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Journal articles on the topic "Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani":


Adam, Nur Syazana, and Syed Hadzrullathfi Syed Omar. "[Fana 'in the Sufi Discourse of the Archipelago: An Overview of the Sufi Thought of Sheikh Daud Al-Fatani] Fana’ dalam Wacana Sufi Nusantara: Tinjauan Terhadap Pemikiran Sufi Sheikh Daud Al-Fatani." Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari 16, no. 1 (January 31, 2018): 22–32.

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Fana’ is term for annihilation of the self-appreciation, a concept highlighted in Sufism represents the vanishing of the human wicked attributes that is embellished by various demands of evil desires. On the other hands, Fanā’ is also refers to the only concentration of the memory in appreciation of the perfection and the glory of Allah SWT. This is because fana' is a high level stage of consciousness and a precise focus attentions only on Allah SWT to the stage that other things to be blunt as if lost from seeker’s memory. Nevertheless, in the discourse of Islamic thoughts, many misunderstandings and misappropriation are correlated to the concept of fana’ that occurs in Sufis path. Therefore, this article efforts to high spot the concept of fana’ conferring to Sheikh Daud al-Fatani (d.1847) through his work to scrutinize the extent to which the concept of fana’ posed by him in line with other well-known Nusantara Sufi figures. This study uses the content analysis method by referring to the work of Sheikh Daud al-Fatani sufi entitled "al-Manhal al-Ṣāfī fī Bayan al-Ramz al-Sufi". The study found that the term of fana' presented by Sheikh Daud al-Fatani was in line with the meaning of fana' which was emphasized by the previous Nusantara Sufi figures such as Sayyid Abdul Rahman (d.1917), Sheikh Abdul Samad al-Falimbani (d.1788) and other ancient Sufis figures. However, the use of the term is somewhat different in explaining the fana's meaning since Sheikh Daud al-Fatani in his work emphases more on the aspect of the existence stage which he labeled as the seventh stages (Martabat Tujuh). The study concludes that the concept of fana' posed by the figure was an essential bridge in understanding the concept of fanā' adopted by the practitioners of Sufis path among society nowadays. Keywords: Fana’, Syeikh Daud al-Fatani, Nusantara Sufi, Martabat Tujuh, al-Manhal al-Ṣāfī fī Bayan al-Ramz al-Ṣūfī. Fana‟ menurut disiplin Ilmu Tasawuf ialah lenyap sifat manusiawi yang terbelenggu dengan pelbagai tuntutan syahwat dan hawa nafsu, hal keadaan tumpuan ingatan hati hanya tenggelam dalam menghayati sifat kesempurnaan dan keagungan Allah SWT. Hal demikian adalah kerana fana‟ merupakan kesedaran aras tinggi dan tumpuan ingatan yang jitu yang hanya terumpu kepada Allah SWT hingga ingatan dan perasaan terhadap perkara lain menjadi tumpul seolah-olah lenyap daripada ingatan. Walaupun begitu, dalam wacana pemikiran akidah, banyak ditimbulkan isu-isu yang berkait dengan kesilapfahaman dan penyelewengan terhadap institusi tarekat khususnya yang berkait dengan konsep fana‟. Oleh yang demikian, artikel ini cuba mengetengahkan konsep fana‟ menurut Sheikh Daud al-Fatani (w. 1847M) menerusi karya beliau untuk meneliti sejauh mana konsep fana yang telah dikemukakan oleh beliau selaras dengan tokoh sufi Nusantara yang lain dan tokoh- tokoh sufi silam lain yang muktabar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dengan merujuk karya sufi Sheikh Daud al-Fatani yang berjudul “al-Manhal al-Safi fiBayan al-Ramz al-Sufi”. Kajian mendapati bahawa istilah fana‟ yang dikemukakan oleh Sheikh Daud al-Fatani selaras dengan makna fana‟ yang telah diketengahkan oleh tokoh sufi Nusantara seperti Sayyid Abdul Rahman (w. 1917M), Sheikh Abdul Samad al-Falimbani (w. 1788M) dan tokoh sufi silam yang muktabar. Walau bagaimanapun, penggunaan istilahnya agak berbeza dalam memberi penjelasan tentang pengertian fana‟. Di samping itu, Sheikh Daud al-Fatani dalam karya beliau lebih banyak menumpukan perbincangan terhadap aspek peringkat kewujudan yang diistilahkan oleh beliau sebagai martabat tujuh. Kajian menyimpulkan bahawa konsep fana‟ yang dikemukakan beliau merupakan suatu jambatan asas yang penting dalam memahami konsep fanā‟ yang digunapakai oleh pengamal tarekat kesufian dalam kalangan masyarakat kini. Kata kunci: Fana‟, Syeikh Daud al-Fatani, Sufi Nusantara, Martabat Tujuh, al-Manhal al-Safi Bayan al-Ramz al-Sufi.

Derome, Muhammad Darul Ehsan, and Mohd Arif Nazri. "KEDUDUKAN HADITH DALAM JUZUK 2 KITAB KASYF AL-GHUMMAH FI AHWALIL MAUTA FIL BARZAKH WAL QIYAMAH." Al-Banjari : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman 16, no. 2 (November 15, 2017): 307.

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This study examines the position of hadith of chapter 16 in the second volume of the Book of Kasyf al-Ghummah Fi Ahwalil Mauta Fil Barzakh Wal Qiyamah by Syeikh Daud al-Fatani. The research shows that Sheikh Daud wrote this book to answer the demands of the people who wanted to know about death and doomsday. The characteristics of this book present a number of hadiths without specifying the position of the hadith. The findings of the 16 Hadiths find 3 Hadiths of Muttafaqun alaih, 7 are sahih, 1 is hasan, 2 hadiths are dhaif, 3 hadiths are not known to their original sources. Among the 13 hadiths found its source, 11 hadith are maqbul and 2 are mardud.

Towpek, Hadenan, and Joni Tamkin Borhan. "Relevansi Pemikiran Ekonomi Syeikh Daud Al-Fatani Dengan Kontrak Pembiayaan Perbankan Islam = the Relevance of Sheikh Daud Al-Fatani Economic Thoughts on Islamic Banking Financing Contracts." Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research 10, no. 1 (2013): 145–71.

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Sharifuddin Bin Mustapha, Ahmad, Abdul Karim Bin Ali, and Nur Zainatul Nadra Binti Zainol. "Sheikh Daudal-Fatani as Scholar in Malay Archipelago: Overview on his Writings." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 2.29 (May 22, 2018): 332.

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This paper explores the biography of Sheikh Daud al-Fatani, one of the most famous and prolific authors among Muslims in South East Asia. He produced writings in Madhhab Shafi’i in the Malay World during the nineteenth-century. This paper discusses his background as well as the lineage of his descendants. In addition, it discusses various opinions about the date of his birth, the place he was born and the date of his death. The paper also explores his education and his teachers, and emphasizes his contribution in producing kitab and other writings that have had a huge impact on the religious education of Muslims in this region of the Malay World. To achieve the article’s objectives, content analysis method was applied to the Sheikh Daud’s writings.

Manan, Abdul, Fadhlur Rahman Armi, and Wan Yunil Amri. "The Expansion of Islam in Pattani, South Thailand: A Historical Analysis." Journal of Al-Tamaddun 17, no. 1 (June 30, 2022): 85–95.

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This qualitative study depicts the dissemination of Islam in Pattani, South Thailand, starting from its earlier Hindu-Buddhist kingdom to the current state, by focusing on the influence of Acehnese Muslims in the progress. Studying related documents and conducting observable behavior for six months toward the local Pattanians also were deployed to enrich the data. The intertwined connections between Aceh and Pattani were identified by the existence of resembling tombstones from Aceh on the Pattanian kings, the Story of Pattani and the Pasai village. In addition, the Muslim ambassadors also contributed to the development of Islam in Pattani. An Acehnese pious scholar, Sheikh Said and the fame Pattanian scholar, Sheikh Daud al-Fatani, played a substantial role in modeling Islam within the Pattani Kingdom and its civilians, even though the position of Islam is inferior compared to Buddha’s throughout Thailand.

Bindaniji, Muhamad. "Traces of Māturīdīsm in the ‘Ulamā’s Works in Nusantara in the Seventeenth Until Nineteenth Centuries." ISLAM NUSANTARA: Journal for Study of Islamic History and Culture 1, no. 1 (July 30, 2020): 209–38.

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Theological discourse in Nusantara is always associated with two varieties of Ash‘arīsm and Māturīdīsm. Nevertheless, Ash‘arīsm became the dominant theological discourse for Muslim people of Nusantara at least since the seventeenth century—or more—which brought by ‘Ulamā’s. There are some obscurity concerning the history of Māturīdīsm about the carriers and teachings developed. Thus it is oſten assumed that the theological discourse that developed in Nusantara since Islam entered and developed just an Ash‘arīsm and ignored other theology [Māturīdīsm]. This study would prove that Māturīdīsm developed along with the development of Ash‘arīsm through the global networks of the Nusantara ‘Ulamā around theological discourse in the Muslim world. This study attempts to provide the justification of Māturīdīsm that developed in Nusantara as well as provide a new perspective about method of theology for Muslim people of Nusantara. The focus of this study is to explore the intellectual treasures of ulama’s works in Nusantara who lived in the period of the seventeentah until nineteenth centuries. This study concludes that theological discourse in Nusantara is a continuous form of global theological discourse that developed in the Islamic world, where the emerging theological discourse always associated on two varieties of Ash‘arīsm and Māturīdīsm which later became known as Sunnīsm. In this context, the discourse of Māturīdīsm developed in Nusantara is seen as a method of thinking that is in tune with the tradition of Sunnīsm which emphasizes the elements of moderation and balance in theology. Keywords: Theology, Sunnī, Ash‘arīsm, Māturīdīsm, ‘Ulama, Nusantara Reference: Abdullah, Muhd Saghir, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari: Pengarang Sabilal Muhtadin. Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah Fathimiyah, n.d. Abū ‘Udhba, al-Rawḍat al-Bahīyah fī-mā Bayn al-Ashā’irah wa al-Māturīdīyah. Hyderabad: n.p, 1322 H. Arshād, M. al-Banjārī, Tuḥfah al-Rāghibīn fī Bayān Ḥaqā’iq Īmān al-Mu’minīn, MS collection of PNRI Jakarta, v.d.w. 37. ________, Durr al-Nafis fī ‘Ilm al-Tawḥīd. Singapura: al-Haramayn, 2005. Ash‘ari, Hashim, Risālah Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jamā‘a. Jombang: al-Maktabah al-Islāmī, n.d. Attas, M. Naquib al-, The Oldest Known Malay Manuscript: A 16th Century Malay Translation of the ‘Aqā’id of al-Nasafī. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1988. _______, Al, Commentary on the Ḥujjat al-Ṣiddīq of Nūr al-Dīn al-Rānīrī. Kuala Lumpur: Misnistry of Culture, 1986. _______, The Mysticism of Hamzah Fansuri. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1970. Azra, Azyumardi, Jaringan Ulama Timur Tengah dan Kepulauan Nusantara Abad XVII & XVIII. Jakarta: Kencana, 2013. Baghdādī, Abd al-Qāhir bin Ṭāhir al-, al-Farq Bayn al-Firāq. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmīyah, 2009. Bantanī, Nawawī al-, Fatḥ al-Majīd fī Sharḥ al-Durr al-Farīd fī ‘Ilm al-Tawḥīd. Bandung: al-Ma‘ārif, n.d. _______, Nihāyat al-Zayn fī Irshād al-Mubtadi‘īn. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmīyah, 2002. Bazdawī, Abū al-Yusr Muhammad al-, Kitāb Uṣūl al-Dīn. Cairo: al-Maktabah al-Azharīyah, 2003. Ceric, Mustafa, Roots of Synthetic Theology in Islam: A Study of the Theology of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi. Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 1995. Drewes, G.W.J., “Further Data Concerning ‘Abd al-Samad al-Palimbani”, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 132, No. 2/3 (1976). _______, The Admonitions of Seh Bari: A 16th Century Javanese Muslim Text. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969. Effendi, Djohan, Pembaruan Tanpa Membongkar Tradisi. Jakarta:Kompas, 2012. Eissa, Mohamed Ahmed Abdelrahman, The Jurist and the Theologian: Speculative Theology in Shāfi‘ī Legal Theory. New York: Gorgias Press, 2017. Fādānī, Yāsīn al-, al-'Iqd al-Farīd min Jawāhir al-Asānīd. Surabaya: Dār al-Saqāf, 1981. Fathurahman, Oman, Katalog Naskah Tanoh Abee Aceh Besar. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu & PPIM, 2010. Ghurābah, Ḥamūdah, Abū Ḥasan al-Ash‘arī. Cairo: Majma‘ al-Buḥūth al-Islāmīyah, 1993. Griffel, Frank, Al-Ghazālī’s Philosophical Theology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Hasan, Noorhaidi, “Muhammad Arshad al-Banjari (1710-1812) and the Discourse of Islamization in the Banjar Sultanate”, thesis M.A. Leiden: Leiden University, 1999. _______, “The Tuḥfah al-Rāghibīn: the Work of Abdul Samad al-Palimbani or of Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari?”, in Bijdragen tot de Tall-, Land-en Volkenkunde (BKI) 161-3, 2007. Hasjmy, Ali, Syi’ah dan Ahlussunnah; Saling Rebut Pengaruh dan Kekuasaan Sejak Awal Sejarah Islam di Kepulauan Nusantara. Surabaya: PT.Bina Ilmu, 1983. Hasyim, Arrazy, Teologi Ulama Tasawuf di Nusantara Abad XVII-XIX. Ciputat: Maktabah Darus Sunnah, 2011. Heer, Nicholas, A Concise Handlist of Jawi Authors and Their Works. Washington: n.p, 2009. Ibn Ḥazm, al-Faṣl fī al-Milal wa al-Niḥal. Beirut: Dār al-Ma‘rifah, 1983. Isa, Ahmadi, “Ajaran Tasawuf Syeikh Muhammad Nafis al-Banjari”, thesis Ph.D Jakarta: IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 1996. Ismail, Engku Ibrahim, Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fatani: Peranan dan Sumbangan terhadap Khazanah Islam di Nusantara. Kuala Lumpur: Akademi Pengajaran Melayu University Malaya, 1992. Kalsum, Nyimas Umi, “Tuḥfah Ar-Rāgibīn fī Bayān Ḥaqīqat Īmān al-Mu’minīn”, thesis M.A. Jakarta: University of Indonesia, 2004. Laffan, Michael, The Making of Indonesian Islam. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2011. Madjid, Nurcholish, Islam Doktrin dan Peradaban. Jakarta: Paramadina, 2008. Mas'ud, Abdurrahman, Dari Haramain ke Nusantara. Jakarta: Kencana, 2006. McDonald, Duncan, Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903. Mulyati, Sri, “Sufism in Indonesia: An Analysis of Nawawi al-Banteni’s Salālim al-Fuḍalā”, thesis M.A. Montreal: University of McGill, 1992. 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Noor, Zanariah, and Nazirah Lee. "Dawud al-Fatani’s Thoughts on Marriage in Īḍāḥu l-Bāb li-Murīdi l-Nikāḥ bi-l-Ṣawāb." Hawwa, April 13, 2021, 1–35.

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Abstract This paper examines Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani’s Īḍāḥu l-bāb li-murīdi l-nikāḥ bi-l-ṣawāb (“Explanation of the chapter for the one who desires a good marriage”), which outlines his understanding and mastery of the jurisprudence of Islamic family law. Al-Fatani is a renowned nineteenth-century Malay Muslim scholar, and his work is widely referred to in Islamic education institutions in the region. A close scrutiny of Īḍāḥu l-bāb offers a profound understanding of nineteenth-century Malay Muslims’ view of the institution of marriage. The foci of this paper include the general concept of marriage in Islam; guidelines on spouse selection; the obligations of both husband and wife; and the law on inter-religious marriage. In summary, al-Fatani shows that marriage requires a meticulous consideration of all parties involved; after all, family is a paramount social unit that needs to be preserved to ensure stability in the development of a society.


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Sheikh Daud bin ‘Abdullah al-Fatani (1131-1265AH/1718-1847CE) is a Malay scholar who appears on the transition period to 18M and 19M century. He was known as a productive scholar and prolific book, which can be viewed from various aspects. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze his views on aspects of production as discussed in his masterpiece Furu‘al-Masa’il and specifically referred to in chapter transaction. This article uses content analysis methods through a thematic approach in identifying the aspects of production. This article identifies at least nine aspects contained in the production of the work of priority in economic aspect, the aspect of work/effort, capital, profit-generating aspect, the aspect of profit distribution, aspects of joint agricultural projects, exploring aspects of soil, aspect prohibition of usury and aspects of the general offer. This finding indirectly indicates that the views of Sheikh Daud al-Fatani presented in the book furu‘ al-Masa’il are an ever green that is a deep insight into and remain relevant from the past, present and future. Key Words: Economic, Production, Malay, Daud Al-Fatani

Mustapha, Ahmad Sharifuddin, Abdul Karim Ali, Nur Zainatul Nadra Zainol, and Intan Farhana Saparudin. "Islamic Scholars in Malay Archipelago: Sheikh Daud al-Fatani (1769-1847M) Contribution‘s in Fiqh al-Shafie." Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2, no. 3 (December 31, 2020).

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Malay world had prodused scholars who expert in fiqh, akidah, akhlak, Sufism and other area. They actively disseminated Islam to local residents by producing a plenty of publications as a valuable legacy to the Muslims, especially in the Malay archipelago. Among the scholars was Sheikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fatani known as a prolific scholar in various areas. However, his work in fiqh al-Shafie given less attention compared to other areas. This article examines the contribution of Sheikh Daud in writing descriptively and analyze the works of fiqh al-Shafie. In order to achieve the objectives outlined, this article used the method of content analysis of these texts being entitled Bughyat al- Tullab, al-Saidu Wa al-Zabaih, al-Bahjat al-Saniyat, Mun al-Musalla and Al-Hidayah Muta'allim. In addition, the method of semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain additional data associated with the topic. The results showed Sheikh Daud gave significant contribution to the development of Islam in the region of Malaya with the publication of scientific writing in Fiqh Shafie area. He was able to do islah to community around her by produced books and manuscripts. Those publications are still cited today.

Rahman, Roslan Ab, Noorsafuan Che Noh, Abdul Qahhar Ibrahim, Noor Eliza Abdul Rahman, Noor Anida Awang, Rahimah Embong, and Ahmad Sharifuddin Mustapha. "Malay and Arab Worlds in the Manuscript of Hidayah Al-Muta’allim Wa ‘Umdah Al-Mu’allim: The Essay of Sheikh Daud Al-Fatani." International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development 8, no. 4 (November 15, 2019).

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani":


Hakim, Darusman Lukmanul. "Jihad in Two Faces of Shari’ah: Sufism and Islamic Jurisprudence (FIQH) and the Revival of Islamic Movements in the Malay World." Phd thesis, 2008.

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This thesis is about the concepts of Jihād, Sharī’ah and Sufism as they have been understood by Muslims in the course of history and by the Malay people in particular. The focus is on the works of the two great Muslim scholars in the Malay world in the 17-18th centuries, Sheikh Yusuf al Maqassary and Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani. The background of the thesis is based on concern about the misunderstanding of the concepts of Jihād, Sharī’ah and Sufism by some Western scholars, some non-Muslims and even Muslims themselves. Since most of the existing studies of these three concept focus on the Middle East as the origin of Islam, this thesis instead will focus on the Malays-Indonesian Archipelago. Another reason is that many Muslim scholars in Indonesia turn to non-Indonesian Muslim scholars to guide their teaching and learning discourse. As a result of this, Most of the Malay-Indonesian Muslims scholars seem to ignore their genealogy in the past. The phenomenon also gives the impression that Muslim Malay scholars in the past have made no direct, indirect or important contributions to the present Islamic discourse. This thesis is an effort to show that Muslim scholars in the past have left an important legacy for their following generations. However, unfortunately, their heritage has not been properly studied. Little attention has been paid to original sources and to the social conditions of Islam in the Malay world. Therefore this study is very important for a better understanding on Islam in the Malay world with its internal dynamics and special characteristics. The foundation this thesis lays is the methodology being used to conduct this research. The methodology developed by Karl Mannheim, known as “Sociology of Knowledge.” has been chosen as the basic approach of the thesis because it has similarities with the study of critique of the Hadīth in the Islamic tradition. Like the study of the critique of the Hadīth which tries to take into account the origin of the content of Hadīth (Matn al- Hadīth) by observing its transmission and the transmitters (the way the Hadīth was narrated, transmitted: Riwāyah and Dirāyah al Hadīth), the transmitters (Rijālul Hadīth), the contents as well as the comparative study of the content of the Qur’anic messages (Muqāranah Bayn Matn al Hadīth wa al Qur’ān). The similarities between both approaches may be explained by the fact that Mannheim came from a Jewish family whose traditions about the understanding of the sacred texts are closed to Islamic traditions, Semitic traditions. This thesis tries to dismantle the origins of the meaning of the text from its semantic features and special terminology, which in Islamic literature is known as lughatan (semantic meaning) wa istilāhiyyan (terminological meaning). After that, this thesis tries to observe the historical context based on the sacred text of the Qur’an and the historical context of the early period of the Prophet and Muslim society in understanding the concept. This thesis shows that the dynamic of Islamic discourse of the Malay Muslim scholars in the 17-18th century had a close links with the dynamic of Islamic discourse in the Middle East known as the Haramayn circle at that time. Therefore, to understand the heritage of the Malay Muslim scholars it is necessary to understand the dynamics of Islam in general. In the course of time, the continuity of the ideas takes different forms when these ideas are dealing with various cultures being practiced by Muslims in many places. Cultural diversity in Muslim societies therefore, can be said as one of the elements which enrich the development of Islamic thought. The thesis argues that among Malay Muslim scholars, the exemplars of Muslim scholars who understood the concept of Islamic teachings as a whole can be found in the figures of Yusuf al Maqassary and Dawud al-Fatani. For this, the reason, this thesis argues is that the greatest Muslim scholars are those who understand the inner and the outer aspects of Sharī’ah based on the guidance of the sacred books of Islam (Qur’ān and Hadīth) supplemented by the heritage of earlier Muslim scholars.

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