Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Software assistant'

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Sereesathien, Siriwan. "A GitHub-based Voice Assistant for Software Developers and Teams." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2021. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/2334.

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Software developers and teams typically rely on source code and tasks management tools for their projects. They tend to depend on different platforms such as GitHub, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, and GitLab for task-tracking, feature-tracking, and bug-tracking to develop and maintain their software repositories. Individually, developers may lose concentration when having to navigate through numerous screens consisting of various platforms to perform daily tasks. Additionally, while in meetings (non-virtual), teams are often separate from their machines and often would have to rely on pure recollection of the tasks and issues related to their work. This can delay the decision-making process and take away valuable focus hours of developers. Although there is usually one person with their laptop to guide the meeting and has access to the source code management tools, this can take a lot of time as they are not familiar with all the developers’ independent works. Therefore, a new tool needs to be introduced to help accelerate individual and team meetings’ productivity. In this paper, we continued the work on Robin, a voice-assistant built to answer questions regarding GitHub issues and source code management. Robin has the ability to answer questions in addition to completing actions on the behalf of the developer. This thesis presents Robin's abilities, architecture, and implementation while also examining its usability through a user study. Our study suggests that some people love the idea of having a conversational agent for software development. However, a lot more research and iterations must be done to fully make Robin give the user experience we imagined. In this thesis, we were able to set the foundation of this idea and the lessons that we learned.

Provenzano, Heugel Lisa Michelle. "WARM : Wearable Assistant with Remote Monitoring." [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2007. http://purl.fcla.edu/usf/dc/et/SFE0001904.

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Poon, Josiah Chun-Fai, and josiah poon@deakin edu au. "An intelligent assistant to re-configure parameter-driven systems." Deakin University, 1994. http://tux.lib.deakin.edu.au./adt-VDU/public/adt-VDU20061207.143623.

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Parameter-Driven Systems (PDS) are widely used in commerce for large-scale applications. Reusability is achieved with a PDS design by relocating implicit control structures in the software and the storage of explicit data in database files. This approach can accommodate various user requirements without tedious modification of the software. In order to specify appropriate parameters in a system, knowledge of both business activities and system behaviour are required. For large, complex software packages, this task becomes time consuming and requires specialist knowledge, yet the consistency and correctness still cannot be guaranteed. My research studied the types of knowledge required and agents involved in the PDS customisation. The work also identified the associated problems and constraints. A solution is proposed and implemented as an Intelligent Assistant prototype than a manual approach. Three areas of achievement have been highlighted: 1. The characteristics and problems of maintaining parameter instances in a PDS are defined. It is found that the verification is not complete with the technical/structural knowledge alone, but a context is necessary to provide semantic information and related business activities (thus the implemented parameters) so that mainline functions can relate with each other. 2. A knowledge-based modelling approach has been proposed and demonstrated via a practical implementation. A Specification Language was designed which can model various types of knowledge in a PDS and encapsulate relationships. The Knowledge-Based System (KBS) developed verifies parameters based on the interpreted model of a given context. 3. The performance of the Intelligent Assistant prototype was well received by the domain specialist from the participating organisation. The modelling and KBS approach developed in my research offers considerable promise in solving practical problems in the software industry.

Savary-Leblanc, Maxime. "Augmenting software engineers with modeling assistants." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/EDMADIS/2021/2021LILUB027.pdf.

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La connaissance du domaine est une condition préalable à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de logiciels adaptés aux exigences des parties prenantes. Une façon courante de formaliser cette connaissance est réalisée par des modèles conceptuels, qui sont couramment utilisés pour décrire ou simuler un système. L'acquisition d'une telle expertise nécessite de discuter avec des parties prenantes bien informées et/ou d'avoir accès à des documents utiles, qui ne sont pas toujours facilement accessibles. Dans le même temps, de plus en plus d'échantillons de modèles peuvent être rassemblés à partir de sources multiples, ce qui représente un nombre croissant d'éléments de connaissance déjà formalisés et accessibles. Par exemple, certaines entreprises conservent des archives de référentiels de modèles internes. Il existe également de nombreux projets open source qui contiennent des modèles, tandis que certains outils de modélisation offrent même la possibilité de créer des projets publics que l'on peut parcourir librement. Ces sources de données pourraient être exploitées pour créer une connaissance du domaine qui pourrait être fournie aux ingénieurs logiciels lors de la modélisation. Pour être utile, cette connaissance doit être de haute qualité, mais doit aussi être bien intégrée dans le processus de modélisation du logiciel. L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir un cadre pour exploiter les connaissances afin d'aider les utilisateurs d'outils de modélisation informatique avec des assistants de modélisation logicielle. Cette thèse présente d'abord nos questions de recherche basées sur une étude de cartographie systématique sur les assistants logiciels pour l'ingénierie logicielle, et se concentre ensuite sur les assistants logiciels pour la modélisation. Elle rend compte de la conception d'assistants de modélisation basée sur une approche centrée sur l'utilisateur. Nous présentons les conclusions des entretiens menés avec des experts en modélisation, une étape au cours de laquelle les exigences sont recueillies. Ensuite, nous développons la création d'un prototype de base de connaissances en modélisation permettant (i) de créer des connaissances artificielles générales et spécifiques en modélisation, et (ii) de les mettre à disposition de tout client logiciel via des recommandations. Après avoir présenté les résultats d'une expérience concernant la précision du système, nous discutons ces résultats préliminaires. Enfin, cette thèse présente l'implémentation d'un assistant de modélisation logiciel intégré à l'outil Papyrus, qui vise à cognifier l'environnement de modélisation UML en intégrant les connaissances précédemment créées. Notre travail permet de clarifier le besoin d'assistance pendant les travaux de modélisation de logiciels, de présenter une première approche de la conception d'assistants logiciels pour la modélisation de logiciels, et d'identifier les défis de recherche dans l'assistance à la modélisation
Domain knowledge is a prerequisite to produce software design and implementation tailored to stakeholders’ requirements. One common way to formalize that knowledge is achieved through conceptual models, which are commonly used to describe or simulate a system. Acquiring such expertise requires to discuss with knowledgeable stakeholders and/or to get an access to useful documents, which both might not always be easily accessible. In the same time, more and more model samples can be gathered from multiple sources, what represents an increasing number of already formalized and accessible knowledge pieces. For example, some companies keep archives of internal model repositories. There also exist numerous open source projects that contain models while some modeling tools even offer the possibility to create public projects that are free to browse. Such data sources could be exploited to create domain knowledge that could be provided to software engineers while modeling. To be useful, this knowledge must be of high quality, but must also be well integrated into the software modeling process. The focus of this thesis is to provide a framework to exploit knowledge to assist users of computer-based modeling tools with software modeling assistants. This thesis first introduces our research questions based on a systematic mapping study about software assistants for software engineering, and then focuses on software assistants for modeling. It reports on the design of modeling assistants based on a user-centered approach. We present the conclusions of interviews conducted with experts in modeling, a stage in which requirements are collected. Then, we develop the creation of a prototype modeling knowledge base allowing (i) to create general and specific artificial modeling knowledge, and (ii) to make them available to any software client via recommendations. After introducing the results of an experiment regarding the accuracy of the system, we discuss these preliminary results. Finally, this thesis presents a software modeling assistant implementation integrated to the Papyrus tool, which aims to cognify the UML modeling environment by integrating the previously created knowledge. Our work helps to clarify the need for assistance during software modeling work, presents an initial approach to the design of software assistants for software modeling, and identify research challenges in modeling assistance

Keltner, Jason R. Miller Paul C. "Integration of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices into the Military Healthcare Clinic Environment." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2001. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA397190.

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Thesis (M.S. in Information Technology Management) Naval Postgraduate School, Sept. 2001.
Thesis advisors, Jones, Carl ; Brutzman, Don. "September 2001." Includes bibliographical references (p. 171-175). Also Available in print.

Miller, Paul C. "Integration of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices into the Military Healthcare Clinic Environment." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/2114.

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The business drivers within managed care are mandating that physicians have point-of-care access to medical reference data, patient specific data, formularies, treatment protocols, and billing/coding information. One emerging technology that has the potential to provide this access with little economic investment is the mobile Personal Digital Assistant. The authors address a variety of wireless technologies and security concerns regarding real-time access to patient data. The family practice staff at the Naval Hospital Lemoore explored and contrasted the capabilities of commercially available PDAs, wireless interfaces, and medical software applications to ascertain their value within the Military Health System. A production-ready interface between the Composite Health Care System and the Nutrition Management Information Server demonstrates the potential for eliminating the difficulties associated with documenting patient encounters and capturing charges. Survey tools generate a requirements standard for deployment of this technology within the Military Health System on an enterprise-wide scale with a hybrid approach to packaging based on functionality. The authors recommend the Military Health System embrace this technology as a means to realize its vision of best value health services.
US Navy (USN) author

Di, Tuccio Gianluca. "Smart Hospital Assistant: studio ed implementazione di un assistente vocale ospedaliero tramite tecnologie semantiche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/24006/.

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In questo elaborato è stata proposta l’implementazione di un assistente vocale ospedaliero, denominato Mario, fondato su tecnologie semantiche. La sua realizzazione è stata possibile grazie alla creazione di un’ontologia e all’implementazione dell’assistente vocale basato sul linguaggio Python. Per l’inserimento dei dati diagnostici è stato realizzato un software usato sia per la registrazione della parte anagrafica di operatori sanitari e pazienti, sia per l’inserimento o la modifica dei dati di una cartella clinica elettronica. Verranno discussi i vantaggi di queste tecnologie, tra cui l’interoperabilità tra sistemi diversi ed il poter realizzare queries personalizzate ad hoc per l’assistente vocale.

O'Connor, Rory V. "An architecture for an intelligent assistant system for use in software project planning." Thesis, City University London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.340375.

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Botla, Purushotham (Purushotham Shriramulu). "Designing personal assistant software for task management using semantic web technologies and knowledge databases." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/90684.

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Thesis: S.M. in Engineering and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, System Design and Management Program, 2013.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 100-102).
Adoption of social network sites and use of smart phones with number of sensors in them has digitized user's activities in real-time. Smart phone applications such as calendar, email, and notes contain lot of user information and provide a view into user's activities, while sensors such as GPS sensor can be used to passively find information about the user. In addition to this user and device data, these devices have access to the Internet that can be leveraged to build powerful applications. Personal assistant software (smart agent) can be used as an interface to the digital world to make the consumption of this information timely and efficient for the user's specific tasks. Goal of the thesis is to design personal assistant software that understands the semantics of the task, is able to decompose the task into multiple tasks within the context of the user and plan these tasks for the user. It will be designed using semantic web technologies and knowledge databases to understand the relations between the tasks. Agent will be integrated with online web-services to harvest the data available on-line with the data available on the device and help the user to manage his or her tasks. Two use cases are covered in this thesis document to explore automation capabilities and planning capabilities of the agent. Design of the agent using the two use cases helped in the design of sub-modules within the agent system, and also highlighted the requirements on external data and knowledge sources.
by Purushotham Botla.
S.M. in Engineering and Management

Benson, T. J. Graeme. "Towards the development of a mathematician's assistant for the specification and implementation of parallel linear algebra software." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.388070.

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Molley, Sean. "Ta Da! - The Text Adventure Design Assistant a Visual Tool for the Development of Adventure Games." TopSCHOLAR®, 1997. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/347.

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In this paper, I survey past and present tools available to text adventure game authors, and then describe a new product: the Text Adventure Design Assistant (TA DA!), a visual programming system for creating text adventure games. My system consists of two parts: an abstract framework which defines an archetypical game, and a user interface which allows for the construction of games in a visual manner by manipulating the elements of the abstract game to produce a concrete design. The two most popular contemporary programming languages for creating text adventure games, TADS and Inform, are compared and contrasted, and my abstract framework is adapted to both of these languages. The traditional pencil-and-paper design process used by adventure game authors is studied and its application to the development of TA DA! is described. Finally, the implications of TA DA! and similar advances in visual programming are discussed and I predict future trends in the design of both adventure games and other application domains based on this work.

Liu, Yang. "Aspects of linking CAD and cost estimation software." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52136.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes a module that links AutoCAD and CeDeas (cost estimation software which was developed by Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch). CeDeas is intended for estimating the direct manufacturing cost of simple welded assemblies in a batch production environment. It is aimed at use during late concept design or early detail design. The link module was developed in Borland C++ Builder. By using COM (Component Object Model) technology, the link module employs the methods and the properties of the AutoCAD automation interface to extract manufacturing information that is required by CeDeas. The link module prompts the user to pick objects in an AutoCAD drawing and then determines the values required by CeDeas to estimate the manufacturing cost. The user can choose between a "direct select method" (which uses the properties of geometric entities already in the drawing) and a "user define method" (whereby the user defmes temporary entities or combines aspects of existing entities in the AutoCAD drawing). With these results and some non-geometric inputs, the user can get a cost estimate of components and assemblies. After design changes, the link module can provide CeDeas with updated values with minimal user interaction in situations where the "direct select method" was used. The designer can therefore easily use the cost estimates to compare design alternatives to optimise the design. Validation studies demonstrated the numerical accuracy of the use of the link module. The link module can be regarded as an extension of CeDeas. At present it only supports AutoCAD R14, but can be extended to support AutoCAD 2000 and Mechanical Desktop.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Module wat dien as skakel tussen AutoCAD and CeDeas (kosteberamingsagteware ontwikkel deur die Departement van Meganiese Ingenieurswese, Universiteit van Stellenbosch) word in hierdie tesis beskryf. Die doel van CeDeas is om die direkte vervaardiginskoste van eenvoudige, gesweisde samestellings, in 'n lot-produksie omgewing, te beraam. Dit is gemik op gebruik tydens laat konsepontwerp en vroeë detailontwerp. Die skakelmodule is ontwikkel in Borland C++ Builder. Deur van COM (Component Object Model) tegnologie gebruik te maak, kry die skakelmodule toegang tot die funksies en eienskappe van AutoCAD se outomatisasie koppelvlak en kan sodoende die vervaardigingsinligting onttrek wat deur CeDeas benodig word. Die skakelmodule vra die gebruiker om voorwerpe in 'n AutoCAD tekening te kies en bepaal dan die waardes wat deur CeDeas benodig word om die vervaardigingskoste te skat. Die gebruiker kan kies tussen 'n "direkte keuse metode" (wat die eienskappe van geometriese entiteite wat reeds in die tekening is, gebruik) en 'n "gebruiker definieer metode" (waarin die gebruiker tydelike entiteite defmieer of kombinasies van aspekte van bestaande entiteite in die AutoCAD tekening gebruik). 'n Koste beraming van komponente of samestellings kan verkry word met hierdie inligting tesame met ander nie-geometriese inligting. Na ontwerpsveranderings, kan die skakelmodule hersiene waardes vir CeDeas voorsien met minimale gebruikers-interaksie in gevalle waar die "direkte keuse metode" gebruik is. Die gebruiker kan daarom maklik die kosteskattings gebruik om ontwerpsaltematiewe te vergelyk om die ontwerp te optimeer. Evalueringstudies het die numeriese akkuraatheid van die skakelmodule bevesting. Hierdie module kan as 'n uitbreiding van CeDeas beskou word. Tans werk die module slegs met AutoCAD R14, maar dit kan uitgebrei word om met AutoCAD 2000 en Mechanical Desktop te werk.

Hughes, Frank J. Kendall Steven C. "An implementation of REpresentation and MAintenance of Process knowledge (REMAP model in the knowledge-based software assistant concept demonstration system /." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1993. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA273207.

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Thesis (M.S. in Information Technology Management) Naval Postgraduate School, September 1993.
Thesis advisor(s): B. Ramesh ; Roger Stemp. "September 1993." Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.

Hughes, Frank J., and Steven C. Kendall. "An implementation of REpresentation and MAintenance of Process knowledge (REMAP model in the knowledge-based software assistant concept demonstration system." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/39953.

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Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
The REpresentation and MAintenance of Process knowledge (REMAP) model supports the various stakeholders involved in software design during development and maintenance by capturing the rationale behind design decisions. This process knowledge is invaluable

Nourjou, Reza. "GIS-based Intelligent Assistant Agent for Supporting Decisions of Incident Commander in Disaster Response." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/188867.

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Paulin-Mohring, Christine. "Définitions Inductives en Théorie des Types." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00431817.

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Ce document donne un panorama de la représentation des définitions inductives dans différents assistants de preuve en logique d'ordre supérieur, théorie des ensembles et théorie des types. Il présente, étudie et justifie les choix faits dans le système Coq.

Zimmermann, Théo. "Challenges in the collaborative evolution of a proof language and its ecosystem." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UNIP7163.

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Dans cette thèse, je présente l'application de méthodes et de connaissances en génie logiciel au développement, à la maintenance et à l'évolution de Coq —un assistant de preuve interactif basé sur la théorie des types— et de son écosystème de paquets. Coq est développé chez Inria depuis 1984, mais sa base d’utilisateurs n’a cessé de s’agrandir, ce qui suscite désormais une attention renforcée quant à sa maintenabilité et à la participation de contributeurs externes à son évolution et à celle de son écosystème de plugins et de bibliothèques.D'importants changements ont eu lieu ces dernières années dans les processus de développement de Coq, dont j'ai été à la fois un témoin et un acteur (adoption de GitHub en tant que plate-forme de développement, tout d'abord pour son mécanisme de pull request, puis pour son système de tickets, adoption de l'intégration continue, passage à des cycles de sortie de nouvelles versions plus courts, implication accrue de contributeurs externes dans les processus de développement et de maintenance open source). Les contributions de cette thèse incluent une description historique de ces changements, le raffinement des processus existants et la conception de nouveaux processus, la conception et la mise en œuvre de nouveaux outils facilitant l’application de ces processus, et la validation de ces changements par le biais d’évaluations empiriques rigoureuses.L'implication de contributeurs externes est également très utile au niveau de l'écosystème de paquets. Cette thèse contient en outre une analyse des méthodes de distribution de paquets et du problème spécifique de la maintenance à long terme des paquets ayant un seul responsable
In this thesis, I present the application of software engineering methods and knowledge to the development, maintenance, and evolution of Coq —an interactive proof assistant based on type theory— and its package ecosystem. Coq has been developed at Inria since 1984, but has only more recently seen a surge in its user base, which leads to much stronger concerns about its maintainability, and the involvement of external contributors in the evolution of both Coq, and its ecosystem of plugins and libraries.Recent years have seen important changes in the development processes of Coq, of which I have been a witness and an actor (adoption of GitHub as a development platform, first for its pull request mechanism, then for its bug tracker, adoption of continuous integration, switch to shorter release cycles, increased involvement of external contributors in the open source development and maintenance process). The contributions of this thesis include a historical description of these changes, the refinement of existing processes, and the design of new ones, the design and implementation of new tools to help the application of these processes, and the validation of these changes through rigorous empirical evaluation.Involving external contributors is also very useful at the level of the package ecosystem. This thesis additionally contains an analysis of package distribution methods, and a focus on the problem of the long-term maintenance of single-maintainer packages

Colin, Samuel. "Contribution à l'intégration de temporalité au formalisme B : Utilisation du calcul des durées en tant que sémantique temporelle pour B." Phd thesis, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00123899.

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Dans le domaine des systèmes informatisés où la fiabilité est la première priorité, les méthodes formelles ont prouvé leur efficacité pour la conception de logiciels sûrs. La dépendance à de tels systèmes augmente, et les contraintes rencontrées se font plus diverses et précises, en particulier les contraintes temporelles. Certaines méthodes formelles, notamment la méthode B, rendent la conception malaisée sous de telles contraintes, puisqu'elles n'ont pas été prévues pour cela à l'origine.

Nous nous proposons donc d'étendre la méthode B pour lui permettre de spécifier et valider des systèmes à contraintes temporelles complexes. Nous utilisons pour ce faire des calculs de durées pour exprimer la sémantique du langage B et en déduire une extension conservative qui permet de l'utiliser à la fois dans son cadre d'origine et dans le cadre de systèmes à contraintes temporelles.

Nous nous penchons également sur le problème de l'utilisation d'un outil de preuve générique pour valider des formules de calcul des durées. La généricité de ce type d'outil répond à la multiplication des méthodes formelles, mais pose le problème de l'intégration des fondations mathématiques de ces méthodes à un outil générique. Nous proposons donc d'étudier la mise en oeuvre en plongement léger du calcul des durées dans l'assistant de preuve Coq. Nous en déduisons un retour sur expérience de la définition d'une logique modale particulière dans un outil à vocation générique.

Silva, Italo Carlo Lopes. "Uma solução para apoiar processos de desenvolvimento centrado na arquitetura." Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 2014. http://www.repositorio.ufal.br/handle/riufal/1614.

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The success of a software project is strongly related with architectural design. However, designing the right Software Architecture is a very subjective task and takes a long time, being much influenced by architect's experience and the quality of requirements engineering. This architectural knowledge, usually, is not documented, since it is considered tacit knowledge of architects or other stakeholders, and eventually dissipates. It is also essentially important to ensure the consistency between software architecture and implementation. However, this mapping is usually made manually, based only on the developer's understanding over the software architecture, which requires high discipline. Thus, errors can arise during this phase, compromising the consistency amongst architectural decisions and source code. The objective of this work is to present a tool-based solution that supports young architects by recommending a suitable architectural style, based on the system's requirements, particularly the quality attributes of the system. The tool encompasses both trade-o resolution over quality attributes and recommendation of architectural styles based on quality attributes. Finally, based on the recommended architecture, the tool will generate the system structural source-code, using a component implementation model called COSMOS*, providing traceability between architectural design and implementation. The proposed solution has been evaluated in the context of a specific domain of Learning Management System (LMS), in order to illustrate the tool support in the execution of an architectural design process.
O sucesso de um projeto de software está fortemente relacionado com o projeto arquitetural. No entanto, projetar a arquitetura de software correta é uma tarefa muito subjetiva e leva muito tempo, sendo muito influenciada pela experiência do arquiteto e a qualidade da engenharia de requisitos. Este conhecimento arquitetural, geralmente, não está documentado, uma vez que é considerado o conhecimento tácito dos arquitetos ou dos interessados, e, eventualmente, se dissipa. Também é essencialmente importante assegurar a consistência entre a arquitetura de software e a implementação. No entanto, esse mapeamento é feito manualmente na maioria das vezes, baseado apenas no entendimento do desenvolvedor sobre a arquitetura, exigindo disciplina por parte dele. Assim, erros podem surgir durante esta fase, comprometendo a consistência entre as decisões arquiteturais e o código fonte. Em face destas dificuldades, foi desenvolvido este trabalho, cujo o objetivo é apresentar uma ferramenta que apoie jovens arquitetos com a recomendação de um estilo arquitetural adequado, baseado nos requisitos do sistema, particularmente os atributos de qualidade do sistema. A ferramenta compreende tanto resolução trade-off sobre os atributos de qualidade e recomendação de estilos arquiteturais com base em atributos de qualidade. Por fim, com base na arquitetura recomendada, a ferramenta irá gerar o código estrutural do sistema, utilizando um modelo de implementação de componente chamado COSMOS*, proporcionando rastreabilidade entre projeto arquitetural e a implementação. A solução proposta foi avaliada no contexto de um domínio específico dos Ambientes Virtuais e Aprendizagem (AVA), a m de ilustrar o suporte da ferramenta na execução de um processo de projeto arquitetural.

Rangnekar, Rohit Dilip. "Remote Access and Service Discovery for a Vehicular Public Safety Cognitive Radio." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34065.

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The Virginia Tech Center for Wireless Telecommunicationsâ (CWT) Public Safety Cognitive Radio (PSCR) addresses the radio interoperability issues that plague many of the existing public safety radios â disparate frequency bands, incompatible modulation schemes and lack of active channel detection features. The PSCR allows the operator to scan for active channels, classify the detected channels, connect to any of the recognized waveforms and begin analog audio communication as well as bridge two incompatible waveforms together. The PSCR, although very useful, unfortunately is not portable enough to be used by public safety officials. The power requirement, processing requirement and equipment is respectively large, hungry and bulky. In this thesis, a possible solution to the portability problem is addressed by installing the PSCR in a public safety vehicle and using a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for remote access. The PDA allows the user to remotely scan, classify, talk, and bridge waveforms similar in operation to the PSCR. An ergonomically designed interface masks the channel and modulation selection procedure. This architecture can be extended to offer service to any remotely connected device. In the second part of this thesis, the concept of remote access is extended to a wide-area wireless public safety network. A public safety network consisting of heterogeneous devices is proposed utilizing a small number of backbone nodes. The major research focus of this section is the algorithm for distributing services across the network. Service discovery is optimized to reduce the overhead of service messages and multiple service distribution techniques are utilized depending on the location of the services. Simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the service discovery protocol in terms of overhead, dissemination time and scalability. The proposed protocol is determined to be superior to the competition in the overhead and scalability tests.
Master of Science

Silva, Livia Maria Omena da. "Expert mentoring: assistente inteligente para auxiliar gerentes na determinação de evidências objetivas requeridas na avaliação MA-MPS." Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 2011. http://www.repositorio.ufal.br/handle/riufal/1603.

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The evaluation of software process is considered an important tool and commonly used to point out the way, where the organization must apply its efforts to improve processes. In particular, the assessment process proposed by the MA-MPS requires the presentation of objective evidence showing satisfaction of the expected results of processes and results of process attributes of a certain level of maturity. The problem of presentation of objective evidence boils down in the difficulty of the managers responsible for processes in interpreting these results described in the Spreadsheet of Indicators. In addition, there are cases where the implementer of the MPS model not has enough time to monitor the entire fill or revision of the spreadsheet, before submitting it for evaluation of processes. Thus, the occurrence of errors in filling can occur and affect the outcome of the evaluation. In this context, is presented the intelligent assistant, Expert Mentoring, which is designed to support, through questions, the managers responsible for processes in the interpreting the expected results of processes and results of attributes of process described in the Spreadsheet of Indicators, where the final of these questions will suggest direct and indirect indicators, which are more suitable for proof of these results. In this sense, the main results of the evaluation of the Expert Mentoring were: decreasing the number of errors in completing the spreadsheet, and recall the name of the indicator, even before the suggestion of the intelligent assistant.
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas
A avaliação de processo de software é considerada uma ferramenta importante e, comumente, usada para apontar o caminho, onde a organização precisa aplicar seus esforços em prol da melhoria dos processos. Em particular, a avaliação de processos proposta pelo MA-MPS exige a apresentação de evidências objetivas que comprovem a satisfação dos resultados esperados de processos e resultados de atributos de processos de determinado nível de maturidade. O problema da apresentação de evidências objetivas se resume na dificuldade dos gerentes responsáveis pelos processos em interpretar esses resultados descritos na Planilha de Indicadores. Além disso, há casos em que o implementador do modelo MPS não dispõe de tempo suficiente para acompanhar todo o preenchimento ou revisão da planilha, antes de submetê-la à avaliação de processos. Assim, a ocorrência de erros de preenchimento pode acontecer e comprometer o resultado da avaliação. Neste contexto, é apresentado o assistente inteligente, Expert Mentoring, cujo objetivo é apoiar, através de perguntas, os gerentes responsáveis pelos processos na interpretação dos resultados esperados de processos e resultados de atributos de processos descritos na Planilha de Indicadores, onde ao final destas perguntas sugere indicadores diretos e indiretos, que sejam mais adequados para a comprovação destes resultados. Nesse sentido, os principais resultados obtidos com a avaliação do Expert Mentoring foram: a diminuição do número de erros de preenchimento da planilha, e a recordação do nome do indicador, antes mesmo da sugestão do assistente inteligente.

Blazy, Sandrine. "Sémantiques formelles." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00336576.

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Ce mémoire présente plusieurs définitions de sémantiques formelles et de transformations de programmes, et expose les choix de conception associés. En particulier, ce mémoire décrit une transformation de programmes inspirée de l'évaluation partielle et dédiée à la compréhension de programmes scientifiques écrits en Fortran. Il détaille également le front-end d'un compilateur réaliste du langage C, ayant été formellement vérifié en C.

Brandt, Viktor, and Jesper Olofsson. "Undersökning av flexibel implementation för hantering av multipla rösttjänster." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Interaktiva och kognitiva system, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-165854.

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Att välja vilken eller vilka röststyrningstjänster man som företag vill stödja kan i dagens läge vara ett svårt val att göra. Det kan även var så att man inte har resurser att göra två olika implementationer. I den här undersökningen tittar vi på om det finns ett bra sätt att göra en implementation som kan hantera fler än en röststyrningstjänst. Tjänsterna vi har fokuserat på i undersökningen är Amazon Alexa och Google Assistant.

Reiß, Peter. "Assistenz durch selbstbeschreibende Software." kostenfrei, 2008. http://d-nb.info/990023346/34.

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Tristan, Jean-Baptiste. "Formal verification of translation validators." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00437582.

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Comme tout logiciel, les compilateurs, et tout particulièrement les compilateurs optimisant, peuvent être défectueux. Il est donc possible qu'ils changent la sémantique du programme compilé, et par conséquent ses propriétés. Dans le cadre de développement de logiciels critiques, où des méthodes formelles sont utilisées pour s'assurer qu'un programme satisfait certaines propriétés, et cela avant qu'il soit compilé, cela pose un problème de fond. Une solution à ce problème est de vérifier le compilateur en s'assurant qu'il préserve la sémantique des programmes compilés. Dans cette thèse, nous évaluons une méthode nouvelle pour développer des passes de compilations sûres: la vérification formelle de validateurs de traduction. D'une part, cette méthode utilise la vérification formelle à l'aide d'assistant de preuve afin d'offrir le maximum de garanties de sûreté sur le compilateur. D'autre part, elle repose sur l'utilisation de la validation de traduction, où chaque exécution du compilateur est validée a posteriori, une méthode de vérification plus pragmatique qui a permis de vérifier des optimisations avancées. Nous montrons que cette approche nouvelle du problème de la vérification de compilateur est viable, et même avantageuse dans certains cas, à travers quatre exemples d'optimisations réalistes et agressives: le list scheduling, le trace scheduling, le lazy code motion et enfin le software pipelining.

Vendome, Christopher. "Assisting Software Developers With License Compliance." W&M ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1550153779.

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Open source licensing determines how open source systems are reused, distributed, and modified from a legal perspective. While it facilitates rapid development, it can present difficulty for developers in understanding due to the legal language of these licenses. Because of misunderstandings, systems can incorporate licensed code in a way that violates the terms of the license. Such incompatibilities between licensing can result in the inability to reuse a particular library without either relicensing the system or redesigning the architecture of the system. Prior efforts have predominantly focused on license identification or understanding the underlying phenomena without reasoning about compatibility in a broad scale. The work in this dissertation first investigates the rationale of developers and identifies the areas that developers struggle with respect to free/open source software licensing. First, we investigate the diffusion of licenses and the prevalence of license changes in a large scale empirical study of 16,221 Java systems. We observed a clear lack of traceability and a lack of standardized licensing that led to difficulties and confusion for developers trying to reuse source code. We further investigated the difficulty by surveying the developers of the systems with license changes to understand why they first adopted a license and then changed licenses. Additionally, we performed an analysis on issue trackers and legal mailing lists to extract licensing bugs. From these works, we identified key areas in which developers struggled and needed support. While developers need support to identify license incompatibilities and understand both the cause and implications of the incompatibilities, we observed that state-of-the-art license identification tools did not identify license exceptions. Since these exceptions directly modify the license terms (either the permissions granted by the license or the restrictions imposed by the license), we proposed an approach to complement current license identification techniques in order to classify license exceptions. The approach relies on supervised machine learners to classify the licensing text to identify the particular license exceptions or the lack of a license exception. Subsequently, we built an infrastructure to assist developers with evaluating license compliance warnings for their system. The infrastructure evaluates compliance across the dependency tree of a system to ensure it is compliant with all of the licenses of the dependencies. When an incompatibility is present, it notes the specific library/libraries and the conflicting license(s) so that the developers can investigate these compliance warnings, which would prevent distribution of their software, in their system. We conduct a study on 121,094 open source projects spanning 6 programming languages, and we demonstrate that the infrastructure is able to identify license incompatibilities between these projects and their dependencies.

Lester, Neil. "Assisting the software reuse process through classification and retrieval of software models." Thesis, University of Ulster, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.311531.

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Tlemcani, Ismail. "SYSTEM-LEVEL AUTOMATED TESTING FOR HOME DIGITAL VOICE ASSISTANTS." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-51050.

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Home Digital Voice Assistants (HDVA) are devices that are performing tasks based on voice commands. A normal user can use these devices to perform daily tasks like sending an email, play a song or check for an event online, just to name a few. These systems got very popular in recent years due to their ease of use and the evolution of their technology that is now handling many commands and is able to perform complex tasks. HDVA devices are also nowadays used in some critical cases like for door opening and in some healthcare services. On the other hand, software testing is an important verification and validation activity used to reveal software faults in systems that include a software part. This activity is used to make sure that the expected behavior of the system matches the actual software execution. This activity results in the creation of test cases that are run as scripts in an automatic way.  Because of the fact that HDVA devices are used nowadays in some critical use cases, it is of utmost importance that these devices are thoroughly tested to make sure that they are behaving in the correct way. In this thesis, we first investigated the current automation testing frameworks for HDVA devices that exist in the market by doing a multivocal literature review. This is an important step to do in order to discover what are the existing frameworks in the market and therefore decide on the most appropriate research that can be carried out on these. We have, after doing the multivocal literature review and listing the available automation testing tools for HDVA devices, evaluated one tool selected from this review and assessed its usefulness and applicability for professionals and researchers in terms of ease of use and resources it uses during test execution. During the evaluation, we focused on automation testing tools for the Amazon Echo device because of its popularity on the market and the great amount of resources that are available online on this device and we focused on system testing. After doing the multivocal literature review, we found that the Botium framework is the only framework available to use to test the Amazon Echo device on a system level. We took the Botium framework as the framework to be evaluated and we performed an evaluation on it from a test automation capability perspective. The evaluation was done on a virtual machine which was set up locally with the VMware software. The evaluation showed a slow test execution capability of the Botium tool. More studies are needed on testing the other popular HDVA devices and on the lower testing levels.

Chen, Zebin. "Framework-based model construction with AOP assistance /." Connect to title online (ProQuest), 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1588418351&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=11238&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2008.
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-127). Also available online in ProQuest, free to University of Oregon users.

Arias, Cecilia Ines Sosa. "Um assistente especialista para especialização de requisitos." [s.n.], 1992. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/276033.

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Orientador : Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da Computação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-14T03:43:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arias_CeciliaInesSosa_M.pdf: 1978075 bytes, checksum: 6a831394f077fddd430b8b0a73a228b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1992
Resumo: A especificação de requisitos, a primeira fase do desenvolvimento de software, sempre foi um dos principais focos de atenção da engenharia de software. Na atualidade, várias técnicas e metodologias pretendem solucionar, de maneira mais amigável, as dificuldades que esta fase apresenta. Neste trabalho de tese, define-se a arquitetura de um assistente especialista em metodologias cuja função é auxiliar o projetista durante a fase de especificação. Este assistente possibilita a especificação dos requisitos através de respostas dadas pelo usuário, em linguagem natural, a um questionário proposto pelo próprio assistente. A partir dessas respostas um modelo semi-formal, baseado no conhecimento sobre o modelo entidade-relacionamento, é gerado.
Abstract: Requirements specification, the first phase of software development, has been always one of the main concerns of the software engineering. Nowadays, several techniques and methodologies try to solve, in a friendly manner, the difficulties encountered in this phase. In this thesis the architecture of an assistant, expert in methodologies, is defined. Its function is to help the designer during this phase. The assistant allows requirements specification through answers, given by the user in natural language, to a questionnaire guided by the assistant. From the answers, a semi-formal model, based on the Entity-Relationship Model, is generated.
Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Bennet, Fredrik, and Stefan Fenelius. "Implementation of SceneServer : a 3D software assisting developers of computer vision algorithms." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-1779.

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The purpose behind this thesis is to develop a software (SceneServer) that can generate data such as images and vertex lists from computer models. These models are placed in a virtual environment and they can be controlled either from a graphical user interface (GUI) or from a MATLAB client. Data can be retrieved and processed in MATLAB. By creating a connection between MATLAB and a 3D environment, computer vision algorithms can be designed and tested swiftly, thus giving the developer a powerful platform. SceneServer allows the user to manipulate, in detail, the models and scenes to be rendered.

MATLAB communicates with the SceneServer application through a Java library, which is connected to an interface in SceneServer. The graphics are visualised using Open Scene Graph (OSG) that in turn uses OpenGL. OSG is an open source cross-platform scene graph library for visualisation of real-time graphics. OpenGL is a software interface for creating advanced computer graphics in 2D and 3D.


Mello, Luis Cesar de. "Um assistente de feedback para o serviço de filtragem do software direto." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/2596.

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Este trabalho descreve a especificação e implementação do protótipo Assistente de Feedback que ajuda os usuários a ajustarem os parâmetros do serviço de filtragem de mensagens vindas do correio eletrônico de sistemas como o Direto. O Assistente de Feedback é instalado no computador do usuário do Direto para monitorar suas preferências representadas pelas ações aplicadas nas mensagens do correio eletrônico. O trabalho apresenta, ainda, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os conceitos gerais de probabilidades, redes Bayesianas e classificadores. Procura-se descrever as características gerais dos classificadores, em especial o Naive Bayes, sua lógica e seu desempenho comparado a outros classificadores. São abordados, também, conceitos relacionados ao modelo de perfil de usuário e o ambiente Direto. O Naive Bayes torna-se atraente para ser utilizado no Assistente de Feedback por apresentar bom desempenho sobre os demais classificadores e por ser eficiente na predição, quando os atributos são independentes entre si. O Assistente de Feedback utiliza um classificador Naive Bayes para predizer as preferências por intermédio das ações do usuário. Utiliza, também, pesos que representarão a satisfação do usuário para os termos extraídos do corpo da mensagem. Esses pesos são associados às ações do usuário para estimar os termos mais interessantes e menos interessantes, pelo valor de suas médias finais. Quando o usuário desejar alterar os filtros de mensagens do Direto, ele solicita ao Assistente de Feedback sugestões para possíveis exclusões dos termos menos interessantes e as possíveis inclusões dos termos mais interessantes. O protótipo é testado utilizando dois métodos de avaliação para medir o grau de precisão e o desempenho do Assistente de Feedback. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação de precisão apresentam valores satisfatórios, considerando o uso de cinco classes pelo classificador do Assistente de Feedback. Os resultados dos testes de desempenho permitem observar que, se forem utilizadas máquinas com configurações mais atualizadas, os usuários conseguirão receber sugestões com tempo de respostas mais toleráveis.


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Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:19:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SUELYN FERNANDA DA SILVA.pdf: 3051294 bytes, checksum: 677dca6509612434b3c257db9647f482 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-28
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Meta-analysis is the analysis results of various studies, and is performed in order to synthesize these results statistically formal manner. One application is in the meta validation diagrammatic scales to assess severity of disease in plants. The aim of this study was a metaanalysis in diagrammatic scales of data validation, used to help determine the severity of disease in different cultures, using software that perform meta-analysis with data that correlate variables and have free or trial version, was developed a computer model to automate this task in a simplified manner compared to the software used, R and Comprehensive Meta-Analisys. The database for the meta-analysis comprised a total of 64 studies with the validation subject diagrammatic scales, these studies were split and led to 3 separate databases for reviews where scales were used, was not used and the evaluators They were trained to scale. The meta-analysis with the models of fixed effect and random effect on the R software was carried out in order to obtain the lowest value of the Akaike Information Criterion, which was used to determine the most appropriate model, and then performed a meta-analysis with the Comprehensive Meta-Analisys software. The computational model developed uses the structure of a wizard software, which performs the steps of meta-analysis found the form of literature this model performs the meta-analysis tasks on specific steps guiding the user through every step facilitating the realization of the meta-analysis, so the system It provides options to the user and according to the choice made the system identifies the next step to run until the end of the meta-analysis. It was concluded that the computational model helped to simplify the process of meta and also by the results obtained it is concluded that there are benefits in using scales diagrammatic having a higher overall correlation has been established to 0.97 where it was used.
Metanálise é a análise de resultados de diversos estudos, e é realizada a fim de sintetizar esses resultados de uma maneira estatisticamente formal. Uma das aplicações da metanálise está na validação de escalas diagramáticas para a avaliação de severidade de doenças em plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar metanálise em dados de validação de escalas diagramáticas, usadas para auxílio na determinação do grau de severidade de doenças em diferentes culturas, utilizando softwares que realizam metanálise com dados que correlacionam variáveis e que possuem versão gratuita ou para teste, foi desenvolvido um modelo computacional para automatizar tal tarefa de maneira simplificada comparado aos softwares utilizados, R e Comprehensive Meta-Analisys. A base de dados para a metanálise foi composta por um total de 64 estudos com o tema validação de escalas diagramáticas, estes estudos foram divididos e originou-se 3 bases de dados separadas por avaliações onde as escalas eram utilizadas, não eram utilizadas e os avaliadores eram treinados com a escala. Foi realizada a metanálise com os modelos de efeito fixo e de efeito aleatório no software R, a fim de se obter o menor valor do Critério de Informação de Akaike, o qual foi utilizado para determinar o modelo mais adequado, e em seguida realizada a metanálise com o software Comprehensive Meta-Analisys. O modelo computacional desenvolvido utiliza a estrutura de um software assistente, que realiza as etapas da metanálise encontradas da literatura de forma este modelo executa as tarefas da metanálise em passos específicos guiando o usuário por todas as etapas facilitando a realização da metanálise, desta forma o sistema fornece opções ao usuário e de acordo com a escolha realizada o sistema identifica o próximo passo a ser executado até o fim da metanálise. Concluiu-se que o modelo computacional auxiliou a simplificar o processo de metanálise e através dos resultados obtidos conclui-se também que existem benefícios no uso de escalas diagramáticas tendo sido estabelecida uma correlação global superior a 0,97 nos casos em que ela foi usada.

Slama, Franck. "Automatic generation of proof terms in dependently typed programming languages." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/16451.

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Dependent type theories are a kind of mathematical foundations investigated both for the formalisation of mathematics and for reasoning about programs. They are implemented as the kernel of many proof assistants and programming languages with proofs (Coq, Agda, Idris, Dedukti, Matita, etc). Dependent types allow to encode elegantly and constructively the universal and existential quantifications of higher-order logics and are therefore adapted for writing logical propositions and proofs. However, their usage is not limited to the area of pure logic. Indeed, some recent work has shown that they can also be powerful for driving the construction of programs. Using more precise types not only helps to gain confidence about the program built, but it can also help its construction, giving rise to a new style of programming called Type-Driven Development. However, one difficulty with reasoning and programming with dependent types is that proof obligations arise naturally once programs become even moderately sized. For example, implementing an adder for binary numbers indexed over their natural number equivalents naturally leads to proof obligations for equalities of expressions over natural numbers. The need for these equality proofs comes, in intensional type theories (like CIC and ML) from the fact that in a non-empty context, the propositional equality allows us to prove as equal (with the induction principles) terms that are not judgementally equal, which implies that the typechecker can't always obtain equality proofs by reduction. As far as possible, we would like to solve such proof obligations automatically, and we absolutely need it if we want dependent types to be use more broadly, and perhaps one day to become the standard in functional programming. In this thesis, we show one way to automate these proofs by reflection in the dependently typed programming language Idris. However, the method that we follow is independent from the language being used, and this work could be reproduced in any dependently-typed language. We present an original type-safe reflection mechanism, where reflected terms are indexed by the original Idris expression that they represent, and show how it allows us to easily construct and manipulate proofs. We build a hierarchy of correct-by-construction tactics for proving equivalences in semi-groups, monoids, commutative monoids, groups, commutative groups, semi-rings and rings. We also show how each tactic reuses those from simpler structures, thus avoiding duplication of code and proofs. Finally, and as a conclusion, we discuss the trust we can have in such machine-checked proofs.

Massruha, Silvia Maria Fonseca Silveira. "AEsp : um assistente de especificação para administração rural." [s.n.], 1996. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/261534.

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Orientadores: Mario Dias Ferraretto, Mario Jino
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-21T10:52:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Massruha_SilviaMariaFonsecaSilveira_M.pdf: 43468570 bytes, checksum: 4541075eec4b5d0db825d986dd573798 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1996
Resumo: A produção de software na área de administração rural envolve um número crescente de aplicações semelhantes porém não iguais. Das propostas sugeridas pela Engenharia de Software para a captura de especificações de aplicações desta natureza, este trabalho adotou as técnicas de abordagem por domínio. Este método permite equacionar o problema de múltiplas especificações de sistemas parecidos oferecendo algumas oportunidades para reuso e desenvolvimento por prototipação. Este trabalho descreve uma ferramenta, denominada AEsp, e um método de utilização que visa auxiliar a captura das especificações das aplicações do domínio de administração rural e transformá-Ias, incrementalmente, em uma representação que pode ser traduzida para um programa operacional. Esta ferramenta está sendo desenvolvida no âmbito do Projeto FMSI, no CNPTIAlEMBRAPA2, que visa construir um processo produtivo para a classe de aplicações do domínio de administração rural a um custo decrescente com o tempo
Abstract: The software production for the farm management area involves an increasing number of similar, but not equal, applications. From the suggested application specification aquisition approaches in the Software Engineering field for this kind of applications, the domain oriented analysis technique was adopted in this work. This method allows structuring the problem of multiple specifications of similar systems providing same oportunities for reuse and prototyping. This dissertation describes a tool, called AEsp, and a tool utilization method that aims to help on capturing farm management applications specifications and converts them, incrementally, to a representation that can be translated to a operacional program. This tool is under development in the FMSI Project, at CNPTIA/EMBRAPA2, and aims to build a productive process for the farm management applications class with a decreasing cost in time
Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Carvalho, Joao Alvaro Brandao Soares de. "BMKB (Business Meta Knowledge Base) : a repository of models for assisting the management of organizational information systems." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.316493.

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Charron, Rhona. "The influence of different degrees of assistance in automated intelligent tutoring /." Thesis, McGill University, 1989. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61997.

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Cocker, Stephen. "ASSISTing the analyst : towards better utilisation of stakeholder information within the commercial realities of software development." Thesis, Cranfield University, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.267335.

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A área da saúde precisa lidar com diversos problemas relacionados a questões de infraestrutura, falta de pessoal qualificado e grande número de pacientes. Como solução para problemas desta natureza surgiu o u-Healthcare, uma aplicação dos conceitos de Computação Ubíqua (UbiComp) na área da assistência médica. u-Healthcare permite a supervisão da saúde a qualquer tempo e a qualquer lugar, a partir de dispositivos eletrônicos conectados à internet. Entretanto, a ampliação da supervisão da saúde para o entorno ubíquo não pode ser feita com protocolos e procedimentos clínicos atualmente utilizados, já que essa abordagem aumentaria drasticamente o consumo de tempo e recursos. Por esse motivo, a construção de aplicações para fornecimento de serviços se saúde pode apoiar-se em áreas de pesquisa de Sistemas Multi-Agente (SMA) e Trabalho Cooperativo Auxiliado por Computador (TCAC). Nesse sentido, SMA é utilizado para automatização de processos, através do uso das propriedades dos agentes de software. Em contrapartida, TCAC permite estabelecer um modelo de cooperação entre os participantes de uma determinada aplicação. Com base nestes aspectos, neste trabalho propõese a modelagem e desenvolvimento de um framework que auxilie a construção de aplicações voltadas para u-Healthcare, baseadas em conceitos de SMA e TCAC. Para ilustrar a utilização do framework, são apresentados dois cenários de uso. O primeiro cenário corresponde a um sistema de monitoramento fetal, que realiza a detecção precoce de anormalidades no feto. O segundo cenário, por sua vez, consiste em um assistente de administração de medicamentos, que permite ajudar ao médico no controle de medicamentos que usam seus pacientes.
The health area needs to deal with various problems related to issues of infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel and a large number of patients. As a solution to problems of this nature, u-Healthcare was created as an application of the concepts of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) in the area of health care. u- Healthcare allows health monitoring at any time and place from electronic devices connected to the Internet. However, the expansion of health monitoring for an ubiquitous environment cannot be performed with protocols and procedures currently used, since this approach would drastically increase the consumption of time and resources. For that reason, the development of tools to provide health services can be supported in research areas such as Multi-Agent System (MAS) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). In that sense, MAS can be used to automate processes through the properties of software agents. On the other hand CSCW gives the possibility of establishing a model of cooperation among the participants on the application. Based on these aspects, this work proposes the modeling and development of a framework capable of providing support and help on the construction of dedicated u- Healthcare applications which should be based on the concepts of MAS and CSCW. To illustrate the use of the framework, there are presented two scenarios of use. The first scenario corresponds to a fetal monitoring system, which allows early detection of fetal abnormalities. The second scenario consists of a drug administration assistant, which allows the doctor to control drug use by his patients.

Hansen, Christian [Verfasser]. "Software Assistance for Preoperative Risk Assessment and Intraoperative Support in Liver Resection Surgery / Christian Hansen. Fraunhofer Mevis." Bremen : IRC-Library, Information Resource Center der Jacobs University Bremen, 2012. http://d-nb.info/103526336X/34.

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Lim, Lily. "Call : 2D diagrammatic tool for assisting English phonetics learning." Thesis, University of Macau, 2002. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b1447844.

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Nissa, Holmgren Robert. "Automated Measurement and Change Detection of an Application’s Network Activity for Quality Assistance." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Databas och informationsteknik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-107707.

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Network usage is an important quality metric for mobile apps. Slow networks, low monthly traffic quotas and high roaming fees restrict mobile users’ amount of usable Internet traffic. Companies wanting their apps to stay competitive must be aware of their network usage and changes to it. Short feedback loops for the impact of code changes are key in agile software development. To notify stakeholders of changes when they happen without being prohibitively expensive in terms of manpower the change detection must be fully automated. To further decrease the manpower overhead cost of implementing network usage change detection the system need to have low configuration requirements, and keep the false positive rate low while managing to detect larger changes. This thesis proposes an automated change detection method for network activity to quickly notify stakeholders with relevant information to begin a root cause analysis after a change in the network activity is introduced. With measurements of the Spotify’s iOS app we show that the tool achieves a low rate of false positives while detecting relevant changes in the network activity even for apps with dynamic network usage patterns as Spotify.
Nätverksaktivitet är ett viktigt kvalitetsmått för mobilappar. Mobilanvändare begränsas ofta av långsamma nätverk, låg månatlig trafikkvot och höga roamingavgifter. Företag som vill ha konkurrenskraftiga appar behöver vara medveten om deras nätverksaktivitet och förändringar av den. Snabb återkoppling för effekten av kodändringar är vitalt för agil programutveckling. För att underrätta intressenter om ändringar när de händer utan att vara avskräckande dyrt med avseende på arbetskraft måste ändringsdetekteringen vara fullständigt automatiserad. För att ytterligare minska arbetskostnaderna för ändringsdetektering av nätverksaktivitet måste detekteringssystemet vara snabbt att konfigurera, hålla en låg grad av felaktig detektering samtidigt som den lyckas identifiera stora ändringar. Den här uppsatsen föreslår ett automatiserat förändringsdetekteringsverktyg för nätverksaktivitet för att snabbt meddela stakeholders med relevant information för påbörjan av grundorsaksanalys när en ändring som påverkar nätverksaktiviteten introduceras. Med hjälp av mätningar på Spotifys iOS-app visar vi att verktyget når en låg grad av felaktiga detekteringar medan den identifierar ändringar i nätverksaktiviteten även för appar med så dynamisk nätverksanvändning som Spotify.

Hirson, Guy. "Text entry, analysis and correction help : assisting the disabled computer user with data entry." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/27184.

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It was suggested several decades ago that computers would be the single biggest step forward in integrating people with physical disabilities into "normal" society. At that stage, much work was done in writing software and designing hardware that allowed computer operators with disabilities to use packages effectively, in certain cases as efficiently as people without disabilities. Since those days, judging by the lack of references on this subject the interest in dealing with disabled people has waned. It is only very recently that the spotlight has been focused on these potentially very productive persons. Unfortunately, the backlog is large and most existing applications software offers little or no support for users with disabilities. In this thesis, I have examined some of the hardware and software limitations of current desktop computer technology, focusing on the IBM PC and compatibles. I have also written a computer program that attempts to relieve some of the difficulties faced by a limited number of disabled users. In evaluating the results, I considered it important to relate the ensuing data with the real problems faced by a far wider spectrum of users than I attempted to cater for with the program and to suggest ways in which software products could be made to have wider applicability in the future.

Wagner, Marco [Verfasser]. "An adaptive software and system architecture for driver assistance systems applied to truck and trailer combinations / Marco Wagner." Koblenz : Universitätsbibliothek Koblenz, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1073133125/34.

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Lindgren, Jonas. "Analysis of requirements for an automated testing and grading assistance system." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Datorteknik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-105692.

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This thesis analyzes the configuration and security requirements of an auto-mated assignment testing system. The requirements for a flexible yet powerfulconfiguration format is discussed in depth, and an appropriate configurationformat is chosen. Additionally, the overall security requirements of this systemis discussed, analyzing the different alternatives available to fulfill the require-ments.

Framläggningen redan avklarad.


Merten, Samuel A. "A Verified Program for the Enumeration of All Maximal Independent Sets." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1479829000576398.

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Reisdorf, P., A. Auerswald, and G. Wanielik. "Local Dynamic Map als modulares Software Framework für Fahrerassistenzsysteme." Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-187887.

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Moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme basieren auf der Verarbeitung von Informationen, welche durch die Umfeldwahrnehmung mit unterschiedlicher Sensorik erfolgt. Neben den Informationen aus dem eigenen Fahrzeug ergeben sich durch unterschiedliche Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten (Car2Car, Car2X, ...) erweiterte Umfeldwahrnehmungen (siehe Abb. 1). Diese Daten gilt es aufbereitet und zielorientiert einer Anwendung zur Verfügung zu stellen, was mit Hilfe einer Local Dynamic Map (LDM) erfüllt werden kann. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung beschreibt den Aufbau, Verwendungszweck und Eigenschaften einer entwickelten LDM und geht auf einige Applikationen ein, die mit Hilfe dieser realisiert wurden.

Lundberg, Didrik. "Provably Sound and Secure Automatic Proving and Generation of Verification Conditions." Thesis, KTH, Teoretisk datalogi, TCS, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-239441.

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Formal verification of programs can be done with the aid of an interactive theorem prover. The program to be verified is represented in an intermediate language representation inside the interactive theorem prover, after which statements and their proofs can be constructed. This is a process that can be automated to a high degree. This thesis presents a proof procedure to efficiently generate a theorem stating the weakest precondition for a program to terminate successfully in a state upon which a certain postcondition is placed. Specifically, the Poly/ML implementation of the SML metalanguage is used to generate a theorem in the HOL4 interactive theorem prover regarding the properties of a program written in BIR, an abstract intermediate representation of machine code used in the PROSPER project.
Bevis av säkerhetsegenskaper hos program genom formell verifiering kan göras med hjälp av interaktiva teorembevisare. Det program som skall verifieras representeras i en mellanliggande språkrepresentation inuti den interaktiva teorembevisaren, varefter påståenden kan konstrueras, som sedan bevisas. Detta är en process som kan automatiseras i hög grad. Här presenterar vi en metod för att effektivt skapa och bevisa ett teorem som visar sundheten hos den svagaste förutsättningen för att ett program avslutas framgångsrikt under ett givet postvillkor. Specifikt använder vi Poly/ML-implementationen av SML för att generera ett teorem i den interaktiva teorembevisaren HOL4 som beskriver egenskaper hos ett program i BIR, en abstrakt mellanrepresentation av maskinkod som används i PROSPER-projektet.

Maroneze, André Oliveira. "Certified Compilation and Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1S030/document.

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Les systèmes informatiques critiques - tels que les commandes de vol électroniques et le contrôle des centrales nucléaires - doivent répondre à des exigences strictes en termes de sûreté de fonctionnement. Nous nous intéressons ici à l'application de méthodes formelles - ancrées sur de solides bases mathématiques - pour la vérification du comportement des logiciels critiques. Plus particulièrement, nous spécifions formellement nos algorithmes et nous les prouvons corrects, à l'aide de l'assistant à la preuve Coq - un logiciel qui vérifie mécaniquement la correction des preuves effectuées et qui apporte un degré de confiance très élevé. Nous appliquons ici des méthodes formelles à l'estimation du Temps d'Exécution au Pire Cas (plus connu par son abréviation en anglais, WCET) de programmes C. Le WCET est une propriété importante pour la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes critiques, mais son estimation exige des analyses sophistiquées. Pour garantir l'absence d'erreurs lors de ces analyses, nous avons formellement vérifié une méthode d'estimation du WCET fondée sur la combinaison de deux techniques principales: une estimation de bornes de boucles et une estimation du WCET via la méthode IPET (Implicit Path Enumeration Technique). L'estimation de bornes de boucles est elle-même décomposée en trois étapes : un découpage de programmes, une analyse de valeurs opérant par interprétation abstraite, et une méthode de calcul de bornes. Chacune de ces étapes est formellement vérifiée dans un chapitre qui lui est dédiée. Le développement a été intégré au compilateur C formellement vérifié CompCert. Nous prouvons que le résultat de l'estimation est correct et nous évaluons ses performances dans des ensembles de benchmarks de référence dans le domaine. Les contributions de cette thèse incluent la formalisation des techniques utilisées pour estimer le WCET, l'outil d'estimation lui-même (obtenu à partir de la formalisation), et l'évaluation expérimentale des résultats. Nous concluons que le développement fondé sur les méthodes formelles permet d'obtenir des résultats intéressants en termes de précision, mais il exige des précautions particulières pour s'assurer que l'effort de preuve reste maîtrisable. Le développement en parallèle des spécifications et des preuves est essentiel à cette fin. Les travaux futurs incluent la formalisation de modèles de coût matériel, ainsi que le développement d'analyses plus sophistiquées pour augmenter la précision du WCET estimé
Safety-critical systems - such as electronic flight control systems and nuclear reactor controls - must satisfy strict safety requirements. We are interested here in the application of formal methods - built upon solid mathematical bases - to verify the behavior of safety-critical systems. More specifically, we formally specify our algorithms and then prove them correct using the Coq proof assistant - a program capable of mechanically checking the correctness of our proofs, providing a very high degree of confidence. In this thesis, we apply formal methods to obtain safe Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimations for C programs. The WCET is an important property related to the safety of critical systems, but its estimation requires sophisticated techniques. To guarantee the absence of errors during WCET estimation, we have formally verified a WCET estimation technique based on the combination of two main methods: a loop bound estimation and the WCET estimation via the Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET). The loop bound estimation itself is decomposed in three steps: a program slicing, a value analysis based on abstract interpretation, and a loop bound calculation stage. Each stage has a chapter dedicated to its formal verification. The entire development has been integrated into the formally verified C compiler CompCert. We prove that the final estimation is correct and we evaluate its performances on a set of reference benchmarks. The contributions of this thesis include (a) the formalization of the techniques used to estimate the WCET, (b) the estimation tool itself (obtained from the formalization), and (c) the experimental evaluation. We conclude that our formally verified development obtains interesting results in terms of precision, but it requires special precautions to ensure the proof effort remains manageable. The parallel development of specifications and proofs is essential to this end. Future works include the formalization of hardware cost models, as well as the development of more sophisticated analyses to improve the precision of the estimated WCET

Martín, Rodilla Patricia. "Software-Assisted Knowledge Generation in the Cultural Heritage Domain: A Conceptual Framework." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/68496.

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[EN] Software Engineering provides a repository of techniques, methods and tools to manage, process, use and exploit information. In recent decades, this corpus has not only been applied to domains that traditionally act as a receivers of software solutions, but also it has been expanded and enriched by contributions from other disciplines and domains with needs related to the information produced. One of the most common needs in these disciplines is the software assistance to experts or domain professionals in performing processes ranging from the analysis of raw gathered data to the generation of new knowledge based on these, thus allowing the continuous advance of the discipline. In order to assist knowledge generation processes through software, it is necessary a deep understanding of the Software Engineering corpus as well as the particularities of the domain assisted and how knowledge is generated inside it.This situation appears too in the Cultural Heritage domain, whose professionals produce and manage large amounts of data about evidences of our past and present, from which they create new knowledge that constitutes the knowledge about heritage of a particular community.Despite their relevance and the regular application of Software Engineering solutions to the Cultural Heritage domain, the knowledge generation process in Cultural Heritage poses a challenge for Software Engineering, mainly due to the low presence of formal studies of the process, making it difficult to assist it through software. The lack of formal studies implies that we do not know which particular processes in Cultural Heritage we must assist and what should be the appropriate assistance in each case. Furthermore, the Cultural Heritage domain and, in general, the humanities, possesses some particular characteristics that are especially difficult to deal with by software, such as the presence of high subjectivity, the fact that much information is uncertain or vague, and the importance of the temporal aspect in the information. In order to address these two challenges from a transdisciplinary perspective, this thesis presents a conceptual framework based on software models for the construction of software solutions to assist to the knowledge generation process in Cultural Heritage. Firstly, the thesis conducts a deep exploration of the knowledge generation processes in Cultural Heritage, whose inputs are mainly textual sources. As a result, the thesis proposes a methodology and a modelling language to use discourse analysis in Software Engineering. By using this approach, it is possible to relate elements of a text with the domain entities that are referenced and the argumentative mechanisms used during the knowledge generation process and captured in the text. Subsequently, the thesis proposes a conceptual framework whose implementation allows to manage the domain particularities mentioned above, providing a software assistance to the Cultural Heritage professionals through information visualization techniques.The proposed conceptual framework has been validated in two complementary ways. On the one hand, we have developed a full case study in the Cultural Heritage domain, for which we have instantiated all the software models proposed as part of the framework to represent a real-world scenario. This case study application has revealed the potential of the framework in terms of conceptual representation, technical support and software-assistance definition mechanisms.On the other hand, the proposed software models have been implemented as a functional iOS application prototype. The prototype has been validated empirically against professionals in Cultural Heritage, comparing the performance of knowledge generation processes using the proposed framework to the conventional ways without software assistance. The empirical validation has revealed how the proposed framework provides a robust solution for implementing software-assistance in Cultural Heritage.
[ES] La ingeniería del software ofrece un repositorio de técnicas, métodos y herramientas como soluciones para el manejo, tratamiento, uso y explotación de información. En las últimas décadas, este corpus no sólo ha sido aplicado a dominios tradicionalmente receptores de soluciones software, sino que se ha expandido y enriquecido con aportaciones de diversas disciplinas y dominios con necesidades relacionadas con la información que producen.Una de las necesidades más habituales es la asistencia a los profesionales de dichas disciplinas durante el proceso evolutivo que realizan desde el análisis de los datos más primarios hasta la generación de conocimiento nuevo que permita avanzar en la disciplina involucrada. Este es el caso del Patrimonio Cultural, cuyos profesionales producen y manejan ingentes cantidades de datos acerca de evidencias sobre nuestro pasado y presente, y desde los cuáles descubren y generan conocimiento nuevo, que supone la herencia cultural propia de una comunidad. Este conocimiento define la comunidad en el presente y es transmitido a las generaciones presentes y futuras. Pese a su relevancia y a la habitual aplicación de determinadas soluciones de ingeniería software en el dominio, el proceso de generación de conocimiento en Patrimonio Cultural representa en sí mismo un reto para la ingeniería del software, debido fundamentalmente a la poca presencia de estudios formales acerca del mismo, lo que dificulta su asistencia mediante software. Esto implica que no sabemos qué tipo de subprocesos debemos asistir mediante software ni cuál es la asistencia más adecuada. Además, el corpus actual en ingeniería del software debe soportar especificidades del dominio patrimonial y, en general, de las humanidades, como son la presencia de una alta subjetividad, el hecho de que mucha información es incierta o vaga, y la importancia del aspecto temporal en los datos. Con el objetivo de abordar estos dos retos desde una perspectiva co-investigadora y transdisciplinar, la presente tesis doctoral presenta un marco conceptual basado en modelos software para la construcción de soluciones software que asistan a la generación de conocimiento en Patrimonio Cultural. La tesis explora a fondo el proceso de generación de conocimiento en Patrimonio Cultural, cuyas fuentes eminentemente textuales han dado lugar a la propuesta de una metodología completa y un lenguaje de modelado para utilizar análisis del discurso en ingeniería del software. Esta propuesta permite que se puedan relacionar elementos de un texto con las entidades del dominio que se referencian, así como los mecanismos argumentativos que se emplean.Posteriormente, la tesis propone un marco conceptual completo cuya implementación permite gestionar las especificidades del dominio antes señaladas, ofreciendo una asistencia mediante técnicas de visualización de información software a los especialistas en Patrimonio Cultural. El marco conceptual propuesto ha sido validado de dos maneras complementarias. Por un lado, se ha desarrollado un caso de estudio patrimonial completo, para el cual se han implementado todos los modelos software del marco conceptual propuesto, representando un escenario de aplicación completo del mundo real. Este caso de estudio ha permitido comprobar la potencia del marco conceptual propuesto en cuanto a representación, soporte y definición de mecanismos de asistencia software. Por otro lado, los modelos software que conforman el marco conceptual propuesto han sido implementados en un prototipo funcional en forma de aplicación iOS. Esto ha permitido contar con una implementación real de asistencia software en Patrimonio Cultural. Dicha solución se ha validado empíricamente con profesionales del dominio, comparándola con los modos de generación de conocimiento habituales sin dicha asistencia.La validación empírica ha permitido comprobar cómo el marco propuesto constituye una solución sólida para la construcci
[CAT] L'enginyeria del programari ofereix un repositori de tècniques, mètodes i eines com a suport per la manipulació, tractament, ús i explotació d'informació. En les darreres dècades, aquest corpus no sols ha sigut aplicat a dominis tradicionalment receptors de solucions de programari, si no que s'han extés i enriquit amb aportacions des de diferents disciplines i dominis amb necessitats relacionades amb l'informació que produeixen. Una de les necessitats més habituals és l'assistència als professionals d'aquestes disciplines durant el procés evolutiu que realitzen des de l'anàlisi de les dades més primàries fins la generació de nou coneixement que permet avançar en la disciplina involucrada. Aquest és el cas del Patrimoni Cultural, el professionals del qual produeixen i manipulen grans quantitats de dades sobre evidències del nostre passat i present, i des de les quals descobreixen i generen nou coneixement, que suposa l'herència cultural pròpia d'una comunitat. A pesar de la seua relevància i a la normal aplicació de determinades solucions d'enginyeria de programari al domini, el procés de generació de coneixement en Patrimoni Cultural representa, en sí mateix, un repte per a l'enginyeria del programari, fonamentalment per la poca presència d'estudis formals sobre aquest domini, cosa que dificulta la seua assistència per programari. Açò implica que no sabem quin tipus de subprocessos hem d'assistir amb programari ni quina és l'assitència més adient. A més a més, el corpus actual en l'enginyeria del programari ha de suportar especifitats del domini patrimonial i, en general, de les humanitats, com són la presència d'una alta subjectivitat, i el fet que molta informació és incerta o imprescisa, o la importància de la dimensió temporal en les dades. Amb l'objectiu d'abordar aquestos dos reptes des d'una perspectiva de recerca colaborativa i transdisciplinar, aquesta tesi doctoral presenta un marc conceptual basat en models de programari per a la construcció de solucions de programari que assistisquen a la generació de coneixement en Patrimoni Cultural. En primer lloc, la tesi explora en profunditat el procés de generació de coneixement en Patrimoni Cultural, les fonts de les quals són majoritàriament textuals han sigut l'orige per a la proposta d'una metodologia completa i un llenguatge de modelatge per emprar anàlisi del discurs en enginyeria de programari. Aquesta proposta permet que es puguen relacionar elements d'un text amb les entitats del domini que es referencien, així com els mecanismes argumentatius que s'empren. Posteriorment, la tesi proposa un marc conceptual complet amb una implementació que permet gestionar les especificitats del domini abans esmentades, oferint una assistència mitjançant tècniques de visualització d'informació de programari als especialistes en Patrimoni Cultural.El marc conceptual proposat ha sigut validat de dues maneres complementàries. Per una banda, s'ha desenvolupat un cas d'estudi patrimonial complet, implementant tots els models de programari del marc conceptual proposat, representant un escenari d'aplicació complet del món real. Aquest cas d'estudi ha permés comprovar la potència del marc conceptual proposat en quant a la representació, suport i definició de mecanismes d'assistència de programari. Per una altra banda, els models de programari que conformen el marc conceptual proposat s'han implementat en un prototipus funcional en forma d'aplicació iOS. Aquest fet ha permés comptar amb una implementació real d'assistència de programari en Patrimoni Cultural. Aquesta solució s'ha validat empíricament amb professionals del domini, comparant-la amb els modes de generació de coneixement habituals sense aquesta assistència. La validació empírica ha permés comprovar com el marc conceptual proposat constitueix una solució sòlida per a la construcció, a partir dels models de programari especificats, dels sistemes de prog
Martín Rodilla, P. (2016). Software-Assisted Knowledge Generation in the Cultural Heritage Domain: A Conceptual Framework [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68496

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