Harvard citation style now on Grafiati!

We have a new citation style for you!

From now on, our website offers references and in-text citations according to the so-called Harvard citation style.

The Harvard citation style is quite specific due to the fact that it has no unified form or explicit rules. On the contrary, there are many variations of the style adopted in different educational institutions from different counties. The Harvard citation style is widely used in a number of European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, and so on. It is also popular in other states such as Australia.

In our service Grafiati, we have developed the citation algorithms for Harvard based on the recommendations of the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom): https://librarydevelopment.group.shef.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.html.

Just as with all other international citation styles, we have adapted the algorithms to every language available on our website, which means that you can create references to be included in your article written in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian, or Polish.

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