Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ultramarin'

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Gacha, Philippe. "L'entreprise coloniale en Côte d'Ivoire : des pionniers rochelais à l'indépendance, 1861-1960." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LAROF002.

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Au XIXe siècle, le refus du déclin des grands ports français, mais surtout l’éviction des négociants girondins sur le théâtre méditerranéen par leurs concurrents havrais et marseillais, poussèrent la France à implanter de nouveaux comptoirs commerciaux dans le golfe de Guinée. Les territoires de la Côte de l’Or devinrent officiellement la colonie française de la Côte d’Ivoire le 10 mars 1893 grâce aux actions des pionniers rochelais. À partir de cette date, celle-ci était ouverte à l’exploitation sous le régime des concessions qui mobilisa diverses branches d’activités : capitaux et savoir-faire afin d’y prélever rapidement les innombrables richesses.Ce modèle d’exploitation connut un échec à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale car il généra des conflits d’intérêts et des résistances de la part des peuples autochtones. À partir de 1918, la métropole intensifia davantage l’exploitation de la colonie afin d’éponger sa dette, réduire le coût de la vie et répondre rapidement aux besoins croissants en matières premières. Ainsi, de nouvelles grandes firmes commerciales, forestières, agricoles et industrielles s’y implantèrent et transformèrent le paysage économique du territoire colonial.Néanmoins, l’élan, freiné en 1929, reprit aussitôt grâce au plan Maginot qui ouvrit la politique des grands travaux, dont la construction du port d’Abidjan qui devint la pièce maîtresse à partir de 1951. Secondée par San Pedro, l’armature portuaire de la Côte d’Ivoire favorisa l’équipement et le développement rapide des infrastructures économiques, urbaines et sociales qui préparèrent le pays à amorcer le « miracle ivoirien ».Mais cela reste le produit d’une mutation profonde de l’œuvre coloniale qui, à travers la coopération franco-ivoirienne, renforça l’influence économique et politique de la France après l’indépendance de son ancienne colonie
In the 19th century the refusal of the great French ports to decline, and mainly the expulsion of Girondist merchants on the Mediterranean Sea by their competitors from Le Havre and Marseille have made France to set up new trading post in the Guinea Gulf. The territories of Gold Coast became officially a French colony of Cote d’Ivoire on March 10th 1893 thank to the actions of pioneers from La Rochelle. From that date on the colony was opened to exploitation under the system of concession that mobilized several activity branches, capitals, and know-how in order to collect rapidly uncounted wealth.This kind of exploitation encountered a failure at the end of the World War I because it created interest conflicts and resistances of the native populations. From 1918 on Metropolis intensified the exploitation of the colonies in order to pay their debt and reduce the cost of life and face the rapid increase of raw material needs. So some great new trading companies timber and agricultural industries were created. And that transformed the economy of the territorial colony.Nevertheless, the rush that slowed down in 1929 resumed immediately thank to Maginot became plan that leaded to great works as the building of the port of Abidjan which became the centerpiece from 1951 on. The second port of San Pedro will favor the equipments and the rapid development of economic, urban and social infrastructures that prepared the country to the « miracle ivoirien » But that remains the result of a deep mutation of the colonial work through France and Cote d’Ivoire cooperation. That cooperation reinforces the economic and political influence of France after the independence of their former colony

Polónia, Amélia. "Vila do Conde : um porto nortenho na expansão ultramarina quinhentista." Doctoral thesis, Porto : [Edição do Autor], 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/16146.

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A dissertação pretende abordar a articulação do porto de Vila do Conde com o processo de expansão ultramarina portuguesa no decurso do séc. XVI. Destacam-se como vectores de análise: 1- O estudo do universo espacial infra-estrutural e humano do porto de V. Conde, no sentido de identificar os condicionalismos que assistem ao envolvimento em estudo; 2- A avaliação da dimensão desse envolvimento, tendo em conta quer a logística naval (estaleiros, frota e náuticos), quer os particulares desempenhos e rumos assumidos a nível das navegações, comércio, colonização e evangelização ultramarinos; 3- As repercussões internas dessa dinâmica, a nível do espaço urbano, economia, sociedade, estruturas e comportamentos demográficos e mentalidades colectivas.

Polónia, Amélia. "Vila do Conde : um porto nortenho na expansão ultramarina quinhentista." Tese, Porto : [Edição do Autor], 1999. http://aleph.letras.up.pt/F?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&request=000100952.

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A dissertação pretende abordar a articulação do porto de Vila do Conde com o processo de expansão ultramarina portuguesa no decurso do séc. XVI. Destacam-se como vectores de análise: 1- O estudo do universo espacial infra-estrutural e humano do porto de V. Conde, no sentido de identificar os condicionalismos que assistem ao envolvimento em estudo; 2- A avaliação da dimensão desse envolvimento, tendo em conta quer a logística naval (estaleiros, frota e náuticos), quer os particulares desempenhos e rumos assumidos a nível das navegações, comércio, colonização e evangelização ultramarinos; 3- As repercussões internas dessa dinâmica, a nível do espaço urbano, economia, sociedade, estruturas e comportamentos demográficos e mentalidades colectivas.

Booth, Douglas Geoffrey. "Synthesis and struture of ultramarine pigments." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.250047.

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Landman, Andreas Adriaan. "Aspects of solid-state chemistry of fly ash and ultramarine pigments." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-06042004-062900.

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Canton-Fourrat, Altide. "L'état unitaire français et les collectivités ultramarines (contribution à l'étude d'un droit des collectivités ultramarines)." Paris 5, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA05D003.

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Les collectivités " ultramarines " font partie de l'Etat Français. Elles bénéficient d'une évolution constante portée par la décentralisation. Elles font l'objet d'un droit spécial dont la connaissance n'est point aisée. Ce droit spécial doit être en harmonie avec l'ensemble du droit français et s'intégrer, ainsi, dans l'Etat de droit. Des dispositions de la Constitution lui servent d'ossature. L'art. 75 de la Constitution reconnaît un statut local de droit commun à des populations identifiées. Dans ce contexte, la loi, expression de la volonté générale, se trouve en concurrence avec d'autres sources normatives. Ces collectivités sont soumises au pouvoir normatif de l'Etat et à d'autres sources normatives locales. Ces dernières, secondaires, ne doivent pas être contraires aux normes supérieures émanées de la République. La République française œuvre dans le sens de l'harmonisation afin d'élaborer un droit ultramarin qui répond aux impératifs desdites collectivités sans méconnaissance de la gestion unitaire de la République. La modification constitutionnelle de mars 2003 est intervenue dans cette continuité
Overseas communities that form part of the French State, benefit from the continuous and constant evolution brought about by decentralisation. They are subject to special rights, whose knowledge is not easy. These rights have to be in harmony with the rest of the French laws and integrated into the State's (written and natural) laws. It uses the provisions of the Constitution as a framework. Article 75 of the Constitution recognizes local statute of common rights for each identified population. In this context, the law, an expression of general will, finds itself in competition with other normative sources. These communities are subjected not only to the power of the State but also to that of local normative sources. These secondary laws should not be against the emanated higher standards of the Republic. The French Republic in its bid towards harmonization of its laws is working on ultramarine rights and laws which will meet the requirements of the aforesaid communities, this with no ignorance of the unit management of the Republic. The new constitutional law of March 2003 intervenes in this continuity

Fachin, Phablo Roberto Marchis. "Estudo paleográfico e edição semidiplomática de manuscritos do conselho ultramarino (1705-1719)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8142/tde-23082007-120203/.

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Edição semidiplomática de documentos manuscritos do século XVIII (1705-1719) lavrados pelo Conselho Ultramarino, com vistas a oferecer edição confiável para a pesquisa em História da Língua Portuguesa e Lingüística Histórica. Trata-se de estudo baseado em critérios paleográficos que busca oferecer subsídios para a escrita desse século, visto que a bibliografia a respeito é muito escassa. Este trabalho está dividido em três partes: 1) descrição do corpus e comentário sobre o provável escriba dos documentos do Conselho Ultramarino; 2) caracterização da escrita presente no corpus, seu processo de leitura e levantamento detalhado do alfabeto, com descrição do processo de formação de cada letra e classificação das abreviaturas; 3) edição semidiplomática dos documentos.
Semidiplomatic edition of manuscripts documents of XVIII century (1705-1719), cultivated by the Conselho Ultramarino, in Portugal, with sights to offer trustworthy edition for the research in Portuguese Language and Historical Linguistic. One is about study based on paleographical criteria that it searches to offer subsidies for the writing of this century, since the bibliography the respect is very scarce. This work is divided in three parts: 1) description of the corpus and brief explanation about the probable scribe of documents of the Conselho Ultramarino; 2) characterization of the present writing in the corpus, its process of reading and the detailed survey of the alphabet, with description of the process of formation of each letter and classification of abbreviations; 3) the semidiplomatic edition of documents.

Souza, Erica Cristina Camarotto de. "Apontamentos diplomáticos sobre consultas do Conselho Ultramarino referentes à Capitania de São Paulo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8142/tde-20022008-103155/.

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A proposta deste trabalho é a análise diplomática de Consultas do Conselho Ultramarino, relativas à Capitania de São Paulo. Entende-se aqui por Diplomática o estudo da criação, forma e transmissão dos documentos, bem como a sua relação com os fatos que os geraram e com o órgão administrativo de onde emanaram. A proposta gerada neste trabalho decorreu da análise de 40 (quarenta) Consultas datadas dos séculos XVII e XVIII. As Consultas, transcritas com base em normas de edição semidiplomática, foram agrupadas de acordo com semelhanças estruturais e tiveram, então, seu discurso analisado do ponto de vista diplomático. A análise determinou estruturas formulares distintas para as Consultas de Mercê, de Partes e de Serviço Real. Assim, com o apoio da teoria diplomática, fica evidenciado que, apesar de todas as Consultas se caracterizarem como documentação opinativa, na qual o Conselho Ultramarino auxilia o rei de Portugal na tomada de decisões administrativas com relação às colônias, a diferenciação de cada uma delas se dá mais pela ação que originou a produção do documento do que pelo assunto nele tratado, de modo que essa ação resulta em diferentes estruturas e em fórmulas lingüisticamente diversificadas.
This paper proposes the diplomatic analysis of \"Consultas\" produced by \"Conselho Ultramarino, and concerning to \"Capitania de São Paulo\". It is understood by Diplomatics the study of creation, form and transmission of records, as well as their relationship with the facts that originated them, and with their creator. The assertions formulated in the paper are substantiated on the analysis of 40 (forty) \"Consultas\" dated from XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. The transcription of the corpus is based on rules of semidiplomatic edition and it was gathered according to structural similitudes, followed by the analysis of its discourse, under the diplomatic point of view. The analysis lays down distinctive patterns for each kind of \"Consulta\": \"de Merce\", \"de Parte\" and \"de Serviço\". Then, with the support of diplomatic theory, it is possible to assume that although \"Consultas\" are documents that help the king in his resolutions concerning to the colonies, the differences between each one of them derive from the action that originated the writing of the document, rather than from the subject comprised on it, so that the action results on different structures and on different linguistic formulae.

Scoon, Roger N. "Discordant bodies of postcumulis, ultramafic rock in the upper critical zone of the Bushveld complex : iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite bodies at Amandelbult and the Driekop platiniferous ultramafic pipe." Thesis, Rhodes University, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004912.

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From the abstract: In the layered sequence of the Bushveld Complex a number of distinct, but possibly genetically related groups of transgressive, postcumulus, ultramafic and mafic rock are recognised. The main part of this thesis investigates a suite of postcumulus rocks for which the name iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite is proposed. The majority of iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite bodies examined are from the upper critical zone of the layered sequence at Rustenburg Platinum Mines Amandelbult Section, in the northern sector of the western Bushveld Complex. Field relationships imply that the iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites should be considered as an integral feature of the layered sequence, even though they transgress the cumulates. Consequently, this thesis also includes a study of the cumulate sequence at Amandelbult. A second group of postcumulus, ultramafic rocks which is investigated comprises latiniferous ultramafic pipes; the Driekop pipe has been selected as a case­ study. This thesis is presented in four sections, namely, an introduction and verview, and studies on the Driekop pipe, the cumulate sequence at mandelbult and the iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite suite. A new classification scheme of discordant bodies of postcumulus, ultramafic rock in he Bushveld Complex is proposed (see also Viljoen & Scoon, in press). In he scheme presented here, two main varieties of postcumulus, ultramafic rock re recognised, namely, non-platiniferous magnesian dunites and iron-rich ltramafic pegmatites.

Monteiro, Ana Rita Amaro. "Legislação e actos de posse do Conselho Ultramarino : (1642 - 1830) /." Porto : Universidade Portucalense, 1997. http://www.gbv.de/dms/sub-hamburg/247678511.pdf.

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Tarling, Stephen Edward. "A crystallographic investigation of the structure and formation of ultramarine." Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.311603.

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Ultramarine is a blue pigment, formula ideally Na7.5A16 S1 6024S4.5 manufactured by Reckitt's Colours Ltd. at a rate of >10,000 tonnes per annum. The structure is based on a sodalite cage and the pigment is manufactured from kaolin, sulphur, sodium carbonate and minor ingredients, in furnaces with small surface area to volume ratios. To simulate industrial furnacing while examining a sample by PXRD (Powder X-Ray Diffraction) a novel 'Birkbeck Cell' was developed for use in a Guinier-Lenng camera. This cell is based on a stainless steel former with mica windows, and together with a gas rinsing system this arrangement produced the first time-resolved PXRD study of ultramarine formation: kaolinite is first separately calcined to the amorphous phase metakaolinite, to which the sulphur and sodium carbonate are added; in the second part of the furnace cycle sulphur and sodium carbonate react to form a sodium polysulphide, with metakaolinite later reacting with sodium salts to form a carnegieite, which then combines with the sodium polysulphides to form the initial ultramarine lattice ('primary ultramarine') ; in the latter part of the furnacing an 'oxidation' stage forms blue ultramarine and sodium sulphate is produced as a by-product. These results are supported by differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis; model furnacing; room temperature PXRD studies of various components and stages in the process; visible/uv spectrophotometry and electron microscopy. The structure of ultramarine was refined by Rietveld analysis of the neutron powder diffraction data and showed that the aluminium and silicon are not .OW0 ordered, the space group is 143m , the sodium ions lie just off the six-fold faces and the S 3 - group is in the centre of the cage, in a disordered arrangement. This analysis is supported by magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, PXRD and the current literature on other spectroscopic methods. Finally the role of minor ingredients is examined and initial experiments to indicate possible alternative manufacturing methods are described.

McDougall, David C. "Linguistic variation in the 'Fazienda de Ultramar'." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2018. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/36676.

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The 'Fazienda de Ultramar' is considered to be the earliest extensive prose work in Castilian. The aim of this study is to assess, quantify and examine in detail the linguistic variation in the text and attempt to explain this variation with reference to the various factors that may influence it: internal linguistic factors such as palaeographic, morphological and syntactic considerations, or external extra-linguistic factors comprising variatio, register and scribal considerations. I focus on six variables. Three are orthographic: the use of < m >, < n >, or < ˉ > to represent /M/ before a bilabial; the use of < i > or to represent /i/; the use of < l > to represent /ʎ/ and < r > to represent /r/ intervocalically. Three are morphological variables: variant forms for derivatives of Latin quōmŏdo; -ie and -ia Imperfect and Conditional forms; weak object pronoun apocope. Amongst the most significant conclusions from this study are the following: I demonstrate that the extent of leísmo in the Fazienda is much greater than that proposed by Echenique (1981). On the basis of my analysis of the data from the Fazienda, I argue that the extent of leísmo in other medieval Castilian texts needs to be re-assessed. The information provided by CORDE on the use of cuemo and cumo pre-1250 shows a concentration of these forms in documents from Northern Castile. The discovery of the phrase por consieglo, previously unique to the Fazienda, in one of these documents also establishes a further connection to Northern Castile. I suggest that the manuscript may well originate from this region. It is generally accepted that more than one scribe was involved in the copying of the Fazienda. I test the hypothesis that different scribal interventions may account for some of the variation in the Fazienda and find evidence to support this hypothesis.

Anjos, Carlos Martins Versiani dos. "O movimento arcádico no Brasil setecentista: significado político e cultural da Arcádia ultramarina." Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1843/ECAP-9U5HN3.

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This dissertation focuses on the Ultramarine Arcadia, the literary academy created by Cláudio Manoel da Costa, in Minas Gerais, in the second half of the 18th century, which was affiliated to the 'Roman Arcadia'. The study's goal is to discuss the 'Ultramarine Arcadia' as a symbol of a literary movement, grounded on a rhetoric/poetic dialogue Between Brazilian Arcadians, which surpassed the political and territorial borders between the colony and the metropolis. This way, both in the poets' biographies and works, the author traced elements that would identify them as belonging to the same literary group. Aspects in the topics and rhetoric that would differentiate the Ultramarine Arcadians' poetry from that of the 'Portuguese Arcadians' were also defined. Financed by CAPES Foundation, the researcher had access to different archives and documents that helped him to narrow, if not all, many gaps related to the institutionalization of the Arcadia in Minas Gerais, and to certify the 'Ultramarine Arcadia' consistency as a movement that included the ultramarine poets, in a literary transit between Brazil, Italy and Portugal.
Esta tese tem como tema o estudo da 'Arcádia Ultramarina', academia literária criada por Cláudio Manuel da Costa em Minas Gerais, na segunda metade do século XVIII, como afiliada à 'Arcádia Romana'. Neste estudo, buscamos compreendê-la como símbolo de um movimento literário, calcado no diálogo retórico/poético entre os árcades brasileiros, que ultrapassaria as fronteiras políticas e territoriais entre a colônia e a metrópole. Neste processo, dedicamo-nos a rastrear, tanto na biografia dos poetas, quanto na sua arte poética, os elementos que os identificavam como pertencentes a um mesmo grupo literário, tentando definir aspectos diferenciados, nas tópicas e na retórica da sua poesia, dos pares lusitanos. Em viagem como bolsistas da CAPES a Portugal, pudemos deparar com muitos arquivos e documentos que vieram, senão preencher todas as lacunas sobre a institucionalização da 'Arcádia' em Minas Gerais, atestar principalmente sua consistência enquanto movimento que agrupava os chamados poetas ultramarinos, no trânsito literário entre o Brasil, Itália e Portugal.

Boulet, Frederic. "Mycorrhizal symbiosis as a strategy for survival in ultramafic soils." University of Western Australia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Discipline Group, 2003. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2004.0051.

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Ultramafic soils enriched in nickel, such as found in Australia and New Caledonia, are associated with unique, diverse and poorly known vegetation communities. Re-establishment of these highly specific ecosystems is still a challenge for Ni mining companies. Ultramafic vegetation communities are the outcome of a long evolution process resulting in their adaptation to the extreme soil conditions found on ultramafic outcrops. Mycorrhizal fungi, a very common plant symbiont, are generally thought to be beneficial to plants in other ecosystems, providing plants with phosphorus and even promoting metal tolerance in plants in some cases. We examined the hypothesis that mycorrhizal fungi may contribute to the survival of plants in ultramafic soil conditions. Bandalup Hill, an ultramafic outcrop enriched in Ni (South West of Western Australia) was selected to assess the contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to ultramafic plants. Soil constraints, in particular the degree of Ni toxicity, were assessed at two sites with ultramafic soils within the outcrop. Total metal, nutrient, DTPA extractable Ni and available P were measured in soil while Ni, Ca and Mg were tested in the soil solution. In addition, nutrients and metals were analyzed in shoots of some plant species occurring at each site: Eucalyptus flocktoniae, Melaleuca pomphostoma, Melaleuca coronicarpa and Hakea verucosa. Topsoils in Bandalup Hill and plant shoots had high levels of Ni, and very low levels of P, K and N. Variation in DTPA extractable Ni between sites reflected the variation in shoot Ni level of E. flocktoniae and M. pomphostoma. Variations in soil solution Ni levels reflected variations in shoot Ni levels of M. coronicarpa and H. verucosa between sites. The germination requirements of the plant species used to assess the soil constraints was assessed. Species selected included Eucalyptus flocktoniae, Melaleuca coronicarpa, and Hakea verucosa. Seeds of E. flocktoniae and M. coronicarpa had a higher germination rate if pre-treated with smoke water, while no pre-treatment was required to germinate H. verucosa seeds. The unusual germination requirement of E. flocktoniae and M. coronicarpa involve complex chemical signals that may be present in the soil when the conditions are more favorable for plant establishment. Such unusual germination requirement may represent an adaptation to the hostile conditions of the ultramafic soils of Bandalup Hill. The mycorrhizal association and root characteristics of the selected plant species was also assessed after 8 weeks of growth in undisturbed ultramafic topsoil cores from Bandalup Hill. Roots of these species (including H. verucosa from a previously designated non-mycorrhizal family, Proteaceae) were associated with mycorrhizal fungi. Roots of E. flocktoniae and M. coronicarpa were colonized by both arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM), while roots of H. verucosa only contained some AM fungal structures. All species had high shoot to root ratios and their root characteristics reflected their association with mycorrhizal fungi. Based on the previous observations, uninoculated and inoculated E. flocktoniae seedlings were grown for 10 to 16 weeks in sand amended with Ni at 0, 0.2, 1 and 2.3 mg/kg. Mycorrhizal inoculum consisted of spores of Pisolithus sp. (ECM) or a mix of AMF spores and colonized root fragments, both originating from Bandalup Hill. Another inoculum consisted in Pisolithus sp. spores from a site with ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Inoculation with AM and ECM fungi from Bandalup Hill was beneficial to E. flocktoniae. Benefits consisted mainly of a reduction of Ni shoot translocation at the highest Ni soil level. At 1 mg/kg soil Ni, E. flocktoniae exhibited a certain degree of tolerance to Ni. A substantial increase in growth and nutrient uptake with Pisolithus sp. from Western Australia was also observed. The contribution of AM fungi from Bandalup Hill to E. flocktoniae, M. coronicarpa, H. verucosa, and Trifolium subterraneum (clover) was then examined in ultramafic soil from Bandalup Hill.Steaming of ultramafic soil increased the availability and plant uptake of P. Consequently, uninoculated seedlings grew better, and inoculation with AM fungi decreased the growth of native plant species but did not affect their shoot Ni concentration. The presence of AM fungi increased the concentration of P in shoots of native plants species. Inoculation had no effect on the growth and nutrient content of subterranean clover. As mining activities have the potential to reduce the infectivity of AM fungi in topsoils, the effect of disturbance and storage practices on the AM infectivity of ultramafic topsoils collected in summer or winter from Bandalup Hill was investigated. Disturbance consisted in passing topsoil through a 2mm seive and cutting roots into 1cm fragments. Disturbed topsoil was then stored at room temperature in pots that were either sealed from the atmosphere or left open, and pots were maintained at field capacity. E. flocktoniae seedlings were planted in undisturbed and disturbed topsoil just after topsoil collect and then after 3, 6 and 9 months of topsoil storage. AM fungi present in the topsoil collected in summer was less susceptible to initial disturbance than AM fungi present in topsoil collected during winter. Also, storage of topsoil in sealed pots watered to field capacity was more detrimental to its infectivity than storage of topsoil in dry conditions. Mycorrhizal fungi can contribute to the survival of some native plant species in the ultramafic soils of Bandalup Hill and they may represent another strategy to improve the success of Ni mine revegetation. However, such contribution may not be the unique avenue for native plants to survive in ultramafic soils of Bandalup Hill.

Uddin, Salah. "Surface charge characterization and flotation of an ultramafic nickel ore." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107688.

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AbstractAbout 300 million tonnes of inferred Ni resource in ultramafic hosted rocks is present in 'Thompson Nickel Belt' in north central Manitoba. The processing challenges result from electrostatic interaction between pentlandite (the main Ni-mineral) and serpentine (the main gangue and one of the MgO minerals). As a contribution to meeting the challenge, the thesis examines the role of particle and bubble surface charge and the effect of fibre disintegration on flotation behavior of an ultramafic Ni ore sample. For surface charge characterization the sedimentation potential technique was used. A novel integrated device was developed to measure sedimentation potential, conductivity and pH simultaneously. Maxwell's model was used to calculate volume fraction of dispersed phase from conductivity, and zeta potential, when appropriate, was calculated from the Smoluchowski equation. The technique was validated by showing good agreement with iso-electric point for alumina, silica and bubble suspensions with electrophoresis measurements. The technique was extended to characterize mixed minerals including ultramafic ore, and bubbles in the presence of particles. The results provided some evidence of metal ion adsorption on particles and the possibility of non-hydrophobic particle attachment to bubbles. The latter was reinforced by visualization studies of a pendant bubble exposed to particle suspensions.A novel fibre disintegration strategy was devised combining both chemical (acid) and physical (grinding) treatment based on work to enhance carbon dioxide uptake by serpentine. Using HCl, subsequent conventional flotation (amyl xanthate, soda ash and MIBC) gave significantly improved results over the untreated ore. Using H2SO4, arguably the practical option led to flotation without collector due to elemental sulphur formation on pentlandite, and without frother due to high ionic strength solutions. Improved Ni grade-recovery with higher MgO mineral rejection was achieved. Structural changes in the fibres were followed using various spectroscopic techniques and a mechanism of fibre disintegration suggested.
Environ 300 millions de tonnes de ressources inférées de Ni ultramafiques hébergé est présent dans 'ceinture nickélifère de Thompson' dans le centre-nord du Manitoba. Le traitement des défis résultant de l'interaction électrostatique entre pentlandite (le principal Ni-minéraux) et la serpentine. En tant que contribution à relever le défi, la thèse examine le rôle des particules et la charge de surface des bulles et l'effet de la désintégration des fibres sur le comportement de flottaison d'un échantillon de minerai de nickel ultramafiques. Pour la caractérisation de charge de surface de la technique de sédimentation potentielle a été utilisée. Un nouveau dispositif intégré a été développé pour mesurer le potentiel de sédimentation, la conductivité et le pH simultanément. Le modèle de Maxwell a été utilisée pour calculer la fraction volumique de phase dispersée de la conductivité, et le potentiel zêta, le cas échéant, a été calculée à partir de l'équation de Smoluchowski. La technique a été validée en montrant un bon accord avec l'iso-électrique de point pour les suspensions d'alumine, de silice et de bulles avec des mesures d'électrophorèse. La technique a été étendue afin de caractériser les minéraux mélangés, y compris de minerai ultramafiques, et des bulles dans la présence de particules. Les résultats ont fourni des preuves de ion métallique adsorption sur les particules et la possibilité de l'attachement des particules non-hydrophobe à bulles. Ce dernier a été renforcée par des études de la visualisation d'une bulle Pendentif exposés à des suspensions de particules.Une stratégie nouvelle fibre de désintégration a été conçu combinant à la fois chimique (acide) et physiques (broyage) un traitement basé sur le travail pour améliorer l'absorption du dioxyde de carbone par la serpentine. En utilisant HCl, à la suite de flottation conventionnelle (amyl xanthate, la cendre de soude et de MIBC) a donné des résultats nettement améliorés au cours des minerais non traités. Utiliser H2SO4, sans doute l'option la pratique conduit à de flottaison sans collecteur due à la formation du soufre élémentaire sur la pentlandite, et sans buse due à des solutions à haute force ionique. Amélioration de qualité Ni-reprise avec le rejet supérieur de MgO de a été atteint. Les changements structurels dans les fibres ont été suivis en utilisant diverses techniques de spectroscopie et d'un mécanisme de désintégration de fibre suggéré.

Phillips, David. "Mineralogy and petrology of the Townlands iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite." Thesis, Rhodes University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007617.

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The Townlands iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite is a relatively large pipelike body situated in the western corner of Rustenburg Section, Rustenburg Platinum Mines. It is characterised by a strong negative magnetic signature and transgresses the noritic layered sequence of the upper critical zone of the Bushveld Complex. The layered rocks are downwarped in the vicinity of the pipe and are in sharp contact with the pegmatitic material. The pegmatite varies in composition between dunite and wehrlite, with the marginal zones being more wehrlitic in composition. Olivine (Fo₃₀ - Fo₅₂) and clinopyroxene (Wo₄₅En₃₀Fs₂₅ - Wo₄₅En₃₇Fs₁₈) are the dominant constituents and accessory phases include ilmenite, Ti -magnetite, apatite, amphiboles, chlorite-group minerals, biotite, ilvaite and a host of unusual ore minerals. The Fe-Ti oxides exhibit exsolution textures typically found in slowly cooled igneous rocks and temperatures of formati on are consi dered to be in excess of 800°C. The UG2 chromitite leader layers intersected by borehole TLP.l are enriched in Fe and Ti and exhibit compositions intermediate between chromite and Ti-magnetite. The ore mineral assemblage includes a primary sulphide assemblage consisting of troilite, chalcopyrite, cubanite and pentlandite, and an array of unusual phases formed by late-stage secondary processes. The unusual sulphides mooihoekite and haycockite, that occur in certain parts of the pegmatite, are considered to have formed by partial replacement of the primary assemblage and a possible paragenetic sequence is discussed. Mineral compositions and whole rock geochemical data are consistent with an origin for the pegmatite by crystallization from a fractionated melt. It is suggested that intercumulus fluids, trapped during the crystallization of the noritic layered sequence, accumulated in an area of structural weakness, in response to an increasing overburden pressure and/or tectonic activity. Evidence is also presented that indicates that the Townlands pegmatite may consist of at least two separate, but adjoining pegmatite bodies.
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Torres, Sílvia Manuela Marques. "Guerra Colonial na revista Notícia. A cobertura jornalística do conflito ultramarino português em Angola." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/7280.

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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Jornalismo
Este trabalho visa contribuir não só para o estudo da imprensa portuguesa e angolana da segunda metade do século XX como também para um maior conhecimento da cobertura jornalística da Guerra Colonial em Angola, feita pela Notícia, uma revista com sede em Luanda. As principais fontes desta análise são o referido semanário e o testemunho de jornalistas que nele trabalharam. Estruturalmente, esta dissertação é constituída por cinco capítulos. O jornalismo de guerra, a história da imprensa em Angola, o historial da revista Notícia, a censura no Estado Novo e a cobertura jornalística da Guerra Colonial em Angola feita pela Notícia são os temas em destaque. Através desta análise é dada a conhecer uma das faces da guerra ainda pouco explorada: a cobertura jornalística de um conflito do século XX, em que o jornalista vive no próprio país em guerra.

Eimes, John A. "[Extra-pair fertilization, mate choice and genetic similarity in the Mexican jay (Aphelocoma ultramarina)]." Diss., St. Louis, Mo. : University of Missouri--St. Louis, 2004. http://etd.umsl.edu/r661.

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Cassam-Chenai, Natacha. "La rationalisation des dépenses fiscales en faveur des investissements immobiliers ultramarins des personnes physiques." Thesis, La Réunion, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LARE0024.

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Les dépenses fiscales permettant de favoriser les investissements immobiliers ultramarins des personnes physiques, établies depuis maintenant une trentaine d'années, risquent pourtant d'être effacées du paysage fiscal français : d'une part, la fin prévue de ces dépenses approche à grand pas et d'autre part, ces dépenses font l'objet de nombreuses critiques et une partie de la doctrine milite pour leur suppression, au motif, principalement, que ces dépenses violeraient le principe d'égalité et qu'elles seraient trop coûteuses et ainsi néfastes aux finances publiques, sachant que le niveau de la dette publique est préoccupant et que la maîtrise des deniers publics est exigée tant au niveau national qu'au niveau européen. Du moins, l'examen approfondi desdites dépenses fiscales et du droit les régissant permet de réfuter certaines idées reçues et permet d'offrir une nouvelle approche de ces dépenses. Cet examen révèle, contre toute attente, que ces dépenses contribuent au redressement des finances publiques et répondent ainsi à l'exigence de maîtrise des deniers publics. En outre, il montre que ces dépenses jouissent d'une grande légitimité et qu'elles doivent être maintenues et prorogées ; elles ne sont aucunement contraires au principe d'égalité et permettent même de faire prospérer ce principe ; qui plus est, elles permettent de concrétiser le principe de solidarité (notamment parce qu'elles contribuent à garantir le droit au logement et le droit à la santé), et constituent ainsi, des dépenses qualifiées d'« impérieuses », l'impériosité des dépenses étant un nouveau concept dégagé – ayant vocation à être utilisé pour toutes dépenses fiscales – permettant de faire le départ entre les dépenses qui doivent nécessairement être faites et qui pourraient être converties en dépenses budgétaires et celles qui ne le pourraient pas, eu égard au principe de nécessité de l'impôt. Cependant, pour de telles dépenses impérieuses, la question de la justification de leur nature fiscale est alors cruciale, d'où il suit qu'une méthode, permettant de déterminer si la nature fiscale de telles dépenses est justifiée, a été élaborée, laquelle a permis de montrer que la nature fiscale desdites dépenses favorisant les investissements ultramarins est appropriée. Aussi légitimes que soient ces dépenses, elles ne sont toutefois pas exemptes de toute critique et mériteraient d'être réformées. Il s'agit notamment de mieux protéger les contribuables qui investissent aux fins d'obtenir un avantage fiscal (entre autres par le biais d'une lutte contre une insécurité juridique contestable) et de réduire certaines inégalités occasionnées par ces dépenses. En ce sens, et afin de mieux respecter le principe de solidarité, un certain nombre de propositions ont été émises (dont certaines pourraient profiter à l'ensemble des dépenses fiscales), au rang desquelles figure celle d'offrir aux contribuables la possibilité d'effectuer leurs investissements ouvrant droit à avantage fiscal, par le biais du service des impôts, lequel transfèrerait les fonds appartenant aux contribuables à une entreprise gérée par des personnes publiques
Tax expenditures in favor of the ultramarine real estate investments of natural persons, established for some thirty years now, may well be erased from the French tax landscape: on the one hand, the expected end of these expenditures is fast approaching and on the other hand, these expenses are the subject of much criticism and part of the doctrine militates for their abolition, mainly on the grounds that such expenditure would violate the principle of equality and that they would be too costly and thus detrimental to the Public finances, knowing that the level of public debt is a matter of concern and that control of public funds is required both at national and at European level. At least, a thorough review of these tax expenditures and the law governing them can be used to refute certain stereotypes and to offer a new approach to these expenditures. This examination reveals, against all odds, that these expenses contribute to the restoration of public finances and thus meet the requirement of control of public funds. Moreover, it shows that these expenditures enjoy great legitimacy and must be maintained and extended; they are not contrary to the principle of equality and even allow this principle to flourish; moreover, they make it possible to give concrete expression to the principle of solidarity (notably because they help to guarantee the right to housing and the right to health) and thus constitute "imperious" expenditure, the urgency of expenditures being a new concept emitted - intended to be used for all tax expenditures - making it possible to differentiate between expenditures that must necessarily be made and which could be converted into budgetary expenditures, and those that could not, given the principle of necessity of the tax. However, for such imperious expenses, the question of the justification of their fiscal nature is crucial, that is why a method has been developed to determine whether the tax nature of such expenditures is justified. This method has shown that the fiscal nature of the said expenses favoring the ultramarine investments is appropriate. As legitimate as these expenditures are, however, they are not without criticism and deserve to be reformed. These include better protecting taxpayers who are investing for the purpose of obtaining a tax advantage (among other things by combating questionable legal insecurity) and reducing certain inequalities caused by such expenditures. In this regard, and in order to better respect the principle of solidarity, a number of proposals have been made (some of which could benefit all tax expenditures), among which is the idea of offering taxpayers the opportunity to make their tax-advantaged investments through the tax department, which would transfer the funds belonging to taxpayers to a publicly run company, a proposal with many advantages

Ferreira, José. "Estudo estatístico sobre a mobilização de unidades da Arma de Infantaria durante a Guerra de África (1961-1974)." Master's thesis, Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/9843.

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O presente trabalho de Investigação Aplicada está subordinado ao tema “Estudo estatístico sobre a mobilização de unidades da Arma de Infantaria durante a Guerra de África (1961 – 1974) ”. Através desta investigação pretende-se caracterizar a tipologia das unidades mobilizadas pela Arma de Infantaria, com base no recrutamento e mobilização feito em Portugal continental e nos arquipélagos dos Açores e Madeira, bem como compreender o esforço de mobilização realizado por esta arma, quer através do ritmo de mobilização ao longo do período da guerra, quer ao nível das unidades territoriais que mobilizaram forças durante a guerra para cada um dos Teatros de Operações, durante o período em estudo. É de relevante pertinência a realização desta investigação, pela possibilidade de retirar conclusões sobre os períodos de maior e menor esforço de mobilização (não considerando as unidades de intervenção e as de guarnição normal) em cada Teatro de Operações bem como conhecer a tipologia das unidades empenhadas durante o conflito ultramarino. Este trabalho vem assim enriquecer o historial da Arma de Infantaria. O objetivo desta investigação prima por responder às questões derivadas, com o desígnio último de dar resposta à questão central levantada. No que diz respeito à metodologia aplicada ao presente trabalho, consiste numa investigação baseada no método histórico, recorrendo ao mesmo tempo ao método dedutivo, tendo em conta uma abordagem diacrónica sobre a campanha, nos limites temporais definidos. Os dados recolhidos foram essencialmente na forma textual nas bibliotecas da Academia Militar, em relatos de unidades e no Arquivo Histórico Militar. Este Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada é composto por sete capítulos. No primeiro explica-se a importância da investigação, bem como a problemática abordada. No segundo é feito um enquadramento teórico para uma melhor perceção da matéria em estudo. No terceiro são referenciadas todas as tipologias de unidades de Infantaria mobilizadas para a Guerra do Ultramar. No quarto, quinto e sexto capítulos são abordadas as tipologias de unidades de Infantaria mobilizadas pela Arma de Infantaria para o Teatro de Operações de Angola, Guiné e Moçambique, respetivamente. As conclusões e recomendações são redigidas no último capítulo.
Abstract This Applied Research work is entitled "Statistical Study on mobilizing Infantry Units during the War of África (1961-1974)".This research aims to characterize the types of units deployed by infantry units, based on the recruitment and mobilization done in continental Portugal the Azores and Madeira, as well as understanding the mobilization effort done by this unit, both in terms the rate of mobilization, and in terms of the units which exerted greater effort during the war for each of Operations Theatres during the period under study. It is of important relevance to carry out this research, the possibility of drawin g conclusions about the periods of greater and lesser mobilization effort (not considering intervention units and normal operations in each theater of operations as well as knowing the type of units more used during the conflict overseas. This work will thus enrich the history of the Infantry unit. The purpose of this research strives to answer questions derived, with the latest method to address the central issue raised. With regard to the methodology applied to this work, is a research-based historical method, using both the deductive method, taking into account a diachronic approach to the campaign, the defined time limits The collected data were essentially in textual form on the Military Academy libraries, on reports of units and the Military Historical Archive. The Applied Research Work consists of seven chapters properly outlined. In the first explained the importance of research, and the problems addressed. The second is a theoretical framework for a better perception of matter being studied. The third referenced all types of infantry units mobilized for the War of Ultramar. In the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters addresses the types of infantry units deployed by infantry unit for the Angola Theater of Operations, Guinea and Mozambique, respectively. The conclusions and recommendations are written in the last chapter.

Garrucho, Sandra Luisa Lourenço. "Intervenção sobre uma coleção fotográfica." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/5769.

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O presente relatório descreve as atividades realizadas durante o estágio curricular no âmbito do Mestrado em Fotografia, perfil de Conservação, da Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Tomar / Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (ESTT/IPT). O estágio decorreu nas instalações do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (AHU), integrado no Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT), e teve como objetivo a intervenção de conservação sobre uma coleção de fotografias em depósito no AHU, que contou com vários tipos de suportes (como vidro, películas fotográficas, provas em papel e álbuns fotográficos). As várias fases de trabalho foram realizadas durante nove meses, e consistiram no diagnóstico, higienização, estabilização, acondicionamento, digitalização, catalogação e disponibilização online. Este estágio visa a preservação e divulgação de um núcleo fotográfico que reúne valências do ponto de vista histórico, cultural e patrimonial.

Salvino, Romulo Valle. "Guerras de papel : disputas e estratégias em torno da comunicação escrita na América portuguesa (c. 1650 – c. 1750)." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2018. http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/33852.

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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, 2018.
Com base em documentos de diversas origens, parte substancial deles sob guarda do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, este trabalho procura estudar os conflitos provocados pelas tentativas de instalação do correio-mor na América portuguesa, entre as décadas de 1650 e 1750. A análise orienta-se pela convergência de três vetores, de diferentes naturezas e correspondentes a fenômenos desenvolvidos em distintas escalas temporais, mas que se interligam nos casos estudados. O primeiro é um lento processo de transformação da monarquia portuguesa, a migração de uma concepção jurisdicionalista de poder e de uma administração “econômica” (no sentido original de gestão da esfera doméstica), para outras, mais “políticas”, mais preocupadas com o bem-estar geral, com o abastecimento e com a regulação da res publica. O segundo corresponde à trajetória de um dos braços dessa monarquia, o correio-mor, marcada tanto por conflitos em vários níveis, quanto pela sua venda pela Coroa a particulares no início do século XVII, de acordo com uma lógica dominial e patrimonial, que ainda teria consequências nas duas centúrias seguintes. Finalmente, mas não de menor importância, entram em cena os fatores locais, entre os quais avultam as estratégias de grupos e agentes individuais, que davam colorido específico aos movimentos mais amplos da monarquia. O trabalho procura mostrar que o desenvolvimento dos sistemas disponíveis para a comunicação escrita na América portuguesa foi bastante diferente daquele que se pode observar em Portugal, como resultado de um processo em que se encontraram várias forças. No espaço metropolitano, apesar das críticas a que foi submetido, o correio-mor tornou-se um instrumento de territorialização e de governação sob mando da Coroa, tendo logrado instalar, até a metade do século XVIII, uma rede que abrangia praticamente toda a área do país. No Brasil, por outro lado, a implantação do correio-mor malogrou, diante de uma feroz resistência dos poderes locais e, a partir de 1730, da proibição régia de que atuasse no interior do país. Tal diferença só pode ser adequadamente compreendida diante do encontro dos fatores há pouco mencionados, no quadro de uma cultura política bastante pragmática, que tinha a negociação e a adaptação como elementos essenciais.
Based on documents from diverse origins, a substantial part of them under the custody of the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, this work seeks to study the conflicts caused by attempts to install the postal service in Portuguese America between the 1650s and 1750s. The analysis of this subject is oriented by the convergence of three vectors, of different natures and related to phenomena that, although developed at different temporal scales, are interconnect in the cases studied. The first is a slow process of transformation of the Portuguese monarchy, the migration from a jurisdictional conception of power and an "economic" administration (in the original sense of management of a household), to others, more "political", more concerned with general well-being, with the supply and regulation of res publica. The second corresponds to the trajectory of one of the arms of this monarchy, the postal service, marked by conflicts at various levels and by its sale by the Crown to individuals in the early seventeenth century, according to a dominated and patrimonial logic, which still would have consequences in the next two centuries. Last but not least, local factors come into play, among which are the strategies of individual groups and agents, which gave specific colors to the larger movements of the monarchy. This work tries to show that the development of the systems available for written communication in Portuguese America was quite different from the one that can be observed in Portugal, as a result of a process in which there was the encounter of several forces. In the metropolitan area, despite the criticisms it underwent, the postmaster became an instrument of territorialization and governance under the command of the Crown, and succeeded in establishing, until the mid-eighteenth century, a network covering almost the entire area of the country. In Brazil, on the other hand, the implantation of the postal service failed, in the face of fierce resistance from local authorities and also as a result of the royal ban, from 1730, on acting inside the country. Such a difference can only be adequately understood in view of the encounter of the factors mentioned before, considering the perspective of a very pragmatic political culture, which had negotiation and adaptation as essential elements.

Li, Jiajie. "Mechanical activation of ultramafic mine waste materials for enhanced mineral carbonation." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/61039.

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The potential success of integrating mineral carbonation, as a pathway to CO₂ sequestration, in mining projects, is dependent on the mineralogical composition and characteristics of its waste rock and tailings. Ultramafic rocks have proven the best potential substrate for mineral carbonation and their ability to alter and to convert CO₂ into its carbonate mineral form is dependent on the original mineralogy and particle surface area. CO₂ conversion kinetics is complex and with the application of appropriate comminution technologies, its efficiency can be enhanced. The objective of this research is to evaluate mechanical activation to enhance the carbonation storage capacity of mine waste material. Three approaches were taken in this research. The first approach was to characterize the microstructure of the mechanically-activated mineral olivine, a predominant mineral constituent of ultramafic rocks, using X-ray diffraction patterns and line profile analysis methods with full pattern fitting method. The second approach was to compare the structural and chemical changes of mine waste with pure olivine, both of which were activated by various mechanical forces under both wet or dry conditions and subsequently carbonated in a direct aqueous carbonation process. Regardless of milling conditions, forsterite (Mg₂SiO₄), the olivine mineral variety in the mine waste, was found to be the main mineral being mechanically-activated and carbonated. It was determined that lizardite (Mg₃(Si₂O₅)(OH)₄), a hydrated magnesium silicate also common in ultramafic hosted mineral deposits, acted as catalyzer assisting forsterite reaching high levels of activation. This condition generated a greater CO₂ conversion to carbonate than that of pure olivine with the equal specific milling energy input. The stirred mill proved to be the most efficient form of mechanical activation vis-a-vis the direct aqueous carbonation process, followed by the planetary mill and the vibratory mill. The third approach analyzes the feasibility of mechanical activation in an integrated mineral carbonation process in a nickel mine considering the life cycle of the process. The minimum operating cost for 60% CO₂ sequestration efficiency was 105-107 $/t CO₂ avoided. At this point, the Turnagain project can potentially sequester 238 Mt/y CO₂ using its waste during the 28-year life of mine.
Applied Science, Faculty of
Mining Engineering, Keevil Institute of

de, Oliveira Elson Paiva. "Petrogenesis of mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Precambrian Curaca terrane, Brazil." Thesis, University of Leicester, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/35079.

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The Caraiba copper-rich hypersthenite-norite complex in the Early Proterozoic Curaca terrane of northern Bahia, Brazil, is not a tholeiitic layered sill as has been previously suggested. It is re-interpreted as a series of multiple dyke-like intrusions, possibly derived through partial melting of an incompatible element enriched harzburgitic to orthopyroxenitic lithospheric mantle source region. It contains peridotitic and gabbroic xenoliths. Copper-rich gabbroic xenoliths may represent volcanic rocks taken to upper mantle depths by a process of subduction. The chemistry of some of the regional mafic rocks and of three granitoid generations suggest for the Curaca terrane a tectonic evolution similar to Phanerozoic continent-continent collision belts, which was possibly initiated at an Andean-type margin. A Middle Proterozoic mafic dyke swarm that post-dates the main period of crustal growth is interpreted as having originated from a heterogeneous garnet-bearing source in the asthenospheric mantle, and is likely to be related to a mantle plume or hotspot during the development of the coeval Espinhaco aulacogen. The parental magma of these dykes is thought to have resided in small zoned magma chambers. Comparison with other mafic dykes from the Brazilian shield suggests derivation of the Early Proterozoic dykes from more depleted, more refractory, lithospheric mantle sources than those of the younger dykes, which are believed to have had a significant asthenospheric contribution in their petrogenesis. The chemistry of these dykes reflects the evolution of the sub-continental mantle with time.

Layton-Matthews, Daniel. "Metasomatism of ultramafic intrusions in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp05/mq61276.pdf.

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Khan, Mohammad Asif. "Petrology and structure of the Chilas ultramafic complex, NW Himalayas, Pakistan." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/47506.

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Entezari, Zarandi Ali. "Dynamics of passive minerals carbonation in ultramafic mining wastes and tailings." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27833.

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L'élaboration de stratégies économiquement viables pour le stockage à long terme du dioxyde de carbone est devenue depuis quelques années un enjeu majeur en réponse aux préoccupations liées au réchauffement planétaire. Le captage et stockage du carbone (CSC) est considéré comme l'un des scénarios possibles visant à contrer le phénomène du réchauffement planétaire en ciblant le CO₂ atmosphérique. La carbonatation minérale – dans des plateformes de CCS – devrait être une option privilégiée pour la capture et le stockage permanent du carbone, connaissant la réactivité de matériaux alcalins tels que les silicates de magnésium et la brucite avec le dioxyde de carbone pour former des carbonates stables et respectueux de l'environnement. La carbonatation minérale passive des minéraux contenus dans les rejets ultramafiques pourrait être considérée comme une option économiquement attrayante en raison de la disponibilité de grandes quantités de rejets miniers riches en magnésium, de granulométrie très fine et hautement réactifs. De plus, les réactions impliquées dans la carbonatation minérale se font relativement facilement dans les conditions ambiantes. Le CO₂ est principalement dissous dans l'eau provenant de la pluie et de la fonte des neiges pour former des ions HCO₃₋ et CO₃²⁻. Des ions métalliques tels que le Mg²⁺ et le Ca²⁺ sont également lessivés dans l'eau permettant ainsi la formation de carbonates métalliques. Des travaux expérimentaux de laboratoire ont été réalisés afin d'identifier la dynamique de la carbonatation minérale passive dans des conditions environnementales qui prévalent généralement dans les régions du Québec, au Canada. Une cellule de carbonatation à diffusion différentielle a été développée pour suivre la cinétique de carbonatation minérale dans des conditions ambiantes. Les mesures cinétiques ont révélé le rôle complexe de l'eau à la fois dans le milieu réactionnel et en partie dans les processus de carbonatation. L'analyse par diffraction aux rayons X en fonction du temps et les observations au microscope électronique à balayage révèlent la formation de carbonates de magnésium intermédiaires, poreux et métastables qui ont ensuite évolué en couches de nesquehonite moins poreuses. Ces minéraux secondaires sont responsables de la passivation des surfaces malgré la disponibilité d’une partie de la brucite qui n’avait pas encore réagie. Cependant, les résultats ont montré que l'abrasion des surfaces de rejets préalablement carbonatés peut permettre l’exposition de surfaces fraiches permettant ainsi une carbonatation supplémentaire des résidus. Des essais de carbonatation à température variable ont été effectués dans les plages de température chaude (35 ± 1 ° C), de laboratoire (23 ± 2 ° C), faible (5 ± 1 ° C) et de congélation (-5 ± 2 ° C) pour considérer les différences saisonnières. Les résultats suggèrent que la température a un effet notable sur la cinétique de carbonatation et une baisse de la température a provoqué un ralentissement de la réaction, bien que la carbonatation soit, d’un point de vue thermodynamique, définie comme une réaction exothermique. De plus, il a été observé que le séchage et les cycles de gel/ dégel étaient à l'origine d'un effet thermomécanique de "pelage" qui induit des microfractuations des couches de carbonates secondaires permettant à l'eau et au gaz de migrer et de réagir avec des sites donneurs de Mg. L'analyse par spectroscopie FTIR a révélé que des carbonates de magnésium hydratés tels que la nesquehonite se forment parallèlement à la dissolution de la brucite pendant la carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers de nickel riches en brucite. Cependant, les résultats suggèrent aussi que la nesquehonite n'est pas le produit final de carbonate de magnésium hydraté. En effet, une surveillance à long terme (sur 2 ans) d'un matériau déjà carbonaté a révélé que la nesquehonite initiale a évolué en dypingite et en hydromagnésite, dépendamment de l'âge, des cycles de mouillage/séchage et de la profondeur où le carbonate initial s'est formé. Néanmoins, la nesquehonite pourrait maintenir sa stabilité sur des périodes prolongées si elle n'est pas soumise à des conditions humides.
Developing economically feasible strategies for long-term storage of carbon dioxide has become over the past few years a major stake in response to the concerns over global warming. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is widely believed to be one of the possible scenarios aimed in challenging the global warming phenomenon by targeting the atmospheric CO₂ content. Mineral carbonation – in the platform of CCS – is anticipated to be a premium option for permanent carbon capture and storage owing to the known reactivity of alkaline materials such as magnesium silicates and brucite with carbon dioxide to form stable and environmentally benign carbonates. Passive mineral carbonation of ultramafic mine waste and tailing minerals could be considered as an economically attractive option owing the availability of large amounts of magnesium-rich mining wastes, which are regarded to be virtually free, typically fine grained and highly reactive. Moreover, the energy input of nature is employed in passive mineral carbonation which is likewise free. In this way, CO₂ is mainly dissolved in water resulting from rain and snow season. Metal ions such as Mg²⁺ and Ca⁺ are also leached into the water allowing the formation of metal bicarbonate and consequently formation of metal carbonates. Laboratory experimental works were done in order to identify the dynamics of passive mineral carbonation under environmental conditions prevailing the Quebec region, Canada. A differential diffusion carbonation cell was developed to monitor the kinetics of mineral carbonation under ambient conditions. The kinetic measurements revealed the complex role of water both as reacting medium and moiety in the carbonation pathway. Time-dependent X-ray powder diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy reveal formation of transitional, metastable porous, flaky magnesium carbonates which subsequently evolved into less porous nesquehonite layers, which are shown to be responsible for surface passivation despite availability of unreacted brucite. However, surface abrasion was shown to liberate previously carbonated NIMT particles resulting in further carbonation on freshly exposed surfaces. Temperature dependent carbonation tests were performed in the ranges of hot (35 ± 1 °C), laboratory (23 ± 2 °C), low (5 ± 1 °C), and freezing (-5 ± 2 °C) to mimic different seasonal conditions. Temperature had a notable effect on the carbonation kinetics and lowering temperature caused a reaction slowdown despite carbonation is thermodynamically defined as an exothermic reaction. Moreover, it was observed that drying and freeze/thaw cycles were at the origin of a thermomechanical “peel-off” effect which inflicted micro–fractures to the carbonate product layers enabling water and gas to engulf beneath and react with freshly unearthed Mg donor sites. FTIR spectroscopy analysis revealed that hydrated magnesium carbonates such as nesquehonite are being formed parallel to brucite dissolution during mineral carbonation of brucite-rich nickel mining tailings. However, it was observed that nesquehonite is not the ultimate hydrated magnesium carbonate product. Long–term monitoring over 2 years of an already carbonated material revealed that the initial nesquehonite has evolved into dypingite and hydromagnesite depending on age, wetting/drying history and the depth where initial carbonate has been formed. Nonetheless, nesquehonite could maintain its stability over prolonged times if not being subjected to wet/ humid environmental conditions.

Pinto, Luís. "As Unidades a Cavalo na Contra-subversão no Ultramar Português." Master's thesis, Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/8901.

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No início da década de 60 Portugal foi confrontado com acções de movimentos independentistas nas suas províncias ultramarinas. Inicialmente é Angola com os seus movimentos subversivos a primeira das três províncias a entrar em guerra. A resposta portuguesa é rápida e surge pouco depois do inicio do conflito com a doutrina portuguesa de contra-subversão em que é apresentada como base do exército as forças de caçadores. Estas forças bastante semelhantes com as de Infantaria mas mais aligeiradas começam a apresentar algumas lacunas, principalmente para cumprir missões como forças de intervenção. São então criadas várias forças com o intuito de suprimir essas falhas e realizar um eficaz combate à subversão. Para além das Forças Especiais Portugal começa a utilizar forças de nativos e até tropa a cavalo, também denominados Dragões. Embora inicialmente esta ideia fosse um pouco controversa a verdade é que depois da experiência em 1967 no Leste de Angola com um pelotão e de se ter provado a eficácia desta força em terreno favorável começa a ser constituído um Esquadrão a cavalo. Pouco tempo depois formava-se o segundo e a experiência alargava-se à província de Moçambique. A velocidade, as cargas, o raio de acção elevado e uma autonomia superior são apenas algumas das vantagens que esta força possuía face aos caçadores. Tacticamente os Dragões começam por fazer operações de reconhecimento mas rapidamente passam a executar operações planeadas devido não só às suas capacidades o permitirem mas também aos reduzidos efectivos das guerrilhas inimigas. Este tipo de força inicialmente duvidosa torna-se num dos mais eficazes investimentos do Exército na luta contra a subversão e acaba mesmo por ser copiada anos mais tarde na Rodésia e na África do Sul.
Abstract In the early 60’s Portugal was confronted by independence movements actions in its Ultramar provinces. Initially is Angola with their insurgency movements the first of three provinces to became at war. The Portuguese response is fast and comes shortly after the beginning of the conflict with the Portuguese doctrine of counterinsurgency where is shown as army base forces the light Infantry. These forces, very similar to the infantry but slightest, have started to show some shortcomings, particularly to accomplish the missions of intervention forces. Are then created several forces in order to eliminate those gaps and achieve an effective fight against insurgency. In addition to the Special Forces Portugal start to use native forces and horseback troops, also known as Dragoons. Although initially the idea was a little controversial the truth is that after the experience in 1967 in the East of Angola with a squad where was proved the effectiveness ofthis force on favorable ground begins to be established a Horse Squadron. Shortly after it was established the second and the experience broadened to the province of Mozambique. The speed, the charges, the high radius of action and the superior autonomy are just some of the advantages that this kind of force had compared to the light Infantry. Tactically, the Dragoons began by doing reconnaissance operations but soon started executing planned operations not just because of their abilities but also because of the limited guerrilla enemy staff. This type of force initially dubious becomes one of the most effective Army’s investments in the fight against insurgency and some years later it was copied in Rhodesia and South Africa.

Leung, Ho-sun. "Geochemistry of the paleozoic Xiadong mafic-ultramafic complex, Eastern Xinjiang, NW China." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2010. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B44143850.

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Kieser, Nigel Bernard John. "Platinum-group element dispersion associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks in Alaska." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/8235.

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Leung, Ho-sun, and 梁灝燊. "Geochemistry of the paleozoic Xiadong mafic-ultramafic complex, Eastern Xinjiang, NW China." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B44143850.

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Nagy, Laszlo. "Ecological investigations on selected species at the Meikle Kilrannoch Ultramafic Outcrops, Scotland." Thesis, University of Stirling, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/11843.

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Ecological and ecophysiological investigations carried out at the ultramafic outcrop near Meikle Kilrannoch, Angus, Scotland are reported. The outcrop is botanically famous for its rare plant species, particularly the endemic Cerastium fontanum ssp. scoticum and the nationally rare Lychnis alnina. The studies were made on the main outcrop (called MK1) which is dome shaped, and on a much smaller low-lying area (called MK1.5) about 300 m from it. The overall aim of the studies was to investigate the relationship between the soil physico-chemical environment and species distribution on the open areas of the ultramafic site and to experimentally test for causality; and to offer an explanation for the open character of the vegetation on the skeletal soils. Variograms which were constructed for soil properties and vegetation data to investigate soil micro-spatial variation and vegetation pattern showed differing levels of spatial dependence, always indicating high intrinsic variability. The cause of this high variability was probably cryoturbation for the soil and morphological characters for plants. The gradient analyses (Principal Components Analysis and its canonical form, Redundancy Analysis) used to study soil - vegetation correlations suggested that A ostis vinealis, Cerastium fontanum ssp. scoticum and Lychnis alpina were most abundant in areas up-slope with lower concentrations of soil magnesium; Cochlearia pyrenaica ssp. alpina and Festuca rubra were associated with bigger stone sizes, and the latter occurred in wetter areas with higher of ions. A comparative solution culture experiment based on the local soil chemistry was used to study the growth responses to magnesium and nickel of Cerastium fontanum ss. scoticum, Cochlearia pyrenaica ssp. al ina and Festuca rubra. The results for Festuca and Cerastium were in agreement with the findings of the gradient analysis: Festuca was indifferent to both magnesium and nickel and Cerastium was susceptible to high magnesium; the reduction of dry weight by nickel in the Cochlearia conflicted with its suggested association with high soil nickel in the gradient analysis. The impacts on the photosynthetic systems of three Cochlearia species of different concentrations of iron and nickel were identifiable only in the non-ultramafic C. pyrenaica where the addition of nickel decreased photosynthesis but the effect could be ameliorated by the addition of high concentrations of iron. The open character of the skeletal soil at the MK1 site was discussed in terms of 'carrying capacity'. Vegetation development was suggested to be controlled at least partly by large stones covering the soil surface. Further factors such as space fragmentation, possible plant-to-plant interactions, and low density of flowering individuals and restricted seed dispersal were also considered. To test if major nutrients were limiting plant growth, major nutrients (NPK) were applied to the MK1.5 skeletal soil. The significantly higher X's and recruitment and change in life history traits (larger rosette sizes, earlier maturing and higher seed production) in the fertilised populations of C. pyrenaica ssp. alpina resulted in a significantly higher plant cover in the fertilised quadrats. The better growth of plants in the fertilised quadrats was reflected in their lower total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) concentrations in May and their higher TNC in August. The present series of investigations found that magnesium and nickel toxicity had an effect on the intra-site distribution of the ultramafic species and also confirmed earlier reports on the importance of magnesium and nickel toxicity in ultsamafic exclusion. Large stones and low soil phosphorus concentration are proposed as limiting factors for the development of closed vegetation on the skeletal soil areas of the sites.

Power, Matthew R. "Models for the genesis of industrial minerals in mafic and ultramafic rocks." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.245925.

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Emblin, S. R. "The Reinfjord ultramafic complex, Seiland province : emplacement history and magma chamber model." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.355634.

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Stanley, Jessica R. "The lattice preferred orientation of olivine in Beni Bousera Ultramafic Massif, Morocco." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/55168.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2009.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-101).
The roll of melt in deformation of the mantle is important for understanding mantle processes and evolution. The Beni Bousera Ultramafic Massif, northern Morocco, shows petrologic evidence that melt was an important part of its history. The massif, dominantly composed of spinel lherzolite with harzburgitic sections, has 10 to 100 meter scale zones which contain abundant pyroxenite dykes, dunite, harzburgite, and secondary lherzolite. These zones are interpreted as areas of focused melt percolation. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine crystals from a sample transect across one of these zones was analyzed in comparison with LPO from the surrounding host lherzolite and harzburgite. The LPO from peridotites within the zone was slightly different from those outside the zone, and the LPO from the dunite analyzed was significantly different from the peridotites. Within the melt percolation zone, orientation of the olivine a-axis with respect to the mineral foliation indicates that strain increases towards the center of the zone and that shear sense changes across the zone. This suggests that focused melt flow can induce deformation in its host peridotite.
by Jessica R. Stanley.

Pesce, Kathryn A. "Petrology and geochemistry of pyroxenites in the Lanzo ultramafic massif, Northwestern Italy." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/70781.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2012.
"February 2012." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-45).
Combined field, microtextural, and geochemical observations are presented for pyroxenites in the Lanzo ultramafic massif in order to place chemical and petrological constraints both locally on the geologic history of the massif and more generally on the role of magmatic rifting and the rift-to-drift transition in ultraslow-spreading ridge environments. Two separate generations of pyroxenites have been distinguished. A young set of primitive Cr-diopside websterites of MORB affinity are related to melt infiltrations and melt-rock reactions during rifting and Jurassic exhumation, while a much older generation of websterites likely of subcontinental origin were inherited and pre-date continental rifting and exhumation of the massif. The regional compositional and textural variation observed in the latter group of pyroxenites is not due to primary heterogeneities but rather to differences in subsequent metamorphic histories. Pyroxenites from the northern domain experienced a colder exhumation history and physical isolation from the rest of the massif by means of a high temperature shear zone related to the rifting. These websterites preserve garnet pseudomorphs and elevated REE which are textural and geochemical evidence for the prior coexistence of clinopyroxene and garnet. The implications of this study are that the Lanzo massif was indeed subcontinental lithosphere prior its exhumation and existence as an Ocean Continent Transition Zone (OCTZ) and that high temperature shear zones do seem to serve as effective permeability barriers and melt-focusing zones in rifting systems.
by Kathryn A. Pesce.

Craven, John Anthony. "The petrogenesis of some ultramafic rocks from the Gardar Province, S.W. Greenland." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/12171.

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Ford, Frederick Dean Carleton University Dissertation Geology. "Petrology of the Flinton Creek ultramafic rocks, central metasedimentary belt, Grenville province." Ottawa, 1989.

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Oliveira, Mirian Santos Ribeiro de. "A nação e seus emigrantes: análise do discurso nacionalista hindu contemporâneo sobre a \"comunidade hindu ultramarina\"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8132/tde-11122012-095214/.

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Diferentes organizações sociais no interior dos Estados-nação modernos, confrontadas com o aprofundamento e a diversificação dos processos de globalização contemporâneos, buscaram redefinir seus papéis, modos de atuação e percepções sobre a pertença à nação. Esta tese investiga processos de construção identitária ligados a migrações internacionais e, mais especificamente, a relações transnacionais entre organizações nacionalistas e emigrantes. Apresenta-se como objetivo a análise do discurso nacionalista hindu contemporâneo sobre a emigração, elaborado a partir da sociedade de origem, a Índia, concentrando-se no modo como processos nacionais influenciam a construção de identidades transnacionais. Para tanto, examina-se o processo de (re)construção da identidade hindu como uma identidade transnacional, por uma organização nacionalista específica: o Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (Organização Nacional de Voluntários, RSS), atuante na Índia e em sociedades com quantidades significativas de migrantes indianos. Concentrou-se na análise do discurso oficial da Organização Nacional de Voluntários, ou seja, no exame de livros e panfletos publicados pelo grupo nacionalista hindu em questão. A pesquisa documental foi realizada durante o período de trabalho de campo na Índia (entre dezembro de 2010 e maio de 2011), principalmente em arquivos mantidos pela Organização, em Nova Déli. Os documentos nacionalistas hindus selecionados para análise podem ser divididos em duas categorias: narrativas sobre a nação hindu que tratam parcialmente do tema da emigração e discursos sobre a emigração propriamente dita. Em ambas as categorias de textos, verifica-se a ocorrência de: (i) reelaboração de percepções sobre a emigração (de modo mais específico, a construção de imagens positivas da emigração e dos emigrantes); ii) (re)construção de vínculos simbólicos com os emigrantes (ou seja, a reformulação da noção de pertença à comunidade nacional, com vistas à incorporação do emigrante nas narrativas sobre a nação). O exame dos processos de construção identitária empreendidos pela organização nacionalista em questão revela-se crucial para a análise da própria criação de canais institucionais que pretendem efetivar os vínculos simbólicos entre sociedade de emigração e emigrantes, uma vez que a formação de filiais ultramarinas, pela Organização Nacional de Voluntários, foi legitimada e estimulada pelo discurso nacionalista hindu sobre a emigração. Ademais, a análise realizada evidencia que a (re)construção de vínculos transnacionais entre a pátria e seus emigrantes, por organizações não estatais na sociedade de origem, promove a transnacionalização dos próprios ideários nacionalistas formulado por tais organizações. A representação da identidade hindu como uma identidade transnacional, a vincular indianos residentes na Índia ou no exterior a uma unidade sociocultural ampliada, o Grande Hindustão, implica, nesse sentido: i) a afirmação da predominância da noção de pertença à pátria hindu sobre outras identificações possíveis, entre os emigrantes; ii) a tentativa de reterritorialização das relações transnacionais entre as partes, isto é, a caracterização da sociedade indiana como o centro de redes transnacionais construídas ao longo de processos de emigração.
Distinct social organizations within modern nation-states seek to redefine their roles, strategies and perceptions of nationhood as contemporary globalization processes deepen. This thesis examines the construction of cultural identities in contexts significantly affected by international migrations. More precisely, we investigate transnational relations between nationalist organizations and emigrants. Since our objective is analyzing contemporary Hindu nationalist discourse on emigration, which is elaborated within the sending-society, India, we focus on the influence of national processes over the construction of transnational identities. In this connection, we examine the process of (re)construction of Hindu identity as a transnational identity by a particular nationalist organization: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteer Organization, RSS), active in India and in receiving-societies with significant amounts of Indian migrants. We concentrate on the analysis of the official discourse of National Volunteers Organization, that is, on the exam of books and pamphlets published by such Hindu nationalist organization. Documentary research was done in India, from December, 2010 to May, 2011. Hindu nationalist documents selected for analysis can be divided in two categories: narratives on Hindu nation only partially related to emigration matters, and discourses on emigration properly speaking. Both categories highlight: (i) the reinterpretation of perceptions of emigration (more precisely, the construction of positive images of emigrants and emigration); ii) the (re)construction of symbolic linkages with emigrants (i.e. the reformulation of the idea of national belongingness, in order to include the emigrant in national narratives). The investigation of processes of identity construction, undertaken by the RSS, is crucial to the analysis of the very creation of institutional channels that intend to realize the symbolic linkages between sending-society and emigrants, once the foundation of Hindu nationalist overseas branches was legitimated and encouraged by the organizations discourse on emigration. Moreover, the analysis presented in this thesis reveals that the (re)construction of linkages with emigrants, from the homeland, furthers the transnationalization of nationalist ideologies. Thus, the representation of Hindu identity as a transnational identity, linking resident and non-resident Indians to a broad sociocultural entity, the Great Hindusthan, implies: i) the assertion of prevalence of the belongingness to the Hindu nation over alternative identifications constructed by the emigrants; ii) the attempt of reterritorialization of transnational relations between the parts, that is, the intention of depicting Indian society as the core of transnational networks formed during emigration processes.

Rodrigues, Sofia da Palma. "Guerra Colonial: Que Jornalismo? Como o jornal O Século abordou o início do conflito ultramarino português." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/7224.

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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, variante de Estudo dos Media e do Jornalismo,
O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo perceber como o jornal O Século tratou o início da Guerra Colonial Portuguesa no primeiro semestre de 1961, através da análise dos artigos que publicou e foram censurados sobre Angola. Para tal, é feita uma incursão sobres os principais debates do jornalismo de guerra, como era encarada a profissão de jornalista no Portugal da década de 60 e quem eram os profissionais da comunicação enviados para o palco do conflito. O perfil do leitor, como actuava a censura e por que processo a informação sobre Angola tinha de passar até ser publicada, são outros dos temas em análise.

Santos, Nívia Pombo Cirne dos. "O palácio de Queluz e o mundo ultramarino: circuitos ilustrados (Portugal, Brasil e Angola, 1796-1803)." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFF, 2013. https://appdesenv.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/213.

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Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-01-27T18:42:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos, Nivia-Tese-2013.pdf: 2220246 bytes, checksum: ff0bdc438f37f615d5a1f29fa893bd1d (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-27T18:42:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos, Nivia-Tese-2013.pdf: 2220246 bytes, checksum: ff0bdc438f37f615d5a1f29fa893bd1d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
O final do século XVIII na Europa ficou marcado pelo desmantelamento das denominadas sociedades de Antigo Regime. Os efeitos desta crise – provocada pela atmosfera crítica do pensamento ilustrado nos domínios da moral, da religião, da política, da sociedade e do pensamento econômico –, foram sentidos de modo peculiar pelo Império português. O estudo que se apresenta tem como propósito examinar as tensões e resistências que se revelam do choque entre duas visões de mundo distintas: as tradições e comportamentos típicos de uma sociedade estamental e corporativa versus os ideais da Ilustração presentes, sobretudo, nas atitudes governativas da chamada geração de 1790. Destaque desta geração, o ministro D. Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho (1756-1812), considerado pela historiografia um dos maiores expoentes do reformismo ilustrado português. Sua atuação no centro do poder político, entre os anos de 1796 e 1803, mostra-se privilegiada para a identificação dos pontos nevrálgicos desse embate: no rescaldo da Revolução Francesa, a loucura da rainha, D. Maria I, coloca a monarquia portuguesa sob a turbulenta regência de D. João. Dos bastidores do Palácio de Queluz, emergem oposições cortesãs e intrigas políticas que colocaram em xeque o ideal de um Império luso-brasileiro. Entre jantares ilustrados e políticas reformistas, D. Rodrigo depara-se com resistências corporativas que o impedem de colocar em prática as medidas que acreditava serem fundamentais a modernização do reino de Portugal. Encurralado, o reformismo buscou asilo no mundo ultramarino, encontrado entre governadores e elites ilustradas, mas não a salvo das resistências dos poderes locais, como revelam os casos de Minas Gerais, Pará e Angola.
The late eighteenth century in Europe was marked by the dismantling of Old Regime societies. This crisis – caused by the illustrated thonking and its criticism in the areas of morality, religion, politics, society, and economic thought – caused peculiar resonances in the Portuguese Empire.The present study aims to examine the tensions and resistances that reveal the clash between two different world views: the estate and corporate society’s typical traditions and behaviors versus the Enlightenment ideals, found especially in governmental attitudes by the known generation of the 1790’s. One of the distinguished members of this generation was minister D. Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho (1756-1812), considered by historiography one of the great exponents of the Portuguese Enlightened reformism. His performance at the center of political power, between the years 1796 and 1803, allows the identification of the hotspots of this clash: in the aftermath of the French Revolution, Queen D. Mary I’s madness puts the Portuguese monarchy under the turbulent regency of D. João. In the backstage of Queluz National Palacem courtesan oppositions and political intrigues emerge, challenging the ideal of a Luso-Brazilian Empire. Between enlightened dinners and reforming politics, D. Rodrigo faces corporate resistances that prevent him from putting into practice the measures he believed were fundamental for the modernization of the Kingdom of Portugal. Cornered, reformism sought asylum overseas, which was found among governors and enlightened elites, although it was not immune to the resistance of local authorities, as revealed by the cases of Minas Gerais, Pará and Angola.

Nakashima, Peruani San Roman Roxana. "Corsarios ingleses en la América española. 1567-1618 : expansión ultramarina, conflictos religiosos y circulación de la información." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0032.

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A partir de nouvelles approches nous étudierons les corsaires anglais qui ont voyagé en Amérique, et nous chercherons à mieux comprendre la relation d'hostilité qui s'est installée entre les couronnes espagnole et anglaise pendant les dernières décennies du XVI siècle. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs expéditions anglaises sont arrivées sur les côtes américaines avec pour objectif de promouvoir le commerce, mais aussi de s'emparer des richesses du Nouveau Monde dont les Espagnols profitaient sans vouloir les partager. Les nobles, les marchants et les aventuriers anglais qui en participaient furent nommés par les Espagnols «corsaires» ou «pirates». Nous les analyserons en tant que pionniers de l'expansion anglaise d'outre-mer, ennemis du puissant empire de Philippe II, propagateurs de la réforme religieuse et vecteurs des informations. Nous essaierons de comprendre le rôle que les corsaires anglais dans l'Amérique espagnole ont tenu dans la vie des colonies, aussi bien au niveau de l'organisation de la défense (matérielle et spirituelle) de l'empire ibérique, que pour les projets expansionnistes de l'Angleterre. Plusieurs sources seront prises en compte, notamment certains documents de l'administration espagnole, comme par exemple les informations de mérites et de services et les déclarations des prisonniers anglais face aux autorités civiles, militaires et ecclésiastiques. Nous considérerons aussi les produits textuels imprimés émanés des expériences anglaises en Amérique, en particulier les collections de récits de voyages de Richard Hakluyt
We present new perspectives to analyze the English corsairs that travelled to America in order to better understand the hostile relationship that was established between the Spanish and the English crowns during the last decades of the sixteenth century. In this context, diverse English expeditions arrived to the American coasts with the aim of promoting commerce, but also to take over the wealth of the New World that the Spaniards were enjoying without sharing. English noblemen, merchants and adventurers that participated in those travels were called "corsairs" or "pirates" in the Spanish sources. We will study them as the pioneers of the English overseas expansion, as the enemies of the powerful empire of Phillip II, as propagators of the religious reformation, and as agents of the circulation of information. We attempt to understand the role that the English corsairs in Spanish America had for the life of the colonies, for the organisation of the Iberian empire's defence (material and spiritual) and for the English expansionist projects. We will work with différent sources, especially documents from the Spanish administration as informations of merits and services, and declarations of English prisoners in front of civil, military and ecclesiastical authorities. We will also consider the printed textual products that originated from the English experiences in America, most particularly the collections of travel accounts by Richard Hakluyt

Stern, Fabio G. "Geochemistry of the Ultramafic Rocks from the Bay of Island Ophiolitic Complex, Newfoundland." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/24159.

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The Bay of Islands Ophiolitic Complex (BOIC) is one of most well preserved and well-exposed ophiolites in the world. The BOIC consist of four massifs; these are the Table Mountain (TBL), North Arm Mountain (NAM), Blow-Me-Down Mountain (BMD) and Lewis Hills massifs. Proposed geological environments of the BOIC in Newfoundland are diverse; ranging from oceanic spreading ridge to supra-subduction setting. The BOIC has a complete ophiolite sequence as defined at the Penrose Conference (Anonymous, 1972) including ultramafic mantle rocks, ultramafic to gabbroic cumulate rocks, sheeted dikes, pillowed basaltic rocks and capping sedimentary rocks in structurally ascending order. We studied harzburgite and overlying massive dunite in the BOIC. Harzburgite is generally medium-grained, and contains olivine, orthopyroxene, Cr-spinel, clinopyroxene and rare sulfide minerals. Harzburgite is massive to strongly deformed, with local development of mylonitic shear zones. A foliation and lineation are defined by elongated and fragmented grains of orthopyroxene and Cr-spinel. Dikes, sills, veins, and irregularly-shaped bodies of dunite and pyroxenite are present throughout the harzburgite unit. Dunite is the predominant lithology of the Blow-Me-Down Mountain. It is typically fine- to medium-grained, massive, and contains minor Cr-spinel and rare sulfide minerals. Dunite contains olivine, Cr-spinel and minor pyroxenes in some samples. Olivine crystals are commonly partly replaced by serpentine along fractures and in outer rims. Bulk rock and mineral composition data suggest that harzburgites are mild to highly refractory mantle residues after partial melting. In contrast all dunite samples show a cumulate geochemical signature from a mafic melt that originated from highly refractory mantle peridotites. Our study suggest that the harzburgite in the BOIC originally formed as oceanic lithosphere at a slow spreading ridge, possibly in the vicinity of active arc systems, whereas the parental melt for dunites formed in subduction setting. The second part of this study measured trace element compositions for olivine, Cr-spinel and bulk rock of dunite. The measured bulk rock compositions are compared to those of calculated based on mineral chemistry and their abundance. This comparison suggests that the trapped melt fraction was negligible during the crystallization of the dunites. The calculated melt compositions for the dunites confirm that the melt formed in subduction setting.

Delgado-Argote, Luis Alberto 1953. "Geologic and economic study of ultramafic complexes of the coast of Guerrero, Mexico." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/558060.

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Allel, Cuevas Ricardo Alonso. "Elaboración de indicadores para la evaluación del liderazgo del Holding Ultramar." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/149458.

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Ingeniero Civil Industrial
El objetivo general de la presente memoria es elaborar indicadores de liderazgo para apoyar la gestión, y evaluar la contribución de los proyectos de Recursos Humanos de Holding Ultramar, permitiendo fortalecer la cultura de liderazgo al interior de la organización. Los principales paradigmas de liderazgo utilizados son: el de Bernard Bass, en su teoría de Liderazgo Transformacional, que plantea que un líder al cambiar la motivación de sus colaboradores es capaz de conseguir que éstos tengan resultados sobre el promedio; el de Ouchi, en su Teoría Z, que plantea que transformando el lugar de trabajo en uno donde cada uno de los colaboradores se sienta realmente a gusto, este encontrará dicha motivación; y el de la teoría de liderazgo de Kotter, la cual señala que un grupo de líderes bien capacitados puede dar paso a que el resto de los colaboradores también se vayan convirtiendo paulatinamente en líderes, creándose de esta forma un círculo virtuoso. Con la finalidad de crear indicadores de liderazgo apropiados para el contexto del Holding Ultramar, se comenzó investigando el sector portuario, las características del negocio, y sus principales desafíos. Luego de esto se investigó las particularidades del Holding Ultramar, empresa dedicada a la logística portuaria de impronta internacional, la cual es parte del Grupo Ultramar. Holding Ultramar cuenta con más de 65 años de historia, cerca de 12 mil trabajadores y operación en 17 países. Acto seguido, se procedió a seleccionar y analizar las principales variables que, considerando el contexto del Holding Ultramar, influyen en el liderazgo al interior de la organización. Los factores clave para potenciar el liderazgo detectados fueron; influencia, motivación, empatía, visión compartida, gestión del cambio, pensamiento positivo, y confianza. Los factores han sido validados en un proceso iterativo de evaluación de relevancia para la organización, en reuniones presenciales con la Gerencia de Personas y Sustentabilidad. Luego se elaboró y puso a prueba un cuestionario con la finalidad de comprobar las expectativas organizacionales en cuanto a liderazgo, para de esta forma poder plasmarlas en un instrumento de medición. El instrumento de medición se basa en 28 afirmaciones, lógicamente agrupadas en los factores clave de liderazgo para Holding Ultramar. La veracidad de dichas afirmaciones es puesta a prueba según una escala Likert de cinco niveles: Muy de acuerdo , De acuerdo , en un estado Neutral , en Desacuerdo , o Muy en desacuerdo . Finalmente, en consistencia con el instrumento creado, el indicador construido se basa en el número de personas que califican estar Muy de acuerdo o De acuerdo con dicha afirmación, respecto del número total de respuestas.

Colchero, Dorado Rosario Polo de Bernabé José Manuel. "Recuperación del olvido en Los Rojos de Ultramar de Jordi Soler." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/u?/etd,1956.

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Thesis (M.A.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Dec. 11, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Romance Languages Spanish." Discipline: Romance Languages; Department/School: Romance Languages.

Domingues, António. "As operações psicológicas (PSYOPS): a experiência portuguesa na guerra do ultramar de 1961-1974." Master's thesis, Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/6908.

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“As operações psicológicas (PSYOPS): a experiência portuguesa na guerra do ultramar de 1961-1974” constituem o tema do presente trabalho. O seu objectivo principal é saber de que forma foi levada a cabo a Acção Psicológica, na Província de Moçambique, por parte das Companhias do Exército português. Este trabalho desenvolve-se ao longo de quatro capítulos. No primeiro, pretendemos abordar a origem do conflito e da necessidade do uso da Acção Psicológica; nos segundo e terceiro capítulos, analisamos a doutrina de acção psicológica da época; e, no quarto, falamos das práticas ao nível das companhias, baseados em entrevistas. No final, concluimos que os comandantes de companhia eram os principais decisores no âmbito da Acção Psicológica. Mesmo não seguindo a doutrina à risca, acabavam por cumprir a missão com espírito de iniciativa e imaginação.
Abstract This paperwork’s subject is “Psychological Operations: a Portuguese experience in the Overseas’ war from 1961-1974”. It’s main objective is to know how did the Portuguese army companies made psychological operations in the province of Mozambique. This work is divided in four chapters. In the first one, we intend to search the origin of the conflict and the need for psychological operations; in the second and third chapters we speak of psychological operations’ doctrine in a theoretical analysis; and in the fourth chapter, we present the actual companies’ procedures, based on interviews to former veterans. In the last part of our work we concluded that company commanders were the actual decision makers in what regards to propaganda. Even though they did not follow doctrine in a strict manner, they still fulfilled their missions with initiative and imagination.

Ratié, Gildas. "Fractionnement isotopique naturel et anthropique du nickel en contexte ultrabasique : le cas des massifs de Niquelândia et Barro Alto (Etat du Goiás, Brésil)." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA112229/document.

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La région Centre Ouest du Brésil possède des massifs ultrabasiques (UB) avec des manteaux latéritiques représentants des réserves et ainsi des ressources économiques importantes de Ni. Ces massifs nickélifères permettent d’étudier le cycle du Ni sous contraintes anthropiques par une approche pluridisciplinaire, associant caractérisations chimiques, mesures physiques de sa spéciation solide, et traçage isotopique des sources et des processus affectant le nickel. Cette thèse focalisée sur l’utilisation des isotopes du Ni comme traceur a eu pour but d’identifier la signature isotopique au sein de plusieurs compartiments en interactions les uns avec les autres (roche mère, saprolite, latérite, sol et plantes) et d’associer les fractionnements observés aux processus biogéochimiques. De plus, du fait de leurs ressources économiques, les massifs étudiés, Barro Alto et Niquelândia, subissent une pression anthropique importante, minière et métallurgique. Ainsi, ils offrent une opportunité unique d’étudier le fractionnement isotopique du nickel associé à son cycle anthropique, et voir s’il est possible d’identifier la contribution anthropique dans le cycle naturel du Ni par sa signature isotopique. Les résultats ont montré que l’altération de roches UB conduit à un fractionnement isotopique du Ni, se traduisant par une perte en isotopes lourds de la phase solide, soit un Δ⁶⁰Ni de - 0,47 ‰ entre la roche mère et le top-sol. Ce fractionnement semble associé au moins en partie à l’incorporation et à la sorption des isotopes légers du Ni sur les oxydes de Fe lors de la remobilisation du Ni au cours de l’altération. Cet enrichissement en isotopes légers du Ni dans la partie solide conduit à une composition isotopique en Ni plus lourde dans la phase dissoute (eaux du massifs : 0.50 ‰ < δ⁶⁰Ni < 0,70 ‰). La zone saprolitique présente une variation importante de signature isotopique allant pour δ⁶⁰Ni de -0,04 ‰ à 1,41 ‰. Pour les échantillons présentant une signature isotopique lourde, le Ni se trouve principalement au sein de la serpentine fortement substitué, quand les signatures plus légères sont en lien avec une proportion de Ni plus importante au sein de la goethite. Dans un système comme celui-ci avec un nombre important de phases porteuses de Ni, il est cependant très difficile d’établir un lien entre la spéciation solide et l’isotopie du Ni. Le rôle des plantes dans le cycle du Ni a été abordé en étudiant le fractionnement isotopique du Ni dans trois espèces de plantes hyperaccumulatrices de Ni et deux espèces de plantes tolérantes. Il existe un fractionnement isotopique lors du transfert de Ni de la tige vers la feuille, qui est systématiquement enrichie en isotopes lourds du Ni. Les feuilles sont les compartiments des plantes où les teneurs en Ni sont les plus importantes. L’enrichissement en isotopes lourds du Ni des feuilles par rapport aux sols (- 1,05 ± 0,03 ‰ < Δ⁶⁰Ni_sol-feuilles < - 0,06 ± 0,12 ‰) semble indiquer que la restitution et la décomposition de cette matière organique au niveau du sol s’accompagnera d’un apport en isotopes lourds du Ni dans le sol. L’activité pyrométallurgique entraîne un fractionnement isotopique lors du processus de fusion en conditions réductrices qui conduit à la formation des scories de réduction. Ces résidus présentent un enrichissement en isotopes lourds (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,18 ± 0,05 ‰) par rapport au matériel entrant (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,08 ± 0,08 ‰) et au produit final, le FeNi (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,06 ± 0,02 ‰). Enfin, cette étude montre que l’utilisation des isotopes du Ni pour tracer le Ni « anthropique » et le distinguer du Ni naturel possède certaines limites en raison du faible fractionnement induit par les processus pyrométallurgiques aux regards de la grande variabilité des échantillons naturels au sein de la littérature (-1.03 ‰ < δ⁶⁰Ni < 2.50 ‰)
The Centre region the West of Brazil possesses ultramafic massifs (UM) with coats lateritic representatives of the reserves and so the important economic resources of Ni. These nickelifere massifs allow to study the cycle of Ni under anthropological constraints by a multidisciplinary approach, associating chemical characterizations, physical measures, solid speciation, and the isotopic drawing of sources and the processes affecting the nickel. This work focused on the use of the isotopes of Ni as tracer aimed at identifying the isotopic signature within several compartments in interactions some with the others (source rock, saprolite, laterite, soil and plants) and to associate the fractionation observed in the biogeochemical processes. Furthermore, because of their economic resources, the studied massifs, Barro Alto and Niquelândia, undergo an important, mining and metallurgical anthropological pressure. So, they offer an opportunity to study the isotopic fractionation of the nickel associated with its anthropological cycle, and to see if it is possible to identify the anthropological contribution in the natural cycle of Ni by its isotopic signature. The results showed that the weathering of rocks UB leads to an isotopic fractionation of Ni, being translated by a loss in heavy isotopes of the solid phase with a Δ⁶⁰Ni of - 0,47 ‰ between the bedrock and the top-soil. This division seems associated at least partially with the incorporation and with the sorption of the light isotopes in iron oxides during the remobilization of Ni. This enrichment in light isotopes in the solid part leads to a heavier isotopic composition in the dissolved phase (waters of massifs: 0.50 ‰ < δ⁶⁰Ni < 0,70 ‰). The saprolitic zone presents an important variation of isotopic signature (δ⁶⁰Ni) from -0,04 ‰ to 1,41 ‰. For samples presenting a heavy isotopic signature, Ni is mainly within the serpentine strongly substituted, when the lighter signatures are in connection with a proportion of Ni more important within the goethite. In a system as this one with a significant number of Ni-bearing phases, it is however very difficult to establish a link between the solid speciation and the isotopic composition. The role of plants in the cycle of Ni was approached by studying the isotopic fractionation of Ni in three species of hyperaccumulating plants of Ni and two species of tolerant plants. There is an isotopic fractionation during the transfer of Ni between the stem and the leaf, which is systematically enriched in heavy isotopes of Ni. The leaves are the compartments of the plants where the Ni contents are the most important. The enrichment in heavy isotopes of Ni in leaves with regard to soils (- 1,05 ± 0,03 ‰ < Δ⁶⁰Ni_sol-feuilles < - 0,06 ± 0,12 ‰) seems to indicate that the return and the decomposition of this organic matter at soil level will come along with a contribution in heavy isotopes of Ni in the soil. The pyrometallurgical activity lead to an isotopic fractionation during the smelting process in reducing conditions which leads to the formaton of the reduction slag. These slags present an enrichment in heavy isotopes (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,18 ± 0,05 ‰) compared with the feeding material (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,08 ± 0,08 ‰) and the end product, the FeNi (δ⁶⁰Ni = 0,06 ± 0,02 ‰). Finally, this study shows that the use of the isotopes of Ni to decipher the Ni anthropogenic and natural is limited because of the low fractionation induced by the pyrometallurgical processes in the looks of the big variability of the natural samples within the literature (-1.03 ‰ < δ⁶⁰Ni < 2.50 ‰)


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Rare earth elements (REE) are an increasingly important group of metals due to their role in the development of modern technologies. Despite being abundant within the Earth’s crust recoverable ores are uncommon, and their mineralization isn’t as well understood as other abundant ore types. In this work, the mineralization of REE occurring in outcrop samples at Hicks Dome, a cryptoexplosive feature that resides in the Wauboukigou Alnöite Province in southeastern Illinois, was studied to determine the mode of mineralization and the origin of the REE. Xenotime-(Y) was identified with a scanning electron microscope in an intrusive breccia and emplaced during or shortly after the uplift which created the oval doming of the Paleozoic section. Whole rock REE concentrations from ultramafic dikes at Hicks Dome closely match global averages of lamprophyres and carbonatites, with a steep La to Lu slope, and enrichment of light rare earth elements. Hicks Dome has unique characteristics relative to the other intrusions in the Province, such as elevated REE, Th, and doming. These traits indicate that the dome was more closely related to an intrusive body at depth that sourced heat, volatile gases, and a suite of rare elements. Based on these data, the REE mineralization and thorium associated with the siliceous breccia is directly related to the alkaline ultramafic intrusion at Hicks Dome. The volatile rich, hot fluids emanating from the ultramafic magma supplied REE and thorium were mixed with the regional fluids responsible for the IKFD.

Berry, Neil Howard. "The significance of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the crustal development of northern Greece." Thesis, University of Leicester, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/30450.

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That there are a number of distinct ophiolitic belts separating some of the major tectonic zones of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean is generally well known. These have previously been interpreted as the remnants of back-arc basins, Mesozoic rifts, and supra-subduction zone type ophiolites. However mafic and ultramafic rocks present in the region of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, northern Greece, do not appear to fit this model, and have generally been neglected in tectonic interpretations. The aim of this study is to determine how these bodies arrived at their current position, what is their true nature, and how do the answers to these questions help in the interpretation of the way that this section of continental crust was assembled. A multidisciplinary approach was taken to this problem. Structural and tectonic measurements and observations led to the conclusion that the main mafic and ultramafic bodies were accreted into the continental crust via a process of subduction accretion. Further to this, the continental crustal material between the main complexes is composed of tectonic melange material and not microcontinental fragments derived from the northern margin of Gondwana. A geochemical investigation of the Vavdos and Volvi Complexes demonstrates that the origin of these generally depleted lithologies was from a plume source, Volvi being thought to be a seamount, and the Vavdos Complex and associated along strike units, thought to be the disrupted remnants of an oceanic plateau. These conclusions have required the re-interpretation of current tectonic models for the region, and a new model is presented at the end of the thesis.

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