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Статті в журналах з теми "Modern Western linguists":


Ayvazyan, Y. S. "WORD FORMATION AS A MODERNIZATION TOOL OF MODERN STANDARD ARABIC (FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF ARABIC AND WESTERN LINGUISTS)." MGIMO Review of International Relations, no. 6(33) (December 28, 2013): 263–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.24833/2071-8160-2013-6-33-263-268.

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The current article is devoted to the analysis of word formation processes in Modern Standard Arabic from the point of view of Arabic and Eastern linguists. Due to the fact that modern Arab studies in Russia lack systematic coverage of word-formation processes while existing works – monographs, thesis’s and articles are written about unconnected with each other aspects of this theme, which scrutinize the problem in two ways: by approaching the issue in terms of terminology and by overviewing only methods of word formation, it is interesting to observe the formation of words with general meanings. This paper contains approaches of different foreign linguists to the articulated problem, and also includes the author’s vision on the structure of the Arabic word-formation. In addition to that the article covers the historical periodization of the Arabic lexicon and some linguistic features related to Modern Standard Arabic. The article also describes the main attitude of the Arab linguists to the problem of arabic word formation and names the primary Arabic Linguistic Academies, dedicated to the process of term accumulation and treatment. All methods of word formation in MSA are illustrated by numerous examples of modern Arabic terms from different fields, some of which are pure neologisms.

Chen, Weiying. "The Development of Linguistics in China." Historiographia Linguistica 44, no. 1 (July 21, 2017): 1–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/hl.44.1.01che.

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Summary Prompted by Western science in late 19th century, Chinese linguistics gradually moved to a new direction after two thousand years of philological tradition centered on rhetoric and textual exegesis. Through the intense efforts of a few scholars in the early twenti-eth century, linguistic study in China became a science and a discipline. Yuen Ren Chao (1892–1982) and Wang Li (1900–1986) were first-generation linguists who led the movement to apply the methodology of modern linguistics to the systematic study of Chinese. This paper investigates the trend setting achievements of these founders of the discipline, and it introduces their biographical and scholarly backgrounds. It also provides a brief history of philology through the lens of Wang Li who was the first historian of Chinese linguistics. Contemporary linguists need both a critical mind to understand the philological legacy of Chinese and an open mind to welcome new interdisciplinary approaches that could produce innovative theories and facilitate the growth of the discipline. Moreover, this paper expands the history of linguistics by introducing linguistic features not found in Indo-European languages, thereby making the history of linguistics more inclusive than it has previously been. Consequently, this paper contributes to a rethinking of the definition of language.

Pransiska, Toni. "ابن جنى وجهوده اللغوية في الخصائص: دراسة وصفية تحليلية". Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura 17, № 1 (2 серпня 2017): 150. http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/jiif.v17i1.744.

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Abstrak Ibnu Jinny (Mosul, 322-329 H) Salah satu linguis Arab (Lughawiyun) yang sangat multitalend dan menguasai multidisiplin kelimuan Islam. Melalui masterpiece-nya “Al-Khashāish”, Ibnu Jinny mencoba membawa wacana dan diskusi-diskusi linguistik Arab dari yang semula terfokus pada perdebatan nahwu dan fanatisme mazhabnya kepada kajian-kajian yang lebih umum dan komprehensif. Bahasa, dalam pandangan Ibnu Jinny, bukan merupakan murni entitas rasional tetapi memiliki dimensi sosial, karena itu, metode, teori dan pendekatan yang digunakan pun mestilah menggabungkan keduanya. Jika teori linguistik Barat Modern memfokuskan obyek kajiannya pada empat unsur penting seperti; Fonetik, sintaksis, morfologi dan semantic, maka sesungguhnya tradisi linguistic Arab, meskipun belum tersistem secara terpadu jauh mendahului kajian mereka seperti yang dilakukan oleh Ibnu Jinny. Bahkan pendekatan sosiologis atau yang lain dapat kita telusuri dan dicari akarnya dari teori-teori Ibnu Jinni dan para linguis generasi setelahnya. Kata Kunci: Ibnu Jinny, Pemikiran Lingistik Arab, Kitab Khashāish Abstract Ibn Jinny (Mosul, 322-329 H) one of Arabic linguist was very multitalented and multidisciplinary master in Islamic scholarship. Through his masterpiece “Al-Khāshaish”, Ibnu Jinny tried to read discourse and discussion from the original Arabic linguistics that focused on the debate nahwu and fanaticism of his Mazhab in to studies of a more generally and comprehensively. Language, according to Ibn Jinny, is not a purely rational entity but a social dimension, therefore, methods, theories and approaches were used also must necessarily incorporate both dimensions. If the linguistic theory of Modern West focused on object of studies to four important elements such as; Phonetics (‘Ilm al-Ashwāt), Morphology (Sharf), Syntax (Nahw) and Semantics (‘Ilm al-Dilālah), then the Arabic linguistic tradition - as Ibn Jinny’s study - has led Western Linguist studies. Even the sociological approach or another we can browse and look for the roots of the theories of Ibn Jinni and linguists generations thereafter. Keywords: Ibnu Jinny, Arabic Linguistic Thought, al-Khashāish مستخلص البحث ابن جني (موصل، 332-329 هـ) أحد علماء اللغويين الذي يتبحر العلوم أو الفنون الاسلامية. من خلال تأليفه المعتبر "الخصائص". وحاول ابن جني حمل الخطابات والمناقشات حول علم اللغة العربية بداية التركيز على المجادلات النحوية والتعصبية المذهبية في بعض الدراسات عامة وشاملة. واللغة عند ابن جني هي ليست كيانة عقلانية أصيلة فقط وإنما هي كيانة اجتماعية. ولذلك، استخدمت الطريقة والمدخل و النظرية بجمع تلك الكيانتين السابقتين. وإذا ركزت النظرية اللغوية الغربية الحديثة على هذه العناصر الأربعة الهامة مثل علم الأصوات و الصرف والنحو وعلم الدلالة فإن حضارة اللغوية العربية تسبق الدراسات اللغوية الغربية التى قام بها ابن جني قياما كاملا. بالرغم أن المدخل الاجتماعي و اللغوي فنكتشف جذورها من نظريات ابن جني واللغويين ما بعده. الكلمات الرئيسية: ابن جني، الأفكار اللغوية العربية و الخصائص

Shatokhina, Viсtoriya Sergeevna. "On the history of studying proverbs in the Swahili language." Litera, no. 5 (May 2021): 174–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.32946.

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The subject of this research is the African paremiology. The object is the history of studying proverbs in the Swahili language. The author examines the chronology of studying this field of linguistics by Western European and African scholars, cites their major works, and describes the peculiarities of their scientific views. Special attention is given to the works of the founders of African paremiology, as well as the perspective of modern scholars of Tanzania and Kenya upon the scientific heritage of proverbs and sayings of the Swahili language. The article employs the theoretical research methods, namely the comparison of theoretical works in the Swahili and English languages. The analysis of a wide range of works in the Swahili language alongside the works of certain European authors, allows reconstructing the chronology of the process of studying Swahili paroemias, as well as highlighting most prominent African and European scholars in this field of linguistics. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that this topic is viewed in the domestic African Studies for the first time; foreign linguists also did not pay deliberate attention to this question. The author’s special contribution consists in translation of the previously inaccessible materials of the African and Western European into the Russian language, which helps the linguists-Africanists in their further research.

Haji Ibrahim, Majdi, та Omnia Ahmed Abdelwanis Ibrahim. "تطور مفهوم التلازم اللفظي بين الغرب والعرب / DEVELOPMENT OF COLLOCATION CONCEPT BETWEEN WESTERN AND ARAB LINGUISTS". مجلة الدراسات اللغوية والأدبية (Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies) 9, № 2 (23 листопада 2018): 32–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.31436/jlls.v9i2.662.

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ملخص البحث: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على تطور مفهوم ظاهرة التلازم اللفظي عند كل من اللغويين الغربيين والعرب من خلال الكشف عن إسهام كل منهم في تأطير هذه الظاهرة اللغوية. ومن خلال المنهج الاستقرائي قامت الدراسة بتتبع أهم المصادر العربية والإنجليزية القديمة والحديثة التي تناولت هذه الظاهرة واستقرائها. لقد تبيّن من الدراسة أن العرب كانوا أول من تنبه إلى تلك الظاهرة، فتناولوها في مصنفاتهم تحت مسميات مختلفة ضمن دراسات فقه اللغة وعلى وجه التحديد ضمن مجال دلالات الكلمات ومعانيها، ومعاجم المعاني؛ غير أن اهتمامهم توقف عند هذا الحد فلم يعملوا على تأطير التلازم اللفظي وإخضاعها للدراسة المنهجية، ولم يضعوا لها مفهوما ولا قاعدة. وفي النصف الأول من القرن العشرين توجهت الأنظار مجددا إلى ظاهرة التلازم اللفظي، ولكن على يد اللغوي الإنجليزي فيرث الذي درس الظاهرة تحت مسمى تلازم (Collocation) وقدم مفهوماً لها، وجاء تلامذته من بعده فأكملوا ما بدأه وأضافوا إليه. الكلمات المفتاحية: التلازم اللفظي-تطور-مفهوم-الغرب-العرب. Abstract: This study aims to shed light on the development of the concept of collocation from western and Arab linguists’ perspective by showing how each of them addressed this linguistic phenomenon. Through an inductive approach, the study tracked and induced the most important Arabic and English، old and modern references that focused on this phenomenon. The study shows that the Arabs were the first to alert to this phenomenon. They mentioned it in their books using different names and studied it as a part of philology، specifically in the field of semantics and lexicons. However، their interest stopped at this point. They did not go further to develop a concept and form a rule. In the first half of the twentieth century, the English linguist Firth، who studied the phenomenon، named it “Collocation”. Later, Firth’s students studied his findings and researched them further. Keywords: Collocation – development – concept – West - Arab Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menumpukan kepada perkembangan konsep kolokasi dari perspektif sarjana bahasa Arab dan Barat dengan menyorot pendekatan setiap mereka teradap perkara ini. Melalui pendekatan induktif, kajian ini telah menjejaki dan mengeluarkan senarai rujukan Bahasa Arab dan Barat yang mengupas tajuk ini. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa sarjana Arab adalah yang mula-mula menyedari tentang hal ini. Mereka menggunakan pelbagai istilah untuk menunjukkannya dan mengakajinya sebagai sebahagian daripada filologi terutamanya dalam bidang semantic dan leksis. Walaubagaimanapun usaha mereka terhenti di situ tanpa berakhir dengan konsep dan kaedah. Firth kemudiannya pada abad ke 20 mengkaji fenomena in dan menamaknnya kolokasi yang kemudiannya dikembangkan lagi oleh murid-muridnya. Kata kunci: Kolokasi – perkembangan – konsep – Barat – Arab.

Ahmad, Iesar. "The Politics of Canons, Identity and Representation: A Study of the Counter Canonical Discourse Strategies in Arundhati Roy’s Novel the Ministry of Utmost Happiness." Advances in Language and Literary Studies 10, no. 2 (April 30, 2019): 49. http://dx.doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.2p.49.

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This study is an attempt to investigate the widespread diffusion of the dominant western canonical practices embedded in the western discourses, which simultaneously, entail the counter canonical practices in terms of the ambivalence, language, representation, identity and culture in the postcolonial narratives. This study primarily bases on Arundhati Roy’(Henceforth, on ward Roy) novel ‘The ministry of utmost Happiness’ (MOUH, Henceforth on ward) how does She deconstruct the western dominant discourses, but simultaneously install the counter narratives in the context of the irreducible complex lived experiences of the linguistic and cultural hybridity. The research methodology of the study is to identify and to analyze the selected counter canonical strategies inducted by Roy in the novel MOUH in the context of the deconstructionst and postcolonial discourse perspective. In addition, the study also analyzes the identified texts in the framework of the multi canons and pluralistic perspective. Similarly, the polemical concern of the western canonical practices and Counter discursive strategies are still engaging the perennial and irresolvable debate among the critical literary theorists,cultural theorists, modern linguists and postcolonial discourse critics in the academic landscape across the globe. Accordingly, the study sums up that the counter discursive strategies deployed by Arundhati Roy in MOUH are also, trustworthy, pragmatic and authentic in terms of the western canonicity. In addition, the study concludes that the counter canonical strategies deployed by Arundhati Roy in her novel foreground the subtle issues of identity, language, culture and literary norms; which are also realistic and authentic on the bases of sameness but with difference.

Manchec-German, Gary D. "The recategorisation of the conjugated preposition a 'of ' as direct object and subject pronouns in Cornouaillais Breton." Studia Celtica 54, no. 1 (December 1, 2020): 147–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.16922/sc.54.9.

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This article examines the functions of the Breton conjugated preposition <a> 'of ' as direct object and subject pronouns. Because these uses are believed to be relatively recent innovations, they are judged by many writers and linguists to be substandard. Although these recategorised a-forms are part and parcel of the vernacular language, their roles vary considerably according to dialect. For this reason it would be illusory to assume they operate as part of a unified linguistic system. Nevertheless, the full scope of their functions is most evident in the Cornouaillais/Kerne dialect spoken in south- western Brittany. This discussion focuses on the Breton spoken in the parishes of Saint Yvi and Elliant in south-central Cornouaille (Finistère) where their use is prevalent. Comparative evidence from other areas of Cornouaille, Tregor and Leon, as well as similar uses of conjugated preposition <o> 'of ' in Middle Welsh and modern south Welsh varieties, suggests that this phenomenon may have emerged as a result of common semantic interpretations which may be inherent to the Brythonic languages more generally. Moreover, a number of secondary morphosyntactic innovations (both analytic and synthetic) that have been spawned by these a-forms suggest that the process is internal to Breton rather than to any direct French influence. The data is presented within a descriptive, variational and diachronic linguistic framework.

Lazdiņa, Sanita. "PROBLEMS OF MASTERING LATVIAN AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS." Via Latgalica, no. 1 (December 31, 2008): 103. http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/latg2008.1.1601.

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The objective of the paper is to illuminate the interpretation of the term „Applied Linguistics” in Latvia and abroad (in Western Europe, the USA and Russia), and thereby identifying possibilities and grounds for the research of Latvian as a second language in the context of the development of applied linguistics in Latvia. Apart from theoretical literature, the author also uses data from observations of classroom discussions, which were obtained in three secondary schools and one elementary school (two schools in Rezekne, one in Rezekne region and one in Balvi). The author of the paper conducted a discourse research of Grade 9 pupils who learn Latvian as a second language (LAT 2). These research data are also important for problems of the development of methodology of applied linguistics in Latvia, because they enable the identification of new data and research methods. Applied linguistics as a field is based on the research of language and its role in human activities. Modern research of applied linguistics in Western Europe shows that attention is paid to areas such as second language acquisition (SLA), cognition, language policy and planning, lexicography, translation theory, corpus linguistics, etc. In Russia, when defining the areas and functions of applied linguistics, emphasize is put on the close connection of linguistics with information technology, artificial intelligence and logics. Russian linguists link the emergence of applied linguistics to the development of science and technology, which have made it necessary to observe language in action. The term „Applied Linguistics” is usually opposed to theoretical linguistics, which studies language in a system under a particular condition. To identify the interpretation of the term „Applied Linguistics” in Latvia, two sources were used for the paper: The „Interpretative Dictionary of Basic Terms of Linguistics” (IDBTL), published in 2007, and the description of the branches and sub-branches of science available on the home page of the Latvian Council of Science (LCS). The comparison of these sources reveals two differences in the definition of „applied linguistics”. IDBTL does not mention sociolinguistics among the areas of applied linguistics. Sociolinguistics is mentioned separately in the dictionary, but there is no link to applied linguistics. The second difference is that IDBTL does not refer to language teaching or learning – neither in the definition of applied linguistics, nor in the description of its areas, whereas it is mentioned in the LCS description of sub-branches. These findings show a lack of consistency in introducing the problem of second language acquisition into the context of the development of applied linguistics. The second part of the paper gives an insight into the research of the Latvian language as a second language. The research data were obtained through structural observations of class discourse and by analyzing them with the help of check lists and tables. The data of the class discourse research is important for the research of the actual situation of language acquisition. The task of an applied linguist is to be a mediator between the theory of linguistics and language pedagogy (linguodidactics). Even for studying problems of mastering the Latvian language as a second language, there is still a lack of systemic research which would provide a deeper analysis of the difficulties that LAT2 pupils deal with while learning Latvian, as well as while studying other subjects bilingually or in Latvian. There is an on-going need for class discourse research and for research of a individual language acquisition processes by means of interviews, questionnaires, and pupils’ reports about the accomplishment of some cognitive or linguistic tasks, as well as by other methods.

Nerlich, Brigitte. "Structuralism, contextualism, dialogism." Historiographia Linguistica 27, no. 1 (May 29, 2000): 79–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/hl.27.1.06ner.

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Summary In the 1930s lexical semantics came under the influence of Saussurean structuralism and Gestalt psychology. The study of whole lexical fields and the structure of these fields replaced a historical semantics focusing on single words and the classification of the transitions between the meanings of these words over time according to different sets of criteria. At the same time contextualism, the study of meaning in its pragmatic context of language use, began to attract the attention of linguists, philosophers, and psychologists of language. Fully aware of the emergence of structuralism and contextualism, Volo‰inov and Baxtin began to develop their theories of meaning, society and literature, later called dialogism. All three movements dealt with the relativity of meaning, as relativity in a semantic field, as relativity in social context, and as relativity in social interaction and dialogue. This article demonstrates how, in a sometimes hidden dialogue with their Western contemporaries, Valentin Nikolaeviã Volo‰inov (1895–1936) and Mixail Mixajloviã Baxtin (1895–1975) developed new ‘relativistic’ theories of meaning, novel theories of pragmatics (speech acts), and modern theories of verbal interaction.

Atabik, Ahmad. "Al-Naẓm Stylistic Discourse in I’jāz al-Qur’ān Based on Al-Jurjānī’s Perspective: Analysis of Arabic Literature Criticism on the Qur'an Studies". Ulumuna 25, № 1 (30 червня 2021): 57–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.20414/ujis.v25i1.425.

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This article discusses Arabic literature criticism during the classical period represented in al-Jurjāni’s naẓm (poetic) theory. It aims to analyze al-Jurjānī's thoughts in the field of balāgha (Arabic rhetoric) in revealing the miracles of the Qur'an in terms of its language beauty. Al-Jurjānī argues that one of the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an is concerned with its naẓm. Although the theory of naẓm had been previously proposed by Arabic literary scholars, such as al-Jāhiẓ, al-Baqillānī and al-Rummānī, al-Jurjānī, however, elaborated and developed the theory naẓm in great details. His theory contributes to the development of the meaning of balāgha and introduces it to public audience amongst scholars of the Qur’an. Al-Jurjānī concludes that naẓm is determined by the meaning of the Qur'anic verses as well as the structure in the discipline of naḥwu (grammar). The naḥwu and naẓm theory work together to generate meaning of the spoken sentence. Al-Jurjānī’s concept of naẓm supersedes later experts' and even modern Western linguists' discoveries and knowledge in the field of Arabic literary criticism.

Дисертації з теми "Modern Western linguists":


Mutawali, Male Farouk Ali. "An examination of the correspondence between sound and meaning in certain chapters of the holy Qur'an." University of the Western Cape, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/8439.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
The study of sound symbolism, phonetics and semantics has been of major concern for linguists since the Greeks and the Romans in the fifth century before AD. The idea of sound symbolism - the existence of correspondence between the sound of letters (or linguists, such as Ibn Jinni (942-1002 AD), and modern Arabic linguists, including al- Badráwi (1999), and Na'aim Alwia (1984), have attempted to elucidate this phenomenon, providing detailed description and some examples from Arabic and the Holy Qur'an. Modern Western linguists such as Magnus (1999) have discussed the correspondence between the sounds of letters and the sense in Western languages. Jespersen (1962) and Badráwi (1999) have recommended that this phenomenon needs further detailed study and have indicated the need of more examples to be used as reference theory. Using Ibn Jinni's model, this study is an attempt to build on the theory of the correspondence between sound and meaning using the Holy Qur'an as an example. While Jinni's focus was on the correspondence of sound and meaning at the word level, this study will focus on the individual sound segments within the word, and the effect of the word within the Surat. The argument is that it is the individual distinctive features of each phoneme in a word that give the word its distinctive sound quality, and also has have an impact on the meaning of the word. Any correspondence between sound and meaning in a word should therefore be assigned to a particular significant distinctive feature. Given that the focus on the presumed direct relationship between sound and meaning, recourse will be made to the principal of onomatopoeia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the distinctive features of the sounds that form Arabic words and the meaning of such words as used in the Holy Qur'an. In particular, the study will analyze the distinctive features, such as a sound being a consonant or a vowel, voicing, manner and place of articulation, airstream mechanism, among others (singly or combined) of the sounds in Arabic words, and relate this to the meaning of the words. This phenomenon will be investigated using descriptive methods and the Holy Qur' an as the object of study.

Goodnough, Michael Daniel. "The Campus as Carnival: The Students for a Democratic Society's Heteroglossic Challenge of Unitary Language Authority at Three Ohio Universities, 1967-1970." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1366740534.

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Книги з теми "Modern Western linguists":


Gill, Ann. Rhetoric and human understanding. Prospect Heights, Ill: Waveland Press, 1994.

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Sakayan, Dora. Modern Western Armenian for the English-speaking world: A contrastive approach. Montreal: Arod Books, 2000.

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Coffey, Simon, ed. The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/9789463724616.

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Taking a broadly chronological approach, this volume of original essays traces the origins of the concept of ‘grammar’. In doing so, it charts the social, moral and cultural factors that have shaped the development of grammar from Antiquity, via the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Modern Europe, to current education systems and language learning pedagogy. The chapters examine key turning points in the history of language teaching epistemology, focusing on grammar for language teaching across different European cultural contexts. Bringing together leading scholars of classical and modern languages education, The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching offers the first single-source reference on the evolving concept of grammar across cultural and linguistic borders in Western language education. It therefore represents a valuable resource for teachers, teacher-educators and course designers, as well as students and scholars of historical linguistics, and of second and foreign language education.

Padley, G. A. Grammatical theory in Western Europe, 1500-1700. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

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Padley, G. A. Grammatical theory in Western Europe, 1500-1700: Trends in vernacular grammar 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

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Tim, Thornton. Wittgenstein on language and thought: The philosophy of content. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998.

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Chinese-western encounter: Studies in linguistics and literature. [San Francisco? Calif.]: Chinese Materials Center Publications, 1987.

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Sakayan, Dora. Modern Western Armenian For The English-speaking World. Dora Sakayan, 2000.

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Padley, G. A. Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 15001700: Trends in Vernacular Grammar II. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

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Bishop, Paul, and R. H. Stephenson. Friedrich Nietzsche and Weimar Classicism (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture). Camden House, 2004.

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Частини книг з теми "Modern Western linguists":


Boers, Frank, and Murielle Demecheleer. "A few Metaphorical Models in (Western) Economic Discourse." In Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, 115. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/cilt.151.10boe.

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Monz, Katharina. "Decolonizing decolonization? Desiring pure language in Mali." In Colonial and Decolonial Linguistics, 260–73. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198793205.003.0016.

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This chapter provides a postscript to the volume as a whole. Beginning with an account of the universalization of modern Western temporalities and notions of time, the chapter goes on to describe the “rhetoric of modernity,” a key term in this analysis. The central section of the chapter describes the origins of the disciplines of archaeology and linguistics in the modern university system, and gives an account of the coloniality of knowledge, the process whereby modern Western conceptions of knowledge came to supplant knowledge formations in other parts of the world. The key question that is asked in the chapter is: “what is it that archaeologists and linguists should envision?” And the following answer is proposed: “what is needed is to question the assumptions upon which disciplinary formations have been built…Conversation is the only way forward, to rule the expert out, and build a communal praxis of living.”

Uberoi, J. P. S. "Metaphysics of the Indian Modernity." In Mind and Society, edited by Khalid Tyabji, 283–309. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199495986.003.0018.

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The final chapter of this volume is a study of the theory of the name as it appears in various religions and cultures. Starting with a section on Bhakti and the Indian modernity it goes on to expound various Western theories of the name moving through philosophers, linguists and social scientists, through Judaism, theosophy, Buddhism, Confucianism and finally leading up to Sikhism and an analysis of nam, shabad and Bani in the Sukhmani. It is the latter that forms the core of the content. There is discussion of the relation between sound and sense, vibration and invocation and the object of the liturgy of the name in modern Indian religions of Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam and the contribution of Sikhism to the quest for an Indian modernity.

Gaur, A. "Calligraphy, Western, Modern." In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 181–87. Elsevier, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b0-08-044854-2/04579-x.

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Standish, Paul. "Education and the Linguistic Turn." In A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Modern Era. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350074569.ch-009.

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Mesthrie, Rajend. "Transcending the colonial?" In Colonial and Decolonial Linguistics, 46–61. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198793205.003.0003.

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This chapter revisits the Linguistic Survey of India (Sir George Grierson, ed. 1903–28, eleven volumes in nineteen parts) in the context of its times, as well as from the hindsights of colonial linguistics. It reviews the motivation for the project, its intentions and practices, and adopts a critical perspective in also considering its interface with local rather than colonial concerns. In some ways the LSI is a product of its times, especially in terms of occasional stereotypes and prescriptive remarks. In most ways, however, it transcends Western “orientalist” preconceptions in terms of its field methods, data presentation, and discursive commentaries. Grierson could well be considered the first modern or even postmodern dialectologist. The chapter concludes by considering the application of the work to modern postcolonial contexts, such as post-plantation Indian communities in Trinidad and South Africa.

Snir, Reuven. "Outlines of Diachronic Intersystemic Development." In Modern Arabic Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474420518.003.0004.

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This chapter presents some outlines of the diachronic intersystemic development of the modern Arabic literary system. The space between the text, its author, and the reader is understood as constituting both an economic environment (e.g. literary markets, publishing) and a sociocommunicative system that passes the meaning potential of the text through various filters (e.g. criticism, literary circles, groups, salons, public opinion) in order to concretize and realize it. All other spaces related to literary production and consumption, including the linguistic, spiritual, social, national, and economic spaces, are also considered, together with looking at the interaction of literature with, for example, religion, territory, state nationalism, language, politics, economy, gender, electronic media, and philosophy, as well as foreign literatures and cultures and examples of reciprocal interference between Arabic and Western literatures in the twentieth century and the start of the twenty-first century.

Bangha, Imre. "The Emergence of Hindi Literature: From Transregional Maru-Gurjar to Madhyadeśī Narratives." In Text and Tradition in Early Modern North India, 3–39. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199478866.003.0001.

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Imre Bangha locates the source of what would later become the literary idioms associated with the Hindi heartland—Brajbhasha, Avadhi, Khari Boli, and so on—in Maru-Gurjar, an idiom originating not in the Gangetic plain but in western India, particularly the lands of modern Gujarat and western Rajasthan. Bangha argues that it was this literary language, originally cultivated by Jains beginning in the late twelfth century, that eventually spread to the lands known as madhyadeś, where in the course of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries it developed into the forms that we now associate with Brajbhasha and Avadhi. Bangha also reveals that the linguistic and literary evidence for this connection has been apparent for some time, but modern Hindi literary historiography, taking nationalism as its organizing principle and embracing a strict sense of religion as one of the significant boundaries of literary culture, has been largely unable to see it.

Demichelis, Marco. "The Oromo and the Historical Process of Islamisation in Ethiopia." In Islamisation, 223–43. Edinburgh University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474417129.003.0012.

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The historical interaction between Islam and Christianity in the Horn of Africa is profoundly connected with the region’s specific historical, linguistic and cultural characteristics. While the western coast of Africa faces the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, since antiquity the northern part of Africa’s eastern coast as far as the Bab al-Mandab has interacted with the Red Sea and the Arabian Peninsula. The Arab geographers called all the various populations living on the western coast of the Bab al-Mandab ‘Habash’, while Abyssinia is the ancient name of the northern parts of modern Ethiopia, corresponding to modern Tigray and Eritrea. In recent scholarship, the term ‘Greater Ethiopia’ has been used to refer to Ethiopia in its twentieth-century borders before the independence of Eritrea in 1993.1


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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Modern Western linguists":


Korobova, Ekaterina. "Particularities of defense in judicial rhetoric." In 6th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.32591/coas.e-conf.06.15173k.

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The article examines the linguistic particularities of defense in judicial rhetoric that have not considerably changed since Antiquity. As at present the interest in judicial rhetoric has increased, it is necessary to carry out its comprehensive analysis with the consideration of its modern modifications. In the course of history, judicial rhetoric has preserved its main rules to be used in Modern Times by Western culture advocates for defense purposes. Special attention is paid to stylistic devices, phonetic means and linguistic features to discern that are most frequently used by the advocates in their defense speeches. As stylistic devices are the best means of persuasion of the jurors and public in court, they are indispensable in advocates’ defense speeches and are the focus of the given paper. As the advocates’ defense speeches concentrate mainly on persuasion and thus with emotions rather than reason the author focuses on the expressive language means.

Korobova, Ekaterina. "Particularities of defense in judicial rhetoric." In 6th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.32591/coas.e-conf.06.15173k.

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The article examines the linguistic particularities of defense in judicial rhetoric that have not considerably changed since Antiquity. As at present the interest in judicial rhetoric has increased, it is necessary to carry out its comprehensive analysis with the consideration of its modern modifications. In the course of history, judicial rhetoric has preserved its main rules to be used in Modern Times by Western culture advocates for defense purposes. Special attention is paid to stylistic devices, phonetic means and linguistic features to discern that are most frequently used by the advocates in their defense speeches. As stylistic devices are the best means of persuasion of the jurors and public in court, they are indispensable in advocates’ defense speeches and are the focus of the given paper. As the advocates’ defense speeches concentrate mainly on persuasion and thus with emotions rather than reason the author focuses on the expressive language means.

Faust, Maria. "Revitalizing Eastern and Western Online Communication: A Micro-Meso-Macro Link of Temporal Digital Change." In GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.47298/cala2019.2-2.

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This paper explains in a de-westernized sense (Gunaratne, 2010) how internet-mediated communication changes the way we deal with and plan time both individually and culturally in Germany and China. Therefore, it blends Western and Eastern culture and media theories. The paper focuses on two distinct phenomena: temporal change due to social media, and Online journalism, as the core of Internet-mediated communication (for Germany 39% communication, media use 24% Projektgruppe ARD/ZDF-Multimedia, 2016; for China 90.7% instant messaging, 82% Internet news China Internet Network Information Center, 2017), with other temporal change via smart devices touched upon (Ash, 2018). General research on time in post modern societies, recently more focused on media’s temporal change phenomena (e.g. Barker, 2012; Barker, 2018; Castells, 2010; Eriksen, 2001; Hartmann, 2016; Hassan, 2003; Innis, 2004; Neverla, 2010a, 2010b; Nowotny, 1995; Rantanen, 2005; Wajcman, 2010; Wajcman and Dodd) has not yet linked the different societal and cultural levels of temporal change. Thus, we suggest the following to fill this research gap: For a micro perspective the notions of network theories (e.g. Granovetter, 1973; Schönhuth, 2013), media synchronicity (Dennis, Fuller, and Valacich, 2008) and the idea of permanent connectivity (Sonnentag, Reinecke, Mata, and Vorderer, 2018; van Dijck, 2013; Vorderer, Krömer, and Schneider, 2016) are linked. On a meso level, institutional change in Online journalism with a focus on acceleration is modeled (Ananny, 2016; Bødker and Sonnevend, 2017; Dimmick, Feaster, and Hoplamazian, 2011; Krüger, 2014; Neuberger, 2010). On a macro level, mediatization theory (Couldry and Hepp, 2017; Krotz, 2001, 2012) and recent acceleration theory (Rosa, 2005, 2012, 2017) is discussed. The levels are systematically linked suggesting a micro-meso-macro-link (Quandt, 2010) to then ask if and how many of the dimensions of the construct temporal understanding (Faust, 2016) can be changed through Internet-mediated communication. Temporal understanding consists of nine dimensions: General past, general future, instrumental experience (monochronicity), fatalism, interacting experience (polychronicity), pace of life, future as planned expectation and result of proximal goals as well as future as trust based interacting expectation and result of present positive behavior. Temporal understanding integrates the anthropological construct of polychronicity (Bluedorn, Kalliath, Strube, and Martin, 1999; Hall, 1984; Lindquist and Kaufman-Scarborough, 2007), pace of life (Levine, 1998) and temporal horizon (Klapproth, 2011) into a broader framework which goes beyond Western biased constructs through the theory driven incorporation of Confucian notions (Chinese Culture Connection, 1987). Finally, meta trends are laid out.

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