Academic literature on the topic 'Salimetrics'

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Journal articles on the topic "Salimetrics":


Whisnubrata, Tommy Nugrahadi, Eddy Fadlyana, and Sri Endah Rahayuningsih. "Hubungan antara Kortisol Saliva dan Masalah Mental Emosional pada Anak Usia 3–5 Tahun." Sari Pediatri 18, no. 1 (November 30, 2016): 63.

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Latar belakang. Masalah mental emosional pada anak usia prasekolah harus dideteksi dan diantisipasi sedini mungkin. Masalah mental emosional memengaruhi mekanisme aksis hipotalamus-pituitari-adrenal, menghasilkan produk akhir kortisol.Tujuan. Menentukan hubungan kadar kortisol saliva dan masalah mental emosional.Metode. Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2015 - Januari 2016 terhadap 82 anak usia 3–5 tahun yang dititipkan di tempat penitipan anak di Kota Bandung. Orangtua diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) untuk skrining masalah mental emosional subjek. Kortisol saliva subjek penelitian dianalisis menggunakan salivary cortisol kit dari Salimetrics®. Analisis data untuk menentukan hubungan antara kortisol saliva dan masalah mental emosional dilakukanmenggunakan analisis regresi logistik.Hasil. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar kortisol saliva dan masalah mental emosional (p=0,027; OR=3,431). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar kortisol abnormal dengan variabel conduct (p=0,001) dan emosi (p=0,017).Kesimpulan. Kadar kortisol saliva berhubungan dengan masalah mental emosional pada anak usia 3-5 tahun. Kadar kortisol berhubungan dengan variabel conduct dan emosi.

Handajani, Juni, Rini Maya Puspita, and Rizki Amelia. "Kontrasepsi Hormonal Meningkatkan Kadar α-Amylase Saliva." Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia 21, no. 1 (June 1, 2014): 39.

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Salivary α-amylase atau α-amylase saliva (SAA) adalah salah satu enzim dalam saliva yang berperan penting pada inisiasi digesti karbohidrat dan fungsi interaksi bakteri. Kontrasepsi hormonal sangat populer di Indonesia untuk mencegah kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar SAA wanita pemakai kontrasepsi pil dan suntik. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 30 perempuan usia 20-35 tahun. Prosedur penelitian telah mendapat persetujuan dari Komite Etik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Subjek dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok (pemakai kontrasepsi pil, suntik, dan kontrol), masing-masing 10 perempuan. Kriteria subjek antara lain subjek sehat, tidak menggunakan alat ortodontik, protesa atau mahkota, serta menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal lebih dari 3 bulan. Sampel saliva dikumpulkan pada sore hari (16.00-18.00 WIB) selama 1 menit dengan metode tanpa stimulasi. Kadar tingkat SAA diukur menggunakan ELISA kit (Salimetrics LLC) dengan Optical Density (OD) pada 405 nm. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar SAA tertinggi pada perempuan pemakai kontrasepsi pil dan ada perbedaan yang signifikan diantara tiga kelompok. Disimpulkan bahwa kontrasepsi hormonal meningkatkan kadar SAA.Hormonal Contraceptive Increased The Level of Salivary Α-Amylase. Salivary α-amylase (SAA) is one of the most important enzymes in saliva. This enzyme was mainly involved in the initiation of the digestion of starch in the oral cavity and has significant bacterial interactive function. Hormonal contraceptives are very popular in Indonesia to avoid pregnancy. This study aimed to evaluate the level of SAA in woman who taking pill and by injection contraceptives. Thirty women were in subjects, 20-35 years old, approval ethical clearance from Ethic Committee Medical Faculty of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Subjects were divided into three groups (taking pill contraceptive, by injection contraceptive and control). Each group consisted ten women. Criteria for issue were medication free, healthy, no orthodontic treatment, no prosthesis or crown and took hormonal contraceptives more than three months. Saliva samples were collected at afternoon (16.00-18.00 pm) for 1 minute using unstimulating method. The level of SAA was measured by ELISA kit (Salimetrics LLC). Optical Density was read on a standard plate at 405 nm. Data for level SAA were analyzed using ANOVA (p<0.05). Results showed the highest level of SAA in woman who takes pill contraceptive, and there were significant differences between the three groups. This study is suggesting that the hormonal contraceptive increased the level of SAA.

Tryphonopoulos, Panagiota D., Nicole Letourneau, and Rima Azar. "Approaches to Salivary Cortisol Collection and Analysis in Infants." Biological Research For Nursing 16, no. 4 (October 16, 2013): 398–408.

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Salivary cortisol is becoming more commonly utilized as a biologic marker of stress in observational studies and intervention research. However, its use with infants (12 months of age or younger) is less widespread and poses some special challenges to researchers. In order to decide on the most suitable collection procedure for salivary cortisol in infants, a number of criteria should be considered. This article will aid investigators interested in integrating salivary cortisol measurement into their research studies by presenting (1) an overview of the patterns of cortisol secretion in infancy including the development of diurnal rhythm and response to stress; (2) a comparison of the most commonly used approaches for collecting salivary cortisol samples in infants including cotton rope, syringe aspiration technique, filter paper, hydrocellulose microsponge, and the Salimetrics children’s swab; (3) a discussion of the factors contributing to heightened cortisol variability in infancy and how these can be limited; (4) analytical issues associated with cortisol measurement; and (5) examples of criteria to consider when choosing a saliva sampling method and lab for conducting assays.

Sadi, Hana, Matthew Finkelman, and Morton Rosenberg. "Salivary Cortisol, Salivary Alpha Amylase, and the Dental Anxiety Scale." Anesthesia Progress 60, no. 2 (June 1, 2013): 46–53.

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AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between dental anxiety, salivary cortisol, and salivary alpha amylase (sAA) levels. Furthermore, the aim was to look into individual differences such as age, race, gender, any existing pain, or traumatic dental experience and their effect on dental anxiety. This study followed a cross-sectional design and included a convenience sample of 46. Every patient was asked to complete the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and a basic demographic/dental history questionnaire. A saliva sample, utilizing the method of passive drooling, was then collected in 2-mL cryovials. Samples were analyzed for salivary cortisol and sAA levels by Salimetrics. Significant associations were observed between DAS scores and presence of pain and history of traumatic dental experience. However, no significant correlations were observed between DAS, cortisol, and sAA levels. Our study reconfirms that dental anxiety is associated with presence of pain and a history of traumatic dental experience. On the other hand, our study was the first to our knowledge to test the correlation between the DAS and sAA; nevertheless, our results failed to show any significant correlation between dental anxiety, cortisol, and sAA levels.

De Bernardo, Giuseppe, Marina Riccitelli, Maurizio Giordano, Fabrizio Proietti, Desiree Sordino, Mariangela Longini, Giuseppe Buonocore, and Serafina Perrone. "Rooming-in Reduces Salivary Cortisol Level of Newborn." Mediators of Inflammation 2018 (2018): 1–5.

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Background. Rooming-in practice improves breastfeeding and reduces newborn stress reactivity. When this modality is not available, partial rooming-in after birth can be considered. Salivary cortisol levels (SCLs) are considered reliable biomarkers to indicate stress. Objective. To test the hypothesis that rooming-in duration impacts neonatal stress response in hospitalized newborns. Design/methods. Forty term newborns, enrolled in the Neonatology and Obstetrics Nursing, C.G. Ruesch, Naples, Italy, were divided, according to the mother’s choice, into the study (SG; n=20) and control (CG; n=20) groups if they received full (24 hs) or partial (14 hs) rooming-in care, respectively. Saliva samples were collected from all babies between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. of the 3rd day of life by using oral swab. Salivary cortisol levels were measured using an enzyme immunoassay kit (Salimetrics LLC, PA, USA). Results. A statistically significant difference in the SCLs between SG and CG was found (median: 258 ng/dl versus 488.5 ng/dl; p=0.048). Conclusions. Data support the practice of full rooming-in care compared with partial rooming-in. The rooming-in duration clearly reduces SCLs and likely neonatal stress. These lower SCLs may have long-term positive effects reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and cognitive and behavioural changes.

Albar, Wed F., Evan W. Russell, Gideon Koren, Michael J. Rieder, and Stan H. Van Umm. "Human hair cortisol analysis: Comparison of the internationally-reported ELISA methods." Clinical & Investigative Medicine 36, no. 6 (December 1, 2013): 312.

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Purpose: Recently, hair cortisol has become a topic of global interest as a biomarker of chronic stress. Different research groups have been using different methods for extraction and analysis, making it difficult to compare results across studies. A critical examination of the reported analytical methods is important to facilitate standardization and allow for a uniform interpretation. Methods: This study qualitatively compared four published procedures from laboratories in Germany, the Netherlands, USA and Canada. Multiple aspects of their procedures were compared. Results: A major difference among the laboratories was the ELISA kit used: the Canadian laboratory used the kit from ALPCO Diagnostics (Salem, MA, USA), the American laboratory used the kit from DRG International (Springfield, NJ, USA), the German laboratory used the kit from DRG Instruments GmbH (Marburg, Germany), or IBL (Hamburg, Germany), and the Dutch used the kit from Salimetrics (Suffolk, UK). In addition, there are noted differences in hair mass used as well as washing and extraction procedures. The range of hair cortisol levels determined in healthy volunteers by the four groups was within 2.3-fold: Koren, 46.1 pg/mg; Van Rossum, 29.72 pg/mg; Kirschbaum, 20 pg/mg and Laudenslager ~ 27 pg/mg. Conclusions: The relative similarities in hair cortisol values in volunteers among the four laboratories should facilitate a quality assurance exchange program, as a necessary step toward clinical use of this novel test.

Zulkifley, Nuraisyah H., Suriani Ismail, and Rosliza A. Manaf. "The changes in saliva cotinine during Ramadan among a group of Muslim smokers in Malaysia." International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 4, no. 2 (January 25, 2017): 481.

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Background: Smoking is a negative health behaviour that brought in health and social problems into the community. The effects of smoking can be decreased by promoting smoking cessation. One of the approaches in smoking cessation intervention focuses on the supportive environment that can be naturally found during the Ramadan where every Muslim is obligated to fast which included abstaining from smoking.Methods:A total of 61 male, Muslim smokers who currently smoke cigarette on daily basis were recruited. The study was conducted by using the one-group pretest-posttest study design to evaluate the effect of Ramadan environment on saliva cotinine among a group of smokers who work at a local authority in Selangor. The data were collected three times which were one week before Ramadan, 21st of Ramadan and 21 days after Ramadan. The saliva cotinine were measured by using SalivaBio oral swab (SOS) and cotinine biomarker research salivary assay kits and protocols by Salimetrics with the sensitivity of 0.15ng/ml. Data analysis was conducted by using One-way ANOVA with repeated measures and paired t-test.Results: The study showed a significant difference in the saliva cotinine level from before, during and after Ramadan (p = 0.002). From the post-hoc test, there is a significant positive changes in the saliva cotinine level from before Ramadan to during Ramadan (t (60) = 3.66, p = 0.001).Conclusions:The saliva cotinine level of the smokers decreased during Ramadan. This can provide an opportunity for easier initiation of smoking cessation for the smokers.

Kwekkeboom, Kristine L., Erin S. Costanzo, and Toby Christopher Campbell. "Stress biomarkers in advanced cancer patients experiencing the pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance symptom cluster." Journal of Clinical Oncology 33, no. 29_suppl (October 10, 2015): 5.

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5 Background: Cancer symptom clusters such as co-occurring pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance, are common and debilitating for patients with advanced disease. Stress-related neuorendocrine system alterations are thought to play a significant role in symptom co-occurrence. While studies have documented relationships between stress biomarkers and symptoms in persons with cancer, few have done so in the context of a specific symptom cluster or among persons receiving treatment for advanced disease. Objectives: This preliminary analysis describes biomarkers of neuroendocrine stress systems – salivary cortisol and salivary alpha amylase (sAA) – and their relationship with the pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance symptom cluster in cancer. Methods: We analyzed baseline data from 14 participants of a RCT of a cognitive-behavioral symptom cluster intervention. Participants were receiving chemotherapy for recurrent or metastatic cancer. The sample was largely female (93%), aged 50-74 years old (M=63.57), with lung (57%), breast (14%), GYN (22%) or prostate (7%) cancer. Participants reported symptom cluster severity and collected saliva over two days prior to a new chemotherapy cycle. Cortisol concentrations were determined by luminescence immunoassay and salivary alpha-amylase by enzyme kinetic reaction assay using standardized kits (Salimetrics, State College, PA). Results: Mean (SD) cortisol and sAA levels were within normal range and followed typical diurnal patterns (Table 1); although evening levels of cortisol appeared higher in this sample compared to those of healthy adults. Low to moderate observed correlations between symptom cluster severity and stress biomarkers (evening cortisol r = -.204; evening sAA r = .326) were not significant in this small sample. Conclusions: Elevated evening cortisol levels may suggest dysregulation of the stress response in this population. The ongoing study will further evaluate if alterations in neuroendocrine function contribute to the symptom cluster experience. Clinical trial information: NCT01954420. [Table: see text]

Rashkova, Maya R., Lora S. Ribagin, and Nina G. Toneva. "Correlation between salivary α-amylase and stress-related anxiety." Folia Medica 54, no. 2 (October 1, 2012): 46–51.

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ABSTRACT Salivary α-amylase is a useful biomarker that can be used in assessing human psychobiological and social behavioural processes. Studying it opens up possibilities for the creation of novel concepts concerning the interaction of biological and social processes and their impact on health and behaviour. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The levels of salivary α-amylase and situation anxiety self-assessment using Spielberger test were measured twice in 30 individuals aged 21.37 ± 0.96 yrs (18 females and 12 males): once during stressful situation (prior to examination) and, again a month later, in stress-free environment (during a training session). Salivary α-amylase was measured using kinetic reaction kit Salimetrics LLC - USA. RESULTS: The mean level of salivary α-amylase measured during the first measurement 156.0 ± 93.33 U/ml. During the second measurement in the absence of intense stress, the levels were two times lower - 74.03 ± 58.06 U/ml and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). We found a statistically significant correlation between the levels of salivary α-amylase in both measurements (P < 0.01). The correlation coefficient was r = 0.472 (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The adapted version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory score (STAI) created by Spielberger is appropriate for assessment of stress-related anxiety in young individuals. Salivary α-amylase may be used as a biomarker for objective evaluation of the psychosomatic state of individuals in a stressful environment. The combination of psychological test and objective indicator such as salivary α-amylase is an excellent tool for objective evaluation of individual’s state in stressful environment. Similar tests may be used in assessment of patients’ behaviours at dental treatment that may be considered a stressor in most patients.

Groppetti, Debora, Sara Meazzi, Joel F. S. Filipe, Carla Colombani, Sara Panseri, Sergio A. Zanzani, Clara Palestrini, Simona Cannas, Alessia Giordano, and Alessandro Pecile. "Maternal and neonatal canine cortisol measurement in multiple matrices during the perinatal period: A pilot study." PLOS ONE 16, no. 7 (July 22, 2021): e0254842.

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Stress exposure during perinatal period may lead to maternal cortisol increase that negatively affects the offspring development. In recent years, the interest on non-invasive sampling methods to measure cortisol as a marker of stress is increasing in both humans and animals. Indeed, discomfort due to blood collection may compromise the diagnostic outcome, mainly in uncooperative patients. So far, some alternative matrices but not milk have been explored in adult dogs, while no data are available on the neonate and paediatric live pups. This study aimed to measure cortisol concentration in different biological substrates in both dams (blood, saliva, hair and milk) and pups (saliva and hair) at established times from proestrus up to two months after parturition. For this purpose, five female German shepherd bitches and their 22 pups were enrolled. Cortisol concentration was assessed using the enzyme immunoassay kit (Salivary Cortisol ELISA kit, Salimetrics) after matrices appropriate preparation if required. Cortisol was measurable in all the substrates, except some milk samples below the detection limit. Maternal cortisol concentrations differed among the matrices (P <0.0001) with the highest values recorded in plasma (median 0.596 μg/dL) compared to saliva (median 0.159 μg/dL), hair (median 0.083 μg/dL) and milk (median 0.045 μg/dL). Cortisol in dams did not vary within the same matrix over time. In pups, salivary (median 0.295 μg/dL) cortisol was always higher than hair (median 0.049 μg/dL; P <0.0001). At birth (P = 0.01) and two months later (P = 0.05), neonatal salivary cortisol was higher compared to other samplings. The present study demonstrates the suitability of these innovative substrates for cortisol measurement, suggesting them as potential diagnostic support in canine neonatology and welfare.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Salimetrics":


Harrington, Marisa. "Examination of healthcare workers’ response to rotating shift work during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greater Victoria care sites." Thesis, 2021.

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Nurses are already exposed to plenty of stressors while at work, one of which being the unavoidable nature of rotating shift work scheduling which can have profound physiological effects carrying heightened long-term health risks. Working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new stressors while further exacerbating the effects of pre-existing ones in this already understudied group of essential workers. The purpose of this research was to examine physiological markers of stress and health in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nine subjects (mean age 32.11 ± 7.25 years) from two hospitals in the Greater Victoria region collected data over an eight-day shift roster consisting of two 12-hour day shifts, two 12-hour night shifts, and four days off in two separate collection periods; remote data collection was used to adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines. Salimetrics ELISA kits were used to conduct analyses for salivary cortisol, melatonin, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) content. Frequency domain heart rate variability (HRV) was collected with a Polar H10 Chest Strap and Polar Ignite Activity Tracker. A salivary sample and 5-minute HRV recording were obtained upon waking or shortly thereafter on each day; a second saliva sample was obtained after work for the four working days. The Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) was completed at the end of the last night shift in each period. There were no significant differences between IL-6 concentrations across the eight days within each period; the same was observed for cortisol. Additionally, no difference was apparent between the morning and evening salivary cortisol concentrations, thus demonstrating a blunting of the diurnal release pattern. Evening salivary cortisol concentrations remained elevated near the level of morning samples and were consistently above reference values for the population age group. Morning salivary melatonin concentrations significantly differed by day (F(5, 25) = 6.626, p < 0.001) but not period; melatonin concentrations were lowest following night shifts, showing a suppression in release due to participants being exposed to light at night with shift work. No statistically significant differences were apparent between any frequency domain HRV parameters in either Period 1 or Period 2. Perceived occupational stress was heightened in comparison to previously published pre-pandemic research using the ENSS. The results of this research reveal alterations to the circadian nature of cortisol and melatonin alongside elevated perceived occupational stress; these physiological and psychological effects can compound the risk for adverse health outcomes. While it is difficult to discern the root cause of these responses, it nevertheless reveals insight into the effects of nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic and raises concern for potentially related disease risk.

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