Books on the topic 'Pregnancy Nutritional aspects'

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Vassallo, Jody. Pregnancy food. Nunawading, Vic: Fortiori Publishing, 2004.

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Ricciotti, Hope. The pregnancy cookbook. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.

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Winick, Myron. Nutrition and pregnancy. White Plains, N.Y: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 1986.

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(Canada), Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Nutrition. Nutrition in pregnancy: National guidelines. [Ottawa]: The Subcommittee, 1987.

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Canada. Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Nutrition. and Canada Health and Welfare, eds. Nutrition in pregnancy: National guidelines. [Ottawa]: Health and Welfare Canada, 1987.

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Somer, Elizabeth. Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy: The complete guide to eating before, during, and after your pregnancy. 2nd ed. New York: Henry Holt, 2002.

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Somer, Elizabeth. Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy: The complete guide to eating before, during, and after your pregnancy. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1995.

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Riley, Laura. Healthy eating during pregnancy. Des Moines: Meredith Books, 2006.

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Beck, Leslie. Leslie Beck's nutrition guide to a healthy pregnancy: What to eat before, during, and after your pregnancy. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2004.

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Holford, Patrick. The perfect pregnancy cookbook: Boost fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy with optimum nutrition. London: Piatkus, 2010.

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Norton, Henrietta. Your pregnancy nutrition guide: What to eat when you're pregnant. London: Vermilion, 2015.

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Winick, Myron. Nutrition, pregnancy, and early infancy. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1989.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. 4th ed. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1989.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1993.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. 6th ed. Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark, 1997.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1985.

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Sonberg, Lynn. The quick & easy nutrition counter for pregnancy. New York: Avon Books, 1994.

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Alton, Irene R. Guidelines for nutrition care during pregnancy. Chicago, Ill: Dept. of Health and Human Services, U.S. Public Health Service, Region V, 1990.

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Alton, Irene R. Guidelines for nutrition care during pregnancy. Chicago, Ill: Dept. of Health and Human Services, U.S. Public Health Service, Region V, 1990.

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Conway, Rana. What to eat when you're pregnant: Including the A-Z of what's safe and what's not. Harlow, England: Pearson Prentice-Hall Life, 2008.

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Ward, Elizabeth M. Pregnancy nutrition: Good health for you and your baby. Minneapolis, MN: Chronimed Pub., 1998.

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Hess, Mary Abbott. Eating for two: The complete guide to nutrition during pregnancy. New York: Collier Books, 1992.

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International Food Information Council Foundation. Healthy eating during pregnancy. Washington, DC: International Food Information Council Foundation, 2003.

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Raje, L. Micronutrients and pregnancy outcome. Mumbai: University Department of Food Science and Nutrition, S.N.D.T. Women's University, 2006.

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Middleton, Jane. The healthy pregnancy cookbook: Delicious and nutritious recipes for the expectant mother. Hove: Apple, 2002.

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Middleton, Jane. Healthy pregnancy cookbook: Eating twice as well for a healthy baby. New York: Hungry Minds, 2002.

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D'Adamo, Peter. Eat right for your baby: The individualized guide to fertility and maximum health during pregnancy, nursing, and your baby's first year. New York: Berkley Books, 2004.

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D'Adamo, Peter. Pitaĭtesʹ pravilʹno radi svoego rebënka. Minsk: Popurri, 2004.

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Rosso, Pedro. Nutrition and metabolism in pregnancy: Mother and fetus. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

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DeBruyne, Linda K. Life cycle nutrition: Conception through adolescence. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1989.

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Canada, Canada Health. Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy: National guidelines for the childbearing years. Ottawa, Ont: Health Canada, 1999.

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Ardila, Martha. La alimentación del niño antes de nacer. Barcelona: Ediciones CEAC, 1986.

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Liu, Xiu Guai. Huai yun zuo yue zi. Taiwan: Shenghuopinwei, 2004.

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Krause, Tova. ha- Madrikh ha-shalem li-tezunah be-herayon: Kol mah she-tsarikh la-daʻat ʻal tezunah ba-herayon, le-fanaṿ ṿe-aḥaraṿ. Tel Aviv: Yediʻot aḥaronot, 2007.

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Briese, Volker. Ernährungsberatung in der Schwangerschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.

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Conway, Rana. What to eat when you're pregnant: Including the A-Z of what's safe and what's not. 2nd ed. Harlow, England: Pearson Prentice Hall Life, 2012.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1985.

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Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation. Subcommittee for a Clinical Application Guide. Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation: An implementation guide. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1992.

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Li, Yin Huan. Nutritious recipes for pregnancy. Hong Kong: Hai Bin, 1991.

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Conway, Rana. My pregnancy meal planner and recipes. Richmond: White Ladder, 2014.

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Wilcock, Fiona. The complete pregnancy cookbook. London: Hamlyn, 2015.

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Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. A doctor discusses nutrition during pregnancy and breast feeding. Chicago, Ill: Budlong Press, 1986.

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Tardif-Douglin, Catherine. Statut nutritionnel et sécurité alimentaire au Rwanda: Résultats de l'enquête nationale sur la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire des enfants de 0 à 5 ans et leurs mères : (novembre 1991-janvier 1992). [Kigali]: Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'élevage, Division des statistiques agricoles, République rwandaise, 1992.

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Habimfura, Vincent. Statut nutritionnel et sécurité alimentaire au Rwanda: Résultats de l'enquête nationale sur la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire des enfants de 0 à 5 ans et leurs mères : (août-septembre 1992) (série II). [Kigali]: Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'élevage, Division des statistiques agricoles, 1993.

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Brewer, Gail Sforza. What every pregnant woman should know: The truth about diet and drugs in pregnancy. New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Penguin Books, 1985.

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Hospital), Mother's Seminar on Infant and Young Child Feeding (1993 Pumwani Maternity. A report on Mother's Seminar on Infant and Young Child Feeding: Held at Pumwani Maternity Hospital's Conference Hall, 4th to 8th October, 1993. [Nairobi]: The Section, 1993.

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Hudnall, Marsha. The pregnancy cookbook: Easy recipes for nine months of healthy eating. New York: Berkley Books, 1995.

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Irving, Holly Berry. Maternal and infant nutrition education materials, January 1981 - October 1988: 152 citations. Beltsville, Md: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, 1989.

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Liu, Xiaomin. Yun Mama ying yang shi pu quan shu. 8th ed. Shijiazhuang: Hebei ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 2011.

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Brown, Judith E. Nutrition and pregnancy: A complete guide from preconception to post-delivery. Los Angeles: Lowell House, 1998.

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