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HASHIKAWA, Hiroyuki. "Living on the Holy Mountains." Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 49, no. 2 (2006): 147–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.5356/jorient.49.2_147.

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Kmak-Pamirska, Aleksandra. "Góry: Zamkowa, Królowej Bony, Grabarka — symbolika „mniej znanych gór” w świadomości kulturowej w regionach wschodniej Polski na przełomie XIX i XX wieku." Góry, Literatura, Kultura 10 (May 25, 2017): 81–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.19195/2084-4107.10.7.

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The Castle Mount, Queen Bona Mount and Mount Grabarka — the symbolism of “lesser known mountains” in the culture of the eastern regions of Poland at the turn of the 20th centuryThe aim of the article is to examine the significance of “lesser known mountains”, namely Castle Mount, Queen Bona Mount and Mount Grabarka in the cultural consciousness of people living in eastern Poland at the turn of the 20th century Podlasie and Volhynia. In folk tales the symbolism of the mountains was associated with the extraterrestrial world. Mo­untains aroused fear; they were regarded as the abodes of evil spirits and places where souls of sinners did their penance and wandered. With time the symbolism of the mountains among people living in eastern Poland began to change. At the turn of the century attempts were made to rationalise the perception of nature as well as to tame it and subordinate it to humans. Examples of such an approach include Zygmunt Gloger’s ethnographic descriptions of e.g. Castle Mount near Drohiczyn. Queen Bona Mount was to be found in Podlasie and Volhynia. A literary illustration by Halina Micińska-Kenar, entitled Pod górą królowej Bony [At the Foot of Queen Bona Mount], explores fear of the unknown — a mountain dominating the town — as well as the path of humans’ spiritual development through overcoming their weaknesses and ascending the peak. Often mountains were also associated with divine locations. An example is Mount Grabarka Podlasie, from which flows a holy spring, symbolising a holy place and a place of remembrance. An analysis of the symbolism of the mountains in Poland’s eastern region shows what places were and are regarded as mountains as well as why and what significance was attributed to these “smaller mountains” in the cultural consciousness of people living in these regions at the turn of the 20th century.

Geist, Andrew, and James C. VanderKam. "The Four Places That Belong to the Lord (Jubilees 4.26)." Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 22, no. 2 (November 13, 2012): 146–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0951820712467877.

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This article argues that the original name for the mountain on which Enoch made his offering in Eden was the mountain of incense ( Jub. 4.25) and that it and the first mountain in 4.26 (the mountain of Eden/Paradise) are the same mountain. The second mountain in 4.26, the mountain of the east, is Mt Lubar where the ark landed at the end of the flood and where Noah lived until his death. All four mountains in 4.26 are places where God had or would specially reveal himself to chosen individuals and for that reason were holy to the Lord.

Popovic, Danica. "Deserts and holy mountains of medieval Serbia: Written sources, spatial patterns, architectural designs." Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, no. 44 (2007): 253–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/zrvi0744253p.

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Essential concepts in Christian thought and practice, the desert and holy mountain denote a particular kind of monastic and sacral space. They are secluded from the world, intended for asceticism, and ambivalent in nature they are inhospitable and menacing zones populated with demons, but also a monastic paradise, places for spiritual conversion and encounter with the divine. From earliest times, deserts and holy mountains had a few distinguishing characteristics. All forms of monastic life, from communal to solitary, were practiced side by side there. Monks of a special make-up and distinction known as holy men who were also often founders of illustrious communities, future saints and miracle-workers acted there. Furthermore these locales were important spiritual and bookmaking centre's, and therefore, strongholds of Orthodoxy. When trying to research Serbian material on this topic, we face a specific situation: few surviving sources on the one hand, and devastated monuments on the other. The ultimate consequence is that the entire subject has been neglected. Therefore the study of the Serbian deserts and holy mountains requires a very complex interdisciplinary approach with systematic field work as its essential part. It should address the following issues: corroboration, on the basis of written sources, of the reception of the concept of the monastic desert and holy mountain in a particular, regional, context; the distinct means and mechanisms employed in their physical realization; interpretation of their function; the recognition of patterns preserved in the surviving physical structures. Even the results obtained so far appear to be relevant enough to become included in the sacral topography of the Christian world. The author of this study gives particular attention to the detailed analysis of written sources of various genres - diplomatic sources, hagiographic material, liturgical texts, observation notes - in order to establish the meaning and the function of the monastic locales labeled as deserts and holy mountains (and, in a limited number of cases, also known as caves). The most important conclusions that may be drawn would be the following: the terms are interchangeable and were used both in a broader and a narrower sense, but in either case in reference to the space intended for higher forms of monastic life. A particularly broad range of meanings had the term desert which could refer to a distinct locale, as a rule a river gorge, or a mountain inhabited by hermits, but also a cave hermitage, the hesychasterion of a coenobitic community. The distinct forms of monastic life in such areas were communities of two or three or a few monks, organized as a skete or as a cell. In the deserts and mountains hermits primarily pursued the practice of 'agon and hesychia', but were also engaged in manuscript copying - an important peculiarity of Serbian eremitic monasticism. Finally, such locales were thought of by their dwellers as spiritual cities and the narrow path leading to Heavenly Jerusalem. The other thematic focus is an analysis of spatial patterns and architectural structures based on the relevant examples studied so far. Different types of monastic communities functioning as deserts were considered, from the point of view of their spatial situation and their relationship to the coenobia. In this context, field research identified examples of the so-called internal deserts, which was reconfirmed by the records from written sources. Special attention was given to the mechanism for creating a holy mount in the Serbian environment, according to the recognizable, athonite model. Also analyzed were architectural solutions characteristic of Serbian monastic deserts, from the simplest ones such as wooden huts and walled-up caves to monumental multi-storied edifices, equipped with different features. Finally, the conclusions that have been reached serve as a basis for defining future priorities in the field research of this topic.

Szczepanik, Zbigniew, and Anna Żylińska. "The oldest rocks of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland – biostratigraphy of the Cambrian Czarna Shale Formation in the vicinity of Kotuszów." Acta Geologica Polonica 66, no. 3 (September 1, 2016): 267–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/agp-2016-0013.

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AbstractThree lower Cambrian acritarch assemblages recognized in four outcrops in the vicinity of Kotuszów in the southernmost part of the Palaeozoic inlier of the Holy Cross Mountains span a stratigraphic interval from the uppermost part of the Asteridium tornatum-Comasphaeridium velvetum Assemblage Zone to the Skiagia ornata- Fimbriaglomerella membranacea Assemblage Zone (most probably its lower part). According to current views (Moczydłowska and Yin 2012), this interval corresponds to the upper part of the Fortunian and to Stage 2 of the Terreneuvian Series. The strata yielding the oldest assemblage are thus the oldest precisely documented rocks in the Palaeozoic succession of the Holy Cross Mountains, and the oldest Cambrian rocks exposed on the surface in Poland. The current biostratigraphic scheme for the pre-trilobitic part of the Cambrian System in the Holy Cross Mountains should be modified so that it is based on local acritarch interval subzones.

Eliyahu, Eyal Ben. "The Rabbinic Polemic against Sanctification of Sites." Journal for the Study of Judaism 40, no. 2 (2009): 260–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/157006309x410671.

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AbstractThe attribution of holiness to various sites in antiquity was confined neither to a particular ethnic or religious group, nor to one particular geographical locale, but was rather practiced by a wide range of groups vis-à-vis many locations. Contrary to these views, the rabbis made a very clear and sharp statement regarding the sanctity of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and negated the idea of the existence of holy places outside Jerusalem. The rabbis struggled against the sanctity of the biblical “holy mountain,” as well as against sites that could have been regarded as holy on the basis of the biblical narrative. The discovery of this polemic illuminates and offers an explanation for many surprising passages in early rabbinic literature that belittle high mountains and biblical “memorial sites” in the Land of Israel. The examples, drawn from the various strata of early rabbinic literature, demonstrate surprising rabbinic consensus on this issue.

Halamski, Adam T., and Andrzej Baliński. "Latest Famennian Brachiopods from Kowala, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54, no. 2 (June 2009): 289–306. http://dx.doi.org/10.4202/app.2007.0066.

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Damasceno, Mayron Morais, and Cláudia Luiz Lourenço. "“Holy Mountains”: o sussurro histórico na busca por reconhecimento." Scientia Iuris 20, no. 3 (November 29, 2016): 72. http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/2178-8189.2016v20n3p72.

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O presente artigo tem como temática a abordagem dos Direitos Humanos, de modo a demonstrar como a visibilidade histórica dos atos deflagrados pelas gerações passadas serve como intermédio na construção de uma sociedade mais humana e igualitária. Seu principal intuito não é trazer à baila o desespero, a amargura ou desejo de vingança, é, contudo, tratar sobre os perigos em que o ser humano pode incorrer ante sua busca desmesurada por poder. Nesse intuito é que se tratará sobre o genocídio Armênio que foi um dos primeiros atos que quase exterminou grande parcela de um povo, genocídio executado pelos atos de imposição do antigo exército Turco-Otomano; essa importância advém do fato de que esse acontecimento é pouco ou quase nada conhecido na sociedade, logo, sua existência e reconhecimento não servem para manchar a histórica da atual Turquia, mas para expor os erros passados e modificar o presente.

Vierek, Aleksandra. "The palaeogeographical background of Late Devonian storm events in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)." Geologos 19, no. 4 (December 1, 2013): 257–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/logos-2013-0015.

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Abstract Late Devonian coarse-grained carbonate deposits in the Holy Cross Mountains were studied for possible storm depositional systems and catastrophic tsunami events, as it must be assumed that the investigated area was strongly affected by tropical hurricanes generated in the open ocean North of Gondwana. This assumption appears consistent with diagnostic features of carbonate tempestites at several places in the Holy Cross Mountains. Sedimentary structures and textures that indicate so are, among other evidence, erosional bases with sole marks, graded units, intra- and bioclasts, different laminations and burrowing at the tops of tempestite layers. It has been suggested before that a tsunami occurred during the Late Devonian, but the Laurussian shelf had an extensional regime at the time, which excludes intensive seismic activity. The shelf environment also excluded the generation of tsunami waves because the depth was too shallow. Additionally, the Holy Cross Mountains region was surrounded in the Devonian by shallow-marine and stable elevated areas: the Nida Platform, the Opatkowice Platform and the Cracow Platform to the South, and the elevated Lublin-Lviv area to the NE. Thus, tsunami energy should have been absorbed by these regions if tsunamites would have occurred.

LUDWIKOWSKA-KĘDZIA, Małgorzata, and Małgorzata WIATRAK. "THE GEOTOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS OF ŁAGOWICA RIVER VALLEY (HOLY CROSS MOUNTAINS, POLAND) – A PROJECT OF A GEOTOURIST TRAIL." GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 32, no. 4 (December 31, 2020): 1337–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.30892/gtg.32422-578.

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Geotourist evaluation of thirteen small geological, geomorphological and mining heritage objects was carried out in a small v alley of the Upper Łagowica River and in its surroundings (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). The point grading method was used, which is functional in the case of evaluation of small geotourist objects. It was shown that the analysed objects are characterized by high and medi um geotourist attractiveness. When analysed together, they strengthen their own individual values. They are suited to mark out geotourist trails ( geotrail), and additionally become a source of information about spatial changes of geodiversity. They also determine the uniqueness of this type of small river valleys of the Holy Cross Mountains on a regional and supra-regional scale. The evaluation of these objects and the proposal of a geotourist trail in the Upper Łagowica River valley may contribute to the activation of local communities and government authorities in the promotion of geoeducation and geotourism, draw their attention to the need for preservation and protection of the geodiversity of small va lleys of the Holy Cross Mountains, and, what is especially important, may give information about the investment attractiveness of the area.

NOWICKI, JAKUB, and ANNA ŻYLIŃSKA. "The first occurrence of the earliest species of Acadoparadoxides outside West Gondwana (Cambrian; Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)." Geological Magazine 156, no. 06 (May 28, 2018): 1027–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0016756818000341.

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AbstractTwo hundred and eighty specimens of paradoxidids from two localities in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) have been reanalysed using morphometric techniques. Revision of the dataset provided evidence for the presence of two endemic taxa: Acadoparadoxides kozlowskii (Orłowski, 1959) and Acadoparadoxides samsonowiczi (Orłowski, 1959), both belonging to the earliest group of Acadoparadoxides, initially considered to be present only in Gondwanan successions. Thus, this is the first description of the members of this group outside West Gondwana. The taxonomic revision, and the presence of representatives of the earliest acadoparadoxidines coupled with the absence of taxa typical of Scandinavia that were previously described from this locality have resulted in the modification of the biostratigraphic scheme hitherto used in the Holy Cross Mountains. The newly established A. samsonowiczi – A. kozlowskii Assemblage Zone is correlated with the Morocconus notabilis Zone of Morocco, and thus represents the Cambrian Series 2 and 3 boundary interval. Links with West Gondwana challenge the existing palaeogeographic interpretations for the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains and point to an urgent need to revise the position of the Małopolska Block during the middle Cambrian.

Johnston, J. D., J. A. Tait, G. J. H. Oliver, and F. C. Murphy. "Evidence for a Caledonian orogeny in Poland." Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 85, no. 2 (1994): 131–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0263593300003539.

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AbstractThe Lower Palaeozoic tectonic history of central and eastern Europe is poorly understood because of extensive Variscan and/or Alpine reworking. The trace of the Tornquist Sea, the SE arm of the Lower Palaeozoic Iapetus Ocean, extended from NE Britain to Asia Minor. The site of this ocean is constrained by the tectonostratigraphy and faunal provinciality of Lower Palaeozoic inliers in northern Czechoslovakia, and southern Poland. In this paper, the collage of contrasting tectonostratigraphic histories of terranes in the Lower Palaeozoic of Poland is reviewed. Fossil evidence demonstrates that the Holy Cross Mountains and the Krakovian Belt display Lower Ordovician and Lower Devonian angular unconformities. Faunal data suggest that the Tornquist Suture Zone must lie south of the Holy Cross and between Upper Silesia and the Barrandian of the Czech Republic. Between these areas, in the Sudeten Mountains, a continental scale sinistral mylonite zone (along the line of the Intra-Sudetic Fault) was periodically active between the Middle Ordovician and the Upper Triassic. Various dismembered ophiolite, island arc and batholith terranes from alongside the Intra-Sudetic Fault have Ordocivian and Silurian magmatic and metamorphic zircon isotopic and fossil ages. Thus the often stated view that deformation in the Sudetes is Variscan (i.e. post-Middle Devonian) must be called into question. It is proposed instead that the Tornquist Suture is located within the Sudeten mountains, and as in the Holy Cross Mountains, much of the observed deformation is post-Cambrian and pre-Gedinnian in age, i.e. Caledonian.

Filipiak, Paweł. "Lower Famennian phytoplankton from the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 157, no. 3-4 (November 2009): 326–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2009.06.006.

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Brachaniec, Tomasz, Katarzyna Leko, and Anna Wieczorek. "Regurgitalite from the Silurian of Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland." Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 280, no. 3 (June 1, 2016): 331–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/njgpa/2016/0584.

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Zatoń, Michał, and Wojciech Krawczyński. "New Devonian microconchids (Tentaculita) from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Journal of Paleontology 85, no. 4 (July 2011): 757–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1666/11-005.1.

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Tentaculitoid microconchid tubeworms from Devonian (uppermost Emsian-upper Givetian) deposits of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, include three new species from stratigraphically well-constrained lithological units:Polonoconchus skalensisn. gen. n. sp.,Palaeoconchus sanctacrucensisn. sp. andMicroconchus vinnin. sp. The microconchids inhabited fully marine environments during transgressive pulses, as is evidenced from facies and associated fossils.Polonoconchus skalensisn. gen. n. sp. andPalaeoconchus sanctacrucensisn. sp. inhabited secondary firm- to hard-substrates in deeper-water, soft-bottom environments. They developed planispiral, completely substrate-cemented tubes and planispiral tubes with elevated apertures, which is indicative of environments where sedimentation rate is low but competition for space (by overgrowth) may be high.Microconchus vinnin. sp., on the other hand, developed a helically coiled distal portion of the tube as a response to a high sedimentation rate. As the taxonomic composition of Devonian microconchids is poorly recognized at both regional and global scales, this new material contributes significantly to our understanding of the diversity of these extinct tube-dwelling encrusters.

Wójcik, Krystian. "Famennian Fusulinina (Foraminifera) from the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland)." Geological Journal 47, no. 6 (May 1, 2012): 594–615. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gj.2419.

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Rigby, J. Keith, Andrzej Pisera, Tomasz T. Wrzolek, and Grzegorz Racki. "Upper Devonian Sponges from the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland." Palaeontology 44, no. 3 (May 2001): 447–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1475-4983.00187.

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Hunt, E. D. "The Itinerary of Egeria: Reliving the Bible in Fourth-Century Palestine." Studies in Church History 36 (2000): 34–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0424208400014315.

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In a letter of exhortation on the ascetic life addressed to monks of the Bierzo region in north-western Spain in the late seventh century, the local spiritual leader Valerius invoked the saintly example of a ‘fragile woman’. Her name was Egeria, who, at the time when ‘the luminous shining light of our holy religion was finally kindled after long delay in this region of the west’, had fearlessly embarked on a monumental journey encompassing the ‘whole world’. The object of Egeria’s God-inspired Wanderlust had been the biblical holy places of Old and New Testaments, as well as the monastic heartland of Egypt, through all of which Valerius found in her a model of tireless zeal and thanksgiving to parade before his correspondents. It was especially her intrepid ascent to the summits of holy mountains which characterized this exceptional woman as a paragon of spiritual endeavour, and Valerius’ monks were to be encouraged, if not to climb every mountain, at least to reach their own heights of discipline and self-denial, to ‘blush’ at the fortitude of one who ‘transformed the weakness of her sex into an iron strength’.

Mortel, Richard T. "Taxation in the amirate of Mecca during the medieval period." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 58, no. 1 (January 1995): 1–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0041977x00011824.

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The amirate of Mecca was established by sharifs of Hasanid ancestry in the middle of the fourth century a. h./tenth century a.d. The territory traditionally under its direct control included the holy city of Mecca and its immediate hinterland, the nearby hill town of Ṭā'if, and the Red Sea port of Jedda. In addition, the sharifs often exercised a tenuous hold over certain tribal areas in the Sarāt Mountains south of Ṭa'if, as well as the coastal plain south of Jedda, known as the Tihāma.

Żylińska, Anna. "The oldest Cambrian trilobites from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland: taxonomic, stratigraphic and biogeographic reappraisal." Acta Geologica Polonica 63, no. 1 (March 1, 2013): 57–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/agp-2013-0002.

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Abstract Żylińska, A. 2013. The oldest Cambrian trilobites from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland: taxonomic, stratigraphic and biogeographic reappraisal. Acta Geologica Polonica, 63 (1), 57-87. Warszawa. Authorship issues are clarified, new photographic documentation is provided and emended systematic descriptions are presented for the oldest Cambrian trilobite taxa from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Biostratigraphic analysis of the fauna allows correlation with the traditional Holmia kjerulfi-group Zone of Scandinavia, the Callavia Zone of Britain and Newfoundland, the lower and middle part of the Sectigena Zone of Morocco and the Marianian Stage of Spain. The trilobites display a strong biogeographic signal linked with West Gondwana and Avalonia and a suggestion is made that the TESZ margin of Baltica with the Małopolska Massif was liable to currents from those areas that distributed planktonic trilobite larvae.

Kolbuszewski, Jacek. "Uwagi o początkach „literatury górskiej”." Góry, Literatura, Kultura 14 (August 17, 2021): 11–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.19195/2084-4107.14.3.

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One of characteristic phenomena in contemporary Polish literary culture is the emergence of a niche phenomenon of mountain literature. The term “mountain literature” has become part of colloquial discourse, also aspiring to be present in the language of literature studies (including literary criticism), which previously featured terms like “Alpine literature”, “mountaineering literature”, “Tatra literature”, “Tatra prose”. Other commonly used terms were “mountain climbing literature” and “exploration literature”. The term “Alpine literature” was introduced into scholarly discourse by Claire-Éliane Engel (1903–1976). The author of the present study points to links between the history of mountain literature, and the history of mountain exploration as well as history of tourism and mountaineering, referring to the literary traditions of various mountain ranges: the Alps, the Tatras, Karkonosze (Giant Mountains), Bieszczady, Gorce, Beskids, Góry Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross Mountains). In addition, there are strands of research dealing with a typological analysis of mountain motifs and their function. The significance of such studies lies in the fact that they demonstrate in a clear manner the introduction of mountain motifs into literature and the evolution of the artistic forms of their expression. However, transformations in the literary approach to the mountains cannot be documented only by means of a territorial selection of specific motifs, and the whole question of depicting mountains and responding to them cannot be locked within the limited framework of the various national literatures. What is useful in this respect is a comprehensive comparative approach to the subject matter, interpreted both in the synchronic (formation of attitudes) and diachronic perspective (so-called influences, impact of models, borrowing of poetics also in connection with changes in tourist or mountaineering styles). What becomes of crucial significance here is the use of more general categories and comprehensive collective terms — mountain literature, mountaineering literature, mountain climbing literature. These categories encompass works dealing primarily with the mountains and human interactions with them. They bring in a supranational and supraterritorial understanding of the subject of mountains, without limiting the role of territorial detail in the construction of literary motifs and images. In defining mountain literature the author uses the classification of the function of nature motifs in literary works presented by Tadeusz Makowiecki in Sprawozdania Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu in 1951, in his article “Funkcja motywu przyrody w dziele literackim” (Function of a nature motif in a literary work).1 On the other hand, when it comes to the phenomena discussed in the study, what is representative of fiction is a type of narrative genre known as mountain novel (roman de montagne, Bergroman). Referring to archetypic formulas of mountain literature (Dante, Petrarch, Salomon Gessner, Jean A. Deluc, H.B. de Saussure), the author points to their formal aspects: thematic-substantive, linguistic and genological. In addition, he discusses the emergence of mountaineering literature (Edward Whymper, Leslie Stephen, Polish mountaineers’ prose).

Orlowski, Stanislaw. "Cambrian stratigraphy and stage subdivision in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Geological Magazine 129, no. 4 (July 1992): 471–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0016756800019555.

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AbstractThe lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivisions of the Cambrian sequence in the Holy Cross Mountains of Poland are briefly presented and discussed. In accordance with recent progress in Cambrian stratigraphy and correlation in Great Britain and Scandinavia, a new proposal for chronostratigraphic stages is made. It is suggested that these stages are suitable for the Cambrian areas of central and northwest Europe, comprising Great Britain, Scandinavia and Poland. The formal establishment of the stages, a task for the Commission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, could be made using British or Scandinavian stratotypes.

Rakociński, Michał. "Sclerobionts on upper Famennian cephalopods from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 91, no. 1 (October 27, 2010): 63–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12549-010-0045-x.

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Zdebska, Danuta. "Psilophyton szaferi sp. nor. from the Lower Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains. Poland." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 55, no. 3 (2014): 315–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.5586/asbp.1986.030.

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<em>Philophyton szaferi</em> sp. nov. belonging to the <em>Trimerophytina</em> was found in the Lower Devonian (Emsian) in the bore-hole Modrzewie 2A near Bostów in the Holy Cross Mountains (Gory Świętokrzyskie). The axes are sterile and fertile. their branching is dichotomous, unequally dichotomous and unequally dochotomous where the wider branch tends to form the main axis. The majority of axes branch in one plane, some in different planes; they show on their surface irregularly distributed enations in the form of rounded swellings. Some of them continue downwards as protruding ridges forming a characteristic longitudinal pattern. The apices of sterile axes are forking. Fertile axes end in clusters of fusiform. upright sporangia, arranged in pairs. The vascular strand shows protoxylem inside and metaxylem outside. Tracheids possess scalariform thickenings and what appear to be small pits between them. The systematic position of the plant and its position in the evolutionary sequence leading to megaphyllous leaves is discussed.

Antczak, Mateusz. "Jurassic animals and algae in the flooring of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Poznań." Biological Letters 52, no. 1-2 (December 1, 2015): 37–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/biolet-2015-0013.

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Abstract The flooring of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Poznań is made of Jurassic rocks from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (also known as Holy Cross Mountains) and contain abundant marine invertebrate fossils: sponges, bivalves, brachiopods, various families of cephalopods, etc. Some of them can be identified to the genus level. The fossils make it possible to describe the environment and ecosystem of the Jurassic sea and biostratigraphy of the sediment. There are also some significant inorganic structures, which suggest post-diagenetic tectonic movements.

Pacyna, Grzegorz. "Critical review of research on the Lower Jurassic flora of Poland." Acta Palaeobotanica 53, no. 2 (December 1, 2013): 141–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/acpa-2013-0015.

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ABSTRACT The Lower Jurassic plant macrofossils of Poland are poorly known. Relatively rich sources of fossils are found in only a few outcrops in the Holy Cross Mountains. Other described plant remains come from drill cores taken from most areas of Poland, but as a rule these are single specimens. The only professional descriptions of Lower Jurassic macroflora are papers by Raciborski, Makarewiczówna, and a team of researchers consisting of Reymanówna, Barbacka, Ziaja, and Wcisło-Luraniec. Raciborski’s fossil collection is still available for research and revision. Such work is in progress. The collection described by Makarewiczówna contained many interesting specimens but unfortunately the majority of them are now missing. Stratigraphic research by geologists has provided some new specimens from drill cores and outcrops in the Holy Cross Mountains but these have not been subjected to detailed palaeobotanical analysis. The palynology of the Lower Jurassic was focused on biostratigraphy from the outset of that research. As an outcome it provided spore-pollen and megaspore zonations for Lower Jurassic strata in Poland. The Polish Lower Jurassic flora is comprised of ferns (very numerous), lycopsids, sphenopsids, cycadaleans, bennettitaleans, gnetaleans, ginkgoaleans, and conifers. This flora is taxonomically poorer than the equally old and geographically close floras of Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Macrofloristic data have been used by geologists as an important source of information for assessing the age of Lower Jurassic formations, particularly in the Holy Cross Mountains. Hence the need for the old collections to be taxonomically revised and for new material from outcrops and drill cores to be examined and described.

Gothóni, René. "Unity and universe: understanding pilgrimage to Mount Athos." Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis 22 (January 1, 2010): 56–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.30674/scripta.67362.

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Having found the specific universal unity of pilgrimages, namely that pilgrimages are journeys of spiritual transformation, the author began to look more closely at the uniqueness of the content of beliefs embodied in pilgrimages to Mount Athos, particularly with the aim of unfolding the universe of beliefs concealed in the word proskýnima, which is the Greek word for ‘pilgrimage’. Therefore, he shifted his focus from the concept to the word ‘pilgrimage’, denoting the human phenomena of visiting holy and sacred places, persons, mountains, wells and so forth. This article illustrates how our preconceptions of the word ‘pilgrimage’ determine our conception of the concept or category of ‘pilgrimage’, which again determines our interpretation and understanding of the content of beliefs of this form of human phenomenon. As a by-product this article also displays the process of how our limited horizon of conceiving the concepts and words is extended in parallel with the process of research. The article shows how this horizon determines our leaving out fundamental elements of ‘pilgrimages’ which, in this case, are characteristic of visits to the Holy Mountain of Greece.

Peabody, Seth. "Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm." Humanities 10, no. 1 (February 26, 2021): 38. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/h10010038.

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The German mountain film (Bergfilm) has received extensive critical attention for its political, social, and aesthetic implications, but has received remarkably little attention for its role in the environmental history of the Alps. This article considers the Bergfilm within the long history of depictions of the Alps and the growth of Alpine tourism in order to ask how the role of media in environmental change shifts with the advent of film. The argument builds on Verena Winiwarter and Martin Knoll’s model of social-ecological interaction, Adrian Ivakhiv’s theoretical framework for the environmental implications of film, and Laura Frahm’s theories of filmic space. Through an analysis of Arnold Fanck’s films Der heilige Berg [The Holy Mountain, Fanck 1926] and Der große Sprung [The Great Leap, Fanck 1927], which are compared with Gustav Renker’s novel Heilige Berge [Holy Mountains, Renker 1921] and set into the context of the environmental history of the Alpine regions where the films were shot, the author argues that film aesthetics serve as a creative catalyst for environmental change and infrastructure development. While some ecocinema scholars have argued that environmental films teach viewers new ideas or change modes of behavior, this analysis suggests that film aesthetics are most effective at accelerating processes of environmental change that are already underway.

Skubak, Eugen. "The structure of micromammal communities in the “Holy Mountains” National Nature Park." Proceedings of the Theriological School 2015, no. 13 (December 24, 2015): 91–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/ptt2015.13.091.

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Morozova, I. P., O. B. Weis, and G. Racki. "New Devonian and Carboniferous bryozoans of the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland)." Paleontological Journal 40, no. 5 (September 2006): 529–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/s0031030106050078.

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Urban, Jan. "The role of gravitational processes in shaping sandstone rock landforms in low mountains: Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains, central Poland." Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues 59, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 35–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/zfg_suppl/2015/s-00174.

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Halamski, Adam T. "Middle Devonian Brachiopods from the northern Part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland in relation to selected coeval faunas." Palaeontographica Abteilung A 287, no. 1-3 (February 24, 2009): 41–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/pala/287/2009/41.

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Kuć, Paweł, Piotr Lenik, and Jakub Bazarnik. "Application of the portable spectrometer XRF for the determination of content of some metals in soil: A case study from Holy Cross Mountains (Central Poland)." Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 472, no. 472 (November 20, 2018): 285–302. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.7121.

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The analysis of chemical composition using the portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (p-XRF) is recently rapidly developing instrumental research method. This method was applied to analyze the content of selected elements in soil samples from the Strużna region of the Holy Cross Mountains. The Olympus Delta Premium p-XRF spectrometer (4W Ta anode X ray tube, 40 kV, 200 μA current beam, “soil” mode, 135 seconds) was used. Prior to analyze the soil samples, the NIST 2710a and NIST 2711a reference standards were utilized in order to calibrate the p-XRF spectrometer. The maps showing obtained results of K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As and Pb were constructed using the SURFER 7.0 software with kriging procedure. The obtained results show arithmetic means similar to the previously obtained using traditional methods of chemical analysis for the soils of Holy Cross Mountains. These results combined with the high accuracy of measurements obtained by using the p-XRF Olympus Delta X spectrometer proved this device to be the effective tool for environmental and geochemical studies.

Shaposhnikova, V. V. "Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter [ Kapitanskaya dochka ]: Why is the fort called Belogorskaya?" Voprosy literatury 1, no. 1 (February 20, 2020): 22–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.31425/0042-8795-2020-1-22-36.

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The article is concerned with the origin and symbolism of the name of the Belogorskaya fort in Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter [ Kapitanskaya dochka ]. It is a fictional name, although the story also mentions the real forts in the Orenburg Governorate. The name pattern may have come from the fort Krasnogorskaya ( The Pugachev History [ Istoriya Pugacheva ]), but other toponyms seem important too: Svyatogorskiy [ of/on a holy mountain ] monastery, Trigorskoye estate [ of/near three mountains ]. Pushkin may have also been inspired by the Ural’s limestone cliffs, but more significantly, by his long-term contemplation of ‘the white on the mountain’ (I. Surat) and a white mountain as an image of a moral ideal. Both roots in the name Belogorskaya play an important role. The first one [ bel- (white) ] reflects the sacred symbolism of the white color. The second root ( gor(a) [ mountain ]) is a play on the fort’s elevated location, which, in turn, corresponds to the significance of a mountain in Christian mythology. The name of the fortress, therefore, is evocative of the noble spirit of its defenders, as well as the enduring nature of family ties.

Cabalski, Krzysztof, Jan Dzierżek, and Sebastian Kowalczyk. "Middle Pleistocene debris flows in the low mountains: Geological and georadar surveys at the Mosty site (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)." Quaternary International 589 (July 2021): 25–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.03.002.

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Filipiak, Paweł. "Palynofacies around the Frasnian/Famennian boundary in the Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181, no. 1-3 (June 2002): 313–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0031-0182(01)00483-7.

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Schito, A., S. Corrado, M. Trolese, L. Aldega, C. Caricchi, S. Cirilli, D. Grigo, et al. "Assessment of thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)." Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (February 2017): 112–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.11.016.

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Marynowski, Leszek, Franciszek Czechowski, and Bernd R. T. Simoneit. "Phenylnaphthalenes and polyphenyls in Palaeozoic source rocks of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Organic Geochemistry 32, no. 1 (January 2001): 69–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0146-6380(00)00150-9.

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Narkiewicz, Marek, Jacek Grabowski, Katarzyna Narkiewicz, Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki, Gregory J. Retallack, Piotr Szrek, and David De Vleeschouwer. "Palaeoenvironments of the Eifelian dolomites with earliest tetrapod trackways (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 420 (February 2015): 173–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.12.013.

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Sadlok, Grzegorz. "Brasilichnium-like tracks from the Lower Triassic of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 292, no. 1 (April 1, 2019): 103–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/njgpa/2019/0813.

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Smolarek, Justyna, Leszek Marynowski, Karol Spunda, and Wiesław Trela. "Vitrinite equivalent reflectance of Silurian black shales from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Mineralogia 45, no. 3-4 (December 1, 2014): 79–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/mipo-2015-0006.

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Abstract A number of independent methods have been used to measure the thermal maturity of Silurian rocks from the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland. Black shales are characterized by diverse TOC values varying from 0.24-7.85%. Having calculated vitrinite equivalent reflectance using three different formulas, we propose that the most applicable values for the Silurian rocks are those based on Schmidt et al. (2015) equation. Based on this formula, the values range from % 0.71 VReqvVLR (the vitrinite equivalent reflectance of the vitrinite-like macerals) to % 1.96 VReqvVLR. Alternative, complementary methods including Rock Eval pyrolysis and parameters based on organic compounds (CPI, Pr/n-C17, Ph/n-C18, MPI1, and MDR) from extracts did not prove adequate as universal thermal maturity indicators. We have confirmed previous suggestions that Llandovery shales are the most likely Silurian source rocks for the generation of hydrocarbons in the HCM.

Gierliński, Gerard. "New dinosaur ichnotaxa from the Early Jurassic of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 85, no. 1-2 (May 1991): 137–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0031-0182(91)90030-u.

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Filipiak, Paweł, Linda E. Graham, Zuzanna Wawrzyniak, and Marcelina Kondas. "Filamentous eukaryotic algae from the Lower Devonian, Bukowa Góra (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 288 (May 2021): 104411. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104411.

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WOLSKA, Anna, Agnieszka CIUREJ, and Szymon KOWALIK. "THE USE OF A NATURAL RESOURCE IN THE INTERIOR DESIGN OF THE MAIN BUILDING OF THE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW." Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 472, no. 472 (November 20, 2018): 339–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.6878.

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The paper presents an interesting decorative flooring solution from 1973 on the ground and first floors of the main building of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, named after the Commission of National Education. This flooring is composed of irregular, variably coloured natural stone slabs: the so-called Holy Cross Mountains „marbles”. They represent several rock types from limestone quarries near Chęciny, including mainly Bolechowice, but also Szewce, Łabędziów and Jaźwica. These rocks are traditionally called marbles. However, in fact, petrographically, they are not metamorphic rocks, but strongly lithified and massive, partially crystallized limestones with numerous fossils. They are of Paleozoic age: Middle and Upper Devonian. The type of flooring composed of irregular panels of different sizes and colours is currently rarely used in interior design despite giving an aesthetically pleasing mosaic effect with an interesting pattern. The flooring made of assorted Holy Cross Mountains “marbles” can have a great educational value and great geotouristic significance. Selected and described rocks of different lithological types can be used to create a geotouristic educational path that will be helpful in teaching of subjects related to Earth sciences (e.g. geology, paleontology, rock materials).

Mironov, A. S. "Russian epic geography as a semantically marked space." Literature at School, no. 3, 2020 (2020): 9–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.31862/0130-3414-2020-3-9-23.

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Researching the connection between place-names and their meanings as the latter are rendered in bylinas, the author tries to disprove the widespread conceptions according to which the geography presented in Russian epic songs is treated as isolated from the reality, as based on epic singers’ erroneous associations of these or those place-names and climatic zones with the four cardinal points, etc. The author concludes that many place-names rendered in bylinas may be treated as presupposing real prototypes – if it is assumed that the bylina universe is marked similarly to the artistic world of Russian spiritual verses. The fact that many bylina plots are connected with the Latyr stone enables one to consider the Holy Land – along with Constantinople, Mount Athos (known in bylinas as “the Holy Mount”), “the Caucasian Mountains”, “the Ararat Mountains”, “the Greek Land”, and “the orochinsk Mountains” – as nearly the main setting of bylina conflicts. In the author’s opinion, so as to render bylina “metahistorical” events, it was necessary to use not certain but “universal” place-names – the ones that indicated not a historicаl event, but different events brought together by the epic consciousness on the principle of spiritual analogy (for example, the image of Kalin Tsar’s invasion may reflect either the Mongol massacre of the 13th century or the Grande Armйe’s encroachment into Russia). Thus, the place-names used in Russian folk epics were of fixed value coordinates, which, in their turn, were well-known to the traditional audience – and so could be used by the epic singer in order to influence his listeners’ value centers.

Zapalski, Mikołaj K., and Błażej Berkowski. "The oldest species of ?Yavorskia (Tabulata) from the Upper Famennian of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)." Acta Geologica Polonica 62, no. 2 (June 1, 2012): 197–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10263-012-0009-8.

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ABSTRACT Zapalski, M.K. and Berkowski, B. 2012. The oldest species of ?Yavorskia (Tabulata) from the Upper Famennian of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 62 (2), 197-204. Warszawa. A single perfectly preserved colony of a tabulate coral assigned tentatively to the genus Yavorskia Fomitchev, 1931, collected from Upper Famennian beds (Palmatolepis expansa conodont Zone) in a trench located north of the Kowala Quarry (Holy Cross Mts., central Poland) is here described as a new species, ?Y. paszkowskii sp. nov. It differs from other representatives of the genus in the lack of dissepimental structures and in smaller corallite diameters, and may therefore represent the ancestral taxon of this typically early Carboniferous genus. Yavorskia tabulates were apparently migrating eastwards along the southern margin of Laurussia and farther east and north towards Siberia, as they appear in the Famennian in Europe and in the early Carboniferous in the Altaides. Such a conclusion is consistent with previous observations on Early-Middle Devonian pleurodictyform tabulate distribution.

Vierek, Aleksandra. "The Storm Surge Recorded in a Thin Section." International Letters of Natural Sciences 38 (May 2015): 77–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/ilns.38.77.

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Limestone and sandstone beds deposited by storms are called tempestites, and exhibit much variation in thickness, grain size and internal structures, depending on the proximity and on the intensity of the storm waves. In this paper, diagnostic features of storm beds observed in thin sections, was presented.Characteristic features are investigated on the basis of detailed study in the Upper Devonian carbonates in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).

Turnau, Elz̀bieta. "Note on the preservational nature of ornamentation in sphaeromorphs assignable to <i>Tapajonites</i> Sommer & van Boekel, 1963 (Prasinophyta?)." Journal of Micropalaeontology 19, no. 2 (December 1, 2000): 159–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/jm.19.2.159.

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Abstract. Assemblages of Middle Devonian (Givetian) phytoplankton from the Holy Cross Mountains include sphaeromorphs possessing blister-like ornamentation typical of the genus Tapajonites Sommer &amp; van Boekel, 1963. Study of the sculptural elements under high magnification indicates the presence of patterns resembling impressions of pyrite crystals. It is suggested that ornamentation in Tapajonites, or at least in some sphaeromorphs assignable to that genus, is of a secondary nature.

Vierek, Aleksandra. "Small-scale cyclic deposition in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland." Geologos 20, no. 4 (December 1, 2014): 239–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/logos-2014-0019.

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Abstract In sections exposing Frasnian limestones at five outcrops in the Holy Cross Mountains, five lithofacies (L1 to L5) that represent upper slope to basinal environments are identified. These lithofacies are characterised by dark-coloured micritic limestones-marly shale couplets with many light-coloured intercalations of fine- to coarse-grained limestones (= event beds). This lithofacies pattern characterises mostly low-energy domains punctuated by storm episodes. In addition, these upper-slope to basinal lithofacies are arranged into small-scale, coarsening-upward beds and cycles. The cycles are locally composed of fining/thinning-upward beds. The small-scale cycles have a calculated duration of 19 to 42 kyr. The differential thickness of beds and cycles within and between sections was probably caused by differential subsidence and local tectonics. Possible evidence of tectonic activity is also related to a difference in number of cycles recorded in the time-equivalent sections. The recognised cyclicity shows sea-level fluctuations and a few deepening episodes. Some of them are correlated with the Timan global eustatic events. However, local tectonics and episodic subsidence may have played a significant role in recording brief deepening pulses. Thus, low-amplitude sea-level changes were major factors in platform generation and evolution in the Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains modified by local, block-related subsidence.

Nazik, Atike, Șenol Çapkinoğlu, and Emine Șeker. "Famennian ostracods from the Istanbul zone (Gebze, Kocaeli, NW Turkey) and their paleogeographical relations." Geologica Carpathica 63, no. 5 (November 13, 2012): 355–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10096-012-0028-0.

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Abstract Famennian (Late Devonian) ostracods of the Thuringian Mega-Assemblage were recovered for the first time from three incomplete sections of the Ayineburnu Member of the Büyükada Formation in the Denizliköy area (Gebze, NW Turkey), which were sampled for conodonts. Conodont faunas define an interval extending from the Upper rhomboidea? or Lower marginifera Zone into the Middle expansa Zone of the standard Upper Devonian conodont zonation. The ostracod faunas found here consist of species mainly with thin-walls, long spines and often smooth surfaces such as Rectonaria, Tricornina, Orthonaria, Triplacera, Beckerhealdia, Timorhealdia, Bohemina, Paraberounella and Acratia. These taxa indicate faunal relationship with Thuringia and the Rhenish Massif in Germany, the Cantabrian Mountains and Pyrenees in Spain, Holy Cross Mountains in Poland, North Africa and China.

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