Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Taiwanensis'

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Schmutzler, Karolin [Verfasser]. "Understanding the regulatory network of biofilm formation in Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 / Karolin Schmutzler." Aachen : Shaker, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1118257944/34.

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Volmer, Jan [Verfasser]. "Strain and process engineering to exploit solvent tolerance mechanisms of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 for asymmetric styrene epoxidation / Jan Volmer." Aachen : Shaker, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1098039130/34.

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Lenzen, Christoph [Verfasser], Lars Mathias [Akademischer Betreuer] Blank, and Nick [Akademischer Betreuer] Wierckx. "Metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 for sustainable production of 4-Hydroxybenzoate / Christoph Lenzen ; Lars M. Blank, Nick Wierckx." Aachen : Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1221697528/34.

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Daubech, Benoît. "Évolution expérimentale d'un symbiote de légumineuse : étude des facteurs génétiques et des forces de sélection qui favorisent ou non l'évolution du mutualisme." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30338.

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La symbiose qui s'établit entre les légumineuses et les bactéries appelées rhizobia est un processus complexe qui aboutit à la formation d'un nouvel organe végétal, le nodule, dans lequel les bactéries internalisées (bactéroïdes) fixent l'azote atmosphérique au profit de leur hôte. Les rhizobia ne constituent pas un groupe taxonomique homogène. Ils appartiennent à une quinzaine de genres dispersés au sein des α- and ß-protéobactéries. Les rhizobia auraient évolué à partir du transfert horizontal de gènes essentiels à la symbiose, suivi d'une réorganisation du génome d'accueil sous pression de sélection de la plante permettant une activation et/ou optimisation du potentiel symbiotique acquis. Ce scénario évolutif a été reproduit en laboratoire par une approche d'évolution expérimentale. Le plasmide symbiotique du symbiote de Mimosa pudica, Cupriavidus taiwanensis LMG19424, a été introduit dans la bactérie pathogène de plante Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000. A partir de cette bactérie chimère 18 lignées parallèles ont été évoluées par des cycles successifs d'inoculation à M. pudica et ré-isolation des bactéries des nodules. Après 16 cycles d'évolution, trois observations ont été faites : i) les bactéries évoluées ne fixent pas l'azote et l'évolution vers le mutualisme n'est donc pas achevée à ce stade, ii) un gène de fonction inconnue semble important pour l'infection intracellulaire, et iii) les mutations permettant l'acquisition et/ou l'amélioration de l'infection des cellules du nodule semblent également améliorer la nodulation. Afin d'identifier les conditions favorables à l'émergence du mutualisme dans l'expérience d'évolution et potentiellement dans la nature, nous avons analysé la dynamique spatio-temporelle de deux sous-populations quasi isogéniques de C. taiwanensis, l'une fixatrice d'azote (Fix+) et l'autre non fixatrice (Fix-), au cours du processus symbiotique avec M. pudica. Nous avons observé une dégénérescence précoce et sélective des Fix-, y compris lorsqu'ils partagent un même nodule avec des Fix+, et établit la cinétique d'expansion des Fix+ au cours du temps. A partir d'un modèle mathématique et de validations expérimentales, nous avons prédit que de rares Fix+ envahiraient une population majoritairement Fix- au cours de cycles successifs de nodulation avec une probabilité fonction de la taille initiale de l'inoculum, du nombre de plantes inoculées et de la longueur des cycles. Par la suite nous avons étudié le rôle d'un gène du plasmide symbiotique de C. taiwanensis, dont la délétion dans l'une des lignées était responsable d'un défaut d'infection intracellulaire. Nous avons montré que ce gène, appelé noeM, est un gène de nodulation impliqué dans la biosynthèse de facteurs Nod atypiques où le sucre réducteur est ouvert et oxydé. noeM est principalement détecté dans des isolats de plantes appartenant à la tribu des Mimoseae, et particulièrement chez les souches capables de noduler M. pudica. Les gènes noeM forment un clade phylogénétique à part et spécifique des rhizobia. Un mutant ΔnoeM de C. taiwanensis s'est avéré affecté pour la nodulation de M. pudica, confirmant son rôle dans la symbiose avec cette légumineuse. Enfin, l'analyse cytologique détaillée de l'infection racinaire de M. pudica par C. taiwanensis et quelques souches de R. solanacearum portant une mutation adaptative de l'infection intracellulaire a été initiée, afin d'analyser l'impact de ces mutations sur les étapes symbiotiques précoces
The symbiosis between legumes and bacteria, known as rhizobia, is a complex process resulting in the formation of a novel plant organ, the nodule, in which internalized bacteria (bacteroids) fix nitrogen to the benefit of the host plant. Rhizobia do not form a homogeneous taxonomic group. They belong to a dozen of genera scattered within α- and ß-proteobacteria. Rhizobia may have evolved from horizontal transfer of key symbiotic genes, followed by genome remodeling under plant selection pressure, allowing the activation and/or optimization of the acquired symbiotic potential. This evolutionary scenario is being replayed in the laboratory using an experimental evolution approach. The symbiotic plasmid of the Mimosa pudica symbiont, Cupriavidus taiwanensis LMG19424, was introduced into the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000. 18 parallel lineages were derived from this chimeric ancestor using serial cycles of inoculation with M. pudica and re-isolation of bacteria from the nodules. After 16 cycles of evolution, three observations were done: i) the evolved bacteria do not fix nitrogen and evolution towards mutualism is not completed, ii) a gene of unknown function seems to be involved in intracellular infection and iii) the mutations that allow and/or improve intracellular infection also improve nodulation capacity. To determine conditions that favor the emergence of mutualism in the laboratory and possibly in nature, we analyzed the spatio-temporal dynamics of two quasi-isogenic sub-populations of C. taiwanensis, one nitrogen-fixing (Fix+) and the other not (Fix-), along their symbiotic process with M. pudica. We observed an early degenerescence of Fix- bacteroids, even when they share a nodule with Fix+, and established the kinetics of Fix+ expansion along time. Using mathematical modeling and experimental validations, we predicted that rare Fix+ will invade a population dominated by non-fixing bacteria during serial nodulation cycles with a probability that is function of initial inoculum, plant population size and nodulation cycle length. Then, we studied the role of a C. taiwanensis symbiotic plasmid gene, whose deletion in one lineage was responsible of intracellular infection defect. We showed that this gene, called noeM, is a novel nodulation gene involved in the biosynthesis of atypical Nod factors where the reducing sugar is open and oxidized. noeM was mostly found in isolates of the Mimoseae tribe, especially in all strains able to nodulate M. pudica. The noeM genes form a separate phylogenetic clade containing only rhizobial genes. A noeM deletion mutant of C. taiwanensis was affected for the nodulation of M. pudica confirming the role of noeM in the symbiosis with this legume. Last, we initiated the detailed cytological analysis of M. pudica root infection by C. taiwanensis and a few strains bearing adaptive mutations for intracellular infection, in order to analyze the effect of these mutations on early symbiotic stages

Wynands, Benedikt [Verfasser], Lars Mathias [Akademischer Betreuer] Blank, and Nick [Akademischer Betreuer] Wierckx. "Engineering of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 for the sustainable production of hydroxylated aromatics / Benedikt Niklas Daniel Wynands ; Lars Mathias Blank, Nick Wierckx." Aachen : Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1193734770/34.

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Abalain-Colloc, Marie-Louise. "Spiroplasmes de moustiques : caractérisation de deux nouvelles espèces Spiroplasma sabaudiense et Spiroplasma taiwanense : classification du groupe XVI des spiroplasmes." Brest, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991BRES2003.

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La 1ere partie de la these concerne la caracterisation de 2 nouvelles especes de spiroplasmes isoles de moustiques. Les souches ar-1343 et ct-1, distinctes serologiquement des autres spiroplasmes connus, ont ete etudiees selon les criteres du comite sur la taxonomie des mollicutes pour la description d'une espece. Nous avons demontre leur appartenance a la classe des mollicutes a cause de leur membrane unitaire, de la morphologie de leurs colonies et leur capacite a traverser les membranes de filtration, leur appartenance a la famille des spiroplasmataceae a cause de leur morphologie helicoidale et leur motilite. Leur croissance exigeait du cholesterol; les 2 souches fermentaient le glucose et la souche ar-1343 hydrolysait l'arginine. La composition en bases (g plus c) de l'adn des souches ar-1343 et ct-1 etait respectivement de 30 plus ou moins 1 et de 25 plus ou moins 1 mole pour cent. Nous avons nomme les souches ar-1343 et ct-1 spiroplasma sabaudiense et spiroplasma taiwanense respectivement. La 2eme partie concerne la classification du groupe 16 des spiroplasmes. Ce groupe heterogene est compose de 17 souches isolees en france et aux usa. Toutes ces souches ont ete comparees par 2 methodes serologiques et par analyse electrophoretique de leurs proteines en gel de polyacrylamide. Cinq d'entre elles ont ete selectionnees afin de comparer leurs adn par hybridation adn-adn et apres hydrolyse par des enzymes de restriction. Nous avons propose que le groupe 16 des spiroplasmes doit divise en 3 sous-groupes

Chang, Yung-Ta, and 張永達. "Physiological Studies on Isoetes Taiwanensis DeVol." Thesis, 1987. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/11129208826296264661.

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In the leaves (but not corms) of the submerged aquatic plant Isoetes taiwanensis, both in the field and greenhouse, malic acid concentration fluctuates from 10-13mg/gfw in the morning to 1-3 mg/gfw in the evening. Associated with this is a change in pH (a. m. pH 3-4 vs. p. m. pH 5-6) and titrable acidity (220-20 ueq/gfw change in acidity between morning and evenign) of the plant extract, It is obvious that Isoetes taiwanensis is a CAM plant. The change of malic acid and titrable acidity are decreased when the leaves emerged.   It is suggested that CAM in Isoetes taiwanensis may be related to the lower availability of CO2 for photosynthesis during the day than during the night, and short time high intensity light.   The stomata are closed when the leaf submerged; and open when the leaf emerged. After 2 hours the leaf expose to air, the open ratio is 100%; but when the leaf submerged again, the closed ratio is only about 85% after 10 hours.   We find the movement of guard cells are controlled by the subsidary cells from the S. E. M. and paraffin method''s observations.

周家怡. "Development of Ascogregarina taiwanensis in Aedes albopictus." Thesis, 1994. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/51163646088701814203.

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Ascogregarina taiwanensis, originally reported from the mosquito Aedes albopictus collected in Taiwan, belongs to the Phylum Apicomplexa, the Class Sporozoa, the Order Gregarina, the suborder Aseptatina and the Family Lecudinidae in taxonomy. In this study, ultrastructures in various stages of the parasite and its life cycle in the mosquito host were investigated by using light and electron microscopy. The result showed that sporozoites were soon releasedfrom ingested oocysts in the lumen of the midgut and then penetrated into the epithelium, forming the intracellular stage. Subsequently, the parasite left the epithelium and develope into the extracellular stage trophozoite in 2 days. The fine structures of A. taiwanensis, intracellular or extracellular, showed that the surface of the parasite consisted of two distinct layers. The outer layer was always thicker than the inner one. There usually were groups of small dots, called as subpellicular fibrils, right under the inner membrane. Fibrils in each group appeared to be parallel. The cytoplasma of the parasite can be divided into two parts. The outer part-ectoplasma contained relatively fine granules while the contents of the inner part- endoplasma was full of rough granules. In fact, many organelles including endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes and dense granules can be seen in both parts of the cytoplasma. However, some other organelles such as vacuoles, droplets and paraglycogens appeared only in the ectoplasma. Usually, there is a mitochondria zone in the space between the protomerite and the deutomerite. As a usual, the late stage of the trophozoites migrated into the Malpighian tubules when the mosquito pupated. One of interesting findings in this study is that the trophozoite twisted off to remove most body except the portion containing the nucleus. The resulting spherical or elliptic gametes subsequently paired up to become the early stage of the gametocyst. A number of oocysts were then matured in each gametocyst before they were expelled with excreta into the breeding site. The ultrastructural studies showed that a septum was formed in the middle of the newly-formed, i.e., primary gametocyst. Subpellicular fibrils can be seen on both sides of the multi-layered septum, indicating the septum was derived from fusing of two parasite surfaces. It seems that the capsule surrounding the early gametocyst tended to fuse with surface membrane of the parasites which were conjugating, resulting in a thicker outer membrane. The septum subsequently disappeared, leading to form a more mature gametocyst containing fine granules. The contents of the developing gametocyst later became relatively rough, in which a mass of cytoplasma containing a number of vacuoles were formed. Later on, the cytoplasmic mass cleavaged into many small pieces. Each piece was finally transformed into an individual oocyst. As a matter of fact, the oocyst with defined shape was formed 2 days post pupation. According to the observations in this study, the gametocyst of the 3rd day pupae was full of numerous oocysts which were released when the gametocyst were pressed. In consequence, the oocyst further matured to be a lemon shape with plugs on both ends. During the late developing stage, vacuoles and granules within the oocyst disappeared gradually. The complete mature oocyst containing 8 sporozoites was usually formed 2 days after emergence. Ultrastructurally, the distinct organelles of the sporozoite included a monolayered-surface membrane, 2 preconid polar rings and one polar ring in its anterior portion. In addition, subpellicular microtubules, including an internal tubules, origined from the polar ring was pretty close to rhopties. In conclusion of the life cycle study, a sexual reproductive process distinguished from those occurring in other apicomplexan arised. Eventually, the "pseudoconjugatio", which has been thought to occur before gametes were formed, was a true conjugation in this gregarine parasite. Perhaps this reproduction behavior isadaptable to most of the related species.

郭瓊華. "The Population Genetic Structrue of Sphenomorphus taiwanensis." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/00548180853602994416.

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Sphenomorphus taiwanensis is an endemic species of Taiwan. It was distributed above 2000 m attitude. Currently, most phylogeographic studies focused on lower attitude species. To high attitude species,living in high mountains was like living in an isolation island. The geological isolation may influence the population genetic structure of S. taiwanensis. Cytochrome b (Cyt b) and cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 (COX1) were used as genetic markers to analysis the phylogeography of S. taiwanensis. The partial sequences were determined in 89 individuals. 56 and 48 haplotype were identified. The maximum pairwise genetic distance between individuals within population was 10.6% (Cyt b) and 10.4% (COX1). The maximum pairwise genetic distances between individuals between populations were 16.6% (Cyt b) and 11.2% (COX1). The mean pairwise genetic distance within population were 0.4~9.8% (Cyt b) and 0~5.7% (COX1). The mean pairwise genetic distance between populaitons were 3.2~13.9% (Cyt b) and 1.6~10.4% (COX1). We found that the intraspecies genetic variation of S. taiwanensis was larger than other species. The gene flow index indicated that the gene flows among populations were hindered. It indicated that the differentiation level among populations was high, but was not consistent with isolation by distance model. We found the gene flows between Hsuehshan population and other populations were hindered. We thought Hsuehshan population was an special isolation population. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods using S. incognitus and S. indicus as the outgroups indicated that S. taiwanensis can be separated into nine major lineages with high bootstrap value. Some lineages were allopatric, others were sympatric. The lineages’ distribution was not consistent with the geological distribution of populations. Some populations only had one lineage, included Hsuehshan, Tahsuehshan, Hohuanshan, Alishan, Yakou population. Kuanwu and Taipingshan population had two lineages, Tatachia population had three lineages, and Nanhu population had four lineages. The genetic diversity of Nanhu population was very high. The reason of that there were high intraspecies genetic variation of S. taiwanensis may be multiple invasion or refuge effect or radiation evolution.

Chen, Cuan-wei, and 陳冠瑋. "Embryology in Maackia taiwanensis Hoshi et Ohashi." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/68753218534479994184.

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Maackia taiwanensis Hoshei et Ohashi is an endemic species to Taiwan which belong to the Fabaceae, Faboideae. Trees are deciduous. Bisexual flowers are produced from early August to late August. The pods are maturing in December. Inflorescence primordia are formed at shoot apices in mid April. The primordia of calyx occur in late April. The primordial of petal, stamen and pistl occur successively from early June to late June. Calyx 5-lobed;petal 5, consisting of one standard, two wing and two keel-petal. Stamens 10, two whorls and anther are tetrasporangiate. The pistil is mono-carpellary with gynophore. Young anthers are composed of a protoderm and a central cell mass in early July. The anther wall layers consist of an epidermis, one layered endothecium, two middle layers and a tapetum of one layer. The development of anther wall layer belongs to the basic type. The tapetum is of the glandular type. Pollen mother cells undergo meioses through simultaneous cytokinesis and give rise to tetrads of microspores, which are tetrahedrally arranged. Mature pollen grains are 2-celled, globose, 3-colporate and 15~20μm in diameter. Anther dehiscence is longitudinal. The pistil with 2 to 5 ovules on a marginal placentation. Ovules are campylotropous, bitegamic. The outer integument is composed of 3 to 6 layers of cells in thickness, while the inner integument is of 2 layers of cells. The inner integument is degenerated during the seeds development. The megaspore mother cell is located 4-6 layers of cells beneath the epidermis at the nucellus top end. So it defined as crassinucellate. The megaspore mother cell divides transversally to form a linear megaspore tetrad. The megaspore at the chalazal end develops into the embryo sac mother cell. The development of embryo sac is Polygonum type. The two polar nuclei fuse before fertilization and the the three antipodal cells degenerate soon after fertilization. Multi-embryo sac might occasionally occur in an ovule. The endosperm deveolops through nuclei multiplication and is degenerated at seed maturing. Seeds consist of an embryo without endosperm.

Lan, Wun-ling, and 藍文伶. "Purification and characterization of chitinase from Chitinimonas taiwanensis." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/50412966804879060455.

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Chitin and derivatives of chitin have enormous possibility to develop. The production always used chemistry methods. It’s very easy to produce dangerous substance, so using specific enzyme for hydrolysis is necessary. Chitinimonas taiwanensis is a new species of bacterium. In this study, main purpose was made to purify chitinase and examine enzyme properties. In order to produce chitinase in large quantity, peptone was added to the medium to reduce culturing time. The result showed that the medium added with showed peptone the enzyme activity only 67.1 % of that without peptone. If different monosaccharides were added to the culture medium, chitinase yield can’t be raise and enzyme activity was reduced. It suggested that Chitinimonas taiwanensis will choose the nutrient origin. The culture condition is 36℃ (150 rpm). During cultivation, crude enzyme solution produced from Chitinimonas taiwanensis showed higher activity at 84 hours. The crude enzyme was bound to chitin for preliminary purification. The enzyme was purified to 2.68-fold. Purification was further conducted by ion exchange column DEAE (pH=8.9), using 0 to 0.3 M NaCl gradient elution. The molecular weight of partial purified chitinase is 64 kDa. The optimal temperature of this enzyme is 50℃ and the optimal pH is 6. This chitinase displayed substrate specificity and the best substrate is β-chitin powder.

Shen, Tzu-Hsiu, and 沈姿秀. "Genetic diversity of Scutellaria taiwanensis and S. austrotaiwanensis." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/39537946995615583950.

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Scutellaria taiwanensis and S. austrotaiwanensis are endemic and relative plants distributed in southern Taiwan, and are restricted in small regions located on the Lilungshan and Chingshuiying. Both species are good candidates to study on genetic structures and conservation genetics of endemic species complex. In this study, the gene genealogy of the cpDNA atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer, mtDNA nad1 b/c exons and nrDNA ITS region were reconstructed to assess the phylogeographic pattern of two closely related species, S. taiwanensis and S. austrotaiwanensis. Two network trees of the cpDNA and nrDNA data contributed by the minimum spanning network and neighbor-joining tree were identified two major clades, S. taiwanensis and S. austrotaiwanensis. The reconstructed neighbor-joining tree of the mtDNA data showed the paraphyly of each species, indicating the different lineage-sorting stage. In addition, there were low gene flow between S. austrotaiwanensis and S. taiwanensis in cpDNA (Nm = 0.09) and nrDNA (Nm= 0.02), indicating segregation between two closely related species and high levels of shared ancestral polymorphisms in mtDNA. The results of the Mental test and mismatch distribution analysis revealed that the distribution of genetic variation didn’t follow the "isolation by distance" model, and it wasn’t in a state of population growth either. Small population size and low level of genetic diversity reveal that the two rare species are under serious threats. Each population should be recognized as a different management unit.

Lai, Ming-cheng, and 賴銘誠. "Study on population and habitat of Maackia taiwanensis." Thesis, 1998. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/86221337750087847137.

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Survey of the regeneration type, population structure, phenology ,as well as habitat, ability of germination and regeneration of Maackia taiwanensis were made at Yangming area, Taiwan . Maackia taiwanensis grows at west slope of 815 to 840 meters above sea level, acid soil . 9 forestry plots, 12 grassland plots and 4 seedling observed area are installed. In the forestry plots, TWINSPAN was used to analyze 55 tree species, and two types with two subtypes vegetation are recognized. A.Machilus thunbergii-Ardisia sieboldii type: A1. Ardisia sieboldii-Prunus phaeosticta subtype A2. Itea parviflora-Hydrangea angustipetala subtype B.Machilus thunbergii-Ardisia sieboldii-Helicia formosana type Type A is in the earlier phase in the succession, Maackia taiwanensis was distributed in clumps; type B is the later phase, Maackia taiwanensis was very rare. The succession may be occurred from A2 type to A1 type to B type. The germination rate of Maackia taiwanensis is very high, and seedlings were observed under the forest. But the seedlings of Maackia taiwanensis need much of sun light, after other plants grow well, the seedlings are disappeared rapidly. Seed is the only way for Maackia taiwanensis to regenerate, and seedlings are always depressive at original habits, Maackia taiwanensis may be decline and extinct in Taiwan in the future.

Lo, Suet-Yee, and 羅雪怡. "Antitubercular and Chemical Constituents from Leaves of Maackia taiwanensis." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/77352175998391269822.

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Maackia taiwanensis Hoshi & Ohashi (Leguminosae) is a deciduous tree, endemic in Taiwan. The MeOH extract of its leaves showed antitubercular activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 90-221387 in vitro. Isolation of the active components was performed by the bioassay- guided fractionation of the active n-hexane- and CHCl3-soluble parts, which were portioned from MeOH extract. Investigation of the CHCl3-soluble fraction of the leaves led to the isolation of 18 compounds, including 6 pterocarpans: maackiain (1), 2-hydroxypterocarpin (2), 3,4-dihydroxy-9-methoxypterocarpan (5), 3,4-dihydroxy-8,9-methylenedioxypterocarpan (6), (-)-sophoraptero- carpan A (9), trifolirhizin (11); 3 isoflavonids: 5,7,4’-trihydroxy-3’- methoxyisoflavone (7), licoagroisoflavone (8), wighteone (10); 2 benzenoids: vanillin (12), syringaldehyde (13); 6 chlorophyll compounds: the mixtures of methyl-132-hydroxy-(132-R)-pheorbide a (24) and methyl-132-hydroxy- (132-S)-pheorbide a (25), pheorbide a methyl ester (26), methyl-132-peroxy-(132-S)-pheorbide a (27), the mixtures of methyl-132-hydroxy-(132-S)-pheorbide b (28) and methyl-132-hydroxy- (132-R)-pheorbide b (29), 1 saccharide: D-3-O-methyl-chiro-inositol (33), respectively. Investigation of the n-hexane-fraction of the leaves led to the isolation of 15 compounds, including 2 pterocarpans: medicarpin (3), 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-8,9-methylenedioxypterocarpan (4); 1 benzenoid: 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (14); 3 steroids: β-sitosterol (15) and the mixtures of campesterol (16) and stigmasterol (17); 6 terpenoids: lupeol (18), lupenone (19), squalene (20), trans-phytol (21), lupeol palmitate (22);1 apo-carotenoid: loliolide (23); 3 aliphatic compounds: palmitic acid (30), octacosane (31), octacosanol (32), respectively. Among these isolates, 27 is new compound. Compounds 1 and 14 exhibited significant antitubercular activity in vitro, and 2 and 32 showed weak antitubercular activity in vitro.

Yang, Sun-jun, and 楊勝俊. "Study on the Chemical Constituents of Rosa taiwanensis Nakai." Thesis, 1993. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/53172778613723080127.

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Tao, Kuang-Hen, and 陶光恆. "Studies on Manganese Superoxide Dismutase of Thermus taiwanensis WL-219." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81238763359658067015.

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Abstract In the past few years, our laboratory had sampled and investigated the thermophilic microbes from many hot springs in Taiwan. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of the thermophiles isolated from Taiwan were assayed by combining polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and activity staining. One of our tested strains, strain WL-219, the electromorphs of manganese superoxide dismutase were different from all the other electromorphs of superoxide dismutase of Thermus type strains. The physiological characteristics, fatty acid composition and 16S rDNA gene sequence comparison showed that strain WL-219 might represent a new species of the genus Thermus. The name, Thermus taiwanensis WL-219 is suggested for this new species. By using PCR primer designed from the conserved sequences of sod gene of T. aquaticus and T. thermophilus, an internal fragment of sod gene from 10 Thermus type strains and 4 Thermus sp. isolates was amplified. The sequence of the sod fragment of T. taiwanensis WL-219 display 92% and 88% identity with the sequence of the type strains of T. aquaticus and T. thermophilus, respectively. The phylogenetic tree of partial sequences of sod gene similar to that of 16S rDNA sequences for Thermus type strains, and suggested that this gene sequence could be useful to differentiate closely related species. DNA fragment coding for manganese superoxide dismutase from T. taiwanensis WL-219 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli by use of the pET-20b(+) expression vector. The recombinant enzyme was efficiently purified from crude E. coli cell lysate by affinity chromatography. Seventy percent of emzymatic activity of recombinant Mn-SOD was retained after heated at 80℃ for 20 minutes.

Yang, Li-Fang, and 楊莉芬. "Genetic Structure of Populations of Chamaecyparis taiwanensis Masamune & Suzuki." Thesis, 1993. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/92624252875008466053.

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Genetic diversity within and genetic differentiation among several population of Chamaecyparis taiwanensis Masamune & Suzuki in Taiwan were investigated using 280 one-year old progeny be- longing to 28 families. Seven out of the 20 loci examined were polymorphic. The average proportion of polymorphic loci per popu- lation was 18.8﹪ and 15.0﹪ at the 99﹪ and 95﹪ criterion for polymorphism. Mean expected heterozygosity range from 0.044 to 0.060 in the different population. On average,the percent hetero- zygous per individual range from 4.5 to 8.5, the number of allele per locus from 1.10 to 1.45, and the effective number of alleles per locus from 1.05 to 1.08. The much lower expected heterozygo- sity and lower number of alleles per locus compared to other coniferous species probably reflects the insular nature. Parti- tioning the genetic variability into within and among population components with F-statistics and gene diversity analysis led to an estimate of within population variation amounting to 92% of the total variation, only about 8﹪of the total genetic diversity existed among population. These suggest a lack of barriers to gene flow among population. Genetic distance between populations was not correlated to the geographical distance.

Tang, Bng-Zhong, and 湯秉中. "Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Pieris taiwanensis." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/335fgf.

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Plant belonging to genus Pieris (Family Ericaceae) is usually found in southeastern Asia and eastern North America. There are about ten species of this genus all over the world. The extract of this plant was reported to show strong cytotoxic and insecticidal effect, which can be use as a natural pesticide. Formosa pieris (Pieris taiwanensis Hayata) is an evergreen shrub native to the central mountain regions of Taiwan. As a result of our preliminary bioactivity screening, anti-platelet activity and cytotoxicity of P. taiwanensis were recorded. Bio-guided fractionation of the 75%methanolic extract of P. taiwanensis led to the purification of twenty-five compounds. Those structures of all isolates were elucidated by mass and 1D、2D spectral data. Those compounds were identified as two diterpenoids, grayanototoxin-XVIII (1) and 3&;#61538;,5&;#61538;,6&;#61538;,16α-tetrahydroxy-(l&;#61538;H)-grayana-10(20)-ene (2), eight triterpenoids, lupeol (3), oleanonic acid (4), 4-epihederagenin (5), arjunolic acid (6), hyptatic acid A (7), 3β-acetoxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid (8), asiatic acid (9) and 2α,3β,24-trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (10), six flavonoids, quercetin (12), quercetin-3-galactoside (13), guaiaverin (14), avicularin (15), isoquercetin (16) and quercetin-3-L-rhamnoside (17), five chalcones, phloretin (18), 4&;#697;-O-methyl-Phloretin (19), phlorhizin (20), asebotin (21) and 3-hydroxy-phloridzin (22), two steroids, β-sitosterol (23) and sitosteryl-3-O-β-D-glucoside (24), one catechin, (+)-catechin (11), and one lignin, (-)-syringaresinol (25). Compound 2 was isolated for the first time from these genus.

Chen, Bo-Nan, and 陳柏男. "Isolation and characterization of the pigment components from Meiothermus taiwanensis." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/46106992281106663678.

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The optimum growth conditions for Meiothermus taiwanesis (NTU 30) and the heavy metal tolerance were determined in this study. The result shows that the bacteria still can grow in the presence of 4 mM managanese ion. Meanwhile, a 103.9 Kd protein was induced to express inside the cell. Its physiological role is still unknown. Meiothermus taiwanesis (NTU 30) can accumulate manganese inside the cell membrane and cytoplasm. The concentrations were 17.7 and 56.25 μM, respectively. A deep-orange pigment, meiothin, was isolated from the cell membrane of the bacteria. Its extinction coefficient is 742.87 cm-1M-1, and molecule weight is 1177.6 as determined by electrospray mass spectrum. The potential effect of meiothin was investigated in vitro. This compound shows DPPH-radical scavenging activity, reducing capacity, and superoxide anion scavenging activity.

Lin, Kai-Chun, and 林楷鈞. "Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Roots ofApios taiwanensis Hosokawa." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58654187930961668706.

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Apios taiwanensis HOSOKAWA is a native plant of Taiwan belonging to the Leguminosae family. It is a common folk medicine being used for cold, cough, angina, hooping cough, snake strike, herpes zoster etc. From its methanolic extracts, eight compounds were isolated: lupeol acetate (H-1), mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol (H-2), lupeol(H-3), friedelin(H-4), β-amyrin acetate(H-5), α-amyrin acetate (H-6), genistein (E-1), luteolin(E-2). Among them all were first isolated from this plant and their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods. In the assay for DPPH scavenging effect, the fraction of ethyl acetate and chloroform layer showed good free radical scavenging effect. In the past, there are very few studies on Apios taiwanensis HOSOKAWA. We stadied the chemical ingredients of Apios taiwanensis HOSOKAWA and try to elucidate it’s medical application. However, the active constituents responsible for the activities are still under investigation.

Chen, Si-Yuan, and 陳思蒝. "Effects of Rosa Taiwanensis Fruits on th Melanogensis and Collagen Formation." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57258738651265954420.

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Tyrosinase (EC plays an important role on melanogensis in vertebrate. Natural substances with low toxicity to melanocytes and depigmentation activities has attracted the interest for research. In this study, inhibitory effects of various extracts of Rosa taiwanensis fruits on melanogensis were determined. Results showed that 70% ethanolic and methanolic extracts exhibited higher viabilities of B16F0 cells than that of hot water. 70% Ethanolic and hot water extracts significantly reduced the B16F0 melanocyte’s melanin production. And it inhibited tyrosinase activities with IC50 of 71.3 and 82.5 μg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, they also decreased the protein expression of tyrosinase in B16F0 cells. On the other hand, 70% ethanolic extract significantly increased CCD966SK human fibroblast’s proliferation and collagen formation. These results suggested that 70% ethanolic extract of Rosa taiwanensis fruits with low toxicity to B16F0 melanocytes and depigmentation activity and fibroblast’s proliferation and collagen formation effects might be useful as skin whitening agents.

Lee, Ming Hui, and 李明慧. "Studies on the Constituents of the Leaves of Hibiscus taiwanensis Hu." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/23417352219453712196.

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Seven compounds were isolated from the leaves of Hibiscus taiwanensis Hu. 5-Formyl-7,8-dimethyltocol (Hib-5) and magnesium chlorate(Ⅶ) hexahydrate diaqua [Mg(H2O)6(ClO4)2] •2H2O (Hib-6) were isolated first time from plant, along with known compounds, scyllo-inositol (HTM-P7), phytosterols (Hib-1), phytosteryl-β-glucosides (Hib-2), trans-ferulic acid (Hib-3), sterol glucoside fatty ester (Hib-4). The structures of these compounds were elucidated by spectral analysis.

Lin, Ying Shan, and 林瑩珊. "Bioreduction of Aromatic Ketones by New Endophytic Rhodotorula taiwanensis sp. nov." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/9n6sf2.

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Qian, Yap Yi, and 葉貽謙. "Ex-situ preservation of Nymphaea capensis seeds and Isoetes taiwanensis corms." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/5xqb88.

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Nymphaea capensis is an aquatic plant which produces recalcitrant seeds. Its’ seeds were desiccation intolerant and metabolically active. Cryopreservation is suggested because the conventional methods could not provide a stable storage environment for the seeds. Vitrification pretreatment was used to avoid the formation of ice crystals in cryopreservation. This study showed that cryopreserved seeds which progressed 12 h and 18 h of plant vitrification solution 3 (PVS3) treatments brought the highest germination rate (66.7%) among various pretreatment periods. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of 75% w/v sucrose + 25% w/v propylene glycol (PG) solution (-63.6℃) had the largest improvement among the alternative vitrification solutions compared to PVS3 (-90.7℃). Isoetes taiwanensis is a semiaquatic plant which is listed as a critically endangered species based on the criteria of IUCN. In contrast to the seeds of N. capensis, the plants of I. taiwanensis could tolerate air-dried for ca. one year in room temperature. Air-dried corms were retained 10% survival rate after 11 months storage under 4℃ and able to regrow new leaves and roots after rehydration. However, corms completely lost viability in cryopreservation even if various pretreatments were used.

ZHANG, ZHENG-JIE, and 張政傑. "Studies on the Bioactive Constituents from the Roots of Wikstroemia taiwanensis." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/28451886226989308225.

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Wikstroemia taiwanensis (Thymelaeaceae) grows in south of Taiwan, about the research of W. taiwanensis, several bisflavonoids, such as wikstaiwanones A, B, C, sikokianins B, C and isochamaejasmin isolated from the stems was reported by Li-Yin Chen, Doctor of Philosophy in 2012, and sikokianins B, C showed antitubercular activity. We believe more exotic substances from the roots of W. taiwanensis will be isolated. Three compounds were isolated from the roots of W. taiwanensis. One was determined to be sikokianin B (1) by spectral analysis. The others of structural analysis is ongoing. Hope to find more bioactive compounds in the future.

NIAN, SHI-XIN, and 粘世昕. "Degradation of Polyesters by Thermophilic Microbispora rosea subsp. taiwanensis HS45-1." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47656068792651147568.

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A thermophilic Microbispora strain HS45-1 that can degrade polyesters was isolated from soil in Taiwan. It can form distinct clear zone on ager plates with emulsified Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) , Polycaprolactone (PCL) , Polybutylene succinate (PBS) or Polyethylene succinate (PES) at 50℃. As a result, We use different polyesters to induce Microbispora strain HS45-1 to produce depolymerase. After assayed by zymography and SDS-PAGE, Microbispora strain HS45-1 can produce two depolymerase which culturing Microbispora strain HS45-1 for 18 hours with PCL powder, the protein I which molecular weight is 46 kDa can degrade PHB, another protein named protein II which is 23 kDa can degrade PES, PBS and PCL. According to the protein N-terminal sequence of protein I (ASLVQIGS),it was similar to a PHB depolymerase isolated from Verrucosispora maris strain AB-18-032, and the sequence of protein II (ATHNPVIFVHGYTGNXTN), it was similar to a PHB depolymerase isolated from Paucimonas Lemoignei strain. If we replace PCL with PHB to induce Microbispora strain HS45-1 which can produce one protein to degrade PHB, and we found that this protein molecular weight is 40 kDa, the protein N-terminal sequence is same as protein I.Howener it means that Microbispora strain HS45-1 can produce PHB depolymerase by inducing with PHB or PCL. Furthermore the optimum pH and temperature of protein I were 60℃ and pH9.0 respectively, and the temperature was 60℃ of protein II in degrading PES and PBS, but it was 50℃ in degrading PCL, the optimum pH was pH9.0 of protein II in degrading PES,PBS and PCL. In addition, the PHB depolymerase which was inducing with PHB, the optimum pH and temperature were same as protein I. To sum up, Microbispora strain HS45-1 not only produce PHB depolymerase which have specificity in degrading PHB, but also produce depolymerase which can degrade multiple polyesters.These depolymerase are suitable for active enzymes in the environment which is high temperature, neutral or weak alkaline.

Lin, Jing-Shiang, and 林靜香. "Studies on the Morphology, Phenology and Community of Thismia taiwanensis(Burmanniaceae)." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/91458821751660596026.

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The aim of this study were to examine the characteristics of flower and seed surface of the rare plant Thismia taiwanensis. The morphology of perianth and stamens were described and seed surface were observed by Scanning Electron Microscope. The microhabitat and the development about different life stages of the population from April 2002 to December 2003 were investigated and observed. In order to understand the plant community with the relationship about environmental factors, sampling 0.2 ha within the habitat were done, to examine the composition, distribution, structure and α- diversity of community. The results show that the number of stamen is 6, separate and opposite with perianth lobes, pendulous from annulus; perianth is not covered glandular tissues; connectives dilated and ribbon-shaped, all are really consistent with those of Thismia genus. Two types of flower-stems of Thismia taiwanensis were found that one was sessile and the other was elongated with high proportion found in the field. The seeds are ellipsoid to fusiform, poles somewhat tapering, 0.2 - 0.4 ㎜ × 0.1 - 0.15 ㎜. The epidermal cells were raised with distinctly longitudinal anticlinal wall and sunken anticlinal boundaries, forming a superficial network patten. Because the most important factor is stoniness of soil, the individual growth might be influenced by litter depth and soil moisture. The bud stage of Thismia taiwanensis was from March to April. The growth patterns among individuals were variable that the individual length of bud stage was about 2 - 9 ㎜. The flower-stem stage was from May to July, the length increased 1 - 8 ㎜. The flowering stage was from July to August, the length increased 11 - 41 ㎜. The fruiting stage was from September to December and the fruit-stem was elongated and thick and increased about 88 ㎜ long. A total of 151 vascular plants belonging to 116 genus, 68 families were identified at the 0.2 ha Thismia taiwanensis habitat. Cephalotaxus wilsoniana and Sassafras randaiense are rare plants. The dominant families of canopy layer are Lauraceae and Fagaceae and herb layer are Vitaceae, Dryopteridaceae and Poaceae. The population structure of Castanopsis cuspidatea var. carlesii and Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides tend to reversed J shape, and the α - diversity of community were high, suggesting that the plant community tended to climax.

Xu, Qiu-Rong, and 許秋容. "Structural variation of pinus taiwanensis hay. needles along an altitudinal gradient." Thesis, 1994. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/08540722199949540443.

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HUANG, BO-KAI, and 黃柏凱. "Establishment HPLC fingerprint chromatography and static transdermal study of Hibiscus taiwanensis." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/9f64d4.

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To establish an RP-HPLC method for determination of fingerprint chromatography in Hibiscus taiwanensis. for quality assessment products in Taiwan. The process of hot water extraction and was optimized by different pre-processing tests. Establishment HPLC Fingerprint chromatography and Identification of Hibiscus taiwanensis The samples were analyzed by HPLC on a Lichrospher 100 RP-18e column and detected at 310 nm with gradient mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.05 mL/min. The samples were analyzed by HPLC on a Lichrospher 100 RP-18e column and detected at 310 nm with A 2% (v/v) formic acid solution:B 0.5% formic acid solution with acetonitrile water (50:50, v/v) is 82:18 as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The regression equations of diosgenin was The regression equations of peak 1 was Y=97.7263X-1.595 (R=0.996), peak 2 was Y=22.122X-0.136 (R=0.995) and peak 3 was Y=28.391X-0.301 (R=0.999) . The intraday and interday relative standard deviations of peak 1-3 were at the levels of 0.476-1.710% and 1.28-4.77 %, respectively. The recoveries of added in Hibiscus taiwanensis were between 69.85-99.77%. The method was applied to seven products retail in Taiwan, peak 2 was detected in one sample, measurable at 663 g/g. Key words:Hibiscus taiwanensis, Fingerprint chromatography

Chen, Tien-Lai, and 陳天來. "Thermophilic Alkaline-Protease-Producing Bacterium - Tepidimonas taiwanensis sp.nov. from Southern Taiwan." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/11690119669235551469.

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During screening for protease-producing bacteria, a strain designated Ⅰ1-1T was collected from a Sih-Chong-Si hot spring at Pingtung, located in the southern Taiwan. This strain formed light-yellow pigmented colonies. Cells of this organism were Gram-negative rods motile by means of a single polar flagellum. The sizes of rods were approximately 0.4-0.5 μm in diameter and 0.8-2.0 μm in length. Strain Ⅰ1-1T grew at temperatures ranging from 35 to 60℃, pH values between 6.0 and 10, and NaCl concentrations between 0-0.5%. Optimal growth condition was around 55℃, pH 7-8 and 0% NaCl. Comparison of the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of strainⅠ1-1T with those collected in public databases reveals that strain Ⅰ1-1T belonged to the comamonadaceae within Burkholderiales group of the β-Proteobacteria. According to the results from the phylogentic analysis, the 16S rDNA sequence similarty of strain Ⅰ1-1T clustered together with genus Tepimonas which contained species, On the basis of DNA-DNA similarity data, physiological and biochemical characteristics of API, Biolog, antibiotic susceptibility, fatty acid compositions, whole cell protein profile comparisons, as well as G+C content, the organism belonged to the protease genus Tepimonas and represented a novel species within this genus. We propose to classify Ⅰ1-1T strain as Tepidimonas taiwanesis sp.nov. The 16S rDNA sequence of strain Ⅰ1-1T clustered together with T. ignava(97.2﹪similarity)and T. aquatica.(96.8﹪similarity). Whole-genome DNA-DNA hybridization experiment was performed between strain Ⅰ1-1T and two type strains of it’s nearest phylogenetic neighbors, T. ignava and T. aquatica strain. The binding levels of strain Ⅰ1-1T twords T. ignava and T. aquatica were 38.3﹪and 40.8﹪, respectively. The whole-cell protein profile of strain Ⅰ1-1T was compared with that of T. ignava(92.1﹪similarity) and T.aquatica (89.8﹪similarity). The G+C content of it’s DNA is 68.1mol﹪. The predominant cellular fatty acids of strain Ⅰ1-1T were 16:0 ( about 41﹪), 18:1 ω7 c ( about 13﹪), and summed feature 3a (16:1ω or 15:0 iso 2OH or both) (about 26﹪). A zymogram analysis of the strain Ⅰ1-1T in the alkaline medium reveales the presence of protease activity near the molecular weights of 32, 60, and 75 kDa. The condition of protease activity from the strain I1-1T in this research were assayed, and the optimal temperature was at 55℃, and optimal pH was at 8.

Chiu, Ming-Chen, and 邱明成. "The Study on Habitats and Conservation Strategy of Isoetes taiwanensis DeVol." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/59973831400489303267.

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The major purpose of this research project was to investigate the original and several ex-situ conservation habitats of quillworts in Taiwan , include the dream lake ,the Lengshuikeng wetland and Thu-tzu-hu. We focus on the hydrology and water quality of the Lengshuikeng wetland , located in Yangmingshan National Park, and try to transplant the endemic species quillworts or Taiwan isoetes (Isoetes taiwanensis DeVol). It has been regarded as a potential site for replanting Isoetes due to its acid water quality. Based on on-site investigations, the wetland can maintain wet year-round. The nutrients are sufficient to the submerged plant. In order to enhance the natural function and replanting performance, it is suggested that the wetland could be devide into two major part or make some channel around the wetland to control water level and sand input. For the conservation for Isoetes, Ocadia sinenesis must be isolated out of the water region of Isoetes. Inviding of terraneous vegetation and changing of hydrological character in the dream lake are the serious problem to influence quillwort surviving. Isoetes planted in Zhu-tzu-hu should complete its life-cycle , but still need some management. To constructe a new artifical wetland seems to be a effective strategy for conservation of Isoetes taiwanesis.

張家銘. "Studies on population variation of water caltrop (trapa taiwanensis nakai) in Taiwan." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/99858505188071171781.

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Kuo, Yi-Shiu, and 郭怡秀. "Use RAPD Markers to study the Genetic Variation of Chamaecyparis taiwanensis populations." Thesis, 1998. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/92987980922767677776.

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Chang, Hsin-Tzu, and 張興慈. "Molecular Cloning and Characterization of an Insecticidal Protein from Pseudomonas taiwanensis TKU015." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/15846454645009648146.

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The availability of effective and cheap insecticides heralded an agricultural revolution. The insecticides not only help farmers increase yields, but also lower food prices. However, use of these insecticides is detrimental since some of these persist in the environment and accumulate in living organisms, causing various fatal diseases and are also toxic to nontarget species. In time new resistant strains of insects emerge, requiring increased doses of insecticides and introduction of new insecticides. Recently, bioinsecticides are being used as an alternative to the insecticides. Bioinsecticides are certain types of pesticides derived from natural materials including animals, plants, and bacteria. The toxic action of bioinsecticides is often specific to a single group or species of insects, does not hazardous to non-target species. They are also degraded in sunlight. The most widely used bioinsecticides are microbial pesticides. Pseudomonas taiwanensis TKU015 was isolated from Taiwan soil and was found that the amino acid sequence of one of its insecticidal proteins was similar to Pseudomonas entomphila L48, so the primers was designed to clone this insecticidal protein gene in further studies. By using polymerase chain reaction method, the 2-kb DNA fragments encoding insecticidal toxin was obtained as described previously. By using Genome WalkerTM kit, the 3-kb fragments encoding full-length insecticidal toxin was obtained. The insecticidal toxin genes were subcloned into the pET-32 Xa/Lic vector and then transformed into E. coli BL21. The recombinant insecticidal toxins were expressed by the transformed E. coli BL21 by induction with IPTG at 37 degrees overnight. The target proteins fused with His-tag were purified and de-salted. Finally, the purified insecticidal proteins were analyzed its insecticidal effect on Drosophila larvae.

Huang, Dai-Po, and 黃岱柏. "Function-Structural Studies on the Lon Protease from Meiothermus taiwanensis WR-220." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/24033059837659209408.

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The Lon proteases had been known as one of the most evolutionarily conserved proteins. According to previous findings, Lon proteases possessed ATPase, protease, peptidase and chaperone activities. Based on these multi-functional Lon proteases, the protein quality control system and the regulation of metabolic process could both work well. In this study, the function-structural characterizations among Mt-LonA1, Mt-LonA2 and Mt-TTC1975 from Meiothermus taiwanensis would be juxtaposed to express the contrast. The Lon protease family could be divided into two subfamilies, LonA and LonB, mainly based on the sources and the domain structures of these proteins. The LonA consisted of a variable N-terminal domain (N domain), a central ATPase domain (A domain), and a C-terminal protease domain (P domain) on a single polypeptide. Depending on the analysis of primary structures of Mt-LonA1, Mt-LonA2 and Mt-TTC1975, This study considered that Mt-LonA1 and Mt-LonA2 both should be classified as the LonA subfamily, for Mt-LonA1 and Mt-LonA2 both possessed the classical LonA-type domains. For Mt-TTC1975, it only possessed a high similarity in protease domain with canonical LonA. Therefore, it should not be classified as the Lon protease. Structural characteristic results by circular dichroism showed that Mt-LonA1, Mt-LonA2 and Mt-TTC1975 possessed mostly α-helical secondary structures and they all possesed well-defined three-dimensional structures. For quaternary structures, the AUC data, Native-PAGE and EM graph revealed that Mt-LonA1 functions mainly as a hexamer; the AUC data and Native-PAGE revealed that Mt-LonA2 might function as a mixture of dimer and pentamer; Native-PAGE revealed that Mt-TTC1975 functions as a hexamer or a heptamer. Functional characteristic results showed that Mt-LonA1 exhibited the ATPase, protease, peptidase and chaperone activity; Mt-LonA2 exhibited the ATPase, protease, peptidase and DNA-binding activity; Mt-TTC1975 exhibited the chaperone activity only. Lastly, the comparison of primary structure of α-domains and the results of homology modeling suggested that the K527 residue and the K-K-R conserved region of Mt-LonA2 might critically influence the DNA-binding activity.

Lan, Pei-Fen, and 藍佩芬. "Foliage Decomposition of Pinus taiwanensis and Quercus variabilis at Post-fire region." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/23046747579663037322.

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The objective of this study was to investigate the decompositions and nutrient dynamics of oak(Quercus variablilis Blume) and pine (Pinus taiwanensis Hayata) leaves in a burned site using the litterbag method. The effects of site and buried type on leaf decomposition were also conducted. In the laboratory, the impacts of incubation temperature, soil moisture and type of leaf decomposition were simultaneously considered.Results showed that soil basic physicochemical properties differed from the selected three sites. In the high elevation site, pH value and base cation contents were higher than the other sites, but low organic carbon content was observed. Soil organic carbon functional groups in all sites were similar and dominated by aromatic-C and O-alkyl-C from the results of CPMAS 13C NMR. In the leaf decomposition, oak leaf had higher N and low lignin content than those of pine. Both leaves of oak and pine comprised mainly of O-alkyl-C. According to the results in situ, oak and pine leaves decomposed 60-80% after one year and had a half decomposition time of 2 to 7 months. Results also indicated that oak leaf decomposed faster than pine leaf, leaves decomposed quickly buried in the soil and in the low elevation site. Nutrients released from the leaves during the decomposition varied with time and tree species.Laboratory incubation results showed that high temperature and low soil moisture could result in high decomposition rate of oak and pine leaves.

Hsu, Jia-Yan, and 許嘉晏. "Immunomodulatory effects of polysaccharides from Inonotus Taiwanensis in mouse RAW 264.7 macrophages." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/38641180247602379595.

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Liu, Shih-Hui, and 劉世慧. "The development of flower, fruit, and submerged leaves in Trapa taiwanensis L." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/80408847849745236225.

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Abstra The development of flower, fruit, and submerged leaves in Trapa taiwanensis Nakai (Trapaceae) had been studied by scanning electron microscopy and paraffin method. The flowers of Trapa taiwanensis are solitary, axillary, bisymmetry, and tetramerous. The sepals and androecium differentiated in pair. At first, two lateral sepal primordia initiate on the border of floral primordium, then the adaxial and abaxial sepal primordia initiated. They grow upword, closed on tip, and fused at base to form calyx cup. In the sunken floral apex, the antisepalous adaxial and abaxial androecium primordia developed at base of calyx cup, and two antisepalous lateral androecium primordia arise next. And then, four alternisepalous petal primordia appeared. finally, two carpel primordia originated in the median of the floral primordium and fused to become syncarpous gynoecium. To comply with growing flower, the multi-cell uni-sericeous hairs form outside of sepals, and the sepals connected each other at flank. Petal primordia enlarge and becomed the thin, transparent, oblanceolate petals. The androecium primordia grew to become radial basifixed anther first, then dorsifixed anther, and versatile finally. The mature anthers had four pollen sacs, and were logitudinally dehiscent. The gynoecium enlarged and formed upword plicate on the surface of sub-inferior ovary. There were many finger-like protrusions on the plicate. The base of calyx cup inside and the tip of the finger-like protrusions had stomata which are similar to those on upper epidermis of floating leaves. After blooming, the adaxial and abaxial sepals, androeium, and petals fall off. In the population, individuals without barbed or horn could be found. This situation depended on the destruction levels of lateral sepals. The dissected submerged leaves differentiated form in the stele of stem where the leaf trace is located. The lateral branches of the so-called submerged leaves developed in the stele of the rachis. The stele of the dissected leaves is actinostelic protostele. These evidences indicated the so-called submerged leaves are truly submerged adventition roots.

Xiao, Jin-Liang, and 蕭錦良. "Effect of NaCl and ethanol on the hydrolases of actinomucor taiwanensis CCRC 31159." Thesis, 1988. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/21142257917360847076.

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Tai, Shih-Hsin, and 戴世昕. "Aquaculture Development of different generation of Thalloid Sporophyte and Gametophyte of Grateloupia taiwanensis." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/85119990204169529472.

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Grateloupia is a commercial macroalgal which belonging to the phyla of Rhodophyta under the order of Halymeniales. Field collection from the intertidal zone of Taiwan North-eastern coast, Grateloupia has been widely consumed as a delicacy by the local people. Wild Grateloupia was hand-picked by snorkelers in an inefficient way. Thus, the production of Grateloupia was limited and unable to meet the demand from the market. Despite this fact, very few researches on the cultivation of Grateloupia were done on the production of Grateloupia at commercial scale. In this study, the propagation of Grateloupia taiwanensis nodulous filament for germ stock and seedling development was investigated. The nodulous filaments were prepared from germinating carporspores and tetraspores separately. Discoid crust from germinating spores were detached from the substrat, and maintained in enriched medium. Subsequently, various conditions to scale-up the production of nodulus filament cultures were determined. The nodulus filaments were blended into small fragments which were capable in forming new discoid crusts under appropriate conditions. At 20℃, under high illumination of light (7000 lux), young shoots formed from the crusts. The young shoots were transferred to outdoor environment for further growth under appropriate conditions. It was also observed that diploid nodulus filaments germinated from carpospores grew better at higher temperature compared to the haploid nodulous filaments, which were germinated from tetraspores. Most of the discoid crusts formed from diploid nodulous filaments and carpospores were smaller in size, and were easily detached from substrate. Therefore, we suggest that nodulus filaments from detached diploid discoid crusts is an ideal source of seedlings which can be cultivated in suspension. During its growing season, the length of thalli developed from the diploid nodulus filaments reached about 10-20 cm. However, the morphology of the thallus is significantly different from those collected from the field. We suggest that the indoor cultivation of seedling sources to be improved at larger scale. The life cycle of Grateloupia may also can be determined artificially using this technique.

Tsao, Chun-Wei, and 曹隽瑋. "Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts from the Needles of Pinus taiwanensis and Pinus morrisonicola." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/61404119014274687639.

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Chemical compositions of extracts from the needles of Pinus taiwanensis and Pinus morrisonicola were analyzed. Their antimicrobial activities against wood decay fungi, plant pathogen fungi and bacteria were investigated. The total phenols assay and needles decay resistance tests were used to investigate the relationship between needle structure and decay fungi resistance. Results from GC-MS analyses showed that monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids were the main constituents of needle essential oils, and the constituents of essential oils of these two species were quite similar. Antibacterial test revealed that the essential oil of P. taiwanensis effectively inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Staphylococcus aureus, while the essential oil of P. morrisonicola suppressed the growth of E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus, Enterococcus faecalis, and S. aureus (MIC≦1000 μg/ml). According to the results of essential oils of antifungal tests, antifungal activity of P. morrisonicola was better than that of P. taiwanensis. Among the chemical constituents of the essential oils, caryophyllene oxide was proven to be the most effectively antifungal compound. The ethanolic extract was separated into four subfractions by liquid-liquid partition. The n-hexane subfractions exhibited a better antifungal activities.

Ye, Ting-Juan, and 葉婷娟. "Basic properties and characterizations of endo-β-1,4-glucanase from Meiothermus taiwanensis WR220." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/87sgae.

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In nature, bacteria, fungi and insects often utilize some cellulases (e.g., endo-β-1,4-glucanase), to acquire their carbon sources from hydrolyzing plants’ cell walls. Industrially, these enzymes are often applied to renewable energy production or paper industry, and can also be used as additives for animal feeds and alcohol fermentation. From whole genome sequence of Meiothermus taiwanensis WR220, we found a protein annotated as endo-β-1,4-glucanase (Mta-Glucanase), which is less commonly observed in Thermus species. Interestingly, the result from sequence alignments, an uncommon region (269-379) was identified, sharing no homology to any other known glucanases. Therefore, in order to elucidate the function of that extra region, we constructed both wild type (GlucanaseWT) and deletion mutant (Glucanase269-379). Based on circular dichroism, although they shared similar CD spectrum, GlucanaseWT contained more percentage of beta-sheet than that of Glucanase269-379. Not only the thermal stability but also the activity of GlucanaseWT is better than those of the mutant. To gain more insight into the mechanism underlying β-1,4-glucan (e.g., CMC), we compared the basic enzyme kinetic parameters of them. According to their Km and kcat, we thought the function of that extra region seems to play a role in binding to the substrate. By homology modeling, we found that region might be similar to the domain in lectin-like proteins responsible for carbohydrate-binding. Together with the results from isothermal titration calorimetry (VP-ITC), we demonstrated the extra region as a sugar-binding domain essential for CMC binding. Taken together, the extra region of GlucanaseWT plays important roles in not only thermal stability but also the affinity to the substrate. These findings are of vital importance in future industrial applications.

Cheng, Yu-Wei, and 鄭有為. "Probing the key region conferring stability of Sensory Rhodopsin I From Haloarcula taiwanensis." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/8v6nx8.

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Chen, Hong-Yu, and 陳虹瑜. "Proteomic analysis of Helicobacter pylori biofilm and two divergent strains of Meiothermus taiwanensis." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81121143630369013890.

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H. pylori can induce duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, chronic gastritis, and gastric carcinoma. The eradication of H. pylori can be difficult, usually requiring a multi-drug regimen and a lengthy treatment period. Despite antimicrobial therapy, 10–20% of infections manage to persist. The persistency of H. pylori infection may due to be associated with the biofilm formation. The biofilm protects the bacteria from host immunological defense as well as antibiotic killing. In this study, our purpose was to identify the composition of the biofilm, especially in polysaccharides and proteins. The biofilm matrix mainly included exopolysaccharides and proteins. The exopolysaccharide produced by H. pylori was found to be composed of mannose, glucose and galactose. For four-day liquid culture, mannose was the major component, and galactose and glucose as minor components (80:7:13%). For seven day liquid culture, the ratios of galactose and glucose increased. (15.5%:16.5%). The protein components of biofilm matrix for four and seven day cultures were analyzed and identified by SDS-PAGE and MALDI-Q-TOF-MS/MS, repectively. Those proteins included urease subunit beta, 60 kDa chaperonin, catalase, citrate synthase, urease subunit alpha, probable peroxiredoxin, ferritin, neutrophil-activating protein A. The urease activity experiment showed that the biofilm cell has stronger urease activity than planktonic cell. In addition, H pylori treated with urease inhibitor AHA attenuated the biofilm formation. Nevertheless, the napA mutant strain can still develop biofilm, but not easy to form microcolony in early stage of biofilm life cycle. Its role in biofilm formation was predicted to be associated with cell-cell interaction. The 16 rRNA of Meiothermus taiwanensis WR-220-R and Meiothermus taiwanensis WR-220-W showed 99.8 % similarity. They both form filamentous morphology. The difference of cell morphology was that M. taiwanensis WR-220-R produce red pigment, but M. taiwanensis WR-220-W dose not. From the growth curve, M. taiwanensis WR-220-R and M. taiwanensis WR-220-W both could grow in 55℃ and 65 ℃. The major difference between them was decreased the growth intensity in M. taiwanensis WR-220-W. In the analysis of lipid composition the results showed that iso- and anteiso-branched fatty acids were predominant in the composition of fatty acids. Moreover, the ratios of iso- to anteiso-branched fatty acids increased with higher culture temperatures. The straight-chain fatty acids represented a minor constituent of fatty acids. The major fatty acids between them were iso-C15:0, iso-C17:0, anteiso-C15:0, and anteiso-C17:0. However, M. taiwanensis WR-220-W have higher ratio of normal-C16:0、normal-C18:1 and normal-C18:0. The different protein expression between them was identified by 2-DE and MALTI-Q-TOF. The higher expressed proteins in M. taiwanensis WR-220-R are chaperonin GroEL、elongation factor Tu、trigger factor、enolase、FeS assembly ATPase SufC、DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta、proabable transaldolase、30S ribosomal protein S、inorganic pyrophosphatase and DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega. The higher expressed protein in Meiothermus taiwanensis WR-220-W are chaperonin GroEL、elongation factor Tu、Candida agglutinin-like protein (ALS) and deoxyhypusine synthase.

Hung, Ming-Hsien, and 洪明賢. "Evaluation of Antioxidative, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory and Tyrosinase Inhibition Activities of Hibiscus Taiwanensis Extracts." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/24431703078937932700.

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In this study, we used the root, stem and leaf of Hibiscus taiwanensis as the materials. We heated-air dried and extracted them by hot water. Then we conducted anti-oxidative, bacteriostasis, anti-inflammatory and tyrosinase inhibitory tests. Mice macrophage (RAW264.7) and mice melanocyte (B16-F10) were used in this study for anti-inflammatory and tyrosinase inhibitory tests respectively. The anti-oxidative tests included Fe2+ chelating test, DPPH scavenging activity assay, reducing ability assessment, andtotal polyphenols were also determined. Bacteriostasis test included bacteriostatic ability, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and stability test. The result showed that Fe2+ chelating ability and reducing ability got the highest level in the extract of the root and the second in the extract of the leaf. The DPPH scavenging ability and total polyphenol were the highest in the leaf, the second in the root and the lowest in the stem. Bacteriostatic effect was shown in the root, stem and leaf of Hibiscus taiwanensis. They showed the best stability and bacteriostatic effect against Staphylococcus aureus. Extract from all parts of Hibiscus taiwanensis showed anti-inflammatory ability by significantly reducing LPS-induced NO. They all reduced melanin as well, while the stem reduced the most and the root the second. In the aspect of tyrosinase inhibition, the root had the strongest inhibitory effect, the stem was second to the root, and the leaf was the third. In this study, the root, stem and leaf of Hibiscus taiwanensis showed the potential to be applied for cosmetic product development. Keyword: Hibiscus taiwanensis, Anti-oxidative, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory, Tyrosinase inhibition activities

Li, Zong-han, and 李宗翰. "Expression and characterization of the recombinant isopullulanase derived from Caldimonas taiwanensis in Escherichia coli." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/55034631665822326437.

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Caldimonas taiwanensis, an amylase-producing bacterium isolated from hot-spring, was used in this study. The thermostable amylase gene has been cloned and analyzed. The gene possess a signal peptide, bacterial pullulanase associated domain, pullulanase domain N-terminus, and -amylase (catalytic domain). The Blast result show that the cloned amylase showed highest homology with isopullulanase. Here, we designed the cloned enzyme as isopullulanase. Three pairs of primers for constructing three truncated proteins are used to survey the function of each protein domain. The signal peptide contained in the overexpressed isopullulanase (Amy3063, full length isopullulanase) showed partial inhibition in enzyme activity. Once removed the signal peptide, the specificity of isopullulanase (Amy82, signal peptide removed) was enhanced 5.5 fold. Truncated isopullulanase lack of signal peptide and bacterial pullulanase associated domain show a high enzyme activity on digesting pullulan. Biochemical study analysis shows that the optimum reaction temperature and pH value of isopullulanase (Amy82) are 62.5 oC and 7.25, respectively. One valence metal ion such as potassium, sodium, lithium, and rubidium ions, shows a significant inhibition on the enzyme activity. However, divalence ion, such as calcium, enhances the enzyme activity. Furthermore, calcium ion enhances the thermostability of isopullulanase (Amy82). The amylopectin was also enhancing the thermostability of it. Ionic detergents, such as SDS or CTAB, inhibit the enzyme activity, but non-ionic detergents do not. The isopullulanase show the highest activity on amylopectin. Accordingly, we propose that the enzyme possess the ability of hydrolyzing -1,4 and -1,6 linkage simultaneously. Thin layer chromatograghy analysis on the digested product of pullulan further confirmed the -1,6 linkage digesting ability. Furthermore, analysis result on the digesting oligosaccharide shows that the enzyme was a type of endoamylase. Western blotting analysis on the cultured medium of wild-type bacterium, verify the cloned isopullulanase was derived from C. taiwanensis.

高銘遠. "Antioxidative activities and hepatoprotection of the water extracts ofwater caltrop (Trapa taiwanensis Nakai) skins." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58977952819543889935.

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Hsieh, Ya-Tin, and 謝雅婷. "Exploring fed-batch feeding strategies for phenol biodegradation using an indigenous rhizobium Ralstonia taiwanensis." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/63580532661878433238.

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The subject of the study is to increase degradation capability of organic contaminants using an indigenous rhizobium Ralstonia taiwanensis (a genetically relared strain to R. eutropha). Previous studies indicated that Ralstonia taiwanensis was well adapted to remediate several toxic organic and inorganic contaminants. We selected phenol herein as the target pollutant to reveal the performance of biodegradation for R. taiwanensis. Phenol is chemically stable and recalcitrant to several microorganisms, except R. taiwanensis. Due to the toxicity potency of phenol, substrate inhibition effect took place when phenol was used as a growth nutrient for R. taiwanensis. At higher concentrations of phenol, phenol degradation was lagged and degradation rate was lower. To achieve optimal phenol degradation, substrate inhibition of phenol must be avoided inevitably as the basic operation strategy. For global optimization to industrial applications experimental design also suggested that the optimal temperature of 37℃, agitation at 200 rpm, neutral pH 7, dissolved oxygen less than 55% for operation. In addition, the most feasible medium for high density culture and phenol degradation of R. taiwanensis should include trace metal elements at FeSO4.7H2O 7 mg L-1、MgSO4.7H2O 580 mg L-1、CaCl2 49.15 mg L-1、MnSO4.H2O 0.385 mg L-1、CoCl2.6H2O 0.2 mg L-1、CuSO4.2H2O 0.093 mg L-1. To prevent substrate inhibition of phenol in order to reach the goal of the most economically-viable biodegradation fed-batch cultures with a pre-determined exponential feeding strategy were carried out as phenol degradation was strongly growth-dependent. This study also used one-step and two-step exponential feeding strategy to enhance phenol degradation and have zero accumulation of phenol. After deciding the optimal culture conditions, using the principle of fed-batch culture to make feeding rate equipping degradation rate. So the concentration of phenol in the medium will close to zero. By this way it can avoid substrate inhibition. The best strategy for avoiding substrate inhibition is exponential feeding strategy. We use mass-balance to calculate the feeding curve. The curve is F = F0emt,m = α mmax and when α= 0.55(m = 0.286 h-1) can get the shortest degradation time. And then we can construct the optimal feeding model for Ralstonia taiwanensis degrading phenol.

Yu, Huang Tsung, and 黃琮瑜. "Investigation of the functional compounds extraction of Hibiscus taiwanensis by using response surface methodology." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/b796m2.

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In this study, we sought individually the optimum extraction conditions of functional compounds and antioxidant ability from Hibiscus taiwanensis S. Y. Hu (Hibiscus t.S.Y.H.) by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid (SFE-CO2) with ethanol modifier and ultrasonic extraction using one-factor and response surface methodology (RSM). In one-factor methodology of ultrasonic extraction, the optimum conditions under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were addition volume of aqueous ethanol 80.0 mL, extraction time 5.0 hr, aqueous ethanol composition 35.0 % and extraction temperature 23.0℃. Under one-factor optimum conditions of ultrasonic extraction, the extract efficiency of 3 cycle batch extraction of total polysaccharides was 334.76 mgGlucose/g and total polyphenols was 9.7576 mgGallic acid/g. In response surface methodology of ultrasonic extraction, the optimum conditions of polysaccharides under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were addition volume of aqueous ethanol 110.387 mL, extraction time 10.0 hr, aqueous ethanol composition 44.426 %, extraction temperature 15.0℃. Under RSM optimum conditions of ultrasonic extraction, the rhizome powder extraction efficiency of 8 cycle batch extraction of total polysaccharides was 359.9292 mgGlucose/g (total polyphenols was 10.6004 mgGallic acid/g) and the flower powder extraction efficiency of 8 cycle batch extraction of total polysaccharides was 697.6059 mgGlucose/g (total polyphenols was 20.7256 mgGallic acid/g). In response surface methodology of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid (SFE-CO2) with ethanol modifier, the optimum conditions of polysaccharides of collection vessel under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were extraction pressure 4500.0 psi, extraction temperature 30.0℃, aqueous ethanol composition 46.20 %, addition volume of aqueous ethanol 74.20 mL, statics extraction time 50.0 min, dynamic extraction time 20.0 min, and CO2-flow rate 8.0 NL/min. Under the optimum conditions, the extract efficiency of 8 cycle batch extraction of polysaccharides was 159.1715 mgGlucose/g in collection vessel and total polysaccharides was 194.9047 mgGlucose/g (collection with vessel). In extraction vessel, the optimum conditions of polysaccharides of RSM under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were extraction pressure 2000.0 psi, extraction temperature 43.33℃, aqueous ethanol composition 29.06 %, addition volume of aqueous ethanol 30.0 mL, statics extraction time 50.0 min, dynamic extraction time 50 min, and CO2-flow rate 4.0 NL/min. Under the optimum conditions of extraction vessel, the extract efficiency of 8 cycle batch extraction of polysaccharides was 188.8925 mgGlucose/g in collection vessel and total polysaccharides were 218.0963 mgGlucose/g (collection with vessel). In extraction vessel, the optimum conditions of ferrous ions chelating activity of RSM under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were extraction pressure 3058.30 psi, extraction temperature 60.0℃, aqueous ethanol composition 37.92 %, addition volume of aqueous ethanol 30.0 mL, statics extraction time 50.0 min, dynamic extraction time 20 min, and CO2-flow rate 4.0 NL/min. Under the optimum conditions of extraction vessel, ferrous ions chelating activity of one batch extraction was 91.68 %. In extraction vessel, the optimum conditions of scavenging DPPH free radicals activity of RSM under rhizome powder weight 1.0 g of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. were extraction pressure 2000.0 psi, extraction temperature 47.23℃, aqueous ethanol composition 35.69 %, addition volume of aqueous ethanol 70.0 mL, statics extraction time 50.0 min, dynamic extraction time 50 min, and CO2-flow rate 4.0 NL/min. Under the optimum conditions of extraction vessel, scavenging DPPH free radicals activity of one batch extraction was 91.23 %. The polysaccharides extraction effect of flower powder was higher than rhizome powder at same RSM optimum conditions during one batch that was 126.4635 mgGlucose/g in collection vessel. The research time of one-factor design is around two times than RSM design about the optimum extraction conditions of functional compounds and antioxidant ability from Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid (SFE-CO2) with ethanol modifier and ultrasonic extraction. This study raises two simulation equations to fit the extract efficiency of polysaccharides, one is  = N=1  A  ( 1 - exp ( - N ( t ) / B ) ) of ultrasonic extraction and another is  = N=1  A  ( 1 - exp ( - N ( tS + tD ) / B ) ) of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid (SFE-CO2) with ethanol modifier extraction. Using supercritical carbon dioxide fluid to extract the antioxidants of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H., it could promote the extraction efficiency and the antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activities were higher than Antrodia cinnamomea and grape wine lees and approximately equal to Gallic, Trolox, BHT and EDTA. The extracts of Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. own high activity on scavenging DPPH free radicals and metal chelating, Hibiscus t.S.Y.H. that is a good choice about health care plants.

Lin, Yen-An, and 林晏安. "The anticancer activity of extracts from Hibis-cus taiwanensis on human prostate cancer cells." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/btuk9r.

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