Academic literature on the topic 'Tripyrromethanes'

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Journal articles on the topic "Tripyrromethanes":


Ka, Jae-Won, and Chang-Hee Lee. "Optimizing the synthesis of 5,10-disubstituted tripyrromethanes." Tetrahedron Letters 41, no. 23 (June 2000): 4609–13.

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Ka, Jae-Won, and Chang-Hee Lee. "ChemInform Abstract: Optimizing the Synthesis of 5,10-Disubstituted Tripyrromethanes." ChemInform 31, no. 36 (June 3, 2010): no.

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Král, Vladimír, Petr Vašek, and Bohumil Dolensky. "Green Chemistry for Preparation of Oligopyrrole Macrocycles Precursors: Novel Methodology for Dipyrromethanes and Tripyrromethanes Synthesis in Water." Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 69, no. 5 (2004): 1126–36.

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A novel methodology for preparation of linear oligopyrroles is presented. Synthetic protocol uses water as a solvent for acid catalysed condensation of an aldehyde or ketone with unsubstituted pyrrole. While the most procedures for the above-mentioned compounds are performed in organic solvents, or large excess of pyrrole (used as solvent), we present here a novel, mild and efficient procedure for selective preparation of linear oligopyrroles in aqueous environment. Preparation of dipyrromethanes 3 and tripyrromethanes 4 was optimised by varying the molar ratio and concentrations of starting compounds (aldehyde to pyrrole) and acid catalyst. The high initial concentration of aldehyde and pyrrole leads to the preferential formation of 3, where the driving force for the product formation is precipitation of 3 from water solution; the reaction proceeds at room temperature within a couple of minutes in excellent yields. On the other hand, low concentration of starting compounds led to preferential formation of tripyrromethanes 4. Formation of 3 and 4 can also be controlled by the initial ratio of aldehyde and pyrrole, where generally the ratios over 1:6 gave mostly 3. Application of this synthetic protocol for ketones revealed that only 3 are formed, regardless of the ratio of starting compounds, which is interpreted as a result of lower reactivity of ketones in this particular condensation reaction.

Kral, Vladimir, Petr Vasek, and Bohumil Dolensky. "Green Chemistry for Preparation of Oligopyrrole Macrocycles Precursors: Novel Methodology for Dipyrromethanes and Tripyrromethanes Synthesis in Water." ChemInform 35, no. 40 (October 5, 2004).

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Tripyrromethanes":


Murat-Onana, Marie Laure. "N-hydroxylamines pyrroliques : precurseurs de bis(pyrrolyl)alcanes non symetriques et de α-n-hydroxyamino esters." Grenoble, 2010.

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Le pyrrole est un hétérocycle souvent présent dans les produits naturels et les composés biologiquement actifs. Son étude intensive en synthèse organique est donc d'un grand intérêt. Ainsi, la première réaction acido-catalysée de pyrroles sur des nitrones, reportée par notre équipe, a conduit selon les conditions expérimentales employées, soit aux 2,2-bis(pyrrolyl)alcanes symétriques, soit aux N-benzylhydroxylamines pyrroliques de façon sélective. Les N-hydroxylamines pyrroliques sont des composés intéressants et ont été le point de départ des deux études méthodologiques développées dans ce manuscrit. Les bis(pyrrolyl)alcanes non symétriques ont pu être synthétisés efficacement et avec une bonne diversité, en une étape, par réaction entre des N-hydroxylamines pyrroliques et des pyrroles. La méthode a aussi permis la préparation de ter(pyrrolyl)alcanes symétriques et non symétriques. Une application de cette méthodologie a été la préparation de marqueurs de fluorescence F-Bodipy® non symétriques. Ces derniers ont été obtenus pour la première fois et avec de bons rendements, directement à partir de 2,2'-bis(pyrrolyl)alcanes non symétriques. De plus, un F-Bodipy® présentant une chiralité axiale a pu être synthétisé. Nous avons également étudié l'accès aux acides a-N-hydroxyaminés, analogues N-hydroxylés des acides a-aminés. Une réaction hautement diastéréosélective entre le pyrrole et une nitrone cyclique chirale a donné accès à une hydroxylamine pyrrolique. Une séquence en trois étapes a permis d'obtenir un a-N-hydroxyamino ester avec un bon rendement et un bon excès énantiomère de 80%. La méthode a ensuite été appliquée à d'autres hétéroaromatiques pyrroliques, indoliques et furaniques. Aucun acide a-N-hydroxaminé comportant l'un de ces hétérocycles n'était décrit précédemment dans la littérature. Les rendements globaux obtenus sont bons (36-62%) et les excès énantiomères peuvent atteindre des valeurs ≥ 98%
The pyrrole ring is present in many natural and biologically active compounds. Therefore, its intensive study in organic synthesis is of a great interest. Thus, the first acid-catalyzed reaction of pyrroles onto nitrones was reported by our team. According to the experimental procedure, either pyrrolic Nbenzylhydroxylamines or 2,2'-bis(pyrrolyl)alkanes were selectively produced. Pyrrolic Nhydroxylamines are important compounds and have been used as starting building blocks for the two methodologies described in this manuscript. Unsymmetrical bis(pyrrolyl)alkanes were obtained efficiently in one step, with high molecular diversity, by the reaction of pyrrolic N-hydroxylamines and various pyrroles. This method also allowed the preparation of symmetrical and unsymmetrical tripyrromethanes. Our results were applied to the preparation of unsymmetrical F-Bodipy® probes. They were obtained, in high yields and for the first time, directly from unsymmetrical 2,2'-bis(pyrrolyl)alkanes. Moreover, an axially chiral F-Bodipy® has been prepared. A-N-Hydroxyamino acids which are N-hydroxylated analogues of a-amino acids have been synthesized. A highly diastereoselective reaction between pyrrole and a suitable cyclic chiral nitrone yielded a pyrrolic N-hydroxylamine. A three-step sequence afforded the expected a-N-hydroxyamino ester in a good yield and a good enantiomeric excess (80%). This method has been applied to other pyrrolic, indolic and furanic heteroaromatics. No a-N-hydroxyamino acids holding these heterocycles in their structures were described. Good overall yields (36-62%) were obtained and good enantiomeric excesses, up to 98%

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