Academic literature on the topic 'Spatio-temporal control'

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Journal articles on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


KINUGAWA, Takuma, and Toshimitsu USHIO. "Finite-Horizon Optimal Spatio-Temporal Pattern Control under Spatio-Temporal Logic Specifications." IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E105.D, no. 10 (October 1, 2022): 1658–64.

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Smolyaninov, Vladimir V. "Spatio-temporal problems of locomotion control." Physics-Uspekhi 43, no. 10 (October 31, 2000): 991–1053.

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Smolyaninov, Vladimir V. "Spatio-temporal problems of locomotion control." Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk 170, no. 10 (2000): 1063.

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Boutselis, George I., Ethan N. Evans, Marcus A. Pereira, and Evangelos A. Theodorou. "Leveraging Stochasticity for Open Loop and Model Predictive Control of Spatio-Temporal Systems." Entropy 23, no. 8 (July 23, 2021): 941.

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Stochastic spatio-temporal processes are prevalent across domains ranging from the modeling of plasma, turbulence in fluids to the wave function of quantum systems. This letter studies a measure-theoretic description of such systems by describing them as evolutionary processes on Hilbert spaces, and in doing so, derives a framework for spatio-temporal manipulation from fundamental thermodynamic principles. This approach yields a variational optimization framework for controlling stochastic fields. The resulting scheme is applicable to a wide class of spatio-temporal processes and can be used for optimizing parameterized control policies. Our simulated experiments explore the application of two forms of this approach on four stochastic spatio-temporal processes, with results that suggest new perspectives and directions for studying stochastic control problems for spatio-temporal systems.

Diebner, Hans H., Axel A. Hoff, Adolf Mathias, Horst Prehn, Marco Rohrbach, and Sven Sahle. "Control and Adaptation of Spatio-temporal Patterns." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 56, no. 9-10 (October 1, 2001): 663–69.

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Abstract We apply a recently introduced cognitive system for dynamics recognition to a two-dimensional array of coupled oscillators. The cognitive system allows for both the control and the adaptation of spatio-temporal patterns of that array of oscillators. One array that shows Turing-pattems in a self-organizational manner is viewed as an externally presented dynamics (stimulus) which is mapped onto a mirror dynamics, whereby the latter is capable to simulate (simulus). Two of the parameters of the stimulus are thereby regarded to be unknown and have to be estimated by the cognitive system. The cognitive system itself consists of dynamical modules that are stimulated by the external dynamics in the sense of Pyragas' external force control mechanism and thereby yield measures of how good they match the stimulus. These measures are used as weights to construct the simulus. The adaptation process is performed "on the fly", i. e., without the storage of data. The proposed cognitive system, therefore, is a prominent candidate for the construction of a control device for a permanent real time observation of an external dynamical system in order to interfere instantaneously when necessary.

Lu, Xu, Cong Tian, Zhenhua Duan, and Hongwei Du. "Planning with Spatio-Temporal Search Control Knowledge." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30, no. 10 (October 1, 2018): 1915–28.

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Salamon, Nestor Z., Markus Billeter, and Elmar Eisemann. "ShutterApp: Spatio‐temporal Exposure Control for Videos." Computer Graphics Forum 38, no. 7 (October 2019): 675–83.

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Gudmundsson, Joachim, Jyrki Katajainen, Damian Merrick, Cahya Ong, and Thomas Wolle. "Compressing spatio-temporal trajectories." Computational Geometry 42, no. 9 (November 2009): 825–41.

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Hayashi, Yuichiro. "Spatio-temporal control of neural activity using optogenetics." Neuroscience Research 68 (January 2010): e327.

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Hayashi, Yuichiro. "Spatio-temporal control of neural activity using microendoscopy." Neuroscience Research 71 (September 2011): e312.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


Rodríguez, Herreros Borja. "Spatio-temporal aspects in the control of the visuomotor system." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.

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The complex voluntary motor behavior of higher primates is often regarded as a consequence of the development of sophisticated and adaptive perceptual and motor systems. Theoretical and behavioral investigations suggest that the control of motor acts involves a sequence of neural operations that select, plan and execute a movement. The visuomotor system integrates visual and proprioceptive signals to exert control on visually-guided actions, which generally allows to efficient localization of the stimuli and generation of the appropriate motor commands. Although the last two decades have witnessed a considerable progress on the understanding of the neural basis of visuomotor control, the shortage of the literature assessing directly this process boost the necessity of developing new spatio-temporal frameworks of how this process might work. The present dissertation is focused on providing strong insights about the neural and behavioral aspects subserving the use of spatio-temporal information through vision and proprioception to accomplish accurate goal-directed actions. This dissertation encloses five different studies to shed some light on these issues, by combining neuroimaging and psychophysical tools. These empirical data are presented in Chapters 3 to 7, in the form of five articles. Two studies (Chapters 3 and 4) addressed object localization in reaching, by investigating the neural and behavioral mechanisms by which the integration of visual motion affects the execution of hand movements. We demonstrate that visual illusory percepts affect the hand trajectory toward a misperceived object, in a form that casts some doubts on the suitability of feedback circuits to sustain early motion-position interaction. Two other independent studies (Chapter 5 and 6) focused on the coding of hand location, by examining how the use of proprioception and the felt position of the arm influenced our temporal and spatial accuracy in interception. We uncover an increase in the weighting of proprioceptive signals when intercepting objects under poor visual conditions. In addition, the study of Chapter 6 reveals that proprioceptive cues of the hand location completely adapted to induced displacements of the visual input of the hand. The last study (Chapter 7) dealt with the online monitoring of a reaching movement. We have indentified a causal structure/function relationship between deficits in online motor control and the induction of inhibitory plastic changes over the medial intraparietal sulcus, suggesting this area as the neural locus in charge of the ability to update a motor command. We have found anatomical differences in white matter parietofrontal pathways responsible for the individual differences in the impairment of the online motor control. Taken together, the research presented here strengthens the idea that our visuomotor system acts as a coordinated system that efficiently encodes relevant spatial and temporal features at different neural levels to ascertain a precise reaching behavior. Moreover, the combination of the sensory inputs that provide this information seems to depend on the reliability of the sensory source. I hope the work presented here will encourage the reader to explore deeper in the many aspects of this part of the brain still unrevealed.
El complejo comportamiento motor voluntario de los primates superiores a menudo se considera como una consecuencia del desarrollo de complejos y adaptativos sistemas perceptuales y motores. Estudios teóricos y conductuales sugieren que el control de los actos motores implica una secuencia de operaciones neuronales que seleccionan, planifican y ejecutan un movimiento. El sistema visomotor integra señales visuales y propioceptivas para ejercer control sobre las acciones guiadas visualmente, permitiendo la localización eficiente de los estímulos y la generación de las órdenes motoras apropiadas. Aunque las dos últimas décadas fueron testigo de un progreso considerable en la comprensión de las bases neuronales del control visomotor, la escasez de bibliografía abordando directamente este proceso impulsa la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos marcos espacio-temporales de cómo podría funcionar el control visomotor. Esta tesis se centra en proporcionar conocimientos robustos sobre los aspectos neurales y conductuales que promueven el uso de información espacio-temporal a través de la visión y la propiocepción, con el fin de realizar certeras acciones dirigidas a objetos. Esta tesis encierra cinco estudios diferentes para arrojar luz sobre estas cuestiones, mediante la combinación de psicofísica y técnicas de neuroimagen. Los datos empíricos se presentan en los capítulos 3 a 7, en forma de cinco artículos. Dos estudios (Capítulos 3 y 4) abordan la localización de objetos en acciones para alcanzarlos, mediante la investigación de los mecanismos neurales y conductuales por los que la integración de movimiento visual afecta la ejecución de movimientos manuales. Demostramos que las percepciones ilusorias visuales afectan la trayectoria de la mano hacia un objeto erróneamente percibido, y también cuestionan la idoneidad de los circuitos ‘feedback’ para explicar la temprana interacción movimiento-posición. Otros dos estudios independientes (Capítulos 5 y 6) se centran en la codificación de la posición de la mano, mediante el examen de como el uso de la propiocepción y la posición sentida del brazo influenciaron nuestra precisión temporal y espacial interceptando un objeto. Descubrimos un aumento en la ponderación de las señales propioceptivas al interceptar objetos bajo pobres condiciones visuales. Además, el estudio del Capítulo 6 revela que las señales propioceptivas de la ubicación de la mano se adaptaron completamente a desplazamientos inducidos de la información visual de la misma. El último estudio (Capítulo 7) se ocupó de la monitorización ‘online’ de un movimiento, mediante la identificación de una relación causal estructura/función entre los déficits en el control motor y la inhibición del surco intraparietal medial, lo que sugiere este área como la zona responsable de la capacidad de actualizar un comando motor. También identificamos diferencias anatómicas en los tractos parietofrontales de materia blanca causantes de las diferencias individuales en el deterioro del control motor. En conjunto, la investigación presentada aquí refuerza la idea de que nuestro sistema visomotor actúa como un sistema coordinado que codifica de manera eficiente las características espaciales y temporales correspondientes a diferentes niveles neuronales para conseguir un preciso comportamiento motor. Además, la combinación de las vías sensoriales que proporcionan esta información parece depender de la fiabilidad de la fuente sensorial. Espero que el trabajo aquí presentado anime al lector a explorar más profundamente en los diversos aspectos de esta parte del cerebro todavía no revelados.

Gaciu, Nicoleta. "Control of spatio-temporal dynamics of bio and optoelectronics systems." Thesis, University of Surrey, 2007.

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Bio and optoelectronics systems are different systems in their composition and application but they have surprising similarities in terms of their spatio-temporal dynamics and dynamics control. Both systems are complex systems with many degrees of freedom that are spatially structured on micro and nano scales. Their behaviour can easily switch between stable regime to chaos by changing internal and external influencing factors. Historically, optoelectronics systems have been studied for more than 30 years. Due to novel biotechnological applications bio systems have more recently gained importance. Today, many natural and technological systems are composed of mesoscopic bio and optoelectronic devices or elements. In nature, many biological and chemical processes controlling the functioning of a system or a specific process (e.g. photosynthesis) occur in complex cellular and molecular ensembles. In technological systems, improvements in the development and design of novel materials on an atomic level have opened the way to efficient devices suitable for mass production. This work focuses on the control and analysis of two mesoscopic model examples: molecular motors and semiconductor lasers. In recent years they have been of particular importance due to their complex dynamics. These active systems have many features in common. Both are open systems which use an energy source to generate motion or light. Molecular motors are nanometer-scaled functional biomolecular structures that convert chemical energy into directed motion. Semiconductor lasers convert an electrical pump current into coherent light emission. Due to underlying complex interaction processes both systems show instabilities under the influence of parameters. In a molecular motor ensemble, external forces, diffusion of free and bound motors, and geometrical arrangement of the microtubule substrate tend to bring instabilities into the molecular motor system. In semiconductor lasers, the interplay of carrier diffusion, light diffraction and geometrical constraints given by the width of the laser (typically in the ?m regime) lead to complex interplay of longitudinal and transverse modes and to instabilities and chaos. The aim of this work is to fundamentally analyse the mechanism relevant for the complex dynamics of the two active systems and to derive schemes to control them. For this purpose I have performed complex numerical simulations. The theoretical description of the molecular motor systems is based on Fokker-Planck equations. Space-time simulations of the dynamics of molecular motors reveal the influence of the diffusion constant, arrangement of filaments, number and separation between filaments and external forces on the spatio-temporal dynamics of molecular ensemble. The theoretical analysis of semiconductor lasers is done on the basis of multi-mode Maxwell-Bloch equations. Simulations of the spatio-temporal dynamics in this system demonstrate that the application of a delayed optical feedback realised by a suitable external resonator configuration can lead to an efficient emission control. Various feedback configurations are discussed. The thesis is organised as follows. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to molecular motors and semiconductor lasers. Chapter 2 focuses on molecular motors. This includes a review of theoretical models, molecular motor properties and simulation results on the complex spatio-temporal dynamics of molecular motor complexes. In Chapter 3 of this thesis, broad area semiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback will be investigated. The analysis will concentrate on laser systems with unstructured and structured delayed optical feedback. Concluding remarks and future work are given in Chapter 4.

Romero, Catalina. "Spatio-temporal control of the cytosolic redox environment in C. elegans." Thesis, Harvard University, 2013.

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Compartmentalization of redox reactions is essential to all life forms. Protein activity can respond to changes in the local redox environment through the reversible oxidation of cysteine thiols. For the majority of cysteines in the proteome, this interaction takes place through equilibration with the glutathione pool; this raises the question whether this redox pool acts as a buffer, or instead as a sensitive media, transducing information from a local physiological state into protein function.

Pisano, Filippo. "Advanced technologies for spatio-temporal control of neural circuits using optogenetics." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2016.

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The progress of neuroscientific research is linked to the development of technologies able to interface with the complexity of neural circuitry. Remarkable advances in this direction have been achieved in the past decades and it is now possible to optically control the neural activity of genetically targeted cells with techniques known as optogenetic stimulation. The combination of optogenetic stimulation methods with electrophysiological recordings and advanced optical imaging is leading to promising approaches aiming at obtaining information on spiking activity, morphology and genetic identity of the many constituents of neural networks. This PhD research project focussed on the development of an experimental tool to exploit this possibility combining micro-electrode array (MEA) electrophysiological recordings with a custom two-photon microscope and optogenetic stimulation system based on a μLED array. This thesis reports on the construction, validation and application of this tool, that was employed in retinal recordings to link the precisely-timed spike signals detected by the MEA with the anatomical and genetic identity of the spiking neurons. The combination of large-scale MEA recordings with spatio-temporal μLED optogenetic stimulation led to a novel method to link anatomy to functional and genetic identity in genetically-targeted retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) with a large scale approach. This method is a versatile approach that can be applied to characterise the many molecular types of RGCs. The integration of two-photon imaging and MEA recordings proved to be more arduous, yet applicable. Retinal ganglion cells were imaged in two-photon mode while mounted on the MEA and electrophysiological identification of spiking units was demonstrated notwithstanding large laser-induced artifacts. Optimisation of the system will allow to fully exploit the advantages offered by non-linear excitation.

Schneider, Isabelle Anne Nicole [Verfasser]. "Spatio-temporal feedback control of partial differential equations / Isabelle Anne Nicole Schneider." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2016.

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Hockham, Natalie. "Spatio-temporal control of acoustic cavitation during high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is rapidly emerging as a viable alterna- tive to conventional therapies in the treatment of deep-seated, solid tumours. In contrast to surgical methods, extracorporeal HIFU transducers non-invasively tar- get pathogenic tissue deep beneath the skin, inducing thermal necrosis of a volume of tissue typically coincident with the ultrasound focus. More recently, cavitation activity has been observed to enhance focal heating, whilst providing a unique op- portunity for real-time treatment monitoring. Unfortunately, the stochastic nature of cavitation makes it difficult to initiate and sustain the level of cavitation activity required for enhanced heating, and to confine the spatial extent of cavitation to the focal volume. The overall aim of this thesis is to design and implement a real-time, closed- loop controller for sustaining thermally relevant cavitation within the HIFU focal region. This is intended to improve the speed and reproducibility of tissue ablation, whilst providing clinicians with real-time feedback as to the extent and location of the ablated region. A quantitative relationship between the level of cavitation activity and asso- ciated temperature rise is first sought experimentally, by investigating cavitation- enhanced heating in two different tissue-mimicking materials (TMM) that yield dif- ferent levels of cavitation for the same HIFU exposure conditions. It is found that a minimum level of inertial cavitation activity is required for cavitation-enhanced heating to dominate the heating process, which is achieved in the first material but not the second. However, the introduction of exogenous, artificial nuclei to the second material is seen to augment cavitation levels to the extent that cavitation- enhanced heating becomes dominant. Subsequently, HIFU experimentation is extended to non-perfused, ex vivo bovine liver, into which a variety of cavitation nuclei are introduced to augment cav- itation levels, and hence heating. Commercially available lipid-shelled microbub- bles are contrasted with custom-made sonosensitive nanoparticles for their ability to seed cavitation events, culminating in an empirical relationship between iner- tial cavitation and heating that is common to both types of exogenous nuclei, and which agrees with the in vitro results. Moreover, the abnormally large lesions pro- duced are found to correlate with a broad spatial distribution of inertial cavitation events, as seen on two-dimensional passive acoustic maps. Based on these encouraging results, a novel negative-feedback, real-time con- trol system is implemented to sustain inertial cavitation within the focal region for extended periods of time. The controller is designed to be both asymmetric and adaptive, deploying different feedback gains to adjust the peak rarefactional focal pressure (PRFP), depending on whether cavitation activity is above or below the level required for cavitation-enhanced heating. With active cavitation control in vitro, the associated focal temperature elevation is maintained at a cytotoxic level for 20 seconds using less than half the energy input required in the absence of cavi- tation control. In order to test the applicability of the novel controller to a near-physiological environment, HIFU exposures are eventually performed in a unique normothermic perfused liver model that accounts for both heat advection and nuclei replenish- ment. Following preliminary experimentation, the controller is modified to account for the inherent variability in the cavitation threshold of perfused tissue, whilst the cavitation demand is also increased to account for heat advection. Following these modifications, use of the controller is found to enable greatly improved re- producibility of HIFU-induced lesions compared to those achieved without cavita- tion control, with a lesion size that is directly related to the cavitation demand. A cost-effective method for enabling caviation-enhanced, cavitation-controlled and cavitation-monitored HIFU therapy has thus been developed, which enables suc- cessful tissue ablation at acoustic energies lower than in current clinical use.

Mounaix, Mickaël. "Matricial approaches for spatio-temporal control of light in multiple scattering media." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.

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L’imagerie optique à travers des milieux diffusants, comme des milieux biologiques ou de la peinture blanche, reste un challenge car l’information spatiale portée par la lumière incidente est mélangée par les évènements multiples de diffusion. Toutefois, les modulateurs spatiaux de lumière (SLM) disposent de millions de degrés de liberté pour contrôler le profil spatial de la lumière en sortie du milieu, en forme de tavelure (speckle), avec des techniques de modulation du front d’onde. Cependant, si le laser génère une impulsion brève, le signal transmis s’allonge temporellement, car le milieu diffusant répond différemment pour les diverses composantes spectrales de l’impulsion. Nous avons développé, au cours de cette thèse, des méthodes de contrôle du profil spatiotemporel d’une impulsion brève transmise à travers un milieu diffusant. En mesurant la Matrice de Transmission Multi-Spectrale ou Résolue-Temporellement, la propagation de l’impulsion peut être totalement décrite dans le domaine spectral ou temporel. Avec des techniques de manipulation du front d’onde, les degrés de libertés spectraux/temporel peuvent être ajustés avec un unique SLM via la diversité spectrale du milieu diffusant. Nous avons démontré, de manière déterministe, la focalisation spatio-temporelle d’une impulsion brève après propagation dans un milieu diffusant, avec une compression temporelle proche de la durée initiale de l’impulsion, à différentes positions de l’espace-temps. Nous avons également démontré un façonnage contrôlé du profil temporel de l’impulsion, notamment avec la génération d’impulsions doubles. Nous exploitons cette focalisation spatio-temporelle pour exciter un processus optique non-linéaire, la fluorescence à deux photons. Cette approche ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour le contrôle cohérent, l’étude de l’interaction lumière-matière ainsi que l’imagerie multi-photonique
Optical imaging through highly disordered media such as biological tissue or white paint remains a challenge as spatial information gets mixed because of multiple scattering. Nonetheless, spatial light modulators (SLM) offer millions of degrees of freedom to control the spatial speckle pattern at the output of a disordered medium with wavefront shaping techniques. However, if the laser generates a broadband ultrashort pulse, the transmitted signal becomes temporally broadened as the medium responds disparately for the different spectral components of the pulse. We have developed methods to control the spatio-temporal profile of the pulse at the output of a thick scattering medium. By measuring either the Multispectral or the Time- Resolved Transmission Matrix, we can fully describe the propagation of the broadband pulse either in the spectral or temporal domain. With wavefront shaping techniques, one can control both spatial and spectral/temporal degrees of freedom with a single SLM via the spectral diversity of the scattering medium. We have demonstrated deterministic spatio-temporal focusing of an ultrashort pulse of light after the medium, with a temporal compression almost to its initial time-width in different space-time position, as well as different temporal profile such as double pulses. We exploit this spatio-temporal focusing beam to enhance a non-linear process that is two-photon excitation. It opens interesting perspectives in coherent control, light-matter interactions and multiphotonic imaging

Lo, Wai Bun. "Physical modelling and H[infinity] filtering for robust spatio-temporal estimation /." View Abstract or Full-Text, 2003.

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Thesis (M.Phil.)--Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2003.
On t.p. "[infinity]" appears as the infinity symbol. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-92). Also available in electronic version. Access restricted to campus users.

Coughlan, Matthew Anthony. "Controlling Light-Matter Interactions and Spatio-Temporal Properties of Ultrashort Laser Pulses." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2012.

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The SPECIFIC method a fast and accurate method for generating shaped femtosecond laser pulses. The femtosecond pulses are user specified from pulse parameters in the temporal domain. The measured spectral and recovered temporal phase and amplitudes from SEA TADPOLE are compared with the theoretical pulse profile from the user specified input. The SPECIFIC method has been shown to be a technique that can generate a diverse array of spectral/temporal phase and amplitude as well as polarization pulse shapes for numerous scientific applications. The spatio -temporal -spectral properties of focusing femtosecond laser pulses are studied for several pulse shapes that are important for non-linear spectroscopic studies. We have shown with scanning SEA TADPOLE that the spatio-spectral phase of focusing double pulse profile changes across the laterally across the beam profile. The spectral features of the sinusoidal spectral phase shaped pulse has been shown to tilt at with a changing angle away from the focus of the lens. Using spatio-spectral coupling, we have shown that multiple spatio-temporal foci can be generated along and perpendicular to the focusing direction of a femtosecond laser pulse. The spatial position of the spatio-temporal foci is controlled optically. Using sinusoidal spectral phase modulated pulse trains fragment ion production from Benzonitrile parent molecule can be controlled. A spectral transmission window perturbed the temporal pulse amplitudes resulting in fragment ion production dependant on spectral window position. The spectral window ion production was shown to also be dependant on temporal phase sequence.
Temple University--Theses

Grönlund, Christer. "Spatio-temporal processing of surface electromyographic signals : information on neuromuscular function and control." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för strålningsvetenskaper, 2006.

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During muscle contraction, electrical signals are generated by the muscle cells. The analysis of those signals is called electromyography (EMG). The EMG signal is mainly determined by physiological factors including so called central factors (central nervous system origin) and peripheral factors (muscle tissue origin). In addition, during the acquisition of EMG signals, technical factors are introduced (measurement equipment origin). The aim of this dissertation was to develop and evaluate methods to estimate physiological properties of the muscles using multichannel surface EMG (MCsEMG) signals. In order to obtain accurate physiological estimates, a method for automatic signal quality estimation was developed. The method’s performance was evaluated using visually classified signals, and the results demonstrated high classification accuracy. A method for estimation of the muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and the muscle fibre orientation (MFO) was developed. The method was evaluated with synthetic signals and demonstrated high estimation precision at low contraction levels. In order to discriminate between the estimates of MFCV and MFO belonging to single or populations of motor units (MUs), density regions of so called spatial distributions were examined. This method was applied in a study of the trapezius muscle and demonstrated spatial separation of MFCV (as well as MFO) even at high contraction levels. In addition, a method for quantification of MU synchronisation was developed. The performance on synthetic sEMG signals showed high sensitivity on MU synchronisation and robustness to changes in MFCV. The method was applied in a study of the biceps brachii muscle and the relation to force tremor during fatigue. The results showed that MU synchronisation accounted for about 40 % of the force tremor. In conclusion, new sEMG methods were developed to study muscle function and motor control in terms of muscle architecture, muscle fibre characteristics, and processes within the central nervous system.

Books on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


Fomin, V. N., and Vladimir Fomin. Optimal Filtering: Volume II: Spatio-Temporal Fields (Mathematics and Its Applications). Springer, 1999.

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Benchaib, Abdelkrim. Advanced Control of AC / DC Power Networks: System of Systems Approach Based on Spatio-Temporal Scales. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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Benchaib, Abdelkrim. Advanced Control of AC / DC Power Networks: System of Systems Approach Based on Spatio-Temporal Scales. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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Miguel, Eve, Florence Fournet, Serge Yerbanga, Nicolas Moiroux, Franck Yao, Timothée Vergne, Bernard Cazelles, Roch K. Dabiré, Frédéric Simard, and Benjamin Roche. Optimizing public health strategies in low-income countries: epidemiology, ecology and evolution for the control of malaria. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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During the 20th century, health inequalities among countries have increased. Several factors explain this pattern, such as immunization and massive antibiotherapy, but nutrition, housing and hygiene are key parameters for health improvement. This heterogeneity among countries is well illustrated by malaria, although disappeared from many high-income countries, is still endemic and prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. We question these differences and detail the recommendations proposed by the World Health Organization to tackle malaria. We investigate the optimal combination of actions to deploy in resource-limited countries and the best spatio-temporal window to target. We propose a new framework for health program management based on evolutionary biology approaches to tailor global programs, to improve their local efficiency and avoid resistance. Thus, we explore all components of the ecological niche of the parasite (human, vector and environment) and consider the magnitude of actions to deploy to reach its local.

Cruse, Holk, and Malte Schilling. Pattern generation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The faculty to generate patterns is a basic feature of living systems. This chapter concentrates on patterns used in the context of control of behavior. Spatio-temporal patterns appear as quasi-rhythmic patterns mainly in the domain of locomotion (e.g. swimming, flying, walking). Such patterns may be rooted directly in the nervous system itself, or may emerge in interaction with the environment. The examples given show simulation of the corresponding behaviors that in most cases are applied to robots (e.g. walking in an unpredictable environment). In addition, non-rhythmic patterns will be explained which are linked to internal states and are required to select specific behaviors and control behavioral sequences. Such states may be relevant for top-down attention and may or may not be accompanied with subjective experiences, then called mind patterns. Specific cases concern the application of an internal body model, as well as states characterized as cognitive or as conscious.

Low, Setha, and Mark Maguire, eds. Spaces of Security. NYU Press, 2019.

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This volume represents the efforts of anthropologists and others to explore to spaces of security. Today, security is one of the most prominent topics in anthropology. Spatial metaphors and images saturate research on security, yet anthropology has not developed a coherent approach to this important dimension of security. This volume draws together ethnographic research on spaces of security from different regions and scales, range from blast-proof bedrooms in Israel to biometric identification in India, and from border control in Argentina to counterterrorism in East Africa. Each contribution focuses on specific spatio-temporal configurations, infrastructural interventions and shifts in discourse and practice. The different emphasis in each contribution shows the multiplicity of ways that one might grapple with the rascal concept of security, and demonstrate the power of a spatial lens to bring into focus the ways that security acquires its discursive content and concrete form.

Peters, Joris, Nadja Pöllath, and Benjamin S. Arbuckle. The emergence of livestock husbandry in Early Neolithic Anatolia. Edited by Umberto Albarella, Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Analysis of spatio-temporal variation in patterns of animal exploitation helps our understanding of the transition from hunting to husbandry of Ovis, Capra, Sus, and Bos in Pre-Pottery Neolithic Anatolia (c.9500–7000 bce). Despite interaction with humans since the final Pleistocene, domestication of Sus in southeastern Anatolia is only evidenced after 8500 bce. This timing coincides with efforts to exert cultural control over Ovis, Capra, and Bos. Applying a broad methodological spectrum, it is shown that in southeastern Anatolia, the Neolithic ‘package’ was in place at the end of the ninth millennium bce, whereas in contemporaneous central Anatolia, livestock husbandry only included sheep and goat. Initially, animal management practices may have focused on a single species, but after 8000 bce, herding strategies comprised at least two species, likely a risk-reducing strategy. Conceivably, large-scale social gatherings, e.g. at Göbekli Tepe, promoted the spread of practices associated with ungulate management and domestication.

Book chapters on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


Patanè, Luca, Roland Strauss, and Paolo Arena. "Learning Spatio-Temporal Behavioural Sequences." In Nonlinear Circuits and Systems for Neuro-inspired Robot Control, 65–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Hanawal, Manjesh Kumar, Eitan Altman, Rachid El-Azouzi, and Balakrishna J. Prabhu. "Spatio-temporal Control for Dynamic Routing Games." In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 205–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Aranson, I. "Topological Defects and Control of Spatio-Temporal Chaos." In Handbook of Chaos Control, 119–39. Weinheim, FRG: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.

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Kozma, Robert, and Walter J. Freeman. "Experimental Investigation of High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Patterns." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 15–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Wang, Peng, Junyi Zhang, Lu Zhang, Jianglin Jin, and Yuqi Fan. "Track Prediction Based on Spatio-Temporal Attention." In Proceedings of 2022 10th China Conference on Command and Control, 341–52. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Ray, Indrakshi, and Manachai Toahchoodee. "A Spatio-temporal Role-Based Access Control Model." In Data and Applications Security XXI, 211–26. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Gehrig, Edeltraud, and Ortwin Hess. "Delayed Optical Feedback and Control of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics." In Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Quantum Fluctuations in Semiconductor Lasers, 181–98. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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Bruner, B. D., H. Suchowski, A. Natan, and Y. Silberberg. "Strong Field Coherent Control Using 2D Spatio-Temporal Mapping." In Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 457–59. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Chen, Yingying, Wenyuan Xu, Wade Trappe, and Yanyong Zhang. "Spatio-Temporal Access Control by Dual-using Sensor Networks." In Securing Emerging Wireless Systems, 1–24. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2008.

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Sharma, Manisha, Shamik Sural, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, and Jaideep Vaidya. "An Administrative Model for Spatio-Temporal Role Based Access Control." In Information Systems Security, 375–89. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


Damiani, Maria Luisa, Herve Martin, Yucel Saygin, Maria Rita Spada, and Cedric Ulmer. "Spatio-temporal access control." In the 14th ACM symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.

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Sharma, Balaji R., Manish Kumar, and Kelly Cohen. "Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Wildfire Growth." In ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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This work presents a methodology for real-time estimation of wildland fire growth, utilizing afire growth model based on a set of partial differential equations for prediction, and harnessing concepts of space-time Kalman filtering and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition techniques towards low dimensional estimation of potentially large spatio-temporal states. The estimation framework is discussed in its criticality towards potential applications such as forest fire surveillance with unmanned systems equipped with onboard sensor suites. The effectiveness of the estimation process is evaluated numerically over fire growth data simulated using a well-established fire growth model described by coupled partial differential equations. The methodology is shown to be fairly accurate in estimating spatio-temporal process states through noise-ridden measurements for real-time deploy ability.

Gorinevsky, D., and G. Gordon. "Spatio-temporal filter for structural health monitoring." In 2006 American Control Conference. IEEE, 2006.

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Roy, Debjit, Arijit Kumar De, and Debabrata Goswami. "Towards spatio-temporal control in optical trapping." In SPIE NanoScience + Engineering, edited by Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding. SPIE, 2009.

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Haghighi, Iman, Sadra Sadraddini, and Calin Belta. "Robotic swarm control from spatio-temporal specifications." In 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2016.

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Jin, Dongliang, and Songhao Zhu. "Spatio-temporal feature based anomaly event recognition." In 2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2016.

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Chaouche, Ahmed-Chawki, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Jean-Michel Ilie, and Djamel Eddine Saidouni. "Spatio-Temporal Guidance for Ambient Agents." In 2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS). IEEE, 2015.

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Nguyen, Linh, Guoqiang Hu, and Costas J. Spanos. "Spatio-temporal environmental monitoring for smart buildings." In 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA). IEEE, 2017.

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Fiez, Tanner, Lillian J. Ratliff, Chase Dowling, and Baosen Zhang. "Data Driven Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Parking Demand." In 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2018.

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Pierre, John M. "Spatio-temporal deep learning for robotic visuomotor control." In 2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). IEEE, 2018.

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Reports on the topic "Spatio-temporal control":


Kularatne, Dhanushka N., Subhrajit Bhattacharya, and M. Ani Hsieh. Computing Energy Optimal Paths in Time-Varying Flows. Drexel University, 2016.

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Autonomous marine vehicles (AMVs) are typically deployed for long periods of time in the ocean to monitor different physical, chemical, and biological processes. Given their limited energy budgets, it makes sense to consider motion plans that leverage the dynamics of the surrounding flow field so as to minimize energy usage for these vehicles. In this paper, we present two graph search based methods to compute energy optimal paths for AMVs in two-dimensional (2-D) time-varying flows. The novelty of the proposed algorithms lies in a unique discrete graph representation of the 3-D configuration space spanned by the spatio-temporal coordinates. This enables a more efficient traversal through the search space, as opposed to a full search of the spatio-temporal configuration space. Furthermore, the proposed strategy results in solutions that are closer to the global optimal when compared to greedy searches through the spatial coordinates alone. We demonstrate the proposed algorithms by computing optimal energy paths around the Channel Islands in the Santa Barbara bay using time-varying flow field forecasts generated by the Regional Ocean Model System. We verify the accuracy of the computed paths by comparing them with paths computed via an optimal control formulation.

Savaldi-Goldstein, Sigal, and Todd C. Mockler. Precise Mapping of Growth Hormone Effects by Cell-Specific Gene Activation Response. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2012.

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Plant yield largely depends on a complex interplay and feedback mechanisms of distinct hormonal pathways. Over the past decade great progress has been made in elucidating the global molecular mechanisms by which each hormone is produced and perceived. However, our knowledge of how interactions between hormonal pathways are spatially and temporally regulated remains rudimentary. For example, we have demonstrated that although the BR receptor BRI1 is widely expressed, the perception of BRs in epidermal cells is sufficient to control whole-organ growth. Supported by additional recent works, it is apparent that hormones are acting in selected cells of the plant body to regulate organ growth, and furthermore, that local cell-cell communication is an important mechanism. In this proposal our goals were to identify the global profile of translated genes in response to BR stimulation and depletion in specific tissues in Arabidopsis; determine the spatio-temporal dependency of BR response on auxin transport and signaling and construct an interactive public website that will provide an integrated analysis of the data set. Our technology incorporated cell-specific polysome isolation and sequencing using the Solexa technology. In the first aim, we generated and confirmed the specificity of novel transgenic lines expressing tagged ribosomal protein in various cell types in the Arabidopsis primary root. We next crossed these lines to lines with targeted expression of BRI1 in the bri1 background. All lines were treated with BRs for two time points. The RNA-seq of their corresponding immunopurified polysomal RNA is nearly completed and the bioinformatic analysis of the data set will be completed this year. Followed, we will construct an interactive public website (our third aim). In the second aim we started revealing how spatio-temporalBR activity impinges on auxin transport in the Arabidopsis primary root. We discovered the unexpected role of BRs in controlling the expression of specific auxin efflux carriers, post-transcriptionally (Hacham et al, 2012). We also showed that this regulation depends on the specific expression of BRI1 in the epidermis. This complex and long term effect of BRs on auxin transport led us to focus on high resolution analysis of the BR signaling per se. Taking together, our ongoing collaboration and synergistic expertise (hormone action and plant development (IL) and whole-genome scale data analysis (US)) enabled the establishment of a powerful system that will tell us how distinct cell types respond to local and systemic BR signal. BR research is of special agriculture importance since BR application and BR genetic modification have been shown to significantly increase crop yield and to play an important role in plant thermotolerance. Hence, our integrated dataset is valuable for improving crop traits without unwanted impairment of unrelated pathways, for example, establishing semi-dwarf stature to allow increased yield in high planting density, inducing erect leaves for better light capture and consequent biomass increase and plant resistance to abiotic stresses.

Kellett, D. A., N. Piette-Lauzière, N. Mohammadi, L. Bickerton, D. Kontak, N. Rogers, and K. Larson. Spatio-temporal distribution of Devonian post-accretionary granitoids in the Canadian Appalachians: implications for tectonic controls on intrusion-related mineralization. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2021.

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