Academic literature on the topic 'Sentence arbitrale administrative'

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Journal articles on the topic "Sentence arbitrale administrative":


Machado, Fabiana Morais Braga. "Arbitragem no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: breves comentários ao Decreto nº 46.245, de 19 de fevereiro de 2018." Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem 15, Issue 58 (June 1, 2018): 28–47.

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RESUMO: Comentários ao Decreto Estadual nº 46.245/2018, que regulamenta a adoção da arbitragem no âmbito da Administração Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. ABSTRACT: Notes on State Act nº 46.425/2018, which regulates arbitration within the Public Administration at State of Rio de Janeiro. SUMÁRIO: Apresentação; Capítulo I – Das Disposições Preliminares; Capítulo II – Da Convenção de Arbitragem; Capítulo III – Do Procedimento; Capítulo IV – Dos Prazos; Capítulo V – Dos Árbitros; Capítulo VI – Da Publicidade; Capítulo VII – Do Cadastramento do Órgão Arbitral Institucional; Capítulo VIII – Da Sentença Arbitral; Capítulo IX – Das Atribuições da Procuradoria-Geral do Estado; Capítulo X – Das Disposições Finais e Transitórias; À guisa de conclusão.

Balassiano, Tamara. "Arbitragem sem precatório: celeridade do início ao fim." REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION 3, no. 6 (December 1, 2021): 201–37.

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O artigo busca analisar as alternativas ao regime de precatórios judiciais, rito aplicável ao pagamento de débitos devidos pela Administração Pública, a fim de afastar a morosidade no pagamento de débitos reconhecidos em sentença arbitral condenatória em desfavor da Administração Pública. A relevância do tema reside no fato de a eleição da via arbitral não ser, sozinha, suficiente para garantir a segurança jurídica necessária à celebração de contratos administrativos com o parceiro privado. Inicialmente, serão analisadas as possibilidades de pagamento pela via administrativa e por intermédio de fundo garantidor de natureza privada e patrimônio próprio. Na sequência, será avaliada a possibilidade de compensação de créditos recíprocos entre o particular e o ente administrativo, por decisão do tribunal arbitral, na forma do Código Civil, como alternativa complementar.

Bahalaokwibuye, Christian Bahati. "Perspectives sur l’indépendance de la justice arbitrale en Afrique subsaharienne. Les influences croisées entre la Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage (CCJA) et l’East African Community’s Court of Justice (EACJ)." KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 6, no. 1 (2019): 114–30.

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Le présent article pose les perspectives sur les influences opportunes et mutuelles des systèmes arbitraux de la CCJA et l’EACJ dans la promotion de l’indépendance des arbitres. İl montre que, tout comme pour l’EAC, l’abitrage figure déjà dans le Traité de l’OHADA comme le mode de règlement des différends en vue d’améliorer le climat des investissements sur les territoires des Etats parties. La CCJA n’est pas un tribunal arb itral. Son intervention est placée en aval, comme juge de contrôle de la sentence bien qu’elle ne se contente pas d’un contrôle minimal. L’EACJ, qui a retenu l’option du cumul des fonctions de ses juges avec celles d’arbtres, pourra aussi, dans la moindre mesure, se contenter d’administrer les arbitrages ouverts conformément à son Règlement d’arbitrage. De ce point de vue, le système EACJ sera en parfait accord avec l’esprit du principe d’indépendance/ impartialité. En cette matière, nous pensons que la pratique de la CCJA ne manquera pas d’inspirer utilement des réformes du système d’arbitrage de l’EACJ, et qui révèle de plus en plus une prise de conscience certaine d'une croissante indépendance de ses arbitres en ayant opté pour la gratuité de l’arbitrage. Comme le Centre d’arbitrage de la CCJA est attaché à la Cour et que cette dernière est dotée d’une autonomie financière, il est temps de prendre des mesures de réduction de coût, non pas totalement analogues à celles de l’EACJ, à travers lesquelles on dispensera, par exemple les ressortissants de l’espace OHADA et les investisseurs étrangers, des frais administratifs de l’arbitrage. Il en résulterait un arbitrage sans influences, alternative crédible à la justice étatique qui affiche la lanterne rouge et facile d’accès aux justiciables impécunieux, qui rendra des sentences impartiales et légitimes.

Pérez Moreno, Alfonso. "El renacimiento de la desviación de poder." Revista Andaluza de Administración Pública, no. 86 (August 31, 2013): 195–223.

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Se plantea la necesidad de volver a aplicar la normativa sobre el vicio de desviación de poder. Tomando una Sentencia de la Sala de Sevilla sobre un famoso caso testigo, se estudian las vías de superación de las dificultades que determinaron el declinar de la denuncia de ese vicio. Entre ellas se defiende el incremento de la potestadjudicial inquisitiva, el cambio de la prejudicialidad penal por la administrativa en diversas materias, y la incorporación del arbitraje intraprocesal.

Hoyle, Carolyn, and Saul Lehrfreund. "Contradictions in Judicial Support for Capital Punishment in India and Bangladesh: Utilitarian Rationales." Asian Journal of Criminology 15, no. 2 (November 26, 2019): 141–61.

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AbstractIndia and Bangladesh share a common history, and each has developed somewhat similarly since partition. However, while both countries now have relatively low murder rates, India has seen a decline in the rate of executions, while Bangladesh continues to impose death sentences and carry out executions at a higher rate. There have been challenges to the death penalty in India, restricting its use to exceptional cases. The same has not occurred in Bangladesh. Yet in both countries, systemic flaws in the criminal process are evident. This article draws on two original empirical research projects that explored judges’ opinions on the retention and administration of capital punishment in India and Bangladesh. The data expose justice systems marred by corruption, incompetence, abuses of due process, and arbitrary and inconsistent treatment of defendants from arrest through to conviction and sentencing. It shows that those with the power to sentence to death have little faith in the integrity of the criminal process. Yet, a startling paradox emerges from these studies; despite personal knowledge of its flaws, judges have trust in the death penalty to deter crime and to realise other sentencing aims and feel retention benefits society. This is explained by reference to utilitarian values. Not only did our judges express strongly utilitarian justifications for sentencing people to death, in terms of their erroneous belief in its deterrent effect, but some also articulated utilitarian justifications for misconduct in pre-trial processes, suggesting that it was necessary to break the rules to secure convictions when the system was dysfunctional and ineffective.

Jaques, Betyna. "Alegada inconstitucionalidade do artigo 189, iv, do cpc. Sigilo dos processos judiciais que versem sobre arbitragem. Publicidade. Confidencialidade. Interesse social. Revisão do mérito da sentença arbitral. Brasil. Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. 1ª Câmara Reservada de Direito Empresarial. Agravo de Instrumento nº 2263639-76.2020.8.26.0000. Rel. Des. Cesar Ciampolini. J. 02.03.2021." Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem 18, Issue 71 (December 1, 2021): 99–121.

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Helmi, Helmi, and Iskandar Iskandar. "The Authority of Internal Auditor to Prevent Corruption Committed by Civil Servants and Government Official." Jambe Law Journal 2, no. 2 (January 28, 2020): 139–62.

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Internal audit is significant to guarantee and ensure the enforcement of laws and regulations as well as to prevent power abuse by civil servants or government officials that may cause financial loss for the country. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the authority of internal audit, to describe how this authority is regulated, to depict the authority to prevent power abuse, and to illustrate the protection over and enforcement of administrative law on allegation of power abuse. This study is a normative juridical study analyzing primary and secondary legal material relevant to the subject under study. The result of the study reveals that the authority of internal audit has been set in various legal products. The operating procedures for legal protection over allegation of arbitrary behavior against civil servants or government officials are filing an objection or an appeal against the discovery of the internal audit. If the case is not a subject of investigation of law enforcement officers the accused may contest the finding to Administrative Court and request the judge to review the finding. If the accused is proven to be guilty of abusing power that causes financial loss for the state and, thus, be sentenced for the alleged conduct (inkracht), he or she shall be immediately dismissed from his/her position. The regulation posits that officer who ignores the verdict and continues to keep the defendant on his/her position shall be penalized.

De Jesús O., Alfrédo. "El Acuerdo de Arbitraje por Referencia en el Derecho Venezolano: Comentarios a la Sentencia nº 1681 de la Sala Político Administrativa del Tribunal Supremo de Venezuela del 6 de Octubre de 2." Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem 2, Issue 5 (February 1, 2005): 193–205.

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Figuera Vargas, Sorily Carolina, Sonia Vargas Torres, and Juan Fernando Puertas Barahona. "El Principio kompetenz - kompetenz del arbitraje comercial internacional en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Venezolano." Revista de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ, December 27, 2018, 23.

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desde la creación del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia venezolano (TSJ) en 1999, una serie de sentencias dictadas por la Sala Polí­tico Administrativa fijaron un antecedente contraproducente al desconocer el principio kompetenz - kompetenz propio del arbitraje comercial internacional. Así­, por ejemplo, en las sentencias que se pronunciaron sobre los asuntos Hyundai de Venezuela C.A. c. Hyundai Motor Company [1]del año 1999 y Consorcio Barr S.A c. Four Seasons Caracas C.A.,[2] ese Máximo Tribunal omitió dicho principio. A pesar de ello, luego el TSJ dio un viraje y en el asunto Astivenca Astilleros de Venezuela, C.A. c. Oceanlink Offshore III A/S[3] del año 2010, dictó una sentencia con carácter vinculante, que constituyó un decisivo respaldo al principio kompetenz - kompetenz en el arbitraje comercial internacional. En las próximas páginas se presenta un análisis jurisprudencial, enfocado en diferentes sentencias dictadas por el TSJ, donde se estudia la evolución de la institución del arbitraje comercial internacional y el principio kompetenz - kompetenz en el sistema jurí­dico de ese paí­s suramericano. Se pretende entonces, incentivar la disertación sobre este tema tan importante en la esfera del Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales.

Qonitah Annur Aziza, Aprilia Trisanti, and Kiki Aristyanti. "Penormaan dan Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Ingkar Notaris." Perspektif Hukum, November 5, 2020, 113–38.

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The notary is obliged to keep all legal deeds outlined in the contents of the deed and all information given to the notary in making the deed. the appointment of a notary as a witness in a case causes the violation of this obligation to be violated a lot. Strong legal protection is needed from the Honorary Board of Notaries (MKN) so that investigators and prosecutors are not arbitrary. The formulation of the problem taken by the author is the normalization of notary liability based on UUJN. And the application of sanctions from the notary obligation in the community.The writing of this thesis uses a normative juridical research method, namely by reviewing the legal norms contained in legislation, legal theories and jurisprudence related to the issues discussed. This research approach uses a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The purpose of this study is to explain more deeply about the norms of denial obligations in the UUJN and their application in the community with the existence of permission from MKN. Based on the results of the study, the author obtained answers to existing problems, namely the notary has a broken obligation that must be obeyed and regulated in Article 4 paragraph (2) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter f UUJN-P. This breach obligation has a limit set out in UUJN in Article 66 paragraph (1) concerning a notary appointed as a witness can talk about the deed with the approval of the permit from MKN. But it also needs to be known if the broken obligation is violated without permission, the notary may be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of termination of employment, civil sanctions in the form of compensation and criminal sanctions in the form of prison sentences.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Sentence arbitrale administrative":


Vodounon-Djegni, Comlan René. "L’exécution des sentences arbitrales contre les personnes publiques de l’OHADA." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.

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La thèse porte sur « L’exécution des sentences arbitrales contre les personnes publiques de l’OHADA ». Elle a pour but de démontrer comment mettre en œuvre ces sentences sans se heurter à l’immunité d’exécution des personnes qui en bénéficient. En effet, en l’absence d’une exception arbitrale, l’interdiction de l’exécution forcée et des mesures conservatoires à l’encontre de ces personnes semble s’étendre à l’exécution forcée des sentences arbitrales contre les personnes publiques de l’OHADA. Or, comme ces dernières, l’immunité d’exécution a également un fondement contractuel ; c’est une règle d’ordre public de protection à laquelle le bénéficiaire peut renoncer. Donc, son application ne serait requise que si son bénéficiaire n’y a pas renoncé. Mais, pour être valable, la renonciation à l’immunité d’exécution doit être expresse, au sens du droit international coutumier, dont fait partie la Convention des Nations Unies sur l’immunité juridictionnelle des Etats et de leurs biens du 2 décembre 2004, applicable en droit OHADA, pour raison de droit. Cette condition de validité de la renonciation pose le problème de l’efficacité des contrats soumis aux règles impératives du droit public ou des conventions et règlements d’arbitrage. Alors, faudrait-il envisager la réécriture des modèles habituels de conventions et règlements d’arbitrage pour y intégrer cette condition ? Cette approche garantirait l’effectivité des sentences arbitrales administratives, sur le fondement de la force obligatoire des contrats (Pacta sunt servenda) et de leur exécution de bonne foi. Aussi, pourrait-on renforcer cette renonciation par la mention de biens affectés à l’activité en cause ou à l’exécution de la sentence qui s’ensuivra sans lien avec l’activité qui y a donné lieu. En tout état de cause, l’immunité d’exécution ne s’oppose ni à l’identification des débiteurs des condamnations pécuniaires des personnes publiques, ni à l’exequatur des sentences arbitrales adm inistratives, ni même à l’exécution volontaire ou spontanée desdites sentences. Ainsi, en dépit de sa conception absolue ou stricte, l’immunité d’exécution de l’OHADA a des limites à l’égard des sentences arbitrales administratives
The thesis focuses on " The execution of arbitral awards against public persons of OHADA ". Its purpose is to demonstrate how to implement these sentences without coming up against the immunity from execution of the persons who benefit from them. Indeed, in the absence of an arbitration exception, the prohibition of forced execution and interim measures against these persons seems to extend to the forced execution of arbitral awards against public persons of the OHADA. However, like the latter, immunity from execution also has a contractual basis ; it is a rule of public order of protection which the beneficiary can waive. Therefore, its application would only be required if its beneficiary has not waived it. However, to be valid, the waiver of immunity from execution must be express, within the meaning of customary international law, of which the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunity of States and their Property of December 2, 2004 forms part. applicable in OHADA law, for legal reasons. This condition of validity of the waiver poses the problem of the effectiveness of contracts subject to the mandatory rules of public law or arbitration agreements and regulations. So, should we consider rewriting the usual models of arbitration agreements and rules to include this condition ? This approach would guarantee the effectiveness of administrative arbitration awards, based on the binding force of contracts (pacta sunt servenda) and their performance in good faith. Also, this waiver could be reinforced by the mention of property assigned to the activity in question or to the execution of the award which will ensue unrelated to the activity which gave rise to it. In any event, immunity from execution does not preclude either the identification of the debtors of the pecuniary judgments of public persons, nor the exequatur of administrative arbitration awards, nor even the voluntary or spontaneous execution of the said sentences. T hus, despite its absolute or strict design, OHADA immunity from execution has limits with respect to administrative arbitral awards

Lin, Ching-Lang. "Arbitration in administrative contracts : comparative law perspective." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2014.

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Il a été longuement discuté de savoir si le système d'arbitrage est applicable pour régler les litiges administratifs qui concernent certains contrats administratifs ou d’autres sans rapport avec le contrat administratif. Dans cette thèse, les trois questions spécifiques sont analysées tour à tour : (1) Est-il possible pour un arbitre ou un tribunal arbitral de trancher des questions relevant du droit administratif? (2) Y a-t-il, ou devrait-il y avoir, des limitations à l'autorité des arbitres et des tribunaux arbitraux? (3) Enfin, après la délivrance d'une sentence arbitrale, quel rôle devrait jouer l'État dans la phase de contrôle judiciaire? La première question concerne l'arbitrabilité et a été discutée dans la première partie (FIRST PART: ARBITRABILITY). La deuxième question a été discutée dans la deuxième partie (SECOND PART: PARTICULAR QUESTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS IN ARBITRATION PROCEDURE). Enfin, sur la dernière question a fait l’objet d’une troisième partie (THIRD PART: JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EXECUTION OF ARBITRATION AWARD). Dans cette thèse, nous avons comparé les systèmes de quatre pays (Canada, Chine, France, Taïwan). En conclusion, nous pouvons donc conclure que l’évolution de la conception du contrat administratif implique de nombreux aspects, y compris les aspects juridiques, économiques, politiques et même culturels. Le développement de la fonction de contentieux administratif, comme ‘’subjectivement orienté" ou "objectivement orienté" aura une incidence sur l'acceptation de l'arbitrage en matière administrative. Dans l'ensemble, l'arbitrage sera plus acceptable dans les systèmes dont la fonction est plus ‘’subjectivement orientée" que dans ceux dont la fonction est "objectivement orientée"
While arbitration has traditionally been considered as a means to resolve private disputes, its role in disputes involving administrative contracts is a crucial question in administrative law. In brief, the three specific questions are (1) Can arbitrators or arbitral tribunals decide issues involving administrative law? and (2) Is there, or should there be, any limitation on the authority of arbitrators or arbitral tribunals? (3) Moreover, after the issue of an arbitration award, what role should the State play in the judicial review phase? The first question, the issue of arbitrability, is discussed in part 1 (FIRST PART: ARBITRABILITY). The second question will be discussed in part2 (SECOND PART: PARTICULAR QUESTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS IN ARBITRATION PROCEDURE). Finally, on the question of what happens after the arbitration award, we will discuss judicial review in part 3 (THIRD PART: JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EXECUTION OF ARBITRATION AWARD). We compare legal systems between the four countries: in France, in Canada, in China and in Taiwan. We believe that an administrative contract, at least in its function and conception, is gradually becoming different from a private contract. Innovation with respect to administrative contracts will also reflect the concentration and function of the administrative litigation systems in each country. In addition, the “objective” or “subjective” function of administrative litigation will also affect the degree of arbitrability, as well as arbitration procedures. Taken together, arbitration will be more acceptable in systems whose function is more “subjectively oriented” than in those whose function is “objectively oriented". Finally, “the arbitration of administrative matters” traditionally has been an important question in administrative and arbitration law. In the future, we will continue to see it shine in the doctrine and jurisprudence of both the administrative and arbitration law fields

Estefam, Felipe Faiwichow. "Arbitragem e Administração Pública: a estruturação da cláusula arbitral em face do regime jurídico-administrativo." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018.

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Submitted by Filipe dos Santos ( on 2018-06-04T12:33:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Faiwichow Estefam.pdf: 2310697 bytes, checksum: 3f61fa6a85f2fe50b39853c4fe70aea5 (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This thesis deals with arbitration, as a method of dispute resolution between the Public Administration and private parties. The research question is: what are the mandatory provisions of the arbitration clause agreed between the Administration and a private party, in view of the legal-administrative regime? The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter examines the use of arbitration by the Administration in the context of state reform, whereby the application of private methods of dispute resolution became meaningful in the public sphere. This chapter also copes with investigating the evolution of arbitration in the Brazilian legal system and jurisprudence. In addition, the chapter studies the conformation of arbitration in the Administrative Law scenario. The second chapter ventures into the study of the peculiarities of arbitration involving the Administration, bringing the main legal provisions that condition the use of the arbitration. The third chapter, in its turn, addresses objective arbitrability, dealing with some contributions of foreign law; about the criteria for the definition of ‘rights that may be disposed’; regarding arbitrability in the context of government contracts and on the content of the arbitration clause in light of arbitrability. In this chapter, a specific legal principle, regarding the content of the arbitration clause, is constructed. In the fourth chapter, the investigation analyzes how the arbitration clause must be structured, in view of the peculiar provisions of the legal-administrative regime and of the principle built by this thesis. The fourth chapter also promotes a practical investigation of arbitration clauses used in government contracts already concluded. Finally, the research question is answered in the conclusion
Esta tese versa sobre a arbitragem, como método de resolução de controvérsias entre a Administração Pública e o particular. A questão central de investigação (research question) é: quais são os preceitos obrigatórios da cláusula arbitral firmada pela Administração e o particular, em vista do regime jurídico-administrativo? O texto é dividido em quatro capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, averígua-se que o uso da arbitragem pela Administração insere-se no contexto de reforma do Estado, pelo qual a aplicação de métodos privados de resolução de controvérsias passou a fazer sentido na esfera pública. Este capítulo também se ocupa de investigar a evolução da arbitragem no ordenamento jurídico e na jurisprudência brasileiros. Ainda, o capítulo estuda a conformação da arbitragem no cenário do Direito Administrativo. O segundo capítulo incursiona no estudo das peculiaridades da arbitragem envolvendo a Administração, trazendo as principais disposições jurídicas que condicionam o uso do instituto. O terceiro capítulo, por sua vez, aborda a arbitrabilidade objetiva, tratando sobre alguns contributos do direito estrangeiro; acerca dos critérios para a definição da disponibilidade; a respeito da arbitrabilidade no contexto dos contratos administrativos e sobre o conteúdo da cláusula arbitral em face da arbitrabilidade. Neste capítulo, constrói-se um princípio jurídico específico a respeito do conteúdo da cláusula arbitral. No capítulo quarto, a investigação analisa como a cláusula arbitral deve ser estruturada, em vista dos preceitos peculiares do regime jurídico-administrativo e do princípio construído por esta tese. O capítulo quarto promove, outrossim, uma investigação prática a respeito de cláusulas arbitrais já usadas em contratos administrativo. Finalmente, responde-se à pergunta inicialmente realizada, apresentando-se uma conclusão

Elatafy, Sherif. "La responsabilité des centres d'arbitrage." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.

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Les litigants sollicitent les centres d’arbitrage pour diriger l’arbitrage dans toutes ses phases afin de donner une garantie supplémentaire qui assure la validité de la sentence arbitrale. Compte tenu du rôle important que les centres d’arbitrage jouent pendant l’instance arbitrale, les litigants mécontents de la sentence arbitrale ou du jugement annulant la sentence tentent d’engager la responsabilité du centre d’arbitrage dès lors qu’il a surveillé, dirigé et participé au rendu de la sentence.De plus en plus la responsabilité des centres d’arbitrage est mise en cause devant les juridictions étatiques différentes, les fonctions et les pouvoirs exercés par les centres d’arbitrage ainsi que le régime de responsabilité leur est applicable font l’objet d’une attention critique de la part de la doctrine dans plusieurs systèmes juridiques. On s’interroge sur l’origine des rapports qui lient les centres d’arbitrage aux autres acteurs de l’arbitrage, sur les obligations et les pouvoirs conférés aux centres d’arbitrage, et sur les fonctions exercées par les centres d’arbitrage pour établir enfin un régime de responsabilité homogène et pertinent à l’égard des fonctions exercées par les centres d’arbitrage qui a une vocation à s’appliquer dans la majorité des systèmes juridiques
Parties to arbitration seek arbitral institutions to administrate their arbitration in order to have an extra guarantee that ensures the validity of the arbitral award. Given the role that arbitral institutions play during the arbitral procedure, parties unsatisfied either by the arbitral award or the annulment of the award tend to claim the liability of arbitral institution for the awards it had supervised, administered and participated in.The more the allegations of liability raise against the arbitral institutions before courts, the more the issue of arbitral institutions’ functions, powers and liability becomes controversial in different jurisdictions. Therefore, the present study tends to clarify the origin of the relationship existing between arbitral institutions and other parties involved in the arbitration at issue, the duties and powers assigned to the arbitral institutions and the functions performed by the arbitral intuitions, which helps eventually in establishing a kind of liability that complies with the functions performed by the arbitral institutions and can be applied in many jurisdictions

Schmidt, Gustavo da Rocha. "A arbitragem nos conflitos envolvendo a administração pública: uma proposta de regulamentação." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2016.

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Submitted by Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt ( on 2016-03-29T18:04:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt - Aprovado.pdf: 3574757 bytes, checksum: 7732d3ffe6f1ca8b01c60b36976081c4 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS ( on 2016-03-30T18:53:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt - Aprovado.pdf: 3574757 bytes, checksum: 7732d3ffe6f1ca8b01c60b36976081c4 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida ( on 2016-03-31T12:22:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt - Aprovado.pdf: 3574757 bytes, checksum: 7732d3ffe6f1ca8b01c60b36976081c4 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-31T12:22:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt - Aprovado.pdf: 3574757 bytes, checksum: 7732d3ffe6f1ca8b01c60b36976081c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29
On May 26, 2015, the Brazilian legislature enacted Law n. 13.129/2015, modifying the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law n. 9.307/1996), allowing public entities, under § 1st of article 1 of the Brazilian Arbitration Act, not only to settle disputes concerning property rights by arbitration, but also to insert the corresponding arbitration clause in public contracts in general. One of my goals, in this paper, it to provide a better understanding of the scope of the rule laid down in article 1st, § 1, of Law n. 9.307/96, offering a deep explanation of the regulatory framework regarding the arbitration act and its applications to the Brazilian public sector. At the end, I intend to indicate a course of action aimed at promoting the use of arbitration in disputes involving Brazilian administrative agencies. Moreover, I intend to present a draft of an executive decree, directed to regulate arbitration within the state bureaucracy.
Em 26 de maio de 2015, foi sancionada a Lei nº 13.129/2015, que promoveu verdadeira reforma na Lei nº 9.307, 23 de setembro de 1996, a Lei de Arbitragem. Dentre as modificações introduzidas no direito arbitral brasileiro, possivelmente a mais importante delas é aquela prevista no § 1º do art. 1º da Lei de Arbitragem, que passou a admitir indistintamente o uso, pelo Estado, da via arbitral para dirimir conflitos relativos a direitos patrimoniais disponíveis, permitindo a inserção da correspondente cláusula compromissória nos contratos administrativos em geral e, inclusive, em convênios, contratos de gestão e termos de cessão e de permissão de uso. A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo, precisamente, o de permitir uma melhor compreensão do alcance da regra prevista no art. 1º, § 1º, da Lei nº 9.307/96, verdadeiro marco regulatório da arbitragem no setor público, e propor, concretamente, linhas de ação voltadas para fomentar o emprego do procedimento arbitral nos conflitos envolvendo a Administração Pública, em especial a regulamentação do instituto no seio da burocracia estatal.

ARAÚJO, NETO Pedro Irineu de Moura. "Arbitragem nos contratos de concessão em formato de parcerias público-privadas: adaptações e compatibilizações com o regime jurídico administrativo." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2017.

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Submitted by Pedro Barros ( on 2018-07-23T20:16:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Irineu de Moura Araújo Neto.pdf: 2198653 bytes, checksum: ba6882479e30333a69f66c05d4e141b5 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Alice Araujo ( on 2018-07-23T22:14:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Irineu de Moura Araújo Neto.pdf: 2198653 bytes, checksum: ba6882479e30333a69f66c05d4e141b5 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-23T22:14:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Irineu de Moura Araújo Neto.pdf: 2198653 bytes, checksum: ba6882479e30333a69f66c05d4e141b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22
O tratamento dado à arbitragem, a partir da Lei nº 9.307/96, fez desse mecanismo privado para solução de controvérsias uma alternativa à disposição daqueles que não desejam dirigir-se ao juízo estatal. No âmbito dos contratos de concessão em formato de PPP´s, no entanto, discute-se não só uma necessária adaptação da arbitragem ao regime jurídico- administrativo, como também uma total incompatibilidade entre ambos, mesmo diante do art. 11, inc. XI, da Lei nº 11.079/04, autorizando o uso da arbitragem neste âmbito. É no bojo desses questionamentos que surge o interesse pelo presente estudo, com vistas a contribuir com e revisitar os argumentos dessa discussão. Assim, serão contrapostas as características da arbitragem e os princípios e regras a nortearem a conduta da Administração Pública, com o fim de se averiguar, num primeiro momento, a validade da arbitragem no âmbito dos contratos de concessão em formato de PPP`s, e em segundo, se são necessárias adaptações e conformações desse mecanismo ao regime jurídico-administrativo.
The treatment given to arbitration, since the Act No. 9.307 / 96, made this private mechanism for ending litigations an alternative available to those who don´t want to set their disputes by the state´s court. In the field of concession contracts in PPP's format, however, it is discussed not only a necessary adaptation of the arbitration to the administrative legal regime, as well as a complete incompatibility between them, even in the face of art. 11, inc. XI, of Act No. 11,079 / 04, which authorizes the use of arbitration in this field. It is in the midst of these questionings that arises the interest in this study, in order to contribute to and revisit the arguments of the discussion. So, it will be opposed the arbitration´s features against the principles and rules which conducts the Public Administration, in order to ascertain, firstly, the validity of arbitration in the field of the concession contracts in PPP`s format, and secondly, if it is necessary to adapt and conform this mecanism to the administrative legal regime.

Lahouazi, Mehdi. "Le développement des modes alternatifs de réglement des différends dans les contrats administratifs." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.

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Le développement des modes alternatifs de règlement des différends dans les contrats administratifs est une nécessité. En effet, l’encombrement des juridictions administratives, conjugué au besoin d’un règlement des différends plus consensuel et apaisé, plaide en faveur de l’émergence d’une justice alternative. Néanmoins, l’ordre public encadrant l’activité des personnes publiques, et protégé par des normes impératives, impose que le développement des modes alternatifs soit régulé. À ce titre, l’étude du droit positif démontre que ce phénomène n’est pas inconnu dans le règlement des différends intéressant les contrats administratifs. Par exemple, les parties à un différend peuvent déjà librement recourir aux modes amiables (médiation, conciliation ou transaction), et quelques dérogations au principe d’interdiction faite aux personnes publiques de recourir à l’arbitrage sont prévues. Cela étant, les lacunes et les défaillances du régime actuel des modes alternatifs dans les contrats administratifs (absence de véritable statut du médiateur, défaut d’encadrement de la conciliation inter partes, complexité de la notion de concessions réciproques ou, encore, difficulté pour le juge administratif d’asseoir sa compétence en matière d’arbitrage international...) complexifient leur compréhension et leur mise en œuvre et risquent, par suite, d’accroître les violations de l’ordre public. Il est donc nécessaire de proposer un régime pérenne des modes alternatifs permettant d’assurer, d’une part, la protection des normes impératives du droit public et, d’autre part, la liberté des parties dans le choix et la conduite d’une justice alternative. Pour cela, leur futur régime devra autoriser l’arbitrage dans les contrats administratifs et le doter de garanties procédurales prenant en compte sa nature spécifique mais, aussi, certaines caractéristiques inhérentes aux personnes publiques et au droit administratif. De même, les procédures de médiation et de conciliation devront être améliorées afin d’assurer aux parties, un encadrement souple et favorable à la conclusion de transactions équilibrées et sécurisées. Enfin, ce régime devra définitivement consacrer le rôle du juge administratif. À cet effet, ce dernier pourra être amené à assister les parties dans la mise en œuvre des modes alternatifs (création d’un juge administratif d’appui dans l’arbitrage, combinaison des procédures de référé avec les modes amiables...). Le juge administratif devra être aussi chargé du contrôle de conformité de la solution alternative à l’ordre public. Cette attribution de compétence, qui résonne de plus fort en matière d’arbitrage international, est indispensable à la protection de l’intérêt public. Ce n’est qu’à ces conditions, que le développement des modes alternatifs de règlement des différends pourra prendre toute sa place dans les contrats administratifs
The development of alternative dispute resolution in administrative contracts is a necessity. Indeed, the congestion of the administrative courts, combined with the need for a more consensual and calm settlement of disputes, pleads in favour of the emergence of an alternative justice. Nevertheless, the public order governing the activities of public bodies, and protected by imperative norms, requires that the development of alternative methods be regulated. As such, the study of positive law shows that this phenomenon is not unknown in the settlement of disputes concerning administrative contracts. For instance, the parties to a dispute can already freely resort to amicable methods (mediation, conciliation or settlement agreement), and some exceptions to the principle prohibiting public bodies from resorting to arbitration are provided for. However, the voids and shortcomings of the current system of alternative dispute resolution in administrative contracts (lack of proper status of the mediator, paucity of framework for inter partes conciliation, complexity of the concept of reciprocal concessions or, difficulty for the administrative judge to assert its competence in international arbitration...) make its understanding and implementation more complex and more prone to increasing public order violations. It is therefore necessary to propose a sustainable regime of alternative methods to ensure, on the one hand, the protection of peremptory norms of public law and, on the other hand, the freedom of the parties in the choice and conduct of an alternative justice. For that purpose, the future regime will have to authorize arbitration in administrative contracts and endow it with procedural guarantees taking into account its specific nature but also certain characteristics inherent in public entities and administrative law. Furthermore, the mediation and conciliation procedures will have to be improved in order to provide the parties with a flexible framework conducive to the conclusion of balanced and secure settlement agreements. Finally, this regime must definitively establish the role of the administrative judge. To this end, that judge may be called upon to assist the parties in the implementation of alternative methods (creation of an administrative support judge in arbitration, combination of interim reliefs with amicable procedures...). The administrative judge must also be responsible for checking the compliance of the alternative solution to the public order. This attribution of jurisdiction, which is resonates all the more in international arbitration, is fundamental for the protection of the public interest. It is only under these conditions that the development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms can take its place in administrative contracts

Silva, José Miguel Antunes Martins Vitorino. "A recorribilidade da sentença arbitral nos litígios jurídico-administrativos: fundamento, objecto e tipologia." Master's thesis, 2021.

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presente dissertação procura estudar o regime da recorribilidade das sentenças arbitrais referentes a litígios jurídico-administrativos, em particular, decorrentes de actos administrativos. Em especial, o objecto principal do nosso estudo reside em compreender o alcance da norma geral de irrecorribilidade prevista no artigo 39.º, n.º 4, da LAV, aplicável à arbitragem de Direito Administrativo ex vi do artigo 185.º-A do CPTA, de forma a determinar que recursos são interponíveis da sentença arbitral nas arbitragens de Direito Administrativo. Para o efeito, a presente dissertação encontra-se dividida em duas partes. Na primeira parte são feitas algumas considerações gerais sobre o instituto da arbitragem (Parte I, Capítulo I), é traçado o enquadramento constitucional da figura (Parte I, Capítulo II) e é revisitado o regime geral da arbitragem de Direito Administrativo (Parte I, Capítulo III). Na segunda parte é levado a cabo o estudo da norma geral de irrecorribilidade prevista no artigo 39.º, n.º 4, da LAV, (Parte II, Capítulo I), determina-se o objecto da recorribilidade (Parte II, Capítulo II) e define-se o regime que lhe é aplicável (Parte II, Capítulo III).
This work intends to study the regime of the appeal of arbitration awards concerning administrative legal disputes, in particular, those arising from administrative acts. In particular, the main purpose of this work is to understand the scope of the rule set forth in article 39, paragraph 4, of Law no. 63/2011, December 14 (Portuguese Arbitration Law), applicable to the administrative law arbitration ex vi article 185-A, of Law no.15/2002, February 22, (Code of Administrative Procedure), in order to determine which types of appeal can be used to set aside an award concerning administrative legal disputes. For this purpose, this work is divided into two parts. In the first part, some general considerations are made about the arbitration institute (Part I, Chapter I), the constitutional framework (Part I, Chapter II) and the general regime of Administrative Law arbitration (Part I, Chapter III). In the second part, we carry out the study regarding the rule provided for in article 39, paragraph 4, of Portuguese Arbitration Law (Part II, Chapter I), the object of the appeal (Part II, Chapter II ) and the respective applicable regime (Part II, Chapter III).

Girard, Fanny. "Cabiakman et la suspension pour fins d’enquête en rapports collectifs." Thèse, 2014.

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La suspension pour fins d’enquête est une mesure administrative qui permet à l’employeur de suspendre la prestation de travail d’un salarié le temps de faire enquête sur des actes qui lui sont reprochés et qui sont susceptibles d’entacher la réputation ou l’image de l’entreprise. Les principes applicables en la matière ont été précisés par la Cour suprême en 2004 dans l’arrêt Cabiakman c. Industrielle-Alliance, Compagnie d’assurance sur la vie, qui traite d’un contrat individuel de travail. Notre mémoire porte sur les circonstances justifiant une suspension pour fins d’enquête en rapports collectifs. Afin de vérifier le traitement de cette mesure administrative, nous avons effectué une analyse qualitative de la jurisprudence arbitrale québécoise en matière de suspension pour fins d’enquête avant et après Cabiakman. D’abord, nous avons vérifié la compatibilité des principes formulés dans Cabiakman et des principes issus de la jurisprudence arbitrale québécoise antérieure à cet arrêt. Ensuite, nous avons analysé l’influence de cet arrêt en rapports collectifs en examinant si la jurisprudence arbitrale québécoise qui lui est postérieure s'y réfère et en applique les principes. Finalement, nous avons tenté de corréler l’influence ou l’absence d’influence de Cabiakman sur la jurisprudence arbitrale à l’adhésion des arbitres à la thèse de la coexistence ou à la thèse de l’autonomie. Nos résultats ont démontré que Cabiakman n’est pas parfaitement compatible avec la jurisprudence arbitrale qui lui est antérieure puisque des principes différents de ceux énoncés par la Cour suprême s’y retrouvent. Aussi, nous avons remarqué que la jurisprudence arbitrale postérieure à cet arrêt s’y réfère souvent et en applique certains principes. Toutefois, nous ne considérons pas que l’influence de cet arrêt sur la jurisprudence arbitrale soit entièrement corrélée au rattachement des sentences arbitrales à l’une ou l’autre des deux thèses. En effet, d’autres hypothèses pourraient expliquer les résultats que nous avons obtenus.
A suspension for investigation purposes is an administrative measure which allows the employer to suspend an employee for alleged acts that may damage the reputation or the image of the company. The principles which apply to this administrative suspension were established by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2004 in Cabiakman v. Industrial Alliance Life Insurance Co., which deals with an individual contract of employment. Our research focuses on the circumstances justifying a suspension for investigation purposes in collective labour relations. In order to study the treatment of this administrative measure, we conducted a qualitative analysis of the decisions of arbitration tribunals from Quebec regarding the suspension for investigation purposes before and after Cabiakman. We initially verified the compatibility of the principles established in Cabiakman and the principles of the arbitration decisions from Quebec rendered prior to this judgment. Subsequently, we analyzed the influence of this judgment in collective labor relations by examining if the arbitration tribunals from Quebec referred to Cabiakman and implemented its principles. Finally, we attempted to correlate the influence or lack of influence of Cabiakman on the arbitration decisions to the adhesion of the arbitrators to the coexistence thesis or to the autonomy thesis. Our results indicated that Cabiakman is not entirely consistent with the previous arbitration decisions because their principles are different from those expressed by the Supreme Court. In addition, we noticed that the posterior arbitral decisions often referred to Cabiakman and implemented some of its principles. However, we do not consider that the influence of this judgment on the arbitration decisions is entirely correlated to the linking of the arbitral decisions to one of the theses. Indeed, other hypotheses could explain the results of our research.

Books on the topic "Sentence arbitrale administrative":


Caramelo, António Sampaio. A impugnação da sentença arbitral: Comentário aos Artigos 46o, 51o e 54o da Lei de Arbitragem voluntária. Coimbra]: Coimbra Editora, 2014.

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