93766.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-08-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:55:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 goncalves_so_me_botfca.pdf: 916822 bytes, checksum: f8258c8814082977f7cdaee1b95e55ef (MD5)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
A irrigação é uma prática importante no cultivo de espécies frutíferas no Semiárido brasileiro, devido à precipitação pluvial com baixa magnitude, distribuição temporal irregular e insuficiente para atender a demanda hídrica das culturas agrícolas. Assim, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes manejos de irrigação na videira de vinho cv. Syrah/1103P, no comportamento ecofisiológico da cultura e em seus aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da produção de uvas. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Semiárido, em Petrolina – PE, durante o primeiro ciclo de produção da cultura (13 de abril a 6 de agosto de 2010). O espaçamento da cultura foi de 3m entre linhas de plantas e 1 m entre plantas. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o de gotejamento, com emissores espaçados a 0,5 m na linha de plantio com vazão de 2,5 Lh-1. O delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições e 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena (IP) – irrigação durante todo o ciclo da cultura; irrigação deficitária (ID) – interrupção da irrigação a partir dos 45 dias após a poda de produção (dapp) até a colheita; e irrigação com déficit controlado (IDC) – interrupção da irrigação aos 45 dapp e irrigações eventuais para o aumento da umidade do solo na profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular (0,6 m). O manejo da irrigação foi baseado na evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) estimada pela relação entre a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) e coeficientes da cultura (Kc). A partir de 45 dapp e até a colheita (115 dapp), a umidade do solo até a profundidade de 1,20 m foi menor nos tratamentos IDC e ID em relação ao tratamento IP
Irrigation is important practice in the fruit crop growing in the Brazilian Semiarid region, due to low magnitude raintall, with irregular time distribuition, which is not enough to supply water demand by plants. Hence, a research work was designed to evoluate the effects of different irrigation schedulings on wine grapevine, particularly on plant ecophysiological behavior and yield. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid, in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, during the first crop growing season (April 13 to August 6, 2010) of grapevine cv. Syrah grafted on Paulsen 1103 rootstock, planted on grid spacing of 3 m between rows and 1m between plants. Drip irrigation system was used with 2.5 L.h-1 flow emitter spaced in 0.5 m. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks, with 4 replications and 3 irrigation treatments: full irrigation (FI) - irrigation throuhgtout the entire growing season; deficit irrigation (DI) - water application interrupted since 45 days after pruning (dap) until harvest; e regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) - irrigation interrupted since 45 dapp but occasionally performed to increase soil water storage in the effective root zone (0,6 m depth). Irrigation scheduling was performed based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc), which was estinated by the relationship between reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficients (Kc). Soil water content at 1.2 m depth from 45 dap to 115 dap (harvest), was lower in DI and RDI treatments, when compared with FI treatment. Higher pre-daw leaf water potential values were found in RDI treatment at 56 dap (-4.2 MPa), and in DI treatment at 99 dap (-5 MPa)

Roshankhah, Shahrzad. "Physical properties of geomaterials with relevance to thermal energy geo-systems." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/54893.

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Energy related geo-systems involve a wide range of engineering solutions from energy piles to energy geo-storage facilities and waste repositories (CO₂, nuclear). The analysis and design of these systems require proper understanding of geo-materials, their properties and their response to extreme temperature and high stress excitations, the implications of mixed-fluid conditions when contrasting fluid viscosities and densities are involved, the effect of static and cyclic coupled hydro-thermo-chemo-mechanical excitations, and rate effects on the response of long design-life facilities. This study places emphasis on thermal geo-systems and associated physical properties. Uncemented soils and rocks are considered. The research approach involves data compilation, experimental studies and analytical methods. Emphasis is also placed to engineer geomaterials in order to attain enhanced performance in energy geo-systems. The thermal conductivity and stiffness of most geomaterials decrease as temperature increases but increase with effective stress. This macroscale response is intimately related to contact-scale conduction and deformation processes at interparticle contacts. Pore-filling liquids play a critical role in heat conduction as liquids provide efficient conduction paths that can diminish the effects of thermal contact resistance. Conversely, grains and fluids can be selected to attain very low thermal conductivity in order to create mechanically sound thermal barriers. In the case of rock masses, heat (and gas) recovery can be enhanced by injecting fluids at high pressure to cause hydraulic fractures. Scaled experiments reveal the physical meaning of hydraulic fractures in pre-structured rocks (e.g., shale) and highlight the extensive self-propped dilational distortion the medium experiences. This result explains the higher production rate from shale gas and fractured geothermal reservoirs that is observed in the field, contrary to theoretical predictions.

Raoelijaona, Raivoniaina. "Compréhension des rôles des complexes Nob1/Pno1 et RPS14/Cinap dans la maturation cytoplasmique de la petite sous-unité ribosomique (pré-40S) chez les eucaryotes." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0221/document.

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Les ribosomes sont des complexes nucléoproétiques responsables de la traduction. Chez les eucaryotes, la biogenèse du ribosome est un processus complexe très régulé qui fait intervenir un nombre important de facteurs d’assemblages (~200). La construction d’un ribosome est initiée dans le nucléole puis continue dans le nucléoplasme et se termine dans le cytoplasme. La maturation cytoplasmique de la petite sous-unité ribosomale implique la dissociation séquentielle des facteurs d’assemblage tardifs et la maturation finale de l’ARNr 18S. Ce processus est catalysé par l’endonucléase Nob1 qui assure la coupure de l’extrémité 3’ du précurseur de l’ARNr 18S (pré-18S) aboutissant à sa forme mature. Ce mécanisme est coordonné par la protéine Pno1 qui est le partenaire de Nob1. Des informations détaillées sur l’architecture des particules pré-ribosomiques nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les différents intermédiaires de la biogenèse. Cependant, certains aspects fonctionnels comme la conformation adoptée par Nob1 pour assurer la coupure du site D du pre-18S reste encore flou. L’objectif de mon travail a été de mieux comprendre les aspects très tardifs de la maturation cytoplasmique du ribosome. Pour ce faire, nous avons redéfini l’organisation modulaire de l’endonucléase Nob1 chez les eucaryotes pour ensuite étudier son mode d’interaction avec son partenaire Pno1. Des tests fonctionnels in vitro ont été effectués pour étudier le rôle de Pno1 dans la régulation de la coupure par Nob1.Nos résultats nous ont permis de montrer que le domaine catalytique de Nob1 adopte une conformation atypique. En effet le domaine PIN est composé de deux fragments (res 1-104 and 230-255) séparé par une boucle interne qui est importante pour la reconnaissance avec son partenaire Pno1. Nos études nous ont également montré que Pno1 inhibe l’activité de Nob1 probablement en reconnaissant directement l’ARNr substrat, masquant ainsi le site de coupure de l’endonucléase. Ces résultats sont complémentaires et cohérents avec les données structurales de cryo-EM de la particule pré-40S humaine récemment publiées. En effet, Nob1 est dans une conformation incapable de couper le pré-ARNr puisque son domaine catalytique se retrouve à une distance d’environ 30Å de son ARN substrat. Ce phénomène implique donc des changements de conformations ou encore la nécessité de protéine accessoire pour déplacer certains facteurs. La protéine Cinap est impliqué dans la maturation de l’ARNr 18S. Nos études d’interaction avec les protéines localisées au niveau de la plateforme (à savoir RPS14, RPS26, le complexe Nob1/Pno1) ont permis de montrer que Cinap pouvait former un complexe tripartite avec l’endonucléase Nob1 et son partenaire Pno1. De plus, Cinap est capable de reconnaitre RPS26 dans un complexe RPS14-dépendant. Il est important de noter que RPS26 est un composant de la petite sous-unité qui remplace Pno1 dans le ribosome mature. De ce fait le recrutement de RPS26 au sein du pré-ribosome nécessite la dissociation de Pno1 et cet échange serait assurée par Cinap. Sur la base des travaux effectués, nous pouvons proposer un modèle de maturation où la formation du complexe Cinap/Pno1 induirait un changement de conformation permettant à Nob1 de reconnaitre son substrat et donc de catalyser la coupure du site D qui aboutit à la maturation de l’ARNr 18S et donc à la production de la sous-unité 40S mature
Ribosomes are translational machineries universally responsible of protein synthesis. In eukaryote, ribosome assembly is a complex and highly regulated process that requires coordinated action of more than 200 biogenesis factors. Ribosome assembly is initiated in the nucleolus, continues in the nucleoplasm and terminates in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic maturation events of the small ribosomal subunit are associated with sequential release of the late assembly factors and concomitant maturation of the pre-rRNA. During final maturation of the small subunit, the pre-18S rRNA is cleaved off by the endonuclease Nob1, which activity is coordinated by its binding partner Pno1. Detailed information on pre-ribosomal particle architectures have been provided by structural snapshots of maturation events. However, key functional aspects such as the architecture required for pre-rRNA cleavage have remained elusive. In order to better understand these late steps of cytoplasmic pre-40S maturation, we first redefine the domain organization of Nob1, then study its binding mode with Pno1 using different tools such as sequence analysis, structure prediction and biochemical experiments and, we then performed functional assay to elucidate the role played by Pno1 during the pre-18S rRNA maturation.Our results have shown that eukaryotic Nob1 adopts an atypical PIN domain conformation: two fragments (res 1-104 and 230-255) separated by an internal loop, which is essential for Pno1 recognition. We also found out that Pno1 inhibits Nob1 activity likely by masking the cleavage site. Our findings further support the recently published cryo-EM structure of the pre-40S, where Nob1 displays an inactive conformation. Moreover, 18S rRNA 3’-end cleavage has to happen and this implies structural rearrangement or requirement of some accessory proteins such as Cinap, an atypical kinase involved in pre-18S processing. Studying the interplay between proteins localized in the pre-40S platform (RPS14, RPS26, Nob1/Pno1 complex) has shown that Cinap is able to form a trimeric complex with Nob1 and its binding partner Pno1. Furthermore, Cinap can recognize RPS26 in a RPS14-dependent manner, which had already been studied with its yeast counterpart. It is important to note that RPS26 is the ribosomal protein replacing Pno1 in the mature ribosome. Our finding clearly suggests a mechanism where RPS26 recruitment to the ribosome requires Pno1 dissociation. This exchange would be carried out by Cinap. Therefore, we can suggest a simplified model as follow: upon binding with Pno1, the newly formed complex (Cinap/Pno1) will trigger a conformational change, which will allow the endonuclease Nob1 to reach its substrate (D-site) and perform its cleavage resulting in mature 18 rRNA generation

Saltzwedel, Helge von [Verfasser], Marina [Akademischer Betreuer] Schäfer, Stefan [Akademischer Betreuer] Scheu, and Mark [Akademischer Betreuer] Maraun. "Genetic diversity of sexual and parthenogenetic soil living arthropods (Collembola) in Europe: colonization patterns, pre-glacial diversifications and founder effects : Genetic diversity of Collembola in Europe / Helge von Saltzwedel. Betreuer: Marina Schäfer. Gutachter: Stefan Scheu ; Mark Maraun." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1095884131/34.

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Delay, Erwann. "Prescription de courbures sur l'espace hyperbolique." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011944.

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La thèse se compose de deux parties.

Première partie :
thème de la courbure scalaire conforme sur l'espace hyperbolique. Nous
apportons ici une étude fine du comportement asymptotique en toute
dimension. Nous traitons toujours d'équations semi-linéaires
générales, avant d'appliquer nos résultats au cas particulier de
l'équation géométrique.

Deuxième partie :
thème de la courbure de Ricci sur l'espace hyperbolique.
Nous obtenons le résultat suivant.
Sur la boule unité de $\R^n$, on considère la métrique
hyperbolique standard $H_0$, dont la courbure de Ricci vaut $R_0$
et la courbure de Riemann-Christoffel vaut ${\cal R}_0$.
Nous montrons qu'en dimension $n\geq10$, pour
tout tenseur symétrique $R$ voisin
de $R_0$, il existe une unique métrique $H$ voisine de $H_0$
dont la courbure de Ricci vaut $R$.
Nous en déduisons, dans le cadre $C^\infty$, que l'image
de l'opérateur de Riemann-Christoffel est une sous-variété
au voisinage de ${\cal R}_0$.
Nous traitons aussi dans cette partie de la courbure de Ricci contravariante
en toute dimension, du problème de Dirichlet à l'infini en dimension 2,
et de quelques obstructions.

Dannawi, Ihab. "Contributions aux équations d'évolutions non locales en espace-temps." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LAROS007/document.

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Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de quatre équations d'évolution non-locales. Les solutions de ces quatre équations peuvent exploser en temps fini. Dans la théorie des équations d'évolution non-linéaires, une solution est qualifiée de globale si elle est définie pour tout temps positif. Au contraire, si une solution existe seulement sur un intervalle de temps [0; T) borné, elle est dite locale. Dans ce dernier cas et quand le temps maximal d'existence est relié à une alternative d'explosion, on dit aussi que la solution explose en temps fini. Dans un premier travail, nous considérons l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire avec une puissance fractionnaire du laplacien, et nous obtenons l'explosion de la solution en temps fini Tmax > 0 pour toute condition initiale positive et non-triviale dans le cas d'exposant sous-critique. Ensuite, nous étudions une équation des ondes amorties avec un potentiel d'espace-temps et un terme non-linéaire et non-local en temps. Nous obtenons un résultat d'existence locale d'une solution dans l'espace d'énergie sous des conditions restrictives sur les données initiales, la dimension de l'espace et la croissance du terme non-linéaire. De plus, nous obtenons l'explosion de la solution en temps fini pour toute condition initiale de moyenne strictement positive. De plus, nous étudions un problème de Cauchy pour l'équation d'évolution avec un p- Laplacien avec une non linéarité non-locale en temps. Dans ce cadre, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de l'existence locale d'une solution de cette équation ainsi qu'un résultat de non-existence de solution globale. Finalement, nous étudions l'intervalle maximal d'existence des solutions de l'équation des milieux poreux avec un terme non-linéaire non-local en temps
In this thesis, we study four non-local evolution equations. The solutions of these four equations can blow up in finite time. In the theory of nonlinear evolution equations, a solution is qualified as global if it isdefined for any time. Otherwise, if a solution exists only on a bounded interval [0; T), it is called local solution. In this case and when the maximum time of existence is related to a blow up alternative, we say that the solution blows up in finite time. First, we consider the nonlinear Schröodinger equation with a fractional power of the Laplacien operator, and we get a blow up result in finite time Tmax > 0 for any non-trivial non-negative initial condition in the case of sub-critical exponent. Next, we study a damped wave equation with a space-time potential and a non-local in time non-linear term. We obtain a result of local existence of a solution in the energy space under some restrictions on the initial data, the dimension of the space and the growth of nonlinear term. Additionally, we get a blow up result of the solution in finite time for any initial condition positive on average. In addition, we study a Cauchy problem for the evolution p-Laplacien equation with nonlinear memory. We study the local existence of a solution of this equation as well as a result of non-existence of global solution. Finally, we study the maximum interval of existence of solutions of the porous medium equation with a nonlinear non-local in time term

DE, CURIERE IAN. "Recherche d'une amelioration du comportement en corrosion sous contrainte (csc) d'alliages de structure cfc : influence d'une pre-deformation en fatigue oligocyclique sur le comportement de l'acier inoxydable austenitique 316l dans une solution bouillante de mgcl 2 a 117\c." Grenoble INPG, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPG4213.

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Nous avons etudie l'effet d'une pre-deformation par fatigue oligocyclique sur la resistance a la csc de materiaux cfc. Le couple milieu/materiau teste est l'acier inoxydable austenitique 316l/mgcl2 bouillant a 117\c. Les echantillons furent pre-cycles en fatigue oligocyclique, a deformation plastique imposee de 0,4% par cycle (a 25%, 75% et 100% du nombre de cycles pour atteindre la saturation en fatigue). Nous avons montre que seul un pre-cyclage a saturation ameliore la resistance a la csc du couple milieu/materiau, aussi bien lors de tests de csc a charge constante que de traction lente. L'effet le plus benefique est un retard a l'amorcage des fissures de csc, jusqu'a 10% d'allongement, lors d'essais de csc en traction lente. Les pre-cyclages avant saturation s'averent nefastes pour la tenue a la csc. Le retard a l'amorcage est relie a l'etat de deformation de surface induit par le pre-cyclage. Il s'agit de bandes de glissement fines, paralleles, reparties de facon homogene a la surface des echantillons. Cet etat de surface fournit un fort rapport des surfaces anodiques/cathodiques, ce qui ralentit la cinetique de corrosion localisee, donc d'amorcage des fissures de csc. Nous presentons aussi des experiences indiquant que la pre-fatigue a saturation diminue la vitesse de propagation des fissures de csc, cet effet pouvant etre compris grace au cepm (corrosion enhanced plasticity model). Nous mettons enfin en evidence que cet effet benefique peut etre observe sur d'autres couples milieu/materiau, notamment le cu ofhc/nano2 1m a ph 9.

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