Academic literature on the topic 'Topological skeletonization'

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Journal articles on the topic "Topological skeletonization":


Rokicki, Jarek. "SURVEY OF SKELETONIZATION METHODS." Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis 2, no. 1 (February 28, 2010): 19–22.

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In this article we present a brief survey on skeletons. The skeleton types are reviewed and definitions given for each of them. The desirable skeleton properties are named: centred, thin, robust, connected, indexed, smooth, reliable and reconstructable. Also different methods groups of skeleton extraction are discussed based on: topological thinning, distance transform, geometrical, path planning, general field and propagating waves. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed for each of them.

Giuliani, Donatella. "A Robust Skeletonization Method for Topological Complex Shapes." International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing 7, no. 1 (January 2017): 1–18.

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In this paper, we describe a skeletonization method effective and robust when applied to complex shapes, even if affected by boundary perturbations. This approach has been applied to binary segmented images containing bi-dimensional bounded shapes, generally not simply connected. It has been considered an external force field derived by an anisotropic flow. Through the divergence, we have examined the field flow at different times, discovering that the field divergence satisfies an anisotropic diffusion equation as well. Curves of positive divergence may be thought as propagating fronts converging to a steady state formed by shocks points. It has been proved that the sets of points, inside the shape, where divergence assumes positive values, converge to the skeleton. The curves with negative values of divergence remain static, so they may be directly used for edge extraction. This methodology has also been tested respect to boundary perturbations and disconnections.

HAMAOKA, Aya, Issei FUJISHIRO, Shigeo TAKAHASHI, and Yuriko TAKESHIMA. "Topological Skeletonization of Time-Varying Volumes and its Applications." Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 23, Supplement1 (2003): 391–94.

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He, Wenyun, Thomas A. Hamilton, Andrew R. Cohen, Timothy J. Holmes, Christopher Pace, Donald H. Szarowski, James N. Turner, and Badrinath Roysam. "Automated Three-Dimensional Tracing of Neurons in Confocal and Brightfield Images." Microscopy and Microanalysis 9, no. 4 (August 2003): 296–310.

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Automated three-dimensional (3-D) image analysis methods are presented for tracing of dye-injected neurons imaged by fluorescence confocal microscopy and HRP-stained neurons imaged by transmitted-light brightfield microscopy. An improved algorithm for adaptive 3-D skeletonization of noisy images enables the tracing. This algorithm operates by performing connectivity testing over large N × N × N voxel neighborhoods exploiting the sparseness of the structures of interest, robust surface detection that improves upon classical vacant neighbor schemes, improved handling of process ends or tips based on shape collapse prevention, and thickness-adaptive thinning. The confocal image stacks were skeletonized directly. The brightfield stacks required 3-D deconvolution. The results of skeletonization were analyzed to extract a graph representation. Topological and metric analyses can be carried out using this representation. A semiautomatic method was developed for reconnection of dendritic fragments that are disconnected due to insufficient dye penetration, an imaging deficiency, or skeletonization errors.

Takahashi, Shigeo, Yuriko Takeshima, and Issei Fujishiro. "Topological volume skeletonization and its application to transfer function design." Graphical Models 66, no. 1 (January 2004): 24–49.

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Chinara, Chinmay. "A Novel Approach To Topological Skeletonization Of English Alphabets And Characters." IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering 2, no. 5 (2012): 38–42.

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原, 凤英. "Research on GVF Skeletonization Extraction Algorithm Based on Topological Analysis of Regions Division." Optoelectronics 11, no. 03 (2021): 125–31.

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Liebscher, André, and Claudia Redenbach. "STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LOCAL STRUT THICKNESS OF OPEN CELL FOAMS." Image Analysis & Stereology 32, no. 1 (March 19, 2013): 1.

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Open cell foams are formed by an interconnected network of struts whose thickness varies locally. These variations were shown to have an impact on the elastic and thermal properties of the foam. In this paper we quantify the local strut thickness by means of micro computed tomography (µCT) imaging. We introduce a skeletonization based topological decomposition of the foam structure into its vertices and struts. This allows to estimate the thickness of individual strut segments by the Euclidean distance transform, where an appropriate correction for struts with nonspherical cross-sectional shape is applied. Conflating these estimates based on the strut lengths results in a strut thickness profile for the entire foam. Polynomial models for the strut thickness profile are investigated by means of a regression analysis.


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Classical approaches of feature line detection rely on curvature derivatives. They generally suffer from a common problem: the connectivity is hard to obtain and it is impossible to generate intersections between feature lines. This article presents a method to extract feature lines on 3D meshes. In order to sort out the recurrent issues of traditional approaches, we propose a novel algorithm based on two ideas. First, all the mesh vertices are marked according to the curvature values: a binary map with candidate regions is then constructed. The second idea is to isolate each candidate region and transform it into a line. To achieve this, we parameterize the region into its 2D regular representation. We then perform a skeletonization to obtain lines with high connectivity. By applying the inverse parameterization, the feature lines are mapped back onto the 3D mesh. In the end, we extract perceptual salient parts and above all connected feature lines. In order to evaluate and validate our algorithm, we compare our method to classical ones and apply our technique to a geological context.

Liang, Z., M. A. Ioannidis, and I. Chatzis. "Geometric and Topological Analysis of Three-Dimensional Porous Media: Pore Space Partitioning Based on Morphological Skeletonization." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 221, no. 1 (January 2000): 13–24.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Topological skeletonization":


Chaussard, John. "Topological tools for discrete shape analysis." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2010.

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L'analyse d'images est devenue ces dernières années une discipline de plus en plus riche de l'informatique. La topologie discrète propose un panel d'outils incontournables dans le traitement d'images, notamment grâce à l'outil du squelette, qui permet de simplifier des objets tout en conservant certaines informations intactes. Cette thèse étudie comment certains outils de la topologie discrète, notamment les squelettes, peuvent être utilisés pour le traitement d'images de matériaux.Le squelette d'un objet peut être vu comme une simplification d'un objet, possédant certaines caractéristiques identiques à celles de l'objet original. Il est alors possible d'étudier un squelette et de généraliser certains résultats à l'objet entier. Dans une première partie, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour conserver, dans un squelette, certaines caractéristiques géométriques de l'objet original (méthode nécessitant un paramètre de filtrage de la part de l'utilisateur) et obtenir ainsi un squelette possédant la même apparence que l'objet original. La seconde partie propose de ne plus travailler avec des objets constitués de voxels, mais avec des objets constitués de complexes cubiques. Dans ce nouveau cadre, nous proposons de nouveaux algorithmes de squelettisation, dont certains permettent de conserver certaines caractéristiques géométriques de l'objet de départ dans le squelette, de façon automatique (aucun paramètre de filtrage ne doit être donné par l'utilisateur). Nous montrerons ensuite comment un squelette, dans le cadre des complexes cubiques, peut être décomposé en différentes parties. Enfin, nous montrerons nos résultats sur différentes applications, allant de l'étude des matériaux à l'imagerie médicale

Bancora, Simone. "Characterization of fabric layups by pressure print analysis and simulation of dual-scale flow based on topological skeletonization : application to composite materials processing." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021.

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Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux préformes fibreuses dans le cadre du procédé Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM). L'objectif de la thèse est double : proposer une nouvelle méthodologie pour obtenir des données géométriques à la mésoéchelle des préformes et fournir un nouveau modèle numérique capable de prédire la perméabilité ou d'effectuer des simulations d’écoulement efficaces à la méso-échelle. Dans la première partie, l'accent est mis sur l'acquisition de données géométriques : nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie basée sur l'analyse du champ de pression supporté par une préforme sèche sous compactage. Un film sensible à la pression mesure le champ de pression par un empilement de plis contre les parois du moule. Profitant de l’architecture périodique des textiles, les empreintes révélées par le champ de pression sont interprétées par analyse spectrale de Moiré pour mesurer l'orientation et la distribution spatiale de chaque couche dans l’empilement. Dans la seconde partie, le modèle numérique de la préforme est utilisé pour effectuer des simulations numériques d'écoulement à l'échelle des fils, afin d’en caractériser la perméabilité ou d’effectuer directement des simulations de remplissage. La géométrie 3D de l’empilement est remplacée par un squelette préservant les propriétés topologiques nécessaires à la résolution numérique du problème d'écoulement bidimensionnel, réduisant considérablement le coût de calcul par rapport à une approche 3D complète. Ce modèle de réduction du volume poreux en squelette est d'abord formulé dans sa version simple échelle (écoulement inter-mèche), puis étendu en double échelle (écoulement inter- et intra-mèche). Le potentiel du modèle est illustré à travers plusieurs cas tests. Cette recherche propose une méthodologie allant de l'acquisition de données géométriques à la simulation numérique double-échelle de l'écoulement au sein dans un empilement de tissus
In this work, we study continuous fiber preforms in the context of Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) processes. The aim of the thesis is two-fold: propose a new methodology to obtain mesoscale geometrical data from preforms and provide a new numerical model able to predict permeability or perform mesoscale filling simulations in a computationally efficient way. In the first part, the focus is on the acquisition of geometrical data from preforms: we propose a novel methodology based on the analysis of the pressure field experienced by a dry preform under compaction. By using a commercial pressure-sensitive film, the pressure field exerted by a stack of layers against mould walls is captured and analyzed. Taking advantage of the periodic morphology of textiles, geometric patterns revealed by the pressure field are interpreted according to spectral Moiré analysis to recover the orientation and spatial distribution of each individual layer in the stack. In the second part, the reconstructed digital architecture of the preform is used to carry out numerical flow simulations at the scale of the yarns, to characterize permeability of the stack or directly perform filling simulations. The stack geometry is replaced by a skeletonized representation of the same, on which a two-dimensional flow problem can be solved numerically, greatly reducing the computational cost when compared to a full 3D approach. This “medial skeleton” model is first formulated in its single-scale version (flow in channels) and then extended to dual-scale (flow in channels and yarns). The model potential is illustrated through several test cases. This research establishes a pathway going from the non-destructive acquisition of data to the simulation of the dual-scale flow inside a multi-layer layup of textiles

Oliveira, Janderson Rodrigo de. "Um sistema integrado para navegação autônoma de robôs móveis." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.

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O mapeamento de ambientes é um dos maiores desafios para pesquisadores na área de navegação autônoma. As técnicas existentes estão divididas em dois importantes paradigmas, o mapeamento métrico e o topológico. Diversos métodos de mapeamento que combinam as vantagens de cada um desses paradigmas têm sido propostos. Este projeto consiste na adaptação e extensão de um sistema integrado para navegação autônoma de robôs móveis através do aperfeiçoamento da interface e também da incorporação de uma técnica de mapeamento topológico. Para isso, a técnica conhecida como Grade de Ocupação, utilizada em geral para mapeamento métrico é combinada com um método de esqueletização de imagens para a realização do mapeamento topológico. Além disso, transformações morfológicas de erosão e abertura, adequadas a ambientes reais, foram utilizadas, visando reduzir a influência de ruídos na abordagem proposta, uma vez que devido a ruídos inerentes as leituras sensoriais obtidas pelo robô, o mapa topológico gerado apresenta diversas linhas topológicas desnecessárias, dificultando consequentemente a tarefa de navegação autônoma. Vários experimentos foram executados para verificar a eficiência da combinação de técnicas proposta, tanto em nível de simulação quanto em um robô real. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a técnica de esqueletização de imagens combinada ao mapeamento métrico do ambiente é uma forma simples e viável de se obter as linhas topológicas do espaço livre do ambiente. A aplicação das transformações morfológicas demonstrou ser eficiente para a criação de mapas topológicos livres de ruído, uma vez que elimina grande parte das linhas topológicas geradas em conseqüência dos ruídos dos sensores do robô
Environment mapping has been a great challenge for many researchers in the autonomous navigation area. There are two important paradigms for mapping, metric and topological mapping. Several mapping methods that combine the advantages of each paradigm have been proposed. This project consists to the adaptation and extension of a mobile robots autonomous navigation integrated system by improving the interface and incorporation of a topological mapping technique. For this, the technique known as Occupation Grid for metric mapping is combined with an image skeletonization method used for topological mapping. This work also aims to propose a set of morphology transformations to generation of topological maps suitable for real environments, seeking to reduce influence of noise in performed mapping. The topological map generated through this combination presents several unnecessary topological lines, due noise inherent to the own robot ability of capturing sensor signals, hindering consequently the task of autonomous navigation. Several experiments have been performed to verify the efficiency of the proposed approach. The results obtained demonstrate that image skeletonization technique combined with the metric mapping is a simple and feasible method for obtaining the topological lines corresponding to free space of the environment. The application of the morphology transformations demonstrated to be a useful method to the creation of topological maps considerably less noise, since it eliminates most of the topological lines generated in consequence of noise in the sensors

Book chapters on the topic "Topological skeletonization":


Mori, Yuki, Shigeo Takahashi, Takeo Igarashi, Yuriko Takeshima, and Issei Fujishiro. "Automatic Cross-Sectioning Based on Topological Volume Skeletonization." In Smart Graphics, 175–84. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Saha, Punam K. "Characterization of trabecular bone plate–rod micro-architecture using skeletonization and digital topologic and geometric analysis." In Skeletonization, 287–311. Elsevier, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Topological skeletonization":


Madrid, Joaquin, Russell M. Mersereau, and Norberto F. Ezquerra. "Topological considerations on gray-level skeletonization." In Applications in Optical Science and Engineering, edited by Petros Maragos. SPIE, 1992.

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de Oliveira, Janderson Rodrigo, and Roseli Aparecida Francelin Romero. "Image skeletonization method applied to generation of topological maps." In 2009 6th Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS 2009). IEEE, 2009.

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Oliveira, Janderson R., Edson A. S. Filho, and Roseli A. F. Romero. "Mathematical morphology filters applied to an image skeletonization method to generation of topological maps." In the 2nd International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.

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Nakajo, Arata, George J. Nelson, Matthew DeGostin, Timothy D. Myles, Aldo A. Peracchio, and Wilson K. S. Chiu. "Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials Based on Microstructural Skeletonization." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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The understanding of the relationship between the microstructure of materials for energy applications and their transport and electrochemical properties is needed to optimize their long-term performance. The improvements of 3D imaging techniques such as x-ray nanotomography allow access to geometrical and elemental information with ever increasing accuracy and details. These advances warrant determining new relevant metrics for material characterization, the calculation of which will require adaptations of the methodologies for parameter extraction. This study presents the development of a tool for the characterization of porous, heterogenous materials that provides coherent geometrical and topological information. We illustrate the relevance of the methodology by discussing the differences between geometrical concepts for estimating phase size distributions of real heterogeneous materials investigated using x-ray nanotomography and how research between different scales and physics can be bridged. This is achieved by providing, on the one hand, inputs to classical continuum models and, on the other hand, by synergetic combination with discrete element methods.

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