Academic literature on the topic 'Women’s shelter workers'

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Journal articles on the topic "Women’s shelter workers":


Fleckinger, Andrea. "The Dynamics of Secondary Victimization: When Social Workers Blame Mothers." Research on Social Work Practice 30, no. 5 (January 14, 2020): 515–23.

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The article describes the main results from a qualitative research project, which analyzes the relations between mothers exposed to gender-based violence and child protection social workers, looking at the risk of secondary victimization. The issue emerged from 10 years’ experience as a social worker at a women’s shelter where I was required several times to mediate the difficult relationship between child protection social worker and mother. The starting point was a preliminary field research with peers (staff members of women’s shelters) and women who had been blamed for the violence by their child protection social worker. These results formed the basis for the interviews held with child protection social workers. The analysis shows how victim–offender dynamics might also influence social work practices and illustrate the connections between dynamics of secondary victimization and the expectations regarding mothers and victims. Furthermore, some positive examples of support emerged which could be used as a basis for developing targeted methods for social work practice.

Huey, Laura, Ryan Broll, Danielle Hryniewicz, and Georgios Fthenos. "“They Just Asked Me Why I Became Homeless”: “Failure to Ask” as a Barrier to Homeless Women’s Ability to Access Services Post-Victimization." Violence and Victims 29, no. 6 (2014): 952–66.

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As “access brokers” to resources for their clients, homeless shelter workers are often in a position to aid victimized homeless women in securing medical and psychological services post-victimization. Given high rates of victimization within this population, we would expect that a routine part of a shelter’s case management process would involve queries regarding victimization. Through in-depth qualitative interviews with 42 victimized homeless women in Chicago and Detroit, we sought to discover the extent to which such queries were pursued by staff at their current shelter. What we found is that women are seldom asked to provide a complete history that includes experiences of violent victimization and its effects. From these results, we make several recommendations aimed at improving homeless victims’ access to services.

Hamdi, Saipul. "Tantangan Migrasi, Pengelolaan Remitansi, dan Kekerasan terhadap Buruh Migran Perempuan Asal Lombok di Malaysia dan Arab Saudi." RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual 3, no. 1 (July 2, 2021): 22–24.

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This article aims to understand the migration challenges faced by female migrant workers (TKW) from Lombok who have worked in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. The challenges faced by female migrant workers are complex, ranging from recruitment and shelter in the country of origin before leaving, and cultural and language issues in the workplace. This article explores these challenges and tries to relate them to the quality level of educational and human resources factors that prospective migrant workers have. Besides, this article also discusses the historical aspects of Sasak women’s involvement and participation in migration and the factors that drove them to take up the profession as migrant workers. The issue of remittance management and violence faced by migrant workers in the employer's home becomes a crucial issue that requires serious attention from the government. Publicly speaking, female migrant workers continue to experience physical and sexual violence resulting in disability and severe trauma. Therefore, this article aims to investigate the forms of violence that befall the female migrant workers.

Nikupeteri, Anna. "Professionals’ critical positionings of women as help-seekers: Finnish women’s narratives of help-seeking during post-separation stalking." Qualitative Social Work 16, no. 6 (April 13, 2016): 793–809.

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The study explores how women victims of post-separation stalking perceive the positions ascribed to them in the help-seeking process by social workers and other professionals. Applying positioning theory, the research identifies ‘critical’ positionings, namely, those hindering the women in seeking help. The ultimate aim of the inquiry is to inform professional practices by identifying how professionals position victims of stalking and the risks of misinterpretation this process entails. The data comprise narratives of 15 Finnish female victims of stalking, who were interviewed either individually or together with a professional (social worker, shelter worker or therapist) who had worked with them. A total of five such professionals participated in conducting the interviews. The analysis of the women’s perceptions posits four critical positionings: Professionals viewed them as (1) alienating parents, (2) unprotective mothers, (3) overcautious women and/or (4) implausible victims. These determinations are seen as rooted in considerations of morality, accountability, rationality and agency. The findings indicate that the complex nature of stalking, women’s reactions to it and the ambivalent appearance of their strategies for dealing with stalking may pose obstacles to professionals in positioning them as help-seekers. This in turn may hinder women in their efforts to receive adequate help or even victimise them further. The study highlights that client–professional interaction in the context of post-separation stalking needs to be more victim-sensitive. It suggests that when analysing women’s situations and providing help, professionals should be more mindful of women’s own understandings and valorise their sensitive experiences.

Savloff, Leyla. "Deviant Motherhood." Social Text 38, no. 1 (March 1, 2020): 67–88.

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This article discusses two intertwined forms of care that engage with incarcerated women in Argentina. First, it examines the consequences of a policy change that allows incarcerated women who are pregnant and/or caregivers of small children to serve their time at home. Institutional confinement extends beyond the prison and has taken various forms, such as the shelter, the asylum, relocation centers, and prison camps. Inspired by recent prison studies that disrupt the prison as a fixed and hardened site, this article contends that house arrest is far from a benefit. Rather, home confinement constitutes a site of neglect where women must fend for themselves to perform reproductive labor as a way to complete their sentence. This practice reveals new forms of social control and state surveillance in which judges, social workers, and penitentiaries determine which women are appropriate for house arrest while policing the terms of their confinement. Second, this article presents the author’s fieldwork involving a women’s collective that offers art-related workshops to encourage incarcerated women to develop a different understanding of their agency and potential. Institutions such as neighborhood and women’s collectives offer new forms of sociality that redefine imprisonment. As women under house arrest are expected to provide for themselves and their children, it is important to understand how they meet such challenges, considering how gender norms and institutional violence impact women’s lives today.

Amosova, Alisa A., and Tat’iana M. Konysheva. "“The Object ‘Pavilion’”: The re-exposure in the bunker in Smolny in honor of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War." Issues of Museology 11, no. 2 (2020): 219–38.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the updated museum exposition entitled “The Object ‘Pavilion’”, implemented in a bomb shelter under the building of the St. Petersburg administration for the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, by May 9, 2020. The authors study history of The Smolny Museum, as well as its current expositions and memorial spaces available for visitors within the walls of the government building: the exposition “From the history of women’s education in Russia. Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens” and “December, 1. Shot in Smolny”; V. I. Lenin’s study and the room in which he lived with his wife, N. K. Krupskaya; The white-column assembly hall, where in the fall of 1917 the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers ‘and Soldiers’ Deputies was held. The period of the war and the siege of Leningrad (1941–1944) occupies an important place in the museum’s theme. One of the most attractive memorial spaces of the museum is the underground bunker located under the territory of the Smolny garden, museumified in 2019. The article describes the technical parameters of the underground structure and considers its history, studies and compares two versions of the bomb shelter exposition (“Bunker A. A. Zhdanov”, 2019 and “The Object ‘Pavilion’”, 2020). The updated exposition is distinguished by a significant expansion of the exposition space, an emphasis on demonstrating the previously hidden functional premises of the bunker (dining room, disinfection room, rest room, etc.), a more detailed display of the historical events of the blockade related to the management of the city and the front, the introduction of multimedia technologies. The article is based on the historical sources of the museum origin.

Asmoredjo, Jolanda, Mariëlle D. Beijersbergen, and Judith R. L. M. Wolf. "Client Experiences With Shelter and Community Care Services in the Netherlands." Research on Social Work Practice 27, no. 7 (March 15, 2016): 779–88.

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Purpose: To gain insight into client experiences with shelter or community care services for homeless people, homeless youth, and abused women and identify priority improvement areas. Methods: Seven hundred and forty-four clients rated their experiences and 116 clients rated the services’ importance. Results: Clients had most positive experiences with the client–worker relationship and least positive experiences with the results of services. Abused women’s service providers scored higher than homeless adults and youth service providers. Day and night shelters scored lowest, followed by crisis shelters, supported housing, and outreaching teams. The results of care have the highest need for quality improvement for homeless adults and youth. Discussion: Clients’ experiences with shelter and community care services in the Netherlands are generally positive, with a strong client–worker relationship forming the basis of good quality care. Monitoring outcomes and increasing the focus on results are integrated in recent approaches aimed at improving the quality of shelter care.

Bali, Namrata. "Naam, Kaam, Gaam: Educating Women for Self-Employment, Cooperation and Struggle." International Labor and Working-Class History 90 (2016): 164–75.

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The following is a detailed description of a training program offered by the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) Academy to introduce new members to the organization and its work. SEWA describes its main goals as “to organize women workers for full employment,” by which it means “employment whereby workers obtain work security, income security, food security, and social security (at least health care, child care and shelter).” The organization works to achieve its goals “through the strategy of struggle and development. The struggle is against the many constraints and limitations imposed on them by society and the economy, while development activities strengthen women's bargaining power and offer them new alternatives.” SEWA describes itself as “both an organisation and a movement,” which is enhanced by “the sangama or confluence of three movements: the labour movement, the cooperative movement and the women's movement.” SEWA also describes itself as a Gandhian movement: “Gandhian thinking is the guiding force for SEWA's poor, self-employed members in organising for social change. We follow the principles of satya (truth), ahimsa (nonviolence), sarvadharma (integrating all faiths, all people) and khadi (propagation of local employment and self-reliance).” In practical terms, SEWA carries out its strategy “through the joint action of union and cooperatives.” As a trade union, it has nearly two million members, half of whom are in the organization's home state of Gujarat, India. It also operates or is affiliated with nearly two dozen sister organizations and cooperatives.

Singh, Pradip Man, Neelam Joshi, and Anita Prajapati. "A Study on Depression in Returnee Female Migrant Workers." Journal of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences 3, no. 1 (July 26, 2020): 50–56.

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Introduction: Women seeking foreign employment have been rising in Nepal. Changing scenarios, like: household structure and women's desire to work outside have provided opportunity for women from countries like Nepal to become independent and give financial support in family. For female migrant workers, it is not easy to adjust to new country because of difference in socio-cultural aspect, poor working and living condition. Many of them suffer from health issues including psychiatric morbidity. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depression and the socio-demographic profiles of returnee female Nepalese migrant workers. Methods: A descriptive study was undertaken in Emergency Shelter House of an NGO, among returnee female migrant workers using semi-structured questionnaire, interview and Hamilton’s Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Ethical clearance and consent were taken. Results: The HAM-D score showed that 71.5% of the subjects were depressed which was analyzed with various socio-demographic profiles and the factors of foreign employment. A strong significance was seen with residential area (p= 0.004). The level of depression was not statistically significant with age, education, marital status, earning of husband and monthly household income. Conclusion: Depressive symptoms were common among returnee female migrant workers. Regular mental health assessment of returnee women migrant workers should be done. This will help to minimize the psychiatric morbidity among them.

Narits, Raul, Silvia Kaugia, and Iris Pettai. "Towards a Single Government Approach via Further Consolidation of Law and Order in Estonia, with Domestic Violence as an Example." Juridica International 27 (September 30, 2018): 104–16.

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An appropriate ‘solution pattern’ for social problems in a state based on the rule of law entails the existence of corresponding legislative regulations. The solution should be approved at the level of a law as a legislative act of supreme juridical power. A solution created at that level would fully correspond to the principle of rule of law and also minimise the possibility of socalled departmental special interests prevailing, in recognition that this danger accompanies efforts toward the solution of every multifaceted problem. The authors find that, since Estonia already possesses relatively extensive experience in legislative consolidation for various aspects of the society’s reality, with most of this experience being of a positive nature, it would be a most welcome development if the issue of DV were to be included in the current process of consolidation under the auspices of the project Towards the Development of Better Legislation. Legislative drafting is stimulated by the perception of acute social problems and of a need to regulate them by legislative means. Results from 2014 and 2017 surveys show that Estonia’s legal practitioners perceive DV as a problem the causes of which demand research and whose victims require help. Most legal practitioners surveyed encountered DV in their day-to-day work, with prosecutors and police detectives bearing the heaviest burden: it consumed nearly one third of their work hours. A serious problem was identified in prejudice and stereotypes, which yield an oversimplified and distorted image of the actual causes of DV, in which the victim frequently is considered responsible. Both the general population and legal practitioners widely share the erroneous impression that the victims could avoid violence through ‘appropriate conduct’. Such stereotypic attitudes wherein victims are considered partially to blame for violence can obstruct the work of law-enforcement agencies. While the idea of a special law on DV found support and scepticism in roughly equal measure, support for it increased significantly when respondents judged the concrete opportunities and solutions offered by such a law. These legal practitioners perceived numerous bottlenecks and unsolved problems in relation to the existing legislative regulation and legal practice, which one would expect to be overcome through a special law on DV. The authors conclude from the survey-based findings that Estonia’s legal practitioners demonstrate considerable anticipation for a law on DV. The participants in the surveys also perceived an increasing need for co-operation with law-enforcement agencies in this regard – i.e., for concentrating on collaboration within this domain. However, the authors consider it undoubtedly important also to increase the involvement of specialists in the DV field: victim support services, staff of women’s shelters, and municipal social workers.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Women’s shelter workers":


Larsson, Johanna, and Seila Mujic. "Känslor på kvinnojouren : Jourkvinnors upplevda känslor i möten med våldsutsatta kvinnor." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), 2014.

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The aim of this study was through theories of emotional labor; understand how staff and volunteers within women’s shelter handled their emotions in the encounters with battered women. To examine this we used a qualitative method and interviewed four staff members and three volunteers spread across four different women’s shelters. The data collected was analyzed using Hochschilds’ theory of emotional labor. The results show that the most common feelings within the women’s shelters were feelings of friendship, happiness, sadness and frustration. The results also show that the staff and volunteers needed to manage their emotion due to the inappropriateness of some feelings. The feelings that needed managing were primarily feelings of sadness, frustration and shock. To manage their emotion the staff and volunteers of the women’s shelters used both surface acting and deep acting. The surface acting used was that staff and volunteers hid the feelings that were considered inappropriate. The deep acting used was method acting, working experience, life experience and the staff and volunteers also managed their emotions by talking to fellow staff and their loved ones.

Björk, Freja, and Jonna Lindström. "ATT ARBETA PÅ EN KVINNOJOUR UNDERCORONAPANDEMIN -En kvalitativ studie om jourkvinnors upplevelser av arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, 2021.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has put Sweden in a new and challenging situation. Several of thewomen's shelters in Sweden have reported an alarming pressure as a result of increased casesof women and children in vulnerable situations. Based on a qualitative research strategy, thisstudy examines how women's shelter workers experience and handles the practical andemotional work due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To examine this study's purpose and researchquestions, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with women’s shelter workers fromvarious women's shelters in Sweden. During each interview, the study subjects were given theopportunity to share their own experiences regarding the work situation due to the Covid-19pandemic. The gathered empirical material was analyzed using Arlie Hochschild's theoryregarding emotional work. The results of the study show that the majority of the study subjectsexperience changes in the number of abused women in need of help and support and that thepractical work has been limited and challenged. Furthermore, the study subjects experiencetheir jobs as even more emotionally demanding during the Covid-19 pandemic, but this had noeffect on the way of dealing with the emotional work. Several different coping strategies couldbe identified in the way of handling the emotional work, including recovery, previousprofessional experience, surface or deep emotional acting and the support from colleagues.With the help of different approaches, the study subjects distinguish themselves from theirprofessional role in order to not identify themselves too strongly with the emotional work. Theresults of the study proved that different coping strategies are of importance to be able to handleand complete emotional work.
Coronapandemin har resulterat i en ny och utmanande situation för Sverige. Många av landetskvinnojourer har rapporterat om ett alarmerande tryck på sina verksamheter till följd av ökadefall av kvinnor och barn i utsatta situationer. Utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi undersökerdenna studie hur jourkvinnors praktiska respektive emotionella arbete upplevs och hanteras tillföljd av coronapandemin. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes femsemistrukturerade intervjuer med jourkvinnor från olika kvinnojourer i Sverige. Underrespektive intervjutillfälle fick jourkvinnorna möjlighet att dela med sig av sina egnaupplevelser gällande arbetssituationen under coronapandemin. Det empiriska materialetanalyserades med hjälp av emotionssociologiska begrepp från Arlie Hochschilds teori somberör emotionellt arbete. Resultaten visar att majoriteten av jourkvinnorna uppleverförändringar i antalet stödsökande och att det praktiska arbetet kommit att resultera ibegränsningar och utmaningar. Vidare visade det sig att jourkvinnorna utför ett än meremotionellt krävande arbete under coronapandemin, detta hade däremot ingen påverkan påjourkvinnornas sätt att hantera de emotionella påfrestningar som uppstår i arbetet medvåldsutsatta kvinnor. Arbetet som jourkvinnorna utför kunde även liknas med etthärbergeringsarbete i takt med att de bär på både sina egna och andras känslor. Flera olikahanteringsstrategier kunde identifieras i jourkvinnornas sätt att hantera det emotionella arbetet,däribland återhämtning, tidigare yrkeserfarenhet, ytligt respektive djup emotionellt agerandesamt stödet som återfinns hos jourkvinnornas kollegor. Det framgick att jourkvinnorna medhjälp av olika förhållningssätt kan skilja på sig själva och sin yrkesroll för att inte identifierasig för starkt med det emotionella arbetet. Olika hanteringsstrategier visade sig således vara avstor vikt för att jourkvinnorna ska kunna hantera och fullfölja det emotionella arbetet.

Stairs, Mary E. "Dialectic tension of emancipation and control in staff/client interaction at shelters for battered women." Virtual Press, 1996.

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This study investigates the dialectic of emancipation and control in the relationship between staff and clients at shelters for battered women. The dialectic of emancipation and control represents the tension shelter workers feel in trying to empower their clients while, at the same time, maintaining control over the programs and domestic order of the shelter. Past research has introduced this dialectic, but no studies exist which view it in the context of the staff/client relationship. Additionally, very little communication research exists exploring the interaction that takes place in shelters for battered women.Four employees of four different shelters were interviewed by this researcher. Their accounts were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the constant comparative review method consistent with grounded theory. The workers' accounts indicated that the nature of their profession requires them to be dominant over their clients in five areas. Additionally, the workers discussed four contradictory aspects of their work which reflect the existence of the dialectic of emancipation and control in their interaction with clients.
Department of Speech Communication

Jeffrey, Allison Clifford. "Effect of Feedback on Levels of Secondary Traumatization of Workers at Battered Women's Shelters across the United States." Diss., Virginia Tech, 1999.

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This study investigated the impact of working with domestic violence victims on domestic violence shelter workers. Recent research has shown that working with trauma victims may have a profound impact on the worker, including levels of intrusive and avoidant PTSD symptoms as well as distorted beliefs about the self and others. This was the first study to examine secondary traumatization in the domestic violence worker population. Results suggested that domestic violence workers are experiencing levels of secondary traumatization slightly higher than sexual assault counselors, a group used for comparison due to their similar job demands and client population. Though this study attempted to ameliorate symptom levels by providing feedback, and feedback with suggestions for improvement to two treatment groups, no significant effects were found post-treatment. Various reasons were offered for this lack of effect, including the lack of adequate sample size at follow-up. Overall, several predictors of secondary traumatization were confirmed, the most notable of which was social support. Individuals with high levels of social support tended to have less symptoms of secondary traumatization, and individuals with high levels of social avoidance tended to have more symptoms of secondary traumatization. For this sample, trauma history was not found to predict secondary traumatization symptoms. These findings were discussed in relation to the vicarious traumatization model of indirect trauma. Clinical implications and implications for future research were also offered. This study was supported in full by the Agency for Healthy Care Policy and Research Grant for Health Service Dissertation Award, number R03 HS10036-01.
Ph. D.

Pomagalska, Dorota. "Domestic violence : what are the explanations offered by shelter workers to account for the factors that constrain women from leaving violent partners? /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 2000.

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Smyrski, Kim. "In our own voice: the collective wisdom of shelter workers." 2013.

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This exploratory study sought to understand the current lived experiences of shelter workers in the Province of Manitoba. Using Concept Mapping as the methodology, a map of their experiences was constructed. Four themes emerged: 1) Shelter worker's beliefs assist in navigating the territories; 2) Insufficient funding of shelters impacts shelter workers' personal and professional life; 3) Organizational culture and values present a vast array of challenges to shelter workers and lastly 4) External agencies and societal responses to domestic violence/women play a role in how shelter workers see themselves. Pattern matching revealed that previous counselling experience rather than age, length of employment and childhood history of trauma had the lowest level of agreement among participants. Findings also suggest that workers with a history of childhood trauma may be more aware of safety issues than workers without a trauma history. recommendations call for more research on shelter workers in Northern Manitoba as well as boards and management of shelters in all parts of the province. Safety issues of workers, organizational values and beliefs of shelters, worker's coping strategies, positive aspects of the profession, and the relationship between worker and client were other areas for future research

Chen, Tzu-Hua, and 陳姿樺. "The Resilience of Social Workers in Battered Women’s Shelters." Thesis, 2009.

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This research aims to explore the resilience of five social workers in battered women’s shelters. The researcher adopts in-depth interviews to collect data and applies the “categorical-content” approach of narrative study to analyze information. The purpose of this study is not only to discuss how these social workers rise to the challenges, but to analyze their protective factors and the processes interacting with the environment which have great contributed to remaining in shelters. The following are the major finding of this study: 1. The challenges of five social workers in battered women’s shelters are classified according to their setting. Person, family and community are categories. 2. The resilience of five social workers in battered women’s shelters starts with an insight into challenges. In order to cope with challenges, the protective factors of five social workers in battered women’s shelters would be started and lead them to an adaptive outcome spirally till the negative influence abated. 3. The internal protective factors of five social workers in battered women’s shelters include (a) individual psychological ability (e.g. cognitive ability, inward look, keeping a just distance from job); (b) personality (e.g. being honest, humor, tolerance, trust in others, persistency, professional identification, job-compatible characters); (c) life attitude (e.g. goal-directed life, religious belief). 4. The external factors of five social workers in battered women’s shelters include (a) family factors (e.g. the trust from family, the mend of domestic relations); (b) working space factors (e.g. support from colleagues and directors, potent supervision, participating in policy-making); (c) community factors (e.g. extended life, pursuing further education). The researcher offers social workers in practice three suggestions. These suggestions include (a) developing inward look: developing exclusive methods of caring for self and exploring self; (b) supervision of inward turn: trying to answer each individual standpoint, and meet need urged from the heart; (c) keeping accesses smooth from lower levels to upper levels: helping the frustrated social workers covey themselves, and share their own feeling with others in distress.

Sithole, Anna. "Social support services for abused women in shelters : perspectives of social workers." Diss., 2018.

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Violence against women is a global phenomenon and it has over the past three decades occupied a central position in international discourse. Despite the extensive literature, little has been documented about the social support services offered to the abused women in shelters. A qualitative research approach was employed in this study to explore, describe, and contextualise the experiences and challenges of social workers in the social support services rendered to abused women in shelters. The participants were selected using purposive sampling, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers involved in rendering services to abused women in shelters in Gauteng. Ethical issues were taken into consideration. Data were analysed using Tesch’s eight steps (in Creswell, 2009) and verified using Guba and Lincoln’s model (in Krefting, 2003) to test the trustworthiness of the data. The key findings of the study highlight the important role that social workers who provide social services to abused women in shelters play in the process of empowerment and protection of these women, who benefit from the social support service programmes that the shelters render on a daily basis. These findings also reveal that due to limited resources, the social workers cannot provide these social support services effectively without assistance. This study also reflects the need for a multidisciplinary approach, and emphasises the need for other stakeholders such as the SAPS, Health, Home Affairs, Department of Social Development, and the embassies of foreign countries to play a more significant role within the sheltering services in order to provide a comprehensive service to abused women. It is clear that social workers have limited professional support and experience many challenges in rendering social services.
Social Work
M.S.W. (Social Work)

Groenewald, Johanna Jacoba. "Evaluation of programmes of shelters for victims of abuse in Gauteng Province." Diss., 2006.

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This study outlines the results of an evaluation of programmes through a developmental quality assurance process within shelters for abused women and their children in Gauteng Province. The survey obtained the attitudes and opinions of the social workers/social auxiliary workers and shelter managers towards their services. The study reflects empirical findings as well as strengths and developmental areas within these shelters. The results from the study indicate that shelters for abused women and their children are functioning well. However, the Minimum Standards for Shelters are not fully adhered to. Therefore, internal and external evaluations should be used by shelter managers to evaluate their own performance and to improve service delivery.
Social Work
MA(SS) (Social Work)

Books on the topic "Women’s shelter workers":


Salerno, Carey. Shelter. Farmington, USA: Alice James Books, 2009.

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Mina, Denise. Exile. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002.

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Mina, Denise. Exile. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002.

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Rossetti, Maria A. Crisis intervention for child witness/victims of wife assault: A model for shelter workers & child advocates. London, Ont: Women's Community House, 1988.

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Division, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Asian Women's Shelter did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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Rose, Karen. Nothing to fear. New York: Warner Books, 2005.

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Rose, Karen. Nothing to fear. Waterville, Me: Wheeler Pub., 2006.

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Rose, Karen. Nothing To Fear. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2007.

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Bryderup, Inge M. Kvindehjemmet Jagtvej- en interviewundersøgelse blandt brugere. København: Danmarks pædagogiske institut, 2001.

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O'Marie, Carol Anne. The corporal works of murder. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Women’s shelter workers":


Goldman, Wendy Z., and Donald Filtzer. "“All for the Front”: Free Labor, Prisoners, and Deportees." In Fortress Dark and Stern, 164–97. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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During the war, the Soviet state created a labor system that was unique among the combatant nations and unprecedented in its own history. The evacuation of industry to sparsely populated eastern towns demanded a new labor force. All able-bodied civilians became subject to a labor draft. The state sent millions of free workers to work on distant sites, enrolled youth in vocational schools, deployed exiled national groups in a “Labor Army,” and employed prisoners in Gulag camps in industry and construction. Women, peasants, and teenagers became major sources of new labor. Mobilized workers became the foundation of the war effort, but they also posed the state’s greatest domestic challenge: to provide services traditionally performed by the family. The provision of clothing, food, shelter, cleaning, and repair—jobs assumed by women for no remuneration—fell to the industrial enterprises. Pressure to produce and persistent shortages created appalling living conditions. Many mobilized workers fled. In the prison camps and Labor Army, starvation and illness decimated the labor force.

Ervin, Keona K. "“We Strike and Win”." In Gateway to Equality. University Press of Kentucky, 2017.

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In the Funsten Nut Strike of 1933, nut shellers shut down production to protest poor working conditions and wage cuts. A group of black working-class women positioned themselves at the center of Depression-era politics through the highly publicized, Communist-organized strike against the Funsten Nut Company. Among the most influential labor battles of its era, the strike carved out a space for black women workers in the growing and increasingly powerful radical labor movement, marking the development of that movement in St. Louis.

Enrile, Annalisa, and Dorotea Mendoza. "Stepping Forward, Standing Strong." In Women's Journey to Empowerment in the 21st Century, 251–65. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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The term human rights defenders was coined after the ratification of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in 1998. The term encompasses those who identify and act as advocates, activists, professionals, and workers; those who monitor and take reports; and others who work in the human rights arena. The point of unity that all human rights defenders share is that they seek to promote and protect basic civil rights. They may do this in multiple capacities, including providing legal aid, mental health services, casework, and general protection such as providing shelter or security. The work of human rights defenders is difficult and dangerous. In 2017, more than 300 human rights defenders were killed. The Philippines has a history of violations in the spheres of labor, politics, and gender rights. In 2017, there were human rights violations in the form of more than 350,000 displaced persons, more than 4,000 extrajudicial killings, overpopulated prisons, and the trafficking of thousands of women and children. The most effective way to address these violations is through transnational organizing and movement building, cultivating international alliances of women who fight abuses against human rights defenders. These organizations and coalitions operate beyond borders and create change through engagement.

Hall, Dewey W., and Jillmarie Murphy. "Introduction." In Gendered Ecologies, 7–20. Liverpool University Press, 2020.

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Gendered Ecologies: New Materialist Interpretations of Women Writers in the Long Nineteenth Century is comprised of a diverse collection of essays featuring analyses of literary women writers, ecofeminism, feminist ecocriticism, and the value of the interrelationships that exist among human, nonhuman, and nonliving entities as part of the environs. The book presents a case for the often-disregarded literary women writers of the long nineteenth century, who were active contributors to the discourse of natural history—the diachronic study of participants as part of a vibrant community interconnected by matter. While they were not natural philosophers as in the cases of Sir Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and Michael Faraday among others, these women writers did engage in acute observations of materiality in space (e.g., subjects, objects, and abjects), reasoned about their findings, and encoded their discoveries of nature in their literary and artistic productions. The collection includes discussions of the works of influential literary women from the long nineteenth century—Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, Caroline Norton, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Jane Johnston Schoolcraft, Margaret Fuller, Susan Fenimore Cooper, Celia Thaxter, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Francis Wright, and Lydia Maria Child—whose multi-directional observations of animate and inanimate objects in the natural domain are based on self-made discoveries while interacting with the environs....

Tuszewicki, Marek. "Feldshers and Healers." In A Frog Under the Tongue, 65–78. Liverpool University Press, 2021.

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This chapter talks about feldshers and healers. Feldshers were the group most devoted to offering medical aid, and occupied a position somewhere on the borderline between official and folk medicine. It was they to whom one went with broken bones, sprains, dislocations, and other mechanical injuries. They were also considered the experts in taking the pulse, bloodletting, applying leeches, performing dry and wet cupping, applying iodine to the throat, pulling teeth, and giving enemas. Some feldshers had completed nursing training in community institutions such as homeless shelters or public baths. Most feldshers based their treatment on traditional views of anatomy, attributing illness to 'bad blood.' By the 1900s, feldshers had begun to bring elements of biomedicine into Jewish folk medicine. In the second half of the nineteenth century, women educated in midwifery schools gained the recognition of the rabbinic authorities. They were cited in the responsa as specialists, the more so since the scope of their competencies went far beyond assisting at births and they were practically comparable in their functions to feldshers. The Jewish populace preferred the assistance offered by feldshers, wise women, and midwives from within their own community. There was a fairly large group of practitioners who worked outside the parameters of the law and the regulations of state bodies. The scope of their activities may be defined as healing, even quackery, though not all of them drew on magic and they were not all known as quacks.

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