Academic literature on the topic 'Protocole de transfert hypertexte'

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Journal articles on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Watters, Paul Andrew, and Maya Espinosa Walters. "Implications of Distributed Information Technology for South Pacific Development." South Pacific Journal of Psychology 9 (1997): 75–80.

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AbstractThe global digital communications network, colloquially known as the “internet”, has received much attention in recent years from business, media, cultural, and government interests. This paper looks behind the hype and sales-pitches, at the essential features of the medium which have made it (and will continue to make it) the central technology for the dissemination of information in the next century. It is a particularly important technology for remote communities, since all information resources (educational, commercial, and recreational) can be transmitted using a standard set of protocols (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Network News Transfer Protocol), over any physical medium (packet radio, satellite, phone-line, and optic fibre), in any data format that can be digitised (radio, television, text, graphics, and sound). The implications of this non-coercive technology are explored in the context of the impact on development in the physically distant communities of the South Pacific.

SUSANA, RATNA, ANGGA NUGRAHA, and DECY NATALIANA. "Perancangan dan Realisasi Web-Based Data Logging System menggunakan ATmega16 melalui Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)." ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika 3, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 1.

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ABSTRAKHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) merupakan protokol jaringan pada lapisan aplikasi TCP/IP yang menjadi dasar komunikasi pada World Wide Web (WWW). Penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan web-based data logging system yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan aturan HTTP, sehingga perangkat elektronik dapat berkomunikasi dengan website secara langsung. Sistem dirancang dengan dua sub sistem utama yaitu website data logger dan website. Data logger direalisasikan menggunakan ATMega16 yang diintegrasikan dengan sumber data analog dan digital, RTC serta modem GSM. Data logger berfungsi sebagai pengirim data, sedangkan website berfungsi sebagai pengatur, penerima, pengolah dan penyaji data. Sistem ini telah berhasil melakukan komunikasi antara data logger dengan website melalui HTTP, artinya protokol ini dapat diimplementasikan pada data logger yang menggunakan ATmega16. Perubahan data analog dan status logika 0 dan 1 dari data digital yang terjadi pada data logger dapat dilihat pada tampilan di website.Kata kunci: basis data, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), website, protokol jaringan.ABSTRACTHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer network protocols in TCP/IP is the basis of communication on the World Wide Web (WWW). This research was to design and realize a web-based data logging system that aims to introduce the rules of HTTP, so that electronic devices could communicate with the website directly. The system was designed with two main sub-system, namely data logger and website. The data logger was realized using ATmega16 are integrated with analog and digital data sources, RTC and a GSM modem. Data logger function as the sender of data, while the website functions as regulator, receiver, processing and presenter data. This system had been successfully perform communication between the data logger to a website via HTTP, meaning that this protocol could be implemented on a data logger that uses ATmega16. Website could receive and process the data transmitted by the data logger and organize system entities. Changes in analog data and status logic 0 and 1 of digital data could be seen on display at the website.Keywords: database, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), network protocol, website.

Presseau1, Annie. "Analyse de l'efficacité d'interventions sur le transfert des apprentissages en mathématiques." Articles 26, no. 3 (October 15, 2002): 515–44.

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Résumé L'étude, qui se fonde sur un cadre théorique sociocognitiviste, cerne le rôle d'interventions sur le transfert des apprentissages en mathématiques en identifiant sur quelles opérations cognitives elles influent. Cette recherche exploratoire, qui est de type expérience formatrice, emprunte à l'étude de cas et au protocole expérimental. Les résultats font ressortir que les deux participants ont effectué relativement peu de transferts, surtout explicites, et ce, malgré les interventions posées. Certaines explications et propositions d'interventions propices au transfert sont néanmoins dégagées de la recherche.

Dimitrova, Biljana, and Aleksandra Mileva. "Steganography of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)." Journal of Computer and Communications 05, no. 05 (2017): 98–111.

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Dempsey, B. J., and J. Herrin. "WEB-Enabled Medical Databases: a Threat to Security?" Methods of Information in Medicine 39, no. 04/05 (2000): 298–302.

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Abstract:An increasing number of clinical databases are being adapted to allow access through Internet protocols, particularly Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The World Wide Web (WWW) provides a user-friendly, standardized, broadly distributed database interface; at the same time, it may also present a threat to the security and confidentiality of patient data. However, there is little empirical evidence concerning such threats. Using publicly available records we estimate the additional risk of security violations due to web-enabling a database. The evidence, though limited, suggests that the additional risk may be small relative to more traditional security threats.

Carignan, Isabelle. "La mobilisation de stratégies de lecture sur trois formes de documents en 3e secondaire." Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 12, no. 2 (July 30, 2013): 161–78.

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Les adolescents mobilisent-ils les mêmes stratégies de lecture à l’écran et sur papier ? Cet article vise à explorer cette question en considérant les stratégies déclarées par 12 élèves de 3e secondaire lors de la lecture d’un texte argumentatif sur trois formes de documents (texte papier, texte linéaire à l’écran et hypertexte). Les outils méthodologiques utilisés sont les suivants : 1) la technique oculométrique; 2) l’entrevue libre et la verbalisation rétrospective; et 3) l’entrevue semi-dirigée. Les résultats ont, entre autres, démontré que les sujets semblent avoir déclaré davantage de types de stratégies diversifiées sur le texte papier. De plus, les données ont montré que les sujets semblent avoir fait un transfert de stratégies, du papier à l’écran, lors de la lecture de documents électroniques.

Musliyana, Zuhar, Teuku Yuliar Arif, and Rizal Munadi. "Peningkatan Sistem Keamanan Autentikasi Single Sign On (SSO) Menggunakan Algoritma AES dan One-Time Password Studi Kasus: SSO Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia." Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 12, no. 1 (March 25, 2016): 21.

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Single Sign On (SSO) merupakan model autentikasi independen yang diimplementasikan Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) menggunakan Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) dan web service NuSOAP berbasis bahasa pemograman PHP. Sistem ini berjalan pada protokol Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Faktanya penggunaan protokol HTTP ini sangat rentan terhadap berbagai jenis serangan karena data dikirim dalam bentuk plaintext tanpa ada proses enkripsi dan penerapan algoritma MD5 pada autentikasi login juga rentan terhadap serangan dictionary attacks dan rainbow tables. Disisi lain, Penggunaan web service NuSOAP juga menciptakan celah keamanan karena pengiriman dan penerimaan payload tidak dienkripsi. Saat ini diketahui sudah ada beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengamanan kerentanan tersebut diantaranya yaitu menggunakan Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) dan Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA). Namun beberapa hasil penelitian terkait memperlihatkan masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan dari penggunaan HTTPS, SHTTP dan CAPTCHA. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dengan pembangkit kunci dinamis dan metode One-Time Password (OTP) berbasis sinkronisasi waktu dengan kombinasi salt untuk meningkatkan keamanan pada autentikasi SSO UUI. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penerapan algoritma AES dan OTP dapat mengamankan proses autentikasi SSO dari serangan dictionary attack dan rainbow table.

Zain ul Abideen, Muhammad, Shahzad Saleem, and Madiha Ejaz. "VPN Traffic Detection in SSL-Protected Channel." Security and Communication Networks 2019 (October 29, 2019): 1–17.

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In recent times, secure communication protocols over web such as HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are being widely used instead of plain web communication protocols like HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTPS provides end-to-end encryption between the user and service. Nowadays, organizations use network firewalls and/or intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to analyze the network traffic to detect and protect against attacks and vulnerabilities. Depending on the size of organization, these devices may differ in their capabilities. Simple network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and firewalls generally have no feature to inspect HTTPS or encrypted traffic, so they rely on unencrypted traffic to manage the encrypted payload of the network. Recent and powerful next-generation firewalls have Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) inspection feature which are expensive and may not be suitable for every organizations. A virtual private network (VPN) is a service which hides real traffic by creating SSL-protected channel between the user and server. Every Internet activity is then performed under the established SSL tunnel. The user inside the network with malicious intent or to hide his activity from the network security administration of the organization may use VPN services. Any VPN service may be used by users to bypass the filters or signatures applied on network security devices. These services may be the source of new virus or worm injected inside the network or a gateway to facilitate information leakage. In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach to detect VPN activity inside the network. The proposed system analyzes the communication between user and the server to analyze and extract features from network, transport, and application layer which are not encrypted and classify the incoming traffic as malicious, i.e., VPN traffic or standard traffic. Network traffic is analyzed and classified using DNS (Domain Name System) packets and HTTPS- (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure-) based traffic. Once traffic is classified, the connection based on the server’s IP, TCP port connected, domain name, and server name inside the HTTPS connection is analyzed. This helps in verifying legitimate connection and flags the VPN-based traffic. We worked on top five freely available VPN services and analyzed their traffic patterns; the results show successful detection of the VPN activity performed by the user. We analyzed the activity of five users, using some sort of VPN service in their Internet activity, inside the network. Out of total 729 connections made by different users, 329 connections were classified as legitimate activity, marking 400 remaining connections as VPN-based connections. The proposed system is lightweight enough to keep minimal overhead, both in network and resource utilization and requires no specialized hardware.

Almanza Olmedo, Moreno. "e-commerce cybersecurity vulnerability, http protocol case." Minerva 2, no. 6 (November 22, 2021): 23–31.

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This paper was designed with the intention of analyzing the vulnerability of e-commerce web sites. We are going to describe the transmission of data in clear text without encryption by hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), reason why we argue that by means of a sniffer technique this information can be captured and this way violating customer privacy information.

Swen, Bin. "Outline of initial design of the Structured Hypertext Transfer Protocol." Journal of Computer Science and Technology 18, no. 3 (May 2003): 287–98.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Amaro, da Cruz Mauro. "An enhanced multi-protocol middleware solution for Internet of things." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2021.

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Dans l'Internet des objets (IoT), les données sont gérées et stockées par un logiciel appelé middleware (situé sur un serveur). L'évolution du concept IoT a conduit à la construction de nombreux intergiciels IoT, des logiciels qui jouent un rôle clé car ils prennent en charge la communication entre les appareils, les utilisateurs et les applications. Plusieurs aspects peuvent impacter les performances d'un middleware. Basée sur une revue approfondie de la littérature associée et sur la proposition d'un modèle de référence pour le middleware IoT, cette thèse propose un nouveau middleware IoT, appelé In.IoT, une solution middleware évolutive, sécurisée et innovante basée sur une revue approfondie du état de l'art et suivant l'architecture middleware de référence proposée dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche. In.IoT répond aux préoccupations middleware des solutions les plus populaires (sécurité, convivialité et performances) qui ont été évaluées, démontrées et validées tout au long de cette étude, et il est prêt et disponible à l'utilisation. Les recommandations et les exigences architecturales d'In.IoT sont détaillées et peuvent être reproduites par des solutions nouvelles et disponibles. Il prend en charge les protocoles de couche application les plus populaires (MQTT, CoAP et HTTP). Ses performances sont évaluées en comparaison avec les solutions les plus prometteuses disponibles dans la littérature et les résultats obtenus par la solution proposée sont extrêmement prometteurs. De plus, cette thèse étudie l'impact du langage de programmation sous-jacent sur les performances globales de la solution grâce à une étude d'évaluation des performances incluant Java, Python et Javascript, identifiant que globalement, Java s'avère être le choix le plus robuste pour le middleware IoT. Les appareils IoT communiquent avec le middleware via un protocole de couche application qui peut différer de ceux pris en charge par le middleware, en particulier lorsque l'on considère que les ménages auront divers appareils de différentes marques. La thèse offre une alternative pour de tels cas, en proposant une passerelle de couche application, appelée MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge traduit les messages CoAP, MQTT, DDS et Websockets en HTTP (HTTP est pris en charge par la plupart des intergiciels IoT). Avec MiddleBridge, les appareils peuvent envoyer un message plus petit à un intermédiaire (MiddleBridge), qui le restructure et le transmet à un middleware, réduisant ainsi le temps qu'un appareil passe à transmettre. Les solutions proposées ont été évaluées par rapport à d'autres solutions similaires disponibles dans la littérature, en tenant compte des métriques liées à la taille des paquets, aux temps de réponse, aux requêtes par seconde et au pourcentage d'erreur, démontrant leurs meilleurs résultats et leur énorme potentiel. En outre, l'étude a utilisé XGBoost (une technique d'apprentissage automatique) pour détecter l'occurrence d'attaques de réplication lorsqu'un attaquant obtient les informations d'identification de l'appareil, en l'utilisant pour générer de fausses données et perturber l'environnement IoT. Les résultats obtenus sont extrêmement prometteurs. Ainsi, il est conclu que l'approche proposée contribue à l'état de l'art des solutions middleware IoT
In Internet of Things (IoT), data is handled and stored by software known as middleware (located on a server). The evolution of the IoT concept led to the construction of many IoT middleware, software that plays a key role since it supports the communication among devices, users, and applications. Several aspects can impact the performance of a middleware. Based in a deep review of the related literature and in the proposal of a Reference Model for IoT middleware, this thesis proposes a new IoT middleware, called In.IoT, a scalable, secure, and innovative middleware solution based on a deep review of the state of the art and following the reference middleware architecture that was proposed along with this research work. In.IoT addresses the middleware concerns of the most popular solutions (security, usability, and performance) that were evaluated, demonstrated, and validated along this study, and it is ready and available for use. In.IoT architectural recommendations and requirements are detailed and can be replicated by new and available solutions. It supports the most popular application-layer protocols (MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP). Its performance is evaluated in comparison with the most promising solutions available in the literature and the results obtained by the proposed solution are extremely promising. Furthermore, this thesis studies the impact of the underlying programming language in the solution's overall performance through a performance evaluation study that included Java, Python, and Javascript, identifying that globally, Java demonstrates to be the most robust choice for IoT middleware. IoT devices communicate with the middleware through an application layer protocol that may differ from those supported by the middleware, especially when it is considered that households will have various devices from different brands. The thesis offers an alternative for such cases, proposing an application layer gateway, called MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge translates CoAP, MQTT, DDS, and Websockets messages into HTTP (HTTP is supported by most IoT middleware). With MiddleBridge, devices can send a smaller message to an intermediary (MiddleBridge), which restructures it and forwards it to a middleware, reducing the time that a device spends transmitting. The proposed solutions were evaluated in comparison with other similar solutions available in the literature, considering the metrics related to packet size, response times, requests per second, and error percentage, demonstrating their better results and tremendous potential. Furthermore, the study used XGBoost (a machine learning technique) to detect the occurrence of replication attacks where an attacker obtains device credentials, using it to generate false data and disturb the IoT environment. The obtained results are extremely promising. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed approach contributes towards the state of the art of IoT middleware solutions

Chen, Xin. "Performance analysis of persistent hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) over satellite links." Ohio : Ohio University, 1997.

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Gilis, Matteus, David Hörnsten, and David Larsson. "Filöverföring i modern tid : En jämförelse av SMTP, SFTP och HTTP." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap (DV), 2015.

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Överföring eller mottagande av datorfiler är en syssla som de flesta av oss ägnar ossåt regelbundet i ett eller annat sammanhang, oavsett om det sker privat eller om detär arbetsrelaterat. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) är ett protokoll för just detta ändamålsom lanserades under tiden då persondatorer hade blivit allt vanligare i hemmetoch på arbetsplatsen. Sedan dess har flera andra protokoll introducerats och i dagslägetfinns det flertalet valmöjligheter tillgängliga, alla med sina unika såväl som gemensammaegenskaper. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) kompletterad medMIME-standarden är ett populärt alternativ till de renodlade filöverföringsprotokollenpå grund av användarnas bekantskap och tidigare erfarenheter med e-posttjänster.Att skicka och ta emot filer via e-post innebär dock vissa begränsningar samt att vissasäkerhetsaspekter måste tas i beaktande, i synnerhet för företagsanvändare som dagin och dag ut måste hantera känslig data. I denna uppsats har tre olika filöverföringsprotokoll(SFTP, SMTP och HTTP) utvärderats ur ett användarvänlighetsperspektivsåväl som ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Resultatet indikerar att HTTP(S) tillsammans meduttökningen WebDAV kan anses vara ett lämpligt alternativ för organisationer somsamtidigt är enkelt att använda. De övriga protokollen, SMTP och SFTP, har ocksåsina användningsområden där SFTP verkar vara mer tilltalande för avanceradeanvändare och där SMTP förblir ett gångbart alternativ för privat bruk av mindreavancerade användare under vissa förutsättningar.
Transferring and receiving computer files are something most of us do on a regularbasis whether it is for private purposes or if it is work related. FTP is a protocolused for this very purpose which was launched during a time when personal computerswere growing increasingly popular in both home and workplace environments.Since then, more protocols have been introduced and today there are a number ofoptions available bringing new and common features alike to the market. The SMTPprotocol, extended with the MIME standard, is currently a widely used alternative tothe pure file transfer protocols due to the user familiarity and past experiences withthese mail services. Sending and receiving files through e-mail does however implysome limitations together with the fact that some security aspects need to be takeninto consideration, particularly for company users handling sensitive data. In thisthesis, three different file transfer protocols (SMTP, SFTP and HTTP) have all beenevaluated in account of their user friendliness as well as their security features. Theresults indicate that HTTP(S) combined with the WebDAV extension can be considereda viable alternative for organizations due to its user friendliness and security.The remaining protocols, SMTP and SFTP, also have their uses where SFTP wouldseem to be an appealing option for advanced users and where SMTP remains a passablealternative for private usage by regular users under the right conditions.

Bersack, Evelyn Louise. "Implementation of a hypertext transfer protocol server on a high assurance multilevel secure platform." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2000.

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SCHNEIDER, RAYMOND. "Un protocole de diffusion pour un service de transfert fiable et ordonne." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1995.

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De nouvelles applications informatiques sont developpees pour la collaboration et la communication au sein de groupes. La realisation de ces applications est facilitee par l'existence de services de transfert d'informations par diffusion. Nous proposons un protocole nomme atol, qui fournit un service de transfert par diffusion fiable et ordonnee en formant des connexions multipoints entre les membres d'un groupe dynamique. Ce protocole s'appuie exclusivement sur un service de transfert par diffusion non fiable. Il est base sur le passage de jeton sur un anneau virtuel. Le jeton represente des privileges et transporte des variables globales, que les entites utilisent pour remplir les fonctions exigees par le service, telles que la numerotation, la detection et la correction des pertes ou l'acquittement. Le jeton est diffuse en accompagnant les donnees et circule entre les entites a l'aide d'un mecanisme de designation logique qui facilite la gestion de l'anneau lors du retrait ou de l'insertion de nouveaux membres. La perte du jeton est detectee et corrigee par retransmission automatique. Les defaillances provoquent l'exclusion des entites defaillantes et la creation d'une ou plusieurs nouvelles instances de connexion. Le nombre de messages necessaires a la realisation d'une diffusion diminue avec la charge et tend vers un a forte charge. Nous presentons un modele formel qui permet de prouver la validite du service de transfert dans l'hypothese d'un fonctionnement statique. Le protocole est adapte a des groupes locaux et de faible taille, mais son extension a des groupes epars et de taille plus importante est envisagee

Elza, Dethe. "Browser evolution document access on the World Wide Web." Ohio : Ohio University, 1998.

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Kalibjian, Jeffrey R. "Group Telemetry Analysis Using the World Wide Web." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1996.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California
Today it is not uncommon to have large contractor teams involved in the design and deployment of even small satellite systems. The larger (and more geographically remote) the team members, the more difficult it becomes to efficiently manage the disbursement of telemetry data for evaluation and analysis. Further complications are introduced if some of the telemetry data is sensitive. An application is described which can facilitate telemetry data sharing utilizing the National Information Infrastructure (Internet).

Masmoudi, Wahid. "Contribution à l'étude fondamentale du séchage des matériaux capillaro-poreux : critique de la modélisation macroscopique et du protocole expérimental de validation." Toulouse, INPT, 1990.

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Cette etude s'inscrit dans la continuite des recherches concernant l'etude fondamentale des transferts de chaleur et de masse entre un milieu poreux capillaire et l'air environnant. Elle vise en particulier a: approfondir notre comprehension des mecanismes elementaires de transport a partir d'une etude experimentale sur un milieu modele, critiquer la modelisation macroscopique et le protocole experimental de validation. Nos resultats montrent: qu'une simulation experimentale monodimensionnelle du sechage n'est jamais realisable en toute rigueur (interactions avec la couche limite entrainant inevitablement la bidimensionnalite), si bien que le protocole de comparaison experience-calcul fonde sur cette hypothese est a exploiter avec discernement et precaution; que compte tenu de la stabilite des digitations (ou heterogeneites macroscopiques) observees, la modelisation macroscopique n'est pas necessairement mise en cause en sechage si le v. E. R. Est selectionne de maniere a prendre en compte la taille de ces digitations et reste de dimension compatible avec l'echelle du milieu poreux. Ce resultat illustre notamment le role de la structure pore-se et du rapport des forces mis en jeu sur l'evolution de la taille du v. E. R. Comme le montrent nos resultats, negliger la gravite dans les equations macroscopiques se traduit ainsi par une modification du v. E. R. Et donc des variables macroscopiques

Michálek, Branislav. "Aktualizace programu v zařízení s obvody Zynq." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2019.

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Among many which are placed on modern embedded systems is also the need of storing multiple system boot image versions and the ability to select from them upon boot time, depending on a function which they provide. This thesis describes the development of a system update application for Xilinx Zynq-7000 devices. The application includes a simple embedded HTTP server for a remote file transfer. A client is allowed to upload the boot image file with the system update from either command line application or using the web page developed for this purpose.

Allard, Fabien. "Le transfert de contexte : atout pour la mobilité et outil de réduction de coûts pour la sécurité." Télécom Bretagne, 2009.

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L'utilisation d'Internet doit pouvoir se faire en confiance pour l'utilisateur, mais cette sécurité a un coût pour les FAIs (Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet) en terme de consommation de la bande passante et de calcul du matériel cryptographique. Dans un contexte de mobilité, cette sécurité doit être remise en place après chaque déplacement et pour chaque client. Ainsi, un nouveau type de mécanisme a vu le jour dans les instances de standardisation : le transfert de contexte. Celui-ci a pour but de transmettre, d'un équipement à un autre, les données adéquates pour que les services rendus n'aient pas de discontinuités. Ce mécanisme pourrait être un atout pour un opérateur car il lui permettrait d'assurer le même niveau de sécurité pendant les déplacements des usagers dans le réseau tout en ayant des coûts aussi bas que possible. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons utilisé le protocole CXTP (Context Transfer Protocol) défini à l'IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) pour transférer des contextes de sécurité entre routeurs d'accès. Après une analyse pratique en utilisant l'outil AVISPA et une autre plus conceptuelle, nous avons prouvé que ce protocole n'est pas exempt de failles de sécurité. Nous avons donc défini une première solution destinée à combler ces failles, mais celle-ci dégrade les performances du transfert de contexte. Nous avons alors proposé une deuxième solution basée sur les adresses générées de manière cryptographique qui garantit le même niveau de sécurité que la première solution tout en étant aussi efficace que la spécification originelle de CXTP. Nous avons ensuite présenté deux cas d'utilisation du transfert de contexte pour la sécurité : PANA et IPsec. Dans le premier cas, nous avons isolé le contexte PANA et montré comment il peut être transféré avec CXTP. Dans le second cas, nous avons isolé les quatre contextes IPsec (SAD, SPD, PAD et IKE) et implémenté le transfert de contexte IPsec/IKEv1 par le protocole CXTP afin d'obtenir des résultats concrets. Les mesures de performances montrent que le transfert de contexte peut réduire de manière drastique le temps nécessaire au réétablissement d'un tunnel IPsec après déplacement du mobile. Nous avons également proposé une solution de gestion des collisions de SPIs après déplacement du mobile en utilisant MOBIKE lorsque les associations sont mises en place grâce à IKEv2. Nous avons montré que certains problèmes peuvent survenir après le déplacement d'un contexte, et qu'il est généralement nécessaire qu'il soit reconfiguré. Enfin, nous avons comparé par simulation le transfert de contexte et la pré-authentification pour PANA dans l'environnement OMNeT++. Même si les résultats obtenus montrent que le transfert de contexte permet d'obtenir de meilleures performances, nous pensons que les deux mécanismes sont complémentaires

Books on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Wong, Clinton. HTTP: Pocket Reference. O'Reilly, 2000.

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Consortium, World Wide Web, and Toexcell Incorporated. Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP 1.0 Specifications. Iuniverse Inc, 1999.

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Onvural, Raif. Data Communications and their Performance (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing). Springer, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Weik, Martin H. "hypertext transfer protocol." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 742. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Weik, Martin H. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 742. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Wilde, Erik. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)." In World Wide Web, 53–149. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Bressoud, Thomas, and David White. "The HyperText Transfer Protocol." In Introduction to Data Systems, 609–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Gorski, Peter Leo, Luigi Lo Iacono, and Hoai Viet Nguyen. "HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol." In WebSockets, 5–24. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2015.

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Kumar, Akshi. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)." In Web Technology, 47–64. Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, a CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa, plc, 2019.: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018.

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Wilde, Erik. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)." In Wilde’s WWW, 53–135. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Meinel, Christoph, and Harald Sack. "Zustelldienst im Web — HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol." In WWW, 735–804. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Gecse, Roland. "Conformance testing methodology of Internet protocols Internet application-layer protocol testing — the Hypertext Transfer Protocol." In Testing of Communicating Systems, 35–48. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.

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Aakanksha, Bhawna Jain, Dinika Saxena, Disha Sahni, and Pooja Sharma. "Analysis of Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Its Variants." In Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences, 171–88. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Conference papers on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Shah, Rushank, and Stevina Correia. "Encryption of Data over HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)/HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) Requests for Secure Data transfers over the Internet." In 2021 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT). IEEE, 2021.

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Deshpande, Sachin, and Wenjun Zeng. "Scalable streaming of JPEG2000 images using hypertext transfer protocol." In the ninth ACM international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2001.

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Abisoye, Opeyemi Aderiike, Oluwatobi Shadrach Akanji, Blessing Olatunde Abisoye, and Joseph Awotunde. "Slow Hypertext Transfer Protocol Mitigation Model in Software Defined Networks." In 2020 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry: Way Towards a Sustainable Economy (ICDABI). IEEE, 2020.

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MATTSON, R. L. R., and S. GHOSH. "HTTP-MPLEX: AN APPLICATION LAYER MULTIPLEXING PROTOCOL FOR THE HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL (HTTP)." In New Trends in Computer Networks - 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS'05). IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS, 2005.

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Asgary, Ali, Alireza Ghaffari, and Albert Kong. "Automated Intelligent Emergency Assessment of GTA Pipeline Events." In 2010 8th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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The risks to the local population, infrastructure and the environment posed by fluid spills associated with oil and gas pipelines running throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) are evaluated using fuzzy inference rules encoded using JESS and fuzzy J. The evaluation uses data obtained in real time from web services, such as weather, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), for example, distances of event from emergency services and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, where available. These risks are diverse depending on the local infrastructure or lack thereof (in the case of the environment) indicated by the zoning of the area of the spill, population densities and other factors. The application uses an advanced Human Machine Interface (HMI) accessible via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) from anywhere on the Web. It is intended to support decision making in emergency response scenarios.

Umar, Rukayya, Morufu Olalere, Ismaila Idris, Raji Abdullahi Egigogo, and G. Bolarin. "Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Distributed Denial of Service Intrusion Detection." In 2019 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO). IEEE, 2019.

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Hale, Mark A., James I. Craig, and Dimitri N. Mavris. "A Lean-Server Approach to Enabling Collaboration Using Advanced Design Methods." In ASME 1999 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.

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Abstract The design framework research community utilizes the internet as a facilitator for collaborative activities. The internet provides a platform independent interface and geographic distribution. Information can be easily represented to the end-user using the HyperText Markup Language and can be coded in a reasonable timeframe. A shortcoming of exploiting this technology further is the reliance on existing Web servers to interface with analysis tools and design services. In this case, interactive components require auxiliary processes (called CGI scripts) to be started by the server that are used in an inefficient manner. This model does not provide the user-oriented capability required by standalone applications. Java offers improvements in client-side processing but a server bottleneck still exists. A novel approach using lean-servers is introduced as an alternative method for providing an efficient server-side computing model. In this case, internet requests are brokered directly by the design application by providing a gateway to the application’s programming interface using a HyperText Transfer Protocol compliant layer. This allows requests to be managed directly by the application rather than requiring auxiliary services. Step-by-step directions for implementing this approach using a case study of an existing design framework are given in this paper. A prototype system, called the Systems Programming Architecture for Collaborative Engineering, is described as one scenario for implementing the lean-server technology. Usability of the approach is demonstrated through a Design of Experiments example that is representative of modern design methods. This example also demonstrates collaboration because it executes asynchronously with multi-user intervention at any time during the process. In hindsight, the lean-server approach is an enabling technology for collaborative design and focuses future research direction on the establishment of collaborative design practices.

Reports on the topic "Protocole de transfert hypertexte":


Fielding, R., J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, and T. Berners-Lee. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. RFC Editor, June 1999.

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Rescorla, E., and A. Schiffman. The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol. RFC Editor, August 1999.

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Berners-Lee, T., R. Fielding, and H. Frystyk. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. RFC Editor, May 1996.

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Fielding, R., J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, and T. Berners-Lee. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. RFC Editor, January 1997.

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Fielding, R., M. Nottingham, and J. Reschke, eds. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching. RFC Editor, June 2014.

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Fielding, R., and J. Reschke, eds. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication. RFC Editor, June 2014.

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Fielding, R., and J. Reschke, eds. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests. RFC Editor, June 2014.

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Fielding, R., Y. Lafon, and J. Reschke, eds. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests. RFC Editor, June 2014.

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Reschke, J. Initial Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Method Registrations. RFC Editor, June 2014.

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Belshe, M., and R. Peon. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2). Edited by M. Thomson. RFC Editor, May 2015.

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