Academic literature on the topic 'Simulation Argument'

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Journal articles on the topic "Simulation Argument":


Bostrom, Nick. "The simulation argument." Philosophers' Magazine, no. 50 (2010): 28–29.

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Lewis, Peter J. "The Doomsday Argument and the Simulation Argument." Synthese 190, no. 18 (January 25, 2013): 4009–22.

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Green, David W., Ronit Applebaum, and Simon Tong. "Mental simulation and argument." Thinking & Reasoning 12, no. 1 (February 2006): 31–61.

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Brueckner, Anthony. "The Simulation Argument again." Analysis 68, no. 299 (July 2008): 224–26.

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Brueckner, A. "The Simulation Argument again." Analysis 68, no. 3 (July 1, 2008): 224–26.

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Kipping, David. "A Bayesian Approach to the Simulation Argument." Universe 6, no. 8 (August 3, 2020): 109.

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The Simulation Argument posed by Bostrom suggests that we may be living inside a sophisticated computer simulation. If posthuman civilizations eventually have both the capability and desire to generate such Bostrom-like simulations, then the number of simulated realities would greatly exceed the one base reality, ostensibly indicating a high probability that we do not live in said base reality. In this work, it is argued that since the hypothesis that such simulations are technically possible remains unproven, statistical calculations need to consider not just the number of state spaces, but the intrinsic model uncertainty. This is achievable through a Bayesian treatment of the problem, which is presented here. Using Bayesian model averaging, it is shown that the probability that we are sims is in fact less than 50%, tending towards that value in the limit of an infinite number of simulations. This result is broadly indifferent as to whether one conditions upon the fact that humanity has not yet birthed such simulations, or ignore it. As argued elsewhere, it is found that if humanity does start producing such simulations, then this would radically shift the odds and make it very probably we are in fact simulated.

Bostrom, N. "The Simulation Argument: some explanations." Analysis 69, no. 3 (June 14, 2009): 458–61.

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Thomopoulos, Rallou, Nicolas Salliou, Carolina Abreu, Vincent Cohen, and Timothée Fouqueray. "Reduced Meat Consumption: from Multicriteria Argument Modelling to Agent-Based Social Simulation." International Journal of Food Studies 10, no. 1 (April 18, 2021): 133–49.

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A second nutrition transition seems to be emerging towards more plant-based diets, curbing meat consumption in developed countries at the beginning of the 21st century. This shift suggests that rational arguments tend to influence an increasing number of individuals to adopt vegetarian diets. This work aimed to understand and simulate the impact of different types of messages on the choice to change food diets at the individual level, and the impact of the diffusion of opinions at the collective level. It provided two results: (1) a network of arguments around vegetarian diets is modelled using an abstract argumentation approach. Each argument, formalized by a node, was connected with other arguments by arrows, thus formalizing relationships between arguments. This methodology made it possible to formalize an argument network about vegetarian diets and to identify the importance of health arguments compared to ethical or other types of arguments. This methodology also identified key arguments as a result of their high centrality in being challenged or challenging other arguments. The results of constructing this argument network suggested that any controversy surrounding vegetarian diets will be polarized around such high centrality arguments about health. Even though few ethical arguments appeared in our network, the health arguments concerning the necessity or not of animal products for humans were indirectly connected with ethical choices towards vegetarian diets; (2) an agent-based simulation of the social diffusion of opinions and practices concerning meat consumption is then introduced. The purpose of this simulation was to capture the balance of vegetarian vs. meat-based diets. It contributes to modelling consumer choices by exploring the balance between individual values and external influences such as social pressure, communication campaigns and sanitary, environmental or ethical crises.

Steinhart, Eric. "Theological Implications of the Simulation Argument." Ars Disputandi 10, no. 1 (January 2010): 23–37.

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Crawford, Lyle. "Freak Observers and the Simulation Argument." Ratio 26, no. 3 (June 26, 2013): 250–64.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Simulation Argument":


Nilsson, Viking. "An In-Depth Look at Bostrom’s Simulation Argument." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Filosofiska institutionen, 2021.

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In his 2003 paper “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation” Nick Bostrom argues that it is reasonable to believe that we are currently living in a computer simulation run by another civilisation. To argue this, Bostrom derives a mathematical formula that helps him calculate the probability that our universe is indeed simulated. The paper has gained widespread popularity, and is every bit as intriguing today as when it was written nearly 20 years ago. In this essay I will critically analyze Bostrom’s simulation argument and its implications. I will start off by focusing on the arguments that Bostrom presents in his 2003 article. I will then proceed by arguing why an incredibly advanced civilization may run a huge number of simulations in an attempt at finding out where their civilization comes from, or how it has developed. I will do this because Bostrommerely assumes that it is reasonable to assume that this is the course of action a highly developed civilisation will take. I will also take other works he’s written on the subject into consideration, namely his answer from 2011 to a mistake found in the original paper.

Viana, de Quadros Bittencourt Joao Marcos. "L’expression de l’expérience du travail dans la conduite de projet : arguments pour une ingénierie des objets intermédiaires." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014.

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Cette thèse développe deux axes de recherche en ergonomie : le développement de l'activité de travail au cours du projet et l'utilisation d'objets intermédiaires dans la conception. Sur la base de la participation d’un projet de conception de nouveaux laboratoires de biotechnologie, un ergonome a organisé des simulations pour discuter les solutions de projet et impliquer les utilisateurs finaux dans les décisions de conception. L'utilisation d'objets intermédiaires comme support pour la réalisation des simulations est une stratégie commune pour l'intégration de l’expérience de travail dans la conception, et pour l'organisation de la participation des usagers. Durant les simulations qui ont été réalisées, une maquette faite de Lego été utilisée, ainsi que d'autres objets intermédiaire pour aider l'utilisation de la maquette et l'action de l’ergonome au cours du projet. A partir de propositions de solutions pour les espaces de travail, les opérateurs produisent des représentations sur la manière dont leur activité pourra être mise en oeuvre dans les futurs environnements. La thèse montre que ce faisant, les opérateurs développent des références souhaitables sur leur activité, au travers desquelles ils imaginent comment leur travail peut être réalisé d’une manière plus efficiente et plus sûre.. L’analyse montre que les solutions émergent au travers d’une tension entre deux pôles, ce qui est « souhaitable » et ce qui est « possible ». A travers ce processus se développent des solutions pour les espaces et pour l’activité. Mais pour que l’ergonome soit capable de conduire ce processus de développement dialogique entre la conception des espaces et l'activité, il estnécessaire d'avoir les instruments appropriés. À cette fin, on fera dans cette thèse des propositions pour la création et l'utilisation d'objets intermédiaires pour l'action ergonomique
This thesis is developed on two lines of research in ergonomics: the development of the work activity during the project and the use of intermediary objects in the design process. Based on the participation of biotechnology laboratories project, anergonomist conducted simulations to discuss the project solutions and involve workers in the design decisions. The use of intermediary objects as a support for the realization of simulations is a common strategy for integrating work experience in the design and organization of users’ participation. For the simulations performed it was used a scalemodel made of Lego, besides of other intermediary objects to help the use of the scalemodel and action ergonomist during the project. From proposition of workspaces design solutions users formulate representations of how the activity will be developed in these future environments. This thesis shows that they are also capable of develop new desirable references the activity in which they imagine that their work could be conducted in a more efficiently or safe way. Through the tension between these twopoles, the “desirable” and the “possible”, solutions for the project tend to converge. The results of this process develop proposals for workspaces and also for the activity. But for the ergonomist be able to conduct the development of this dialogical process between the workspace design and activity, it is necessary to have the appropriate instruments. To this end, we propose in this thesis references to the creation and use of intermediary objects in ergonomic action

Damothe, Bernard. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation des processus de négociation argumentée : vers une perspective de conception de formation à la négociation." Paris, CNAM, 2004.

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L’objet de la recherche consiste à concevoir une formation à la négociation des délégués du personnel CHSCT en fonction de l’analyse préalable d’une situation réelle. La négociation est définie comme un processus d’interactions verbales, initialisées par des argumentations orientées stratégiquement et modulées par des degrés de tension. L’approche suivie est celle d’une construction progressive d’un modèle des dialogues de négociation, fondé sur les outils de la pragmatique. Ce modèle est ensuite testé par application sur un nouveau corpus, ce qui permet d’examiner sa pertinence objective. Enfin, la présentation aux stagiaires des interprétations que le modèle autorise, permet de tester la validité subjective de sa mise en pratique lors d’une action de formation
The purpose of the research is to create a course of negotiation for CHSCT members’ representatives according to the preliminary analysis of an actual situation. The negotiation is defined as a process of verbal interactions, initialized by strategically oriented arguments and modulated by degree of tension. The approach taken is the progressive construction of a model negotiation, using the tools of pragmatics. To be tested this model is then applied onto a new corpus, which enables the examination of its objective pertinence. Finally, the presentation to the students of the interpretations which the model permits enables the subjective validity of its putting into practice to be tested during a training course

Aubry, Geoffroy. "Un cadre logique pour la génération d'arguments." Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2005.

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L'idée de l'argumentation est de rechercher dans une base de connaissances, pour chaque proposition dont on souhaite évaluer la validité, les raisons qui étayent cette proposition et celles qui l'infirment. Un argument est alors entendu comme une paire comprenant une proposition et les raisons qui la justifient. Notre propos est d'offrir des outils formels pour la génération automatique d'arguments par deux agents en situation de dialogue. Ces outils reposent sur les X-logiques, formalisme non-monotone proposé en 1996 par Siegel et Forget et déterminant un cadre fondateur autour de la notion de preuve pour le raisonnement non-monotone. En particulier l'ensemble X servant à paramétrer la relation d'inférence confère une souplesse inégalée à la gestion dynamique des arguments. Après un tour d'horizon des travaux passés en matière de représentations logiques pour l'argumentation, nous introduisons les X-logiques, à partir desquelles est composée la notion d'attitude d'un agent par rapport à une formule. Nous définissons ensuite des opérateurs de confrontation qui permettent d'associer des ensembles de formules aux attitudes d'un agent. Le concept de réponse d'un agent à un ensemble de formules est alors élaboré en tant que motivation de l'attitude de cet agent vis-à-vis de l'ensemble en question. Plusieurs formes de réponses sont distinguées parmi lesquelles les notions de réponse pertinente ou encore de mensonge. Une réponse représente les raisons qui justifient la conclusion d'un argument : c'est à partir du calcul de ces réponses que nous exhibons une procédure de génération automatique d'arguments. Enfin nous montrons que notre cadre argumentatif permet de générer les contre-arguments conservatifs maximaux de Besnard et Hunter (2001), arguments retenus pour leur pertinence.

Sitnicki, Ignacy. "Metafilozofia wspólnej przyszłości. Teleologiczne implikacje dogmatycznego kosmizmu i transhumanistycznego ekstropizmu." Doctoral thesis, 2017.

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Huang, Bo-Wei, and 黃柏巍. "Argument Strength and Product Attribute: The Effect of Mental Simulations on Native Advertising." Thesis, 2019.

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Due to the non-intrusive and low recognition of native ads, the click-through rate is much higher than that of traditional banner ads. However, the number of click-through rate does not mean that consumers are really favored. This study aims to explore whether the design of the cognitive-oriented in the native advertisement might generate better advertising effects. An experiment with a 2(Mental simulations: process-focused vs. outcome-focused)x2(Argument Strength: strong vs. weak)x2(Product Attribute: hedonic vs. utilitarian)between-subject design was conducted to identify the impact of consumer perceptions and purchase intention on native advertising. The experiment results show that (1) Native advertisement using utilitarian attribute generates a better product attitude than hedonic attribute; (2) In the native advertisement, the use of strong argument generates a better effects than the weak argument; (3) In the native advertisement of utilitarian attribute, the use of outcome-focused mental simulation generates a better advertising attitude; (4) In the native advertisement of utilitarian attribute, the use of strong argument generates a better product attitude; (5) In the native advertisement of mental simulation design, the use of strong argument has a better advertising attitude.

Books on the topic "Simulation Argument":


Austria) COMMA 2012 (2012 Vienna. Computational models of argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2012. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2012.

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International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (1st 2006 University of Liverpool). Computational models of argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2006. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006.

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COMMA 2008 (2008 Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse). Computational models of argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2008. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008.

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Italy) COMMA (Conference) (3rd 2010 Desenzano del Garda. Computational models of argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2010. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2010.

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Tony, Stone, and Davies Martin 1950-, eds. Mental simulation: Evaluations and applications. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1995.

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Computational Models of Argument: Volume 144 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2006.

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Stone, Tony. Mental Simulation: Evaluations and Applications (Readings in Mind and Language ; 4). Blackwell Publishers, 1996.

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(Editor), Martin Davies, and Tony Stone (Editor), eds. Mental Simulation: Evaluations and Applications (Readings in Mind and Language, 4). Blackwell Pub, 1995.

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Bennett, D. Scott. Teaching the Scientific Study of International Processes. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The Scientific Study of International Processes (SSIP) is an approach aimed at teaching of international politics scientifically. Teaching scientifically means teaching students how to use evidence to support or disprove some particular logical argument or hypothesis that reaches some level of generalization about relationships between concepts. Closely related to simply asking what evidence there is, is teaching students to address the breadth, depth, and quality of that evidence. The scientific approach may also draw attention to the logic of arguments and policies. Are policies, positions, and the arguments behind them logical? Or is some policy or position based on assumptions that are not logically related, or only true if certain auxiliary assumptions hold true? Teaching methods for SSIP include comparative case studies, experiments and surveys, data sets, and game theory and simulation. Instructors also face several challenges when seeking to teach scientifically, and in particular when they try to make time to teach methodology as part of an international politics course. Some problems are relatively easily overcome just by focusing on effective teaching. Other are unique to SSIP and cannot be dealt with quite so easily. Among these are the need to appeal to a broad audience, and dealing with students' negative reactions to the term “science” and the constraint of finite time in a course.

Weinel, Jonathan. Abstractions. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The concluding chapter of Inner Sound: Altered States of Consciousness in Electronic Music and Audio-Visual Media consolidates the main arguments of the book. The journey taken is recapitulated, from shamanic rituals to psychedelic rock shows and raves; and from outdoor electroacoustic concerts to synaesthetic films and hallucinatory video games. Across these examples, similar underlying principles can be identified, revealing a continuity from ancient shamanism to modern ‘technoshamanism’. Yet while some imperatives have remained consistent, the technologies have evolved, yielding ever-more accurate and sophisticated representations of altered states in electronic music and audio-visual media. This finds us on the brink of ‘Altered States of Consciousness Simulations’, which replicate the sensory experience of altered states using immersive technologies such as fulldomes and virtual reality headsets. Looking forwards, the possible uses and ethical implications of these simulations are explored, at the frontiers of electronic music and art.

Book chapters on the topic "Simulation Argument":


Eckhardt, William. "The Simulation Argument." In Paradoxes in Probability Theory, 15–17. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Basiri, Farhood. "The Argument for Simulation-Based Training in Dietetic Clinical Education: A Review of the Research." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 85–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Edlin, Lauren. "Simulating the No Alternatives Argument in a Social Setting." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Libert, Benoît, Khoa Nguyen, Alain Passelègue, and Radu Titiu. "Simulation-Sound Arguments for LWE and Applications to KDM-CCA2 Security." In Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2020, 128–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Kurina, Galina. "Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations for Second Order Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments." In Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - HPSC 2012, 109–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Milchev, A., V. Rostiashvili, S. Bhattacharya, and T. Vilgis. "Polymer Chain Adsorption on a Solid Surface: Scaling Arguments and Computer Simulations." In Nanophenomena at Surfaces, 185–204. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Abe, Masayuki, Miguel Ambrona, and Miyako Ohkubo. "On Black-Box Extensions of Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments, and Signatures Directly from Simulation Soundness." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 558–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Ding, Ning, Yanli Ren, and Dawu Gu. "Four-Round Zero-Knowledge Arguments of Knowledge with Strict Polynomial-Time Simulation from Differing-Input Obfuscation for Circuits." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 281–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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"Games in Education: The Epistemic Argument." In The Design and Use of Simulation Computer Games in Education, 3–5. Brill | Sense, 2007.

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Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz. "Transhumanism Without Mind Uploading and Immortality." In Analyzing Future Applications of AI, Sensors, and Robotics in Society, 284–91. IGI Global, 2021.

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Elon Musk regularly advertises for the simulation argument, stressing that he regards it as highly likely that we live in a computer simulation. However, it must be noted that the argument can be reconstructed such that its line of thought can be rationally grasped. This, however, does not necessarily mean that it is a plausible argument. The argument presupposes the anthropology that human beings can be uploaded onto a hard drive, which is based upon the view that humans are nothing like a software running on our body which serves as our hardware. It is this understanding of the human species which has been employed by many transhumanists who stress that immortality is near. The author will explain the line of thought underlining the simulation argument while they will, at the same time, explain that it is neither highly likely that we live in a computer simulation, nor that we can upload our personalities onto a computer, and even if this was possible, it would not enable us to become immortal.

Conference papers on the topic "Simulation Argument":


Zhu, Huantao. "Periodic solution for a kind of high order differential equations with multiple deviating argument." In International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2014.

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Davis, Milt, Alan Hale, and Dave Beale. "An Argument for Enhancement of the Current Inlet Distortion Ground Test Practice for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines." In ASME Turbo Expo 2001: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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The current high-performance aircraft development programs, and the trends in research and development activities suggest a rapidly increasing level of aircraft subsystem integration, particularly between the airframe/inlet and the propulsion system. Traditionally these subsystems have been designed, analyzed, and tested as isolated systems. The interaction between the subsystems is modeled primarily through evaluating inlet distortion in an inlet test and simulating this distortion in engine tests via screens or similar devices. For the current test methodology, the environment that is supplied by the inlet is simulated by the imposition of total pressure profiles at the aerodynamic interface plane (AIP). Unsteady or transient variation in total pressure is generally not considered to be important. In addition, angular flow, commonly called swirl, is also not considered important enough to be simulated. In the current paper, an overview of current techniques for inlet performance, distortion characterization, and engine distortion testing is presented. A numerical study was conducted on a single high-speed rotor to qualify potential effects on stability and performance and to support the concept that dynamic distortion and swirl may have large enough effects to affect the experimentally determined stability limit. This paper reports a numerical investigation using a 3D compression system simulation that supports the enhancement of the existing methodology to include the effects of time-dependent distortion and swirl effects. Based upon both experimental and numerical evidence, AEDC has embarked on efforts to develop inlet simulator technologies directed toward future airframe-propulsion integration requirements. This paper presents issues that require advancements in the simulation of inlet distortion techniques for direct-connect turbine engine tests.

Cliff, Dave. "Simulation-based evaluation of automated trading strategies: a manifesto for modern methods." In The 19th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation. CAL-TEK srl, 2019.

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In many investment banks and major fund-management companies, automated "robot" trading systems now do work that 20 years ago would have required large numbers of human traders to perform: the rise of robot traders is a major success-story for artificial intelligence (AI) research. Although the technical details of currently profitable automated trading systems are closely guarded commercial secrets, the rise of robot trading can be traced back to a sequence of key AI research papers. Each of these key papers relied on minimal abstract simulation models of real financial markets: the simulators provide test-beds for trials in which the performance of different trading strategies could be evaluated and compared. Recent studies have revisited these seminal results, using more realistic simulations of contemporary financial markets, and have cast major doubts on core conclusions drawn in the original publications. Therefore, it seems reasonable to argue that present-day simulation methods are exposing significant problems in past research on automated trading. This position paper presents no new empirical results but instead presents a review of key past papers and an argument, a manifesto, for establishing a shared market-simulator test-bed that adequately reflects current real-world financial markets, for use in future evaluation and comparison of trading strategies.

Steuben, John C., and Cameron J. Turner. "The Impact of Asynchronous GPGPU Behaviors on Stochastic Simulation." In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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This work examines the effect of one key aspect of General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) computing on the realism and fidelity of stochastic simulations. In particular it is shown that the asynchronous nature of GPGPU computing can be leveraged to produce increased fidelity and realism, compared to conventional computing methods, when applied to probabilistic or stochastic simulations. This is a multifaceted argument that shows: 1) Asynchronous behaviors are essential to produce high computational throughput on GPGPU devices, and thus allow more rigorous sampling, which in turn enables a deeper understanding of the underlying stochastic processes. 2) Asynchronous GPGPU computing can eliminate the “global clock” present in simulations and potentially produce a better representation of the underlying process. This paper also attempts to give a working introduction to GPGPU computing, and to the applications of this technology in the field of stochastic simulation. A range of literature regarding these simulations is also surveyed, in order to provide context. A demonstration of synchronous versus asynchronous algorithms for robot swarm path planning is used to illustrate this discussion. Several notes on the limitations of GPGPU computing in this field are also made, along with remarks regarding future development of GPGPU-accelerated stochastic simulations.

Merzari, Elia, Paul Fischer, and Hisashi Ninokata. "Numerical Simulation of the Flow in a Toroidal Thermosiphon." In ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Buoyancy-driven flows are widespread in diverse engineering applications. Such flows have been studied in great detail theoretically, experimentally, and numerically. The prototype of passive, residual heat removal systems is the toroidal thermosiphon. The stability properties of such systems were first examined in detail by Creveling et al. in the mid-1970s, who reported flow reversals and instability in this geometry. Traditionally, however, the stability analysis of natural convection loops has been confined to one-dimensional calculations, on the argument that the flow would be monodimensional when the ratio between the radius of the loop and the radius of the pipe is much larger than 1. Nevertheless, accurate velocity measurements of the flow in toroidal loops have shown that the flow presents three-dimensional effects. In the present work we analyze the stability problem in a toroidal loop and then use computational fluid dynamics to evaluate the relative importance of these three-dimensional effects with regard to stability. We performed a series of high-fidelity numerical simulations using the spectral element code Nek5000. We compared the results to the available data and calculations performed with the code STAR-CCM+ 5.06. The results show a much richer dynamics than expected from either previous calculations or stability theory. The results also point to some outstanding issues in the RANS modeling of such flows.

Lei, Shenghui, Ningning Wang, Haihu Liu, Kevin Nolan, and Ryan Enright. "2D Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Droplet Jumping in a Viscous Fluid." In ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with the ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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In order to investigate the coalescence and out-of-plane jumping of two incompressible droplets on a non-wetting surface surrounded by an incompressible fluid with matched viscosity in the low Ohnesorge number regime, a two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann phase-field model is implemented. An interfacial force of potential form is used to model the internal surface tension force and capture the fluid-surface interaction, viz. the contact-line dynamics. We evaluate the simulated velocity fields and interface shape evolution during coalescence and the subsequent jumping event. We confirm that the coalescence dynamics of the binary droplet system is similar to the case where the outer fluid viscosity is small compared to that of the droplet fluid, as is the case of condensed water droplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces in a gaseous ambient. An argument is also developed to demonstrate that the dynamics in 2D, when appropriately scaled, should be approximately equivalent to the corresponding 3D case. A simple drag model is used to capture the rapid velocity decay of the jumping droplet as it moves away from the surface into the viscous fluid. The results suggest the possibility of experimentally observing coalescence-induced droplet jumping in liquid-liquid systems that may be potentially exploited for microfluidic applications.

Fritsch, Gerd, and Michael B. Giles. "An Asymptotic Analysis of Mixing Loss." In ASME 1993 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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The objective of this paper is to establish, in a rigorous mathematical manner, a link between the dissipation of unsteadiness in a 2D compressible flow and the resulting mixing loss. A novel asymptotic approach and a control-volume argument are central to the analysis. It represents the first work clearly identifying the separate contributions to the mixing loss from simultaneous linear disturbances, i.e. from unsteady entropy, vorticity, and pressure waves. The results of the analysis have important implications for numerical simulations of turbomachinery flows; the mixing loss at the stator/rotor interface in steady simulations and numerical smoothing are discussed in depth. For a transonic turbine, the entropy rise through the stage is compared for a steady and an unsteady viscous simulation. The large interface mixing loss in the steady simulation is pointed out and its physical significance is discussed. The asymptotic approach is then applied to the first detailed analysis of interface mixing loss. Contributions from different wave types and wavelengths are quantified and discussed.

Nguyen, Tri, and Elia Merzari. "Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of a Single-Phase Rectangular Thermosiphon." In 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering collocated with the ASME 2020 Power Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract Buoyancy-driven flows are widespread in diverse engineering applications. Such flows have been studied in great detail theoretically, experimentally, and numerically. However, the fluid-dynamic instabilities and flow reversals of thermosiphon are still actively investigated. The presence of such instabilities limits the effectiveness of such devices for decay heat removal. Traditionally the stability analysis of natural convection loops has been confined to one-dimensional calculations, on the argument that the flow would be mono-dimensional when the ratio between the radius of the loop and the radius of the pipe is much larger than 1. Nevertheless, accurate velocity measurements of the flow in toroidal loops have shown that the flow presents three-dimensional effects. Previous works of the authors have shown that these structures can be seen in thermosiphons. In this paper, we aim to use modern CFD methods to investigate the three-dimensional flow in thermosiphons. This paper focuses on rectangular thermosiphons. In particular, we perform a series of high-fidelity simulations using the spectral element code Nek5000 to investigate the stability behavior of the flow in a rectangular thermosiphon. We compare the results with available existing experimental data from the L2 facility in Genoa. We examine in detail the flow structures generated. Moreover, in the past various authors have demonstrated that the overall behavior of the thermosiphon depends strongly on the boundary conditions (BCs). The simulation campaign was carried out with different BCs to investigate and confirm this effect. In particular, simulations with Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin BCs for heater and sink were performed.

Deljanin, Emir, Alex Coiret, and Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon. "Simulation of road speed-sectioning by assessing the impact of traffic and road infrastructure." In 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2021.

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In a context of climate change, lowering road vehicles consumption is a key point to meet CO2 reduction requirements. In addition to car technological advances, eco-driving is part of the solution but the road infrastructure should ensure its development. In a previous study, a gain of 5% in the spent energy was estimated on specific route by slightly moving some speed signs, but under the assumptions that drivers practice eco-driving and the traffic is free-flow. This paper deepens and widens these first results. The base of this research is to provide a simulation model to study the impact of traffic and speed-sectioning on the environment. Inside this model, the impact of different approach speeds to a speed-sectioning is assessed. The simulation is conducted within the Trafficware Synchro environment where parameters according to road infrastructure, vehicle and driver are based on real traffic data. Moving a speed limitation sign can contribute to a reduction of fuel consumption up to 8% depending on driver structure. This new methodology improves the accuracy of our first results and detects adverse effects as the possible emergence of congestion due to the modification of speed sectioning. In perspective this methodology represents a significant argument in road managers strategy. In addition it also represents an orienting point to investigate different action scenarios and a first step to a global optimization policy in managing road infrastructure.

Rossikhin, Anton, Sergey Pankov, and Victor Mileshin. "Numerical Investigation of the Low Pressure Compressor Tone Noise of a High Bypass Ratio Turbofan." In ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract The presented work investigates the tone noise of three booster stages designed for a high bypass ratio turbofan. Calculations were performed at the approach operational conditions. The frequency domain numerical method of multistage turbomachines tone noise simulation, developed in CIAM (Central Institute of Aviation Motors) and implemented in 3DAS (3 Dimensional Acoustics Solver) in-house solver was used. The aim was to perform once again the validation of the computational method and to obtain better understanding of the mechanisms of tone noise generation in multistage turbomachines. The results of the investigation were compared with the experimental data obtained in the CIAM C-3A acoustic test facility. In general satisfactory correspondence between the numerical calculations and the experiment was observed. This can be treated as a significant argument for the validity of the frequency domain method of the multistage turbomachinery tone noise calculations.

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