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Статті в журналах з теми "Binding policy":


Torvik, Ragnar. "Trade policy under a binding foreign exchange constraint." Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 3, no. 1 (March 1994): 15–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638199400000002.

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Iglehart, John K. "‘Narrative Matters’: Binding Health Policy And Personal Experience." Health Affairs 18, no. 4 (July 1999): 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.18.4.6.

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Tóth, Zsolt. "International dimensions of EU soil policy – The main binding and non-binding legal instruments." Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 59, no. 3 (September 2018): 290–303. http://dx.doi.org/10.1556/2052.2018.59.3.4.

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Bertollini, Roberto, Sofia Ribeiro, Kristina Mauer-Stender, and Gauden Galea. "Tobacco control in Europe: a policy review." European Respiratory Review 25, no. 140 (May 31, 2016): 151–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1183/16000617.0021-2016.

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Tobacco is responsible for the death of 6 million people every year globally, of whom 700 000 are in Europe. Effective policies for tobacco control exist; however, the status of their implementation varies across the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region. In order to tackle the tobacco epidemic, action has been taken though the implementation of both legally binding and non-legally binding measures. This article aims to present the achievements and challenges of tobacco control in Europe, focussing on the available legally binding instruments such as the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive at the European Union level. Tobacco still faces heavy lobbying of the tobacco industry, which has systematically contrasted policies to achieve public health objectives. The legal instruments for tobacco control in Europe presented here are not always adequately enforced in all the countries and there is certainly room for improving their implementation. Finally, the need for a strong political commitment towards the end-game of the tobacco epidemic is emphasised.

Mesich-Brant, Jennifer L., and Lawrence J. Grossback. "Assisting Altruism: Evaluating Legally Binding Consent in Organ Donation Policy." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 30, no. 4 (August 2005): 687–718. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/03616878-30-4-687.

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Snyder, Eric. "Binding, Genericity, and Predicates of Personal Taste." Inquiry 56, no. 2-3 (April 2013): 278–306. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0020174x.2013.784485.

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Tao, Ping, and Jie Qiong Hu. "Research on the External Characteristics & Binding Mechanism of the Environment Project." Applied Mechanics and Materials 268-270 (December 2012): 2058–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.268-270.2058.

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This paper analyses the problems of the positive externality and effects that externality has on resource configure efficiency. It deeply analyses externality problems from economics view that related to the sewage and garbage disposing projects. It suggests setting up restricting mechanism from both of the incentive mechanism and policy mechanism. It empresses the validity of policy restricting mechanism and environment protection governance policy and the governance policy of non-environment-protect-behavior, so as to establish an effective investment and financing economic policy and to absorb nongovernmental capital mostly.

Schwanholz, Julia, Lavinia Zinser, and Johannes Hindemith. "Measuring policy effects: online participation on the municipal level." der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 14, no. 1-2021 (June 15, 2021): 43–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.3224/dms.v14i1.10.

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Do citizens' decisions, which are discussed and co-ordinated a priori on online participation platforms, have any policy effects? The article addresses this question in an exploratory study. Taking theoretical concepts of participation and policy effects into account, LiquidFeedback platforms are investigated in four municipalities in Lower Saxony (Germany). A total of 80 cases—i.e., successful citizens’ initiatives that were afterwards considered by local city or district councils—are included in a content analysis. Results show that crucial policies are less often translated into binding policy decisions than other policies. Even though citizens’ decisions can have binding policy effects, large-scale projects, in particular, show rather diffuse policy effects. However, diffuse policy effects are hardly transparent for citizens and could, accordingly, inhibit the willingness to participate altogether.

Jurčík, R. "The economic impact of EC procurement policy." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 53, No. 7 (January 7, 2008): 333–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.17221/1155-agricecon.

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The economic impact of the EC procurement policy is an important aspect of public procurement in the most areas of industry and agriculture. There exist some studies about the economic impact of the EC procurement policy. The first major study was the one commissioned by the European Commission and published in 1997 as a part of a broader evaluation of the European single market. This dealt with the period from 1987 when the directives were substantially revised, to 1994. In February 2004, the Commission published a new summary analysis of the economic impact of the EC rules covering the period 1995−2002. A report on the functioning of public procurement markets in the EU: benefits from the application of the EU directives and challenges for the future (EC 2004). This confirms a much greater importance of the indirect cross-border activity as compared with the direct cross-border binding activity, and also indicates that this form of trade in public markets has increased further. The above mentioned studies in relation to the Economic Impact of the EC procurement Policy are the object of this article.

Nakata, Taisuke. "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Occasionally Binding Zero Bound Constraints." Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2013, no. 40 (April 2013): 1–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.17016/feds.2013.40.

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Дисертації з теми "Binding policy":


Mwenge, Felix. "Using quantitative analysis to identify binding development constraints and options for their alleviation - two case studies in health and vocational training in Zambia." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/22955.

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This report is a quantitative analysis of two case studies demonstrating the binding development constraints and options for their alleviation. The first case study is an analysis of health inequalities which remain an important policy issue in many developing countries. Using the 2014 data for the Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), the paper assesses health inequality in Zambia using Child stunting as a health variable. The paper finds that those in the poorest group had more than thrice the Child stunting rate of the richest group, proving the existence of health inequality in Zambia. The paper further investigates the factors associated with stunting and finds that the mother's age, education, marital status, socio-economic status, location and nutritional status measured by body mass index (BMI) are significantly associated with Child stunting. Policy recommendations center on women empowerment, improving household food security and rolling out Social Cash Transfer schemes among others. The second case study is concerned with technical and vocational skills development, which despite being a key factor in economic growth remains limited in Zambia. Using multiple regression, the study finds that participating in skills training is determined by age, level of education, gender and location (rural or urban). These factors also affect participants' choices among the various skills training options that exist in Zambia: on-the-job training, public institutions, private institutions and apprenticeship. The study provides a number of recommendations. One relates to improved access to education for girls to improve their chances of accessing skills training. Another one calls for the formalisation of apprenticeships which remain informal and unofficial despite a substantial proportion of people acquiring skills through this avenue.

Mnatsakanyan, Tatevik. "Contesting security and the binding effect in the US and the UK discourse and policy of 'war on terror' : a theoretical and empirical exploration through a dialogical-relational framework." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/17103.

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Post-structuralist IR has often treated foreign policy/security discourses and their effects on policy through a “representational model”, i.e. how one dominant representation makes possible particular policy outcomes. However, in a longitudinal analysis, where the concern with “outcome” is already about continuity/change, this model is restricting and must be replaced by a model integrating multiple voices and contestations, and looking for non-linear mechanisms of long-term constraints. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is, first, to develop a theoretical-analytical framework suitable for an explicit interest in contestations and tracing constraints; and second, in an illustrative-explorative study, to apply such relational-dialogical framework to “war on terror” in the US and the UK (2001-2012). Bakhtinian Dialogism occupies an important status in the framework; therefore, a broader aim is to demonstrate how a “dialogical turn” inspired by the philosophy of Mikhail Bakhtin and his circle would enrich debate. Developments of the past decade – increased anti-war critique, change of governments in the US and the UK, and protracted withdrawal – provide new grounds for a longitudinal inquiry into “war on terror”. Moving beyond the question how “war on terror” was initially constructed and legitimised, scholarly attention must focus on a longitudinal inquiry into why “war on terror” endured. In this respect, the formidable deconstructions of official discourses by anti-war critique have received marginal attention in IR. The empirical part explores how critical discourses have contested the official narratives; how the latter have engaged with them as well as with moderate deliberative critique, and to what effect for continuity/change, to understand whether and how successive governments in the US and the UK have been discursively constrained (bound) in their attempts to change policy. Without claiming to be a comprehensive explanation, it locates and interprets patterns and logics within the discursive exchanges, delineating potential routes contributing to constraints and hence continuation. Thus, on the one hand, destabilising critique was shattering the foundations of the official “war on terror” narratives without fully re-inscribing the dislocated space with new imaginings, thus inviting official representatives to re-claim such space. On the other hand, deliberative voices were pushing for the realisation of the promises inherent in the official discourse, demanding “winning” the (albeit “mistaken”) war, thus inviting for continued engagement.

Mary, Sébastien. "A dynamic stochastic farm household model with occasionally binding debt constraints and investment adjustment costs : assessing the impacts of direct farm payments and common agriculture policy reforms in French arable crop farms." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2010. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=158412.

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Traditionally, the Common Agricultural Policy has used minimum intervention prices and coupled payments to support farmers in Europe.  These highly trade-distorting instruments have received much criticism.  Following the Uruguay Round, a major reform process started in the EU.  In 2003, the EU decoupled farm support by introducing Single Farm Payments.  However, economic theory has shown that such payments may lead to increases in farm output because of the existence of market imperfections or risk.  This thesis explores the issue of farm support for the case of crops farm households in France.  It develops and applies a stochastic dynamic farm household model for a representative crops farm household.  The farm household faces occasionally binding debt constraints and investment adjustment costs.  The model is specified and parameterized to a sample of French crops farms using Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data observed between 1996 and 2003.  Simulations with various policy scenarios show the extent to which farm support and especially decoupled payments affect the farm household’s decisions.  First, the thesis examines the impact of CAP reforms on farm behaviour.  Then, the thesis compares the impacts of different farm payments, i.e. Single Farm Payments, farm payments coupled to production and Counter-cyclical Payments, to explore the link between investment and farm payment.  Further, the thesis highlights that the degree of decoupling of farm payments depends on the farm household’s access to credit.  Although Single Farm Payments may potentially affect output decisions, given the relatively low impacts found in the thesis, it is reasonable to consider that the Single Farm Payment is effectively decoupled in this French FADN sample of arable crops farms.  The introduction of decoupled direct payments in the EU appears to be an efficient step towards reducing trade distortions.

Silva, Maria Camila Florêncio da. "As conferências nacionais de política para as mulheres e os sentidos atribuídos á deliberação." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10438/11652.

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Submitted by MARIA CAMILA FLORÊNCIO DA SILVA (mcamilaflorencio@gmail.com) on 2014-04-22T19:32:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_MariaCamila_VersãoFinal4.pdf: 1168828 bytes, checksum: 1ce7cb17717e32b49538c7473fc2ae0d (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2014-04-23T14:15:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_MariaCamila_VersãoFinal4.pdf: 1168828 bytes, checksum: 1ce7cb17717e32b49538c7473fc2ae0d (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-23T14:52:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_MariaCamila_VersãoFinal4.pdf: 1168828 bytes, checksum: 1ce7cb17717e32b49538c7473fc2ae0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-19
This dissertation seeks to understand the normative profile of the Woman Policy National Conference through the meanings attributed to deliberation by the governmental and nongovernmental representatives who organized and/or participated to proceedings of the Conferences. The relevance of the problem is caused by the diagnosis that the profile of these conferences, marked by historical discourses that seek to establish the political commitment of the federal government with the policy for women, it is not clear to anyone who participates. Despite this, it is also justified by the discussions around proposals Participation Systems that seek to work with the complementarity of models of democracy. In the theoretical framework, lies the notion of 'deliberative moments' present in the Brazilian literature of participation effectiveness and the juridic notions of discretionary and binding administrative act on the field of Administrative Law as attempts to understand consultives analytical and deliberatives categories on brazilian literatura of participation. These categories, however,are limited to understand the several meanings of deliberation that would indicates its profile.
Esta dissertação tem como problema de pesquisa analisar o perfil normativo das Conferências Nacionais de Política para Mulheres a partir dos sentidos atribuídos à deliberação pelas representantes governamentais e não governamentais que organizaram e/ou participaram desses processos de Conferências, entrevistadas para esta pesquisa. A relevância do problema se dá pelo diagnóstico de que o perfil dessas Conferências, marcado por discursos históricos que buscam firmar o compromisso político do governo federal com a Política para as mulheres, não está claro, por um lado. Mas também se justifica pelos debates em torno de propostas de Sistemas de Participação que buscam trabalhar com a complementaridade de modelos de democracia, por outro. No arcabouço teórico está a noção de 'momentos deliberativos' presente na literatura brasileira sobre efetividade da participação e as noções jurídicas de ato administrativo discricionário e vinculativo presentes no ramo do Direito Administrativo, como tentativas de compreender o perfil a partir das categorias analíticas consultiva e deliberativa presentes na literatura brasileira sobre participação. As categorias, contudo, se mostram limitadas para se compreender os diversos sentidos da deliberação que indicariam seu perfil.

Grehs, Karin Palombini. "Uma alternativa para política urbana de acesso à moradia através da vinculação da receita de IPTU." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/126603.

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Na presente dissertação está sendo analisada a possibilidade de vinculação da receita de IPTU para aplicação ao acesso à moradia, via proposta legislativa lege ferenda, lei ainda não vigente, pois atualmente esta vinculação de impostos a serviços é vedada pela Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988. Com a vinculação do IPTU à moradia, haveria a possibilidade de ingresso de receita específica para aplicação na redução do déficit habitacional e em regularização fundiária, consagrando, dessa forma, a função social do IPTU. Este estudo examina ainda: 1. A possibilidade de existência de uma hierarquia imposta pelo inciso IV do art. 167 da Constituição Federal que permite a vinculação de receita de impostos para as ações e serviços públicos de saúde, manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino, realização de atividades da administração tributária e a prestação de garantias às operações de crédito por antecipação de receitas frente aos direitos fundamentais do artigo 6º da Magna Carta. 2. O artigo 6º da Constituição Federal de 1988 contém o rol de direitos sociais: educação, saúde, alimentação, trabalho, moradia, lazer, segurança, previdência social, proteção à maternidade, infância e assistência aos desamparados, no entanto, sói ocorrer, em administrações públicas, a aplicação dos recursos orçamentários em serviços públicos em grau de desigualdade, em virtude da vedação da vinculação de impostos a serviços. 3. A formação juspositivista na Legislação Tributária brasileira; 4. A realidade do Plano Municipal de Habitação de Interesse Social de Porto Alegre que apresenta o diagnóstico do problema habitacional local e os escassos recursos financeiros disponíveis aplicáveis em moradia. 5. A análise da Legislação municipal vigente de Porto Alegre nas áreas Urbanística, Tributária e financeira, formando um sistema legislativo integrado ao contexto legal da cidade. Em vista dessas características, esta investigação estuda a viabilidade da regularização fundiária e de redução do déficit habitacional com o redirecionamento da arrecadação tributária através da destinação do tributo municipal, IPTU, buscando a função social do tributo e o referencial de justiça. São essas, portanto, as especificidades desta dissertação.
In the present dissertation the possibility of binding the revenues from IPTU (Municipal Property Tax) to invest in the access to housing is analyzed, through a legislative initiative, lege ferenda, law not in effect yet, considering binding tax revenues to services is currently forbidden by the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution. By binding the IPTU to housing, there would be the possibility to use specific tax revenue to apply in the reduction of housing deficit and land regularization, and thus consecrating the social function of IPTU. This study also examines: 1.The possibility of existence of a hierarchy imposed by the sub-paragraph IV of art. 167 of the Federal Constitution which allows the binding of tax revenues to public health actions and services, education maintenance and development, fulfillment of tax management activities and as warranties to credit operations by anticipating revenues in order to meet the fundamental rights of art. 6 of the Federal Constitution. 2. The article 6 of the 1988 Federal Constitution contains the list of social rights: education, health, nutrition, labor, housing, leisure, safety, social security, protection to motherhood, infancy and assistance to the unemployed. However, in public administrations it is common to apply the budget resources at inequality levels, due to the prohibition to bind taxes to services. 3. The legal positive formation in the Brazilian tax legislation; 4. The reality of the Municipal Habitation Plan of Social Interest in Porto Alegre which presents the diagnosis of the habitation problem and the scarce financial resources available for investment in housing. 5. The analysis of municipal legislation in effect in Porto Alegre for the urban, tax and financial areas, forming a legislation system integrated to the city’s legal context. Considering these characteristics, this investigation studies the viability of the land regularization and reduction of housing deficit by redirecting the tax revenues through the destination of the municipal tax, IPTU, having as objective the fulfillment of the social function of the tax and the reference of justice. These are the particularities of this dissertation.

Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine. "On the security of authentication protocols on the web." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEE018/document.

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Est-il possible de démontrer un théorème prouvant que l’accès aux données confidentielles d’un utilisateur d’un service Web (tel que GMail) nécessite la connaissance de son mot de passe, en supposant certaines hypothèses sur ce qu’un attaquant est incapable de faire (par exemple, casser des primitives cryptographiques ou accéder directement aux bases de données de Google), sans toutefois le restreindre au point d’exclure des attaques possibles en pratique?Il existe plusieurs facteurs spécifiques aux protocoles du Web qui rendent impossible une application directe des méthodes et outils existants issus du domaine de l’analyse des protocoles cryptographiques.Tout d’abord, les capacités d’un attaquant sur le Web vont largement au-delà de la simple manipulation des messages échangés entre le client et le serveur sur le réseau. Par exemple, il est tout à fait possible (et même fréquent en pratique) que l’utilisateur ait dans son navigateur un onglet contenant un site contrôlé par l’adversaire pendant qu’il se connecte à sa messagerie (par exemple, via une bannière publicitaire) ; cet onglet est, comme n’importe quel autre site, capable de provoquer l’envoi de requêtes arbitraires vers le serveur de GMail, bien que la politique d’isolation des pages du navigateur empêche la lecture directe de la réponse à ces requêtes. De plus, la procédure pour se connecter à GMail implique un empilement complexe de protocoles : tout d’abord, un canal chiffré, et dont le serveur est authentifié, est établi avec le protocole TLS ; puis, une session HTTP est créée en utilisant un cookie ; enfin, le navigateur exécute le code JavaScript retourné par le client, qui se charge de demander son mot de passe à l’utilisateur.Enfin, même en imaginant que la conception de ce système soit sûre, il suffit d’une erreur minime de programmation (par exemple, une simple instruction goto mal placée) pour que la sécurité de l’ensemble de l’édifice s’effondre.Le but de cette thèse est de bâtir un ensemble d’outils et de librairies permettant de programmer et d’analyser formellement de manière compositionelle la sécurité d’applicationsWeb confrontées à un modère plausible des capacités actuelles d’un attaquant sur le Web. Dans cette optique, nous étudions la conception des divers protocoles utilisés à chaque niveau de l’infrastructure du Web (TLS, X.509, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript) et évaluons leurs compositions respectives. Nous nous intéressons aussi aux implémentations existantes et en créons de nouvelles que nous prouvons correctes afin de servir de référence lors de comparaisons. Nos travaux mettent au jour un grand nombre de vulnérabilités aussi bien dans les protocoles que dans leurs implémentations, ainsi que dans les navigateurs, serveurs, et sites internet ; plusieurs de ces failles ont été reconnues d’importance critiques. Enfin, ces découvertes ont eu une influence sur les versions actuelles et futures du protocole TLS
As ever more private user data gets stored on the Web, ensuring proper protection of this data (in particular when it transits through untrusted networks, or when it is accessed by the user from her browser) becomes increasingly critical. However, in order to formally prove that, for instance, email from GMail can only be accessed by knowing the user’s password, assuming some reasonable set of assumptions about what an attacker cannot do (e.g. he cannot break AES encryption), one must precisely understand the security properties of many complex protocols and standards (including DNS, TLS, X.509, HTTP, HTML,JavaScript), and more importantly, the composite security goals of the complete Web stack.In addition to this compositional security challenge, onemust account for the powerful additional attacker capabilities that are specific to the Web, besides the usual tampering of network messages. For instance, a user may browse a malicious pages while keeping an active GMail session in a tab; this page is allowed to trigger arbitrary, implicitly authenticated requests to GMail using JavaScript (even though the isolation policy of the browser may prevent it from reading the response). An attacker may also inject himself into honest page (for instance, as a malicious advertising script, or exploiting a data sanitization flaw), get the user to click bad links, or try to impersonate other pages.Besides the attacker, the protocols and applications are themselves a lot more complex than typical examples from the protocol analysis literature. Logging into GMail already requires multiple TLS sessions and HTTP requests between (at least) three principals, representing dozens of atomic messages. Hence, ad hoc models and hand written proofs do not scale to the complexity of Web protocols, mandating the use of advanced verification automation and modeling tools.Lastly, even assuming that the design of GMail is indeed secure against such an attacker, any single programming bug may completely undermine the security of the whole system. Therefore, in addition to modeling protocols based on their specification, it is necessary to evaluate implementations in order to achieve practical security.The goal of this thesis is to develop new tools and methods that can serve as the foundation towards an extensive compositional Web security analysis framework that could be used to implement and formally verify applications against a reasonably extensive model of attacker capabilities on the Web. To this end, we investigate the design of Web protocols at various levels (TLS, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript) and evaluate their composition using a broad range of formal methods, including symbolic protocol models, type systems, model extraction, and type-based program verification. We also analyze current implementations and develop some new verified versions to run tests against. We uncover a broad range of vulnerabilities in protocols and their implementations, and propose countermeasures that we formally verify, some of which have been implemented in browsers and by various websites. For instance, the Triple Handshake attack we discovered required a protocol fix (RFC 7627), and influenced the design of the new version 1.3 of the TLS protocol

Nakov, Anton. "Essays on the Liquidity Trap, Oil Shocks, and the Great Moderation." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/7360.

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The thesis studies three distinct issues in monetary economics using a common dynamic general equilibrium approach under the assumptions of rational expectations and nominal price rigidity.
The first chapter deals with the so-called "liquidity trap" - an issue which was raised originally by Keynes in the aftermath of the Great Depression. Since the nominal interest rate cannot fall below zero, this limits the scope for expansionary monetary policy when the interest rate is near its lower bound. The chapter studies the conduct of monetary policy in such an environment in isolation from other possible stabilization tools (such as fiscal or exchange rate policy). In particular, a standard New Keynesian model economy with Calvo staggered price setting is simulated under various alternative monetary policy regimes, including optimal policy. The challenge lies in solving the (otherwise linear) stochastic sticky price model with an explicit occasionally binding non-negativity constraint on the nominal interest rate. This is achieved by parametrizing expectations and applying a global solution method known as "collocation". The results indicate that the dynamics and sometimes the unconditional means of the nominal rate, inflation and the output gap are strongly affected by uncertainty in the presence of the zero lower bound. Commitment to the optimal rule reduces unconditional welfare losses to around one-tenth of those achievable under discretionary policy, while constant price level targeting delivers losses which are only 60% larger than under the optimal rule. On the other hand, conditional on a strong deflationary shock, simple instrument rules perform substantially worse than the optimal policy even if the unconditional welfare loss from following such rules is not much affected by the zero lower bound per se.
The second thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the implications of imperfect competition in the oil market, and in particular the existence of a welfare-relevant trade-off between inflation and output gap volatility. In the standard New Keynesian model exogenous oil shocks do not generate any such tradeoff: under a strict inflation targeting policy, the output decline is exactly equal to the efficient output contraction in response to the shock. I propose an extension of the standard model in which the existence of a dominant oil supplier (such as OPEC) leads to inefficient fluctuations in the oil price markup, reflecting a dynamic distortion of the economy's production process. As a result, in the face of oil sector shocks, stabilizing inflation does not automatically stabilize the distance of output from first-best, and monetary policymakers face a tradeoff between the two goals. The model is also a step away from discussing the effects of exogenous oil price changes and towards analyzing the implications of the underlying shocks that cause the oil price to change in the first place. This is an advantage over the existing literature, which treats the macroeconomic effects and policy implications of oil price movements as if they were independent of the underlying source of disturbance. In contrast, the analysis in this chapter shows that conditional on the source of the shock, a central bank confronted with the same oil price change may find it desirable to either raise or lower the interest rate in order to improve welfare.
The third thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the extent to which the rise in US macroeconomic stability since the mid-1980s can be accounted for by changes in oil shocks and the oil share in GDP. This is done by estimating with Bayesian methods the model developed in the second chapter over two samples - before and after 1984 - and conducting counterfactual simulations. In doing so we nest two other popular explanations for the so-called "Great Moderation": (1) smaller (non-oil) shocks; and (2) better monetary policy. We find that the reduced oil share can account for around one third of the inflation moderation, and about 13% of the GDP growth moderation. At the same time smaller oil shocks can explain approximately 7% of GDP growth moderation and 11% of the inflation moderation. Thus, the oil share and oil shocks have played a non-trivial role in the moderation, especially of inflation, even if the bulk of the volatility reduction of output growth and inflation is attributed to smaller non-oil shocks and better monetary policy, respectively.
La tesis estudia tres problemas distintos de macroeconomía monetaria utilizando como marco común el equilibrio general dinámico bajo expectativas racionales y con rigidez nominal de los precios.
El primer capítulo trata el problema de la "trampa de liquidez" - un tema planteado primero por Keynes después de la Gran Depresión de 1929. El hecho de que el tipo de interés nominal no pueda ser negativo limita la posibilidad de llevar una política monetaria expansiva cuando el tipo de interés se acerca a cero. El capítulo estudia la conducta de la política monetaria en este entorno en aislamiento de otros posibles instrumentos de estabilización (como la política fiscal o la política de tipo de cambio). En concreto, se simula un modelo estándar Neo-Keynesiano con rigidez de precios a la Calvo bajo diferentes regimenes de política monetaria, incluida la política monetaria óptima. El reto consiste en resolver el modelo estocástico bajo la restricción explícita ocasionalmente vinculante de no negatividad de los tipos de interés. La solución supone parametrizar las expectativas y utilizar el método de solución global conocido como "colocación". Los resultados indican que la dinámica y en ocasiones los valores medios del tipo de interés, la inflación y el output gap están muy influidos por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad. El compromiso con la regla monetaria óptima reduce las pérdidas de bienestar esperadas hasta una décima parte de las pérdidas obtenidas bajo la mejor política discrecional, mientras una política de meta constante del nivel de precios resulta en pérdidas que son sólo 60% mayores de las obtenidas bajo la regla óptima. Por otro lado, condicionado a a un choque fuerte deflacionario, las reglas instrumentarias simples funcionan mucho peor que la política óptima, aun si las pérdidas no condicionales de bienestar asociadas a dichas reglas no están muy afectadas por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad en si.
El segundo capítulo de la tesis estudia las implicaciones de la competencia imperfecta en el mercado del petróleo, y en concreto la existencia de un conflicto relevante entre la volatilidad de la inflación y la del output gap de un país importador de petróleo. En el modelo estándar Neo Keynesiano, los choques petroleros exógenos no generan ningún conflicto de objetivos: bajo una política de metas de inflación estricta, la caída del output es exactamente igual a la contracción eficiente del output en respuesta al choque. Este capitulo propone una extensión del modelo básico en la cual la presencia de un proveedor de petróleo dominante (OPEP) lleva a fluctuaciones ineficientes en el margen del precio del petróleo que reflejan una distorsión dinámica en el proceso de producción de la economía. Como consecuencia, ante choques provinientes del sector de petróleo, una política de estabilidad de los precios no conlleva automáticamente a una estabilización de la distancia del output de su nivel eficiente y existe un conflicto entre los dos objetivos. El modelo se aleja de la discución los efectos de cambios exógenos en el precio del petróleo y se acerca al análisis de las implicaciones de los factores fundamentales que provocan los cambios en el precio del petróleo en primer lugar. Esto último representa una ventaja clara frente a la literatura existente, la cual trata tanto los efectos macroeconómicos como las implicaciones para la política monetaria de cambios en el precio del petróleo como si éstos fueran independientes de los factores fundamentales provocando dicho cambio. A diferencia de esta literatura, el análisis del capitulo II demuestra cómo frente al mismo cambio en el precio del petróleo, un banco central puede encontrar deseable bien subir o bajar el tipo de interés en función del origen del choque.
El tercer capitulo estudia el grado en que el ascenso de la estabilidad macroeconómica en EE.UU. a partir de mediados de los 80 se puede atribuir a cambios en la naturaleza de los choques petroleros y/o el peso del petróleo en el PIB. Con este propósito se estima el modelo desarrollado en el capitulo II con métodos Bayesianos utilizando datos macroeconómicos de dos periodos - antes y después de 1984 - y se conducen simulaciones contrafactuales. Las simulaciones permiten dos explicaciones alternativas de la "Gran Moderación": (1) menores choques no petroleros; y (2) mejor política monetaria. Los resultados apuntan a que el petróleo ha jugado un papel no-trivial en la moderación. En particular, el menor peso del petroleo en el PIB a partir de 1984 ha contribuido a una tercera parte de la moderación de la inflación y un 13% de la moderación del output. Al mismo tiempo, un 7% de la moderación del PIB y 11% de la moderación de la inflación se pueden atribuir a menores choques petroleros.

Touseau, Lionel. "Politique de liaison aux services intermittents dirigée par les accords de niveau de service." Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENM022.

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L'informatique s'est récemment développée autour de deux axes : l'informatique ambiante d'une part avec la multiplication des objets communicants, et l'internet des services d'autre part suite à l'essor parallèle des centres de traitement de données et d'Internet. Dans ces domaines, la disponibilité fluctuante des ressources, qui entraîne une intermittence des services fournis, représente désormais une préoccupation majeure dans la conception d'applications. La programmation orientée composants appliquée aux architectures orientées service simplifie la gestion des liaisons de service via des politiques. Néanmoins les politiques de liaison existantes suivent soit une approche statique interdisant alors toute reconfiguration d'architecture en cours d'exécution, soit une approche dynamique ne garantissant pas une stabilité minimale de l'architecture dans le cas de services intermittents. Cette thèse propose un compromis entre stabilité architecturale et dynamisme en plaçant l'interruption de service au centre des préoccupations du concepteur. La politique de liaison résultante offre ainsi une tolérance aux interruptions de service jusqu'à une certaine limite au-delà de laquelle l'architecture est reconfigurée dynamiquement. Afin de situer cette limite, notre proposition se base sur l'utilisation d'accords de niveau de service, une forme enrichie des contrats de service permettant, entre autres, l'expression de contraintes sur la disponibilité des services. L'approche a été expérimentée sur la plate-forme à services OSGi en étendant les mécanismes de gestion des liaisons du modèle à composants iPOJO, puis validée dans le contexte de l'informatique ambiante ainsi que sur le serveur d'applications JOnAS
Lately, the evolution of information technologies has been following two trends. On the one hand the proliferation of communicating devices contributes to the creation of an ambient intelligence. On the other hand, the booming of Internet associated with the rapid growth of data centres capabilities results in the emergence of an internet of services. In both domains, application design is challenged by the dynamic availability of computing resources and data. The combination of component-based software engineering and service-oriented computing techniques allows service bindings to be driven by policies. However, for the time being, policies either follow a dynamic approach which does not suit the needs of architectural stability when dealing with intermittent services, or a static approach which does not allow dynamic reconfiguration. The work presented in this thesis proposes a trade-off between the two approaches by considering service disruptions as a major concern. The proposed binding policy relies on service level agreements to be disruption-tolerant, since service-level agreements allow expressing and enforcing obligations regarding availability and quantified disruptions. This approach has been implemented on the OSGi service platform and iPOJO, a service-oriented component model for OSGi. IPOJO service dependency management has been extended in order to support our policy. The latter was validated both in the context of ambient intelligence, and on open-source and OSGi-based JOnAS application server

Книги з теми "Binding policy":


Lipsey, Richard G. A Canadian-U.S. dispute settlement mechanism: Binding or effective? Toronto: C.D. Howe, 1987.

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Campos, José Edgardo L. Budgetary institutions and expenditure outcomes: Binding governments to fiscal performance. Washington, DC: World Bank, Policy Research Dept., Public Economics Division, 1996.

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Supervisors, San Francisco (Calif ). Board of. Proposed charter amendment - binding interest arbitration: Firefighters, police, airport police. San Francisco: Board of Supervisors, 1990.

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Downing, Sybil. The binding oath. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2001.

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J. W. van der Hulst. De binding aan afspraken in het driehoeksoverleg. Arnhem: Gouda Quint, 1990.

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Hauser, Heinz. Zur Bindung des Wirtschaftsgesetzgebers durch Grundrechte. Bern: P. Haupt, 1989.

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Gemper, Bodo B., and Helmut Walter Jenkis. Freiheit und Bindung der Wirtschaft: Beiträge zur Ordnungspolitik : Festschrift anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Bodo Gemper. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006.

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Østerud, Øyvind, and Bent Sofus Tranøy. Mot et globalisert Norge?: Rettslige bindinger, økonomiske føringer og politisk handlingsrom. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, 2001.

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Bondaruk, Anna. Comparison in English and Polish adjectives: A syntactic study. Lublin: Folium, 1998.

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Committee, New Jersey Legislature General Assembly Labor. Committee meeting of Assembly Labor Committee: Assembly bill no. 2111 (enhances coverage of laborers and materialmen under payment bonds); Assembly bill no. 2743 (establishes binding arbitration procedure for Port Authority police officers); Assembly bill no. 212 (the New Jersey Living Wage Act, requires businesses receiving certain public benefits to pay employees at least $6.50 per hour); Assembly bill no. 1121 (the New Jersey Living Wage Act, sets minimum wage and benefit standards for businesses contracting with or assisted by public bodies) : [October 24, 2002, Trenton, N.J.]. Trenton, N.J: The Unit, 2002.

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Частини книг з теми "Binding policy":


Kwakwa, Victoria, Adeola Adenikinju, Peter Mousley, and Mavis Owusu-Gyamfi. "Binding Constraints to Growth in Nigeria." In Economic Policy Options for a Prosperous Nigeria, 13–43. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230583191_2.

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Wang, Dehua, and Zaozao Zhao. "Building a Transparent, Standardized, Scientifically Sound and Binding Budget System." In Chinese Finance Policy for a New Era, 139–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4054-1_7.

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Madry, Scott. "International Treaties, Non-binding Agreements, and Policy and Legal Issues." In Space Systems for Disaster Warning, Response, and Recovery, 123–28. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1513-2_10.

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Bellavista, Paolo, Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari, and Cesare Stefanelli. "Policy-Driven Binding to Information Resources in Mobility-Enabled Scenarios." In Mobile Data Management, 212–29. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-36389-0_15.

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Al-Hashimi, Kaa’ed. "Iraq’s Pressing Need to Legally Binding Conceptual and Procedural Models for Public Policy Making." In Public Administration and Policy in the Middle East, 129–42. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1553-8_7.

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Breznau, Nate, and Felix Lanver. "The Global Diffusion of Work-Injury Insurance: The Role of Spatial Networks and Nation Building." In Networks and Geographies of Global Social Policy Diffusion, 39–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83403-6_2.

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AbstractWork-injury law often marks the beginning of the modern welfare state and as we argue this type of insurance is particularly important to nation-state building: it placates myriad social groups needs and demands while binding them symbiotically with the state. We analyze any first laws and the first instance of social insurance as outcomes in 151 states (1880–2010). Our network diffusion and event history models reveal that spatial proximity and democratization are key predictors of first laws. However, nation-state formation and trade density are additional predictors of social insurance in particular. We conclude with implications of these findings for understanding nation-building within global networks.

Nakarada Pecujlic, Anja. "European Space Policy Institute’s Comprehensive Analysis on Adopting New Binding International Norms Regarding Space Activities." In Recent Developments in Space Law, 141–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4926-2_11.

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Burns, Stephen. "Milestones in Nuclear Law: A Journey in Nuclear Regulation." In Nuclear Law, 55–73. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-495-2_4.

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AbstractThe development of the nuclear legal framework has been an interesting journey reflecting a commitment to addressing the key aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy through a variety of approaches using both binding treaties and conventions and non-binding codes and guidance. This complex framework of hard and soft law instruments has developed in response to action forcing events. Future development of the legal regime will be aided by greater harmonization and commitment to ensuring that institutions at an international and national level are transparent and willing to engage in constructive interaction with stakeholders. Legal advisers will continue to play an important role in assisting policy makers and technical experts in crafting comprehensive and effective approaches to further development of the framework for nuclear energy and its regulation. In those deliberations a number of key elements should be highlighted. This chapter suggests that elements are stakeholder trust, strong institutional capacity, and integration of international instruments and standards at national levels.

Schwarz-Herion, Odile. "The Impact of the Climate Change Discussion on Society, Science, Culture, and Politics: From The Limits to Growth via the Paris Agreement to a Binding Global Policy?" In The Impact of Climate Change on Our Life, 1–32. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7748-7_1.

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Whalen, Christian. "Article 22: The Right to Protection for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children." In Monitoring State Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 357–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84647-3_36.

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AbstractArticle 22 guarantees the substantive application of all Convention rights to the particular situation of asylum seeking and refugee children, and also guarantees them protection and assistance in advancing their immigration and residency status claims and in overcoming the hurdles posed by international migration channels, including guarantees of due process. The rights of refugee and asylum-seeking children can be analyzed in relation to four essential attributes. First of all, Article 22 insists upon appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance. Refugee children are not granted a special status under the Convention, but they are not given any lesser status. They are to be treated as children first and foremost and not as migrants per se, in the sense that national immigration policy cannot trump child rights. The basic rights to education, health, and child welfare of these children needs to be protected to the same extent, and as much as possible, as children who are nationals of the host country. The second attribute preserves the rights of refugee children not only under the Convention but under all other international human right treaties and humanitarian instruments binding on the relevant States Party. These may include, for many governments, the 1951 Refugee Convention, the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Convention for the Protection of Minors, 1961, among others. A third attribute of Article 22 insists upon the duty to protect and assist refugee children. This entails a clear duty to provide children with appropriate due process rights throughout their asylum and refugee claims procedures, including the child’s right to be heard and participate in all the processes determining the child’s residence or immigration status, border admission, deportation, repatriation, detention, alternative measures, or placement, including best interest determination processes. The fourth and final attribute of Article 22 asserts that two basic principles should guide each activity with the refugee child: the best interests of the child and the principle of family unity.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Binding policy":


Jankovič, Michal. "Attitudes of a Selected Group of Consumers to Car Electrification." In EDAMBA 2021 : 24th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. University of Economics in Bratislava, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.53465/edamba.2021.9788022549301.216-225.

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"In order to achieve the EU's goal of climate neutrality by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the EU must increase its ambitions for the coming decade and update its climate and energy policy framework. To this end, the European Council endorses the EU's binding 2030 domestic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990." These are the conclusions of the European Council from December 2020. As part of EU action, it calls on car makers to increase the share of electric cars by reducing quotas for maximum CO2 emissions. Our article deals with the causes and factors that prompted these steps and examines the attitude of the selected group to these steps.

Stoyanova, Antoaneta. "ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS WHEN BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS." In THE LAW AND THE BUSINESS IN THE CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY 2020. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.36997/lbcs2020.85.

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The number of reported alerts with registered environmental incidents raises concerns in government agencies about the safety of the environment. These concerns are the basis for seeking answers as to whether the existing environmental protection requirements are sufficiently comprehensive or adequate. The binding of the state policy on the environment in the sectoral policies is expressed by the observance of the legal obligations for the protection of the environment. Тhe purpose of the present study is to determine in the scope of environmental management systems the methodology for assessment of compliance with regulatory requirements in the management of aspects and subsequent impact on the environment. An expert method related to a logical approach was applied in the research. Regulatory requirements aimed at monitoring the state of the environment are mandatory as requirements for all business operators. They need to provide objective evidence of how aspects of their activities prevent and limit their impact on environmental pollution.

Hanssen, O., and F. Eliassen. "A framework for policy bindings." In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications. IEEE, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/doa.1999.793971.

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Underwood, Nicholas, Paul Nevitt, Andrew Howarth, and Nicholas Barron. "Overview of UK Policy and Research Landscape Relevant to Deploying Advanced Nuclear Technologies in the UK." In ASME 2020 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/pvp2020-21790.

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Abstract The UK government is committed to tackling climate change through clean growth — cutting emissions while seizing the benefits of the low carbon economy [1,2]. In June 2019 UK government set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from across the UK economy by 2050. Nuclear energy is seen as a vital contributor to decarbonising the UK economy as outlined in the Industrial Strategy [2] and subsequent Nuclear Sector Deal [3], and £180 million of funding has been provided by Government for a Nuclear Innovation Programme (NIP) over the period 2016–21, administered through the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Initial phases of the NIP have researched advanced nuclear fuel cycles, digital reactor design methods and advanced materials and manufacturing techniques. Throughout this programme the UK has developed a better understanding of a range of Advanced Nuclear Technologies (ANT), including Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs) and the opportunities that they provide in decarbonising a future energy system. In parallel, UK government has established a policy framework designed to encourage the development of Advanced Nuclear Technologies [4] and awarded an initial phase of development for a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) [5]. These programmes of work are enabling the development of technologies towards commercialisation, whilst enabling regulations are advanced. For this paper, AMRs are defined as a broad group of advanced nuclear reactors which differ from conventional reactors that use pressurised or boiling water for primary cooling. AMRs use novel cooling systems or fuels and in order to achieve operational efficiencies and enhanced safety performance, they are typically planned to operate in harsh conditions, including high temperatures, radiation field and corrosive environments. As a result of this there are still many questions which need addressing in relation to how materials and fuels will perform in these more extreme conditions. Within the NIP, an Advanced Manufacturing and Construction initiative is supporting answering these questions. This paper provides an overview of the policy and research landscape that aims to bring AMR and SMR technologies to deployment in the UK, and how the Advanced Manufacturing and Construction initiatives are helping to underpin the R&D needs for AMR deployment in the UK. One example is a programme of work titled “Establishing AMR Structural Integrity Codes and Standards for UK GDA” (EASICS). The aim of this project is to establish guidance on the structural integrity codes and standards that are required to support the Generic Design Assessment (GDA), which is a UK licensing process, of an AMR design through technology innovation and transfer (primarily for high temperature reactors). An overview of project EASICS will be described in further detail in another paper presented at PVP2020, PVP2020-21721.

Menon, Shruti Mohandas, and Navid Goudarzi. "Exhaust Systems: CO2 Emission Reduction Using Zeolite Catalyst." In ASME 2017 11th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2017 Power Conference Joint With ICOPE-17, the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2017 Nuclear Forum. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/es2017-3389.

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Air pollution is a leading public health concern that needs to be tackled. About 30% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO, HC and NOx are due to automobiles. By 2030, the US Department of Transportation aims to reduce light duty vehicle emissions by 18%. This can be achieved by public policy approaches such as implementing emission control norms and performance improvements such as exhaust system design. In this work, the implementation of a pure Zeolite catalyst to reduce the exhaust CO2 emission of a SI engine is studied theoretically and experimentally. The complete exhaust system including the catalytic converter, muffler, and pipes is modeled in a 3D CAD modeling software, using the engine specifications. Current expensive precious metals in the catalytic converter are replaced with a binding agent along with Zeolite catalyst. The exhaust system is fabricated and the experimental tests are performed at the maximum engine RPM to obtain threshold emission reduction values. The results showed obtaining an emission reduction of CO2 at a lower cost. Furthermore, it is found that employing Zeolite sieves can further reduce the pollutant emission at a similar cost.

Karásek, Vítězslav, and Pavel Zemánek. "Optical binding of unlike particles." In 18th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, edited by Jan Peřina, Libor Nozka, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Waclaw Urbańczyk, and Ondrej Haderka. SPIE, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2009226.

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Karásek, Vítězslav, and Pavel Zemánek. "Particles in motion driven by optical binding." In XIX Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, edited by Agnieszka Popiolek-Masajada and Waclaw Urbanczyk. SPIE, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2176044.

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Damková, Jana, Lukáš Chvátal, Oto Brzobohatý, and Pavel Zemánek. "Optical binding of particle pairs in retro-reflected beam geometry." In 20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, edited by Jarmila Müllerová, Dagmar Senderáková, Libor Ladányi, and Ľubomír Scholtz. SPIE, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2263360.

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Wybranowski, Tomasz, Michal Cyrankiewicz, and Stefan Kruszewski. "Binding of drugs to serum albumin determined by changes in surface plasmon resonance signal of gold nanoparticles." In 16th Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. SPIE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.822392.

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Beceiro, Alvaro R., Elena Vico, and Emilio G. Neri. "The Radioactive Waste Management Programme in Spain." In ASME 2003 9th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. ASMEDC, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/icem2003-4898.

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The paper will start with an overview of the organisational and financing framework established in Spain for the safe and efficient management of radioactive waste and decommissioning of nuclear installations. Since its creation by Royal Decree in 1984, ENRESA, the Spanish Radioactive Waste Management Agency, is in charge of both activities. ENRESA is a state owned company whose shareholders are CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energe´ticas, Medioambientales y Tecnolo´gicas) and the State Industrial Holding (SEPI), both governmental institutions. In Spain the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines of the Ministry of Economy (MINECO) plays the leading role in controlling nuclear activities, since it is the body responsible for awarding licenses and permits for installations and activities within the framework of the existing nuclear legislation. The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) was set up in 1980 as the only competent body in matters of nuclear safety and radiological protection, and is generally responsible for the regulation and supervision of nuclear installations. Any license granted by MINECO is subjected to the mandatory and binding report of the CSN. The paper will review the steps undertaken for solving the national problems associated with the management of radioactive waste and decommissioning of nuclear installations, including uranium mining and milling facilities, and will address the lessons learnt from the activities developed by ENRESA and the future goals to be met. Regarding the L/ILW (Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste) programme, the main milestones of El Cabril L/ILW disposal facility will be described highlighting the most relevant events as well as the foreseen activities, most of them focus on optimizing the capacity of the already operating installation. The elaboration and signature of a Protocol, at the end of 1999, for collaboration on the radiological Surveillance of Metallic Materials in order to detect the possible presence of radioactive materials is worth to be mentioned because of the involvement and agreement of several public and private organisations as well as the administration. Concerning the SF and HLW (Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level radioactive Waste) programme, the solutions adopted in order to solve the insufficient capacity of the storage pools at NPPs will be described as well as the evolution of the final disposal programme since its beginning and the foreseen goals to be achieved before the year 2010. The last activities will deal with the experience gained during the decommissioning of Vandello´s I NPP and the future decommissioning projects. The decision taken in 2002 by the Spanish authorities to close down Jose´ Cabrera NPP in April 2006, before its 40 years lifetime, has had an impact on ENRESA’s activities.

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Artana, Daniel, Cynthia Moskovits, Jorge Puig, and Ivana Templado. Fiscal Rules and the Behavior of Public Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards Growth-Friendly Fiscal Policy?: The case of Argentina. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.18235/0003057.

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This paper analyzes the implementation of Fiscal Rules (FR) in Argentina. Several clear attempts to establish a FR at the national level are identified. The analysis suggests that the environment matters. The only FR that was binding in the period was approved in 2004 during an economic boom, with the country under a program with the IMF and with high political support. During the world financial crisis the expenditure ceilings were relaxed, however, and current primary expenditures soared. Simulations show that a countercyclical fund could have been implemented even after reducing highly distorting taxes at the federal and provincial levels, and at the same time securing a high level of capital expenditure as a share of GDP, had Argentina complied with the 2004 FR. Moreover, an econometric exploration of the link between flexible FRs and public investment finds that a flexible FR helps to mitigate the negative effects of fiscal consolidations on provincial public investment. Based on the previous analysis, guidelines for a proposal for a FR in Argentina are provided.

Kelly, Luke. Characteristics of Global Health Diplomacy. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/k4d.2021.09.

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This rapid review focuses on Global Health Diplomacy and defines it as a method of interaction between the different stakeholders of the public health sector in a bid to promote representation, cooperation, promotion of the right to health and improvement of health systems for vulnerable populations on a global scale. It is the link between health and international relations. GHD has various actors including states, intergovernmental organizations, private companies, public-private partnerships and non-governmental organizations. Foreign policies can be integrated into national health in various ways i.e., designing institutions to govern practices regarding health diplomacy (i.e., health and foreign affairs ministries), creating and promoting norms and ideas that support foreign policy integration and promoting policies that deal with specific issues affecting the different actors in the GHD arena to encourage states to integrate them into their national health strategies. GHD is classified into core diplomacy – where there are bilateral and multilateral negotiations which may lead to binding agreements, multistakeholder diplomacy – where there are multilateral and bilateral negotiations which do not lead to binding agreements and informal diplomacy – which are interactions between other actors in the public health sector i.e., NGOs and Intergovernmental Organizations. The US National Security Strategy of 2010 highlighted the matters to be considered while drafting a health strategy as: the prevalence of the disease, the potential of the state to treat the disease and the value of affected areas. The UK Government Strategy found the drivers of health strategies to be self-interest (protecting security and economic interests of the state), enhancing the UK’s reputation, and focusing on global health to help others. The report views health diplomacy as a field which requires expertise from different disciplines, especially in the field of foreign policy and public health. The lack of diplomatic expertise and health expertise have been cited as barriers to integrating health into foreign policies. States and other actors should collaborate to promote the right to health globally.

Lewis, Dustin, Radhika Kapoor, and Naz Modirzadeh. Advancing Humanitarian Commitments in Connection with Countering Terrorism: Exploring a Foundational Reframing concerning the Security Council. Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, December 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.54813/uzav2714.

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The imperative to provide humanitarian and medical services on an urgent basis in armed conflicts is anchored in moral tenets, shared values, and international rules. States spend tens of billions of dollars each year to help implement humanitarian programs in conflicts across the world. Yet, in practice, counterterrorism objectives increasingly prevail over humanitarian concerns, often resulting in devastating effects for civilian populations in need of aid and protection in war. Not least, confusion and misapprehensions about the power and authority of States relative to the United Nations Security Council to set policy preferences and configure legal obligations contribute significantly to this trajectory. In this guide for States, we present a framework to reconfigure relations between these core commitments by assessing the counterterrorism architecture through the lens of impartial humanitarianism. We aim in particular to provide an evidence base and analytical frame for States to better grasp key legal and policy issues related to upholding respect for principled humanitarian action in connection with carrying out the Security Council’s counterterrorism decisions. We do so because the lack of knowledge regarding interpretation and implementation of counterterrorism resolutions matters for the coherence, integrity, and comprehensiveness of humanitarian policymaking and protection of the humanitarian imperative. In addition to analyzing foundational concerns and evaluating discernible behaviors and attitudes, we identify avenues that States may take to help achieve pro-humanitarian objectives. We also endeavor to help disseminate indications of, and catalyze, States’ legally relevant positions and practices on these issues. In section 1, we introduce the guide’s impetus, objectives, target audience, and structure. We also describe the methods that we relied on and articulate definitions for key terms. In section 2, we introduce key legal actors, sources of law, and the notion of international legal responsibility, as well as the relations between international and national law. Notably, Security Council resolutions require incorporation into national law in order to become effective and enforceable by internal administrative and judicial authorities. In section 3, we explain international legal rules relevant to advancing the humanitarian imperative and upholding respect for principled humanitarian action, and we sketch the corresponding roles of humanitarian policies, programs, and donor practices. International humanitarian law (IHL) seeks to ensure — for people who are not, or are no longer, actively participating in hostilities and whose needs are unmet — certain essential supplies, as well as medical care and attention for the wounded and sick. States have also developed and implemented a range of humanitarian policy frameworks to administer principled humanitarian action effectively. Further, States may rely on a number of channels to hold other international actors to account for safeguarding the humanitarian imperative. In section 4, we set out key theoretical and doctrinal elements related to accepting and carrying out the Security Council’s decisions. Decisions of the Security Council may contain (binding) obligations, (non-binding) recommendations, or a combination of the two. UN members are obliged to carry out the Council’s decisions. Member States retain considerable interpretive latitude to implement counterterrorism resolutions. With respect to advancing the humanitarian imperative, we argue that IHL should represent a legal floor for interpreting the Security Council’s decisions and recommendations. In section 5, we describe relevant conduct of the Security Council and States. Under the Resolution 1267 (1999), Resolution 1989 (2011), and Resolution 2253 (2015) line of resolutions, the Security Council has established targeted sanctions as counterterrorism measures. Under the Resolution 1373 (2001) line of resolutions, the Security Council has adopted quasi-“legislative” requirements for how States must counter terrorism in their national systems. Implementation of these sets of resolutions may adversely affect principled humanitarian action in several ways. Meanwhile, for its part, the Security Council has sought to restrict the margin of appreciation of States to determine how to implement these decisions. Yet international law does not demand that these resolutions be interpreted and implemented at the national level by elevating security rationales over policy preferences for principled humanitarian action. Indeed, not least where other fields of international law, such as IHL, may be implicated, States retain significant discretion to interpret and implement these counterterrorism decisions in a manner that advances the humanitarian imperative. States have espoused a range of views on the intersections between safeguarding principled humanitarian action and countering terrorism. Some voice robust support for such action in relation to counterterrorism contexts. A handful call for a “balancing” of the concerns. And some frame respect for the humanitarian imperative in terms of not contradicting counterterrorism objectives. In terms of measures, we identify five categories of potentially relevant national counterterrorism approaches: measures to prevent and suppress support to the people and entities involved in terrorist acts; actions to implement targeted sanctions; measures to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism; measures to prohibit or restrict terrorism-related travel; and measures that criminalize or impede medical care. Further, through a number of “control dials” that we detect, States calibrate the functional relations between respect for principled humanitarian action and countering terrorism. The bulk of the identified counterterrorism measures and related “control dials” suggests that, to date, States have by and large not prioritized advancing respect for the humanitarian imperative at the national level. Finally, in section 6, we conclude by enumerating core questions that a State may answer to help formulate and instantiate its values, policy commitments, and legal positions to secure respect for principled humanitarian action in relation to counterterrorism contexts.

Gregow, Hilppa, Antti Mäkelä, Heikki Tuomenvirta, Sirkku Juhola, Janina Käyhkö, Adriaan Perrels, Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen, et al. Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisen ohjauskeinot, kustannukset ja alueelliset ulottuvuudet. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.31885/9789527457047.

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The new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change highlights the urgency of adaptation measures while bringing forth adaptation as vitally important as a response to climate change as mitigation. In order to provide information on how adaptation to climate change has been promoted in Finland and what calls for attention next, we have compiled a comprehensive information package focusing on the following themes: adaptation policy, impacts of climate change including economic impacts, regional adaptation strategies, climate and flood risks in regions and sea areas, and the availability of scientific data. This report consists of two parts. Part 1 of the report examines the work carried out on adaptation in Finland and internationally since 2005, emphasising the directions and priorities of recent research results. The possibilities of adaptation governance are examined through examples, such as how adaptations steering is organised in of the United Kingdom. We also examine other examples and describe the Canadian Climate Change Adaptation Platform (CCAP) model. We apply current information to describe the economic impacts of climate change and highlight the related needs for further information. With regard to regional climate strategy work, we examine the status of adaptation plans by region and the status of the Sámi in national adaptation work. In part 2 of the report, we have collected information on the temporal and local impacts of climate change and compiled extensive tables on changes in weather, climate and marine factors for each of Finland's current regions, the autonomous Åland Islands and five sea areas, the eastern Gulf of Finland, the western Gulf of Finland, the Archipelago Sea, the Bothnian Sea and the Bay of Bothnia. As regards changes in weather and climate factors, the changes already observed in 1991-2020 are examined compared to 1981-2010 and future changes until 2050 are described. For weather and climate factors, we examine average temperature, precipitation, thermal season duration, highest and lowest temperatures per day, the number of frost days, the depth and prevalence of snow, the intensity of heavy rainfall, relative humidity, wind speed, and the amount of frost per season (winter, spring, summer, autumn). Flood risks, i.e. water system floods, run-off water floods and sea water floods, are discussed from the perspective of catchment areas by region. The impacts of floods on the sea in terms of pollution are also assessed by sea area, especially for coastal areas. With regard to marine change factors, we examine surface temperature, salinity, medium water level, sea flood risk, waves, and sea ice. We also describe combined risks towards sea areas. With this report, we demonstrate what is known about climate change adaptation, what is not, and what calls for particular attention. The results can be utilised to strengthen Finland's climate policy so that the implementation of climate change adaptation is strengthened alongside climate change mitigation efforts. In practice, the report serves the reform of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the development of steering measures for adaptation to climate change both nationally and regionally. Due to its scale, the report also serves e.g. the United Nations’ aim of protecting marine life in the Baltic Sea and the national implementation of the EU strategy for adaptation to climate change. As a whole, the implementation of adaptation policy in Finland must be speeded up swiftly in order to achieve the objectives set and ensure sufficient progress in adaptation in different sectors. The development of binding regulation and the systematic evaluation, monitoring and support of voluntary measures play a key role.

Ossoff, Will, Naz Modirzadeh, and Dustin Lewis. Preparing for a Twenty-Four-Month Sprint: A Primer for Prospective and New Elected Members of the United Nations Security Council. Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, December 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.54813/tzle1195.

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Under the United Nations Charter, the U.N. Security Council has several important functions and powers, not least with regard to taking binding actions to maintain international peace and security. The ten elected members have the opportunity to influence this area and others during their two-year terms on the Council. In this paper, we aim to illustrate some of these opportunities, identify potential guidance from prior elected members’ experiences, and outline the key procedures that incoming elected members should be aware of as they prepare to join the Council. In doing so, we seek in part to summarize the current state of scholarship and policy analysis in an effort to make this material more accessible to States and, particularly, to States’ legal advisers. We drafted this paper with a view towards States that have been elected and are preparing to join the Council, as well as for those States that are considering bidding for a seat on the Council. As a starting point, it may be warranted to dedicate resources for personnel at home in the capital and at the Mission in New York to become deeply familiar with the language, structure, and content of the relevant provisions of the U.N. Charter. That is because it is through those provisions that Council members engage in the diverse forms of political contestation and cooperation at the center of the Council’s work. In both the Charter itself and the Council’s practices and procedures, there are structural impediments that may hinder the influence of elected members on the Security Council. These include the permanent members’ veto power over decisions on matters not characterized as procedural and the short preparation time for newly elected members. Nevertheless, elected members have found creative ways to have an impact. Many of the Council’s “procedures” — such as the “penholder” system for drafting resolutions — are informal practices that can be navigated by resourceful and well-prepared elected members. Mechanisms through which elected members can exert influence include the following: Drafting resolutions; Drafting Presidential Statements, which might serve as a prelude to future resolutions; Drafting Notes by the President, which can be used, among other things, to change Council working methods; Chairing subsidiary bodies, such as sanctions committees; Chairing the Presidency; Introducing new substantive topics onto the Council’s agenda; and Undertaking “Arria-formula” meetings, which allow for broader participation from outside the Council. Case studies help illustrate the types and degrees of impact that elected members can have through their own initiative. Examples include the following undertakings: Canada’s emphasis in 1999–2000 on civilian protection, which led to numerous resolutions and the establishment of civilian protection as a topic on which the Council remains “seized” and continues to have regular debates; Belgium’s effort in 2007 to clarify the Council’s strategy around addressing natural resources and armed conflict, which resulted in a Presidential Statement; Australia’s efforts in 2014 resulting in the placing of the North Korean human rights situation on the Council’s agenda for the first time; and Brazil’s “Responsibility while Protecting” 2011 concept note, which helped shape debate around the Responsibility to Protect concept. Elected members have also influenced Council processes by working together in diverse coalitions. Examples include the following instances: Egypt, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, and Uruguay drafted a resolution that was adopted in 2016 on the protection of health-care workers in armed conflict; Cote d’Ivoire, Kuwait, the Netherlands, and Sweden drafted a resolution that was adopted in 2018 condemning the use of famine as an instrument of warfare; Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, and Venezuela tabled a 2016 resolution, which was ultimately adopted, condemning Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory; and A group of successive elected members helped reform the process around the imposition of sanctions against al-Qaeda and associated entities (later including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), including by establishing an Ombudsperson. Past elected members’ experiences may offer some specific pieces of guidance for new members preparing to take their seats on the Council. For example, prospective, new, and current members might seek to take the following measures: Increase the size of and support for the staff of the Mission to the U.N., both in New York and in home capitals; Deploy high-level officials to help gain support for initiatives; Partner with members of the P5 who are the informal “penholder” on certain topics, as this may offer more opportunities to draft resolutions; Build support for initiatives from U.N. Member States that do not currently sit on the Council; and Leave enough time to see initiatives through to completion and continue to follow up after leaving the Council.

Christopher, David A., and Avihai Danon. Plant Adaptation to Light Stress: Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms. United States Department of Agriculture, May 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7586534.bard.

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Original Objectives: 1. Purify and biochemically characterize RB60 orthologs in higher plant chloroplasts; 2. Clone the gene(s) encoding plant RB60 orthologs and determine their structure and expression; 3. Manipulate the expression of RB60; 4. Assay the effects of altered RB60 expression on thylakoid biogenesis and photosynthetic function in plants exposed to different light conditions. In addition, we also examined the gene structure and expression of RB60 orthologs in the non-vascular plant, Physcomitrella patens and cloned the poly(A)-binding protein orthologue (43 kDa RB47-like protein). This protein is believed to a partner that interacts with RB60 to bind to the psbA5' UTR. Thus, to obtain a comprehensive view of RB60 function requires analysis of its biochemical partners such as RB43. Background & Achievements: High levels of sunlight reduce photosynthesis in plants by damaging the photo system II reaction center (PSII) subunits, such as D1 (encoded by the chloroplast tpsbAgene). When the rate of D1 synthesis is less than the rate of photo damage, photo inhibition occurs and plant growth is decreased. Plants use light-activated translation and enhanced psbAmRNA stability to maintain D1 synthesis and replace the photo damaged 01. Despite the importance to photosynthetic capacity, these mechanisms are poorly understood in plants. One intriguing model derived from the algal chloroplast system, Chlamydomonas, implicates the role of three proteins (RB60, RB47, RB38) that bind to the psbAmRNA 5' untranslated leader (5' UTR) in the light to activate translation or enhance mRNA stability. RB60 is the key enzyme, protein D1sulfide isomerase (Pill), that regulates the psbA-RN :Binding proteins (RB's) by way of light-mediated redox potentials generated by the photosystems. However, proteins with these functions have not been described from higher plants. We provided compelling evidence for the existence of RB60, RB47 and RB38 orthologs in the vascular plant, Arabidopsis. Using gel mobility shift, Rnase protection and UV-crosslinking assays, we have shown that a dithiol redox mechanism which resembles a Pill (RB60) activity regulates the interaction of 43- and 30-kDa proteins with a thermolabile stem-loop in the 5' UTR of the psbAmRNA from Arabidopsis. We discovered, in Arabidopsis, the PD1 gene family consists of II members that differ in polypeptide length from 361 to 566 amino acids, presence of signal peptides, KDEL motifs, and the number and positions of thioredoxin domains. PD1's catalyze the reversible formation an disomerization of disulfide bonds necessary for the proper folding, assembly, activity, and secretion of numerous enzymes and structural proteins. PD1's have also evolved novel cellular redox functions, as single enzymes and as subunits of protein complexes in organelles. We provide evidence that at least one Pill is localized to the chloroplast. We have used PDI-specific polyclonal and monoclonal antisera to characterize the PD1 (55 kDa) in the chloroplast that is unevenly distributed between the stroma and pellet (containing membranes, DNA, polysomes, starch), being three-fold more abundant in the pellet phase. PD1-55 levels increase with light intensity and it assembles into a high molecular weight complex of ~230 kDa as determined on native blue gels. In vitro translation of all 11 different Pill's followed by microsomal membrane processing reactions were used to differentiate among PD1's localized in the endoplasmic reticulum or other organelles. These results will provide.1e insights into redox regulatory mechanisms involved in adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to light stress. Elucidating the genetic mechanisms and factors regulating chloroplast photosynthetic genes is important for developing strategies to improve photosynthetic efficiency, crop productivity and adaptation to high light environments.

Elroy-Stein, Orna, and Dmitry Belostotsky. Mechanism of Internal Initiation of Translation in Plants. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2010.7696518.bard.

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Original objectives Elucidation of PABP's role in crTMV148 IRES function in-vitro using wheat germ extract and krebs-2 cells extract. Fully achieved. Elucidation of PABP's role in crTMV148 IRES function in-vivo in Arabidopsis. Characterization of the physical interactions of PABP and other potential ITAFs with crTMV148 IRES. Partly achieved. To conduct search for additional ITAFs using different approaches and evaluate the candidates. Partly achieved. Background of the topic The power of internal translation via the activity of internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) elements allow coordinated synthesis of multiple gene products from a single transcription unit, and thereby enables to bypass the need for sequential transformation with multiple independent transgenes. The key goal of this project was to identify and analyze the IRES-trans-acting factors (ITAFs) that mediate the activity of a crucifer-infecting tobamovirus (crTMV148) IRES. The remarkable conservation of the IRES activity across the phylogenetic spectrum (yeast, plants and animals) strongly suggests that key ITAFs that mediate its activity are themselves highly conserved. Thus, crTMV148 IRES offers opportunity for elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms underlying internal translation in higher plants in order to enable its rational manipulation for the purpose of agricultural biotechnology. Major conclusions and achievements. - CrTMV IRES requires PABP for maximal activity. This conclusion was achieved by PABP depletion and reconstitution of wheat germ- and Krebs2-derived in-vitro translation assays using Arabidopsis-derived PABP2, 3, 5, 8 and yeast Pab1p. - Mutations in the internal polypurine tract of the IRES decrease the high-affinity binding of all phylogenetically divergent PABPs derived from Arabidopsis and yeast in electro mobility gel shift assays. - Mutations in the internal polypurine tract decrease IRES activity in-vivo. - The 3'-poly(A) tail enhances crTMV148 IRES activity more efficiently in the absence of 5'-methylated cap. - In-vivo assembled RNPs containing proteins specifically associated with the IRES were purified from HEK293 cells using the RNA Affinity in Tandem (RAT) approach followed by their identification by mass spectroscopy. - This study yielded a list of potential protein candidates that may serve as ITAFs of crTMV148 IRES activity, among them are a/b tubulin, a/g actin, GAPDH, enolase 1, ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1, 26S proteasome subunit p45, rpSA, eEF1Bδ, and proteasome b5 subunit. Implications, both scientific and agriculture. The fact that the 3'-poly(A) tail enhances crTMV148 IRES activity more efficiently in the absence of 5'-methylated cap suggests a potential joint interaction between PABP, the IRES sequence and the 3'-poly(A). This has an important scientific implication related to IRES function in general.

Grumet, Rebecca, and Benjamin Raccah. Identification of Potyviral Domains Controlling Systemic Infection, Host Range and Aphid Transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2000.7695842.bard.

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Potyviruses form one of the largest and most economically important groups of plant viruses. Individual potyviruses and their isolates vary in symptom expression, host range, and ability to overcome host resistance genes. Understanding factors influencing these biological characteristics is of agricultural importance for epidemiology and deployment of resistance strategies. Cucurbit crops are subject to severe losses by several potyviruses including the highly aggressive and variable zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). In this project we sought to investigate protein domains in ZYMV that influence systemic infection and host range. Particular emphasis was on coat protein (CP), because of known functions in both cell to cell and long distance movement, and helper component-protease (HC-Pro), which has been implicated to play a role in symptom development and long distance movement. These two genes are also essential for aphid mediated transmission, and domains that influence disease development may also influence transmissibility. The objectives of the approved BARD project were to test roles of specific domains in the CP and HC-Pro by making sequence alterations or switches between different isolates and viruses, and testing for infectivity, host range, and aphid transmissibility. These objectives were largely achieved as described below. Finally, we also initiated new research to identify host factors interacting with potyviral proteins and demonstrated interaction between the ZYMV RNA dependent RNA polymerase and host poly-(A)-binding protein (Wang et al., in press). The focus of the CP studies (MSU) was to investigate the role of the highly variable amino terminus (NT) in host range determination and systemic infection. Hybrid ZYMV infectious clones were produced by substituting the CP-NT of ZYMV with either the CP-NT from watermelon mosaic virus (overlapping, but broader host range) or tobacco etch virus (TEV) (non- overlapping host range) (Grumet et al., 2000; Ullah ct al., in prep). Although both hybrid viruses initially established systemic infection, indicating that even the non-cucurbit adapted TEV CP-NT could facilitate long distance transport in cucurbits, after approximately 4-6, the plants inoculated with the TEV-CPNT hybrid exhibited a distinct recovery of reduced symptoms, virus titer, and virus specific protection against secondary infection. These results suggest that the plant recognizes the presence of the TEV CP-NT, which has not been adapted to infection of cucurbits, and initiates defense responses. The CP-NT also appears to play a role in naturally occurring resistance conferred by the zym locus in the cucumber line 'Dina-1'. Patterns of virus accumulation indicated that expression of resistance is developmentally controlled and is due to a block in virus movement. Switches between the core and NT domains of ZYMV-NAA (does not cause veinal chlorosis on 'Dina-1'), and ZYMV-Ct (causes veinal chlorosis), indicated that the resistance response likely involves interaction with the CP-NT (Ullah and Grumet, submitted). At the Volcani Center the main thrust was to identify domains in the HC-Pro that affect symptom expression or aphid transmissibility. From the data reported in the first and second year report and in the attached publications (Peng et al. 1998; Kadouri et al. 1998; Raccah et al. 2000: it was shown that: 1. The mutation from PTK to PAK resulted in milder symptoms of the virus on squash, 2. Two mutations, PAK and ATK, resulted in total loss of helper activity, 3. It was established for the first time that the PTK domain is involved in binding of the HC-Pro to the potyvirus particle, and 4. Some of these experiments required greater amount of HC-Pro, therefore a simpler and more efficient purification method was developed based on Ni2+ resin.

Barash, Itamar, and Robert E. Rhoads. Translational Mechanisms that Govern Milk Protein Levels and Composition. United States Department of Agriculture, November 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7586474.bard.

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Original objectives: The long term objective of the project is to achieve higher content of protein in the milk of ruminants by modulating the translational machinery in the mammary gland. The first specific aim of the BARD proposal was to characterize responsiveness of various experimental systems to combination of lactogenic hormones and amino acids with particular emphasis on discrimination between the control of total protein synthesis and milk protein synthesis. Based on the results, we planned to proceed by characterizing the stage of protein synthesis in which the stimulation by lactogenic hormones and amino acid occur and finally we proposed to identify which components of the translation machinery are modified. Background to the topic: Milk protein is the most valuable component in milk, both for direct human consumption and for manufacturing cheese and other protein-based products. Attempts to augment protein content by the traditional methods of genetic selection and improved nutritional regimes have failed. The proposal was based on recent results suggesting that the limiting factor for augmenting protein synthesis in the bovine mammary gland is the efficiency of converting amino acids to milk proteins. Major conclusions, solutions, achievements: Insulin and prolactin synergistically stimulate â-casein mRNA translation by cytoplasmatic polyadenylation. The interaction between insulin and prolactin was demonstrated two decades ago as crucial for milk-protein synthesis, but the molecular mechanisms involved were not elucidated. We found in differentiated CID 9 mouse mammary epithelial cells line that insulin and prolactin synergistically increases the rate of milk protein mRNA translation. We focused on â-casein, the major milk protein, and found that the increase in â-casein mRNA translation was reflected in a shift to larger polysomes, indicating an effect on translational initiation. Inhibitors of the PI3K, mTOR, and MAPK pathways blocked insulin-stimulated total protein and â-casein synthesis but not the synergistic stimulation. Conversely, cordycepin, a polyadenylation inhibitor, abolished synergistic stimulation of protein synthesis without affecting insulin-stimulated translation. The poly(A) tract of â-casein mRNA progressively increased over 30 min of treatment with insulin plus prolactin. The 3’-untranslated region of â-casein mRNA was found to contain a cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), and in reporter constructs, this was sufficient for the translational enhancement and mRNA-specific polyadenylation. Furthermore, insulin and prolactin stimulated phosphorylation of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein (CPEB) but did not increase cytoplasmic polyadenylation.

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