Academic literature on the topic 'Table contingence'

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Journal articles on the topic "Table contingence":


Beh, Eric J. "Confidence circles for correspondence analysis using orthogonal polynomials." Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 5, no. 1 (January 1, 2001): 35–45.

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An alternative approach to classical correspondence analysis was developed in [3] and involves decomposing the matrix of Pearson contingencies of a contingency table using orthogonal polynomials rather than via singular value decomposition. It is especially useful in analysing contingency tables which are of an ordinal nature. This short paper demonstrates that the confidence circles of Lebart, Morineau and Warwick (1984) for the classical approach can be applied to ordinal correspondence analysis. The advantage of the circles in analysing a contingency table is that the researcher can graphically identify the row and column categories that contribute or not to the hypothesis of independence.

Mwamba, John Muteba. "On The Persistence Of Selectivity And Market Timing Skills In Hedge Funds." International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 12, no. 12 (November 25, 2013): 1575.

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This paper investigates the persistence of hedge fund managers skills during periods of boom and/or recession. We consider a data set of monthly investment strategy indices published by Hedge Fund Research group. The data set spans from January 1995 to June 2010. We divide this sample period into four overlapping sub-sample periods that contain different economic cycles. We define a skilled manager as a manager who can outperform the market consistently during two consecutive sub-sample periods. We first estimate outperformance, selectivity and market timing skills using both linear and quadratic Capital Asset Pricing Model-CAPM. Persistence in performance is carried out in three different fashions: contingence table, chi-square test and cross-sectional auto-regression technique. The results show that fund managers have the skills to outperform the market during periods of positive economic growth only. This market outperformance is due to both selectivity and market timing skills. These results contradict the Efficient Market Hypothesis-EMH due to limited arbitrage opportunity.

JAQUET, Chantal, André CHARRAK, Fabien CHAREIX, and Pierre‑François MOREAU. "Table ronde autour du livre d’André Charrak : Contingence et nécessité des lois de la nature au XVIIIe siècle. La philosophie seconde des Lumières." Philonsorbonne, no. 2 (April 15, 2008): 131–54.

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Ortego, M. I., and J. J. Egozcue. "Bayesian estimation of the orthogonal decomposition of a contingency table." Austrian Journal of Statistics 45, no. 4 (July 28, 2016): 45–56.

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In a multinomial sampling, contingency tables can be parametrized by probabilities of each cell. These probabilities constitute the joint probability function of two or more discrete random variables. These probability tables have been previously studied from a compositional point of view. The compositional analysis of probability tables ensures coherence when analysing sub-tables. The main results are:(1) given a probability table, the closest independent probability table is the product of their geometric marginals;(2) the probability table can be orthogonally decomposed into an independent table and an interaction table;(3) the departure of independence can be measured using simplicial deviance, which is the Aitchison square norm of the interaction table.In previous works, the analysis has been performed from a frequentist point of view. This contribution is aimed at providing a Bayesian assessment of the decomposition. The resulting model is a log-linear one, which parameters are the centered log-ratio transformations of the geometric marginals and the interaction table.Using a Dirichlet prior distribution of multinomial probabilities, the posterior distribution of multinomial probabilities is again a Dirichlet distribution. Simulation of this posterior allows to study the distribution of marginal and interaction parameters, checking the independence of the observed contingency table and cell interactions.The results corresponding to a two-way contingency table example are presented.

Raynaud, Dominique. "Inside the Ghetto - Using a Table of Contingency and Cladisitic Methods for Definitional Purposes." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 133, no. 1 (January 2017): 5–28.

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This article aims at clarifying sociological definitions with the help of an original tool, the logical table of contingency, which has characteristics in common with both the statistical table of contingency and Carroll’s bilateral diagram. The unclear notion of ghetto is taken as a test-case. Successive tables of contingency are applied to various defining properties and various sociohistorical situations. Cladistic methods are then used to make the relationships between all ghetto-like situations explicit.

Stein, Joël, and Fabien Stoop. "Neighborhood-Based Contingency Tables Including Errors Compensation." Monthly Weather Review 147, no. 1 (January 2019): 329–44.

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Some specific scores use a neighborhood strategy in order to reduce double penalty effects, which penalize high-resolution models, compared to large-scale models. Contingency tables based on this strategy have already been proposed, but can sometimes display undesirable behavior. A new method of populating contingency tables is proposed: pairs of missed events and false alarms located in the same local neighborhood compensate in order to give pairs of hits and correct rejections. Local tables are summed up so as to provide the final table for the whole verification domain. It keeps track of the bias of the forecast when neighborhoods are taken into account. Moreover, the scores computed from this table depend on the distance between forecast and observed patterns. This method is applied to binary and multicategorical events in a simplified framework so as to present the method and to compare the new tables with previous neighborhood-based contingency tables. The new tables are then used for the verification of two models operational at Météo-France: AROME, a high-resolution model, and ARPEGE, a large-scale global model. The comparison of several contingency scores shows that the importance of the double penalty decreases more for AROME than for ARPEGE when the neighboring size increases. Scores designed for rare events are also applied to these neighborhood-based contingency tables.

Yamamoto, Kouji, Yuya Matsuda, and Sadao Tomizawa. "Collapsed Double Symmetry Model and Its Decomposition for Square Contingency Tables." International Journal of Statistics and Probability 5, no. 4 (June 11, 2016): 31.

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For a square contingency table with ordinal categories, there may be a case that one wants to analyze several collapsed tables obtained by combining some adjacent categories of the original table. This paper proposes some new models which indicate double symmetry, quasi double symmetry and marginal double symmetry for the collapsed square tables. It also gives a decomposition of the double symmetry model for collapsed tables. Two kinds of occupational mobility data are analyzed using new models.

Slezák, Peter, Pavol Bokes, Pavol Námer, and Iveta Waczulíková. "Microsoft Excel add-in for the statistical analysis of contingency tables." International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2, no. 5 (May 31, 2014): 90–100.

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This paper introduces “Contingency table analysis”, a freely available menu-driven add-in program for Microsoft EXCEL, written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), for basic univariate and bivariate statistical analyses of contingency tables. The program provides modules for the statistical analysis of proportions, 2 × 2 tables, stratified 2 × 2 tables, and R × C tables. We compare the results of the analyses performed using our software with those obtained by commercially available statistical software. The comparison shows that our software performs equally well. The use of the add-in facilitates the convenient prosecution of basic statistical analyses on contingency tables from within EXCEL, sparing us the additional cost, or the inconvenience of alternating between multiple platforms, often incurred in using a commercial statistical package.

Dagne, Getachew A., C. Hendricks Brown, and George W. Howe. "Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Heterogeneity in Multiple Contingency Tables: An Application to Behavioral Observation Data." Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 28, no. 4 (December 2003): 339–52.

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Intervention studies often rely on microcoded data of social interactions to provide evidence of change due to development or treatment. Traditionally these data have been collapsed into small contingency tables. Such an approach can introduce spurious findings. Instead of treating each unit’s contingency table independently, or collapsing the tables into single aggregate table, it is more efficient to analyze associations in all units simultaneously using hierarchical models. This article presents Bayesian hierarchical models to analyze several two-way categorical data with random effects that allow different levels of variation across several events. To illustrate this approach, the authors present an analysis of couples’ interaction data from a recent study investigating how couples cope when one partner has become unemployed.

Chatterjee, Sangit, and Nancy Jo Delaney. "Contingencies for analysis of contingency tables: More on the chi-squared test." British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 41, no. 2 (November 1988): 235–49.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Table contingence":


Chah, Said. "Nouvelles techniques de codage d'association et de classification." Paris 6, 1986.

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La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée au problème de la recherche des partitions de e (ensemble à classifier) s'ajustant le mieux, au sens du critère de W. F. De la Vega, a la préordonnance p(s) induite sur e par un indice de similarité s. Dans la deuxième partie, on présente les bases d'une nouvelle théorie en classification automatique contenant la théorie classique des préordonnances comme cas particulier. Dans la troisième partie, on présente les principes de la théorie des "comparaisons par triplets" basée sur une nouvelle structure dite "triordonnance". La quatrième partie étudie un problème de structuration d'une table de contingence.

Jmel, Saïd. "Applications des modèles graphiques au choix de variables et à l'analyse des interactions dans une table de contingence multiple." Toulouse 3, 1992.

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On presente quelques aspects de l'apport des modeles graphiques en analyse des donnees multidimensionnelles. Deux sujets ont ete abordes. Le premier concerne la selection des variables. On propose une nouvelle methode basee sur un type particulier de modeles graphiques. On donne deux applications de cette methode: la premiere en analyse en composantes principales et la seconde en analyse loglineaire. Le second sujet traite de la modelisation des interactions dans une table de contingence multiple. On montre comment l'analyse factorielle des correspondances et les modeles d'association ligne colonne de goodman peuvent sous certaines contraintes prendre en consideration la structure du graphe d'interactions ou le graphe d'independance conditionnelle associe a cette table. En complement, on suggere quelques techniques d'analyse des donnees susceptibles d'aider a la construction de tels graphes

Brink, Anton Meredith. "Bayesian analysis of contingency tables." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1997.

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Nguyên, Dominique Van. "Plausibilité et applications aux tables de contingence." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986.

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Nguyen, Van Dominique. "Plausibilité et applications aux tables de contingence." Toulouse 3, 1986.

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On rappelle la définition et les propriétés des systèmes de b-lods (chapitre 1) et de l'estimation exacte (chapitre 2) afin d'introduire la plausibilité comme une des généralisations de l'estimation exacte dans le cadre des systèmes de b-lods. Afin d'appliquer les résultats de la plausibilité conditionnelle à l'analyse des tables de contingence, on est amené à définir la classe des hypothèses log-linéaires homogènes (chapitre 3). On donne en exemple les programmes de calcul de l'estimation et de la valeur du test de rapport de plausibilité sous certaines hypothèses. Un niveau approximatif de ce test est déterminé à l'aide de simulations (chapitre 4)

Samusenko, Pavel. "Nonparametric criteria for sparse contingency tables." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.

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In the dissertation, the problem of nonparametric testing for sparse contingency tables is addressed. Statistical inference problems caused by sparsity of contingency tables are widely discussed in the literature. Traditionally, the expected (under null the hypothesis) frequency is required to exceed 5 in almost all cells of the contingency table. If this condition is violated, the χ2 approximations of goodness of fit statistics may be inaccurate and the table is said to be sparse . Several techniques have been proposed to tackle the problem: exact tests, alternative approximations, parametric and nonparametric bootstrap, Bayes approach and other methods. However they all are not applicable or have some limitations in nonparametric statistical inference of very sparse contingency tables. In the dissertation, it is shown that, for sparse categorical data, the likelihood ratio statistic and Pearson’s χ2 statistic may become noninformative: they do not anymore measure the goodness-of-fit of null hypotheses to data. Thus, they can be inconsistent even in cases where a simple consistent test does exist. An improvement of the classical criteria for sparse contingency tables is proposed. The improvement is achieved by grouping and smoothing of sparse categorical data by making use of a new sparse asymptotics model relying on (extended) empirical Bayes approach. Under general conditions, the consistency of the proposed criteria based on grouping is proved. Finite-sample behavior of... [to full text]
Disertacijoje sprendžiami neparametrinių hipotezių tikrinimo uždaviniai išretintoms dažnių lentelėms. Problemos, susijusios su retų įvykių dažnių lentelėmis yra plačiai aptartos mokslinėje literatūroje. Yra pasiūlyta visa eilė metodų: tikslieji testai, alternatyvūs aproksimavimo būdai parametrinė ir neparametrinė saviranka, Bayeso ir kiti metodai. Tačiau jie nepritaikomi arba yra neefektyvūs neparametrinėje labai išretintų dažnių lentelių analizėje. Disertacijoje parodyta, kad labai išretintiems kategoriniams duomenims tikėtinumo santykio statistika ir Pearsono χ2 statistika gali pasidaryti neinformatyviomis: jos jau nėra tinkamos nulinės hipotezės ir duomenų suderinamumui matuoti. Vadinasi, jų pagrindu sudaryti kriterijai gali būti net nepagrįsti net tuo atveju, kai egzistuoja paprastas pagrįstas kriterijus. Darbe yra pasiūlytas klasikinių kriterijų patobulinimas išretintų dažnių lentelėms. Siūlomi kriterijai remiasi išretintų kategorinių duomenų grupavimu ir glodinimu naudojant naują išretinimo asimtotikos modelį, kuris remiasi (išplėstine) empirine Bayeso metodologija. Prie bendrų sąlygų yra įrodytas siūlomų kriterijų, naudojančių grupavimą, pagrįstumas. Kriterijų elgesys baigtinių imčių atveju tiriamas taikant Monte Carlo modeliavimą. Disertacija susideda iš įvado, 4 skyrių, literatūros sąrašo, bendrų išvadų ir priedo. Įvade atskleidžiama nagrinėjamos mokslinės problemos svarba, aprašomi darbo tikslai ir uždaviniai, tyrimo metodai, mokslinis naujumas, praktinė gautų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Colas, Jo Ann. "Partition of the Chi-Squared Statistic in a Contingency Table." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013.

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The Pearson statistic, a well-known goodness-of fit test in the analysis of contingency tables, gives little guidance as to why a null hypothesis is rejected. One approach to determine the source(s) of deviation from the null is the decomposition of a chi-squared statistic. This allows writing the statistic as the sum of independent chi-squared statistics. First, three major types of contingency tables and the usual chi-squared tests are reviewed. Three types of decompositions are presented and applied: one based on the partition of the contingency table into independent subtables; one derived from smooth models and one from the eigendecomposition of the central matrix defining the statistics. A comparison of some of the omnibus statistics decomposed above to a χ2(1)-distributed statistic shows that the omnibus statistics lack power compared to this statistic for testing hypothesis of equal success probabilities against monotonic trend in the success probabilities in a column-binomial contingency table.

Forster, Jonathan. "Models and marginal densities for multiway contingency tables." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1992.

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Michaelides, Danius Takis. "Exact tests via complete enumeration : a distributed computing approach." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1997.

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The analysis of categorical data often leads to the analysis of a contingency table. For large samples, asymptotic approximations are sufficient when calculating p-values, but for small samples the tests can be unreliable. In these situations an exact test should be considered. This bases the test on the exact distribution of the test statistic. Sampling techniques can be used to estimate the distribution. Alternatively, the distribution can be found by complete enumeration. A new algorithm is developed that enables a model to be defined by a model matrix, and all tables that satisfy the model are found. This provides a more efficient enumeration mechanism for complex models and extends the range of models that can be tested. The technique can lead to large calculations and a distributed version of the algorithm is developed that enables a number of machines to work efficiently on the same problem.

Yu, Yuan. "Tests of Independence in a Single 2x2 Contingency Table with Random Margins." Digital WPI, 2014.

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In analysis of the contingency tables, the Fisher's exact test is a very important statistical significant test that is commonly used to test independence between the two variables. However, the Fisher' s exact test is based upon the assumption of the fixed margins. That is, the Fisher's exact test uses information beyond the table so that it is conservative. To solve this problem, we allow the margins to be random. This means that instead of fitting the count data to the hypergeometric distribution as in the Fisher's exact test, we model the margins and one cell using multinomial distribution, and then we use the likelihood ratio to test the hypothesis of independence. Furthermore, using Bayesian inference, we consider the Bayes factor as another test statistic. In order to judge the test performance, we compare the power of the likelihood ratio test, the Bayes factor test and the Fisher's exact test. In addition, we use our methodology to analyse data gathered from the Worcester Heart Attack Study to assess gender difference in the therapeutic management of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by selected demographic and clinical characteristics.

Books on the topic "Table contingence":


Kateri, Maria. Contingency Table Analysis. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Upton, Graham J. G. The analysis of cross-tabulated data. Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilms International, 1991.

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Everitt, Brian. The analysis of contingency tables. 2nd ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1992.

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Fagerland, Morten W., Stian Lydersen, and Petter Laake. Statistical Analysis of Contingency Tables. Boca Raton, Florida : CRC Press, [2017]: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2017.

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O'Brien, Larry. The statistical analysis of contingency table designs. Norwich: Order from Environmental Publications, University of East Anglia, 1989.

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Kreiner, Svend. Collapsibility of multidimensional contingency tables: Theorems, algorithms, and programs. [Copenhagen, Denmark]: Danish Institute for Educational Research, 1987.

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Wickens, Thomas D. Multiway contingency tables analysis for the social sciences. Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.

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Rudas, Tamás. Odds ratios in the analysis of contingency tables. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998.

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Rudas, Tamas. Odds Ratios in the Analysis of Contingency Tables. 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks California 91320 United States of America: SAGE Publications, Ltd, 1998.

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Tuz, Heinz-Joachim. Die Analyse von Kontingenztafeln mit Assoziationsmassen bei Heterogenität der Schichten. Göttingen: Unitext, 1988.

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Book chapters on the topic "Table contingence":


Kateri, Maria. "Introduction." In Contingency Table Analysis, 1–15. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Further Topics." In Contingency Table Analysis, 261–69. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Analysis of Two-way Tables." In Contingency Table Analysis, 17–61. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Analysis of Multi-way Tables." In Contingency Table Analysis, 63–83. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Log-Linear Models." In Contingency Table Analysis, 85–124. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Generalized Linear Models and Extensions." In Contingency Table Analysis, 125–52. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Association Models." In Contingency Table Analysis, 153–96. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "More on Association Models and Related Methods." In Contingency Table Analysis, 197–213. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Response Variable Analysis in Contingency Tables." In Contingency Table Analysis, 215–31. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Kateri, Maria. "Analysis of Square Tables." In Contingency Table Analysis, 233–59. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "Table contingence":


Tsumoto, Shusaku, and Shoji Hirano. "Contingency Table and Granularity." In NAFIPS 2007 - 2007 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2007.

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Tsumoto, S., and S. Hirano. "Linear independence in a contingency table." In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing. IEEE, 2005.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku. "Rank and independence in contingency table." In Defense and Security, edited by Belur V. Dasarathy. SPIE, 2004.

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Tsumoto, S., and S. Hirano. "Decomposition of Contingency Table as Tensor Product." In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. IEEE, 2006.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku, and Shoji Hirano. "Meaning of Marginal Distributions in a Contingency Table." In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2006.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku, and Shoji Hirano. "Role of Marginal Distribution in a Contingency Table." In 2006 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2006.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku. "Granularity and statistical independence in a contingency table." In Defense and Security, edited by Belur V. Dasarathy. SPIE, 2005.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku, Shoji Hirano, and Hidenao Abe. "Multivariate statistical independence and contingency tables." In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GRC). IEEE, 2009.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku. "Distribution of derminants of contingency tables." In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC. IEEE, 2009.

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Tsumoto, Shusaku, Shoji Hirano, and Hidenao Abe. "Statistical independence of multivariate contingency tables." In NAFIPS 2009 - 2009 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2009.

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Reports on the topic "Table contingence":


Moore, Allison. Examining a Terrorist Network Using Contingency Table Analysis. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2011.

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Janiczek, P. M., and J. A. DeYoung. Computer Programs for Sun and Moon Illuminance with Contingent Tables and Diagrams. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1987.

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Rao, M. B., P. R. Krishnaiah, and K. Subramanyam. A Structure Theorem on Bivariate Positive Quadrant Dependent Distributions and Tests for Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1985.

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Rao, M. B., P. R. Krishnaiah, and K. Subramanyam. Extreme Point Methods in the Determination of the Structure of a Class of Bivariate Distributions and Some Applications to Contingency Tables. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1986.

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To the bibliography