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Статті в журналах з теми "5-axis strategy":


Wang, Dan, Wu Yi Chen, and Rui Qiu Wang. "5-Axis Tool Positioning via RFIM Strategy." Applied Mechanics and Materials 10-12 (December 2007): 874–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.10-12.874.

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A new strategy for 5-axis NC machining called Rotate-For-Intersect Machining (RFIM) was presented in this paper. The cutter was settled by two cutter contact points and in order to obtain optimized tool position and orientation, grid point method and bi-section method ware utilized in searching cutter’s rotate angle and tilt angle. Finally the algorithm was implemented on UG platform following further development and the effectiveness of the method was validated.

Chaves-Jacob, Julien, Gérard Poulachon, and Emmanuel Duc. "Optimal strategy for finishing impeller blades using 5-axis machining." International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58, no. 5-8 (June 11, 2011): 573–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-011-3424-1.

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TAKASUGI, Keigo, Yoshiki OGAMI, Akio HAYASHI, Yoshitaka MORIMOTO, and Naoki ASAKAWA. "Strategy of 5-axis Tool Path Determination Using Extended C-space." Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 85, no. 4 (April 5, 2019): 374–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.2493/jjspe.85.374.

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Jousselin, Baptiste, Yann Quinsat, and Christophe Tournier. "A 5-axis pocket roughing strategy reducing the remaining material volume." Procedia CIRP 82 (2019): 368–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.146.

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Duarte, Joao, Isabel Espírito Santo, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, and A. Ismael F. Vaz. "Curved layer path planning on a 5-axis 3D printer." Rapid Prototyping Journal 28, no. 4 (October 7, 2021): 629–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/rpj-02-2021-0025.

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Purpose This paper aims to provide an approach to print shell-type objects using a 5-axis printer. The proposed approach takes advantage of the two additional printer degrees of freedom to provide a curved layer path planning strategy. Design/methodology/approach This paper addresses curved layer path planning on a 5-axis printer. This printer considers movements along the three usual axes together with two additional axes at the printing table (rotation and tilt), allowing to build more complex and reliable objects. Curved layer path planning is considered where polygons obtained from the slicing stage are approximated by linear and cubic splines. The proposed printing strategy consists in building an inner core supporting structure followed by outer curved layers. Findings The curved layer path planning strategy is validated for shell-type objects by considering a 5-axis printer simulator. An example with an aeronautic object is presented to illustrate the proposed approach. Originality/value The paper presents an approach to curved layer path planning on a 5-axis printer, for shell-type objects.

Hu, Chuang Guo, Ding Hua Zhang, Jun Xue Ren, and Lei Yang. "Research on the 5-axis Machining of Blisk." Materials Science Forum 532-533 (December 2006): 612–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.532-533.612.

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The study presents a new method for 5-axis machining of blisk, which consists of both roughing tunnels and finishing blades. The ruled surface is used to approximate the freeform surface of blade, and the boundary contour of the tunnel is then determined. Based on the double point offset method, the 5-axis tool paths for roughing blisk tunnel region are generated. Similarly, by linking the corresponding points on the tool center curves and the tool axis drive curves, the spiral tool paths are developed to finish milling thin-walled blades taking into account the residual stresses induced part distortion during machining. This strategy is experimentally verified.

Warkentin, Andrew, Fathy Ismail, and Sanjeev Bedi. "Multi-point tool positioning strategy for 5-axis mashining of sculptured surfaces." Computer Aided Geometric Design 17, no. 1 (January 2000): 83–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8396(99)00040-0.

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Morimoto, Yoshitaka, Keisuke Nakato, and Motoshi Gontani. "Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machining Center Based on Measurements of Machined Workpiece – Evaluation of Accuracy of 5-Axis Controlled Machining Center –." International Journal of Automation Technology 6, no. 5 (September 5, 2012): 675–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.20965/ijat.2012.p0675.

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A new method for evaluating the geometrical accuracy of a 5-axis Machining Center (MC) based on the measurement results of the machined workpiece has been developed. The strategy behind our method is to utilize, because of its accuracy, a Coordinates Measuring Machine (CMM) as a master gauge. Thus, the machine operator machines the workpiece and a technologist of precise measurement takes the measurements. In our study, non-rotational machining is utilized to copy and trace the machine trajectory on the workpiece, minimizing the machining error. The profiles of the machined workpiece are measured and evaluated by a CMM, and the geometric errors of the machining center are extracted. Themeasurement results are sufficiently accurate compared to those taken using the square master gauge calibrated by CMM previously. In this report, the machining setup, including workpiece design, tool design, and cutting conditions, is proposed, and the experimental procedures and results of the evaluation are given.

Baskoro, Ario Sunar, Reggi Prasetyo Kurniawan, and Haikal Haikal. "Evaluation of the 2-Axis Movement of a 5-Axis Gantry Robot for Welding Applications." International Journal of Technology 10, no. 5 (October 30, 2019): 1024. http://dx.doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v10i5.1865.

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LE, Y. S., and T. C. CHAN. "Machined surface error analysis for 5-axis machining." International Journal of Production Research 34, no. 1 (January 1996): 111–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207549608904894.

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Дисертації з теми "5-axis strategy":


Bui, Van Hung. "Strategies in 3 and 5-axis abrasive water jet machining of titanium alloys." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30218.

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L'alliage de titane est généralement utilisé pour les pièces structurelles aéronautiques ayant une taille importante et ainsi que des parois minces tout en devant résister à des efforts considérables. L'usinage de ces pièces est difficile avec les méthodes classiques telles que le fraisage, car les forces de coupe sont élevées et les parois minces peuvent être facilement déformées. L'usinage de l'alliage de titane (Ti6Al4V) par un procédé utilisant un jet d'eau abrasif (AWJ) peut potentiellement être utilisé pour remplacer les méthodes d'usinage conventionnelles. Cependant, la compréhension des différents aspects de ce procédé est insuffisante pour autoriser son industrialisation. Cette thèse présente un modèle de prévision de la profondeur usinée dans deux cas de direction du jet : un jet perpendiculaire à la surface de la pièce et un jet incliné. Dans un premier temps, la compréhension du processus d'enlèvement de matière et de la qualité de surface obtenue est étudiée à travers l'observation de l'influence des paramètres du processus. Dans un second temps, un modèle basé sur la distribution gaussienne des particules abrasives dans le jet d'eau est proposé pour caractériser un passage élémentaire et pour prédire le profil du fond de poche obtenu par une succession de passages élémentaires. Ensuite, une méthodologie d'usinage des coins de poche utilisant un contrôle adaptatif de la vitesse d'avance est présentée. Enfin un nouveau modèle du profil du fond de poche prenant en compte l'angle d'inclinaison du jet est présenté. Tout au long de ce travail de thèse, la validation expérimentale a montré un bon accord entre les valeurs mesurées et modélisées et a ainsi démontré la capacité du jet d'eau abrasif à usiner à une profondeur contrôlée
Titanium alloy is generally used for aeronautical structural parts having a large size and as thin walls while having to withstand considerable effort. Machining these parts is difficult with conventional methods such as milling, because the high cutting forces can easily deform the part. Machining of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) by an abrasive water jet (AWJ) process can potentially be used to replace conventional machining methods. However, the understanding of the different aspects of this process is insufficient to allow its industrialization. This thesis presents a model of prediction of the machined depth in two cases of direction of the jet: a jet perpendicular to the surface of the part and an inclined jet. At first, the understanding of the removal material process and the obtained surface quality is studied through the observation of the influence of the process parameters. In a second step, a model based on the Gaussian distribution of abrasive particles in the water jet is proposed to characterize an elementary pass and to predict the pocket bottom profile obtained by a succession of elementary passes. Then, a method to machine pocket corners using an adaptive control of the feed rate is presented. Finally, a new model of the pocket bottom profile taking into account the angle of inclination of the jet is presented. Throughout this thesis work, the experimental validation showed a good agreement between the measured and modeled values and thus demonstrated the ability of the abrasive water jet milling to machine to a controlled depth

Diourté, Adama. "Génération et optimisation de trajectoire dans la fabrication additive par soudage à l'arc." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021TOU30213.

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La fabrication d'additive par arcs électriques (WAAM) est en train de devenir la principale technologie de Fabrication Additive (FA) utilisée pour produire des pièces à parois minces de taille moyenne à grande (Ordre de grandeur : 1 m) à un coût moindre. Pour fabriquer une pièce avec cette technologie, la stratégie de planification du trajet utilisée est la 2.5D. Cette stratégie consiste à découper un modèle 3D en différentes couches planes et parallèles les unes aux autres. L'utilisation de cette stratégie limite la complexité des topologies réalisables en WAAM, notamment celles présentant de grandes variations de courbure, et implique plusieurs départs/arrêt de l'arc lors de son passage d'une couche à l'autre. Ceci induit des phénomènes transitoires dans lesquels le contrôle de l'approvisionnement en énergie et en matière est complexe. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle stratégie de fabrication visant à réduire au minimum les phases de démarrage et d'arrêt de l'arc est présentée. L'objectif de cette stratégie, appelée "Génération de Trajectoire Continue Tridimensionnelle" (GTCT), est de générer une trajectoire continue en forme de spirale pour des pièces minces en boucle fermée. Une vitesse de fil constante couplée à une vitesse de déplacement adaptative permet une modulation de la géométrie de dépôt qui assure un approvisionnement continu en énergie et en matière tout au long du processus de fabrication. L'utilisation de la stratégie 5 axes couplées à la GTCT permet la fabrication de pièces fermées avec une procédure pour déterminer la zone de fermeture optimale, et des pièces sur des substrats non-plans utiles pour ajouter des fonctionnalités à une structure existante. La fabrication de ces pièces avec la GTCT et plusieurs évaluations numériques ont montré la fiabilité de cette stratégie et sa capacité à produire de nouvelles formes complexes avec une bonne restitution géométrique, difficile ou impossible à atteindre aujourd'hui en 2.5D avec la technologie WAAM
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is becoming the primary Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology used to produce medium to large (order of magnitude: 1 m) thin-walled parts at lower cost. To manufacture a part with this technology, the path planning strategy used is 2.5D. This strategy consists in cutting a 3D model into different plane layers parallel to each other. The use of this strategy limits the complexity of the topologies achievable in WAAM, especially those with large variations in curvature. It also implies several start/stop of the arc during its passage from one layer to another, which induces transient phenomena in which the control of energy and material supply is complex. In this thesis, a new manufacturing strategy to reduce the arc start/stop phases to a single cycle is presented. The objective of this strategy, called "Continuous Three-dimensional Path Planning" (CTPP), is to generate a continuous spiral-shaped trajectory for thin parts in a closed loop. An adaptive wire speed coupled with a constant travel speed allows a modulation of the deposition geometry that ensures a continuous supply of energy and material throughout the manufacturing process. The use of the 5-axis strategy coupled with CTPP allows the manufacturing of closed parts with a procedure to determine the optimal closure zone and parts on non-planar substrates useful for adding functionality to an existing structure. Two geometries based on continuous manufacturing with WAAM technology are presented to validate this approach. The manufacturing of these parts with CTPP and several numerical evaluations have shown the reliability of this strategy and its ability to produce new complex shapes with good geometrical restitution, difficult or impossible to achieve today in 2.5D with WAAM technology

Частини книг з теми "5-axis strategy":


"5. Axis of Opportunity." In The Rhythm of Strategy, 105–20. Amsterdam University Press, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9789048501045-008.

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Levy, Walter J. "Axis Launches Desperate Offensive at Allied Oil Sources." In Oil Strategy and Politics, 1941-1981, edited by Melvin A. Conant, 36–43. Routledge, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429049200-5.

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Hotchkiss, Michael Bennett. "Russian Active Measures and September 11, 2001." In Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 1029–47. IGI Global, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-2466-4.ch061.

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The Cold-War era English-language promoters of Nostradamus (Orson Welles and Erika Cheetham) had strong Leftist-Marxist connections including ties to the Cambridge 5 spy ring. Nostradamus was the top search anomaly of Sept 11, 2001. Interest was driven by a surge in emails and text messages via the internet. This behavior is discussed in relation to known cyber threats from 2001. Similar spikes in Nostradamus searches (Google Trends) emanated from Poland (April 2010), Ukraine (March 2014), and in Hungary (August 2015). Nostradamus mirrors proven Russian disinformation operations, such as those that today implicate 9/11 as being an “inside job” by the US government, or that the CIA killed JFK, or that the CIA engineered the AIDS virus. Noting the use of Nostradamus by both the Allies and the Axis powers as a psychological warfare tool in World War 2, the case is made that it was the Russians carrying out an “information attack” on 9/11 that is consistent with Russian cyber warfare and active measures strategy and that they may have used similar techniques elsewhere since 2001.

Weinberg, Gerard L. "8. Allied victory, 1944–5." In World War II: A Very Short Introduction, 110–22. Oxford University Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/actrade/9780199688777.003.0009.

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The Western Allies intended to fight until the Axis powers surrendered unconditionally. ‘Allied victory, 1944–45’ considers the Allied strategy, agreed at a conference in Tehran, that there would be 1944 offensives on all major fronts in Europe, specifically including an invasion across the Channel to be supported by an invasion on the Mediterranean coast of France. The Soviet Union push into Germany met with the Americans in Berlin in April 1945. Hitler committed suicide on April 30, and Germany surrendered on May 8. It took the devastation of the atomic bomb later in the year for Japan to surrender.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "5-axis strategy":


Han, Zhen-yu, Yuan Liu, Yong-zhang Wang, and Hong-ya Fu. "5-Axis A-Spline Iterpolation Function and Its Realization Strategy." In 2009 International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS 2009). IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/itcs.2009.278.

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Mane, Hrishikesh, and S. S. Pande. "Adaptive Tool Path Planning Strategy for 5-Axis CNC Machining of Free Form Surfaces." In ASME 2019 14th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2019-2737.

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Abstract This paper presents a curvature based adaptive iso-parametric strategy for the efficient machining of free form surfaces on 5-axis CNC machine using the flat end mill tool. One iso-parametric boundary of the surface is selected as the initial tool path. Set of cutter contact (CC) points are chosen adaptively on the initial tool path considering desired profile tolerance. Adjacent iso-parametric tool paths are computed adaptively based on the scallop height constraint unlike the traditional iso-parametric approach. The path topology is post-processed to generate the part program for 5-axis CNC machine in ISO format. The system was rigorously tested for various case studies by comparing the results with the traditional 5-axis iso-parametric tool path strategy, iso-scallop strategy and iso-planar strategy of a commercial software. Our system was found to generate efficient tool paths in terms of part quality, productivity and memory storage compared to the conventional strategies.

Quanping Sun and Wenhe Liao. "An optimization strategy for 5-axis high-speed milling prostheses based on STL modeling." In 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering (MACE). IEEE, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/mace.2010.5535868.

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Morishige, Koichi, Yoshimi Takeuchi, and Kiwamu Kase. "Tool Path Generation Using C-Space for 5-Axis Machining." In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-1169.

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Abstract The paper deals with the method of tool path generation for 5-axis machining using a ball end mill. 5-axis machining has been used for aircraft parts as well as for complicated shapes such as molds and dies. However, most of the present CAM systems for 5-axis machining have limited functions in terms of tool collision, workpiece shapes and machining methods. For that reason, in many cases the optimal cutter location (CL) data cannot be obtained or considerable time is consumed. To solve this problem, we have applied a 3-dimensional configuration space (C-Space) and showed the relationship between all tool positions and postures and the existence of tool collision. The method of tool path generation devised in the study enables users to generate CL data reflecting their own machining strategy such as smooth change in tool posture and the state of machining without considering the gouging. The validity of this method was experimentally confirmed by successfully milling an impeller without tool collision occurring.

Hemmett, Jeffrey G., Barry K. Fussell, and Robert B. Jerard. "Automatic 5-Axis CNC Feedrate Selection via Discrete Mechanistic and Geometric Model Integration." In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-1090.

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Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of automatically generating adaptive feedrates for five-axis CNC end milling. The complicated geometries involved with multiaxis machining make it difficult to manually estimate acceptable feedrates without being overly conservative. Our strategy is to use a computer simulation of the machining process to estimate the feeds based on in-process cutting information. The simulation consists of two distinct portions: a discrete geometric model of the material removal process, and a discrete mechanistic model of the cutting forces involved. The mechanistic model estimates cutting forces as a function of material properties of the stock and cutting tool, cut geometry, and feedrate. Used in an inverse manner, the mechanistic model can estimate the feedrates necessary to maintain a constant cutting force. This force may be selected to maintain a desired part tolerance, or to meet some other criteria (e.g. machine constraints). The cut geometry information required by the inverse mechanistic model is provided by the geometric model of the material removal process. The geometric model also dynamically stores in-process stock geometry as the simulation progresses. The results of this research has shown that it is possible to automatically generate adaptive feeds using these combined models.

Ge, Q. J., and Donglai Kang. "Kinematics-Based Geometric Design of Sculptured Surfaces." In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/96-detc/dfm-1298.

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Abstract Current practice in CAD/CAM separates the process of geometric shape design from that of CMC (Computer Numerically Controlled) tool path generation. Although successful for 3-axis machining, this strategy is not as effective for 5-axis machining of sculptured surfaces due to the difficulty in generating accurate and gouge-free 5-axis tool paths from the CAD models. This paper presents a framework for a new, kinematics-based methodology for geometric modeling that integrates sculptured-surface design with too-path generation for 5-axis CMC machining. In particular, sculptured surfaces are represented directly in terms of rational Bézier and B-spline motions of the cutting tool. The proposed framework brings together the fields of Kinematics and Computer Aided Geometric Design as well as the recent results in Computer Aided Motion Synthesis and Swept Volume Modeling and provides a basis for concurrent geometric shape design and manufacture.

Martini, Alberto, Marco Troncossi, Marco Carricato, and Alessandro Rivola. "Static Balancing of a Parallel Kinematics Machine With Linear-Delta Architecture." In ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/esda2014-20449.

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The study deals with the compensation of gravity loads in closed-loop mechanisms as a possible strategy for enhancing their working performance. This work focuses on the Orthoglide 5-axis, a prototypal parallel robot for milling operation, characterized by linear-delta architecture with two further serial DOFs. Starting from a general theory formerly proposed by the authors, gravity compensation of the mechanism is analytically carried out. The statically balanced Orthoglide 5-axis can be obtained by installing on one leg a proper set of extension springs and a simple additional linkage. A feasible design solution for developing the device in practice is presented. The proposed balancing device can be implemented with minor modifications of the original robot design, thus appearing a profitable solution to be possibly extended to other machinery with similar architecture.

Emmanouil, Evangelos, Ketao Zhang, and Jian S. Dai. "Control Strategy and Trajectory Planning for Reconfiguration of a vA Based Metamorphic Parallel Manipulator." In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2013-12445.

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Mechanisms with reconfigurability have become a trend in development of multi-functional robots which can adapt to unexpected environments and perform complicated tasks. This paper presents a novel metamorphic parallel manipulator with the ability to change its mobility through the phase change of a variable-axis (vA) joint integrated in each limb. The platform has 6 DOFs in the source phase and can reconfigure its mobility to 5, 4 and 3 resorting to redundant actuation. This leads to reconfigurability and multi-functionality of the parallel manipulator characterized by the mobility configuration variation. A control strategy and a trajectory planning algorithm for reconfiguring the mobility configuration of the manipulator are proposed and simulations are carried out to identify a proper way of reconfiguration.

Abbasi, Waheed A., Shannon C. Ridgeway, Phillip D. Adsit, Carl D. Crane, and Joseph Duffy. "Investigation of a Special 6-6 Parallel Platform for Contour Milling." In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-1174.

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Abstract Recently, companies have been experimenting with parallel-mechanism based approaches for milling machines. This research presents an investigation into the development of a special 6-6 parallel mechanism for application to contour milling. The idea behind this approach is that existing non-CNC milling equipment can be augmented to increase its capability at a lower cost than purchasing traditional 5-axis machining centers. This paper presents the phase of research associated with developing a parametric kinestatic design methodology for a special 6-6 parallel mechanism (Kinestatic Platform, KP). This methodology was applied to the design specifications associated with 5-axis contour milling. The resulting kinestatic design’s dynamics were evaluated to determine the actuation requirements of each connector. A prototype connector was built to allow the evaluation of actuator response under simulated loading conditions. Joint stiffness and control strategy were of primary concern in evaluating the performance of the prototype connector. The parametric kinestatic design and control strategy results are presented. Several observations are evidenced from the research. Joint deflection is an obvious critical issue and the most difficult to quantify. A scheme is proposed detailing the concept of using a separate metrology frame to overcome difficulties associated with accurate connector length determination.

Che, Demeng, Ping Guo, and Kornel F. Ehmann. "Design and Analysis of Helical Needle Tip Grinding Process." In ASME 2012 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 40th North American Manufacturing Research Conference and in participation with the International Conference on Tribology Materials and Processing. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2012-7274.

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A generalized helical needle tip geometry model, which can describe many typical needle tip geometries, including conical, bevel, blunt and helical shapes with proper geometric parameters, is presented based on analogy to the helical point drill geometry. The generality of this model offers a general way for manufacturing various needle tip geometries. A mathematical model of the helical needle tip geometry is provided along with the formulation of the kinematic model of the tip grinding process. The control strategy on a 5-axis grinding machine system is also developed to implement the designed kinematic model. The needle tip’s motions in the grinding process are simulated to characterize the effects of grinding parameters on needle tip properties and to predict the trajectory of the needle tip point during the grinding process. Finally, several types of needle geometries have been manufactured by the developed grinding process to verify the newly formulated models.

Звіти організацій з теми "5-axis strategy":


Yahav, Shlomo, John Brake, and Noam Meiri. Development of Strategic Pre-Natal Cycling Thermal Treatments to Improve Livability and Productivity of Heavy Broilers. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2013.7593395.bard.

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The necessity to improve broiler thermotolerance and live performance led to the following hypothesis: Appropriate comprehensive incubation treatments that include significant temperature management changes will promote angiogenesis and will improve acquisition of thermotolerance and carcass quality of heavy broilers through epigenetic adaptation. It was based on the following questions: 1. Can TM during embryogenesis of broilers induce a longer-lasting thermoregulatory memory (up to marketing age of 10 wk) that will improve acquisition of thermotolerance as well as increased breast meat yield in heavy broilers? 2. The improved sensible heat loss (SHL) suggests an improved peripheral vasodilation process. Does elevated temperature during incubation affect vasculogenesis and angiogenesis processes in the chick embryo? Will such create subsequent advantages for heavy broilers coping with adverse hot conditions? 3. What are the changes that occur in the PO/AH that induce the changes in the threshold response for heat production/heat loss based on the concept of epigenetic temperature adaptation? The original objectives of this study were as follow: a. to assess the improvement of thermotolerance efficiency and carcass quality of heavy broilers (~4 kg); b. toimproveperipheral vascularization and angiogenesis that improve sensible heat loss (SHL); c. to study the changes in the PO/AH thermoregulatory response for heat production/losscaused by modulating incubation temperature. To reach the goals: a. the effect of TM on performance and thermotolerance of broilers reared to 10 wk of age was studied. b. the effect of preincubation heating with an elevated temperature during the 1ˢᵗ 3 to 5 d of incubation in the presence of modified fresh air flow coupled with changes in turning frequency was elucidated; c.the effect of elevated temperature on vasculogenesis and angiogenesis was determined using in ovo and whole embryo chick culture as well as HIF-1α VEGF-α2 VEGF-R, FGF-2, and Gelatinase A (MMP2) gene expression. The effects on peripheral blood system of post-hatch chicks was determined with an infrared thermal imaging technique; c. the expression of BDNF was determined during the development of the thermal control set-point in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH). Background to the topic: Rapid growth rate has presented broiler chickens with seriousdifficulties when called upon to efficiently thermoregulate in hot environmental conditions. Being homeotherms, birds are able to maintain their body temperature (Tb) within a narrow range. An increase in Tb above the regulated range, as a result of exposure to environmental conditions and/or excessive metabolic heat production that often characterize broiler chickens, may lead to a potentially lethal cascade of irreversible thermoregulatory events. Exposure to temperature fluctuations during the perinatal period has been shown to lead to epigenetic temperature adaptation. The mechanism for this adaptation was based on the assumption that environmental factors, especially ambient temperature, have a strong influence on the determination of the “set-point” for physiological control systems during “critical developmental phases.” Recently, Piestunet al. (2008) demonstrated for the first time that TM (an elevated incubation temperature of 39.5°C for 12 h/d from E7 to E16) during the development/maturation of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-thyroid axis (thermoregulation) and the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adrenal axis (stress) significantly improved the thermotolerance and performance of broilers at 35 d of age. These phenomena raised two questions that were addressed in this project: 1. was it possible to detect changes leading to the determination of the “set point”; 2. Did TM have a similar long lasting effect (up to 70 d of age)? 3. Did other TM combinations (pre-heating and heating during the 1ˢᵗ 3 to 5 d of incubation) coupled with changes in turning frequency have any performance effect? The improved thermotolerance resulted mainly from an efficient capacity to reduce heat production and the level of stress that coincided with an increase in SHL (Piestunet al., 2008; 2009). The increase in SHL (Piestunet al., 2009) suggested an additional positive effect of TM on vasculogenesis and angiogensis. 4. In order to sustain or even improve broiler performance, TM during the period of the chorioallantoic membrane development was thought to increase vasculogenesis and angiogenesis providing better vasodilatation and by that SHL post-hatch.

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