112,000+ Polish dissertations added to catalogues

We have added the metadata of more than 112,000 Polish dissertations and theses to our catalogues. The users of Grafiati can search for dissertations by keywords in our catalogues and cite any of such works automatically in any of the available citation styles.

Polish dissertations added to cataloguesThe metadata of the dissertations and theses is provided by the open repositories of a number of Polish universities, including the Warsaw University, the Jagiellonian University, the University of Lodz, etc. (see in more detail here).

Thanks to the new additions to the catalogues, we have also extended significantly the list of available literature selections by Polish keywords. For example, you can already consult a list of recommended literature on the topics ‘Eksport usług’ or ‘Infekcja bakteryjna’. Search for selections by keywords in the Polish language here.

Thank you Poland for the military and humanitarian aid provided to Ukraine for opposing the Russian military aggression!

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