Academic literature on the topic 'Smarta Mål'

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Journal articles on the topic "Smarta Mål":


H. R, Sindhu Rashmi, Prof Anisha B. S, and Dr Ramakanth Kumar. P. "Smart Document Analysis Using AI-ML." International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology 7, no. 3 (May 2019): 54–70.

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CHIBÁS ORTIZ, Felipe, Ignacio AGUADED, Sabina CIVILA, and Ana DIAS. "Ciudades MIL, smart campus y e-salud: Prevención epidemiológica." Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de comunicación 1, no. 145 (December 21, 2020): 197–214.

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La adopción del framework Ciudades MIL es una propuesta que engloba a las ciudades resilientes, inteligentes, saludables, creativas e innovadoras. En el presente trabajo se propone mostrar cómo la implementación de este paradigma podría contribuir a superar algunos de los problemas estructurales y de salud en las universidades. Para ello, se realiza un análisis exploratorio y comparativo utilizando 13 indicadores inspirados en el paradigma de las ciudades MIL, adaptado a las ciudades universitarias, profundizando en la universidad de Sao Paolo. Como resultado principal se evidencia que aún hay un largo camino por recorrer, antes de que puedan evaluarse los campus universitarios como inteligentes. Se concluye exponiendo que no existe una planificación preventiva sólida para combatir enfermedades y pandemias.

Hae Lee, Young. "Smart logistics and global supply chain management." Maritime Economics & Logistics 18, no. 1 (February 29, 2016): 1–2.

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Huang, Huanan, Ying Zhou, Yawei Wang, Xiaohua Cao, Chuan Han, Guochang Liu, Zhixiong Xu, et al. "Precise molecular design for BN-modified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons toward mechanochromic materials." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, no. 42 (2020): 22023–31.

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This paper reports on a novel molecular-level design strategy to achieve a novel MCL material base on boron and nitrogen aromatics. The introduction of boron nitrogen unit is the key to design the MCL smart materials.

Chui, Kwok Tai, Miltiadis D. Lytras, and Anna Visvizi. "Energy Sustainability in Smart Cities: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Monitoring, and Optimization of Energy Consumption." Energies 11, no. 11 (October 23, 2018): 2869.

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Energy sustainability is one of the key questions that drive the debate on cities’ and urban areas development. In parallel, artificial intelligence and cognitive computing have emerged as catalysts in the process aimed at designing and optimizing smart services’ supply and utilization in urban space. The latter are paramount in the domain of energy provision and consumption. This paper offers an insight into pilot systems and prototypes that showcase in which ways artificial intelligence can offer critical support in the process of attaining energy sustainability in smart cities. To this end, this paper examines smart metering and non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) to make a case for the latter’s value added in context of profiling electric appliances’ electricity consumption. By employing the findings in context of smart cities research, the paper then adds to the debate on energy sustainability in urban space. Existing research tends to be limited by data granularity (not in high frequency) and consideration of about six kinds of appliances. In this paper, a hybrid genetic algorithm support vector machine multiple kernel learning approach (GA-SVM-MKL) is proposed for NILM, with consideration of 20 kinds of appliance. Genetic algorithm helps to solve the multi-objective optimization problem and design the optimal kernel function based on various kernel properties. The performance indicators are sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and overall accuracy (OA) of the classifier. First, the performance evaluation of proposed GA-SVM-MKL achieves Se of 92.1%, Sp of 91.5% and OA of 91.8%. Second, the percentage improvement of performance indicators using proposed method is more than 21% compared with traditional kernel. Third, results reveal that by keeping different modes of electric appliance as identical class label, the performance indicators can increase to about 15%. Forth, tunable modes of GA-SVM-MKL classifier are proposed to further enhance the performance indicators up to 7%. Overall, this paper is a bold and novel contribution to the debate on energy utilization and sustainability in urban spaces as it integrates insights from artificial intelligence, IoT, and big data analytics and queries them in a context defined by energy sustainability in smart cities.

Wen, Qingkun, Lili Ma, Chengwei Wang, Baoxiang Wang, Rongjiang Han, Chuncheng Hao, and Kezheng Chen. "Preparation of core–shell structured metal–organic framework@PANI nanocomposite and its electrorheological properties." RSC Advances 9, no. 25 (2019): 14520–30.

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Zhang, Liang, Jing Wang, Xinyi Ren, Wentao Zhang, Tianshu Zhang, Xinnan Liu, Ting Du, Tao Li, and Jianlong Wang. "Internally extended growth of core–shell NH2-MIL-101(Al)@ZIF-8 nanoflowers for the simultaneous detection and removal of Cu(ii)." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6, no. 42 (2018): 21029–38.

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Wei, Wei, Zhi Feng Jiang, Jun Jie Jing, Xiao Meng Lv, and Ji Min Xie. "Smart strategy to synthesis silver‐based heterogeneous photocatalysts grown from molybdenum oxide precursor." Micro & Nano Letters 12, no. 12 (December 2017): 978–81.

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Khan, Jesmin. "Weighted entropy and modified MDL for compression and denoising data in smart grid." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 133 (December 2021): 107089.

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Kucera, Martin. "Prospitalia best Practice Award: Das Smartphone als individuelle Gesundheitsakte." kma - Klinik Management aktuell 23, no. 05 (May 2018): 20–21.

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Bereits zum vierten Mal hat der Einkaufsdienstleister Prospitalia den Best Practice Award für den Bereich „Einkauf und Logistik im Krankenhaus“ verliehen. Gewonnen haben die Kliniken des Kreises Mühldorf am Inn, mit der Smartphone-App „Smart Visit“.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Smarta Mål":


Hedberg, Peter, and Kiah Boriri. "Smarta elnät i Sverige : En analys kring statens mål och påverkan på marknaden för smarta elnät." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2012.

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Denna rapport avser att studera smarta elnät i Sverige. Syftet är att bidra med information för att stärka förutsättningarna och konkurrenskraften hos företag verksamma inom smarta elnät. Vi har valt att studera marknaden genom att undersöka aktören staten och dess roll i nätverket, för att utifrån denna finna möjligheter för övriga aktörer. Så som hur svenska staten agerar, väljer att bistå med subventioner, positionerar sig och väljer vilka aktörer som tillåts verka. Studien är en nätverksanalys och kvalitativ studie utifrån ett Aktör-Nätverksteori och Stora tekniska system perspektiv. Den är baserad på fyra intervjuer med representanter från olika företag, verksamma inom smarta elnät. För att få ytterligare bredd i studien har vi även kompletterat med litteraturkällor, elektroniska källor och vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att tekniken ännu är i en uppstartnings fas. Den har ännu inte en definition och det råder osäkerhet om hur utvecklingen ska bedrivas. Vald teori säger att detta är karakteristiskt för fasen och att den senare i evolutionen kommer att övergå till att bli politiskt neutralt och socialiseras. Staten är en starkt involverad aktör och påverkar övriga aktörer främst genom lagar, ekonomiska bistånd och via dialog. Men dess påverkan kan komma att minska.

Gustafsson, Elias. "Öva! : En studie kring motivation." Thesis, Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Institutionen för klassisk musik, 2021.

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Det här arbetet är en studie i hur jag bäst motiveras till att öva. Jag har testat olika metoder men framför allt utvecklat min egen modell men avstamp i Flow, Social-Cognitve theory, Self-determination theory och Goal-orientation theory. Motivation är anledningen till att vi kan bli framgångsrika musiker och att fostra sin egen motivation borde vara grundläggande för alla blivande musiker.

Etude in e minor - Pius Cheung


Ripple - Akira Miyoshi


Purity 2 - Thomasz Golinski

Magical Sphere - Rodrigo F. Marques


Asventuras - Alexej Gerrasimez


Octabones - Adi Morag

Tango Suite for two Guitars, Nr. 2 - Astor Piazzolla


Annanstans - Erik Natanael


Lemuria, the Fallen Civilization - Csaba Marján

Prelude in g minor - Sergei Rachmaninoff

Medverkande :

Elias Gustafsson

Rasmus Hansson Jönsson

Filmen är min Examenskonsert


GYLLENSWÄRD, MIKAEL, and FRANCESCA SALA. "Vilka problem ställs små och medelstora tillverkande företag inför vid införandet av smart teknik? Hur kan dessa problem i största möjliga mån undvikas? : En studie om hur Industri 4.0 på verkar tillverkningsindustrins mindre företag." Thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2018.

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Industri 4.0, den fjärde industriella revolutionen, kommer att förändra industriell tillverkning. Ofta diskuteras fördelar och stora företag som är en drivande kraft i industrin; men i denna rapport undersöks utmaningarna som små och medelstora företag ställs mot vid införandet av smart teknik. Dessa företag representerar över 90% av svensk industri och är extremt viktiga för ekonomin vilket är anledningen till varför dessa valdes att undersöka. Rapporten består av ett teoriavsnitt och en empirisk studie. Teorin har tillhandahållits från ett flertal tekniska publikationer och sammanfattningar av tekniska konvent. Empirin är baserad på två intervjuer genomförts och en artikel. En intervju med en civilingenjör och chef vid ett mindre tillverkande företag som producerar belysning. Den andra med en expert inom området för införandet av smart teknik inom SMF, engagerad i olika projekt för detta ändamål och arbetserfarenhet inom ABB Robotics. Artikeln är en stor empirisk studie med flertal chefer inom tillverkningsindustrin. Resultatet är att för Industri 4.0 krävs det att resurser i form av kompetens, ekonomi och maskiner finns. Att produktionsprocessen är standardiserad, det ska finnas tjänster som hjälper företag att införa och utveckla smart teknik och att det finns en hög IT-säkerhet. I dagsläget är det en extrem brist på kunskap och kompetens hos SMF gällande smart teknik och industri 4.0. Intresset för det är vagt om ens existerande. Produktionsprocesserna är intestandardiserade. Slutsatsen är att utmaningarna är bristen på kompetens, processerna inte är standardiserade, och att det är svårt att kunna integrera den teknik som finns med de maskiner som finns. Dessa problem är svåra att undvika men lätta att ta sig förbi. Hjälp med kompetens  finns ochautomatiserade robotar för en produktionsprocess som inte är standardiserade är på marknaden. Det viktigaste är att företagen i största möjliga mån har en vilja att utvecklas.
Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, will change industrial production as we know it. Too often are the pros along with big companies who are a driving force of this revolution discussed; however, in this report the challenges small and medium sized enterprises face when implementing smart technology will be scrutinized. These companies represent over 90% of the Swedish industry and are extremely important for the economy, which is why this was chosen to be examined. The report is based on one theory chapter and one empirical study. The theory has been obtained from several technical publishes and summaries of technical conventions. The empirical study is based on two interviews and one article. One interview with a boss in a smaller industrial company, that focuses on lightning, who has a Master’s of Science in Engineering. The other interview was conducted with an expert in the area for implementing smart technology in SME, engaged in different projects for this purpose and work experience within ABB Robotics. The article is a large empirical study with multiple managers within manufacturing companies. The result is that for Industry 4.0 it is necessary that resources in the shape of competence, economy and machinery exists. That the manufacturing process in standardised, there must be services that helps companies to implement and develop smart technology, and that  there is high IT-security in place. Today there is an extreme lack in knowledge and competence at SME concerning smart technology and Industry 4.0. The interest in the subject is weak if even existing. The manufacturing processes are not standardised. The conclusion is that the challenges are the lack of competence, the processes are not standardised, and that it's hard to integrate he technology with the existing machines. These problems are hard to avoid but easy to overcome. Assistance with competence are available and automated robots are on the market. The most important aspect is that the companies have, in the greatest extent possible, a will to evolve.

Fox, Kimberly, and Courtney D. Hall. "The Use of Sensorimotor, Multi-Axis, Rotational (SMART) Training to Treat Mal De Debarquement Syndrome." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020.

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Purpose/Hypothesis: Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is a rare condition in which those afflicted perceive a chronic rocking or swaying sensation, often relieved when in motion and symptomatic when still. Etiology is uncertain; therefore, treatment options are limited. While there is reported success with medication, optokinetic stimulation or transcutaneous magnetic stimulation, there is no single treatment that works for all patients. This retrospective chart review investigated rehabilitation outcomes following sensorimotor, multi-axis, rotational (SMART) training to address MdDS symptoms. Number of Subjects: Forty-nine Materials and Methods: Forty-nine patients participated in 10-20 sessions of SMART training, with integrated use of a visual targeting system and physical therapy. Between sessions, patients were instructed to perform mindfulness breathing, relaxation and grounding techniques. Pre- and post-training Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), 4-item Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), and computerized posturography including Sensory Organization Test (SOT) were assessed. Subjective change following rehabilitation was tracked at discharge, 5 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year post-training. Results: Mean age (SD) of patients was 52.9 (12.6) years with the majority (n=47) being female. Mean time from onset of symptoms (SD) was 50.8 (87.8) months suggesting chronic symptoms. At discharge, 42 of 49 patients reported improvements, with nearly half (n=24, 48.9%) of all patients reporting marked or moderate improvement in symptoms; whereas, 14 (28.6%) reported minimal improvement in symptoms. Based on paired t-tests, all outcome measures – DHI, MdDS severity Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Motion VAS, 4-item DGI, and SOT - improved significantly (p < 0.001) from initial evaluation to discharge. Several personal factors were associated with rehabilitation outcomes based on bivariate correlations. With some variation, patients sustaining improvements at 1 week post-discharge, generally continued to sustain at 5 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Conclusions: SMART training plus physical therapy resulted in improved performance outcomes and in significant reduction or resolution in MdDS symptoms. This study provides early evidence that this method of training has promising potential to aid in the management or recovery of MdDS. Clinical Relevance: MdDS is disorder with no specific cure. Treatment is limited. SMART training may serve as an effective outcome to reduce or resolve symptoms associated with MdDS.

Fox, Kimberly, and Courtney D. Hall. "The Use of Sensorimotor, Multi-Axis, Rotational (SMART) Training to Treat Mal de Debarquement Syndrome." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2019.

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Hultgren, Kim. "HUR MÅR JAG EGENTLIGEN? : Designriktlinjer för mobilapplikationer för self-monitoring vid bipolär sjukdom." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2017.

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Rapporten presenterar ett arbete som har haft som fokus att undersöka vilka designriktlinjer som bör vägleda formgivningen av en mobilapplikation för self-monitoring, om syftet är att stödja människor med bipolär sjukdom. Arbetets frågeställning har undersökts genom ett användarcentrerat designarbete vilket inneburit att människor med diagnosen bipolär sjukdom inkluderats och därigenom haft möjlighet att uttrycka sitt perspektiv. Processen har baserats på metoder inom området för User Experience Design där arbetsprocessen innefattat utveckling av en pappersprototyp, konceptutforskning med tillhörande intervju, storyboards samt designriktlinjer. Som en avslutande del har tre mobilapplikationer, vilka marknadsförts som verktyg för self-monitoring av humör, utvärderats utifrån de inom examensarbetet utvecklade designriktlinjerna. Utvärderingen visade på stora brister vilket indikerar att behoven hos de användare som lever med bipolär sjukdom inte tillfredsställs genom de mobilapplikationer som finns tillgängliga på marknaden. Arbetets främsta bidrag är de slutgiltiga designriktlinjerna: 1) Påminn om viktiga aktiviteter; 2) Den sociala och privata användaren; 3) Förstå och motiveras; 4) Det personliga verktyget samt 5) Lättare än en dagbok, som uppmärksammar vilket innehåll en mobilapplikation för self-monitoring bör tillhandahålla för att vara till nytta för användare med bipolär sjukdom.

Nardello, Matteo. "Low-Power Smart Devices for the IoT Revolution." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2020.

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Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary paradigm approaching both industries and consumers everyday life. It refers to a network of addressable physical objects that contain embedded sensing, communication and actuating technologies, to sense and interact with the environment where being deployed. It can be considered as a modern expression of Mark Weiser's vision of ubiquitous computing where tiny networked computers become part of everyday objects, fusing together the virtual world and the physical word. Recent advances in hardware solutions have led to the emergence of powerful wireless IoT systems that are entirely energy-autonomous. These systems extract energy from their environment and operate intermittently, only as power is available. Battery-less sensors present an opportunity for the pervasive wide-spread of remote sensor deployments that require little maintenance and have low cost. As the number of IoT endpoint grows -- industry forecast trillions of connected smart devices in the next few years -- new challenges to program, manage and maintain such a huge number of connected devices are emerging. Web technologies can significantly ease this process by providing well-known patterns and tools - like cloud computing - for developers and users. However, the existing solutions are often too heavyweight or unfeasible for highly resource-constrained IoT devices. This dissertation presents a comprehensive analysis of two of the biggest problems that the IoT is currently facing: R1) How are we going to provide connectivity to all these devices? R2) How can we improve the quality of service provided by these tiny autonomous motes that rely only on limited energy scavenged from the environment? The first contribution is the study and deployment of a Low-Power Wide-Area-Network as a feasible solution to provide connectivity to all the expected IoT devices to be deployed in the following years. The proposed technology offers a novel communication paradigm to address discrete IoT applications, like long-range (i.e., kilometers) at low-power (i.e., tens of mW). Moreover, results highlight the effectiveness of the technology also in the industrial environment thanks to the high immunity to external noises. In the second contribution, we focus on smart metering presenting the design of three smart energy meters targeted to different scenarios. The first design presents an innovative, cost-effective smart meter with embedded non-intrusive load monitoring capabilities intended for the domestic sector. This system shows an innovative approach to provide useful feedback to reduce and optimize household energy consumption. We then present a battery-free non-intrusive power meter targeted for low-cost energy monitoring applications that lower both installation cost due to the non-intrusive approach and maintenance costs associated to battery replacement. Finally, we present an energy autonomous smart sensor with load recognition capability that dynamically adapts and reconfigures its processing pipeline to the sensed energy consumption. This enables the sensor to be energy neutral, while still providing power consumption information every 5 minutes. In the third contribution, we focus on the study of low-power visual edge processing and edge machine learning for the IoT. Two different implementations are presented. The first one discusses an energy-neutral IoT device for precision agriculture, while the second one presents a battery-less long-range visual IoT system, both leveraging on deep learning algorithms to avoid unnecessary wireless data communication. We show that there is a clear benefit from implementing a first layer of data processing directly in-situ where the data is acquired, providing a higher quality of service to the implemented application.

Hart, Dennis L. "A SOFTWARE APPROACH TO MARS-II DIGITALLY RECORDED TELEMETRY." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1995.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1995 / Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
The MARS-II digital recorder is one of the new technologies that will eventually replace the labor intensive and hardware dependent methods associated with traditional analog-based telemetry ground systems. The Standardized MARS-II Analysis and Reduction Tool (SMART) is one of the first software systems developed to take advantage of this new digital recording capability. It processes pulse code modulated (PCM) encoded data and MIL-STD-1553B message traffic, outputting time-tagged PCM frames or 1553 messages to file. The goal of this software is to provide a portable application that utilizes state-ofhe-art, general purpose hardware for rapid telemetry data processing to meet the needs of operational users, telemetry engineers, and data analysts. To satisfy these goals, the software was developed using the C language with VMS and OSF operating systems as the initially targeted platforms. In addition, an X Window System/Motif graphical user interface supporting three tiers of user interaction (operator, telemetry engineer, and telemetry analyst) was layered onto the decommutator functions.

Alsouda, Yasser. "An IoT Solution for Urban Noise Identification in Smart Cities : Noise Measurement and Classification." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för fysik och elektroteknik (IFE), 2019.

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Noise is defined as any undesired sound. Urban noise and its effect on citizens area significant environmental problem, and the increasing level of noise has become a critical problem in some cities. Fortunately, noise pollution can be mitigated by better planning of urban areas or controlled by administrative regulations. However, the execution of such actions requires well-established systems for noise monitoring. In this thesis, we present a solution for noise measurement and classification using a low-power and inexpensive IoT unit. To measure the noise level, we implement an algorithm for calculating the sound pressure level in dB. We achieve a measurement error of less than 1 dB. Our machine learning-based method for noise classification uses Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients for audio feature extraction and four supervised classification algorithms (that is, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, bootstrap aggregating, and random forest). We evaluate our approach experimentally with a dataset of about 3000 sound samples grouped in eight sound classes (such as car horn, jackhammer, or street music). We explore the parameter space of the four algorithms to estimate the optimal parameter values for the classification of sound samples in the dataset under study. We achieve noise classification accuracy in the range of 88% – 94%.

Lagerkvist, Love. "Computation as Strange Material : Excursions into Critical Accidents." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3), 2021.

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Waking up in a world where everyone carries a miniature supercomputer, interaction designers find themselves in their forerunners dreams. Faced with the reality of planetary-scale we have to confront the task of articulating approaches responsive this accidental ubiquity of computation. This thesis attempts such a formulation by defining computation as a strange material, a plasticity shaped equally by its technical properties and the mode of production by which is its continuously re-produced. The definition is applied through a methodology of excursions — participatory explorations into two seemingly disparate sites of computation, connected in they ways they manifest a labor of care. First, we visit the social infrastructures that constitute the Linux kernel, examining strangle entanglements of programming and care in the world's largest design process. This is followed by a tour into the thorny lands of artificial intelligence, situated in the smart replies of LinkedIn. Here, we investigate the fluctuating border between the artificial and the human with participants performing AI, formulating new Turing tests in the process. These excursions afford an understanding of computation as fundamentally re-produced through interaction, a strange kind of affective work the understanding of which is crucial if we ambition to disarm the critical accidents of our present future.

Books on the topic "Smarta Mål":


Fidyk, Steve. Mel Bay presents Drum Set Smart Book: Style-Mechanics-Applications-Routines-Tips. Mel Bay Publications, Inc., 2005.

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Schwingungen von Windenergieanlagen 2019. VDI Verlag, 2019.

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Dieser VDI-Bericht ist ausschließlich als PDF-Datei erschienen! Sie möchten gerne erfahren, welche Themen auf der 10. VDI-Fachtagung in Bremen präsentiert wurden? Inhalt Eröffnung Erkenntnisse aus digitalisierten Daten von über 3000 Windenergieanlagen im Betrieb 1 B. Hahn, S. Faulstich, Fraunhofer IEE, Kassel BIG DATA Auswertungen und Analysen von Betriebsdaten I Big Data – Smart Data, analytische Datenauswertung von Betriebsdaten 17 W. Holweger, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Herzogenaurach; F. Harzendorf, B. Azzam, CWD RWTH Aachen University, Aachen; J. Fliege, Universität Southampton, Southampton, UK Felderfahrung von Anlagen und Windparks I MSA (Messsystemanalyse) eines back-to-back Getriebeprüfstands 29 T. Jacob (M.Sc.) (VDI), Flender GmbH, Voerde; M. Blomeyer, Flender GmbH, Bocholt Felderfahrung und Ergebnisse aus großen Windparks: Von der Zuverlässigkeits- und CMS-Analyse zur Prognosefähigkeit 41 S. Mtauweg, V. Meimann, MML Solutions GmbH; H. Fritsch, U.

Ciaburro, Giuseppe, V. Kishore Ayyadevara, and Alexis Perrier. Hands-On Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform: Implementing smart and efficient analytics using Cloud ML Engine. Packt Publishing, 2018.

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Book chapters on the topic "Smarta Mål":


Gärtner, Christian. "Grundlagen: KI, ML, DL, RPA und Co." In Smart HRM, 17–50. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020.

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Sharma, Avinash Kumar, and Neha Goel. "A review paper on Machine Learning (ML)." In Smart Computing, 269–77. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Vashisht, Geetika. "ML Algorithms for Smart Sensor Networks." In Studies in Big Data, 73–103. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Mondal, S., G. Paul, and S. C. Mondal. "Investigation into the Application of Liquid CO2 and MQL for CNC Turning of Al Alloy 3055." In Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 977–87. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Pratt, Madara, Mohcine Boudhane, and Sarma Cakula. "Predictive Data Analysis Model for Employee Satisfaction Using ML Algorithms." In Advances on Smart and Soft Computing, 143–52. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Hanif, Muhammad Abdullah, Faiq Khalid, Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Mohammad Taghi Teimoori, Florian Kriebel, Jeff (Jun) Zhang, Kang Liu, et al. "Robust Computing for Machine Learning-Based Systems." In Dependable Embedded Systems, 479–503. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThe drive for automation and constant monitoring has led to rapid development in the field of Machine Learning (ML). The high accuracy offered by the state-of-the-art ML algorithms like Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has paved the way for these algorithms to being used even in the emerging safety-critical applications, e.g., autonomous driving and smart healthcare. However, these applications require assurance about the functionality of the underlying systems/algorithms. Therefore, the robustness of these ML algorithms to different reliability and security threats has to be thoroughly studied and mechanisms/methodologies have to be designed which result in increased inherent resilience of these ML algorithms. Since traditional reliability measures like spatial and temporal redundancy are costly, they may not be feasible for DNN-based ML systems which are already super computer and memory intensive. Hence, new robustness methods for ML systems are required. Towards this, in this chapter, we present our analyses illustrating the impact of different reliability and security vulnerabilities on the accuracy of DNNs. We also discuss techniques that can be employed to design ML algorithms such that they are inherently resilient to reliability and security threats. Towards the end, the chapter provides open research challenges and further research opportunities.

Amraoui, Noureddine, and Belhassen Zouari. "An ML Behavior-Based Security Control for Smart Home Systems." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 117–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Saif, Sohail, Mayurakshi Jana, and Suparna Biswas. "Recent Trends in IoT–Based Smart Healthcare Applying ML and DL." In Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, 785–97. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Starke, Allen, Janise McNair, Rodrigo Trevizan, Arturo Bretas, Joshua Peeples, and Alina Zare. "Toward Resilient Smart Grid Communications Using Distributed SDN with ML-Based Anomaly Detection." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 83–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Ruiz Garcia, Manuel A., Erwin Rauch, Renato Vidoni, and Dominik T. Matt. "AI and ML for Human-Robot Cooperation in Intelligent and Flexible Manufacturing." In Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs, 95–127. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractHuman–robot cooperation aims to increase the flexibilization of manufacturing systems. This requires safe human–machine interaction (e.g. with collaborative robots) as well as self and environment awareness capabilities to interact autonomously and smartly between humans and machines. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to conceptualize and identify the set of real-time information processing and decision-making capabilities required for collaborative robots to be considered as a safe companion in the context of human–robot cooperation (HRC). In particular, the chapter provides an overview of appropriate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts, formally introduces the concept of a safety-aware cyber-physical system and defines a general taxonomy for the perceptive and cognitive problems arising in the context of intelligent and flexible HRC.

Conference papers on the topic "Smarta Mål":


Wang, Yarong, Toshiyuki Mori, John Drennan, Ji-Guang Li, and Yoshiyuki Yajima. "Synthesis and characterization of 10 mol% Dy 2 O 3 -doped ceria nanopowders via homogeneous precipitation." In Smart Materials, Nano-, and Micro-Smart Systems, edited by Alan R. Wilson. SPIE, 2004.

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Shimada, Kunio, Yongbo Wu, Yat C. Wong, Toyohisa Fujita, Toshio Miyazaki, and Atsushi Shibayama. "Experimental investigation of the effect of the MPL (magnetic polishing liquid) on surface finishing." In SPIE's International Symposium on Smart Materials, Nano-, and Micro- Smart Systems, edited by Dinesh K. Sood, Ajay P. Malshe, and Ryutaro Maeda. SPIE, 2002.

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Schantin. Andreas and Christoph Ruland. "An ML Approach for Decoding Collision Slots." In 2014 European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (Smart SysTech). IEEE, 2014.

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Park, J., J. W. Kim, J. Kim, and S. Park. "A study on MFL based wire rope damage detection." In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, edited by Jerome P. Lynch. SPIE, 2017.

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K, Hrushikesh Koundinya, Ajay Krishna Palakurthi, Vaishnavi Putnala, and Ashok Kumar K. "Smart College Chatbot using ML and Python." In 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). IEEE, 2020.

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Buck, Brian S., and James D. Philo. "Utilization of Vertiline Wire Conveyed Smart Tools in Gas Storage Field Pipeline Applications." In 2002 4th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Consumers Energy, which is the largest natural gas utility in the state of Michigan and fifth largest in the United States, operates thirteen natural gas storage fields in the state as part of its Gas Transmission and Storage system. These storage fields consist of a network of storage wells connected via a series of short pipeline laterals and headers. Typical field configuration consists of one or two main headers with several laterals branching off to the gas storage wells. Due to the shorter line lengths (2.5 miles or less) and other operational conflicts, it is difficult to utilize conventional online smart pigging methods to assess the integrity of these laterals and headers. Based on the type (welded steel), average age, and operating conditions of the pipelines in these storage fields, an internal inspection method was desired. Consumers Energy has teamed with Baker Atlas to utilize their Vertiline wire conveyed MFL (magnetic flux leakage) smart tools to assess the integrity of these gas storage field headers and laterals. The Vertiline technology was originally conceived for down hole well casing integrity analysis, however, the application was found to be ideal for short section, limited access, and otherwise unpiggable pipelines. The Baker Vertiline technology can currently be used on pipeline sizes up to 24” in diameter, and larger diameter tools are under development. This paper will explore the process that Consumers Energy undertook to utilize wire conveyed MFL smart tools in its gas storage field pipelines. Field preparation for tool runs, running the tool and gathering data, and data presentation will all be reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages, techniques, capabilities, and technology of the wire conveyed MFL smart tools themselves will also be discussed, along with other potential applications such as use in analysis of pipeline river crossings, pipelines lacking pig launching facilities, and offshore production lines.

Park, Kyung-Hee, Jorge A. Olortegui-Yume, Shantanu Joshi, Patrick Kwon, Moon-Chul Yoon, Gyu-Bong Lee, and Sung-Bum Park. "Measurement of Droplet Size and Distribution for Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL)." In 2008 International Conference on Smart Manufacturing application (ICSMA). IEEE, 2008.

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Sulo, Idil, Seref Recep Keskin, Gulustan Dogan, and Theodore Brown. "Energy Efficient Smart Buildings: LSTM Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction." In 2019 International Conference on Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Emerging Applications (Deep-ML). IEEE, 2019.

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Wijerathna, Buddhi, Teresa Vidal-Calleja, Sarath Kodagoda, Qiang Zhang, and Jaime Valls Miro. "Multiple defect interpretation based on Gaussian processes for MFL technology." In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, edited by Tzu Yang Yu, Andrew L. Gyekenyesi, Peter J. Shull, Aaron A. Diaz, H. Felix Wu, and A. Emin Aktan. SPIE, 2013.

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Moore, David L., Zachary Hamilton, and Rami J. Haddad. "Pico-Grid Smart Home Energy Management System Using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients." In SoutheastCon 2019. IEEE, 2019.

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